diff --git a/SOURCES/modulemd.src.txt b/SOURCES/modulemd.src.txt
index 0fb1754..b21bee6 100644
--- a/SOURCES/modulemd.src.txt
+++ b/SOURCES/modulemd.src.txt
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
 document: modulemd
 version: 2
-    name: mariadb
-    stream: 10.3
-    summary: MariaDB Module
-    description: MariaDB is a community developed branch of MySQL.
-                 MariaDB is a multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server.
-                 It is a client/server implementation consisting of a server
-                 daemon (mysqld) and many different client programs and
-                 libraries. The base package contains the standard
-                 MariaDB/MySQL client programs and generic MySQL files.
-    license:
-        module: [MIT]
-    dependencies:
-        - buildrequires:
-              platform: [el8]
-          requires:
-              platform: [el8]
-    references:
-        community: http://mariadb.org
-        documentation: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/documentation/
-        tracker: http://bugzilla.redhat.com
-    profiles:
-        server:
-            rpms:
-                - mariadb-server
-        galera:
-            rpms:
-                - mariadb-server
-                - mariadb-server-galera
-        client:
-            rpms:
-                - mariadb
-    api:
-        rpms:
-            - mariadb
-            - mariadb-server
-    filter:
-        rpms:
-            - Judy-devel
-            - asio-devel
-    buildopts:
-        rpms:
-            macros: |
-                %runselftest 1
-                %ignore_testsuite_result 0
-    components:
-        rpms:
-            mariadb:
-                rationale: MariaDB package
-                ref: stream-10.3-rhel-8.1.0 # stream-10.3
-                buildorder: 8
-            galera:
-                rationale: Galera package for MariaDB server replication
-                ref: stream-10.3-rhel-8.1.0 # stream-10.3
-                buildorder: 16
-            Judy:
-                rationale: MariaDB dependency for OQgraph computation engine
-                ref: stream-mariadb-10.3-rhel-8.1.0 # stream-mariadb-10.3
-                buildorder: 4
-            asio:
-                rationale: Galera dependency for asynchronous I/O operation
-                ref: stream-mariadb-10.3-rhel-8.1.0 # stream-mariadb-10.3
-                buildorder: 12
+  name: mariadb
+  stream: 10.3
+  summary: MariaDB Module
+  description: >-
+    MariaDB is a community developed branch of MySQL. MariaDB is a multi-user, multi-threaded
+    SQL database server. It is a client/server implementation consisting of a server
+    daemon (mysqld) and many different client programs and libraries. The base package
+    contains the standard MariaDB/MySQL client programs and generic MySQL files.
+  license:
+    module:
+    - MIT
+  dependencies:
+  - buildrequires:
+      platform: [el8]
+    requires:
+      platform: [el8]
+  references:
+    community: http://mariadb.org
+    documentation: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/documentation/
+    tracker: http://bugzilla.redhat.com
+  profiles:
+    client:
+      rpms:
+      - mariadb
+    galera:
+      rpms:
+      - mariadb-server
+      - mariadb-server-galera
+    server:
+      rpms:
+      - mariadb-server
+  api:
+    rpms:
+    - mariadb
+    - mariadb-server
+  filter:
+    rpms:
+    - Judy-devel
+    - asio-devel
+  buildopts:
+    rpms:
+      macros: |
+        %runselftest 1
+        %ignore_testsuite_result 0
+  components:
+    rpms:
+      Judy:
+        rationale: MariaDB dependency for OQgraph computation engine
+        ref: stream-mariadb-10.3-rhel-8.3.0
+        buildorder: 4
+      asio:
+        rationale: Galera dependency for asynchronous I/O operation
+        ref: stream-mariadb-10.3-rhel-8.3.0
+        buildorder: 12
+      galera:
+        rationale: Galera package for MariaDB server replication
+        ref: stream-10.3-rhel-8.3.0
+        buildorder: 16
+      mariadb:
+        rationale: MariaDB package
+        ref: stream-10.3-rhel-8.3.0
+        buildorder: 8