diff --git a/.yum.metadata b/.yum.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2506479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.yum.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+8ec5d339e4518a7908fd4db0721740288a3d8b6c SOURCES/yum-3.4.3.tar.gz
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e7897f..0000000
--- a/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-The master branch has no content
-Look at the c7 branch if you are working with CentOS-7, or the c4/c5/c6 branch for CentOS-4, 5 or 6
-If you find this file in a distro specific branch, it means that no content has been checked in yet
diff --git a/SOURCES/BZ-1002977-use-the-provide-version.patch b/SOURCES/BZ-1002977-use-the-provide-version.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fed7c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/BZ-1002977-use-the-provide-version.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+commit 3a0bad67e16c391b57cf26bc68c8c61f96b5b077
+Author: Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com>
+Date:   Wed Nov 20 13:32:13 2013 +0100
+    _getsysver(): use the version of the provide.
+    Use it as-is (no stripping or rewriting)
+diff --git a/yum/config.py b/yum/config.py
+index ecb8490..8f8e654 100644
+--- a/yum/config.py
++++ b/yum/config.py
+@@ -1210,11 +1210,8 @@ def _getsysver(installroot, distroverpkg):
+         flag = rpmUtils.miscutils.flagToString(flag)
+         ver  = hdr[getattr(rpm, 'RPMTAG_PROVIDEVERSION')][off]
+         if flag == 'EQ' and ver:
+-            releasever = rpmUtils.miscutils.stringToVersion(releasever)
+-            if releasever[2]:
+-                releasever = "%s-%s" % (releasever[1], releasever[2]) # No epoch
+-            else:
+-                releasever = releasever[1] # No epoch or release, just version
++            # override the package version
++            releasever = ver
+         del hdr
+     del idx
+diff --git a/yum/config.py b/yum/config.py
+index cdad4bc..cb5243f 100644
+--- a/yum/config.py
++++ b/yum/config.py
+@@ -1213,8 +1213,9 @@ def _getsysver(installroot, distroverpkg):
+         flag = rpmUtils.miscutils.flagToString(flag)
+         ver  = hdr[getattr(rpm, 'RPMTAG_PROVIDEVERSION')][off]
+         if flag == 'EQ' and ver:
+-            # override the package version
+-            releasever = ver
++            if hdr['name'] != distroverpkg_prov:
++                # override the package version
++                releasever = ver
+         del hdr
+     del idx
diff --git a/SOURCES/BZ-801067-remove-kernel-modules-from-installonly.patch b/SOURCES/BZ-801067-remove-kernel-modules-from-installonly.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d45ff7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/BZ-801067-remove-kernel-modules-from-installonly.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+diff -ru yum-3.2.29-orig/docs/yum.conf.5 yum-3.2.29/docs/yum.conf.5
+--- yum-3.2.29-orig/docs/yum.conf.5	2011-01-13 15:39:30.778001529 -0500
++++ yum-3.2.29/docs/yum.conf.5	2011-01-13 15:41:07.361948839 -0500
+@@ -150,12 +150,15 @@
+ \fBinstallonlypkgs \fR
+ List of package provides that should only ever be installed, never updated.
+ Kernels in particular fall into this category. Defaults to kernel,
+-kernel-bigmem, kernel-enterprise, kernel-smp, kernel-modules, kernel-debug, 
++kernel-bigmem, kernel-enterprise, kernel-smp, kernel-debug, 
+ kernel-unsupported, kernel-source, kernel-devel, kernel-PAE, kernel-PAE-debug.
+ Note that because these are provides, and not just package names, kernel-devel
+ will also apply to kernel-debug-devel, etc.
++Note that "kernel-modules" is \fBnot\fR in this list, in RHEL-6, and so anything
++providing that is updated like any other package.
+ .IP
+ \fBinstallonly_limit \fR
+ Number of packages listed in installonlypkgs to keep installed at the same
+diff -ru yum-3.2.29-orig/yum/config.py yum-3.2.29/yum/config.py
+--- yum-3.2.29-orig/yum/config.py	2011-01-13 15:39:30.772959957 -0500
++++ yum-3.2.29/yum/config.py	2011-01-13 15:40:16.919033640 -0500
+@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@
+     installonlypkgs = ListOption(['kernel', 'kernel-bigmem',
+                                   'installonlypkg(kernel-module)',
+                                   'installonlypkg(vm)',
+-            'kernel-enterprise','kernel-smp', 'kernel-modules', 'kernel-debug',
++            'kernel-enterprise','kernel-smp', 'kernel-debug',
+             'kernel-unsupported', 'kernel-source', 'kernel-devel', 'kernel-PAE',
+             'kernel-PAE-debug'])
+     # NOTE: If you set this to 2, then because it keeps the current kernel it
diff --git a/SOURCES/geode-arch.patch b/SOURCES/geode-arch.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e333c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/geode-arch.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+diff --git a/rpmUtils/arch.py b/rpmUtils/arch.py
+index b493b6a..27c6d53 100644
+--- a/rpmUtils/arch.py
++++ b/rpmUtils/arch.py
+@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ arches = {
+     # ia32
+     "athlon": "i686",
+     "i686": "i586",
+-    "geode": "i586",
++    "geode": "i686",
+     "i586": "i486",
+     "i486": "i386",
+     "i386": "noarch",
diff --git a/SOURCES/no-more-exactarchlist.patch b/SOURCES/no-more-exactarchlist.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23572c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/no-more-exactarchlist.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- yum/config.py~	2009-07-22 12:47:52.000000000 -0400
++++ yum/config.py	2009-07-22 12:48:39.000000000 -0400
+@@ -631,9 +631,7 @@
+                                           names_of_0=["0", "<off>"])
+     kernelpkgnames = ListOption(['kernel','kernel-smp', 'kernel-enterprise',
+             'kernel-bigmem', 'kernel-BOOT', 'kernel-PAE', 'kernel-PAE-debug'])
+-    exactarchlist = ListOption(['kernel', 'kernel-smp',
+-            'kernel-hugemem', 'kernel-enterprise', 'kernel-bigmem',
+-            'kernel-devel', 'kernel-PAE', 'kernel-PAE-debug'])
++    exactarchlist = ListOption([])
+     tsflags = ListOption()
+     assumeyes = BoolOption(False)
diff --git a/SOURCES/yum-HEAD.patch b/SOURCES/yum-HEAD.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f4d6e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/yum-HEAD.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,204223 @@
+diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
+index 911da19..85decd5 100644
+--- a/.gitignore
++++ b/.gitignore
+@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
+ *.bak
+ *.swp
+ *.tar.*
+ .project
+ .pydevproject
+ asthelper.completions
+diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
+index 740b616..f203c4d 100644
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-SUBDIRS = rpmUtils yum etc docs po
++SUBDIRS = rpmUtils yum yum-cron etc docs po
+ PYFILES = $(wildcard *.py)
+ PYLINT_MODULES =  *.py yum rpmUtils
+ PYLINT_IGNORE = oldUtils.py
+@@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ install:
+ 	for p in $(PYFILES) ; do \
+ 		install -m 644 $$p $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/yum-cli/$$p; \
+ 	done
++	chmod 755 $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/yum-cli/completion-helper.py
+ 	mv $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/yum-cli/yum-updatesd.py $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/yum-cli/yumupd.py
+-	$(PYTHON) -c "import compileall; compileall.compile_dir('$(DESTDIR)/usr/share/yum-cli', 1, '$(PYDIR)', 1)"
++	$(PYTHON) -c "import compileall; compileall.compile_dir('$(DESTDIR)/usr/share/yum-cli', 1, '/usr/share/yum-cli', 1)"
+ 	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin $(DESTDIR)/usr/sbin
+ 	install -m 755 bin/yum.py $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/yum
+@@ -38,6 +39,25 @@ install:
+ 	for d in $(SUBDIRS); do make PYTHON=$(PYTHON) DESTDIR=`cd $(DESTDIR); pwd` -C $$d install; [ $$? = 0 ] || exit 1; done
++	make -C docs/sphinxdocs html
++	echo "Docs are in: docs/sphinxdocs/_build/html/*"
++	tx pull -a -f
++	@echo "You can now git commit -a -m 'Transifex pull, *.po update'"
++	make -C po yum.pot
++	tx push -s -t
++	@echo "You can now git commit -a -m 'Transifex push, yum.pot update'"
++	make transifex-pull
++	git commit -a -m 'Transefex pull, *.po update'
++	make transifex-push
++	git commit -a -m 'Transifex push, yum.pot update'
+ .PHONY: docs test
+ DOCS = yum rpmUtils callback.py yumcommands.py shell.py output.py cli.py utils.py\
+@@ -63,7 +83,6 @@ doccheck:
+ test:
+ 	@nosetests -i ".*test" test
+-	-@test/check-po-yes-no.py
+ 	cd po; make test
+ test-skipbroken:
+diff --git a/callback.py b/callback.py
+index 2f6154e..2e5a052 100644
+--- a/callback.py
++++ b/callback.py
+@@ -27,10 +27,7 @@ from yum.constants import *
+ class RPMInstallCallback:
+-    """
+-    Yum command line callback class for callbacks from the RPM library.
+-    """
++    """Yum command line callback class for callbacks from the RPM library."""
+     def __init__(self, output=1):
+         self.output = output
+@@ -105,6 +102,21 @@ class RPMInstallCallback:
+         return pkg
+     def callback(self, what, bytes, total, h, user):
++        """Handle callbacks from the RPM library.
++        :param what: number identifying the type of callback
++        :param bytes: the number of bytes associated with the
++           callback; the exact meaning depends on the type of 
++           the callback.  For example, for a RPMCALLBACK_INST_PROGRESS
++           callback, bytes will represent the current amount of work done
++        :param total: the total amount of work associated with the
++           callback; the exact meaning depends on the type of the
++           callback. For example, *total* may represent the total
++           number of transactions in a transaction set
++        :param h: a package object or string identifying the package
++           involved in the callback
++        :param user: unused
++        """
+         if what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_START:
+             if bytes == 6:
+                 self.total_actions = total
+diff --git a/cli.py b/cli.py
+old mode 100644
+new mode 100755
+index 6056d38..7f6643f
+--- a/cli.py
++++ b/cli.py
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import sys
+ import time
+ import random
+ import logging
+-from optparse import OptionParser,OptionGroup
++from optparse import OptionParser,OptionGroup,SUPPRESS_HELP
+ import rpm
+ from weakref import proxy as weakref
+@@ -43,31 +43,34 @@ from yum.rpmtrans import RPMTransaction
+ import signal
+ import yumcommands
+-from yum.i18n import to_unicode, to_utf8
++from yum.i18n import to_unicode, to_utf8, exception2msg
+ #  This is for yum-utils/yumdownloader in RHEL-5, where it isn't importing this
+ # directly but did do "from cli import *", and we did have this in 3.2.22. I
+ # just _love_ how python re-exports these by default.
++# pylint: disable-msg=W0611
+ from yum.packages import parsePackages
++# pylint: enable-msg=W0611
+ def sigquit(signum, frame):
+-    """ SIGQUIT handler for the yum cli. """
++    """SIGQUIT handler for the yum cli.  This function will print an
++    error message and exit the program.
++    :param signum: unused
++    :param frame: unused
++    """
+     print >> sys.stderr, "Quit signal sent - exiting immediately"
+     sys.exit(1)
+ class CliError(yum.Errors.YumBaseError):
+-    """
+-    Command line interface related Exception.
+-    """
++    """Command line interface related Exception."""
+     def __init__(self, args=''):
+         yum.Errors.YumBaseError.__init__(self)
+         self.args = args
+ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+-    """This is the base class for yum cli.
+-       Inherits from yum.YumBase and output.YumOutput """
++    """This is the base class for yum cli."""
+     def __init__(self):
+         # handle sigquit early on
+@@ -104,17 +107,31 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         self.registerCommand(yumcommands.CheckRpmdbCommand())
+         self.registerCommand(yumcommands.DistroSyncCommand())
+         self.registerCommand(yumcommands.LoadTransactionCommand())
++        self.registerCommand(yumcommands.SwapCommand())
++        self.registerCommand(yumcommands.RepoPkgsCommand())
++        self.registerCommand(yumcommands.UpdateinfoCommand())
++        self.registerCommand(yumcommands.UpdateMinimalCommand())
++        self.registerCommand(yumcommands.FSSnapshotCommand())
+     def registerCommand(self, command):
++        """Register a :class:`yumcommands.YumCommand` so that it can be called by
++        any of the names returned by its
++        :func:`yumcommands.YumCommand.getNames` method.
++        :param command: the :class:`yumcommands.YumCommand` to register
++        """
+         for name in command.getNames():
+             if name in self.yum_cli_commands:
+                 raise yum.Errors.ConfigError(_('Command "%s" already defined') % name)
+             self.yum_cli_commands[name] = command
+     def doRepoSetup(self, thisrepo=None, dosack=1):
+-        """grabs the repomd.xml for each enabled repository 
+-           and sets up the basics of the repository"""
++        """Grab the repomd.xml for each enabled and set up the basics
++        of the repository.
++        :param thisrepo: the repository to set up
++        :param dosack: whether to get the repo sack
++        """
+         if self._repos and thisrepo is None:
+             return self._repos
+@@ -163,9 +180,19 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         mainopts = yum.misc.GenericHolder()
+         mainopts.items = []
++        bad_setopt_tm = []
++        bad_setopt_ne = []
+         for item in setopts:
+-            k,v = item.split('=')
+-            period = k.find('.') 
++            vals = item.split('=')
++            if len(vals) > 2:
++                bad_setopt_tm.append(item)
++                continue
++            if len(vals) < 2:
++                bad_setopt_ne.append(item)
++                continue
++            k,v = vals
++            period = k.rfind('.')
+             if period != -1:
+                 repo = k[:period]
+                 k = k[period+1:]
+@@ -180,13 +207,15 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         self.main_setopts = mainopts
+         self.repo_setopts = repoopts
++        return bad_setopt_tm, bad_setopt_ne
+     def getOptionsConfig(self, args):
+-        """parses command line arguments, takes cli args:
+-        sets up self.conf and self.cmds as well as logger objects 
+-        in base instance"""
++        """Parse command line arguments, and set up :attr:`self.conf` and
++        :attr:`self.cmds`, as well as logger objects in base instance.
++        :param args: a list of command line arguments
++        """
+         self.optparser = YumOptionParser(base=self, usage=self._makeUsage())
+         # Parse only command line options that affect basic yum setup
+@@ -199,7 +228,7 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+             opts.verbose = False
+         # go through all the setopts and set the global ones
+-        self._parseSetOpts(opts.setopts)
++        bad_setopt_tm, bad_setopt_ne = self._parseSetOpts(opts.setopts)
+         if self.main_setopts:
+             for opt in self.main_setopts.items:
+@@ -229,6 +258,12 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+             pc.releasever = opts.releasever
+             self.conf
++            for item in  bad_setopt_tm:
++                msg = "Setopt argument has multiple values: %s"
++                self.logger.warning(msg % item)
++            for item in  bad_setopt_ne:
++                msg = "Setopt argument has no value: %s"
++                self.logger.warning(msg % item)
+             # now set  all the non-first-start opts from main from our setopts
+             if self.main_setopts:
+                 for opt in self.main_setopts.items:
+@@ -238,10 +273,14 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+                     setattr(self.conf, opt, getattr(self.main_setopts, opt))
+         except yum.Errors.ConfigError, e:
+-            self.logger.critical(_('Config Error: %s'), e)
++            self.logger.critical(_('Config error: %s'), e)
++            sys.exit(1)
++        except IOError, e:
++            e = '%s: %s' % (to_unicode(e.args[1]), repr(e.filename))
++            self.logger.critical(_('Config error: %s'), e)
+             sys.exit(1)
+         except ValueError, e:
+-            self.logger.critical(_('Options Error: %s'), e)
++            self.logger.critical(_('Options error: %s'), e)
+             sys.exit(1)
+         # update usage in case plugins have added commands
+@@ -263,11 +302,11 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         if opts.verbose:
+             opts.debuglevel = opts.errorlevel = 6
+         if opts.debuglevel != pc.debuglevel or opts.errorlevel != pc.errorlevel:
+-            self.logger.warning("Ignored option -q, -v, -d or -e (probably due to merging: -yq != -y -q)")
++            self.logger.warning(_("Ignored option -q, -v, -d or -e (probably due to merging: -yq != -y -q)"))
+         #  getRoot() changes it, but then setupYumConfig() changes it back. So
+         # don't test for this, if we are using --installroot.
+         if root == '/' and opts.conffile != pc.fn:
+-            self.logger.warning("Ignored option -c (probably due to merging -yc != -y -c)")
++            self.logger.warning(_("Ignored option -c (probably due to merging -yc != -y -c)"))
+         if opts.version:
+             self.conf.cache = 1
+@@ -290,9 +329,9 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+                                    self.term.MODE['normal'])
+                 print _("  Installed: %s-%s at %s") %(name, ver,
+                                                    sm_ui_time(pkg.installtime))
+-                print _("  Built    : %s at %s") % (pkg.packager,
++                print _("  Built    : %s at %s") % (to_unicode(pkg.packager),
+                                                     sm_ui_time(pkg.buildtime))
+-                print _("  Committed: %s at %s") % (pkg.committer,
++                print _("  Committed: %s at %s") % (to_unicode(pkg.committer),
+                                                     sm_ui_date(pkg.committime))
+             sys.exit(0)
+@@ -318,10 +357,12 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         time.sleep(sleeptime)
+     def parseCommands(self):
+-        """reads self.cmds and parses them out to make sure that the requested 
+-        base command + argument makes any sense at all""" 
+-        self.verbose_logger.debug('Yum Version: %s', yum.__version__)
++        """Read :attr:`self.cmds` and parse them out to make sure that
++        the requested base command and argument makes any sense at
++        all.  This function will also set :attr:`self.basecmd` and
++        :attr:`self.extcmds`.
++        """
++        self.verbose_logger.debug('Yum version: %s', yum.__version__)
+         self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.DEBUG_4,
+                                 'COMMAND: %s', self.cmdstring)
+         self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.DEBUG_4,
+@@ -349,6 +390,50 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+                                   self.basecmd, sys.argv[0])
+             raise CliError
++        cmd = self.yum_cli_commands[self.basecmd]
++        cacheReq = 'write'
++        if hasattr(cmd, 'cacheRequirement'):
++            cacheReq = cmd.cacheRequirement(self, self.basecmd, self.extcmds)
++        #  The main thing we want to do here is that if the user has done a
++        # "yum makecache fast" or has yum-cron running or something, then try
++        # not to update the repo. caches ... thus. not turning 0.5s ops. into
++        # 100x longer ops.
++        #  However if the repos. are not in sync. that's probably not going to
++        # work well (Eg. user enables updates-testing). Also give a warning if
++        # they are _really_ old.
++        ts_min = None
++        ts_max = None
++        for repo in self.repos.sort():
++            if not os.path.exists(repo.metadata_cookie):
++                ts_min = None
++                break
++            rts = os.stat(repo.metadata_cookie).st_mtime
++            if not ts_min:
++                ts_min = rts
++                ts_max = rts
++            elif rts > ts_max:
++                ts_max = rts
++            elif rts < ts_min:
++                ts_min = rts
++        if ts_min:
++            #  If caches are within 5 days of each other, they are ok to work
++            # together (lol, random numbers)...
++            if (ts_max - ts_min) > (60 * 60 * 24 * 5):
++                ts_min = None
++            elif ts_max > time.time():
++                ts_min = None
++        if not ts_min:
++            cacheReq = 'write'
++        elif (time.time() - ts_max) > (60 * 60 * 24 * 14):
++            self.logger.warning(_("Repodata is over 2 weeks old. Install yum-cron? Or run: yum makecache fast"))
++        for repo in self.repos.sort():
++            repo._metadata_cache_req = cacheReq
+         self.yum_cli_commands[self.basecmd].doCheck(self, self.basecmd, self.extcmds)
+     def _shell_history_write(self):
+@@ -365,7 +450,11 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         self.history.write_addon_data('shell-cmds', data)
+     def doShell(self):
+-        """do a shell-like interface for yum commands"""
++        """Run a shell-like interface for yum commands.
++        :return: a tuple containing the shell result number, and the
++           shell result messages
++        """
+         yumshell = shell.YumShell(base=self)
+@@ -382,8 +471,12 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         return yumshell.result, yumshell.resultmsgs
+     def errorSummary(self, errstring):
+-        """ parse the error string for 'interesting' errors which can
+-            be grouped, such as disk space issues """
++        """Parse the error string for 'interesting' errors which can
++        be grouped, such as disk space issues.
++        :param errstring: the error string
++        :return: a string containing a summary of the errors
++        """
+         summary = ''
+         # do disk space report first
+         p = re.compile('needs (\d+)MB on the (\S+) filesystem')
+@@ -407,17 +500,45 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         return summary
+-    def doCommands(self):
++    def waitForLock(self):
++        """Establish the yum lock.  If another process is already
++        holding the yum lock, by default this method will keep trying
++        to establish the lock until it is successful.  However, if
++        :attr:`self.conf.exit_on_lock` is set to True, it will
++        raise a :class:`Errors.YumBaseError`.
+         """
+-        Calls the base command passes the extended commands/args out to be
+-        parsed (most notably package globs).
+-        Returns a numeric result code and an optional string
+-           - 0 = we're done, exit
+-           - 1 = we've errored, exit with error string
+-           - 2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
+-        """
++        lockerr = ""
++        while True:
++            try:
++                self.doLock()
++            except yum.Errors.LockError, e:
++                if exception2msg(e) != lockerr:
++                    lockerr = exception2msg(e)
++                    self.logger.critical(lockerr)
++                if e.errno:
++                    raise yum.Errors.YumBaseError, _("Can't create lock file; exiting")
++                if not self.conf.exit_on_lock:
++                    self.logger.critical("Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit...")
++                    import utils
++                    utils.show_lock_owner(e.pid, self.logger)
++                    time.sleep(2)
++                else:
++                    raise yum.Errors.YumBaseError, _("Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by exit_on_lock")
++            else:
++                break
++    def doCommands(self):
++        """Call the base command, and pass it the extended commands or
++           arguments.
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """       
+         # at this point we know the args are valid - we don't know their meaning
+         # but we know we're not being sent garbage
+@@ -435,14 +556,41 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+             try:
+                 self._getTs(needTsRemove)
+             except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-                return 1, [str(e)]
++                return 1, [exception2msg(e)]
++        #  This should already have been done at doCheck() time, but just in
++        # case repos. got added or something do it again.
++        cacheReq = 'write'
++        if hasattr(cmd, 'cacheRequirement'):
++            cacheReq = cmd.cacheRequirement(self, self.basecmd, self.extcmds)
++        for repo in self.repos.sort():
++            repo._metadata_cache_req = cacheReq
+         return self.yum_cli_commands[self.basecmd].doCommand(self, self.basecmd, self.extcmds)
+     def doTransaction(self):
+-        """takes care of package downloading, checking, user confirmation and actually
+-           RUNNING the transaction"""
++        """Take care of package downloading, checking, user
++        confirmation and actually running the transaction.
++        :return: a numeric return code, and optionally a list of
++           errors.  A negative return code indicates that errors
++           occurred in the pre-transaction checks
++        """
++        def _downloadonly_userconfirm(self):
++            #  Note that we shouldn't just remove the 'd' option, or the options
++            # yum accepts will be different which is bad. So always accept it,
++            # but change the prompt.
++            dl_only = {'downloadonly' :
++                             (u'd', _('d'), _('download'),
++                              _('downloadonly'))}
++            if not stuff_to_download:
++                ret = self.userconfirm(extra=dl_only)
++                if ret == 'downloadonly':
++                    ret = None
++                return ret
++            return self.userconfirm(prompt=_('Is this ok [y/d/N]: '),
++                                    extra=dl_only)
+         # just make sure there's not, well, nothing to do
+         if len(self.tsInfo) == 0:
+             self.verbose_logger.info(_('Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting.'))
+@@ -453,7 +601,7 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         lsts = self.listTransaction()
+         if self.verbose_logger.isEnabledFor(yum.logginglevels.INFO_1):
+             self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_1, lsts)
+-        elif not self.conf.assumeyes:
++        elif self.conf.assumeno or not self.conf.assumeyes:
+             #  If we are in quiet, and assumeyes isn't on we want to output
+             # at least the transaction list anyway.
+             self.logger.warn(lsts)
+@@ -463,7 +611,6 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         rmpkgs = []
+         stuff_to_download = False
+         install_only = True
+-        remove_only  = True
+         for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembers():
+             if txmbr.ts_state not in ('i', 'u'):
+                 install_only = False
+@@ -471,7 +618,6 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+                 if po:
+                     rmpkgs.append(po)
+             else:
+-                remove_only = False
+                 stuff_to_download = True
+                 po = txmbr.po
+                 if po:
+@@ -489,19 +635,40 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         else:
+             self.reportDownloadSize(downloadpkgs, install_only)
++        cfr = self.tsInfo._check_future_rpmdbv
++        if (cfr is not None and
++            self.tsInfo.futureRpmDBVersion() != cfr[1]):
++            msg = _("future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,")
++            if cfr[2]:
++                msg += _(" ignoring, as requested.")
++                self.logger.critical(_(msg))
++            else:
++                msg += _(" aborting.")
++                raise yum.Errors.YumBaseError(msg)
+         # confirm with user
+         if self._promptWanted():
+-            if not self.userconfirm():
+-                self.verbose_logger.info(_('Exiting on user Command'))
++            uc = None
++            if not self.conf.assumeno:
++                uc = _downloadonly_userconfirm(self)
++            if not uc:
++                self.verbose_logger.info(_('Exiting on user command'))
+                 return -1
++            elif uc == 'downloadonly':
++                self.conf.downloadonly = True
+-        self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2,
+-            _('Downloading Packages:'))
++        if self.conf.downloadonly:
++            self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2,
++                                    _('Background downloading packages, then exiting:'))
++        else:
++            self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2,
++                                    _('Downloading packages:'))
+         problems = self.downloadPkgs(downloadpkgs, callback_total=self.download_callback_total_cb) 
+         if len(problems) > 0:
+             errstring = ''
+-            errstring += _('Error Downloading Packages:\n')
++            errstring += _('Error downloading packages:\n')
+             for key in problems:
+                 errors = yum.misc.unique(problems[key])
+                 for error in errors:
+@@ -520,8 +687,9 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         rcd_st = time.time()
+         self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2, 
+-             _('Running Transaction Check'))
++             _('Running transaction check'))
+         msgs = self._run_rpm_check()
++        depsolve = False
+         if msgs:
+             rpmlib_only = True
+             for msg in msgs:
+@@ -532,21 +700,23 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+                 print _("ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:")
+             else:
+                 print _('ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:')
++                depsolve = True
+             for msg in msgs:
+                 print to_utf8(msg)
+             if rpmlib_only:
+                 return 1, [_('RPM needs to be updated')]
+-            return 1, [_('Please report this error in %s') % self.conf.bugtracker_url]
++            if depsolve:
++                return 1, []
++            else:
++                return 1, [_('Please report this error in %s') % self.conf.bugtracker_url]
+-        self.verbose_logger.debug('Transaction Check time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - rcd_st))
++        self.verbose_logger.debug('Transaction check time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - rcd_st))
+         tt_st = time.time()            
+         self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2,
+-            _('Running Transaction Test'))
+-        if not self.conf.diskspacecheck:
+-            self.tsInfo.probFilterFlags.append(rpm.RPMPROB_FILTER_DISKSPACE)
++            _('Running transaction test'))
+         self.ts.order() # order the transaction
+         self.ts.clean() # release memory not needed beyond this point
+@@ -556,16 +726,16 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         del testcb
+         if len(tserrors) > 0:
+-            errstring = _('Transaction Check Error:\n')
++            errstring = _('Transaction check error:\n')
+             for descr in tserrors:
+                 errstring += '  %s\n' % to_unicode(descr)
+             raise yum.Errors.YumBaseError, errstring + '\n' + \
+                  self.errorSummary(errstring)
+         self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2,
+-             _('Transaction Test Succeeded'))
++             _('Transaction test succeeded'))
+-        self.verbose_logger.debug('Transaction Test time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - tt_st))
++        self.verbose_logger.debug('Transaction test time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - tt_st))
+         # unset the sigquit handler
+         signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, signal.SIG_DFL)
+@@ -595,7 +765,7 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         if self.conf.debuglevel < 2:
+             cb.display.output = False
+-        self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2, _('Running Transaction'))
++        self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2, _('Running transaction'))
+         resultobject = self.runTransaction(cb=cb)
+         self.verbose_logger.debug('Transaction time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - ts_st))
+@@ -609,12 +779,14 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         return resultobject.return_code
+     def gpgsigcheck(self, pkgs):
+-        '''Perform GPG signature verification on the given packages, installing
+-        keys if possible
++        """Perform GPG signature verification on the given packages,
++        installing keys if possible.
+-        Returns non-zero if execution should stop (user abort).
+-        Will raise YumBaseError if there's a problem
+-        '''
++        :param pkgs: a list of package objects to verify the GPG
++           signatures of
++        :return: non-zero if execution should stop due to an error
++        :raises: Will raise :class:`YumBaseError` if there's a problem
++        """
+         for po in pkgs:
+             result, errmsg = self.sigCheckPkg(po)
+@@ -623,7 +795,8 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+                 continue            
+             elif result == 1:
+-                if not sys.stdin.isatty() and not self.conf.assumeyes:
++                ay = self.conf.assumeyes and not self.conf.assumeno
++                if not sys.stdin.isatty() and not ay:
+                     raise yum.Errors.YumBaseError, \
+                             _('Refusing to automatically import keys when running ' \
+                             'unattended.\nUse "-y" to override.')
+@@ -691,12 +864,62 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+                                      ", ".join(matches))
+             self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2, msg)
+-    def installPkgs(self, userlist):
+-        """Attempts to take the user specified list of packages/wildcards
+-           and install them, or if they are installed, update them to a newer
+-           version. If a complete version number if specified, attempt to 
+-           upgrade (or downgrade if they have been removed) them to the
+-           specified version"""
++    def _install_upgraded_requires(self, txmbrs):
++        """Go through the given txmbrs, and for any to be installed packages
++        look for their installed deps. and try to upgrade them, if the
++        configuration is set. Returning any new transaction members to be
++        isntalled.
++        :param txmbrs: a list of :class:`yum.transactioninfo.TransactionMember` objects
++        :return: a list of :class:`yum.transactioninfo.TransactionMember` objects
++        """
++        if not self.conf.upgrade_requirements_on_install:
++            return []
++        ret = []
++        done = set()
++        def _pkg2ups(pkg, reqpo=None):
++            if pkg.name in done:
++                return []
++            if reqpo is None:
++                reqpo = pkg
++            done.add(pkg.name)
++            uret = []
++            for req in pkg.requires:
++                for npkg in self.returnInstalledPackagesByDep(req):
++                    if npkg.name in done:
++                        continue
++                    uret += self.update(name=npkg.name, requiringPo=reqpo)
++                    uret += _pkg2ups(npkg, reqpo=reqpo)
++            return uret
++        for txmbr in txmbrs:
++            for rtxmbr, T in txmbr.relatedto:
++                ret += _pkg2ups(rtxmbr)
++            ret += _pkg2ups(txmbr.po)
++        return ret
++    def installPkgs(self, userlist, basecmd='install', repoid=None):
++        """Attempt to take the user specified list of packages or
++        wildcards and install them, or if they are installed, update
++        them to a newer version. If a complete version number is
++        specified, attempt to upgrade (or downgrade if they have been
++        removed) them to the specified version.
++        :param userlist: a list of names or wildcards specifying
++           packages to install
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         # get the list of available packages
+         # iterate over the user's list
+         # add packages to Transaction holding class if they match.
+@@ -710,11 +933,36 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         for arg in userlist:
+             if (arg.endswith('.rpm') and (yum.misc.re_remote_url(arg) or
+                                           os.path.exists(arg))):
+-                self.localInstall(filelist=[arg])
++                txmbrs = self.installLocal(arg)
++                self._install_upgraded_requires(txmbrs)
+                 continue # it was something on disk and it ended in rpm 
+                          # no matter what we don't go looking at repos
+             try:
+-                self.install(pattern=arg)
++                if False: pass
++                elif basecmd == 'install-n':
++                    txmbrs = self.install(name=arg)
++                elif basecmd == 'install-na':
++                    try:
++                        n,a = arg.rsplit('.', 1)
++                    except:
++                        self.verbose_logger.warning(_('Bad %s argument %s.'),
++                                                    basecmd, arg)
++                        continue
++                    txmbrs = self.install(name=n, arch=a)
++                elif basecmd == 'install-nevra':
++                    try:
++                        nevr,a = arg.rsplit('.', 1)
++                        n,ev,r = nevr.rsplit('-', 2)
++                        e,v    = ev.split(':', 1)
++                    except:
++                        self.verbose_logger.warning(_('Bad %s argument %s.'),
++                                                    basecmd, arg)
++                        continue
++                    txmbrs = self.install(name=n,
++                                          epoch=e, version=v, release=r, arch=a)
++                else:
++                    assert basecmd == 'install', basecmd
++                    txmbrs = self.install(pattern=arg)
+             except yum.Errors.InstallError:
+                 self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2,
+                                         _('No package %s%s%s available.'),
+@@ -723,6 +971,7 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+                 self._maybeYouMeant(arg)
+             else:
+                 done = True
++                self._install_upgraded_requires(txmbrs)
+         if len(self.tsInfo) > oldcount:
+             change = len(self.tsInfo) - oldcount
+             return 2, [P_('%d package to install', '%d packages to install', change) % change]
+@@ -732,9 +981,27 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         return 0, [_('Nothing to do')]
+     def updatePkgs(self, userlist, quiet=0, update_to=False):
+-        """take user commands and populate transaction wrapper with 
+-           packages to be updated"""
++        """Take user commands and populate transaction wrapper with
++        packages to be updated.
++        :param userlist: a list of names or wildcards specifying
++           packages to update.  If *userlist* is an empty list, yum
++           will perform a global update
++        :param quiet: unused
++        :param update_to: if *update_to* is True, the update will only
++           be run if it will update the given package to the given
++           version.  For example, if the package foo-1-2 is installed,
++           updatePkgs(["foo-1-2], update_to=False) will work
++           identically to updatePkgs(["foo"]), but
++           updatePkgs(["foo-1-2"], update_to=True) will do nothing
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         # if there is no userlist, then do global update below
+         # this is probably 90% of the calls
+         # if there is a userlist then it's for updating pkgs, not obsoleting
+@@ -745,34 +1012,46 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         else:
+             # go through the userlist - look for items that are local rpms. If we find them
+-            # pass them off to localInstall() and then move on
+-            localupdates = []
++            # pass them off to installLocal() and then move on
+             for item in userlist:
+                 if (item.endswith('.rpm') and (yum.misc.re_remote_url(item) or
+                                                os.path.exists(item))):
+-                    localupdates.append(item)
+-            if len(localupdates) > 0:
+-                self.localInstall(filelist=localupdates, updateonly=1)
+-                for item in localupdates:
+-                    userlist.remove(item)
+-            for arg in userlist:
+-                if not self.update(pattern=arg, update_to=update_to):
+-                    self._checkMaybeYouMeant(arg)
++                    txmbrs = self.installLocal(item, updateonly=1)
++                    self._install_upgraded_requires(txmbrs)
++                    continue
++                txmbrs = self.update(pattern=item, update_to=update_to)
++                self._install_upgraded_requires(txmbrs)
++                if not txmbrs:
++                    self._checkMaybeYouMeant(item)
+         if len(self.tsInfo) > oldcount:
+             change = len(self.tsInfo) - oldcount
+-            return 2, [P_('%d package marked for Update', '%d packages marked for Update', change) % change]
++            return 2, [P_('%d package marked for update', '%d packages marked for update', change) % change]
+         else:
+-            return 0, [_('No Packages marked for Update')]
++            return 0, [_('No packages marked for update')]
+     #  Note that we aren't in __init__ yet for a couple of reasons, but we 
+     # probably will get there for 3.2.28.
+     def distroSyncPkgs(self, userlist):
+-        """ This does either upgrade/downgrade, depending on if the latest
+-            installed version is older or newer. We allow "selection" but not
+-            local packages (use tmprepo, or something). """
++        """Upgrade or downgrade packages to match the latest versions
++        available in the enabled repositories.
++        :param userlist: list of names or wildcards specifying
++           packages to synchronize with the repositories.  If the
++           first string in *userlist* is "full", packages will also be
++           reinstalled if their checksums do not match the checksums
++           in the repositories.  If *userlist* is an empty list or
++           only contains "full", every installed package will be
++           synchronized
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         level = 'diff'
+         if userlist and userlist[0] in ('full', 'diff', 'different'):
+@@ -831,6 +1110,7 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+                         continue
+                     nayi = napkg.yumdb_info
++                    found = False
+                     for apkg in self.pkgSack.searchPkgTuple(napkg.pkgtup):
+                         if ('checksum_type' in nayi and
+                             'checksum_data' in nayi and
+@@ -861,19 +1141,58 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+                 dupdates.extend(self.downgrade(name=n, epoch=e, ver=v, rel=r))
+         if dupdates:
+-            return 2, [P_('%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization', '%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization', len(dupdates)) % len(dupdates)]
++            return 2, [P_('%d package marked for distribution synchronization', '%d packages marked for distribution synchronization', len(dupdates)) % len(dupdates)]
+         else:
+-            return 0, [_('No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization')]
++            return 0, [_('No packages marked for distribution synchronization')]
+-    def erasePkgs(self, userlist):
+-        """take user commands and populate a transaction wrapper with packages
+-           to be erased/removed"""
+-        oldcount = len(self.tsInfo)
++    def erasePkgs(self, userlist, pos=False, basecmd='remove'):
++        """Take user commands and populate a transaction wrapper with
++        packages to be erased.
++        :param userlist: a list of names or wildcards specifying
++           packages to erase
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         all_rms = []
+         for arg in userlist:
+-            rms = self.remove(pattern=arg)
++            if pos:
++                rms = self.remove(po=arg)
++                if rms:
++                    all_rms.extend(rms)
++                continue
++            if False: pass
++            elif basecmd in ('erase-n', 'remove-n'):
++                rms = self.remove(name=arg)
++            elif basecmd in ('erase-na', 'remove-na'):
++                try:
++                    n,a = arg.rsplit('.', 1)
++                except:
++                    self.verbose_logger.warning(_('Bad %s argument %s.'),
++                                                basecmd, arg)
++                    continue
++                rms = self.remove(name=n, arch=a)
++            elif basecmd in ('erase-nevra', 'remove-nevra'):
++                try:
++                    nevr,a = arg.rsplit('.', 1)
++                    n,ev,r = nevr.rsplit('-', 2)
++                    e,v    = ev.split(':', 1)
++                except:
++                    self.verbose_logger.warning(_('Bad %s argument %s.'),
++                                                basecmd, arg)
++                    continue
++                rms = self.remove(name=n, epoch=e, version=v, release=r, arch=a)
++            else:
++                assert basecmd in ('erase', 'remove'), basecmd
++                rms = self.remove(pattern=arg)
+             if not rms:
+                 self._checkMaybeYouMeant(arg, always_output=False, rpmdb_only=True)
+             all_rms.extend(rms)
+@@ -884,12 +1203,24 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+             return 0, [_('No Packages marked for removal')]
+     def downgradePkgs(self, userlist):
+-        """Attempts to take the user specified list of packages/wildcards
+-           and downgrade them. If a complete version number if specified,
+-           attempt to downgrade them to the specified version"""
++        """Attempt to take the user specified list of packages or
++        wildcards and downgrade them. If a complete version number if
++        specified, attempt to downgrade them to the specified version
++        :param userlist: a list of names or wildcards specifying
++           packages to downgrade
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         oldcount = len(self.tsInfo)
++        done = False
+         for arg in userlist:
+             if (arg.endswith('.rpm') and (yum.misc.re_remote_url(arg) or
+                                           os.path.exists(arg))):
+@@ -905,26 +1236,44 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+                                         self.term.MODE['bold'], arg,
+                                         self.term.MODE['normal'])
+                 self._maybeYouMeant(arg)
++            else:
++                done = True
+         if len(self.tsInfo) > oldcount:
+             change = len(self.tsInfo) - oldcount
+             return 2, [P_('%d package to downgrade', '%d packages to downgrade', change) % change]
++        if not done:
++            return 1, [_('Nothing to do')]
+         return 0, [_('Nothing to do')]
+     def reinstallPkgs(self, userlist):
+-        """Attempts to take the user specified list of packages/wildcards
+-           and reinstall them. """
++        """Attempt to take the user specified list of packages or
++        wildcards and reinstall them.
++        :param userlist: a list of names or wildcards specifying
++           packages to reinstall
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         oldcount = len(self.tsInfo)
++        done = False
+         for arg in userlist:
+             if (arg.endswith('.rpm') and (yum.misc.re_remote_url(arg) or
+                                           os.path.exists(arg))):
+-                self.reinstallLocal(arg)
++                txmbrs = self.reinstallLocal(arg)
++                self._install_upgraded_requires(txmbrs)
+                 continue # it was something on disk and it ended in rpm
+                          # no matter what we don't go looking at repos
+             try:
+-                self.reinstall(pattern=arg)
++                txmbrs = self.reinstall(pattern=arg)
+             except yum.Errors.ReinstallRemoveError:
+                 self._checkMaybeYouMeant(arg, always_output=False)
+             except yum.Errors.ReinstallInstallError, e:
+@@ -940,22 +1289,38 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+             except yum.Errors.ReinstallError, e:
+                 assert False, "Shouldn't happen, but just in case"
+                 self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2, e)
++            else:
++                done = True
++                self._install_upgraded_requires(txmbrs)
+         if len(self.tsInfo) > oldcount:
+             change = len(self.tsInfo) - oldcount
+             return 2, [P_('%d package to reinstall', '%d packages to reinstall', change) % change]
++        if not done:
++            return 1, [_('Nothing to do')]
+         return 0, [_('Nothing to do')]
+     def localInstall(self, filelist, updateonly=0):
+-        """handles installs/updates of rpms provided on the filesystem in a 
+-           local dir (ie: not from a repo)"""
++        """Install or update rpms provided on the file system in a
++        local directory (i.e. not from a repository).
++        :param filelist: a list of names specifying local rpms
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """           
+         # read in each package into a YumLocalPackage Object
+         # append it to self.localPackages
+         # check if it can be installed or updated based on nevra versus rpmdb
+         # don't import the repos until we absolutely need them for depsolving
+         if len(filelist) == 0:
+-            return 0, [_('No Packages Provided')]
++            return 0, [_('No packages provided')]
+         installing = False
+         for pkg in filelist:
+@@ -971,23 +1336,29 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+             return 2, [_('Package(s) to install')]
+         return 0, [_('Nothing to do')]
+-    def returnPkgLists(self, extcmds, installed_available=False):
+-        """Returns packages lists based on arguments on the cli.returns a 
+-           GenericHolder instance with the following lists defined:
+-           available = list of packageObjects
+-           installed = list of packageObjects
+-           updates = tuples of packageObjects (updating, installed)
+-           extras = list of packageObjects
+-           obsoletes = tuples of packageObjects (obsoleting, installed)
+-           recent = list of packageObjects
+-           installed_available = that the available package list is present
+-                                 as .hidden_available when doing any of:
+-                                 all/available/installed
+-           """
++    def returnPkgLists(self, extcmds, installed_available=False, repoid=None):
++        """Return a :class:`yum.misc.GenericHolder` object containing
++        lists of package objects that match the given names or wildcards.
++        :param extcmds: a list of names or wildcards specifying
++           packages to list
++        :param installed_available: whether the available package list
++           is present as .hidden_available when doing all, available,
++           or installed
++        :param repoid: a repoid that all packages should belong to
++        :return: a :class:`yum.misc.GenericHolder` instance with the
++           following lists defined::
++             available = list of packageObjects
++             installed = list of packageObjects
++             updates = tuples of packageObjects (updating, installed)
++             extras = list of packageObjects
++             obsoletes = tuples of packageObjects (obsoleting, installed)
++             recent = list of packageObjects
++        """
+         special = ['available', 'installed', 'all', 'extras', 'updates', 'recent',
+-                   'obsoletes']
++                   'obsoletes', 'distro-extras']
+         pkgnarrow = 'all'
+         done_hidden_available = False
+@@ -1003,7 +1374,7 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+                 pkgnarrow = extcmds.pop(0)
+         ypl = self.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow=pkgnarrow, patterns=extcmds,
+-                                  ignore_case=True)
++                                  ignore_case=True, repoid=repoid)
+         if self.conf.showdupesfromrepos:
+             ypl.available += ypl.reinstall_available
+@@ -1017,8 +1388,25 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         return ypl
+     def search(self, args):
+-        """cli wrapper method for module search function, searches simple
+-           text tags in a package object"""
++        """Search for simple text tags in a package object. This is a
++        cli wrapper method for the module search function.
++        :param args: list of names or wildcards to search for.
++           Normally this method will begin by searching the package
++           names and summaries, and will only search urls and
++           descriptions if that fails.  However, if the first string
++           in *args* is "all", this method will always search
++           everything
++        :return: a tuple where the first item is an exit code, and
++           the second item is a generator if the search is a
++           successful, and a list of error messages otherwise
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         # call the yum module search function with lists of tags to search
+         # and what to search for
+@@ -1053,7 +1441,7 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+                         print ""
+                     else:
+                         mkeys = set(keys)
+-                    _print_match_section(_('N/S Matched: %s'))
++                    _print_match_section(_('N/S matched: %s'))
+                     okeys = keys
+                 pos.add(po)
+                 akeys.update(keys)
+@@ -1104,13 +1492,24 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+                 self.logger.warning(_('Warning: No matches found for: %s'), arg)
+         if not akeys:
+-            return 0, [_('No Matches found')]
++            return 0, [_('No matches found')]
+         return 0, matching
+     def deplist(self, args):
+-        """cli wrapper method for findDeps method takes a list of packages and 
+-            returns a formatted deplist for that package"""
++        """Print out a formatted list of dependencies for a list of
++        packages.  This is a cli wrapper method for
++        :class:`yum.YumBase.findDeps`.
++        :param args: a list of names or wildcards specifying packages
++           that should have their dependenices printed
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         pkgs = []
+         for arg in args:
+             if (arg.endswith('.rpm') and (yum.misc.re_remote_url(arg) or
+@@ -1118,10 +1517,12 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+                 thispkg = yum.packages.YumUrlPackage(self, self.ts, arg)
+                 pkgs.append(thispkg)
+             elif self.conf.showdupesfromrepos:
+-                pkgs.extend(self.pkgSack.returnPackages(patterns=[arg]))
++                pkgs.extend(self.pkgSack.returnPackages(patterns=[arg],
++                                                        ignore_case=True))
+             else:                
+                 try:
+-                    pkgs.extend(self.pkgSack.returnNewestByName(patterns=[arg]))
++                    pkgs.extend(self.pkgSack.returnNewestByName(patterns=[arg],
++                                                              ignore_case=True))
+                 except yum.Errors.PackageSackError:
+                     pass
+@@ -1131,10 +1532,19 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         return 0, []
+     def provides(self, args):
+-        """use the provides methods in the rpmdb and pkgsack to produce a list 
+-           of items matching the provides strings. This is a cli wrapper to the 
+-           module"""
++        """Print out a list of packages that provide the given file or
++        feature.  This a cli wrapper to the provides methods in the
++        rpmdb and pkgsack.
++        :param args: the name of a file or feature to search for
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         old_sdup = self.conf.showdupesfromrepos
+         # For output, as searchPackageProvides() is always in showdups mode
+         self.conf.showdupesfromrepos = True
+@@ -1147,6 +1557,8 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+             paths = set(sys.path + os.environ['PATH'].split(':'))
+             nargs = []
+             for arg in args:
++                if not arg:
++                    continue
+                 if yum.misc.re_filename(arg) or yum.misc.re_glob(arg):
+                     continue
+                 for path in paths:
+@@ -1158,25 +1570,82 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         self.conf.showdupesfromrepos = old_sdup
+         if len(matching) == 0:
+-            return 0, ['No Matches found']
++            return 0, ['No matches found']
+         return 0, []
+     def resolveDepCli(self, args):
+-        """returns a package (one per user arg) that provide the supplied arg"""
++        """Print information about a package that provides the given
++        dependency.  Only one package will be printed per dependency.
++        :param args: a list of strings specifying dependencies to
++           search for
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
++        not_found = set()
+         for arg in args:
+             try:
++                ipkg = self.returnInstalledPackageByDep(arg)
++            except yum.Errors.YumBaseError:
++                ipkg = None
++            else:
++                self.verbose_logger.info("  %s:", arg)
++                self.verbose_logger.info("%s %s" % (ipkg.envra,
++                                                    ipkg.ui_from_repo))
++            try:
+                 pkg = self.returnPackageByDep(arg)
+             except yum.Errors.YumBaseError:
+-                self.logger.critical(_('No Package Found for %s'), arg)
++                if not ipkg:
++                    not_found.add(arg)
+             else:
+-                msg = '%s:%s-%s-%s.%s' % (pkg.epoch, pkg.name, pkg.version, pkg.release, pkg.arch)
+-                self.verbose_logger.info(msg)
++                if not ipkg:
++                    self.verbose_logger.info("  %s:", arg)
++                if not pkg.verEQ(ipkg):
++                    self.verbose_logger.info("%s %s" % (pkg.envra,
++                                                        pkg.ui_from_repo))
++        if not_found:
++            self.logger.critical(_('Error: No packages found for:\n  %s'),
++                                 "\n  ".join(sorted(not_found)))
+         return 0, []
+     def cleanCli(self, userlist):
++        """Remove data from the yum cache directory.  What data is
++        removed depends on the options supplied by the user.
++        :param userlist: a list of options.  The following are valid
++           options::
++             expire-cache = Eliminate the local data saying when the
++               metadata and mirror lists were downloaded for each
++               repository.
++             packages = Eliminate any cached packages
++             headers = Eliminate the header files, which old versions
++               of yum used for dependency resolution
++             metadata = Eliminate all of the files which yum uses to
++               determine the remote availability of packages
++             dbcache = Eliminate the sqlite cache used for faster
++               access to metadata
++             rpmdb = Eliminate any cached datat from the local rpmdb
++             plugins = Tell any enabled plugins to eliminate their
++               cached data
++             all = do all of the above
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         hdrcode = pkgcode = xmlcode = dbcode = expccode = 0
+         pkgresults = hdrresults = xmlresults = dbresults = expcresults = []
+         msg = self.fmtKeyValFill(_('Cleaning repos: '), 
+@@ -1184,7 +1653,7 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2, msg)
+         if 'all' in userlist:
+             self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2,
+-                _('Cleaning up Everything'))
++                _('Cleaning up everything'))
+             pkgcode, pkgresults = self.cleanPackages()
+             hdrcode, hdrresults = self.cleanHeaders()
+             xmlcode, xmlresults = self.cleanMetadata()
+@@ -1200,10 +1669,10 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+             return code, []
+         if 'headers' in userlist:
+-            self.logger.debug(_('Cleaning up Headers'))
++            self.logger.debug(_('Cleaning up headers'))
+             hdrcode, hdrresults = self.cleanHeaders()
+         if 'packages' in userlist:
+-            self.logger.debug(_('Cleaning up Packages'))
++            self.logger.debug(_('Cleaning up packages'))
+             pkgcode, pkgresults = self.cleanPackages()
+         if 'metadata' in userlist:
+             self.logger.debug(_('Cleaning up xml metadata'))
+@@ -1228,138 +1697,265 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         return code, []
+     def returnGroupLists(self, userlist):
++        """Print out a list of groups that match the given names or
++        wildcards.
++        :param extcmds: a list of names or wildcards specifying
++           groups to list
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
+-        uservisible=1
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage        
++        """
++        return self._returnGroupLists(userlist)
++    def _returnGroupLists(self, userlist, summary=False):
++        # What data are we showing...
++        wts_map = {'hidden' : 'hidden',
++                   'language' : 'lang',
++                   'languages' : 'lang',
++                   'lang' : 'lang',
++                   'langs' : 'lang',
++                   'environment' : 'env',
++                   'environments' : 'env',
++                   'env' : 'env',
++                   'envs' : 'env',
++                   'package' : 'pkg',
++                   'packages' : 'pkg',
++                   'pkg' : 'pkg',
++                   'pkgs' : 'pkg',
++                   'available' : 'avail',
++                   'avail' : 'avail',
++                   'installed' : 'inst',
++                   'inst' : 'inst',
++                   'id' : 'id',
++                   'ids' : 'id',
++                   }
++        verb = self.verbose_logger.isEnabledFor(yum.logginglevels.DEBUG_3)
++        wts = {'hidden' : False,
++               'lang'   : None,
++               'env'    : None,
++               'pkg'    : None,
++               'inst'   : None,
++               'avail'  : None,
++               'id'     : verb}
+-        if len(userlist) > 0:
+-            if userlist[0] == 'hidden':
+-                uservisible=0
+-                userlist.pop(0)
++        ouserlist = userlist[:]
++        while userlist:
++            arg = userlist[0]
++            val = True
++            if arg.startswith('no'):
++                arg = arg[2:]
++                val = False
++            if arg not in wts_map:
++                break
++            wts[wts_map[arg]] = val
++            userlist.pop(0)
+         if not userlist:
+             userlist = None # Match everything...
+-        installed, available = self.doGroupLists(uservisible=uservisible,
+-                                                 patterns=userlist)
+-        if not installed and not available:
+-            self.logger.error(_('Warning: No groups match: %s'),
+-                              ", ".join(userlist))
+-            return 0, []
++        if wts['inst'] is None and wts['avail'] is None:
++            wts['inst']  = True
++            wts['avail'] = True
+-        def _out_grp(sect, group):
+-            if not done:
+-                self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2, sect)
+-            msg = '   %s' % group.ui_name
+-            if self.verbose_logger.isEnabledFor(yum.logginglevels.DEBUG_3):
+-                msg += ' (%s)' % group.groupid
+-            if group.langonly:
+-                msg += ' [%s]' % group.langonly
+-            self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2, '%s', msg)
++        if wts['lang'] is None and wts['pkg'] is None and wts['env'] is None:
++            wts['env'] = True
++            wts['pkg'] = True
+-        done = False
+-        for group in installed:
+-            if group.langonly: continue
+-            _out_grp(_('Installed Groups:'), group)
+-            done = True
++        uv  = not wts['hidden']
++        dGL = self.doGroupLists(patterns=userlist,
++                                uservisible=uv, return_evgrps=True)
+-        done = False
+-        for group in installed:
+-            if not group.langonly: continue
+-            _out_grp(_('Installed Language Groups:'), group)
+-            done = True
++        installed, available, ievgrps, evgrps = dGL
+-        done = False
+-        for group in available:
+-            if group.langonly: continue
+-            _out_grp(_('Available Groups:'), group)
+-            done = True
++        if not wts['env']:
++            ievgrps = []
++            evgrps  = []
+-        done = False
+-        for group in available:
+-            if not group.langonly: continue
+-            _out_grp(_('Available Language Groups:'), group)
+-            done = True
++        if not wts['inst']:
++            installed = []
++            ievgrps   = []
++        if not wts['avail']:
++            available = []
++            evgrps    = []
++        done = []
++        def _out_grp(sect, groups):
++            if not groups:
++                return
+-        return 0, [_('Done')]
++            done.append(sect)
++            if summary:
++                self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2,
++                                        "%s %u", sect, len(groups))
++                return
+-    def returnGroupSummary(self, userlist):
++            self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2, sect)
+-        uservisible=1
+-        if len(userlist) > 0:
+-            if userlist[0] == 'hidden':
+-                uservisible=0
+-                userlist.pop(0)
+-        if not userlist:
+-            userlist = None # Match everything...
++            for group in groups:
++                msg = '   %s' % group.ui_name
++                if wts['id']:
++                    msg += ' (%s)' % group.compsid
++                if group.langonly:
++                    msg += ' [%s]' % group.langonly
++                self.verbose_logger.info('%s', msg)
+-        installed, available = self.doGroupLists(uservisible=uservisible,
+-                                                 patterns=userlist)
+-        def _out_grp(sect, num):
+-            if not num:
+-                return
+-            self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2, '%s %u', sect,num)
+-        done = 0
++        _out_grp(_('Installed environment groups:'), ievgrps)
++        _out_grp(_('Available environment groups:'), evgrps)
++        groups = []
+         for group in installed:
+             if group.langonly: continue
+-            done += 1
+-        _out_grp(_('Installed Groups:'), done)
++            if not wts['pkg']: continue
++            groups.append(group)
++        _out_grp(_('Installed groups:'), groups)
+-        done = 0
++        groups = []
+         for group in installed:
+             if not group.langonly: continue
+-            done += 1
+-        _out_grp(_('Installed Language Groups:'), done)
++            if not wts['lang']: continue
++            groups.append(group)
++        _out_grp(_('Installed language groups:'), groups)
+-        done = False
++        groups = []
+         for group in available:
+             if group.langonly: continue
+-            done += 1
+-        _out_grp(_('Available Groups:'), done)
++            if not wts['pkg']: continue
++            groups.append(group)
++        _out_grp(_('Available Groups:'), groups)
+-        done = False
++        groups = []
+         for group in available:
+             if not group.langonly: continue
+-            done += 1
+-        _out_grp(_('Available Language Groups:'), done)
++            if not wts['lang']: continue
++            groups.append(group)
++        _out_grp(_('Available language groups:'), groups)
++        if not done:
++            self.logger.error(_('Warning: no environments/groups match: %s'),
++                              ", ".join(ouserlist))
++            return 0, []
+         return 0, [_('Done')]
++    def returnGroupSummary(self, userlist):
++        """Print a summary of the groups that match the given names or
++        wildcards.
++        :param userlist: a list of names or wildcards specifying the
++           groups to summarise. If *userlist* is an empty list, all
++           installed and available packages will be summarised
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
++        return self._returnGroupLists(userlist, summary=True)
+     def returnGroupInfo(self, userlist):
+-        """returns complete information on a list of groups"""
++        """Print complete information about the groups that match the
++        given names or wildcards.
++        :param userlist: a list of names or wildcards specifying the
++           groups to print information about
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         for strng in userlist:
+             group_matched = False
+-            for group in self.comps.return_groups(strng):
+-                self.displayPkgsInGroups(group)
+-                group_matched = True
++            pkg_grp = True
++            grp_grp = True
++            if strng.startswith('@^'):
++                strng = strng[2:]
++                pkg_grp = False
++            elif strng.startswith('@'):
++                strng = strng[1:]
++                grp_grp = False
++            if grp_grp:
++                for evgroup in self.comps.return_environments(strng):
++                    self.displayGrpsInEnvironments(evgroup)
++                    group_matched = True
++            if pkg_grp:
++                for group in self.comps.return_groups(strng):
++                    self.displayPkgsInGroups(group)
++                    group_matched = True
+             if not group_matched:
+-                self.logger.error(_('Warning: Group %s does not exist.'), strng)
++                self.logger.error(_('Warning: group/environment %s does not exist.'), strng)
+         return 0, []
+-    def installGroups(self, grouplist):
+-        """for each group requested do 'selectGroup' on them."""
++    def installGroups(self, grouplist, upgrade=False):
++        """Mark the packages in the given groups for installation.
++        :param grouplist: a list of names or wildcards specifying
++           groups to be installed
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         pkgs_used = []
+         for group_string in grouplist:
++            grp_grp = True
++            pkg_grp = True
++            if group_string.startswith('@^'):
++                pkg_grp = False
++                group_string = group_string[2:]
++            elif group_string.startswith('@'):
++                grp_grp = False
++                group_string = group_string[1:]
+             group_matched = False
+-            for group in self.comps.return_groups(group_string):
++            groups = []
++            if grp_grp:
++                groups = self.comps.return_environments(group_string)
++            for group in groups:
+                 group_matched = True
++                try:
++                    txmbrs = self.selectEnvironment(group.environmentid,
++                                                    upgrade=upgrade)
++                except yum.Errors.GroupsError:
++                    self.logger.critical(_('Warning: environment %s does not exist.'), group_string)
++                    continue
++                else:
++                    pkgs_used.extend(txmbrs)
++            groups = []
++            if pkg_grp:
++                groups = self.comps.return_groups(group_string)
++            for group in groups:
++                group_matched = True
+                 try:
+-                    txmbrs = self.selectGroup(group.groupid)
++                    txmbrs = self.selectGroup(group.groupid, upgrade=upgrade)
+                 except yum.Errors.GroupsError:
+-                    self.logger.critical(_('Warning: Group %s does not exist.'), group_string)
++                    self.logger.critical(_('Warning: group %s does not exist.'), group_string)
+                     continue
+                 else:
+                     pkgs_used.extend(txmbrs)
+             if not group_matched:
+-                self.logger.error(_('Warning: Group %s does not exist.'), group_string)
++                self.logger.error(_('Warning: group %s does not exist.'), group_string)
+                 continue
+         if not pkgs_used:
+@@ -1368,17 +1964,55 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+             return 2, [P_('%d package to Install', '%d packages to Install', len(pkgs_used)) % len(pkgs_used)]
+     def removeGroups(self, grouplist):
+-        """Remove only packages of the named group(s). Do not recurse."""
++        """Mark the packages in the given groups for removal.
++        :param grouplist: a list of names or wildcards specifying
++           groups to be removed
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         pkgs_used = []
+         for group_string in grouplist:
+-            try:
+-                txmbrs = self.groupRemove(group_string)
+-            except yum.Errors.GroupsError:
+-                self.logger.critical(_('No group named %s exists'), group_string)
+-                continue
+-            else:
+-                pkgs_used.extend(txmbrs)
++            grp_grp = True
++            pkg_grp = True
++            if group_string.startswith('@^'):
++                pkg_grp = False
++                group_string = group_string[2:]
++            elif group_string.startswith('@'):
++                grp_grp = False
++                group_string = group_string[1:]
++            groups = []
++            if grp_grp:
++                groups = self.comps.return_environments(group_string)
++                if not groups:
++                    self.logger.critical(_('No environment named %s exists'), group_string)
++            for group in groups:
++                try:
++                    txmbrs = self.environmentRemove(group.environmentid)
++                except yum.Errors.GroupsError:
++                    continue
++                else:
++                    pkgs_used.extend(txmbrs)
++            groups = []
++            if pkg_grp:
++                groups = self.comps.return_groups(group_string)
++                if not groups:
++                    self.logger.critical(_('No group named %s exists'), group_string)
++            for group in groups:
++                try:
++                    txmbrs = self.groupRemove(group.groupid)
++                except yum.Errors.GroupsError:
++                    continue
++                else:
++                    pkgs_used.extend(txmbrs)
+         if not pkgs_used:
+             return 0, [_('No packages to remove from groups')]
+@@ -1389,7 +2023,7 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+     def _promptWanted(self):
+         # shortcut for the always-off/always-on options
+-        if self.conf.assumeyes:
++        if (self.conf.assumeyes or self.conf.downloadonly) and not self.conf.assumeno:
+             return False
+         if self.conf.alwaysprompt:
+             return True
+@@ -1397,10 +2031,9 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         # prompt if:
+         #  package was added to fill a dependency
+         #  package is being removed
+-        #  package wasn't explictly given on the command line
++        #  package wasn't explicitly given on the command line
+         for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembers():
+             if txmbr.isDep or \
+-                   txmbr.ts_state == 'e' or \
+                    txmbr.name not in self.extcmds:
+                 return True
+@@ -1408,11 +2041,11 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         return False
+     def usage(self):
+-        ''' Print out command line usage '''
++        """Print out an explanation of command line usage."""
+         sys.stdout.write(self.optparser.format_help())
+     def shellUsage(self):
+-        ''' Print out the shell usage '''
++        """Print out an explanation of the shell usage."""
+         sys.stdout.write(self.optparser.get_usage())
+     def _installable(self, pkg, ematch=False):
+@@ -1468,9 +2101,9 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
+         return False
+ class YumOptionParser(OptionParser):
+-    '''Subclass that makes some minor tweaks to make OptionParser do things the
++    """Subclass that makes some minor tweaks to make OptionParser do things the
+     "yum way".
+-    '''
++    """
+     def __init__(self,base, **kwargs):
+         # check if this is called with a utils=True/False parameter
+@@ -1488,13 +2121,23 @@ class YumOptionParser(OptionParser):
+         self._addYumBasicOptions()
+     def error(self, msg):
+-        '''This method is overridden so that error output goes to logger. '''
++        """Output an error message, and exit the program.  This method
++        is overridden so that error output goes to the logger.
++        :param msg: the error message to output
++        """
+         self.print_usage()
+         self.logger.critical(_("Command line error: %s"), msg)
+         sys.exit(1)
+     def firstParse(self,args):
+-        # Parse only command line options that affect basic yum setup
++        """Parse only command line options that affect basic yum
++        setup.
++        :param args: a list of command line options to parse
++        :return: a dictionary containing the values of command line
++           options
++        """
+         try:
+             args = _filtercmdline(
+                         ('--noplugins','--version','-q', '-v', "--quiet", "--verbose"), 
+@@ -1521,7 +2164,15 @@ class YumOptionParser(OptionParser):
+         return ret
+     def setupYumConfig(self, args=None):
+-        # Now parse the command line for real
++        """Parse command line options.
++        :param args: the command line arguments entered by the user
++        :return: (opts, cmds)  opts is a dictionary containing
++           the values of command line options.  cmds is a list of the
++           command line arguments that were not parsed as options.
++           For example, if args is ["install", "foo", "--verbose"],
++           cmds will be ["install", "foo"].
++        """
+         if not args:
+             (opts, cmds) = self.parse_args()
+         else:
+@@ -1533,16 +2184,30 @@ class YumOptionParser(OptionParser):
+         try:
+             # config file is parsed and moving us forward
+             # set some things in it.
++            if opts.tolerant or self.base.conf.tolerant: # Make it slower capt.
++                self.base.conf.recheck_installed_requires = True
+             # Handle remaining options
+             if opts.assumeyes:
+-                self.base.conf.assumeyes =1
+-            #  Instead of going cache-only for a non-root user, try to use a
+-            # user writable cachedir. If that fails fall back to cache-only.
+-            if opts.cacheonly:
++                self.base.conf.assumeyes = 1
++            if opts.assumeno:
++                self.base.conf.assumeno  = 1
++            self.base.conf.downloadonly = opts.dlonly
++            self.base.conf.downloaddir = opts.dldir
++            # Store all the updateinfo filters somewhere...
++            self.base.updateinfo_filters['security'] = opts.security
++            self.base.updateinfo_filters['bugfix'] = opts.bugfix
++            self.base.updateinfo_filters['advs'] = self._splitArg(opts.advs)
++            self.base.updateinfo_filters['bzs']  = self._splitArg(opts.bzs)
++            self.base.updateinfo_filters['cves'] = self._splitArg(opts.cves)
++            self.base.updateinfo_filters['sevs'] = self._splitArg(opts.sevs)
++            #  Treat users like root as much as possible:
++            if not self.base.setCacheDir():
+                 self.base.conf.cache = 1
+-            elif not self.base.setCacheDir():
++            if opts.cacheonly:
+                 self.base.conf.cache = 1
+             if opts.obsoletes:
+@@ -1574,11 +2239,8 @@ class YumOptionParser(OptionParser):
+                 if opts.color != 'auto':
+                     self.base.term.reinit(color=opts.color)
+-            if opts.disableexcludes:
+-                disable_excludes = self._splitArg(opts.disableexcludes)
+-            else:
+-                disable_excludes = []
+-            self.base.conf.disable_excludes = disable_excludes
++            self.base.conf.disable_excludes = self._splitArg(opts.disableexcludes)
++            self.base.conf.disable_includes = self._splitArg(opts.disableincludes)
+             for exclude in self._splitArg(opts.exclude):
+                 try:
+@@ -1610,10 +2272,6 @@ class YumOptionParser(OptionParser):
+                     self.base.usage()
+                     sys.exit(1)
+-            # make sure the added repos are setup.        
+-            if len(opts.repos) > 0:
+-                self.base._getRepos(doSetup=True)
+             # Disable all gpg key checking, if requested.
+             if opts.nogpgcheck:
+                 #  Altering the normal configs. doesn't work too well, esp. with
+@@ -1623,7 +2281,7 @@ class YumOptionParser(OptionParser):
+                     repo._override_sigchecks = True
+         except ValueError, e:
+-            self.logger.critical(_('Options Error: %s'), e)
++            self.logger.critical(_('Options error: %s'), e)
+             self.base.usage()
+             sys.exit(1)
+@@ -1640,10 +2298,18 @@ class YumOptionParser(OptionParser):
+         sys.exit(1)
+     def getRoot(self,opts):
++        """Return the root location to use for the yum operation.
++        This location can be changed by using the --installroot
++        option.
++        :param opts: a dictionary containing the values of the command
++           line options
++        :return: a string representing the root location
++        """
+         self._checkAbsInstallRoot(opts)
+         # If the conf file is inside the  installroot - use that.
+         # otherwise look for it in the normal root
+-        if opts.installroot:
++        if opts.installroot and opts.installroot.lstrip('/'):
+             if os.access(opts.installroot+'/'+opts.conffile, os.R_OK):
+                 opts.conffile = opts.installroot+'/'+opts.conffile
+             elif opts.conffile == '/etc/yum/yum.conf':
+@@ -1701,6 +2367,9 @@ class YumOptionParser(OptionParser):
+         group.add_option("--showduplicates", dest="showdupesfromrepos",
+                         action="store_true",
+                 help=_("show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"))
++        group.add_option("--show-duplicates", dest="showdupesfromrepos",
++                         action="store_true",
++                         help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
+         group.add_option("-e", "--errorlevel", dest="errorlevel", default=None,
+                 help=_("error output level"), type='int',
+                 metavar='[error level]')
+@@ -1713,6 +2382,10 @@ class YumOptionParser(OptionParser):
+                         help=_("verbose operation"))
+         group.add_option("-y", "--assumeyes", dest="assumeyes",
+                 action="store_true", help=_("answer yes for all questions"))
++        group.add_option("--assumeno", dest="assumeno",
++                action="store_true", help=_("answer no for all questions"))
++        group.add_option("--nodeps", dest="assumeno", # easter egg :)
++                action="store_true", help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
+         group.add_option("--version", action="store_true", 
+                 help=_("show Yum version and exit"))
+         group.add_option("--installroot", help=_("set install root"), 
+@@ -1730,6 +2403,9 @@ class YumOptionParser(OptionParser):
+         group.add_option("", "--disableexcludes", default=[], action="append",
+                 help=_("disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"),
+                         metavar='[repo]')
++        group.add_option("", "--disableincludes", default=[], action="append",
++                help=_("disable includepkgs for a repo or for everything"),
++                        metavar='[repo]')
+         group.add_option("--obsoletes", action="store_true", 
+                 help=_("enable obsoletes processing during updates"))
+         group.add_option("--noplugins", action="store_true", 
+@@ -1748,9 +2424,29 @@ class YumOptionParser(OptionParser):
+                 help=_("control whether color is used"))
+         group.add_option("", "--releasever", dest="releasever", default=None, 
+                 help=_("set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"))
++        group.add_option("--downloadonly", dest="dlonly", action="store_true",
++                help=_("don't update, just download"))
++        group.add_option("--downloaddir", dest="dldir", default=None,
++                help=_("specifies an alternate directory to store packages"))
+         group.add_option("", "--setopt", dest="setopts", default=[],
+                 action="append", help=_("set arbitrary config and repo options"))
++        # Updateinfo options...
++        group.add_option("--bugfix", action="store_true", 
++                help=_("Include bugfix relevant packages, in updates"))
++        group.add_option("--security", action="store_true", 
++                help=_("Include security relevant packages, in updates"))
++        group.add_option("--advisory", "--advisories", dest="advs", default=[],
++                action="append", help=_("Include packages needed to fix the given advisory, in updates"))
++        group.add_option("--bzs", default=[],
++                action="append", help=_("Include packages needed to fix the given BZ, in updates"))
++        group.add_option("--cves", default=[],
++                action="append", help=_("Include packages needed to fix the given CVE, in updates"))
++        group.add_option("--sec-severity", "--secseverity", default=[],
++                         dest="sevs", action="append",
++                help=_("Include security relevant packages matching the severity, in updates"))
+ def _filtercmdline(novalopts, valopts, args):
+     '''Keep only specific options from the command line argument list
+diff --git a/completion-helper.py b/completion-helper.py
+new file mode 100755
+index 0000000..c0e5a28
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/completion-helper.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
++#!/usr/bin/python -t
++# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
++# Copyright (C) 2011 Ville Skyttä
++# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
++import shlex
++import sys
++import cli
++import yumcommands
++from yum.Errors import GroupsError, ConfigError, RepoError
++class GroupsCompletionCommand(yumcommands.GroupsCommand):
++    def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        cmd, extcmds = self._grp_cmd(basecmd, extcmds)
++        # case insensitivity is fine here because groupinstall etc are that too
++        installed, available = base.doGroupLists(
++            patterns=[get_pattern(extcmds)])
++        if extcmds[0] in ("installed", "all"):
++            for group in installed:
++                print group.ui_name
++        if extcmds[0] in ("available", "all"):
++            for group in available:
++                print group.ui_name
++class ListCompletionCommand(yumcommands.ListCommand):
++    def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        def printPkgs(pkgs):
++            for pkg in pkgs:
++                if base.allowedMultipleInstalls(pkg):
++                    print pkg.nvra
++                else:
++                    print pkg.na
++        ypl = base.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow=extcmds[0],
++                                  patterns=[get_pattern(extcmds)])
++        if extcmds[0] in ("installed", "all"):
++            printPkgs(ypl.installed)
++        if extcmds[0] in ("available", "all"):
++            printPkgs(ypl.available)
++class RepoListCompletionCommand(yumcommands.RepoListCommand):
++    def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        import fnmatch
++        pattern = get_pattern(extcmds)
++        for repo in base.repos.repos.values():
++            if fnmatch.fnmatch(repo.id, pattern) \
++                    and (extcmds[0] == "all" or
++                         (extcmds[0] == "enabled" and repo.isEnabled()) or
++                         (extcmds[0] == "disabled" and not repo.isEnabled())):
++                print repo.id
++def get_pattern(extcmds):
++    if len(extcmds) > 1:
++        try: return shlex.split(extcmds[-1])[0] + "*"
++        except (ValueError, IndexError): pass
++    return "*"
++def main(args):
++    base = cli.YumBaseCli()
++    base.yum_cli_commands.clear()
++    base.registerCommand(GroupsCompletionCommand())
++    base.registerCommand(ListCompletionCommand())
++    base.registerCommand(RepoListCompletionCommand())
++    base.getOptionsConfig(args)
++    base.parseCommands()
++    try:
++        for repo in base.repos.listEnabled():
++            repo.skip_if_unavailable = True
++        base.doCommands()
++    except (GroupsError, ConfigError, RepoError), e:
++    # Any reason to not just catch YumBaseError ?
++        base.logger.error(e)
++if __name__ == "__main__":
++    try:
++        main(sys.argv[1:])
++    except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
++        sys.exit(1)
+diff --git a/docs/Makefile b/docs/Makefile
+index dc31d0e..8cc7f9f 100644
+--- a/docs/Makefile
++++ b/docs/Makefile
+@@ -13,3 +13,4 @@ install:
+ 	install -m 644 yum.conf.5 $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/man/man5/yum.conf.5
+ 	install -m 644 yum-updatesd.8 $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/man/man8/yum-updatesd.8
+ 	install -m 644 yum-updatesd.conf.5 $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/man/man5/yum-updatesd.conf.5
++	install -m 644 yum-cron.8 $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/man/man8
+diff --git a/docs/sphinxdocs/Makefile b/docs/sphinxdocs/Makefile
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..623c22b
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/docs/sphinxdocs/Makefile
+@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
++# Makefile for Sphinx documentation
++# You can set these variables from the command line.
++SPHINXBUILD   = sphinx-build
++PAPER         =
++BUILDDIR      = _build
++# Internal variables.
++PAPEROPT_a4     = -D latex_paper_size=a4
++PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter
++.PHONY: help clean html dirhtml singlehtml pickle json htmlhelp qthelp devhelp epub latex latexpdf text man changes linkcheck doctest
++	@echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
++	@echo "  html       to make standalone HTML files"
++	@echo "  dirhtml    to make HTML files named index.html in directories"
++	@echo "  singlehtml to make a single large HTML file"
++	@echo "  pickle     to make pickle files"
++	@echo "  json       to make JSON files"
++	@echo "  htmlhelp   to make HTML files and a HTML help project"
++	@echo "  qthelp     to make HTML files and a qthelp project"
++	@echo "  devhelp    to make HTML files and a Devhelp project"
++	@echo "  epub       to make an epub"
++	@echo "  latex      to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter"
++	@echo "  latexpdf   to make LaTeX files and run them through pdflatex"
++	@echo "  text       to make text files"
++	@echo "  man        to make manual pages"
++	@echo "  changes    to make an overview of all changed/added/deprecated items"
++	@echo "  linkcheck  to check all external links for integrity"
++	@echo "  doctest    to run all doctests embedded in the documentation (if enabled)"
++	-rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)/*
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/html."
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b dirhtml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml."
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b singlehtml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/singlehtml
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished. The HTML page is in $(BUILDDIR)/singlehtml."
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished; now you can process the pickle files."
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished; now you can process the JSON files."
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b htmlhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the" \
++	      ".hhp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp."
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the" \
++	      ".qhcp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp, like this:"
++	@echo "# qcollectiongenerator $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/Yum.qhcp"
++	@echo "To view the help file:"
++	@echo "# assistant -collectionFile $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/Yum.qhc"
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b devhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished."
++	@echo "To view the help file:"
++	@echo "# mkdir -p $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/Yum"
++	@echo "# ln -s $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/Yum"
++	@echo "# devhelp"
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished. The epub file is in $(BUILDDIR)/epub."
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
++	@echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through (pdf)latex" \
++	      "(use \`make latexpdf' here to do that automatically)."
++	@echo "Running LaTeX files through pdflatex..."
++	make -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf
++	@echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished. The text files are in $(BUILDDIR)/text."
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished. The manual pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/man."
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b changes $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/changes
++	@echo
++	@echo "The overview file is in $(BUILDDIR)/changes."
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b linkcheck $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck
++	@echo
++	@echo "Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output " \
++	      "or in $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck/output.txt."
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b doctest $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/doctest
++	@echo "Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the " \
++	      "results in $(BUILDDIR)/doctest/output.txt."
+diff --git a/docs/sphinxdocs/conf.py b/docs/sphinxdocs/conf.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..867d323
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/docs/sphinxdocs/conf.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
++# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
++# Yum documentation build configuration file, created by
++# sphinx-quickstart on Mon Jun 27 14:01:20 2011.
++# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir.
++# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
++# autogenerated file.
++# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
++# serve to show the default.
++import sys, os
++# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
++# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
++# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
++# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
++# -- General configuration -----------------------------------------------------
++#Tell sphinx where to look for all the files
++sys.path.insert(0, os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "../../test")))
++sys.path.insert(0, os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "../../po")))
++sys.path.insert(0, os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "../../bin")))
++sys.path.insert(0, os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "../..")))
++#Generate all the rst files
++sys.path.insert(1, os.getcwd())
++import rstgenerator
++rstgenerator.generateAll(sys.path[0], os.getcwd())
++import yum
++# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
++#needs_sphinx = '1.0'
++# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions
++# coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
++extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc']
++# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
++templates_path = ['_templates']
++# The suffix of source filenames.
++source_suffix = '.rst'
++# The encoding of source files.
++#source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
++# The master toctree document.
++master_doc = 'index'
++# General information about the project.
++project = u'Yum'
++copyright = None
++# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
++# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
++# built documents.
++# The short X.Y version.
++# version = 
++# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
++release = yum.__version__
++# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
++# for a list of supported languages.
++#language = None
++# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
++# non-false value, then it is used:
++#today = ''
++# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
++#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
++# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
++# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
++exclude_patterns = ['_build']
++# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents.
++#default_role = None
++# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
++#add_function_parentheses = True
++# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
++# unit titles (such as .. function::).
++#add_module_names = True
++# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
++# output. They are ignored by default.
++#show_authors = False
++# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
++pygments_style = 'sphinx'
++# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
++#modindex_common_prefix = []
++# -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------------
++# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages.  See the documentation for
++# a list of builtin themes.
++html_theme = 'default'
++# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
++# further.  For a list of options available for each theme, see the
++# documentation.
++#html_theme_options = {}
++# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
++#html_theme_path = []
++# The name for this set of Sphinx documents.  If None, it defaults to
++# "<project> v<release> documentation".
++#html_title = None
++# A shorter title for the navigation bar.  Default is the same as html_title.
++#html_short_title = None
++# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top
++# of the sidebar.
++#html_logo = None
++# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the
++# docs.  This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
++# pixels large.
++#html_favicon = None
++# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
++# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
++# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
++html_static_path = ['_static']
++# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
++# using the given strftime format.
++#html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y'
++# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
++# typographically correct entities.
++#html_use_smartypants = True
++# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.
++#html_sidebars = {}
++# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
++# template names.
++#html_additional_pages = {}
++# If false, no module index is generated.
++#html_domain_indices = True
++# If false, no index is generated.
++#html_use_index = True
++# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter.
++#html_split_index = False
++# If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages.
++#html_show_sourcelink = True
++# If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
++#html_show_sphinx = True
++# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
++html_show_copyright = False
++# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
++# contain a <link> tag referring to it.  The value of this option must be the
++# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
++#html_use_opensearch = ''
++# This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
++#html_file_suffix = None
++# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
++htmlhelp_basename = 'Yumdoc'
++# -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------------
++# The paper size ('letter' or 'a4').
++#latex_paper_size = 'letter'
++# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
++#latex_font_size = '10pt'
++# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
++# (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]).
++latex_documents = [
++  ('index', 'Yum.tex', u'Yum Documentation',
++   u'', 'manual'),
++# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
++# the title page.
++#latex_logo = None
++# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
++# not chapters.
++#latex_use_parts = False
++# If true, show page references after internal links.
++#latex_show_pagerefs = False
++# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
++#latex_show_urls = False
++# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
++#latex_preamble = ''
++# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
++#latex_appendices = []
++# If false, no module index is generated.
++#latex_domain_indices = True
++# -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------------
++# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
++# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
++man_pages = [
++    ('index', 'yum', u'Yum Documentation',
++     [u''], 1)
+diff --git a/docs/sphinxdocs/rstgenerator.py b/docs/sphinxdocs/rstgenerator.py
+new file mode 100755
+index 0000000..ad24788
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/docs/sphinxdocs/rstgenerator.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
++#! /usr/bin/python
++import sys, re, os
++def generateFile(input_directory, file_name, output_directory,
++                 package_heirarchy=None, module_name=None):
++    """Generate a rst file telling sphinx to just generate documentation
++    for the public interface automatically.  Output will be written to
++    *file_name*.rst in the current directory.
++    :param input_directory: a string specifying the directory containing the 
++       source code file
++    :param file_name: the name of the python source code file to generate
++       a sphinx rst file describing
++    :param ouput_directory: a string specifying the directory where
++       the generated rst file should be placed.  If *output_directory* does
++       not already exist, it will be created
++    :param package_heirarchy: a list of strings, where each name is
++       the name of a package, in the order of the hierarchy
++    :param module_name: the name of the module. If not given, the .py is 
++       removed from *file_name* to produce the module_name
++    """
++    #Stick all output into a list of strings, then just join it and output
++    #it all in on go.
++    output = []
++    # Create the output directory if it doesn't already exist. Note that
++    # if the directory is created between the check and the creation, it 
++    # might cause issues, but I don't think this likely at all to happen
++    if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
++        try:
++            os.makedirs(output_directory)
++        except OSError as e:
++            print "Error creating the output directory"
++            print e.args
++    try:
++        #Open the file
++        f = open(os.path.join(input_directory, file_name), 'r')
++        #Do the module output
++        if not module_name:
++            module_name = re.search('(\w+).py$', file_name).group(1)
++        #Append the package names, if there are any
++        full_module_name = module_name
++        if package_heirarchy:
++            full_module_name = '.'.join(package_heirarchy) + '.' + module_name
++        output.append(full_module_name)
++        output.append('=' * len(full_module_name))
++        output.append('.. automodule:: %s\n' % full_module_name)
++        #Read the file, and do output for classes
++        class_reg = re.compile('^class (\w+)')
++        func_reg = re.compile('^def ((?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+_)*[a-zA-Z0-9]+)')
++        #We don't need a blank line between autofunction directives, but we do
++        #need one between autofunctions and headings etc. for classes.  This
++        #keeps track if we're switching from autofunctions to classes, so we
++        #can add that blank line.
++        finding_functions = False
++        for line in iter(f):
++            #Search for classes
++            match = class_reg.match(line)
++            if match is not None: 
++                if finding_functions:
++                    output.append('')
++                    finding_functions = False
++                class_name = match.group(1)
++                output.append(class_name)
++                output.append('-' * len(class_name))
++                output.append('''.. autoclass:: %s
++           :members:
++           :show-inheritance:
++           ''' % class_name)
++            #Search for top level functions
++            else:
++                match = func_reg.match(line)
++                if match is not None:
++                    func_name = match.group(1)
++                    output.append('.. autofunction:: ' + func_name)
++                    finding_functions = True
++        f.close()
++    except IOError as e:
++        print "Error opening the input file : ", os.path.join(input_directory, file_name)
++        print e.args[1]
++    else:
++        #Write the output
++        try:
++            output_file_name = os.path.join(output_directory, module_name) + '.rst'
++            f = open(output_file_name, 'w')
++            f.write('\n'.join(output))
++        except IOError as e:
++            print "Error opening the output file : ", output_file_name
++            print e.args[1]
++def generateIndex(module_list, output_directory):
++    """Create an index.rst file for sphinx in the given directory.
++    :param module_list: a list of the names of the modules to list in
++       the index file
++    :param output_directory: the directory to create the index file in
++    """
++    #Sort the module_list
++    module_list.sort()
++    try:
++        #open the file
++        f = open(os.path.join(output_directory, 'index.rst'), 'w')
++        #Do the output
++        f.write(""".. Yum documentation master file, created by
++   sphinx-quickstart on Mon Jun 27 14:01:20 2011.
++   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
++   contain the root `toctree` directive.
++Welcome to Yum's documentation!
++.. toctree::
++   :maxdepth: 2
++   """)
++        f.write('\n   '.join(module_list))
++        f.write("""
++Indices and tables
++* :ref:`genindex`
++* :ref:`modindex`
++* :ref:`search`
++    except IOError as e:
++        print "Error opening the output file."
++        print e.args[1]
++def generateAll(source_directory, output_directory):
++    #Verify that both the source and output directories exist
++    # Keep a set of file names that are packages.  This is 
++    # useful so that later we will be able to figure out full
++    # module names.
++    packages = set()
++    # Keep a list of tuples containing python module names and
++    # relative paths, so that we can build the index file later
++    modules = []
++    # Walk the directory tree
++    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(source_directory, topdown=True):
++        # print dirpath
++        # print dirnames
++        # print filenames
++        # print
++        # Add the curent directory to packages if __init__.py exists
++        if '__init__.py' in filenames:
++            packages.add(dirpath)
++        # Find the hierarchy of packages that we are currently in
++        package_heirarchy = []
++        #Recurse up to the root
++        dirpath_i = dirpath
++        while dirpath_i != '/':
++            if dirpath_i in packages:
++                dirpath_i, tail = os.path.split(dirpath_i)
++                package_heirarchy.insert(0, tail)
++            else:
++                break
++        # Find the relative output directory, mirroring the input
++        # directory structure
++        relative_output_directory = ''
++        if not os.path.samefile(dirpath, source_directory):
++            relative_output_directory = os.path.relpath(dirpath, source_directory)
++        # Don't recurse into directories that are hidden, or for docs
++        for directory in dirnames:
++            if directory == "docs" or directory.startswith("."):
++                dirnames.remove(directory)
++        # Generate the rst for a file if it is a python source code file
++        for file_name in filenames:
++            # Skip file names that contain dashes, since they're not
++            # valid module names, so we won't be able to import them
++            # to generate the documentation anyway
++            if '-' in file_name:
++                continue
++            if file_name.endswith('.py'):
++                module_name = file_name.partition('.')[0]
++                modules.append(os.path.join(relative_output_directory, 
++                                            module_name))
++                generateFile(dirpath, file_name, 
++                             os.path.join(output_directory, relative_output_directory),
++                             package_heirarchy, module_name)
++    # Create the index.rst file
++    generateIndex(modules, output_directory)
++if __name__ == "__main__":
++    generateAll(os.getcwd(), os.getcwd())
+diff --git a/docs/yum-cron.8 b/docs/yum-cron.8
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..2af059d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/docs/yum-cron.8
+@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
++.\" yum-cron - cron interface for yum
++.TH "yum-cron" "8" ""  "Nick Jacek" ""
++.SH "NAME"
++yum-cron \- an interface to convieniently call yum from cron
++\fByum-cron\fP [config-file]
++\fByum-cron\fP is an alternate interface to yum that is optimised to
++be convenient to call from cron.  It provides methods to keep
++repository metadata up to date, and to check for, download, and apply
++updates.  Rather than accepting many different command line arguments,
++the different functions of yum-cron can be accessed through config
++\fIconfig-file\fP is used to optionally specify the path to the
++configuration file to use.  If it is not given, the default
++configuration file will be used.  It is useful to be able to specify
++different configuration files for different use cases.  For example,
++one configuration file might be set to update the repository metadata,
++and a line could be added to the crontab to run yum-cron frequently
++using this file.  Then, another configuration file might be set to
++install updates, and yum-cron could be run from cron using this file
++just once each day.
++.I yum (8)
++See the Authors file included with this program.
++.SH "BUGS"
++There of course aren't any bugs, but if you find any, you should email
++ the mailing list, yum@lists.baseurl.org, or consult bugzilla.
+diff --git a/docs/yum.8 b/docs/yum.8
+index 1a8202a..e42bf49 100644
+--- a/docs/yum.8
++++ b/docs/yum.8
+@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ gnome\-packagekit application\&.
+ .br 
+ .I \fR * update-to [package1] [package2] [\&.\&.\&.]
+ .br 
++.I \fR * minimal-update [package1] [package2] [\&.\&.\&.]
+ .I \fR * check\-update
+ .br 
+ .I \fR * upgrade [package1] [package2] [\&.\&.\&.] 
+@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ gnome\-packagekit application\&.
+ .br
+ .I \fR * remove | erase package1 [package2] [\&.\&.\&.]
+ .br 
++.I \fR * autoremove [package1] [\&.\&.\&.]
+ .I \fR * list [\&.\&.\&.]
+ .br 
+ .I \fR * info [\&.\&.\&.]
+@@ -43,7 +47,7 @@ gnome\-packagekit application\&.
+ .br  
+ .I \fR * clean [ packages | metadata | expire-cache | rpmdb | plugins | all ]
+ .br
+-.I \fR * makecache
++.I \fR * makecache [fast]
+ .br
+ .I \fR * groups  [\&.\&.\&.]
+ .br
+@@ -52,6 +56,7 @@ gnome\-packagekit application\&.
+ .I \fR * shell [filename]
+ .br
+ .I \fR * resolvedep dep1 [dep2] [\&.\&.\&.] 
++    (maintained for legacy reasons only - use repoquery or yum provides)
+ .br
+ .I \fR * localinstall rpmfile1 [rpmfile2] [\&.\&.\&.] 
+     (maintained for legacy reasons only - use install)
+@@ -67,9 +72,19 @@ gnome\-packagekit application\&.
+ .br
+ .I \fR * repolist [all|enabled|disabled] 
+ .br
++.I \fR * repoinfo [all|enabled|disabled] 
++.I \fR * repository-packages <enabled-repoid> <install|remove|remove-or-reinstall|remove-or-distribution-synchronization> [package2] [\&.\&.\&.]
+ .I \fR * version [ all | installed | available | group-* | nogroups* | grouplist | groupinfo ]
+ .br
+-.I \fR * history [info|list|packages-list|summary|addon-info|redo|undo|rollback|new] 
++.I \fR * history [info|list|packages-list|packages-info|summary|addon-info|redo|undo|rollback|new|sync|stats] 
++.I \fR * load-transaction [txfile]
++.I \fR * updateinfo [summary | list | info | remove-pkgs-ts | exclude-updates | exclude-all | check-running-kernel]
++.I \fR * fssnapshot [summary | list | have-space | create | delete]
+ .br
+ .I \fR * check
+ .br 
+@@ -86,14 +101,20 @@ Is used to install the latest version of a package or
+ group of packages while ensuring that all dependencies are
+ satisfied\&.  (See \fBSpecifying package names\fP for more information) 
+ If no package matches the given package name(s), they are assumed to be a shell 
+-glob and any matches are then installed\&. If the name starts with an 
+-@ character the rest of the name is used as though passed to the groupinstall
+-command\&. If the name starts with a - character, then a search is done within
++glob and any matches are then installed\&. If the name starts with @^ then it
++is treated as an environment group (group install @^foo), an @ character and
++it's treated as a group (plain group install)\&. If the name starts with
++a - character, then a search is done within
+ the transaction and any matches are removed. If the name is a file, then install works
+ like localinstall\&. If the name doesn't match a package, then package
+-"provides" are searched (Eg. "_sqlitecache.so()(64bit)") as are
++"provides" are searched (e.g. "_sqlitecache.so()(64bit)") as are
+ filelists (Eg. "/usr/bin/yum"). Also note that for filelists, wildcards will
+ match multiple packages\&.
++Because install does a lot of work to make it as easy as possible to use, there
++are also a few specific install commands "\fBinstall-n\fP", "\fBinstall-na\fP"
++and "\fBinstall-nevra\fP". These only work on package names, and do not process
++wildcards etc.
+ .IP 
+ .IP "\fBupdate\fP"
+ If run without any packages, update will update every currently
+@@ -111,7 +132,7 @@ changes, for example: upgrading from somelinux 8.0 to somelinux 9.
+ Note that "\fBupdate\fP" works on installed packages first, and only if there
+ are no matches does it look for available packages. The difference is most
+-noticable when you do "\fBupdate\fP foo-1-2" which will act exactly as
++noticeable when you do "\fBupdate\fP foo-1-2" which will act exactly as
+ "\fBupdate\fP foo" if foo-1-2 is installed. You can use the "\fBupdate-to\fP"
+ if you'd prefer that nothing happen in the above case.
+ .IP 
+@@ -119,6 +140,11 @@ if you'd prefer that nothing happen in the above case.
+ This command works like "\fBupdate\fP" but always specifies the version of the
+ package we want to update to.
+ .IP 
++.IP "\fBupdate-minimal\fP"
++This works like the update command, but if you have the package foo-1
++installed and have foo-2 (bugfix) and foo-3 (enhancement) available with
++updateinfo.xml then update-minimal --bugfix will update you to foo-2.
+ .IP "\fBcheck\-update\fP"
+ Implemented so you could know if your machine had any updates that needed to
+ be applied without running it interactively. Returns exit value of 100 if
+@@ -158,7 +184,30 @@ the "install" command\&.(See \fBSpecifying package names\fP for more information
+ Note that "yum" is included in the protected_packages configuration, by default.
+ So you can't accidentally remove yum itself.
++The remove_leaf_only configuration changes the behaviour of this command
++to only remove packages which aren't required by something else.
++The clean_requirements_on_remove configuration changes the behaviour of this
++command to also remove packages that are only dependencies of this package.
++Because remove does a lot of work to make it as easy as possible to use, there
++are also a few specific remove commands "\fBremove-n\fP", "\fBremove-na\fP"
++and "\fBremove-nevra\fP". These only work on package names, and do not process
++wildcards etc.
+ .IP 
++.IP "\fBautoremove\fP"
++With one or more arguments this command works like running the "\fBremove\fP"
++command with the clean_requirements_on_remove turned on. However you can also
++specify no arguments, at which point it tries to remove any packages that
++weren't installed explicitly by the user and which aren't required by
++anything (so called leaf packages).
++Because autoremove does a lot of work to make it as easy as possible to use,
++there are also a few specific autoremove commands "\fBautoremove-n\fP", 
++"\fBautoremove-na\fP" and "\fBautoremove-nevra\fP". These only work on package
++names, and do not process wildcards etc.
+ .IP "\fBlist\fP"
+ Is used to list various information about available
+ packages; more complete details are available in the \fIList Options\fP
+@@ -191,7 +240,8 @@ the \fIClean Options\fP section below\&.
+ .IP 
+ .IP "\fBmakecache\fP"
+ Is used to download and make usable all the metadata for the currently enabled
+-\fByum\fP repos.
++\fByum\fP repos. If the argument "fast" is passed, then we just try to make
++sure the repos. are current (much like "yum clean expire-cache").
+ .IP 
+ .IP "\fBgroups\fP"
+ A command, new in 3.4.2, that collects all the subcommands that act on groups together.
+@@ -209,10 +259,12 @@ installed.
+ "\fBgroup list\fP" is used to list the available groups from all \fByum\fP repos. Groups are marked
+ as "installed" if all mandatory packages are installed, or if a group doesn't
+ have any mandatory packages then it is installed if any of the optional or
+-default package are installed.
+-The optional "hidden" argument will also list groups marked as not being
+-"user visible". If you pass the \-v option, to enable verbose mode, then the
+-groupids are displayed.
++default package are installed (when not in group_command=objects mode).
++You can pass optional arguments to the list/summary commands: installed,
++available, environment, language, packages, hidden and ids (or any of those
++prefixed by "no" to turn them off again).
++If you pass the \-v option, to enable verbose mode, then the groupids are
++displayed by default (but "yum group list ids" is often easier to read).
+ "\fBgroup remove\fP" is used to remove all of the packages in a group, unlike "groupinstall" this
+ will remove everything regardless of group_package_types. It is worth pointing
+@@ -224,23 +276,65 @@ to only remove packages which aren't required by something else.
+ "\fBgroup info\fP" is used to give the description and package list of a group (and which type
+ those packages are marked as). Note that you can use the yum-filter-data and
+-yum-list-data plugins to get/use the data the other way around (Ie. what
++yum-list-data plugins to get/use the data the other way around (i.e. what
+ groups own packages need updating). If you pass the \-v option, to enable verbose
+ mode, then the package names are matched against installed/available packages
+ similar to the list command.
++When using group_command=objects, the info command will display markers next
++to each package saying how that package relates to the group object. The
++meaning of these markers is:
++"-" = Package isn't installed, and won't be installed as part of the group (Eg. group install foo -pkgA … this will have pkgA marked as '-')
++"+" = Package isn't installed, but will be the next time you run "yum upgrade" or "yum group upgrade foo"
++" " = Package is installed, but wasn't installed via the group (so "group remove foo" won't remove it).
++"=" = Package is installed, and was installed via the group.
++"\fBgroup summary\fP" is used to give a quick summary of how many groups
++are installed and available.
++"\fBgroup mark\fP" and "\fBgroup unmark\fP" are used when groups are configured
++in group_command=objects mode. These commands then allow you to alter yum's idea
++of which groups are installed, and the packages that belong to them.
++"\fBgroup mark install\fP" mark the group as installed. When
++installed "\fByum upgrade\fP" and "\fByum group upgrade\fP" will install new
++packages for the group (only those packages already installed will be marked as
++members of the installed group to start with).
++"\fBgroup mark remove\fP" the opposite of mark install.
++"\fBgroup mark packages\fP" takes a group id (which must be installed) and marks
++any given installed packages (which aren't members of a group) as members of
++the group. Note that the data from the repositories does not need to specify
++the packages as a member of the group.
++"\fBgroup mark packages-force\fP" works like mark packages, but doesn't care if
++the packages are already members of another group.
++"\fBgroup mark convert\fP" converts the automatic data you get without using
++groups as objects into groups as objects data. This makes it much easier to
++convert to groups as objects without having to reinstall.
++"\fBgroup unmark packages\fP" remove a package as a member from any groups.
+ .IP
+ .IP "\fBshell\fP"
+ Is used to enter the 'yum shell', when a filename is specified the contents of
+-that file is executed in yum shell mode. See \fIyum-shell(8)\fP for more info
++that file is executed in yum shell mode. See \fIyum-shell(8)\fP for more info.
+ .IP
+ .IP "\fBresolvedep\fP"
+ Is used to list packages providing the specified dependencies, at most one
+-package is listed per dependency. 
++package is listed per dependency. This command is maintained for legacy
++reasons only, use repoquery instead.
+ .IP
+ .IP "\fBlocalinstall\fP"
+ Is used to install a set of local rpm files. If required the enabled 
+ repositories will be used to resolve dependencies. Note that the install command
+-will do a local install, if given a filename. This option is maintained for legacy
++will do a local install, if given a filename. This command is maintained for legacy
+ reasons only.
+ .IP
+ .IP "\fBlocalupdate\fP"
+@@ -248,7 +342,7 @@ Is used to update the system by specifying local rpm files. Only the specified
+ rpm files of which an older version is already installed will be installed,
+ the remaining specified packages will be ignored.
+ If required the enabled repositories will be used to resolve dependencies. Note
+-that the update command will do a local update, if given a filename. This option is maintained for
++that the update command will do a local update, if given a filename. This command is maintained for
+ legacy reasons only.
+ .IP
+ .IP "\fBreinstall\fP"
+@@ -260,10 +354,28 @@ on groups, files, provides and filelists just like the "install" command\&.
+ Will try and downgrade a package from the version currently installed to the
+ previously highest version (or the specified version).
+ The depsolver will not necessarily work, but if you specify all the packages it
+-should work (and thus. all the simple cases will work). Also this does not
++should work (thus, all the simple cases will work). Also this does not
+ work for "installonly" packages, like Kernels. downgrade operates
+ on groups, files, provides, filelists and rpm files just like the "install" command\&.
+ .IP
++.IP "\fBswap\fP"
++At it's simplest this is just a simpler way to remove one set of package(s) and
++install another set of package(s) without having to use the "shell" command.
++However you can specify different commands to call than just remove or install,
++and you can list multiple packages (it splits using the "--" marker).
++Note that option parsing will remove the first "--" in an argument list on the
++command line.
++swap foo bar
++swap -- remove foo -- install bar
++swap foo group install bar-grp
++swap -- group remove foo-grp -- group install bar-grp
+ .IP "\fBdeplist\fP"
+ Produces a list of all dependencies and what packages provide those
+ dependencies for the given packages. As of 3.2.30 it now just shows the latest
+@@ -271,18 +383,19 @@ version of each package that matches (this can be changed by
+ using --showduplicates) and it only shows the newest providers (which can be
+ changed by using --verbose).
+ .IP
+-.IP "\fBrepolist\fP"
++.IP "\fBrepolist\fP" "\fBrepoinfo\fP"
+ Produces a list of configured repositories. The default is to list all
+-enabled repositories. If you pass \-v, for verbose mode, more information is
+-listed. If the first argument is 'enabled', 'disabled' or 'all' then the command
+-will list those types of repos.
++enabled repositories. If you pass \-v, for verbose mode, or use repoinfo then
++more information is listed. If the first argument is 'enabled', 'disabled' or
++'all' then the command will list those types of repos.
+ You can pass repo id or name arguments, or wildcards which to match against
+ both of those. However if the id or name matches exactly then the repo will
+ be listed even if you are listing enabled repos. and it is disabled.
+ In non-verbose mode the first column will start with a '*' if the repo. has
+-metalink data and the latest metadata is not local. For non-verbose mode the
++metalink data and the latest metadata is not local and will start with a
++'!' if the repo. has metadata that is expired. For non-verbose mode the
+ last column will also display the number of packages in the repo. and (if there
+ are any user specified excludes) the number of packages excluded.
+@@ -291,11 +404,63 @@ then yum will ignore any repo errors and output the information it can get
+ (Eg. "yum clean all; yum -C repolist" will output something, although the
+ package counts/etc. will be zeroed out).
+ .IP
++.IP "\fBrepoinfo\fP"
++This command works exactly like repolist -v.
++.IP "\fBrepository\-packages\fP"
++Treat a repo. as a collection of packages (like "yum groups") allowing the user
++to install or remove them as a single entity.
++"repository\-packages <repo> list" - Works like the "yum list" command, but
++only shows packages from the given repository.
++"repository\-packages <repo> info" - Works like the "yum info" command, but
++only shows packages from the given repository.
++"repository\-packages <repo> install" - Install all of the packages in the
++repository, basically the same as: yum install $(repoquery --repoid=<repo> -a).
++Specific packages/wildcards can be specified.
++"repository\-packages <repo> upgrade" - Update all of the packages in the
++repository, basically the same as: yum upgrade $(repoquery --repoid=<repo> -a).
++Specific packages/wildcards can be specified.
++"repository\-packages <repo> upgrade-to" - Update all of the packages in the
++repository, basically the same as: yum upgrade $(repoquery --repoid=<repo> -a).
++Without arguments it works the same as upgrade, with arguments it just
++interprets them as the versions you want to move to.
++"repository\-packages <repo> reinstall-old" - ReInstall all of the packages 
++that are installed from the repository and available in the
++repository, similar to: yum reinstall $(yumdb search-quiet from_repo <repo>).
++"repository\-packages <repo> move-to" - ReInstall all of the packages 
++that are available in the repository, basically the same as:
++yum reinstall $(repoquery --repoid=<repo> -a).
++"repository\-packages <repo> reinstall" - Tries to do reinstall-old, but if that
++produces no packages then tries move-to.
++"repo\-pkgs <repo> remove" - Remove all of the packages in the repository, very
++similar to: yum remove $(repoquery --repoid=<repo> -a). However the
++repopkgsremove_leaf_only option is obeyed.
++"repo\-pkgs <repo> remove-or-reinstall" - Works like remove for any package
++that doesn't have the exact same version in another repository. For any package
++that does have the exact NEVRA in another repository then that version will be
++"repo\-pkgs <repo> remove-or-distro-sync" - Works like remove for any package
++that doesn't exist in another repository. For any package that does exist
++it tries to work as if distro-sync was called (with the repo. disabled).
+ .IP "\fBversion\fP"
+ Produces a "version" of the rpmdb, and of the enabled repositories if "all" is
+ given as the first argument. You can also specify version groups in the
+-version-groups config. file. If you pass \-v, for verbose mode, more
+-information is listed. The version is calculated by taking a sha1 hash of the
++version-groups configuration file. If you pass \-v, for verbose mode, more
++information is listed. The version is calculated by taking an SHA1 hash of the
+ packages (in sorted order), and the checksum_type/checksum_data entries from
+ the yumdb. Note that this rpmdb version is now also used significantly within
+ yum (esp. in yum history).
+@@ -321,26 +486,33 @@ and so takes sub-commands:
+ .IP "\fBhistory\fP"
+ The history command allows the user to view what has happened in past
+ transactions (assuming the history_record config. option is set). You can use
+-info/list/packages-list/summary to view what happened, undo/redo/rollback to act
+-on that information and new to start a new history file.
++info/list/packages-list/packages-info/summary to view what happened,
++undo/redo/rollback to act on that information and new to start a new history
+ The info/list/summary commands take either a transaction id or a package (with
+ wildcards, as in \fBSpecifying package names\fP), all three can also be passed
+ no arguments. list can be passed the keyword "all" to list all the transactions.
+-The packages-list command takes a package  (with wildcards, as in
+-\fBSpecifying package names\fP).
++The packages-list/packages-info commands takes a package  (with wildcards, as in
++\fBSpecifying package names\fP). And show data from the point of view of that
+ The undo/redo/rollback commands take either a single transaction id or the
+ keyword last and an offset from the last transaction (Eg. if you've done 250
+ transactions, "last" refers to transaction 250, and "last-4" refers to
+ transaction 246).
++The redo command can also take some optional arguments before you specify the
++transaction. "force-reinstall" tells it reinstall any packages that were
++installed in that transaction (via install, upgrade or downgrade).
++"force-remove" tells it to forcibly remove any packages that were updated or
+ The undo/redo commands act on the specified transaction, undo'ing or repeating
+ the work of that transaction. While the rollback command will undo all
+-transactions upto the point of the specified transaction. For example, if you
++transactions up to the point of the specified transaction. For example, if you
+ have 3 transactions, where package A; B and C where installed respectively.
+-Then "undo 1" will try to remove pacakge A, "redo 1" will try to install package
++Then "undo 1" will try to remove package A, "redo 1" will try to install package
+ A (if it is not still installed), and "rollback 1" will try to remove packages
+ B and C. Note that after a "rollback 1" you will have a fourth transaction,
+ although the ending rpmdb version (see: yum version) should be the same in
+@@ -349,13 +521,20 @@ transactions 1 and 4.
+ The addon-info command takes a transaction ID, and the packages-list command
+ takes a package (with wildcards).
+-In "history list" you can change the behaviour of the 2nd column via. the
++The stats command shows some statistics about the current history DB.
++The sync commands allows you to change the rpmdb/yumdb data stored for any
++installed packages, to whatever is in the current rpmdb/yumdb (this is mostly
++useful when this data was not stored when the package went into the history DB).
++In "history list" you can change the behaviour of the 2nd column via the
+ configuration option history_list_view.
+ In "history list" output the Altered column also gives some extra information
+ if there was something not good with the transaction (this is also shown at the
+ end of the package column in the packages-list command).
+ .I \fB>\fR - The rpmdb was changed, outside yum, after the transaction.
+ .br
+ .I \fB<\fR - The rpmdb was changed, outside yum, before the transaction.
+@@ -371,11 +550,156 @@ end of the package column in the packages-list command).
+ .I \fBs\fR - The transaction completed fine, but --skip-broken was enabled and had to skip some packages.
+ .br
++.IP "\fBload-transaction\fP"
++This command will re-load a saved yum transaction file, this allows you to
++run a transaction on one machine and then use it on another.
++The two common ways to get a saved yum transaction file are from
++"yum -q history addon-info last saved_tx" or via the automatic saves in
++$TMPDIR/yum_save_tx.* when a transaction is solved but not run.
++Running the command without an argument, or a directory as an argument will
++try and list the possible files available to load. Showing if the packages are
++still available, if the rpmdb matches the current rpmdb, how many transaction
++install/removes members are in the saved transaction and what the filename is.
++.IP "\fBupdateinfo\fP"
++This command has a bunch of sub-commands to act on the updateinfo in the
++repositories. The simplest commands are:
++.I \fR yum updateinfo info [all | available | installed | updates]
++.I \fR yum updateinfo list [all | available | installed | updates]
++.I \fR yum updateinfo [summary] [all | available | installed | updates]
++which all display information about the available update information relevant
++to your machine (including anything installed, if you supply "all").
++.I \fR "\fB* all\fP"
++Is used to display information about both install and available advisories.
++.I \fR "\fB* available\fP"
++Is used to display information about just available advisories. This is the
++.I \fR "\fB* installed\fP"
++Is used to display information about just install advisories.
++.I \fR "\fB* updates\fP"
++This is mostly the same as "available" but it only shows advisory information
++for packages that can be updated to.
++They all take as arguments:
++.I \fR "\fB* <advisory> [advisory...]\fP"
++Is used to display information about one or more advisories.
++.I \fR "\fB* <package> [package...]\fP"
++Is used to display information about one or more packages.
++.I \fR "\fB* bugzillas / bzs\fP"
++Is the subset of the updateinfo information, pertaining to the bugzillas.
++.I \fR "\fB* cves\fP"
++Is the subset of the updateinfo information, pertaining to the CVEs.
++.I \fR "\fB* enhancement\fP"
++Is the subset of the updateinfo information, pertaining to enhancements.
++.I \fR "\fB* bugfix\fP"
++Is the subset of the updateinfo information, pertaining to bugfixes.
++.I \fR "\fB* security / sec\fP"
++Is the subset of the updateinfo information, pertaining to security.
++.I \fR "\fB* severity / sev\fP"
++Include security relevant packages of this severity.
++.I \fR "\fB* recommended\fP"
++Is the subset of the updateinfo information, pertaining to recommended updates.
++.I \fR "\fB* new-packages\fP"
++Is the subset of the updateinfo information, pertaining to new packages. These
++are packages which weren't available at the initial release of your
++There are also three sub-commands to remove packages when using "yum shell", 
++they are:
++.I \fR yum updateinfo remove-pkgs-ts
++.I \fR yum updateinfo exclude-updates
++.I \fR yum updateinfo exclude-all
++they all take the following arguments:
++.I \fR* [bzs=foo] [advisories=foo] [cves=foo] [security-severity=foo] [security] [bugfix]
++and finally there is a command to manually check the running kernel against
++updateinfo data:
++.I \fR yum updateinfo check-running-kernel
++.IP "\fBfssnapshot\fP"
++This command has a few sub-commands to act on the LVM data of the host, to list
++snapshots and the create and remove them. The simplest commands, to display
++information about the configured LVM snapshotable devices, are:
++.I \fR yum fssnapshot [summary]
++.I \fR yum fssnapshot list
++.I \fR yum fssnapshot have-space
++then you can create and delete snapshots using:
++.I \fR yum fssnap create
++.I \fR yum fssnap delete <device(s)>
++Configuration Options: \fBfssnap_automatic_pre\fP, \fBfssnap_automatic_post\fP, \fBfssnap_automatic_keep\fP, \fBfssnap_percentage\fP, \fBfssnap_devices\fP
+ .IP
+ .IP "\fBcheck\fP"
+ Checks the local rpmdb and produces information on any problems it finds. You
+-can pass the check command the arguments "dependencies" or "duplicates", to
+-limit the checking that is performed (the default is "all" which does both).
++can pass the check command the arguments "dependencies", "duplicates", "obsoletes" or "provides",
++to limit the checking that is performed (the default is "all" which does all).
+ The info command can also take ranges of transaction ids, of the form
+ start..end, which will then display a merged history as if all the
+@@ -401,6 +725,11 @@ Assume yes; assume that the answer to any question which would be asked
+ is yes\&.
+ .br
+ Configuration Option: \fBassumeyes\fP
++.IP "\fB\-\-assumeno\fP"
++Assume no; assume that the answer to any question which would be asked 
++is no\&. This option overrides assumeyes, but is still subject to alwaysprompt.
++Configuration Option: \fBassumeno\fP
+ .IP "\fB\-c, \-\-config=[config file]\fP" 
+ Specifies the config file location - can take HTTP and FTP URLs and local file
+ paths\&.
+@@ -420,7 +749,7 @@ Sets the error level to [number] Practical range 0 \- 10. 0 means print only cri
+ .br
+ Configuration Option: \fBerrorlevel\fP
+ .IP "\fB\-\-rpmverbosity=[name]\fP" 
+-Sets the debug level to [name] for rpm scriplets. 'info' is the default, other
++Sets the debug level to [name] for rpm scriptlets. 'info' is the default, other
+ options are: 'critical', 'emergency', 'error', 'warn' and 'debug'.
+ .br
+ Configuration Option: \fBrpmverbosity\fP
+@@ -428,9 +757,7 @@ Configuration Option: \fBrpmverbosity\fP
+ Sets the maximum amount of time yum will wait before performing a command \- it randomizes over the time.
+ .IP "\fB\-C, \-\-cacheonly\fP" 
+ Tells yum to run entirely from system cache - does not download or
+-update any headers unless it has to to perform the requested action. If you're
+-using this as a user yum will not use the tempcache for the user but will only
+-use the system cache in the system cachedir.
++update any headers unless it has to to perform the requested action.
+ .IP "\fB\-\-version\fP" 
+ Reports the \fByum\fP version number and installed package versions for
+ everything in history_record_packages (can be added to by plugins).
+@@ -461,8 +788,13 @@ processing logic. For more information see the \fBupdate\fP command above.
+ .br
+ Configuration Option: \fBobsoletes\fP
+ .IP "\fB\-x, \-\-exclude=package\fP"
+-Exclude a specific package by name or glob from updates on all repositories.
+-Configuration Option: \fBexclude\fP
++Exclude a specific package by name or glob from all repositories, so yum works
++as if that package was never in the repositories.
++This is commonly used so a package isn't upgraded or installed accidentally, but
++can be used to remove packages in any way that "yum list" will show packages.
++Can be disabled using --disableexcludes.
++Configuration Option: \fBexclude\fP, \fBincludepkgs\fP
+ .br
+ .IP "\fB\-\-color=[always|auto|never]\fP"
+ Display colorized output automatically, depending on the output terminal,
+@@ -479,6 +811,13 @@ main == disable excludes defined in [main] in yum.conf
+ .br
+ repoid == disable excludes defined for that repo
+ .br
++.IP "\fB\-\-disableincludes=[all|repoid]\fP"
++Disable the includes defined in your config files. Takes one of two options:
++all == disable all includes
++repoid == disable includes defined for that repo
+ .IP "\fB\-\-disableplugin=plugin\fP"
+ Run with one or more plugins disabled, the argument is a comma separated list
+ of wildcards to match against plugin names.
+@@ -506,7 +845,14 @@ option will corrupt your cache (and you can use $releasever in your cachedir
+ configuration to stop this).
+ .PP 
+ .IP "\fB\-t, \-\-tolerant\fP"
+-This option currently does nothing.
++This option makes yum go slower, checking for things that shouldn't be possible
++making it more tolerant of external errors.
++.IP "\fB\-\-downloadonly\fP"
++Don't update, just download.
++.IP "\fB\-\-downloaddir=directory\fP"
++Specifies an alternate directory to store packages.
+ .br
+ .IP "\fB\-\-setopt=option=value\fP"
+ Set any config option in yum config or repo files. For options in the global 
+@@ -523,7 +869,7 @@ version of the package\&.
+ The format of the output of yum list is:
+-name.arch [epoch:]version-release  repo or \@installed-from-repo
++name.arch [epoch:]version-release  repo or @installed-from-repo
+ .IP "\fByum list [all | glob_exp1] [glob_exp2] [\&.\&.\&.]\fP"
+ List all available and installed packages\&.
+@@ -542,6 +888,10 @@ shell\-style glob and any matches are printed\&.
+ List the packages installed on the system that are not available in any yum
+ repository listed in the config file.
+ .IP
++.IP "\fByum list distro-extras [glob_exp1] [\&.\&.\&.]\fP"
++List the packages installed on the system that are not available, by name,
++in any yum repository listed in the config file.
+ .IP "\fByum list obsoletes [glob_exp1] [\&.\&.\&.]\fP"
+ List the packages installed on the system that are obsoleted by packages
+ in any yum repository listed in the config file.
+@@ -658,7 +1008,7 @@ configuration options.
+ .I yum-complete-transaction (1)
+ .I yumdownloader (1)
+ .I yum-utils (1)
+-.I yum-security (8)
++.I yum-langpacks (1)
+ http://yum.baseurl.org/
+ http://yum.baseurl.org/wiki/Faq
+ yum search yum
+diff --git a/docs/yum.conf.5 b/docs/yum.conf.5
+index 515aa73..5d8578d 100644
+--- a/docs/yum.conf.5
++++ b/docs/yum.conf.5
+@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ options are: 'critical', 'emergency', 'error', 'warn' and 'debug'.
+ .IP
+ \fBprotected_packages\fR
+ This is a list of packages that yum should never completely remove. They are
+-protected via. Obsoletes as well as user/plugin removals.
++protected via Obsoletes as well as user/plugin removals.
+ The default is: yum glob:/etc/yum/protected.d/*.conf
+ So any packages which should be protected can do so by including a file in 
+@@ -114,32 +114,49 @@ are causing problems from the transaction.
+ Either `1' or `0'. Determines whether or not yum prompts for confirmation of
+ critical actions. Default is `0' (do prompt).
+ .br
+-Command-line option: \fB\-y\fP
++Command-line option: \fB\-y\fP \fB\--assumeyes\fP
++Either `1' or `0'. If yum would prompt for confirmation of critical actions, 
++assume the user chose no. This is basically the same as doing "echo | yum ..."
++but is a bit more usable. This option overrides \fBassumeyes\fP, but is still
++subject to \fBalwaysprompt\fP.
++Default is `0' (do prompt).
++Command-line option: \fB\--assumeno\fP
+ .IP
+ \fBalwaysprompt\fR
+ Either `1' or `0'. Without this option, yum will not prompt for confirmation
+ when the list of packages to be installed exactly matches those given on the
+-command line. Unless \fBassumeyes\fR is enabled, it will still prompt for
+-package removal, or when additional packages need to be installed to fulfill
+-dependencies. Default is `1'.
++command line. Unless \fBassumeyes\fR is enabled, it will still prompt when
++additional packages need to be installed to fulfill dependencies. Note that
++older versions of yum would also always prompt for package removal, and that is
++no longer true.
++Default is `1'.
+ .br
+ .IP
+ \fBtolerant\fR
+-Either `1' or `0'. If enabled, then yum will be tolerant of errors on the
+-command line with regard to packages. For example: if you request to install
+-foo, bar and baz and baz is installed; yum won't error out complaining that baz
+-is already installed. Default to `0' (not tolerant).
++Either `1' or `0'. If enabled, yum will go slower, checking for things that
++shouldn't be possible making it more tolerant of external errors.
++Default to `0' (not tolerant).
+ .br
+ Command-line option: \fB\-t\fP
+ .IP
+ \fBexclude\fR
+-List of packages to exclude from updates or installs. This should be a space
++List of packages to exclude from all repositories, so yum works
++as if that package was never in the repositories.. This should be a space
+ separated list.
++This is commonly used so a package isn't upgraded or installed accidentally, but
++can be used to remove packages in any way that "yum list" will show packages.
+ Shell globs using wildcards (eg. * and ?) are allowed.
++Can be disabled using --disableexcludes.
++Command-line option: \fB\-x\fP
+ .IP
+ \fBexactarch\fR
+ Either `1' or `0'. Set to `1' to make yum update only update the architectures
+@@ -161,7 +178,7 @@ will also apply to kernel-debug-devel, etc.
+ Number of packages listed in installonlypkgs to keep installed at the same
+ time. Setting to 0 disables this feature. Default is '0'. Note that this
+ functionality used to be in the "installonlyn" plugin, where this option was
+-altered via. tokeep.
++altered via tokeep.
+ Note that as of version 3.2.24, yum will now look in the yumdb for a installonly
+ attribute on installed packages. If that attribute is "keep", then they will
+ never be removed.
+@@ -188,12 +205,32 @@ Default is `true'.
+ Command-line option: \fB\-\-obsoletes\fP
+ .IP
++\fBremove_leaf_only \fR
++Either `0' or `1'. Used to determine yum's behaviour when a package is removed.
++If \fBremove_leaf_only\fR is `0' (default) then
++packages, and their deps, will be removed.  If \fBremove_leaf_only\fR is
++`1' then only those packages that aren't required by another
++package will be removed.
++\fBrepopkgsremove_leaf_only \fR
++Either `0' or `1'. Used to determine yum's behaviour when the repo-pkg remove
++command is run.  If \fBrepopkgremove_leaf_only\fR is `0' (default) then
++all packages in the repo. will be removed.  If \fBrepopkgremove_leaf_only\fR is
++`1' then only those packages in the repo. that aren't required by another
++package will be removed.
++Note that this option does not override remove_leaf_only, so enabling that
++option means this has almost no affect.
+ \fBoverwrite_groups \fR
+ Either `0' or `1'. Used to determine yum's behaviour if two or more
+ repositories offer the package groups with the same name. If
+ \fBoverwrite_groups\fR is `1' then the group packages of the last matching
+ repository will be used. If \fBoverwrite_groups\fR is `0' then the groups
+ from all matching repositories will be merged together as one large group.
++Note that this option does not override remove_leaf_only, so enabling that
++option means this has almost no affect.
+ .IP
+ \fBgroupremove_leaf_only \fR
+@@ -215,6 +252,30 @@ of packages in groups will be installed when 'groupinstall' is called.
+ Default is: default, mandatory
+ .IP
++List of the following: simple, compat, objects. Tells yum what to do for
++group install/upgrade/remove commands.
++Simple acts like you did yum group cmd $(repoquery --group --list group), so
++it is vrery easy to reason about what will happen. Alas. this is often not what
++people want to happen.
++Compat. works much like simple, except that when you run "group upgrade" it
++actually runs "group install" (this means that you get any new packages added
++to the group, but you also get packages added that were there before and you
++didn't want).
++Objects makes groups act like a real object, separate from the packages they
++contain. Yum keeps track of the groups you have installed, so "group upgrade"
++will install new packages for the group but not install old ones. It also knows
++about group members that are installed but weren't installed as part of the
++group, and won't remove those on "group remove".
++Running "yum upgrade" will also run "yum group upgrade" (thus. adding new
++packages for all groups).
++Default is: compat
+ \fBinstallroot \fR
+ Specifies an alternative installroot, relative to which all packages will be
+ installed. 
+@@ -223,14 +284,21 @@ Command-line option: \fB\-\-installroot\fP
+ .IP
+ \fBdistroverpkg\fR
+-The package used by yum to determine the "version" of the distribution. This
+-can be any installed package. Default is `redhat-release'. You can see what
+-provides this manually by using: "yum whatprovides redhat-release".
++The package used by yum to determine the "version" of the distribution, this
++sets $releasever for use in config. files. This
++can be any installed package. Default is `system-release(releasever)',
++`redhat-release'. Yum will now look at the version provided by the provide,
++and if that is non-empty then will use the full V(-R), otherwise it uses the
++version of the package.
++ You can see what provides this manually by using: 
++"yum whatprovides 'system-release(releasever)' redhat-release" and you can see
++what $releasever is most easily by using: "yum version".
+ .IP
+ \fBdiskspacecheck\fR
+ Either `0' or `1'. Set this to `0' to disable the checking for sufficient
+-diskspace before a RPM transaction is run. Default is `1' (perform the check).
++diskspace and inodes before a RPM transaction is run. Default is `1'
++(perform the check).
+ .IP
+ \fBtsflags\fR
+@@ -291,6 +359,16 @@ the maximum available bandwidth.
+ Set to `0' to disable bandwidth throttling. This is the default.
++Note that when multiple downloads run simultaneously the total bandwidth might
++exceed the throttle limit. You may want to also set max_connections=1 or scale
++your throttle option down accordingly.
++\fBminrate \fR
++This sets the low speed threshold in bytes per second. If the server
++is sending data slower than this for at least `timeout' seconds, Yum
++aborts the connection. The default is `1000'.
+ .IP
+ \fBbandwidth \fR
+ Use to specify the maximum available network bandwidth in bytes/second.  Used
+@@ -300,6 +378,41 @@ with the \fBthrottle\fR option (above). If \fBthrottle\fR is a percentage and
+ ignored. Default is `0' (no bandwidth throttling). 
+ .IP
++\fBip_resolve \fR
++Determines how yum resolves host names.
++`4' or `IPv4': resolve to IPv4 addresses only.
++`6' or `IPv6': resolve to IPv6 addresses only.
++\fBmax_connections \fR
++The maximum number of simultaneous connections.  This overrides the urlgrabber
++default of 5 connections.  Note that there are also implicit per-mirror limits
++and the downloader honors these too.
++When non-zero, delta-RPM files are used if available.  The value specifies
++the maximum number of "applydeltarpm" processes Yum will spawn, if the value
++is negative then yum works out how many cores you have and multiplies that
++by the value (cores=2, deltarpm=-2; 4 processes). (2 by default).
++Note that the "applydeltarpm" process uses a significant amount of disk IO,
++so running too many instances can significantly slow down all disk IO including
++the downloads that yum is doing (thus. a too high value can make everything
++When the relative size of delta vs pkg is larger than this, delta is not used.
++Default value is 75 (Deltas must be at least 25% smaller than the pkg).
++Use `0' to turn off delta rpm processing. Local repositories (with file://
++baseurl) have delta rpms turned off by default.
+ \fBsslcacert \fR
+ Path to the directory containing the databases of the certificate authorities
+ yum should use to verify SSL certificates. Defaults to none - uses system
+@@ -331,6 +444,15 @@ Path to the SSL client key yum should use to connect to repos/remote sites
+ Defaults to none.
+ .IP
++\fBssl_check_cert_permissions \fR
++Boolean - Whether yum should check the permissions on the paths for the
++certificates on the repository (both remote and local). If we can't read any of
++the files then yum will force skip_if_unavailable to be true.
++This is most useful for non-root processes which use yum on repos. that have
++client cert files which are readable only by root.
++Defaults to True.
+ \fBhistory_record \fR
+ Boolean - should yum record history entries for transactions. This takes some
+ disk space, and some extra time in the transactions. But it allows how to know a
+@@ -391,7 +513,9 @@ syslog logging is disabled.  Default is `/dev/log'.
+ .IP
+ \fBproxy \fR
+-URL to the proxy server that yum should use.
++URL to the proxy server that yum should use.  Set this to `libproxy'
++to enable proxy auto configuration via libproxy.  Defaults to direct
+ .IP
+ \fBproxy_username \fR
+@@ -438,6 +562,31 @@ It's also possible to use the word "never", meaning that the metadata will
+ never expire. Note that when using a metalink file the metalink must always
+ be newer than the metadata for the repository, due to the validation, so this
+ timeout also applies to the metalink file.
++Also note that "never" does not override "yum clean expire-cache"
++\fBmetadata_expire_filter \fR
++Filter the metadata_expire time, allowing a trade of speed for accuracy if
++a command doesn't require it. Each yum command can specify that it requires a
++certain level of timeliness quality from the remote repos. from "I'm about to
++install/upgrade, so this better be current" to "Anything that's available
++is good enough".
++`never' - Nothing is filtered, always obey metadata_expire.
++`read-only:past' - Commands that only care about past information
++are filtered from metadata expiring.
++Eg. yum history info (if history needs to lookup anything about a previous
++transaction, then by definition the remote package was available in the past).
++`read-only:present' - Commands that are balanced between past and future.
++This is the default.
++Eg. yum list yum
++`read-only:future' - Commands that are likely to result in running other
++commands which will require the latest metadata. Eg. yum check-update
++Note that this option does not override "yum clean expire-cache".
+ .IP
+ \fBmirrorlist_expire \fR
+@@ -462,12 +611,12 @@ always did, however it now does some checking on the index and reverts if
+ it classifies it as bad.
+ `group:primary' - Download the primary metadata with the index. This contains
+-most of the package information and so is almost always required anyway. This
+-is the default.
++most of the package information and so is almost always required anyway.
+-`group:small' - With the primary also download the updateinfo metadata, this is
+-required for yum-security operations and it also used in the graphical clients.
+-This file also tends to be significantly smaller than most others.
++`group:small' - With the primary also download the updateinfo metadata, groups,
++and pkgtags. This is required for yum-security operations and it also used in
++the graphical clients. This file also tends to be significantly smaller than
++most others. This is the default.
+ `group:main' - With the primary and updateinfo download the filelists metadata
+ and the group metadata. The filelists data is required for operations like
+@@ -480,6 +629,19 @@ not listed above is the other metadata, which contains the changelog information
+ which is used by yum-changelog. This is what "yum makecache" uses.
+ .IP
++\fBmddownloadpolicy \fR
++You can select which kinds of repodata you would prefer yum to download:
++`sqlite' - Download the .sqlite files, if available. This is currently slightly
++faster, once they are downloaded. However these files tend to be bigger, and
++thus. take longer to download.
++`xml' - Download the .XML files, which yum will do anyway as a fallback on
++the other options. These files tend to be smaller, but they require
++parsing/converting locally after download and some aditional checks are
++performed on them each time they are used.
+ \fBmultilib_policy \fR
+ Can be set to 'all' or 'best'. All means install all possible arches for any package you 
+ want to install. Therefore yum install foo will install foo.i386 and foo.x86_64 on x86_64, 
+@@ -523,6 +685,13 @@ Default is `normal'.
+ See color_list_installed_older for possible values.
+ .IP
++\fBcolor_list_installed_running_kernel \fR
++The colorization/highlighting for kernel packages in list/info installed which
++is the same version as the running kernel.
++Default is `bold,underline.
++See color_list_installed_older for possible values.
+ \fBcolor_list_installed_extra \fR
+ The colorization/highlighting for packages in list/info installed which has
+ no available package with the same name and arch.
+@@ -558,6 +727,13 @@ Default is `bold,underline,green.
+ See color_list_installed_older for possible values.
+ .IP
++\fBcolor_list_available_running_kernel \fR
++The colorization/highlighting for kernel packages in list/info available which
++is the same version as the running kernel.
++Default is `bold,underline.
++See color_list_installed_older for possible values.
+ \fBcolor_search_match \fR
+ The colorization/highlighting for text matches in search.
+ Default is `bold'.
+@@ -587,14 +763,98 @@ be downloaded. The updates list is what is printed when you run "yum update",
+ Default is `normal'.
+ See color_list_installed_older for possible values.
++\fBui_repoid_vars \fR
++When a repository id is displayed, append these yum variables to the string
++if they are used in the baseurl/etc. Variables are appended in the order
++listed (and found).
++Default is 'releasever basearch'.
+ .IP
+ \fBclean_requirements_on_remove \fR
+ When removing packages (by removal, update or obsoletion) go through each
+ package's dependencies. If any of them are no longer required by any other 
+ package then also mark them to be removed.
++Boolean (1, 0, True, False, yes, no) Defaults to False
++\fBupgrade_requirements_on_install \fR
++When installing/reinstalling/upgrading packages go through each package's
++installed dependencies and check for an update.
+ Boolean (1, 0, True, False, yes,no) Defaults to False
++\fBrecheck_installed_requires \fR
++When upgrading a package do we recheck any requirements that existed in the old
++package. Turning this on shouldn't do anything but slow yum depsolving down,
++however using rpm --nodeps etc. can break the rpmdb and then this will help.
++Boolean (1, 0, True, False, yes,no) Defaults to False
++\fBreset_nice \fR
++If set to true then yum will try to reset the nice value to zero, before
++running an rpm transaction. Defaults to True.
++Should the yum client exit immediately when something else has the lock.
++Boolean (1, 0, True, False, yes, no) Defaults to False
++Should the load-ts command ignore packages that are missing. This includes
++packages in the TS to be removed, which aren't installed, and packages in the
++TS to be added, which aren't available.
++If this is set to true, and an rpm is missing then loadts_ignorenewrpm is
++automatically set to true.
++Boolean (1, 0, True, False, yes, no) Defaults to False
++Should the load-ts command ignore the rpmdb version (yum version nogroups) or
++abort if there is a mismatch between the TS file and the current machine.
++If this is set to true, then loadts_ignorenewrpm is automatically set to true.
++Boolean (1, 0, True, False, yes, no) Defaults to False
++Should the load-ts command ignore the future rpmdb version or
++abort if there is a mismatch between the TS file and what will happen on the
++current machine.
++Note that if loadts_ignorerpm is True, this option does nothing.
++Boolean (1, 0, True, False, yes, no) Defaults to False
++Should yum try to automatically create a snapshot before it runs a transaction.
++Boolean (1, 0, True, False, yes, no) Defaults to False
++Should yum try to automatically create a snapshot after it runs a transaction.
++Boolean (1, 0, True, False, yes, no) Defaults to False
++How many old snapshots should yum keep when trying to automatically create a 
++new snapshot. Setting to 0 disables this feature. Default is '0'.
++The size of new snaphosts, expressed as a percentage of the old origin device. 
++Any number between 1 and 100. Default is '100'.
++The origin LVM devices to use for snapshots. Wildcards and negation are allowed,
++first match (positive or negative) wins.
++Default is: !*/swap !*/lv_swap glob:/etc/yum/fssnap.d/*.conf
++Set the number of times any attempt to depsolve before we just give up. This
++shouldn't be needed as yum should always solve or fail, however it has been
++observed that it can loop forever with very large system upgrades. Setting
++this to `0' (or "forever") makes yum try forever. Default is `100'.
+ .SH "[repository] OPTIONS"
+@@ -668,6 +928,10 @@ value of mirrorlist is copied to metalink (if metalink is not set).
+ Either `1' or `0'. This tells yum whether or not use this repository.
+ .IP
++Overrides the \fBkeepcache\fR option from the [main] section for this repository.
+ \fBgpgcheck\fR
+ Either `1' or `0'. This tells yum whether or not it should perform a GPG
+ signature check on the packages gotten from this repository.
+@@ -702,12 +966,18 @@ key will be automatically imported without user confirmation.
+ Same as the [main] \fBexclude\fR option but only for this repository.
+ Substitution variables, described below, are honored here.
++Can be disabled using --disableexcludes.
+ .IP
+ \fBincludepkgs\fR
+-Inverse of exclude. This is a list of packages you want to use from a
+-repository. If this option lists only one package then that is all yum will
+-ever see from the repository. Defaults to an empty list.  Substitution
+-variables, described below, are honored here.
++Inverse of exclude, yum will exclude any package in the repo. that doesn't
++match this list. This works in conjunction with exclude and doesn't override it,
++so if you exclude=*.i386 and includepkgs=python* then only packages starting
++with python that do not have an i386 arch. will be seen by yum in this repo.
++Substitution variables, described below, are honored here.
++Can be disabled using --disableexcludes.
+ .IP
+ \fBenablegroups\fR
+@@ -755,6 +1025,15 @@ repository.
+ Overrides the \fBbandwidth\fR option from the [main] section for this
+ repository.
++\fBip_resolve \fR
++Overrides the \fBip_resolve\fR option from the [main] section for this
++Overrides the \fBdeltarpm_percentage\fR option from the [main] section
++for this repository.
+ .IP
+ \fBsslcacert \fR
+@@ -776,6 +1055,10 @@ repository.
+ Overrides the \fBsslclientkey\fR option from the [main] section for this
+ repository.
++\fBssl_check_cert_permissions \fR
++Overrides the \fBssl_check_cert_permissions\fR option from the [main] section
++for this repository.
+ .IP
+ \fBmetadata_expire \fR
+@@ -783,6 +1066,11 @@ Overrides the \fBmetadata_expire\fR option from the [main] section for this
+ repository.
+ .IP
++\fBmetadata_expire_filter \fR
++Overrides the \fBmetadata_expire_filter\fR option from the [main] section for
++this repository.
+ \fBmirrorlist_expire \fR
+ Overrides the \fBmirrorlist_expire\fR option from the [main] section for this
+ repository.
+@@ -824,7 +1112,16 @@ as greater/less than any other. defaults to 1000
+ If set to True yum will continue running if this repository cannot be 
+ contacted for any reason. This should be set carefully as all repos are consulted
+ for any given command. Defaults to False.
+ .IP
++\fBasync \fR
++If set to True Yum will download packages and metadata from this repo in
++parallel, if possible.  Defaults to True.
++\fBui_repoid_vars \fR
++Overrides the \fBui_repoid_vars\fR option from the [main] section for this
+ .LP
+@@ -861,8 +1158,8 @@ package.
+ .IP
+ \fB$arch\fR
+-This will be replaced with your architecture as listed by os.uname()[4] in
++This will be replaced with the architecture or your system
++as detected by yum.
+ .IP
+ \fB$basearch\fR
+diff --git a/etc/0yum.cron b/etc/0yum.cron
+deleted file mode 100755
+index 0cfaa4b..0000000
+--- a/etc/0yum.cron
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
+-# Only run if this flag file is set (by /etc/rc.d/init.d/yum-cron)
+-if [ ! -f /var/lock/subsys/yum-cron ]; then
+-  exit 0
+-# Grab config settings
+-if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/yum-cron ]; then
+-  source /etc/sysconfig/yum-cron
+-# set default for SYSTEMNAME
+-[ -z "$SYSTEMNAME" ]  && SYSTEMNAME=$(hostname) 
+-# Only run on certain days of the week 
+-dow=`date +%w` 
+-if [ "${DAYS_OF_WEEK/$dow/}" == "${DAYS_OF_WEEK}" ]; then 
+-  exit 0 
+-# if DOWNLOAD_ONLY is set then we force CHECK_ONLY too.
+-# Gotta check before one can download!
+-if [ "$DOWNLOAD_ONLY" == "yes" ]; then
+-  CHECK_ONLY=yes
+-YUMTMP=$(mktemp /var/run/yum-cron.XXXXXX)
+-touch $YUMTMP 
+-[ -x /sbin/restorecon ] && /sbin/restorecon $YUMTMP
+-# Random wait function
+-random_wait() {
+-  sleep $(( $RANDOM % ($RANDOMWAIT * 60) + 1 ))
+-# Note - the lockfile code doesn't try and use YUMTMP to email messages nicely.
+-# Too many ways to die, this gets handled by normal cron error mailing.
+-# Try mkdir for the lockfile, will test for and make it in one atomic action
+-if mkdir $LOCKDIR 2>/dev/null; then
+-  # store the current process ID in there so we can check for staleness later
+-  echo "$$" >"${LOCKFILE}"
+-  # and clean up locks and tempfile if the script exits or is killed  
+-  trap "{ rm -f $LOCKFILE $TSLOCK; rmdir $LOCKDIR 2>/dev/null; rm -f $YUMTMP; exit 255; }" INT TERM EXIT
+-  # lock failed, check if process exists.  First, if there's no PID file
+-  # in the lock directory, something bad has happened, we can't know the
+-  # process name, so clean up the old lockdir and restart
+-  if [ ! -f $LOCKFILE ]; then
+-    rmdir $LOCKDIR 2>/dev/null
+-    echo "yum-cron: no lock PID, clearing and restarting myself" >&2
+-    exec $0 "$@"
+-  fi
+-  OTHERPID="$(cat "${LOCKFILE}")"
+-  # if cat wasn't able to read the file anymore, another instance probably is
+-  # about to remove the lock -- exit, we're *still* locked
+-    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+-      echo "yum-cron: lock failed, PID ${OTHERPID} is active" >&2
+-      exit 0
+-    fi
+-    if ! kill -0 $OTHERPID &>/dev/null; then
+-      # lock is stale, remove it and restart
+-      echo "yum-cron: removing stale lock of nonexistant PID ${OTHERPID}" >&2
+-      rm -rf "${LOCKDIR}"
+-      echo "yum-cron: restarting myself" >&2
+-      exec $0 "$@"
+-    else
+-      # Remove stale (more than a day old) lockfiles
+-      find $LOCKDIR -type f -name 'pidfile' -amin +1440 -exec rm -rf $LOCKDIR \;
+-      # if it's still there, it wasn't too old, bail
+-      if [ -f $LOCKFILE ]; then
+-        # lock is valid and OTHERPID is active - exit, we're locked!
+-        echo "yum-cron: lock failed, PID ${OTHERPID} is active" >&2
+-        exit 0
+-      else
+-        # lock was invalid, restart
+-	echo "yum-cron: removing stale lock belonging to stale PID ${OTHERPID}" >&2
+-        echo "yum-cron: restarting myself" >&2
+-        exec $0 "$@"
+-      fi
+-    fi
+-# Then check for updates and/or do them, as configured
+-  # First, if this is CLEANDAY, do so
+-  if [ ! "${CLEANDAY/$dow/}" == "${CLEANDAY}" ]; then
+-      /usr/bin/yum $YUM_PARAMETER -e ${ERROR_LEVEL:-0} -d ${DEBUG_LEVEL:-0} -y shell $WEEKLYSCRIPT
+-  fi
+-  # Now continue to do the real work
+-  if [ "$CHECK_ONLY" == "yes" ]; then
+-    random_wait
+-    touch $TSLOCK
+-    /usr/bin/yum $YUM_PARAMETER -e 0 -d 0 -y check-update 1> /dev/null 2>&1
+-    case $? in
+-      1)   exit 1;;
+-      100) echo "New updates available for host `/bin/hostname`";
+-           /usr/bin/yum $YUM_PARAMETER -e ${ERROR_LEVEL:-0} -d ${DEBUG_LEVEL:-0} -y -C check-update
+-           if [ "$DOWNLOAD_ONLY" == "yes" ]; then
+-	       /usr/bin/yum $YUM_PARAMETER -e ${ERROR_LEVEL:-0} -d ${DEBUG_LEVEL:-0} -y --downloadonly update
+-	       echo "Updates downloaded, use \"yum -C update\" manually to install them."
+-	   fi
+-	   ;;
+-    esac
+-  elif [ "$CHECK_FIRST" == "yes" ]; then
+-    # Don't run if we can't access the repos
+-    random_wait
+-    touch $TSLOCK
+-    /usr/bin/yum $YUM_PARAMETER -e 0 -d 0 check-update 2>&-
+-    case $? in
+-      1)   exit 1;;
+-      100) /usr/bin/yum $YUM_PARAMETER -e ${ERROR_LEVEL:-0} -d ${DEBUG_LEVEL:-0} -y update yum
+-           /usr/bin/yum $YUM_PARAMETER -e ${ERROR_LEVEL:-0} -d ${DEBUG_LEVEL:-0} -y shell $DAILYSCRIPT
+-           ;;
+-    esac
+-  else
+-    random_wait
+-    touch $TSLOCK
+-    /usr/bin/yum $YUM_PARAMETER -e ${ERROR_LEVEL:-0} -d ${DEBUG_LEVEL:-0} -y update yum
+-    /usr/bin/yum $YUM_PARAMETER -e ${ERROR_LEVEL:-0} -d ${DEBUG_LEVEL:-0} -y shell $DAILYSCRIPT
+-  fi
+-} >> $YUMTMP 2>&1
+-if [ ! -z "$MAILTO" ] && [ -x /bin/mail ]; then 
+-# if MAILTO is set, use mail command (ie better than standard mail with cron output) 
+-  [ -s "$YUMTMP" ] && mail -s "System update: $SYSTEMNAME" $MAILTO < $YUMTMP 
+-# default behavior is to use cron's internal mailing of output from cron-script
+-  cat $YUMTMP
+-rm -f $YUMTMP 
+-exit 0
+diff --git a/etc/Makefile b/etc/Makefile
+index 29a7f95..49f1d81 100644
+--- a/etc/Makefile
++++ b/etc/Makefile
+@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+ YUMETC=$(DESTDIR)/etc/yum
++compdir = $(shell pkg-config --variable=completionsdir bash-completion)
++compdir := $(or $(compdir), "/etc/bash_completion.d")
+ all:
+ 	echo "Nothing to do"
+@@ -8,6 +10,7 @@ clean:
+ install:
+ 	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/yum/
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/yum/fssnap.d
+ 	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/yum/protected.d
+ 	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/yum/repos.d
+ 	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/yum/vars
+@@ -24,15 +27,9 @@ install:
+ 	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/dbus-1/system.d/
+ 	install -m 755 yum-updatesd-dbus.conf $(DESTDIR)/etc/dbus-1/system.d/yum-updatesd.conf
+-	install -m 755 yum-updatesd.conf $(DESTDIR)/etc/yum/yum-updatesd.conf
+-	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/bash_completion.d
+-	install -m 644 yum.bash $(DESTDIR)/etc/bash_completion.d
+-	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/cron.daily
+-	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/sysconfig/
+-	install -D -m 755 0yum.cron $(DESTDIR)/etc/cron.daily/0yum.cron
+-	install -D -m 755 yum-cron $(DESTDIR)/etc/rc.d/init.d/yum-cron
+-	install -D -m 644 yum-daily.yum $(YUMETC)/yum-daily.yum
+-	install -D -m 644 yum-weekly.yum $(YUMETC)/yum-weekly.yum
+-	install -D -m 644 yum-cron.sysconf $(DESTDIR)/etc/sysconfig/yum-cron
++	install -m 644 yum-updatesd.conf $(YUMETC)
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(compdir)
++	install -m 644 yum.bash $(DESTDIR)/$(compdir)/yum
++	ln -s yum $(DESTDIR)/$(compdir)/yummain.py
++	install -m 644 yum-cron.conf $(YUMETC)
++	install -m 644 yum-cron-hourly.conf $(YUMETC)
+diff --git a/etc/yum-cron b/etc/yum-cron
+deleted file mode 100755
+index 63c5ec0..0000000
+--- a/etc/yum-cron
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
+-# yum-cron           This shell script enables the automatic use of YUM
+-# Author:       Seth Vidal <skvidal@phy.duke.edu>
+-# chkconfig:	- 50 01
+-# description:  Enable daily run of yum, a program updater.
+-# processname:  yum-cron
+-# config: /etc/yum/yum-daily.yum
+-# source function library
+-. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+-test -f /etc/sysconfig/yum-cron && . /etc/sysconfig/yum-cron
+-start() {
+-	echo -n $"Enabling nightly yum update: "
+-	touch "$lockfile" && success || failure
+-	RETVAL=$?
+-	echo
+-stop() {
+-	echo -n $"Disabling nightly yum update: "
+-	if [ -f "$yumcronpid" -a "$SERVICE_WAITS" = "yes" ]; then
+-	  yum_done=0
+-	  if [ ! -f $tslock ]; then
+-	    # No transaction yet in progress, just kill it
+-	    kill `cat $yumcronpid > /dev/null 2>&1` > /dev/null 2>&1
+-	    yum_done=1
+-	  fi
+-	  if [ $yum_done -eq 0 ]; then
+-	    echo -n $"Waiting for yum "
+-	    if [ -z "$SERVICE_WAIT_TIME" ]; then
+-	      SERVICE_WAIT_TIME=300
+-	    fi
+-	    start=`date +%s`
+-	    end=`expr $start + $SERVICE_WAIT_TIME`
+-	    while [ `date +%s` -le $end ]
+-	    do
+-	      sleep 5
+-	      if [ ! -f "$tslock" ]; then
+-		yum_done=1
+-	        break
+-	      fi
+-	    done
+-	    if [ $yum_done -eq 1 ]; then
+-	      echo -n " ok "
+-	    else
+-	      echo -n " failed "
+-	    fi
+-	  fi
+-	fi
+-	rm -f "$lockfile" && success || failure
+-	RETVAL=$?
+-	echo
+-restart() {
+-	stop
+-	start
+-case "$1" in
+-  start)
+-	start
+-	;;
+-  stop) 
+-	stop
+-	;;
+-  restart|force-reload)
+-	restart
+-	;;
+-  reload)
+-	;;
+-  condrestart)
+-	[ -f "$lockfile" ] && restart
+-	;;
+-  status)
+-	if [ -f $lockfile ]; then
+-		echo $"Nightly yum update is enabled."
+-		RETVAL=0
+-	else
+-		echo $"Nightly yum update is disabled."
+-		RETVAL=3
+-	fi
+-	;;
+-  *)
+-	echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|reload|force-reload|condrestart}"
+-	exit 1
+-exit $RETVAL
+diff --git a/etc/yum-cron-hourly.conf b/etc/yum-cron-hourly.conf
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..2d52349
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/etc/yum-cron-hourly.conf
+@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
++#  What kind of update to use:
++# default                            = yum upgrade
++# security                           = yum --security upgrade
++# security-severity:Critical         = yum --sec-severity=Critical upgrade
++# minimal                            = yum --bugfix upgrade-minimal
++# minimal-security                   = yum --security upgrade-minimal
++# minimal-security-severity:Critical =  --sec-severity=Critical upgrade-minimal
++update_cmd = default
++# Whether a message should emitted when updates are available.
++update_messages = no
++# Whether updates should be downloaded when they are available. Note
++# that updates_messages must also be yes for updates to be downloaded.
++download_updates = no
++# Whether updates should be applied when they are available.  Note
++# that both update_messages and download_updates must also be yes for
++# the update to be applied
++apply_updates = no
++# Maximum amout of time to randomly sleep, in minutes.  The program
++# will sleep for a random amount of time between 0 and random_sleep
++# minutes before running.  This is useful for e.g. staggering the
++# times that multiple systems will access update servers.  If
++# random_sleep is 0 or negative, the program will run immediately.
++random_sleep = 0
++# Name to use for this system in messages that are emitted.  If
++# system_name is None, the hostname will be used.
++system_name = None
++# How to send messages.  Valid options are stdio and email.  If
++# emit_via includes stdio, messages will be sent to stdout; this is useful
++# to have cron send the messages.  If emit_via includes email, this
++# program will send email itself according to the configured options.
++# If emit_via is None or left blank, no messages will be sent.
++emit_via = stdio
++# The width, in characters, that messages that are emitted should be
++# formatted to.
++ouput_width = 80
++# The address to send email messages from.
++email_from = root
++# List of addresses to send messages to.
++email_to = root
++# Name of the host to connect to to send email messages.
++email_host = localhost
++# List of groups to update
++group_list = None
++# The types of group packages to install
++group_package_types = mandatory, default
++# This section overrides yum.conf
++# Use this to filter Yum core messages
++# -4: critical
++# -3: critical+errors
++# -2: critical+errors+warnings (default)
++debuglevel = -2
++# skip_broken = True
++mdpolicy = group:main
++# Uncomment to auto-import new gpg keys (dangerous)
++# assumeyes = True
+diff --git a/etc/yum-cron.conf b/etc/yum-cron.conf
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a97d881
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/etc/yum-cron.conf
+@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
++#  What kind of update to use:
++# default                            = yum upgrade
++# security                           = yum --security upgrade
++# security-severity:Critical         = yum --sec-severity=Critical upgrade
++# minimal                            = yum --bugfix upgrade-minimal
++# minimal-security                   = yum --security upgrade-minimal
++# minimal-security-severity:Critical =  --sec-severity=Critical upgrade-minimal
++update_cmd = default
++# Whether a message should be emitted when updates are available,
++# were downloaded, or applied.
++update_messages = yes
++# Whether updates should be downloaded when they are available.
++download_updates = yes
++# Whether updates should be applied when they are available.  Note
++# that download_updates must also be yes for the update to be applied.
++apply_updates = no
++# Maximum amout of time to randomly sleep, in minutes.  The program
++# will sleep for a random amount of time between 0 and random_sleep
++# minutes before running.  This is useful for e.g. staggering the
++# times that multiple systems will access update servers.  If
++# random_sleep is 0 or negative, the program will run immediately.
++random_sleep = 0
++# Name to use for this system in messages that are emitted.  If
++# system_name is None, the hostname will be used.
++system_name = None
++# How to send messages.  Valid options are stdio and email.  If
++# emit_via includes stdio, messages will be sent to stdout; this is useful
++# to have cron send the messages.  If emit_via includes email, this
++# program will send email itself according to the configured options.
++# If emit_via is None or left blank, no messages will be sent.
++emit_via = stdio
++# The width, in characters, that messages that are emitted should be
++# formatted to.
++ouput_width = 80
++# The address to send email messages from.
++email_from = root@localhost
++# List of addresses to send messages to.
++email_to = root
++# Name of the host to connect to to send email messages.
++email_host = localhost
++# NOTE: This only works when group_command != objects, which is now the default
++# List of groups to update
++group_list = None
++# The types of group packages to install
++group_package_types = mandatory, default
++# This section overrides yum.conf
++# Use this to filter Yum core messages
++# -4: critical
++# -3: critical+errors
++# -2: critical+errors+warnings (default)
++debuglevel = -2
++# skip_broken = True
++mdpolicy = group:main
++# Uncomment to auto-import new gpg keys (dangerous)
++# assumeyes = True
+diff --git a/etc/yum-cron.sysconf b/etc/yum-cron.sysconf
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 930341c..0000000
+--- a/etc/yum-cron.sysconf
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
+-# Pass any given paramter to yum, as run in all the scripts invoked
+-# by this package.  Be aware that this is global, and yum is invoked in 
+-# several modes by these scripts for which your own parameter might not
+-# be appropriate
+-# Don't install, just check (valid: yes|no)
+-# Check to see if you can reach the repos before updating (valid: yes|no)
+-# Don't install, just check and download (valid: yes|no)
+-# Implies CHECK_ONLY=yes (gotta check first to see what to download)
+-# Error level, practical range 0-10, 0 means print only critical errors which
+-# you must be told, 1 means print all errors, even ones that are not important
+-# Level 0 is the default
+-# Debug level, practical range 0-10, higher number means more output
+-# Level 1 is a useful level if you want to see what's been done and
+-# don't want to read /var/log/yum.log
+-# Level 0 is the default
+-# randomwait is used by yum to wait random time
+-# default is 60 so yum waits random time from 1 to 60 minutes
+-# the value must not be zero
+-# if MAILTO is set and the mail command is available, the mail command 
+-# is used to deliver yum output
+-# by default MAILTO is unset, so crond mails the output by itself
+-# example:  MAILTO=root
+-# you may set SYSTEMNAME if you want your yum emails tagged differently
+-# default is output of hostname command 
+-# this variable is used only if MAILTO is set too
+-# you may set DAYS_OF_WEEK to the days of the week you want to run 
+-# default is every day 
+-# which day should it do cleanup on?  defaults to 0 (Sunday).  If this day isn't in the 
+-# DAYS_OF_WEEK above, it'll never happen
+-# set to yes to make the yum-cron service to wait for transactions to complete
+-# set maximum time period (in seconds) for the yum-cron service to wait for
+-# transactions to complete.  The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes)
+diff --git a/etc/yum-daily.yum b/etc/yum-daily.yum
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 5d4e874..0000000
+--- a/etc/yum-daily.yum
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
+-ts run
+diff --git a/etc/yum-makecache.service b/etc/yum-makecache.service
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b4434ea
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/etc/yum-makecache.service
+@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
++Description=yum makecache
++ExecStart=/usr/bin/yum makecache fast
+diff --git a/etc/yum-makecache.timer b/etc/yum-makecache.timer
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..02fb5a2
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/etc/yum-makecache.timer
+@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
++Description=yum makecache timer
+diff --git a/etc/yum-weekly.yum b/etc/yum-weekly.yum
+deleted file mode 100644
+index c60fa08..0000000
+--- a/etc/yum-weekly.yum
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
+-clean packages
+-clean expire-cache
+-ts run
+diff --git a/etc/yum.bash b/etc/yum.bash
+index f1e06e8..40541af 100644
+--- a/etc/yum.bash
++++ b/etc/yum.bash
+@@ -1,53 +1,25 @@
+ # bash completion for yum
+-# arguments:
+-#   1 = argument to "yum list" (all, available, updates etc)
+-#   2 = current word to be completed
+ {
+-    # Fail fast for things that look like paths.
+-    [[ $2 == */* || $2 == [.~]* ]] && return
+-    if [ "$1" = all ] ; then
+-        # Try to strip in between headings like "Available Packages" - would
+-        # be nice if e.g. -d 0 did that for us.  This will obviously only work
+-        # for English :P
+-        COMPREPLY+=( $( ${yum:-yum} -d 0 -C list $1 "$2*" 2>/dev/null | \
+-            sed -ne '/^Available /d' -e '/^Installed /d' -e '/^Updated /d' \
+-            -e 's/[[:space:]].*//p' ) )
+-    else
+-        # Drop first line (e.g. "Updated Packages") - would be nice if e.g.
+-        # -d 0 did that for us.
+-        COMPREPLY+=( $( ${yum:-yum} -d 0 -C list $1 "$2*" 2>/dev/null | \
+-            sed -ne 1d -e 's/[[:space:]].*//p' ) )
++    local IFS=$'\n'
++    if [[ -n "$YUM_CACHEDIR" && "$1 $2" == "list available" ]]; then
++        for db in $(find "$YUM_CACHEDIR" -name primary_db.sqlite); do
++            COMPREPLY+=( $( sqlite3 "$db" \
++                "SELECT name||'.'||arch FROM packages WHERE name LIKE '$3%'"
++            ) )
++        done
++        return
+     fi
++    COMPREPLY+=( $(
++        /usr/share/yum-cli/completion-helper.py -d 0 -C "$@" 2>/dev/null ) )
+ }
+-# arguments:
+-#   1 = argument to "yum repolist" (enabled, disabled etc)
+-#   2 = current word to be completed
+ {
+-    # TODO: add -d 0 when http://yum.baseurl.org/ticket/29 is fixed
+-    #       (for now --noplugins is used to get rid of "Loaded plugins: ...")
+-    # Drop first ("repo id      repo name") and last ("repolist: ...") rows -
+-    # would be nice if e.g. -d 0 did that for us.
+-    COMPREPLY+=(
+-        $( compgen -W "$( ${yum:-yum} --noplugins -C repolist $1 2>/dev/null | \
+-            sed -ne '/^repo\s\{1,\}id/d' -e '/^repolist:/d' \
+-            -e 's/[[:space:]].*//p' )" -- "$2" ) )
+-# arguments:
+-#   1 = argument to "yum grouplist" (usually empty (""), or hidden)
+-#   2 = current word to be completed
+-    local IFS=$'\n'
+-    # TODO: add -d 0 when http://yum.baseurl.org/ticket/29 is fixed
+-    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$( ${yum:-yum} -C grouplist $1 "$2*" \
+-        2>/dev/null | sed -ne 's/^[[:space:]]\{1,\}\(.\{1,\}\)/\1/p' )" \
+-        -- "$2" ) )
++    # Fail fast for things that look like paths or options.
++    [[ $2 == */* || $2 == [.~-]* ]] && return
++    _yum_helper list "$@"
+ }
+ # arguments:
+@@ -56,7 +28,7 @@ _yum_grouplist()
+ _yum_plugins()
+ {
+     local val
+-    [ $1 = 1 ] && val='\(1\|yes\|true\|on\)' || val='\(0\|no\|false\|off\)'
++    [[ $1 -eq 1 ]] && val='\(1\|yes\|true\|on\)' || val='\(0\|no\|false\|off\)'
+     COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W '$( command grep -il "^\s*enabled\s*=\s*$val" \
+         /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/*.conf 2>/dev/null \
+         | sed -ne "s|^.*/\([^/]\{1,\}\)\.conf$|\1|p" )' -- "$2" ) )
+@@ -75,9 +47,10 @@ _yum_baseopts()
+ {
+     local opts='--help --tolerant --cacheonly --config --randomwait
+         --debuglevel --showduplicates --errorlevel --rpmverbosity --quiet
+-        --verbose --assumeyes --version --installroot --enablerepo
++        --verbose --assumeyes --assumeno --version --installroot --enablerepo
+         --disablerepo --exclude --disableexcludes --obsoletes --noplugins
+-        --nogpgcheck --skip-broken --color --releasever --setopt'
++        --nogpgcheck --skip-broken --color --releasever --setopt --downloadonly
++        --downloaddir --disableincludes'
+     [[ $COMP_LINE == *--noplugins* ]] || \
+         opts+=" --disableplugin --enableplugin"
+     printf %s "$opts"
+@@ -89,6 +62,16 @@ _yum_transactions()
+         sed -ne 's/^[[:space:]]*\([0-9]\{1,\}\).*/\1/p' )" -- "$cur" ) )
+ }
++    if [[ $1 == \@* ]]; then
++        _yum_helper groups list all "${1:1}"
++        COMPREPLY=( "${COMPREPLY[@]/#/@}" )
++        return 0
++    fi
++    return 1
+ # arguments:
+ #   1 = current word to be completed
+ #   2 = previous word
+@@ -119,18 +102,20 @@ _yum_complete_baseopts()
+             ;;
+         --enablerepo)
+-            _yum_repolist disabled "$1"
++            _yum_helper repolist disabled "$1"
+             return 0
+             ;;
+         --disablerepo)
+-            _yum_repolist enabled "$1"
++            _yum_helper repolist enabled "$1"
+             return 0
+             ;;
+-        --disableexcludes)
+-            _yum_repolist all "$1"
+-            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '${COMPREPLY[@]} all main' -- "$1" ) )
++        --disableexcludes|--disableincludes)
++            _yum_helper repolist all "$1"
++            local main=
++            [[ $2 == *excludes ]] && main=main
++            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '${COMPREPLY[@]} all $main' -- "$1" ) )
+             return 0
+             ;;
+@@ -183,16 +168,16 @@ _yum()
+     # Commands offered as completions
+     local cmds=( check check-update clean deplist distro-sync downgrade
+-        groupinfo groupinstall grouplist groupremove help history info install
+-        list makecache provides reinstall remove repolist resolvedep search
+-        shell update upgrade version )
++        groups help history info install list load-transaction makecache provides
++        reinstall remove repolist search shell update upgrade version )
+     local i c cmd subcmd
+     for (( i=1; i < ${#words[@]}-1; i++ )) ; do
+         [[ -n $cmd ]] && subcmd=${words[i]} && break
+         # Recognize additional commands and aliases
+         for c in ${cmds[@]} check-rpmdb distribution-synchronization erase \
+-            groupupdate grouperase localinstall localupdate whatprovides ; do
++            group groupinfo groupinstall grouplist groupremove groupupdate \
++            grouperase install-na load-ts localinstall localupdate whatprovides ; do
+             [[ ${words[i]} == $c ]] && cmd=$c && break
+         done
+     done
+@@ -205,13 +190,12 @@ _yum()
+             return 0
+             ;;
+-        check-update|grouplist|makecache|provides|whatprovides|resolvedep|\
+-        search)
++        check-update|makecache|resolvedep)
+             return 0
+             ;;
+         clean)
+-            [ "$prev" = "$cmd" ] && \
++            [[ $prev == $cmd ]] && \
+                 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'expire-cache packages headers
+                     metadata cache dbcache all' -- "$cur" ) )
+             return 0
+@@ -224,59 +208,83 @@ _yum()
+             ;;
+         distro-sync|distribution-synchronization)
+-            [ "$prev" = "$cmd" ] && \
++            [[ $prev == $cmd ]] && \
+                 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'full different' -- "$cur" ) )
+             _yum_list installed "$cur"
+             return 0
+             ;;
+         downgrade|reinstall)
+-            _yum_binrpmfiles "$cur"
+-            _yum_list installed "$cur"
++            if ! _yum_atgroups "$cur" ; then
++                _yum_binrpmfiles "$cur"
++                _yum_list installed "$cur"
++            fi
+             return 0
+             ;;
+         erase|remove)
+-            _yum_list installed "$cur"
++            _yum_atgroups "$cur" || _yum_list installed "$cur"
+             return 0
+             ;;
+         group*)
+-            _yum_grouplist "" "$cur"
++            if [[ ($cmd == groups || $cmd == group) && $prev == $cmd ]] ; then
++                COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'info install list remove summary' \
++                    -- "$cur" ) )
++            else
++                _yum_helper groups list all "$cur"
++            fi
+             return 0
+             ;;
+         help)
+-            [ "$prev" = "$cmd" ] && \
++            [[ $prev == $cmd ]] && \
+                 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '${cmds[@]}' -- "$cur" ) )
+             return 0
+             ;;
+         history)
+             if [[ $prev == $cmd ]] ; then
+-                COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'info list summary undo redo new
+-                    addon-info package-list rollback' -- "$cur" ) )
++                COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'info list packages-list
++                    packages-info summary addon-info redo undo rollback new
++                    sync stats' -- "$cur" ) )
+                 return 0
+             fi
+             case $subcmd in
+-                undo|redo|repeat|addon|addon-info|rollback)
+-                    _yum_transactions
+-                    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${COMPREPLY[@]} last" \
+-                        -- "$cur" ) )
++                undo|repeat|addon|addon-info|rollback)
++                    if [[ $prev == $subcmd ]]; then
++                        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "last" -- "$cur" ) )
++                        _yum_transactions
++                    fi
++                    ;;
++                redo)
++                    case $prev in
++                        redo)
++                            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "force-reinstall
++                                force-remove last" -- "$cur" ) )
++                            _yum_transactions
++                            ;;
++                        reinstall|force-reinstall|remove|force-remove)
++                            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "last" -- "$cur" ) )
++                            _yum_transactions
++                            ;;
++                    esac
+                     ;;
+                 package-list|pkg|pkgs|pkg-list|pkgs-list|package|packages|\
+-                packages-list)
++                packages-list|pkg-info|pkgs-info|package-info|packages-info)
+                     _yum_list available "$cur"
+                     ;;
+                 info|list|summary)
+-                    _yum_transactions
+                     if [[ $subcmd != info ]] ; then
+-                        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${COMPREPLY[@]} all" \
+-                            -- "$cur" ) )
++                        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "all" -- "$cur" ) )
+                         [[ $cur != all ]] && _yum_list available "$cur"
+                     else
+                         _yum_list available "$cur"
+                     fi
++                    _yum_transactions
++                    ;;
++                sync|synchronize)
++                    _yum_list installed "$cur"
+                     ;;
+             esac
+             return 0
+@@ -288,42 +296,66 @@ _yum()
+             ;;
+         install)
+-            _yum_binrpmfiles "$cur"
++            if ! _yum_atgroups "$cur" ; then
++                _yum_binrpmfiles "$cur"
++                _yum_list available "$cur"
++            fi
++            return 0
++            ;;
++        install-na)
+             _yum_list available "$cur"
+             return 0
+             ;;
+         list)
+-            [ "$prev" = "$cmd" ] && \
++            [[ $prev == $cmd ]] && \
+                 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'all available updates installed
+                     extras obsoletes recent' -- "$cur" ) )
+             return 0
+             ;;
++        load-transaction|load-ts)
++            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -f -o plusdirs -X '!*.yumtx' -- "$cur" ) )
++            return 0
++            ;;
+         localinstall|localupdate)
+             _yum_binrpmfiles "$cur"
+             return 0
+             ;;
++        provides|whatprovides)
++            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -f -o plusdirs -- "$cur" ) )
++            return 0
++            ;;
+         repolist)
+-            [ "$prev" = "$cmd" ] && \
++            [[ $prev == $cmd ]] && \
+                 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'all enabled disabled' -- "$cur" ) )
+             return 0
+             ;;
++        search)
++            [[ $prev == $cmd ]] && COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'all' -- "$cur" ) )
++            return 0
++            ;;
+         shell)
+-            [ "$prev" = "$cmd" ] && \
++            [[ $prev == $cmd ]] && \
+                 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -f -o plusdirs -- "$cur" ) )
+             return 0
+             ;;
+         update|upgrade)
+-            _yum_binrpmfiles "$cur"
+-            _yum_list updates "$cur"
++            if ! _yum_atgroups "$cur" ; then
++                _yum_binrpmfiles "$cur"
++                _yum_list updates "$cur"
++            fi
+             return 0
+             ;;
+         version)
+-            [ "$prev" = "$cmd" ] && \
++            [[ $prev == $cmd ]] && \
+                 COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'all installed available nogroups
+                     grouplist groupinfo' -- "$cur" ) )
+             return 0
+@@ -337,7 +369,11 @@ _yum()
+     $split && return 0
+-    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '$( _yum_baseopts ) ${cmds[@]}' -- "$cur" ) )
++    if [[ $cur == -* ]] ; then
++        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '$( _yum_baseopts )' -- "$cur" ) )
++        return 0
++    fi
++    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '${cmds[@]}' -- "$cur" ) )
+ } &&
+ complete -F _yum -o filenames yum yummain.py
+diff --git a/output.py b/output.py
+index b6aa277..cf9e985 100755
+--- a/output.py
++++ b/output.py
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ #!/usr/bin/python -t
+-"""This handles actual output from the cli"""
++"""Handle actual output from the cli."""
+ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import re # For YumTerm
+ from weakref import proxy as weakref
+-from urlgrabber.progress import TextMeter
++from urlgrabber.progress import TextMeter, TextMultiFileMeter
+ import urlgrabber.progress
+ from urlgrabber.grabber import URLGrabError
+ from yum.misc import prco_tuple_to_string
+@@ -47,6 +47,21 @@ import yum.history
+ from yum.i18n import utf8_width, utf8_width_fill, utf8_text_fill
++import locale
++    assert max(2, 4) == 4
++    # Python-2.4.x doesn't have min/max ... *sigh*
++    def min(x, *args):
++        for y in args:
++            if x > y: x = y
++        return x
++    def max(x, *args):
++        for y in args:
++            if x < y: x = y
++        return x
+ def _term_width():
+     """ Simple terminal width, limit to 20 chars. and make 0 == 80. """
+     if not hasattr(urlgrabber.progress, 'terminal_width_cached'):
+@@ -60,17 +75,26 @@ def _term_width():
+ class YumTextMeter(TextMeter):
+-    """
+-    Text progress bar output.
+-    """
++    """A class to display text progress bar output."""
+     def update(self, amount_read, now=None):
++        """Update the status of the text progress bar
++        :param amount_read: the amount of data, in bytes, that has been read
++        :param now: the current time in seconds since the epoch.  If
++           *now* is not given, the output of :func:`time.time()` will
++           be used.
++        """
+         checkSignals()
+         TextMeter.update(self, amount_read, now)
++class YumTextMultiFileMeter(TextMultiFileMeter):
++    def update_meter(self, meter, now):
++        checkSignals()
++        TextMultiFileMeter.update_meter(self, meter, now)
+ class YumTerm:
+-    """some terminal "UI" helpers based on curses"""
++    """A class to provide some terminal "UI" helpers based on curses."""
+     # From initial search for "terminfo and python" got:
+     # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/475116
+@@ -145,6 +169,17 @@ class YumTerm:
+         self.BG_COLOR = self.__ansi_forced_BG_COLOR
+     def reinit(self, term_stream=None, color='auto'):
++        """Reinitializes the :class:`YumTerm`.
++        :param term_stream:  the terminal stream that the
++           :class:`YumTerm` should be initialized to use.  If
++           *term_stream* is not given, :attr:`sys.stdout` is used.
++        :param color: when to colorize output.  Valid values are
++           'always', 'auto', and 'never'.  'always' will use ANSI codes
++           to always colorize output, 'auto' will decide whether do
++           colorize depending on the terminal, and 'never' will never
++           colorize.
++        """
+         self.__enabled = True
+         if not hasattr(urlgrabber.progress, 'terminal_width_cached'):
+             self.columns = 80
+@@ -255,6 +290,37 @@ class YumTerm:
+         return re.sub(r'\$<\d+>[/*]?', '', cap)
+     def sub(self, haystack, beg, end, needles, escape=None, ignore_case=False):
++        """Search the string *haystack* for all occurrences of any
++        string in the list *needles*.  Prefix each occurrence with
++        *beg*, and postfix each occurrence with *end*, then return the
++        modified string.  For example::
++           >>> yt = YumTerm()
++           >>> yt.sub('spam and eggs', 'x', 'z', ['and'])
++           'spam xandz eggs'
++        This is particularly useful for emphasizing certain words
++        in output: for example, calling :func:`sub` with *beg* =
++        MODE['bold'] and *end* = MODE['normal'] will return a string
++        that when printed to the terminal will appear to be *haystack*
++        with each occurrence of the strings in *needles* in bold
++        face.  Note, however, that the :func:`sub_mode`,
++        :func:`sub_bold`, :func:`sub_fg`, and :func:`sub_bg` methods
++        provide convenient ways to access this same emphasizing functionality. 
++        :param haystack: the string to be modified
++        :param beg: the string to be prefixed onto matches
++        :param end: the string to be postfixed onto matches
++        :param needles: a list of strings to add the prefixes and
++           postfixes to
++        :param escape: a function that accepts a string and returns
++           the same string with problematic characters escaped.  By
++           default, :func:`re.escape` is used.
++        :param ignore_case: whether case should be ignored when
++           searching for matches
++        :return: *haystack* with *beg* prefixing, and *end*
++          postfixing, occurrences of the strings in *needles*
++        """
+         if not self.__enabled:
+             return haystack
+@@ -269,27 +335,106 @@ class YumTerm:
+             haystack = re.sub(pat, render, haystack)
+         return haystack
+     def sub_norm(self, haystack, beg, needles, **kwds):
++        """Search the string *haystack* for all occurrences of any
++        string in the list *needles*.  Prefix each occurrence with
++        *beg*, and postfix each occurrence with self.MODE['normal'],
++        then return the modified string.  If *beg* is an ANSI escape
++        code, such as given by self.MODE['bold'], this method will
++        return *haystack* with the formatting given by the code only
++        applied to the strings in *needles*.
++        :param haystack: the string to be modified
++        :param beg: the string to be prefixed onto matches
++        :param end: the string to be postfixed onto matches
++        :param needles: a list of strings to add the prefixes and
++           postfixes to
++        :return: *haystack* with *beg* prefixing, and self.MODE['normal']
++          postfixing, occurrences of the strings in *needles*
++        """
+         return self.sub(haystack, beg, self.MODE['normal'], needles, **kwds)
+     def sub_mode(self, haystack, mode, needles, **kwds):
++        """Search the string *haystack* for all occurrences of any
++        string in the list *needles*.  Prefix each occurrence with
++        self.MODE[*mode*], and postfix each occurrence with
++        self.MODE['normal'], then return the modified string.  This
++        will return a string that when printed to the terminal will
++        appear to be *haystack* with each occurrence of the strings in
++        *needles* in the given *mode*.
++        :param haystack: the string to be modified
++        :param mode: the mode to set the matches to be in.  Valid
++           values are given by self.MODE.keys().
++        :param needles: a list of strings to add the prefixes and
++           postfixes to
++        :return: *haystack* with self.MODE[*mode*] prefixing, and
++          self.MODE['normal'] postfixing, occurrences of the strings
++          in *needles*
++        """
+         return self.sub_norm(haystack, self.MODE[mode], needles, **kwds)
+     def sub_bold(self, haystack, needles, **kwds):
++        """Search the string *haystack* for all occurrences of any
++        string in the list *needles*.  Prefix each occurrence with
++        self.MODE['bold'], and postfix each occurrence with
++        self.MODE['normal'], then return the modified string.  This
++        will return a string that when printed to the terminal will
++        appear to be *haystack* with each occurrence of the strings in
++        *needles* in bold face.
++        :param haystack: the string to be modified
++        :param needles: a list of strings to add the prefixes and
++           postfixes to
++        :return: *haystack* with self.MODE['bold'] prefixing, and
++          self.MODE['normal'] postfixing, occurrences of the strings
++          in *needles*
++        """
+         return self.sub_mode(haystack, 'bold', needles, **kwds)
+     def sub_fg(self, haystack, color, needles, **kwds):
++        """Search the string *haystack* for all occurrences of any
++        string in the list *needles*.  Prefix each occurrence with
++        self.FG_COLOR[*color*], and postfix each occurrence with
++        self.MODE['normal'], then return the modified string.  This
++        will return a string that when printed to the terminal will
++        appear to be *haystack* with each occurrence of the strings in
++        *needles* in the given color.
++        :param haystack: the string to be modified
++        :param color: the color to set the matches to be in.  Valid
++           values are given by self.FG_COLOR.keys().
++        :param needles: a list of strings to add the prefixes and
++           postfixes to
++        :return: *haystack* with self.FG_COLOR[*color*] prefixing, and
++          self.MODE['normal'] postfixing, occurrences of the strings
++          in *needles*
++        """
+         return self.sub_norm(haystack, self.FG_COLOR[color], needles, **kwds)
+     def sub_bg(self, haystack, color, needles, **kwds):
++        """Search the string *haystack* for all occurrences of any
++        string in the list *needles*.  Prefix each occurrence with
++        self.BG_COLOR[*color*], and postfix each occurrence with
++        self.MODE['normal'], then return the modified string.  This
++        will return a string that when printed to the terminal will
++        appear to be *haystack* with each occurrence of the strings in
++        *needles* highlighted in the given background color.
++        :param haystack: the string to be modified
++        :param color: the background color to set the matches to be in.  Valid
++           values are given by self.BG_COLOR.keys().
++        :param needles: a list of strings to add the prefixes and
++           postfixes to
++        :return: *haystack* with self.BG_COLOR[*color*] prefixing, and
++          self.MODE['normal'] postfixing, occurrences of the strings
++          in *needles*
++        """
+         return self.sub_norm(haystack, self.BG_COLOR[color], needles, **kwds)
+ class YumOutput:
+-    """
+-    Main output class for the yum command line.
+-    """
++    """Main output class for the yum command line."""
+     def __init__(self):
+         self.logger = logging.getLogger("yum.cli")
+@@ -304,6 +449,12 @@ class YumOutput:
+     def printtime(self):
++        """Return a string representing the current time in the form::
++           Mon dd hh:mm:ss
++        :return: a string representing the current time
++        """
+         months = [_('Jan'), _('Feb'), _('Mar'), _('Apr'), _('May'), _('Jun'),
+                   _('Jul'), _('Aug'), _('Sep'), _('Oct'), _('Nov'), _('Dec')]
+         now = time.localtime(time.time())
+@@ -312,14 +463,27 @@ class YumOutput:
+         return ret
+     def failureReport(self, errobj):
+-        """failure output for failovers from urlgrabber"""
++        """Perform failure output for failovers from urlgrabber
++        :param errobj: :class:`urlgrabber.grabber.CallbackObject`
++           containing information about the error
++        :raises: *errobj*.exception
++        """
+         self.logger.error('%s: %s', errobj.url, errobj.exception)
+         self.logger.error(_('Trying other mirror.'))
+         raise errobj.exception
+     def simpleProgressBar(self, current, total, name=None):
++        """Output the current status to the terminal using a simple
++        status bar.
++        :param current: a number representing the amount of work
++           already done
++        :param total: a number representing the total amount of work
++           to be done
++        :param name: a name to label the progress bar with
++        """
+         progressbar(current, total, name)
+     def _highlight(self, highlight):
+@@ -368,9 +532,29 @@ class YumOutput:
+     def calcColumns(self, data, columns=None, remainder_column=0,
+                     total_width=None, indent=''):
+-        """ Dynamically calculate the width of the fields in the data, data is
+-            of the format [column-number][field_length] = rows. """
++        """Dynamically calculate the widths of the columns that the
++        fields in data should be placed into for output.
++        :param data: a list of dictionaries that represent the data to
++           be output.  Each dictionary in the list corresponds to a
++           column of output. The keys of the dictionary are the
++           lengths of the items to be output, and the value associated
++           with a key is the number of items of that length.
++        :param columns: a list containing the minimum amount of space
++           that must be allocated for each row. This can be used to
++           ensure that there is space available in a column if, for
++           example, the actual lengths of the items being output
++           cannot be given in *data*
++        :param remainder_column: number of the column to receive a few
++           extra spaces that may remain after other allocation has
++           taken place
++        :param total_width: the total width of the output.
++           self.term.columns is used by default
++        :param indent: string that will be prefixed to a line of
++           output to create e.g. an indent
++        :return: a list of the widths of the columns that the fields
++           in data should be placed into for output
++        """
+         if total_width is None:
+             total_width = self.term.columns
+@@ -473,10 +657,20 @@ class YumOutput:
+         return (val, width, hibeg, hiend)
+     def fmtColumns(self, columns, msg=u'', end=u'', text_width=utf8_width):
+-        """ Return a string for columns of data, which can overflow.
+-            text_width parameter finds the width of columns, this defaults to
+-            utf8 but can be changed to len() if you know it'll be fine. """
++        """Return a row of data formatted into a string for output.
++        Items can overflow their columns. 
++        :param columns: a list of tuples containing the data to
++           output.  Each tuple contains first the item to be output,
++           then the amount of space allocated for the column, and then
++           optionally a type of highlighting for the item
++        :param msg: a string to begin the line of output with
++        :param end: a string to end the line of output with
++        :param text_width: a function to find the width of the items
++           in the columns.  This defaults to utf8 but can be changed
++           to len() if you know it'll be fine
++        :return: a row of data formatted into a string for output
++        """
+         total_width = len(msg)
+         data = []
+         for col_data in columns[:-1]:
+@@ -495,9 +689,9 @@ class YumOutput:
+                 # we can.
+                 msg += u"%s%s%s%s "
+                 if (align == u'-'):
+-                    data.extend([hibeg, val, " " * (width - val_width), hiend])
++                    data.extend([hibeg, val, hiend, " " * (width - val_width)])
+                 else:
+-                    data.extend([hibeg, " " * (width - val_width), val, hiend])
++                    data.extend([" " * (width - val_width), hibeg, val, hiend])
+             else:
+                 msg += u"%s%s%s\n" + " " * (total_width + width + 1)
+                 data.extend([hibeg, val, hiend])
+@@ -513,8 +707,18 @@ class YumOutput:
+     def simpleList(self, pkg, ui_overflow=False, indent='', highlight=False,
+                    columns=None):
+-        """ Simple to use function to print a pkg as a line. """
++        """Print a package as a line.
++        :param pkg: the package to be printed
++        :param ui_overflow: unused
++        :param indent: string to be prefixed onto the line to provide
++           e.g. an indent
++        :param highlight: highlighting options for the name of the
++           package
++        :param colums: tuple containing the space allocated for each
++           column of output.  The columns are the package name, version,
++           and repository
++        """
+         if columns is None:
+             columns = (-40, -22, -16) # Old default
+         ver = pkg.printVer()
+@@ -526,9 +730,19 @@ class YumOutput:
+     def simpleEnvraList(self, pkg, ui_overflow=False,
+                         indent='', highlight=False, columns=None):
+-        """ Simple to use function to print a pkg as a line, with the pkg
+-            itself in envra format so it can be pased to list/install/etc. """
++        """Print a package as a line, with the package itself in envra
++        format so it can be passed to list/install/etc. 
++        :param pkg: the package to be printed
++        :param ui_overflow: unused
++        :param indent: string to be prefixed onto the line to provide
++           e.g. an indent
++        :param highlight: highlighting options for the name of the
++           package
++        :param colums: tuple containing the space allocated for each
++           column of output.  The columns the are the package envra and
++           repository
++        """
+         if columns is None:
+             columns = (-63, -16) # Old default
+         envra = '%s%s' % (indent, str(pkg))
+@@ -538,7 +752,13 @@ class YumOutput:
+         print self.fmtColumns(columns, text_width=len)
+     def fmtKeyValFill(self, key, val):
+-        """ Return a key value pair in the common two column output format. """
++        """Return a key value pair in the common two column output
++        format.
++        :param key: the key to be formatted
++        :param val: the value associated with *key*
++        :return: the key value pair formatted in two columns for output
++        """
+         val = to_str(val)
+         keylen = utf8_width(key)
+         cols = self.term.columns
+@@ -553,6 +773,15 @@ class YumOutput:
+         return ret
+     def fmtSection(self, name, fill='='):
++        """Format and return a section header.  The format of the
++        header is a line with *name* centred, and *fill* repeated on
++        either side to fill an entire line on the terminal.
++        :param name: the name of the section
++        :param fill: the character to repeat on either side of *name*
++          to fill an entire line.  *fill* must be a single character.
++        :return: a string formatted to be a section header
++        """
+         name = to_str(name)
+         cols = self.term.columns - 2
+         name_len = utf8_width(name)
+@@ -577,6 +806,12 @@ class YumOutput:
+         return to_unicode(s)
+     def infoOutput(self, pkg, highlight=False):
++        """Print information about the given package.
++        :param pkg: the package to print information about 
++        :param hightlight: highlighting options for the name of the
++           package
++        """
+         (hibeg, hiend) = self._highlight(highlight)
+         print _("Name        : %s%s%s") % (hibeg, to_unicode(pkg.name), hiend)
+         print _("Arch        : %s") % to_unicode(pkg.arch)
+@@ -585,7 +820,7 @@ class YumOutput:
+         print _("Version     : %s") % to_unicode(pkg.version)
+         print _("Release     : %s") % to_unicode(pkg.release)
+         print _("Size        : %s") % self.format_number(float(pkg.size))
+-        print _("Repo        : %s") % to_unicode(pkg.repoid)
++        print _("Repo        : %s") % to_unicode(pkg.repo.ui_id)
+         if pkg.repoid == 'installed' and 'from_repo' in pkg.yumdb_info:
+             print _("From repo   : %s") % to_unicode(pkg.yumdb_info.from_repo)
+         if self.verbose_logger.isEnabledFor(logginglevels.DEBUG_3):
+@@ -616,11 +851,27 @@ class YumOutput:
+         print self.fmtKeyValFill(_("Description : "),self._enc(pkg.description))
+         print ""
+-    def updatesObsoletesList(self, uotup, changetype, columns=None):
+-        """takes an updates or obsoletes tuple of pkgobjects and
+-           returns a simple printed string of the output and a string
+-           explaining the relationship between the tuple members"""
++    def updatesObsoletesList(self, uotup, changetype, columns=None, repoid=None):
++        """Print a simple string that explains the relationship
++        between the members of an update or obsoletes tuple.
++        :param uotup: an update or obsoletes tuple.  The first member
++           is the new package, and the second member is the old
++           package
++        :param changetype: a string indicating what the change between
++           the packages is, e.g. 'updates' or 'obsoletes'
++        :param columns: a tuple containing information about how to
++           format the columns of output.  The absolute value of each
++           number in the tuple indicates how much space has been
++           allocated for the corresponding column.  If the number is
++           negative, the text in the column will be left justified,
++           and if it is positive, the text will be right justified.
++           The columns of output are the package name, version, and repository
++        :param repoid: a repoid that the new package should belong to
++        """
+         (changePkg, instPkg) = uotup
++        if repoid and changePkg.repoid != repoid:
++            return
+         if columns is not None:
+             # New style, output all info. for both old/new with old indented
+@@ -640,12 +891,45 @@ class YumOutput:
+     def listPkgs(self, lst, description, outputType, highlight_na={},
+                  columns=None, highlight_modes={}):
+-        """outputs based on whatever outputType is. Current options:
+-           'list' - simple pkg list
+-           'info' - similar to rpm -qi output
+-           ...also highlight_na can be passed, and we'll highlight
+-           pkgs with (names, arch) in that set."""
++        """Prints information about the given list of packages.
++        :param lst: a list of packages to print information about
++        :param description: string describing what the list of
++           packages contains, e.g. 'Available Packages'
++        :param outputType: The type of information to be printed.
++           Current options::
++              'list' - simple pkg list
++              'info' - similar to rpm -qi output
++        :param highlight_na: a dictionary containing information about
++              packages that should be highlighted in the output.  The
++              dictionary keys are (name, arch) tuples for the package,
++              and the associated values are the package objects
++              themselves.
++        :param columns: a tuple containing information about how to
++           format the columns of output.  The absolute value of each
++           number in the tuple indicates how much space has been
++           allocated for the corresponding column.  If the number is
++           negative, the text in the column will be left justified,
++           and if it is positive, the text will be right justified.
++           The columns of output are the package name, version, and
++           repository
++        :param highlight_modes: dictionary containing information
++              about to highlight the packages in *highlight_na*.
++              *highlight_modes* should contain the following keys::
++                 'not_in' - highlighting used for packages not in *highlight_na*
++                 '=' - highlighting used when the package versions are equal
++                 '<' - highlighting used when the package has a lower version number
++                 '>' - highlighting used when the package has a higher version number
++        :return: (exit_code, [errors])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++        """
++        kern_pkgtup = yum.misc.get_running_kernel_pkgtup(self.ts)
+         if outputType in ['list', 'info']:
+             thingslisted = 0
+             if len(lst) > 0:
+@@ -654,7 +938,8 @@ class YumOutput:
+                 for pkg in sorted(lst):
+                     key = (pkg.name, pkg.arch)
+                     highlight = False
+-                    if False: pass
++                    if pkg.pkgtup == kern_pkgtup:
++                        highlight = highlight_modes.get('kern','bold,underline')
+                     elif key not in highlight_na:
+                         highlight = highlight_modes.get('not in', 'normal')
+                     elif pkg.verEQ(highlight_na[key]):
+@@ -676,17 +961,23 @@ class YumOutput:
+                 return 1, ['No Packages to list']
+             return 0, []
+-    def userconfirm(self):
+-        """gets a yes or no from the user, defaults to No"""
++    def userconfirm(self, prompt=_('Is this ok [y/N]: '), extra={}):
++        """Get a yes or no from the user, and default to No, and maybe more.
++        :param extra: a dict of ui responses to a list of their inputs.
++        :return: the UI response or None for no. At it's simplest this is 'yes' or None
++        """
++        # Allow the one letter english versions in all langs.
++        yui = (u'y', to_unicode(_('y')), to_unicode(_('yes')))
++        nui = (u'n', to_unicode(_('n')), to_unicode(_('no')))
++        aui = set(yui + nui)
++        for xui in extra:
++            aui.update(extra[xui])
+-        yui = (to_unicode(_('y')), to_unicode(_('yes')))
+-        nui = (to_unicode(_('n')), to_unicode(_('no')))
+-        aui = (yui[0], yui[1], nui[0], nui[1])
+         while True:
+             try:
+-                choice = raw_input(_('Is this ok [y/N]: '))
++                choice = raw_input(prompt)
+             except UnicodeEncodeError:
+                 raise
+             except UnicodeDecodeError:
+@@ -697,17 +988,19 @@ class YumOutput:
+             choice = choice.lower()
+             if len(choice) == 0 or choice in aui:
+                 break
+-            # If the enlish one letter names don't mix, allow them too
+-            if u'y' not in aui and u'y' == choice:
+-                choice = yui[0]
+-                break
+-            if u'n' not in aui and u'n' == choice:
+-                break
+-        if len(choice) == 0 or choice not in yui:
+-            return False
+-        else:            
+-            return True
++        if not choice:
++            # Default, maybe configure this?
++            #  Would need to never allow default=yes as that's really bad.
++            return None
++        if choice in yui:
++            return 'yes'
++        for xui in extra:
++            if choice in extra[xui]:
++                return xui
++        return None
+     def _cli_confirm_gpg_key_import(self, keydict):
+         # FIXME what should we be printing here?
+@@ -739,27 +1032,58 @@ class YumOutput:
+         return ret
+     def _calcDataPkgColumns(self, data, pkg_names, pkg_names2pkgs,
+-                            indent='   '):
++                            indent='   ', igroup_data=None):
+         for item in pkg_names:
+             if item not in pkg_names2pkgs:
+                 continue
+             for (apkg, ipkg) in pkg_names2pkgs[item]:
+                 pkg = ipkg or apkg
+                 envra = utf8_width(str(pkg)) + utf8_width(indent)
++                if igroup_data:
++                    envra += 1
+                 rid = len(pkg.ui_from_repo)
+                 for (d, v) in (('envra', envra), ('rid', rid)):
+                     data[d].setdefault(v, 0)
+                     data[d][v] += 1
+     def _displayPkgsFromNames(self, pkg_names, verbose, pkg_names2pkgs,
+-                              indent='   ', columns=None):
++                              indent='   ', columns=None, igroup_data=None):
++        def _get_igrp_data(item, indent):
++            if not igroup_data:
++                return indent
++            assert item in igroup_data
++            if item not in igroup_data or igroup_data[item] == 'available':
++                indent += '+' # Group up/in will install i
++            elif igroup_data[item] == 'installed':
++                indent += '=' # Installed via. group
++            elif igroup_data[item] == 'blacklisted-installed':
++                if False: # Not sure it's worth listing these...
++                    return None # On the other hand, there's mark-packages
++                indent += ' ' # Installed, not via. group
++            else:
++                assert igroup_data[item] == 'blacklisted-available'
++                if False: # Not sure it's worth listing these...
++                    return None
++                indent += '-' # Not installed, and won't be
++            return indent
+         if not verbose:
+             for item in sorted(pkg_names):
+-                print '%s%s' % (indent, item)
++                pindent = _get_igrp_data(item, indent)
++                if pindent is None:
++                    continue
++                print '%s%s' % (pindent, item)
+         else:
+             for item in sorted(pkg_names):
++                pindent = _get_igrp_data(item, indent)
++                if pindent is None:
++                    continue
+                 if item not in pkg_names2pkgs:
+-                    print '%s%s' % (indent, item)
++                    print '%s%s' % (pindent, item)
+                     continue
+                 for (apkg, ipkg) in sorted(pkg_names2pkgs[item],
+                                            key=lambda x: x[1] or x[0]):
+@@ -770,18 +1094,38 @@ class YumOutput:
+                     else:
+                         highlight = False
+                     self.simpleEnvraList(ipkg or apkg, ui_overflow=True,
+-                                         indent=indent, highlight=highlight,
++                                         indent=pindent, highlight=highlight,
+                                          columns=columns)
+     def displayPkgsInGroups(self, group):
++        """Output information about the packages in a given group
++        :param group: a Group object to output information about
++        """
+         print _('\nGroup: %s') % group.ui_name
+         verb = self.verbose_logger.isEnabledFor(logginglevels.DEBUG_3)
+-        if verb:
+-            print _(' Group-Id: %s') % to_unicode(group.groupid)
++        if True:
++            print _(' Group-Id: %s') % to_unicode(group.compsid)
++        igroup_data = self._groupInstalledData(group)
++        igrp_only   = set()
++        for pkg_name in igroup_data:
++            if igroup_data[pkg_name] == 'installed':
++                igrp_only.add(pkg_name)
++        igrp_only.difference_update(group.packages)
++        all_pkgs = group.packages + list(igrp_only)
+         pkg_names2pkgs = None
+         if verb:
+-            pkg_names2pkgs = self._group_names2aipkgs(group.packages)
++            pkg_names2pkgs = self._group_names2aipkgs(all_pkgs)
++        else:
++            pkg_names2pkgs = {}
++            for ipkg in self.rpmdb.searchNames(all_pkgs):
++                if ipkg.name not in pkg_names2pkgs:
++                    pkg_names2pkgs[ipkg.name] = []
++                pkg_names2pkgs[ipkg.name].append(ipkg)
+         if group.ui_description:
+             print _(' Description: %s') % to_unicode(group.ui_description)
+         if group.langonly:
+@@ -795,7 +1139,8 @@ class YumOutput:
+         if verb:
+             data = {'envra' : {}, 'rid' : {}}
+             for (section_name, pkg_names) in sections:
+-                self._calcDataPkgColumns(data, pkg_names, pkg_names2pkgs)
++                self._calcDataPkgColumns(data, pkg_names, pkg_names2pkgs,
++                                         igroup_data=igroup_data)
+             data = [data['envra'], data['rid']]
+             columns = self.calcColumns(data)
+             columns = (-columns[0], -columns[1])
+@@ -804,11 +1149,77 @@ class YumOutput:
+             if len(pkg_names) > 0:
+                 print section_name
+                 self._displayPkgsFromNames(pkg_names, verb, pkg_names2pkgs,
+-                                           columns=columns)
++                                           columns=columns,
++                                           igroup_data=igroup_data)
++        if igrp_only:
++            print _(' Installed Packages:')
++            self._displayPkgsFromNames(igrp_only, verb, pkg_names2pkgs,
++                                       columns=columns,
++                                       igroup_data=igroup_data)
++    def displayGrpsInEnvironments(self, evgroup):
++        """Output information about the groups in a given evgroup
++        :param group: an Environment object to output information about
++        """
++        print _('\nEnvironment Group: %s') % evgroup.ui_name
++        print _(' Environment-Id: %s') % to_unicode(evgroup.compsid)
++        igroup_data = self._groupInstalledEnvData(evgroup)
++        igrp_only   = set()
++        for grp_name in igroup_data:
++            if igroup_data[grp_name] == 'installed':
++                igrp_only.add(grp_name)
++        igrp_only.difference_update(evgroup.allgroups)
++        all_grps = evgroup.allgroups + list(igrp_only)
++        if evgroup.ui_description:
++            print _(' Description: %s') % to_unicode(evgroup.ui_description)
++        def _get_igrp_data(item, indent):
++            if not igroup_data:
++                return indent
++            assert item in igroup_data
++            if item not in igroup_data or igroup_data[item] == 'available':
++                indent += '+' # Group up/in will install i
++            elif igroup_data[item] == 'installed':
++                indent += '=' # Installed via. group
++            elif igroup_data[item] == 'blacklisted-installed':
++                if False: # Not sure it's worth listing these...
++                    return None # On the other hand, there's mark-packages
++                indent += ' ' # Installed, not via. group
++            else:
++                assert igroup_data[item] == 'blacklisted-available'
++                if False: # Not sure it's worth listing these...
++                    return None
++                indent += '-' # Not installed, and won't be
++            return indent
++        sections = ((_(' Mandatory Groups:'), evgroup.groups),
++                    (_(' Optional Groups:'),  evgroup.options))
++        for (section_name, grp_names) in sections:
++            if len(grp_names) > 0:
++                print section_name
++                for grp_name in sorted(grp_names):
++                    pindent = _get_igrp_data(grp_name, "   ")
++                    if pindent is None:
++                        continue
++                    print "%s%s" % (pindent, grp_name)
++        if igrp_only:
++            print _(' Installed Groups:')
++            for grp_name in sorted(igrp_only):
++                print "%s%s", "  ", grp_name
+     def depListOutput(self, results):
+-        """take a list of findDeps results and 'pretty print' the output"""
++        """Format and output a list of findDeps results
++        :param results: a list of package dependency information as
++           returned by findDeps
++        """
+         verb = self.verbose_logger.isEnabledFor(logginglevels.DEBUG_3)
+         for pkg in sorted(results):
+             print _("package: %s") % pkg.compactPrint()
+@@ -832,7 +1243,18 @@ class YumOutput:
+                     print "   provider: %s" % po.compactPrint()
+     def format_number(self, number, SI=0, space=' '):
+-        """Turn numbers into human-readable metric-like numbers"""
++        """Return a human-readable metric-like string representation
++        of a number.
++        :param number: the number to be converted to a human-readable form
++        :param SI: If is 0, this function will use the convention
++           that 1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes, otherwise, the convention
++           that 1 kilobyte = 1000 bytes will be used
++        :param space: string that will be placed between the number
++           and the SI prefix
++        :return: a human-readable metric-like string representation of
++           *number*
++        """
+         symbols = [ ' ', # (none)
+                     'k', # kilo
+                     'M', # mega
+@@ -870,16 +1292,31 @@ class YumOutput:
+     @staticmethod
+     def format_time(seconds, use_hours=0):
++        """Return a human-readable string representation of a number
++        of seconds.  The string will show seconds, minutes, and
++        optionally hours.
++        :param seconds: the number of seconds to convert to a
++           human-readable form
++        :param use_hours: If use_hours is 0, the representation will
++           be in minutes and seconds. Otherwise, it will be in hours,
++           minutes, and seconds
++        :return: a human-readable string representation of *seconds*
++        """
+         return urlgrabber.progress.format_time(seconds, use_hours)
+     def matchcallback(self, po, values, matchfor=None, verbose=None,
+                       highlight=None):
+-        """ Output search/provides type callback matches. po is the pkg object,
+-            values are the things in the po that we've matched.
+-            If matchfor is passed, all the strings in that list will be
+-            highlighted within the output.
+-            verbose overrides logginglevel, if passed. """
++        """Output search/provides type callback matches.
++        :param po: the package object that matched the search
++        :param values: the information associated with *po* that
++           matched the search
++        :param matchfor: a list of strings to be highlighted in the
++           output
++        :param verbose: whether to output extra verbose information
++        :param highlight: highlighting options for the highlighted matches
++        """
+         if self.conf.showdupesfromrepos:
+             msg = '%s : ' % po
+         else:
+@@ -923,7 +1360,15 @@ class YumOutput:
+                 item = self._enc(item)
+                 can_overflow = False
+             else:
+-                key = _("Other       : ")
++                provs = []
++                for prov in po.provides:
++                    if prov[0] == item:
++                        provs.append(prov)
++                if provs:
++                    key = _("Provides    : ")
++                    item = yum.misc.prco_tuple_to_string(sorted(provs)[0])
++                else:
++                    key = _("Other       : ")
+             if matchfor:
+                 item = self._sub_highlight(item, highlight, matchfor,
+@@ -935,14 +1380,34 @@ class YumOutput:
+         print '\n\n'
+     def matchcallback_verbose(self, po, values, matchfor=None):
++        """Output search/provides type callback matches.  This will
++        output more information than :func:`matchcallback`.
++        :param po: the package object that matched the search
++        :param values: the information associated with *po* that
++           matched the search
++        :param matchfor: a list of strings to be highlighted in the
++           output
++        """
+         return self.matchcallback(po, values, matchfor, verbose=True)
+     def reportDownloadSize(self, packages, installonly=False):
+-        """Report the total download size for a set of packages"""
++        """Report the total download size for a set of packages
++        :param packages: a list of package objects
++        :param installonly: whether the transaction consists only of installations
++        """
+         totsize = 0
+         locsize = 0
+         insize  = 0
+         error = False
++        def _call_log(*args):
++            if self.verbose_logger.isEnabledFor(yum.logginglevels.INFO_1):
++                self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_1, *args)
++            elif self.conf.assumeno or not self.conf.assumeyes:
++                self.logger.warn(logginglevels.INFO_1, *args)
+         for pkg in packages:
+             # Just to be on the safe side, if for some reason getting
+             # the package size fails, log the error and don't report download
+@@ -971,18 +1436,18 @@ class YumOutput:
+         if (not error):
+             if locsize:
+-                self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_1, _("Total size: %s"), 
+-                                        self.format_number(totsize))
++                _call_log(_("Total size: %s"), self.format_number(totsize))
+             if locsize != totsize:
+-                self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_1, _("Total download size: %s"), 
+-                                        self.format_number(totsize - locsize))
++                _call_log(_("Total download size: %s"),
++                          self.format_number(totsize - locsize))
+             if installonly:
+-                self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_1,
+-                                        _("Installed size: %s"),
+-                                        self.format_number(insize))
++                _call_log(_("Installed size: %s"), self.format_number(insize))
+     def reportRemoveSize(self, packages):
+-        """Report the total size of packages being removed. """
++        """Report the total size of packages being removed.
++        :param packages: a list of package objects
++        """
+         totsize = 0
+         error = False
+         for pkg in packages:
+@@ -997,13 +1462,19 @@ class YumOutput:
+                 self.logger.error(_('There was an error calculating installed size'))
+                 break
+         if (not error):
+-            self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_1,
+-                                    _("Installed size: %s"),
+-                                    self.format_number(totsize))
++            if self.verbose_logger.isEnabledFor(yum.logginglevels.INFO_1):
++                self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_1,
++                                        _("Installed size: %s"),
++                                        self.format_number(totsize))
++            elif self.conf.assumeno or not self.conf.assumeyes:
++                self.logger.warn(logginglevels.INFO_1,
++                                 _("Installed size: %s"),
++                                 self.format_number(totsize))
+     def listTransaction(self):
+-        """returns a string rep of the  transaction in an easy-to-read way."""
++        """Return a string representation of the transaction in an
++        easy-to-read format.
++        """
+         self.tsInfo.makelists(True, True)
+         pkglist_lines = []
+         data  = {'n' : {}, 'v' : {}, 'r' : {}}
+@@ -1032,8 +1503,7 @@ class YumOutput:
+             for (d, v) in (("n",len(n)), ("v",len(evr)), ("r",len(repoid))):
+                 data[d].setdefault(v, 0)
+                 data[d][v] += 1
+-            if a_wid < len(a): # max() is only in 2.5.z
+-                a_wid = len(a)
++            a_wid = max(a_wid, len(a))
+             return a_wid
+         for (action, pkglist) in [(_('Installing'), self.tsInfo.installed),
+@@ -1102,19 +1572,72 @@ class YumOutput:
+ Transaction Summary
+ %s
+ """) % ('=' * self.term.columns))
+-        for action, count in (
+-            (_('Install'), len(self.tsInfo.installed) + len(self.tsInfo.depinstalled)),
+-            (_('Upgrade'), len(self.tsInfo.updated) + len(self.tsInfo.depupdated)),
+-            (_('Remove'), len(self.tsInfo.removed) + len(self.tsInfo.depremoved)),
+-            (_('Reinstall'), len(self.tsInfo.reinstalled)),
+-            (_('Downgrade'), len(self.tsInfo.downgraded)),
+-        ):
+-            if count: out.append('%-9s %5d %s\n' % (
+-                action, count, P_('Package', 'Packages', count),
+-            ))
++        summary_data =  (
++            (_('Install'), len(self.tsInfo.installed),
++             len(self.tsInfo.depinstalled)),
++            (_('Upgrade'), len(self.tsInfo.updated),
++             len(self.tsInfo.depupdated)),
++            (_('Remove'), len(self.tsInfo.removed),
++             len(self.tsInfo.depremoved)),
++            (_('Reinstall'), len(self.tsInfo.reinstalled), 0),
++            (_('Downgrade'), len(self.tsInfo.downgraded), 0),
++            (_('Skipped (dependency problems)'), len(self.skipped_packages), 0),
++            (_('Not installed'), len(self._not_found_i.values()), 0),
++            (_('Not available'), len(self._not_found_a.values()), 0),
++        )
++        max_msg_action   = 0
++        max_msg_count    = 0
++        max_msg_pkgs     = 0
++        max_msg_depcount = 0
++        for action, count, depcount in summary_data:
++            if not count and not depcount:
++                continue
++            msg_pkgs = P_('Package', 'Packages', count)
++            len_msg_action   = utf8_width(action)
++            len_msg_count    = utf8_width(str(count))
++            len_msg_pkgs     = utf8_width(msg_pkgs)
++            if depcount:
++                len_msg_depcount = utf8_width(str(depcount))
++            else:
++                len_msg_depcount = 0
++            max_msg_action   = max(len_msg_action,   max_msg_action)
++            max_msg_count    = max(len_msg_count,    max_msg_count)
++            max_msg_pkgs     = max(len_msg_pkgs,     max_msg_pkgs)
++            max_msg_depcount = max(len_msg_depcount, max_msg_depcount)
++        for action, count, depcount in summary_data:
++            msg_pkgs = P_('Package', 'Packages', count)
++            if depcount:
++                msg_deppkgs = P_('Dependent package', 'Dependent packages',
++                                 depcount)
++                if count:
++                    msg = '%s  %*d %s (+%*d %s)\n'
++                    out.append(msg % (utf8_width_fill(action, max_msg_action),
++                                      max_msg_count, count,
++                                      utf8_width_fill(msg_pkgs, max_msg_pkgs),
++                                      max_msg_depcount, depcount, msg_deppkgs))
++                else:
++                    msg = '%s  %*s %s ( %*d %s)\n'
++                    out.append(msg % (utf8_width_fill(action, max_msg_action),
++                                      max_msg_count, '',
++                                      utf8_width_fill('', max_msg_pkgs),
++                                      max_msg_depcount, depcount, msg_deppkgs))
++            elif count:
++                msg = '%s  %*d %s\n'
++                out.append(msg % (utf8_width_fill(action, max_msg_action),
++                                  max_msg_count, count, msg_pkgs))
+         return ''.join(out)
+     def postTransactionOutput(self):
++        """Returns a human-readable summary of the results of the
++        transaction.
++        :return: a string containing a human-readable summary of the
++           results of the transaction
++        """
+         out = ''
+         self.tsInfo.makelists()
+@@ -1179,17 +1702,19 @@ Transaction Summary
+         return out
+     def setupProgressCallbacks(self):
+-        """sets up the progress callbacks and various 
+-           output bars based on debug level"""
++        """Set up the progress callbacks and various 
++           output bars based on debug level.
++        """
+         # if we're below 2 on the debug level we don't need to be outputting
+         # progress bars - this is hacky - I'm open to other options
+         # One of these is a download
+         if self.conf.debuglevel < 2 or not sys.stdout.isatty():
+             progressbar = None
++            multi_progressbar = None
+             callback = None
+         else:
+             progressbar = YumTextMeter(fo=sys.stdout)
++            multi_progressbar = YumTextMultiFileMeter(fo=sys.stdout)
+             callback = CacheProgressCallback()
+         # setup our failure report for failover
+@@ -1200,13 +1725,14 @@ Transaction Summary
+         interrupt_callback = self.interrupt_callback
+         if hasattr(self, 'prerepoconf'):
+             self.prerepoconf.progressbar = progressbar
++            self.prerepoconf.multi_progressbar = multi_progressbar
+             self.prerepoconf.callback = callback
+             self.prerepoconf.failure_callback = failure_callback
+             self.prerepoconf.interrupt_callback = interrupt_callback
+         else:
+             #  Just in case some API user decides to do self.repos before
+             # calling us.
+-            self.repos.setProgressBar(progressbar)
++            self.repos.setProgressBar(progressbar, multi_progressbar)
+             self.repos.callback = callback
+             self.repos.setFailureCallback(failure_callback)
+             self.repos.setInterruptCallback(interrupt_callback)
+@@ -1216,10 +1742,12 @@ Transaction Summary
+         self.dsCallback = dscb
+     def setupProgessCallbacks(self):
+-        # api purposes only to protect the typo
++        """This function is for API purposes only to protect the typo."""
+         self.setupProgressCallbacks()
+     def setupKeyImportCallbacks(self):
++        """Set up callbacks to import and confirm gpg public keys."""
+         confirm_func = self._cli_confirm_gpg_key_import
+         gpg_import_func = self.getKeyForRepo
+         gpgca_import_func = self.getCAKeyForRepo
+@@ -1233,14 +1761,12 @@ Transaction Summary
+             self.repos.gpgca_import_func = gpgca_import_func
+     def interrupt_callback(self, cbobj):
+-        '''Handle CTRL-C's during downloads
++        '''Handle CTRL-C's during downloads.  If a CTRL-C occurs a
++        URLGrabError will be raised to push the download onto the next
++        mirror.  If two CTRL-C's occur in quick succession then yum
++        will exit.
+-        If a CTRL-C occurs a URLGrabError will be raised to push the download
+-        onto the next mirror.  
+-        If two CTRL-C's occur in quick succession then yum will exit.
+-        @param cbobj: urlgrabber callback obj
++        :param cbobj: :class:`urlgrabber.grabber.CallbackObject`
+         '''
+         delta_exit_chk = 2.0      # Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+         delta_exit_str = _("two") # Human readable version of above
+@@ -1253,7 +1779,7 @@ Transaction Summary
+             # For translators: This is output like:
+ #  Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ # to exit.
+-            # Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++            # Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+             msg = _("""
+  Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds
+ to exit.
+@@ -1269,6 +1795,14 @@ to exit.
+     def download_callback_total_cb(self, remote_pkgs, remote_size,
+                                    download_start_timestamp):
++        """Outputs summary information about the download process.
++        :param remote_pkgs: a list of package objects that were downloaded
++        :param remote_size: the total amount of information that was
++           downloaded, in bytes
++        :param download_start_timestamp: the time when the download
++           process started, in seconds since the epoch
++        """
+         if len(remote_pkgs) <= 1:
+             return
+         if not hasattr(urlgrabber.progress, 'TerminalLine'):
+@@ -1434,10 +1968,21 @@ to exit.
+         return tids, printall
+     def historyListCmd(self, extcmds):
+-        """ Shows the user a list of data about the history. """
++        """Output a list of information about the history of yum
++        transactions.
++        :param extcmds: list of extra command line arguments
++        :return: (exit_code, [errors])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++        """
+         tids, printall = self._history_list_transactions(extcmds)
+         if tids is None:
++            if not extcmds: # This is not a real error...
++                return 0, ['No accessible history to list']
+             return 1, ['Failed history list']
+         limit = 20
+@@ -1564,6 +2109,16 @@ to exit.
+         return old[0]
+     def historyInfoCmd(self, extcmds):
++        """Output information about a transaction in history
++        :param extcmds: list of extra command line arguments
++        :return: (exit_code, [errors])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++        """
+         def str2int(x):
+             try:
+                 return int(x)
+@@ -1656,6 +2211,9 @@ to exit.
+     def _hpkg2from_repo(self, hpkg):
+         """ Given a pkg, find the ipkg.ui_from_repo ... if none, then
+             get an apkg. ... and put a ? in there. """
++        if 'from_repo' in hpkg.yumdb_info:
++            return hpkg.ui_from_repo
+         ipkgs = self.rpmdb.searchPkgTuple(hpkg.pkgtup)
+         if not ipkgs:
+             apkgs = self.pkgSack.searchPkgTuple(hpkg.pkgtup)
+@@ -1672,13 +2230,12 @@ to exit.
+                                  'o' : _('Updated'), 'n' : _('Downgraded')}
+         _pkg_states_available = {'i' : _('Installed'), 'e' : _('Not installed'),
+                                  'o' : _('Older'), 'n' : _('Newer')}
+-        # max() only in 2.5.z
+-        maxlen = sorted([len(x) for x in (_pkg_states_installed.values() +
+-                                          _pkg_states_available.values())])[-1]
++        maxlen = max([len(x) for x in (_pkg_states_installed.values() +
++                                       _pkg_states_available.values())])
+         _pkg_states_installed['maxlen'] = maxlen
+         _pkg_states_available['maxlen'] = maxlen
+         def _simple_pkg(pkg, prefix_len, was_installed=False, highlight=False,
+-                        pkg_max_len=0):
++                        pkg_max_len=0, show_repo=True):
+             prefix = " " * prefix_len
+             if was_installed:
+                 _pkg_states = _pkg_states_installed
+@@ -1702,9 +2259,11 @@ to exit.
+             else:
+                 (hibeg, hiend) = self._highlight('normal')
+             state = utf8_width_fill(state, _pkg_states['maxlen'])
++            ui_repo = ''
++            if show_repo:
++                ui_repo = self._hpkg2from_repo(hpkg)
+             print "%s%s%s%s %-*s %s" % (prefix, hibeg, state, hiend,
+-                                        pkg_max_len, hpkg,
+-                                        self._hpkg2from_repo(hpkg))
++                                        pkg_max_len, hpkg, ui_repo)
+         if type(old.tid) == type([]):
+             print _("Transaction ID :"), "%u..%u" % (old.tid[0], old.tid[-1])
+@@ -1778,8 +2337,8 @@ to exit.
+             default_addons = set(['config-main', 'config-repos', 'saved_tx'])
+             non_default = set(addon_info).difference(default_addons)
+             if len(non_default) > 0:
+-                    print _("Additional non-default information stored: %d" 
+-                                % len(non_default))
++                print _("Additional non-default information stored: %d" 
++                            % len(non_default))
+         if old.trans_with:
+             # This is _possible_, but not common
+@@ -1794,7 +2353,9 @@ to exit.
+             print _("Packages Skipped:")
+             pkg_max_len = max((len(str(hpkg)) for hpkg in old.trans_skip))
+         for hpkg in old.trans_skip:
+-            _simple_pkg(hpkg, 4, pkg_max_len=pkg_max_len)
++            #  Don't show the repo. here because we can't store it as they were,
++            # by definition, not installed.
++            _simple_pkg(hpkg, 4, pkg_max_len=pkg_max_len, show_repo=False)
+         if old.rpmdb_problems:
+             print _("Rpmdb Problems:")
+@@ -1833,6 +2394,13 @@ to exit.
+                               'Updated'      : _('Updated'),
+                               }
+     def historyInfoCmdPkgsAltered(self, old, pats=[]):
++        """Print information about how packages are altered in a transaction.
++        :param old: the :class:`history.YumHistoryTransaction` to
++           print information about
++        :param pats: a list of patterns.  Packages that match a patten
++           in *pats* will be highlighted in the output
++        """
+         last = None
+         #  Note that these don't use _simple_pkg() because we are showing what
+         # happened to them in the transaction ... not the difference between the
+@@ -1886,6 +2454,10 @@ to exit.
+                                         self._hpkg2from_repo(hpkg))
+     def historySummaryCmd(self, extcmds):
++        """Print a summary of transactions in history.
++        :param extcmds: list of extra command line arguments
++        """
+         tids, printall = self._history_list_transactions(extcmds)
+         if tids is None:
+             return 1, ['Failed history info']
+@@ -1946,6 +2518,10 @@ to exit.
+                              utf8_width_fill(uiacts, 16, 16), count)
+     def historyAddonInfoCmd(self, extcmds):
++        """Print addon information about transaction in history.
++        :param extcmds: list of extra command line arguments
++        """
+         tid = None
+         if len(extcmds) > 1:
+             tid = extcmds[1]
+@@ -1983,16 +2559,19 @@ to exit.
+         for item in extcmds[2:]:
+             if item in addon_info:
+-                print '%s:' % item
+-                print self.history.return_addon_data(hist_data.tid, item)
++                self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, '%s:', item)
++                print self.history.return_addon_data(hist_data.tid, item),
++                self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, '')
+             else:
+                 print _('%s: No additional data found by this name') % item
+-            print ''
++            self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, '')
+     def historyPackageListCmd(self, extcmds):
+-        """ Shows the user a list of data about the history, from the point
+-            of a package(s) instead of via. transactions. """
++        """Print a list of information about transactions from history
++        that involve the given package or packages.
++        :param extcmds: list of extra command line arguments
++        """
+         tids = self.history.search(extcmds)
+         limit = None
+         if extcmds and not tids:
+@@ -2078,9 +2657,94 @@ to exit.
+             if lastdbv.end_rpmdbversion != rpmdbv:
+                 self._rpmdb_warn_checks()
++    def historyPackageInfoCmd(self, extcmds):
++        """Print information about packages in history transactions.
++        :param extcmds: list of extra command line arguments
++        """
++        tids = self.history.search(extcmds)
++        limit = None
++        if extcmds and not tids:
++            self.logger.critical(_('Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given'))
++            return 1, ['Failed history packages-info']
++        if not tids:
++            limit = 20
++        all_uistates = self._history_state2uistate
++        num = 0
++        for old in self.history.old(tids, limit=limit):
++            if limit is not None and num and (num +len(old.trans_data)) > limit:
++                break
++            for hpkg in old.trans_data: # Find a pkg to go with each cmd...
++                if limit is None:
++                    x,m,u = yum.packages.parsePackages([hpkg], extcmds)
++                    if not x and not m:
++                        continue
++                uistate = all_uistates.get(hpkg.state, hpkg.state)
++                if num:
++                    print ""
++                print _("Transaction ID :"), old.tid
++                tm = time.ctime(old.beg_timestamp)
++                print _("Begin time     :"), tm
++                print _("Package        :"), hpkg.ui_nevra
++                print _("State          :"), uistate
++                if hpkg.size is not None:
++                    num = int(hpkg.size)
++                    print _("Size           :"), locale.format("%d", num, True)
++                if hpkg.buildhost is not None:
++                    print _("Build host     :"), hpkg.buildhost
++                if hpkg.buildtime is not None:
++                    tm = time.ctime(int(hpkg.buildtime))
++                    print _("Build time     :"), tm
++                if hpkg.packager is not None:
++                    print _("Packager       :"), hpkg.packager
++                if hpkg.vendor is not None:
++                    print _("Vendor         :"), hpkg.vendor
++                if hpkg.license is not None:
++                    print _("License        :"), hpkg.license
++                if hpkg.url is not None:
++                    print _("URL            :"), hpkg.url
++                if hpkg.sourcerpm is not None:
++                    print _("Source RPM     :"), hpkg.sourcerpm
++                if hpkg.committime is not None:
++                    tm = time.ctime(int(hpkg.committime))
++                    print _("Commit Time    :"), tm
++                if hpkg.committer is not None:
++                    print _("Committer      :"), hpkg.committer
++                if hpkg.yumdb_info.reason is not None:
++                    print _("Reason         :"), hpkg.yumdb_info.reason
++                if hpkg.yumdb_info.command_line is not None:
++                    print _("Command Line   :"), hpkg.yumdb_info.command_line
++                if hpkg.yumdb_info.from_repo is not None:
++                    print _("From repo      :"), hpkg.yumdb_info.from_repo
++                if hpkg.yumdb_info.installed_by is not None:
++                    uid = int(hpkg.yumdb_info.installed_by)
++                    name = self._pwd_ui_username(uid)
++                    print _("Installed by   :"), name
++                if hpkg.yumdb_info.changed_by is not None:
++                    uid = int(hpkg.yumdb_info.changed_by)
++                    name = self._pwd_ui_username(uid)
++                    print _("Changed by     :"), name
++                num += 1
++        # And, again, copy and paste...
++        lastdbv = self.history.last()
++        if lastdbv is None:
++            self._rpmdb_warn_checks(warn=False)
++        else:
++            #  If this is the last transaction, is good and it doesn't
++            # match the current rpmdb ... then mark it as bad.
++            rpmdbv  = self.rpmdb.simpleVersion(main_only=True)[0]
++            if lastdbv.end_rpmdbversion != rpmdbv:
++                self._rpmdb_warn_checks()
+ class DepSolveProgressCallBack:
+-    """provides text output callback functions for Dependency Solver callback"""
++    """A class to provide text output callback functions for Dependency Solver callback."""
+     def __init__(self, ayum=None):
+         """requires yum-cli log and errorlog functions as arguments"""
+@@ -2089,6 +2753,25 @@ class DepSolveProgressCallBack:
+         self.ayum = ayum
+     def pkgAdded(self, pkgtup, mode):
++        """Print information about a package being added to the
++        transaction set.
++        :param pkgtup: tuple containing the package name, arch,
++           version, and repository
++        :param mode: a short string indicating why the package is
++           being added to the transaction set.
++        Valid current values for *mode* are::
++           i = the package will be installed
++           u = the package will be an update
++           e = the package will be erased
++           r = the package will be reinstalled
++           d = the package will be a downgrade
++           o = the package will be obsoleting another package
++           ud = the package will be updated
++           od = the package will be obsoleted
++        """
+         modedict = { 'i': _('installed'),
+                      'u': _('an update'),
+                      'e': _('erased'),
+@@ -2104,43 +2787,86 @@ class DepSolveProgressCallBack:
+             modeterm)
+     def start(self):
++        """Perform setup at the beginning of the dependency solving
++        process.
++        """
+         self.loops += 1
+     def tscheck(self):
++        """Output a message stating that a transaction check is beginning."""
+         self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, _('--> Running transaction check'))
+     def restartLoop(self):
++        """Output a message stating that dependency resolution is restarting."""
+         self.loops += 1
+         self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2,
+             _('--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes.'))
+         self.verbose_logger.debug('---> Loop Number: %d', self.loops)
+     def end(self):
++        """Output a message stating that dependency resolution has finished."""
+         self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2,
+             _('--> Finished Dependency Resolution'))
+     def procReq(self, name, formatted_req):
++        """Output a message stating that the package *formatted_req*
++        is being processed as a dependency for the package *name*.
++        :param name: the name of the package that *formatted_req* is a
++           dependency of
++        :param formatted_req: a string representing the package that
++           is being processed as a dependency of *name*
++        """
+         self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2,
+             _('--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s'), formatted_req,
+             name)
+     def procReqPo(self, po, formatted_req):
++        """Output a message stating that the package *formatted_req*
++        is being processed as a dependency for the package *po*.
++        :param po: the package object that *formatted_req* is a
++           dependency of
++        :param formatted_req: a string representing the package that
++           is being processed as a dependency of *po*
++        """
+         self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2,
+             _('--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s'), formatted_req,
+             po)
+-    def groupRemoveReq(self, po, hits):
++    def removeReq(self, po, deppo, hits):
++        """Output a message stating that the given package will not be
++        removed. This method is used during leaf-only group remove, leaf-only
++        repo-pkg remove and normal remove commands to indicate that the
++        package will be kept.
++        :param po: the :class:`yum.packages.PackageObject` that will
++           not be removed
++        :param hits: unused
++        """
+         self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2,
+-            _('---> Keeping package: %s'), po)
++            _('---> Keeping package: %s due to %s'), po, deppo)
+     def unresolved(self, msg):
++        """Output a message stating that there is an unresolved
++        dependency.
++        :param msg: string giving information about the unresolved
++        dependency
++        """
+         self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, _('--> Unresolved Dependency: %s'),
+             msg)
+     def format_missing_requires(self, reqPo, reqTup):
+-        """ Create a message for errorlist, non-cli users could also store this
+-            data somewhere and not print errorlist. """
++        """Return an error message stating that a package required to
++        fulfill a dependency is missing.
++        :param reqPo: the package object that has a dependency that
++           cannot be fulfilled
++        :param reqTup: the name, flags, and version of the package
++           needed to fulfil the dependency
++        """
+         needname, needflags, needversion = reqTup
+         yb = self.ayum
+@@ -2164,6 +2890,18 @@ class DepSolveProgressCallBack:
+                 done = True
+                 msg += _('\n        %s') % yum.misc.prco_tuple_to_string(pkgtup)
+             if not done:
++                nneedname = needname.translate(None, "0123456789")
++                if nneedname != needname:
++                    #  Sometimes things change numbers, so compare without.
++                    # Eg. libXYZ.so.0() libXYZ.so.1()
++                    for pkgtup in pkg.provides:
++                        name = pkgtup[0]
++                        name = name.translate(None, "0123456789")
++                        if name == nneedname:
++                            done = True
++                            pkgtup = yum.misc.prco_tuple_to_string(pkgtup)
++                            msg += _('\n       ~%s') % pkgtup
++            if not done:
+                 msg += _('\n        Not found')
+             return msg
+@@ -2225,46 +2963,106 @@ class DepSolveProgressCallBack:
+         return msg
+     def procConflict(self, name, confname):
++        """Print a message stating that two packages in the
++        transaction conflict.
++        :param name: the name of the first package involved in the
++           conflict 
++        :param confname: the name of the second package involved in
++           the conflict
++        """
+         self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2,
+             _('--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s'),
+                                 name, confname)
+     def procConflictPo(self, po, confname):
++        """Print a message stating that two packages in the
++        transaction conflict.
++        :param name: the first package object involved in the
++           conflict 
++        :param confname: the second package object involved in
++           the conflict
++        """
+         self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2,
+             _('--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s'),
+                                 po, confname)
+     def transactionPopulation(self):
++        """Output a message stating that the transaction set is being populated."""
+         self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, _('--> Populating transaction set '
+             'with selected packages. Please wait.'))
+     def downloadHeader(self, name):
++        """Output a message stating that the header for the given
++        package is being downloaded.
++        :param name: the name of the package
++        """
+         self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, _('---> Downloading header for %s '
+             'to pack into transaction set.'), name)
+ class CacheProgressCallback:
++    """A class to handle text output callbacks during metadata cache updates."""
+-    '''
+-    The class handles text output callbacks during metadata cache updates.
+-    '''
+     def __init__(self):
+         self.logger = logging.getLogger("yum.cli")
+         self.verbose_logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.cli")
+         self.file_logger = logging.getLogger("yum.filelogging.cli")
+     def log(self, level, message):
++        """Output a log message.
++        :param level: the logging level for the message
++        :param message: the message
++        """
+         self.verbose_logger.log(level, message)
+     def errorlog(self, level, message):
++        """Output an errorlog message.
++        :param level: the logging level for the message
++        :param message: the message
++        """
+         self.logger.log(level, message)
+     def filelog(self, level, message):
++        """Output a file log message.
++        :param level: the logging level for the message
++        :param message: the message
++        """
+         self.file_logger.log(level, message)
+     def progressbar(self, current, total, name=None):
+-        progressbar(current, total, name)
++        """Output the current status to the terminal using a progress
++        status bar.
++        :param current: a number representing the amount of work
++           already done
++        :param total: a number representing the total amount of work
++           to be done
++        :param name: a name to label the progress bar with
++        """
++        #  We can easily have 10k+ packages in a repo. and we don't want to
++        # output 80 * 10k lines to the screen, esp. when the user probably
++        # doesn't care about 10k updates ... some serial consoles also get
++        # really unhappy, as they can't deal with the IO fast enough.
++        num_outputs = 200
++        output = False
++        opc = total / num_outputs
++        if opc <= 1:
++            output = True
++        elif current <= 1:
++            output = True # output the beginning
++        elif current == total:
++            output = True # output the end
++        elif not (current % opc):
++            output = True
++        if output:
++            progressbar(current, total, name)
+ def _pkgname_ui(ayum, pkgname, ts_states=None):
+     """ Get more information on a simple pkgname, if we can. We need to search
+@@ -2316,10 +3114,7 @@ def _pkgname_ui(ayum, pkgname, ts_states=None):
+     return pkgname
+ class YumCliRPMCallBack(RPMBaseCallback):
+-    """
+-    Yum specific callback class for RPM operations.
+-    """
++    """A Yum specific callback class for RPM operations."""
+     width = property(lambda x: _term_width())
+@@ -2337,21 +3132,34 @@ class YumCliRPMCallBack(RPMBaseCallback):
+     #  Installing things have pkg objects passed to the events, so only need to
+     # lookup for erased/obsoleted.
+     def pkgname_ui(self, pkgname, ts_states=('e', 'od', 'ud', None)):
+-        """ Get more information on a simple pkgname, if we can. """
++        """Return more information on a simple pkgname, if possible.
++        :param pkgname: the name of the package to find information about
++        :param ts_states: a tuple containing the states where the
++           package might be found
++        """
+         return _pkgname_ui(self.ayum, pkgname, ts_states)
+     def event(self, package, action, te_current, te_total, ts_current, ts_total):
+-        # this is where a progress bar would be called
++        """Output information about an rpm operation.  This may
++        include a text progress bar.
++        :param package: the package involved in the event
++        :param action: the type of action that is taking place.  Valid
++           values are given by
++           :func:`rpmtrans.RPMBaseCallback.action.keys()`
++        :param te_current: a number representing the amount of work
++           already done in the current transaction
++        :param te_total: a number representing the total amount of work
++           to be done in the current transaction
++        :param ts_current: the number of the current transaction in
++           transaction set
++        :param ts_total: the total number of transactions in the
++           transaction set
++        """
+         process = self.action[action]
+-        if not hasattr(self, '_max_action_wid'):
+-            wid1 = 0
+-            for val in self.action.values():
+-                wid_val = utf8_width(val)
+-                if wid1 < wid_val:
+-                    wid1 = wid_val
+-            self._max_action_wid = wid1
+-        wid1 = self._max_action_wid
++        wid1 = self._max_action_width()
+         if type(package) not in types.StringTypes:
+             pkgname = str(package)
+@@ -2363,9 +3171,25 @@ class YumCliRPMCallBack(RPMBaseCallback):
+             percent = 0
+         else:
+             percent = (te_current*100L)/te_total
++        self._out_event(te_current, te_total, ts_current, ts_total,
++                        percent, process, pkgname, wid1)
++    def _max_action_width(self):
++        if not hasattr(self, '_max_action_wid_cache'):
++            wid1 = 0
++            for val in self.action.values():
++                wid_val = utf8_width(val)
++                if wid1 < wid_val:
++                    wid1 = wid_val
++            self._max_action_wid_cache = wid1
++        wid1 = self._max_action_wid_cache
++        return wid1
++    def _out_event(self, te_current, te_total, ts_current, ts_total,
++                   percent, process, pkgname, wid1):
+         if self.output and (sys.stdout.isatty() or te_current == te_total):
+             (fmt, wid1, wid2) = self._makefmt(percent, ts_current, ts_total,
++                                              progress=sys.stdout.isatty(),
+                                               pkgname=pkgname, wid1=wid1)
+             msg = fmt % (utf8_width_fill(process, wid1, wid1),
+                          utf8_width_fill(pkgname, wid2, wid2))
+@@ -2377,6 +3201,11 @@ class YumCliRPMCallBack(RPMBaseCallback):
+                 print " "
+     def scriptout(self, package, msgs):
++        """Print messages originating from a package script.
++        :param package: unused
++        :param msgs: the messages coming from the script
++        """
+         if msgs:
+             sys.stdout.write(to_unicode(msgs))
+             sys.stdout.flush()
+@@ -2396,7 +3225,7 @@ class YumCliRPMCallBack(RPMBaseCallback):
+             pnl = utf8_width(pkgname)
+         overhead  = (2 * l) + 2 # Length of done, above
+-        overhead +=  2+ wid1 +2 # Length of begining ("  " action " :")
++        overhead +=  2+ wid1 +2 # Length of beginning ("  " action " :")
+         overhead +=  1          # Space between pn and done
+         overhead +=  2          # Ends for progress
+         overhead +=  1          # Space for end
+@@ -2429,8 +3258,30 @@ class YumCliRPMCallBack(RPMBaseCallback):
+             wid2 = pnl
+         return fmt, wid1, wid2
++    def verify_txmbr(self, base, txmbr, count):
++        " Callback for post transaction when we are in verifyTransaction(). "
++        te_current = count
++        te_total   = len(base.tsInfo)
++        # self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++        percent = 100 # (te_current*100L)/te_total
++        process = _('Verifying')
++        pkgname = str(txmbr.po)
++        wid1    = max(utf8_width(process), self._max_action_width())
++        self._out_event(100, 100, te_current, te_total, 
++                        percent, process, pkgname, wid1)
+ def progressbar(current, total, name=None):
++    """Output the current status to the terminal using a simple
++    text progress bar consisting of 50 # marks.
++    :param current: a number representing the amount of work
++       already done
++    :param total: a number representing the total amount of work
++       to be done
++    :param name: a name to label the progress bar with
++    """
+     """simple progress bar 50 # marks"""
+     mark = '#'
+diff --git a/po/bg.po b/po/bg.po
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7889293
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/po/bg.po
+@@ -0,0 +1,3506 @@
++# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
++# Translators:
++# Valentin Laskov <laskov@festa.bg>, 2012.
++msgid ""
++msgstr ""
++"Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Bulgarian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/bg/)\n"
++"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
++"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
++"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++"Language: bg\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++msgid "Updating"
++msgstr "Обновяване"
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++msgid "Erasing"
++msgstr "Изтриване"
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
++msgid "Installing"
++msgstr "Инсталиране"
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++msgid "Obsoleted"
++msgstr "Излязъл от употреба"
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
++msgid "Updated"
++msgstr "Обновен"
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
++msgid "Erased"
++msgstr "Изтрит"
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
++msgid "Installed"
++msgstr "Инсталиран"
++#: ../callback.py:142
++msgid "No header - huh?"
++msgstr "Няма заглавна част, уф?"
++#: ../callback.py:180
++msgid "Repackage"
++msgstr "Препакетиране"
++#: ../callback.py:201
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
++msgstr "Грешка: невалидно изходно състояние: %s за %s"
++#: ../callback.py:224
++#, python-format
++msgid "Erased: %s"
++msgstr "Изтрит: %s"
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
++msgid "Removing"
++msgstr "Премахване"
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++msgid "Cleanup"
++msgstr "Почистване"
++#: ../cli.py:122
++#, python-format
++msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
++msgstr "Командата \"%s\" е вече дефинирана"
++#: ../cli.py:137
++msgid "Setting up repositories"
++msgstr "Задаване на хранилища"
++#: ../cli.py:148
++msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
++msgstr "Четене метаданни на хранилища от локални файлове"
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
++#, python-format
++msgid "Config Error: %s"
++msgstr "Грешка в конфига: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
++#, python-format
++msgid "Options Error: %s"
++msgstr "Грешка в опции: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:327
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
++msgstr "  Инсталирани: %s-%s на %s"
++#: ../cli.py:329
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
++msgstr "  Построен    : %s на %s"
++#: ../cli.py:331
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
++msgstr "  Подаден: %s на %s"
++#: ../cli.py:372
++msgid "You need to give some command"
++msgstr "Трябва да зададете някаква команда"
++#: ../cli.py:386
++#, python-format
++msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
++msgstr "Няма такава команда: %s. Моля, ползвайте %s --help"
++#: ../cli.py:444
++msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
++msgstr "Изисквания за пространство:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:446
++#, python-format
++msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "  Поне още %dMB пространство е нужен във файловата система %s\n"
++msgstr[1] "  Поне още %dMB пространство са нужни във файловата система %s\n"
++#. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
++#. Fixup the summary
++#: ../cli.py:451
++msgid ""
++"Error Summary\n"
++msgstr "Обобщение на грешките\n---------------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Не мога да създам заключващ файл; излизам"
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Друго приложение ползва и е заключило yum; излизам - конфигурирано е exit_on_lock"
++#: ../cli.py:532
++msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
++msgstr "Опитвам да стартирам транзакцията, но няма нищо за правене. Излизам."
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " игнорирам, както е зададено."
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr " прекратявам."
++#: ../cli.py:588
++msgid "Exiting on user Command"
++msgstr "Излизане по команда от потребителя"
++#: ../cli.py:592
++msgid "Downloading Packages:"
++msgstr "Сваляне на пакети:"
++#: ../cli.py:597
++msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
++msgstr "Грешка при сваляне на пакети:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
++msgid "Running Transaction Check"
++msgstr "Извършва се проверка на транзакцията"
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
++msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
++msgstr "ГРЕШКА трябва да обновите rpm за да обработя:"
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
++msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
++msgstr "ГРЕШКА в проверката на транзакцията спрямо разрешаването на зависимостите:"
++#: ../cli.py:633
++msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
++msgstr "RPM трябва да се обнови"
++#: ../cli.py:634
++#, python-format
++msgid "Please report this error in %s"
++msgstr "Моля, докладвайте тази грешка в %s"
++#: ../cli.py:640
++msgid "Running Transaction Test"
++msgstr "Провежда се тестова транзакция"
++#: ../cli.py:652
++msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
++msgstr "Грешка в проверката на транзакция:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:659
++msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
++msgstr "Тестовата транзакция е успешна"
++#: ../cli.py:691
++msgid "Running Transaction"
++msgstr "Транзакцията е в ход"
++#: ../cli.py:724
++msgid ""
++"Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
++"Use \"-y\" to override."
++msgstr "Отказ от автоматичен импорт на ключове при работа без надзор.\nЗа пренебрегване, ползвайте \"-y\"."
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
++msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
++msgstr "  * Може би имате предвид: "
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
++msgstr "Пакет(и) %s%s%s са налични, но не са инсталирани."
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
++msgstr "Няма наличен пакет %s%s%s."
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакет за инсталиране"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакета за инсталиране"
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
++msgid "Nothing to do"
++msgstr "Нищо за правене"
++#: ../cli.py:953
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакет, маркиран за обновяване"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакета, маркирани за обновяване"
++#: ../cli.py:955
++msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
++msgstr "Няма пакети, маркирани за обновяване"
++#: ../cli.py:1067
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакет, маркиран за синхронизиране на дистрибуцията"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакета, маркирани за синхронизиране на дистрибуцията"
++#: ../cli.py:1069
++msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr "Няма пакети, маркирани за синхронизация на дистрибуцията"
++#: ../cli.py:1124
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакет, маркиран за премахване"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакета, маркирани за премахване"
++#: ../cli.py:1126
++msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
++msgstr "Няма пакети, маркирани за премахване"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакет за връщане към предишна версия"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакета за връщане към предишна версия"
++#: ../cli.py:1207
++#, python-format
++msgid " (from %s)"
++msgstr " (от %s)"
++#: ../cli.py:1208
++#, python-format
++msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
++msgstr "Инсталираният пакет %s%s%s%s не е наличен."
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакет за преинсталиране"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакета за преинсталиране"
++#: ../cli.py:1246
++msgid "No Packages Provided"
++msgstr "Няма осигурени пакети"
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Пакет(и) за инсталиране"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
++#, python-format
++msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
++msgstr "N/S Съвпадение: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1384
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr "  Името и описанието съвпадат %sсамо%s, ползвайте \"search all\" за всичко."
++#: ../cli.py:1386
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr "  Пълното име и описанието съвпадат %sсамо%s, ползвайте \"search all\" за всичко."
++#: ../cli.py:1404
++#, python-format
++msgid "Matched: %s"
++msgstr "Съвпадащ: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1411
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr "  Името и описанието съвпадат %sпочти%s, ползвайте \"search all\" за всичко."
++#: ../cli.py:1415
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
++msgstr "Внимание: Не са намерени съвпадения за: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1418
++msgid "No Matches found"
++msgstr "Не са намерени съвпадения"
++#: ../cli.py:1536
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "Грешка: Няма пакети, намерени за:\n  %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1572
++msgid "Cleaning repos: "
++msgstr "Почиствам хранилища: "
++#: ../cli.py:1577
++msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
++msgstr "Почиствам всичко"
++#: ../cli.py:1593
++msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
++msgstr "Почиствам заглавните части"
++#: ../cli.py:1596
++msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
++msgstr "Почиствам пакети"
++#: ../cli.py:1599
++msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
++msgstr "Почиствам xml метаданни"
++#: ../cli.py:1602
++msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
++msgstr "Почиствам кеша на базата данни"
++#: ../cli.py:1605
++msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
++msgstr "Почиствам от кеша остарели метаданни"
++#: ../cli.py:1608
++msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
++msgstr "Почиствам от кеша rpmdb данни"
++#: ../cli.py:1611
++msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
++msgstr "Почиствам плъгини"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1735
++msgid "Installed Groups:"
++msgstr "Инсталирани групи:"
++#: ../cli.py:1742
++msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
++msgstr "Инсталирани езикови групи:"
++#: ../cli.py:1749
++msgid "Available Groups:"
++msgstr "Налични групи:"
++#: ../cli.py:1756
++msgid "Available Language Groups:"
++msgstr "Достъпни езикови групи:"
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
++msgid "Done"
++msgstr "Готово"
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Внимание: Група %s не съществува."
++#: ../cli.py:1883
++msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
++msgstr "В никоя от исканите групи няма налични за инсталиране или обновяване пакети "
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакет за инсталиране"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакета за инсталиране"
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
++#, python-format
++msgid "No group named %s exists"
++msgstr "Група с име %s не съществува"
++#: ../cli.py:1945
++msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
++msgstr "Няма пакети за премахване от групите"
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакет за премахване"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакета за премахване"
++#: ../cli.py:1988
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
++msgstr "Пакетът %s е вече инсталиран, пропускам го"
++#: ../cli.py:1999
++#, python-format
++msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
++msgstr "Изоставям несравним pkg %s.%s"
++#. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
++#: ../cli.py:2025
++#, python-format
++msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
++msgstr "Няма друг инсталиран %s, добавям към списъка за евентуално инсталиране"
++#: ../cli.py:2045
++msgid "Plugin Options"
++msgstr "Опции на плъгин"
++#: ../cli.py:2057
++#, python-format
++msgid "Command line error: %s"
++msgstr "Грешка в командния ред: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:2079
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"%s: %s option requires an argument"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: %s опцията изисква аргумент"
++#: ../cli.py:2147
++msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
++msgstr "--color приема едно от: auto, always, never"
++#. We have a relative installroot ... haha
++#: ../cli.py:2218
++#, python-format
++msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
++msgstr "--installroot трябва да е абсолютен път: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:2272
++msgid "show this help message and exit"
++msgstr "показва този помощен текст и излиза"
++#: ../cli.py:2276
++msgid "be tolerant of errors"
++msgstr "бъди толерантен към грешки"
++#: ../cli.py:2279
++msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
++msgstr "работи изцяло от системния кеш, не обновявай кеша"
++#: ../cli.py:2282
++msgid "config file location"
++msgstr "място на конфиг файла"
++#: ../cli.py:2285
++msgid "maximum command wait time"
++msgstr "максимално време на изчакване на команда"
++#: ../cli.py:2287
++msgid "debugging output level"
++msgstr "ниво извеждана инфо за отстраняване на грешки"
++#: ../cli.py:2291
++msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
++msgstr "показвай дублиращи се, в repo-та, в list/search команди"
++#: ../cli.py:2296
++msgid "error output level"
++msgstr "ниво извеждана инфо при грешка"
++#: ../cli.py:2299
++msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
++msgstr "ниво извеждана инфо за rpm"
++#: ../cli.py:2302
++msgid "quiet operation"
++msgstr "работи без обяснения"
++#: ../cli.py:2304
++msgid "verbose operation"
++msgstr "работи с подробни обяснения"
++#: ../cli.py:2306
++msgid "answer yes for all questions"
++msgstr "отговаря с да на всички въпроси"
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "отговор не на всички въпроси"
++#: ../cli.py:2312
++msgid "show Yum version and exit"
++msgstr "показва версията на Yum и излиза"
++#: ../cli.py:2313
++msgid "set install root"
++msgstr "задаване коренова директория"
++#: ../cli.py:2317
++msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
++msgstr "разрешава едно или повече хранилища (допуска wildcards)"
++#: ../cli.py:2321
++msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
++msgstr "забранява едно или повече хранилища (допуска wildcards)"
++#: ../cli.py:2324
++msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
++msgstr "изключва пакет(и) по име или glob"
++#: ../cli.py:2326
++msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
++msgstr "забранява изключването от главното, от друго или всички хранилища"
++#: ../cli.py:2329
++msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
++msgstr "разрешава заместване на излезли от употреба при обновявания"
++#: ../cli.py:2331
++msgid "disable Yum plugins"
++msgstr "забранява Yum плъгини"
++#: ../cli.py:2333
++msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
++msgstr "забранява проверката на gpg сигнатура"
++#: ../cli.py:2335
++msgid "disable plugins by name"
++msgstr "забранява плъгини по име"
++#: ../cli.py:2338
++msgid "enable plugins by name"
++msgstr "разрешава плъгини по име"
++#: ../cli.py:2341
++msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
++msgstr "пропуска пакети с проблеми в разрешаването на зависимости"
++#: ../cli.py:2343
++msgid "control whether color is used"
++msgstr "контролира дали се използва цвят"
++#: ../cli.py:2345
++msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
++msgstr "задава стойност на $releasever в конфиг и repo файловете на yum"
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
++msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
++msgstr "задава други настройки и свойства на хранилище"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Jan"
++msgstr "Яну"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Feb"
++msgstr "Фев"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Mar"
++msgstr "Мар"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Apr"
++msgstr "Апр"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "May"
++msgstr "Май"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Jun"
++msgstr "Юни"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Jul"
++msgstr "Юли"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Aug"
++msgstr "Авг"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Sep"
++msgstr "Сеп"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Oct"
++msgstr "Окт"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Nov"
++msgstr "Ное"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Dec"
++msgstr "Дек"
++#: ../output.py:473
++msgid "Trying other mirror."
++msgstr "Пробвам друг огледален сървър."
++#: ../output.py:816
++#, python-format
++msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
++msgstr "Име         : %s%s%s"
++#: ../output.py:817
++#, python-format
++msgid "Arch        : %s"
++msgstr "Архитект.   : %s"
++#: ../output.py:819
++#, python-format
++msgid "Epoch       : %s"
++msgstr "Период      : %s"
++#: ../output.py:820
++#, python-format
++msgid "Version     : %s"
++msgstr "Версия      : %s"
++#: ../output.py:821
++#, python-format
++msgid "Release     : %s"
++msgstr "Издание     : %s"
++#: ../output.py:822
++#, python-format
++msgid "Size        : %s"
++msgstr "Обем        : %s"
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repo        : %s"
++msgstr "Хранилище   : %s"
++#: ../output.py:825
++#, python-format
++msgid "From repo   : %s"
++msgstr "От хранилище: %s"
++#: ../output.py:827
++#, python-format
++msgid "Committer   : %s"
++msgstr "Подател     : %s"
++#: ../output.py:828
++#, python-format
++msgid "Committime  : %s"
++msgstr "Час на подаване: %s"
++#: ../output.py:829
++#, python-format
++msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
++msgstr "Час на създаване: %s"
++#: ../output.py:831
++#, python-format
++msgid "Install time: %s"
++msgstr "Час на инсталиране: %s"
++#: ../output.py:839
++#, python-format
++msgid "Installed by: %s"
++msgstr "Инсталиран от: %s"
++#: ../output.py:846
++#, python-format
++msgid "Changed by  : %s"
++msgstr "Променен от  : %s"
++#: ../output.py:847
++msgid "Summary     : "
++msgstr "Обобщение   : "
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
++#, python-format
++msgid "URL         : %s"
++msgstr "URL         : %s"
++#: ../output.py:850
++msgid "License     : "
++msgstr "Лиценз      : "
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
++msgid "Description : "
++msgstr "Описание    : "
++#: ../output.py:969
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../output.py:969
++msgid "yes"
++msgstr "да"
++#: ../output.py:970
++msgid "n"
++msgstr "n"
++#: ../output.py:970
++msgid "no"
++msgstr "не"
++#: ../output.py:974
++msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
++msgstr "Така добре ли е [y/N]: "
++#: ../output.py:1097
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Group: %s"
++msgstr "\nГрупа: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1101
++#, python-format
++msgid " Group-Id: %s"
++msgstr " Група-Id: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
++#, python-format
++msgid " Description: %s"
++msgstr " Описание: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1124
++#, python-format
++msgid " Language: %s"
++msgstr " Език: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1126
++msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
++msgstr " Задължителни пакети:"
++#: ../output.py:1127
++msgid " Default Packages:"
++msgstr " Подразбиращи се пакети:"
++#: ../output.py:1128
++msgid " Optional Packages:"
++msgstr " Опционални пакети:"
++#: ../output.py:1129
++msgid " Conditional Packages:"
++msgstr " Условни пакети:"
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr " Инсталирани пакети:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
++#, python-format
++msgid "package: %s"
++msgstr "пакет: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1219
++msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
++msgstr "  Няма зависимости за този пакет"
++#: ../output.py:1224
++#, python-format
++msgid "  dependency: %s"
++msgstr "  зависимост: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1226
++msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
++msgstr "   Неудовлетворена зависимост"
++#: ../output.py:1337
++msgid "Matched from:"
++msgstr "Съвпадащ от:"
++#: ../output.py:1348
++#, python-format
++msgid "License     : %s"
++msgstr "Лиценз     : %s"
++#: ../output.py:1351
++#, python-format
++msgid "Filename    : %s"
++msgstr "Име на файл : %s"
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "Осигурява    : "
++#: ../output.py:1363
++msgid "Other       : "
++msgstr "Друго       : "
++#: ../output.py:1426
++msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
++msgstr "Имаше грешка при пресмятането на общия обем за сваляне"
++#: ../output.py:1431
++#, python-format
++msgid "Total size: %s"
++msgstr "Общ обем: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1433
++#, python-format
++msgid "Total download size: %s"
++msgstr "Общ обем за сваляне: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
++#, python-format
++msgid "Installed size: %s"
++msgstr "Инсталиран обем: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1454
++msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
++msgstr "Имаше грешка при пресмятането на инсталирания обем"
++#: ../output.py:1504
++msgid "Reinstalling"
++msgstr "Преинсталиране"
++#: ../output.py:1505
++msgid "Downgrading"
++msgstr "Връщане на предишна версия"
++#: ../output.py:1506
++msgid "Installing for dependencies"
++msgstr "Инсталиране на зависимости"
++#: ../output.py:1507
++msgid "Updating for dependencies"
++msgstr "Обновяване на зависимости"
++#: ../output.py:1508
++msgid "Removing for dependencies"
++msgstr "Премахване на зависимости"
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
++msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
++msgstr "Пропуснат (проблеми в зависимости)"
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
++msgid "Not installed"
++msgstr "Не е инсталиран"
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
++msgid "Not available"
++msgstr "Не е наличен"
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
++msgid "Package"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "Пакет"
++msgstr[1] "Пакети"
++#: ../output.py:1540
++msgid "Arch"
++msgstr "Архитектура"
++#: ../output.py:1541
++msgid "Version"
++msgstr "Версия"
++#: ../output.py:1541
++msgid "Repository"
++msgstr "Хранилище"
++#: ../output.py:1542
++msgid "Size"
++msgstr "Обем"
++#: ../output.py:1554
++#, python-format
++msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
++msgstr "     заместване  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
++#: ../output.py:1563
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Transaction Summary\n"
++msgstr "\nОбобщение на транзакцията\n%s\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Инсталирай"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Надгради"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Премахни"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Преинсталирай"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Връщане към предишна версия"
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Зависим пакет"
++msgstr[1] "Зависими пакета"
++#: ../output.py:1666
++msgid "Removed"
++msgstr "Премахнат"
++#: ../output.py:1667
++msgid "Dependency Removed"
++msgstr "Премахнати зависимости"
++#: ../output.py:1669
++msgid "Dependency Installed"
++msgstr "Инсталирани зависимости"
++#: ../output.py:1671
++msgid "Dependency Updated"
++msgstr "Обновени зависимости"
++#: ../output.py:1673
++msgid "Replaced"
++msgstr "Заместен"
++#: ../output.py:1674
++msgid "Failed"
++msgstr "Неуспял"
++#. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
++#: ../output.py:1764
++msgid "two"
++msgstr "две"
++#. For translators: This is output like:
++#. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
++#. to exit.
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
++"to exit.\n"
++msgstr "\n Свалянето е спряно, %sпрекъснете (ctrl-c) отново%s в рамките на %s%s%s секунди\nза изход.\n"
++#: ../output.py:1786
++msgid "user interrupt"
++msgstr "прекъсване от потребителя"
++#: ../output.py:1812
++msgid "Total"
++msgstr "Всичко"
++#: ../output.py:1834
++msgid "I"
++msgstr "I"
++#: ../output.py:1835
++msgid "O"
++msgstr "O"
++#: ../output.py:1836
++msgid "E"
++msgstr "E"
++#: ../output.py:1837
++msgid "R"
++msgstr "R"
++#: ../output.py:1838
++msgid "D"
++msgstr "D"
++#: ../output.py:1839
++msgid "U"
++msgstr "U"
++#: ../output.py:1853
++msgid "<unset>"
++msgstr "<незададено>"
++#: ../output.py:1854
++msgid "System"
++msgstr "Система"
++#: ../output.py:1923
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
++msgstr "Пропускам добавената транзакция %d към %d, понеже я припокрива"
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
++msgid "No transactions"
++msgstr "Няма транзакции"
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
++msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
++msgstr "Даден е грешен пакет(и) или ID на транзакция"
++#: ../output.py:2007
++msgid "Command line"
++msgstr "Команден ред"
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
++msgid "Login user"
++msgstr "Вход на потребител"
++#. REALLY Needs to use columns!
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
++msgid "ID"
++msgstr "ID"
++#: ../output.py:2012
++msgid "Date and time"
++msgstr "Дата и час"
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
++msgid "Action(s)"
++msgstr "Действие(я)"
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
++msgid "Altered"
++msgstr "Променен"
++#: ../output.py:2061
++msgid "No transaction ID given"
++msgstr "Не е даден ID на транзакция"
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
++msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
++msgstr "Даден е грешен ID на транзакция"
++#: ../output.py:2092
++msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
++msgstr "Не е намерен дадения ID на транзакция"
++#: ../output.py:2100
++msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
++msgstr "Намерени са повече от един ID на транзакция!"
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
++msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
++msgstr "Не е даден пакет или ID на транзакция"
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
++msgid "Downgraded"
++msgstr "Върнат към предишна версия"
++#: ../output.py:2224
++msgid "Older"
++msgstr "По-стар"
++#: ../output.py:2224
++msgid "Newer"
++msgstr "Никога"
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
++msgid "Transaction ID :"
++msgstr "ID на транзакция:"
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
++msgid "Begin time     :"
++msgstr "Начален час     :"
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
++msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
++msgstr "Начало на rpmdb:"
++#: ../output.py:2286
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u seconds)"
++msgstr "(%u секунди)"
++#: ../output.py:2288
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u minutes)"
++msgstr "(%u минути)"
++#: ../output.py:2290
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u hours)"
++msgstr "(%u часа)"
++#: ../output.py:2292
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u days)"
++msgstr "(%u дни)"
++#: ../output.py:2293
++msgid "End time       :"
++msgstr "Краен час       :"
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
++msgid "End rpmdb      :"
++msgstr "Край на rpmdb  :"
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
++msgid "User           :"
++msgstr "Потребител     :"
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
++msgid "Return-Code    :"
++msgstr "Върнат код     :"
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
++msgid "Aborted"
++msgstr "Прекратен"
++#: ../output.py:2310
++msgid "Failures:"
++msgstr "Проблеми:"
++#: ../output.py:2314
++msgid "Failure:"
++msgstr "Неуспех:"
++#: ../output.py:2316
++msgid "Success"
++msgstr "Успех"
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
++msgid "Command Line   :"
++msgstr "Команден ред   :"
++#: ../output.py:2332
++#, python-format
++msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
++msgstr "Записана допълнителна неподразбираща се информация: %d"
++#. This is _possible_, but not common
++#: ../output.py:2337
++msgid "Transaction performed with:"
++msgstr "Транзакцията осъществена с:"
++#: ../output.py:2341
++msgid "Packages Altered:"
++msgstr "Променени пакети:"
++#: ../output.py:2345
++msgid "Packages Skipped:"
++msgstr "Пропуснати пакети:"
++#: ../output.py:2353
++msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
++msgstr "Rpmdb проблеми:"
++#: ../output.py:2364
++msgid "Scriptlet output:"
++msgstr "Резултат от скрипта:"
++#: ../output.py:2370
++msgid "Errors:"
++msgstr "Грешки:"
++#: ../output.py:2378
++msgid "Dep-Install"
++msgstr "Инсталиране зависимости"
++#: ../output.py:2380
++msgid "Obsoleting"
++msgstr "Замествам излязъл от употреба"
++#: ../output.py:2381
++msgid "Erase"
++msgstr "Изтрий"
++#: ../output.py:2385
++msgid "Update"
++msgstr "Обнови"
++#: ../output.py:2459
++msgid "Time"
++msgstr "Време"
++#: ../output.py:2485
++msgid "Last day"
++msgstr "Последния ден"
++#: ../output.py:2486
++msgid "Last week"
++msgstr "Последната седмица"
++#: ../output.py:2487
++msgid "Last 2 weeks"
++msgstr "Последните 2 седмици"
++#. US default :p
++#: ../output.py:2488
++msgid "Last 3 months"
++msgstr "Последните 3 месеца"
++#: ../output.py:2489
++msgid "Last 6 months"
++msgstr "Последните 6 месеца"
++#: ../output.py:2490
++msgid "Last year"
++msgstr "Последната година"
++#: ../output.py:2491
++msgid "Over a year ago"
++msgstr "Преди повече от година"
++#: ../output.py:2538
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Transaction %s found"
++msgstr "Транзакция %s не е намерена"
++#: ../output.py:2544
++msgid "Transaction ID:"
++msgstr "Транзакция с ID:"
++#: ../output.py:2545
++msgid "Available additional history information:"
++msgstr "Налична допълнителна историческа информация:"
++#: ../output.py:2558
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
++msgstr "%s: Няма намерени допълнителни данни с това име"
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Пакет          :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "Състояние      :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Големина       :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "Създаден на хост:"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "Създаден на    :"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Опаковал       :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Доставчик     :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Лиценз         :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URL            :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "RPM източник  :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "Час на подаване:"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "Подал          :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "Причина        :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "От хранилище   :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "Инсталиран от   :"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "Променен от    :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
++msgid "installed"
++msgstr "инсталиран"
++#: ../output.py:2768
++msgid "an update"
++msgstr "обновление"
++#: ../output.py:2769
++msgid "erased"
++msgstr "изтрит"
++#: ../output.py:2770
++msgid "reinstalled"
++msgstr "преинсталиран"
++#: ../output.py:2771
++msgid "a downgrade"
++msgstr "връщане към предишна версия"
++#: ../output.py:2772
++msgid "obsoleting"
++msgstr "заместващ"
++#: ../output.py:2773
++msgid "updated"
++msgstr "обновен"
++#: ../output.py:2774
++msgid "obsoleted"
++msgstr "излязъл от употреба"
++#: ../output.py:2778
++#, python-format
++msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
++msgstr "---> Пакет %s.%s %s:%s-%s ще е %s"
++#: ../output.py:2789
++msgid "--> Running transaction check"
++msgstr "--> Извършвам проверка на транзакцията"
++#: ../output.py:2795
++msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
++msgstr "--> Рестартирам определянето на зависимости с новите промени."
++#: ../output.py:2801
++msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
++msgstr "--> Завърших определянето на зависимости"
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
++#, python-format
++msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
++msgstr "--> Обработвам зависимости: %s за пакет: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2841
++#, python-format
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2850
++#, python-format
++msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
++msgstr "--> Неудовлетворена зависимост: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2867
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s"
++msgstr "Пакет: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2869
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"    Requires: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Изисква: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2878
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
++#: ../output.py:2883
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
++#: ../output.py:2885
++msgid ""
++"        Not found"
++msgstr "\n        Не е намерено"
++#. These should be the only three things we care about:
++#: ../output.py:2900
++msgid "Updated By"
++msgstr "Обновен от"
++#: ../output.py:2901
++msgid "Downgraded By"
++msgstr "Върнат към предишна версия от"
++#: ../output.py:2902
++msgid "Obsoleted By"
++msgstr "Заместен от"
++#: ../output.py:2920
++msgid "Available"
++msgstr "Наличен"
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
++#, python-format
++msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
++msgstr "--> Обработка на конфликт: %s е в конфликт с %s"
++#: ../output.py:2974
++msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
++msgstr "--> Окомплектовам транзакцията с избраните пакети. Моля изчакайте."
++#: ../output.py:2983
++#, python-format
++msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
++msgstr "---> Свалям заглавната част на %s за включване в комплекта на транзакцията."
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Проверка"
++#: ../utils.py:123
++msgid "Running"
++msgstr "Работещ"
++#: ../utils.py:124
++msgid "Sleeping"
++msgstr "Спящ"
++#: ../utils.py:125
++msgid "Uninterruptible"
++msgstr "Непрекъсваем"
++#: ../utils.py:126
++msgid "Zombie"
++msgstr "Зомби"
++#: ../utils.py:127
++msgid "Traced/Stopped"
++msgstr "Трасиран/Спрян"
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
++msgid "Unknown"
++msgstr "Неизвестно"
++#: ../utils.py:153
++msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
++msgstr "  Другото приложение е: PackageKit"
++#: ../utils.py:155
++#, python-format
++msgid "  The other application is: %s"
++msgstr "  Другото приложение е: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:158
++#, python-format
++msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
++msgstr "    Памет : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
++#: ../utils.py:163
++#, python-format
++msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
++msgstr "    Стартиран: %s - преди %s"
++#: ../utils.py:165
++#, python-format
++msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
++msgstr "    Състояние  : %s, pid: %d"
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
++msgid ""
++"Exiting on user cancel"
++msgstr "\n\nИзход поради прекъсване от потребителя"
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
++msgid ""
++"Exiting on Broken Pipe"
++msgstr "\n\nИзход поради прекъсната последователност"
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
++#: ../utils.py:326
++#, python-format
++msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
++msgstr "PluginExit грешка: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:329
++#, python-format
++msgid "Yum Error: %s"
++msgstr "Yum грешка: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: %s"
++msgstr "Грешка: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
++msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
++msgstr " Може да пробвате с --skip-broken за да заобиколите проблема"
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
++msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
++msgstr " Може да пробвате като стартирате: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
++msgstr "Непозната грешка: Код на изхода: %d:"
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
++msgid ""
++"Dependencies Resolved"
++msgstr "\nЗависимостите са удовлетворени"
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
++msgid "Complete!"
++msgstr "Завърших!"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:42
++msgid " Mini usage:\n"
++msgstr " Мини употреба:\n"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:52
++msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
++msgstr "Трябва да сте root за да изпълните тази команда."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
++msgid ""
++"You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
++"However, you do not have any GPG public keys installed. You need to download\n"
++"the keys for packages you wish to install and install them.\n"
++"You can do that by running the command:\n"
++"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
++"Alternatively you can specify the url to the key you would like to use\n"
++"for a repository in the 'gpgkey' option in a repository section and yum \n"
++"will install it for you.\n"
++"For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
++msgstr "\nРазрешили сте проверката на пакети чрез GPG ключове. Това е добре. \nНямате, обаче, никакви инсталирани публични GPG ключове. Вие трябва да свалите\nключовете за пакетите, които желаете да инсталирате и да ги инсталирате.\nМожете да го направите като стартирате командата:\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nИли пък може да посочите url към ключа, който искате да ползвате\nза хранилище в опцията 'gpgkey' в секцията за хранилища и yum \nще го инсталира вместо Вас.\n\nЗа повече информация вижте сайта на дистрибуцията или доставчика на пакета.\n"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
++#, python-format
++msgid "Problem repository: %s"
++msgstr "Проблем в хранилище: %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
++msgstr "Грешка: Нужно е да се подаде списък пакети на %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
++msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
++msgstr "Грешка: Нужен е съвпадащ елемент"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
++msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
++msgstr "Грешка: Нужна е група или списък групи"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
++msgstr "Грешка: почистването изисква опция: %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
++msgstr "Грешка: невалиден аргумент за почистването: %r"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
++msgid "No argument to shell"
++msgstr "Няма аргумент към обвивката"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
++#, python-format
++msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
++msgstr "Име на файл, подаден към обвивката: %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
++#, python-format
++msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
++msgstr "Файлът %s, даден като аргумент към командата не съществува."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
++msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
++msgstr "Грешка: даден е повече от един файл като аргумент към командата."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
++msgid ""
++"There are no enabled repos.\n"
++" Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
++" You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
++msgstr "Няма разрешени хранилища.\n Изпълнете \"yum repolist all\" за да видите хранилищата, които имате.\n Може да разрешите хранилища чрез yum-config-manager --enable <хран>"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
++msgid "PACKAGE..."
++msgstr "ПАКЕТ..."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
++msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
++msgstr "Инсталира пакет или пакети на Вашата система"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++msgid "Setting up Install Process"
++msgstr "Подготовка на инсталиращия процес"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
++msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
++msgstr "[ПАКЕТ...]"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
++msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
++msgstr "Обновява пакет или пакети на Вашата система"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
++msgid "Setting up Update Process"
++msgstr "Подготовка на обновяващия процес"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
++msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
++msgstr "Синхронизира инсталираните пакети с последните налични версии"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
++msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
++msgstr "Подготовка на процеса за синхронизиране на дистрибуцията "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
++msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
++msgstr "Показва детайли за пакет или група от пакети"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
++msgid "Installed Packages"
++msgstr "Инсталирани пакети"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
++msgid "Available Packages"
++msgstr "Налични пакети"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++msgid "Extra Packages"
++msgstr "Допълнителни пакети"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
++msgid "Updated Packages"
++msgstr "Обновени пакети"
++#. This only happens in verbose mode
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
++msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
++msgstr "Излезли от употреба пакети"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
++msgid "Recently Added Packages"
++msgstr "Скоро добавени пакети"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
++msgid "No matching Packages to list"
++msgstr "Няма регистрирани съвпадащи пакети"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
++msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
++msgstr "Списък на пакети или групи от пакети"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
++msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
++msgstr "Премахва пакет или пакети от Вашата система"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
++msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
++msgstr "Подготовка процеса на премахване"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Показва или използва информацията за групите"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
++msgid "Setting up Group Process"
++msgstr "Подготовка за обработка на групата"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
++msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
++msgstr "Няма група, върху която да стартирам командата"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Невалидна групова подкоманда, ползвайте: %s."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "Не е инсталиран файл с групи."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "Нямате достъп до базата данни на групите."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
++msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
++msgstr "Генериране на кеш с метаданни"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
++msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
++msgstr "Създаване на файлове в кеша за всички файлове с метаданни."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
++msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
++msgstr "Може да отнеме време, зависещо от бързодействието на този компютър"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
++msgstr "Кешът с метаданни е създаден"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
++msgid "Remove cached data"
++msgstr "Премахни кешираните данни"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
++msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
++msgstr "Търси кой от пакетите предоставя дадената стойност"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
++msgid "Check for available package updates"
++msgstr "Проверка за налични обновявания на пакети"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
++msgid "Search package details for the given string"
++msgstr "Търси детайли за пакета за дадения низ"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
++msgid "Searching Packages: "
++msgstr "Търсене в пакети: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
++msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
++msgstr "Обновява пакети, имайки предвид излезлите от употреба"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
++msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
++msgstr "Подготовка процеса на надграждане"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
++msgid "Install a local RPM"
++msgstr "Инсталира локален пакет"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
++msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
++msgstr "Подготовка обработката на локалния пакет"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
++msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
++msgstr "Търсене на зависимости в пакетите:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
++msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
++msgstr "Стартира интерактивен режим на yum"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
++msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
++msgstr "Настройка на Yum Shell"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
++msgid "List a package's dependencies"
++msgstr "Показва списък на зависимостите на пакетите"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
++msgid "Finding dependencies: "
++msgstr "Търсене на зависимости: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
++msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
++msgstr "Показва конфигурираните хранилища на софтуер"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
++msgid "enabled"
++msgstr "разрешен"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
++msgid "disabled"
++msgstr "забранен"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
++msgid "Repo-id      : "
++msgstr "Хранилище-id      : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
++msgid "Repo-name    : "
++msgstr "Хранилище-име     : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
++msgid "Repo-status  : "
++msgstr "Хранилище-статус  : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
++msgid "Repo-revision: "
++msgstr "Хранилище-revision: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
++msgid "Repo-tags    : "
++msgstr "Хранилище-етикети : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
++msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
++msgstr "Хранилище-етикети на дистр.: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
++msgid "Repo-updated : "
++msgstr "Хранилище-обновено: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
++msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
++msgstr "Хранилище-пакети   : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
++msgid "Repo-size    : "
++msgstr "Хранилище-обем    : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
++msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
++msgstr "Хранилище-основен url : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
++msgid "Repo-metalink: "
++msgstr "Хранилище-мета връзка: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
++msgid "  Updated    : "
++msgstr "  Обновено   : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
++msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
++msgstr "Хранилище-огледала: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
++#, python-format
++msgid "Never (last: %s)"
++msgstr "Никога (последен: %s)"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
++#, python-format
++msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
++msgstr "Моментен (последен: %s)"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
++msgstr "%s секунда(и) (последен: %s)"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
++msgid "Repo-expire  : "
++msgstr "Хранилище-изтича  : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
++msgid "Repo-exclude : "
++msgstr "Хранилище-изключва: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
++msgid "Repo-include : "
++msgstr "Хранилище-включва : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
++msgid "Repo-excluded: "
++msgstr "Хранилище-изключен: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
++msgid "Repo-filename: "
++msgstr "Файл на хранилище: "
++#. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
++#. then chop the middle (name)...
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
++msgid "repo id"
++msgstr "хранилище id"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
++msgid "status"
++msgstr "статус"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
++msgid "repo name"
++msgstr "име на хранилище"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
++msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
++msgstr "Показва помощно за употребата съобщение"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
++#, python-format
++msgid "No help available for %s"
++msgstr "Няма налична за %s помощ"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
++msgid ""
++"aliases: "
++msgstr "\n\nсиноними: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
++msgid ""
++"alias: "
++msgstr "\n\nсиноним: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
++msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
++msgstr "Подготовка на преинсталиращия процес"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
++msgid "reinstall a package"
++msgstr "преинсталира пакет"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
++msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
++msgstr "Подготовка процеса на връщане към предишна версия"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
++msgid "downgrade a package"
++msgstr "връща предишна версия на пакет"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
++msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
++msgstr "Показва версия за машината и/или наличните хранилища."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
++msgid " Yum version groups:"
++msgstr " Yum версия групи:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
++msgid " Group   :"
++msgstr " Група   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
++msgid " Packages:"
++msgstr " Пакети:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
++msgid "Installed:"
++msgstr "Инсталиран:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
++msgid "Group-Installed:"
++msgstr "Група-Инсталирана:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
++msgid "Available:"
++msgstr "Наличен:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
++msgid "Group-Available:"
++msgstr "Група-Налична:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
++msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
++msgstr "Покажи или използвай историята на транзакциите"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Транзакции:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "Начален час  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "Час на завършване:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "Количество      :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  rpm база данни :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  yum база данни :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Невалидна подкоманда за история, ползвайте: %s."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
++msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
++msgstr "Вие нямате достъп до базата данни с историята."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
++msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
++msgstr "Проверява за проблеми в rpmdb"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
++msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
++msgstr "зарежда записана транзакция от файл с име"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
++msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
++msgstr "Не е зададен файла със записана транзакция."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
++#, python-format
++msgid "loading transaction from %s"
++msgstr "зареждам транзакция от %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
++msgstr "Транзакцията е заредена от %s с %s члена"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
++#: ../yummain.py:84
++#, python-format
++msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
++msgstr " Yum проверките не успяха: %s"
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Нямам права за четене/изпълнение в текущата директория, местя се в /"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Нямам getcwd() достъп в текущата директория, местя се в /"
++#. Depsolve stage
++#: ../yummain.py:164
++msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
++msgstr "Определяне на зависимостите"
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "Транзакцията Ви беше записана, стартирайте я с:\n yum load-transaction %s"
++#: ../yummain.py:312
++msgid ""
++"Exiting on user cancel."
++msgstr "\n\nИзход поради прекъсване от потребителя."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
++msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doTsSetup() ще бъде премахнат в бъдеща версия на Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
++msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
++msgstr "Задаване на комплектите в транзакцията преди включването на конфиг класа"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
++msgstr "Невалиден tsflag в конфигурационния файл: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
++#, python-format
++msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
++msgstr "Претърсване на pkgSack за зависимости: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
++#, python-format
++msgid "Member: %s"
++msgstr "Част: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s converted to install"
++msgstr "%s конвертиран за инсталиране"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
++msgstr "Добавям пакет %s в режим %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
++#, python-format
++msgid "Removing Package %s"
++msgstr "Премахвам пакет %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s requires: %s"
++msgstr "%s изисква: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s requires %s"
++msgstr "%s изисква %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
++msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
++msgstr "Нужното изискване вече е намерено, измама"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
++#, python-format
++msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
++msgstr "Нужното изискване не е име на пакет. Търсене: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
++#, python-format
++msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
++msgstr "Потенциален доставчик: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
++msgstr "Режимът е %s за доставчик от %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
++msgstr "Режим за пакет, предоставящ %s: %s"
++#. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
++#. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
++#. away :(
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
++#, python-format
++msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
++msgstr "Опитвам да обновя %s за да удовлетворя зависимост"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
++msgstr "Не е намерен обновяващ път за %s. Неуспех!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
++msgstr "TSINFO: %s пакет, изискващ %s, е маркиран за изтриване"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
++msgstr "TSINFO: Замествам %s с %s за да задоволя зависимост."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
++msgstr "TSINFO: Обновявам %s за да задоволя зависимост."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
++msgstr "Не мога да намеря път за обновяване за зависимост за: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
++#, python-format
++msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
++msgstr "Бързо подбран %s, задоволяващ %s"
++#. is it already installed?
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
++msgstr "%s е сред осигуряващите пакети и вече е инсталиран, премахвам го."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
++#, python-format
++msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
++msgstr "Потенциално удовлетворяващият пакет %s има по-нова инстанция в ts."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
++#, python-format
++msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
++msgstr "Потенциално удовлетворяващият пакет %s има по-нова инсталирана инстанция."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
++msgstr "%s е вече в ts, пропускам го"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
++msgstr "TSINFO: Маркирам %s като обновление за %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
++msgstr "TSINFO: Маркирам %s като инсталиращ за %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
++msgid "Success - empty transaction"
++msgstr "Успех - празна транзакция"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
++msgid "Restarting Loop"
++msgstr "Рестартиране на цикъла"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
++msgid "Dependency Process ending"
++msgstr "Завършване процеса за определяне на зависимости"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
++msgid "Success - deps resolved"
++msgstr "Успех - зависимостите са удовлетворени"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
++#, python-format
++msgid "Checking deps for %s"
++msgstr "Проверка зависимостите за %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
++#, python-format
++msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
++msgstr "търсене на %s като изискван от %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
++#, python-format
++msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
++msgstr "Стартиране compare_providers() за %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
++#, python-format
++msgid "better arch in po %s"
++msgstr "по-добър arch в po %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
++msgstr "%s замества %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
++"  Winner: %s"
++msgstr "archdist сравни %s с %s на %s\n  Победител: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
++#, python-format
++msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
++msgstr "общ rpm източник %s и %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
++#, python-format
++msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
++msgstr "основният пакет %s е инсталиран за %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
++#, python-format
++msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
++msgstr "общ префикс на %s между %s и %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
++#, python-format
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "предоставя vercmp: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
++#, python-format
++msgid " Winner: %s"
++msgstr " Победител: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "изисква минимум: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
++#, python-format
++msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
++msgstr " Губещ(с %d): %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
++#, python-format
++msgid "Best Order: %s"
++msgstr "Най-добър ред: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
++msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doConfigSetup() ще бъде премахнат в бъдеща версия на Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
++msgstr "Хранилище %r: Грешка при разбор на конфигурацията: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
++msgstr "В конфигурацията липсва име на хранилище %r, ползвам id"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
++msgid "plugins already initialised"
++msgstr "плъгините вече са инициализирани"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
++msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() ще бъде премахнат в бъдеща версия на Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
++msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
++msgstr "Чета локалната RPMDB"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
++msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doRepoSetup() ще бъде премахнат в бъдеща версия на Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
++msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doSackSetup() ще бъде премахнат в бъдеща версия на Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
++msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
++msgstr "Задаване на сакове пакети"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
++#, python-format
++msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
++msgstr "в repo обекта за хранилище %s липсва метод _resetSack\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
++msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
++msgstr "ето защо, това хранилище не може да бъде ресетнато.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
++msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doUpdateSetup() ще бъде премахнат в бъдеща версия на Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
++msgid "Building updates object"
++msgstr "Изграждам обекта с обновявания"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
++msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doGroupSetup() ще бъде премахнат в бъдеща версия на Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
++msgid "Getting group metadata"
++msgstr "Вземам метаданните на групата"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
++msgstr "Добавям файла на групата от хранилище: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
++msgstr "Не успя добавянето на файла на групата за хранилище: %s - %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
++msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
++msgstr "Няма налични групи в което и да е хранилище"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
++msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
++msgstr "Вземам pkgtags метаданните"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
++msgstr "Добавям тагове от хранилище: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
++msgstr "Не успя добавянето тагове на пакети за хранилище: %s - %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
++msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
++msgstr "Импортирам допълнителна информация за списъка файлове"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
++#, python-format
++msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
++msgstr "Програмата %s%s%s е намерена в пакета yum-utils."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
++msgid ""
++"There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
++"complete-transaction first to finish them."
++msgstr "Останаха недовършени транзакции. Помислете дали да не стартирате първо yum-complete-transaction за да ги довършите."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
++msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
++msgstr "--> Търся ненужни останали зависимости"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
++#, python-format
++msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
++msgstr "Защитени multilib версии: %s != %s"
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
++#, python-format
++msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
++msgstr "Опитвам да премахна \"%s\", който е защитен"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
++msgid ""
++"Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
++msgstr "\nПропуснати са пакети поради проблеми в зависимости:"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
++#, python-format
++msgid "    %s from %s"
++msgstr "    %s от %s"
++#. FIXME: _N()
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
++#, python-format
++msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
++msgstr "** Намерени %d предварително съществуващи rpmdb проблема, 'yum check' показа следното:"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
++msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
++msgstr "Внимание: RPMDB е променена извън yum."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
++msgid "missing requires"
++msgstr "липсват изисквани"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
++msgid "installed conflict"
++msgstr "инсталиран конфликт"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
++msgid ""
++"Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
++msgstr "Внимание: scriptlet или други нефатални грешки възникнаха по време на транзакцията."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
++msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
++msgstr "Транзакцията не можа да се стартира:"
++#. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
++msgid "Could not run transaction."
++msgstr "Не можа да се стартира транзакцията"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
++msgstr "Не успя премахването файла на транзакцията %s"
++#. maybe a file log here, too
++#. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
++msgstr "%s се предполагаше да е инсталиран, но не е!"
++#. maybe a file log here, too
++#. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
++msgstr "%s се предполагаше да е премахнат, но не е!"
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
++#, python-format
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgstr "Съществува lock %s: работи друго копие с pid %s."
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgstr "Не мога да създам lock на %s: %s "
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Не мога да отворя lock %s: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Не може да се провери дали PID %s е активен"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
++"--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr "Пакетът не съвпада с желаното за сваляне. Съвет: изпълнете yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
++msgid "Could not perform checksum"
++msgstr "Не мога да изчисля контролна сума"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
++msgid "Package does not match checksum"
++msgstr "Контролната сума не съвпада с тази на пакета"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
++#, python-format
++msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
++msgstr "провали се контролната сума на пакета, но кеширането е разрешено за %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
++#, python-format
++msgid "using local copy of %s"
++msgstr "използвам локално копие на %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
++msgid "Header is not complete."
++msgstr "Заглавната част не е пълна."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
++msgstr "Заглавната част не е в локалния кеш, а сме в режим caching-only. Не мога да сваля %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
++#, python-format
++msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
++msgstr "Публичният ключ за %s не е инсталиран"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
++#, python-format
++msgid "Problem opening package %s"
++msgstr "Проблем при отварянето на пакет %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
++#, python-format
++msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
++msgstr "Публичният ключ за %s не е доверен"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is not signed"
++msgstr "Пакетът %s не е подписан"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot remove %s"
++msgstr "Не мога да премахна %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s removed"
++msgstr "%s е премахнат"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
++msgstr "Не мога да премахна %s файл %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s file %s removed"
++msgstr "%s файл %s е премахнат"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d %s премахнат файл"
++msgstr[1] "%d %s премахнати файла"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
++#, python-format
++msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
++msgstr "Повече от един идентично съвпадащ в сака за %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
++#, python-format
++msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
++msgstr "Нищо не съвпада с %s.%s %s:%s-%s от обновяването"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
++msgid ""
++"searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
++"                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() ще бъде премахнат в бъдеща версия на Yum.                      Вместо това, ползвайте searchGenerator(). \n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "Търся %d пакет"
++msgstr[1] "Търся %d пакета"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
++#, python-format
++msgid "searching package %s"
++msgstr "търся пакет %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
++msgid "searching in file entries"
++msgstr "търсене в списъка файлове"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
++msgid "searching in provides entries"
++msgstr "търсене в предоставяно съдържание"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
++msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
++msgstr "Няма налични данни за групата за конфигурираните хранилища"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Group named %s exists"
++msgstr "Не съществува група с име %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
++#, python-format
++msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
++msgstr "пакет %s не беше маркиран в група %s"
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Пропускам пакет %s от група %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Добавяне на пакет %s от група %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
++msgstr "Няма наличен пакет за инсталиране с име %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
++#, python-format
++msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
++msgstr "Групата %s съдържа %u условни пакета, които могат да бъдат инсталирани."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
++#. happened.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
++msgstr "Кортежът на пакета %s не може да бъде намерен в сака на пакета"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
++msgstr "Кортежът на пакета %s не може да бъде намерен в rpmdb"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
++msgstr "Невалиден флаг за версия от: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Package found for %s"
++msgstr "Не беше намерен пакет за %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
++msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
++msgstr "Package Object не беше package object instance"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
++msgid "Nothing specified to install"
++msgstr "Нищо не е определено за инсталиране"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
++#, python-format
++msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
++msgstr "Проверявам за virtual provide или file-provide за %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
++msgstr "Пакет %s е инсталиран и недостъпен"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
++msgid "No package(s) available to install"
++msgstr "Няма пакет(и) достъпни за инсталиране"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
++msgstr "Пакет: %s  - вече е в комплекта на транзакцията"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
++msgstr "Пакетът %s е излязъл от употреба и заместен от %s, който вече е инсталиран"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
++msgstr "Пакетът %s е заместен от %s, но заместващият пакет не предоставя изискваното"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
++msgstr "Излезлият от употреба пакет %s е заместен от %s, вместо него пробвам да инсталирам %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
++msgstr "Пакетът %s е вече инсталиран и е последна версия"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
++msgstr "Съвпадащият пакет %s е вече инсталиран. Проверявам за обновления."
++#. update everything (the easy case)
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
++msgid "Updating Everything"
++msgstr "Обновявам всичко"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "Не обновявам пакет, излязъл вече от употреба: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s"
++msgstr "%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Няма съвпадение за аргумент: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Няма съвпадащ пакет за надграждане: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "Пакетът вече е излязъл от употреба: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
++msgstr "Не обновявам пакет, излязъл от употреба: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "Не обновявам вече обновен пакет: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "Няма съвпадащ пакет за премахване: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
++msgstr "Пропускам работещото ядро: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
++#, python-format
++msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
++msgstr "Премахвам %s от транзакцията"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
++msgstr "Не мога да отворя: %s. Пропускам го."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining %s: %s"
++msgstr "Проверявам %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
++msgstr "Не мога да инсталирам локално deltarpm: %s. Пропускам го."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
++msgstr "Не мога да добавя пакета %s към транзакцията. Несъвместима архитектура: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
++msgstr "Не мога да инсталирам пакета %s. Излязъл е от употреба и е заместен от пакета %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
++msgstr "Пакетът %s не е инсталиран, не мога да го обновя. Стартирайте yum install за да го инсталирате."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
++" instead."
++msgstr "Пакетът %s.%s не е инсталиран и не мога да го обновя. Вместо това, стартирайте yum install за да го инсталирате."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
++#, python-format
++msgid "Excluding %s"
++msgstr "Изключвам %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
++#, python-format
++msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
++msgstr "Маркирам %s за инсталиране"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
++#, python-format
++msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
++msgstr "Маркирам %s като обновление към %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
++msgstr "%s: не обнови инсталиран пакет."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
++msgstr "Не мога да отворя файл: %s. Пропускам го."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
++msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
++msgstr "Проблем при преинсталиране: няма съвпадащ пакет за премахване"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
++#, python-format
++msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
++msgstr "Проблем при преинсталиране: няма съвпадащ пакет %s за инсталиране"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
++msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
++msgstr "Няма наличен пакет(и) за връщане към предишна версия"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
++msgstr "На пакета %s е позволено многократно инсталиране, пропускам го"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
++msgstr "Няма съвпадение за наличен пакет: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
++#, python-format
++msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
++msgstr "Налично е само надграждане на пакет: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Неуспех при връщане към предишна версия на: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Неуспешно надграждане: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
++#, python-format
++msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
++msgstr "Извличане на ключ от %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
++msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
++msgstr "Извличането на GPG ключ не успя: "
++#. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
++#. here is where we would do that
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
++msgstr "GPG ключовата сигнатура на ключ %s не съвпада с CA ключа за хранилище: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
++msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
++msgstr "GPG ключовата сигнатура е проверена чрез CA ключ(ове)"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
++msgstr "Невалиден GPG ключ от %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
++msgstr "Разборът на GPG ключ не успя: ключът няма стойност %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Импортирам %s ключ 0x%s:\n Потреб.id   : \"%s\"\n Пръстов отп.: %s\n Пакет       : %s (%s)\n От          : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Импортирам %s ключ 0x%s:\n Потреб.id   : \"%s\"\n Пръстов отп.: %s\n От        : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Проблемният пакет е: %s\n GPG ключовете са конфигурирани така: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
++msgstr "GPG ключът на %s (0x%s) е вече инсталиран"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
++msgstr "Импортирането на ключ не успя (код %d)"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
++msgid "Key imported successfully"
++msgstr "Ключът е успешно импортиран"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
++msgid "Didn't install any keys"
++msgstr "Не инсталирай никакви ключове"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
++"Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
++msgstr "GPG ключовете, описани за хранилището \"%s\" са вече инсталирани, но не са коректни за този пакет.\nПроверете дали за това хранилище са конфигурирани коректните URL-и на ключове."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
++msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
++msgstr "Импортирането на ключ(ове) не помогна, грешен ключ(ове)?"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "Не"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Да"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n CA ключ: %s\n Проблемното хранилище е: %s\n GPG ключовете са конфигурирани така: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
++msgstr "GPG ключ на %s (0x%s) е вече импортиран"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "Импортирането на ключ %s не успя"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
++#, python-format
++msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
++msgstr "Не инсталирай никакви ключове за хранилище %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
++"Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
++msgstr "GPG ключовете, описани за хранилището \"%s\" са вече инсталирани, но не са коректни.\nПроверете дали за това хранилище са конфигурирани коректните URL-и на ключове."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
++msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
++msgstr "Не мога да намеря подходящ огледален сървър."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
++msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
++msgstr "Възникнаха грешки при свалянето на пакети."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
++#, python-format
++msgid "Please report this error at %s"
++msgstr "Моля, докладвайте тази грешка на %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
++msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
++msgstr "Грешки от теста на транзакцията: "
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
++msgstr "Не мога да задам cachedir: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
++msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
++msgstr "Зависимостите не са решени. Няма да запиша нерешена транзакция."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
++msgstr "Не мога да запиша транзакционния файл %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
++msgstr "Не мога да достъпя/прочета записана транзакция %s : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
++msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
++msgstr "не мога да намеря tsflags или те не са целочислени."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
++#, python-format
++msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
++msgstr "Намерен е txmbr в непознато текущо състояние: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
++msgstr "Не мога да намеря txmbr: %s в състояние %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
++msgstr "Не мога да намеря txmbr: %s от произход: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
++msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
++msgstr "Липсват връзки или членове на транзакцията, или тя е била променена,"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
++msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
++msgstr " игнорирам, както е зададено. Трябва отново определяне на зависимости!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s вече беше посетен и не може да бъде премахнат."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "Изследване версиите на зависимости на %s"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s има зависимост на версия %s, която е инсталирана от потребителя."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "%s няма инсталирани от потребителя зависимости на версии."
++#. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
++msgid "Loaded plugins: "
++msgstr "Заредени плъгини: "
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
++#, python-format
++msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
++msgstr "Няма съвпадащ плъгин за: %s"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
++msgstr "Не зареждам плъгина \"%s\", тъй като е забранен"
++#. Give full backtrace:
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
++msgstr "Плъгинът \"%s\" не може да бъде импортиран"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
++msgstr "Плъгинът \"%s\" не указва изисквана API версия"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
++msgstr "Плъгинът \"%s\" изисква API %s. Поддържаният API е %s."
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
++#, python-format
++msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
++msgstr "Зареждам плъгин \"%s\""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
++#, python-format
++msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
++msgstr "В пътя за търсене съществуват два или повече плъгина с име \"%s\""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#, python-format
++msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
++msgstr "Не е намерен конфигурационният файл %s"
++#. for
++#. Configuration files for the plugin not found
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
++msgstr "Не мога да намеря конфигуриращ файл за плъгина %s"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
++msgid "registration of commands not supported"
++msgstr "регистрация на команди не се поддържа"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
++msgid "has missing requires of"
++msgstr "има липсващи изисквания на"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
++msgid "has installed conflicts"
++msgstr "има инсталирани конфликти"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
++msgstr "%s се дублира с %s"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
++msgstr "%s е заместен от %s"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
++msgstr "%s осигурява %s, но не може да бъде намерен"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:80
++msgid "Repackaging"
++msgstr "Препакетиране"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Провери: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Недостатъчно пространство в директорията за сваляне %s\n    * свободно   %s\n    * необходимо %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
++#, python-format
++msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
++msgstr "Заглавната част не може да бъде отворена или не съвпада %s, %s."
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:53
++#, python-format
++msgid "RPM %s fails md5 check"
++msgstr "Не успя md5 проверката на RPM %s"
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
++msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
++msgstr "Не мога да отворя RPM базата данни за четене. Може би е вече в употреба?"
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
++msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
++msgstr "Намерена празна заглавна част, нещо се е объркало"
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:253 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:260
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:263 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:266
++#, python-format
++msgid "Damaged Header %s"
++msgstr "Повредена заглавна част %s"
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:281
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
++msgstr "Грешка при отваряне на rpm %s - грешка %s"
+diff --git a/po/bn_IN.po b/po/bn_IN.po
+index f1f232a..fbec035 100644
+--- a/po/bn_IN.po
++++ b/po/bn_IN.po
+@@ -2,427 +2,506 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
++# Translators:
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Bengali (India) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/bn_IN/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Bengali (India) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/bn_IN/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: bn_IN\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -430,438 +509,484 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -869,65 +994,66 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -935,484 +1061,542 @@ msgid ""
+ "to exit.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -1420,47 +1604,41 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1472,7 +1650,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1489,555 +1667,648 @@ msgid ""
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
+-msgid "Setting up Group Process"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
+-msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
++msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
++msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -2045,991 +2316,1140 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
++#. The pid doesn't exist
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -3038,6 +3458,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3066,5 +3503,3 @@ msgstr ""
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/ca.po b/po/ca.po
+index cca37b7..6ab974e 100644
+--- a/po/ca.po
++++ b/po/ca.po
+@@ -2,1504 +2,1643 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
++# Translators:
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: ca\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Actualitzant"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Suprimint"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Instal·lant"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Obsolet"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Actualitzat"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Suprimit"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Instal·lat"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "No hi ha capçalera"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Reempaqueta"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Error: estat de sortida invàlid: %s per a %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Suprimit: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Suprimint"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Neteja"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "L'ordre «%s» ja està definida"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Configurant repositoris"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "S'estan llegint les metadades de repositoris des de fitxers locals"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Error de configuració: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Error d'opcions: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Instal·lat: %s-%s a %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Muntat    : %s a %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Pujat: %s a %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "Cal que doneu alguna ordre"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Requeriments de disc:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
++msgstr "Resum d'errors\n-------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+ msgstr ""
+-"Resum d'errors\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
++msgstr "S'ha intentat executar la transacció però no hi ha cap tasca a fer. S'està sortint."
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-"S'ha intentat executar la transacció però no hi ha cap tasca a fer. S'està "
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "S'està sortint de l'ordre de l'usuari"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "S'estan baixant els següents paquets:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "S'ha produït un error baixant els següents paquets:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "S'ha produït un error. Necessiteu actualitzar el gestor rpm:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "Cal actualitzar l'RPM"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Siusplau, informeu d'aquest error a %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "S'està executant la transacció de prova"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en la transacció de prova:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "La transacció de prova ha acabat amb èxit"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "S'està executant la transacció"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"No s'importaran automàticament les claus en una execució desatesa.\n"
+-"Feu servir \"-y\" per a importar les claus."
++msgstr "No s'importaran automàticament les claus en una execució desatesa.\nFeu servir \"-y\" per a importar les claus."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * Potser volíeu dir: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "Paquets %s%s%s disponibles, però no instal·lats."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "El paquet %s%s%s no està disponible."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Paquets a instal·lar"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Res a fer"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d paquets marcats per a actualitzar"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "No hi ha cap paquet marcat per a actualitzar"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d paquets marcats per a suprimir"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "No hi ha cap paquet marcat per a suprimir"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Paquets per a desactualitzar"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (des de %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "El paquet instal·lat %s%s%s%s no està disponible."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Paquets a reinstal·lar"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "No s'ha proporcionat cap paquet"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Paquets a instal·lar"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Avís: no s'ha trobat cap coincidència per a: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap coincidència"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap paquet per a %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "S'està netejant tot"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "S'estan netejant les capçaleres"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "S'estan netejant els paquets"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "S'estan netejant les metadades xml"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "S'està netejant la memòria cau de la base de dades"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "S'està netejant la memòria cau de metadades que han vençut"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "S'estan netejant els connectors"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Grups instal·lats:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Grups disponibles:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Fet"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Avís: El grup %s no existeix."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+-msgstr ""
+-"No hi ha cap paquet disponible per a instal·lar o actualitzar en els grups "
++msgstr "No hi ha cap paquet disponible per a instal·lar o actualitzar en els grups sol·licitats"
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d paquets a instal·lar"
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "No existeix cap grup anomenat %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "No hi ha cap paquet a suprimir dels grups"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d paquets a suprimir"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "El paquet %s ja està instal·lat, s'ometrà"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "S'està descartant el paquet no comparable %s.%s"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"No hi ha cap altre %s instal·lat, s'afegeix a la llista per a una possible "
++msgstr "No hi ha cap altre %s instal·lat, s'afegeix a la llista per a una possible instal·lació"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Opcions del connector"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Error en la línia d'ordres: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: l'opció %s necessita un argument"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: l'opció %s necessita un argument"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color pren un valor d'entre: auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "mostra el missatge d'ajuda i surt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "sigues tolerant amb els errors"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "ubicació del fitxer de configuració"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "temps màxim d'espera d'ordres"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "nivell de sortida de depuració"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr "mostra duplicats, en repositoris, en les ordres per llistar i cercar"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "nivell de sortida d'error"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "operació silenciosa"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "operació descriptiva"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "respon sí a totes les preguntes"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "mostra la versió del Yum i surt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "estableix l'arrel de la instal·lació"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"habilita un o més repositoris (es permeten caràcters de reemplaçament)"
++msgstr "habilita un o més repositoris (es permeten caràcters de reemplaçament)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"deshabilita un o més repositoris (es permeten caràcters de reemplaçament)"
++msgstr "deshabilita un o més repositoris (es permeten caràcters de reemplaçament)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr "exclou els paquets per nom o expressió regular del glob"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr "inhabilita l'exclusió des de l'inici, per a un repositori o per a tot"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "habilita el processament d'obsolets durant les actualitzacions"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "inhabilita els connectors de Yum"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "inhabilita la comprobació de signatures gpg"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "inhabilita els connectors pel seu nom"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "habilita els connectors pel seu nom"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "omet paquets amb problemes de resolució de dependències"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "controla sempre que s'usi color"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "Gen"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "Feb"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "Mar"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "Abr"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "Mai"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "Jun"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "Jul"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "Ago"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "Set"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "Oct"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "Nov"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "Des"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "S'està intentant un altre servidor rèplica."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "Repo        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "URL         : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "Descripció  : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "s"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "sí"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "no"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "És correcte [s/N]: "
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Grup: %s"
++msgstr "\nGrup: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " Id de Grup: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Descripció: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Paquets obligatoris:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Paquets per defecte:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Paquets opcionals:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Paquets condicionals:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "paquet: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr "  No hi ha dependències per a aquest paquet"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "  dependència: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr "   Dependència insatisfeta"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Coincidències amb:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Llicència   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Fitxer      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Altre       : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en calcular la mida total de la descàrrega"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Mida total: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Mida total de la descàrrega: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "Tornant a instal·lar"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "Desfent l'actualització"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "S'està instal·lant per dependències"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "S'està actualitzant degut a les dependències"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "S'està suprimint degut a les dependències"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Ignorat degut a problemes de dependències:"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Paquet"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] "Paquet"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Arq"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Versió"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Repositori"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Mida"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Resum de la transacció\n"
++msgstr "\nResum de la transacció\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Suprimit"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Dependència suprimida"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Dependència instal·lada"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Dependència actualitzada"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Reemplaçat"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Ha fallat"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "dos"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-" S'ha cancel·lat la descàrrega actual, %sinterromp (crtl-c) de nou%s en %s%s%s segons\n"
+-"per a sortir.\n"
++msgstr "\n S'ha cancel·lat la descàrrega actual, %sinterromp (crtl-c) de nou%s en %s%s%s segons\nper a sortir.\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "interrupció de l'usuari"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Total"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "instal·lat"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "suprimit"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "actualitzat"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "obsolet"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> S'està executant la transacció de prova"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+-msgstr ""
+-"--> Tornant a calcular la resolució de dependències amb els nous canvis."
++msgstr "--> Tornant a calcular la resolució de dependències amb els nous canvis."
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Ha finalitzat la resolució de dependències"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> S'està processant la dependència %s per al paquet: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Dependència no resolta: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> S'està processant el conflicte: %s té un conflicte amb %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+-msgstr ""
+-"--> S'està poblant la transacció amb els paquets sel·leccionats. Si us plau,"
+-" espereu."
++msgstr "--> S'està poblant la transacció amb els paquets sel·leccionats. Si us plau, espereu."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
++msgstr "---> S'està baixant la capçalera per a %s per a empaquetar dins de la transacció de prova."
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
+ msgstr ""
+-"---> S'està baixant la capçalera per a %s per a empaquetar dins de la "
+-"transacció de prova."
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "S'està executant"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Està dormint"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Zombi"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Traçat/aturat"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Desconegut"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  L'altre aplicatiu és: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  L'altre aplicatiu és: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Memòria : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    Iniciat: fa %s-%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    Estat  : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"S'està sortint per la cancel·lació de l'usuari"
++msgstr "\n\nS'està sortint per la cancel·lació de l'usuari"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"S'està sortint en trobar la canonada trencada"
++msgstr "\n\nS'està sortint en trobar la canonada trencada"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Error: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr " Hauríeu de provar utilitzant --skip-broken per evitar el problema"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Errors desconeguts: Codi de sortida: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Dependències resoltes"
++msgstr "\nDependències resoltes"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Completat!"
+@@ -1511,7 +1650,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "Heu de ser root per a executar aquesta ordre."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1526,587 +1665,650 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Heu habilitat la comprovació de paquets utilitzant claus GPG. És una bona opció. \n"
+-"No obstant, no teniu cap clau pública GPG instal·lada. Necessiteu baixar\n"
+-"les claus per als paquets que desitgeu instal·lar i instal·lar-les.\n"
+-"Podeu fer-ho executant l'ordre:\n"
+-"    rpm --import clau.pública.gpg\n"
+-"També podeu especificar la url de la clau que voleu utilitzar\n"
+-"per a un repositori en l'opció 'gpgkey' en la secció d'un repositori i yum \n"
+-"la instal·larà per vosaltres.\n"
+-"Per a més informació contacteu el vostre distribuïdor o proveïdor de paquets.\n"
++msgstr "\nHeu habilitat la comprovació de paquets utilitzant claus GPG. És una bona opció. \nNo obstant, no teniu cap clau pública GPG instal·lada. Necessiteu baixar\nles claus per als paquets que desitgeu instal·lar i instal·lar-les.\nPodeu fer-ho executant l'ordre:\n    rpm --import clau.pública.gpg\n\n\nTambé podeu especificar la url de la clau que voleu utilitzar\nper a un repositori en l'opció 'gpgkey' en la secció d'un repositori i yum \nla instal·larà per vosaltres.\n\nPer a més informació contacteu el vostre distribuïdor o proveïdor de paquets.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Error: es necessita passar una llista de paquets a %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "Error: es necessita algun element per comparar"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Error: es necessita un grup o una llista de grups"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Error: la neteja requereix una opció: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Error: argument invàlid per a la neteja: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "No hi ha arguments per a l'intèrpret d'ordres"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Nom del fitxer passat a l'intèrpret d'ordres: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr "El fitxer %s donat com a argument a l'intèrpret d'ordres no existeix."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Error: s'ha donat més d'un fitxer com a argument per a l'intèrpret d'ordres."
++msgstr "Error: s'ha donat més d'un fitxer com a argument per a l'intèrpret d'ordres."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "PAQUET..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Instal·la un o més paquets al vostre sistema"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "S'està preparant el procés d'instal·lació"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[PAQUET...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "S'ha actualitzat un o més paquets al vostre sistema"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "S'està preparant el procés d'actualització"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Mostra detalls sobre un paquet o un grup de paquets"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Paquets instal·lats"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Paquets disponibles"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Paquets extra"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Paquets actualitzats"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Paquets obsolets"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Paquets recentment afegits"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "No hi ha paquets coincidents per llistar"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Llista un paquet o un grup de paquets"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Suprimeix un o més paquets del vostre sistema"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "S'està preparant el procés de supressió"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "S'està preparant el procés de grup"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "No hi ha cap grup on executar l'ordre"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Llista els grups de paquets disponibles"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Instal·la els paquets en un grup en el vostre sistema"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Suprimeix els paquets en un grup en el vostre sistema"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Mostra detalls sobre un grup de paquets"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "Genera les metadades de la memòria cau"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+-msgstr ""
+-"S'estan fent els fitxers de memòria cau per a tots els fitxers de metadades."
++msgstr "S'estan fent els fitxers de memòria cau per a tots els fitxers de metadades."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Això pot trigar una estona depenent de la velocitat d'aquest ordinador"
++msgstr "Això pot trigar una estona depenent de la velocitat d'aquest ordinador"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "S'han creat les metadades per a la memòria cau"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "S'han suprimit les dades de la memòria cau"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "Troba quin paquet proporciona el valor donat"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "Comprova si hi ha actualitzacions de paquets disponibles"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "Busca detalls del paquet per la cadena donada"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "S'estan buscant paquets: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Actualitza paquets tenint en compte els obsolets"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "S'està preparant el procés d'actualització"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Instal·la un RPM local"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "S'està configurant el procés local de paquets"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Determina quin paquet satisfà la dependència donada"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "S'estan buscant paquets per a la dependència:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Executa un intèrpret d'ordres interactiu de yum"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "S'està preparant l'intèrpret d'ordres de yum"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "Llista les dependències d'un paquet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "S'estan trobant dependències: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Mostra els repositoris de programari configurats"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "habilitat"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "deshabilitat"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr "Id-repo           : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr "Nom-repo          : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "Estat-repo        : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Repo-revisió      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-etiquetes    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Repo-etiq-dist    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr "Repo-actualitzat  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr "Paquets-repo      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "Mida-repo         : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr "URL-base-repo     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "Repo-metaenllaç   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  Actualitzat     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr "Miralls-repo      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Mai (últim: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Temps d'instal·lació (últim: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s segons (últim: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr "Venç-repo   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr "Repo-exclou : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr "Repo-inclou : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "id repo"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "estat"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "nom repo"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Mostra un missatge d'ajuda d'ús"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "No hi ha ajuda disponible per a %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"àlies: "
++msgstr "\n\nàlies: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"àlies: "
++msgstr "\n\nàlies: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "S'està preparant el procés de reinstal·lació"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "reinstal·la un paquet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "S'està preparant el procés de desactualització"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "desactualitza un paquet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr "Mostra una versió per a la màquina i/o repositoris disponibles"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "Instal·lat:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Disponible:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Alguna altra aplicació té el bloqueig del yum; s'està esperant a que "
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "S'estan resolent dependències"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"S'està sortint de l'ordre de l'usuari."
++msgstr "\n\nS'està sortint de l'ordre de l'usuari."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() desapareixerà en una futura versió de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+-msgstr ""
+-"S'està configurant TransactionSets abans que la classe de configuració "
+-"estigui iniciada"
++msgstr "S'està configurant TransactionSets abans que la classe de configuració estigui iniciada"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "Tsflag invàlid en el fitxer de configuració: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "S'està buscant pkgSack per a la dependència: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Membre: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s convertits per a instal·lar"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "S'està afegint el paquet %s en mode %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "S'està suprimint el paquet %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s requereix: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+-msgstr ""
+-"El requeriment necessari ja s'ha buscat anteriorment, s'estan fent trampes"
++msgstr "El requeriment necessari ja s'ha buscat anteriorment, s'estan fent trampes"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "El requeriment necessari no és un nom de paquet. S'està buscant: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Proveïdor potencial: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "El mode és %s per al proveïdor de %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Mode per al paquet que proporciona %s: %s"
+@@ -2114,1032 +2316,1140 @@ msgstr "Mode per al paquet que proporciona %s: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: el paquet %s requereix %s marcat per a suprimir"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+-msgstr ""
+-"TSINFO: S'està marcant com a obsolet %s amb %s per resoldre dependències."
++msgstr "TSINFO: S'està marcant com a obsolet %s amb %s per resoldre dependències."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: S'està actualitzant %s per a resoldre dependències."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr "No es pot trobar un camí d'actualització de dependències per a: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "La coincidència %s es requereix per a %s"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s es troba en els paquets proporcionats però ja es troba instal·lat, s'està"
+-" suprimint."
++msgstr "%s es troba en els paquets proporcionats però ja es troba instal·lat, s'està suprimint."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+-msgstr ""
+-"El paquet potencial que resol dependències %s té una instància nova a ts"
++msgstr "El paquet potencial que resol dependències %s té una instància nova a ts"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+-msgstr ""
+-"El paquet potencial que resol dependències %s té una nova instància "
++msgstr "El paquet potencial que resol dependències %s té una nova instància insta·lada."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "%s ja es troba en ts, s'està ometent"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: S'està marcant %s com a actualització per a %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: S'està marcant %s com a instal·lació per a %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Èxit - transacció buida"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "S'està recomençant el bucle"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Està acabant el procés de dependències"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Èxit - dependències resoltes"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "S'estan comprobant les dependències per a %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "s'està buscant %s com a requeriment de %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "S'està executant compare_providers() per a %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "millor arq en el po %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s fa obsolet %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"archdist ha comparat %s amb %s a %s\n"
+-"  Ha guanyat: %s"
++msgstr "archdist ha comparat %s amb %s a %s\n  Ha guanyat: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "rpm font comú %s i %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "prefix comú de %s entre %s i %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Millor ordre: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigsetup() desapareixerà en una futura versió de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr "Falta el nom del repositori %r en la configuració, s'utilitzarà l'id"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "els connectors ja estan inicialitzats"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() desapareixerà en una futura versió de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "S'està llegint un RPMDB local"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() desapareixerà en una futura versió de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() desapareixerà en una versió futura de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "S'estan configurant els sacs de paquets"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr "l'objecte repositori per al repositori %s no té un mètode _resetSack\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "Aquest repositori no es pot reiniciar.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() desapareixerà en una futura versió de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "S'està construint l'objecte d'actualitzacions"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() desapareixerà en una futura versió de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "S'estan obtenint les metadades del grup"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "S'està afegint el fitxer del grup des del repositori: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "No s'ha pogut afegir el fitxer dels grups des del repositori: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "No hi ha cap grup disponible en cap repositori"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "S'està important informació adicional de la llista de fitxers"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "El programa %s%s%s es troba en el paquet yum-utils."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Encara hi ha transaccions sense acabar. Hauríeu de considerar executar yum-"
+-"complete-transaction abans per acabar-les."
++msgstr "Encara hi ha transaccions sense acabar. Hauríeu de considerar executar yum-complete-transaction abans per acabar-les."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paquets omesos degut a problemes de dependències:"
++msgstr "\nPaquets omesos degut a problemes de dependències:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s des de %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Avís: ha fallat l'scriptlet o s'han produït altre tipus d'errors no fatals "
+-"durant la transacció."
++msgstr "Avís: ha fallat l'scriptlet o s'han produït altre tipus d'errors no fatals durant la transacció."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "No s'ha pogut suprimir el fitxer de transaccions %s"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "S'havia d'instal·lar %s però no s'ha realitzat!"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "S'havia de suprimir %s però no s'ha realitzat!"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "No s'ha pogut comprovar si el PID %s es troba actiu"
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr "Bloqueig existent %s: una altra còpia s'està executant amb pid %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "No s'ha pogut comprovar si el PID %s es troba actiu"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "No s'ha pogut realitzar la suma de verificació"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "No coincideix la suma de verificació del paquet"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"la suma de verificació del paquet falla però l'ús de memòria cau està "
+-"habilitat per a %s"
++msgstr "la suma de verificació del paquet falla però l'ús de memòria cau està habilitat per a %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "s'està utilitzant la còpia local de %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-"No hi ha espai suficient al directori de descàrregues %s\n"
+-"    * lliure    %s\n"
+-"    * necessari %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "La capçalera no està completa."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"La capçalera no es troba en la memòria cau local i està habilitat el mode de"
+-" només memòria cau. No es pot baixar %s"
++msgstr "La capçalera no es troba en la memòria cau local i està habilitat el mode de només memòria cau. No es pot baixar %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "La clau pública per a %s no està instal·lada"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Hi ha hagut un problema obrint el paquet %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "La clau pública per a %s no és de confiança"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "El paquet %s no està signat"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "No es pot suprimir %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "S'ha suprimit %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "No es pot suprimir %s fitxer %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s fitxer %s suprimit"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s fitxers suprimits"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "Hi ha més d'una coincidència idèntica en el sac per a %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "No hi ha coincidències %s.%s-%s:%s-%s de l'actualització"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() desapareixerà en una futura versió de Yum."
+-"                      Useu searchGenerator(). \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() desapareixerà en una futura versió de Yum.                      Useu searchGenerator(). \n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "S'estan buscant %d paquets"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "s'està buscant el paquet %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "s'està buscant en les entrades de fitxers"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "s'està buscant en les entrades proporcionades"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+-msgstr ""
+-"No hi ha dades de grup disponibles en cap dels repositoris configurats"
++msgstr "No hi ha dades de grup disponibles en cap dels repositoris configurats"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "No existeix cap grup anomenat %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "el paquet %s no estava marcat en el grup %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "S'està afegint el paquet %s del grup %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "No hi ha cap paquet anomenat %s disponible per a ser instal·lat"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar la tupla de paquets %s al sac de paquets"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap paquet per a %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "L'objecte paquet no era una instància d'objecte paquet"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "No hi ha res especificat per a instal·lar"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"S'està verificant si hi ha un proveïdor virtual o un fitxer proveïdor per a "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "No hi ha cap coincidència per a l'argument: %s"
++msgstr "S'està verificant si hi ha un proveïdor virtual o un fitxer proveïdor per a %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "El paquet %s es troba instal·lat però no és disponible"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "No hi ha cap paquet disponible per a instal·lar"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "El paquet: %s  - ja està en la transacció"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "El paquet %s és obsolet degut a %s, que ja està instal·lat"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+-msgstr ""
+-"El paquet %s és obsolet degut a %s, es provarà d'instal·lar %s en el seu "
++msgstr "El paquet %s és obsolet degut a %s, es provarà d'instal·lar %s en el seu lloc"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "El paquet %s ja es troba instal·lat i en l'última versió."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+-msgstr ""
+-"El paquet coincident %s ja es troba instal·lat. S'està buscant una "
++msgstr "El paquet coincident %s ja es troba instal·lat. S'està buscant una actualització."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "S'està actualitzant tot"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "No s'actualitzarà el paquet obsolet: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "No hi ha cap coincidència per a l'argument: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "El paquet és obsolet: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "No s'actualitzarà el paquet obsolet: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "No s'actualitzarà el paquet actualitzat: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "No hi ha cap paquet coincident per a suprimir"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "S'està examinant %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"No s'ha pogut afegir el paquet %s a la transacció. No és una arquitectura "
+-"compatible: %s"
++msgstr "No s'ha pogut afegir el paquet %s a la transacció. No és una arquitectura compatible: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"El paquet %s no està instal·lat; no es pot actualitzar. Executeu «yum "
+-"install» per a instal·lar-lo."
++msgstr "El paquet %s no està instal·lat; no es pot actualitzar. Executeu «yum install» per a instal·lar-lo."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "S'està excloent %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "S'està marcant %s per a ser instal·lat"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "S'està marcant %s com a actualització de %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s no actualitza el paquet instal·lat."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "No es pot obrir el fitxer %s. S'ometrà."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Hi ha un problema en reinstal·lar: no hi ha cap paquet marcat per a suprimir"
++msgstr "Hi ha un problema en reinstal·lar: no hi ha cap paquet marcat per a suprimir"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Hi ha un problema en reinstal·lar: no hi ha cap paquet %s marcat per a "
++msgstr "Hi ha un problema en reinstal·lar: no hi ha cap paquet %s marcat per a instal·lar"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "No hi ha cap paquet disponible per a desactualitzar"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "El paquet %s permet múltiples instal·lacions, s'està ometent"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "No hi ha cap paquet disponible que coincideixi: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Només hi ha una actualització disponible per al paquet: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "La recuperació de la clau GPG ha fallat: "
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "L'ànalisi de la clau GPG ha fallat: la clau no té el valor %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "La clau GPG de %s (0x%s) ja està instal·lada"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "La importació de la clau ha fallat (codi %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "La clau s'ha importat amb èxit"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Les claus GPG llistades per al repositori \"%s\" ja estan instal·lades però no són correctes per a aquest paquet.\n"
+-"Comproveu que les URL de claus correctes estan configurades per a aquest repositori."
++msgstr "Les claus GPG llistades per al repositori \"%s\" ja estan instal·lades però no són correctes per a aquest paquet.\nComproveu que les URL de claus correctes estan configurades per a aquest repositori."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "La importació de claus no ha ajudat, eren claus incorrectes?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "La clau GPG a %s (0x%s) ja ha estat importada"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "Ha fallat la importació de la clau"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar un servidor rèplica vàlid."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "S'han trobat errors baixant paquets."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Siusplau, informeu d'aquest error al %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Errors en la transacció de prova: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Connectors carregats: "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "No hi ha cap connector que coincideixi amb: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "No s'està carregant el connector \"%s\", ja que està deshabilitat"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "No s'ha pogut importar el connector \"%s\""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "El connector \"%s\" no especifica la versió de l'API requerida."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "El connector \"%s\" requereix l'API %s. L'API disponible és %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "S'està carregant el connector \"%s\""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Existeixen dos o més connectors amb el mateix nom \"%s\" en el camí de cerca"
+-" de connectors"
++msgstr "Existeixen dos o més connectors amb el mateix nom \"%s\" en el camí de cerca de connectors"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "No s'ha trobat el fitxer de configuració %s"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar un fitxer de configuració per al connector %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "l'enregistrament d'ordres no està suportat"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -3148,6 +3458,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "Reempaquetant"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "No hi ha espai suficient al directori de descàrregues %s\n    * lliure    %s\n    * necessari %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3160,9 +3487,7 @@ msgstr "Falla la comprobació md5 per al RPM %s"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"No s'ha pogut obrir la base de dades RPM per a llegir-la. Potser ja està en "
++msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir la base de dades RPM per a llegir-la. Potser ja està en ús?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+@@ -3178,5 +3503,3 @@ msgstr "Capçalera malmesa %s"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en obrir l'rpm %s - error %s"
+diff --git a/po/cs.po b/po/cs.po
+index 622394b..f992f1a 100644
+--- a/po/cs.po
++++ b/po/cs.po
+@@ -2,1515 +2,1670 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# Adam  Pribyl <covex@lowlevel.cz>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# Adam  Pribyl <covex@lowlevel.cz>, 2011.
++# Adam Pribyl <pribyl@lowlevel.cz>, 2012.
++#  <zpavlas@redhat.com>, 2013.
++#   <zpavlas@redhat.com>, 2011-2012.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Czech (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/cs/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-03-06 09:44+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: zpavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com>\n"
++"Language-Team: Czech (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/cs/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: cs\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+-msgstr "Aktualizuje se"
++msgstr "Aktualizace"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+-msgstr "Maže se"
++msgstr "Odstranění"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+-msgstr "Instaluje se"
++msgstr "Instalování"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+-msgstr "Zastaralé"
++msgstr "Zastaralo"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Aktualizováno"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Smazáno"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Nainstalováno"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Bez hlavičky???"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Přebalit"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Chyba: neplatný výstupní stav: %s pro %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Smazáno: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Odstraňuje se"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+-msgstr "Čistí se"
++msgstr "Vymazání"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "Příkaz „%s“ již definován"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+-msgstr "Nastavují se repozitáře"
++msgstr "Příprava repozitářů"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+-msgstr "Načítají se metadata repozitářů z lokálních souborů"
++msgstr "Načítání metadat repozitářů z lokálních souborů"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Chyba konfigurace: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Chybná volba: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+-msgstr "  Nainstalováno: %s-%s na %s"
++msgstr "  Nainstalováno: %s-%s %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+-msgstr "  Sestaveno    : %s na %s"
++msgstr "  Sestaveno    : %s %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+-msgstr "  Odesláno     : %s na %s"
++msgstr "  Odesláno     : %s %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+-msgstr "Musíte zadat nějaký příkaz"
++msgstr "Musít být zadán nějaký příkaz"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "Neexistující příkaz: %s. Použijte %s --help"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Diskové požadavky:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr "  Je potřeba alespoň o %dMB více místa na souborovém systému %s.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "  Je potřeba alespoň o %dMB více místa na souborovém systému %s.\n"
++msgstr[1] "  Je potřeba alespoň o %dMB více místa na souborovém systému %s.\n"
++msgstr[2] "  Je potřeba alespoň o %dMB více místa na souborovém systému %s.\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Přehled chyb\n"
++msgstr "Přehled chyb\n------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Nelze vytvořit soubor se zámkem; končím"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Zámek pro yum nyní blokuje jiná aplikace; ukončení kvůli nastavenému exit_on_lock"
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr "Pokus o spuštění transakce, ale není co dělat. Ukončeno."
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr "budoucí verze rpmdb neodpovídá verzi uložené v transakci,"
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " ignorováno, jak bylo žádáno."
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr " přerušeno."
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "Ukončeno na příkaz uživatele"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+-msgstr "Stahují se balíčky:"
++msgstr "Stahování balíčků:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+-msgstr "Chyba stahování balíčků:\n"
++msgstr "Chyba při stahování balíčků:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Spuštěna kontrola transakce"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "CHYBA Je potřeba aktualizovat rpm k provedení:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "CHYBA při kontrole transakce a řešení závislostí:"
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+-msgstr "Je potřeba aktualizovat RPM"
++msgstr "Je nutné aktualizovat RPM"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+-msgstr "Oznamte prosím tuto chybu v %s"
++msgstr "Oznamte prosím tuto chybu na adrese %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+-msgstr "Spouští se test transakcí"
++msgstr "Spuštěn test transakce"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+-msgstr "Chyba při kontrole transakcí:\n"
++msgstr "Chyba při kontrole transakce:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+-msgstr "Test transakcí uspěl"
++msgstr "Test transakce v pořádku"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+-msgstr "Spouští se transakce"
++msgstr "Transakce spuštěna"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nelze automaticky importovat klíče při spuštění bez obsluhy.\n"
+-"Použijte \"-y\" k potlačení."
++msgstr "Nelze automaticky importovat klíče při spuštění bez obsluhy.\nPoužijte \"-y\" k potlačení."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+-msgstr "  * Možná jste myslel: "
++msgstr "  * Možná bylo míněno: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "Balíček(y) %s%s%s dostupný/é, ale nenainstalovaný/é."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "Balíček %s%s%s není dostupný."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Balíček(y) k instalaci"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr "%s: chybný argument %s."
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíček k instalaci"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíčky k instalaci"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčků k instalaci"
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Není co dělat"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d balíčků označeno k aktualizaci"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíček označen jako aktualizace"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíčky označeny jako aktualizace"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčků označeno jako aktualizace"
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "Žádné balíčky označené k aktualizaci"
++msgstr "Nejsou dostupné žádné balíčky s aktualizacemi"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "%d balíčků označených k synchronizaci distribuce"
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíček označen k synchronizaci distribuce"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíčky označeny k synchronizaci distribuce"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčků označeno k synchronizaci distribuce"
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "K synchronizaci distribuce nebyly označeny žádné balíčky"
++msgstr "K synchronizaci distribuce nebyly určeny žádné balíčky"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d balíčků označeno ke smazání"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíček označen k odstranění"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíčyk označeny k odstranění"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčků označeno k odstranění"
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "Žádné balíčky označené k odstranění"
++msgstr "Žádné balíčky ke smazání"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Balíček(y) ke snížení verze"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíček označen ke snížení verze"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíčky označeny ke snížení verze"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčků označeno ke snížení verze"
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (z %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+-msgstr "Instalované balíčky  %s%s%s%s nejsou dostupné"
++msgstr "Instalované balíčky %s%s%s%s nejsou dostupné"
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Balíček(y) k reinstalaci"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíček k reinstalaci"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíčky k reinstalaci"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčků k reinstalaci"
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+-msgstr "Žádný balíček neposkytuje"
++msgstr "Neposkytnuty žádné balíčky"
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Balíček(y) k instalaci"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Jméno/Souhrn odpovídá: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  Vyhledáno %spouze%s podle jména a souhrnu, použijte \"search all\" pro úplné hledání."
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  Vyhledáno %spouze%s podle plného jména a souhrnu, použijte \"search all\" pro úplné hledání."
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Shoda: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  Vyhledáno %shlavně%s, použijte \"search all\" pro úplné hledání."
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+-msgstr "Varování: Žádný balíček odpovídající: %s"
++msgstr "Varování: Žádná shoda pro: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "Nebyla nalezena shoda"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "Nebyly nalezeny balíčky pro %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "Chyba: Nebyly nalezený balíčky pro:\n  %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+-msgstr "Čištění repozitářů:"
++msgstr "Vyčištění repozitářů:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+-msgstr "Čistí se vše"
++msgstr "Vymazání celého obsahu cache"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+-msgstr "Čistí se hlavičky"
++msgstr "Vymazání hlaviček"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+-msgstr "Čistí se balíčky"
++msgstr "Vymazání balíčků"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+-msgstr "Čistí se XML metadata"
++msgstr "Vymazání XML metadat"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+-msgstr "Čistí se skladiště databáze"
++msgstr "Vymazání databázové cache"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+-msgstr "Ze skladiště se odstraňují zastaralá metadata"
++msgstr "Vymazání zastaralých metadat"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+-msgstr "Čistí se skladiště rpmdb dat"
++msgstr "Vymazání rpmdb cache"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+-msgstr "Čistí se zásuvné moduly"
++msgstr "Vymazání modulů"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "Nainstalované skupiny prostředí:"
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "Dostupné skupiny prostředí:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Nainstalované skupiny:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nainstalované jazykové skupiny:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Dostupné skupiny:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Dostupné jazykové skupiny:"
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr "Varování: Žádná shoda skupiny pro: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Dokončeno"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Varování: Skupina %s neexistuje."
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Varování: Skupina %s neexistuje."
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Varování: skupina %s neexistuje."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+-msgstr ""
+-"V žádné z požadovaných skupin nejsou balíčky k instalaci nebo aktualizaci"
++msgstr "V žádné z požadovaných skupin nejsou balíčky k instalaci nebo aktualizaci"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d balíček(ů) k instalaci"
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíček k instalaci"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíčky k instalaci"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčků k instalaci"
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr "Neexistuje skupina se jménem %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Neexistuje skupina se jménem %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "Žádné balíčky k odstranění ve skupině"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d balíček(ů) k odstranění"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíček k odstranění"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíčky k odstranění"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčků k odstranění"
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "Balíček %s je již nainstalován, přeskakuje se"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+-msgstr "Skartuje se neporovnatelný balíček %s.%s"
++msgstr "Zahození neporovnatelného balíčku %s.%s"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr "Žádný jiný %s nainstalován, přidán do seznamu k potenciální instalaci"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+-msgstr "Možnosti zásuvného modulu"
++msgstr "Volby zásuvného modulu"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+-msgstr "Chyba příkazové řádky: %s"
++msgstr "Chyba na příkazovém řádku: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: %s volba vyžaduje argument"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: %s volba vyžaduje argument"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+-msgstr "--color přijímá jeden z: auto, always, never"
++msgstr "--color může být jen: auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--installroot musí být absolutní cesta: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "ukázat tuto nápovědu a skončit"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "tolerovat chyby"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+-msgstr "spustit vše ze systémového skladiště, bez jeho aktualizace"
++msgstr "spustit vše ze systémové cache, bez její aktualizace"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "umístění konfiguračního souboru"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "maximální čas čekání na příkaz"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+-msgstr "úroveň výstupních ladících informací"
++msgstr "úroveň výpisu ladících informací"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr "ukázat duplikáty v repozitářích, v list/search příkazech"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+-msgstr "úroveň výstupu chyb"
++msgstr "úroveň výpisu chyb"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+-msgstr "úroveň výstupních ladících informací pro rpm"
++msgstr "úroveň výpisu ladících informací pro rpm"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+-msgstr "tichý chod"
++msgstr "tichý běh"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+-msgstr "užvaněný chod"
++msgstr "užvaněný běh"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+-msgstr "odpovědět ano na všechny otázky"
++msgstr "odpovědět na všechny otázky ano"
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "odpovědět ne na všechny otázky"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "ukázat verzi yumu a skončit"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "nastavit kořen instalace "
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "povolit jeden nebo více repozitářů (zástupné znaky povoleny)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "zakázat jeden nebo více repozitářů (zástupné znaky povoleny)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+-msgstr "vyřadit balíček(y) podle jména nebo globálně"
++msgstr "vyřadit balíček(y) podle jména nebo výrazu"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr "zakázat vyřazení z hlavní části, pro repozitář nebo pro vše"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "povolit zpracování zastaralých během aktualizací"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "zakázat zásuvné moduly yumu"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "zakázat kontrolu GPG podpisů"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "zakázat zásuvné moduly podle jména"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "povolit zásuvné moduly podle jména"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "přeskočit balíčky s problémy v závislostech"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "kontrola zda jsou použity barvy"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+-msgstr "nastavte hodnotu $releasever v konfiguraci yumu a repo souborech"
++msgstr "nastavit hodnotu $releasever pro yum a repo soubory"
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr "Neprováděj aktualizaci, pouze stáhni soubory"
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr "specifikuje alternativní adresář pro uložení balíčků"
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr "nastavit doplňkové konfigurace a možnosti repozitáře "
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+-msgstr "Led"
++msgstr "led"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+-msgstr "Úno"
++msgstr "úno"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+-msgstr "Bře"
++msgstr "bře"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+-msgstr "Dub"
++msgstr "dub"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+-msgstr "Kvě"
++msgstr "kvě"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+-msgstr "Čer"
++msgstr "čer"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+-msgstr "Čec"
++msgstr "čec"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+-msgstr "Srp"
++msgstr "srp"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+-msgstr "Zář"
++msgstr "zář"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+-msgstr "Říj"
++msgstr "říj"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+-msgstr "Lis"
++msgstr "lis"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+-msgstr "Pro"
++msgstr "pro"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+-msgstr "Zkouší se jiné zrcadlo"
++msgstr "Zkusí se jiné zrcadlo..."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+-msgstr "Jméno       : %s%s%s"
++msgstr "Jméno        : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+-msgstr "Arch        : %s"
++msgstr "Platforma    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+-msgstr "Epocha      : %s"
++msgstr "Epocha       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+-msgstr "Verze       : %s"
++msgstr "Verze        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+-msgstr "Vydání      : %s"
++msgstr "Vydání       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+-msgstr "Velikost    : %s"
++msgstr "Velikost     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+-msgstr "Repo        : %s"
++msgstr "Repozitář    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+-msgstr "Z repozitáře: %s"
++msgstr "Z repozitáře : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+-msgstr "Odesilatel  : %s"
++msgstr "Odesilatel   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+-msgstr "Čas odeslání: %s"
++msgstr "Čas odeslání : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+-msgstr "Čas sestavení: %s"
++msgstr "Čas vytvoření: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "Čas instalace: %s "
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+-msgstr "Nainstaloval: %s "
++msgstr "Nainstaloval : %s "
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+-msgstr "Změnil      : %s"
++msgstr "Změnil       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+-msgstr "Souhrn      : "
++msgstr "Souhrn       : "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+-msgstr "URL         : %s"
++msgstr "URL          : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+-msgstr "Licence     : "
++msgstr "Licence      : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+-msgstr "Popis       : "
++msgstr "Popis        : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "a"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "ano"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "ne"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "V pořádku [a/N]: "
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Skupina: %s"
++msgstr "\nSkupina: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " ID skupiny: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Popis: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Jazyk: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Povinné balíčky:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Výchozí balíčky:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Volitelné balíčky:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Podmínečné balíčky:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr "Nainstalované balíčky:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr "\nSkupina prostředí: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr " Environment-Id: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr " Povinné skupiny:"
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr " Volitelné skupiny:"
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr "Nainstalované skupiny:"
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+-msgstr "balíčky: %s"
++msgstr "balíček: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+-msgstr "  Pro tento balíček nejsou žádné závislosti"
++msgstr "  Pro balíček nejsou žádné závislosti"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+-msgstr "  závislosti: %s"
++msgstr "  závislost: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+-msgstr "   Neuspokojené závislosti"
++msgstr "   Nevyřešené závislosti"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Shoda s:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Licence     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Soubor      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "Poskytuje   : "
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Další       : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+-msgstr "Při výpočtu celkové velikosti stahování nastala chyba"
++msgstr "Při výpočtu celkové velikosti ke stahování nastala chyba"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Celková velikost: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+-msgstr "Celková velikost stahování: %s"
++msgstr "Celková velikost ke stahování: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "Nainstalovaná velikost: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+-msgstr "Při počítání velikosti instalace došlo k chybě"
++msgstr "Při výpočtu velikosti po instalaci došlo k chybě"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+-msgstr "Přeinstalovává se"
++msgstr "Reinstalace"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+-msgstr "Snižuje se verze"
++msgstr "Snížení verze"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+-msgstr "Instaluje se kvůli závislostem"
++msgstr "Instalace kvůli závislostem"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+-msgstr "Aktualizuje se kvůli závislostem"
++msgstr "Aktualizace se kvůli závislostem"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+-msgstr "Odstraňuje se kvůli závislostem"
++msgstr "Odstranění kvůli závislostem"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Přeskočeno (problémy se závislostmi)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "Nenainstalováno"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nedostupný"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Balíček"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "Balíček"
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] "Balíček"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Arch"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Verze"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Repozitář"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Vel."
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr "     nahrazuje se  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Shrnutí transakce\n"
++msgstr "\nShrnutí transakce\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Instalace    %5.5s balíčků\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Instalovat"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Aktualizace  %5.5s balíčků\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Aktualizace"
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Odstranění   %5.5s  balíčků\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Odstranění"
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Reinstalace  %5.5s balíčků\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Přeinstalovat"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Snížení verze %5.5s balíčků\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Snížit verzi"
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Závislý balíček"
++msgstr[1] "Závislé balíčky"
++msgstr[2] "Závislých balíčků"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Odstraněno"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Odstraněné závislosti"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Nainstalované závislosti"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Aktualizované závislosti"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Nahrazeno"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Selhalo"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+-msgstr "dvě"
++msgstr "dvou"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Aktuální stahování zrušeno, běh lze ukončit %sopakovaným přerušením (ctrl-c)%s\n"
+-"během %s%s%s sekund.\n"
++msgstr "\nAktuální stahování zrušeno, běh lze ukončit %sopakovaným přerušením (ctrl-c)%s\nběhem %s%s%s sekund.\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "Přerušeno uživatelem"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Celkem"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<nenastaveno>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "Systém"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Vynechání sloučené transakce %d až %d, protože jsou v překryvu"
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Žádné transakce"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr "Zadáno špatné ID transakce nebo balíčku/ů"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Příkazový řádek"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+-msgstr "Přihlášení uživatele"
++msgstr "Přihlášen uživatel"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "Datum a čas"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "Akce"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "Pozměněno"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Nezadáno ID transakce"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Špatné ID transakce"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr "Zadané ID transakce nenalezeno"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr "Nalezeno více než jedno ID transakce!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr "Nebylo zadáno ID transakce nebo balíčku/ů"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr "Snížena verze"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "Starší"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "Novější"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr "ID transakce:"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr "Počáteční čas  :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr "Začátek rpmdb  :"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u sekund)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u minut)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u hodin)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u dnů)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+-msgstr "Konečný čas    :"
++msgstr "Čas ukončení    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr "Konec rpmdb    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "Uživatel       :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "Návratový kód  :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "Přerušeno"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Selhání:"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "Selhalo:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+-msgstr "Úspěch"
++msgstr "Úspěšné"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+-msgstr "Příkazová řádka:"
++msgstr "Příkazový řádek:"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr "Uložená přídavná nestandardní informace: %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr "Transakce proběhla s:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "Pozměněné balíčky:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "Přeskočené balíčky:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Problémy rpmdb:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "Výstup skriptletu:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "Chyby:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "Instalovat"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr "Instalovat závislosti"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr "Zastaralé"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "Smazat"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "Přeinstalovat"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr "Snížit verzi"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "Aktualizovat"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "Čas"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "Poslední den"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "Poslední týden"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "Poslední 2 týdny"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "Poslední 3 měsíce"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "Posledních 6 měsíců"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "Poslední rok"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "Více než rok"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr "Nenalezena transakce %s"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr "ID transakce:"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "Další dostupná informace z historie:"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s: Nenalezena další data toho jména"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Balíček        :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "Stav           :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Velikost       :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "Sestaven na    :"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "Čas sestaveni  :"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Sestavil       :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Poskytovatel   :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Licence        :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URL            :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "Zdrojové RPM   :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "Čas zadání    :"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "Zadavatel      :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "Důvod          :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "Z repa         :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "Nainstaloval   :"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "Změnil         :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+-msgstr "instalaci"
++msgstr "instalován"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "novou aktualizací"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+-msgstr "smazání"
++msgstr "smazán"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+-msgstr "reinstalaci"
++msgstr "reinstalován"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ponížen"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "nahrazen"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+-msgstr "aktualizaci"
++msgstr "aktualizován"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+-msgstr "zastarání"
++msgstr "zastaralý"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "---> Balíček %s.%s %s:%s-%s bude %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+-msgstr "--> Spouští se kontrola transakce"
++msgstr "--> Kontrola transakce spuštěna"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+-msgstr "--> Restartuje se řešení závislostí s novými změnami."
++msgstr "--> Restartování řešení závislostí s novými změnami."
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Řešení závislostí dokončeno"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+-msgstr "--> Zpracování závislosti: %s pro balíček: %s"
++msgstr "--> Zpracování závislostí: %s pro balíček: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> Ponechají se balíčky: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr "---> Balíček %s ponechán, protože: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+-msgstr "--> Nevyřešená závislost: %s"
++msgstr "--> Nevyřešené závislosti: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "Balíček: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    Vyžaduje: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Vyžaduje: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        Nenalezeno"
++msgstr "\n        Nenalezeno"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+-msgstr "Aktualizoval"
++msgstr "Aktualizací balíčku"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr "Snížil verzi"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+-msgstr "Zastaral"
++msgstr "Zastaralán"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "Dostupné"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> Zpracování konfliktu: %s je v konfliktu s %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+-msgstr "--> Do transakční sady se přidávají vybrané balíčky. Čekejte prosím."
++msgstr "--> Do transakce jsou přidávány vybrané balíčky. Čekejte prosím."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+-msgstr "---> Stahují se hlavičky %s pro přidání do transakce."
++msgstr "---> Stahování hlaviček %s pro přidání do transakce."
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Ověřování"
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Běží"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Spí"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "Nepřerušitelné"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Zombie"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Trasován/Zastaven"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Neznámý"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  Další aplikace je: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  Další aplikace je: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Paměť  : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+-msgstr "    Spuštěn: %s - %s nazpět"
++msgstr "    Spuštěn: %s - před %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    Stav   : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ukončeno na základě pokynu uživatele"
++msgstr "\n\nUkončeno na příkaz uživatele"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ukončeno kvůli nefunkční rouře"
++msgstr "\n\nUkončeno přerušením roury"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-"Zámek aplikace yum je uzamčen jinou aplikací; ukončeno dle konfigurace "
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Chyba PluginExit: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Chyba Yumu: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Chyba: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+-msgstr " Můžete zkusit volbu --skip-broken k překonání tohoto problému"
++msgstr " Pro obejití problému můžete zkusit volbu --skip-broken"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr " Můžete zkusit spustit: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Neznámá chyba/y: Výstupní kód: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Závislosti vyřešeny"
++msgstr "\nZávislosti vyřešeny."
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Hotovo!"
+ #: ../yumcommands.py:42
+ msgid " Mini usage:\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Mini použití:\n"
+ #: ../yumcommands.py:52
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+-msgstr "Pro spuštění tohoto příkazu potřebujete být root."
++msgstr "Tento příkaz může spustit jen root."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1525,1609 +1680,1820 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Povolili jste kontrolu balíčků pomocí GPG klíčů, což je dobrá věc.\n"
+-"Bohužel nemáte ale nainstalován žádný veřejný GPG klíč. Musíte stáhnout klíč\n"
+-"pro balíček, který si přejete nainstalovat a přidat jej příkazem\n"
+-"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
+-"Jako druhou možnost můžete uvést URL ke klíči, který chcete použít\n"
+-"pro repozitář ve volbě 'gpgkey' v nastavení repozitáře, a yum\n"
+-"jej nainstaluje.\n"
+-"Více informací získáte u svého distributora nebo správce balíčku.\n"
++msgstr "\nJe povolena kontrola balíčků pomocí GPG klíčů, což je dobrá věc.\nNení však nainstalován žádný veřejný GPG klíč. Musíte stáhnout\nklíč pro balíček, který si přejete nainstalovat a přidat jej příkazem\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nJako druhou možnost můžete uvést URL ke klíči, který chcete použít\npro repozitář ve volbě 'gpgkey' v nastavení repozitáře, a yum\njej nainstaluje.\n\nVíce informací získáte u svého distributora nebo správce balíčku.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Problém v repozitáři: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Chyba: Je potřeba předat seznam balíčků do %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr "Chyba: Potřebuji alespoň dva balíčky pro %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr "Chyba: Je třeba zadat id repozitáře a příkaz pro %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr "Chyba: Je třeba zadat platný id repozitáře pro %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr "Chyba: Repozitář %s není povolen"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+-msgstr "Chyba: K nalezení shody je potřeba předmět"
++msgstr "Chyba: K nalezení shody je potřeba položka"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Chyba: Je potřeba skupina nebo seznam skupin"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Chyba: clean vyžaduje volbu: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Chyba: Neplatný argument pro clean: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+-msgstr "Shell nemá žádný argument"
++msgstr "Žádný argument pro shell"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Jméno souboru předané shellu: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr "Soubor %s předaný jako argument shellu neexistuje."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr "Chyba: Více než jeden soubor předán shellu jako argument."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Neexistují žádné povolené repozitáře.\n"
+-" Abyste viděli povolené repozitáře spusťte \"yum repolist all\".\n"
+-" Povolit repozitáře můžete pomocí \"yum-config-manager --enable <repo>\""
++msgstr "K dispozici nejsou žádné povolené repozitáře.\n Pro zobrazení repozitářů spusťte \"yum repolist all\".\n Repozitáře můžete povolit pomocí \"yum-config-manager --enable <repo>\""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "Balíček..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Instalovat balíček nebo balíčky do vašeho systému"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+-msgstr "Uspořádává se průběh instalace"
++msgstr "Příprava průběhu instalace"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[Balíček...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+-msgstr "Aktualizovat balíček nebo balíčky na vašem systému"
++msgstr "Aktualizovat balíček nebo balíčky v systému"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+-msgstr "Uspořádává se průběh aktualizace"
++msgstr "Příprava průběhu aktualizace"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr "Synchronizovat nainstalované balíčky na poslední dostupnou verzi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+-msgstr "Uspořádává se proces synchronizace distribuce"
++msgstr "Příprava procesu synchronizace distribuce"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Zobrazit detaily o balíčku nebo skupině balíčků"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+-msgstr "Nainstalované balíčky"
++msgstr "Nainstalované balíčky:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+-msgstr "Dostupné balíčky"
++msgstr "Dostupné balíčky:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+-msgstr "Dodatečné balíčky"
++msgstr "Dodatečné balíčky:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+-msgstr "Aktualizované balíčky"
++msgstr "Aktualizované balíčky:"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+-msgstr "Zastaralé balíčky"
++msgstr "Zastaralé balíčky:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+-msgstr "Nově přidané balíčky"
++msgstr "Nedávno přidané balíčky:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+-msgstr "Nenalezeny shodné balíčky"
++msgstr "Nenalezeny odpovídající balíčky"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Vypsat balíček nebo skupiny balíčků"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Odstranit balíček nebo balíčky ze systému"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+-msgstr "Uspořádává se průběh odstranění"
++msgstr "Příprava průběhu odstranění"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Zobrazit, nebo použít, informaci o skupinách"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+-msgstr "Uspořádává se zpracování skupiny"
++msgstr "Příprava zpracování skupiny"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "Nenalezeny skupiny, na které by šlo příkaz aplikovat"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Vypsat dostupné skupiny balíčků"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Instalovat balíčky ze skupiny do systému"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Neplatný pod-příkaz pro skupiny, použijte: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Odstranit balíčky ze skupiny ze systému"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "Neexistuje soubor pro nainstalované skupiny."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Zobrazit detaily o skupině balíčků"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "Nemáte přístup k DB skupin."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+-msgstr "Vygenerovat skladiště metadat"
++msgstr "Vygenerovat cache s metadaty"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+-msgstr "Vytváří se skladištní soubory pro všechna metadata "
++msgstr "Vytváření cache souborů pro všechna metadata."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+-msgstr "Může to chvíli trvat v závislosti na rychlosti tohoto počítače"
++msgstr "Může to chvíli trvat v závislosti na rychlosti počítače"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+-msgstr "Skladiště metadat vytvořeno"
++msgstr "Cache s metadaty vytvořena."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+-msgstr "Odstranit data ze skladiště"
++msgstr "Odstranit data z cache"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "Nalézt balíček, který poskytuje danou hodnotu"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+-msgstr "Zkontrolovat dostupné aktualizace balíčků"
++msgstr "Zkontrolovat dostupnost aktualizací pro balíčky"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+-msgstr "Nalézt detaily balíčku pro daný řetězec"
++msgstr "Vyhledat detaily balíčku pro zadaný řetězec"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+-msgstr "Prohledávají se balíčky: "
++msgstr "Prohledávání balíčků: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Aktualizovat balíčky a brát v úvahu zastaralé"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+-msgstr "Uspořádává se průběh aktualizace"
++msgstr "Příprava průběhu upgrade"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Instalovat lokální RPM"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+-msgstr "Uspořádává se zpracování lokálního balíčku"
++msgstr "Příprava zpracování lokálního balíčku"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Určit který balíček poskytuje danou závislost"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+-msgstr "Prohledávají se balíčky kvůli závislostem:"
++msgstr "Prohledávání balíčků pro vyřešení závislostí:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Spustit interaktivní shell yum"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+-msgstr "Nastavuje se yum shell"
++msgstr "Příprava yum shellu"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+-msgstr "Zobrazit závislosti balíčku"
++msgstr "Vypsat závislosti balíčku"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+-msgstr "Hledají se závislosti: "
++msgstr "Hledání závislostí: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Zobrazit nastavené repozitáře softwaru"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "povoleno"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "zakázáno"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+-msgstr "Repo-id      : "
++msgstr "Repo-ID      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+-msgstr "Repo-jméno   : "
++msgstr "Repo-název   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "Repo-status  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Repo-revize  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-tagy    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Repo-distro-tagy: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+-msgstr "Repo-aktuální: "
++msgstr "Repo-aktual. : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+-msgstr "Repo-bal.    : "
++msgstr "Repo-balíčků : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-velikost: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr "Repo-baseurl : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "Repo-metalink: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+-msgstr "  Aktualizováno: "
++msgstr "Aktualizováno: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr "Repo-zrcadla : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Nikdy (poslední: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Okamžitě (naposledy: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s sekund (naposledy: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr "Repo-vyprší  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr "Repo-vyřazeno: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr "Repo-zahrnuto: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr "Repo-vyřazeno: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Repo-konfig  : "
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+-msgstr "repo id"
++msgstr "ID repozitáře:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+-msgstr "status"
++msgstr "Stav:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+-msgstr "jméno repa"
++msgstr "Název repozitáře:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Zobrazit užitečnou nápovědu"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+-msgstr "Není dostupná nápověda pro %s"
++msgstr "Pro %s není dostupná nápověda"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"aliasy: "
++msgstr "\n\naliasy: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"alias: "
++msgstr "\n\nalias: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+-msgstr "Uspořádává se průběh reinstalace"
++msgstr "Příprava průběhu reinstalace"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "Reinstalace balíčku"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+-msgstr "Uspořádává se průběh snížení verze"
++msgstr "Příprava snížení verze"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "Snížení verze balíčku"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+-msgstr "Zobrazit verzi pro tento počítač a/nebo dostupné repozitáře."
++msgstr "Zobrazit verzi pro počítač a/nebo dostupné repozitáře."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr " Verze yum skupin:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " Skupina :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr " Balíčky :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "Nainstalováno:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr "Nainstalované skupiny:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Dostupné:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "Dostupné skupiny:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+-msgstr "Zobrazit nebo používat transakční historii"
++msgstr "Zobrazit nebo používat historii transakcí"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Transakce:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "Začátek v   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "Konec v     :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "Počet       :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  rpm DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  yum DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+-msgstr "Neplatný pod-příkaz historie, použijte: %s."
++msgstr "Neplatný subpříkaz historie, použijte: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr "Nemáte přístup k databázi s historií."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Zkontrolovat problémy v rpmdb"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Načíst transakci uloženou v souboru"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nebyla zadána žádná uložená transakce."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "načítání transakce z %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Transakce načtena z %s s %s položkami"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr "Jednoduchý způsob pro záměnu balíčků, bez použití yum-shell"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr "Považuje repozitář za skupinu balíčků, takže je lze instalovat/odinstalovat všechny"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíček k aktualizaci"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíčky k aktualizaci"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčků k aktualizaci"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíček k odstranění/reinstalaci"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíčky k odstranění/reinstalaci"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčků k odstranění/reinstalaci"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíček k odstranění/synchronizaci"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíčky k odstranění/synchronizaci"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčků k odstranění/synchronizaci"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr "Neplatný pod-příkaz pro %s"
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Selhaly kontroly Yumu: %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
+-msgstr "Zámek yumu je obsazen jinou aplikací; čeká se na její ukončení..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Není přístup pro čtení/spuštěné v aktuálním adresáři, přechod do /"
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Není přístup k getcwd() v aktuálním adresáři, přechod do /"
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+-msgstr "Řeší se závislosti"
++msgstr "Řešení závislostí..."
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "Transakce yum byla uložena, znovustit lze s:\n yum load-transaction %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ukončeno na pokyn uživatele."
++msgstr "\n\nUkončeno na pokyn uživatele."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() bude v následujících verzích yumu odstraněno.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Uspořádává se TransactionSet před tím než bude připravena třída config"
++msgstr "Příprava TransactionSet před tím než bude připravena třída config"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "Neplatný tsflag v konfiguračním souboru: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+-msgstr "Hledá se pkgSack pro závislost: %s"
++msgstr "Hledání pkgSack pro závislost: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+-msgstr "Prvek: %s"
++msgstr "Člen: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+-msgstr "%s zkonvertován na instalaci"
++msgstr "%s zkonvertován pro instalaci"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+-msgstr "Přidává se balíček %s v módu %s"
++msgstr "Přidání balíčeku %s v režimu %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+-msgstr "Odstraňuje se balíček %s"
++msgstr "Odstranění balíčku %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s vyžaduje: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s vyžaduje %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+-msgstr "Závazné požadavky již byly prohledány, švindluje se"
++msgstr "Potřebné Require již bylo vyhledáno, švindluje se"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+-msgstr "Závazný požadavek není jméno balíčku. Hledá se: %s"
++msgstr "Potřebné Require není jméno balíčku. Hledání: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Možný poskytovatel: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Mód je %s pro poskytovatele %s: %s"
++msgstr "Režim %s pro poskytovatele %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Mód pro bal. poskytující %s: %s"
++msgstr "Režim pro bal. poskytující %s: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pro vyřešení závislostí se zkouší aktualizace %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Není cesta pro aktualizaci %s. Selhání!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr "Nenalezen způsob jak aktualizovat %s. Nelze uspokojit požadavek: %s!"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr "Aktualizace %s. Neopravuje požadavek: %s!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+-msgstr "TSINFO: %s balíček požaduje %s označený ke smazání"
++msgstr "TSINFO: balíček %s požaduje %s, který je určen ke smazání"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+-msgstr "TSINFO: Zastarává se %s s %s k vyřešení závislostí."
++msgstr "TSINFO: Balíček %s je označen za zastaralý balíčkem %s pro vyřešení závislostí."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+-msgstr "TSINFO: Aktualizuji %s k vyřešení závislostí."
++msgstr "TSINFO: Aktualizace %s pro vyřešení závislostí."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+-msgstr "Nelze nalézt cestu aktualizací pro závislost pro: %s"
++msgstr "Nelze nalézt cestu aktualizací pro závislosti pro: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+-msgstr "Rychlá shoda %s vyžadovaného pro %s"
++msgstr "Rychlá shoda %s vyžadována pro %s"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s je v poskytujících balíčcích, ale je již nainstalován, odstraňuje se."
++msgstr "%s je v poskytujících balíčcích, ale je již nainstalován, odstraňuje se."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+-msgstr "Balíček %s, který může být řešení, má v ts novější verzi."
++msgstr "Balíček %s, který může být řešením, má v transakci novější verzi."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+-msgstr "Balíček %s, který může být řešení, je nainstalován v novější verzi."
++msgstr "Balíček %s, který může být řešením, je nainstalován v novější verzi."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+-msgstr "%s je již v ts, vynechává se"
++msgstr "%s je již v transakci, vynechává se"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+-msgstr "TSINFO: Označuji %s jako aktualizaci %s"
++msgstr "TSINFO: Označení %s jako aktualizaci pro %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+-msgstr "TSINFO: Označuji %s jako instalaci %s"
++msgstr "TSINFO: Označení %s jako instalaci pro %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Úspěch - prázdná transakce"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+-msgstr "Restartuje se smyčka"
++msgstr "Restartování smyčky"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+-msgstr "Proces zpracování závislostí končí"
++msgstr "Proces zpracování závislostí skončil"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Úspěch - závislosti vyřešeny"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+-msgstr "Kontroluji závislosti pro %s"
++msgstr "Kontrola závislostí pro %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+-msgstr "hledá se %s jako požadavek od %s"
++msgstr "hledá se %s jako požadavek pro %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+-msgstr "Spouští se compare_providers() pro %s"
++msgstr "Spuštěno compare_providers() pro %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "lepší architektura v po %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s zastarává %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"archdist porovnán pro %s k %s na %s\n"
+-"  Vítěz: %s"
++msgstr "archdist porovnal %s vůči %s na %s\n  Vítěz: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "společné zdrojové rpm %s a %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr "základní balíček %s je nainstalován pro %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "společný prefix %s mezi %s a %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr "vyžaduje minimálně: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "poskytuje vercmp: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr " Vítěz:  %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "vyžaduje minimálně: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+-msgstr " Poražený (kým %d): %s"
++msgstr " Poražený (%d): %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+-msgstr "Nejlepší pořádek: %s"
++msgstr "Nejlepší pořadí: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() bude odstraněn v příští verzi Yumu.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr "Přeskakuji nečitelný repozitář %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+-msgstr "Repozitář  %r: Chyba při zpracování konfigurace:  %s"
++msgstr "Repozitář  %r: Chyba při parsování konfigurace:  %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+-msgstr "Repozitáři %r chybí jméno v konfiguraci, používá se id"
++msgstr "Repozitáři %r chybí v konfiguraci jméno, použito id"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+-msgstr "zásuvný modul je již inicializován"
++msgstr "zásuvné moduly jsou již inicializovány"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() bude odstraněn v příští verzi Yumu.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+-msgstr "Načítá se lokální RPMDB"
++msgstr "Načítání lokální RPMDB"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() bude odstraněn v příští verzi Yumu.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() bude odstraněn v příští verzi Yumu.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+-msgstr "Připravuje se pytel balíčků"
++msgstr "Příprava souhrnu balíčků"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+-msgstr "objekt repozitáře pro repo %s postrádá metodu _resetSack\n"
++msgstr "repo objekt pro repozitář %s postrádá metodu _resetSack\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+-msgstr "proto nemůže toto repo být resetováno.\n"
++msgstr "proto nemůže být tento repozitář resetován.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() bude odstraněn v příští verzi Yumu.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+-msgstr "Sestavuje se objekt aktualizací"
++msgstr "Sestavování objektů aktualizací"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() bude odstraněn v příští verzi Yumu.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+-msgstr "Získávají se metadata skupin"
++msgstr "Získávání metadata skupin"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+-msgstr "Přidává se skupinový soubor pro repozitář: %s"
++msgstr "Přidání souboru se skupinou pro repozitář: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr "Nelze stáhnout soubor skupin pro repozitář: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+-msgstr "Selhalo přidání skupinového souboru pro repozitář: %s - %s"
++msgstr "Selhalo přidání souboru se skupinou pro repozitář: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "V žádném repozitáři nejsou dostupné skupiny"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+-msgstr "Získávají se pkgtags metadata"
++msgstr "Získávání metadat pkgtags"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+-msgstr "Přidávají se tagy z repozitáře: %s"
++msgstr "Přidávání tagů z repozitáře: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Selhalo přidání Pkg Tagů pro repozitář: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+-msgstr "Importuji informace z dodatečného seznamu souborů"
++msgstr "Importování informací z dodatečných seznamů souborů"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "Program %s%s%s byl nalezen v balíčku yum-utils."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Existují nedokončené transakce. Měli byste zvážit možnost nejdříve spustit "
+-"yum-complete-transaction k jejich dokončení."
++msgstr "Existují nedokončené transakce. Pro jejich dokončení raději nejprve spusťte yum-complete-transaction."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--> Hledání nepotřebných závislostí"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
++msgstr "Chráněné verze multilib-u: %s != %s"
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+-msgstr "Zkuste odstranit \"%s\", který je chráněný"
++msgstr "Pokus o odstranění \"%s\", který je chráněn"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Balíček přeskočen kvůli problémům se závislostmi:"
++msgstr "\nBalíčky přeskočené kvůli problémům se závislostmi:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s z %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"** Nalezeny %d pre-existující problémy rpmdb, následuje výstup \"yum "
++msgstr "** Nalezeny %d existující problémy v rpmdb, následuje výstup \"yum check\":"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr "Varování: RPMDB byla změněna mimo yum."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+-msgstr "chybějící požadavek"
++msgstr "chybějící requires"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+-msgstr "konflikt nainstalovaného"
++msgstr "instalační konflikt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Varování: Během transakce došlo k chybě skriptletu nebo jiné nefatální "
++msgstr "Varování: Během transakce došlo k chybě skriptletu nebo jiné nefatální chybě."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr "Transakce nemůže začít:"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr "Nelze spustit transakci."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "Selhalo odstranění transakčního souboru %s."
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+-msgstr "%s mělo být nainstalováno, ale není!"
++msgstr "%s by mělo být nainstalováno, ale není!"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+-msgstr "%s mělo být odstraněno, ale není!"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Nelze otevřít zámek  %s: %s"
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Nedá se zkontrolovat, zda je PID %s aktivní."
++msgstr "%s by mělo být odstraněno, ale není!"
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr "Existující zámek %s: jiná kopie běží s pid %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr "Nelze vytvořit zámek na %s: %s "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Nelze otevřít zámek  %s: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Nelze zkontrolovat, zda je PID %s aktivní."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Balíček neodpovídá zamýšlenému stahování. Zkuste spustit: yum "
+-"--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr "Balíček neodpovídá zamýšlenému stahování. Zkuste spustit: yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "Nelze zkontrolovat kontrolní součet"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+-msgstr "Balíček neodpovídá kontrolnímu součtu"
++msgstr "Kontrolní součet balíčku nesouhlasí"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+-msgstr "balíček neprošel kontrolním součtem ale skladiště je povoleno pro %s"
++msgstr "kontrolní součet balíčku nesouhlasím, avšak pro %s je povolena cache"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+-msgstr "používá se lokální kopie %s"
++msgstr "použití lokální kopie %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nedostatek diskového prostoru ve stahovacím adresáři %s\n"
+-"    * volno   %s\n"
+-"    * potřeba %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
++msgstr "končím protože bylo zadáno --downloadonly"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "Hlavička není kompletní."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Hlavička není v lokálním skladišti, ale je povoleno používat pouze "
+-"skladiště. Nemohu stáhnout %s"
++msgstr "Hlavička není v lokální cache, avšak nic jiného nelze použít. Nelze stáhnout %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "Veřejný klíč %s není nainstalován"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Problém s otevřením balíčku %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "Veřejný klíč %s není důvěryhodný"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "Balíček %s není podepsán"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+-msgstr "Nemohu odstranit %s"
++msgstr "Nelze odstranit %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s odstraněn"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+-msgstr "Nemohu odstranit %s soubor %s"
++msgstr "Nelze odstranit %s soubor %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s soubor %s odstraněn"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s soubor odstraněn"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d %s soubor odstraněn"
++msgstr[1] "%d %s soubory odstraněny"
++msgstr[2] "%d %s souborů odstraněno"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+-msgstr "Více než jedna identická shoda v pytli pro %s"
++msgstr "Více než jedna identická shoda v souhrnu pro %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+-msgstr "Nic se neshoduje s %s.%s %s:%s-%s z aktualizace"
++msgstr "Z aktualizace se nic neshoduje s %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() bude odstraněn v příští verzi Yumu.                      "
+-"Používejte místo něj searchGenerator(). \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() bude odstraněn v příští verzi Yumu.                      Používejte místo něj searchGenerator(). \n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "Prohledává se %d balíčků"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "Prohledávání %d balíčku"
++msgstr[1] "Prohledávání %d balíčků"
++msgstr[2] "Prohledávání %d balíčků"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+-msgstr "prohledává se balíček %s"
++msgstr "vyhledávání balíčku %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+-msgstr "hledá se v souborových položkách"
++msgstr "vyhledávání v názvech souborů"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+-msgstr "hledá se v položkách poskytovatelů"
++msgstr "vyhledávání v položkách poskytuje"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+-msgstr "Pro nastavený repozitář nejsou žádná dostupná skupinová data"
++msgstr "Pro aktivní repozitáře nejsou k dispozici žádná data o skupinách"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+-msgstr "Neexistuje skupina pojmenovaná %s"
++msgstr "Neexistuje skupina %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "balíček %s nebyl označen ve skupině %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Přeskočen balíček %s ze skupiny %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+-msgstr "Přidává se balíček %s pro skupinu %s"
++msgstr "Přidání balíčku %s ze skupiny %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+-msgstr "Žádný balíček pojmenovaný %s není dostupný pro instalaci"
++msgstr "Pro instalaci není k dispozici žádný balíček s názvem %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr "Varování: Skupina %s nemá žádné balíčky k instalaci."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Skupina %s má %u volitelných balíčků, které mohou být nainstalovány."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr "Vynechávám skupinu %s z prostředí %s"
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+-msgstr "Uspořádaný seznam balíčků %s nenalezen v pytli balíčků"
++msgstr "Položka balíčku %s nenalezena v souhrnu balíčků"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+-msgstr "Uspořádaný seznam balíčků %s nenalezen v rpmdb"
++msgstr "Položka balíčku %s nenalezena v rpmdb"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Neplatný příznak verze z: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+-msgstr "Nebyl nalezen balíček pro %s"
++msgstr "Pro %s nebyl nalezen žádný balíček"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Varování: Skupina prostředí %s neexistuje."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr "Balíček %s nelze instalovat současně s %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "Objekt balíčku nebyl instancí balíčkového objektu"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+-msgstr "Nebylo určeno nic k instalaci"
++msgstr "K instalaci nebylo nic určeno"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+-msgstr "Hledá se virtuální poskytovatel nebo soubor poskytující %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "Nenalezena shoda pro argument: %s"
++msgstr "Zjišťování virtuálního provide nebo file-provide pro %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "Balíček %s je nainstalován, ale není dostupný"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+-msgstr "Žádné balíčky dostupné pro instalaci"
++msgstr "K instalaci nejsou dostupné žádné balíčky"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "Balíček: %s - již je v transakční sadě"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+-msgstr "Balíček %s je zastaralý balíčkem %s, který je již nainstalován"
++msgstr "Balíček %s je označen za zastaralý balíčkem %s, který je již nainstalován"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Balíček %s je zastaralý balíčkem %s, ale nový balíček nesplňuje závislosti"
++msgstr "Balíček %s je označen za zastaralý balíčkem %s, ale není poskytnut pro vyřešení závislostí"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Balíček %s je zastaralý balíčkem %s, zkouší se místo něj instalovat %s"
++msgstr "Balíček %s je označen za zastaralý balíčkem %s, zkouší se místo něj instalovat %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "Balíček %s je již nainstalován a v poslední verzi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+-msgstr "Balíček odpovídající %s je již nainstalován. Hledají se aktualizace."
++msgstr "Balíček odpovídající %s je již nainstalován. Vyhledání aktualizací."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+-msgstr "Aktualizuje se vše"
++msgstr "Aktualizace všeho"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Neaktualizuje se balíček, který je již zastaralý: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Pro argument nenalezena shoda: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Žádný balíček nevyhovuje aktualizaci: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Balíček je již zastaralý: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "Neaktualizuje se balíček, který je zastaralý: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Neaktualizuje se balíček, který jej již aktuální: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "Nenalezen žádný shodný balíček pro odstranění"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "Žádný balíček nevyhovuje odstranění: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+-msgstr "Přeskakuji aktuálně používané jádro: %s"
++msgstr "Aktuálně používané jádro bylo přeskočeno: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+-msgstr "Odstraňuji %s z transakce"
++msgstr "Odstranění %s z transakce"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Nelze otevřít: %s. Přeskakuje se."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Zkoumá se %s: %s"
++msgstr "Zkoumání %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+-msgstr "Nelze lokálně instalovat deltarpm: %s. Přeskakuje se."
++msgstr "Nelze lokálně nainstalovat deltarpm: %s. Přeskakuje se."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr "Nelze přidat balíček %s do transakce. Nekompatibilní architektura: %s"
++msgstr "Do transakce nelze přidat balíček %s. Nekompatibilní architektura: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+-msgstr "Nelze instalovat balíček %s. Je zastaralý nainstalovaným balíčkem  %s"
++msgstr "Nelze nainstalovat balíček %s. Je zastaralý nainstalovaným balíčkem %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Balíček %s není nainstalován, nelze jej aktualizovat. Spusťte místo toho yum"
+-" install a nainstalujte jej."
++msgstr "Balíček %s není nainstalován, nelze jej aktualizovat. Nainstalujte jen příkazem yum install."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Balíček %s.%s není nainstalován, nelze jej aktualizovat. Nainstalujte jen příkazem yum install."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+-msgstr "Vynechává se %s"
++msgstr "Vynechání %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+-msgstr "Označuje se %s k instalaci"
++msgstr "Označení %s k instalaci"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+-msgstr "Označuje se %s jako aktualizace %s"
++msgstr "Označení %s jako aktualizace %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+-msgstr "%s: není aktualizací instalovaného balíčku."
++msgstr "%s: není aktualizací nainstalovaného balíčku."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Nelze otevřít soubor: %s. Přeskakuje se."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr "Problém při reinstalaci: žádný shodný balíček k odstranění"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr "Problém při reinstalaci: žádný shodný balíček %s k instalaci"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Žádné balíčky dostupné ke snížení verze"
++msgstr "Pro snížení verze není dostupný žádný balíček"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "Balíček %s má dovoleno vícero instalací, přeskakuje se"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "Neexistuje shoda pro dostupný balíček: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+-msgstr "Pouze aktualizace dostupná pro balíček: %s"
++msgstr "Pouze aktualizace je dostupná pro balíček: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr "Nepodařilo se snížit verzi: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Nezdařila se aktualizace: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Získávání klíče z %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "Získání GPG klíče selhalo: "
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "GPG podpis klíčem %s neodpovídá klíči CA pro repozitář: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "GPG podpis byl ověřen oproti CA klíči (klíčům)."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Neplatný GPG klíč pro %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+-msgstr "Zpracování GPG klíče selhalo: klíč nemá žádnou hodnotu %s"
++msgstr "Parsování GPG klíče selhalo: klíč nemá žádnou hodnotu %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importuje se %s klíč 0x%s:\n Userid     : \"%s\"\n Fingerprint: %s\n Balíček    : %s (%s)\n Z          : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importuje se %s klíč 0x%s:\n Userid     : \"%s\"\n Fingerprint: %s\n Z          : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Nepovolené balíček je: %s\n GPG klíče jsou nakonfigurovány jako: %s\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "GPG klíč %s (0x%s) je již nainstalován"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "Import klíče selhal (kód %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "Import klíče proběhl úspěšně"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nebyly instalovány žádné klíče"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"GPG klíč určený pro repozitář „%s“ je již nainstalován, ale není správný pro tento balíček.\n"
+-"Zkontrolujte, že URL klíče jsou pro repozitář správně nastavena."
++msgstr "GPG klíče určené pro repozitář „%s“ jsou již nainstalovány, avšak pro tento balíček nejsou správné.\nZkontrolujte, zda URL klíčů jsou pro tento repozitář správně nastaveny."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "Import klíče/ů nepomohl, špatný klíč(e)?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "Ne"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Ano"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n CA klíč: %s\n Nepovolený repozitář je: %s\n GPG klíče jsou nakonfigurovány jako: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "GPG klíč %s (0x%s) je již naimportován"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "Import klíče selhal"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "Import klíče %s se nezdařil."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nebyly nainstalovány žádné klíče pro repozitář %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"GPG klíče pro repozitář \"%s\" jsou již nainstalovány, ale nejsou správné.\n"
+-"Zkontrolujte že pro repozitář je správně nastaveno URL klíče."
++msgstr "GPG klíče pro repozitář \"%s\" jsou již nainstalovány, ale nejsou správné.\nZkontrolujte že pro repozitář je správně nastaveno URL klíče."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+-msgstr "Nemohu nalézt vhodné zrcadlo"
++msgstr "Nelze nalézt vhodné zrcadlo"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Při stahování balíčků došlo k chybě."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+-msgstr "Oznamte prosím tuto chybu na %s"
++msgstr "Oznamte tuto chybu na %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Chyby testu transakce: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+-msgstr "Nelze vytvořit skladiště: %s "
++msgstr "Nelze nastavit adresář pro cache: %s "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Závislosti nebyly vyřešeny.  Nevyřešená transakce nebude uložena."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nelze uložit transakční soubor %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nelze načíst uloženou transakci %s : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr "rpmdb obsahuje jinou verzi než je v uložené transakci, "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "nelze nalézt tsflags nebo tsflags není celé číslo."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nalezen txmbr v neznámém stavu: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nelze nalézt txmbr: %s ve stavu %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nelze nalézt txmbr: %s z: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Transakční položky nebo vztahy chybí nebo byla transakce změněna,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " ignorováno. Musíte spustit redepsolve!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s již byl navštíven a nemůže být odebrán"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "Zkouší se revdeps %s"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s má revdep %s který byl nainstalován uživatelem."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr "%s je vyžadováno jedním z balíčků k instalaci."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "%s nemá žádné uživatelem nainstalované revdeps."
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+-msgstr "Zavedeny zásuvné moduly: "
++msgstr "Zavedené moduly: "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+-msgstr "Neexistuje zásuvný modul pro: %s"
++msgstr "Neexistuje shoda modulu pro: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+-msgstr "Nezavádí se „%s“ modul, protože je zakázán"
++msgstr "Nezaveden modul „%s“, protože je zakázán"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "Modul „%s“ nemůže být importován"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "Modul „%s“ neuvádí požadovanou verzi API"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "Modul „%s“ požaduje API %s. Podporované API je %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+-msgstr "Zavádí se zásuvný modul „%s“"
++msgstr "Zaveden modul „%s“"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr "V prohledávaných cestách jsou dva nebo více modulů se jménem „%s“"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "Konfigurační soubor %s nenalezen"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "Nelze nalézt konfigurační soubor pro modul %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "registrace příkazů není podporována"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+-msgstr "má chybějící požadavky"
++msgstr "má chybějící requires"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr "má konflikty v instalaci"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr "%s je duplicitní s %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+-msgstr "%s je zastaralé novějším %s"
++msgstr "%s je označeno za zastaralé balíčkem %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+-msgstr "%s poskytuje %s, ale to nelze nalézt"
++msgstr "%s poskytuje %s, avšak nelze to nalézt"
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:80
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+-msgstr "Přebaluje se"
++msgstr "Přebalení"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Ověřování: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Nedostatek místa v cílovém adresáři pro stahování: %s\n    * volné místo %s\n    * je potřeba %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr "Balíček neodpovídá zamýšlenému stahování."
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+@@ -3141,11 +3507,11 @@ msgstr "Pro RPM %s selhala kontrola md5"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr "Nelze otevřít databázi RPM pro čtení. Možná je již používána?"
++msgstr "Nelze otevřít RPM databázi pro čtení. Možná je právě používána?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+-msgstr "Vrátila se prázdná hlavička. Něco se stalo špatně."
++msgstr "Získána prázdná hlavička. Něco je špatně."
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:253 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:260
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:263 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:266
+@@ -3157,5 +3523,3 @@ msgstr "Poškozená hlavička %s"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Chyba při otevření rpm %s - chyba %s"
+diff --git a/po/da.po b/po/da.po
+index a7202e2..5c2d4fd 100644
+--- a/po/da.po
++++ b/po/da.po
+@@ -2,1519 +2,1656 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# Kris Thomsen <lakristho@gmail.com>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# Kris Thomsen <lakristho@gmail.com>, 2011-2012.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Danish (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/da/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Danish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/da/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: da\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Opdaterer"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Sletter"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Installerer"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Overflødiggjort"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Opdateret"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Slettet"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Installeret"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+-msgstr "Ingen header - meget mystisk"
++msgstr "Ingen header - mystisk"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Genpakning"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Error: ugyldig uddatastatus: %s for %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Slettet: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Fjerner"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Oprydning af"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "Kommandoen \"%s\" er allerede defineret"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Indstiller pakkearkiver"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "Læser pakkearkiv for metadata fra lokale filer"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Konfigurationsfejl: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Fejl i indstilling: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Installeret: %s-%s på %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Bygget    : %s på %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Indsendt: %s på %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "Du skal angive en kommando"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "Ingen sådan kommando: %s. Brug %s --help"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Behov for diskplads:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr "  Mindst %dMB mere plads er krævet på filsystemet %s.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "  Mindst %dMB mere plads er krævet på filsystemet %s.\n"
++msgstr[1] "  Mindst %dMB mere plads er krlvet på filsystemet %s.\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fejlopsummering\n---------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Kan ikke oprette låsfil; afslutter"
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Et andet program holder i øjeblikket yum-låsen; afslutter som konfigureret af exit_on_llock"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr "Forsøger at udføre overførslen, men der intet at udføre. Afslutter."
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " ignorerer, som forespurgt."
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr " afslutter."
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "Afslutter efter brugerens ønske"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "Henter pakker:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Fejl ved hentning af pakker:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kører overførselskontrol"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "FEJL Du skal opdatere RPM for at håndtere:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "FEJL med overførselskontrol vs depsolve"
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "RPM skal opdateres"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Rapportér venligst denne fejl i %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "Kører overførselstest"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "Fejl i overførselskontrol:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "Overførselstest afsluttet uden fejl"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "Kører overførsel"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Afviser automatisk importering af nøgler ved baggrundskørsel.\n"
+-"Brug \"-y\" til at overskrive."
++msgstr "Afviser automatisk importering af nøgler ved baggrundskørsel.\nBrug \"-y\" til at overskrive."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * Du mente måske: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "Pakke(r) %s%s%s tilgængelig(e), men ikke installeret."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "Pakken %s%s%s er ikke tilgængelig."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Pakke(r) til installation"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakke at installere"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakker at installere"
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Intet at udføre"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d pakker markeret til opdatering"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakke markeret til opdatering"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakker markeret til opdatering"
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "Ingen pakker markeret til opdatering"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "%d pakker er markeret til distributionssynkronisering"
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakke markeret til distributionssynkronisering"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakker markeret til distributionssynkronisering"
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr "Ingen pakker er markeret til distributionssynkronisering"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d pakker markeret til fjernelse"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakke markeret til fjernelse"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakker markeret til fjernelse"
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "Ingen pakker markeret til fjernelse"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Pakke(r) til nedgradering"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakke at nedgradere"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakker at nedgradere"
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (fra %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "Installeret pakke %s%s%s%s er ikke tilgængelig."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Pakke(r) til geninstallation"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakke at geninstallere"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakker at geninstallere"
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "Ingen pakker angivet"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Pakke(r) til installation"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "N/s matchede: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  Navn og resumé matchede, brug %skun%s \"search all\" til alting."
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  Fulde navn og resumé matchede %skun%s, brug \"search all\" for alting."
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Matchede: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  Navn og resumé matchede %snæsten%s, brug \"search all\" for alting."
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Advarsel: Ingen match blev fundet for: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "Ingen match fundet"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "Ingen pakke fundet for %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "Fejl: Ingen pakker fundet for:\n%s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr "Oprydder pakkearkiver: "
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "Oprydning af alt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "Oprydning af headerfiler"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "Oprydning af pakker"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "Oprydning af xml-metadata"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "Oprydning af mellemlager til database"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "Oprydning af udløbet mellemlager til metadata"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr "Rydder mellemlagret rpmdb-data op"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "Oprydning af udvidelsesmoduler"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Installerede grupper:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Installerede sproggruppper:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Tilgængelige grupper:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
++msgstr "Tilgængelige sproggrupper:"
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Afsluttet"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Advarsel: Gruppen %s findes ikke."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ingen pakke i nogen de efterspurgte grupper, er tilgængelige til "
+-"installation eller opdatering"
++msgstr "Ingen pakke i nogen de efterspurgte grupper, er tilgængelige til installation eller opdatering"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d pakke(r) til installation"
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakke at installere"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakker at installere"
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Gruppen %s findes ikke"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "Ingen pakker at fjerne fra grupper"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d pakke(r) til fjernelse"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakke at fjerne"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakker at fjerne"
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "Pakken %s er allerede installeret, springer over"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "Ser bort fra ikke-kompatibel pakke %s.%s"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ingen andre %s er installeret, tilføjer til liste til mulig installation"
++msgstr "Ingen andre %s er installeret, tilføjer til liste til mulig installation"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Indstillinger til udvidelsesmodul"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Kommandoliniefejl: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: %s indstilling kræver et argument"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: %s indstilling kræver et argument"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color tager en af: auto, altid, aldrig"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--installroot skal være en komplet sti: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "vis denne hjælpemeddelse og afslut"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "vær fejltolerant"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr "kør udelukkende fra systemmellemlager, opdatér ikke mellemlager"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "placering af konfigurationsfil"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "maksimal ventetid på kommando"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "debug-visningsniveau"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr "vis gengangere, i pakkearkiver, i list/search-kommandoer"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "fejlvisningsniveau"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr "outputniveau for fejlsøgning af rpm"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "stille operation"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "uddybende operation"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "svar ja til alle spørgsmål"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "svar nej til alle spørgsmål"
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "vis Yum-version og afslut"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "sæt installationsroden"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "aktivér en eller flere pakkearkiver (wildcards er tilladt)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "deaktivér en eller flere pakkearkiver (wildcards er tilladt)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr "ekskludér pakke(r) med navn eller klump"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr "deaktivér ekskludering fra main, for et pakkearkiv eller for alt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "aktivér overflødiggørelse under behandling af opdateringer"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "deaktivér Yum-udvidelsesmoduler"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "deaktivér kontrol af gpg-signaturer"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "deaktivér udvidelsesmoduler ved navn"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "aktivér udvidelsesmoduler ved navn"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "spring pakker med afhængighedsproblemer over"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "kontrollér om farve er brugt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
++msgstr "indstil værdi for $releaseever i yum-konfiguration og pakkearkivsfiler"
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-"indstil værdi for $releaseever i yum-konfiguration og pakkearkivsfiler"
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr "indstil arbitrærkonfiguration og indstillinger for pakkearkiv"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "Jan"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "Feb"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "Mar"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "Apr"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "Maj"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "Jun"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "Jul"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "Aug"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "Sep"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "Okt"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "Nov"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "Dec"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "Prøver et andet filspejl."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr "Navn        : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr "Arkitektur        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr "Epoch       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr "Version     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr "Udgivelse     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr "Størrelse        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "Kilde       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr "Fra pakkearkiv   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr "Tilføjer   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr "Tilføjelsestidspunkt  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr "Bygningstidspunkt   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "Installationstid: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr "Installeret af: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr "Ændret af  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr "Beskrivelse     : "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "URL         : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr "Licens     : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "Beskrivelse : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "j"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "ja"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "nej"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "Er dette o.k? [j/N]: "
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Gruppe: %s"
++msgstr "\nGruppe: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " Gruppeid: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Beskrivelse: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Sprog: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Tvungne pakker:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Standardpakker:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Valgfrie pakker:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Afhængige pakker:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr "Installerede pakker:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "pakke: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr "  Ingen afhængigheder for denne pakke"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "  afhængighed: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr "   Ufuldendt afhængighed"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Matchet af:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Licens      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Filnavn     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "Udbyder    : "
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Andre       : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "Der opstod en fejl i beregning af den totale nedhentningsstørrelse"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Total størrelse: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Total nedhentningsstørrelse: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "Installationsstørrelse: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr "Der opstod en fejl ved udregning af installeret størrelse"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "Geninstallerer"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "Nedgraderer"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Installerer til afhængigheder"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Opdaterer til afhængigheder"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Fjerner for afhængigheder"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Sprunget over (afhængighedsproblemer)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "Ikke installeret"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ikke tilgængelig"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Pakke"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "Pakke"
++msgstr[1] "Pakker"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Arkitektur"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Version"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Pakkearkiv"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Størrelse"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr "     erstatter  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\nOverførselsopsummering\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Installér   %5.5s pakke(r)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Installér"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Opgradér   %5.5s pakke(r)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Opgradér"
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Fjern    %5.5s pakke(r)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Fjern"
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Geninstallér %5.5s pakke(r)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Geninstallér"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Nedgradér %5.5s pakke(r)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Nedgradér"
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Afhængighedspakke"
++msgstr[1] "Afhængighedspakker"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Fjernet"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Afhængighed fjernet"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Afhængighed installeret"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Afhængighed opdateret"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Erstattet"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Fejlede"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "to"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Nuværende hentning afbrudt, %safbryd (ctrl-c) igen%s indenfor %s%s%s sekunder\n"
+-"for at afslutte.\n"
++msgstr "\n Nuværende hentning afbrudt, %safbryd (ctrl-c) igen%s indenfor %s%s%s sekunder\nfor at afslutte.\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "afsluttet af bruger"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Ialt"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<ikke angivet>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "System"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Overspringer sammenflettet overførsel %d til %d, eftersom den overlapper"
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ingen overførsler"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr "Dårlige overførsels-id'er eller pakker givet"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kommandolinje"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr "Log bruger ind"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "Dato og tid"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "Handling(er)"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "Ændret"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Intet overførsels-id givet"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Dårlig overførsels-id givet"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr "Det angivne overførsels-id ikke fundet"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr "Fandt mere end ét overførsels-id!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr "Intet overførsels-id eller pakke givet"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr "Nedgraderet"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "Ældre"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "Nyere"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+-msgstr "Overførsels-id:"
++msgstr "Overførsels-id :"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+-msgstr "Starttidspunkt     :"
++msgstr "Starttidspunkt :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr "Start rpmdb    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u sekunder)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u minutter)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u timer)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u dage)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "Sluttidspunkt       :"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr "Slut rpmdb      :"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "Bruger           :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "Returkode    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "Afbrudt"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fejl:"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "Fejl:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "Succes"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "Kommandolinje   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr "Yderligere ikke-standard information gemt: %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+-msgstr "Overførsel udført med"
++msgstr "Overførsel udført med:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "Pakker ændret:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "Pakker sprunget over:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Problemer med rpmdb:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "Scriptletoutput:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "Fejl:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "Installér"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr "Installér afhængigheder"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr "Forælder"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "Slet"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "Geninstallér"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr "Nedgradér"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "Opdatér"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "Tid"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "Sidste dag"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "Sidste uge"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "Seneste to uger"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "Seneste tre måneder"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "Seneste seks måneder"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "Sidste år"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "Over et år siden"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr "Ingen overførsel %s fundet"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr "Overførsels-id:"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "Yderligere historikinformation tilgængelig:"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s: Intet yderligere data fundet med dette navn"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Pakke          :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "Status         :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Størrelse      :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "Bygningsvært   :"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "Bygningstid    :"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Pakker         :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Fabrikant      :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Licens         :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URL            :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "Kilderpm       :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "Tilføjelsestid :"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "Tilføjer       :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "Grund          :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "Fra pakkearkiv :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "Installeret af :"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "Ændret af      :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "installeret"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "en opdatering"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "slettet"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "geninstalleret"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "en nedgradering"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "overflødigører"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "opdateret"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "overflødiggjort"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "---> Pakke %s.%s %s:%s-%s vil blive %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> Kører overførselskontrol"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr "--> Genstarter afhængighedssøgning med nye ændringer."
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Afsluttede afhængighedssøgningen"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Behandler afhængighed: %s for pakken: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> Beholder pakke: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Ikke fundet afhængighed: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "Pakke: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    Kræver: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Kræver: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        Ikke fundet"
++msgstr "\n        Ikke fundet"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "Opdateret af"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr "Nedgraderet af"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr "Forældet af"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "Tilgængelig"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> Behandler konflikt: %s konflikter med %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr "--> Udfylder overførselssættet med valgte pakker. Vent venligst."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr "---> Henter headerfil for %s til at indsætte i overførselssættet."
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Verificerer"
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Kører"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Sover"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "Ikke forstyrbar"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Zombie"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Fundet/stoppet"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Ukendt"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  Det andet program er: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  Det andet program er: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Hukommelse : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    Startede: %s - %s siden"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    Status  : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Afslutter efter brugerens ønske"
++msgstr "\n\nAfslutter efter brugerens ønske"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Afslutter på ødelagt tunnel"
++msgstr "\n\nAfslutter på ødelagt tunnel"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-"Et andet program holder i øjeblikket yum-låsen; afslutter som konfigureret "
+-"af exit_on_llock"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Fejl med PluginExit: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Yum-fejl: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Fejl: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Du kunne prøve at bruge --skip-broken til at arbejde udenom problemet"
++msgstr " Du kunne prøve at bruge --skip-broken til at arbejde udenom problemet"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr " Du kan prøve at køre: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Ukendt(e) fejl: Returkode: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Afhængigheder løst"
++msgstr "\nAfhængigheder løst"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Afsluttet!"
+ #: ../yumcommands.py:42
+ msgid " Mini usage:\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Minibrug:\n"
+ #: ../yumcommands.py:52
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "Du skal være root for at udføre denne kommando."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1529,583 +1666,650 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Du har aktiveret kontrol af pakker via GPG-nøgler. Dette er en god ting. \n"
+-"Selvom du ikke har nogen GPG-nøgler installeret. Du bliver nødt til at hente\n"
+-"nøglerne til pakkerne, som du vil installere og installere dem.\n"
+-"Du kan gøre det ved at køre kommandoen:\n"
+-"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
+-"Alternativt kan du angive URL'en til nøglen, som du vil bruge til et\n"
+-"pakkearkiv i \"gpgkey\"-indstillingen i en pakkearkivssektion og Yum \n"
+-"vil installere den for dig.\n"
+-"For mere information, kan du kontakte din distribution eller pakkeudbyder.\n"
++msgstr "\nDu har aktiveret kontrol af pakker via GPG-nøgler. Dette er en god ting. \nSelvom du ikke har nogen GPG-nøgler installeret. Du bliver nødt til at hente\nnøglerne til pakkerne, som du vil installere og installere dem.\nDu kan gøre det ved at køre kommandoen:\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nAlternativt kan du angive URL'en til nøglen, som du vil bruge til et\npakkearkiv i \"gpgkey\"-indstillingen i en pakkearkivssektion og Yum \nvil installere den for dig.\n\nFor mere information, kan du kontakte din distribution eller pakkeudbyder.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Problempakkearkiv: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Fejl: En liste med pakker behøves af %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "Fejl: Behøver noget at matche med"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Fejl: Behøver en gruppe eller liste af grupper"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Fejl: clean behøver en indstilling: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Fejl: ugyldigt clean-argument: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "Ingen argumenter til skal"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Filnavn tilpasset skal: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr "Filen %s givet som argument til skal findes ikke."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr "Fejl: mere end en fil angivet som argument til skal."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Der er ingen aktiverede pakkearkiver.\n"
+-" Kør \"yum repolist all\" for at se de pakkearkiver du har.\n"
+-" Du kan aktivere pakkearkiver med yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
++msgstr "Der er ingen aktiverede pakkearkiver.\n Kør \"yum repolist all\" for at se de pakkearkiver du har.\n Du kan aktivere pakkearkiver med yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "PAKKE..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Installerer en eller flere pakker på systemet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "Opsætning af installationsprocessen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[PAKKE...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Opdaterer en eller flere pakker på systemet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "Opsætning af opdateringsprocessen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr "Synkronisér installerede pakker til de senest tilgængelige versioner"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr "Indstiller distributionssynkroniseringsproces"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Vis detaljer om en pakke eller en gruppe af pakker"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Installerede pakker"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Tilgængelige pakker"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Ekstra pakker"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Opdaterede pakker"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Overflødiggør pakker"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Pakker som er tilføjet for nyligt"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "Ingen matchende pakker til liste"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Viser en pakke eller en gruppe af pakker"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Fjern en eller flere pakker fra dit system"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "Opsætning af fjerningsprocessen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Vis, eller brug, gruppernes information"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "Opsætning af gruppeprocessen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "Ingen grupper, på hvilke der køres en kommando"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Vis tilgængelige pakkegrupper"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Installér alle pakkerne i en gruppe på dit system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Ugyldig underkommando for grupper, brug: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Fjerner alle pakkerne i en gruppe fra dit system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "Der er ingen installeret gruppe-fil."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Vis informationer om en pakkegruppe"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "Du har ikke adgang til gruppe-DB'en."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "Opretter mellemlager for metadata"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "Opretter mellemlagerfiler til alle metadatafiler."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Dette kan tage et stykke tid, afhængigt af hastigheden op denne computer"
++msgstr "Dette kan tage et stykke tid, afhængigt af hastigheden op denne computer"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "Mellemlager for metadata oprettet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "Sletter data fra cachen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "Finder pakker som leverer en given værdi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "Kontrol af tilgængelige pakkeopdateringer"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "Søger efter en given streng i pakkeinformationerne"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "Søger i pakkerne: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Opdaterer pakker, tager hensyn til overflødiggjorte pakker"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Opsætning af opgraderingsprocessen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Installer en lokal RPM-fil"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "Opsætning af lokalpakkeprocessen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Bestem hvilken pakke som leverer en bestemt afhængighed"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "Søger efter afhængighed i pakkerne:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Kør en interaktiv Yum-skal"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Opsætning af Yum-skal"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "Viser en pakkes afhængigheder"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "Finder afhængigheder: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Viser de konfigurerede pakkearkiver"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "aktiveret"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "deaktiveret"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr "Pakkearkivs-id      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr "Pakkearkivnavn    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "Pakkearkivstatus  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Pakkearkivsversion: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "Pakkearkivflag    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Kildedistroflag: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr "Pakkearkiv opdateret : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr "Pakkearkivpakker    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "Pakkearkivstørrelse    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr "Pakkearkivbaseurl : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "Pakkearkivsmetahenvisning: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  Opdateret    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr "Pakkearkivspejle: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Aldrig (senest: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Med det samme (senest: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s sekund(er) (senest: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr "Pakkearkiv udløber  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr "Pakkearkiv ekskluderer : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr "Pakkearkiv inkluderer : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr "Pakkearkiv ekskluderet: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pakkearkivsfilnavn: "
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "kildeid"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "status"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "kildenavn"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Viser hjælp om brugen af en kommando"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "Ingen tilgængelig hjælp til %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"aliaser: "
++msgstr "\n\naliaser: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"alias: "
++msgstr "\n\nalias: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "Opsætning af geninstallationsprocessen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "geninstallér en pakke"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Opsætning af nedgraderingsprocessen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "nedgradér en pakke"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr "Vis en version for maskinen og/eller tilgængelige pakkearkiver."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr " Yum versiongrupper:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " Gruppe   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr " Pakker:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "Installeret:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+-msgstr "Gruppe-Installeret"
++msgstr "Gruppeinstalleret:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Tilgængelige:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "Gruppe-Tilgængelig:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr "Vis eller brug overførselshistorik"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Overførsler:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "Starttid    :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "Sluttid     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "Tæller      :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  rpmdb  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  yumdb  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr "Ugyldig underkommando for historik, brug: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr "Du har ikke adgang til historikdatabasen."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Kontrollér for problemer i rpmdb'en"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "indlæs en gemt overførsel fra filnavn"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ingen gemt overførselsfil angivet."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "indlæser overførsel fra %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
++msgstr "Overførsel indlæst fra %s med %s medlemmer"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Yum-kontrol mislykkedes: %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
+-msgstr "Yum er låst af et andet program, venter på at den afslutter..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Ingen læse-/køre-adgang i nuværende mappe, flytter til /"
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Ingen getcwd()-adgang i nuværende mappe, flytter til /"
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "Løser afhængigheder"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "Din overførsel blev gemt, kør den igen med:\n yum load-transaction %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Afslutter efter brugerens ønske."
++msgstr "\n\nAfslutter efter brugerens ønske."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() vil blive fjernet i en fremtidig version af Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr "Opsætning af TransactionSets før config-klassen er sat op"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "Invalid tsflag i konfigurationsfilen: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "Søger i pkgSack for afhængigheden: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Medlem: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s konverteret til installation"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "Tilføjer pakke %s i mode %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "Fjerner pakke %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s behøver: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s kræver %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "Afhængighed fundet tidligere, snyder"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "Afhængighed er ikke et pakkenavn. Søger efter: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Mulig udbyder: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Tilstand er %s for udbyder af %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Tilstand for pakke som leverer %s: %s"
+@@ -2113,1022 +2317,1140 @@ msgstr "Tilstand for pakke som leverer %s: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Prøver at opdatere %s for at løse afhængigheder"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
++msgstr "Ingen opdateringsstier fundet for %s. Fejl!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s pakker som behøver %s markeret til sletning"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Overflødiggør %s med %s for at finde afhængighed."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Opdaterer %s for at opfylde afhængighed."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr "Kan ikke finde en opdateringsvej for afhængigheden for: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "Hurtigmatchede %s som afhængighed for %s"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr "%s er i udbudte pakker, men er allerede installeret, fjerner."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr "Mulig løsningspakke %s har en nyere udgave i ts."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr "Mulig løsningspakke %s har en nyere udgave installeret."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "%s er allerede i ts, springer den over"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Markerer %s som en opdatering for %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Markerer %s til installerer for %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Succes -- tom overførsel"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "Genstarter løkke"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Afhængighedsproces afslutter"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Succes - afhængigheder løst"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "Kontrollerer afhængigheder for %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "søger efter %s som afhængighed for %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "Kører compare_providers() for %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "bedre arkitektur i po %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s overflødigør %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"arkitekturdistribution sammenligner %s med %s på %s\n"
+-"  Vinder: %s"
++msgstr "arkitekturdistribution sammenligner %s med %s på %s\n  Vinder: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "normal kilde-RPM %s og %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr "basepakke %s er installeret for %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "normal præfiks af %s mellem %s og %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr "kræver minimalt: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "udbyder vercmp: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr " Vinder: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "kræver minimalt: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr " Taber(med %d): %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Bedste orden: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() vil forsvinde i en fremtidig version af Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr "Pakkearkiv %r: Fejl under læsning af konfiguration: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr "Pakkearkiv %r mangler navn i konfigurationen, bruger id"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "udvidelsesmoduler er allerede initieret"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() vil forsvinde i en fremtidig version af Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "Læser lokal RPMDB"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() vil forsvinde i en fremtidig version af Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() vil forsvinde i en fremtidig version af Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "Opsætning af pakkelister"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr "kildeobjekt for kilde %s mangler en _resetSack-metode\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "derfor kan dette pakkearkiv ikke blive nulstillet.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() vil forsvinde i en fremtidig version af Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "Bygger opdateringsobjekt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() vil forsvinde i en fremtidig version af Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "Henter gruppemetadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Tilfører gruppefil fra pakkearkiv: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Tilføjelse af gruppefil fejlede for følgende pakkearkiv: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "Ingen tilgængelige grupper i noget pakkearkiv"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr "Henter metadata for pakkemærker"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Tilføjer mærker fra pakkearkiv: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke tilføje pakkemærker for pakkearkiv: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "Importerer yderligere information om filliste"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "Programmet %s%s%s er fundet i yum-utils-pakken."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Der er uafsluttede overførsler tilbage. Du bør overveje at køre yum-"
+-"complete-transaction først for at afslutte dem."
++msgstr "Der er uafsluttede overførsler tilbage. Du bør overveje at køre yum-complete-transaction først for at afslutte dem."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--> Finder unødvendige afhængighedsrester"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
++msgstr "Beskyttede flerbiblioteksversioner: %s != %s"
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr "Prøver at fjerne \"%s\" som er beskyttet"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakker sprunget over på grund af problemer med afhængigheder:"
++msgstr "\nPakker sprunget over på grund af problemer med afhængigheder:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s fra %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"** Fandt %d før-eksisterende rpmdb-problem(er), \"yum check\" giver "
++msgstr "** Fandt %d før-eksisterende rpmdb-problem(er), \"yum check\" giver følgende:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr "Advarsel: RPMDB er ændret udenfor yum."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr "manglende afhængigheder"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr "installeret konflikt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Advarsel: skriptlet eller andre ikke-fatale fejl opstod under overførslen."
++msgstr "Advarsel: skriptlet eller andre ikke-fatale fejl opstod under overførslen."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr "Overførsel kunne ikke starte:"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke køre overførsel."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke slette transaktionsfilen %s"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s skulle være blevet installeret, men det blev den ikke!"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s skulle være blevet fjernet, men det blev den ikke!"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Kunne ikke åbne lås %s: %s"
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Kunne ikke kontrollere om PID %s er aktiv"
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr "Lås fundet %s: en anden kopi kører som PID %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke oprette lås på %s: %s "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Kunne ikke åbne lås %s: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Kunne ikke kontrollere om PID %s er aktiv"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakke matcher ikke den tænkte nedhentning. Forslag: kør yum --enablerepo=%s "
+-"clean metadata"
++msgstr "Pakke matcher ikke den tænkte nedhentning. Forslag: kør yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke udføre checksum"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "Pakken matcher ikke checksum"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr "pakken fejlede checksum, men mellemlagring er aktiveret for %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "bruger lokal kopi af %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Ikke plads nok i nedhentningskataloget %s\n"
+-"    * fri     %s\n"
+-"    * behøvet %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "Headerfil er ikke komplet."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Headerfil er ikke i lokal cache og kun-caching-tilstand er aktiveret. Kan "
+-"ikke hente %s"
++msgstr "Headerfil er ikke i lokal cache og kun-caching-tilstand er aktiveret. Kan ikke hente %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "Offentlig nøgle for %s er ikke installeret"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke åbne pakke %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "Offentlig nøgle for %s er ikke sikker"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "Pakken %s er ikke signeret"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "Kan ikke fjerne %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s fjernet"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "Kan ikke slette %s filen %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s filen %s er slettet"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s filer slettet"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d %s-fil fjernet"
++msgstr[1] "%d %s-filer fjernet"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "Mere end et identisk match i liste for %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "Ingen opdateringer matcher %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() vil forsvinde i en fremtidig version af Yum."
+-"                      Brug searchGenerator() istedet. \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() vil forsvinde i en fremtidig version af Yum.                      Brug searchGenerator() istedet. \n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "Genemsøger %d pakker"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "Søger %d pakke"
++msgstr[1] "Søger %d pakker"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "gennemsøger pakke %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "gennemsøger filopslag"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "søger efter afhængigheder"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "Ingen tilgængelige gruppedata i konfigurerede pakkearkiver"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Gruppen %s findes ikke"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "pakken %s var ikke markeret i gruppen %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Springer pakke %s fra gruppe %s over"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "Tilføjer pakken %s fra gruppen %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "Pakken %s er ikke tilgængelig til installation"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
++msgstr "Gruppe %s har ingen %u konditionelle pakker, som måske installeres."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+-msgstr "Pakken %s kunne ikke findes i pakkeliste"
++msgstr "Pakkepar %s kunne ikke findes i pakkeliste"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Pakkepar %s kunne ikke findes i rpmdb"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ugyldig versionsflag fra: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "Ingen pakke fundet for %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "Pakkeobjektet er ikke en pakkeobjektinstans"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "Der er intet angivet til installation"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr "Kontrollerer for virtueludbyder eller filudbyder for %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "Ingen match for argument: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "Pakken %s installeret og ikke tilgængelig"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "Ingen pakke(r) er tilgængelig(e) til installation"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "Pakken: %s  - allerede i overførselssættet"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "Pakke %s er overflødiggjort af %s, som allerede er installeret"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakke %s er forældret af %s, men forældet pakke tilbyder ikke afhængigheder"
++msgstr "Pakke %s er forældret af %s, men forældet pakke tilbyder ikke afhængigheder"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr "Pakke %s er overflødiggjort af %s, prøver at installere %s istedet"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "Pakke %s er allerede installeret i den nyeste version"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakken som matcher %s er allerede installeret. Søger efter opdatering."
++msgstr "Pakken som matcher %s er allerede installeret. Søger efter opdatering."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "Opdaterer alt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ingen opdatering af pakke som allerede er overflødiggjort: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "Ingen opdatering af pakke som allerede er overflødiggjort: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Ingen match for argument: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Ingen pakke matchede til opgradering: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Pakke er allerede overflødiggjort: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "Opdaterer ikke pakke som er blevet overflødiggjort: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ingen opdatering af pakke som allerede er overflødiggjort: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "Ingen opdatering af pakke som allerede er overflødiggjort: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "Ingen pakker fundet til fjernelse"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "Ingen pakke matchede til fjernelse: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr "Lader være med at køre kerne: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr "Fjerner %s fra overførslen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Kan ikke åbne: %s. Springer over."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Undersøger %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Kan ikke lokalinstallere deltarpm: %s. Springer over."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Kan ikke tilføje pakke %s til overførsel. Ikke en kompatibel arkitektur: %s"
++msgstr "Kan ikke tilføje pakke %s til overførsel. Ikke en kompatibel arkitektur: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr "Kan ikke installere pakke %s. Den er forældet af installeret pakke %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakken %s er ikke installeret, så den kan ikke opdateres. Kør yum install "
+-"for at installere den istedet."
++msgstr "Pakken %s er ikke installeret, så den kan ikke opdateres. Kør yum install for at installere den istedet."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pakke %s.%s ikke installeret, kan ikke opdatere den. Kør yum install for at installere den i stedet."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "Ekskluderer %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "Markerer %s til installation"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "Markerer %s som en opdatering til %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s kan ikke opdatere installeret pakke."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Kan ikke åbne fil: %s. Springer over."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr "Problem med geninstallation, ingen pakke fundet til at blive fjernet"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr "Problem med geninstallation: ingen pakke %s fundet til at installere"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "Ingen pakke(r) er tilgængelig(e) til nedgradering"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "Pakke %s er tilladt at have flere installationer, springer over"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "Ingen match for tilgængelig pakke: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Opgradér kun tilgængelig på pakke: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Kunne ikke nedgradere: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke opgradere: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Henter nøgle fra %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "Hentning af GPG-nøglen mislykkedes: "
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "GPG-nøglesignatur ved nøgle %s matcher ikke CA-nøgle for pakkearkiv: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "GPG-nøglesignatur verificeret op mod CA-nøgle(r)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Ugyldig GPG-nøgle fra %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "Tolkning af GPG-nøgle mislykkedes: nøgle har ikke nogen værdi %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importerer %s-nøgle 0x%s:\n Brugerid    : \"%s\"\n Fingeraftryk: %s\n Pakke       : %s (%s)\n Fra         : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importerer %s-nøgle 0x%s:\n Brugerid    : \"%s\"\n Fingeraftryk: %s\n Fra         : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Fejlende pakke er: %s\n GPG-nøgler er konfigureret som: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "GPG-nøgle på %s (0x%s) er allerede installeret"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "Importering af nøgle mislykkedes (kode %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "Nøglen blev importet med succes"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Installerede ikke nogen nøgler"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"GPG-nøglen er vist for \"%s\" pakkearkivet er allerede installeret, men den er ikke korrekt for denne pakke.\n"
+-"Kontrollér at konfigurationen af nøgle-URL'er er korrekt for denne kilde."
++msgstr "GPG-nøglen er vist for \"%s\" pakkearkivet er allerede installeret, men den er ikke korrekt for denne pakke.\nKontrollér at konfigurationen af nøgle-URL'er er korrekt for denne kilde."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "Importering af nøgle(r) hjalp ikke, forkerte nøgle(r)?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "Nej"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Ja"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n CA-nøgle: %s\n Fejlende arkiv er: %s\n GPG-nøgler er konfigureret som: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "GPG-nøgle på %s (0x%s) er allerede importeret"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "Importering af nøgle mislykkedes"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "Importering af nøgle %s mislykkedes"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Installerede ikke nogen nøgler for pakkearkiv %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"GPG-nøglen listet for pakkearkivet \"%s\" er allerede installeret, men de er ikke korrekte.\n"
+-"Kontrollér at de korrekte nøgle-url'er er konfigureret for dette pakkearkiv."
++msgstr "GPG-nøglen listet for pakkearkivet \"%s\" er allerede installeret, men de er ikke korrekte.\nKontrollér at de korrekte nøgle-url'er er konfigureret for dette pakkearkiv."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke finde et passende filspejl."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Fejl blev fundet under hentning af pakker."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Rapportér venligst denne fejl på %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Fejl i testoverførslen: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke sætte mellemlagermappe: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Afhængigheder ikke løst. Vil ikke gemme uløst overførsel."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kunne ikke gemme overførselsfil %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kunne ikke få adgang til eller læse gemte overførsler %s : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "kan ikke finde tsflags eller tsflags ikke heltal."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fandt txmbr i nuværende ukendt status: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kunne ikke finde txmbr: %s i status %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kunne ikke finde txmbr: %s fra oprindelse: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Overførselsmedlemmer, relationer mangler eller ts er blevet ændret,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
++msgstr " ignorerer, som forespurgt. Du skal redepsolve!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s er allerede blevet besøgt og kan ikke fjernes."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "Undersøger revdeps af %s"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s har revdep %s, som blev brugerinstalleret."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "%s har ingen brugerinstallerede revdeps."
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Indlæste udvidelsesmoduler: "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "Intet udvidelsesmodul til: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "Indlæser ikke \"%s\" udvidelsesmodul, fordi det er deaktiveret"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "Udvidelsesmodul \"%s\" kan ikke importeres"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "Udvidelsesmodul \"%s\" angiver ikke hvilken API-version der er påkrævet"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "Udvidelsesmodul \"%s\" krævet API %s. Understøttet API er %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "Indlæser \"%s\" udvidelsesmodul"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+-msgstr ""
+-"To eller flere udvidelsesmoduler med navnet \"%s\" er fundet i søgestien for"
+-" udvidelsesmoduler"
++msgstr "To eller flere udvidelsesmoduler med navnet \"%s\" er fundet i søgestien for udvidelsesmoduler"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "Konfigurationsfilen %s er ikke fundet"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke finde konfigurationsfilen til udvidelsesmodul: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "registrering af komandoer er ikke understøttet"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr "har manglende afhængigheder af"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr "har installerede konflikter"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr "%s er en dublet af %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr "%s er forældet af %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr "%s giver %s men kan ikke findes"
+@@ -3137,6 +3459,23 @@ msgstr "%s giver %s men kan ikke findes"
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "Genpakning"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Verificér: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Ikke plads nok i nedhentningskataloget %s\n    * fri     %s\n    * behøvet %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3149,8 +3488,7 @@ msgstr "RPM %s fejlede md5-kontrol"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Kunne ikke åbne RPM-database til læsning. Måske er den allerede i brug?"
++msgstr "Kunne ikke åbne RPM-database til læsning. Måske er den allerede i brug?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+@@ -3166,5 +3504,3 @@ msgstr "Ødelagt headerfil %s"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Fejl ved åbning af RPM %s - fejl %s"
+diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po
+index fa39cb0..3f1e62e 100644
+--- a/po/de.po
++++ b/po/de.po
+@@ -2,1522 +2,1662 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# Laurin  <lineak@fedoraproject.org>, 2011
+-# Vinzenz Vietzke <vinz@fedoraproject.org>, 2011
+-# Hendrik Richter <hendrikr@gnome.org>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# Fabian Affolter <fab@fedoraproject.org>, 2011.
++# Hendrik Richter <hendrikr@gnome.org>, 2011.
++# Laurin  <lineak@fedoraproject.org>, 2011.
++# Mario Blättermann <mario.blaettermann@gmail.com>, 2012.
++# Roman Spirgi <bigant@fedoraproject.org>, 2012.
++# Vinzenz Vietzke <vinz@fedoraproject.org>, 2011.
++#   <yellowcake-@gmx.net>, 2012.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: German (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/de/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: German (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/de/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: de\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Aktualisieren"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Löschen"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Installieren"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Veraltet"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Aktualisiert"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Gelöscht"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Installiert"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Kein Header - huh?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Neu verpacken"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+-msgstr "Fehler: Ungültiger Ausgabe-Zustand: %s für %s"
++msgstr "Fehler: Ungültiger Ausgabezustand: %s für %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Gelöscht: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Entfernen"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Aufräumen"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+-msgstr "Befehl \"%s\" ist bereits definiert"
++msgstr "Befehl »%s« ist bereits definiert"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+-msgstr "Repositories werden eingerichtet"
++msgstr "Paketquellen werden eingerichtet"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+-msgstr "Lese Repository-Metadaten aus lokalen Dateien ein"
++msgstr "Paketquellen-Metadaten werden aus lokalen Dateien eingelesen"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Konfigurationsfehler: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Optionenfehler: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Installiert: %s-%s am %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+-msgstr "  Gebaut    : %s am %s"
++msgstr "  Erstellt   : %s am %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Übermittelt: %s am %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "Sie müssen irgendeinen Befehl eingeben"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "Kein solcher Befehl: %s. Bitte %s --help verwenden."
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Festplattenplatz-Anforderungen:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Mindestens %dMB zusätzlicher Speicherplatz wird auf dem Dateisystem %s "
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "  %dMB mehr Platz wird auf dem %s-Dateisystem benötigt.\n"
++msgstr[1] "  %dMB mehr Platz werden auf dem %s-Dateisystem benötigt.\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fehler-Zusammenfassung\n----------------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Sperrdatei kann nicht angelegt werden, Abbruch"
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Eine andere Anwendung hält Yum derzeit gesperrt. Abbruch wie in exit_on_lock festgelegt"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+-msgstr "Versuche Transaktion auszuführen, aber es ist nichts zu tun. Beende."
++msgstr "Es wird versucht, die Transaktion auszuführen, aber es ist nichts zu tun. Abbruch."
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " wird ignoriert, wie gewünscht."
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr " wird abgebrochen."
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+-msgstr "Beende nach Befehl des Benutzers"
++msgstr "Nach Befehl des Benutzers wird beendet"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+-msgstr "Lade Pakete herunter:"
++msgstr "Pakete werden heruntergeladen:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Fehler beim Herunterladen der Pakete:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Transaktionsüberprüfung wird ausgeführt"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"FEHLER Sie müssen RPM aktualisieren, damit es mit Folgendem umgehen kann:"
++msgstr "FEHLER Sie müssen RPM aktualisieren, damit es mit Folgendem umgehen kann:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "FEHLER bei Transaktionsprüfung gegenüber Depsolve:"
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "RPM muss aktualisiert werden"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Bitte melden Sie diesen Fehler unter %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+-msgstr "Führe Verarbeitungstest durch"
++msgstr "Transaktionstest wird durchgeführt"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+-msgstr "Prüffehler bei Verarbeitung:\n"
++msgstr "Fehler beim Prüfen der Transaktion:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+-msgstr "Verarbeitungstest erfolgreich"
++msgstr "Transaktionstest war erfolgreich"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+-msgstr "Führe Verarbeitung durch"
++msgstr "Transaktion wird durchgeführt"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Verweigere automatischen Import der Schlüssel, wenn unbeaufsichtigt ausgeführt.\n"
+-"Benutze \"-y\" zum Überschreiben."
++msgstr "Automatischer Import der Schlüssel wird verweigert, wenn unbeaufsichtigt ausgeführt.\nBenutzen Sie »-y« zum Überschreiben."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+-msgstr "  * Meinten Sie vielleicht:"
++msgstr "  * Meinten Sie vielleicht: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "Paket(e) %s%s%s verfügbar, aber nicht installiert."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "Kein Paket %s%s%s verfügbar."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Paket(e) zum Installieren"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d Paket zu installieren"
++msgstr[1] "%d Pakete zu installieren"
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Nichts zu tun"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d Pakete zur Aktualisierung markiert"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d Paket zur Aktualisierung markiert"
++msgstr[1] "%d Pakete zur Aktualisierung markiert"
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "Keine Pakete für die Aktualisierung markiert"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d Paket zur Distributionsaktualisierung markiert"
++msgstr[1] "%d Pakete zur Distributionsaktualisierung markiert"
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Keine Pakete zur Distributionsaktualisierung markiert"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d Pakete für die Entfernung markiert"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d Paket zu entfernen"
++msgstr[1] "%d Pakete zu entfernen"
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "Keine Pakete für die Entfernung markiert"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Paket(e) zum Downgrade"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d Paket zum Zurücksetzen markiert"
++msgstr[1] "%d Pakete zum Zurücksetzen markiert"
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (von %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "Installiertes Paket %s%s%s%s nicht verfügbar."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Paket(e) zum Neuinstallieren"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d Paket neu zu installieren"
++msgstr[1] "%d Pakete neu zu installieren"
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "Keine Pakete bereitgestellt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Paket(e) zum Installieren"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "N/S-Übereinstimmung: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  %sonly%s-Übereinstimmungen in Name und Zusammenfassung, «Alles suchen» für vollständige Suche."
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  %sonly%s-Übereinstimmungen in vollständigem Namen und Zusammenfassung, «Alles suchen» für komplette Suche."
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Treffer: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  %smostly%s-Übereinstimmungen in Name und Zusammenfassung, «Alles suchen» für vollständige Suche."
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Warnung: Keine Übereinstimmung gefunden für: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "Keine Übereinstimmungen gefunden"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "Kein Paket gefunden für %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "Fehler: Keine Pakete gefunden für:\n  %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+-msgstr "Räume Repos auf:"
++msgstr "Quellen werden aufgeräumt:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+-msgstr "Räume alles auf"
++msgstr "Alles wird aufgeräumt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+-msgstr "Räume Header auf"
++msgstr "Header werden aufgeräumt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+-msgstr "Räume Pakete auf"
++msgstr "Pakete werden aufgeräumt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+-msgstr "Räume XML-Metadaten auf"
++msgstr "XML-Metadaten werden aufgeräumt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+-msgstr "Räume Datenbank-Speicher auf"
++msgstr "Datenbank-Speicher wird aufgeräumt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+-msgstr "Räume Metadaten für abgelaufene Caches auf"
++msgstr "Metadaten für abgelaufene Caches werden aufgeräumt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Zwischengespeicherte rpmdb-Daten werden geleert"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+-msgstr "Räume Plugins auf"
++msgstr "Plugins werden aufgeräumt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Installierte Gruppen:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Installierte Sprachgruppen:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Verfügbare Gruppen:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
++msgstr "Verfügbare Sprachgruppen:"
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Fertig"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Warnung: Gruppe %s existiert nicht."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Keine Pakete in irgendeiner Gruppe verfügbar zum Installieren oder "
++msgstr "Keine Pakete in irgendeiner Gruppe verfügbar zum Installieren oder Aktualisieren"
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d Paket zu installieren"
++msgstr[1] "%d Pakete zu installieren"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d Paket(e) zum Installieren"
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Es existiert keine Gruppe mit dem Namen %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "Keine Pakete zum Entfernen aus dem Gruppen gefunden"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d Paket(e) zum Entfernen"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d Paket zu entfernen"
++msgstr[1] "%d Pakete zu entfernen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "Paket %s ist bereits installiert, überspringen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+-msgstr "Verwerfe nicht vergleichbare Pakete %s.%s"
++msgstr "Nicht vergleichbare Pakete %s.%s werden verworfen"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Kein anderes %s installiert, füge es zur Liste für eine potentielle "
+-"Installation hinzu"
++msgstr "Kein anderes %s installiert, es wird zur Liste für eine potenzielle Installation hinzugefügt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Plugin-Optionen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+-msgstr "Kommandozeilen-Fehler: %s"
++msgstr "Befehlszeilenfehler: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: %s Option benötigt ein Argument"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: %s Option benötigt ein Argument"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color kann einen der folgenden Werte haben: auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--installroot muss ein absoluter Pfad sein: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "Hilfeinformation anzeigen und beenden"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "fehlertolerant sein"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+-msgstr ""
+-"laufe komplett aus dem Zwischenspeicher, aktualisiere Zwischenspeicher nicht"
++msgstr "komplett aus dem Zwischenspeicher laufen, Zwischenspeicher nicht aktualisieren"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "Ort der Konfigurationsdatei"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "maximale Befehlswartezeit"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+-msgstr "Debugging-Ausgabe-Stufe"
++msgstr "Debugging-Ausgabestufe"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+-msgstr "Duplikate, in Repos und in Listen/Suchen-Befehlen, anzeigen"
++msgstr "Duplikate in Paketquellen und in Listen/Suchen-Befehlen anzeigen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+-msgstr "Fehler-Ausgabe-Stufe"
++msgstr "Fehler-Ausgabestufe"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr "Stufe der Debugging-Ausgabe für rpm"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "Stiller Betrieb"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "Wortreicher Betrieb"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+-msgstr "Beantwortet alle Fragen mit 'ja'"
++msgstr "Alle Fragen bejahen"
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "Alle Fragen verneinen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "Yum-Version anzeigen und Programm beenden"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+-msgstr "Wurzel-Installationsverzeichnis setzen"
++msgstr "Wurzel-Installationsordner festlegen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr "aktiviere ein oder mehrere Repositories (Wildcards erlaubt)"
++msgstr "eine oder mehrere Paketquellen aktivieren (Platzhalter erlaubt)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr "deaktiviere ein oder mehrere Repositories (Wildcards erlaubt)"
++msgstr "eine oder mehrere Paketquellen deaktivieren (Platzhalter erlaubt)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+-msgstr "schliesse Paket(e) nach Namen oder global aus"
++msgstr "Paket(e) nach Namen oder global ausschließen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+-msgstr "deaktiviere Ausschluss von 'main', einem Repository oder allem"
++msgstr "Ausschluss von »main«, einer Paketquelle oder allem deaktivieren"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+-msgstr "aktiviere veraltetes Verarbeiten während Aktualisierung"
++msgstr "Verarbeitung veralteter Pakete während der Aktualisierung aktivieren"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+-msgstr "deaktiviere Yum-Plugins"
++msgstr "Yum-Plugins deaktivieren"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+-msgstr "deaktiviere GPG-Signatur-Prüfung"
++msgstr "GPG-Signatur-Prüfung deaktivieren"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+-msgstr "deaktiviere Plugins nach Namen"
++msgstr "Plugins nach Namen deaktivieren"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+-msgstr "aktiviere Plugins nach Namen"
++msgstr "Plugins nach Namen aktivieren"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+-msgstr "überspringe Pakete mit Abhängigkeitsauflösungsproblemen"
++msgstr "Pakete mit Abhängigkeitsauflösungsproblemen überspringen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "kontrolliert, ob Farbe benutzt wird"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
++msgstr "Wert für $releasever in yum-Konfiguration und Paketquellen-Daten setzen"
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
+-msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../cli.py:2351
++msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
++msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Optionen für Konfiguration und Paketquelle festlegen"
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "Jan"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "Feb"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "Mär"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "Apr"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "Mai"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "Jun"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "Jul"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "Aug"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "Sep"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "Okt"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "Nov"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "Dez"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+-msgstr "Versuche anderen Spiegel-Server."
++msgstr "Anderer Spiegelserver wird versucht."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr "Name       : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr "Architektur : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Epoche             :%s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr "Version    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr "Ausgabe    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr "Größe : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+-msgstr "Repo        : %s"
++msgstr "Quelle      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+-msgstr "Aus repo    : %s"
++msgstr "Aus Quelle  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr "Übermittler  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr "Übermittlungszeit  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+-msgstr "Build-Zeit  : %s"
++msgstr "Erstellungszeit: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "Installationszeit: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr "Installiert von: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr "Verändert von  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+-msgstr "Zusammenfassung     : "
++msgstr "Zusammenfassung: "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "URL        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+-msgstr "Lizenz     : "
++msgstr "Lizenz      : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+-msgstr "Beschreibung : "
++msgstr "Beschreibung: "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "j"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "ja"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "nein"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "Ist dies in Ordnung? [j/N] :"
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Gruppe: %s"
++msgstr "\nGruppe: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+-msgstr " Gruppen-ID: %s"
++msgstr " Gruppenkennung: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Beschreibung: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sprache: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Obligatorische Pakete:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Standard-Pakete:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Optionale Pakete:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Zwangsbedingte Pakete:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr " Installierte Pakete:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "Paket: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr "  Keine Abhängigkeiten für dieses Paket"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "  Abhängigkeit: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr "   Nicht erfüllte Abhängigkeit"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Übereinstimmung von:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+-msgstr "Lizenz     : %s"
++msgstr "Lizenz      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Dateiname     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "Stellt bereit: "
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Andere     : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "Fehler beim Berechnen der Gesamtgröße der Downloads"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Gesamtgröße: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Gesamte Downloadgröße: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "Installationsgröße: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr "Fehler beim Berechnen der Installationsgröße"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "Neuinstallieren"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "Downgrading"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Als Abhängigkeiten installiert"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Aktualisiert für Abhängigkeiten"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Entfernt für Abhängigkeiten"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Übersprungen (Abhängigkeitsprobleme)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "Nicht installiert"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nicht verfügbar"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Paket"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "Paket"
++msgstr[1] "Pakete"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Arch"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Version"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+-msgstr "Repository"
++msgstr "Paketquelle"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Größe"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr "     ersetzt  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\nTransaktionsübersicht\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "%5.5s Paket(e) installieren\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Installieren"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "%5.5s Paket(e) aktualisieren\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Aktualisieren"
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "%5.5s Paket(e) entfernen\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Entfernen"
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "%5.5s Paket(e) reinstallieren\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Neu installieren"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Zurücksetzen"
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Abhängiges Paket"
++msgstr[1] "Abhängige Pakete"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Entfernt"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+-msgstr "Abhängigkeiten entfernt"
++msgstr "Abhängigkeit entfernt"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Abhängigkeit installiert"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Abhängigkeit aktualisiert"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Ersetzt       "
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Fehlgeschlagen"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "zwei"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Aktueller Download abgebrochen, %s unterbrechen Sie (Ctrl-c) erneut %s innerhalb %s%s%s Sekunden\n"
+-"zum Beenden.\n"
++msgstr "\n Aktueller Download abgebrochen, %sunterbrechen Sie (Ctrl-c) erneut%s innerhalb %s%s%s Sekunden\nzum Beenden.\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "Benutzer-Unterbrechung"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Gesamt"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "<nicht gesetzt>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "System"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Zusammengeführte Transaktion %d nach %d überspringen, da es Überschneidungen gibt"
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Keine Transaktionen"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr "Schlechte Transaktions-IDs oder Paket(e) angegeben"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Befehlszeile"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr "Angemeldeter Benutzer"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "Datum und Zeit"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "Aktion(en)"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "Verändert"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Keine Transaktions-ID angegeben"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Schlechte Transaktions-ID angegeben"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr "Angebene Transaktions-ID nicht gefunden"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr "Mehr als eine Transaktions-ID gefunden!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr "Keine Transaktions-ID oder Paket angegeben"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Zurückgesetzt"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "Älter"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "Neuer"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr "Transaktions-ID :"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr "Anfangszeit :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr "Anfang rpmdb    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u Sekunden)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u Minuten)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u Stunden)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u Tage)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "Endzeit :"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr "Ende rpmdb      :"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "Benutzer :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "Rückgabe-Code    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Abgebrochen"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fehlschläge:"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fehlschlag:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "Erfolg"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Befehlszeile   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Zusätzliche Nicht-Standardinformation gespeichert: %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Transaktion ausgeführt mit:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "Veränderte Pakete:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "Übersprungene Pakete:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Rpmdb-Probleme:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ausgabe des Skriptlets:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "Fehler:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "Installieren"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Abhängigkeiteninstallation"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Veraltet"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "Löschen"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Aktualisieren"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "Zeit"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "Gestern"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "Letzte Woche"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "In den letzten 2 Wochen"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "In den letzten 3 Monaten"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "In den letzten 6 Monaten"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "Letztes Jahr"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "Vor über einem Jahr"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr "Keine Transaktion %s gefunden"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr "Transaktions-ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "Verfügbare zusätzliche Verlaufsinformationen"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s: Keine zusätzlichen Daten zu diesem Namen gefunden"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Paket          :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "Status         :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Größe          :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "Build Host         :"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "Erstellungszeit:"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Paketierer     :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Hersteller                 :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Lizenz         :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "Adresse        :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "Quellpaket     :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "Übermittlungszeit       :"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "Übermittler           :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "Grund          :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "Aus Quelle     :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "Installiert von:"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "Geändert von   :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "installiert"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "eine Aktualisierung"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "gelöscht"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "reinstalliert"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ein Downgrade"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Aufräumen"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "aktualisiert"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "veraltet"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr "---> Paket %s.%s %s:%s-%s markiert, um %s zu werden"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+-msgstr "--> Führe Transaktionsprüfung aus"
++msgstr "--> Transaktionsprüfung wird ausgeführt"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+-msgstr "--> Starte Abhängigkeitsauflösung mit den neuen Änderungen neu."
++msgstr "--> Abhängigkeitsauflösung wird mit den neuen Änderungen neu gestartet."
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Abhängigkeitsauflösung beendet"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+-msgstr "--> Verarbeite Abhängigkeiten: %s für Paket: %s"
++msgstr "--> Abhängigkeit %s wird für Paket %s verarbeitet"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> Behalte Paket: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Nicht aufgelöste Abhängigkeit: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "Paket: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    Benötigt: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Benötigt: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        Nicht gefunden"
++msgstr "\n        Nicht gefunden"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "Aktualisiert durch"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Zurückgesetzt von"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr "Überholt durch"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "Verfügbar"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+-msgstr "--> Verarbeite Konflikt: %s kollidiert mit %s"
++msgstr "--> Konflikt wird verarbeitet: %s kollidiert mit %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+-msgstr "--> Fülle Verarbeitungsset mit ausgewählten Paketen. Bitte warten."
++msgstr "--> Transaktionssatz wird mit ausgewählten Paketen gefüllt. Bitte warten."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+-msgstr "---> Lade Header für %s herunter, um ins Verarbeitungsset zu packen."
++msgstr "---> Header für %s werden heruntergeladen, um sie in den Transaktionssatz zu packen."
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Überprüfung läuft"
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Läuft"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Schläft"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "Nicht unterbrechbar"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Zombie"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Verfolgt/Gestoppt"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Unbekannt"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  Die andere Anwendung ist: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  Die andere Anwendung ist: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Speicher : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+-msgstr "  Gestartet: %s - vor %s"
++msgstr "    Gestartet: %s - vor %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    Status  : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Beende nach Abbruch durch den Benutzer"
++msgstr "\n\nWird nach Abbruch durch den Benutzer beendet"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Beende wegen defekter Pipe"
++msgstr "\n\nWegen defekter Pipe wird abgebrochen"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+-msgstr "PluginExit Fehler: %s"
++msgstr "PluginExit-Fehler: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+-msgstr "Yum Fehler: %s"
++msgstr "Yum-Fehler: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Fehler: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+-msgstr " Sie können versuchen mit --skip-broken das Problem zu umgehen."
++msgstr " Sie können versuchen, mit --skip-broken das Problem zu umgehen."
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Sie könnten Folgendes versuchen: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+-msgstr "Unbekannte(r) Fehler: Exit Code: %d:"
++msgstr "Unbekannte(r) Fehler: Exit-Code: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Abhängigkeiten aufgelöst"
++msgstr "\nAbhängigkeiten aufgelöst"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Komplett!"
+ #: ../yumcommands.py:42
+ msgid " Mini usage:\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Aufruf:\n"
+ #: ../yumcommands.py:52
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "Sie müssen root sein, um diesen Befehl ausführen zu können."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1532,589 +1672,650 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Sie haben das Überprüfen der Pakete via GPG-Schlüssel aktiviert. Dies ist eine gute Sache. \n"
+-"Allerdings haben Sie nicht alle öffentlichen GPG-Schlüssel installiert. Sie müssen die\n"
+-"gewünschten Schlüssel für die Pakete herunterladen und installieren.\n"
+-"Sie können dies mit folgendem Befehl machen:\n"
+-"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
+-"Alternativ könnten Sie den URL zum Schlüssel, welchen Sie benutzen wollen\n"
+-"für ein Repository, durch die 'gpgkey'-Option in einem Repository-Bereich\n"
+-"angeben, und yum wird ihn für Sie installieren.\n"
+-"Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie Ihren Distributions- oder Paket-Anbieter.\n"
++msgstr "\nSie haben das Überprüfen der Pakete via GPG-Schlüssel aktiviert. Dies ist eine gute Sache. \nAllerdings haben Sie nicht alle öffentlichen GPG-Schlüssel installiert. Sie müssen die\ngewünschten Schlüssel für die Pakete herunterladen und installieren.\nSie können dies mit folgendem Befehl machen:\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nAlternativ könnten Sie den URL zum Schlüssel, welchen Sie benutzen wollen\nfür ein Repository, durch die »gpgkey«-Option in einem Repository-Bereich\nangeben, und yum wird ihn für Sie installieren.\n\nFür weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie Ihren Distributions- oder Paket-Anbieter.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Problematische Paketquelle: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+-msgstr "Fehler: Muss eine Liste von Paketen an %s übergeben"
++msgstr "Fehler: Eine Liste von Paketen muss an %s übergeben werden"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+-msgstr "Fehler: Brauche einen Begriff, der passt"
++msgstr "Fehler: Ein passender Begriff wird benötigt"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+-msgstr "Fehler: Brauche eine Gruppe oder eine Liste von Gruppen"
++msgstr "Fehler: Eine Gruppe oder eine Gruppenliste wird benötigt"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Aufräumen benötigt eine Option: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Fehler: Ungültiges Argument für Aufräumen: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "Kein Argument für Shell"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Dateinamen an Shell übergeben: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr "Datei %s, angegeben als Argument für Shell, existiert nicht."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr "Fehler: mehr als eine Datei als Argument an die Shell übergeben."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Es gibt keine aktivierten repos.\n"
+-"Führen sie \"yum repolist all\" aus, um zu sehen, welche repos sie haben.\n"
+-"Sie können repos mit yum-config-manager --enable <repo> aktivieren"
++msgstr "Es gibt keine aktivierten Paketquellen.\nFühren sie »yum repolist all« aus, um zu sehen, welche Quellen eingerichtet sind.\nSie können Quellen mit yum-config-manager --enable <Quelle> aktivieren"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+-msgstr "PAKET..."
++msgstr "PAKET …"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+-msgstr "Installiere ein Paket oder Pakete auf Ihrem System"
++msgstr "Ein Paket oder Pakete auf Ihrem System installieren"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+-msgstr "Einrichten des Installationsprozess"
++msgstr "Installationsprozess wird eingerichtet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+-msgstr "[PAKET...]"
++msgstr "[PAKET …]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+-msgstr "Aktualisiere ein Paket oder Pakete auf Ihrem System"
++msgstr "Ein Paket oder Pakete auf Ihrem System aktualisieren"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+-msgstr "Einrichten des Aktualisierungsprozess"
++msgstr "Aktualisierungsprozess wird eingerichtet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Installierte Pakete auf die neuesten verfügbaren Versionen synchronisieren"
++msgstr "Installierte Pakete mit den neuesten verfügbaren Versionen abgleichen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Prozess der Distributionsaktualisierung wird eingerichtet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+-msgstr "Zeige Details über ein Paket oder einer Gruppe von Pakete an"
++msgstr "Details zu einem Paket oder einer Gruppe von Pakete anzeigen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Installierte Pakete"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Verfügbare Pakete"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Extra-Pakete"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Aktualisierte Pakete"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Veraltete Pakete"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Kürzlich hinzugefügte Pakete"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "Keine übereinstimmenden Pakete zum Auflisten"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+-msgstr "Liste von Paketen oder Gruppen von Paketen"
++msgstr "Pakete oder Paketgruppen auflisten"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+-msgstr "Entferne ein Paket oder Pakete auf Ihrem System"
++msgstr "Ein Paket oder Pakete auf Ihrem System entfernen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+-msgstr "Einrichten des Entfernungsprozess"
++msgstr "Entfernungsprozess wird eingerichtet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Gruppeninformation anzeigen oder verwenden"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+-msgstr "Einrichten des Gruppenprozess"
++msgstr "Gruppenprozess wird eingerichtet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "Keine Gruppe, auf welcher der Befehl ausgeführt werden kann"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Verfügbare Gruppen anzeigen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Installiere die Pakete in einer Gruppe auf Ihrem System"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Ungültiger groups-Unterbefehl, verwenden Sie: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Entferne die Pakete in einer Gruppe von Ihrem System"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "Es ist keine Gruppendatei installiert."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Zeigt Details über eine Paket-Gruppe an"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "Sie haben keinen Zugriff auf die Gruppendatenbank."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+-msgstr "Generiere den Metadaten-Zwischenspeicher"
++msgstr "Den Metadaten-Zwischenspeicher erzeugen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+-msgstr "Erstelle Zwischenspeicherungsdatei für alle Metadaten-Dateien."
++msgstr "Zwischenspeicherungsdateien für alle Metadaten-Dateien werden erstellt"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Dies kann eine Weile dauern, abhängig von der Geschwindigkeit dieses "
++msgstr "Dies kann eine Weile dauern, abhängig von der Geschwindigkeit dieses Rechners"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "Metadaten-Zwischenspeicher erstellt"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+-msgstr "Entferne gespeicherte Daten"
++msgstr "Gespeicherte Daten entfernen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+-msgstr "Suche ein Paket, das den gegebenen Wert bereitstellt"
++msgstr "Ein Paket suchen, das den gegebenen Wert bereitstellt"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+-msgstr "Überprüfe auf verfügbare Paket-Aktualisierungen"
++msgstr "Auf verfügbare Paket-Aktualisierungen überprüfen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+-msgstr "Suche nach Paket-Details für die gegebene Zeichenkette"
++msgstr "Nach Paket-Details für die gegebene Zeichenkette suchen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+-msgstr "Suche Pakete:"
++msgstr "Pakete suchen:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+-msgstr "Aktualisiere Pakete, berücksichtige veraltete"
++msgstr "Pakete aktualisieren, veraltetete berücksichtigen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+-msgstr "Einrichten des Upgradeprozesses"
++msgstr "Distributionsaktualisierungsprozess wird eingerichtet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+-msgstr "Installiere ein lokales RPM"
++msgstr "Ein lokales RPM installieren"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+-msgstr "Einrichten der lokalen Paketverarbeitung"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Bestimme, welche Pakete die gegebenen Abhängigkeiten bereitstellen"
++msgstr "Lokale Paketverarbeitung wird eingerichtet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+-msgstr "Suche Pakete für Abhängigkeit:"
++msgstr "Pakete für Abhängigkeit suchen:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+-msgstr "Führe eine interaktive Yum-Shell aus"
++msgstr "Eine interaktive Yum-Shell ausführen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+-msgstr "Einrichten der Yum-Shell"
++msgstr "Yum-Shell wird eingerichtet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+-msgstr "Liste von Paket-Abhängigkeiten"
++msgstr "Paket-Abhängigkeiten auflisten"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+-msgstr "Suche Abhängigkeiten:"
++msgstr "Abhängigkeiten werden gesucht:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+-msgstr "Zeige die konfigurierten Software-Repositories an"
++msgstr "Die eingerichteten Paketquellen anzeigen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "aktiviert"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "deaktiviert"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr "Repo-id      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-name    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "Repo-status  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Repo-Revision: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-tags    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Repo-Distro-Tags: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr "Repo aktualisiert : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-pkgs    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-Größe    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr "Repo-baseurl : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "Repo-Metalink: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  Aktualisiert    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr "Repo-Spiegel : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Nie (zuletzt: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Aktuell (Vorher: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s Sekunde(n) (zuletzt: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Repo-Verfall  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr "Repo-ausgeschlossen : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr "Repo-eingeschlossen : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr "Repo-ausgeschlossen: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paketquellen-Dateiname: "
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "Repo-ID"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "Status"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "Repo-Name:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+-msgstr "Zeigt eine kurze Verwendungsinformation"
++msgstr "Eine kurze Verwendungsinformation anzeigen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "Keine Hilfe für %s vorhanden"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"Aliase: "
++msgstr "\n\nAliase: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"Alias: "
++msgstr "\n\nAlias: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+-msgstr "Einrichten des Neuinstallationsprozess"
++msgstr "Neuinstallationsprozess wird eingerichtet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+-msgstr "Installiere Paket neu"
++msgstr "Paket neu installieren"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+-msgstr "Einrichten des Downgrade-Prozesses"
++msgstr "Zurücksetzungsprozess wird eingerichtet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+-msgstr "Downgrade eines Pakets"
++msgstr "Ein Paket zurücksetzen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Eine Version für das System und/oder die verfügbaren Repositories anzeigen."
++msgstr "Eine Version für das System und/oder die verfügbaren Paketquellen anzeigen."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Yum Gruppenversion:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " Gruppe   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr " Pakete:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "Installiert:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr "Gruppe-installiert:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Verfügbar:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "Gruppe-verfügbar:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr "Übertragungsverlauf anzeigen oder verwenden"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Transaktionen:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "Beginn      :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "Ende        :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "Anzahl      :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  RPM-Datenbank:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  Yum-Datenbank:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ungültiges history Subkommando, benutze: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sie haben keinen Zugriff auf die Verlaufsdatenbank."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "RPM-Datenbank auf Probleme überprüfen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Eine gespeicherte Transaktion aus einem Dateinamen laden"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Keine Datei mit gespeicherten Transaktionen angegeben."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Transaktion wird aus %s geladen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
++msgstr "Transaktion von %s geladen mit %s-Elementen"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Yum-Überprüfungen sind gescheitert: %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Eine andere Anwendung blockiert momentan yum. Warte, dass sie beendet wird "
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Kein lesender/ausführender Zugriff im aktuellen Ordner, zu / wird gewechselt"
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Kein Getcwd()-Zugriff auf aktuelles Verzeichnis, Wechseln zu /"
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+-msgstr "Löse Abhängigkeiten auf"
++msgstr "Abhängigkeiten werden aufgelöst"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "Ihre Transaktion wurde gespeichert, erneuter Aufruf mit:\nyum load-transaction %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Verlasse nach Abbruch durch den Benutzer."
++msgstr "\n\nNach Abbruch durch den Benutzer wird beendet."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() wird in zukünftigen Versionen von Yum verschwinden.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Konfiguriere TransactionSets, bevor die Konfigurationsklasse gestartet ist"
++msgstr "TransactionSets werden konfiguriert, bevor die Konfigurationsklasse gestartet ist"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "Ungültiges tsflag in Konfigurationsdatei: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+-msgstr "Suche pkgSack für Abhängigkeiten: %s"
++msgstr "pkgSack für Abhängigkeiten wird gesucht: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Mitglied: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s konvertiert zum Installieren"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+-msgstr "Füge Paket %s hinzu in Modus %s"
++msgstr "Paket %s wird im Modus %s hinzugefügt"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+-msgstr "Entferne Paket %s"
++msgstr "Paket %s wird entfernt"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s benötigt: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s benötigt %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "Benötigte Anforderung wurde bereits nachgeschlagen, betrüge"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+-msgstr "Benötigte Anforderung ist kein Paket-Name. Schlage nach: %s"
++msgstr "Benötigte Anforderung ist kein Paket-Name. Gesucht wird nach: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+-msgstr "Potentieller Anbieter: %s"
++msgstr "Potenzieller Anbieter: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Modus ist %s für Anbieter von %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Modus für pkg-Bereitstellung %s: %s"
+@@ -2122,1045 +2323,1169 @@ msgstr "Modus für pkg-Bereitstellung %s: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Es wird versucht, %s zu aktualisieren, um die Abhängigkeiten aufzulösen"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
++msgstr "Kein Upgradepfadgefunden für %s. Fehlschlag!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s Paket benötigt %s, welches als gelöscht markiert ist"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+-msgstr "TSINFO: Ersetze %s durch %s zum Auflösen der Abhängigkeit."
++msgstr "TSINFO: %s wird durch %s zum Auflösen der Abhängigkeit ersetzt."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+-msgstr "TSINFO: Aktualisiere %s zum Auflösen der Abhängigkeit."
++msgstr "TSINFO: %s wird zum Auflösen der Abhängigkeit aktualisiert."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+-msgstr "Kann keinen Aktualisierungspfad finden für Abhängigkeit für: %s"
++msgstr "Aktualisierungspfad kann nicht gefunden werden für Abhängigkeit für: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "Übereinstimmung von %s, welche gebraucht wird für %s"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s ist in einem bereitgestellten Paket, aber bereits installiert, entferne."
++msgstr "%s ist in einem bereitgestellten Paket, aber bereits installiert, wird entfernt."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+-msgstr "Potentielles aufgelöstes Paket %s hat eine neuere Instanz in ts."
++msgstr "Potenzielles aufgelöstes Paket %s hat eine neuere Instanz in ts."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+-msgstr "Potentielles aufgelöste Paket %s hat eine neuere Instanz installiert."
++msgstr "Potenzielles aufgelöstes Paket %s hat eine neuere Instanz installiert."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+-msgstr "%s bereits in ts, überspringe dieses"
++msgstr "%s bereits in ts, dieses wird übersprungen"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+-msgstr "TSINFO: Markiere %s als Aktualisierung für %s"
++msgstr "TSINFO: %s wird als Aktualisierung für %s markiert"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+-msgstr "TSINFO: Markiere %s als Installation für %s"
++msgstr "TSINFO: %s wird als Installation für %s markiert"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Erfolg - Leere Transaktion"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+-msgstr "Starte Schleife neu"
++msgstr "Schleife wird neu gestartet"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Abhängigkeitsverarbeitung beendet"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Erfolg - Abhängigkeiten aufgelöst"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+-msgstr "Prüfe Abhängigkeiten für %s"
++msgstr "Abhängigkeiten für %s werden überprüft"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+-msgstr "Suche nach %s als eine Anforderung von %s"
++msgstr "Nach %s als eine Anforderung von %s wird gesucht"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+-msgstr "Führe compare_providers() aus für %s"
++msgstr "compare_providers() wird für %s ausgeführt"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "bessere Architektur in po %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s ersetzt %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"archdist verglichen %s zu %s auf %s\n"
+-"  Gewinner: %s"
++msgstr "archdist verglichen %s zu %s auf %s\n  Gewinner: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "Gemeinsames Quellen-RPM %s und %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Basispaket %s ist für %s installiert"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+-msgstr "Gemeinsamer Prefix von %s zwischen %s und %s"
++msgstr "Gemeinsamer Präfix von %s zwischen %s und %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "Vercmp-Unterstützung: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Gewinner: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "benötigt mindestens: %d"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Verlierer(mit %d): %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Beste Bestellung: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() wird in zukünftigen Versionen von Yum verschwinden.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
++msgstr "Paketquelle %r: Fehler beim Einlesen der Konfiguration: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+-msgstr "Bei Repository %r fehlt der Name in der Konfiguration, benutze id"
++msgstr "In Paketquelle %r fehlt der Name in der Konfiguration, id wird benutzt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "Plugins bereits initialisiert"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() wird in zukünftigen Versionen von Yum verschwinden.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+-msgstr "Lese lokale RPMDB"
++msgstr "Lokale RPMDB wird gelesen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() wird in zukünftigen Versionen von Yum verschwinden.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+-msgstr "doSackSetup() wird in zukünftigen Versionen von Yum verschwinden \n"
++msgstr "doSackSetup() wird in zukünftigen Versionen von Yum verschwinden.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+-msgstr "Einrichten des Paket-Behälters"
++msgstr "Paket-Behälter wird eingerichtet"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+-msgstr "Repository-Objekt für Repository %s fehlt eine _resetSack-Methode\n"
++msgstr "Im Paketquellenobjekt für Quelle %s fehlt eine _resetSack-Methode\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+-msgstr "deshalb kann dieses Repository nicht zurückgesetzt werden.\n"
++msgstr "deshalb kann diese Paketquelle nicht zurückgesetzt werden.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() wird in zukünftigen Versionen von Yum verschwinden.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+-msgstr "Baue Aktualisierungsobjekt"
++msgstr "Aktualisierungsobjekt wird erstellt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+-msgstr "doGroupSetup() wird in zukünftigen Versionen von Yum verschwinden .\n"
++msgstr "doGroupSetup() wird in zukünftigen Versionen von Yum verschwinden.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+-msgstr "Beziehe Gruppen-Metadaten"
++msgstr "Gruppen-Metadaten werden geholt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+-msgstr "Füge Gruppen-Datei von Repository hinzu: %s"
++msgstr "Gruppendatei wird aus der Paketquelle hinzugefügt: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+-msgstr "Hinzufügen von Gruppen-Datei für Repository fehlgeschlagen: %s - %s"
++msgstr "Hinzufügen von Gruppen-Datei für Paketquelle fehlgeschlagen: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+-msgstr "Keine Gruppen in irgendeinem Repository verfügbar"
++msgstr "Keine Gruppen in irgendeiner Paketquelle verfügbar"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "pkgtags-Metadaten werden geholt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+-msgstr "Füge Tags aus dem Repository hinzug: %s"
++msgstr "Tags werden aus der Paketquelle hinzugefügt: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+-msgstr "Konnte Pkg Tags für das Repository nicht hinzufügen: %s - %s"
++msgstr "Pkg-Tags für die Paketquelle konnten nicht hinzugefügt werden: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+-msgstr "Importiere zusätzlichen Dateilisten-Informationen"
++msgstr "Zusätzliche Dateilisten-Informationen werden importiert"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+-msgstr "Das Programm %s%s%s wurde in im yum-utils-Paket gefunden."
++msgstr "Das Programm %s%s%s wurde im yum-utils-Paket gefunden."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Es gibt noch nicht abgeschlossene Transaktionen. Sie sollten in Betracht "
+-"ziehen, zuerst yum-complete-transaction auszuführen, um diese "
++msgstr "Es gibt noch nicht abgeschlossene Transaktionen. Sie sollten in Betracht ziehen, zuerst yum-complete-transaction auszuführen, um diese abzuschließen."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--> Finde nicht mehr benötigte Abhängigkeiten"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
++msgstr "Geschützte Multilib-Versionen: %s != %s"
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+-msgstr "Versuche \"%s\" zu entfernen, welches geschützt ist"
++msgstr "Es wird versucht, »%s« zu entfernen, welches geschützt ist"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakete übersprungen wegen Abhängigkeitsproblemen:"
++msgstr "\nPakete übersprungen wegen Abhängigkeitsproblemen:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s von %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"** %d bereits bestehende(s) rpmdb Problem(e) gefunden, 'yum check' gibt "
+-"Folgendes aus: "
++msgstr "** %d bereits bestehende(s) rpmdb Problem(e) gefunden, »yum check« gibt Folgendes aus: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr "Warnung: RPMDB wurde außerhalb von yum verändert."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr "Benötigtes fehlt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+-msgstr "installierter Konflikt"
++msgstr "Installierter Konflikt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Warnung: Es sind Scriptlet- oder andere nicht-fatale Fehler bei der "
+-"Verarbeitung aufgetreten."
++msgstr "Warnung: Es sind Scriptlet- oder andere nicht schwerwiegende Fehler bei der Verarbeitung aufgetreten."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr "Transaktion konnte nicht starten:"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+-msgstr "Konnte Transaktion nicht durchführen."
++msgstr "Transaktion konnte nicht durchgeführt werden."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "Entfernen der Verarbeitungsdatei %s fehlgeschlagen"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s hätte installiert werden sollen, wurde aber nicht!"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s hätte entfernt werden sollen, wurde aber nicht!"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Konnte Sperrung %s nicht aufheben: %s"
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgstr "Existierende Blockierung %s: eine andere Kopie läuft mit PID %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Unfähig zu prüfen, ob PID %s ist aktiv"
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgstr "Sperrung bei %s konnte nicht erstellt werden: %s "
+-#. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+-msgstr "Existierende Blockierung %s: eine andere Kopie läuft mit PID %s."
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Sperrung %s konnte nicht aufgehoben werden: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+-msgstr "Konnte keine Sperrung bei %s erstellen: %s "
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Es kann nicht geprüft werden, ob PID %s aktiv ist"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paket stimmt nicht mit dem beabsichtigten Download überein. Vorschlag: "
+-"starten sie yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr "Paket stimmt nicht mit dem beabsichtigten Download überein. Vorschlag: starten sie yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+-msgstr "Konnte Prüfsumme nicht bilden"
++msgstr "Prüfsumme konnte nicht gebildet werden"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "Paket stimmt nicht mit der Prüfsumme überein"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paket bei Prüfsummen-Prüfung durchgefallen, aber Zwischenspeicherung ist "
+-"aktiviert für %s"
++msgstr "Paket bei Prüfsummen-Prüfung durchgefallen, aber Zwischenspeicherung ist aktiviert für %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+-msgstr "benutze lokale Kopie von %s"
++msgstr "Lokale Kopie von %s wird verwendet"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Nicht genügend Platz im Download-Verzeichnis %s vorhanden\n"
+-"    * frei     %s\n"
+-"    * benötigt %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "Header ist nicht vollständig."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Header ist nicht im lokalen Zwischenspeicher und Nur-Zwischenspeicher-Modus "
+-"aktiviert. Kann %s nicht herunterladen"
++msgstr "Header ist nicht im lokalen Zwischenspeicher und Nur-Zwischenspeicher-Modus aktiviert. %s kann nicht heruntergeladen werden"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "Öffentlicher Schlüssel für %s ist nicht installiert"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Problem beim Öffnen des Paketes %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "Öffentlicher Schlüssel für %s ist nicht vertrauenswürdig"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "Paket %s ist nicht unterschrieben"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+-msgstr "Kann %s nicht entfernen"
++msgstr "%s kann nicht entfernt werden"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s entfernt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+-msgstr "Kann %s Datei nicht entfernen %s"
++msgstr "%s Datei %s kann nicht entfernt werden"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s Datei %s entfernt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s Dateien entfernt"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d %s Datei entfernt"
++msgstr[1] "%d %s Dateien entfernt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "Mehr als eine identische Übereinstimmung im Behälter für %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+-msgstr "Keine Übereinstimmungen mit  %s.%s %s:%s-%s bei der Aktualisierung"
++msgstr "Keine Übereinstimmungen mit %s.%s %s:%s-%s bei der Aktualisierung"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() wird in zukünftigen Versionen von Yum verschwinden."
+-"                      Benutze stattdessen searchGenerator(). \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() wird in zukünftigen Versionen von Yum verschwinden.                      Benutze stattdessen searchGenerator(). \n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "Suche %d Pakete"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "%d Paket wird gesucht"
++msgstr[1] "%d Pakete werden gesucht"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+-msgstr "Suche Paket %s"
++msgstr "Paket %s wird gesucht"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+-msgstr "Suche in Datei-Einträgen"
++msgstr "In Dateieinträgen wird gesucht"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+-msgstr "suche in bereitgestellten Einträgen"
++msgstr "In bereitgestellten Einträgen wird gesucht"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "Keine Gruppendaten für konfigurierte Repositories verfügbar"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+-msgstr "Kein Gruppe mit dem Namen %s vorhanden"
++msgstr "Keine Gruppe mit dem Namen %s vorhanden"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "Paket %s war nicht markiert in Gruppe %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Paket %s aus Gruppe %s wird übersprungen"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+-msgstr "Füge Paket %s aus Gruppe %s hinzu"
++msgstr "Paket %s aus Gruppe %s wird hinzugefügt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "Kein Paket mit Namen %s verfügbar zum Installieren"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
++msgstr "Gruppe %s besitzt %u optionale Pakete, welche installiert werden können"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "Paket-Tupel %s kann nicht gefunden werden im Paket-Behälter"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket-Tupel %s konnte nicht in rpmdb gefunden werden"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ungültige Versionsmarkierung von: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "Kein Paket gefunden für %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "Paketobjekt war keine Paketobjektinstanz"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "Nichts angegeben zum Installieren"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Überprüfe nach virtueller Bereitstellung oder Datei-Bereitstellung für %s"
++msgstr "Auf virtuelle Bereitstellung oder Datei-Bereitstellung für %s wird überprüft"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "Kein Übereinstimmung für Argument: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "Paket %s installiert und nicht verfügbar"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "Kein(e) Paket(e) zum Installieren verfügbar."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+-msgstr "Paket: %s - bereits im Transaktionsset"
++msgstr "Paket: %s - bereits im Transaktionssatz"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "Paket %s wurde ersetzt durch %s, welches bereits installiert ist"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Packet %s wurde ersetzt durch %s, aber das ersetzende Paket erfüllt nicht die Anforderungen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paket %s wurde ersetzt durch %s, versuche stattdessen %s zu installieren."
++msgstr "Paket %s wurde ersetzt durch %s, stattdessen wird versucht, %s zu installieren"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+-msgstr "Paket %s ist bereits in der neusten Version installiert."
++msgstr "Paket %s ist bereits in der neuesten Version installiert."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paket, das auf %s passt, ist bereits installiert. Überprüfe auf "
++msgstr "Paket, das auf %s passt, ist bereits installiert. Auf Aktualisierung wird überprüft."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+-msgstr "Aktualisiere alles"
++msgstr "Alles wird aktualisiert"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr "Aktualisiere Paket nicht, da es bereits veraltet ist: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "Paket wird nicht aktualisiert, da es bereits veraltet ist: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Kein Übereinstimmung für Argument: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Kein Paket zum Aktualisieren gefunden: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Paket ist bereits veraltet: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+-msgstr "Aktualisiere Paket nicht, da es bereits veraltet ist: %s"
++msgstr "Paket wird nicht aktualisiert, da es bereits veraltet ist: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Aktualisiere Paket nicht, da es bereits aktualisiert ist:  %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "Paket wird nicht aktualisiert, da es bereits aktualisiert ist:  %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "Kein Paket stimmt zum Entfernen überein"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "Kein Paket zum Entfernen gefunden: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+-msgstr "Überspringe den laufenden Kernel: %s"
++msgstr "Laufender Kernel wird übersprungen: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+-msgstr "Entferne %s aus der Transaktion."
++msgstr "%s wird aus der Transaktion entfernt."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+-msgstr "Konnte nicht öffnen: %s. Überspringe."
++msgstr "Konnte nicht geöffnet werden: %s. Wird übersprungen."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Untersuche %s: %s"
++msgstr "%s wird untersucht: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+-msgstr "Konnte deltarpm nicht lokal installieren: %s. Überspringe."
++msgstr "deltarpm konnte nicht lokal installiert werden: %s. Wird übersprungen."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Kann Paket %s nicht zur Transaktion hinzufügen. Keine kompatible "
+-"Architektur: %s"
++msgstr "Paket %s kann nicht zur Transaktion hinzugefügt werden. Keine kompatible Architektur: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Konnte Paket %s nicht installieren. Es ist vom installierten Paket %s "
++msgstr "Paket %s konnte nicht installiert werden. Es ist vom installierten Paket %s überholt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paket %s nicht installiert, kann es nicht aktualisieren. Führen Sie "
+-"stattdessen yum install aus, um es zu installieren."
++msgstr "Paket %s nicht installiert, es kann nicht aktualisiert werden. Führen Sie stattdessen yum install aus, um es zu installieren."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket %s.%s ist nicht installiert, kann es nicht aktualisieren. Führe stattdessen yum install aus, um es zu installieren."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+-msgstr "Schliesse %s aus"
++msgstr "%s wird ausgeschlossen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+-msgstr "Markiere %s zum Installieren"
++msgstr "%s wird zum Installieren markiert"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+-msgstr "Markiere %s als eine Aktualisierung für %s"
++msgstr "%s wird als eine Aktualisierung für %s markiert"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: aktualisiert installierte Pakete nicht."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+-msgstr "Kann Datei nicht öffnen: %s. Überspringe."
++msgstr "Datei kann nicht geöffnet werden: %s. Wird übersprungen."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Probleme beim Neuinstallieren: kein Paket stimmt zum Entfernen überein"
++msgstr "Probleme beim Neuinstallieren: kein Paket stimmt zum Entfernen überein"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Probleme beim Neuinstallieren: kein Paket %s stimmt zum Installieren überein"
++msgstr "Probleme beim Neuinstallieren: kein Paket %s stimmt zum Installieren überein"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Kein(e) Paket(e) zum Downgrade verfügbar"
++msgstr "Kein(e) Paket(e) zum Zurücksetzen verfügbar"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+-msgstr "Paket %s darf mehrfach installiert sein, überspringe"
++msgstr "Paket %s darf mehrfach installiert sein, wird übersprungen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+-msgstr "Keine Übereinstimmung der verfügbare Pakete: %s"
++msgstr "Keine Übereinstimmung der verfügbaren Pakete: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Nur verfügbare Paket aktualisieren: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Zurücksetzen ist gescheitert: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Aktualisieren ist gescheitert: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Schlüssel wird von %s geholt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "GPG-Schlüssel-Abruf fehlgeschlagen:"
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "GPG Schlüsselsignatur vom Schlüssel %s passt nicht zu CA Schlüssel für Repo: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "GPG Schlüsselsignatur gegen CA Schlüssel verifiziert"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Ungültiger GPG-Schlüssel von %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+-msgstr "GPG-Schlüssel-Analyse fehlgeschlagen: Schlüssel hat keinen Wert %s"
++msgstr "GPG-Schlüsselanalyse fehlgeschlagen: Schlüssel hat keinen Wert %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "%s-Schlüssel 0x%s importieren:\n Benutzerkennung     : \"%s\"\n Fingerabdruck: %s\n Paket    : %s (%s)\n Von       : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "%s-Schlüssel 0x%s importieren:\n Benutzerkennung     : \"%s\"\n Fingerabdruck: %s\n Von       : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Fehlgeschlagenes Paket: %s\n GPG-Schlüssel sind konfiguriert als: %s\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "GPG-Schlüssel unter %s (0x%s) ist bereits installiert"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "Schlüssel-Import fehlgeschlagen (Code %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "Schlüssel erfolgreich importiert"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Es wurden keine Schlüssel installiert"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Die aufgelisteten GPG-Schlüssel für das \"%s\"-Repository sind bereits installiert, aber sie sind nicht korrekt für dieses Paket.\n"
+-"Stellen Sie sicher, dass die korrekten Schlüssel-URLs für dieses Repository konfiguriert sind."
++msgstr "Die aufgelisteten GPG-Schlüssel für die »%s«-Paketquelle sind bereits installiert, aber sie sind nicht korrekt für dieses Paket.\nStellen Sie sicher, dass die korrekten Schlüssel-URLs für diese Paketquelle konfiguriert sind."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "Importieren der Schlüssel hat nicht geholfen, falsche Schlüssel?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "Nein"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Ja"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n CA-Schlüssel: %s\n Fehlgeschlagene Datenquelle: %s\n GPG-Schlüssel sind konfiguriert als: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "GPG-Schlüssel unter %s (0x%s) ist bereits importiert"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "Schlüssel-Import fehlgeschlagen"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "Import des Schlüssels %s ist fehlgeschlagen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Es wurden keine Schlüssel für Paketquelle %s installiert"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Die aufgelisteten GPG-Schlüssel für das \"%s\" Repository sind bereits "
+-"installiert, aber nicht korrekt. Überprüfen sie, ob die korrekten Schlüssel-"
+-"URLs für dieses Repository konfiguriert sind."
++msgstr "Die aufgelisteten GPG-Schlüssel für die »%s«-Paketquelle sind bereits installiert, aber nicht korrekt. Überprüfen sie, ob die korrekten Schlüssel-URLs für diese Paketquelle konfiguriert sind."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+-msgstr "Es kann kein geeigneten Spiegelserver gefunden werden."
++msgstr "Es kann kein geeigneter Spiegelserver gefunden werden."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Beim Herunterladen der Pakete sind Fehler aufgetreten."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Bitte melden Sie diesen Fehler unter %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Test-Transaktionsfehler: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+-msgstr "Konnte Verzeichnis für Zwischenspeicher nicht festlegen: %s"
++msgstr "Ordner für Zwischenspeicher konnte nicht festgelegt werden: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Abhängigkeiten wurden nicht aufgelöst. Eine Transaktion mit ungelösten Abhängigkeiten wird nicht gespeichert."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Transaktionsdatei %s kann nicht gespeichert werden: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kann nicht lesen/zugreifen auf gespeicherte Transaktion %s : %s "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "tsflags nicht gefunden oder tsflags ist kein Integer-Wert."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "txmbr im unbekannten aktuellen Zustand gefunden: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "txmbr konnte nicht gefunden werden: %s im Zustand %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Txmbr nicht gefunden: %s from origin: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Fehlende Transaktionselemente, Beziehungen oder ts wurde verändert, "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
++msgstr " Ignorieren, wie gewünscht. Sie müssen redepsolve anwenden!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s wurde bereits benutzt und kann nicht entfernt werden."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "Revdeps von %s überprüfen"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s besitzt Revdep %s, welches Benutzer-installiert ist."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "%s besitzt keine Benutzer-installierte Revdeps."
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Geladene Plugins: "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "Kein Plugin für Argument: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+-msgstr "\"%s\"-Plugin ist deaktiviert"
++msgstr "»%s«-Plugin wird nicht geladen, da es deaktiviert ist"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+-msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" kann nicht importiert werden"
++msgstr "Plugin »%s« kann nicht importiert werden"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+-msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" gibt keine benötigte API-Version an"
++msgstr "Plugin »%s« gibt keine benötigte API-Version an"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+-msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" benötigt API %s. Unterstützte API ist %s."
++msgstr "Plugin »%s« benötigt API %s. Unterstützte API ist %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+-msgstr "Lade \"%s\"-Plugin"
++msgstr "»%s«-Plugin wird geladen"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+-msgstr "Zwei oder mehr Plugins mit dem Namen \"%s\" existieren im Plugin-Suchpfad"
++msgstr "Zwei oder mehr Plugins mit dem Namen »%s« existieren im Plugin-Suchpfad"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+-msgstr "Konfigurationsdatei %s nicht gefunden"
++msgstr "Konfigurationsdatei %s wurde nicht gefunden"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+-msgstr "Kann Konfigurationsdatei für Plugin %s nicht finden"
++msgstr "Konfigurationsdatei für Plugin %s kann nicht gefunden werden"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "Registrierung von Befehlen nicht unterstützt"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+-msgstr "benötigt"
++msgstr "hat fehlende Abhängigkeiten zu"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr "hat installierte Konflikte"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr "%s ist ein Duplikat von %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+-msgstr "%s ersetzt %s"
++msgstr "%s wird ersetzt durch %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr "%s stellt %s bereit, aber es konnte nicht gefunden werden"
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:80
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+-msgstr "Packe neu"
++msgstr "Wird neu verpackt"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Überprüfen: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Nicht genügend Platz im Download-Ordner %s vorhanden\n    * frei     %s\n    * benötigt %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Header kann nicht geöffnet werden oder stimmt nicht überein mit %s, %s."
++msgstr "Header kann nicht geöffnet werden oder stimmt nicht überein mit %s, %s."
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:53
+ #, python-format
+@@ -3169,11 +3494,11 @@ msgstr "RPM %s besteht md5-Prüfung nicht"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr "Kann RPM-Datenbank nicht öffnen. Wird sie eventuell schon benutzt?"
++msgstr "RPM-Datenbank kann nicht geöffnet werden. Wird sie eventuell schon benutzt?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+-msgstr "Erhalte einen leeren Header, irgendetwas ging schief"
++msgstr "Ein leerer Header wurde erhalten, irgendetwas ging schief"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:253 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:260
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:263 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:266
+@@ -3184,6 +3509,4 @@ msgstr "Defekter Header %s"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+-msgstr "Fehler bei Öffnen des RPM %s - Fehler %s"
++msgstr "Fehler beim Öffnen des RPM %s - Fehler %s"
+diff --git a/po/el.po b/po/el.po
+index 8df34e7..11204f5 100644
+--- a/po/el.po
++++ b/po/el.po
+@@ -2,428 +2,508 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# Dimitris Glezos <glezos@indifex.com>, 2011
++# Translators:
++#   <azardilis@gmail.com>, 2011.
++# Dimitris Glezos <glezos@indifex.com>, 2011.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Greek (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/el/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Greek (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/el/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: el\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Ενημέρωση"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Διαγραφή"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Εγκατάσταση"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Ενημερώθηκε"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Διαγράφηκε"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Εγκαταστάθηκε"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Διαγράφηκε:%s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Γίνεται αφαίρεση"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(από %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Το εγκατεστημένο πακέτο %s%s%s%s δεν είναι διαθέσιμο."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Πακέτο(α) για εγκατάσταση"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
+-msgid "Installed Groups:"
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1735
++msgid "Installed Groups:"
++msgstr "Εγκατεστημένες ομάδες:"
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Διαθέσιμες ομάδες:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -431,438 +511,484 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ανώτατος χρόνος αναμονής για εντολή"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Όνομα        : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Μέγεθος        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Εγκαταστάθηκε από: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Τροποποιήθηκε από : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Περιγραφή: "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ναι"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "όχι "
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\nΟμάδα: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Περιγραφή: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Υποχρεωτικά Πακέτα:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Προεπιλεγμένα Πακέτα:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Προαιρετικά Πακέτα:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "package: %s"
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
++#, python-format
++msgid "package: %s"
++msgstr "πακέτο: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
++msgstr "Όνομα αρχείου   : %s"
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Μέγεθος"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -870,65 +996,66 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -936,532 +1063,584 @@ msgid ""
+ "to exit.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Σύστημα"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ημερομηνία και ώρα"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Χρήστης           :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Τελευταία εβδομάδα"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Τελευταίες 2 εβδομάδες"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Τελευταίοι 3 μήνες"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Τελευταίοι 6 μήνες"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Τελευταίος χρόνος"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Πακέτο: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ενημερώθηκε από"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1473,7 +1652,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1490,555 +1669,648 @@ msgid ""
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ΠΑΚΕΤΟ..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Εγκατεστημένα Πακέτα"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Διαθέσιμα Πακέτα"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ενημερωμένα Πακέτα"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
+-msgid "Setting up Group Process"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
+-msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
++msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
++msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "κατάσταση"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Ομάδα   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Μέλος: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -2046,991 +2318,1140 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
++#. The pid doesn't exist
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -3039,6 +3460,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3067,5 +3505,3 @@ msgstr ""
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/en_GB.po b/po/en_GB.po
+index 0f3c750..323c119 100644
+--- a/po/en_GB.po
++++ b/po/en_GB.po
+@@ -2,1503 +2,1645 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# Bruce Cowan <l10n@bcowan.fastmail.co.uk>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# Bruce Cowan <l10n@bcowan.fastmail.co.uk>, 2011.
++# Chris Leonard <cjlhomeaddress@gmail.com>, 2012.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/en_GB/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/en_GB/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: en_GB\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Updating"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Erasing"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Installing"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Obsoleted"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Updated"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Erased"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Installed"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "No header - huh?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Repackage"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Erased: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Removing"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Cleanup"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Setting up repositories"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Config Error: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Options Error: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Built    : %s at %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Committed: %s at %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "You need to give some command"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Disk Requirements:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Error Summary\n"
++msgstr "Error Summary\n-------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by exit_on_lock"
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " ignoring, as requested."
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr " aborting."
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "Exiting on user Command"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "Downloading Packages:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr "Running Transaction Check"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "RPM needs to be updated"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Please report this error in %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "Running Transaction Test"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "Running Transaction"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+-"Use \"-y\" to override."
++msgstr "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\nUse \"-y\" to override."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * Maybe you meant: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "No package %s%s%s available."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Package(s) to install"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d package to install"
++msgstr[1] "%d packages to install"
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Nothing to do"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d package marked for Update"
++msgstr[1] "%d packages marked for Update"
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "No Packages marked for Update"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronisation"
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronisation"
++msgstr[1] "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronisation"
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronisation"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d package marked for removal"
++msgstr[1] "%d packages marked for removal"
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "No Packages marked for removal"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Package(s) to downgrade"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d package to downgrade"
++msgstr[1] "%d packages to downgrade"
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (from %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Package(s) to reinstall"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d package to reinstall"
++msgstr[1] "%d packages to reinstall"
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "No Packages Provided"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Package(s) to install"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "N/S Matched: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Matched: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "No Matches found"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "No Package Found for %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr "Cleaning repos: "
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "Cleaning up Everything"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "Cleaning up Headers"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "Cleaning up Packages"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "Cleaning up database cache"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "Cleaning up plugins"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
+-msgstr "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Installed Groups:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Installed Language Groups:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Available Groups:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Available Language Groups:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Done"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+ msgstr "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d Package(s) to Install"
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d package to Install"
++msgstr[1] "%d packages to Install"
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "No group named %s exists"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "No packages to remove from groups"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d Package(s) to remove"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d package to remove"
++msgstr[1] "%d packages to remove"
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Plugin Options"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Command line error: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: %s option requires an argument"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "show this help message and exit"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "be tolerant of errors"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "config file location"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "maximum command wait time"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "debugging output level"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "error output level"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr "debugging output level for rpm"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "quiet operation"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "verbose operation"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "answer yes for all questions"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "answer no for all questions"
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "show Yum version and exit"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "set install root"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "disable Yum plugins"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "disable gpg signature checking"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "disable plugins by name"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "enable plugins by name"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "control whether colour is used"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "Jan"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "Feb"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "Mar"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "Apr"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "May"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "Jun"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "Jul"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "Aug"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "Sep"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "Oct"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "Nov"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "Dec"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "Trying other mirror."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr "Name        : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr "Arch        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr "Epoch       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr "Version     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr "Release     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr "Size        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "Repo        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr "From repo   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr "Committer   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr "Committime  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr "Buildtime   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "Install time: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr "Installed by: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr "Changed by  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr "Summary     : "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "URL         : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr "Licence     : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "Description : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "y"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "yes"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "no"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Group: %s"
++msgstr "\nGroup: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " Group-Id: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Description: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr " Language: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Mandatory Packages:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Default Packages:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Optional Packages:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Conditional Packages:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr "Installed Packages:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "package: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr "  No dependencies for this package"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "  dependency: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Matched from:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Licence     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Filename    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Other       : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "There was an error calculating total download size"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Total size: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Total download size: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "Installed size: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr "There was an error calculating installed size"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "Reinstalling"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "Downgrading"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Installing for dependencies"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Updating for dependencies"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Removing for dependencies"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "Not installed"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Not available"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Package"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] "Package"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Arch"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Version"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Repository"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Size"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Transaction Summary\n"
++msgstr "\nTransaction Summary\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Install"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Upgrade"
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Remove"
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Reinstall"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Downgrade"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Dependent package"
++msgstr[1] "Dependent packages"
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Removed"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Dependency Removed"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Dependency Installed"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Dependency Updated"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Replaced"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Failed"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "two"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+-"to exit.\n"
++msgstr "\n Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\nto exit.\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "user interrupt"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Total"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<unset>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "System"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr "No transactions"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr "Command line"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr "Login user"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "Date and time"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "Action(s)"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "Altered"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "No transaction ID given"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Bad transaction ID given"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr "Not found given transaction ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr "Downgraded"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "Older"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "Newer"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr "Transaction ID :"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr "Begin time     :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr "Begin rpmdb    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr "(%u seconds)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr "(%u minutes)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr "(%u hours)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr "(%u days)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "End time       :"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr "End rpmdb      :"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "User           :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "Return-Code    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "Aborted"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr "Failures:"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "Failure:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "Success"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "Command Line   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr "Transaction performed with:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "Packages Altered:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "Packages Skipped:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Rpmdb Problems:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "Scriptlet output:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "Errors:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "Install"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr "Dep-Install"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr "Obsoleting"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "Erase"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "Reinstall"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr "Downgrade"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "Update"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "Time"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "Last day"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "Last week"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "Last 2 weeks"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "Last 3 months"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "Last 6 months"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "Last year"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "Over a year ago"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr "No Transaction %s found"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr "Transaction ID:"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "Available additional history information:"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "installed"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr "an update"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "erased"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "reinstalled"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr "a downgrade"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr "obsoleting"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "updated"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "obsoleted"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> Running transaction check"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> Keeping package: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "Package: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    Requires: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Requires: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        Not found"
++msgstr "\n        Not found"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "Updated By"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr "Downgraded By"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr "Obsoleted By"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "Available"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Verifying"
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Running"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Sleeping"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "Uninterruptible"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Zombie"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Traced/Stopped"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Unknown"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  The other application is: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Exiting on user cancel"
++msgstr "\n\nExiting on user cancel"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Exiting on Broken Pipe"
++msgstr "\n\nExiting on Broken Pipe"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "PluginExit Error: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Yum Error: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Error: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Dependencies Resolved"
++msgstr "\nDependencies Resolved"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Complete!"
+@@ -1510,7 +1652,7 @@ msgstr " Mini usage:\n"
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "You need to be root to perform this command."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1525,583 +1667,650 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+-"However, you do not have any GPG public keys installed. You need to download\n"
+-"the keys for packages you wish to install and install them.\n"
+-"You can do that by running the command:\n"
+-"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
+-"Alternatively you can specify the url to the key you would like to use\n"
+-"for a repository in the 'gpgkey' option in a repository section and yum \n"
+-"will install it for you.\n"
+-"For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
++msgstr "\nYou have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \nHowever, you do not have any GPG public keys installed. You need to download\nthe keys for packages you wish to install and install them.\nYou can do that by running the command:\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nAlternatively you can specify the url to the key you would like to use\nfor a repository in the 'gpgkey' option in a repository section and yum \nwill install it for you.\n\nFor more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Problem repository: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "Error: Need an item to match"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "No argument to shell"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"There are no enabled repos.\n"
+-" Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+-" You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
++msgstr "There are no enabled repos.\n Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "PACKAGE..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Install a package or packages on your system"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "Setting up Install Process"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[PACKAGE...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Update a package or packages on your system"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "Setting up Update Process"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr "Synchronise installed packages to the latest available versions"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr "Setting up Distribution Synchronisation Process"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Installed Packages"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Available Packages"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Extra Packages"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Updated Packages"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Obsoleting Packages"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Recently Added Packages"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "No matching Packages to list"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "List a package or groups of packages"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "Setting up Remove Process"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Display, or use, the groups information"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "Setting up Group Process"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "No Groups on which to run command"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "List available package groups"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Install the packages in a group on your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "There is no installed groups file."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Display details about a package group"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "You don't have access to the groups DB."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "Generate the metadata cache"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "Metadata Cache Created"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "Remove cached data"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "Find what package provides the given value"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "Check for available package updates"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "Search package details for the given string"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "Searching Packages: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Install a local RPM"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "Setting up Local Package Process"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Run an interactive yum shell"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Setting up Yum Shell"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "List a package's dependencies"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "Finding dependencies: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Display the configured software repositories"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "enabled"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "disabled"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr "Repo-id      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-name    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "Repo-status  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Repo-revision: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-tags    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Repo-distro-tags: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr "Repo-updated : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-pkgs    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-size    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr "Repo-baseurl : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "Repo-metalink: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  Updated    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr "Repo-mirrors : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Never (last: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Instant (last: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr "Repo-expire  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr "Repo-exclude : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr "Repo-include : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr "Repo-excluded: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Repo-filename: "
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "repo id"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "status"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "repo name"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Display a helpful usage message"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "No help available for %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"aliases: "
++msgstr "\n\naliases: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"alias: "
++msgstr "\n\nalias: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "reinstall a package"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "downgrade a package"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr " Yum version groups:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " Group   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr " Packages:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "Installed:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr "Group-Installed:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Available:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "Group-Available:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Transactions:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr " rpm DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr " yum DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr "You don't have access to the history DB."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr "load a saved transaction from filename"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr "No saved transaction file specified."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr "loading transaction from %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr " Yum checks failed: %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+-msgstr "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "Resolving Dependencies"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
+-msgstr "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
+ msgid ""
+-"Exiting on user cancel."
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yummain.py:312
++msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
++msgstr "\n\nExiting on user cancel."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Member: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s converted to install"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "Removing Package %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s requires: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s requires %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Potential Provider: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+@@ -2109,1025 +2318,1140 @@ msgstr "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Success - empty transaction"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "Restarting Loop"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Dependency Process ending"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Success - deps resolved"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "Checking deps for %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "better arch in po %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s obsoletes %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+-"  Winner: %s"
++msgstr "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n  Winner: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr "base package %s is installed for %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr "requires minimal: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "provides vercmp: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr " Winner: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "requires minimal: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr " Loser(with %d): %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Best Order: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "plugins already initialised"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "Reading Local RPMDB"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "Setting up Package Sacks"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "Building updates object"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "Getting group metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "No Groups Available in any repository"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "Importing additional filelist information"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+-"complete-transaction first to finish them."
++msgstr "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
++msgstr "\nPackages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s from %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
++msgstr "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr "missing requires"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr "installed conflict"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
++msgstr "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr "Could not run transaction."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+-"--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "Could not perform checksum"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "Package does not match checksum"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "using local copy of %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "Header is not complete."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
++msgstr "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "Public key for %s is not installed"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Problem opening package %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "Package %s is not signed"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "Cannot remove %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s removed"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s file %s removed"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s files removed"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d %s file removed"
++msgstr[1] "%d %s files removed"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+-"                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum.                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "Searching %d packages"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "Searching %d package"
++msgstr[1] "Searching %d packages"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "searching package %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "searching in file entries"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "searching in provides entries"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "No group data available for configured repositories"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "No Group named %s exists"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "Adding package %s from group %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "No package named %s available to be installed"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
+-msgstr "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "No Package found for %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "Nothing specified to install"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "No Match for argument: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "Package %s installed and not available"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "No package(s) available to install"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
++msgstr "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for requirements"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "Updating Everything"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "No Match for argument: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "No package matched to remove"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "No package matched to remove: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr "Removing %s from the transaction"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Examining %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
++msgstr "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
++msgstr "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it instead."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+-" instead."
++msgstr "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it instead."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "Excluding %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "Marking %s to be installed"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: does not update installed package."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "No Match for available package: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr "Retrieving key from %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr "GPG key signature on key %s does not matvch CA Key for repo: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-"Userid : %s\n"
+-"Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-"From   : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-"Userid : \"%s\"\n"
+-"From  : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "Key import failed (code %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "Key imported successfully"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr "Didn't install any keys"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+-"Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
++msgstr "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\nCheck that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "No"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Yes"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "Key import failed"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "Key %s import failed"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+-"Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
++msgstr "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\nCheck that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Please report this error at %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Test Transaction Errors: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr " ignoring, as requested."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr " aborting."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "Examining revdeps of %s"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Loaded plugins: "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "No plugin match for: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "Configuration file %s not found"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "registration of commands not supported"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr "has missing requires of"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr "has installed conflicts"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+@@ -3136,6 +3460,23 @@ msgstr "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "Repackaging"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Insufficient space in download directory %s\n    * free   %s\n    * needed %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3148,8 +3489,7 @@ msgstr "RPM %s fails md5 check"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
++msgstr "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+@@ -3165,5 +3505,3 @@ msgstr "Damaged Header %s"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po
+index 2b1397d..443556a 100644
+--- a/po/es.po
++++ b/po/es.po
+@@ -2,1529 +2,1649 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# beckerde <domingobecker@gmail.com>, 2011
+-# Claudio Rodrigo Pereyra Diaz <elsupergomez@gmail.com>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# Adolfo Jayme Barrientos <fitoschido@gmail.com>, 2013.
++# beckerde <domingobecker@gmail.com>, 2011.
++# Claudio Rodrigo Pereyra Diaz <elsupergomez@gmail.com>, 2011.
++# Dennis Tobar <dennis.tobar@gmail.com>, 2011.
++#   <domingobecker@gmail.com>, 2011-2012.
++#  <ehespinosa@ya.com>, 2013.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Spanish (Castilian) <trans-es@lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-15 07:51+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: vareli <ehespinosa@ya.com>\n"
++"Language-Team: Spanish <trans-es@lists.fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: es\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Actualizando"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Eliminando"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Instalando"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Obsoleto"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Actualizado"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Eliminado"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Instalado"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Sin encabezado - ¿ah?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Reempaquetar"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Error: estado de salida no válido: %s de %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Eliminado: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Eliminando"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Limpieza"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+-msgstr "El comando \"%s\" ya ha sido definido"
++msgstr "Ya se ha definido el comando «%s»"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Configurando los repositorios"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "Leyendo en archivos locales los metadatos de los repositorios"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Error de configuración: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Error de opciones: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Instalado: %s-%s en %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+-msgstr "  Construido: %s en %s"
++msgstr "  Compilado    : %s en %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Enviado: %s en %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "Necesita ingresar algún comando"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "No existe el comando: %s. Por favor, utilice %s --help"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Requerimientos de disco:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr "  Como mínimo se necesitan %dMB más en el sistema de archivos %s.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "  Como mínimo se necesitan %dMB más en el sistema de archivos %s.\n"
++msgstr[1] "  Como mínimo se necesitan %dMB más en el sistema de archivos %s.\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Resumen de errores\n"
++msgstr "Resumen de errores\n-------------\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "No se puede crear archivo de bloqueo, ya existe uno"
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Otra aplicación tiene retenido el bloqueo de Yum; finalizando de acuerdo a la configuración de exit_on_lock"
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Se intentó ejecutar la transacción pero no hay nada para hacer. Saliendo."
++msgstr "Se intentó ejecutar la transacción pero no hay nada para hacer. Saliendo."
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr "futura versión rpmdb no coincide con la versión de transacción guardada."
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " ignorando, como fue requerido."
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr " abortando."
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "Saliendo de acuerdo al comando del usuario"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "Descargando paquetes:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Error al descargar los paquetes:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr "Ejecutando verificación de transacción"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "ERROR Necesita actualizar el rpm para manipular:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr "ERROR en el chequeo de la transacción vs resolución de dependencias:"
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+-msgstr "El RPM necesita ser actualizado"
++msgstr "El RPM necesita actualizarse"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+-msgstr "Por favor, reporte este error en %s"
++msgstr "Informe de este error en %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "Ejecutando prueba de transacción"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "Error en la verificación de la transacción:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "La prueba de transacción ha sido exitosa"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "Ejecutando transacción"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Se rechaza la importación automática de claves cuando se ejecuta desatendida.\n"
+-"Utilice \"-y\" para forzar."
++msgstr "Se rechaza la importación automática de claves cuando se ejecuta desatendida.\nUtilice \"-y\" para forzar."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * Tal vez quería decir: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+-msgstr ""
+-"El (los) paquete(s) %s%s%s se encuentra(n) disponible(s), pero no se ha(n) "
++msgstr "El (los) paquete(s) %s%s%s se encuentra(n) disponible(s), pero no se ha(n) instalado."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "No existe disponible ningún paquete %s%s%s."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Paquete(s) a instalarse"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr "Mal %s argumento %s."
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquete a instalar"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquetes a instalar"
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Nada para hacer"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d paquetes han sido seleccionados para ser actualizados"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquete marcado para ser actualizado"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquetes marcados para ser actualizados"
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "No se han seleccionando paquetes para ser actualizados"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%d paquetes han sido seleccionados para Sincronización de distribución"
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquete marcado para la Sincronización de Distribución"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquetes marcados para la Sincronización de Distribución"
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr "No se han seleccionado paquetes para Sincronización de distribución"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d paquetes han sido seleccionados para ser eliminados"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquete marcado para ser eliminado"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquetes marcados para ser eliminados"
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "No se han seleccionado paquetes para ser eliminados"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Paquete(s) a desactualizar"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquete a rebajar versión"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquetes a rebajar versión"
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (desde %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "El paquete instalado %s%s%s%s no se encuentra disponible."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Paquete(s) a reinstalar"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquete a reinstalar"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquetes a reinstalar"
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "No se ha ofrecido ningún paquete"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Paquete(s) a instalarse"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Nombre/Resumen que coinciden con: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Nombre y resumen que coinciden con %s y sólo %s, use \"buscar todo\" para "
++msgstr "  Nombre y resumen que coinciden con %s y sólo %s, use \"buscar todo\" para todo."
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Nombre completo y resumen que coinciden con %s y sólo %s, use \"buscar "
+-"todo\" para todo."
++msgstr "  Nombre completo y resumen que coinciden con %s y sólo %s, use \"buscar todo\" para todo."
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Concordante: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Nombre y resumen que coinciden con %s y en general con %s, use \"buscar "
+-"todo\" para todo."
++msgstr "  Nombre y resumen que coinciden con %s y en general con %s, use \"buscar todo\" para todo."
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Aviso: No se ha encontrado ningún resultado para: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "No se ha encontrado ningún resultado"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "No se ha encontrado ningún paquete para %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "Error: No han sido encontrados paquetes para:\n  %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+-msgstr "Limpiando repositorios:"
++msgstr "Limpiando repositorios: "
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "Limpiando todo"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "Limpiando encabezados"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "Limpiando paquetes"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "Limpiando metadatos xml"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "Limpiando el caché de la base de datos"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "Limpiando metadatos expirados del caché"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr "Limpiando datos de rpmdb en el caché"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "Limpiando complementos"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
+-msgstr "Advertencia: No hay grupos coincidentes con: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "Grupos de Entorno Instalados:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "Grupos de Entorno Disponibles:"
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Grupos instalados:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Grupos de idioma instalados:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Grupos disponibles:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Grupos de idioma disponibles:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr "Advertencia: No hay coincidencia Entornos/Grupos: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Listo"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Advertencia: Grupo/Entorno %s no existe."
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Advertencia: Entorno %s no existe."
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Aviso: el grupo %s no existe."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+-msgstr ""
+-"En los grupos solicitados no existe disponible ningún paquete para ser "
+-"instalado o actualizado"
++msgstr "En los grupos solicitados no existe disponible ningún paquete para ser instalado o actualizado"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d paquete(s) a instalar"
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquete a instalar"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquetes a instalar"
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr "No existe Entorno llamado %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "No existe ningún grupo denominado %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "No existen paquetes a eliminarse de los grupos"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d paquete(s) a eliminar"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquete a eliminar"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquetes a eliminar"
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "Ya se encuentra instalado el paquete %s, ignorando"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "Descartando paquete no comparable %s.%s"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"No existe instalado otro %s, agregando a la lista para instalación posible"
++msgstr "No existe instalado otro %s, agregando a la lista para instalación posible"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Opciones de complementos"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Error en la línea de comando: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: la opción %s necesita un argumento"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: la opción %s necesita un argumento"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color acepta una de las siguientes opciones: auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr "--insallroot debe ser una ruta absoluta: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "muestra este mensaje de ayuda y cierra"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "sea tolerante con los errores"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr "se ejecuta completamente a partir del caché, pero no lo actualiza"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "configurar ubicación de archivo"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "tiempo máximo de espera del comando"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "nivel de depuración de la salida"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+-msgstr ""
+-"muestra duplicados en los repositorios, y en los comandos para "
++msgstr "muestra duplicados en los repositorios, y en los comandos para mostrar/buscar"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "nivel de error de la salida"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr "nivel de depuración de salida para rpm"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "operación discreta"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "operación detallada"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+-msgstr "responde \"si\" a todas las preguntas"
++msgstr "responde \"sí\" a todas las preguntas"
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "responder no para todas las preguntas"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "muestra la versión de Yum y finaliza"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "define la raíz de instalación"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "activa uno o más repositorios (los comodines son permitidos)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "desactiva uno o más repositorios (los comodines son permitidos)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr "excluya paquete(s) de acuerdo a su nombre o glob "
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+-msgstr ""
+-"deshabilita la posibilidad de exclusión desde main, para un repositorio o "
+-"para todos"
++msgstr "deshabilita la posibilidad de exclusión desde main, para un repositorio o para todos"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "habilita el proceso de paquetes obsoletos durante las actualizaciones"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "deshabilita los complementos de Yum"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "deshabilita la verificación de firmas GPG"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "deshabilita complementos de acuerdo a su nombre"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "habilita complementos de acuerdo a su nombre"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "ignora paquetes con problemas de resolución de dependencias"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "controla la utilización de colores"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+-msgstr ""
+-"define el valor de $releasever en los aarchivos de configuración de yum y de"
+-" los repositorios"
++msgstr "defina el valor de $releasever en los archivos de configuración de yum y de los repositorios"
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr "no actualizar, sólo descargar"
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr "especifique un directorio alternativo para almacenar paquetes"
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr "define una configuración arbitraria y opciones de los repositorios"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "Ene"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "Feb"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "Mar"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "Abr"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "May"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "Jun"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "Jul"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "Ago"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "Sep"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "Oct"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "Nov"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "Dic"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "Intentando con otro espejo."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr "Nombre        : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr "Arquitectura        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr "Período       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr "Versión     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr "Lanzamiento     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr "Tamaño        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "Repositorio        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr "Desde el repositorio   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr "Enviado por   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr "Horario del envío  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr "Horario de la construcción   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "Horario de la instalación: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr "Instalado por: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr "Modificado por  : %s "
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr "Resumen     : "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "URL         : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr "Licencia     : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "Descripción :"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "s"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+-msgstr "si"
++msgstr "sí"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "no"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "Está de acuerdo [s/N]:"
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Grupo: %s"
++msgstr "\nGrupo: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " Group-Id: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Descripción: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr " Idioma: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Paquetes obligatorios:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Paquetes predeterminados:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Paquetes opcionales:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Paquetes condicionales:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr " Paquetes instalados:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr "\nGrupo de Entorno: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr "Id de Entorno: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr "Grupos Obligatorios:"
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr "Grupos Opcionales:"
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr "Grupos Instalados:"
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "paquete: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr " No existen dependencias para este paquete"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr " dependencia: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr " Dependencia no satisfecha"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Resultado obtenido desde:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Licencia     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Nombre del archivo    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "Ofrece    : "
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Otro       : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "Hubo un error mientras se calculaba el tamaño total de la descarga"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Tamaño total: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Tamaño total de la descarga: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "Tamaño instalado: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr "Hubo un error mientras se calculaba el tamaño instalado"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "Reinstalando"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "Desactualizando"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Instalando para las dependencias"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Actualizando para las dependencias"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Eliminando para las dependencias"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Ignorando (problemas de dependencias)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "No instalado"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "No disponible"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Paquete"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "Paquete"
++msgstr[1] "Paquetes"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Arquitectura"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Versión"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Repositorio"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Tamaño"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr "     reemplazando  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Resumen de la transacción\n"
++msgstr "\nResumen de la transacción\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Instalar   %5.5s Paquete(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Instalar"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Actualizar   %5.5s Paquete(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Actualizar"
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Eliminar   %5.5s Paquete(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Eliminar"
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Reinstalar %5.5s Paquete(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Reinstalar"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Desactualizar %5.5s Paquete(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Desactualizar"
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Paquete dependiente"
++msgstr[1] "Paquetes dependientes"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Eliminado(s)"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Dependencia(s) eliminada(s)"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Dependencia(s) instalada(s)"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Dependencia(s) actualizada(s)"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Sustituido(s)"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Falló"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "dos"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Se ha cancelado la descarga actual, %sinterrumpa con (ctrl-c) nuevamente%s dentro de %s%s%s segundos\n"
+-"para finalizar.\n"
++msgstr "\nSe ha cancelado la descarga actual, %sinterrumpa con (ctrl-c) nuevamente%s dentro de %s%s%s segundos\npara finalizar.\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "interrupción solicitada por el usuario"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Total"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<no definido>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "Sistema"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr "Omitiendo transacción mezclada %d a %d, dado que se superponen"
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr "Sin transacciones"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr "Se ha(n) indicado paquete(s), o IDs de transacciones erróneas"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr "Linea de comandos"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr "Registro de usuario"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "Día y hora"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "Acción(es)"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "Modificado"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "No se ha indicado un ID de transacción"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Se ha indicado un ID de transacción no válido "
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr "No se ha encontrado el ID de transacción indicado"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr "¡Se ha encontrado más de un ID de transacción!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr "No se ha indicado ningún paquete, o ID de transacción"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr "Desactualizado"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "Antiguos"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "Nuevos"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr "ID de transacción :"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr "Hora inicial     :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr "Rpmdb inicial    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr "(%u segundos)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr "(%u minutos)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr "(%u horas)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr "(%u dias)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "Hora final       : "
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr "Rpmdb final      :"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "Usuario           :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "Codigo-obtenido    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "Abortado"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr "Fallas:"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "Falla:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "Exito"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "Línea de comando   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr "Información adicional no predeterminada almacenada: %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr "Transacción realizada con:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "Paquetes modificados:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "Paquetes ignorados:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Problemas en la base de datos RPM: "
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "Información del scriptlet:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "Errores:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "Instalar"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr "Instalación de dependencias"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr "Convirtiendo en obsoleto"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "Eliminar"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "Reinstalar"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr "Desactualizar"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "Actualizar"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "Hora"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "Ultimo día"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "Ultima semana"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "Ultimas 2 semanas"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "Ultimos 3 meses"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "Ultimos 6 meses"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "Ultimo año"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "Hace más de un año"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr "No se ha encontrado una transacción %s"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr "ID de transacción :"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "Información de historial adicional disponible:"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s No ha sido encontrada información adicional con este nombre"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Paquete       :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "Estado         :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Tamaño         :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "Equipo de construcción:"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "Fecha de construcción:"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Empaquetador   :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Vendedor       :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Licencia       :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URL            :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "RPM Fuente     :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "Fecha de publicación:"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "Publicador     :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "Razón          :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "Repositorio    :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "Instalado por  :"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "Modificado por :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "instalado"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr "una actualización"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "eliminado"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "reinstalado"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr "una desactualización"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr "obsoleto"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "actualizado"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "obsoleto"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr "---> Paquete %s.%s %s:%s-%s debe ser %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> Ejecutando prueba de transacción"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+-msgstr ""
+-"--> Reiniciando la resolución de las dependencias con las nuevas "
++msgstr "--> Reiniciando la resolución de las dependencias con las nuevas modificaciones."
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Resolución de dependencias finalizada"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Procesando dependencias: %s para el paquete: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> Manteniendo el paquete: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr "--> Manteniendo paquete: %s debido a %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Dependencia no resuelta: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "Paquete: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    Necesita: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Necesita: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        No encontrado"
++msgstr "\n        No encontrado"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "Actualizado por"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr "Desactualizado por"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr "Obsoleto por"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "Disponible"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> Procesando conflictos: %s choca con %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+-msgstr ""
+-"--> Construyendo el conjunto de las transacciones con los paquetes "
+-"seleccionados. Por favor aguarde."
++msgstr "--> Construyendo el conjunto de las transacciones con los paquetes seleccionados. Por favor aguarde."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+-msgstr ""
+-"---> Descargando el encabezado de %s para incluirlo en el conjunto de "
++msgstr "---> Descargando el encabezado de %s para incluirlo en el conjunto de transacciones."
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Comprobando"
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Ejecutando"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Durmiendo"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "Ininterrumplible"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Zombi"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Rastreado/Detenido"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Desconocido"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  La otra aplicación es: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  La otra aplicación es: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Memoria : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    Iniciado: %s - %s atrás"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    Estado  : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Saliendo por cancelación del usuario"
++msgstr "\n\nSaliendo por cancelación del usuario"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Saliendo por tubería rota"
++msgstr "\n\nSaliendo por tubería rota"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-"Otra aplicación tiene retenido el bloqueo de Yum; finalizando de acuerdo a "
+-"la configuración de exit_on_lock"
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Error de PluginExit: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Error de yum: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Error: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Podría intentar utilizar el comando --skip-broken para sortear el problema"
++msgstr " Podría intentar utilizar el comando --skip-broken para sortear el problema"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr "Podría intentar ejecutar: rpm- Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Error(es) desconocido(s): Código de salida: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Dependencias resueltas"
++msgstr "\nDependencias resueltas"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "¡Listo!"
+@@ -1536,7 +1656,7 @@ msgstr " Minu uso:\n"
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "Necesita ser usuario root para poder ejecutar este comando."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1551,589 +1671,650 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Usted tiene habilitada la verificación de paquetes mediante llaves GPG. Eso es bueno. \n"
+-"Sin embargo, usted no tiene ninguna llave pública GPG instalada. Necesita descargar\n"
+-"e instalar las llaves de todos los paquetes que desee instalar.\n"
+-"Esto puede hacerlo si ejecuta el comando:\n"
+-"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
+-"También puede indicar la url de la llave del repositorio que desee utilizar\n"
+-"en la opción 'gpgkey' en la sección del repositorio, y yum \n"
+-"la instalará por usted.\n"
+-"Para obtener mayor información, póngase en contacto con su distribución o con su proveedor de paquetes.\n"
++msgstr "\nUsted tiene habilitada la verificación de paquetes mediante llaves GPG. Eso es bueno. \nSin embargo, usted no tiene ninguna llave pública GPG instalada. Necesita descargar\ne instalar las llaves de todos los paquetes que desee instalar.\nEsto puede hacerlo si ejecuta el comando:\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nTambién puede indicar la url de la llave del repositorio que desee utilizar\nen la opción 'gpgkey' en la sección del repositorio, y yum \nla instalará por usted.\n\nPara obtener mayor información, póngase en contacto con su distribución o con su proveedor de paquetes.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Problema del repositorio: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Error: Necesita pasar una lista de paquetes a %s "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr "Error: Necesita al menos dos paquetes para %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr "Error: Necesita pasar una id de repositorio y comando a %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr "Error: Necesita pasar una única id de repositorio válida a %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr "Error: Repositorio %s no está habilitado"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "Error: Es necesario un ítem con el cual corresponderse"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Error: Es necesario un grupo o una lista de grupos"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Error: la limpieza necesita una opción: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Error: argumento de limpieza no válido: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "No hay argumento para el shell"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Nombre de archivo pasado al shell: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr "El archivo %s indicado como argumento para el shell no existe."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr "Error: se ha indicado más de un archivo como argumento para el shell"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"No existen repositorios habilitados.\n"
+-" Ejecute \"yum repolist all\" para conocer los repositorios existentes.\n"
+-" Puede habilitarlos con yum-config-manager --enable <repositorio>"
++msgstr "No existen repositorios habilitados.\n Ejecute \"yum repolist all\" para conocer los repositorios existentes.\n Puede habilitarlos con yum-config-manager --enable <repositorio>"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "PAQUETE..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Instala uno o varios paquetes en su sistema"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "Configurando el proceso de instalación"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[PAQUETE...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Actualiza uno o varios paquetes en su sistema"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "Configurando el proceso de actualización"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Sincroniza los paquetes instalados a las últimas versiones disponibles"
++msgstr "Sincroniza los paquetes instalados a las últimas versiones disponibles"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr "Definiendo el proceso de Sincronización de la distribución"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Muestra detalles acerca de un paquete o de un grupo de paquetes"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Paquetes instalados"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Paquetes disponibles"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Paquetes extra"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Paquetes actualizados"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Convirtiendo paquetes en obsoletos"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Paquetes añadidos recientemente"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "No hay paquetes que se correspondan con la lista"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Muestra un paquete o grupos de paquete"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Elimina uno o varios paquetes de su sistema"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "Configurando el proceso de eliminación"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Muestra, o usa, la información de grupos"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "Configurando el proceso de grupo"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "No existen grupos sobre los cuales ejecutar el comando"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Muestra los grupos de paquetes disponibles"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Instala los paquetes en un grupo de su sistema"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Sub-comando groups invalido, use: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Elimina los paquetes de un grupo de su sistema"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "No existe un archivo de grupos instalados."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Muestra detalles acerca de un grupo de paquetes"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "Usted no tiene acceso a la base de datos de grupos."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "Genera el caché de metadatos"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "Creando los archivos de caché para todos los archivos de metadatos."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Esto podría demorar algún tiempo, dependiendo de la velocidad de su equipo"
++msgstr "Esto podría demorar algún tiempo, dependiendo de la velocidad de su equipo"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "Se ha creado el caché de metadatos"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "Elimina los datos del caché"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "Localiza el paquete que ofrezca el valor indicado"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "Verifica la existencia de actualizaciones de paquetes"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "Busca detalles en los paquetes para la cadena indicada"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "Buscando paquetes:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Actualiza los paquetes tomando en cuenta los obsoletos"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Configurando el proceso de actualización"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Instala un RPM local"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "Configurando el proceso de instalación local de paquetes"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Determina qué paquetes ofrecen la dependencia indicada"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "Buscando paquetes para la dependencia:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Ejecuta una shell de Yum interactiva "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Configurando la shell de Yum"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "Muestra las dependencias que necesita un paquete"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "Buscando dependencias:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Muestra los repositorios de software configurados"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "habilitado"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "deshabilitado"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr "Repo-id      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-name    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "Repo-status  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Repo-revision: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-tags    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Repo-distro-tags: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr "Repo-updated : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-pkgs    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-size    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr "Repo-baseurl : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "Repo-metalink: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  Actualizados    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr "Repo-mirrors : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Nunca (último: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Instante (último: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s segundo(s) (último: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr "Repo-expire  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr "Repo-exclude : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr "Repo-include : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr "Repositorio excluído:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nombre de archivo del repositorio: "
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "id del repositorio"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "estado"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "nombre del repositorio"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Muestra un mensaje de ayuda del uso"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "No existe asistencia disponible para %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"apodos: "
++msgstr "\n\napodos: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"apodo: "
++msgstr "\n\napodo: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "Configurando el proceso de reinstalación"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "reinstalar un paquete"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Configurando el proceso de desactualización"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "desactualizar un paquete a una versión anterior"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr "Muestra una versión para la máquina y/o los repositorios disponibles."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr " Grupos de la versión de Yum:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " Grupo   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr " Paquetes:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "Instalado:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr "Grupo-Instalado:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Disponible:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "Grupo-Disponible:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr "Mostrar, o utilizar, el historial de la transacción"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Transacciones:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "Hora de inicio :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "Hora de fin    :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "Conteo         :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  rpm DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  yum DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr "Sub-comando de historia no válido, utilice: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr "No posee acceso a la base de datos del historial."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Verifica si hay problemas en la base de datos (rpmdb)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr "carga una transacción guardada desde un archivo"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr "No se especificó un archivo de transacción guardada."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr "cargando transacción desde %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr "Transacción cargada desde %s con %s miembros."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr "Manera simple de intercambiar paquetes, en lugar de utilizar shell"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr "Tratar un repositorio como un grupo de paquetes, de este modo instala/borra todos ellos"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquete a actualizar"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquetes a actualizar"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquete a borrar/instalar"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquetes a borrar/instalar"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquete a borrar/sincronizar"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquetes a borrar/sincronizar"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr "No hay un subcomando válido de %s"
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr " Yum falló verificando: %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Otra aplicación tiene retenido el bloqueo de Yum; esperándolo para salir... "
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Sin permiso de lectura/ejecución en el directorio actual, moviendo a /"
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+-msgstr "No se puede crear archivo de bloqueo, ya existe uno"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "No existe accedo getcwd() en el directorio actual, trasladándose a /"
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "Resolviendo dependencias"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Su transacción fue guardada, ejecutela nuevamente con yum load-transaction "
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "Su transacción fue guardada, vuelva a ejecutarla con:\n yum load-transaction %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Saliendo por cancelación del usuario."
++msgstr "\n\nSaliendo por cancelación del usuario."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() desaparecerá en alguna versión posterior de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Configurando TransactionSets antes de la activación de clase de "
++msgstr "Configurando TransactionSets antes de la activación de clase de configuración"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "tsflag no válido en el archivo de configuración: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "Buscando pkgSack para la dependencia: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Miembro: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s convertido para instalar"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "Agregando paquete %s en modo %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "Eliminando paquete %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s necesita: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s necesita %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "El requerimiento que se necesita ya fue buscado, haciendo trampa"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "El requerimiento necesitado no es un nombre de paquete. Buscando: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Proveedor posible: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "El modo es %s para el proveedor de %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Modo para el paquete que ofrece %s: %s"
+@@ -2141,1067 +2322,1140 @@ msgstr "Modo para el paquete que ofrece %s: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr "Intentando actualizar %s para resolver dependencia"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr "No se encontraron rutas de actualización para %s. ¡Fallo!"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr "No se encuentran senderos de actualización para %s. Fallo debido a requisito: %s!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr "Actualización para %s. No corregir requisito: %s!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: el paquete %s que necesita %s ha sido marcado para eliminarse"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+-msgstr ""
+-"TSINFO: Transformando a %s en obsoleto utilizando %s para resolver la "
++msgstr "TSINFO: Transformando a %s en obsoleto utilizando %s para resolver la dependencia."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Actualizando %s para resolver la dependencia."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"No es posible encontrar un camino de actualización para la dependencia para:"
+-" %s"
++msgstr "No es posible encontrar una ruta de actualización para la dependencia de: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "Rápidamente se ha localizado %s al ser requerido por %s"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s se encuentra entre los paquetes provistos, pero ya está instalado, "
+-"eliminando. "
++msgstr "%s se encuentra entre los paquetes provistos, pero ya está instalado, eliminando. "
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr "El paquete de solución posible %s posee una nueva instancia en ts."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+-msgstr ""
+-"El paquete de solución posible %s posee una nueva instancia ya instalada."
++msgstr "El paquete de solución posible %s posee una nueva instancia ya instalada."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "%s ya se encuentra en ts, ignorándolo"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+-msgstr "TSINFO: Seleccionado %s como actualización de %s"
++msgstr "TSINFO: Seleccionando %s como actualización de %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Seleccionando %s como una instalación para %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Exito - transacción vacía"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "Reiniciando el bucle"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Finalizando el proceso de dependencias"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Exito - dependencias resueltas"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "Verificando dependencias para %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "localizando a %s como un requerimiento de %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "Ejecutando compare_providers() para %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "mejor arquitectura en po %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s hace obsoleto a %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"archdist comparó %s con %s en %s\n"
+-"  Vencedor: %s"
++msgstr "archdist comparó %s con %s en %s\n  Vencedor: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "sourcerpm común %s y %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr "el paquete principal %s está instalado para %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "prefijo común de %s entre %s y %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr "requires el mínimo: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "ofrece vercmp: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr " Ganador: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "requires el mínimo: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr " Perdedor(con %d): %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Mejor orden: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() desaparecerá en alguna versión posterior de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr "Saltando repositorio no legible %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr "Repositorio %r: Error analizando la configuración: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Al repositorio %r le falta un nombre en su configuración, utilizando el id"
++msgstr "Al repositorio %r le falta un nombre en su configuración, utilizando el id"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "los complementos ya se encuentran inicializados"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() desaparecerá en alguna versión posterior de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "Leyendo RPDMDB local"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() desaparecerá en alguna versión posterior de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() desaparecerá en alguna versión posterior de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "Configurando sacos de paquetes"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"el objeto del repositorio para el repositorio %s necesita de un método a "
++msgstr "el objeto del repositorio para el repositorio %s necesita de un método a _resetSack\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "por lo tanto, este repositorio no puede ser restaurado.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() desaparecerá en alguna versión posterior de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "Construyendo objeto de actualizaciones"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() desaparecerá en alguna versión posterior de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "Obteniendo metadatos de grupo"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Agregando archivo de grupos desde el repositorio: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr "Fallo al recuperar fichero de grupo para repositorio: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Falló al agregarse el archivo de grupos desde el repositorio: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "No hay grupos disponibles en ningún repositorio"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr "Obteniendo metadatos de etiquetas de paquete (pkgtags)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Agregando etiquetas del repositorio: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Falló al agregarse etiquetas de paquetes para el repositorio: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "Importando información adicional de listas de archivo"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "El programa %s%s%s se encuentra en el paquete yum-utils."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Existen transacciones restantes no finalizadas. Podría considerar primero "
+-"ejecutar el comando yum-complete-transaction, de modo de poder finalizarlas."
++msgstr "Existen transacciones restantes no finalizadas. Podría considerar primero ejecutar el comando yum-complete-transaction, de modo de poder finalizarlas."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr "--> Buscando dependencias sobrantes innecesarias"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr "Versiónes multilib protegidas: %s != %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr "Encontrados problemas de versión Multilib. Esto con frecuencia indica que la causa raíz es algo más y la comprobación de la versión multilib sólo indica que hay un problema. Esto es: 1. Usted tiene una actualización para %(name)s que hace desaparecer alguna dependencia que otro paquete requiere. Yum está intentando resolver estos instalando una versión más antigua de %(name)s de la arquitectura diferente. Si usted excliye la arquitectura mala yum le dirá que la causa raíz es (cual paquete requiere que). Usted puede intentar rehacer la actualización con --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... esto le daría un mensaje de error mostrándole la causa raíz del problema. 2. Usted tiene múltiples arquitecturas de %(name)s instaladas, pero yum sólo puede ver una actualización para una de esas arquitecturas. Si usted no desea/necesita ambas arquitecturas más usted puede borrar la que tiene la actualización desaparecida y todo funcionará. 3. Usted tiene versiones duplicadas de %(name)s instaladas ya. Usted puede usar \"yum check\" para obtener que yum muestre esos errores. ...usted puede usar también --setopt=protected_multilib=false para borrar esta comprobación, sin embargo esto no es lo más correcto de hacer puesto que puede ocasionar que algo vaya mal (causando con frecuencia muchos más problemas). \n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr "Intentando eliminar \"%s\", que está protegido"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paquetes ignorados por problemas de dependencias:"
++msgstr "\nPaquetes ignorados por problemas de dependencias:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s de %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"** Se ha encontrado %d problema(s) pre existentes en la base de datos RPM, "
+-"este es el resultado de 'yum check':"
++msgstr "** Se ha encontrado %d problema(s) pre existentes en la base de datos RPM, este es el resultado de 'yum check':"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Advertencia: Las bases de datos (RPMDB) han sido modificadas por un elemento"
+-" ajeno a yum."
++msgstr "Advertencia: Las bases de datos (RPMDB) han sido modificadas por un elemento ajeno a yum."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr "no se encuentra necesita"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr "conflicto instalado"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Aviso: scriptlet o algún otro tipo de error no fatal ha ocurrido durante la "
++msgstr "Aviso: scriptlet o algún otro tipo de error no fatal ha ocurrido durante la transacción."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr "La transacción no pudo iniciarse:"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr "No se pudo ejecutar la transacción"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "Falló al eliminar archivo de transacción %s"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "¡se suponía que %s estuviera instalado, pero no lo está! "
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "¡se suponía que %s estuviera eliminado, pero no lo está! "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "No se pudo abrir el bloqueo %s: %s"
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgstr "Bloqueo existente en %s: otra copia se encuentra en ejecución como pid %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "No es posible verificar si se encuentra activo el PID %s"
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgstr "No se ha podido crear el bloqueo en %s: %s"
+-#. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Bloqueo existente en %s: otra copia se encuentra en ejecución como pid %s."
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "No se pudo abrir el bloqueo %s: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+-msgstr "No se ha podido crear el bloqueo en %s: %s"
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "No es posible verificar si se encuentra activo el PID %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-msgstr ""
+-"El paquete no se corresponde con la descarga pretendida. Sugerimos ejecutar "
+-"el siguiente comando: yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr "El paquete no se corresponde con la descarga pretendida. Sugerimos ejecutar el siguiente comando: yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "No se pudo realizar una suma de verificación"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "El paquete no se corresponde con la suma de verificación"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"el paquete no ha superado la suma de verificación, pero el caché se "
+-"encuentra habilitado para %s"
++msgstr "el paquete no ha superado la suma de verificación, pero el caché se encuentra habilitado para %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "utilizando una copia local de %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Espacio insuficiente en el directorio de descarga %s\n"
+-"    * libre   %s\n"
+-"    * necesario %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
++msgstr "saliendo porque –se ha especificado sólo descarga"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "El encabezado no está completo."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"El encabezado no se encuentra en el caché local, y está habilitado el modo "
+-"de solo cacheo. No es posible descargar %s"
++msgstr "El encabezado no se encuentra en el caché local, y está habilitado el modo de solo cacheo. No es posible descargar %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "No se ha instalado la llave pública de %s "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Problemas abriendo el paquete %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "La llave pública de %s no es confiable"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "El paquete %s no está firmado"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "No es posible eliminar %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s eliminado"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "No es posible eliminar %s archivo %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s archivo %s eliminado"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s archivos eliminados"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d %s archivo eliminado"
++msgstr[1] "%d %s archivos eliminados"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "Más de una correspondencia exacta en el saco para %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "Nada se corresponde con %s.%s %s:%s-%s desde la actualización"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() desaparecerá en alguna versión próxima de Yum. En su lugar "
+-"utilice searchGenerator(). \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() desaparecerá en alguna versión próxima de Yum. En su lugar utilice searchGenerator(). \n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "Buscando %d paquetes"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "Buscando paquete %d"
++msgstr[1] "Buscando paquetes %d"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "buscando paquete %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "buscando en las entradas de archivo"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "buscando en las entradas \"provee\""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+-msgstr ""
+-"No existen datos de grupo disponibles en los repositorios configurados"
++msgstr "No existen datos de grupo disponibles en los repositorios configurados"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "No existe un grupo denominado %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "el paquete %s no fue marcado en el grupo %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Ignorando paquete %s del grupo %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "Agregando paquete %s del grupo %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "No existe un paquete denominado %s disponible para ser instalado"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
+-msgstr "Advertencia: Grupo %s no tiene ningun paquete."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr "Advertencia: Grupo %s no tiene ningún paquete que instalar."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr "El grupo %s tiene %u paquetes condicionales, que pueden instalarse."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr "Saltando grupo %s desde entorno %s"
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "La tupla %s de paquetes no pudo ser encontrada en el saco de paquetes"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr "La tupla %s de paquetes no pudo ser encontrada en la base de datos"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr "Bandera de versión inválida en: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "No se ha encontrado ningún paquete para %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Advertencia: Grupo de Entorno %s no existe."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr "Paquete: %s – no se puede instalar con %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "El objeto de paquete no era una instancia de objeto de paquete"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "No se ha indicado nada para instalar"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr "Verificando la provision virtual o provision de archivo de %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "No hay nada concordante con el argumento: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "El paquete %s está instalado y no se encuentra disponible"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "No existe(n) paquete(s) disponible(s) para instalar"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "Paquete: %s - ya se encuentra en un conjunto de transacción"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "El paquete %s se hace obsoleto con %s, que ya se encuentra instalado"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+-msgstr ""
+-"El paquete %s se hace obsoleto con %s, pero el paquete que lo hace obsoleto "
+-"no ofrece requerimientos"
++msgstr "El paquete %s se hace obsoleto con %s, pero el paquete que lo hace obsoleto no ofrece requerimientos"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+-msgstr ""
+-"El paquete %s se hace obsoleto con %s, en su lugar se está intentando "
+-"instalar %s"
++msgstr "El paquete %s se hace obsoleto con %s, en su lugar se está intentando instalar %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "El paquete %s ya se encuentra instalado con su versión más reciente"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+-msgstr ""
+-"El paquete concordante con %s ya se encuentra instalado. Verificando si "
+-"puede actualizarse."
++msgstr "El paquete concordante con %s ya se encuentra instalado. Verificando si puede actualizarse."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "Actualizando todo"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Dejando sin actualizar el paquete que ya es obsoleto: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "No hay nada concordante con el argumento: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Ningún paquete encontrado para actualizar: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "El paquete ya es obsoleto: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "Dejando sin actualizar el paquete que ya es obsoleto: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Dejando sin actualizar el paquete que ya se encuentra actualizado: %s.%s "
++msgstr "Dejando sin actualizar el paquete que ya se encuentra actualizado: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "No hay paquete correspondiente para ser eliminado"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "Ningún paquete encontrado para eliminar: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr "Salteando el kernel en ejecución: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr "Eliminando %s de la transacción"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "No es posible abrir: %s. Ignorando."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Examinando %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+-msgstr ""
+-"No es posible realizar una instalación local de deltarpm: %s. Ignorando."
++msgstr "No es posible realizar una instalación local de deltarpm: %s. Ignorando."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"No es posible añadir el paquete %s a la transacción. La arquitectura no es "
+-"compatible: %s"
++msgstr "No es posible añadir el paquete %s a la transacción. La arquitectura no es compatible: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"No es posible instalar el paquete %s. Se encuentra obsoleto debido al "
+-"paquete instalado %s"
++msgstr "No es posible instalar el paquete %s. Se encuentra obsoleto debido al paquete instalado %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"El paquete %s no está instalado, no puede actualizarse. En su lugar, para "
+-"instalarlo, ejecute el comando yum install."
++msgstr "El paquete %s no está instalado, no puede actualizarse. En su lugar, para instalarlo, ejecute el comando yum install."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paquete %s. %s no instalado, no se puede actualizar. En su lugar, ejecute "
+-"yum install para instalarlo"
++msgstr "Paquete %s. %s no instalado, no se puede actualizar. En su lugar, ejecute yum install para instalarlo"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "Excluyendo %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "Marcando %s para ser instalado"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "Marcando %s como una actualización de %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: no actualiza el paquete instalado."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "No es posible abrir el archivo: %s. Ignorando."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Problema al reinstalar: no existe ningún paquete concordante para eliminar"
++msgstr "Problema al reinstalar: no existe ningún paquete concordante para eliminar"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Problema al reinstalar: no existe ningún paquete concordante con %s para "
++msgstr "Problema al reinstalar: no existe ningún paquete concordante con %s para instalar"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "No existe(n) paquete(s) disponible(s) para desactualizar"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "El paquete %s permite múltiples instalaciones, ignorando"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "Ninguna correspondencia disponible para el paquete: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Solo existe la posibilidad de actualizar el paquete: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr "Falló al desactualizar: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Falla al actualizar: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr "Obteniendo clave desde %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "La obtención de la llave GPG ha fallado:"
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"La firma de la clave GPG de %s no conincide con la clave CA del repositorio:"
+-" %s"
++msgstr "La firma de la clave GPG de %s no conincide con la clave CA del repositorio: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr "Clave GPG de firma verificada contra clave(s) CA"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Llave GPG no válida de %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "El análisis de la llave GPG ha fallado: la llave no posee valor %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Importando clave %s 0x%s:\n"
+-" Id Usuario: %s\n"
+-" Paquete: %s (%s)\n"
+-" Desde: %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importando llave %s 0x%s:\n Usuarioid  : \"%s\"\n Huella       : %s\n Paquete    : %s (%s)\n Desde      : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Importando clave %s 0x%s:\n"
+-" Id Usuario:  \"%s\"\n"
+-" Desde: %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importando llave %s 0x%s:\n Usuarioid  : \"%s\"\n Huella       : %s\n Desde      : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n El paquete erróneo es: %s\n Las llaves GPG están configuradas como: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "La llave GPG de %s (0x%s) ya se encuentra instalada"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "La importación de la llave falló (código %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "La llave ha sido importada exitosamente"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr "No instalar ninguna clave"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Las llaves GPG listadas para el repositorio \"%s\" ya se encuentran instaladas, pero con este paquete no son correctas.\n"
+-"Verifique que las URLs de la llave para este repositorio estén correctamente configuradas."
++msgstr "Las llaves GPG listadas para el repositorio \"%s\" ya se encuentran instaladas, pero con este paquete no son correctas.\nVerifique que las URLs de la llave para este repositorio estén correctamente configuradas."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"La importación de la(s) llave(s) no funcionó, ¿llave(s) equivocada(s)?"
++msgstr "La importación de la(s) llave(s) no funcionó, ¿llave(s) equivocada(s)?"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "No"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Si"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Llave CA: %s\n El repositorio erróneo es: %s\n Las llaves GPG están configuradas como: %s\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "La llave GPG de %s (0x%s) ya ha sido importada"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "Falló la importación de la llave"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "Falló la importación de la llave %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr "No instalar ninguna clave para el repositorio %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Las llaves GPG listadas para el repositorio \"%s\" ya se encuentran instaladas, pero no son correctas.\n"
+-"Verifique que se encuentren correctamente configuradas las URLs de la llave para este repositorio."
++msgstr "Las llaves GPG listadas para el repositorio \"%s\" ya se encuentran instaladas, pero no son correctas.\nVerifique que se encuentren correctamente configuradas las URLs de la llave para este repositorio."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "No es posible encontrar un espejo que funcione."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Fueron encontrados errores mientras los paquetes eran descargados."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Por favor, informe este error en %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Errores de la prueba de transacción:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr "No se ha podido definir un directorio de chaché: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Dependencias no resueltas. No se guardarán las transacciónes no resuletas."
++msgstr "Dependencias no resueltas. No se guardarán las transacciónes no resuletas."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "No se puedo guardar el archivo de transacciones %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr "No se puede acceder/leer el archivo guardado de transacción %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr "versión de rpmdb no coincide con versión de transacción guardada, "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr " ignorando, como fue requerido."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr " abortando."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr "versión rpmdb no coincide con versión de transacción guardada."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr "no se puede encontrar tsflags o tsflags no es un entero."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr "Encontrado txmbr en estado actual desconocido: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr "No se pudo encontrar txmbr: %s en estado %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr "No se pudo encontrar txmbr: %s del origen:%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Están faltando los miembros de la transacción y sus relaciones, o ts fue "
++msgstr "Están faltando los miembros de la transacción y sus relaciones, o ts fue modificada,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr " ignorando, a pedido. ¡Debe resolver dependencias nuevamente!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s ya ha sido visitado y no puede ser removido."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "Examinando revdeps de %s"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s tiene como revdep a %s que fue instalado por el usuario."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr "%s necesita ser instalado por un paquete."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "%s no tiene revdeps instaladas por el usuario."
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Complementos cargados:"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "No hay un complemento que se corresponda con: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+-msgstr ""
+-"El complemento \"%s\" no será cargado, puesto que se encuentra deshabilitado"
++msgstr "El complemento \"%s\" no será cargado, puesto que se encuentra deshabilitado"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "El complemento \"%s\" no puede ser importado"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "El complemento \"%s\" no especifica la versión de API requerida"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "El complemento \"%s\" requiere el API %s. El API soportado es %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "Cargando el complemento \"%s\""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Existen dos o más complementos con el nombre \"%s\", en la ruta de búsqueda "
+-"de complementos "
++msgstr "Existen dos o más complementos con el nombre \"%s\", en la ruta de búsqueda de complementos "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "No se encuentra el archivo de configuración %s"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"No es posible encontrar el archivo de configuración para el complemento %s"
++msgstr "No es posible encontrar el archivo de configuración para el complemento %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "registro de comando no soportado"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr "no se encuentran necesita de"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr "se ha instalado choca con"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr "%s es uin duplicado con %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr "%s hace obsoleto a %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr "%s ofrece %s, pero no puede ser encontrado"
+@@ -3210,6 +3464,23 @@ msgstr "%s ofrece %s, pero no puede ser encontrado"
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "Reempaquetando"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Comprobar: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Espacio insuficiente en el directorio de descarga %s\n    * libre   %s\n    * necesario %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr "Paquete no coincide con descarga pretendida."
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3222,9 +3493,7 @@ msgstr "El RPM %s ha fallado la verificación md5"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"No es posible abrir la base de datos de RPM para su lectura. ¿Tal vez se "
+-"encuentre en uso?"
++msgstr "No es posible abrir la base de datos de RPM para su lectura. ¿Tal vez se encuentre en uso?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+@@ -3240,5 +3509,3 @@ msgstr "Encabezado %s dañado"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Error al abrir el rpm %s - error %s"
+diff --git a/po/eu.po b/po/eu.po
+index f92862c..1bf107b 100644
+--- a/po/eu.po
++++ b/po/eu.po
+@@ -2,1514 +2,1645 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# assar <asiersar@yahoo.com>, 2011
++# Translators:
++#   <asiersar@yahoo.com>, 2012.
++# assar <asiersar@yahoo.com>, 2011.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Basque (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/eu/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Basque (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/eu/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: eu\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Eguneratzen"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Ezabatzen"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Instalatzen"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Zaharkitua"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Eguneratua"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Ezabatua"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Instalatua"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Goibururik ez - eh?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Birpaketatu"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Errorea: baliogabeko irteera-egoera: %s %s-(e)rako"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Ezabatua: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Kentzen"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Garbitzen"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" komandoa jadanik definitua"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Biltegiak konfiguratzen"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "Biltegien metadatuak irakurtzen fitxategi lokaletatik"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Konfigurazio-errorea: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Aukeren errorea: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Instalatua: %s-%s %s-(e)n"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Eraikia    : %s %s-(e)n"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Egikaritua: %s %s-(e)n"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "Komandoren bat eman behar duzu"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "Ez dago halako komandorik: %s. Erabili %s --help"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Disko-eskakizunak:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr "  Gutxienez %dMD gehiagoko espazioa behar da %s fitxategi-sisteman.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "  Gutxienez %dMD gehiagoko espazioa behar da %s fitxategi-sisteman.\n"
++msgstr[1] "  Gutxienez %dMD gehiagoko espazioa behar da %s fitxategi-sisteman.\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Erroreen laburpena\n"
++msgstr "Erroreen laburpena\n-------------\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Ezin izan da fitxategia blokeatu; irteten"
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Beste aplikazio batek yum blokeatuta dauka; irteten exit_on_lock-en konfiguratuta dagoenari kasu eginez"
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
++msgstr "Transakzioaren exekuzioa saiatzen baina ez dago egiteko ezer. Irteten."
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Transakzioaren exekuzioa saiatzen baina ez dago egiteko ezer. Irteten."
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " ezikusten, eskatu den bezala."
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr " abortatzen."
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "Irteten erabiltzaile-komandoaren ondoren"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "Paketeak deskargatzen:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Errorea paketeak deskargatzean:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr "Transakzio-egiaztapena exekutatzen"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "ERROREA, rpm eguneratu behar duzu hau maneiatzeko:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr "ERROREA transakzio-egiaztapena eta depsolve artean:"
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "RPM eguneratu egin behar da"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Jakinarazi errore hau %s-(e)n"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "Transakzio-testa exekutatzen"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "Transakzioaren egiaztapen-errorea:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "Transakzio-testak arrakasta izan du"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "Transakzioa exekutatzen"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Baztertzen gakoak automatikoki inportatzea arretarik gabe exekutatzen ari denean.\n"
+-"Erabili \"-y\" gainidazteko."
++msgstr "Baztertzen gakoak automatikoki inportatzea arretarik gabe exekutatzen ari denean.\nErabili \"-y\" gainidazteko."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * Agian hau esan nahi zenuen: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "%s%s%s paketea(k) eskuragarri, baina ez daude instalatuta."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "%s%s%s paketea ez dago eskuragarri."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Instalatzeko paketea(k)"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "Pakete %d instalatzeko"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakete instalatzeko"
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Ez dago egiteko ezer"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d pakete markatu dira eguneratuak izateko"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "Pakete %d markatu da eguneratua izateko"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakete markatu dira eguneratuak izateko"
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "Ez da paketerik markatu eguneratua izateko"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "%d pakete markatu dira banaketa sinkronizatzeko"
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "Pakete %d markatu da banaketa sinkronizatzeko"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakete markatu dira banaketa sinkronizatzeko"
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr "Ez da paketerik markatu banaketa sinkronizatzeko"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d pakete markatu dira kenduak izateko"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "Pakete %d markatu da kendua izateko"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakete markatu dira kenduak izateko"
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "Ez da paketerik markatu kendua izateko"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Bertsio zaharragoa instalatzeko paketea(k)"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "Pakete %d bertsio zaharragoa instalatzeko"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakete bertsio zaharragoa instalatzeko"
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (%s-(e)tik)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "%s%s%s%s pakete instalatua ez dago eskuragarri."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Berrinstalatzeko paketea(k)"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "Pakete %d berrinstalatzeko"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakete berrinstalatzeko"
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "Ez da paketerik adierazi"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Instalatzeko paketea(k)"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "N/S bat etortze: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Izen eta laburpenen bat etortzeak %soilik%s, erabili \"bilatu dena\" "
+-"denean bilaketa egiteko."
++msgstr "  Izen eta laburpenen bat etortzeak %ssoilik%s, erabili \"bilatu dena\" denean bilaketa egiteko."
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Izen osoen eta laburpenen bat etortzeak %soilik%s, erabili \"bilatu dena\""
+-" denean bilaketa egiteko."
++msgstr "  Izen osoen eta laburpenen bat etortzeak %ssoilik%s, erabili \"bilatu dena\" denean bilaketa egiteko."
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Bat dator: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Izen eta laburpenen bat etortzeak %sgehien bat%s, erabili \"bilatu dena\" "
+-"denean bilaketa egiteko."
++msgstr "  Izen eta laburpenen bat etortzeak %sgehien bat%s, erabili \"bilatu dena\" denean bilaketa egiteko."
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Abisua: Ez da bat datorrenik aurkitu honentzako: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "Ez da parekatzerik aurkitu"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "Ez da paketerik aurkitu %s-(e)rako"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "Errorea: Ez da paketerik aurkitu honetarako:\n  %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr "Biltegiak garbitzen: "
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "Dena garbitzen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "Goiburuak garbitzen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "Paketeak garbitzen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "XML metadatuak garbitzen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "Datu-basearen katxea garbitzen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "Metadatuen expire-cache garbitzen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr "Katxetutako rpmdb datuak garbitzen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "pluginak garbitzen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
+-msgstr "Abisua: Ez dago taldeen bat etortzerik: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Talde instalatuak:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Instalatutako hizkuntza-taldeak:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Talde eskuragarriak:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Eskuragarri dauden hizkuntza-taldeak:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Egina"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Abisua: %s taldea ez da existitzen."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+ msgstr "Eskatutako taldean ez dago paketerik instalatzeko edo eguneratzeko"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d pakete instalatzeko"
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "Pakete %d instalatzeko"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakete instalatzeko"
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Ez da existitzen %s izena duen talderik"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "Ez dago paketerik taldeetatik kentzeko"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d pakete kentzeko"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "Pakete %d kentzeko"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakete kentzeko"
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "%s paketea instalatuta dago, saltatzen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "Alderagarria ez den pkg %s.%s baztertzen"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ez dago beste %s-(e)rik instalatuta, zerrendara gehitzen balizko instalazio "
++msgstr "Ez dago beste %s-(e)rik instalatuta, zerrendara gehitzen balizko instalazio baterako"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Plugin aukerak"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Komando-lerroko errorea: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: %s aukerak argumentua behar du"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: %s aukerak argumentua behar du"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color aukerak hauetako bat hartzen du: auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr "--installroot-ek bide-izen absolutua izan behar du: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "erakutsi laguntza-mezu hau eta irten"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "erroreekiko tolerantea izan"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr "exekutatu osorik sistemaren katxetik, ez eguneratu katxea"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "konfigurazio-fitxategiaren kokapena"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "komandoen itxarote-denbora maximoa"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "arazketa-irteeraren maila"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr "erakutsi bikoiztuak, biltegietan, zerrenda/bilaketa komandoetan"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "errore-irteeraren maila"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr "arazketa-irteeraren maila rpm-rako"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "eragiketa lasaia"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "eragiketa berritsua"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "erantzun bai galdera guztiei"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "erantzun ez galdera guztiei"
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "erakutsi Yum bertsioa eta irten"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "ezarri instalazio-erroa"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "gaitu biltegi bat edo gehiago (komodinak onartzen dira)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "desgaitu biltegi bat edo gehiago (komodinak onartzen dira)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr "baztertu paketea(k) izenaren edo glob-aren arabera"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr "desgaitu bazterketa main-etik, biltegi batetik edo denetik"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "gaitu zaharkituen prozesatzea eguneraketetan"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "desagitu Yum-en pluginak"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "desgaitu gpg sinaduren egiaztatzea"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "desgaitu pluginak izenaren arabera"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "gaitu pluginak izenaren arabera"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "saltatu mendekotasun-arazoak dituzten paketeak"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "kontrolatu kolorea erabiliko den"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
++msgstr "ezarri $releasever balioa yum-en konfigurazioan eta biltegi-fitxategietan"
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-"ezarri $releasever balioa yum-en konfigurazioan eta biltegi-fitxategietan"
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr "ezarri konfigurazio- eta biltegi-aukera arbitrarioak"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "urt."
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "ots."
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "mar."
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "api."
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "mai."
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "eka."
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "uzt."
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "abu."
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "ira."
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "urr."
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "aza."
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "abe."
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "Beste ispilu bat probatzen."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr "Izena        : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr "Arkitektura        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr "Garaia       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr "Bertsioa     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr "Argitalpena     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr "Tamaina        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "Biltegia        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr "Biltegitik   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr "Bidaltzailea   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr "Bidaltze-data  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr "Eraikitze-data   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "Instalazio-ordua: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr "Instalatzailea: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr "Aldatzailea: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr "Laburpena    : "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "URLa        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr "Lizentzia     : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "Deskribapena: "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "b"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "bai"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "e"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "ez"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "Ados? [b/E]:  "
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Taldea: %s"
++msgstr "\nTaldea: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " Talde-IDa: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Deskribapena: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr " Hizkuntza: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Derrigorrezko paketeak:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Pakete lehenetsiak:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Hautazko paketeak:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Baldintzapeko paketeak:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr " Instalatutako paketeak:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "paketea: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr "  Ez dago mendekotasunik pakete honetarako"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "  mendekotasuna: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr "   Bete gabeko mendekotasuna"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Bat-egitea hemendik:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Lizentzia     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Fitxategi-izena    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "Hornitzen du    : "
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Besterik       : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "Errorea gertatu da deskarga-tamaina osoa kalkulatzean"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Tamaina osoa: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Deskargaren tamaina osoa: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "Tamaina instalatu ondoren: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr "Errorea gertatu da instalatu ondoren duen tamaina kalkulatzean"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "Berrinstalatzen"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "Bertsio zaharra instalatzen"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Mendekotasunengatik instalatzen"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Mendekotasunengatik eguneratzen"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Mendekotasunengatik kentzen"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Saltatu egin da (mendekotasun-arazoak)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "Ez instalatua"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ez dago eskuragarri"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Paketea"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "Pakete"
++msgstr[1] "Pakete"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Arkitektura"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Bertsioa"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Biltegia"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Tamaina"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr "     %s%s%s.%s %s ordezten\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\nTransakzio-laburpena\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Instalatu   %5.5s pakete\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Instalatu"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Eguneratu   %5.5s pakete\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Bertsio-berritu"
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Kendu    %5.5s pakete\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Kendu"
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Berrinstalatu   %5.5s pakete\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Berrinstalatu"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Instalatu   %5.5s paketeren bertsio zaharragoa\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Bertsio zaharra instalatu"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Mendeko pakete"
++msgstr[1] "Mendeko pakete"
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Kendua"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Mendekotasuna kendu da"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Mendekotasuna instalatu da"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Mendekotasuna eguneratu da"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Ordezkatua"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Huts egin du"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "bi"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Uneko deskarga bertan behera utzi da, %sinterrupt (ktrl-c) berriro%s  %s%s%s segundotan\n"
++msgstr "\n Uneko deskarga bertan behera utzi da, %sinterrupt (ktrl-c) berriro%s  %s%s%s segundotan\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "erabiltzaileak utzia"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Guztira"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<ezarri gabea>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "Sistema"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr "Batutako %d transakzioa %d-ra saltatzen, teilakatu egiten baitira"
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr "Ez dago transakziorik"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr "Transakzio-ID, edo pakete, okerra(k) eman dira"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr "Komando-lerroa"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr "Saioa hasteko erabiltzailea"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "IDa"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "Data eta ordua"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "Ekintza(k)"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "Aldatua"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Ez da transakzio-IDrik eman"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Transakzio-ID okerra eman da"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr "Ez da aurkitu emandako transakzio-IDarekin"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr "Transakzio-ID bat baino gehiago aurkitu da!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr "Ez da transakzio-IDrik, edo paketerik, eman"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr "Bertsio zaharra instalatua"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "Zaharragoa"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "Berriagoa"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr "Transakzio-IDa :"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr "Hasiera-ordua     :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr "Hasierako rpmdb-a    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr "(%u segundo)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr "(%u minutu)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr "(%u ordu)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr "(%u egun)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "Amaiera-ordua       :"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr "Amaierako rpmdb-a      :"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "Erabiltzailea           :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "Itzulera-kodea    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "Abortatua"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr "Hutsegiteak:"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "Hutsegitea:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "Arrakasta"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "Komando-lerroa   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr "Informazio gehigarri ez-lehenetsia gorde da: %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr "Transakzioa honekin burutu da:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "Aldatutako paketeak:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "Saltatutako paketeak:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Rpmdb-arazoak:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "Scriptlet-irteera:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "Erroreak:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "Instalatu"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr "Mendekotasunak instalatu"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr "Zaharkitutzat hartzen"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "Ezabatu"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "Berrinstalatu"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr "Bertsio zaharra instalatu"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "Eguneratu"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "Noiz"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "Azken eguna"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "Azken astea"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "Azken 2 asteak"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "Azken 3 hilabeteak"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "Azken 6 hilabeteak"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "Azken urtea"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "Duela urtebete inguru"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr "Ez da %s transakziorik aurkitu"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr "Transakzioaren IDa:"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "Historia-informazio gehigarria eskuragarri:"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s: Ez da datu gehigarririk aurkitu izen horrekin"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Paketea        :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "Egoera          :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Tamaina        :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "Eraikitze-ostalaria :"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "Eraikitze-ordua :"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Paketatzailea  :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Hornitzailea   :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Lizentzia      :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URLa           :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "Jatorrizko RPMa :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "Egikaritze-ordua :"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "Bidaltzailea   :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "Arrazoia       :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "Biltegi honetatik :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "Instalatzailea  :"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "Aldatzailea    :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+-msgstr "instalatua"
++msgstr "instalatu"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr "eguneraketa bat"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+-msgstr "ezabatua"
++msgstr "ezabatu"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+-msgstr "berrinstalatua"
++msgstr "berrinstalatu"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+-msgstr "bertsio-zahartze bat"
++msgstr "bertsio-zahartu"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr "zaharkitzen"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "eguneratua"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+-msgstr "zaharkitua"
++msgstr "zaharkitu"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr "---> %s.%s %s:%s-%s paketea %s egingo da"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> Transakzio-egiaztapena exekutatzen"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr "--> Mendekotasun-ebazpena berrabiarazten aldaketa berriekin."
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Amaitu da mendekotasunen ebazpena"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Mendekotasuna prozesatzen: %s %s paketerako"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> Paketea mantentzen: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Ebatzi gabeko mendekotasuna: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "Paketea: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    Behar du: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Behar du: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        Ez da aurkitu"
++msgstr "\n        Ez da aurkitu"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "Eguneratu duena"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr "Bertsio zaharra hobetsi duena"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr "Zaharkitutzat hartu duena"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "Eskuragarri"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> Gatazka prozesatzen: %s-(e)k gatazka du %s-(e)kin"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+-msgstr ""
+-"--> Transakzio-multzoa sortzen hautatutako paketeekin. Itxaron mesedez."
++msgstr "--> Transakzio-multzoa sortzen hautatutako paketeekin. Itxaron mesedez."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+-msgstr ""
+-"---> Goiburua deskargatzen %s-(e)rako, transakzio-multzoan sartua izan "
++msgstr "---> Goiburua deskargatzen %s-(e)rako, transakzio-multzoan sartua izan dadin."
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Egiaztatzen"
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Exekutatzen"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Lotan"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "Ezin da eten"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Zonbia"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Aztarnatua/Gelditua"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Ezezaguna"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  Beste aplikazioa PackageKit da"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  Beste aplikazioa %s da"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Memoria: %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    Hasiera: %s - duela %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    Egoera  : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Irteten erabiltzaileak bertan behera utzi duelako"
++msgstr "\n\nIrteten erabiltzaileak bertan behera utzi duelako"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Irteten kanalizazio hautsiagatik"
++msgstr "\n\nIrteten kanalizazio hautsiagatik"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-"Beste aplikazio batek yum blokeatuta dauka; irteten exit_on_lock-en "
+-"konfiguratuta dagoenari kasu eginez"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "PluginExit errorea: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Yum errorea: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Errorea: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr " --skip-broken erabiltzen saia zaitezke arazoa saihesteko"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr " rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest exekutatzen saia zaitezke"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Errore ezezaguna(k): Irteera-kodea: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Mendekotasunak ebatzi dira"
++msgstr "\nMendekotasunak ebatzi dira"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Osatua!"
+@@ -1521,7 +1652,7 @@ msgstr " Mini erabilera:\n"
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "Erroa izan behar duzu komando hau exekutatzeko."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1536,585 +1667,650 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paketeak GPG gakoen bidez egiazta daitezen gaitu duzu. Hori ongi dago. \n"
+-"Hala ere, ez daukazu GPG gako publikorik instalatuta. Instalatu nahi dituzun paketeen\n"
+-"gakoak deskargatu behar dituzu eta ondoren instalazioa burutu.\n"
+-"Hori egiteko, hurrengo komandoa exekuta dezakezu:\n"
+-"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
+-"Bestela, biltegi baterako erabili nahiko zenukeen gakoaren URLa zehatz dezakezu biltegi-atalaren 'gpgkey' aukeran eta yum-ek zugatik instalatuko du.\n"
+-"Informazio gehiagorako, jarri harremanetan zure banaketa- edo pakete-hornitzailearekin.\n"
++msgstr "\nPaketeak GPG gakoen bidez egiazta daitezen gaitu duzu. Hori ongi dago. \nHala ere, ez daukazu GPG gako publikorik instalatuta. Instalatu nahi dituzun paketeen\ngakoak deskargatu behar dituzu eta ondoren instalazioa burutu.\nHori egiteko, hurrengo komandoa exekuta dezakezu:\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nBestela, biltegi baterako erabili nahiko zenukeen gakoaren URLa zehatz dezakezu biltegi-atalaren 'gpgkey' aukeran eta yum-ek zugatik instalatuko du.\n\nInformazio gehiagorako, jarri harremanetan zure banaketa- edo pakete-hornitzailearekin.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Arazoa duen biltegia:  %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Errorea: Pkgs-en zerrenda bat pasatu behar zaio %s-(e)ri"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "Errorea: Bat datorren elementu bat behar da"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Errorea: Talde bat edo taldeen zerrenda bat behar da"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Errorea: Garbiketak aukera bat behar du: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Errorea: baliogabeko garbiketa-argumentua: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "Ez dago argumenturik shell-arentzako "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Shell-ari pasatutako fitxategi-izena: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr "Shell-ari argumentu gisa emandako %s fitxategia ez da existitzen."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Errorea: fitxategi bat baino gehiago eman zaio shell-ari argumentu gisa."
++msgstr "Errorea: fitxategi bat baino gehiago eman zaio shell-ari argumentu gisa."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ez dago biltegirik gaituta.\n"
+-" Exekutatu \"yum repolist all\" dauzkazun biltegiak ikusteko.\n"
+-" Biltegiak gaitzeko, yum-config-manager --enable <biltegia> erabil dezakezu"
++msgstr "Ez dago biltegirik gaituta.\n Exekutatu \"yum repolist all\" dauzkazun biltegiak ikusteko.\n Biltegiak gaitzeko, yum-config-manager --enable <biltegia> erabil dezakezu"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "PAKETEA..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Instalatu pakete bat edo gehiago zure sisteman"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "Instalazio-prozesua konfiguratzen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[PAKETEA...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Eguneratu zure sistemako pakete bat edo gehiago"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "Eguneraketa-prozesua konfiguratzen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Sinkronizatu instalatutako paketeak eskuragarri dauden azken bertsioetara"
++msgstr "Sinkronizatu instalatutako paketeak eskuragarri dauden azken bertsioetara"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr "Banaketaren sinkronizazio-prozesua konfiguratzen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Erakutsi pakete bati edo pakete-multzo bati buruzko xehetasunak"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Instalatutako paketeak"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Pakete eskuragarriak"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Pakete gehigarriak"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Eguneratutako paketeak"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Paketeak zaharkitutzat hartzen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Berriki gehitutako paketeak"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "Ez dago bat datorren paketerik zerrendatzeko"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Zerrendatu pakete bat edo pakete-multzo bat"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Kendu pakete bat edo gehiago zure sistematik"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "Kentze-prozesua konfiguratzen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Erakutsi, edo erabili, taldeen informazioa"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "Talde-prozesua konfiguratzen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "Ez dago talderik komandoa exekutatu ahal izateko"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Zerrendatu pakete-talde eskuragarriak"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Instalatu talde bateko paketeak zure sisteman"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Baliogabeko talde-azpikomandoa, erabili: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Kendu talde bateko paketeak zure sistematik"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "Ez dago instalatutako taldeen fitxategirik."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Erakutsi pakete-talde bati buruzko xehetasunak"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "Ez duzu baimenik taldeen DBa ikusteko."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "Sortu metadatuen katxea"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "Katxe-fitxategiak egiten metadatu-fitxategi guztietarako"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr "Honek denbora behar du, ordenagailu honen abiaduraren araberakoa"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "Metadatuen katxea sortu da"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "kendu katxeatutako datuak"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "Aurkitu zein paketek hornitzen duen emandako balioaz"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "Egiaztatu pakete-eguneraketarik dagoen eskuragarri"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "Bilatu pakete-xehetasunak emandako katetik abiatuz"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "Paketeak bilatzen: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Eguneratu paketeak zaharkituak kontuan hartuz"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Bertsio-berritzearen prozesua konfiguratzen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Instalatu RPM lokala"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "Pakete lokalen prozesua konfiguratzen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Zehaztu zein paketek hornitzen duen emandako mendekotasunaz"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "Mendekotasunetarako paketeak bilatzen:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Exekutatu yum shell interaktiboa"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Yum shell konfiguratzen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "Zerrendatu pakete baten mendekotasunak"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "Mendekotasunak aurkitzen: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Erakutsi konfiguratutako software-biltegiak"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "gaitua"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "desgaitua"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr "Biltegi-id      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr "Biltegi-izena      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "Biltegi-egoera  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Biltegi-berrikuspena: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "Biltegi-etiketak    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Banaketa-biltegi-etiketak: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr "Biltegi-eguneratua: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr "Biltegi-pkgs: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "Biltegi-tamaina: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr "Biltegi-baseurl: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "Biltegi-metaesteka: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  Eguneratua    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr "Biltegi-ispiluak: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Inoiz ez (azkena: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Berehala (azkena: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s segundo (azkena: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr "Biltegi-iraungipena: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr "Biltegi-baztertu: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr "Biltegi-barneratu: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr "Biltegi-baztertua: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Biltegi-izena: "
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "biltegi id-a"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "egoera"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "biltegi-izena"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Erakutsi erabilera-mezu laguntzailea"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "Ez dago laguntzarik %s-(e)rako"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"aliasak: "
++msgstr "\n\naliasak: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"aliasa: "
++msgstr "\n\naliasa: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "Berrinstalazio-prozesua konfiguratzen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "Berrinstalatu pakete bat"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Bertsio zaharragoaren instalazio-prozesua konfiguratzen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "Pakete baten bertsio zaharragoa instalatu"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr "Erakutsi bertsio bat makinarako eta/edo biltegi eskuragarriak."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr " Yum bertsio-taldeak:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " Taldea   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr " Paketeak:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "Instalatua:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr "Talde-instalatua:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Eskuragarri:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "Talde-eskuragarri:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr "Erakutsi, edo erabili, transakzio-historia"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Transakzioak:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "Hasiera-ordua     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "Amaiera-ordua       :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "Zenbaketa   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  rpm DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  yum DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr "Baliogabeko historia-azpikomandoa, erabili: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr "Ez daukazu historiaren DBra sartzeko baimenik."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Begiratu arazorik dagoen rpmdb-an"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr "kargatu gordetako transakzio bat fitxategi-izen batetik"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr "Ez da gordetako transakzioaren fitxategia adierazi."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr "transakzioa kargatzen %s fitxategitik"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr "Transakzioa kargatua %s-(e)tik, %s kide"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr " Yum egiaztapenak huts egin du: %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
+-msgstr "Beste aplikazio batek yum blokeatuta dauka; irten dadin itxaroten..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Ez dago irakurtzeko/exekutatzeko baimenik uneko direktorioan, errora mugitzen"
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+-msgstr "Ezin izan da fitxategia blokeatu; irteten"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Ez dago getcwd() atzipenik uneko direktorioan, errora mugitzen"
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "Mendekotasunak ebazten"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Zure transakzioa gorde egin da, berrexekutatzeko erabili hau: yum load-"
+-"transacion %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "Zure transakzioa gorde egin da, berrexekutatzeko erabili hau:\n yum load-transacion %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Irteten erabiltzeileak eragiketa bertan behera utzi duelako."
++msgstr "\n\nIrteten erabiltzeileak eragiketa bertan behera utzi duelako."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() desagertu egingo da yum-en etorkizuneko bertsio batean.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Transakzio-multzoak konfiguratzen konfigurazio-klasea aktibatu baino lehen"
++msgstr "Transakzio-multzoak konfiguratzen konfigurazio-klasea aktibatu baino lehen"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "Baliogabeko tsflag konfigurazio-fitxategian: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "Bilatzen pkgSack mendekotasunetarako: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Kidea: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s bihurtu instalatzeko"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "%s paketea gehitzen %s moduan"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "%s paketea kentzen"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s-(e)k behar du: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s-(e)k %s behar du"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "Beharrezko eskakizuna blokeatu da jadanik"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "Beharrezko eskakizuna ez da pakete-izena. Bilatzen: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Balizko hornitzailea: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Modua %s da %s-(r)en hornitzailerako: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "pkg-rako moduak %s-(e)az hornitzen: %s"
+@@ -2122,1044 +2318,1140 @@ msgstr "pkg-rako moduak %s-(e)az hornitzen: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr "%s eguneratzen saiatzen dep konpontzeko"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr "Ez da eguneratze-biderik aurkitu %s-(e)rako Hutsegitea!"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s paketeak behar duen %s ezabatzeko markatu da"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s zaharkitu bihurtzen %s ordez, mendekotasuna konpontzeko."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s eguneratzen mendekotasuna konpontzeko."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr "Ezin da eguneraketa-biderik aurkitu %s-(e)rako"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "%s-(r)en bat etortze azkarra %s-(e)rako behar delako"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s hornitutako paketeetan dago baina jadanik instalatuta dago, kentzen."
++msgstr "%s hornitutako paketeetan dago baina jadanik instalatuta dago, kentzen."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr "Konponketak ekar ditzakeen %s paketeak instantzia berria du ts-n."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Konponketak ekar ditzakeen %s paketeak instantzia berria du instalatuta."
++msgstr "Konponketak ekar ditzakeen %s paketeak instantzia berria du instalatuta."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "%s jadanik tx-en, saltatzen hau"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s markatzen %s-(r)en eguneraketa gisa"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s markatzen %s-(r)en instalazio gisa"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Arrakasta - transakzio hutsa"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "Berrabiarazten begizta"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Amaitzen mendekotasun-prozesatzea"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Arrakasta - mendekotasunak konpondu dira"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "%s-(r)en mendekotasunak egiaztatzen"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "%s bilatzen %s-(e)k behar duelako"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "compare_providers() exekutatzen %s-(e)rako"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "Arkitektura hobea %s po-an"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s-(e)k %s zaharkitu bihurtzen du"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s eta %s alderatu dira %s-(e)n\n"
+-"  Irabazlea: %s"
++msgstr "%s eta %s alderatu dira %s-(e)n\n  Irabazlea: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "%s eta %s sourcerpm komuna"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr "%s oinarrizko paketea instalatu da %s-(e)rako"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "%s-(r)en aurrizki komuna %s eta %s artean"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr "minimoa behar du: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "vercmp hornitzen du: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr " Irabazlea: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "minimoa behar du: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr " Galtzailea (%d-(r)ekin): %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Ordenarik onena: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doConfigSetup() desagertu egingo da yum-en etorkizuneko bertsio batean.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-"doConfigSetup() desagertu egingo da yum-en etorkizuneko bertsio batean.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr "%r biltegia: Errorea konfigurazioa analizatzean: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr "%r biltegiak ez du izenik konfigurazioan, id erabiltzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "pluginak jadanik hasieratu dira"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"doRpmDBSetup() desagertu egingo da yum-en etorkizuneko bertsio batean.\n"
++msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() desagertu egingo da yum-en etorkizuneko bertsio batean.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "RPMDB lokala irakurtzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() desagertu egingo da yum-en etorkizuneko bertsio batean.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() desagertu egingo da yum-en etorkizuneko bertsio batean.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "Pakete-multzoak konfiguratzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr "%s biltegiaren biltegi-objektuak ez dauka _resetSack metodorik\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "beraz, biltegi hau ezin da berrezarri.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"doUpdateSetup() desagertu egingo da yum-en etorkizuneko bertsio batean.\n"
++msgstr "doUpdateSetup() desagertu egingo da yum-en etorkizuneko bertsio batean.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "Eguneraketa-objektua eraikitzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"doGroupSetup() desagertu egingo da yum-en etorkizuneko bertsio batean.\n"
++msgstr "doGroupSetup() desagertu egingo da yum-en etorkizuneko bertsio batean.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "Taldeen metadatuak eskuratzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Biltegiko talde-fitxategia gehitzen: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Taldeen fitxategiak biltegitik gehitzeak huts egin du: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "Ez dago talderik eskuragarri biltegietan"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr "pkgtags metadatuak eskuratzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Etiketak gehitzen biltegitik: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Ezin izan dira Pkg etiketak gehitu biltegitik: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "Fitxategi-zerrendaren informazio gehigarria inportatzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "%s%s%s programa yum-utils paketean dago."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Amaitu gabeko transakzioak geratu dira. Lehenengo yum-complete-transaction "
+-"exekutatu beharko zenuke haiek amaitzeko."
++msgstr "Amaitu gabeko transakzioak geratu dira. Lehenengo yum-complete-transaction exekutatu beharko zenuke haiek amaitzeko."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr "--> Behar ez diren gainerako mendekotasunak aurkitzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr "Babestutako multilib bertsioak: %s != %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr "Babestuta dagoen \"%s\" kentzen saiatzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Mendekotasun-arazoengatik saltatutako paketeak:"
++msgstr "\nMendekotasun-arazoengatik saltatutako paketeak:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s %s-(e)tik"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"** Aurretiaz existitzen ziren %d rpmdb arazo aurkitu dira, 'yum check' "
+-"aginduak hurrengoa ematen du:"
++msgstr "** Aurretiaz existitzen ziren %d rpmdb arazo aurkitu dira, 'yum check' aginduak hurrengoa ematen du:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr "Abisua: RPMDB yum-etik kanpo aldatu da."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr "galdutako betebeharrak"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr "gatazka instalazioan"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Abisua: transakzioan zehar erroreak scriptlet-ekin edo beste errore ez-larri"
+-" batzuk gertatu dira"
++msgstr "Abisua: transakzioan zehar erroreak scriptlet-ekin edo beste errore ez-larri batzuk gertatu dira"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr "Transakzioa ezin izan da abiarazi:"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr "Ezin izan da transakzioa exekutatu."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "%s transakzio-fitxategia kentzeak huts egin du"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s instalatuko zela uste zen baina ez dago instalatuta!"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s kenduko zela uste zen baina ez da kendu!"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Ezin da %s blokeoa ireki: %s"
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgstr "%s blokeoa existitzen da: beste kopia bat %s PIDarekin ari da exekutatzen"
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Ezin izan da egiaztatu %s PIDa aktibo dagoen ala ez"
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgstr "Ezin izan da blokeoa sortu %s-(e)n: %s "
+-#. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s blokeoa existitzen da: beste kopia bat %s PIDarekin ari da exekutatzen"
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Ezin da %s blokeoa ireki: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+-msgstr "Ezin izan da blokeoa sortu %s-(e)n: %s "
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Ezin izan da egiaztatu %s PIDa aktibo dagoen ala ez"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paketea ez dator bat esandako deskargarekin. Iradokizuna: exekutatu yum "
+-"--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr "Paketea ez dator bat esandako deskargarekin. Iradokizuna: exekutatu yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "Ezin izan da checksum-a egin"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "Paketea ez dator bat checksum-arekin"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"paketeak huts egin du checksum-ean baina katxea gaituta dago %s-(e)rako"
++msgstr "paketeak huts egin du checksum-ean baina katxea gaituta dago %s-(e)rako"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "%s-(r)en kopia lokala erabiltzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Ez dago aski espaziorik %s deskarga-direktorioan\n"
+-"    *lekua %s\n"
+-"    * behar da %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "Goiburua ez dago osorik."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Goiburua ez dago katxe lokalean eta katxea-bakarrik modua dago gaituta. Ezin"
+-" da %s deskargatu"
++msgstr "Goiburua ez dago katxe lokalean eta katxea-bakarrik modua dago gaituta. Ezin da %s deskargatu"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "%s-(r)entzako gako publikoa ez dago instalatuta"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Arazoa %s paketea irekitzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "%s-(r)entzako gako publikoa ez da fidagarria"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "%s paketea ez dago sinatuta"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "Ezin da %s kendu"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s kendu da"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "Ezin da %s fitxategi %s kendu"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s fitxategi %s kendu da"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s fitxategi kendu dira"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "Fitxategi %d %s kendu da"
++msgstr[1] "%d %s fitxategi kendu dira"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "Bat etortze bat baino gehiago dago multzoan %s(e)rako"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "Ezer ez dator bat %s-(r)ekin.%s %s:%s-%s eguneraketatik"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() desagertu egingo da yum-en etorkizuneko bertsio batean."
+-"                      Erabili searchGenerator() haren ordez. \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() desagertu egingo da yum-en etorkizuneko bertsio batean.                      Erabili searchGenerator() haren ordez. \n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "%d pakete bilatzen"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "Pakete %d bilatzen"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakete bilatzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "Pakete %s bilatzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "fitxategi-sarreretan bilatzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "hornitze-sarreretan bilatzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "Ez dago talde-daturik eskuragarri konfiguratutako biltegietarako"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Ez da existitzen %s deritzon talderik"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "%s paketea ez da markatua izan %s taldean"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "%s paketea (%s taldekoa) saltatzen"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "%s taldeko %s paketea gehitzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "Ez dago %s izeneko paketerik eskuragarri instalatua izateko"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
+-msgstr "Abisua: %s taldeak ez du paketerik."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr "%s taldeak %u baldintza-pakete ditu, instalatuak izan daitezkeenak."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "%s pakete-tuplea ez da aurkitu pakete-multzoan"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr "%s pakete-tuplea ez da aurkitu rpmdb-n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr "Baliogabeko bertsio-bandera: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "Ez da paketerik aurkitu %s-(e)rako"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "Package Object ez da pakete-objektuen instantzia bat"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "Ez da instalatzeko ezer zehaztu"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr "Hornitze birtualen edo fitxategi-hornitzeen bila %s-(e)rako"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "Ez dago bat etortzerik argumenturako: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "%s paketea instalatuta dago eta ez dago eskuragarri"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "Ez dago paketerik eskuragarri instalatua izateko"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "Paketea: %s - jadanik transakzio-multzoan"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s paketea zaharkitua dago, bere ordezkoa den %s paketea instalatuta dago"
++msgstr "%s paketea zaharkitua dago, bere ordezkoa den %s paketea instalatuta dago"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s paketea zaharkitua dago, eta bere ordezkoa den %s paketeak ez ditu "
+-"eskakizunak betetzen"
++msgstr "%s paketea zaharkitua dago, eta bere ordezkoa den %s paketeak ez ditu eskakizunak betetzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s paketea zaharkitua dago, bere ordezkoa %s da, %s instalatzen saiatzen"
++msgstr "%s paketea zaharkitua dago, bere ordezkoa %s da, %s instalatzen saiatzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "%s paketea jadanik instalatuta dago bere azken bertsioan"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Bat datorren %s paketea jadanik instalatuta dago. Eguneraketak egiaztatzen."
++msgstr "Bat datorren %s paketea jadanik instalatuta dago. Eguneraketak egiaztatzen."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "Dena eguneratzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Ez eguneratzen jadanik zaharkitua dagoen paketea: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Ez dago bat etortzerik argumenturako: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Ez dago bertsio-berritzeko bat datorren paketerik: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Paketea zaharkitua dago jadanik: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "Ez eguneratzen zaharkitua dagoen paketea: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Ez eguneratzen jadanik eguneratua dagoen paketea: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "Ez dago kentzeko bat datorren paketerik"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "Ez dago kentzeko bat datorren paketerik: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr "Exekutatzen ari den kernela saltatzen: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr "%s kentzen transakziotik"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Ezin da ireki: %s. Saltatzen."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "%s aztertzen: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Ezin da lokalean instalatu deltarpm: %s. Saltatzen."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ezin da %s paketea gehitu transakzioari. Arkitektura ez da bateragarri: %s"
++msgstr "Ezin da %s paketea gehitu transakzioari. Arkitektura ez da bateragarri: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ezin da %s paketea instalatu. Instalatutako %s paketeak zaharkitu egin du"
++msgstr "Ezin da %s paketea instalatu. Instalatutako %s paketeak zaharkitu egin du"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s paketea ez dago instalatuta, ezin da eguneratu. Exekutatu yum install "
+-"hura instalatzeko."
++msgstr "%s paketea ez dago instalatuta, ezin da eguneratu. Exekutatu yum install hura instalatzeko."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s.%s paketea ez dago instalatua, ezin da eguneratu. Exekutatu yum install "
+-"hura instalatzeko."
++msgstr "%s.%s paketea ez dago instalatua, ezin da eguneratu. Exekutatu yum install hura instalatzeko."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "%s baztertzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "%s markatzen instalatua izateko"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "%s markatzen %s(r)en eguneraketa gisa"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: ez du instalatutako paketea eguneratzen."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Ezin da fitxategia ireki: %s. Saltatzen."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr "Arazoa berrinstalatzean: kentzeko paketeak ez datoz bat"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr "Arazoa berrinstalatzean: %s paketea ez dator bat instalazioarekin"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "Ez dago paketerik eskuragarri bertsio zaharragoa instalatzeko"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "%s paketeari instalazio anitz onartzen zaizkio, saltatzen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "Ez dago bat etortzerik eskuragarri dagoen paketerako: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Bertsio-berritzea soilik dago eskuragarri pakete honetarako: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr "Bertsio zaharragoa instalatzeak huts egin du: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Bertsio-berritzeak huts egin du: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr "Gakoa atzitzen %s-(e)tik"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "GPG gakoaren atzipenak huts egin du: "
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s gakoaren GPG gako-sinadura ez dator bat biltegiaren CA gakoarekin: %s"
++msgstr "%s gakoaren GPG gako-sinadura ez dator bat biltegiaren CA gakoarekin: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr "GPG gako-sinadura CA gakoen aurka egiaztatu dira"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "GPG gako baliogabea %s-(e)tik: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "GPG gakoaren analisiak huts egin du: gakoak ez dauka %s balioa"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s gakoa inportatzen 0x%s:\n"
+-" Erabiltzaile-IDa: %s\n"
+-" Paketea: %s (%s)\n"
+-" Nondik   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "%s gakoa inportatzen 0x%s:\n Erabiltzaile-IDa: \"%s\"\n Hatz-marka: %s\n Paketea    : %s (%s)\n Nondik    : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s gakoa inportatzen 0x%s:\n"
+-" Erabiltzaile-IDa: \"%s\"\n"
+-" Nondik  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "%s gakoa inportatzen 0x%s:\n Erabiltzaile-IDa: \"%s\"\n Hatz-marka: %s\n Nondik    : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Huts egin duen paketea: %s\n GPG gakoak honela daude konfiguratuta: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "%s-(e)ko GPG gakoa (0x%s) jadanik instalatuta dago"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "Gakoaren inportazioak huts egin du (%d kodea)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "Gakoa ongi inportatu da"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr "Ez da gakorik instalatu"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"\"%s\" biltegirako zerrendatu diren GPG gakoak jadanik instalatuta daude, baina ez dira zuzenak pakete honetarako.\n"
+-"Egiaztatu gako URL zuzena konfiguratuta dagoela biltegi honetarako."
++msgstr "\"%s\" biltegirako zerrendatu diren GPG gakoak jadanik instalatuta daude, baina ez dira zuzenak pakete honetarako.\nEgiaztatu gako URL zuzena konfiguratuta dagoela biltegi honetarako."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "Gako(ar)en inportazioak ez du balio izan, gako okerra(k)?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "Ez"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Bai"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n CA gakoa: %s\n Huts egin duen biltegia hau da: %s\n GPG gakoak honela daude konfiguratuta: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "%s (0x%s)-(e)ko GPG gakoa jadanik inportatuta dago"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "Gakoaren inportazioak huts egin du"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "%s gakoa inportatzeak huts egin du"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr "Ez da gakorik instalatu %s biltegirako"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"\"%s\" biltegirako zerrendatu diren GPG gakoak jadanik instalatuta daude, baina ez dira zuzenak.\n"
+-"Egiaztatu gako URL zuzena konfiguratuta dagoela biltegi honetarako."
++msgstr "\"%s\" biltegirako zerrendatu diren GPG gakoak jadanik instalatuta daude, baina ez dira zuzenak.\nEgiaztatu gako URL zuzena konfiguratuta dagoela biltegi honetarako."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "Ezin izan da ispilu egokia aurkitu."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Erroreak aurkitu dira paketeak deskargatzean."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Jakinarazi errore hau %s-(e)n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Probatu transakzio-erroreak: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr "Ezin izan da katxe-direktorioa ezarri: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Mendekotasunak ez dira konpondu. Ez da gordeko konpondu gabeko transakzioa."
++msgstr "Mendekotasunak ez dira konpondu. Ez da gordeko konpondu gabeko transakzioa."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Ezin izan da %s transakzio-fitxategia gorde: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr "Ezin izan da atzitu/irakurri gordetako %s transakzioa: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr " ezikusten, eskatu den bezala."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr " abortatzen."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr "ezin da tsflags aurkitu edo tsflags ez da balio osoa."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr "txmbr uneko egoera ezezagunean aurkitu da: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr "Ezin izan da txmbr aurkitu: %s %s egoeran"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr "Ezin izan da txmbr aurkitu: %s jatorritik: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr "Transakzio-kideak, erlazioak galdu dira edo ts aldatua izan da,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr " ezikusten, eskatu den bezala. Redepsolve erabili behar duzu!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s jadanik bisitatu da eta ezin da kendu."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "%s paketearen revdep-ak aztertzen"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s paketeak %s revdep-a du, jadanik erabiltzaileak instalatutakoa."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "%s paketeak ez dauka erabiltzaileak instalatutako revdep-ik."
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Kargatutako pluginak: "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "Ez dago bat etortzerik pluginerako: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" plugina ez da kargatuko, desgaituta baitago"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "Ezin izan da \"%s\" plugina inportatu"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" pluginak ez du zehaztu behar duen API bertsioa"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "\"%s\" pluginak APIaren %s bertsioa behar du. Onartutako APIa %s da."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" plugina kargatzen"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+-msgstr ""
+-"\"%s\" izena duten bi plugin edo gehiago daude pluginak bilatzeko bide-"
++msgstr "\"%s\" izena duten bi plugin edo gehiago daude pluginak bilatzeko bide-izenean"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "Ez da %s konfigurazio-fitxategia aurkitu"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu %s pluginaren konfigurazio-fitxategia"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "komandoen erregistroa ez da onartzen"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr "aurkitzen ez diren betebeharrak ditu"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr "instalatutako gatazkak dauzka"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr "%s %s-(r)en bikoiztua da"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr "%s zaharkitua utzi du %s-(e)k"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr "%s-(e)k %s hornitzen du baina ezin da aurkitu"
+@@ -3168,6 +3460,23 @@ msgstr "%s-(e)k %s hornitzen du baina ezin da aurkitu"
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "Birpaketatzen"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Egiaztatu: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Ez dago aski espaziorik %s deskarga-direktorioan\n    *lekua %s\n    * behar da %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3180,9 +3489,7 @@ msgstr "%s RPMak ez du md5 egiaztapena gainditu"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ezin izan da RPM datu-basea ireki hura irakurtzeko. Agian norbait erabiltzen"
+-" al da?"
++msgstr "Ezin izan da RPM datu-basea ireki hura irakurtzeko. Agian norbait erabiltzen al da?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+@@ -3198,5 +3505,3 @@ msgstr "%s goiburua hondatuta dago"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Errorea %s rpm irekitzean - %s errorea"
+diff --git a/po/fi.po b/po/fi.po
+index 269bf15..630253e 100644
+--- a/po/fi.po
++++ b/po/fi.po
+@@ -2,1516 +2,1644 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# Ville-Pekka Vainio <vpivaini@cs.helsinki.fi>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# Ville-Pekka Vainio <vpivaini@cs.helsinki.fi>, 2011.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: fi\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Päivitetään"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Poistetaan"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Asennetaan"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Vanhennettu"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Päivitetty"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Poistettu"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Asennettu"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Ei otsaketta – häh?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Uudelleenpaketoi"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Virhe: virheellinen tulostetila: %s, paketti %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Poistettiin: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Poistetaan"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Siivotaan"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "Komento ”%s” on jo määritelty"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Tehdään asennuslähdeasetuksia"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "Luetaan asennuslähteiden metadataa paikallisista tiedostoista"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Asetusvirhe: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Valitsinvirhe: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Asennettiin : %s-%s ajassa %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Käännettiin : %s ajassa %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Suoritettiin: %s ajassa %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "Jokin komento on annettava"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "Komentoa %s ei ole olemassa. Käytä komentoa %s --help"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Vaadittu levytila:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr "  Vähintään %d Mt levytilaa tarvitaan tiedostojärjestelmällä %s.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] "  Vähintään %d Mt levytilaa tarvitaan tiedostojärjestelmällä %s.\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
++msgstr "Yhteenveto virheistä\n--------------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Yhteenveto virheistä\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Toinen ohjelma pitää tällä hetkellä yumin lukkoa. Lopetetaan, kuten exit_on_lock määrää"
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
++msgstr "Yritettiin suorittaa transaktio, mutta ei ole mitään tehtävää. Lopetetaan."
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Yritettiin suorittaa transaktio, mutta ei ole mitään tehtävää. Lopetetaan."
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "Lopetetaan, käyttäjä antoi lopetuskomennon"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "Ladataan paketteja:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Virhe pakettien latauksessa:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "VIRHE RPM on päivitettävä, jotta se osaa käsitellä:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "RPM on päivitettävä"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Ilmoita tästä ongelmasta osoitteeseen %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "Suoritetaan transaktiotestiä"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "Transaktiotarkistuksen virhe:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "Transaktiotesti onnistui"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "Suoritetaan transaktiota"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Avaimia ei tuoda automaattisesti, kun yumia suoritetaan ilman valvontaa.\n"
+-"Käytä valitsinta ”-y” tämän muuttamiseksi."
++msgstr "Avaimia ei tuoda automaattisesti, kun yumia suoritetaan ilman valvontaa.\nKäytä valitsinta ”-y” tämän muuttamiseksi."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * Tarkoititko: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paketti tai paketit %s%s%s ovat saatavilla, mutta niitä ei ole asennettu."
++msgstr "Paketti tai paketit %s%s%s ovat saatavilla, mutta niitä ei ole asennettu."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "Pakettia %s%s%s ei ole saatavilla."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Asennettavat paketit"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Ei mitään tehtävää"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d pakettia merkitty päivitettäväksi"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "Yhtään pakettia ei ole merkitty päivitettäväksi"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "%d pakettia merkitty jakelusynkronointia varten"
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr "Yhtään pakettia ei ole merkitty jakelusynkronointia varten"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d pakettia merkitty poistettavaksi"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "Yhtään pakettia ei ole merkitty poistettavaksi"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Vanhennettavat paketit"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (asennuslähteestä %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "Asennettua pakettia %s%s%s%s ei ole saatavilla."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Uudelleenasennettavat paketit"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "Yhtään pakettia ei annettu"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Asennettavat paketit"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Löytyi: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Varoitus: hakutuloksia ei löytynyt hakusanalle %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "Hakutuloksia ei löytynyt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "Hakusanalla %s ei löytynyt pakettia"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr "Siivotaan asennuslähteitä:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "Siivotaan kaikki"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "Siivotaan otsakkeet"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "Siivotaan paketit"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "Siivotaan XML-metadata"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "Siivotaan tiedokannan välimuisti"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "Siivotaan välimuistin vanhentumiseen liittyvä metadata"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr "Siivotaan välimuistissa oleva rpm-tietokannan data"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "Siivotaan liitännäiset"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Asennetut ryhmät:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Saatavilla olevat ryhmät:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Valmis"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Varoitus: Ryhmää %s ei ole olemassa."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Missään pyydetyssä ryhmässä ei ole yhtään asennettavaa tai päivitettävää "
++msgstr "Missään pyydetyssä ryhmässä ei ole yhtään asennettavaa tai päivitettävää pakettia"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d pakettia asennettavana"
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Ryhmää nimeltä %s ei ole olemassa"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "Ei yhtään poistettavaa pakettia ryhmien perusteella"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d poistettavaa pakettia"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "Paketti %s on jo asennettu, ohitetaan"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "Hylätään paketti %s.%s, jota ei voi verrata"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Toista pakettia nimeltä %s ei ole asennettuna, lisätään mahdollisesti "
+-"asennettavien luetteloon"
++msgstr "Toista pakettia nimeltä %s ei ole asennettuna, lisätään mahdollisesti asennettavien luetteloon"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Liitännäisten valitsimet"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Komentorivivirhe: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: valitsin %s vaatii argumentin"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: valitsin %s vaatii argumentin"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color vaatii yhden seuraavista argumenteista: auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "näytä tämä ohjeviesti ja lopeta"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "hyväksy virheet"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr "toimi kokonaan välimuistista, älä päivitä sitä"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "asetustiedoston sijainti"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "komennon suurin odotusaika"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "virheenjäljitystulosteiden taso"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr "näytä duplikaatit asennuslähteissä ja list/search-komennoissa"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "virhetulostustaso"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr "rpm:n virheenjäljitystulosteiden taso"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "hiljainen toiminta"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "yksityiskohtaset tulosteet"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "vastaa kyllä kaikkiin kysymyksiin"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "näytä Yumin versio ja lopeta"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "aseta asennusjuuri"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"ota käyttöön yksi tai usempi asennuslähde (jokerimerkit ovat sallittuja)"
++msgstr "ota käyttöön yksi tai usempi asennuslähde (jokerimerkit ovat sallittuja)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"poista käytöstä yksi tai usempi asennuslähde (jokerimerkit ovat sallittuja)"
++msgstr "poista käytöstä yksi tai usempi asennuslähde (jokerimerkit ovat sallittuja)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr "jätä pois paketteja nimen tai jokerimerkkien perusteella"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+-msgstr ""
+-"ota pakettien pois jättäminen pois käytöstä pääasetuksille, jollekin "
+-"asennuslähteelle tai kaikelle"
++msgstr "ota pakettien pois jättäminen pois käytöstä pääasetuksille, jollekin asennuslähteelle tai kaikelle"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "ota käyttöön vanhentuneiden pakettien käsittely päivitysten aikana"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "poista Yumin liitännäiset käytöstä"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "poista GPG-allekirjoitusten tarkistus käytöstä"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "poista liitännäisiä käytöstä nimen perusteella"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "ota liitännäisiä käyttöön nimen perusteella"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "ohita paketit, joilla on riippuvuusongelmia"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "käytetäänkö värejä"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
++msgstr "aseta $releasever-muuttujan arvo yumin asetuksissa ja asennuslähdetiedostoissa"
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-"aseta $releasever-muuttujan arvo yumin asetuksissa ja "
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr "aseta mielivaltaisia asetus- ja asennuslähdevalitsimia"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "tammi"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "helmi"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "maalis"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "huhti"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "touko"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "kesä"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "heinä"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "elo"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "syys"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "loka"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "marras"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "joulu"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "Kokeillaan toista peilipalvelinta."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr "Nimi            : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr "Arkkitehtuuri   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr "Epoch           : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr "Versio          : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr "Julkaisu        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr "Koko            : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "Asennuslähde    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr "Asennuslähteestä: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr "Toimittaja      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr "Toimitusaika    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr "Käännösaika     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "Asennusaika     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr "Asentaja        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr "Muuttanut       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr "Yhteenveto      :"
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "URL             : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr "Lisenssi        :"
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "Kuvaus          : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "k"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "kyllä"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "e"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "ei"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "Onko tämä ok [k/E]: "
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ryhmä: %s"
++msgstr "\nRyhmä: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " Ryhmätunnus: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Kuvaus: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Pakolliset paketit:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Oletuspaketit:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Valinnaiset paketit:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Ehdolliset paketit:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "paketti: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr "  Tällä paketilla ei ole riippuvuuksia"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "  riippuvuus: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr "   Toteutumaton riippuvuus"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Vastaavuus  :"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Lisenssi    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Tiedostonimi: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Muuta       : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "Kokonaislatausmäärää laskettaessa tapahtui virhe"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Koko yhteensä: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Ladattavaa yhteensä: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "Koko asennettuna: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr "Asennuskokoa laskettaessa tapahtui virhe"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "Asennetaan uudelleen"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "Varhennetaan"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Asennetaan riippuvuuksien vuoksi"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Päivitetään riippuvuuksien vuoksi"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Poistetaan riippuvuuksien vuoksi"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Ohitettiin (riippuvuusongelmia)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "Ei asennettu"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Paketti"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] "Paketti"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Arkkitehtuuri"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Versio"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Asennuslähde"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Koko"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr "     korvaa  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Transaktion yhteenveto\n"
++msgstr "\nTransaktion yhteenveto\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Asennetaan           %5.5s paketti(a)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Asennus"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Päivitetään          %5.5s paketti(a)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Poistetaan           %5.5s paketti(a)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Asennetaan uudelleen %5.5s paketti(a)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Uudelleenasennus"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Varhennetaan         %5.5s paketti(a)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Varhennus"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Poistettu"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Poistettu riippuvuuksia"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Asennettu riippuvuuksia"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Päivitetty riippuvuuksia"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Korvattu"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Epäonnistui"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "kahden"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Nykyinen lataus peruttiin, %skeskeytä (ctrl-c) uudelleen%s %s%s%s sekunnin aikana\n"
+-"ohjelman lopettamiseksi.\n"
++msgstr "\n Nykyinen lataus peruttiin, %skeskeytä (ctrl-c) uudelleen%s %s%s%s sekunnin aikana\nohjelman lopettamiseksi.\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "käyttäjä keskeytti"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Yhteensä"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "A"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "Vanh."
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "P"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "Varh."
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "P"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<ei asetettu>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "Järjestelmä"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr "Annettu virheellinen transaktiotunnus tai paketit"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr "Kirjautunut käyttäjä"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "Tunniste"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "Päivämäärä ja kellonaika"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "Toiminnot"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "Muutettu"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Transaktiotunnusta ei annettu"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Annettiin virheellinen transaktiotunnus"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr "Annettua transaktiotunnusta ei löytynyt"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr "Löytyi useampi kuin yksi transaktiotunnus!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr "Transaktiotunnusta tai pakettia ei annettu"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr "Varhennettu"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "Vanhempi"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "Uudempi"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr "Transaktiotunnus      :"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr "Aloitusaika           :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr "RPM-tietokanta alussa :"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "Lopetusaika           :"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr "RPM-tietokanta lopussa:"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "Käyttäjä              :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "Lopetuskoodi          :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "Keskeytetty"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "Epäonnistui:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "Onnistui"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "Komentorivi           :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr "Tallennetut lisätiedot: %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr "Transaktio suoritettiin:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "Muutetut paketit:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "Ohitetut paketit:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Rpmdb:n ongelmia:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "Sovelman tuloste:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "Virheet:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "Asennus"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr "Riippuvuuden asennus"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr "Vanhentava"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "Poisto"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "Uudelleenasennus"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr "Varhennus"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "Päivitys"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "Aika"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "Eilen"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "Viime viikolla"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "Viimeisen kahden viikon aikana"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "Viimeisen kolmen kuukauden aikana"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "Viimeisen kuuden kuukauden aikana"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "Viime vuonna"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "Yli vuosi sitten"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr "Transaktiota %s ei löytynyt"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr "Transaktiotunnus:"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "Käytettävissä olevaa historiatietoa:"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s: Lisätietoja ei löytynyt tällä nimellä"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "asennettavaksi"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "poistettavaksi"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "asennettavaksi uudelleen"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "päivitettäväksi"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "vanhennettavaksi"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> Suoritetaan transaktiotarkistusta"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+-msgstr ""
+-"--> Aloitetaan riippuvuuksien tarkistus uudelleen uusien muutosten kanssa."
++msgstr "--> Aloitetaan riippuvuuksien tarkistus uudelleen uusien muutosten kanssa."
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Riippuvuuksien tarkistus valmistui"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Käsitellään riipuvuutta: %s paketille: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> Pidetään paketti: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Ratkaisematon riippuvuus: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "Paketti: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    Vaatii: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Vaatii: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        Ei löytynyt"
++msgstr "\n        Ei löytynyt"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "Päivittää"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr "Varhentaa"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr "Vanhentaa"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "Saatavilla"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> Käsitellään ristiriitaa: %s on ristiriidassa paketin %s kanssa"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr "--> Täytetään transaktiojoukkoa valituilla paketeilla. Odota hetki."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr "---> Ladataan paketin %s otsaketta transaktiojoukkoon lisäämseksi."
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Suoritetaan"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Unessa"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "Ei voi keskeyttää"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Zombi"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Jäljitetään/Pysäytetty"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Tuntematon"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  Toinen ohjelma on: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  Toinen ohjelma on: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Muisti    : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    Aloitettu : %s - %s sitten"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    Tila      : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Lopetetaan käyttäjän peruttua"
++msgstr "\n\nLopetetaan käyttäjän peruttua"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Lopetetaan putken katkettua"
++msgstr "\n\nLopetetaan putken katkettua"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-"Toinen ohjelma pitää tällä hetkellä yumin lukkoa. Lopetetaan, kuten "
+-"exit_on_lock määrää"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "PluginExit-virhe: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Yum-virhe: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Virhe: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr " Ongelman pystyy ehkä kiertämään valitsimella --skip-broken"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Kannattaa myös kokeilla komennon rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest suorittamista"
++msgstr " Kannattaa myös kokeilla komennon rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest suorittamista"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Tuntematon virhe: lopetuskoodi: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Riippuvuudet on ratkaistu"
++msgstr "\nRiippuvuudet on ratkaistu"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Valmis!"
+@@ -1523,7 +1651,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "Vain pääkäyttäjä voi suorittaa tämän komennon."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1538,585 +1666,650 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakettien tarkistaminen GPG-avainten avulla on käytössä, se on hyvä.\n"
+-"Yhtään GPG-avainta ei kuitenkaan ole asennettuna. Asennettavaksi aiottuja\n"
+-"paketteja varten on ladattava ja asennettava GPG-avaimet.\n"
+-"Avaimet voi asentaa suorittamalla komennon:\n"
+-"    rpm --import julkinen.gpg.avain\n"
+-"Käytettävän avaimen URL:n voi määritellä asennuslähteen asetusten\n"
+-"”gpgkey”-valitsimella. Tällöin yum asentaa avaimen automaattisesti.\n"
+-"Lisätietoja saattaa olla jakelun tai pakettien tarjoajan ohjeissa.\n"
++msgstr "\nPakettien tarkistaminen GPG-avainten avulla on käytössä, se on hyvä.\nYhtään GPG-avainta ei kuitenkaan ole asennettuna. Asennettavaksi aiottuja\npaketteja varten on ladattava ja asennettava GPG-avaimet.\nAvaimet voi asentaa suorittamalla komennon:\n    rpm --import julkinen.gpg.avain\n\n\nKäytettävän avaimen URL:n voi määritellä asennuslähteen asetusten\n”gpgkey”-valitsimella. Tällöin yum asentaa avaimen automaattisesti.\n\nLisätietoja saattaa olla jakelun tai pakettien tarjoajan ohjeissa.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Virhe: komennolle %s on annettava luettelo paketeista"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "Virhe: Tarvitaan vastaava kohta"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Virhe: Tarvitaan ryhmä tai ryhmäluettelo"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Virhe: clean vaatii valitsimen: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Virhe: virheellinen clean-argumentti: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "shellille ei annettu argumenttia"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Tiedostonimi välitettiin shellille: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Tiedosto %s annettiin argumenttina shellille, mutta sitä ei ole olemassa."
++msgstr "Tiedosto %s annettiin argumenttina shellille, mutta sitä ei ole olemassa."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr "Virhe: useampi kuin yksi tiedosto annettiin argumenttina shellille."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Yhtään asennuslähdettä ei ole käytössä.\n"
+-" Suorita ”yum repolist all” kaikkien asennuslähteiden luettelemiseksi.\n"
+-" Voit ottaa asennuslähteitä käyttöön komennolla yum-config-manager --enable <asennuslähde>"
++msgstr "Yhtään asennuslähdettä ei ole käytössä.\n Suorita ”yum repolist all” kaikkien asennuslähteiden luettelemiseksi.\n Voit ottaa asennuslähteitä käyttöön komennolla yum-config-manager --enable <asennuslähde>"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "PAKETTI..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Asenna paketti tai paketteja järjestelmään"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "Aloitetaan asennusprosessi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[PAKETTI...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Päivitä paketti tai paketteja järjestelmään"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "Aloitetaan päivitysprosessi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr "Synkronoi asennetut paketit uusimpiin saatavilla oleviin versioihin"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr "Aloitetaan jakelusynkronointiprosessi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Näytä tietoja paketista tai pakettiryhmästä"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Asennetut paketit"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Saatavilla olevat paketit"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Lisäpaketit"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Päivitetyt paketit"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Vanhentavat paketit"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Äskettäin lisätyt paketit"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "Ei yhtään vastaavaa pakettia lueteltavaksi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Luettele paketti tai pakettiryhmä"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Poista paketti tai paketteja järjestelmästä"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "Aloitetaan poistoprosessi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "Aloitetaan ryhmäprosessi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "Ei ryhmiä joille suorittaa komentoa"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Luettele saatavilla olevat pakettiryhmät"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Asenna ryhmään kuuluvat paketit järjestelmään"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Poista ryhmään kuuluvat paketit järjestelmästä"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Näytä tietoja pakettiryhmästä"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "Luo metadatavälimuisti"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "Luodaan välimuistitiedostoja kaikille metadatatiedostoille"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr "Tämä voi kestää jonkin aikaa riippuen tietokoneen nopeudesta"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "Metadatavälimuisti on luotu"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "Poista välimuistissa oleva data"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "Etsi annetun arvon tarjoava paketti"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "Etsi saatavilla olevia pakettipäivityksiä"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "Etsi pakettitiedoista annettua merkkijonoa"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "Etsitään paketteja: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Päivitä paketit ottaen vanhennukset huomioon"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Aloitetaan päivitysprosessi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Asenna paikallinen RPM-tiedosto"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "Aloitetaan paikallinen pakettiprosessi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Selvitä mikä paketti tarjoaa annetun riippuvuuden"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "Etsitään riippuvuutta paketeista:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Suorita interaktiivinen yum-komentorivi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Asetetaan Yum-komentoriviä"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "Luettele paketin riippuvuudet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "Etsitään riippuvuuksia: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Näytä asetetut asennuslähteet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "käytössä"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "poissa käytöstä"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr "Lähdetunnus        : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr "Lähdenimi          : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "Lähteen tila       : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Lähderevisio      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "Lähteen tagit      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Lähteen jakelutagit: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr "Lähde päivitetty   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr "Lähteen paketit    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "Lähteen koko       : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr "Lähteen baseurl    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "Lähteen metalink   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  Päivitetty       : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr "Lähteen peilit     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Ei koskaan (viimeksi: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Heti (viimeksi: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s sekunti(a) (viimeksi: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr "Lähde vanhentuu    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr "Lähde ohittaa      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr "Lähde sisältää     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr "Lähde ohitettu     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "lähdetunnus"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "tila"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "lähdenimi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Näytä käyttöohjeviesti"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "Ei ohjeita komennolle %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"muut nimet: "
++msgstr "\n\nmuut nimet: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"toinen nimi: "
++msgstr "\n\ntoinen nimi: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "Aloitetaan uudelleenasennusprosessi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "asenna paketti uudelleen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Aloitetaan varhennusprosessi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "varhenna paketti"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Näytä koneella ja/tai käytettävissä olevissa asennuslähteissä oleva versio"
++msgstr "Näytä koneella ja/tai käytettävissä olevissa asennuslähteissä oleva versio"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr " Yum-versioryhmät:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " Ryhmä:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr " Paketit:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "Asennettu:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr "Asennettu ryhmässä:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Saatavilla:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "Saatavilla ryhmässä:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr "Näytä tai käytä transaktiohistoriaa"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr "Virheellinen historyn alikomento, käytä: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr "Sinulla ei ole historiatietokannan käyttöoikeutta"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Etsi ongelmia rpm-tietokannasta"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Toinen ohjelma pitää tällä hetkellä yumin lukkoa, odotetaan että se "
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "Ratkaistaan riippuvuuksia"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Lopetetaan käyttäjän peruttua."
++msgstr "\n\nLopetetaan käyttäjän peruttua."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() poistetaan jossakin Yumin tulevassa versiossa.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr "Asetetaan TransactionSetsit ennen kuin asetusluokka on käytössä"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "Virheellinen tsflag asetustiedostossa: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "Etsitään pkgSackista riippuvuutta: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Jäsen: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s muutettu asennukseksi"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "Lisätään paketti %s tilassa %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "Poistetaan paketti %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s vaatii: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s vaatii %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "Tarvittava vaatimus on jo etsitty, huijataan"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "Tarvittava vaatimus ei ole pakettinimi. Etsitään: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Mahdollinen tarjoaja: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Tila %s riippuvuuden %s: %s tarjoajalla"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Riippuvuuden %s: %s tarjoavan paketin tila"
+@@ -2124,1025 +2317,1140 @@ msgstr "Riippuvuuden %s: %s tarjoavan paketin tila"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
+ msgstr ""
+-"TSINFO: paketti %s, joka vaatii riippuvuuden %s on merkitty poistettavaksi"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
+ msgstr ""
+-"TSINFO: Vanhennetaan paketti %s paketilla %s riippuvuuden ratkaisemiseksi."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
++msgstr "TSINFO: paketti %s, joka vaatii riippuvuuden %s on merkitty poistettavaksi"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
++msgstr "TSINFO: Vanhennetaan paketti %s paketilla %s riippuvuuden ratkaisemiseksi."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Päivitetään paketti %s riippuvuuden ratkaisemiseksi."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr "Päivityspolkua ei löydetty riippuvuudelle: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "Pikavastaavuus %s vaatimukselle %s"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr "%s on tarjoavissa paketeissa, mutta se on jo asennettuna, poistetaan."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr "Mahdollisella ratkaisevalla paketilla %s on uudempi instanssi ts:ssä."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Mahdollisella ratkaisevalla paketilla %s on uudempi instanssi asennettuna."
++msgstr "Mahdollisella ratkaisevalla paketilla %s on uudempi instanssi asennettuna."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "paketti %s on jo ts:ssä, ohitetaan"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Merkitään paketti %s päivitykseksi paketille %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Merkitään %s asennukseksi paketille %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Onnistui - tyhjä transaktio"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "Käynnistetään silmukka uudelleen"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Riippuvuuksien käsittely päättyy"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Onnistui – riippuvuudet on ratkaistu"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "Tarkistetaan paketin %s riippuvuuksia"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "etsitään riippuvuutta %s paketille %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "Suoritetaan compare_providers() paketeille %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "po:ssa %s on parempi arkkitehtuuri"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "paketti %s vanhentaa paketin %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"archdist vertasi paketteja %s ja %s arkkitehtuurilla %s\n"
+-"  Voittaja: %s"
++msgstr "archdist vertasi paketteja %s ja %s arkkitehtuurilla %s\n  Voittaja: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "paketeilla %s ja %s on yhteinen lähde-RPM"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr "peruspaketti %s on asennettu paketille %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "yhteinen %s merkin mittainen etuliite paketeilla %s ja %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr "vaatii vähintään: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr " Voittaja: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "vaatii vähintään: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr " Häviäjä (arvolla %d): %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Paras järjestys %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() poistetaan jossakin Yumin tulevassa versiossa.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr "Asennuslähde %r: Virhe jäsennettäessä asetuksia: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr "Asennuslähteen %r asetuksista puuttuu nimi, käytetään tunnistetta"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "liitännäiset on jo alustettu"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRpmSetup() poistetaan jossakin Yumin tulevassa versiossa.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "Luetaan paikallista RPM-tietokantaa"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() poistetaan jossakin Yumin tulevassa versiossa.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() poistetaan jossakin Yumin tulevassa versiossa.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "Asetetaan pakettisäkkejä"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr "asennuslähteen %s oliosta puuttuu _resetSack-metodi\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "siksi tätä asennuslähdettä ei voi palauttaa alkutilaan.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() poistetaan jossakin Yumin tulevassa versiossa.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "Rakennetaan päivitysoliota"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() poistetaan jossakin Yumin tulevassa versiossa.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "Haetaan ryhmien metadataa"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Lisätään ryhmätiedosto asennuslähteestä: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Ryhmätiedoston lisääminen asennuslähteelle epäonnistui: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "Yhtään ryhmää ei ole saatavilla mistään asennuslähteestä"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr "Haetaan pakettitagien metadataa"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Lisätään tagit asennuslähteestä: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Pakettitagien lisääminen asennuslähteelle epäonnistui: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "Tuodaan lisää tiedostoluettelotietoa"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "Ohjelma %s%s%s on paketissa yum-utils."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Keskeneräisiä transaktioita on jäljellä. Niiden päättämiseksi on suositeltua"
+-" suorittaa ensin yum-complete-transaction."
++msgstr "Keskeneräisiä transaktioita on jäljellä. Niiden päättämiseksi on suositeltua suorittaa ensin yum-complete-transaction."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr "Yritettiin poistaa paketti ”%s”, mutta se on suojattu"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Riippuvuusongelmien vuoksi ohitetut paketit:"
++msgstr "\nRiippuvuusongelmien vuoksi ohitetut paketit:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s asennuslähteestä %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr "** Löytyi %d rpmdb-ongelma(a), ”yum check” -tuloste:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr "Varoitus: RPM-tietokantaa on muutettu yumin ulkopuolella."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr "puuttuvia riippuvuuksia"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr "asennettu konflikti"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Varoitus: sovelmien virheitä tai muita virheitä, jotka eivät ole vakavia, "
+-"tapahtui transaktion aikana."
++msgstr "Varoitus: sovelmien virheitä tai muita virheitä, jotka eivät ole vakavia, tapahtui transaktion aikana."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr "Transaktiota ei voitu aloittaa:"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr "Transaktiota ei voitu suorittaa."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "Transaktiotiedoston %s poistaminen epäonnistui"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s piti olla asennettuna, mutta se ei ole!"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s piti olla poistettu, mutta se ei ole!"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Lukkoa %s ei voitu avata: %s"
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Ei voida tarkistaa onko PID %s aktiivinen"
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr "Lukko %s on olemassa: toinen kopio on suorituksessa pidillä %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr "Ei voitu luoda lukkoa sijaintiin %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Lukkoa %s ei voitu avata: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Ei voida tarkistaa onko PID %s aktiivinen"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paketti ei vastaa odotettua latausta. Ehdotus: suorita yum --enablerepo=%s "
+-"clean metadata"
++msgstr "Paketti ei vastaa odotettua latausta. Ehdotus: suorita yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "Ei voitu laskea tarkistussummaa"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "Paketti ei vastaa tarkistussummaa"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"paketti ei vastaa tarkistussummaa, mutta välimuisti on käytössä kohteelle %s"
++msgstr "paketti ei vastaa tarkistussummaa, mutta välimuisti on käytössä kohteelle %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "käytetään paikallista kopiota paketista %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Lataushakemistossa %s ei ole tarpeeksi vapaata tilaa\n"
+-"    * vapaana   %s\n"
+-"    * tarvitaan %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "Otsake ei ole täydellinen."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Otsake ei ole paikallisessa välimuistissa ja pelkästä välimuistista toimiva "
+-"tila on käytössä. Ei voida ladata otsaketta %s"
++msgstr "Otsake ei ole paikallisessa välimuistissa ja pelkästä välimuistista toimiva tila on käytössä. Ei voida ladata otsaketta %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "Julkista avainta pakettia %s varten ei ole asennettu"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Ongelma paketin %s avaamisessa"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "Paketin %s julkiseen avaimeen ei luoteta"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "Pakettia %s ei ole allekirjoitettu"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "Ei voida poistaa tiedostoa %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "tiedosto %s on poistettu"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "Ei voida poistaa %s-tyyppistä tiedostoa %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s-tyyppinen tiedosto %s on poistettu"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s-tyyppistä tiedostoa on poistettu"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "Säkissä on useampi kuin yksi identtinen vastaavuus haulle %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "Mikään ei vastaa päivityksen pakettia %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() poistetaan jossakin Yumin tulevassa versiossa. Käytä sen "
+-"sijaan searchGenerator()-metodia.\n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() poistetaan jossakin Yumin tulevassa versiossa. Käytä sen sijaan searchGenerator()-metodia.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "Etsitään %d pakettia"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "etsitään pakettia %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "etsitään tiedostoista"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "etsitään tarjoajista"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "Asetetuille asennuslähteille ei ole saatavilla ryhmädataa"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Ryhmää nimeltä %s ei ole olemassa"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "pakettia %s ei ollut merkitty kuuluvaksi ryhmään %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "Lisätään paketti %s ryhmästä %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "Pakettia nimeltä %s ei ole saatavilla asennusta varten"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "Paketti-tuplea %s ei löytynyt pakettisäkistä"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Paketti-tuplea %s ei löytynyt RPM-tietokannasta"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "Riippuvuudelle %s ei löytynyt pakettia"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "Pakettiolio ei ollutkaan pakettiolioinstanssi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "Mitään ei määritelty asennettavaksi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr "Etsitään virtuaalista tai tiedostotarjoajaa argumentille %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "Mikään ei vastaa argumenttia: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "Paketti %s on asennettu, mutta ei saatavilla"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "Yhtään pakettia ei ole saatavilla asennettavaksi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "Paketti: %s – on jo transaktiojoukossa"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "Paketin %s vanhentaa paketti %s, joka on jo asennettuna"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paketin %s vanhentaa paketti %s, mutta vanhentava paketti ei tarjoa "
++msgstr "Paketin %s vanhentaa paketti %s, mutta vanhentava paketti ei tarjoa riippuvuuksia"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr "Paketin %s vanhentaa paketti %s, yritetään paketti %s sen sijaan"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "Paketti %s on jo asennettuna ja uusin versio"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakettia %s vastaava paketti on jo asennettuna. Tarkistetaan päivitykset."
++msgstr "Pakettia %s vastaava paketti on jo asennettuna. Tarkistetaan päivitykset."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "Päivitetään kaikki"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Vanhennettua pakettia ei päivitetä: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Mikään ei vastaa argumenttia: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Paketti on jo vanhennettu: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "Ei päivitetä vanhennettua pakettia: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Jo päivitettyä pakettia ei enää päivitetä: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "Yhtään poistopyyntöä vastaavaa pakettia ei ole"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr "Ohitetaan käytössä oleva ydin: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr "Poistetaan %s transaktiosta"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Ei voida avata pakettia: %s. Ohitetaan."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Tutkitaan %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Deltarpm:ää %s ei voi asentaa paikallisesti. Ohitetaan."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakettia %s ei voida lisätä transaktioon. Arkkitehtuuri ei ole yhteensopiva:"
+-" %s"
++msgstr "Pakettia %s ei voida lisätä transaktioon. Arkkitehtuuri ei ole yhteensopiva: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr "Pakettia %s ei voi asentaa. Asennettu paketti %s vanhentaa sen."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakettia %s ei ole asennettu, sitä ei voida päivittää. Suorita yum install "
+-"-komento paketin asentamiseksi."
++msgstr "Pakettia %s ei ole asennettu, sitä ei voida päivittää. Suorita yum install -komento paketin asentamiseksi."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "Ohitetaan paketti %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "Merkitään paketti %s asennettavaksi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "Merkitään paketti %s päivitykseksi paketille %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: ei päivitä asennettua pakettia"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Ei voida avata tiedostoa: %s. Ohitetaan."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ongelma uudelleenasennuksessa: poistopyyntöä vastaavaa pakettia ei ole"
++msgstr "Ongelma uudelleenasennuksessa: poistopyyntöä vastaavaa pakettia ei ole"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ongelma uudelleenasennuksessa: asennuspyyntöä vastaavaa pakettia %s ei ole"
++msgstr "Ongelma uudelleenasennuksessa: asennuspyyntöä vastaavaa pakettia %s ei ole"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "Yhtään pakettia ei ole saatavilla varhennettavaksi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "Paketille %s sallitaan useita asennuksia, ohitetaan."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "Ei vastaavuutta saatavilla olevalle paketille: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Vain päivitys saatavilla paketille: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr "Varhentaminen epäonnistui: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "GPG-avaimen nouto epäonnistui: "
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Virheellinen GPG-avain osoitteesta %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "GPG-avaimen jäsentäminen epäonnistui: avaimessa ei ole arvoa %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "Osoitteesta %s ladattu GPG-avain (0x%s) on jo asennetuna"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "Avaimen tuonti epäonnistui (koodi %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "Avaimen tuonti onnistui"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Asennuslähteelle ”%s” luetellut GPG-avaimet on jo asennettu, mutta ne eivät vastaa tätä pakettia.\n"
+-"Tarkista että tälle asennuslähteelle on asetettu oikeat avainten URL:t."
++msgstr "Asennuslähteelle ”%s” luetellut GPG-avaimet on jo asennettu, mutta ne eivät vastaa tätä pakettia.\nTarkista että tälle asennuslähteelle on asetettu oikeat avainten URL:t."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "Avainten tuonti ei auttanut, ovatko avaimet vääriä?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "Osoitteesta %s ladattu GPG-avain (0x%s) on jo tuotu"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "Avaimen tuonti epäonnistui"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Asennuslähteelle ”%s” luetellut GPG-avaimet on jo asennettu, mutta ne ovat virheelliset.\n"
+-"Tarkista että tälle asennuslähteelle on asetettu oikeat avainten URL:t."
++msgstr "Asennuslähteelle ”%s” luetellut GPG-avaimet on jo asennettu, mutta ne ovat virheelliset.\nTarkista että tälle asennuslähteelle on asetettu oikeat avainten URL:t."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "Sopivaa peilipalvelinta ei löytynyt."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Paketteja ladatessa tapahtui virheitä."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Ilmoita tästä ongelmasta: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Testitransaktion virheitä: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr "Välimuistihakemiston asettaminen epäonnistui %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Ladatut liitännäiset: "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "Ei vastaavaa liitännäistä pyynnölle: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "Ei ladata liitännäistä ”%s”, koska se on poissa käytöstä"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "Liitännäistä ”%s” ei voi tuoda"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "Liitännäinen ”%s” ei määrittele vaadittua API-versiota"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "Liitännäinen ”%s” vaatii API:n %s. Tuettu API on %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "Ladataan liitännäinen ”%s”"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr "Liitännäisten hakupolussa on useita liitännäisiä nimeltä ”%s”"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "Asetustiedostoa %s ei löytynyt"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "Liitännäisen %s asetustiedostoa ei löytynyt"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "komentojen rekisteröintiä ei tueta"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr "on puuttuvia riippuvuuksia"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr "on asennettuja konflikteja"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr "paketti %s on paketin %s duplikaatti"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr "paketin %s vanhentaa paketti %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr "%s tarjoaa %s, mutta sitä ei löydy"
+@@ -3151,11 +3459,27 @@ msgstr "%s tarjoaa %s, mutta sitä ei löydy"
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "Paketoidaan uudelleen"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Lataushakemistossa %s ei ole tarpeeksi vapaata tilaa\n    * vapaana   %s\n    * tarvitaan %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Otsaketta ei voi avata tai se ei vastaa nimeä ja arkkitehtuuria %s, %s"
++msgstr "Otsaketta ei voi avata tai se ei vastaa nimeä ja arkkitehtuuria %s, %s"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:53
+ #, python-format
+@@ -3180,5 +3504,3 @@ msgstr "Vioittunut otsake %s"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Virhe avattaessa RPM:ää %s – virhe %s"
+diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po
+index 4636b15..29a20af 100644
+--- a/po/fr.po
++++ b/po/fr.po
+@@ -2,1530 +2,1646 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# Kévin Raymond <shaiton@fedoraproject.org>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# Dominique Bribanick <chepioq@gmail.com>, 2011.
++# Kévin Raymond <shaiton@fedoraproject.org>, 2011-2012.
++# Mathieu LEFEBVRE Mathdabomb <mathdabomb@gmail.com>, 2012.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: French (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/fr/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-15 00:01+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Kévin Raymond <shaiton@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: French (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/fr/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: fr\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Mise à jour "
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Suppression "
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+-msgstr "Installation de"
++msgstr "Installation "
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Obsolète "
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Mis à jour "
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Supprimés "
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+-msgstr "Installé "
++msgstr "Installé "
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Aucun en-tête - heu ?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Réempaquetage "
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Erreur : statut de sortie invalide : %s pour %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Supprimé : %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Suppression "
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Nettoyage "
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "Commande « %s » déjà définie"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Configuration des dépôts"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "Lecture des méta données du dépôt depuis les fichiers locaux"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Erreur de configuration : %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Erreur d'options : %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Installés : %s-%s à %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+-msgstr "  Compilé    : %s à %s"
++msgstr "  Compilé   : %s à %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+-msgstr "  Commité : %s à %s"
++msgstr "  Commité   : %s à %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "Vous devez spécifier des commandes"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "Aucune commande telle que : %s. Veuillez utiliser %s --help"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Besoins en espace disque :\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr "  Au moins %d Mio requis sur le système de fichiers %s.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "  Au moins %d Mio requis sur le système de fichiers %s.\n"
++msgstr[1] "  Au moins %d Mio requis sur le système de fichiers %s.\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Résumé des erreurs\n"
++msgstr "Résumé des erreurs\n-------------\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Impossible de créer le fichier verrou, arrêt"
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Une autre application verrouille actuellement l'utilisation de yum ; fermeture en cours conformément à la configuration de exit_on_lock"
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
++msgstr "Tentative d'exécution de la transaction mais aucune tâche à effectuer. Sortie."
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Tentative d'exécution de la transaction mais aucune tâche à effectuer. "
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " ignoré, comme spécifié."
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr " arrêt."
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "Arrêt à la demande de l'utilisateur"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "Téléchargement des paquets :"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur durant le téléchargement des paquets :\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr "Test de la transaction en cours"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "ERREUR Vous devez mettre à jour rpm pour manipuler :"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"ERREUR lors de la vérification de la transaction avec les dépendances :"
++msgstr "ERREUR lors de la vérification de la transaction avec les dépendances :"
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "RPM doit être mis à jour"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Veuillez reporter cette erreur dans %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "Lancement de la transaction de test"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "Erreur du contrôle de transaction :\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "Transaction de test réussie"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "Lancement de la transaction"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Refus de l'importation automatique des clés lors d'une exécution inattendue.\n"
+-"Utilisez l'option « -y » pour passer outre."
++msgstr "Refus de l'importation automatique des clés lors d'une exécution inattendue.\nUtilisez l'option « -y » pour passer outre."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * Vouliez-vous dire : "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "Le ou les paquets %s%s%s sont disponibles, mais non installés."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "Aucun paquet %s%s%s disponible."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Paquets à installer"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquet à installer"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquets à installer"
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Rien à faire"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d paquets marqués pour mise à jour"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquet à mettre à jour"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquets à mettre à jour"
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "Aucun paquet marqué pour mise à jour"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "%d paquets marqués pour la synchronisation de la distribution"
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquet marqué pour une synchronisation de distribution"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquets marqués pour une synchronisation de distribution"
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr "Aucun paquet marqué pour la synchronisation de la distribution"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d paquets marqués pour suppression"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquet à supprimer"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquets à supprimer"
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "Aucun paquet marqué pour suppression"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Paquets à rétrograder"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquet à passer à une version antérieur"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquets à passer à une version antérieur"
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr "(depuis %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "Paquets installés %s%s%s%s indisponibles."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Paquets à réinstaller"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquet à réinstaller"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquets à réinstaller"
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "Pas de paquet fourni"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Paquets à installer"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Non spécifié, correspond à : %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Correspondance dans les noms et résumés %suniquement%s, utilisez « search "
+-"all » pour une recherche complète."
++msgstr "  Correspondance avec le nom ou le résumé %suniquement%s, utilisez « search all » pour une recherche complète."
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Correspondance complète dans les noms et résumés %suniquement%s, utilisez "
+-"« search all » pour une recherche complète."
++msgstr "  Correspondance complète avec le nom et le résumé %suniquement%s, utilisez « search all » pour une recherche complète."
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+-msgstr " Marqués : %s"
++msgstr "Marqués : %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Correspondance dans les noms et résumés %sprincipalementt%s, utilisez « "
+-"search all » pour une recherche complète."
++msgstr "  Correspondance %sapproximative%s avec le nom et le résumé, utilisez « search all » pour une recherche complète."
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Attention : aucune correspondance trouvée pour : %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "Aucune correspondance trouvée"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "Aucun paquet trouvé pour %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "Erreur : aucun paquet trouvé pour :\n  %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr "Nettoyage des dépôts : "
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "Nettoyage complet"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "Nettoyage des en-têtes"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "Nettoyage des paquets"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "Nettoyage des méta données xml"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "Nettoyage du cache de la base de données"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "Nettoyage des méta données expirées dans le cache"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr "Nettoyage des données du cache de RPMDB"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "Nettoyage des modules complémentaires"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
+-msgstr "Attention : aucun groupe ne correspond : %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Groupes installés :"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Groupes de langues installés :"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Groupes disponibles :"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Groupes de langues disponibles :"
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Effectué"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Attention : le groupe %s n'existe pas."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Aucun paquet disponible pour installation ou mise à jour dans les groupes "
++msgstr "Aucun paquet disponible pour installation ou mise à jour dans les groupes demandés"
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquet à installer"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquets à installer"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d paquet(s) à installer"
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Aucun groupe nommé %s n'existe"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "Aucun paquet du groupe à supprimer"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d paquet(s) à supprimer"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquet à désinstaller"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquets à désinstaller"
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "Le paquet %s est déjà installé, omission"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "Rejet du paquet non comparable %s.%s"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pas d'autre %s installé, ajout à la liste pour installation potentielle"
++msgstr "Pas d'autre %s installé, ajout à la liste pour installation potentielle"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Options du plugin"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Erreur sur la ligne de commande : %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s : l'option %s requiert un argument"
++msgstr "\n\n%s : l'option %s requiert un argument"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color accepte les paramètres : auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr "--installroot doit correspondre à un chemin absolu : %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "affiche ce message d'aide et quitte"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "tolère les erreurs"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr "exécute entièrement depuis le cache, sans le mettre à jour"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "emplacement du fichier de configuration"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "temps d'attente maximum de la commande"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "niveau de déboguage pour la sortie"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr "affiche les doublons dans les dépôts, pour les commandes list/search"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "niveau d'erreur pour la sortie"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr "niveau de déboguage pour rpm"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "opération silencieuse"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "opération verbeuse"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "répondre oui à toutes les questions"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "répondre non à toutes les questions"
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "affiche la version de Yum et quitte"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "définit la racine d'installation"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "active un ou plusieurs dépôts (jokers autorisés)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "désactive un ou plusieurs dépôts (jokers autorisés)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+-msgstr ""
+-"exclut des paquets par leur nom (le caractère * générique peut être utilisé)"
++msgstr "exclut des paquets par leur nom (le caractère * générique peut être utilisé)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+-msgstr ""
+-"désactive l'exclusion pour le dépôt principal, pour un dépôt particulier ou "
+-"pour tout"
++msgstr "désactive l'exclusion pour le dépôt principal, pour un dépôt particulier ou pour tout"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "active le traitement des paquets obsolètes pendant les mises à jour"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "désactive les modules complémentaires Yum"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "désactive la vérification de clé gpg"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "désactive les modules complémentaires par nom"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "active les modules complémentaires par nom"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "omettre les paquets qui ont des problèmes de dépendances"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "contrôle l'utilisation de la couleur"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
++msgstr "configuration de la valeur de $releasever dans le fichier de configuration de yum et dans les fichiers des dépôts"
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-"configuration de la valeur de $releasever dans le fichier de configuration "
+-"de yum et dans les fichiers des dépôts"
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr "réinitialise la configuration ainsi que les options des dépôts"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "Jan"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "Fév"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "Mars"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "Avr"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "Mai"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "Juin"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "Jui"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "Août"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "Sep"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "Oct"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "Nov"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "Déc"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "Essai d'un autre miroir."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+-msgstr "Nom        : %s%s%s"
++msgstr "Nom                 : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr "Architecture        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+-msgstr "Date       : %s"
++msgstr "Date                : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+-msgstr "Version     : %s"
++msgstr "Version             : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+-msgstr "Révision     : %s"
++msgstr "Révision            : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+-msgstr "Taille        : %s"
++msgstr "Taille              : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+-msgstr "Dépôt         : %s"
++msgstr "Dépôt               : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+-msgstr "Depuis le dépôt   : %s"
++msgstr "Depuis le dépôt     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+-msgstr "Auteur   : %s"
++msgstr "Auteur              : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr "Date de validation  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+-msgstr "Date de compilation   : %s"
++msgstr "Date de compilation : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "Date d'installation : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+-msgstr "Installés par : %s"
++msgstr "Installés par       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+-msgstr "Modifié par  : %s"
++msgstr "Modifié par         : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+-msgstr "Résumé        : "
++msgstr "Résumé              : "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+-msgstr "URL         : %s"
++msgstr "URL                 : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+-msgstr "Licence       : "
++msgstr "Licence             : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+-msgstr "Description : "
++msgstr "Description         : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "o"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "oui"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "non"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "Est-ce correct [o/N] : "
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Groupe : %s"
++msgstr "\nGroupe : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+-msgstr " Id du g : %s"
++msgstr " ID du groupe : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+-msgstr " Description : %s"
++msgstr " Description : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr " Langue : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+-msgstr " Paquets mandataires :"
++msgstr " Paquets obligatoires :"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Paquets par défaut :"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Paquets optionnels :"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Paquets conditionnels :"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr " Paquets installés :"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "paquet : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr "  Pas de dépendances pour ce paquet"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+-msgstr "  dépendance : %s"
++msgstr "  dépendance   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr "   Dépendance non satisfaite"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Correspondance depuis :"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+-msgstr "Licence       : %s"
++msgstr "Licence        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+-msgstr "Nom de fichier      : %s"
++msgstr "Nom de fichier : %s"
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "Fournit        : "
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+-msgstr "Autre           :"
++msgstr "Autre          :"
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Une erreur est survenue pendant le calcul de la taille totale des "
++msgstr "Une erreur est survenue pendant le calcul de la taille totale des téléchargements"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+-msgstr "Taille totale : %s"
++msgstr "Taille totale  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Taille totale des téléchargements : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "Taille d'installation : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Une erreur est survenue pendant le calcul de la taille des données "
++msgstr "Une erreur est survenue pendant le calcul de la taille des données installées"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "Réinstallation "
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+-msgstr "Retour à la version précédente"
++msgstr "Retour à la version précédente "
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Installation pour dépendances "
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Mise à jour pour dépendances "
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Suppression pour dépendances "
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Omis (problèmes de dépendances) "
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "Non installé"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Indisponible"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Paquet"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "Paquet"
++msgstr[1] "Paquets"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Architecture"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Version"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Dépôt"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+-msgstr "Taille "
++msgstr "Taille"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr "     remplacement de  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Résumé de la transaction\n"
++msgstr "\nRésumé de la transaction\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Installation de   %5.5s paquets\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Installation "
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Mise à jour de    %5.5s paquets\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Mettre à jour"
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Suppression de    %5.5s paquets\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Supprimer"
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Réinstallation de %5.5s paquets\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Réinstallation"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Retour à une version antérieur de %5.5s paquets\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Retour à la version précédente"
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Paquet en dépendance"
++msgstr[1] "Paquets en dépendance"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+-msgstr "Supprimés "
++msgstr "Supprimé "
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Dépendances supprimées "
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Dépendances installées "
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Dépendances mises à jour "
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+-msgstr "Remplacés "
++msgstr "Remplacé "
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Échec"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "deux"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Téléchargement courant annulé, demandez de nouveau l%sinterruption (crtl-c)%s dans %s%s%s secondes\n"
+-"pour quitter.\n"
++msgstr "\nTéléchargement courant annulé, demandez de nouveau l'%sinterruption (crtl-c)%s dans %s%s%s secondes\npour quitter.\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "interruption par l'utilisateur"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Total"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<indéfini>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "Système"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Omission des transactions regroupées de %d à %d, puisqu'elles se superposent"
++msgstr "Omission des transactions regroupées de %d à %d, puisqu'elles se superposent"
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr "Pas de transaction"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr "Le ou les paquets ou identifiants de transaction fournis sont erronés"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr "Ligne de commande"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr "Identifiant utilisateur"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+-msgstr "Id"
++msgstr "ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "Date et heure"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "Action"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "Modifié"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Aucun identifiant de transaction n'a été fourni"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "L'identifiant de transaction fourni est erroné"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr "L'identifiant de transaction fourni est introuvable"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr "Plus d'un identifiant de transaction a été trouvé !"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr "Le paquet ou l'identifiant de transaction fourni sont absents"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr "Rétrogradé"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "Plus ancien"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "Plus récent"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+-msgstr "Identifiant de transaction :"
++msgstr "ID de transaction :"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+-msgstr "Temps de début :"
++msgstr "Temps de début    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+-msgstr "Début de RPMDB :"
++msgstr "Début de RPMDB    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr "(%u secondes)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr "(%u minutes)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr "(%u heures)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr "(%u jours)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "Temps de fin :"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr "Fin de RPMDB :"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+-msgstr "Utilisateur :"
++msgstr "Utilisateur  :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+-msgstr "Code retour :"
++msgstr "Code retour  :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "Avorté"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr "Échecs :"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "Échec :"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "Réussi"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "Ligne de commande :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr "Informations supplémentaires stockées : %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr "Transaction effectuée avec :"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "Paquets modifiés :"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "Paquets ignorés :"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Problèmes RPMDB :"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "Sortie du scriplet :"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "Erreurs :"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "Installation "
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr "Installation déps."
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+-msgstr "Obsolète"
++msgstr "Rendre obsolète"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "Supprimé"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "Réinstallation"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr "Retour à la version précédente"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "Mise à jour"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "Heure"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "Dernier jour"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "Semaine dernière"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "Deux dernières semaines"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "Trois derniers mois"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "Six derniers mois"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "L'année dernière"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "Il y a plus d'un an"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr "Aucune transaction %s n'a été trouvée"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr "Identifiant de transaction :"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "Informations additionnelles disponibles dans l'historique :"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s : aucune donnée supplémentaire trouvée avec ce nom"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Paquet             :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "État                 :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Taille               :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "Hôte de construction :"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "Date de compilation  :"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Empaqueteur          :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Vendeur              :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Licence              :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URL                  :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "source du RPM        :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "Heure de commit      :"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "Committer            :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "Raison               :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "Depuis le dépôt      :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "Installé par         :"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "Modifié par          :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "installé"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+-msgstr "la mise à jour"
++msgstr "utilisé"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "effacé"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "réinstallé"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr "une rétrogradation"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr "obsolète"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "mis à jour"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "obsolète"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr "---> Le paquet %s.%s %s:%s-%s sera %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> Lancement de la transaction de test"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+-msgstr ""
+-"--> Redémarrage de la résolution des dépendances avec les nouveaux "
++msgstr "--> Redémarrage de la résolution des dépendances avec les nouveaux changements."
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Résolution des dépendances terminée"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Traitement de la dépendance : %s pour le paquet : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> Conservation du paquet : %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr "---> On garde le paquet : %s à cause de %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Dépendance non résolue : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "Paquet : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    Requiert : %s"
++msgstr "\n    Requiert : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s : %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s : %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        Non trouvé"
++msgstr "\n        Non trouvé"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "Mis à jour par"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr "Rétrogradé par"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr "Rendu obsolète par"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "Disponible"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> Traitement du conflit : %s entre en conflit avec %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+-msgstr ""
+-"--> Peuplement du jeu de transaction avec les paquets sélectionnés. Merci de"
+-" patienter."
++msgstr "--> Peuplement du jeu de transaction avec les paquets sélectionnés. Merci de patienter."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+-msgstr ""
+-"--> Téléchargement de l'en-tête de %s pour l'ajouter à la transaction."
++msgstr "---> Téléchargement de l'en-tête de %s pour l'ajouter à la transaction."
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Vérification"
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Exécution"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Mise en attente"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+-msgstr "Impossible d'interrompre"
++msgstr "Interruption impossible"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Zombie"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Tracé/Stoppé"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Inconnu"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+-msgstr "  L'autre application est : PackageKit"
++msgstr "Il s'agit de PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+-msgstr "  L'autre application est : %s"
++msgstr "Il s'agit de %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Mémoire : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+-msgstr "    Débuté : il y a %s - %s"
++msgstr "    Débuté  : %s - il y a %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+-msgstr "    État : %s, pid : %d"
++msgstr "    État    : %s, pid : %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Sortie sur annulation par l'utilisateur"
++msgstr "\n\nSortie sur annulation par l'utilisateur"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Sortie suite à une redirection cassée"
++msgstr "\n\nSortie suite à une redirection cassée"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-"Une autre application verrouille actuellement l'utilisation de yum ; "
+-"fermeture en cours conformément à la configuration de exit_on_lock"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Erreur de PluginExit : %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Erreur de yum : %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Erreur : %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Vous pouvez essayer d'utiliser --skip-broken pour contourner le problème"
++msgstr " Vous pouvez essayer d'utiliser --skip-broken pour contourner le problème"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr " Vous pouvez essayer d'exécuter : rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Erreur inconnue : code de sortie %d :"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Dépendances résolues"
++msgstr "\nDépendances résolues"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Terminé !"
+@@ -1535,9 +1651,9 @@ msgstr " Usage minimal :\n"
+ #: ../yumcommands.py:52
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+-msgstr "Vous devez être super-utilisateur pour lancer cette commande."
++msgstr "Vous devez être super-utilisateur pour exécuter cette commande."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1552,589 +1668,650 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Vous avez activé la vérification des paquets via clés GPG. C'est une bonne chose. \n"
+-"Cependant, vous n'avez aucune clé GPG publique installée. Vous devez télécharger\n"
+-"et installer les clés pour les paquets que vous souhaitez installer..\n"
+-"Vous pouvez le faire en lançant la commande :\n"
+-"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
+-"Alternativement, vous pouvez spécifier l'URL de la clé que vous souhaitez utiliser\n"
+-"pour un dépôt dans l'option 'gpgkey' dans une section du dépôt et yum\n"
+-"l'installera pour vous.\n"
+-"Pour plus de renseignements, contactez le fournisseur de paquets de votre distribution.\n"
++msgstr "\nVous avez activé la vérification des paquets via clés GPG. C'est une bonne chose. \nCependant, vous n'avez aucune clé GPG publique installée. Vous devez télécharger\net installer les clés pour les paquets que vous souhaitez installer..\nVous pouvez le faire en lançant la commande :\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nAlternativement, vous pouvez spécifier l'URL de la clé que vous souhaitez utiliser\npour un dépôt dans l'option 'gpgkey' dans une section du dépôt et yum\nl'installera pour vous.\n\nPour plus de renseignements, contactez le fournisseur de paquets de votre distribution.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Problème avec le dépôt : %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Erreur : il faut passer une liste de paquets à %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "Erreur : un élément de correspondance est requis"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Erreur : un groupe ou une liste de groupes est requise"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Erreur : clean requiert une option : %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Erreur : argument invalide pour clean : %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "Pas d'options à passer au terminal"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Nom de fichier passé au terminal : %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr "Le fichier %s passé en argument au shell n'existe pas."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr "Erreur : plus d'un fichier passé en argument au shell."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Aucun dépôt n'est activé.\n"
+-" Exécutez « yum repolist all » pour consulter la liste des dépôts installés.\n"
+-" Vous pouvez activer des dépôts avec la commande yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
++msgstr "Aucun dépôt n'est activé.\n Exécutez « yum repolist all » pour consulter la liste des dépôts installés.\n Vous pouvez activer des dépôts avec la commande yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+-msgstr "PAQUETAGE..."
++msgstr "PAQUETS..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Installe un ou plusieurs paquets sur votre système"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "Configuration du processus d'installation"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[PAQUET…]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Met à jour un ou plusieurs paquets sur votre système"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "Configuration du processus de mise à jour"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Synchronise les paquets installés vers leurs versions les plus récentes"
++msgstr "Synchronise les paquets installés vers leurs versions les plus récentes"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr "Configuration du processus de synchronisation de la distribution"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Affiche les détails d'un paquet ou d'un groupe de paquets"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Paquets installés"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Paquets disponibles"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Paquets supplémentaires"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Paquets mis à jour"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Obsolescence des paquets"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Paquets récemment ajoutés"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "Aucun paquet correspondant à lister"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Liste un paquet ou un groupe de paquets"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Supprime un ou plusieurs paquets de votre système"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "Configuration du processus de suppression"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Affiche ou utilise les informations des groupes"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "Configuration du processus de gestion des groupes"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+-msgstr "Aucun groupe sur lequel lancer la commande"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Liste les groupes de paquets disponibles"
++msgstr "Aucun groupe sur lequel exécuter la commande"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Installe les paquets d'un groupe sur votre système"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Sous-commande de groupe invalide : %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Supprime les paquets d'un groupe de votre système"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "Aucun fichier de groupe n'est installé."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Affiche des détails sur un groupe de paquets"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "Vous n'avez pas accès à la base de données des groupes."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "Génère le cache des méta données"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Création des fichiers de cache pour tous les fichiers de méta données."
++msgstr "Création des fichiers de cache pour tous les fichiers de méta données."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Cela peut prendre du temps en fonction de la vitesse de cet ordinateur"
++msgstr "Cela peut prendre du temps en fonction de la vitesse de cet ordinateur"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "Cache des méta données créé"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "Supprime les données en cache"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "Cherche à quel paquet correspond la valeur donnée"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "Cherche les mises à jour de paquets disponibles"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "Cherche les détails du paquet en fonction de la chaîne entrée"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "Recherche dans les paquets :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Met à jour en tenant compte des paquets obsolètes"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Configuration du processus de mise à jour"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Installe un RPM local"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "Configuration du processus de paquets locaux"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Détermine quel paquet fournit une dépendance donnée"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "Recherche dans les paquets pour la dépendance :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Lance un shell yum interactif"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Configuration du shell Yum"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "Liste les dépendances d'un paquet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "Recherche de dépendances :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Affiche les dépôts logiciels configurés"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "activé"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "désactivé"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+-msgstr "Id du dépôt      : "
++msgstr "Id du dépôt          : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+-msgstr "Nom du dépôt    : "
++msgstr "Nom du dépôt         : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+-msgstr "État du dépôt  : "
++msgstr "État du dépôt        : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+-msgstr "Révision du dépôt :"
++msgstr "Révision du dépôt    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+-msgstr "Tags du dépôt    :"
++msgstr "Tags du dépôt        : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+-msgstr "Repo-distro-tags : "
++msgstr "Repo-distro-tags     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+-msgstr "Mise à jour du dépôt :"
++msgstr "Mise à jour du dépôt : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+-msgstr "Paquets du dépôt    : "
++msgstr "Paquets du dépôt     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+-msgstr "Taille du dépôt    : "
++msgstr "Taille du dépôt      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+-msgstr "Baseurl du dépôt : "
++msgstr "Baseurl du dépôt     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+-msgstr "Méta-lien du dépôt :"
++msgstr "Méta-lien du dépôt   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+-msgstr "  Mis à jour    : "
++msgstr "  Mis à jour         : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+-msgstr "Miroirs du dépôt :"
++msgstr "Miroirs du dépôt     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Jamais (dernier : %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Instant (dernier : %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s secondes (en date du : %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+-msgstr "Expiration du dépôt : "
++msgstr "Expiration du dépôt  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+-msgstr "Exclus du dépôt :"
++msgstr "Exclus du dépôt      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+-msgstr "Inclus au dépôt :"
++msgstr "Inclus au dépôt      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+-msgstr "Exclus du dépôt : "
++msgstr "Exclus du dépôt      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nom du dépôt         : "
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "id du dépôt"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "statut"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "nom du dépôt"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Affiche un message d'aide à l'utilisation"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "Aucune aide disponible pour %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"alias : "
++msgstr "\n\nalias : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"alias : "
++msgstr "\n\nalias : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "Configuration du processus de réinstallation"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "Réinstaller un paquet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Configuration du processus de retour à une version antérieure"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "Restaure un paquet à une version antérieure"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr "Affiche une version de la machine ou des dépôts disponibles"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr "Groupes de version de yum :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+-msgstr "Groupe   :"
++msgstr " Groupe    :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+-msgstr "Paquets :"
++msgstr " Paquets   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+-msgstr "Installés :"
++msgstr "Installés  :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+-msgstr "Groupe installé :"
++msgstr "Groupes installés :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Disponible :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "Groupes disponibles :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr "Affiche ou utilise l'historique de transaction"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Transactions :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "Début  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "Fin    :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "Nombre :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  rpm DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  yum DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr "Sous-commande de l'historique invalide, utilisez : %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr "Vous n'avez pas accès à la base de données de l'historique."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Recherche des problèmes dans RPMDB"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr "charge une transaction sauvegardée à partir d'un nom de fichier"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr "Aucun fichier de sauvegarde de transaction spécifié."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr "Chargement de la transaction à partir de %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr "Transaction chargée à partir de %s avec %s membres"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquet à mettre à jour"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquets à mettre à jour"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d paquet à supprimer ou réinstaller"
++msgstr[1] "%d paquets à supprimer ou réinstaller"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr " Échec du vérificateur de Yum : %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Une autre application verrouille actuellement l'utilisation de yum ; attente"
+-" de déverrouillage..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Pas d'accès en lecture/écriture sur le répertoire courant, on se déblace dans /"
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+-msgstr "Impossible de créer le fichier verrou, arrêt"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "getcwd() n'est pas accessible dans ce répertoire, on se déplace dans /"
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "Résolution des dépendances"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Votre transaction a été sauvegardée, relancez-là avec : yum load-transaction"
+-" %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "Votre transaction a été enregistrée, relancez-la avec :\n yum load-transaction %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Sortie sur annulation par l'utilisateur."
++msgstr "\n\nSortie sur annulation par l'utilisateur."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() sera supprimé dans une future version de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr "Mise en place de l'ensemble des transactions avant configuration"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "tsflag invalide dans le fichier de configuration : %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "Recherche dans le regroupement pour la dépendance : %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Membre : %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s converti pour installation"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "Ajout du paquet %s en mode %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "Suppression du paquet %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s requiert : %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s requiert %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "Le prérequis a déjà été trouvé, on triche"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "Le prérequis n'est pas un nom de paquet. Recherche de : %s "
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Fournisseur potentiel : %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Le mode est %s pour le fournisseur de %s : %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Mode pour le paquet qui fournit %s : %s"
+@@ -2142,1067 +2319,1140 @@ msgstr "Mode pour le paquet qui fournit %s : %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr "Éssai de mise à jour de %s pour résoudre les dépendances"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr "Pas de chemin de mise à jour pour %s. Échec !"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr "TSINFO : le paquet %s requiert la suppression de %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+-msgstr "TSINFO : Obsolescence de %s avec %s pour résoudre les dépendances."
++msgstr "TSINFO : obsolescence de %s avec %s pour résoudre les dépendances."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+-msgstr "TSINFO : Mise à jour de %s pour la résolution des dépendances."
++msgstr "TSINFO : mise à jour de %s pour la résolution des dépendances."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Impossible de trouver un chemin de mise à jour pour la dépendance de : %s"
++msgstr "Impossible de trouver un chemin de mise à jour pour la dépendance de : %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "Correspondance %s trouvée pour %s "
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr "%s est dans les paquets fournis mais est déjà installé, suppression."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+-msgstr ""
+-"ts contient une version plus récente du paquet %s susceptible de résoudre la"
+-" dépendance."
++msgstr "ts contient une version plus récente du paquet %s susceptible de résoudre la dépendance."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Le paquet susceptible de résoudre la dépedence %s est déjà installé dans une"
+-" version plus récente."
++msgstr "Le paquet susceptible de résoudre la dépedence %s est déjà installé dans une version plus récente."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "%s déjà dans ts, omission de celui-ci"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+-msgstr "TSINFO : Sélection de %s pour mise à jour de %s"
++msgstr "TSINFO : sélection de %s pour mise à jour de %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+-msgstr "TSINFO : Sélection de %s pour installation de %s"
++msgstr "TSINFO : sélection de %s pour installation de %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Succès - transaction vide"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "Re-démarrage de la boucle"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Finalisation du processus de dépendance"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Succès - dépendances résolues"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "Recherche des dépendances pour %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "recherche de %s comme prérequis de %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "Lancement de compare_providers() pour %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "meilleure architecture dans l'objet paquet %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s rend obsolète %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"architecture %s comparée à %s sur %s\n"
+-"  Gagnant : %s"
++msgstr "architecture %s comparée à %s sur %s\n  Vainqueur : %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "rpm source commun pour %s et %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr "le paquet de base %s est installé pour %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "préfixe commun %s entre %s et %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr "requiert au minimum : %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "fournit vercmp : %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr " Vainqueur : %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "requiert au minimum : %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr " Perdant (avec %d) : %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Meilleur ordre : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() sera supprimé dans une future version de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr "Dépôt %r : erreur lors de l'analyse de la configuration : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Il manque le nom du dépôt %r dans la configuration, utilisation de "
++msgstr "Il manque le nom du dépôt %r dans la configuration, utilisation de l'identifiant"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "modules complémentaires déjà initialisés"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() sera supprimé dans une future version de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "Lecture de la base de données RPM locale"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() sera supprimé dans une future version de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() sera supprimé dans une future version de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "Configuration du groupe de paquets"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr "une méthode _resetSack est manquante pour l'objet dépôt du dépôt %s\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "en conséquence ce dépôt ne peut être réinitialisé.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() sera supprimé dans une future version de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "Construction de l'objet de mises à jour"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() sera supprimé dans une future version de Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "Obtention des méta données du groupe"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Ajout du ficher de groupes depuis le dépôt : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Échec d'ajout du fichier de groupes pour le dépôt : %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "Aucun groupe disponible dans les dépôts"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr "Obtention des méta-données de pkgtags"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Ajout des tags depuis le dépôt : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Échec d'ajout des tags du paquet pour le dépôt : %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "Import d'informations additionnelles sur la liste de fichiers"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "Le programme %s%s%s est présent dans le paquet yum-utils."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Il reste des transactions non terminées. Vous devriez envisager de lancer de"
+-" yum-complete-transaction pour les terminer."
++msgstr "Il reste des transactions non terminées. Vous devriez envisager d'exécuter yum-complete-transaction pour les terminer."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr "--> Recherche de dépendances inutiles"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
++msgstr "protection contre les différentes versions de bibliothèques : %s != %s"
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"protection contre les différentes versions de bibliothèques : %s != %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr "Tentative de retrait de « %s », qui est protégé"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paquets omis en raison de problèmes de dépendances :"
++msgstr "\nPaquets omis en raison de problèmes de dépendances :"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s depuis %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"** %d problèmes RPMDB préexistants trouvés, la sortie de « yum check » est "
+-"la suivante :"
++msgstr "** %d problèmes RPMDB préexistants trouvés, la sortie de « yum check » est la suivante :"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Avertissement : RPMDB a été modifiée par une autre application que yum."
++msgstr "Avertissement : RPMDB a été modifiée par une autre application que yum."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr "dépendances manquantes"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr "conflit installé"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Attention : scriptlet ou autres erreurs non fatales pendant la transaction."
++msgstr "Attention : scriptlet ou autres erreurs non fatales apparues pendant la transaction."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr "La transaction n'a pas pu démarrer :"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr "Impossible d'exécuter la transaction."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "Échec de la suppression du fichier de transaction %s"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s est censé être installé, mais ne l'est pas !"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s est censé être supprimé, mais ne l'est pas !"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Impossible de libérer le verrou %s : %s"
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Impossible de vérifier si le PID %s est actif"
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr "Verrou %s existant : une autre copie est lancée avec le pid %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr "Impossible de créer le verrou sur %s : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Impossible de libérer le verrou %s : %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Impossible de vérifier si le PID %s est actif"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Le paquet ne correspond pas au téléchargement attendu. Suggestion : exécutez"
+-" yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr "Le paquet ne correspond pas au téléchargement attendu. Suggestion : exécutez yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "Ne peut procéder à la vérification des sommes de contrôle"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "Le paquet ne correspond pas à sa somme de contrôle"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Le paquet ne correspond pas à la somme de contrôle mais le cache est activé "
+-"pour %s"
++msgstr "Le paquet ne correspond pas à la somme de contrôle mais le cache est activé pour %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "utilisation de la copie locale de %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Espace disque insuffisant dans le dossier de téléchargement %s\n"
+-"    * libre   %s\n"
+-"    * nécessaire %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "L'en-tête est incomplet."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"L'en-tête n'est pas dans le cache et le mode cache uniquement est activé. "
+-"Impossible de télécharger %s"
++msgstr "L'en-tête n'est pas dans le cache et le mode cache uniquement est activé. Impossible de télécharger %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "La clé publique pour %s n'est pas installée"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Problème à l'ouverture du paquet %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "La clé publique pour %s n'est pas de confiance"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "Le paquet %s n'est pas signé"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "Impossible de supprimer %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s supprimé"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "Impossible de supprimer depuis %s le fichier %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "fichier de %s : %s supprimé"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d fichiers de %s supprimés"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d %s fichier supprimé"
++msgstr[1] "%d %s fichiers supprimés"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "Plus d'une correspondance identique dans le regroupement pour %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "Rien ne correspond à %s.%s %s:%s-%s dans la mise à jour"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() sera supprimé dans une future version de Yum."
+-"                      Utilisez searchGenerator() à la place. \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() sera supprimé dans une future version de Yum.                      Utilisez searchGenerator() à la place. \n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "Recherche de %d paquets"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "Recherche de %d paquet"
++msgstr[1] "Recherche de %d paquets"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "recherche du paquet %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "recherche dans les entrées de fichiers"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "recherche dans les entrées de correspondance"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "Aucune donnée sur les groupes disponible pour les dépôts configurés"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Aucun groupe nommé %s n'existe"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "le paquet %s n'a pas été marqué dans le groupe %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Omission du paquet %s du groupe %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "Ajout du paquet %s pour le groupe %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "Aucun paquet nommé %s n'est disponible pour installation"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
+-msgstr "Attention : le goupe %s ne contient aucun paquets."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
++msgstr "Le groupe %s contient %u paquets conditionnels, qui sont susceptibles d'être installés."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Le groupe %s contient %u paquets conditionnels, qui sont susceptibles d'être"
+-" installés."
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "Impossible de trouver le tuple de paquet %s dans le regroupement"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Impossible de trouver le tuple de paquet %s dans RPMDB"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr "Version de drapeau invalide : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "Aucun paquet trouvé pour %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "L'objet paquet n'était pas une instance correcte d'objet paquet"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "Rien de spécifié pour installation"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Recherche de correspondance virtuelle ou de correspondance fichier pour %s"
++msgstr "Recherche de correspondance virtuelle ou de correspondance fichier pour %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "Aucune correspondance pour l'argument : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "Le paquet %s est installé et n'est pas disponible"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "Aucun paquet disponible pour installation"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "Paquet : %s - déjà dans le jeu de transaction"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "Le paquet %s est rendu obsolète par %s qui est déjà installé"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Le paquet %s est rendu obsolète par %s, mais l'obsolescence n'affecte pas "
+-"les dépendances"
++msgstr "Le paquet %s est rendu obsolète par %s, mais l'obsolescence n'affecte pas les dépendances"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Le paquet %s est rendu obsolète par %s, tentative d'installation de %s à la "
++msgstr "Le paquet %s est rendu obsolète par %s, tentative d'installation de %s à la place"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "Le paquet %s est déjà installé dans sa dernière version"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Le paquet qui correspond à %s est déjà installé. Recherche d'une mise à "
++msgstr "Le paquet qui correspond à %s est déjà installé. Recherche d'une mise à jour."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "Mise à jour complète"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pas de mise à jour des paquets qui ont déjà été rendus obsolètes : %s.%s "
++msgstr "Pas de mise à jour des paquets qui ont déjà été rendus obsolètes : %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Aucune correspondance pour l'argument : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Aucun paquet correspondant à mettre à jour : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Paquet déjà rendu obsolète : %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "Pas de mise à jour du paquet qui est obsolète : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pas de mise à jour des paquets qui ont déjà été mis à jour : %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "Pas de mise à jour des paquets qui ont déjà été mis à jour : %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "Aucun paquet sélectionné pour suppression"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "Aucun paquet correspondant à désinstaller : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr "Omission du noyau en cours d'exécution : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr "Suppression de %s de la transaction"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir : %s. Omission."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Examen de %s : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Impossible d'exécuter localinstall sur le deltarpm : %s. Omission."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Impossible d'ajouter le paquet %s à la transaction. Architecture "
+-"incompatible : %s"
++msgstr "Impossible d'ajouter le paquet %s à la transaction. Architecture incompatible : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Impossible d'installer le paquet %s. Il est rendu obsolète par le paquet %s "
++msgstr "Impossible d'installer le paquet %s. Il est rendu obsolète par le paquet %s installé"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Le paquet %s n'est pas installé, il est impossible de le mettre à jour. "
+-"Lancez plutôt yum install pour l'installer."
++msgstr "Le paquet %s n'est pas installé, il est impossible de le mettre à jour. Lancez plutôt yum install pour l'installer."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Le paquet %s.%s n'est pas installé, il ne peut pas être mis à jour. Utilisez"
+-" « yum install » pour l'installer."
++msgstr "Le paquet %s.%s n'est pas installé, il ne peut pas être mis à jour. Utilisez « yum install » pour l'installer."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "Exclusion de %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "Sélection de %s pour installation "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "Sélection de %s pour mise à jour de %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s : ne met pas à jour le paquet installé."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier : %s. Omission."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Problème dans la réinstallation : aucun paquet correspondant à supprimer"
++msgstr "Problème dans la réinstallation : aucun paquet correspondant à supprimer"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Problème dans la réinstallation : aucun paquet %s correspondant à installer"
++msgstr "Problème dans la réinstallation : aucun paquet %s correspondant à installer"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "Aucun paquet disponible pour retour à une version antérieure"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "Le paquet %s autorise des installations multiples, omission"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "Aucune correspondance pour le paquet disponible : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Mise à jour uniquement disponible pour le paquet : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr "Échec lors du lors du retour à la version précédente : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Erreur lors de la mise à jour : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr "Récupération de la clé à partir de %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "Échec de la récupération de la clé GPG : "
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr "La signature de la clé GPG %s ne correspond pas à celle du dépôt : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr "Signature de clé GPG vérifiée avec un certificat d'autorité de clés."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Clé GPG invalide depuis %s :%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "Échec d'analyse de la clé GPG : la clé n'a pas de valeur %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Importation de la clé %s 0x%s :\n"
+-" Utilisateur : %s\n"
+-" Paquet       : %s (%s)\n"
+-" À partir de : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importation de la clef %s 0x%s :\nID utilisateur : « %s »\nEmpreinte      : %s\nPaquet         : %s (%s)\nProvient de    : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Importation de la clé %s 0x%s :\n"
+-" Utilisateur : « %s »\n"
+-" À partir de : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importation de la clef %s 0x%s :\nID utilisateur : « %s »\nEmpreinte      : %s\nProvient de    : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Échec avec le paquet : %s\n Les clés GPG sont configurées comme : %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "La clé GPG %s (0x%s) est déjà installée"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "L'import de la clé à échoué (code %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "La clé a été importée avec succès"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr "Toutes les clés n'ont pas été installées"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Les clés GPG listées pour le dépôt « %s » sont déjà installées mais sont incorrectes pour ce paquet.\n"
+-"Vérifiez que les URL des clés pour ce dépôt soient correctes."
++msgstr "Les clés GPG listées pour le dépôt « %s » sont déjà installées mais sont incorrectes pour ce paquet.\nVérifiez que les URL des clés pour ce dépôt soient correctes."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"L'import de la ou des clés n'a pas résolu le problème, clés incorrectes ?"
++msgstr "L'import de la ou des clés n'a pas résolu le problème, clés incorrectes ?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "Non"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Oui"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Clé du CA : %s\n Échec avec le dépôt : %s\n Les clés GPG sont configurées comme : %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "La clé GPG %s (0x%s) est déjà importée"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "L'import de la clé à échoué"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "L'import de la clé %s à échoué"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr "Aucune clé n'a été installée pour le dépôt %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Les clés GPG listées pour le dépôt « %s » sont déjà installées mais sont incorrectes.\n"
+-"Vérifiez que les URL des clés pour ce dépôt soient correctes."
++msgstr "Les clés GPG listées pour le dépôt « %s » sont déjà installées mais sont incorrectes.\nVérifiez que les URL des clés pour ce dépôt soient correctes."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "Impossible de trouver un miroir adapté."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Des erreurs ont été rencontrée durant le téléchargement des paquets."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Veuillez reporter cette erreur dans %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Erreurs de la transaction de test : "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr "Impossible de configurer cachedir : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Les dépendances ne sont pas résolues. Les transactions non résolues ne "
+-"seront pas sauvegardées."
++msgstr "Les dépendances ne sont pas résolues. Les transactions non résolues ne seront pas sauvegardées."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Impossible de sauvegarder le fichier de transaction %s : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr "Impossible de lire le fichier de transaction sauvegardé %s : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-"La version de rpmdb ne correspond pas à la version de la transaction "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr " ignoré, comme spécifié."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr " arrêt."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr "impossible de trouver de tsflags, ou alors ce n'est pas un entier."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr "txmbr est dans un état inconnu : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr "Impossible de trouver txmbr : %s dans l'état %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr "Impossible de trouver txmbr : %s depuis : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Des composants ou relations de la transactions sont manquant, ou la "
+-"transaction a été modifiée,"
++msgstr "Des composants ou relations de la transactions sont manquant, ou la transaction a été modifiée,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
++msgstr " ignoré, comme spécifié. Vous devez résoudre les dépendances à nouveau !"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s a déjà été consulté et ne peut donc pas être supprimé."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "Examination des dépendances inverses de %s"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s a %s en tant que dépendance inverse qui a été installé par l'utilisateur."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-" ignoré, comme spécifié. Vous devez résoudre les dépendances à nouveau !"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "%s n'a pas de dépendances inverses installées par l'utilisateur."
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Modules complémentaires chargés : "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "Aucun plugin correspondant pour : %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "Le module complémentaire « %s » est désactivé, il ne sera pas chargé"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "L'extension « %s » ne peut pas être importé"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Le module complémentaire « %s » ne spécifie pas la version de l'API requise"
++msgstr "Le module complémentaire « %s » ne spécifie pas la version de l'API requise"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Le module complémentaire « %s » requiert l'API %s. L'API supportée est %s."
++msgstr "Le module complémentaire « %s » requiert l'API %s. L'API supportée est %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "Chargement du module complémentaire « %s »"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Au moins deux modules complémentaires avec le même nom « %s » existent dans "
+-"le chemin de recherche des modules complémentaires"
++msgstr "Au moins deux modules complémentaires avec le même nom « %s » existent dans le chemin de recherche des modules complémentaires"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "Fichier de configuration %s non trouvé"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Impossible de trouver le fichier de configuration pour le module "
+-"complémentaire %s"
++msgstr "Impossible de trouver le fichier de configuration pour le module complémentaire %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "enregistrement de commandes non supporté"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr "a des dépendances manquantes de"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr "des conflits sont installés"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr "%s est un doublon de %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr "%s est rendu obsolète par %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr "%s fournit %s mais est introuvable"
+@@ -3211,6 +3461,23 @@ msgstr "%s fournit %s mais est introuvable"
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "Réempaquetage"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Vérification : %u/%u : %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Espace disque insuffisant dans le dossier de téléchargement %s\n    * libre   %s\n    * nécessaire %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3223,9 +3490,7 @@ msgstr "Échec du contrôle MD5 pour le RPM %s"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Impossible de lire la base de données RPM. Peut être est-elle déjà utilisée "
++msgstr "Impossible de lire la base de données RPM. Peut être est-elle déjà utilisée ?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+@@ -3241,5 +3506,3 @@ msgstr "En-tête endommagée %s"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Erreur d'ouverture du rpm %s - erreur %s"
+diff --git a/po/gu.po b/po/gu.po
+index e9ad955..8a97d66 100644
+--- a/po/gu.po
++++ b/po/gu.po
+@@ -2,875 +2,992 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# sweta <swkothar@redhat.com>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# sweta <swkothar@redhat.com>, 2011.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Gujarati (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/gu/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Gujarati (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/gu/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: gu\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "સુધારી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "દૂર કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "સ્થાપિત કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "અપ્રચલિત થયેલ"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "સુધારેલ"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "દૂર કરેલ"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "સ્થાપિત થયેલ"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "ભૂલ: અયોગ્ય આઉટપુટ સ્થિતિ: %s માટે %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "દૂર કરેલ: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "દૂર કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "સાફ કરો"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "આદેશ \"%s\" પહેલેથી જ વ્યાખ્યાયિત થયેલ છે"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "રિપોઝીટરીઓને સુયોજિત કરી રહ્યા છીએ"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "સ્થાનિય ફાઇલોમાંથી રિપોઝીટરી મેટાડેટાને વાંચી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "રૂપરેખાંકન ભૂલ: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "વિકલ્પો ભૂલ: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  સ્થાપિત થયેલ: %s-%s પર %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "તમારે અમુક આદેશને આપવાની જરૂર છે"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "આવો આદેશ નથી: %s. મહેરબાની કરીને %s --help વાપરો"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "ડિસ્ક જરૂરિયાતો:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
++msgstr "ભૂલ સારાંશ\n-------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+ msgstr ""
+-"ભૂલ સારાંશ\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "વપરાશકર્તા આદેશ પર બહાર નીકળી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "પેકેજોને ડાઉનલોડ કરી રહ્યા છે:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "પેકેજોને ડાઉનલોડ કરતી વખતે ભૂલ:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "RPM ને સુધારવાની જરૂર છે"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "મહેરબાની કરીને %s માં આ ભૂલનો અહેવાલ કરો"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "પેકેજ(ઓ) %s%s%s ઉપલબ્ધ છે, પરંતુ સ્થાપિત થયેલ છે."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "પેકેજ %s%s%s ઉપલબ્ધ નથી."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "સ્થાપિત કરવા માટે પેકેજ (ઓ)"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "કંઇ કરવાનુ નથી"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "સુધારવા માટે %d પેકેજો ચિહ્નિત થયેલ છે"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "સુધારવા માટે પેકેજો ચિહ્નિત થયેલ નથી"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "દૂર કરવા માટે %d પેકેજો ચિહ્નિત થયેવ છે"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "દૂર કરવા માટે પેકેજો ચિહ્નિત થયેલ નથી"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (%s માંથી)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "સ્થાપિત થયેલ પેકેજ %s%s%s%s ઉપલબ્ધ નથી."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "પુન:સ્થાપિત કરવા માટે પેકેજ (ઓ)"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "પેકેજો પૂરા પાડેલ નથી"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "સ્થાપિત કરવા માટે પેકેજ (ઓ)"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "ચેતવણી: તેની માટે બંધબેસતુ મળ્યુ નથી: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "%s માટે પેકેજ મળ્યુ નથી"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "બધુ જ સાફ કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "હેડરો સાફ કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "પેકેજો સાફ કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "xml મેટાડેટા સાફ કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "ડેટાબેઝ કેશ સાફ કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "પ્લગઇનને સાફ કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "સ્થાપિત થયેલ જૂથો:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "ઉપલબ્ધ જૂથો:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "ચેતવણી: જૂથ %s અસ્તિત્વ ધરાવતુ નથી."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+ msgstr "સ્થાપિત અથવા સુધારવા ઉપલબ્ધ કોઇપણ સૂચિત થયેલ જૂથમાં પેકેજો નથી"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "સ્થાપિત કરવા માટે %d પેકેજ(ઓ)"
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "જૂથોમાંથી દૂર કરવા માટે પેકેજો નથી"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "દૂર કરવા માટે %d પેકેજ(ઓ)"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "પેકેજ %s પહેલેથી જ સ્થાપિત થયેલ છે, છોડી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "પ્લગઇન વિકલ્પો"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "આદેશ વાક્ય ભૂલ: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: %s વિકલ્પને દલીલની જરૂર છે"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: %s વિકલ્પને દલીલની જરૂર છે"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "રૂપરેખાંકન ફાઇલ સ્થાન"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "ડિબગીંગ આઉટપુટ લેવલ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "ભૂલ આઉટપુટ લેવલ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr "rpm માટે ડિબગીંગ આઉટપુટ લેવલ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "બધા પ્રશ્ર્નો માટે જવાબ હાં"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "Yum આવૃત્તિ બતાવો અને બહાર નીકળો"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "સ્થાપન રુટ સુયોજિત કરો"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "એક અથવા વધારે રિપોઝીટરીઓને સક્રિય કરો (વાઇલ્ડકાર્ડને પરવાનગી આપેલ છે)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"એક અથવા વધારે રિપોઝીટરીઓને નિષ્ક્રિય કરો (વાઇલ્ડકાર્ડને પરવાનગી આપેલ છે)"
++msgstr "એક અથવા વધારે રિપોઝીટરીઓને નિષ્ક્રિય કરો (વાઇલ્ડકાર્ડને પરવાનગી આપેલ છે)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "Yum પ્લગઇનને નિષ્ક્રિય કરો"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "નામ પ્રમાણે પ્લગઇનને નિષ્ક્રિય કરો"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "નામ પ્રમાણે પ્લગઇનને સક્રિય કરો"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "જાન્યુઆરી"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "ફેબ્રુઆરી"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "માર્ચ"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "એપ્રિલ"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "મે"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "જુન"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "જુલાઇ"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "ઑગસ્ટ"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "સપ્ટેમ્બર"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "ઑક્ટોમ્બર"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "નવેમ્બર"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "ડિસેમ્બર"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "બીજા મિરર માટે પ્રયત્ન કરી રહ્યા છે."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr "નામ        : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr "આવૃત્તિ     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr "માપ        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr "સારાંશ     : "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "URL         : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr "લાઇસન્સ     : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "વર્ણન : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "y"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "હાં"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "નાં"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "શું આ બરાબર છે [y/N]: "
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"જૂથ: %s"
++msgstr "\nજૂથ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " જૂથ-Id: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " વર્ણન: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " ફરજિયાત પેકેજો:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " મૂળભૂત પેકેજો:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " વૈકલ્પિક પેકેજો:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " શરતી પેકેજો:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "પેકેજ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "લાઇસન્સ     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "ફાઇલનામ    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "બીજા       : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "કુલ માપ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "કુલ ડાઉનલોડ માપ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "સ્થાપિત થયેલ માપ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "પુન:સ્થાપિત કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "સ્થાપિત થયેલ નથી"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "પેકેજ"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] "પેકેજ"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "આવૃત્તિ"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "રિપોઝીટરી"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "માપ"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -878,65 +995,66 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "પુન:સ્થાપિત કરો"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "દૂર કરેલ"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "નિષ્ફળ"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "બે"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -944,541 +1062,584 @@ msgid ""
+ "to exit.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "કુલ"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<unset>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "સિસ્ટમ"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "તારીખ અને સમય"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "ક્રિયા (ઓ)"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "વપરાશકર્તા           :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "નિષ્ફળતા:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "સફળતા"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "આદેશ વાક્ય   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Rpmdb સમસ્યાઓ:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "ભૂલો:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "ભૂંસી નાખો"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "પુન:સ્થાપિત કરો"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "સુધારવું"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "સમય"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "છેલ્લો દિવસ"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "છેલ્લુ અઠવાડિયું"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "છેલ્લા 2 અઠવાડિયાઓ"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "છેલ્લા 3 મહિનાઓ"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "છેલ્લા 6 મહિનાઓ"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "છેલ્લુ વર્ષ"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "ઉપલબ્ધ વધારાની ઇતિહાસ જાણકારી:"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s: આ નામ પ્રમાણે વધારાની માહિતી મળી નથી"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "સ્થાપિત થયેલ"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "ભૂંસી નાખેલ"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "પુન:સ્થાપિત થયેલ"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "સુધારેલ"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "અપ્રચલિત થયેલ"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> પેકેજને રાખી રહ્યા છે: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "પેકેજ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        મળ્યુ નથી"
++msgstr "\n        મળ્યુ નથી"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "ઉપલબ્ધ"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "ચાલી રહ્યુ છે"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "અજ્ઞાત"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    મેમરી : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "PluginExit ભૂલ: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Yum ભૂલ: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "ભૂલ: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "સમાપ્ત!"
+@@ -1490,7 +1651,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "આ આદેશને ચલાવવા માટે તમારે રુટમાં હોવુ જરૂરી છે."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1507,555 +1668,648 @@ msgid ""
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "PACKAGE..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "તમારી સિસ્ટમ પર પેકેજ અથવા પેકેજોને સ્થાપિત કરો"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "સ્થાપન પ્રક્રિયાને સુયોજિત કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[PACKAGE...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "તમારી સિસ્ટમ પર પેકેજ અથવા પેકેજોને સુધારવું"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "સુધારવાની પ્રક્રિયાને સુયોજિત કરી રહ્યા છીએ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "સ્થાપિત થયેલ પેકેજો"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "ઉપલબ્ધ પેકેજો"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "વધારાનાં પેકેજો"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "સુધારેલ પેકેજો"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "પેકેજોને અપ્રચલિત કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "હમણાંજ ઉમેરેલ પેકેજો"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "દૂર કરવાની પ્રક્રિયાને સુયોજિત કરી રહ્યા છીએ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "જૂથ પ્રક્રિયાને સુયોજિત કરી રહ્યા છીએ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "ઉપલબ્ધ પેકેજ જૂથોની યાદી કરો"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "તમારી સિસ્ટમ પર જૂથમાં પેકેજોને સ્થાપિત કરો"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "તમારી સિસ્ટમમાંથી જૂથમાં પેકેજોને દૂર કરો"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "પેકેજ જૂથ વિશે વિગતોને દર્શાવો"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "બધી મેટાડેટા ફાઇલો માટે કેશ ફાઇલો બનાવી રહ્યા છે."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "મેટાડેટા કેશ બનાવી"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "કેશ થયેલ માહિતીને દૂર કરો"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "ઉપલબ્ધ પેકેજ સુધારાઓ માટે ચકાસો"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "પેકેજોને શોધી રહ્યા છે: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "અદ્યતન બનાવવાની પ્રક્રિયા સુયોજિત કરી રહ્યા છીએ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "સ્થાનિય RPM ને સ્થાપિત કરો"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "સ્થાનિય પેકેજ પ્રક્રિયાને સુયોજિત કરી રહ્યા છીએ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Yum Shell ને સુયોજિત કરી રહ્યા છીએ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "રૂપરેખાંકિત થયેલ સોફ્ટવેર રિપોઝીટરીઓને દર્શાવો"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "સક્રિય"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "નિષ્ક્રિય"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "પરિસ્થિતિ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "રિપોઝીટરી નામ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "%s માટે ઉપલબ્ધ મદદ નથી"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "પેકેજને પુન:સ્થાપિત કરો"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr " Yum આવૃત્તિ જૂથો:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " જૂથ   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr " પેકેજો:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "સ્થાપિત થયેલ:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "ઉપલબ્ધ:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "જૂથ-ઉપલબ્ધ:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr "rpmdb માં સમસ્યાઓ માટે ચકાસો"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "સભ્ય: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "પેકેજ %s ને દૂર કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -2063,991 +2317,1140 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "લુપ પુન:શરૂ કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "%s માટે compare_providers() ચલાવી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "સામાન્ય sourcerpm %s અને %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr " વિજેતા: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "પ્લગઇન પહેલેથી જ પ્રારંભ થયેલ છે"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "સ્થાનિય RPMDB ને વાંચી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "જૂથ મેટાડેટાને મેળવી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "રિપોઝીટરી માથી જૂથ ફાઇલને ઉમેરી રહ્યા છે: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "કોઇપણ રિપોઝીટરીમાં જૂથો ઉપલબ્ધ નથી"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "રિપોઝીટરીમાંથી ટૅગને ઉમેરી રહ્યા છે: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "વધારાની ફાઇલયાદી જાણકારીને આયાત કરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" દૂર કરવા માટે પ્રયત્ન કરી રહ્યા છે, કે જે સુરક્ષિત થયેલ છે"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "તાળુ %s ને ખોલી શક્યા નહિં: %s"
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "ચકાસવાનું અસમર્થ જો PID %s સક્રિય છે"
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "તાળુ %s ને ખોલી શક્યા નહિં: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "ચકાસવાનું અસમર્થ જો PID %s સક્રિય છે"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "%s ની સ્થાનિક નકલને વાપરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "હેડર પૂર્ણ નથી."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "%s માટે સાર્વજનિક કી સ્થાપિત થયેલ નથી"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "પેકેજ %s ને ખોલી રહ્યા હોય ત્યારે સમસ્યા"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "પેકેજ %s હસ્તાક્ષર થયેલ નથી"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "%s ને દૂર કરી શકાતુ નથી"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s દૂર થયેલ છે"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s ફાઇલો દૂર થયેલ છે"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "%d પેકેજોને શોધી રહ્યા છે"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "પેકેજ %s ને શોધી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "રૂપરેખાંકિત થયેલ રિપોઝીટરીઓ માટે ઉપલબ્ધ જૂથ માહિતી નથી"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "નામ થયેલ જૂથ %s અસ્તિત્વ ધરાવતુ નથી"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "જૂથ %s માંથી પેકેજ %s ને ઉમેરી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "સ્થાપિત કરવા માટે નામ થયેલ પેકેજ %s ઉપલબ્ધ નથી"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "%s માટે પેકેજ મળ્યુ નથી"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "સ્થાપિત કરવા માટે કઇ જ સ્પષ્ટ થયેલ નથી"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "પેકેજ %s સ્થાપિત થયેલ છે અને ઉપલબ્ધ નથી"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "સ્થાપિત કરવા માટે પેકેજ (ઓ) ઉપલબ્ધ નથી"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "બધુ જ સુધારી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "પેકેજ પહેલેથી જ અપ્રચલિત થયેલ છે: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "પેકેજને સુધારી રહ્યા નથી કે જે અપ્રચલિત થયેલ છે: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "પેકેજને સુધારી રહ્યા નથી કે જે પહેલેથી જ સુધારેલ છે: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "%s નું પરિક્ષણ કરી રહ્યા છે: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: સ્થાપિત પેકેજોને સુધારાતુ નથી."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "ઉપલબ્ધ પેકેજ માટે બંધબેસતુ નથી: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "%s માંથી અયોગ્ય GPG કી: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr "cachedir ને સુયોજિત કરી શક્યા નહિં: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "લોડ થયેલ પ્લગઇન: "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "પ્લગઇન \"%s\" ને આયાત કરી શકાતુ નથી"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" પ્લગઇનને લાવી રહ્યા છે"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "રૂપરેખાંકન ફાઇલ %s મળ્યુ નથી"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "પ્લગઇન %s માટે રૂપરેખાંકન ફાઇલ શોધવામાં અસમર્થ"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "આદેશોનું રજીસ્ટ્રેશન આધારભૂત નથી"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -3056,6 +3459,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3084,5 +3504,3 @@ msgstr ""
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/hi.po b/po/hi.po
+index 988a7a5..8de5599 100644
+--- a/po/hi.po
++++ b/po/hi.po
+@@ -2,427 +2,506 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
++# Translators:
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Hindi (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/hi/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Hindi (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/hi/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: hi\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -430,438 +509,484 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -869,65 +994,66 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -935,484 +1061,542 @@ msgid ""
+ "to exit.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -1420,47 +1604,41 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1472,7 +1650,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1489,555 +1667,648 @@ msgid ""
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
+-msgid "Setting up Group Process"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
+-msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
++msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
++msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -2045,991 +2316,1140 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
++#. The pid doesn't exist
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -3038,6 +3458,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3066,5 +3503,3 @@ msgstr ""
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/hu.po b/po/hu.po
+index db7c07f..68be45c 100644
+--- a/po/hu.po
++++ b/po/hu.po
+@@ -2,1510 +2,1645 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# András Bögöly <ebogoly@gmail.com>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# András Bögöly <ebogoly@gmail.com>, 2011-2013.
++#   <ptr@ulx.hu>, 2012.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Hungarian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/hu/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-27 23:33+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: András Bögöly <ebogoly@gmail.com>\n"
++"Language-Team: Hungarian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/hu/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: hu\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Frissítés"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Törlés"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Telepítés"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Elévült"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Frissítve"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Törölve"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Telepítve"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Hiányzik a fejléc - hm?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Újracsomagolás"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Hiba: érvénytelen kimeneti állapot: %s %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Eltávolítva: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Eltávolítás"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Tisztítás"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "A(z) \"%s\" nevű parancs már létezik"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Tárolók beállítása"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "Tárolók metaadatainak beolvasása helyi fájlokból"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Beállítási hiba: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Opció hiba: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Telepítve : %s-%s at %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Létrehozva: %s at %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Hozzáadva: %s at %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "Egy parancs megadása szükségeltetik"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "Nincs ilyen parancs: %s. Kérjük használja a következőt: %s --help"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Szükséges hely:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Legalább %dMB-tal több helyre van szükség az alábbi fájlrendszeren: %s\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] "  Legalább %dMB-tal több helyre van szükség az alábbi fájlrendszeren: %s\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Hiba összegzés\n"
++msgstr "Hiba összegzés\n-------------\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Nem sikerült lezárni; kilépés..."
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Egy másik alkalmazás használja a yum zárat, ezért kilépünk, ahogy be van állítva az exit_on_lock szerint"
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+-msgstr ""
+-"A tranzakciót megpróbáltuk végrehajtani, de nincs semmi tennivaló. Kilépünk."
++msgstr "A tranzakciót megpróbáltuk végrehajtani, de nincs semmi tennivaló. Kilépünk."
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr "jövőbeli rpmbd ver nem egyezik a mentett tranzakció verziójával,"
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " kihagyva, ahogy kértük."
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr "megszakítás."
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "Felhasználói parancs miatt kilépés."
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "Csomagok letöltése:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Hiba ezen csomagok letöltésekor:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr "Tranzakció-ellenőrzés futtatása"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "HIBA frissíteni kell az rpmet, hogy kezeljük:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr "HIBA a tranzakció ellenőrzés- és függőségfeloldásnál:"
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "RPM frissítésére van szükség"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Kérem jelentse ezt a hibát a következőben: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "Tranzakció teszt futtatása"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "Tranzakció hibaellenőrzése:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "A Tranzakció teszt sikeres"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "Tranzakció futtatása"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Felügyelet nélküli futás közben kulcsok nem importálhatóak.\n"
+-"Használjuk az \"-y\" kapcsolót a felülbíráláshoz."
++msgstr "Felügyelet nélküli futás közben kulcsok nem importálhatóak.\nHasználjuk az \"-y\" kapcsolót a felülbíráláshoz."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "* Lehet, hogy erre gondolt:"
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "A(z) %s%s%s elérhető, de nincs telepítve."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "Nincs ilyen csomag: %s%s%s."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Telepítendő csomagok"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr "Hibás %s argumentum %s."
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d csomag telepítésre kerül"
++msgstr[1] "%d csomag telepítésre kerül"
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Nincs tennivaló"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d csomag kijelölve frissítésre"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d csomag frissítésre kerül"
++msgstr[1] "%d csomag frissítésre kerül"
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "Nincs csomag kijelölve frissítésre"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "%d csomag van kijelölve Disztribúció Szinkronizáláshoz"
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d csomag kijelölve Disztribúció Szinkronizációhoz"
++msgstr[1] "%d csomag kijelölve Disztribúció Szinkronizációhoz"
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr "Nincs csomag kijelölve Disztribúció Szinkronizáláshoz"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d csomag van kijelölve eltávolításra"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d csomag eltávolításra kerül"
++msgstr[1] "%d csomag eltávolításra kerül"
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "Nincs csomag kijelölve eltávolításra"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Visszaállítandó csomagok"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d csomag visszaállításra"
++msgstr[1] "%d csomag visszaállításra"
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr "(ebből: %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "A következő telepített csomag nem elérhető: %s%s%s%s"
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Újratelepítendő csomagok"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d csomag újra lesz telepítve"
++msgstr[1] "%d csomag újra lesz telepítve"
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "Nem találhatóak csomagok"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Telepítendő csomagok"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "N/S Megegyezett: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Csak a név és a leírás %segyezik%s, használja a \"search all\" parancsot továbbiak kereséséhez."
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Csak a teljes név és a leírás %segyezik%s, használja a \"search all\" parancsot továbbiak kereséséhez."
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Találat: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Csak a név és a leírás %segyezik%s többnyire, használja a \"search all\" parancsot továbbiak kereséséhez."
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Figyelem: Nincs találat a következőnél: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "Nincsenek találatok"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "Nem találhatóak csomagok a következőre: %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "Hiba: Nem található csomag a következőre:\n  %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr "Tárolók tisztítása"
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "Minden tisztítása"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "Fejlécek tisztítása"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "Csomagok tisztítása"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "xml metaadat tisztítása"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "Adatbázis-gyorsítótár tisztítása"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "Elévülési gyorsítótár tisztítása"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr "Gyorsítótárazott rpmdb adatok tisztítása"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "Bővítmények tisztítása"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
+-msgstr "Figyelem: Egy csoport sem azonos a következővel: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "Telepített Környezeti Csoportok:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "Elérhető Környezeti Csoportok:"
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Telepített csoportok:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Telepített nyelvi csoportok:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Elérhető csoportok:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Elérhető nyelvi csoportok:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr "Figyelem: Nincs Környezeti/Csoporti egyezés: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Kész"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Figyelem: A következő Környezet/Csoport nem létezik: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Figyelem: A következő Környezet nem létezik: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Figyelem: Az alábbi csoport nem létezik: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+ msgstr "Nincs telepítendő vagy frissítendő csomag a kiválasztott csoportokból"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d csomag telepítésre kerül"
++msgstr[1] "%d csomag telepítésre kerül"
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d Telepítendő csomag"
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr "A(z) %s elnevezésű környezet nem létezik"
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Nincs ilyen csoport: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "Nincs szükség csomag eltávolítására csoportokból"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d Eltávolítandó csomag"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d csomag eltávolításra kerül"
++msgstr[1] "%d csomag eltávolításra kerül"
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "A(z) %s nevű csomag már telepítve van, ezért továbblépünk."
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "Megválunk a következőtől: pkg %s.%s"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr "Nincs más %s telepítve, ezért hozzáadjuk a listához."
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Bővítmény beállítások"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Parancssori hiba a következőben: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: %s opciónak szüksége van egy argumentumra"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: %s opciónak szüksége van egy argumentumra"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--Szín egyikét veszi fel: auto, mindig, soha"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "A(z) --instalroot -nak abszolút elérési útnak kell lennie: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "ezen segítség mutatása"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "a hibák figyelmen kívül hagyása"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+-msgstr ""
+-"futtatás a rendszer gyorsítótárából anélkül, hogy a csomagok vagy "
+-"tárolóinformációk frissítve lennének"
++msgstr "futtatás a rendszer gyorsítótárából anélkül, hogy a csomagok vagy tárolóinformációk frissítve lennének"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "konfigurációs fájl elérésí útja"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "leghosszabb várakozási idő meghatározása"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "a hibakeresés szintje"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr "ismétlődések mutatása a tárolókban és a keresési parancsokban"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "hiba kimeneti szintje"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr "rpm hibakereső szint"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "csendes működés"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "visszajelzés működés közben"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "igennel válaszol minden felmerülő kérdésre"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "összes kérdésre a válasz nem"
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "Yum verziójának mutatása és kilépés"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "telepítési root beállítása"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"egy vagy több tároló engedélyezése (helyettesítő karakterek megengedettek)"
++msgstr "egy vagy több tároló engedélyezése (helyettesítő karakterek megengedettek)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "egy vagy több tároló tiltása (helyettesítő karakterek megengedettek)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr "csomagok kizárása név vagy glob szerint"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr "kizárás letiltása alapkomponensre, tárolókra ill. bármire"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "elavult komponensek feldolgozásának engedélyezése"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "Yum bővítmények tiltása"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "gpg-aláírás ellenőrzés kihagyása"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "bővítmények tiltása név szerint"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "bővítmények engedélyezése név szerint"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "azon csomagok átugrása, melyeknek függőségi problémáik vannak"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "szín használatának befolyásolása"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+-msgstr ""
+-"az alábbi érték beállítása a yum tároló és konfigurációs fájljaiban: "
++msgstr "az alábbi érték beállítása a yum tároló és konfigurációs fájljaiban: $releasever"
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr "ne frissítsen, csak töltse le"
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr "egy alternatív könyvtár meghatározása a csomagok tárolásához"
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr "tetszőleges konfiguráció- és tárolóbeállítások"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "jan."
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "feb."
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "márc."
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "ápr."
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "máj."
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "jún."
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "júl."
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "aug."
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "szept."
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "okt."
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "nov."
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "dec."
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "Próbálkozás másik tükörszerverről."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr "Név         : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr "Arch        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr "Epoch       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr "Verzió      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr "Kiadás      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr "Méret       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "Tároló      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr "Tárolóból   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr "Beküldő     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr "Beküldési idő: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr "Kiállítási idő : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "Telepítési idő: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr "Telepítette: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr "Módosította  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr "Összegzés   : "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "URL         : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr "Licenc      : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "Leírás      : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "y"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "igen"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "nem"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+-msgstr "Ez így jó? [y/N]"
++msgstr "Ez így jó? [y/N]:"
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Csoport: %s"
++msgstr "\nCsoport: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " Csoport azonosító: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Leírás: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr " Nyelv: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Szükséges csomagok:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Alapértelmezett csomagok:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Opcionális csomagok:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Feltételes csomagok:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr " Telepített csomagok:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr "\nKörnyezeti csoport: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr "Környezet azonosító: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr "Kötelező Csoportok:"
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr "Opcionális Csoportok:"
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr "Telepített Csoportok:"
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "csomag: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr "  Ezen csomaghoz nincs függőség"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "  függőség: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr "   Teljesítetlen függőség"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Találat a következőtől:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Licenc      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Fájlnév     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "Ellátja : "
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Egyéb       : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "Hiba történt a teljes letöltési méret számítása során"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Teljes méret: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Teljes letöltési méret: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "Telepített méret: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr "Hiba történt a telepített méret számítása során"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "Újratelepítés"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "Visszaállítás"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Telepítés a függőségeknek"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Frissítés a függőségeknek"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Eltávolítás a függőségeknek"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Kihagyva (függőségi problémák)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "Nem telepítve"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nem elérhető"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Csomag"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] "Csomag"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Arch"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Verzió"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Tároló"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Méret"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr "     lecserélés  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Tranzakció Összegzés\n"
++msgstr "\nTranzakció Összegzés\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "%5.5s csomag telepítése\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Telepítés"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "%5.5s csomag frissítése\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Frissítés"
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "%5.5s csomag eltávolítása\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Eltávolítás"
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "%5.5s csomag újratelepítése\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Újratelepítés"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "%5.5s csomag visszaállítva\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Visszaállítás"
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Függőben lévő csomag"
++msgstr[1] "Függőben lévő csomagok"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Eltávolítva"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Függőség Eltávolítva"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Függőség Telepítve"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Függőség Frissítve"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Lecserélve"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Sikertelen"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "kettő"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"A jelenlegi letöltés megszakítva, %s megszakítás (ctrl-c) mégegyszer %s, %s%s%s másodperc alatt\n"
+-"a kilépéshez.\n"
++msgstr "\nA jelenlegi letöltés megszakítva, %s megszakítás (ctrl-c) mégegyszer %s, %s%s%s másodperc alatt\na kilépéshez.\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "Felhasználó által megszakítva"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Összesen"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<üres>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "Rendszer"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Egyesített tranzakció kihagyása: %d, mivel fedi a %d tranzakciót."
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr "Nincsenek tranzakciók"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr "Rossz tranzakció azonosító vagy csomagnév lett megadva"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr "Parancssor"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr "Felhasználó"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "azonosító"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "Dátum és idő"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "Művelet(ek)"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "Változtatta"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Nem lett megadva tranzakció azonosító"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Rossz tranzakció azonosító lett megadva"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr "Nem található a megadott tranzakció azonosítója"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr "Több, mint egy tranzakció azonosító található!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr "Nem lett megadva tranzakció azonosító vagy csomag"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr "Visszaállítva"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "Régebbi"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "Újabb"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr "Tranzakció azonosító:"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr "Kezdés ideje   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr "rpmdb kezdete:"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr "(%u másodperc)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr "(%u perc)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr "(%u óra)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr "(%u nap)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "Befejezés ideje:"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr "rpmdb befejezése:"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "Felhasználó    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "Visszatérési érték:"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "Megszakítva"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr "Hibák:"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "Hiba:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "Siker"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "Parancssor     :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr "További nem alapértelmezett információ lett eltárolva: %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr "A tranzakció lezajlott a következővel:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "Módosított csomagok:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "Kihagyott csomagok:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Rpmdb hibák:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "Scriptlet kimenet:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "Hibák:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "Telepítés"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr "Függőség-Telepítés"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr "Elavulttá tevés"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "Törlés"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "Újratelepítés"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr "Visszaállítás"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "Frissítés"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "Időpont"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "1 napja"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "1 hete"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "2 hete"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "3 hónapja"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "6 hónapja"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "1 éve"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "Több, mint egy éve"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr "Nem található a következő tranzakció: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr "Tranzakció azonosító:"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "Rendelkezésre álló további információ az előzményekről:"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s: Nem található további adat erre a névre"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Csomag        :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "Állapot          :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Méret           :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "Build kiszolgáló:"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "Build időpont:"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Csomagoló       :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Szállító         :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Licensz        :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URL            :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "Forrás RPM     :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "Beküldés időpont:"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "Beküldő   :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "Ok         :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "Tároló      :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "Telepítve általa   :"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "Megváltoztatva általa     :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "telepítve"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr "egy frissítés"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "törölve"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "újratelepítve"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr "egy visszaállítás"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr "visszaállítás"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "frissítve"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "elavult"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr "---> A(z) %s.%s %s:%s-%s csomaggal a következő történik: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> Tranzakció ellenőrzés futtatása"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr "--> Függőségvizsgálat újraindítása az új változásokkal."
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> A függőségvizsgálat véget ért"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> A(z) %s függőség feldolgozása a következő csomaghoz: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> Csomag megtartása: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr "---> A(z) %s Csomag megtartása a következő miatt: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Nem talált függőség: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "Csomag: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    Megkövetel: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Megkövetel: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        Nem található"
++msgstr "\n        Nem található"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "Frissítette"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr "Visszaállította"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr "Elavulttá tette"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "Elérhető"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> Konfliktus feldolgozása: %s ellentétben áll: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr "--> A tranzakció feltöltése csomagokkal. Kis türelmet."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+-msgstr ""
+-"---> A(z) %s fejlécének betöltése, hogy a tranzakcióhoz hozzáadhassuk."
++msgstr "---> A(z) %s fejlécének betöltése, hogy a tranzakcióhoz hozzáadhassuk."
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Ellenőrzés"
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Fut"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Alszik"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "Nem megszakítható"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Zombi"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Nyomozott/Megállított"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Ismeretlen"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  A másik alkalmazás: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  A másik alkalmazás: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Memória : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    Elindítva: %s - %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    Állapot  : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Felhasználó által megszakítva"
++msgstr "\n\nFelhasználó által megszakítva"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Kilépés megtört cső miatt (broken pipe)"
++msgstr "\n\nKilépés megtört cső miatt (broken pipe)"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-"Egy másik alkalmazás használja a yum zárat, ezért kilépünk, ahogy be van "
+-"állítva az exit_on_lock szerint"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Bővítmény-Összeomlási Hiba: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Yum Hiba: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Hiba: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr " Próbálja meg használni --skip kapcsolót a probléma elkerüléséhez"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr " Próbálja meg futtatni: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Ismeretlen Hiba: Kilépési Kód: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Függőségek Megtalálva"
++msgstr "\nFüggőségek Megtalálva"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Kész!"
+@@ -1517,7 +1652,7 @@ msgstr " Használat:\n"
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "Csak a root felhasználó futtathatja ezt a parancsot."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1532,584 +1667,650 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ön engedélyezte a csomagok GPG kulcs alapú ellenőrzését. Ez egy jó dolog.\n"
+-"Viszont nem található egy GPG kulcs sem, ezért le kéne tölteni\n"
+-"a csomagokhoz tartozó kulcsokat, és telepíteni őket.\n"
+-"A következő parancs segítségével végezheti ezt el:\n"
+-"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
+-"Akár megadhatja a használni kívánt url címét a kulcsnak a tárolóknál\n"
+-"a 'gpgkey' opció alatt, így a yum telepíteni fogja majd önnek.\n"
+-"További információért lépjen kapcsolatba a disztribúciójával ill. a csomagszolgáltatójával.\n"
++msgstr "\nÖn engedélyezte a csomagok GPG kulcs alapú ellenőrzését. Ez egy jó dolog.\nViszont nem található egy GPG kulcs sem, ezért le kéne tölteni\na csomagokhoz tartozó kulcsokat, és telepíteni őket.\nA következő parancs segítségével végezheti ezt el:\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nAkár megadhatja a használni kívánt url címét a kulcsnak a tárolóknál\na 'gpgkey' opció alatt, így a yum telepíteni fogja majd önnek.\n\nTovábbi információért lépjen kapcsolatba a disztribúciójával ill. a csomagszolgáltatójával.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Hibás tároló: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Hiba: Meg kell adni a csomagok listáját a következőhöz: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr "Hiba: Legalább kettő csomag szükséges a következőhöz: %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr "Hiba: Meg kell adni egy tároló azonosítót és további parancsokat a következőhöz: %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr "Hiba: Meg kell adni egy érvényes tárolóazonosítót a következőhöz: %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr "Hiba: A(z) %s tároló nincs engedélyezve"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "Hiba: egy elemnek legalább egyeznie kell"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Hiba: Szükség van legalább egy csoportra"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Hiba: a clean parancsnak szüksége van egy opcióra: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Hiba: helytelen clean argumentum: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "Nincs argumentum a héj felé"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Fájlnév átadva a héjnak: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr "A(z) %s nevű fájl nem létező argumentumot adott át a héjnak."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr "Hiba: több, mint egy fájl lett átadva argumentumként a héjnak."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nincsenek engedélyezett tárolók.\n"
+-"Futtassa a \"yum repolist all\" parancsot a tárolók listázásához.\n"
+-"A következő paranccsal engedélyezhet tárolót:\n"
+-" yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
++msgstr "Nincsenek engedélyezett tárolók.\nFuttassa a \"yum repolist all\" parancsot a tárolók listázásához.\nA következő paranccsal engedélyezhet tárolót:\n yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "CSOMAG..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Csomag(ok) telepítése a rendszerre"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "Telepítési folyamat megkezdése"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[CSOMAG...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Csomag(ok) frissítése a rendszeren"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "Frissítési folyamat megkezdése"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr "Telepített csomagok szinkronizálása a legfrissebb verzióhoz"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr "Disztribúció szinkronizálási folyamat megkezdése"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Részletek megjelenítése egy csomagról vagy egy csomagcsoportról"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Telepített csomagok"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Elérhető csomagok"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Extra csomagok"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Frissített csomagok"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Elavult csomagok"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Nemrégiben hozzáadott csomagok"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "Nem található csomag"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Csomag vagy csomagcsoport listázása"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Csomag(ok) eltávolítása a rendszerből"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "Eltávolítási folyamat megkezdése"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Megjeleníti, vagy használja a csoportinformációkat"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "Csoport folyamat megkezdése"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "Nem található csoport, amin futtatható a parancs"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Elérhető Csomagcsoportok listázása"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Csoportban lévő csomagok telepítése"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Hibás csoport al-parancs, kérem, használja: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Csoportban lévő csomagok eltávolítása"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "Nincs telepített csoportfájl."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Részletek megjelenítése egy csoportról"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "Önnek nincs hozzáférési jogosultsága a csoport DB-hez."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "Metaadat-gyorsítótár generálása"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "Gyorsítótár készítése az összes metaadat fájlhoz."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr "Ez eltarthat egy darabig a számítógép sebességétől függően"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "Metaadat gyorsítótár létrehozva"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "Gyorsítótárazott adat eltávolítása"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "Megtalálja, mely csomag tartalmazza a megadott értéket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "Csomagfrissítések ellenőrzése"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "Csomagrészletek keresése egy megadott szöveg alapján"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "Csomagok keresése: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Csomagok frissítése az elavultakat is számításba véve"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Frissítési folyamat megkezdése"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Helyi RPM telepítése"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "Helyi csomagolási folyamat megkezdése"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Megállapítja, melyik csomag tartalmazza a megadott függőséget"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "Csomagfüggőségek keresése:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Interaktív yum shell futtatása"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Yum Shell indítása"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "Egy csomag függőségeinek listázása"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "Függőségek keresése: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Beállított szoftverforrások megjelenítése"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "engedélyezett"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "tiltott"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr "Tároló-azonosító: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr "Tároló-név   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "Tároló-állapot: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Tároló-vizsgálat:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "Tároló-címkék : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Tároló-diszt.-címkék: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr "Tároló-frissítve: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr "Tároló-csomagok: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "Tároló-méret  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr "Tároló-baseurl: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "Tároló-metalink: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  Frissítve  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr "Tároló-tükrök: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Soha (utoljára: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Most (utoljára: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s másodperc (utoljára: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr "Tároló-lejárat: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr "Tároló-kizárás:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr "Tároló-tartalmaz: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr "Tároló-kizárt: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tároló-fájlnév: "
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "tároló azon"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "állapot"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "tároló név"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Egy használati tipp mutatása"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "Nincs súgó az alábbi témakörben: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"alias-ok: "
++msgstr "\n\nalias-ok: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"alias: "
++msgstr "\n\nalias: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "Újratelepítő folyamat indítása"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "egy csomag újratelepítése"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Visszaállítási folyamat indítása"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "egy csomag visszaállítása"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr "Verzió és/vagy elérhető tárolók megjelenítése"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr " Yum verzió csoportok:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " Csoport   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr "Csomagok:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "Telepített:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr "Telepített csoport:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Elérhető:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "Elérhető csoport:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr "Korábbi tranzakciók használata vagy megjelenítése"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Tranzakciók:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "Kezdés ideje   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "Befejezés ideje:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "Összesen     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  rpm DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  yum DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr "Helytelen alparancs az előzményekhez, használja a következőt: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr "Ön nem tudja elérni az előzmények adatbázisát."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Hibák keresése az rpmdb-ben"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr "egy elmentett tranzakció betöltése fájlnév alapján"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nincs meghatározva az elmentett tranzakció fájlja."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "tranzakciók betöltések a következőből: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tranzakció betöltve innen: %s, %s taggal"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr "Egyszerű módja a csomagok cserélésének a shell használata nélkül"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr "Egy tároló csoportként való kezelése, ezáltal mindet tudjuk telepíteni, ill. eltávolítani"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] "%d csomag frissítendő"
++msgstr[1] "%d csomag frissítendő"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d csomag eltávolítandó/újratelepítendő"
++msgstr[1] "%d csomag eltávolítandó/újratelepítendő"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] "%d csomag eltávolítandó/szinkronizálandó"
++msgstr[1] "%d csomag eltávolítandó/szinkronizálandó"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr "Nincs érvényes al-parancs a következőhöz: %s"
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Yum ellenőrzés meghiúsult: %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Egy másik alkalmazás jelenleg használja a yum zárolást; várakozás annak "
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Nincs olvasási/végrehajtási jogosultság a jelenlegi könyvtárban, továbblépés ide: /"
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Nincs getcwd() jogosultság a jelenlegi könyvtárban, továbblépés ide: /"
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "Függőségek megállapítása"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "Az ön tranzakciója mentve, újra futtathatja a következővel:\n yum load-transaction %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Kilépés felhasználói megszakítás miatt."
++msgstr "\n\nKilépés felhasználói megszakítás miatt."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "A doTsSetup() már nem lesz elérhető a későbbi Yum verziókban.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr "Tranzakciók indítása a konfigurációs osztályok felállása előtt"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "Hibás tsflag a következő konfigurációs fájlban: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "Keresés a pkgSack-ben függőség után: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Tag: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "A(z) %s át lett konvertálva telepítéshez"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "A(z) %s nevű csomag hozzáadása %s módban"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "A következő csomag eltávolítása: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "A(z) %s megköveteli a következőket: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "A(z) %s megköveteli a következőt: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "A szükséges dolognak már utánanéztek, lecsaljuk"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "A megkövetelt dolog nem csomag, ezért utánanézünk: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Lehetséges Szolgáltató: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "A mód %s a(z) %s kiszolgáló felé: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "A(z) %s nevű csomag szolgáltatásának módja: %s"
+@@ -2117,1042 +2318,1140 @@ msgstr "A(z) %s nevű csomag szolgáltatásának módja: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kisérlet a(z) %s frissítésére a függőségek feloldásához"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nem található frissítési útvonal a következőhöz: %s."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr "Nem található frissítési útvonal a következőhöz: %s. A hiba ezen követelményből ered: %s!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr "Frissítés a következőhöz: %s. Nem javítja a követelményt: %s!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: A(z) %s nevű csomaghoz szükséges a(z) %s törlése"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s lecserélése függőség miatt a következőre: %s."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s frissítése függőség miatt."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr "Nem található frissítési útvonal a következőhöz: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "A(z) %s követelménye %s (gyors találattal)"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s az ellátandó csomagoknál található, bár telepítve van, ezért "
++msgstr "%s az ellátandó csomagoknál található, bár telepítve van, ezért eltávolítjuk."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+-msgstr ""
+-"A lehetséges %s nevű csomag már újabb verzióval szerepel a tranzakcióban."
++msgstr "A lehetséges %s nevű csomag már újabb verzióval szerepel a tranzakcióban."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr "A lehetséges %s nevű csomagból már újabb verzió van telepítve."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "A(z) %s már szerepel a tranzakcióban, kihagyás"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s bejelölése a(z) %s frissítéseként"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: A(z) %s telepítésre való bejelölése a következőhöz: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Siker - üres tranzakció"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "Folyamat újraindítása"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Függőségkezelő folyamat végetért"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Siker - függőségek megoldva"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "Függőségek keresése a következőre: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "A(z) %s keresése, mint a(z) %s szükséglete."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "A compare_providers() parancs futtatása a következőhöz: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "Jobb architektúra a következőben: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "A(z) %s már újabb, mint a(z) %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"archdist osszehasonlítva %s a következőhöz: %s a következőn: %s\n"
+-"  Nyertes: %s"
++msgstr "archdist osszehasonlítva %s a következőhöz: %s a következőn: %s\n  Nyertes: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "gyakori forrásrpm %s és %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr "legjobb %s nevű csomag telepítve van a következőhöz: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "gyakori előtag a következőre: %s, %s és %s között"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr "minimum szükséges: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "provides vercmp: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr " Nyertes: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "minimum szükséges: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr " Vesztes(ezzel: %d): %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Legjobb sorrend: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "A doConfigSetup() már nem lesz elérhető a későbbi Yum verziókban.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr "Nem olvasható tároló kihagyása: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr "%r tároló: Hiba a konfigurációs fájl elemzése során: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+-msgstr ""
+-"A %r tárolónak hiányzik a neve a konfigurációban, ezért azonosítót "
++msgstr "A %r tárolónak hiányzik a neve a konfigurációban, ezért azonosítót használunk."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "a bővítmények már betöltődtek"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "A doRpmDBSetup() már nem lesz elérhető a későbbi Yum verziókban.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "Helyi RPMDB beolvasása"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "A doRepoSetup() már nem lesz elérhető a későbbi Yum verziókban.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "A doSackSetup() már nem lesz elérhető a későbbi Yum verziókban.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "Tárolók csomagjainak előkészítése"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr "A következő tárolóobjektumból hiányzik a _resetSack metódus: %s\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "ezért ezt a tárolót nem lehet visszaállítani.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "A doUpdateSetup() már nem lesz elérhető a későbbi Yum verziókban.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "Frissítési objektum létrehozása"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "A doGroupSetup() már nem lesz elérhető a későbbi Yum verziókban.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "Csoport metaadatok beszerzése"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Csoportfájl hozzáadása a következő tárolóból: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr "Nem sikerült megszerezni a csoport fájlt a tárolóhoz: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Sikertelen a csoportfájl hozzáadása a következő tárolónál: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "Nincsenek elérhető csoportok egy tárolóban sem"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr "pkgtags metaadatok beszerzése"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Címkék hozzáadása a következő tárolóból: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Sikertelen a címkék hozzáadása a következő tárolóból:%s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "További fájllista információk importálása"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "A következő program megtalálható a yum-utils csomagban: %s%s%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Félbehagyott tranzakciók találhatóak. Ha be kívánja azokat fejezni, "
+-"használja a yum-complete-transaction parancsot."
++msgstr "Félbehagyott tranzakciók találhatóak. Ha be kívánja azokat fejezni, használja a yum-complete-transaction parancsot."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--> Szükségtelen függőségek keresése"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Védett multilib verzió: %s != %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr "Multilib verzióból adódó hiba található. Ez gyakran azt jeleneti, hogy\na probléma gyökere máshol van, a multilib verzió ellenőrzés csak\nrámutat hiba létezésére. Pl.:\n\n1. Egy frissítés a(z) %(name)s csomaghoz nem talál egy függőséget,\namit egy másik megkövetel. A yum ezt a(z) %(name)s csomag régebbi\nváltozatának a telepítésével próbálja orvosolni az eltérő architektúrához.\nHa ön kizárja a rossz architektúrát, a yum meg fogja mondani a hiba\ngyökerét (mely csomag mit követel meg). Újra megpróbálhatja a telepítést\naz --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... paraméterekkel. Ezzel egy\nhibaüzenethez jutunk el, ami rámutat a hiba gyökerére.\n\n2. Önnek több %(name)s nevű csomagja telepítve van különböző\narchitektúrákkal, viszont a yum csak az egyiknek a frissítését látja.\nHa önnek már nincs szüksége mindegyik architektúrára, akkor\neltávolíthatja az egyiket, melynél hiányoznak a frissítések, így\nminden működni fog újra.\n\n3. Önnek több verzióval van telepítve a(z) %(name)s nevű csomagja.\nHasználhatja a \"yum check\" parancsot ezen hibák megjelenítésére.\n\n...továbbá használhatja a --setopt=protected_multilib=false kapcsolót\nezen ellenőrzés kihagyásához, habár ez szinte sosem javítja meg a hibás\nműködést, inkább csak tovább ront a helyzeten.\n\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr "Próbálkozás a(z) \"%s\" eltávolításával, ami védett"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Az alábbi csomagok ki lettek hagyva függőségi problémák miatt:"
++msgstr "\nAz alábbi csomagok ki lettek hagyva függőségi problémák miatt:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s a következőből: %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"** %d már meglévő rpmdb probléma található, 'yum check' kimenet pedig a "
++msgstr "** %d már meglévő rpmdb probléma található, 'yum check' kimenet pedig a következő:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr "Figyelem: RPMDB a yumon kívülről lett megváltoztatva."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr "követelmények hiányoznak"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr "konfliktusokat teremtett"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Figyelem: scriptlet vagy egyéb nem végzetes hiba adódott a tranzakció során."
++msgstr "Figyelem: scriptlet vagy egyéb nem végzetes hiba adódott a tranzakció során."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr "A tranzakció nem indítható:"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr "Tranzakció futtatása meghiúsult."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "A következő tranzakció-fájl eltávolítása meghiúsult: %s"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+-msgstr ""
+-"A(z) %s nevű csomagnak már telepítve kellett volna lennie, habár nincs."
++msgstr "A(z) %s nevű csomagnak már telepítve kellett volna lennie, habár nincs."
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+-msgstr ""
+-"A(z) %s nevű csomagok már el kellett volna távolítani, habár ez még nem "
+-"történt meg."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "A zárolás feloldása nem lehetséges: %s: %s"
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Nem lehetséges az ellenőrzés, ha a %s PID aktív"
++msgstr "A(z) %s nevű csomagok már el kellett volna távolítani, habár ez még nem történt meg."
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr "Már le van zárva %s: egy másik példány fut a következő pid-vel: %s"
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr "Nem zárható le a következő: %s: %s "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "A zárolás feloldása nem lehetséges: %s: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Nem lehetséges az ellenőrzés, ha a %s PID aktív"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-msgstr ""
+-"A csomag nem egyezik a várt letöltéssel. Ajánlott futtatni az alábbi parancsot:\n"
+-"yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr "A csomag nem egyezik a várt letöltéssel. Ajánlott futtatni az alábbi parancsot:\nyum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "Ellenőrzőösszeg végrehajtása nem lehetséges"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "A csomag nem egyezik az ellenőrzőösszeggel"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"A csomag nem egyezik az ellenőrzőösszeggel, de a gyorsítótárazás "
+-"engedélyezett a következőhöz: %s"
++msgstr "A csomag nem egyezik az ellenőrzőösszeggel, de a gyorsítótárazás engedélyezett a következőhöz: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "helyi másolat használata a következőhöz: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nincs elég hely a letöltési könyvtárban: %s\n"
+-"    * szabad    %s\n"
+-"    * szükséges %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
++msgstr "kilépés a --downloadonly kapcsoló miatt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "A fejléc nem teljes."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"A fejléc nem található meg a helyi gyorsítótárban és a \"csak "
+-"gyorsítótárazás\" mód be van kapcsolva. Nem tölthető le a következő: %s"
++msgstr "A fejléc nem található meg a helyi gyorsítótárban és a \"csak gyorsítótárazás\" mód be van kapcsolva. Nem tölthető le a következő: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "A publikus kulcs nincs telepítve a következőhöz: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Hiba a következő csomag megnyitásánál: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "A publikus kulcs nem megbízható a következőhöz: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "A következő csomag nincs aláírva: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "Nem távolítható el: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s eltávolítva"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "Nem távolítható el a %s nevű fájl: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s fájl %s eltávolította"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s fájl eltávolítva"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d %s fájl eltávolítva"
++msgstr[1] "%d %s fájl eltávolítva"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "Több, mint egy azonos találat a tömbben a következőre: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "Semmi sem egyezik a következővel: %s.%s %s:%s-%s a frissítésből"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"A searchPackages() parancs már nem lesz elérhető a későbbi Yum verziókban.\n"
+-"Kérjük, inkább használja a searchGenerator() parancsot helyette.\n"
++msgstr "A searchPackages() parancs már nem lesz elérhető a későbbi Yum verziókban.\nKérjük, inkább használja a searchGenerator() parancsot helyette.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "%d csomag keresése"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "%d csomag keresése"
++msgstr[1] "%d csomag keresése"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "A következő csomag keresése: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "Keresés fájlbejegyzésekben"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "Keresés ellátási bejegyzésekben"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "Nincsenek elérhető csoportadatok a beállított tárolókban"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Nincs %s nevű csoport"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "A(z) %s nevű csomag nem lett bejelölve a következő csoportban: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "%s csomag átugrása a(z) %s csoportból"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "A(z) %s nevű csomag hozzáadás a következő csoportból: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "Nincs telepíthető csomag %s néven."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr "Figyelem: A(z) %s nevű csoport nem tartalmaz telepíthető csomagokat."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "A(z) %s csoportnak %u feltételes csomagja van, amelyek lehet, hogy telepítésre kerülnek."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr "A(z) %s csoport kihagyása a következő környezetből: %s"
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "A csomagtömbben nem található leíró a következőre: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Az rpmdb nem tartalmaz csomagleírót a következőre: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Érvénytelen verzió: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "Nem található csomag a következőre: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Figyelem: A(z) %s Környezeti Csoport nem létezik."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr "Csomag: %s - nem használható a co-install telepítése a következővel: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "A Csomag Objektum nem egy csomag-objektum példány"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "Semmi sem lett megadva telepítésnek"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Virtuális szolgáltatása vagy fájlszolgáltatás ellenőrzése a következőre: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "Nincs találat a következő argumentumra: %s"
++msgstr "Virtuális szolgáltatása vagy fájlszolgáltatás ellenőrzése a következőre: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "A(z) %s nevű csomag telepítve, bár nem érhető el"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "Nincsenek elérhető csomagok telepítésre"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "Csomag: %s  - már szerepel a tranzakcióban"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "A csomag %s cserélve lett a következőre: %s, ami már telepítve van"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+-msgstr ""
+-"A(z) %s nevű csomag már elavult a következő miatt: %s, bár ez nem teljesíti "
+-"a követelményeket"
++msgstr "A(z) %s nevű csomag már elavult a következő miatt: %s, bár ez nem teljesíti a követelményeket"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+-msgstr ""
+-"A(z) %s nevű csomag már elavult a következő miatt: %s, próbálkozás inkább "
+-"a(z) %s telepítésével"
++msgstr "A(z) %s nevű csomag már elavult a következő miatt: %s, próbálkozás inkább a(z) %s telepítésével"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "A(z) %s nevű csomag már a legfrissebb verzióval rendelkezik"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+-msgstr ""
+-"A csomag, mely megegyezik a következővel: %s, már telepítve van. Frissítések"
+-" keresése."
++msgstr "A csomag, mely megegyezik a következővel: %s, már telepítve van. Frissítések keresése."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "Minden frissítése"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Azon csomagok nem lesznek frissítve, melyek már elavultak: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "Azon csomagok nem lesznek frissítve, melyek már elavultak: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Nincs találat a következő argumentumra: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Nincs frissítendő csomag az alábbira: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "A következő csomag már elavult: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "A következő elavult csomag nem lesz frissítve: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Azon csomagok nem lesznek frissítve, melyek már frissítve vannak: %s.%s "
++msgstr "Azon csomagok nem lesznek frissítve, melyek már frissítve vannak: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "Nem található csomag eltávolításra"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "Nincs eltávolítandó csomag az alábbira: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr "A futó kernel kihagyása: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr "%s eltávolítása a tranzakcióból"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Nem nyitható meg a következő: %s. Kihagyás."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "%s felülvizsgálata: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nem lehet helyileg telepíteni a következő deltarpm fájlt: %s. Kihagyás."
++msgstr "Nem lehet helyileg telepíteni a következő deltarpm fájlt: %s. Kihagyás."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nem lehet a(z) %s csomagot hozzáadni a tranzakcióhoz. Nincs kompatibilis "
+-"architektúra: %s"
++msgstr "Nem lehet a(z) %s csomagot hozzáadni a tranzakcióhoz. Nincs kompatibilis architektúra: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nem lehet telepíteni a következő csomagot: %s. Ez már elavultnak számít a "
+-"ezen telepített csomag miatt: %s"
++msgstr "Nem lehet telepíteni a következő csomagot: %s. Ez már elavultnak számít a ezen telepített csomag miatt: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"A(z) %s nevű csomag már telepítve van, frissítése nem lehetséges. Kérjük, "
+-"használja ehelyett a yum install parancsot a telepítéséhez."
++msgstr "A(z) %s nevű csomag már telepítve van, frissítése nem lehetséges. Kérjük, használja ehelyett a yum install parancsot a telepítéséhez."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "A következő csomag nincs telepítve: %s.%s, ezért nem lehet frissíteni. Futtassa a \"yum install\" parancsot a telepítéshez."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "%s kizárása"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "%s megjelölése telepítésre"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "%s megjelölése, mint %s frissítése"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: nem frissíti a telepített csomagot."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Nem nyitható meg a következő fájl: %s. Kihagyás."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr "Probléma az újratelepítésnél: egy csomag sem eltávolítandó"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Probléma az újratelepítésnél: nem található %s nevű csomag telepítéshez"
++msgstr "Probléma az újratelepítésnél: nem található %s nevű csomag telepítéshez"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "Nincsenek elérhető csomagok visszaállításhoz"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "A(z) %s csomag többször is telepíthető, kihagyás"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "Nem található csomag a következőre: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Csak frissítés érhető el a következő csomagnál: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr "Visszaállítás meghiúsult: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Sikertelen frissítés: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "GPG kulcs beszerzése a következőből: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "GPG kulcs beszerzés meghiúsult: "
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "A(z) %s GPG kulcs aláírása nem egyezik a tároló CA kulcsával: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "A GPG kulcs sikeresen ellenőrizve lett a CA kulcsokkal"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Hibás GPG kulcs a következőből: %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "GPG kulcs elemzés meghiúsult: a kulcs nem tartalmaz értéket: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "A(z) %s kulcs importálása 0x%s:\n Felhasználó: \"%s\"\n Ujjlenyomat: %s\n Csomag       : %s (%s)\n Származás  : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "A(z) %s kulcs importálása 0x%s:\n Felhasználó: \"%s\"\n Ujjlenyomat: %s\n Származás  : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\nSikertelen csomag: %s\nGPG kulcsok beállításai: %s\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "A következő GPG kulcs már telepítve van: %s (0x%s)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "A kulcs importálása meghiúsult (hibakód %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "A kulcs importálása sikeres"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nem lett telepítve egyetlen kulcs sem"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"A GPG kulcsok a(z) \"%s\" nevű tárolóhoz már telepítve vannak, de nem jók ehhez a csomaghoz.\n"
+-"Kérjük, ellenőrizze, hogy az URL címek helyesen vannak-e megadva ezen tárolóhoz."
++msgstr "A GPG kulcsok a(z) \"%s\" nevű tárolóhoz már telepítve vannak, de nem jók ehhez a csomaghoz.\nKérjük, ellenőrizze, hogy az URL címek helyesen vannak-e megadva ezen tárolóhoz."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "A kulcsok importálása nem segített, rossz kulcsok?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "Nem"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Igen"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\nCA Kulcs: %s\nSikertelen tároló: %s\nGPG kulcsok beállításai: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "A következő GPG kulcs már telepítve van: %s (0x%s)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "A kulcs importálása meghiúsult"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "%s kulcs importálása sikertelen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nem lett telepítve egyetlen kulcs sem a következő tárolóhoz: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"A GPG kulcsok a(z) \"%s\" nevű tárolóhoz már telepítve vannak, de nem jók.\n"
+-"Kérjük, ellenőrizze, hogy az URL címek helyesen vannak-e megadva ezen tárolóhoz."
++msgstr "A GPG kulcsok a(z) \"%s\" nevű tárolóhoz már telepítve vannak, de nem jók.\nKérjük, ellenőrizze, hogy az URL címek helyesen vannak-e megadva ezen tárolóhoz."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "Nem található megfelelő tükörszerver."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Hiba történt a csomagok letöltése közben."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Kérjük, jelentse ezt a hibát a következő címen: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Tranzakció teszt hibák: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr "Gyorsítótár-mappa beállítása meghiúsult: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "A függőségek feloldása még nincs kész. Nem lehet a függőben lévő tranzakciót menteni."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "A következő tranzakciófájl mentése meghiúsult: %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Az elmentett tranzakció beolvasása meghiúsult: %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr "rpmdb ver eltér a mentett tranzakció verziójától,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nem található a tsflags, vagy a tsflags nem egész szám."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "txmbr található a jelenleg ismeretlen állapotban: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nem található txmbr: %s állapotban %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nem található txmbr: %s, innen: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "A tranzakció elemek, tranzakció-viszonyok hiányoznak, vagy a ts feltehetően megváltozott,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " átugorva, ahogy kérte. Szükséges a redepsolve!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s már el van végezve, nem eltávolítható."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "A következő revdeps elemzése: %s"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s revdep felhaszáló által lett telepítve: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr "A(z) %s telepítése szükséges egy csomaghoz."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "Nem található felhasználó által telepített revdep: %s"
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Betöltött bővítmények: "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "Nem találhatóak bővítmények a következőre: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "A(z) \"%s\" nevű bővítmény betöltésének kihagyása, mert le van tiltva"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "A(z) \"%s\" nevű bővítmény nem importálható"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "A(z) \"%s\" nevű bővítmény nem felel meg a megkövetelt API verziónak"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "A(z) \"%s\" nevű bővítmény megköveteli a %s APIt. Támogatott API: %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "A következő bővítmény betöltése: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Kettő vagy több plugin már léteik a keresési útvonalon a következő néven: %s"
++msgstr "Kettő vagy több plugin már léteik a keresési útvonalon a következő néven: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "A következő konfigurációs fájl nem található: %s"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "Nem található konfigurációs fájl a következő bővítményhez: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "parancsok regisztrációja nem támogatott"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr "hiányoznak követelmények"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr "konfliktusokat teremtett"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr "%s egy másolat a következőhöz: %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr "%s már elavult a következő miatt: %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr "%s ellátja a következőt: %s, de nem található"
+@@ -3161,6 +3460,23 @@ msgstr "%s ellátja a következőt: %s, de nem található"
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "Újracsomagolás"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Ellenőrzés: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Nincs elég hely a letöltési könyvtárban: %s\n    * szabad    %s\n    * szükséges %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr "Ez nem az általunk letölteni kívánt csomag."
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3173,9 +3489,7 @@ msgstr "RPM %s md5 ellenőrzése hibát mutat"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nem nyitható meg olvasásra az RPM adatbázis. Elképzelhető, hogy már "
+-"használatban van."
++msgstr "Nem nyitható meg olvasásra az RPM adatbázis. Elképzelhető, hogy már használatban van."
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+@@ -3191,5 +3505,3 @@ msgstr "Sérült Fejléc %s"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Hiba a következő rpm megnyitásánál: %s - hiba: %s"
+diff --git a/po/id.po b/po/id.po
+index 2fbdf46..bb0fb51 100644
+--- a/po/id.po
++++ b/po/id.po
+@@ -2,1477 +2,1646 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
++# Translators:
++# Henkie Prabancono <henkie.prabancono@gmail.com>, 2013.
++# Muhammad Panji <sumodirjo@gmail.com>, 2012-2013.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Indonesian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/id/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-21 21:49+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Muhammad Panji <sumodirjo@gmail.com>\n"
++"Language-Team: Indonesian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/id/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: id\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sedang memperbarui"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "menghapus"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sedang melakukan instalasi"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Telah usang"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Telah diperbarui"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Telah dihapus"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Telah dilakukan instalasi"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak ada header - yah?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mengulang pemaketan"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kesalahan: status keluaran tidak sah: %s untuk %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Telah dihapus: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sedang menghapus"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pembersihan"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Perintah \"%s\" telah didefinisikan sebelumnya"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sedang Menyiapkan repositori"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sedang membaca metadata dari repositori yang ada di arsip lokal"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kesalahan pada konfigurasi: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kesalahan pada Opsi-opsi: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  Telah dilakukan instalasi: %s-%s pada %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  Telah dibangun di    : %s pada %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  Telah di-commit: %s pada %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Anda perlu menambahkan beberapa perintah"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak terdapat perintah seperti yang Anda maksudkan: %s. Silakan mencoba menggunakan %s --help"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kebutuhan Disk:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "  Sekurang-kurangnya dibutuhkan %dMB ruang tambahan pada harddisk untuk berkas sistem %s\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ringkasan kesalahan\n-------------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Tidak mampu membuat berkas lock, keluar"
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Saat ini, aplikasi lain sedang mengunci penggunaan yum; bisa dikonfigurasikan untuk dilepas dengan cara exit_on_lock"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
++msgstr "Mencoba untuk menjalankan transaksi, namun tidak ada yang bisa dijalankan. Keluar."
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " mengabaikan, sesuai dengan permintaan."
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr " menggugurkan."
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Keluar karena perintah pengguna"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mengunduh Paket:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kesalahan dalam pengunduhan paket-paket:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menjalankan Pengujian Transaksi"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "KESAHALAHAN Anda perlu meng-update rpm untuk mengatasi:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "KESALAHAN pada pengujian transaksi vs depsolve:"
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "RPM perlu diperbarui"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mohon untuk melaporkan kesalahan pada %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menjalankan pengujian transaksi"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kesalahan pemeriksaan Transaksi:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pengujian Transaksi telah Berhasil"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menjalankan Transaksi"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menolak untuk secara otomatis meng-impor kunci-kunci ketika dijalankan tanpa pengawasan. Gunakan \"-y\" untuk mengabaikan persyaratan."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  * Mungkin yang Anda maksudkan adalah:"
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket(s) %s%s%s tersedia, akan tetapi belum/tidak dilakukan instalasi."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak tersedia paket %s%s%s."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr "Argumen %s salah %s."
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "akan di-instalasi %d paket"
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak ada yang bisa dilakukan"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket telah ditandai untuk diperbarui"
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak ada paket yang ditandai untuk Pembaruan"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket telah ditandai untuk Sinkronisasi Distribusi"
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak ada paket yang telah ditandai untuk Sinkronisasi Distribusi"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket telah ditandai untuk penghapusan"
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak ada paket yang telah ditandai untuk penghapusan"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket untuk di-downgrade"
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " (dari %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket yang telah di-instalasi %s%s%s%s tidak tersedia."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket untuk diinstalasi ulang"
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket-paket tidak tersedia"
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Paket(s) yang akan di-instalasi"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "N/S telah sesuai: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  %sHanya cocok dengan%s nama dan ringkasan, gunakan \"search all\" untuk semuanya / everything."
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  %sHanya cocok dengan%s nama lengkap dan ringkasan, gunakan \"search all\" untuk semuanya / everything."
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Cocok: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  %sHanya sesuai%s dengan nama dan ringkasan, gunakan \"search all\" untuk semuanya / everything."
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Peringatan: Tidak ditemukan kecocokan untuk: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kecocokan tidak ditemukan"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "Kesalahan: Tidak ditemukan paket-paket untuk:\n  %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pembersihan repos:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pembersihan Semuanya:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pembersihan Headers"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pembersihan Paket-paket"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pembersihan metadata xml"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pembersihan cache database"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pembersihan cache dari metadata yang telah habis masa berlakunya"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pembersihan cache dari data rpmdb"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
++msgstr "Pembersihan plugins"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Grup-grup yang sudah di-instalasi:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Grup-grup bahasa yang telah di-instalasi:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Grup-grup yang tersedia:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
++msgstr "Grup-grup bahasa yang tersedia:"
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
++msgstr "Selesai dilakukan"
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1859
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Peringatan: Grup %s tidak ada."
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Dalam grup yang diminta, tidak tersedia paket-paket untuk proses instalasi maupun pembaruan"
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket untuk di-instalasi"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak ada group bernama %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak ada paket-paket yang dihapus dari grup-grup"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket untuk dihapus"
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket %s telah di-instalasi, lewati"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Membuang paket %s.%s tidak bisa dibandingkan"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak ada instalasi %s yang lain, ditambahkan pada daftar untuk potensi instalasi"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Opsi-opsi plugins"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kesalahan pada baris perintah: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s: opsi %s membutuhkan sebuah argumen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--color bisa diambil dari salah satu: auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--installroot harus merupakan path absolut: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "menampilkan pesan bantuan ini kemudian keluar"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "bersikap toleran terhadap kesalahan-kesalahan"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "dijalankan keseluruhannya dari cache sistem, jangan melakukan pembaruan cache"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "lokasi berkas konfigurasi"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "batas waktu maksimum untuk menunggu perintah"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "level keluaran proses debug"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "tunjukkan duplikasi, dalam repos, dalam daftar/pencarian perintah"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "level keluaran untuk kesalahan yang mungkin terjadi"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "proses debug level keluaran untuk rpm"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "operasi senyap :-d"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "operasi verbose"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "jawab ya untuk semua pertanyaan"
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "jawab tidak untuk semua pertanyaan"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "perlihatkan versi Yum dan kemudian keluar"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "atur lokasi instalasi root"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "aktifkan satu atau lebih repositori (diperbolehkan tanda \"*\" / wildcard)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "me-non-aktifkan satu atau lebih repositori (diperbolehkan tanda \"*\" / wildcard)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "mengecualikan paket(s) berdasarkan nama atau glob"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "me-non-aktifkan pengecualian dari \"main\", untuk sebuah repo atau untuk semuanya / everything"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "aktifkan proses-proses usang selama pembaruan"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "non-aktifkan plugins Yum"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "non-aktifkan pemeriksaan tanda-tangan gpg"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "non-aktifkan plugins berdasarkan nama"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "aktifkan plugins berdasarkan nama"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "abaikan paket-paket yang memiliki permasalahan-permasalahan depsolving"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "mengatur tata-cara penggunaan warna"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
++msgstr "atur nilai dari $releasever dalam konfigurasi yum dan berkas-berkas repo"
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
+-msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../cli.py:2351
++msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
++msgstr "atur konfigurasi arbiter dan opsi-opsi repo"
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Jan"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Feb"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mar"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Apr"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mei"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Jun"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Jul"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Agt"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sep"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Okt"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nov"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Des"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mencoba mirror yang lain:"
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nama        : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Arsitektur  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Epoch       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Versi       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Rilis       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ukuran      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Repo        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Asal repo   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Committer   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Waktu Commit: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Waktu pembangunan: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Install time: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Telah di-instalasi oleh: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Telah diubah oleh: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ringkasan   :"
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "URL         : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Lisensi     :"
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Deskripsi   :"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "y"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ya"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "t"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "tidak"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Apakah semuanya sudah ok [y/T]:"
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\nGrup : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Id-grup : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Deskripsi  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Bahasa  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Paket-paket Wajib:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Paket-paket Default:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Paket-paket opsional:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
++msgstr " Paket-paket kondisional:"
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr " Paket-paket ter-install:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "package: %s"
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:816
+-msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
++#, python-format
++msgid "package: %s"
++msgstr "paket  : %s"
++#: ../output.py:1219
++msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
++msgstr "  Tidak ada ketergantungan terhadap paket ini"
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  ketergantungan: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "   Ketergantungan yang belum terpenuhi"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Disesuaikan dari:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Lisensi     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nama berkas : %s"
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "Menyediakan :"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Lain-lain   :"
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Terdapat sebuah kesalahan dalam penghitungan ukuran total"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ukuran total: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ukuran unduhan total: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ukuran yang ter-install: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Terdapat sebuah kesalahan dalam penghitungan ukuran total"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Melakukan instalasi ulang"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Melakukan downgrade"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Melakukan instalasi untuk ketergantungan"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Melakukan pembaruan untuk ketergantungan"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Melakukan penghapusan untuk ketergantungan"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Diabaikan (masalah-masalah ketergantungan)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak di-instalasi"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak tersedia"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "Paket"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Arsitektur"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Versi"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Repositori"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ukuran"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "   menggantikan %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\nRingkasan Transaksi\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Instalasi"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Upgrade"
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Hapus"
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Instalasi ulang"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Downgrade"
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Paket-paket yang tergantung"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Telah dihapus"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ketergantungan telah Dihapus"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ketergantungan telah di-instalasi"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ketergantungan telah diperbarui"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Telah digantikan"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Gagal"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "dua"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n Unduhan saat ini telah dibatalkan, %sinterupsi dengan (ctrl-c) lagi%s dalam waktu %s%s%s detik \nuntuk keluar.\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "interupsi oleh pengguna"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Total"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "<unset>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sistem"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mengabaikan transaksi gabungan %d hingga %d, karena tumpang-tindih satu sama lain"
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tanpa transaksi-transaksi"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "IDs transaksi buruk, atau paket(s), diberikan"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Baris perintah"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Login pengguna"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tanggal dan Jam"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Aksi(s)"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Diubah"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak diberikan ID transaksi"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Diberikan ID transaksi yang keliru"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ID transaksi belum diberikan"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ditemukan lebih dari satu buah ID transaksi!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak diberikan ID transaksi maupun paket"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Telah di-downgrade"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Lebih tua"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Lebih baru"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ID Transaksi   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Awal mula      :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Awal rpmdb     :"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u detik)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u menit)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u jam)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u hari)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Akhir waktu    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Akhir rpmdb    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pengguna       :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kode-balik     :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Digugurkan"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kegagalan-kegagalan:"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kegagalan:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sukses"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Baris Perintah :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Informasi non-standar tambahan yang telah tersimpan: %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tansaksi dilakukan dengan :"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket-paket yang diubah:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket-paket yang diabaikan:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Permasalahan-permasalahan Rpmdb:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Keluaran Scriplet:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kesalahan-kesalahan:"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Dep-Install"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Akan usang"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Hapus"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Perbarui"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Waktu"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "1 hari terakhir"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "1 minggu terakhir"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "2 minggu terakhir"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "3 bulan terakhir"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "6 bulan terakhir"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "1 tahun terakhir"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Selama satu tahun yang lalu"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak ditemukan transaksi %s"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ID Transaksi  :"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sejarah informasi tambahan yang tersedia:"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s: Tidak ada data tambahan yang ditemukan dengan nama ini"
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Paket          :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "Status         :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Ukuran         :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "Dibangun pada host:"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "Dibangun pada waktu:"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Dipaketkan oleh:"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Vendor         :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Lisensi        :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URL            :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "RPM Sumber     :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "Jam commit     :"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "Pelaku commit  :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "Alasan         :"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "Asal repo      :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "Telah di-instalasi oleh:"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "Telah diubah oleh: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "telah di-instalasi"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "sebuah pembaruan"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "dihapus"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "telah dilakukan instalasi ulang"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "sebuah downgrade"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "akan usang"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "telah diperbarui"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "telah usang"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "---> Paket %s.%s %s:%s-%s akan %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--> Menjalankan pengujian transaksi"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--> Mengulangi resolusi ketergantungan dengan peubahan-peubahan baru"
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--> Resolusi ketergantungan telah diselesaikan"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--> Mem-proses ketergantungan: %s untuk paket: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--> Ketergantungan tidak terselesaikan: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n    Membutuhkan: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n        Tidak ditemukan"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Telah diperbarui Oleh"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Telah di-downgrade Oleh"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Telah di-usang-kan Oleh"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tersedia"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--> Memproses Konflik  : %s konflik %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--> Sedang melakukan populasi satuan transaksi dengan paket-paket terpilih. Mohon ditunggu."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "---> Sedang melakukan pengunduhan header %s untuk digabungkan ke dalam satuan transaksi."
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Melakukan verifikasi"
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sedang menjalankan"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sedang tidur"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak bisa di-interupsi"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Zombie"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Trace/Dihentikan"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak dikenal"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  Aplikasi yang lain adalah: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  Aplikas yang lain adalah: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "    Telah dimulai: %s - %s yang lalu"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "    Status : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\nKeluar, digagalkan oleh pengguna"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\nKeluar, karena Broken Pipe"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "PluginExit Kesalahan: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kesalahan Yum: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kesalahan: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Anda dapat mencoba untuk menggunakan --skip-broken untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Anda dapat mencoba untuk menjalankan: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kesalahan(s) tidak dikenal: Kode Exit: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\nKetergantungan-ketergantungan telah Diselesaikan"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Terselesaikan!"
+ #: ../yumcommands.py:42
+ msgid " Mini usage:\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Penggunaan mini:\n"
+ #: ../yumcommands.py:52
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Anda harus login sebagai root agar bisa menjalankan perintah ini."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1487,1584 +1656,1836 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\nAnda telah mengaktifkan pengawasan paket melalui kunci GPG. Ini adalah hal yang baik. \nNamun, Anda tidak memiliki kunci publik GPG yang ter-install pada sistem ini.Anda perlu mengunduh kunci untuk paket yang ingin Anda instalasi, kemudian lakukan instalasi kunci publik ini.\nInstalasi kunci publik bisa dilakukan dengan cara menjalankan perintah berikut:\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nAlternatif lain, Anda dapat menentukan url dari kunci yang ingin digunakan untuk sebuah repositori pada opsi 'gpgkey' di dalam konfigurasi repositori dan aplikasi yum akan melakukan instalasi kunci ini untuk Anda.\n\nUntuk informasi yang lebih lengkap, silakan menghubungi penyedia paket maupun penyedia distribusi sistem.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Permasalahan repositori: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
++msgstr "Kesalahan: Diperlukan untuk melewatkan daftar paket menuju %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
+-msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
+-msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
++msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
++msgstr "Kesalahan: Diperlukan sebuah item yang cocok"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
++msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
++msgstr "Kesalahan: Diperlukan sebuah grup ataupun daftar grup-grup"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
++msgstr "Kesalahan: pembersihan memerlukan sebuah opsi: %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kesalahan: argumen yang digunakan untuk pembersihan, keliru: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak ada argumen untuk shell"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nama berkas telah dilewatkan menuju shell: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak tersedia beerkas %s yang diberikan sebagai argumen kepada shell."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kesalahan: lebih dari satu berkas diberikan sebagai argumen kepada shell."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak terdapat repo yang aktif.\n Jalankan \"yum repolist all\" untuk melihat repo yang Anda miliki.\n Anda dapat mengaktifkan repo dengan menjalankan perintah yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "PAKET....."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Melakukan instalasi sebuah paket atau sekumpulan paket pada sistem yang Anda miliki"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menyiapkan Proses Instalasi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "[PAKET.....]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Perbarui sebuah paket atau sekumpulan paket pada sistem Anda"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menyiapkan Proses Pembaruan"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sinkronisasi paket-paket terinstalasi menuju versi terbaru yang tersedia"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menyiapkan Proses Sinkronisasi Distribusi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menampilkan detail sebuah paket atau grup dari paket-paket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket-paket yang telah ter-instalasi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket-paket yang Tersedia"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket-paket Tambahan"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket-paket yang telah Diperbarui"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket-paket yang akan usang"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket-paket yang baru saja Ditambahkan"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak ada kecocokan paket-paket dengan daftar yang ada"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Daftar sebuah paket atau grup-grup dari paket-paket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menghapus sebuah paket atau sekumpulan paket dari sistem Anda"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menyiapkan Proses Penghapusan"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Menampilkan, atau menggunakan, informasi dari grup-grup"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menyiapkan Proses Grup"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak ada grup-grup dimana perintah dijalankan"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Sub-perintah grup-grup yang keliru, gunakan: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "Tidak terdapat file dari grup-grup yang sudah ter-instalasi."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki akses terhadap DB grup-grup."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menghasilkan cache dari metadata"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Membuat cache dari berkas-berkas untuk semua berkas metadata."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Akan memakan waktu cukup lama, tergantung dari kecepatan yang dimiliki oleh komputer ini"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Cache dari Metadata telah Dibuat"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menghapus data yang sudah di-cache"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mencari paket apa yang disediakan oleh nilai yang sudah diberikan"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Memeriksan ketersediaan paket yang terbarui"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mencari detail paket untuk string yang sudah diberikan"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pencarian Paket-paket:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pembaruan paket-paket juga memasukkan kondisi usang"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menyiapkan Proses Upgrade"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Instalasi sebuah RPM lokal"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menyiapkan Proses Paket Lokal"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mencari Paket-paket untuk Ketergantungan:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menjalankan yum shell interaktif"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menyiapkan Yum Shell"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Daftar ketergantungan dari sebuah paket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mencari ketergantungan:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menampilkan repositori perangkat lunak terkonfigurasi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "diaktifkan"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "di-non-aktifkan"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Id-repo      :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nama-repo    :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Status-repo  :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Revisi-repo  :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Label-repo   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Label-distro-repo:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Repo-terbarui:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket-repo   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ukuran-repo  :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Baseurl-repo :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Metalink-repo:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  Terbarui   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mirror-repo  :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tak pernah (terakhir: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Instan (terakhir: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s detik(s) (terakhir: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Repo-kadaluwarsa:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Repo-terkecuali:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Repo-termasuk:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Repo-terkecualikan:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Namafile-repo:"
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "id repo"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "status"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "nama repo"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menampilkan sebuah penggunaan pesan"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak tersedia bantuan untuk %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\nalias-alias: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\nalias: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menyiapkan Proses Instalasi Ulang"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "instalasi ulang sebuah paket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menyiapkan Proses Downgrade"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "downgrade sebuah paket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menampilkan sebuah versi dari mesin dan/atau repo-repo yang tersedia."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Versi yum dari grup-grup:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Grup    :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Paket-paket:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ter-instalasi:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Grup-Terinstalasi:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tersedia :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Grup-Tersedia  :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menampilkan, atau menggunakan, sejarah transaksi"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Transaksi-transaksi:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "Awal mula   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "Akhir waktu :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "Jumlah      :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  DB rpm :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  DB yum :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sub-perintah grup-grup yang keliru, gunakan: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki akses terhadap sejarah dari DB."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Periksa permasalahan-permasalahan di dalam rpmdb"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "memuat subuah transaksi yang tersimpan pada nama berkas"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak tersimpan transaksi untuk berkas yang telah ditentukan."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "memuat transaksi dari %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
++msgstr "Transaksi dimuat dari %s dengan anggota %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket akan diupdate"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d akan dihapus/instalasi ulang"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Pemeriksaan Yum telah gagal: %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Tidak ada akses untuk baca/eksekusi pada direktori saat ini, dipindahkan menuju /"
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Tidak ada akses getcwd() pada direktori saat ini, dipindahkan menuju /"
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sedang menyelesaikan Ketergantungan"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "Transaksi Anda telah disimpan, jalankan ulang transaksi dengan cara:\n yum load-transaction %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\nKeluar, digagalkan oleh pengguna."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "doTsSetup() akan dihilangkan dari versi mendatang dari Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menyiapkan TransactionSets sebelum kelas konfigurasi dinaikkan"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kekeliruan tsflag dalam berkas konfigurasi: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mencari pkgSack untuk dep: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Anggota: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s dikonversi untuk di-instalasi"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Penambahan Paket %s dalam mode %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Penghapusan Paket %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s membutuhkan: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s membutuhkan %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kebutuhan yang Diperlukan telah ditemukan, melakukan kecurangan"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kebutuhan yang Diperlukan bukanlah nama sebuah paket. Pencarian: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Penyedia Potensial: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mode %s adalah penyedia dari %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mode untuk pkg disediakan %s: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mencoba memperbarui %s untuk menyelesaikan dep"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
++msgstr "Tidak ditemukan path terbaru dari %s. Kegagalan!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
++msgstr "TSINFO: paket %s dibutuhkan %s dan telah ditandai untuk dihapus"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "TSINFO: Pengusangan %s dengan %s untuk penyelesaian dep."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "TSINFO: Pembaruan %s untuk penyelesaian dep."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak mampu menemukan pembaruan path untuk dep untuk: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pencocokan cepat %s untuk kebutuhan dari %s"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s tersedia dalam paket-paket, namun telah terinstalasi, penghapusan."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Potensi penyelesaian paket %s memiliki instan lebih baru pada ts."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Potensi penyelesaian paket %s memiliki instan ter-instalasi yang lebih baru."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s telah berada pada ts, melewatkan yang ini"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "TSINFO: Penandaan %s sebagai update dari %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "TSINFO: Penandaan %s sebagai instalasi dari %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sukses - transaksi kosong"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Memulai kembali Loop"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Proses Ketergantungan berakhir"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Sukses - deps terselesaikan"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pemeriksaan deps untuk %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "pencarian %s sebagai sebuah kebutuhan dari %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menjalankan compare_providers() untuk %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "arch yang lebih baik, di dalam po %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s obsoletes %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "archdist dibandingan %s dengan %s pada %s\n  Terpilih: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "sourcerpm umum %s dan %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "paket dasar %s telah ter-instalasi untuk %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "prefiks umum dari %s diantara %s dan %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "menyediakan vercmp: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Terpilih: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "minimal dibutuhkan: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Terkalahkan(with %d): %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Urutan terbaik: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doConfigSetup() akan dihilangkan dari versi berikutnya dari Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Repositori %r: Kesalahan parsing konfigurasi: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nama repositori %r tidak terdapat di konfigurasi, menggunakan id"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "plugis telah di-inisiasi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() akan dihilangkan dari versi berikutnya dari Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Melakukan pembacaan RPMDB lokal"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "doRepoSetup() akan dihilangkan dari versi berikutnya dari Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "doSackSetup() akan dihilangkan dari versi berikutnya dari Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menyiapkan Proses Sacks"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "obyek repo dari repo %s kekurangan sebuah metode _resetSack\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "untuk itu, repo ini tidak dapat di-reset.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "doUpdateSetup() akan dihilangkan dari versi berikutnya dari Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Melakukan pembangunan obyek terbarui"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "doGroupSetup() akan dihilangkan dari versi berikutnya dari Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mengambil metadata dari grup"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
++msgstr "Melakukan penambahan berkas grup dari repositori: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Telah gagal melakukan penambahan berkas dari grup-grup untuk repositori: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Grup-grup tidak Tersedia di dalam repositori manapun"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mengambil metadata dari pkgtags"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Melakukan penambahan tags dari repositori: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Telah gagal untuk menambah Pkg Tags untuk repositori: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Meng-impor informasi tambahan dari daftar berkas"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Program %s%s%s telah ditemukan di dalam paket yum-utils."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Masih tersisa transaksi yang belum terselesaikan. Anda mungkin mempertimbangkan untuk menjalankan yum-complete-transaction terlebih dahulu, agar transaksi tersebut terselesaikan."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--> Melakukan pencarian sisa ketergantungan yang tidak diperlukan"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
++msgstr "Versi-versi multilib yang terproteksi: %s != %s"
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mencoba untuk menghapus \"%s\", yang terproteksi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\nPaket-paket dilewati, dikarenakan permasalahan-permasalahan ketergantungan:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "    %s dari %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "** Ditemukan permasalahan rpmdb sebelumnya %d, keluaran dari 'yum check' adalah sebagai berikut:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Peringatan: RPMDB telah diubah tanpa sepengetahuan yum."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang dimaksud telah hilang"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "konflik telah di-instalasi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Peringatan: scriptlet atau kesalahan tidak fatal lainnya telah terjadi selama transaksi."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Transaksi tidak mampu dimulai:"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak mampu menjalankan transaksi."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Gagal dalam upaya penghapusan berkas transaksi %s"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s seharusnya tidak di-instalasi, ini malah sebaliknya!"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s seharusnya dihapus, ini malah sebaliknya!"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgstr "Saat ini terkunci %s: proses yang sama sedang dijalankan pada pid %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgstr "Tidak mampu membuat kuncian pada %s: %s"
+-#. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Tidak mampu membukan kuncian %s: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Tidak bisa memerikan apakah PID %s dalam kondisi aktif"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket tidak sesuai dengan maksud pengunduhan. Saran: jalankan yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak bisa melakukan checksum"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket tidak sesuai dengan checksum"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "paket gagal melakukan checksum, namun cache telah diaktifkan untuk %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "menggunakan salinan lokal dari %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Header belum komplit."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Header tidak berada dalam cache local, dan mode caching-only telah diaktifkan. Tidak bisa mengunduh %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kunci publik untuk %s belum ter-instalasi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menemukan masalah di dalam membuka paket %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kunci publik untuk %s tidak bisa dipercaya"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket %s belum ditandatangani"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak bisa menghapus %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s telah dihapus"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak bisa menghapus %s berkas %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s berkas %s telah dihapus"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "berkas %d %s telah dihapus"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Lebih dari satu kecocokan identik dalam sack untuk %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak ada yang cocok %s.%s %s:%s-%s dari pembaruan"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "searchPackages() akan dihilangkan pada versi berikutnya dari Yum.                      Sebaiknya gunakan searchGenerator().\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "Melakukan pencarian paket-paket %d"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "melakukan pencarian paket %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "melakukan pencarian di dalam entry berkas"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "melakukan pencarian di dalam entry-entry yang tersedia"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak tersedia data grup pada repositori terkonfigurasi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nama grup %s tidak ada"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "paket %s telah ditandai dalam grup %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Melewatkan paket %s dari grup %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Melakukan penambahan paket %s dari grup %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak tersedia paket bernama %s untuk diinstalasi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
++msgstr "Grup %s memiliki paket kondisional %u, yang akan di-instalasi."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket tuple %s tidak bisa ditemukan dalam packagesack"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket tuple %s tidak bisa ditemukan dalam rpmdb"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kekeliruan versi flag dari: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
++msgstr "Tidak ditemukan Paket untuk %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
+-msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
++msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
++msgstr "Obyek Paket bukanlah sebuah obyek paket instan"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak ditentukan untuk instalasi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Melakukan pemeriksaan untuk penyedia virtual atau berkas-tersedia untuk %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket %s telah terinstalasi, namun tidak tersedia"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak tersedia paket untuk di-instalasi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket: %s - telah berada di dalam kumpulan transaksi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket %s yang telah usang oleh %s dimana telah ter-instalasi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket %s telah diusangkan oleh %s, namun paket usang ini tidak menyediakan kebutuhan apapun"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket %s telah diusangkan oleh %s, mencoba untuk tetap melakukan instalasi %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket %s telah ter-instalasi dan memiliki versi terbaru"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket yang cocok dengan %s telah terinstalasi. Melakukan pemeriksaan untuk pembaruan."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Melakukan pembaruan untuk semuanya"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak melakukan Pembaruan untuk Paket yang sudah usang: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Tidak ada kecocokan argumen: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Tidak ada kecocokan paket untuk ditingkatkan: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket telah usang: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak melakukan Pembaruan Paket yang sudah usang: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak melakukan Pembaruan Paket yang sudah diperbarui: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "Tidak ada paket yang cocok untuk dihapus: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mengabaikan kernel yang sedang berjalan: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Melakukan penghapusan %s dari transaksi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak bisa membuka: %s. Dilewatkan."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Melakukan pemeriksaan %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak bisa melakukan localinstall deltarpm: %s. Dilewatkan."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak bisa menambah paket %s ke dalam transaksi. Arsitektur tidak sesuai: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak bisa melakukan instalasi paket %s. Paket ini telah usang jika dibandingkan dengan paket %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket %s tidak ter-instalasi, tidak bisa diperbarui. Jalankan yum install untuk tetap melakukan instalasi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket %s.%s tidak ter-instalasi, tidak bisa diperbarui. Jalankan yum install untuk tetap melakukan instalasi."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mengeluarkan %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menandai %s untuk di-instalasi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Menandai %s sebagai pembaruan untuk %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s: tidak melakukan pembaruan terhadap paket yang sudah ter-instalasi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak bisa membuka berkas: %s. Dilewatkan."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Permasalahan terjadi saat melakukan instalasi ulang: tidak ada paket yang cocok untuk dihapus"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Permasalahan terjadi saat melakukan instalasi ulang: tidak ada paket %s yang cocok untuk di-instalasi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak tersedia paket untuk di-downgrade"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Paket %s memperbolehkan instalasi ganda, dilewatkan"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak tersedia paket yang cocok dengan: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Hanya pembaruan yang tersedia untuk paket: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Gagal untuk downgrade: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Gagal untuk upgrade: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mendapatkan kembali kunci dari %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pengambilan kunci GPG telah gagal:"
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tanda tangan kunci GPG pada kunci %s tidak cocok dengan Kunci CA untuk repo: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tanda tangan kunci GPG telah diverifikasi dengan Kunci CA"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kekeliruan Kunci GPG dari %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Gagal melakukan parsing kunci GPG: kunci tidak memiliki nilai %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Melakukan impor %s kunci 0x%s:\n Idpengguna : \"%s\"\n Sidikjari  : %s\n Paket      : %s (%s)\n Dari       : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Melakukan impor %s kunci 0x%s:\n Idpengguna : \"%s\"\n Sidikjari  : %s\n Dari       : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Paket yang gagal adalah: %s\n Kunci-kunci GPG dikonfigurasikan sebagai: %s\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kunci GPG pada %s (0x%s) telah di-instalasi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Impor kunci telah gagal (code %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kunci telah sukses di-impor"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak melakukan instalasi kunci apapun"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kunci-kunci GPG yang ada dalam daftar repositori \"%s\" telah ter-instalasi, namun kunci-kunci yang ada tidak tepat diperuntukkan paket ini.\nPeriksa sekali lagi, URL kunci yang sesuai yang sudah dikonfigurasikan untuk repositori ini."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kunci yang di-import tidak bisa membantu, kunci keliru?"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "Tidak"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Ya"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Kunci CA: %s\n Repo yang gagal adalah: %s\n Kunci-kunci GPG dikonfigurasikan sebagai: %s\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kunci GPG pada %s (0x%s) telah di-instalasi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "Kegagalan impor kunci %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak melakukan instalasi kunci apapun untuk repo %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kunci-kunci GPG yang ada dalam daftar repositori \"%s\" telah ter-instalasi, namun kunci-kunci yang ada peruntukannya tidak tepat untuk paket ini.\nPeriksa sekali lagi, URL kunci yang sesuai yang sudah dikonfigurasikan untuk repositori ini."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak mampu menemukan mirror yang sesuai."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kesalahan-kesalahan telah terjadi ketika pengunduhan paket-paket."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mohon dilaporkan kesalahan ini pada %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kesalahan-kesalahan Uji Coba Transaksi:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak mampu mengatur cachedir: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ketergantungan-ketergantungan belum terselesaikan. Tidak akan melakukan penyimpanan transaksi yang belum terselesaikan."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak bisa menyimpan file transaksi %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak bisa mengakses/membaca transaksi tersimpan %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "tidak bisa menemukan tsflags, atau tsflags bukanlah integer."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "txmbr ditemukan dalam status terkini yang tidak dikenali: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak bisa menemukan txmbr: %s dalam status %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak bisa menemukan txmbr: %s dari asal %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Bagian-bagian Transaksi, relasi hilang atau ts telah dimodifikasi,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
++msgstr " mengabaikan, sesuai permintaan. Anda harus melakukan redepsolve!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s telah dikunjungi dan tidak bisa dihapus."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "Memeriksa revdeps dari %s"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s telah revdep %s dimana di-instalasi oleh pengguna."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "%s tidak memiliki revdeps yang di-instalasi oleh pengguna."
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Plugins yang dimuat:"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak ada plugin yang cocok untuk: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak memuat plugin \"%s\", karena telah di-non-aktifkan"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" tidak bisa di-impor"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" tidak menyediakan versi API yang dibutuhkan"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" membutuhkan API %s. API yang didukung adalah %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Memuat plugin \"%s\""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Dua buah atau lebih, plugin dengan nama \"%s\" berada pada path pencarian plugin"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak ditemukan berkas konfigurasi dari %s"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak bisa menemukan berkas konfigurasi untuk plugin %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "registrasi dari perintah-perintah, belum didukung"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "kehilangan kebutuhan dari"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "konflik telah di-instalasi"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s merupakan duplikasi dari %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s telah diusangkan oleh %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s menyediakan %s, namun tidak ditemukan"
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:80
+ msgid "Repackaging"
++msgstr "Mengulang pemaketan"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Verifikasi: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Kekurangan ruang pada direktori unduhan %s\n    * tersisa   %s\n    * yang dibutuhkan %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Header tidak bisa dibuka atau tidak cocok dengan %s, %s."
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:53
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "RPM %s fails md5 check"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kegagalan pemeriksaan md5 RPM %s"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tidak bisa membuka database RPM untuk pembacaan. Mungkinkah database sedang digunakan?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Mendapati sebuah Header yang kosong, sepertinya ada yang salah"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:253 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:260
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:263 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:266
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Damaged Header %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Header yang telah rusak %s"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Kesalahan didalam membuka rpm %s - kesalahan %s"
+diff --git a/po/id_ID.po b/po/id_ID.po
+index 964c239..52ba317 100644
+--- a/po/id_ID.po
++++ b/po/id_ID.po
+@@ -2,946 +2,1048 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# Teguh Dwicaksana <dheche@songolimo.net>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# Teguh Dwicaksana <dheche@songolimo.net>, 2011.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: id_ID\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Memutakhirkan"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Menghapus"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Memasang"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Usang"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Termutakhirkan"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Dihapus"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Terpasang"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Tidak ada header - huh?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Memaket Ulang"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Dihapus: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Menghapus"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Pembersihan"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Menyiapkan repositori"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "Membaca metadata repositori dari berkas lokal"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Kesalahan Konfigurasi: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Kesalahan Opsi: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Terpasang: %s-%s di %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "Anda perlu memberi beberapa perintah"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Persyaratan Disk:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr "  Setidaknya dibutuhkan ruang %dMB lagi di sistem berkas %s.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "  Setidaknya dibutuhkan ruang %dMB lagi di sistem berkas %s.\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
++msgstr "Mencoba untuk menjalankan transaksi tetapi tidak ada yang harus dikerjakan. Keluar."
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Mencoba untuk menjalankan transaksi tetapi tidak ada yang harus dikerjakan. "
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "Mengunduh Paket-paket:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Kesalahan Saat Mengunduh Paket-paket:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "GALAT Anda perlu memperbarui rpm untuk menangani:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "RPM perlu dimutakhirkan"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Laporkan kesalahan di %s ini"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "Menjalankan Uji Transaksi"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "Kesalahan Pengujian Transaksi:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "Uji Transaksi Berhasil"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "Menjalankan Transaksi"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * Mungkin maksud Anda: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "Paket %s%s%s tersedia, tapi tidak terpasang."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "Tidak ada paket %s%s%s yang tersedia."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Paket yang akan dipasang"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Tak ada tindakan yang dilakukan"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d paket telah ditandai untuk dimutakhirkan"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "Tidak ada Paket yang ditandai untuk dimutakhirkan"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d paket ditandai untuk dihapus"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "Tidak ada paket yang ditandai untuk dihapus"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (dari %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "Paket %s%s%s%s yang terpasang tidak tersedia."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Paket yang akan dipasang ulang"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "Tidak ada paket yang tersedia"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Paket yang akan dipasang"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Cocok: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Peringatan: Tidak ada yang cocok: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "Tidak ada yang cocok"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "Tidak ada paket yang ditemukan untuk %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr "Membersihkan repo: "
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "Membersihkan Semuanya"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "Membersihkan Header"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "Membersihkan Paket-paket"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "Membersihkan metadata xml"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "Membersihkan singgahan basis data"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "Membersihkan metadata singgahan yang kadaluarsa"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr "Membersihkan data rpmdb yang disinggahkan"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "Membersihkan pengaya"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Grup yang terpasang:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Grup yang Tersedia:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Selesai"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Peringatan: Grup %s tidak ada."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d Paket yang akan dipasang"
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Tidak ada nama grup %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "Tidak ada paket yang akan dihapus dari grup"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d Paket akan dihapus"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "Paket %s sudah diinstal, lewati"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Opsi Pengaya"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Galat di perintah baris: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: opsi %s membutuhkan argumen"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: opsi %s membutuhkan argumen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "tampilkan pesan bantuan ini dan keluar"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "toleran terhadap kesalahan"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+-msgstr ""
+-"jalankan sepenuhnya dari singgahan sistem, jangan memutakhirkan persinggahan"
++msgstr "jalankan sepenuhnya dari singgahan sistem, jangan memutakhirkan persinggahan"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "lokasi berkas konfigurasi"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "waktu tunggu perintah maksimum"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "operasi senyap"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "jawab ya untuk semua pertanyaan"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "tampilkan versi Yum dan keluar"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"aktifkan satu atau lebih repositori (diperbolehkan menggunakan wildcard)"
++msgstr "aktifkan satu atau lebih repositori (diperbolehkan menggunakan wildcard)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"nonaktifkan satu atau lebih repositori (diperbolehkan menggunakan wildcard)"
++msgstr "nonaktifkan satu atau lebih repositori (diperbolehkan menggunakan wildcard)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "nonaktifkan pengaya Yum"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "nonaktifkan pemeriksaan tanda tangan gpg"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "nonaktifkan pengaya berdasarkan nama"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "aktifkan pengaya berdasarkan nama"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr "tentukan nilai $releasever di berkas konfigurasi yum dan repo"
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "Jan"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "Feb"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "Mar"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "Apr"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "Mei"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "Jun"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "Jul"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "Agu"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "Sep"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "Okt"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "Nov"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "Des"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr "Nama        : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr "Arst        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr "Versi     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr "Rilis     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr "Ukuran        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "Repo        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr "Dari repo   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "Waktu pemasangan: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr "Dipasang oleh: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr "Diubah oleh  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr "Ringkasan     : "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "URL         : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr "Lisensi     : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "Keterangan : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "y"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "ya"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "no"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Grup: %s"
++msgstr "\nGrup: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " ID-Grup: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Deskripsi: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Paket-paket Wajib:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Paket-paket Opsional:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "paket: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Lisensi     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Nama berkas    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Lainnya       : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "Ada kesalahan saat menghitung ukuran total pengunduhan"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Ukuran total: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Total ukuran pengunduhan: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "Ukuran terpasang: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr "Ada kesalahan saat menghitung ukuran terpasang"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "Memasang ulang"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "Tidak terpasang"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Paket"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "Paket"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Arst"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Versi"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Repositori"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Ukuran"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ringkasan Transaksi\n"
++msgstr "\nRingkasan Transaksi\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Pasang   %5.5s Paket\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Instal"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Hapus    %5.5s Paket\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Pasang Ulang %5.5s Paket\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Instal Ulang"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Dihapus"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Ketergantungan Dihapus"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Ketergantungan Dipasang"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Ketergantungan Dimutakhirkan"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Diganti"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Gagal"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "dua"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -949,543 +1051,584 @@ msgid ""
+ "to exit.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "diinterupsi pengguna"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<unset>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "Sistem"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "Tanggal dan waktu"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "Tindakan"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "Diubah"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Tak ada ID transaksi yang diberikan"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr "Tidak ditemukan ID transaksi yang diberikan"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr "Ditemukan lebih dari satu ID transaksi!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr "Tidak ada ID transaksi, atau paket, yang diberikan"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "Lebih Lama"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "Lebih Baru"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr "ID Transaksi:"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr "Waktu mulai     :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "Waktu selesai       :"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "Pengguna           :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "Kode-Balikan    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "Dibatalkan"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "Kegagalan:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "Sukses"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "Perintah Baris   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr "Transaksi dilakukan dengan:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "Paket Diubah:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "Paket Dilewati:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Permasalahan rpmdb:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "Keluaran scriptlet:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "Instal"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "Hapus"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "Instal Ulang"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "Mutakhirkan"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "Waktu"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "Hari terakhir"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "Minggu lalu"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "2 minggu terakhir"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "3 bulan terakhir"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "6 bulan terakhir"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "Setahun terakhir"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "Lebih dari setahun yang lalu"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "terpasang"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "dihapus"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "dipasang ulang"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "termutakhirkan"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "usang"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> Menjalankan pemeriksaan transaksi"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "Paket: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    Dibutuhkan: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Dibutuhkan: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        Tidak ditemukan"
++msgstr "\n        Tidak ditemukan"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "Dimutakhirkan Oleh"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "Tersedia"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Berjalan"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "Tak dapat diinterupsi"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Zombie"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Tak diketahui"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  Aplikasi lainnya adalah: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  Aplikasi lainnya adalah: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Memori : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    Dijalankan: %s - %s yang lalu"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Selesai!"
+@@ -1497,7 +1640,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1514,558 +1657,645 @@ msgid ""
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Nama berkas telah diteruskan ke shell: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Tidak ada repo yang aktif.\n"
+-"Jalankan \"yum repolist all\" untuk melihat repo apa yang Anda miliki.\n"
+-"Anda dapat mengaktifkan repo dengan yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
++msgstr "Tidak ada repo yang aktif.\nJalankan \"yum repolist all\" untuk melihat repo apa yang Anda miliki.\nAnda dapat mengaktifkan repo dengan yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "PAKET..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Memasang paket di sistem Anda"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "Menyiapkan Proses Pemasangan"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[PAKET...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Memutakhirkan paket-paket di sistem Anda"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "Menyiapkan Proses Pemutakhiran"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Paket Terpasang"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Paket Tersedia"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Paket Tambahan"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Paket Termutakhirkan"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Paket Usang"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Paket yang baru ditambah"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "Tidak ada Paket yang cocok dalam daftar"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Daftar paket atau kelompok paket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Hapus paket dari sistem Anda"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "Menyiapkan Proses Penghapusan"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "Menyiapkan Proses Grup"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Instal RPM lokal"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "Menyiapkan Proses Paket Lokal"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "Pencarian Paket untuk Ketergantungan:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Jalankan shell yum interaktif"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Menyiapkan Shell Yum"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "Daftar ketergantungan paket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "Mencari ketergantungan: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Tampilkan repositori perangkat lunak yang terkonfigurasi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "aktif"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "nonaktif"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr "ID-Repo      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr "Nama-Repo    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "Status-Repo  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Revisi-Repo: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "Tag-Repo    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "Ukuran-Repo    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Tak Pernah (terakhir: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr "Menampilkan versi mesin dan/atau repo yang tersedia."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr " Grup versi Yum:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " Grup   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr " Paket:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "Terpasang:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr "Grup-Terpasang:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Tersedia"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "Grup-Tersedia:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr "Tampilkan, atau gunakan, riwayat transaksi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki akses ke DB riwayat"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Memeriksa masalah di rpmdb"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Anggota: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s telah dikonversi untuk instalasi"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "Menghapus Paket: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s membutuhkan: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s membutuhkan %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -2073,991 +2303,1138 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
++#. The pid doesn't exist
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -3066,6 +3443,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3094,5 +3488,3 @@ msgstr ""
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po
+index 44b6091..dd93a17 100644
+--- a/po/it.po
++++ b/po/it.po
+@@ -2,1523 +2,1656 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
++# Translators:
++# Guido Grazioli <guido.grazioli@gmail.com>, 2011-2013.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Italian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/it/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-20 23:34+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Guido Grazioli <guido.grazioli@gmail.com>\n"
++"Language-Team: Italian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/it/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: it\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Aggiornamento"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Eliminazione"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Installazione"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Reso obsoleto"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Aggiornato"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Eliminato"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Installato"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Nessun header - come?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Reimpacchetto"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Errore: stato di output non valido: %s per %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Eliminato: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Rimozione in corso"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Pulizia"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "Comando \"%s\" già definito"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Settaggio repository"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "Lettura dei metadati dei repository dai file locali"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Errore di configurazione: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Errore opzioni: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Installato: %s-%s da %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Build    : %s su %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Committed: %s su %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "È necessario specificare un comando"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "Comando sconosciuto: %s. Eseguire %s --help"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Requisiti disco:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr "  Servono almeno altri %dMB sul filesystem %s.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "  Serve almeno %dMB sul filesystem %s.\n"
++msgstr[1] "  Servono almeno altri %dMB sul filesystem %s.\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Riepilogo errori\n"
++msgstr "Riepilogo errori\n----------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Impossibile creare il file di lock; uscita"
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Un'altra applicazione sta bloccando l'esecuzione di yum; arresto come configurato da exit_on_lock"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr "La transazione non contiene alcuna operazione da eseguire."
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr "la versione futura di rpmdb non corrisponde alla versione della transazione salvata, "
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " ignorato, come richiesto."
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr " esecuzione annullata."
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "Uscita richiesta dall'utente"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "Download dei pacchetti:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Errore nel download dei pacchetti:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Esecuzione del controllo di transazione"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "ERRORE Occorre aggiornare rpm per gestire:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ERRORE del controllo di transazione nei confronti di depsolve:"
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "RPM deve essere aggiornato"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Riportare questo errore su %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "Test di transazione in corso"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "Errore nel controllo transazione:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "Test di transazione eseguito con successo"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "Transazione in corso"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"L'importazione automatica delle chiavi è disabilitata in modalità non interattiva.\n"
+-"Usare \"-y\" per abilitarla."
++msgstr "L'importazione automatica delle chiavi è disabilitata in modalità non interattiva.\nUsare \"-y\" per abilitarla."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * Forse si intendeva: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "Pacchetto %s%s%s disponibile, ma non installato."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "Nessun pacchetto %s%s%s disponibile."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Pacchetto(i) da installare"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr "Parametro per %s errato: %s."
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d pacchetto da installare"
++msgstr[1] "%d pacchetti da installare"
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Niente da fare"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d pacchetti marcati per l'aggiornamento"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d pacchetto marcato per l'aggiornamento"
++msgstr[1] "%d pacchetti marcati per l'aggiornamento"
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "Nessun pacchetto marcato per l'aggiornamento"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "%d pacchetti marcati per la Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d pacchetto marcato per la Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[1] "%d pacchetti marcati per la Distribution Synchronization"
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr "Nessun pacchetto marcato per la Distribution Synchronization"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d pacchetti marcati per la rimozione"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d pacchetto marcato per la rimozione"
++msgstr[1] "%d pacchetto marcati per la rimozione"
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "Nessun pacchetto marcato per la rimozione"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Downgrade dei pacchetti"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d pacchetto marcato per il downgrade"
++msgstr[1] "%d pacchetti marcati per il downgrade"
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (da %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "Pacchetto installato %s%s%s%s non disponibile."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Pacchetto(i) da reinstallare"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d pacchetto da reinstallare"
++msgstr[1] "%d pacchetti da reinstallare"
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "Nessun pacchetto specificato"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Pacchetto(i) da installare"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "N/D trovati: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  Ricerca effettuata %ssolamente%s in nome e descrizione breve, usare \"search all\" per cercare in tutti i campi."
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  Ricerca effettuata %ssolamente%s in nome completo e descrizione breve, usare \"search all\" per cercare in tutti i campi."
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Trovato: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  Ricerca effettuata %sper lo più%s in nome e descrizione breve, usare \"search all\" per cercare in tutti i campi."
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Attenzione: Nessun pacchetto trovato per: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "Nessuna corrispondenza trovata"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "Nessun pacchetto trovato per %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "Errore: Nessun pacchetto trovato per:\n  %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr "Pulizia dei repository:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "Pulizia completa"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "Pulizia header"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "Pulizia pacchetti"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "Pulizia metadati xml"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "Pulizia cache database"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "Pulizia metadati expire-cache"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr "Pulizia cache di rpmdb"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "Pulizia plugin"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "Gruppi environment installati:"
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "Gruppi environment disponibili:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Gruppi installati:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Gruppi lingua installati:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Gruppi disponibili:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Gruppi lingua disponibili:"
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr "Attenzione: nessun environment/gruppo trovato per: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Fatto"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Attenzione: gruppo/environment %s non esiste."
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Warning: Environment %s does non esiste."
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Attenzione: Il gruppo %s non esiste."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nessun pacchetto in alcun gruppo richiesto è disponibile per l'installazione"
+-" o l'aggiornamento"
++msgstr "Nessun pacchetto in alcun gruppo richiesto è disponibile per l'installazione o l'aggiornamento"
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d pacchetto da installare"
++msgstr[1] "%d pacchetti da installare"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d pacchetto(i) da installare"
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr "L'Environment %s non esiste"
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Non esiste nessun gruppo con nome %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "Nessun pacchetto da rimuovere dai gruppi"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d pacchetto(i) da eliminare"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d pacchetto da rimuovere"
++msgstr[1] "%d pacchetti da rimuovere"
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "Il pacchetto %s è già installato, verrà ignorato"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "Esclusione del pacchetto non comparabile %s.%s"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nessun altro %s installato, inserimento in lista per potenziale "
++msgstr "Nessun altro %s installato, inserimento in lista per potenziale installazione"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Opzioni plugin"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Errore di linea di comando: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: l'opzione %s richiede un argomento"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: l'opzione %s richiede un argomento"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color deve specificare uno tra: auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--installroot deve essere un percorso assoluto: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "mostra questo messaggio di aiuto ed esce"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "tollera gli errori"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr "esegui esclusivamente in cache, senza aggiornarla"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "percorso del file di configurazione"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "tempo massimo di attesa comando"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "livello output di debug"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr "mostra i duplicati nei repo, per i comandi list/search"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "livello output per gli errori"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr "livello output di debug per rpm"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "modalità silenziosa"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "mostra più messaggi di log"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "risponde si a tutte le domande"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "rispondi no a tutte le domande"
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "mostra la versione di yum ed esce"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "imposta la root d'installazione"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "abilita uno o più repository (wildcard consentite)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "disabilita uno o più repository (wildcard consentite)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr "esclude pacchetti per nome o glob"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr "disabilita l'esclusione dal main, per un repo o per tutto"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "abilita l'elaborazione degli obsoleti durante l'aggiornamento"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "disabilita i plugin di Yum"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "disabilita il controllo della firma gpg"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "disabilita i plugin per nome"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "abilita i plugin per nome"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "ignora pacchetti con problemi di risoluzione dipendenze"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+-msgstr "controlla se il colore è usato"
++msgstr "imposta l'uso del colore"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr "imposta $releasever nella configurazione di yum e nei file dei repo"
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr "non aggiornare, scarica solamente"
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr "specifica una directory alternativa dove salvare i pacchetti"
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr "imposta configurazioni arbitrarie e opzioni dei repository"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "Gen"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "Feb"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "Mar"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "Apr"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "Mag"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "Giu"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "Lug"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "Ago"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "Set"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "Ott"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "Nov"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "Dic"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "Connessione ad un altro mirror in corso."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr "Nome         : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr "Arch         : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr "Epoch        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr "Versione     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr "Rilascio     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr "Dimensione   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "Repo         : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr "Dal repo     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr "Committer    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr "Data commit  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr "Data build   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "Data inst.   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr "Installato da: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr "Modificato da: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr "Sommario     : "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "URL          : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr "Licenza      : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "Descrizione  : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "s"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "si"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "no"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "Procedere [s/N]: "
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Gruppo: %s"
++msgstr "\nGruppo: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " Id-Gruppo: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Descrizione: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Lingua: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Pacchetti necessari:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Pacchetti di default:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr "Pacchetti opzionali:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Pacchetti condizionali:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr " Pacchetti installati:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr "\nGruppo Environment: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr " Environment-Id: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr "Gruppi obbligatori:"
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr "Gruppi opzionali:"
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr "Gruppi installati:"
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "pacchetto: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr "  Nessuna dipendenza per questo pacchetto"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "  dipendenze: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr "   Dipendenza non soddisfatte"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Corrispondenza trovata in:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Licenza     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Nome file   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "Fornisce    : "
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Altro       : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Si è verificato un errore nel calcolo della dimensione totale di download"
++msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel calcolo della dimensione totale del download"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Dimensione totale: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Dimensione totale del download: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "Dimensione installata: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Si è verificato un errore nel calcolo della dimensione del pacchetto "
++msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nel calcolo della dimensione del pacchetto installato"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "Reinstallazione"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "Downgrade"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Installazioni per dipendenze"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Aggiornamenti per dipendenze"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Rimozioni per dipendenze"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Saltato (problemi di dipendenze)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "Non installato"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Non disponibile"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Pacchetto"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "Pacchetto"
++msgstr[1] "Pacchetto"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Arch"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Versione"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Repository"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Dim."
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr "     in sostituzione di %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Riepilogo della transazione\n"
++msgstr "\nRiepilogo della transazione\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Installa %5.5s pacchetti\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Install"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Aggiorna %5.5s pacchetti\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Upgrade"
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Elimina %5.5s pacchetti\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Remove"
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Reinstalla %5.5s pacchetti\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Reinstall"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Downgrade %5.5s pacchetti\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Downgrade"
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Pacchetto dipendente"
++msgstr[1] "Pacchetti dipendenti"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Eliminato"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Dipendenza rimossa"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Dipendenza installata"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Dipendenza aggiornata"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Sostituito"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Fallito"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "due"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Download interrotto, %spremi nuovamente (ctrl-c)%s entro %s%s%s secondi\n"
+-"per uscire.\n"
++msgstr "\n Download interrotto, %spremi nuovamente (ctrl-c)%s entro %s%s%s secondi\nper uscire.\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "interruzione utente"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Totale"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<non impostato>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "Sistema"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ignoro la transazione importata %d a %d, perchè genera conflitti"
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nessuna transazione"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr "L'ID transazione, o il pacchetto specificato, non è corretto"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Linea di comando"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr "Utente loggato"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "Data e ora"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "Azione/i"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "Modifiche"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "ID transazione non specificato"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "L'ID transazione specificato non è corretto"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr "L'ID transazione specificato non è stato trovato"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr "Sono stati trovati ID transazione multipli!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr "ID transazione o pacchetto non specificato"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr "Downgraded"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "Meno recente"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "Più recente"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr "ID transazione :"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr "Ora inizio     :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr "rpmdb iniziale :"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u secondi)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u minuti)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u ore)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u giorni)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "Ora termine    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr "rpmdb finale   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "Utente         :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "Return-Code    : "
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "Interrotto"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Operazioni fallite:"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "Errore:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "Completato"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "Linea di comando :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr "Informazioni non predefinite addizionali salvate: %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr "Transazione eseguita con:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "Pacchetti modificati:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "Pacchetti ignorati:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Problemi di rpmdb:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "Output della scriptlet:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "Errori:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "Install"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr "Dep-Install"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr "Obsoleto"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "Eliminato"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "Reinstall"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr "Downgrade"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "Update"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "Data"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "Ultime 24 ore"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "Ultima settimana"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "Ultime 2 settimane"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "Ultimi 3 mesi"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "Ultimi 6 mesi"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "Ultimi 12 mesi"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "Più di un anno"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr "Transazione %s non trovata"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr "ID transazione:"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "Informazioni addizionali sulla cronologia:"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s: nessuna informazione addizionale trovata con questo nome"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Pacchetto      :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "Stato          :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Dimensione     :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "Build host     :"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "Build time     :"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Packager       :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Vendor         :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Licenza        :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URL            :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "RPM sorgente   :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "Commit Time    :"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "Committer      :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "Motivo         :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "Dal repository :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "Installato da  :"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "Modficato da   :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "installato"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "un aggiornamento"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "eliminato"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "reinstallato"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "un downgrade"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "reso obsoleto"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "aggiornato"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "reso obsoleto"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "---> Pacchetto %s.%s %s:%s-%s settato per essere %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> Esecuzione del controllo di transazione"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+-msgstr ""
+-"--> Riavvio della risoluzione delle dipendenze con i nuovi cambiamenti."
++msgstr "--> Riavvio della risoluzione delle dipendenze con i nuovi cambiamenti."
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Risoluzione delle dipendenze completata"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Elaborazione dipendenza: %s per il pacchetto: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> Pacchetto mantenuto: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr "---> Pacchetto mantenuto: %s per via di %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Dipendenza non risolta: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "Pacchetto: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    Richiede: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Richiede: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        Non trovato"
++msgstr "\n        Non trovato"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "Aggiornato da"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr "Downgraded da"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr "Reso obsoleto da"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "Disponibile"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> Analisi conflitto: %s va in conflitto con %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+-msgstr ""
+-"--> Inizializzazione della transazione con i pacchetti selezionati. "
+-"Attendere prego."
++msgstr "--> Inizializzazione della transazione con i pacchetti selezionati. Attendere prego."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr "---> Download dell'header per includere %s nel set di transazione."
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Verifica in corso"
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "In esecuzione"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "In attesa"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "Non interrompibile"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Zombie"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Traced/Interrotto"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Sconosciuto"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  L'altra applicazione è: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  L'altra applicazione è: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Memoria : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    Avviato: %s - %s fa"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    Stato  : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Uscita forzata da utente"
++msgstr "\n\nUscita forzata da utente"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Uscita per broken pipe"
++msgstr "\n\nUscita per broken pipe"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-"Un'altra applicazione sta bloccando l'esecuzione di yum; arresto come "
+-"configurato da exit_on_lock"
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Errore ritorno del plugin: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Errore di yum: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Errore: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr " Si può provare ad usare --skip-broken per aggirare il problema"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr " Provare ad eseguire: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Errore sconosciuto: Codice di uscita: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Dipendenze risolte"
++msgstr "\nDipendenze risolte"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Completo!"
+ #: ../yumcommands.py:42
+ msgid " Mini usage:\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Uso comune:\n"
+ #: ../yumcommands.py:52
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "Occorre avere i privilegi di root per eseguire questo comando."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1533,585 +1666,650 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Il controllo dei pacchetti via chiavi GPG è abilitato. Ottima scelta.\n"
+-"Tuttavia, non ci sono chiavi pubbliche GPG installate: è necessario scaricare\n"
+-"installare le chiavi dei repository che si desidera utilizzare.\n"
+-"Per importare una chiave pubblica GPG eseguire il comando:\n"
+-"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
+-"In alternativa è possibile specificare gli indirizzi delle chiavi dei\n"
+-"repository nell'opzione 'gpgkey' dei relativi file di configurazione; yum\n"
+-"le installerà automaticamente.\n"
+-"Per altre informazioni contattare il supporto della distribuzione.\n"
++msgstr "\nIl controllo dei pacchetti via chiavi GPG è abilitato. Ottima scelta.\nTuttavia, non ci sono chiavi pubbliche GPG installate: è necessario scaricare\ninstallare le chiavi dei repository che si desidera utilizzare.\nPer importare una chiave pubblica GPG eseguire il comando:\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nIn alternativa è possibile specificare gli indirizzi delle chiavi dei\nrepository nell'opzione 'gpgkey' dei relativi file di configurazione; yum\nle installerà automaticamente.\n\nPer altre informazioni contattare il supporto della distribuzione.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Repository del problema: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Errore: occorre passare una lista di pkg a %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr "Errore: almeno due pacchetti sono richiesti per %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr "Errore: occorre passare il repoid. e un comando a %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr "Errore: occorre passare un singolo repoid. valido a %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr "Errore: il repository %s non è abilitato"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "Errore: richiesto un elemento per testare il match"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Errore: un gruppo o una lista di gruppi sono necessari"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Errore: il comando clean richiede l'opzione: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Errore: argomento per il comando clean non valido: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "Nessun argomento per la shell"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Nome file passato alla shell: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr "Il file %s dato come argomento per la shell non esiste."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr "Errore: più di un file passato come argomento alla shell."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Non ci sono repository abilitati.\n"
+-" Eseguire \"yum repolist all\" per vedere la lista dei repository.\n"
+-" E' possibile abilitare i repository desiderati con yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
++msgstr "Non ci sono repository abilitati.\n Eseguire \"yum repolist all\" per vedere la lista dei repository.\n E' possibile abilitare i repository desiderati con yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "PACCHETTO..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Installa uno o più pacchetti nel sistema"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "Impostazione processo di installazione"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[PACCHETTO...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Aggiorna uno o più pacchetti nel sistema"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "Impostazione processo di aggiornamento"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr "Sincronizza i pacchetti installati con le ultime versioni disponibili"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr "Impostazione processo di Distribution Synchronization"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Visualizza dettagli su un pacchetto o un gruppo di pacchetti"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Pacchetti installati"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Pacchetti disponibili"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Pacchetti extra"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Aggiornamenti disponibili"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Pacchetti resi obsoleti"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Pacchetti aggiunti di recente"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "Nessun pacchetto presente in lista"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Elenca un pacchetto o un gruppo di pacchetti"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Elimina uno o più pacchetti dal sistema"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "Impostazione processo di eliminazione"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Mostra o utilizza le informazioni dei gruppi"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "Impostazione processo di gruppo"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "Nessun gruppo sul quale eseguire il comando"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Elenca i gruppi di pacchetti disponibili"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Installa nel sistema i pacchetti di un gruppo"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Sottocomando di groups non corretto, usare: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Elimina dal sistema i pacchetti di un gruppo"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "Non ci sono file groups installati."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Visualizza i dettagli di un gruppo di pacchetti"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "Non si dispone dell'accesso al DB dei groups."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "Genera la cache dei metadati"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "Creazione dei file di cache per i metadati."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+-msgstr ""
+-"L'operazione impiegherà del tempo che dipende dalla velocità del computer"
++msgstr "L'operazione impiegherà del tempo che dipende dalla velocità del computer"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "Cache dei metadata creata"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "Elimina i dati nella cache"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+-msgstr "Determina il pacchetto che fornisce il valore dato"
++msgstr "Determina quale pacchetto fornisce un dato valore"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "Controlla la disponibilità di aggiornamenti per i pacchetti"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "Cerca il termine passato nei dettagli dei pacchetti"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "Ricerca dei pacchetti: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Aggiorna i pacchetti tenendo conto degli obsoleti"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Impostazione processo di upgrade"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Installa un RPM in locale"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "Impostazione processo per pacchetti in locale"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Determina quale pacchetto soddisfa la dipendenza specificata"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "Ricerca dei pacchetti per le dipendenze:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Esegue una shell di yum interattiva"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Impostazione della shell di yum"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "Elenca le dipendenze di un pacchetto"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "Ricerca delle dipendenze: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Mostra i repository di software configurati"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "abilitato"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "disabilitato"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr "Id-Repo       : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr "Nome-Repo     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "Stato-Repo    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Revisione-Repo: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-tags     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Repo-distro-tags: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr "Repo-updated : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-pkgs    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "Dim.-Repo    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr "Repo-baseurl : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "Repo-metalink: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  Aggiornato :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr "Repo-mirrors : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Mai (ultimo: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Istantaneo (ultimo: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s secondi (ultimo: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr "Repo-expire  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr "Repo-exclude : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr "Repo-include :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr "Repo-excluded: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Repo-filename: "
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "id repo"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "stato"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "nome repo"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Mostra un'utile guida all'uso"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "Nessun aiuto disponibile per %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"alias: "
++msgstr "\n\nalias: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"alias: "
++msgstr "\n\nalias: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "Impostazione processo di reinstallazione"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "Reinstalla un pacchetto"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Impostazione processo di downgrade"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "Esegue il downgrade di un pacchetto"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr "Mostra una versione del sistema e/o dei repo disponibili."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr " Gruppi della versione di yum:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " Gruppo  :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr " Pacchetti:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "Installato:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr "Group-Installed:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Disponibile:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "Group-Available:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr "Visualizza e gestisci la cronologia delle transazioni"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Transazioni :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "Ora inizio  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "Ora fine    :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "Conteggio   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  rpm DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  yum DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr "Sotto comando per history non valido, usare: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr "Non si dispone dell'accesso alla cronologia."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Identifica gli errori nell'rpmdb"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "carica una transazione salvata da un file"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nessun file specificato per la transazione salvata."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "caricamento transazione da %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Transazione caricata da %s con %s membri"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr "Semplice metodo per scambiare pacchetti, senza usare la shell"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr "Tratta un repo. come un gruppo di pacchetti, così da poterli installare/rimuovere tutti"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] "%d pacchetto da aggiornare"
++msgstr[1] "%d pacchetti da aggiornare"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d pacchetto da rimuovere/reinstallare"
++msgstr[1] "%d pacchetti da rimuovere/reinstallare"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] "%d pacchetto da rimuovere/sincronizzare"
++msgstr[1] "%d pacchetti da rimuovere/sincronizzare"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr "Sottocomando di %s non valido"
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Controlli Yum falliti: %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Un'altra applicazione sta bloccando l'esecuzione di yum; in attesa che "
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Non si hanno i diritti di read/execute nella directory corrente, viene usata /"
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Nessun accesso getcwd() nella directory corrente, spostamento su /"
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "Risoluzione dipendenze"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "La transazione è stata salvata, per eseguirla nuovamente:\n yum load-transaction %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Uscita su richiesta utente."
++msgstr "\n\nUscita su richiesta utente."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() verrà eliminato in una futura versione di yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr "Impostazione del TransactionSets prima che sia attivo config class"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "tsflag non valido nel file di configurazione: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+-msgstr "Ricerca di pkgSack per dip: %s"
++msgstr "Ricerca nel pkgSack per dip: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Membro: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s convertito in installazione"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "Aggiunto il pacchetto %s in modo %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "Rimozione pacchetto %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s richiede: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s richiede %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "Il requisito necessario è già stato controllato, imbroglio"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "Il requisito necessario non è il nome di un pacchetto. Ricerca di: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Provider potenziale: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "La modalità è %s per il provider di %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Modalità per il pacchetto che fornisce %s: %s"
+@@ -2119,1036 +2317,1140 @@ msgstr "Modalità per il pacchetto che fornisce %s: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tentativo di aggiornare %s per risolvere una dipendenza"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nessun percorso di aggiornamento trovato per %s. Aggiornamento fallito!"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr "Nessun percorso di aggiornamento trovato per %s. La causa è il requisito: %s!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr "Aggiornamento per %s. Non soddisfa il requisito: %s!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: il pacchetto %s richiede che %s sia marcato per la rimozione"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+-msgstr ""
+-"TSINFO: Verrà reso obsoleto %s sostituendolo con %s per risolvere una "
++msgstr "TSINFO: Verrà reso obsoleto %s sostituendolo con %s per risolvere una dipendenza."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Aggiornamento di %s per risolvere dip."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Impossibile trovare un percorso di aggiornamento delle dipendenze per: %s"
++msgstr "Impossibile trovare un percorso di aggiornamento delle dipendenze per: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "Individuato %s come requisito per %s"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr "%s è nei pacchetti fornitori ma è già installato, viene rimosso."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Il potenziale pacchetto risolutore %s ha già una più recente istanza in ts."
++msgstr "Il potenziale pacchetto risolutore %s ha già una più recente istanza in ts."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Il potenziale pacchetto risolutore %s ha una più recente istanza già "
++msgstr "Il potenziale pacchetto risolutore %s ha una più recente istanza già installata."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "%s è gia nel set delle transazioni (ts), verrà saltato"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s marcato come aggiornamento per %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s marcato come da installare per %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Successo - transazione vuota"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "Riavvio del ciclo"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Elaborazione delle dipendenze terminata"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Successo - dipendenze risolte"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "Controllo delle dipendenze per %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "ricerca di %s come requisito di %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "Esecuzione di compare_providers() per %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "migliore architettura in po %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s rende obsoleto %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"archdist ha comparato %s a %s su %s\n"
+-"  Vincitore: %s"
++msgstr "archdist ha comparato %s a %s su %s\n  Vincitore: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "sourcerpm comune %s e %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr "il pacchetto base %s è installato per %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "prefisso comune di %s tra %s e %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr " richiede almeno: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "fornisce vercmp: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr " Vincitore: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr " richiede almeno: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr " Perdente (con %d): %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Ordine migliore: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() verrà eliminato in una futura versione di yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr "Il repository non leggibile %s viene tralasciato"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr "Repository %r: errore nella lettura della configurazione: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nella configurazione non è presente il nome del repo %r, viene usato l'id"
++msgstr "Nella configurazione non è presente il nome del repo %r, viene usato l'id"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "plugin già inizializzati"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() verrà eliminato in una futura versione di yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "Lettura del RPMDB locale"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() verrà eliminato in una futura versione di yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() verrà eliminato in una futura versione di yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "Impostazione dei Package Sack"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr "l'oggetto repo per il repository %s non dispone del metodo _resetSack\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "quindi questo repository non può essere resettato.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() verrà eliminato in una futura versione di yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "Costruzione oggetto aggiornamenti"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() verrà eliminato in una futura versione di Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "Scaricamento metadati del gruppo"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Aggiunta file group dal repository: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr "Errore durante lo scaricamento del file group per il repository: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Errore durante l'aggiunta del file groups per il repository: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "Nessun gruppo disponibile in alcun repository"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr "Scaricamento metadati pkgtags"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Aggiunta tag dal repository: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Errore aggiungendo i Pkg Tags per il repository: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "Import di informazioni addizionali sulla lista di file"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "Il programma %s%s%s si trova nel pacchetto yum-utils."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ci sono transazioni non completate. Si consiglia di eseguire prima yum-"
+-"complete-transaction per portarle a termine."
++msgstr "Ci sono transazioni non completate. Si consiglia di eseguire prima yum-complete-transaction per portarle a termine."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--> Ricerca di dipendenze non necessarie"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Versioni multilib protette: %s != %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr "Trovati problemi di versioni multilib. Questo significa spesso che la causa si trova altrove e il controllo delle versioni multilib \nsta solo facendo emergere il problema. Esempio:\n\n1. Esiste un aggiornamento per %(name)s per cui mancano alcune dipendenze\nche sono richieste da un altro pacchetto. Yum cerca di risolvere il problema intallando\nuna vecchia versione di %(name)s per una differente architettura. Se si passa\nl'architettura sbagliata a exclude, yum allora ritorna il problema principale (quale\npacchetto richiede cosa). E' possibile ripetere l'aggiornamento con \n--exclude %(name)s.otherarch ...\nquesto dovrebbe mostrare un messaggio che riporta la causa principale del problema.\n\n2. Ci sono multiple architetture installate per il pacchetto %(name)s, ma yum vede un\nupgrade solo per una di esse. Se non è necessario avere tutte le architetture, è \npossibile rimuovere quella per qui manca l'aggiornamento, e tutto tornerà a funzionare.\n\n3. Esistono versioni duplicate del pacchetto %(name)s installate. E' possibile utilizzare\n\"yum check\" per visualizzare questi errori. \n\n... è altrimenti possibile usare --setopt=protected_multilib=false per evitare di eseguire\nil controllo, ma ciò non è quasi mai la corretta soluzione al problema poichè probabilmente\nqualcos'altro andrà in errore (e causerà ulteriori problemi).\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr "Tentativo di rimozione di \"%s\", che è protetto"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pacchetti ignorati a causa di problemi di dipendenze:"
++msgstr "\nPacchetti ignorati a causa di problemi di dipendenze:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s da %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"** Trovati %d problemi pre-esistenti nel rpmdb, l'output di 'yum check' è:"
++msgstr "** Trovati %d problemi pre-esistenti nel rpmdb, l'output di 'yum check' è:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr "Attenzione: RPMDB modificato al di fuori di yum."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr "dipendenze mancanti"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr "conflitto installato"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Attenzione: durante la transazione si sono verificati errori di scriptlet o "
+-"altri errori non fatali."
++msgstr "Attenzione: durante la transazione si sono verificati errori di scriptlet o altri errori non fatali."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr "Non è stato possibile iniziare la transazione:"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr "Impossibile eseguire la transazione."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "Eliminazione del file di transazione %s fallita"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s doveva essere installato, ma non sembra esserlo!"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s doveva essere eliminato, ma non lo è stato!"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Impossibile creare il lock su %s: %s"
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Non è possibile controllare se il PID %s è attivo"
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr "Lock %s attivo: altro processo in esecuzione con pid %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr "Impossibile creare il lock su %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Impossibile creare il lock su %s: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Non è possibile controllare se il PID %s è attivo"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Il pacchetto non corrisponde al download desiderato. Suggerimento: eseguire "
+-"yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr "Il pacchetto non corrisponde al download desiderato. Suggerimento: eseguire yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "Non è stato possibile calcolare il checksum"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "Il pacchetto non corrisponde al checksum"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr "il pacchetto ha fallito il checksum ma la cache è abilitata per %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "utilizzo di una copia locale di %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Spazio insufficiente nella cartella di download %s\n"
+-"    * libero     %s\n"
+-"    * necessario %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
++msgstr "uscita per via dell'opzione --downloadonly"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "L'header non è completo."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Header non presente in cache locale e modalità solo-cache abilitata. "
+-"Impossibile scaricare %s"
++msgstr "Header non presente in cache locale e modalità solo-cache abilitata. Impossibile scaricare %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "La chiave pubblica per %s non è installata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Problemi nell'apertura di %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "La chiave pubblica per %s non è trusted"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "Il pacchetto %s non è firmato"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "Non posso rimuovere %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s eliminato"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "Impossibile rimuovere %s file %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s file %s rimosso"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s file rimossi"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d %s file rimosso"
++msgstr[1] "%d %s file rimossi"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "Più di una corrispondenza identica nel sack per %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "Nessuna corrispondenza per %s.%s %s:%s-%s dall'aggiornamento"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() verrà eliminato in una futura versione di yum. In "
+-"sostituzione usare searchGenerator(). \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() verrà eliminato in una futura versione di yum. In sostituzione usare searchGenerator(). \n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "Ricerca dei pacchetti %d"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "Ricerca di %d pacchetto"
++msgstr[1] "Ricerca di %d pacchetti"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "ricerca del pacchetto %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "ricerca nelle file entries"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "ricerca nelle provides entries"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "Non ci sono informazioni sui gruppi per i repository configurati"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Il gruppo %s non esiste"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "il pacchetto %s non è stato contrassegnato nel gruppo %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Salto del pacchetto %s dal gruppo %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "Aggiunta del pacchetto %s dal gruppo %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "Nessun pacchetto con nome %s disponibile per l'installazione"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr "Attenzione: il gruppo %s non contiene alcun pacchetto da installare."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Il gruppo %s contiene %u pacchetti facoltativi, che potrebbero essere installati."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr "Viene tralasciato il gruppo %s dall'environment %s"
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "Il pacchetto con tupla %s non è stato trovato nel packagesack"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Il pacchetto con tupla %s non è stato trovato nel rpmdb"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Flag di versione non valido da: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "Nessun pacchetto trovato per %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Attenzione: il gruppo Environment %s non esiste."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr "Pacchetto: %s - impossibile co-installare con %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "Package Object non è un'istanza di un oggetto package"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "Non è specificato niente da installare"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr "Controllo dei virtual provide o file-provide per %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "Nessuna corrispondenza per l'argomento: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "Il pacchetto %s è installato e non disponibile"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "Nessun pacchetto disponibile per l'installazione"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "Pacchetto: %s - già nel set di transazione"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "Il pacchetto %s è reso obsoleto da %s, che è già installato"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Il pacchetto %s è reso obsoleto da %s, ma quest'ultimo non fornisce i "
+-"provide richiesti"
++msgstr "Il pacchetto %s è reso obsoleto da %s, ma quest'ultimo non fornisce i provide richiesti"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Il pacchetto %s è reso obsoleto da %s, tentativo di installare %s al suo "
++msgstr "Il pacchetto %s è reso obsoleto da %s, tentativo di installare %s al suo posto"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "Il pacchetto %s è già installato e aggiornato all'ultima versione"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Il pacchetto corrispondente a %s è già installato. Controllo aggiornamenti."
++msgstr "Il pacchetto corrispondente a %s è già installato. Controllo aggiornamenti."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "Aggiornamento completo"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Il pacchetto obsoleto non verrà aggiornato: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Nessuna corrispondenza per l'argomento: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Nessun pacchetto trovato per l'aggiornamento: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Il pacchetto era già obsoleto: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "Il pacchetto obsoleto non verrà aggiornato: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Il pacchetto è già aggiornato: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "Nessun pacchetto selezionato per l'eliminazione"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "Nessun pacchetto trovato per la rimozione: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr "Ignoro il kernel in esecuzione: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr "Rimozione di %s dalla transazione"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Impossibile aprire: %s. Verrà ignorato."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Analisi di %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "localinstall del deltarpm fallito: %s. Verrà ignorato."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Impossibile aggiungere il pacchetto %s alla transazione. Architettura non "
+-"compatibile: %s"
++msgstr "Impossibile aggiungere il pacchetto %s alla transazione. Architettura non compatibile: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Impossibile installare il pacchetto %s. E' reso obsoleto dal pacchetto "
+-"installato %s"
++msgstr "Impossibile installare il pacchetto %s. E' reso obsoleto dal pacchetto installato %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Non è possibile aggiornare il pacchetto %s perchè non è installato. Eseguire"
+-" yum install per installarlo."
++msgstr "Non è possibile aggiornare il pacchetto %s perchè non è installato. Eseguire yum install per installarlo."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Il pacchetto %s.%s non è installato, non è quindi possibile aggiornarlo. Eseguire yum install se si desidera installarlo."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "Esclusione di %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "%s contrassegnato per l'installazione"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "%s contrassegnato come aggiornamento di %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: non aggiorna il pacchetto installato."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file: %s. Verrà ignorato."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Problema nella reinstallazione: nessun pacchetto corrispondente per la "
++msgstr "Problema nella reinstallazione: nessun pacchetto corrispondente per la rimozione"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Problema nella reinstallazione: nessun pacchetto corrispondente a %s per "
++msgstr "Problema nella reinstallazione: nessun pacchetto corrispondente a %s per l'installazione"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "Nessun pacchetto disponibile per il downgrade"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "Il pacchetto %s permette installazioni multiple, lo salto"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "Nessuna corrispondenza per il pacchetto disponibile: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Solo l'upgrade è disponibile per il pacchetto: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr "Downgrade fallito: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Errore nell'upgrade: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Recupero chiave da %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "Recupero chiave GPG fallito: "
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "La firma della chiave GPG %s non corrisponde alla chiave della CA per il repository: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Verifica della firma della chiave GPG con la chiave della CA fallita "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Chiave GPG non valida da %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "Analisi chiave GPG fallita: la chiave non ha il valore %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importazione della chiave %s 0x%s:\n Userid     : \"%s\"\n Fingerprint: %s\n Pacchetto  : %s (%s)\n Da         : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importazione della chiave %s 0x%s:\n Userid     : \"%s\"\n Fingerprint: %s\n Da         : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Il pacchetto fallito è: %s\n Chiavi GPG configurate come: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "Chiave GPG in %s (0x%s) già installata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "Importazione chiave fallita (codice %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "Chiave importata correttamente"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Non è stata installata alcuna chiave"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Le chiavi GPG elencate per il repository \"%s\" sono attualmente installate ma non sono corrette per questo pacchetto.\n"
+-"Controllare che gli URL delle chiavi di questo repository siano configurati correttamente."
++msgstr "Le chiavi GPG elencate per il repository \"%s\" sono attualmente installate ma non sono corrette per questo pacchetto.\nControllare che gli URL delle chiavi di questo repository siano configurati correttamente."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "Importazione delle chiavi non sufficiente, chiave sbagliata?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "No"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Si"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Chiave CA: %s\n Il repo fallito è: %s\n Chiavi GPG configurate come: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "Chiave GPG in %s (0x%s) è già stata importata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "Importazione chiave fallita"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "Importazione della chiave %s fallita"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Non è stata installata alcuna chiave per il repository %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Le chiavi GPG elencate per il repository \"%s\" sono attualmente installate ma non sono corrette.\n"
+-"Controllare che gli URL delle chiavi di questo repository siano configurati correttamente."
++msgstr "Le chiavi GPG elencate per il repository \"%s\" sono attualmente installate ma non sono corrette.\nControllare che gli URL delle chiavi di questo repository siano configurati correttamente."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "Impossibile trovare un mirror adatto."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Si sono verificati degli errori durante il download dei pacchetti."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Riportare questo errore su %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Errori nel test di transazione: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr "Impossibile impostare la cachedir: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Dipendenze non risolte. La transazione con dipendenze non risolte non verrà salvata."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Impossibile salvare il file di transazione %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Impossibile accedere/leggere la transazione salvata %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr "la versione di rpmdb non corrisponde alla versione della transazione salvata, "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "impossibile trovare tsflags o tsflags non intero."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Membro di transazione trovato in stato attuale sconosciuto: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Impossibile trovare il membro di transazione: %s in stato %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Impossibile trovare il membro di transazione: %s dall'origine: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Membri della transazione, ci sono relazioni mancanti oppure ts è stata modificata,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " ignorati, come richiesto. E' necessario eseguire nuovamente depsolve."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s è già stato visitato e non può essere rimossi."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "Esame delle revdeps di %s"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s ha la revdep %s che è stata installata dall'utente."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr "%s è richiesto da un pacchetto che deve essere installato."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "%s non ha revdeps installate dall'utente."
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Plugin abilitati:"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "Nessun plugin corrisponde a: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "Il plugin \"%s\" non è stato caricato, perchè è disabilitato"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "Il plugin \"%s\" non può essere importato"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "Il plugin \"%s\" non specifica la versione API richiesta"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "Il plugin \"%s\" richiede l'API %s. L'API supportata è %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "Caricamento del plugin \"%s\""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Esiste più di un plugin con nome \"%s\" nel percorso di ricerca dei plugin"
++msgstr "Esiste più di un plugin con nome \"%s\" nel percorso di ricerca dei plugin"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "File di configurazione %s non trovato"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "Impossibile trovare il file di configurazione per il plugin %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "registrazione dei comandi non supportata"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr "ha una dipendenza mancante di"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr "ha conflitti con pacchetti installati"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr "%s è un duplicato di %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr "%s è reso obsoleto da %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr "%s fornisce %s, ma non è stato possibile trovarlo"
+@@ -3157,6 +3459,23 @@ msgstr "%s fornisce %s, ma non è stato possibile trovarlo"
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "Reimpacchettamento"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Verifica: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Spazio insufficiente nella cartella di download %s\n    * libero     %s\n    * necessario %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr "Il pacchetto non corrisponde al download desiderato."
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3169,8 +3488,7 @@ msgstr "Controllo md5 dell'RPM %s fallito"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Non è stato possibile aprire in lettura il database RPM. Forse è gia in uso?"
++msgstr "Non è stato possibile aprire in lettura il database RPM. Forse è gia in uso?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+@@ -3186,5 +3504,3 @@ msgstr "Header %s danneggiato"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Errore nell'apertura dell'rpm %s - errore %s"
+diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
+index a232b0c..f8ebfc7 100644
+--- a/po/ja.po
++++ b/po/ja.po
+@@ -2,1497 +2,1637 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# Hajime Taira <htaira@redhat.com>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# Hajime Taira <htaira@redhat.com>, 2011-2012.
++# Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@gmail.com>, 2012.
++# Tadashi Jokagi <elf@elf.no-ip.org>, 2011.
++# Tadashi Jokagi <elf@poyo.jp>, 2013.
++# Tomoyuki KATO <tomo@dream.daynight.jp>, 2011-2013.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Japanese (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/ja/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-23 18:39+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Tadashi \"ELF\" Jokagi <elf@poyo.jp>\n"
++"Language-Team: Japanese (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/ja/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: ja\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+-msgstr "更新"
++msgstr "更新します"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "削除中"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+-msgstr "インストールしています"
++msgstr "インストール中"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "不要"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "更新"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "削除"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "インストール"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+-msgstr "ヘッダーがありません - はて?"
++msgstr "ヘッダーがありません"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "再パッケージ"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "エラー: 不正な出力状態: %s for %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "削除しました: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+-msgstr "削除"
++msgstr "削除中"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "整理中"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "コマンド「%s」はすでに定義済みです"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "リポジトリーの設定"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "ローカルファイルからリポジトリーのメタデータを読み込んでいます"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "設定エラー: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "オプションエラー: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "インストール: %s-%s (日時: %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  構築      : %s  (日時: %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  コミット  : %s (日時: %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "いくつかのコマンドを指定する必要があります"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "コマンド「%s」が見つかりません。「%s --help」を実行してください。"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "ディスク要求:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr "  少なくとも %dMB の空き容量がファイルシステム %s で必要です。\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "  少なくとも %dMB の空き容量がファイルシステム %s で必要です。\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "エラーの要約\n-------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "ロック ファイルの作成に失敗しました。終了します"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "別のアプリケーションが現在 yum のロックを持っています。exit_on_lock による設定が存在します"
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr "トランザクションの実行を試みましたが、何もありませんでした。終了します。"
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr " 中止しています。"
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "ユーザーコマンドを終了しています"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "パッケージをダウンロードしています:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "パッケージのダウンロードでエラー:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr "トランザクションのチェックを実行してします。"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "エラー: RPM の更新のためのハンドルを更新する必要があります"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "更新には RPM が必要です"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "%s にこのエラーを報告してください"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "トランザクションのテストを実行しています"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "トランザクションの確認エラー\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "トランザクションのテストを成功しました"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "トランザクションを実行しています"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * おそらくの意味: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "パッケージ %s%s%s は利用できますが、インストールしませんでした。"
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "パッケージ %s%s%s は利用できません。"
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "インストールするパッケージ"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "インストールする %d 個のパッケージ"
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "何もしません"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d 個のパッケージが更新の設定しました。"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d 個のパッケージが更新対象としてマークされました"
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "更新と設定されたパッケージがありません。"
++msgstr "更新対象とマークされたパッケージはありません。"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "%d 個のパッケージを同期配信に設定しました。"
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d 個のパッケージがディストリビューション同期対象としてマークされています"
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "パッケージが同期配信に設定したパッケージはありません。"
++msgstr "ディストリビューション同期対象にマークされたパッケージはありません。"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d 個のパッケージを削除に設定しました。"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d 個のパッケージが削除対象としてマークされました"
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "削除と設定したパッケージはありません。"
++msgstr "削除対象とマークされたパッケージはありません。"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "ダウングレードするパッケージ"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "ダウングレードする %d 個のパッケージ"
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (%s から)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "インストール済みパッケージ %s%s%s%s は利用できません。"
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "再インストールするパッケージ"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "再インストールする %d 個のパッケージ"
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "パッケージが提供されていません。"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "インストールするパッケージ"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "一致: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "警告: 一致するものが見つかりません: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "見つかりませんでした"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "%s のパッケージが見つかりません"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr "リポジトリーを清掃しています: "
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "すべて掃除しています"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "ヘッダーを掃除しています"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "パッケージを掃除しています"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "XML メタデータを掃除しています"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "データベースキャッシュを掃除しています"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "期限切れのメタデータキャッシュを掃除しています"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr "キャッシュ済み rpmdb データを掃除しています"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "プラグインを掃除しています"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "インストール済みグループ:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "インストール済みの言語グループ:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "利用可能なグループ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
++msgstr "利用できる言語グループ:"
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "完了"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "警告: グループ %s が存在しません。"
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+ msgstr "インストールまたは更新に利用できるいくつかの要求されたグループにパッケージがありません"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "インストールする %d 個のパッケージ"
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d 個のパッケージをインストールします"
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "グループ名 %s が存在しません"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "グループから削除するパッケージがありません"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d 個のパッケージを削除します"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "削除する %d 個のパッケージ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+-msgstr "パッケージ %s は既にインストールされているので飛ばします"
++msgstr "パッケージ %s は、すでにインストールされているので飛ばします"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "非互換のパッケージ %s.%s を破棄しています"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "プラグインのオプション"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "コマンドライン エラー: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: オプション %s は引数が必要です "
++msgstr "\n\n%s: オプション %s は引数が必要です "
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color がとることができる値な次のうちひとつです: auto、always、never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--installroot は絶対パスでなければなりません: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "このヘルプ メッセージを表示して終了する"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "エラーを黙認する"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr "キャッシュから完全に実行し、キャッシュを更新しません"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "構成ファイルの場所"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "コマンドの最大待ち時間"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "デバッグ情報の出力レベル"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr "一覧/検索コマンドのリポジトリーの重複の表示"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "エラー出力レベル"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr "rpm のデバッグ情報の出力レベル"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "静かに処理をする"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "冗長に処理をする"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "すべての問い合わせに「yes」で答える"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "すべての質問にいいえを回答します"
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "Yum のバージョンを表示して終了する"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "インストールのベース ディレクトリーを設定する"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "ひとつ以上のリポジトリーを有効にする (ワイルドカード許可)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "ひとつ以上のリポジトリーを無効にする (ワイルドカード許可)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr "名前かワイルドカードでパッケージを除外する"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr "main、あるリポジトリー、またはすべてからの除外を無効にします。"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "更新中に不要な処理を有効にします"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "Yum プラグインを無効にする"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "GPG 署名の確認を無効にする"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "名前でプラグインを無効にする"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "名前でプラグインを有効にする"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+-msgstr "依存性に問題があるパッケージを飛ばす"
++msgstr "依存性関連に問題があるパッケージを飛ばす"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "色を使うかどうか制御する"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr "yum 設定と repo ファイルに $releasever の値を設定する"
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr "全体設定とリポジトリー オプションの任意に設定する"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "1 月"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "2 月"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "3 月"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "4 月"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "5 月"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "6 月"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "7 月"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "8 月"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "9 月"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "10 月"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "11 月"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "12 月"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "他のミラーを試します。"
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr "名前                : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+-msgstr "アーキテクチャ      : %s"
++msgstr "アーキテクチャー    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr "エポック            : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr "バージョン          : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr "リリース            : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr "容量                : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "リポジトリー        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr "提供元リポジトリー  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr "コミット者          : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr "コミット日時        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr "ビルド日時          : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "インストール日時    : %s "
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr "インストール済み容量: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr "変更者              : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr "要約                : "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "URL                 : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr "ライセンス          : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "説明                : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "y"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "はい"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "いいえ"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+-msgstr "これでいいですか? [y/N]"
++msgstr "上記の処理を行います。よろしいでしょうか? [y/N]"
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"グループ: %s"
++msgstr "\nグループ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " グループ ID: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " 説明: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " 言語: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " 強制的なパッケージ:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " 標準パッケージ:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " オプション パッケージ:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " 条件付パッケージ:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "パッケージ    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr "  このパッケージの依存はありません"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "  依存性      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr "  満たされていない依存性"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "一致          :"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "ライセンス    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "ファイル名    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "その他        : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "総ダウンロード容量の計算中にエラーです。"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "合計容量: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "総ダウンロード容量: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+-msgstr "インストール済み容量: %s"
++msgstr "インストール容量: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr "インストール容量の計算中にエラーです。"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "再インストール中"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "ダウングレード中"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+-msgstr "依存性関連でのインストールをします。"
++msgstr "依存性関連でのインストールをします"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+-msgstr "依存性関連での更新をします。"
++msgstr "依存性関連での更新をします"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+-msgstr "依存性関連での削除をします。"
++msgstr "依存性関連での削除をします"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "飛ばしました (依存性の問題)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "未インストール"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "利用できません"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "パッケージ"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "パッケージ"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+-msgstr "アーキテクチャ"
++msgstr "アーキテクチャー"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "バージョン"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "リポジトリー"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "容量"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-msgstr "     置き換えています  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
++msgstr "     %s%s%s.%s %s を入れ替えます\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\nトランザクションの要約\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "インストール     %5.5s パッケージ\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "インストール"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "アップグレード   %5.5s パッケージ\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "更新"
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "削除             %5.5s パッケージ\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "削除"
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "再インストール   %5.5s パッケージ\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "再インストール"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "ダウングレード   %5.5s パッケージ\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "ダウングレード"
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "個の依存関係のパッケージ"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "削除しました"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "依存性の削除をしました"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "依存性関連をインストールしました"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "依存性を更新しました"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "置換"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "失敗"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "2"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"現在のダウンロードをキャンセルしました。終了するには %s再度割り込み ([Ctrl][C]キー)%s を %s%s%s 秒以内に押してください。\n"
++msgstr "\n現在のダウンロードをキャンセルしました。終了するには %s再度割り込み ([Ctrl][C]キー)%s を %s%s%s 秒以内に押してください。\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "ユーザーの割り込み"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "合計"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<未設定>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "システム"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "トランザクションがありません"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr "指定されたトランザクション ID、またはパッケージがおかしいです"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "コマンドライン"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr "ログイン ユーザー"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "日時"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "操作"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "変更"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "指定されたトランザクション ID がありません。"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "指定されたトランザクション ID がおかしいです"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr "指定されたトランザクション ID が見つかりません"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr "ひとつ以上のトランザクション ID が見つかりません!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr "指定されたトランザクション ID、またはパッケージが見つかりません。"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr "ダウングレード済み"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "より古い"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "より新しい"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr "トランザクション ID :"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr "開始時間            :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr "開始 rpmdb          :"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u 秒)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u 分)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u 時間)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u 日)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "終了時間            :"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr "終了 rpmdb          :"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "ユーザー            :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "終了コード          :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "中断しました"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "失敗:"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "失敗しました:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "成功"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "コマンドライン      :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr "保存済みの追加の非標準な情報: %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr "トランザクションの実行:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "切り替えたパッケージ:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "パッケージを飛ばします:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Rpmdb の問題:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "スクリプトの出力:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "エラー:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "インストール"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr "依存インストール"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr "不要削除"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "削除"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "再インストール"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr "ダウングレード"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "更新"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "時間"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "昨日"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "先週"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "最近の 2 週間"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "最近の 3 ヶ月間"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "最近の 6 ヶ月間"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "昨年"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "1 年以上前"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr "トランザクション %s が見つかりません。"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr "トランザクション ID:"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "追加の履歴情報が利用できます:"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s: この名前から追加のデータが見つかりません。"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "パッケージ     :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "状態           :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "容量           :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "構築ホスト     :"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "構築日時       :"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "パッケージ者  :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "ベンダー       :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "ライセンス     :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URL            :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "ソース RPM     :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "コミット日時   :"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "コミッター     :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "理由           :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "取得リポジトリ :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "インストール者 :"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "変更者         :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "インストール"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "アップデート"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "削除"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "再インストール"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ダウングレード"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "非推奨"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "更新"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "不要"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "---> パッケージ %s.%s %s:%s-%s を %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> トランザクションの確認を実行しています。"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr "--> 新しい変更と依存性の解決を再開しています。"
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> 依存性解決を終了しました。"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> 依存性の処理をしています: %s のパッケージ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> 維持しています: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> 未解決の依存性: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "パッケージ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"     要求: %s"
++msgstr "\n     要求: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        見つかりません"
++msgstr "\n        見つかりません"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "次のものにより更新された: "
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr "次のものによりダウングレードされた: "
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr "次のものにより不要にされた: "
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "利用可能"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> 衝突を処理しています: %s は %s と衝突しています"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr "---> トランザクションセットに束ねるために %s のヘッダーをダウンロードしています"
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "検証中"
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "実行中"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "スリープ中"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "割り込み不可"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "ゾンビ"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "トレース/停止"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "不明"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr " 他のアプリケーション: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr " 他のアプリケーション: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "   メモリー: %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    開始   : %s - %s 秒経過"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    状態   : %s、PID: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\nユーザーのキャンセルで終了しています"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\nパイプが壊れたため終了しています"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr "別のアプリケーションが現在 yum のロックを持っています。exit_on_lock による設定が存在します"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "プラグインのエラー終了: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Yum エラー: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "エラー: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+-msgstr " 問題を回避するために --skip-broken を用いることができません"
++msgstr " 問題を回避するために --skip-broken を用いることができます。"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr " これらを試行できます: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "不明なエラー: 終了コード: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n依存性を解決しました"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "完了しました!"
+@@ -1504,7 +1644,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "このコマンドを実行するには root である必要があります。"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1521,568 +1661,645 @@ msgid ""
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "問題のリポジトリー: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "エラー: パッケージの一覧を %s に渡す必要があります"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "エラー: 一致する項目が必要です"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "エラー: グループ化グループの一覧が必要です"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "エラー: clean は引数をひとつ要求します: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "エラー: 不正な clean の引数です: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "シェルへの引数がありません"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "シェルに渡すファイル名: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr "シェルへの引数として渡したファイル %s は存在しません。"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr "エラー: シェルへの引数としてひとつ以上のファイルを渡しました。"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-" 「yum repolist all」を実行し、所持するリポジトリーを参照してください。\n"
+-" 「yum-config-manager --enable <repo>」でリポジトリーを有効にできます。"
++msgstr "有効なリポジトリーがありません。\n 「yum repolist all」を実行し、所持するリポジトリーを参照してください。\n 「yum-config-manager --enable <repo>」でリポジトリーを有効にできます。"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "パッケージ..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "システムにパッケージをインストールする"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "インストール処理の設定をしています"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[パッケージ...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "システムのパッケージを更新する"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "更新処理の設定をしています"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr "最新の利用可能なバージョンへインストール済みパッケージを同期する"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+-msgstr "同期配信処理の準備をしています"
++msgstr "ディストリビューション同期処理の準備をしています"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "パッケージもしくはパッケージのグループについての詳細を表示する"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "インストール済みパッケージ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "利用可能なパッケージ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "外部パッケージ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "更新したパッケージ"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+-msgstr "パッケージを不要にしています"
++msgstr "不要になったパッケージ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "最近追加したパッケージ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "表示するパッケージはありません"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "パッケージグループの一覧を表示する"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "システムから削除するパッケージ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "削除処理の設定をしています"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "グループ情報の表示または使用"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "グループ処理の設定をしています"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "コマンドを実行するグループがありません"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "利用できるパッケージグループの一覧"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "システムのグループのパッケージをインストールする"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "無効なグループサブコマンドです、次を使用してください: %s。"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "システムからグループのパッケージを削除する"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "パッケージグループについての詳細を表示する"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "メタデータキャッシュを生成する"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "すべて飲めたデータファイルのキャッシュを作成します。"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr "これは、このコンピューターの速度に依存する時間をとるかもしれません"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "メタデータのキャッシュを作成しました"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "キャッシュデータを削除する"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "指定値を提供するパッケージを検索する"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "更新に利用できるパッケージを確認する"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "指定した文字列でパッケージの詳細を検索する"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "パッケージの検索中: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "不要になったパッケージを考慮しながらパッケージを更新する"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "更新処理の設定をしています"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "ローカル RPM のインストール"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "ローカルパッケージ処理の設定をしています"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "指定の依存性を提供するパッケージがどれか特定する"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "依存性のパッケージ検索:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "対話型の yum シェルを実行する"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Yum シェルの設定をしています"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "パッケージの依存性の一覧を表示する"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "依存性の検索中: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "ソフトウェアリポジトリーの構成を表示する"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "有効"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "無効"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr "リポジトリー ID            : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr "リポジトリーの名前         : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "リポジトリーの状態         : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "リポジトリーのリビジョン   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "リポジトリーのタグ         : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr "リポジトリー更新日         : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr "リポジトリー内パッケージ数 : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "リポジトリー容量           : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr "リポジトリー基準 URL       : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "リポジトリーメタリンク     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  更新日                   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr "リポジトリーのミラー       : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "ずっと (最終: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "インスタント (最終: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s 秒 (最終: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr "リポジトリーの期限         : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr "リポジトリーの除外         : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr "リポジトリーの内包         : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr "リポジトリーの除外数       : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Repo ファイル名: "
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "リポジトリー ID"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "状態"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "リポジトリー名"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "役立つ使い方のメッセージを表示する"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "%s のヘルプは利用できません"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"別名: "
++msgstr "\n\n別名: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"別名: "
++msgstr "\n\n別名: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "再インストール処理の設定をしています"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "パッケージの再インストール"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "ダウングレード処理の設定をしています"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "パッケージのダウングレード"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr "ホストの利用できるリポジトリーのバージョンを表示する"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr " Yum バージョン グループ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " グループ                :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr "パッケージ               :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "インストール済み         :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr "グループ インストール済み:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "利用可能                 :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "利用可能なグループ       :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr "トランザクション履歴を表示、使用する"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "トランザクション:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "開始時間    :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "終了時間    :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "回数        :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  rpm DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  yum DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr "使用した history のサブコマンドが正しくありません: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr "履歴 DB にアクセスできません。"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr "rpmdb の問題を確認する"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "filename から保存済みトランザクションを読み込む"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "指定したトランザクション ファイルに保存していません"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s からトランザクションを読み込んでいます"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Yum のチェックに失敗failed: %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
+-msgstr "別のアプリケーションが現在 yum のロックを持っています。終了するまで待っています..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "現在のディレクトリに読み込み権/実行権がありません、/ に移動します"
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "依存性の解決をしています"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n\nユーザーによるキャンセルで終了しています。"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() は Yum の将来のバージョンでなくなります。\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr "構成クラスが終わる前にトランザクションセットを設定しています"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "構成ファイルの tsflag が不正です: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "依存性の pkgSack を検索しています: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "メンバー: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s をインストールに変更しました"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "モード %s にパッケージ %s を追加しています"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "パッケージ %s の削除をしています"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s の要求: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s は %s を要求します"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "必要な要求は既に調べましたが不正をしています"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "必要な要求はパッケージ名ではありません。調べています: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s が提供するモードは %s です: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -2090,999 +2307,1138 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "依存解決のために %s の更新を試みます"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
++msgstr "TSINFO: %s パッケージが削除として %s で必要としています"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
++msgstr "TSINFO: 依存性を解決するために %s を %s で非推奨にしています。"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "TSINFO: 依存性を解決するために %s を更新しています"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr "依存する更新パスを見つけられません: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr "%s を提供するパッケージはすでにインストールされています。削除しています。"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "%s はすでに ts にあります。これを飛ばします"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s を更新として %s で設定しています"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s をインストールとして %s で設定しています"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "成功 - 空のトランザクション"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "ループを再開しています"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "依存性の処理を終了しています"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "成功 - 依存性を解決しました"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "%s の依存性を確認しています"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "%s の要求として %s を検索しています"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "%s の compare_providers() を実行しています"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s は %s で不要です"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "%s と %s の共通ソース RPM(SRPM)"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr "ベースパッケージ %s は %s のためにインストールしています"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "%s から %s と %s の共通接頭辞"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr "最低限の要求: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr " 勝者: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "最低限の要求: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr " 敗者(%d): %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "最適の順序: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() は Yum の将来のバージョンでなくなります。\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr "リポジトリー %r: 設定の解析中にエラー: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr "リポジトリー %r は構成中に名前がありませんので ID を使います"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "プラグインは既に初期化されています"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "dbRpmDBSetup() は Yum の将来のバージョンでなくなります。\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "ローカルの RPMDB を読み込んでいます"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() は Yum の将来のバージョンでなくなります。\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() は Yum の将来のバージョンでなくなります。\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "したがって、このリポジトリーはリセットできません。\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() は Yum の将来のバージョンでなくなります。\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "オブジェクトの更新を構築しています"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() は Yum の将来のバージョンでなくなります。\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "グループメタデータを取得しています"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "リポジトリーからグループファイルを追加しています: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "リポジトリーのグループファイルに追加できませんでした: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "いずれかのリポジトリーに利用できるグループはありません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr "メタデータ pkgtags を取得しています"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "リポジトリーからタグを追加しています: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "リポジトリーからパッケージタグの追加に失敗しました: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "追加のファイル一覧情報にインポートしています"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "プログラム %s%s%s は yum-utils パッケージ内で見つかりました。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"終了していない残作業があります。それらを終了するために、まず yum-complete-transaction の実行を検討すべきかもしれません。"
++msgstr "終了していない残作業があります。それらを終了するために、まず yum-complete-transaction の実行を検討すべきかもしれません。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
++#, python-format
++msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
++msgstr "\"%s\" を削除しようとしています、保護されています"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\nパッケージは依存関係に問題があるため、飛ばします:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "    %s (%s から)"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr "警告: RPMDB は yum 以外で変更されました。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr "要求されたもの不足"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr "インストール済みとの衝突"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+ msgstr "警告: スクリプト、もしくはその他で処理の間に致命的ではないエラーが発生しました。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr "トランザクションを解しできません:"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr "トランザクションを実行できません。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "トランザクションファイル %s の削除に失敗しました"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s のインストールを想定したがそうではなかった!"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s の削除を想定したがそうではなかった!"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "%s のロックを開けません: %s"
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "PID %s がアクティブかどうかの確認に失敗しました"
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr "ロックファイル %s が存在します: PID %s として別に実行されています。"
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr "%s でロックを作成できません: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "%s のロックを開けません: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "PID %s がアクティブかどうかの確認に失敗しました"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+ msgstr "パッケージは予定したダウンロードと一致しません。 提案: 「yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata」の実行"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "チェックサムの実行ができません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "パッケージのチェックサムが一致しません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr "%s のためにキャッシュを有効にしていますが、パッケージのチェックサム演算に失敗します。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "%s のローカルコピーを使う"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-"ダウンロードディレクトリー %s の空きが不十分です\n"
+-"    * 空き容量 %s\n"
+-"    * 必要容量 %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "ヘッダーが完了していません。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+ msgstr "ヘッダーはキャッシュのみのモードが有効で、ローカルにありません。%s のダウンロードができません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "%s の公開鍵がインストールされていません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "パッケージ %s を開いている最中に問題です"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "%s の公開鍵が信頼されません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "パッケージ %s は署名されていません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "%s を削除できません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s を削除しました"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "%s のファイル %s を削除できませんでした"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s のファイル %s を削除しました"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %sファイルを削除しました"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d 個の %s ファイルを削除しました"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "更新から %s.%s %s:%s-%s に一致しません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() は Yum の将来のバージョンでなくなります。                      代わりに "
+-"searchGenerator() を使います。\n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() は Yum の将来のバージョンでなくなります。                      代わりに searchGenerator() を使います。\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "%d 個のパッケージを検索しています"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "%d 個のパッケージを検索しています"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "パッケージ %s を検索しています"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "ファイルのエントリーから検索しています"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "提供されたエントリーを検索しています"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "構成されたリポジトリーに利用できるグループはありません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "グループ名 %s が存在しません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+-msgstr "パッケージ%s はグループ %s で設定されていません"
++msgstr "パッケージ%s はグループ %s でマークされていません"
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "パッケージ %s をグループ %s から追加しています"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "インストールに利用できるパッケージ名 %s がありません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "%s のパッケージが見つかりません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "パッケージ オブジェクトはパッケージ オブジェクト インスタンスではありません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "インストールへの指定がありません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr "%s の仮想提供かファイル提供を確認しています"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "引数に一致しません: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "パッケージ %s はインストール済みか利用できません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "インストールに利用できるパッケージはありません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "パッケージ: %s - すでにトランザクション設定をしています。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "パッケージ %s は既にインストール済みの %s によって不要扱いになりました。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+ msgstr "パッケージ %s は %s によって不要になりました。しかし、不要のパッケージは要求を提供していません。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr "パッケージ %s は %s によって不要になりました。代わりに %s のインストールを試みています。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "パッケージ %s はインストール済みか最新バージョンです"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr "一致したパッケージ %s はすでにインストールされています。更新を確認しています。"
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "すべて更新しています"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr "既に不要なパッケージの更新はありません: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "不要なパッケージの更新はありません: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "引数に一致しません: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "アップグレードするために一致するパッケージがありません: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr "パッケージは既に不要です: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "パッケージはすでに不要です: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+-msgstr "既に不要なパッケージの更新はありません: %s"
++msgstr "不要なパッケージの更新はありません: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr "既にアップデートされているのでパッケージをアップデートしません: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "すでにアップデート済みなのでパッケージをアップデートしません: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "削除に一致するパッケージはありません"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "削除するために一致するパッケージがありません: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr "実行中のカーネルを飛ばします: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr "トランザクションの中から %s を削除しています。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "ファイルが開けません:  %s を飛ばします。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "%s を調べています: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "デルタ RPM をローカルインストールできません: %s。スキップしています。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr "トランザクションにパッケージ %s を追加できません。アーキテクチャに互換性がありません: %s"
++msgstr "トランザクションにパッケージ %s を追加できません。アーキテクチャーに互換性がありません: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr "パッケージ %s をインストールできません。それはパッケージ %s により不要になっています。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+ msgstr "パッケージ %s はインストールされていないので更新できません。代わりに「yum install」を実行してインストールしてください。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "%s の除外中"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "%s をインストール済みとして設定しています"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "次のリポジトリーへの更新として %s を設定します: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: インストールされたパッケージを更新しません。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "ファイル %s が開けません。飛ばします。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr "再インストール中に問題: 削除するパッケージがありません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr "再インストールでの問題: インストールのための %s に一致するパッケーがありません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "ダウングレードに利用できるパッケージはありません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "パッケージ %s は複数インストールが許可されています。飛ばします"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "利用できるパッケージに一致しません: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "アップグレードにのみ利用できるパッケージ: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr "ダウングレードに失敗: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "更新に失敗しました: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr "%s から鍵を取得中です。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "GPG 鍵の取得に失敗しました: "
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr "キー %s のGPGキーの署名は、次のレポジトリーのCA鍵と一致していません。: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "%s からの GPG 鍵が正しくありません: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "GPG 鍵の解析に失敗しました: 鍵は値 %s を持っていません"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "GPG 鍵 %s (0x%s) はすでにインストールしています"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "鍵のインポートに失敗しました (コード: %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "鍵のインポートに成功しました"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "鍵のインポートを助けられません。鍵が壊れていませんか?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "いいえ"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "はい"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "GPG 鍵 %s (0x%s) はすでにインポートしています"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "鍵のインポートに失敗しました"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "キー %s のインポートに失敗しました"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "適当なミラーを見つけることができませんでした。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "パッケージのダウンロード中にエラーに遭遇しました。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "%s にこのエラーを報告してください"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "テストトランザクションでエラー: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr "cackedir が設定できません: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "トランザクションファイル %s が保存できません。: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr "保存されているトランザクションファイル %s にアクセスできません。: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr "保存されているトランザクションファイルの rpmdb のバージョンがマッチしていません。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "txmbr を見つけられませんでした: %s が %s 状態にあります"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "txmbr を見つけられませんでした: 起点から %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
++msgstr " 要求により、無視しています。依存性を再解決しなければいけません!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "読み込んだプラグイン:"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "プラグインが一致しません: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "無効になっているため、プラグイン「%s」は読み込みません"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "プラグイン「%s」はインポートできませんでした"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "プラグイン「%s」は要求された API バージョンを明記していません"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "プラグイン「%s」は API %s を要求しています。サポートした API は %s です。"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "プラグイン「%s」を読み込んでいます"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr "プラグイン検索パスの中に \"%s\" に該当する名前のプラグインが複数存在します。"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "構成ファイル %s が見つかりません"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "プラグイン %s の構成ファイルの検索に失敗しました"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "コマンドの登録をサポートしていません"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr "は次の要求が不足ています: "
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr "は次のインストール済みと衝突しています: "
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr "%s は %s の複製です"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr "%s は %s によって不要になりました。"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr "%s は %s を提供していますが、見つかりません。"
+@@ -3091,6 +3447,23 @@ msgstr "%s は %s を提供していますが、見つかりません。"
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "再パッケージをしています"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "検証: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "ダウンロードディレクトリー %s の空きが不十分です\n    * 空き容量 %s\n    * 必要容量 %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3119,5 +3492,3 @@ msgstr "ヘッダー %s は損傷があります"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "RPM %s へのアクセスでエラー - %s エラー"
+diff --git a/po/lt_LT.po b/po/lt_LT.po
+index 4a1d933..f9c3f43 100644
+--- a/po/lt_LT.po
++++ b/po/lt_LT.po
+@@ -2,1510 +2,1656 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# aurisc4 <aurisc4@gmail.com>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# aurisc4 <aurisc4@gmail.com>, 2011.
++#   <aurisc4@gmail.com>, 2011.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Lithuanian (Lithuania) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/lt_LT/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Lithuanian (Lithuania) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/lt_LT/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: lt_LT\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Atnaujinama"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Šalinama"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Diegiama"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Pažymėta pasenusiu"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Atnaujinta"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Pašalinta"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Įdiegta"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Nėra antraštės - keista?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Perpakuoti"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Klaida: neteisinga išvesties būsena: %s %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Pašalinta: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Šalinama"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Valymas"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "Komanda „%s“ jau apibrėžta"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Nustatomos saugyklos"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "Skaitoma saugyklų informacija iš vietinių failų"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Konfigūracijos klaida: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Parinkčių klaida: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Įdiegta: %s-%s %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Sukurta  : %s %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Pateikta : %s %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "Reikia pateikti kokią nors komandą"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "Nėra komandos: %s. Naudokite %s --help"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Disko reikalavimai:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr "  Reikia bent %dMB daugiau vietos failų sistemoje %s.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "  Reikia bent %dMB daugiau vietos failų sistemoje %s.\n"
++msgstr[1] "  Reikia bent %dMB daugiau vietos failų sistemoje %s.\n"
++msgstr[2] "  Reikia bent %dMB daugiau vietos failų sistemoje %s.\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Klaidos santrauka\n"
++msgstr "Klaidos santrauka\n-------------\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Nepavyko sukurti užrakto failo; išeinama"
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Kita programa šiuo metu turi yum užraktą; išeinama, kaip nustatyta parametru exit_on_lock"
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+-msgstr "Bandoma paleisti transakciją, bet nėra veiksmų. Išeinama."
++msgstr "Bandoma paleisti tranzakciją, bet nėra veiksmų. Išeinama."
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " nepaisoma, kaip nurodyta."
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr " atšaukiama."
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "Išeinama po naudotojo komandos"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "Parsiunčiami paketai:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Klaida parsiunčiant paketus:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+-msgstr "Vykdomas transakcijos tikrinimas"
++msgstr "Vykdomas tranzakcijos tikrinimas"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "KLAIDA Reikia atnaujinti rpm norint apdoroti:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+-msgstr "KLAIDA su transakcijos ir priklausomybių tikrinimu:"
++msgstr "KLAIDA su tranzakcijos ir priklausomybių tikrinimu:"
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "RPM turi būti atnaujintas"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Praneškite apie šią klaidą adresu %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+-msgstr "Vykdomas transakcijos tikrinimas"
++msgstr "Vykdomas tranzakcijos tikrinimas"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+-msgstr "Transakcijos tikrinimo klaida:\n"
++msgstr "Tranzakcijos tikrinimo klaida:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+-msgstr "Transakcijos tikrinimas sėkmingas"
++msgstr "Tranzakcijos tikrinimas sėkmingas"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+-msgstr "Vykdoma transakcija"
++msgstr "Vykdoma tranzakcija"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Atsisakoma automatiškai importuoti raktus, kai vykdoma neprižiūrint.\n"
+-"Naudokite „-y“ veiksenos pakeitimui."
++msgstr "Atsisakoma automatiškai importuoti raktus, kai vykdoma neprižiūrint.\nNaudokite „-y“ veiksenos pakeitimui."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * Gal turėjote omenyje:"
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "Paketas(-ai) %s%s%s prieinami, bet neįdiegti."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "Nėra prieinamo paketo %s%s%s."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Paketas(-ai) diegimui"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d paketas įdiegimui"
++msgstr[1] "%d paketai įdiegimui"
++msgstr[2] "%d paketų įdiegimui"
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Nėra ką atlikti"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d paketas(-ai) pažymėti atnaujinimui"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d paketas pažymėtas atnaujinimui"
++msgstr[1] "%d paketai pažymėtas atnaujinimui"
++msgstr[2] "%d paketų pažymėtas atnaujinimui"
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "Nėra paketų, pažymėtų atnaujinimui"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "%d paketas(-ai) pažymėtas(-i) distribucijos sinchronizavimui"
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d paketas pažymėtas distribucijos sinchronizacijai"
++msgstr[1] "%d paketai pažymėtas distribucijos sinchronizacijai"
++msgstr[2] "%d paketų pažymėtas distribucijos sinchronizacijai"
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr "Nėra paketų, pažymėtų distribucijos sinchronizavimui"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d paketas(-ai) pažymėtas(-i) pašalinimui"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d paketas pažymėtas pašalinimui"
++msgstr[1] "%d paketai pažymėtas pašalinimui"
++msgstr[2] "%d paketų pažymėtas pašalinimui"
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "Nėra paketų, pažymėtų pašalinimui"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Paketas(-ai) grąžinimui"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d paketas grąžinimui"
++msgstr[1] "%d paketai grąžinimui"
++msgstr[2] "%d paketų grąžinimui"
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (iš %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "Įdiegtas paketas %s%s%s%s neprieinamas."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Paketas(-ai) pakartotiniam diegimui"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d paketas pakartotiniam diegimui"
++msgstr[1] "%d paketai pakartotiniam diegimui"
++msgstr[2] "%d paketų pakartotiniam diegimui"
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "Nėra pateiktų paketų"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Paketas(-ai) diegimui"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+-msgstr "Paieškos atitikmenu: %s"
++msgstr "Paieškos atitikmenų: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  %sTik%s pavadinimo ir santraukos atitikmenys, naudokite „search all“ "
+-"paieškai visur."
++msgstr "  %sTik%s pavadinimo ir santraukos atitikmenys, naudokite „search all“ paieškai visur."
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  %sTik%s pilno pavadinimo ir santraukos atitikmenys, naudokite „search all“"
+-" paieškai visur."
++msgstr "  %sTik%s pilno pavadinimo ir santraukos atitikmenys, naudokite „search all“ paieškai visur."
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Atitinka: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  %sDaugiausia%s pavadinimo ir santraukos atitikmenys, naudokite „search "
+-"all“ paieškai visur."
++msgstr "  %sDaugiausia%s pavadinimo ir santraukos atitikmenys, naudokite „search all“ paieškai visur."
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Įspėjimas: nerasta atitikmenų: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "Nerasta atitikmenų"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "Nerasta paketų užklausai %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "Klaida: nerasta paketų paieškai:\n  %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr "Išvalomos saugyklos:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "Išvaloma viskas"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "Išvalomos antraštės"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "Išvalomi paketai"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "Išvalomi xml metaduomenys"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "Išvalomas duomenų bazės podėlis"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "Išvalomas pasenę podėlio metaduomenys"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr "Išvalomi podėlio rpmdb duomenys"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "Išvalomi įskiepiai"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
+-msgstr "Įspėjimas: nėra grupių atitikmenų: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Įdiegto grupės:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Įdiegtos kalbų grupės:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Prieinamos grupės:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Prieinamos kalbų grupės:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Atlikta"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Įspėjimas: nėra grupės %s."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+ msgstr "Nėra paketų diegimui ar atnaujinimui jokioje pageidaujamoje grupėje"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d paketas įdiegimui"
++msgstr[1] "%d paketai įdiegimui"
++msgstr[2] "%d paketų įdiegimui"
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d diegtinas(-i) paketai(-ai)"
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Nėra grupės %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "Nėra paketų pašalinimui iš grupių"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d paketas(-ai) pašalinimui"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d paketas pašalinimui"
++msgstr[1] "%d paketai pašalinimui"
++msgstr[2] "%d paketų pašalinimui"
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "Paketas %s jau įdiegtas, praleidžiama"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "Atmetami nepalyginami paketai %s.%s"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr "Nėra įdiegto kito %s, įtraukiama į sąrašą galimam diegimui"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Įskiepių parinktys"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Komandinės eilutės klaida: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: %s parinktis reikalauja argumento"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: %s parinktis reikalauja argumento"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color gali būti: auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr "--installroot turi būti absoliutus kelias: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "rodyti šį pagalbos pranešimą ir išeiti"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "toleruoti klaidas"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr "vykdyti tik iš sistemos podėlio jo neatnaujinant"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "konfigūracijos failo vieta"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "didžiausias komandos laukimo laikas"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "derinimo išvesties lygmuo"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr "rodyti dublikatus saugyklose, sąrašo/paieškos komandose"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "klaidų išvesties lygmuo"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr "derinimo išvesties lygmuo rpm komandai"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "tyli operacija"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "išsami operacija"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "atsakyti „taip“ į visus klausimus"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "atsakyti ne į visus klausimus"
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "rodyti Yum versiją ir išeiti"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "nustatyti diegimo šaknį"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "leisti vieną ar daugiau saugyklų (leidžiami pakaitos simboliai)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "drausti vieną ar daugiau saugyklų (leidžiami pakaitos simboliai)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr "išskirti paketą(-us) pagal pavadinimą arba globalų vardą"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+-msgstr "drausti iškyrimą iš pagrindinio saugyklai arba viskam"
++msgstr "drausti išskyrimą iš pagrindinio saugyklai arba viskam"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "leisti pasenusių apdorojimą atnaujinimo metu"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "drausti Yum įskiepius"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "drausti gpg parašo tikrinimą"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "drausti įskiepius pagal pavadinimą"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "leisti įskiepius pagal pavadinimą"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "praleisti paketus su priklausomybių tikrinimo problemomis"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "valdyti, ar naudojama spalva"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
++msgstr "nustatyti $releasever reikšmę yum konfigūracijoje ir saugyklų failuose"
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-"nustatyti $releasever reikšmę yum konfigūracijoje ir saugyklų failuose"
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr "nustatyti savavališkas konfigūracijos ir saugyklų parinktis"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "Sau"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "Vas"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "Kov"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "Bal"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "Ge"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "Bir"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "Lie"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "Rug"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "Rgs"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "Spa"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "Lap"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "Gr"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "Bandoma kita dubliuojamoji tinklavietė"
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr "Pavadinimas : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr "Architektūra: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr "Epocha      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr "Versija     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr "Leidimas    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr "Dydis       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "Saugykla    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr "Iš saugyklos   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr "Pateikėjas  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr "Pateikta    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr "Sukūrimo laikas: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "Įdiegimo laikas: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr "Įdiegė      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr "Pakeitė     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr "Santrauka   : "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "URL         : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr "Licencija   : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "Aprašymas   : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "t"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "taip"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "ne"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "Ar tai tinka [t/N]: "
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Grupė: %s"
++msgstr "\nGrupė: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " Grupės id: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Aprašymas: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr "Kalba: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Privalomi paketai:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Numatytieji paketai:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Papildomi paketai:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Sąlyginiai paketai:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr " Įdiegti paketai:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "paketas: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr "  Šis paketas neturi priklausomybių"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "  priklausomybė: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr "   Nepatenkinta priklausomybė"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Atitinka:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Licencija   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Failo pavadinimas: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "Suteikia    :"
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Kita        : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "Įvyko klaida skaičiuojant visą parsiuntimo dydį"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Visas dydis: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Visas parsiuntimo dydis: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "Įdiegimo dydis: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr "Įvyko klaida skaičiuojant įdiegimo dydį"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "Perdiegiama"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "Grąžinama"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Diegiamos priklausomybės"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Atnaujinama priklausomybėms"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Šalinama dėl priklausomybių"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Praleista (priklausomybių problemos)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "Neįdiegtas"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Neprieinama"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Paketas"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "Paketas"
++msgstr[1] "Paketai"
++msgstr[2] "Paketų"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Architektūra"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Versija"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Saugykla"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Dydis"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr "      pakeičiama  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Transakcijos santrauka\n"
++msgstr "\nTranzakcijos santrauka\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Įdiegti   %5.5s pektą(-us)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Įdiegti"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Atnaujinti %5.5s paketą(-us)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Atnaujinti"
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Pašalinti %5.5s paketą(-us)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Pašalinti"
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Perdiegti %5.5s paketą„-u)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Perdiegti"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Grąžinti %5.5s paketą(-us)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Grąžinti"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Priklausomas paketas"
++msgstr[1] "Priklausomi paketai"
++msgstr[2] "Priklausomų paketų"
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Pašalinta"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Priklausomybė pašalinta"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Priklausomybė įdiegta"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Priklausomybė atnaujinta"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Pakeista"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Nepavyko"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "du"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Dabartinis parsiuntimas atšauktas, %snutraukite (ctrl-c) vėl%s per %s%s%s sekundes\n"
++msgstr "\n Dabartinis parsiuntimas atšauktas, %snutraukite (ctrl-c) vėl%s per %s%s%s sekundes\nišėjimui.\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "naudotojo nutraukimas"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Iš viso"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<atstatyti>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "Sistema"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+-msgstr "Praleidžiama persidengianti transakcija %d, apjungta į %d"
++msgstr "Praleidžiama persidengianti tranzakcija %d, apjungta į %d"
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+-msgstr "Nėra transakcijų"
++msgstr "Nėra tranzakcijų"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+-msgstr "Pateikti blogi transakcijų ID arba paketai"
++msgstr "Pateikti blogi tranzakcijų ID arba paketai"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr "Komandų eilutė"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr "Prisijungęs naudotojas"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "Data ir laikas"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "Veiksmas(-ai)"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "Pakeista"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+-msgstr "Nepateiktas transakcijos ID"
++msgstr "Nepateiktas tranzakcijos ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+-msgstr "Pateiktas blogas transakcijos ID"
++msgstr "Pateiktas blogas tranzakcijos ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+-msgstr "Nerastas pateiktas transakcijos ID"
++msgstr "Nerastas pateiktas tranzakcijos ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+-msgstr "Rastas daugiau nei vienas transakcijos ID!"
++msgstr "Rastas daugiau nei vienas tranzakcijos ID!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+-msgstr "Nepateiktas transakcijos ID arba paketas"
++msgstr "Nepateiktas tranzakcijos ID arba paketas"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr "Grąžintas"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "Senesnis"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "Naujesnis"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+-msgstr "Transakcijos ID:"
++msgstr "Tranzakcijos ID:"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr "Pradžios laikas:"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr "Pradėti rpmdb  :"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr "(%u sekundžių)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr "(%u minučių)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr "(%u valandų)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr "(%u dienų)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "Pabaigos laikas:"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr "Baigti rpmdb   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "Naudotojas     :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "Grąžinimo kodas:"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "Nutraukta"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr "Klaidos:"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "Klaida:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "Sėkminga"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "Komandų eilutė :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr "Išsaugota papildoma nenumatyta informacija: %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+-msgstr "Transakcija atlikta su:"
++msgstr "Tranzakcija atlikta su:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "Pakeisti paketai:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "Praleisti paketai:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Rpmdb problemos:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "Scenarijaus išvestis:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "Klaidos:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "Įdiegti"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr "Įdiegti priklausomybes"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr "Pažymima pasenusiu"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "Pašalinti"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "Perdiegti"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr "Grąžinti"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "Atnaujinti"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "Laikas"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "Vakar"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "Praėjusią savaitę"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "Praėjusias 2 savaites"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "Praėjusius 3 mėnesius"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "Praėjusius 6 mėnesius"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "Praėjusiais metais"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "Daugiau nei prieš metus"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+-msgstr "Nerasta transakcija %s"
++msgstr "Nerasta tranzakcija %s"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+-msgstr "Transakcijos ID:"
++msgstr "Tranzakcijos ID:"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "Prieinama papildoma istorijos informacija:"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s: nerasta papildomų duomenų su šiuo pavadinimu"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Paketas        :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "Būsena         :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Dydis          :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "Sukūrimo vieta :"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "Sukūrimo laikas:"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Supakavo       :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Tiekėjas       :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Licencija      :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URL            :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "Išeities RPM   :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "Įdėjimo laikas :"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "Įdėjo          :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "Priežastis     :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "Iš saugyklos   :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "Įdiegė         :"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "Pakeitė        :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "įdiegta"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr "atnaujinimas"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "pašalinta"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "perdiegta"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr "grąžinimas"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr "žymima pasenusiu"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "atnaujinta"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "pažymėta pasenusiu"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr "---> Paketas %s.%s %s:%s-%s bus %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+-msgstr "--> Vykdomas transakcijos tikrinimas"
++msgstr "--> Vykdomas tranzakcijos tikrinimas"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+-msgstr ""
+-"--> Iš naujo paleidžiamas priklausomybių sprendimas su naujais pakeitimais"
++msgstr "--> Iš naujo paleidžiamas priklausomybių sprendimas su naujais pakeitimais"
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Baigtas priklausomybių sprendimas"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Apdorojama priklausomybė: %s paketui: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> Paliekamas paketas: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Nerasta priklausomybė: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "Paketas: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    Reikalauja: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Reikalauja: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        Nerasta"
++msgstr "\n        Nerasta"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "Atnaujino"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr "Grąžino"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr "Pažymėjo pasenusiu"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "Prieinamas"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> Sprendžiamas konfliktas: %s konfliktuoja su %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+-msgstr "--> Tęsiama transakcija su pasirinktais paketais. Palaukite."
++msgstr "--> Tęsiama tranzakcija su pasirinktais paketais. Palaukite."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+-msgstr "---> Grąžinama %s antraštė įpakavimui į transakcijos aibę."
++msgstr "---> Grąžinama %s antraštė įpakavimui į tranzakcijos aibę."
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Tikrinama"
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Vykdoma"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Miegama"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "Nepertraukiama"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Zombis"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Sekamas/Sustabdytas"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Nežinomas"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  Kita programa yra: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  Kita programa yra: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "  Atmintis : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "   Paleista: %s - prieš %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    Būsena : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Išeinama naudotojui nutraukus"
++msgstr "\n\nIšeinama naudotojui nutraukus"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Išeinama dėl nutraukto konvejerio"
++msgstr "\n\nIšeinama dėl nutraukto konvejerio"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-"Kita programa šiuo metu turi yum užraktą; išeinama, kaip nustatyta parametru"
+-" exit_on_lock"
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "PluginExit klaida: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Yum klaida: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Klaida: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr " Galite mėginti --skip-broken problemai apeiti"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr " Galite pamėginti paleisti: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Nežinoma(-os) klaida(-os): išėjimo kodas: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Išspręstos priklausomybės"
++msgstr "\nIšspręstos priklausomybės"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Baigta!"
+@@ -1517,7 +1663,7 @@ msgstr " Mini naudojimas:\n"
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "Jūs turite būti root šiai komandai atlikti."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1532,479 +1678,551 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Jūs įjungėte paketų tikrinimą naudojant GPG raktus. Tai yra gerai. \n"
+-"Tačiau jūs neturite įdiegę jokių GPG viešų raktų. Jums reikia parsiūsti\n"
+-"ir įdiegti raktus paketams, kuriuos jūs norite įdiegti.\n"
+-"Tą galite padaryti įvykdydami komandą:\n"
+-"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
+-"Jūs taip pat galite nurodyti rakto url, kurį norite naudoti\n"
+-"saugyklai „gpgkey“ parinktyje saugyklos sekcijoje ir yum \n"
+-"jį jums įdiegs.\n"
+-"Daugiau informacijos gausite susisiekę su jūsų distribucijos ar paketo tiekėju.\n"
++msgstr "\nJūs įjungėte paketų tikrinimą naudojant GPG raktus. Tai yra gerai. \nTačiau jūs neturite įdiegę jokių GPG viešų raktų. Jums reikia parsiūsti\nir įdiegti raktus paketams, kuriuos jūs norite įdiegti.\nTą galite padaryti įvykdydami komandą:\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nJūs taip pat galite nurodyti rakto url, kurį norite naudoti\nsaugyklai „gpgkey“ parinktyje saugyklos sekcijoje ir yum \njį jums įdiegs.\n\nDaugiau informacijos gausite susisiekę su jūsų distribucijos ar paketo tiekėju.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Problemų saugykla: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Klaida: %s reikia perduoti paketų sąrašą"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+-msgstr "Klaida: reikia atitikimens"
++msgstr "Klaida: reikia atitikmens"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Klaida: reikia grupės arba grupių sąrašo"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Klaida: clean reikalauja parinkties: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Klaida: netinkamas clean argumentas: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "Nėra argumento apvalkalui"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Failo pavadinimas, perduotas apvalkalui: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr "Failas %s, perduotas kaip argumentas apvalkalui, neegzistuoja."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Klaida: daugiau nei vienas failas perduotas kaip argumentas apvalkalui."
++msgstr "Klaida: daugiau nei vienas failas perduotas kaip argumentas apvalkalui."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nėra įjungtų saugyklų.\n"
+-" Paleiskite „yum repolist all“ visam saugyklų sąrašui gauti.\n"
+-" Jūs galite įjungti saugyklas su yum-config-manager --enable <saugykla>"
++msgstr "Nėra įjungtų saugyklų.\n Paleiskite „yum repolist all“ visam saugyklų sąrašui gauti.\n Jūs galite įjungti saugyklas su yum-config-manager --enable <saugykla>"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "PAKETAS..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Įdiegti paketą arba paketus jūsų sistemoje"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "Nustatomas diegimo procesas"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[PAKETAS...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Atnaujinti paketą arba paketus jūsų sistemoje"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "Nustatomas atnaujinimo procesas"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr "Sinchronizuoti įdiegtus paketus į naujausias prieinamas versijas"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr "Nustatomas distribucijos sinchronizacijos procesas"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Rodyti informaciją apie paketą arba paketų grupę"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Įdiegti paketai"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Prieinami paketai"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Papildomi paketai"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Atnaujinti paketai"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Paketai žymimi pasenusiais"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Neseniai pridėti paketai"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "Nėra atitinkančių paketų išvardinimui"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Išvardinti paketus arba paketų grupes"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Pašalinti paketą arba paketus iš sistemos"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "Nustatomas šalinimo procesas"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Rodyti arba naudoti grupių informaciją"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "Nustatomas grupės procesas"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "Nėra grupių, kurioms vykdyti komandą"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Išvardinti prieinamas paketų grupes"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Įdiegti grupės paketus jūsų sistemoje"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Netinkama grupių po-komanda, naudokite: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Pašalinti grupės paketus iš jūsų sistemos"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "Nėra įdiegtų grupių failo."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Parodyti informaciją apie paketų grupę"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "Jūs neturite prieigos prie grupių DB."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "Generuoti metaduomenų podėlį"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "Kuriami podėlio failai visiems metaduomenų failams."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr "Tai gali užtrukti priklausomai nuo šio kompiuterio greičio"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "Metaduomenų podėlis sukurtas"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "Pašalinti podėlio duomenis"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "Rasti, kuris paketas teikia pateiktą reikšmę"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "Tikrinti prieinamus paketų atnaujinimus"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "Ieškoti paketų informacijos pateiktai eilutei"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "Ieškoma paketų:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Atnaujinti paketus įvertinant pasenusius"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Nustatomas atnaujinimo procesas"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Įdiegti vietinį RPM"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "Nustatomas vietinio paketo procesas"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Nustatyti, kuris paketas teikia pateiktą priklausomybę"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "Ieškoti paketų priklausomybei:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Paleisti interaktyvų yum apvalkalą"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Nustatomas Yum apvalkalas"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "Išvardinti paketo priklausomybes"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "Randamos priklausomybės:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Rodyti nustatytas programinės įrangos saugyklas"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "įjungta"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "išjungta"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr "Saugyklos id : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr "Saugyklos pavadinimas: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "Saugyklos būsena: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+-msgstr "Saugyklos poversijis: "
++msgstr "Saugyklos po-versija: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "Saugyklos žymos: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Saugyklos distribucijos žymos: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr "Saugykla atnaujinta: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr "Saugyklos paketai: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "Saugyklos dydis: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr "Saugyklos bazinis url: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "Saugyklos metasaitas: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  Atnaujinta : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr "Saugyklos tinklavietės: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Niekada (paskutinis: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Neatdėliotinas (paskutinis: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s sekundė(s) (paskutinis: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr "Saugykla pasensta: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr "Saugykla išskiria: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr "Saugykla įtraukia: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr "Saugykloje išskirta: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Saugyklos failas: "
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "Saugyklos id"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "būsena"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "saugyklos pavadinimas"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Parodyti naudingą naudojimo pranešimą"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "Nėra pagalbos veiksmui %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"alternatyvūs vardai: "
++msgstr "\n\nalternatyvūs vardai: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"alternatyvus vardas: "
++msgstr "\n\nalternatyvus vardas: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "Nustatomas perdiegimo procesas"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "perdiegti paketą"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Nustatomas grąžinimo procesas"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "grąžinti paketą"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr "Parodyti mašinos ir prieinamų saugyklų versiją."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr "Yum versijų grupės:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " Grupė   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr "  Paketai:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "  Įdiegti:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr "Įdiegti per grupes:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Prieinami:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "Prieinami per grupes:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+-msgstr "Parodyti arba naudoti transakcijų istoriją"
++msgstr "Parodyti arba naudoti tranzakcijų istoriją"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Tranzakcijos:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "Pradžia     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "Pabaiga     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "Kartai      :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  rpm DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  yum DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr "Netinkama istorijos po-komanda, naudokite: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr "Jūs neturite priėjimo prie istorijos DB."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Ieškoti problemų rpmdb"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+-msgstr "įkelti išsaugotą transakciją iš failo"
++msgstr "įkelti išsaugotą tranzakciją iš failo"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+-msgstr "Nenurodytas įšsaugotos transakcijos failas."
++msgstr "Nenurodytas įšsaugotos tranzakcijos failas."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+-msgstr "įkeliama transakcija iš %s"
++msgstr "įkeliama tranzakcija iš %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+-msgstr "Transakcija, įkelta iš %s su %s nariais"
++msgstr "Tranzakcija, įkelta iš %s su %s nariais"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+@@ -2012,105 +2230,101 @@ msgstr "Transakcija, įkelta iš %s su %s nariais"
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr " Yum ckeck nepavyko: %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
+-msgstr "Kita programa turi yum užraktą; laukiama jos pabaigos..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Nėra skaitymo/rašymo prieigos esamame kataloge, perkeliama į /"
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+-msgstr "Nepavyko sukurti užrakto failo; išeinama"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Nėra getcwd() prieigos esamame kataloge, pereinama į /"
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "Spredžiamos priklausomybės"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Jūsų transakcija išsaugota, paleiskite ją su komanda: yum load-transaction "
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "Jūsų tranzakcija buvo įrašyta, paleiskite iš jaujo su: yum load-transaction %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Išeinama po naudotojo atšaukimo."
++msgstr "\n\nIšeinama po naudotojo atšaukimo."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() bus pašalinta ateities Yum versijose.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr "Nustatoma TransactionSets prieš konfigūracijos klasės pakrovimą"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "Netinkama tsflag konfigūracijos faile: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "Ieškoma pkgSack priklausomybei: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Narys: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s pakeistas diegimui"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "Pridedamas paketas %s veiksenoje %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "Šalinamas paketas %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s reikalauja: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s reikalauja %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "Reikalingo reikalavimo jau ieškota, apgaunama"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "Reikalavimas nėra paketo pavadinimas. Ieškoma: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Potencialus tiekėjas: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Veiksena %s %s tiekėjui : %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Veiksena paketui, teikiančiam %s: %s"
+@@ -2118,1028 +2332,1142 @@ msgstr "Veiksena paketui, teikiančiam %s: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr "Bandoma atnaujinti %s priklausomybių išsprendimui"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr "Nerasta %s atnaujinimo kelių. Klaida!"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s paketas, reikalaujantis %s pažymėtas pašalinimui"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s žymimas pasenusiu su %s, siekiant išspręsti priklausomybę."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Atnaujinamas %s, siekiant išspręsti priklausomybę."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr "Nepavyko rasti priklausomybės atnaujinimo kelio: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "Greitas atitikmuo %s %s reikalavimui"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr "%s yra teikiančių paketų sąraše, bet jis jau įdiegtas, pašalinama."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr "Potencialiai sprendžiantis paketas %s ts turi naujesnį variantą."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr "Potencialiai sprendžiantis paketas %s turi įdiegtą naujesnį variantą."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "%s jau ts, praleidžiama"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: pažymima %s kaip %s atnaujinimą"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: pažymima %s kaip %s diegimą"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+-msgstr "Sėkminga - tuščia transakcija"
++msgstr "Sėkminga - tuščia tranzakcija"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "Iš naujo paleidžiamas ciklas"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Užbaigiamas priklausomybių procesas"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Sėkminga - priklausomybės išspręstos"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "Ieškoma %s priklausomybių"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "ieškoma %s kaip %s reikalavimo"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "%s vykdoma compare_providers()"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "po %s geresnė architektūra"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s žymi pasenusiu %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"archdist palygino %s su %s vietoje %s\n"
+-"  Nugalėtojas: %s"
++msgstr "archdist palygino %s su %s vietoje %s\n  Nugalėtojas: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "bendras išeities rpm %s ir %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr "bazinis paketas %s įdiegtas paketui %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "bendras priešdėlis %s abiems %s ir %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr "reikalauja mažiausiai: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "suteikia vercmp: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr " Nugalėtojas: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "reikalauja mažiausiai: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr " Pralaimėtojas (su %d): %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Geriausia tvarka: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() bus pašalinta ateities Yum versijose.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr "Saugykla %r: klaida skaitant konfigūraciją: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr "Saugyklai %r trūksta pavadinimo konfigūracijoje, naudojamas id"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "įskiepiai jau pakrauti"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() bus pašalinta ateities Yum versijose.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "Skaitoma vietinė RPMDB"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() bus pašalinta ateities Yum versijose.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() bus pašalinta ateities Yum versijose.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "Nustatomos paketų aibės"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr "saugyklos objektui %s trūksta metodo _resetSack\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "todėl ši saugykla negali būti išjungta.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() bus pašalinta ateities Yum versijose.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "Kuriami atnaujinimo objektai"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() bus pašalinta ateities Yum versijose.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "Gaunami grupės metaduomenys"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Pridedamas grupės failas iš saugyklos: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Nepavyko pridėti grupių failo saugyklai: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "Nėra prieinamų grupių jokioje saugykloje"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr "Gaunami pkgtags metaduomenys"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Pridedamos žymos iš saugyklos: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Nepavyko pridėti paketų žymų saugyklai: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "Importuojama papildoma failų sąrašų informacija"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "Programa %s%s%s rasta yum-utils pakete."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Yra likusių nebaigtų transakcijų. Jūs turbūt norite paleisti yum-complete-"
+-"transaction joms užbaigti."
++msgstr "Yra likusių nebaigtų tranzakcijų. Jūs turbūt norite paleisti yum-complete-transaction joms užbaigti."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr "--> Randamos nereikalingos paliktos priklausomybės"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr "Apsaugotos daugiabibliokekės versijos: %s != %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr "Bandoma pašalinti „%s“, kuris yra apsaugotas"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paketai, praleisti dėl priklausomybių problemų:"
++msgstr "\nPaketai, praleisti dėl priklausomybių problemų:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s iš %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr "** Rasta %d esamų rpmdb problemų, „yum check“ išvestis:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr "Įspėjimas: RPMDB pakeista už yum ribų."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr "trūksta reikalavimų"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr "įdiegtas konfliktas"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Įspėjimas: scenarijaus arba kitos negalutinės klaidos įvyko transakcijos "
++msgstr "Įspėjimas: scenarijaus arba kitos negalutinės klaidos įvyko tranzakcijos metu."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+-msgstr "Transakcijos paleisti nepavyko:"
++msgstr "Tranzakcijos paleisti nepavyko:"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+-msgstr "Nepavyko paleisti transakcijos."
++msgstr "Nepavyko paleisti tranzakcijos."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+-msgstr "Nepavyko pašalinti transakcijos failo %s"
++msgstr "Nepavyko pašalinti tranzakcijos failo %s"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s turėjo būti įdiegtas, bet nebuvo!"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s turėjo būti pašalintas, bet nebuvo!"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Nepavyko atverti užrakto %s: %s"
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Nepavyksta patikrinti, ar PID %s yra aktyvus"
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr "Esamas užraktas %s: kito kopija veikia kaip pid %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr "Nepavyko sukurti užrakto %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Nepavyko atverti užrakto %s: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Nepavyksta patikrinti, ar PID %s yra aktyvus"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paketai nesutampa su pageidautu parsiuntimu. Pasiūlymas: paleisti yum "
+-"--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr "Paketai nesutampa su pageidautu parsiuntimu. Pasiūlymas: paleisti yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "Nepavyko patikrinti kontrolinės sumos"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "Paketo kontrolinė suma nesutampa"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr "paketo kontrolinė suma nesutampa, bet %s podėlis yra įjungtas"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "naudojama vietinė %s kopija"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Nepakanka vietos parsiuntimų kataloge %s\n"
+-"    * laisva %s\n"
+-"    * reikia %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "Antraštė nepilna."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Antraštė ne vietiniame podėlyje, o tik podėlio veiksena yra įjungta. "
+-"Negalima parsiūsti %s"
++msgstr "Antraštė ne vietiniame podėlyje, o tik podėlio veiksena yra įjungta. Negalima parsiūsti %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "%s viešas raktas neįdiegtas"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Problema atveriant paketą %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "%s viešasis raktas nepatikimas"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "Paketas %s nepasirašytas"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "Nepavyksta pašalinti %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s pašalintas"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "Nepavyksta pašalinti %s failo %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s failas %s pašalintas"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s failai pašalinti"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d %s failas pašalintas"
++msgstr[1] "%d %s failai pašalintas"
++msgstr[2] "%d %s failų pašalintas"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "Daugiau nei vienas identiškas atitikmuo ieškomam %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "Nėra %s.%s %s:%s-%s atitikmenų atnaujinime"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() bus pašalinta ateities Yum versijose.                      "
+-"Naudokite searchGenerator(). \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() bus pašalinta ateities Yum versijose.                      Naudokite searchGenerator(). \n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "Ieškoma %d paketų"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "Ieškoma %d paketo"
++msgstr[1] "Ieškoma %d paketų"
++msgstr[2] "Ieškoma %d paketų"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "ieškoma paketo %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "ieškoma failų įrašuose"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "ieškoma teikimo įrašuose"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "Nėra prieinamų grupių duomenų nustatytose saugyklose"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Nėra grupės %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "paketas %s nebuvo pažymėtas grupėje %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Praleidžiamas paketas %s iš grupės %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "Pridedamas paketas %s iš grupės %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "Nėra paketo %s, prieinamo diegimui"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
+-msgstr "Įspėjimas: grupė %s neturi jokių paketų."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr "Grupė %s turi %u sąlyginių paketų, kurie gali būti įdiegti."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "Nepavyksta rasti paketų rinkinio %s krepšyje"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Nepavyksta rasti paketų rinkinio %s rpmdb"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr "Netinkamas versijos požymis iš: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "Nerastas paketas %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "Paketo objektas nebuvo paketo objekto egzempliorius"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "Nieko nenurodyta įdiegti"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr "Tikrinamas virtualus tiekimas arba failo tiekimas %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "Nėra atitikmens argumentui: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "Paketas %s įdiegtas ir neprieinamas"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "Nėra paketo(-ų), prieinamo diegimui"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+-msgstr "Paketas: %s - jau transakcijos aibėje"
++msgstr "Paketas: %s - jau tranzakcijos aibėje"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "Paketas %s yra pažymėtas pasenusiu paketo %s, kuris jau įdiegtas"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paketas %s pažymėtas pasenusiu paketo %s, bet žymėjimas pasenusiu neatitinka"
+-" reikalavimų"
++msgstr "Paketas %s pažymėtas pasenusiu paketo %s, bet žymėjimas pasenusiu neatitinka reikalavimų"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr "Paketas %s pažymėtas pasenusiu paketo %s, todėl bandoma įdiegti %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "Paketas %s jau įdiegtas ir paskutinės versijos"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr "Paketas, atitinkantis %s, jau įdiegtas. Tikrinamas atnaujinimas."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "Atnaujinti viską"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Neatnaujinamas paketas, kuris jau yra pasenęs: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Nėra atitikmens argumentui: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Nerasta paketo atnaujinimui: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Paketas jau yra pasenęs: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "Neatnaujinamas paketas, kuris yra pasenęs: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Neatnaujinamas paketas, kuris jau yra atnaujintas: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "Nėra paketo atitikmens pašalinimui"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "Nerasta paketo pašalinimui: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr "Praleidžiama ir vykdomas branduolys: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+-msgstr "Pašalinamas %s iš transakcijos"
++msgstr "Pašalinamas %s iš tranzakcijos"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Nepavyksta atverti: %s. Praleidžiama."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Tikrinama %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Nepavyksta vietinis deltarpm diegimas: %s. Praleidžiama."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nepavyksta pridėti paketo %s į transakciją. Nesuderinama architektūra: %s"
++msgstr "Nepavyksta pridėti paketo %s į tranzakciją. Nesuderinama architektūra: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nepavyksta įdiegti paketo %s. Jis pažymėtas pasenusiu įdiegto paketo %s"
++msgstr "Nepavyksta įdiegti paketo %s. Jis pažymėtas pasenusiu įdiegto paketo %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paketas %s neįdiegtas, negalima jo atnaujinti. Paleiskite yum install jo "
++msgstr "Paketas %s neįdiegtas, negalima jo atnaujinti. Paleiskite yum install jo įdiegimui."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paketas %s.%s neįdiegtas, negalima jo atnaujinti. Paleiskite yum install jam"
+-" įdiegti."
++msgstr "Paketas %s.%s neįdiegtas, negalima jo atnaujinti. Paleiskite yum install jam įdiegti."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "Išskiriamas %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "Žymimas %s įdiegimui"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "Žymimas %s kaip %s atnaujinimas"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: neatnaujina įdiegto paketo."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Nepavyksta atverti failo: %s. Praleidžiama."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr "Perdiegimo problema: nėra paketo atitikmens pašalinimui"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr "Perdiegimo problema: nėra paketo %s atitikmens diegimui"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "Nėra paketo(-ų) grąžinimui"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "Paketas %s leidžia daugkartinius diegimus, praleidžiama"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "Nėra atitikmens prieinamam paketui: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Tik atnaujinimas yra prieinamas paketui: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr "Nepavyko grąžinti: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Nepavyko atnaujinti: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr "Gaunamas raktas iš %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "GPG rakto gavimas nepavyko: "
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr "GPG rakto parašas raktui %s neatitinka saugyklos CA rakto: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr "GPG rakto parašas patikrinas su CA raktu(-ais)."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Netinkamas GPG raktas iš %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "GPG rakto skaitymas nepavyko: raktas neturi %s reikšmės"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Importuojamas %s raktas 0x%s:\n"
+-" Naudotojo id: %s\n"
+-" Paketas     : %s (%s)\n"
+-" Iš          : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importuojamas %s raktas 0x%s:\n Naudotojas : „%s“\n Atspaudas  : %s\n Paketas    : %s (%s)\n Iš         : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Importuojamas %s raktas 0x%s:\n"
+-" Naudotojo id: \"%s\"\n"
+-" Iš          : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importuojamas %s raktas 0x%s:\n Naudotojas : „%s“\n Atspaudas  : %s\n Iš         : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Nepavykęs paketas: %s\n GPG raktai yra sukonfigūruoti kaip: %s\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "GPG raktas iš %s (0x%s) jau įdiegtas"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "Rakto importas neapvyko (kodas %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "Raktas sėkmingai importuotas"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr "Neįdiegta jokių raktų"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"GPG raktai, išvardinti „%s“ saugyklai, jau yra įdiegti, bet nėra teisingi šiam paketui.\n"
+-"Patikrinkite, ar teisingi URL yra nustatyti šiai saugyklai."
++msgstr "GPG raktai, išvardinti „%s“ saugyklai, jau yra įdiegti, bet nėra teisingi šiam paketui.\nPatikrinkite, ar teisingi URL yra nustatyti šiai saugyklai."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "Rakto(-ų) importas nepadėjo, neteisingas(-i) raktas(-ai)?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "Ne"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Taip"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n CA raktas: %s\n Nepavykusi saugykla: %s\n GPG raktai yra sukonfigūruoti kaip: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "GPG raktas iš %s (0x%s) jau importuotas"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "Rakto importas nepavyko"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "Rakto %s importavimas nepavyko"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr "Neįdiegta jokių raktų saugyklai %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"GPG raktai, išvardinti „%s“ saugyklai, jau yra įdiegti, bet nėra teisingi.\n"
+-"Patikrinkite, ar teisingi URL yra nustatyti šiai saugyklai."
++msgstr "GPG raktai, išvardinti „%s“ saugyklai, jau yra įdiegti, bet nėra teisingi.\nPatikrinkite, ar teisingi URL yra nustatyti šiai saugyklai."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "Nepavyksta rasti tinkamos dubliuojančios tinklavietės."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Kilo klaidų parsiunčiant paketus."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Praneškite apie šią klaidą adresu %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+-msgstr "Transakcijos testavimo klaidos: "
++msgstr "Tranzakcijos testavimo klaidos: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr "Nepavyko nustatyti podėlio katalogo: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+-msgstr "Priklausomybės neįšspręsto. Neišsaugoma neišspręsta transakcija."
++msgstr "Priklausomybės neįšspręsto. Neišsaugoma neišspręsta tranzakcija."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Nepavyko išsaugoti transakcijos į failą %s: %s"
++msgstr "Nepavyko išsaugoti tranzakcijos į failą %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+-msgstr "Nepavyko pasiekti/perskaityti išsaugotos transakcijos %s : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr "rpmdb versija nesutampa su išsaugotos transakcijos versija, "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr " nepaisoma, kaip nurodyta."
++msgstr "Nepavyko pasiekti/perskaityti išsaugotos tranzakcijos %s : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr " atšaukiama."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr "nepavyksta rasti tsflags arba tai nėra sveikas skaičius."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr "Rastas txmbr nežinomoje būsenoje: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr "Nepavyksta rasti txmbr: %s būsenoje %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr "Nepavyksta rasti txmbr: %s iš šaltinio: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+-msgstr "Trūksta transakcijos narių, ryšių arba transakcija buvo pakeista,"
++msgstr "Trūksta tranzakcijos narių, ryšių arba transakcija buvo pakeista,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr " nepaisoma, kaip nurodyta. Jūs turite išspręsti priklausomybes!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s jau buvo aplankytas ir negali būti pašalintas."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "Tikrinama %s revdeps"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s turi revdep %s, kuri yra naudotojo įdiegta."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "%s neturi naudotojo įdiegtų revdeps."
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Įkelti įskiepiai: "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "Nėra įskiepio atitikmens : %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "Neįkeliamas įskiepis „%s“, nes jis išjungtas"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "Įskiepis „%s“ negali būti importuotas"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "Įskiepis „%s“ nenurodo reikalingos API versijos"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "Įskiepis „%s“ reikalauja API %s. Palaikoma API yra %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "Įkeliamas įskiepis „%s“"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Vienas ar daugiau įskiepių pavadinimu „%s“ yra įskiepių ieškojimo kelyje"
++msgstr "Vienas ar daugiau įskiepių pavadinimu „%s“ yra įskiepių ieškojimo kelyje"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "Konfigūracijos failas %s nerastas"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "Nepavyksta rasti konfigūracijos failo įskiepiui %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "komandų registravimas nepalaikomas"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr "turi trūkstamų reikalavimų"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr "turi įdiegtų konfliktų"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr "%s yra %s dublikatas"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr "%s yra apžymėtas pasenusio paketo %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr "%s teikia %s, bet nepavyksta jo rasti"
+@@ -3148,6 +3476,23 @@ msgstr "%s teikia %s, bet nepavyksta jo rasti"
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "Perpakuojama"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Patikrinti: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Nepakanka vietos parsiuntimų kataloge %s\n    * laisva %s\n    * reikia %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3160,8 +3505,7 @@ msgstr "RPM %s neatitinka md5 tikrinimo"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nepavyksta atverti RPM duomenų bazės skaitymui. Galbūt ji jau naudojama?"
++msgstr "Nepavyksta atverti RPM duomenų bazės skaitymui. Galbūt ji jau naudojama?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+@@ -3177,5 +3521,3 @@ msgstr "Sugadinta antraštė %s"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Klaida atveriant rpm %s - klaida %s"
+diff --git a/po/mr.po b/po/mr.po
+index 5163eab..7556e8f 100644
+--- a/po/mr.po
++++ b/po/mr.po
+@@ -2,427 +2,506 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
++# Translators:
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Marathi (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/mr/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Marathi (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/mr/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: mr\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -430,438 +509,484 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -869,65 +994,66 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -935,484 +1061,542 @@ msgid ""
+ "to exit.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -1420,47 +1604,41 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1472,7 +1650,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1489,555 +1667,648 @@ msgid ""
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
+-msgid "Setting up Group Process"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
+-msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
++msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
++msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -2045,991 +2316,1140 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
++#. The pid doesn't exist
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -3038,6 +3458,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3066,5 +3503,3 @@ msgstr ""
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/ms.po b/po/ms.po
+index 2b9119e..e4d6a73 100644
+--- a/po/ms.po
++++ b/po/ms.po
+@@ -2,427 +2,497 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
++# Translators:
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: ms\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Tiada pengepala - huh?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -430,438 +500,483 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "ya"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "t"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "tidak"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "Adakah ini ok [y/T]:"
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Versi"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Saiz"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -869,65 +984,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -935,484 +1050,542 @@ msgid ""
+ "to exit.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -1420,47 +1593,41 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1472,7 +1639,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1489,555 +1656,645 @@ msgid ""
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
+-msgid "Setting up Group Process"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
+-msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
++msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
++msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -2045,991 +2302,1138 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
++#. The pid doesn't exist
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "Tidak dapat melaksanakan checksum"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "menggunakan salinan tempatan bagi %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "Pengepala tidak lengkap."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Masalah membuka pakej %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "Pakej %s tidak ditandatangan"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "Tidak dapat membuang %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "Tidak dapat membuang %s fail %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s fail %s dibuang"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s fail dibuang"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "Mencari %d pakej"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "mencari pakej %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "Tiada Pakej dijumpai untuk %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "Mengemaskini Semuanya"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Memeriksa %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "Menanda %s untuk dipasang"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Tidak dapat membuka fail: %s. Melangkau."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "Kekunci berjaya diimport"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Ralat Ujian Transaksi:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -3038,6 +3442,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3066,5 +3487,3 @@ msgstr "Pengepala Rosak %s"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Ralat membuka rpm %s - ralat %s"
+diff --git a/po/nb.po b/po/nb.po
+index d2ee996..cf3cf41 100644
+--- a/po/nb.po
++++ b/po/nb.po
+@@ -2,1442 +2,1601 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
++# Translators:
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: nb\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Oppdaterer"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Fjerner"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Installerer"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Utgått"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Oppdatert"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Fjernet"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Installert"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Intet hode - merksnodig?!"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Pakk på nytt"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Feil: ugyldig tilstand ut: %s for %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Fjernet: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Fjerner"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Rydder opp"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "Kommando «%s» er allerede definert"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Konfigurerer lagre"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "Leser inn data om lager fra lokale filer"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Feil i konfigurasjon: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Feil i flagg: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "Installert: %s-%s til %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Bygd      : %s til %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "Sendt inn: %s til %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "Du må oppgi en kommando"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Krav til disk:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
++msgstr "Sammendrag for feil\n---------------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Sammendrag for feil\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr "Prøver å kjøre transaksjonen, men den er tom. Avslutter."
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "Avslutter på grunn av kommando fra bruker"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "Laster ned pakker:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke laste ned pakkene:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Vennligst rapporter denne feilen i %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "Kjører test på transaksjonen"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "Feil ved test av transaksjonen:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "Test av transaksjonen var vellykket"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "Utfører transaksjonen"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nekter å importere nøkler automatisk ved kjøring uten oppsyn.\n"
+-"Bruk «-y» for å overstyre."
++msgstr "Nekter å importere nøkler automatisk ved kjøring uten oppsyn.\nBruk «-y» for å overstyre."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * Du mente kanskje:"
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "Pakken(e) %s%s%s er tilgjengelig, men ikke installert."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "Pakke %s%s%s er ikke tilgjengelig."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Pakke(r) som skal installeres"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Ingenting å gjøre"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d pakker merket for oppdatering"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "Ingen pakker merket for oppdatering"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d pakker merket for fjerning"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "Ingen pakker merket for fjerning"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Pakke(r) som skal nedgraderes"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (fra %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "Den installerte pakken %s%s%s%s er ikke tilgjengelig."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Pakke(r) som skal ominstalleres"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "Ingen pakker ble tilbudt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Pakke(r) som skal installeres"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Advarsel: Ingen treff funnet for: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "Fant ingen treff"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "Ingen pakke ble funnet for %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "Rydder opp alt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "Rydder opp pakkehoder"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "Rydder opp pakker"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "Rydder opp i XML-metadata"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "Rydder opp i mellomlager for database"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "Rydder opp i metadata for expire-cache"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "Rydder opp i programtillegg"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Installerte grupper:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Tilgjengelig grupper:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Ferdig"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Advarsel: Gruppe %s eksisterer ikke."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ingen pakker tilgjengelig for installering eller oppdatering i aktuelle "
++msgstr "Ingen pakker tilgjengelig for installering eller oppdatering i aktuelle grupper"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d pakke(r) vil bli installert"
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Det finnes ingen gruppe med navn %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "Ingen pakker å fjerne fra grupper"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d pakker vil bli fjernet"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "Pakke %s er allerede lagt inn, hopper over"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "Vraker pakke som ikke kan sammenlignes %s.%s"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ingen annen %s er lagt inn, legger til pakke til liste over potensielle "
++msgstr "Ingen annen %s er lagt inn, legger til pakke til liste over potensielle pakker"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Programtilleggs valg"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Feil med kommandolinje: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: flagg %s krever et argument"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: flagg %s krever et argument"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color tar et av: auto, alltid, aldri"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "vis denne hjelpteksten og avslutt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "vær tolerant ved feil"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "plassering av konfigurasjonsfil"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "maksimaltid for å vente på kommando"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "nivå for tilbakemeldinger ved avlusing"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr "vis duplikater i lager og i kommandoer for å liste/søke i pakker"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "mengde tilbakemelding ved feil"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "stille operasjon"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "vis ekstra informasjon"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "svar Ja til alle spørsmål"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "vis Yum-versjon og avslutt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "sett rot for installasjonen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "legger til et eller flere lager (jokertegn er tillatt)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "slå av et eller flere lager (jokertegn er tillatt)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr "overse pakke(r) ved navn eller mønster"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr "fjerner ekskludering av pakker, for et lager eller alle pakker"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "ta med foreldede pakker i beregningen ved oppdatering"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "ikke bruk programtilleggene til Yum"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "ikke sjekk GPG-signaturer"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "slå av tillegg til yum etter navn"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "slå av programtillegg til yum etter navn"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "hopp over pakker som har problemer med avhengigheter"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "kontroller om farger er brukt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "jan"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "feb"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "mar"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "apr"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "mai"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "jun"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "jul"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "aug"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "sep"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "okt"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "nov"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "des"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "Prøver et annet speil."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "Arkiv      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "Nettadresse        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "Beskrivelse : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "j"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "ja"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "nei"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "Er dette ok [j/N]:"
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\nGruppe:%s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr "GruppeId:%s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Beskrivelse: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr "Obligatoriske pakker:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr "Standard pakker:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr "Valgfrie pakker:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr "Betingede pakker:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "pakke: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr " Ingen avhengigheter for denne pakka"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr " avhengighet: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr " avhengighet som ikke kunne tilfredstilles"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Treff fra:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Lisens     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Filnavn     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Andre ting       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke finne ut størrelse på det som skal hentes ned"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Totale størrelse: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Totale størrelse på pakker som hentes: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "Ominstallerer"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "Nedgraderer"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Legges inn på grunn avhengigheter"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Oppdateres på grunn avhengigheter"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Fjernes på grunn avhengigheter"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Hoppet over (problemer med avhengigheter)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Pakke"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] "Pakke"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Arkitektur"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Versjon"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Pakkeoversikt"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Størrelse"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\nTransaksjonsammendrag\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Fjernet"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Fjernet på grunn avhengighet"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Lagt inn på grunn av avhengighet"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Oppdatert på grunn avhengighet"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Erstattet"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Feilet"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "to"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Pågående nedlastning er avbrutt, %s avbryt (ved å trykke Ctrl-C) %s ganger til innen %s%s%s sekunder\n"
+-"for å avslutte.\n"
++msgstr "\n Pågående nedlastning er avbrutt, %s avbryt (ved å trykke Ctrl-C) %s ganger til innen %s%s%s sekunder\nfor å avslutte.\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "avbrutt av bruker"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Totalt"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "installert"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "fjernet"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "oppdatert"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "foreldet"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> Utfører sjekk av transaksjonen"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr "--> Starter løsing av avhengigheter på nytt med endringer"
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Alle avhengigheter er løst"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Beregner avhengighet: %s for pakke: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Avhengigheter som ikke kunne bli tilfredstilt: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> Beregner konflikter: %s er i konflikt med %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr "--> Fyller transaksjonen med valgte pakker. Vennligst vent."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr "---> Henter ned filhode for pakke %s for å fylle transaksjonen."
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Kjører"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Sover"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Zombie"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Sporet/Stoppet"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Ukjent"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  Det andre programmet er: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  Det andre programmet er: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Minne : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    Startet for %s - %s siden"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    Status  : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Avslutter etter ønske"
++msgstr "\n\nAvslutter etter ønske"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Avslutter på grunn av brutt rør"
++msgstr "\n\nAvslutter på grunn av brutt rør"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -1445,49 +1604,41 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Feil: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr "Du kan prøve å bruke --skip-broken for å jobbe deg rundt problem"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Ukjent feil: feilkode: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Alle avhengigheter er løst"
++msgstr "\nAlle avhengigheter er løst"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Ferdig!"
+@@ -1499,7 +1650,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "Du må være rootbruker for å utføre denne kommandoen."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1514,579 +1665,650 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Du har valgt å sjekke pakkene ved hjelp av GPG-nøkler. Det er fornuftig.\n"
+-"Du har imidlertid ingen offentlige GPG-nøkler installert\n"
+-"Du må hente ned og legge inn nøklene. Du kan legge dem inn med kommandoen:\n"
+-"  rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
+-"Et annet og bedre alternativ er å oppgi URL til de nøklene du vil bruke.\n"
+-"Bruk opsjonen 'gpgkey' for hvert lager for å ta dette i bruk.\n"
+-"Kontakt din distribusjon eller pakkeansvarlig for mer informasjon.\n"
++msgstr "\nDu har valgt å sjekke pakkene ved hjelp av GPG-nøkler. Det er fornuftig.\nDu har imidlertid ingen offentlige GPG-nøkler installert\nDu må hente ned og legge inn nøklene. Du kan legge dem inn med kommandoen:\n\n  rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\nEt annet og bedre alternativ er å oppgi URL til de nøklene du vil bruke.\nBruk opsjonen 'gpgkey' for hvert lager for å ta dette i bruk.\n\nKontakt din distribusjon eller pakkeansvarlig for mer informasjon.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Feil: du må oppgi en liste med pakker som skal %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "Feil: trenger noe å sammenligne med"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Feil: trenger en gruppe eller en liste med grupper"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Feil: clean trenger minst et argument: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Feil: ugyldig argument gitt til kommandoen clean: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "Ingen argumenter ble gitt til kommandoen shell"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Følgende filnavn ble sendt til skallet: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Filen %s som ble gitt som argument til kommandoen shell eksisterer ikke."
++msgstr "Filen %s som ble gitt som argument til kommandoen shell eksisterer ikke."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr "Feil: mer enn en fil ble gitt som argument til kommandoen shell."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "PAKKE..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Legg inn en eller flere pakker på systemet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "Forberedelser for installasjon"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[PAKKE...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Oppdater en eller flere pakker på systemet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "Forberedelser for oppdatering"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Viser detaljer om en pakke eller en gruppe av grupper"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Pakker som er installert"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Tilgjengelige pakker"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Tilleggspakker"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Oppdaterte pakker"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Utdaterte pakker"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Pakker som nylig er lagt til"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "Ingen passende pakker å liste opp"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Lag en liste med pakker eller grupper av pakker"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Fjern en eller flere pakker fra systemet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "Klargjør for fjerning av pakker"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "Klargjør grupper med pakker"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "Ingen gruppe er valgt for aktuell kommando"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Lag liste over tilgjengelige pakkegrupper"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Legger inn pakkene i en gruppe på systemet"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Fjern pakkene i en gruppe fra systemet"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Viser detaljer om en gruppe av pakker"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "Lag mellomlager med metadata"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "Lager mellomlager for samtlige filer med metadata."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr "Dette kan en stund avhengig av hvor rask datamaskinen er"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "Mellomlager er ferdig lagd"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "Fjern mellomlager med metadata"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "Finn hvilken pakke som inneholder etterspurt verdi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "Se etter tilgjengelige pakkeoppdateringer"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "Søker etter oppgitt streng i pakkedetaljene"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "Søker i pakker: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Oppdater pakker og ta hensyn til pakker som blir utdatert"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Klargjør for oppdatering"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Legger inn en RPM fra filsystemet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "Klargjøring for pakker på lokalt filsystem"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Finner hvilken pakke som tilbyr den gitte avhengigheten"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "Søker i pakker etter avhengighet:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Kjører det interaktive Yum-skallet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Klargjør Yum-skallet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "Vis avhengigheter for en pakke"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "Finner avhengigheter: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Viser de pakkeoversiktene som er satt opp"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "aktiv"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "inaktiv"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Arkivrevisjon: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Arkivdistribusjonsmerkelapper:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "Arkivmetalink: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  Oppdatert    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "arkiv id"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "status"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "arkiv navn"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Viser en hjelpetekst"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "Ingen hjelp er tilgjengelig for %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\nalias:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\nalias:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "Klargjør for å legge inn pakke(r) på nytt"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "ominstaller en pakke "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Klargjør for oppdatering"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "nedgrader en pakke"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr "Vi sen versjon for maskinen og/eller tilgjengelige arkiver"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "Installert:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Tilgjengelig:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Et annet program holder en fillås for Yum, venter til fillåsen frigjøres..."
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "Løser avhengigheter"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Avslutter etter ønske"
++msgstr "\n\nAvslutter etter ønske"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() vil forsvinne i en kommende utgave av Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr "Setter opp transaksjons-sett før config klassen er klar"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "Ugyldig tsflag in konfigurasjonsfil: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "Søker i pkgSack etter avhengighet: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Medlem: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s ble omdannet til installering"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "Legger til pakke %s in modus %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "Fjerner pakke %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s krever: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "Nødvendig avhengighet har allerede blitt plukket opp, jukser"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "Nødvendig avhengighet er ikke et navn på pakke. Ser etter: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Potensiell tilbyder: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Modus er %s for tilbyder av %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Modus for pakke som tilbyr %s: %s"
+@@ -2094,1016 +2316,1140 @@ msgstr "Modus for pakke som tilbyr %s: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: pakke %s som er nødvendig for %s vil bli fjernet"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Bytter ut %s med %s for å løse opp i avhengighet."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Oppdaterer %s for å løse opp i avhengighet."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke finne måte å oppdatere sti for avhengighet: %s."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "Hurtigpasset %s for å tilfredstille %s"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr "%s tilbyr pakker, men er allerede installert, fjerner denne."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakke %s som potensielt løser opp avhengighet har nyere instans in ts."
++msgstr "Pakke %s som potensielt løser opp avhengighet har nyere instans in ts."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr "Pakke %s som potensielt løser opp avhengighet er allerde installert."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "%s er allerde i ts, hopper over denne"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Setter opp %s som oppdatering av %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Setter opp %s som pakke for installering av %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Suksess - transaksjonen er tom"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "Starter sløyfe på nytt"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Beregning av avhengighet avsluttes"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Suksess - alle avhengigheter er tilfredstilt"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "Sjekker avhengigheter for %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "leter etter %s som kreves av %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "Kjører compare_providers() for %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "bedre arch i po %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s faser ut %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"archdist sammenlignet %s med %s på %s\n"
+-" Vinner: %s"
++msgstr "archdist sammenlignet %s med %s på %s\n Vinner: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "felles kilderpm %s og %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "felles prefiks fra %s mellom %s og %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Beste rekkefølge: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() vil forsvinne i en kommende utgave av Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr "Pakkelager %r mangler navn i konfigurasjonsfilen(e), bruker id"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "tillegg til yum er allerede initiert"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() vil forsvinne i en kommende utgave av Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "Leser inn lokal RPM-database"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() vil forsvinne i en kommende utgave av Yum\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() vil forsvinne i en kommende utgave av Yum\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "Lager sekker med pakker"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr "objekt for pakkelager %s mangler metoden _resetSack\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "derfor kan ikke denne pakkeoversikten nullstilles\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() vil forsvinne i en kommende utgave av Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "Bygger opp oppdateringsobjekt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() vil forsvinne i en kommende utgave av Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "Henter metadata for grupper"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Legger til gruppefil fra pakkeoversikt: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke legge til gruppefil for pakkeoversikt: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "Ingen grupper tilgjengelig fra noen lagre"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "Henter mer informasjon om fil-lister"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "Programmet %s%s%s er funnet i yum-utils pakken."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Det er uferdige transaksjoner igjen. Du vil kanskje vurdere å kjøre yum-"
+-"complete-transaction først for å gjøre dem ferdig."
++msgstr "Det er uferdige transaksjoner igjen. Du vil kanskje vurdere å kjøre yum-complete-transaction først for å gjøre dem ferdig."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakker som ble oversett på grunn av problemer med avhengigheter:"
++msgstr "\nPakker som ble oversett på grunn av problemer med avhengigheter:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s fra %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Advarsel: et scriptlet eller andre ikkekritiske feil oppstod under "
++msgstr "Advarsel: et scriptlet eller andre ikkekritiske feil oppstod under transaksjonen."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke fjerne transaksjonsfil %s"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s var ment til å bli installert men er ikke!"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s var ment til å bli fjernet men er ikke!"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Kunne ikke sjekke om PID %s er aktiv"
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr "Det fins allerede en låsfil %s: en annen Yum kjører med PID %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Kunne ikke sjekke om PID %s er aktiv"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke beregne sjekksum"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "Pakken har ikke korrekt sjekksum"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr "sjekksummen til pakken er feil, men mellomlagring er satt på for %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "bruker lokal kopi av %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Det er ikke nok ledig plass i nedlastingskatalogen %s\n"
+-"    * ledig   %s \n"
+-"    * trenger %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "Filhode er ikke fullstendig."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Filhode er ikke tilgjengelig lokalt og mellomlager-modus er aktivert Kan "
+-"ikke hente ned %s"
++msgstr "Filhode er ikke tilgjengelig lokalt og mellomlager-modus er aktivert Kan ikke hente ned %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "Offentlig nøkkel for %s er ikke lagt inn"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Problem ved åpning av pakke %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "Offentlig nøkkel %s er ikke til å stole på"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "Pakken %s er ikke signert"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "Kan ikke fjerne %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s fjernet"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "Kan ikke fjerne %s fra fil %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s fil %s er fjernet"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s filer fjernet"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "Mer enn ett identisk passende treff i sekken %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "Ingenting passer %s.%s %s:%s-%s fra oppdatering"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() vil forsvinne i en kommende utgave av Yum.\n"
+-"Bruk heller searchGenerator()\n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() vil forsvinne i en kommende utgave av Yum.\nBruk heller searchGenerator()\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "Søker etter %d pakker"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "søker etter pakke %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "søker i filoversikt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "søker i oppføringer av tilbud"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "Ingen gruppedata tilgjengelig for konfigurerte pakkelager"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Det eksisterer ingen gruppe med navn %s "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "pakke %s var ikke med i gruppe %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "Legger til pakke %s fra gruppe %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "Ingen pakke med navn %s er tilgjendelig for installering"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "Pakke tuppel %s ble ikke funnet i sekken med pakker"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "Ingen pakke for %s er funnet"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "Pakkeobjekt var ikke en pakkeobjektinstans"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "Ingenting oppgitt for installasjon"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr "Sjekker for virtuelle tilbydere eller tilbydere av filer for %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "Ingen treff for argument: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "Pakke %s er installert og ikke tilgjengelig"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "Ingen pakke(r) er tilgjengelig for installering"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "Pakke: %s - allerede i transaksjonensettet"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "Pakke %s er foreldet av %s som allerede er installert"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr "Pakke %s er foreldet av %s, prøver å installere %s isteden."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "Pakke %s er allerede installert i siste versjon"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr "Pakke med treff på %s er allerede lagt inn. Ser etter oppdatering"
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "Oppdaterer alt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Vil ikke oppdatere pakke som allerede er foreldet: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Ingen treff for argument: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Pakka er allerede foreldet:  %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Oppdatere ikke pakken som allerede er oppdatert: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "Kunne ikke finne noen passende pakke for fjerning"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Undersøker: %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Kan ikke legge til pakke %s til transaksjonen. Det er ikke en kompatibel "
+-"arkitektur: %s"
++msgstr "Kan ikke legge til pakke %s til transaksjonen. Det er ikke en kompatibel arkitektur: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakka %s er ikke installert, så den kan ikke oppdateres. Bruk kommandoen yum"
+-" install for å legge den inn."
++msgstr "Pakka %s er ikke installert, så den kan ikke oppdateres. Bruk kommandoen yum install for å legge den inn."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "Ekskluderer %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "Setter av %s for kommende installering"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "Setter av %s som en oppdatering av %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: vil ikke oppdatere installert pakke."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke åpne fil: %s. Hopper over."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr "Problem ved reinstall: kunne ikke finne passende pakke og fjerne"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr "Problem i ominstalleringen: ingen pakke %s funnet for installering."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "Ingen pakke(r) er tilgjengelig for nedgradering"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "Pakke %s er tillatt flere installeringer, hopper over."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "Ingen treff for tilgjengelig pakke: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Bare oppgraderinger tilgjengelig på pakke: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "Henting av GPG-nøkkel feilet: "
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "Analyse av GPG-nøkkel feilet: nøkkelen har ikke verdi %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "GPG-nøkkel ved %s (0x%s) er allerede lagt inn"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "Import av nøkkel feilet (kode %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "Nøkler ble lagt inn med suksess"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"GPG-nøkkelen for pakkeoversikten %s er allerede lagt inn, men\n"
+-"nøkkelen passer ikke til den aktuelle pakka fra samme oversikt.\n"
+-"Sjekk at korrekt URL (gpgkey opsjonen) er oppgitt for denne\n"
++msgstr "GPG-nøkkelen for pakkeoversikten %s er allerede lagt inn, men\nnøkkelen passer ikke til den aktuelle pakka fra samme oversikt.\nSjekk at korrekt URL (gpgkey opsjonen) er oppgitt for denne\npakkeoversikten."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "Import av nøkler hjalp ikke, feil nøkler?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "GPG-nøkkel ved %s (0x%s) er allerede importert"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "Import av nøkkel feilet"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke finne passende filspeil"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Det oppstod feil ved nedlastning av pakker."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Vennligst send en feilrapport til %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Feil ved testtransaksjon: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Tillegg som er i bruk:"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "Intet programtilleggs treff for: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "Laster ikke programtillegg \"%s\", siden den er deaktivert"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "Programtillegg \"%s\" kan ikke bli importert"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "Tillegg \"%s\" tilfredstiller ikke versjonskravene fra Yum."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "Tillegg \"%s\" krever API versjon: %s. Men støttet API versjon er %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "Laster tillegg \"%s\""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Det finnes to eller flere tillegg med navn «%s» i søkestien for tillegg"
++msgstr "Det finnes to eller flere tillegg med navn «%s» i søkestien for tillegg"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "Konfigurasjonsfila %s ble ikke funnet"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke finne konfigurasjon for tillegg %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "registering av kommandoer er ikke støttet"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -3112,6 +3458,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "Pakker på nytt"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Det er ikke nok ledig plass i nedlastingskatalogen %s\n    * ledig   %s \n    * trenger %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3140,5 +3503,3 @@ msgstr "Filhode til %s er ødelagt"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Kunne ikke åpen rpm pakke %s - feilen er %s"
+diff --git a/po/nl.po b/po/nl.po
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..47bc5e9
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/po/nl.po
+@@ -0,0 +1,3506 @@
++# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
++# Translators:
++# Richard E. van der Luit <nippur@fedoraproject.org>, 2011-2013.
++msgid ""
++msgstr ""
++"Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 16:51+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Richard E. van der Luit <nippur@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Dutch (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/nl/)\n"
++"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
++"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
++"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++"Language: nl\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++msgid "Updating"
++msgstr "Bijwerken"
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++msgid "Erasing"
++msgstr "Wissen"
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
++msgid "Installing"
++msgstr "Installeren"
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++msgid "Obsoleted"
++msgstr "Aangemerkt als verouderd"
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
++msgid "Updated"
++msgstr "Bijgewerkt"
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
++msgid "Erased"
++msgstr "Gewist"
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
++msgid "Installed"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../callback.py:142
++msgid "No header - huh?"
++msgstr "Geen header - huh?"
++#: ../callback.py:180
++msgid "Repackage"
++msgstr "Opnieuw verpakken"
++#: ../callback.py:201
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
++msgstr "Fout: ongeldige out-put status: %s voor %s"
++#: ../callback.py:224
++#, python-format
++msgid "Erased: %s"
++msgstr "Verwijderd: %s"
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
++msgid "Removing"
++msgstr "Verwijderen"
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++msgid "Cleanup"
++msgstr "Opruimen"
++#: ../cli.py:122
++#, python-format
++msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
++msgstr "Opdracht \"%s\" is al gedefinieerd"
++#: ../cli.py:137
++msgid "Setting up repositories"
++msgstr "Opzetten "
++#: ../cli.py:148
++msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
++msgstr "Repositorymetadata inlezen van lokale bestanden"
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
++#, python-format
++msgid "Config Error: %s"
++msgstr "Configuratiefout: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
++#, python-format
++msgid "Options Error: %s"
++msgstr "Optiefout: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:327
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
++msgstr "  Geïnstalleerd: %s-%s op %s"
++#: ../cli.py:329
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
++msgstr "  Gebouwd    : %s op %s"
++#: ../cli.py:331
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
++msgstr "  Ingediend: %s op %s"
++#: ../cli.py:372
++msgid "You need to give some command"
++msgstr "Je moet een commando ingeven"
++#: ../cli.py:386
++#, python-format
++msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
++msgstr "Een dergelijk commando bestaat niet: %s. Gebruik a.u.b. %s - help"
++#: ../cli.py:444
++msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
++msgstr "Hardeschijf-vereisten:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:446
++#, python-format
++msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "  Minstens %d MB meer ruimte nodig op het bestandssysteem %s.\n"
++msgstr[1] "  Minstens %d MB meer ruimte nodig op  bestandssysteem  %s.\n"
++#. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
++#. Fixup the summary
++#: ../cli.py:451
++msgid ""
++"Error Summary\n"
++msgstr "Samenvatting Fouten\n-------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Kan geen lock-bestand aanmaken; verlaten"
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Een andere toepassing heeft op dit moment yum gelocked; Stoppen zoals geconfigureerd door exit_on_lock"
++#: ../cli.py:532
++msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
++msgstr "Aan het proberen de transactie uit te voeren, maar er is niets te doen. Ik hou er mee op."
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr "aanstaande rpmdb-versie kwam niet overeen met opgeslagen  transactieversie,"
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " negeren, zoals gevraagd."
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr "afbreken."
++#: ../cli.py:588
++msgid "Exiting on user Command"
++msgstr "Ophouden op commando van gebruiker "
++#: ../cli.py:592
++msgid "Downloading Packages:"
++msgstr "Downloaden Pakketten:"
++#: ../cli.py:597
++msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
++msgstr "Fout Downloaden Pakketten:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
++msgid "Running Transaction Check"
++msgstr "Uitvoeren Transactie Check"
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
++msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
++msgstr "FOUT U moet rpm bijwerken om het op te lossen:"
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
++msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
++msgstr "FOUT bij transactiecheck ten opzichte van afhankelijkheidsoplossing:"
++#: ../cli.py:633
++msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
++msgstr "RPM moet worden bijgewerkt"
++#: ../cli.py:634
++#, python-format
++msgid "Please report this error in %s"
++msgstr "Meld deze fout in %s a.u.b."
++#: ../cli.py:640
++msgid "Running Transaction Test"
++msgstr "Uitvoeren Transactie Test"
++#: ../cli.py:652
++msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
++msgstr "Transactie Check Fout:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:659
++msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
++msgstr "Transactie Test geslaagd"
++#: ../cli.py:691
++msgid "Running Transaction"
++msgstr "Uitvoeren Transactie"
++#: ../cli.py:724
++msgid ""
++"Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
++"Use \"-y\" to override."
++msgstr "Weiger om automatisch sleutels te importeren tijdens onbewaakt uitvoeren. \nGebruik \"-y\" om dit te overrulen."
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
++msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
++msgstr "  * Misschien heb je hier bedoeld: "
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
++msgstr "Pakket(ten) %s %s %s beschikbaar, maar niet geïnstalleerd."
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
++msgstr "Geen pakket %s %s %s beschikbaar."
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr "Slecht %s argument %s."
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket om te installeren"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten om te installeren"
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
++msgid "Nothing to do"
++msgstr "Niets te doen"
++#: ../cli.py:953
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket gemarkeerd voor update"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten gemarkeerd voor update"
++#: ../cli.py:955
++msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
++msgstr "Geen pakketten gemarkeerd voor Bijwerken"
++#: ../cli.py:1067
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket gemarkeerd voor Distributie Synchronisatie"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten gemarkeerd voor Distributie Synchronisatie"
++#: ../cli.py:1069
++msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr "Geen pakketten gemarkeerd voor Distributie Synchronisatie"
++#: ../cli.py:1124
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakketten gemarkeerd voor verwijdering"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten gemarkeerd voor verwijdering"
++#: ../cli.py:1126
++msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
++msgstr "Geen pakketten gemarkeerd voor verwijdering"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket te downgraden"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten te downgraden"
++#: ../cli.py:1207
++#, python-format
++msgid " (from %s)"
++msgstr " (van %s)"
++#: ../cli.py:1208
++#, python-format
++msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerd pakket %s %s %s %s niet beschikbaar."
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket te herinstalleren"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten te herinstalleren"
++#: ../cli.py:1246
++msgid "No Packages Provided"
++msgstr "Geen Pakketten Opgeleverd"
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Pakket(ten) te installeren"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
++#, python-format
++msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
++msgstr "N/S Matched: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1384
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr "  Naam en opsomming matches %sonly%s, gebruik \"search all\" voor alles."
++#: ../cli.py:1386
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr "  Volledige naam en opsomming matches %sonly%s, gebruik \"search all\" voor alles."
++#: ../cli.py:1404
++#, python-format
++msgid "Matched: %s"
++msgstr "Passend: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1411
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr "  Naam en opsomming matches %smostly%s, gebruik \"search all\" voor alles."
++#: ../cli.py:1415
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
++msgstr "Waarschuwing: Er zijn geen resultaten gevonden voor: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1418
++msgid "No Matches found"
++msgstr "Geen resultaten gevonden"
++#: ../cli.py:1536
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "Fout: Geen pakketten gevonden voor:\n  %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1572
++msgid "Cleaning repos: "
++msgstr "Opschonen repo's:"
++#: ../cli.py:1577
++msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
++msgstr "Alles opruimen"
++#: ../cli.py:1593
++msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
++msgstr "Headers opruimen"
++#: ../cli.py:1596
++msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
++msgstr "Pakketten opruimen"
++#: ../cli.py:1599
++msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
++msgstr "Xml metadata "
++#: ../cli.py:1602
++msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
++msgstr "Database cache schonen"
++#: ../cli.py:1605
++msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
++msgstr "Expire-cache metadata "
++#: ../cli.py:1608
++msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
++msgstr "Cache rpmdb data "
++#: ../cli.py:1611
++msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
++msgstr "Plugins schonen"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerde omgevingsgroepen:"
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "Beschikbare omgevingsgroepen:"
++#: ../cli.py:1735
++msgid "Installed Groups:"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerd Groepen:"
++#: ../cli.py:1742
++msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerde Taalgroepen:"
++#: ../cli.py:1749
++msgid "Available Groups:"
++msgstr "Beschikbare groepen:"
++#: ../cli.py:1756
++msgid "Available Language Groups:"
++msgstr "Beschikbare Taal Groepen:"
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr "Waarschuwing: Geen omgevingen/groepen komen overeen: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1763
++msgid "Done"
++msgstr "Klaar"
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Waarschuwing: Groep/Omgeving %s bestaat niet."
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Waarschuwing: Omgeving %s bestaat niet."
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Waarschuwing: Groep %s bestaat niet."
++#: ../cli.py:1883
++msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
++msgstr "Geen pakketten in welke gewenste groep dan ook beschikbaar om te installeren of bij te werken"
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket te installeren"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten te installeren"
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr "Er bestaat geen omgeving met de naam %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
++#, python-format
++msgid "No group named %s exists"
++msgstr "Geen enkele groep met de naam %s bestaat"
++#: ../cli.py:1945
++msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
++msgstr "Geen pakketten om uit de groepen te verwijderen"
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket te verwijderen"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten te verwijderen"
++#: ../cli.py:1988
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
++msgstr "Pakket %s is reeds geïnstalleerd, overslaan"
++#: ../cli.py:1999
++#, python-format
++msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
++msgstr "Afwijzen van niet-vergelijkbare pkg %s.%s"
++#. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
++#: ../cli.py:2025
++#, python-format
++msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
++msgstr "Geen ander %s geïnstalleerd, wordt toegevoegd aan de lijst van potentieel te installeren"
++#: ../cli.py:2045
++msgid "Plugin Options"
++msgstr "Plugin Opties"
++#: ../cli.py:2057
++#, python-format
++msgid "Command line error: %s"
++msgstr "Command line error: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:2079
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"%s: %s option requires an argument"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: %s optie vereist een argument"
++#: ../cli.py:2147
++msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
++msgstr "--color   kies uit: auto, always, never"
++#. We have a relative installroot ... haha
++#: ../cli.py:2218
++#, python-format
++msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
++msgstr "--installroot moet een absoluut pad zijn: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:2272
++msgid "show this help message and exit"
++msgstr "Dit helpbericht tonen en afsluiten"
++#: ../cli.py:2276
++msgid "be tolerant of errors"
++msgstr "fout-tolerant zijn"
++#: ../cli.py:2279
++msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
++msgstr "draai volledig uit systeemcache, werk cachegeheugen niet bij"
++#: ../cli.py:2282
++msgid "config file location"
++msgstr "locatie config-bestand"
++#: ../cli.py:2285
++msgid "maximum command wait time"
++msgstr "maximale wachttijd commando"
++#: ../cli.py:2287
++msgid "debugging output level"
++msgstr "debugging output niveau"
++#: ../cli.py:2291
++msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
++msgstr "laat dubbelen zien, in de repo's, in lijst/zoek-opdrachten"
++#: ../cli.py:2296
++msgid "error output level"
++msgstr "fouten output niveau"
++#: ../cli.py:2299
++msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
++msgstr "debugging output level voor rpm"
++#: ../cli.py:2302
++msgid "quiet operation"
++msgstr "stille uitvoering"
++#: ../cli.py:2304
++msgid "verbose operation"
++msgstr "verbose uitvoering"
++#: ../cli.py:2306
++msgid "answer yes for all questions"
++msgstr "antwoord ja op alle vragen"
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "antwoord nee voor alle vragen"
++#: ../cli.py:2312
++msgid "show Yum version and exit"
++msgstr "Toon Yum versie en sluit af"
++#: ../cli.py:2313
++msgid "set install root"
++msgstr "installatie root instellen"
++#: ../cli.py:2317
++msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
++msgstr "aanzetten één of meerdere repositories (wildcards toegestaan)"
++#: ../cli.py:2321
++msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
++msgstr "uitschakelen één of meerdere repositories (wildcards toegestaan)"
++#: ../cli.py:2324
++msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
++msgstr "uitsluiten pakket(ten) op naam of globaal"
++#: ../cli.py:2326
++msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
++msgstr "uitschakelen Uitsluiting van 'main', voor een repo of voor alles"
++#: ../cli.py:2329
++msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
++msgstr "aanzetten Verwerking verouderde pakketten tijdens updates"
++#: ../cli.py:2331
++msgid "disable Yum plugins"
++msgstr "uitschakelen Yum plug-ins"
++#: ../cli.py:2333
++msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
++msgstr "uitschakelen GPG signature controleren"
++#: ../cli.py:2335
++msgid "disable plugins by name"
++msgstr "uitschakelen plugins op naam"
++#: ../cli.py:2338
++msgid "enable plugins by name"
++msgstr "aanzetten plugins op naam"
++#: ../cli.py:2341
++msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
++msgstr "sla pakketten met afhankelijkheidsproblemen over"
++#: ../cli.py:2343
++msgid "control whether color is used"
++msgstr "bepalen of kleur wordt gebruikt"
++#: ../cli.py:2345
++msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
++msgstr "instellen waarde van $releasever in yum config en repo-bestanden"
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr "niet updaten, alleen downloaden"
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr "geeft een andere map op om pakketten in op te slaan"
++#: ../cli.py:2351
++msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
++msgstr "instellen arbitraire config en repo-opties"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Jan"
++msgstr "Jan"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Feb"
++msgstr "Feb"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Mar"
++msgstr "Mrt"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Apr"
++msgstr "Apr"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "May"
++msgstr "Mei"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Jun"
++msgstr "Jun"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Jul"
++msgstr "Jul"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Aug"
++msgstr "Aug"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Sep"
++msgstr "Sep"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Oct"
++msgstr "Okt"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Nov"
++msgstr "Nov"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Dec"
++msgstr "Dec"
++#: ../output.py:473
++msgid "Trying other mirror."
++msgstr "Proberen andere mirror..."
++#: ../output.py:816
++#, python-format
++msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
++msgstr "Naam        : %s %s %s"
++#: ../output.py:817
++#, python-format
++msgid "Arch        : %s"
++msgstr "Arch        : %s"
++#: ../output.py:819
++#, python-format
++msgid "Epoch       : %s"
++msgstr "Epoch       : %s"
++#: ../output.py:820
++#, python-format
++msgid "Version     : %s"
++msgstr "Versie      : %s"
++#: ../output.py:821
++#, python-format
++msgid "Release     : %s"
++msgstr "Release     : %s"
++#: ../output.py:822
++#, python-format
++msgid "Size        : %s"
++msgstr "Grootte     : %s"
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repo        : %s"
++msgstr "Repo        : %s"
++#: ../output.py:825
++#, python-format
++msgid "From repo   : %s"
++msgstr "Van  repo   : %s"
++#: ../output.py:827
++#, python-format
++msgid "Committer   : %s"
++msgstr "Indiener    : %s"
++#: ../output.py:828
++#, python-format
++msgid "Committime  : %s"
++msgstr "Ingediend op: %s"
++#: ../output.py:829
++#, python-format
++msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
++msgstr "Bouwtijd    : %s"
++#: ../output.py:831
++#, python-format
++msgid "Install time: %s"
++msgstr "Installeertijd    : %s"
++#: ../output.py:839
++#, python-format
++msgid "Installed by: %s"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerd door: %s"
++#: ../output.py:846
++#, python-format
++msgid "Changed by  : %s"
++msgstr "Gewijzigd door    : %s"
++#: ../output.py:847
++msgid "Summary     : "
++msgstr "Samenvatting: "
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
++#, python-format
++msgid "URL         : %s"
++msgstr "URL         : %s"
++#: ../output.py:850
++msgid "License     : "
++msgstr "Licentie    : "
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
++msgid "Description : "
++msgstr "Beschrijving: "
++#: ../output.py:969
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../output.py:969
++msgid "yes"
++msgstr "yes"
++#: ../output.py:970
++msgid "n"
++msgstr "n"
++#: ../output.py:970
++msgid "no"
++msgstr "no"
++#: ../output.py:974
++msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
++msgstr "Is dit ok [y / N]:"
++#: ../output.py:1097
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Group: %s"
++msgstr "\nGroep: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1101
++#, python-format
++msgid " Group-Id: %s"
++msgstr " Group-Id: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
++#, python-format
++msgid " Description: %s"
++msgstr " Beschrijving: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1124
++#, python-format
++msgid " Language: %s"
++msgstr " Taal: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1126
++msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
++msgstr " Verplichte pakketten:"
++#: ../output.py:1127
++msgid " Default Packages:"
++msgstr "Standaard Pakketten:"
++#: ../output.py:1128
++msgid " Optional Packages:"
++msgstr " Optionele pakketten:"
++#: ../output.py:1129
++msgid " Conditional Packages:"
++msgstr " Voorwaardelijke Pakketten:"
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr " Geïnstalleerde Pakketten:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr "\nOmgevingsgroep: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr "Omgevings-id: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr "Verplichte groepen:"
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr "Optionele groepen:"
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerde groepen:"
++#: ../output.py:1217
++#, python-format
++msgid "package: %s"
++msgstr "pakket: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1219
++msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
++msgstr "  Geen afhankelijkheden voor dit pakket"
++#: ../output.py:1224
++#, python-format
++msgid "  dependency: %s"
++msgstr "  afhankelijkheid: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1226
++msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
++msgstr "   Onvervulde afhankelijkheid"
++#: ../output.py:1337
++msgid "Matched from:"
++msgstr "Match uit:"
++#: ../output.py:1348
++#, python-format
++msgid "License     : %s"
++msgstr "Licentie    : %s"
++#: ../output.py:1351
++#, python-format
++msgid "Filename    : %s"
++msgstr "Bestandsnaam: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "Levert    : "
++#: ../output.py:1363
++msgid "Other       : "
++msgstr "Andere      : "
++#: ../output.py:1426
++msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
++msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij de berekening van de totale download-grootte"
++#: ../output.py:1431
++#, python-format
++msgid "Total size: %s"
++msgstr "Totale grootte: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1433
++#, python-format
++msgid "Total download size: %s"
++msgstr "Totale download grootte: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
++#, python-format
++msgid "Installed size: %s"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerde grootte: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1454
++msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
++msgstr "Er was een fout bij het berekenen van geïnstalleerde grootte"
++#: ../output.py:1504
++msgid "Reinstalling"
++msgstr "Herinstalleren"
++#: ../output.py:1505
++msgid "Downgrading"
++msgstr "Downgrading"
++#: ../output.py:1506
++msgid "Installing for dependencies"
++msgstr "Installeren vanwege afhankelijkheden"
++#: ../output.py:1507
++msgid "Updating for dependencies"
++msgstr "Updaten vanwege afhankelijkheden"
++#: ../output.py:1508
++msgid "Removing for dependencies"
++msgstr "Verwijderen vanwege afhankelijkheden"
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
++msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
++msgstr "Overgeslagen (afhankelijkheidsproblemen)"
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
++msgid "Not installed"
++msgstr "Niet geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
++msgid "Not available"
++msgstr "Niet beschikbaar"
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
++msgid "Package"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "Pakket"
++msgstr[1] "Pakketten"
++#: ../output.py:1540
++msgid "Arch"
++msgstr "Arch"
++#: ../output.py:1541
++msgid "Version"
++msgstr "Versie"
++#: ../output.py:1541
++msgid "Repository"
++msgstr "Repository"
++#: ../output.py:1542
++msgid "Size"
++msgstr "Grootte"
++#: ../output.py:1554
++#, python-format
++msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
++msgstr "    vervangen van %s%s%s.%s%s\n"
++#: ../output.py:1563
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Transaction Summary\n"
++msgstr "\nTransactie Samenvatting\n%s\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Installeren"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Upgrade"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Verwijderen"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Herinstalleren"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Downgrade"
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Afhankelijk pakket"
++msgstr[1] "Afhankelijke pakketten"
++#: ../output.py:1666
++msgid "Removed"
++msgstr "Verwijderd"
++#: ../output.py:1667
++msgid "Dependency Removed"
++msgstr "Afhankelijkheid verwijderd"
++#: ../output.py:1669
++msgid "Dependency Installed"
++msgstr "Afhankelijkheid geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../output.py:1671
++msgid "Dependency Updated"
++msgstr "Afhankelijkheid bijgewerkt"
++#: ../output.py:1673
++msgid "Replaced"
++msgstr "Vervangen"
++#: ../output.py:1674
++msgid "Failed"
++msgstr "Mislukt"
++#. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
++#: ../output.py:1764
++msgid "two"
++msgstr "twee"
++#. For translators: This is output like:
++#. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
++#. to exit.
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
++"to exit.\n"
++msgstr "\nHuidige download geannuleerd, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) nogmaals%s binnen %s%s%s seconden \nom af te sluiten.\n"
++#: ../output.py:1786
++msgid "user interrupt"
++msgstr "onderbreking door gebruiker"
++#: ../output.py:1812
++msgid "Total"
++msgstr "Totaal"
++#: ../output.py:1834
++msgid "I"
++msgstr "I"
++#: ../output.py:1835
++msgid "O"
++msgstr "O"
++#: ../output.py:1836
++msgid "E"
++msgstr "E"
++#: ../output.py:1837
++msgid "R"
++msgstr "R"
++#: ../output.py:1838
++msgid "D"
++msgstr "D"
++#: ../output.py:1839
++msgid "U"
++msgstr "U"
++#: ../output.py:1853
++msgid "<unset>"
++msgstr "<unset>"
++#: ../output.py:1854
++msgid "System"
++msgstr "Systeem"
++#: ../output.py:1923
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
++msgstr "Overslaan van samengevoegde transactie %d tot %d, omdat dat overlapt"
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
++msgid "No transactions"
++msgstr "Geen transacties"
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
++msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
++msgstr "Slechte transactie-ID's, of pakket(ten), gegeven"
++#: ../output.py:2007
++msgid "Command line"
++msgstr "Commando lijn"
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
++msgid "Login user"
++msgstr "Login gebruiker"
++#. REALLY Needs to use columns!
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
++msgid "ID"
++msgstr "ID"
++#: ../output.py:2012
++msgid "Date and time"
++msgstr "Datum en tijd"
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
++msgid "Action(s)"
++msgstr "Actie(s)"
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
++msgid "Altered"
++msgstr "Veranderd"
++#: ../output.py:2061
++msgid "No transaction ID given"
++msgstr "Geen transactie-ID opgegeven"
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
++msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
++msgstr "Onjuiste transactie-ID opgegeven"
++#: ../output.py:2092
++msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
++msgstr "Opgegeven transactie-ID niet gevonden"
++#: ../output.py:2100
++msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
++msgstr "Vond meer dan één transactie ID!"
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
++msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
++msgstr "Geen transactie-ID, of pakket, opgegeven"
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
++msgid "Downgraded"
++msgstr "Downgraded"
++#: ../output.py:2224
++msgid "Older"
++msgstr "Ouder"
++#: ../output.py:2224
++msgid "Newer"
++msgstr "Nieuwer"
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
++msgid "Transaction ID :"
++msgstr "Transactie-ID:"
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
++msgid "Begin time     :"
++msgstr "Starttijd      :"
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
++msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
++msgstr "Begin rpmdb    :"
++#: ../output.py:2286
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u seconds)"
++msgstr "(%u seconden)"
++#: ../output.py:2288
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u minutes)"
++msgstr "(%u minuten)"
++#: ../output.py:2290
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u hours)"
++msgstr "(%u uur)"
++#: ../output.py:2292
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u days)"
++msgstr "(%u dagen)"
++#: ../output.py:2293
++msgid "End time       :"
++msgstr "Eindtijd       :"
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
++msgid "End rpmdb      :"
++msgstr "Einde rpmdb    :"
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
++msgid "User           :"
++msgstr "Gebruiker      :"
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
++msgid "Return-Code    :"
++msgstr "Return-Code    :"
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
++msgid "Aborted"
++msgstr "Afgebroken"
++#: ../output.py:2310
++msgid "Failures:"
++msgstr "Mislukkingen:"
++#: ../output.py:2314
++msgid "Failure:"
++msgstr "Falen:"
++#: ../output.py:2316
++msgid "Success"
++msgstr "Succes"
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
++msgid "Command Line   :"
++msgstr "Commando Lijn   :"
++#: ../output.py:2332
++#, python-format
++msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
++msgstr "Extra niet-standaardinfo opgeslagen: %d"
++#. This is _possible_, but not common
++#: ../output.py:2337
++msgid "Transaction performed with:"
++msgstr "Transactie uitgevoerd met:"
++#: ../output.py:2341
++msgid "Packages Altered:"
++msgstr "Pakketten veranderd:"
++#: ../output.py:2345
++msgid "Packages Skipped:"
++msgstr "Pakketten overgeslagen:"
++#: ../output.py:2353
++msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
++msgstr "Rpmdb Problemen:"
++#: ../output.py:2364
++msgid "Scriptlet output:"
++msgstr "Scriptlet output:"
++#: ../output.py:2370
++msgid "Errors:"
++msgstr "Fouten:"
++#: ../output.py:2378
++msgid "Dep-Install"
++msgstr "Dep-Installeren"
++#: ../output.py:2380
++msgid "Obsoleting"
++msgstr "Als verouderd aanmerken"
++#: ../output.py:2381
++msgid "Erase"
++msgstr "Wissen"
++#: ../output.py:2385
++msgid "Update"
++msgstr "Update"
++#: ../output.py:2459
++msgid "Time"
++msgstr "Tijd"
++#: ../output.py:2485
++msgid "Last day"
++msgstr "Gisteren"
++#: ../output.py:2486
++msgid "Last week"
++msgstr "Vorige week"
++#: ../output.py:2487
++msgid "Last 2 weeks"
++msgstr "Laatste 2 weken"
++#. US default :p
++#: ../output.py:2488
++msgid "Last 3 months"
++msgstr "Laatste 3 maanden"
++#: ../output.py:2489
++msgid "Last 6 months"
++msgstr "Laatste 6 maanden"
++#: ../output.py:2490
++msgid "Last year"
++msgstr "Afgelopen jaar"
++#: ../output.py:2491
++msgid "Over a year ago"
++msgstr "Ruim een ​​jaar geleden"
++#: ../output.py:2538
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Transaction %s found"
++msgstr "Geen transactie %s gevonden"
++#: ../output.py:2544
++msgid "Transaction ID:"
++msgstr "Transactie-ID:"
++#: ../output.py:2545
++msgid "Available additional history information:"
++msgstr "Beschikbare extra historische informatie:"
++#: ../output.py:2558
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
++msgstr "%s: Geen aanvullende gegevens gevonden met deze naam"
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Pakket         :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "Status         :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Grootte        :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "Build host     :"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "Build time     :"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Packager       :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Verkoper       :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Licentie       :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URL            :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "Source RPM     :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "Commit Tijd    :"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "Committer      :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "Reden          :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "Van repo       :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerd door:"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "Gewijzigd door :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
++msgid "installed"
++msgstr "geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../output.py:2768
++msgid "an update"
++msgstr "een update"
++#: ../output.py:2769
++msgid "erased"
++msgstr "gewist"
++#: ../output.py:2770
++msgid "reinstalled"
++msgstr "opnieuw geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../output.py:2771
++msgid "a downgrade"
++msgstr "een downgrade"
++#: ../output.py:2772
++msgid "obsoleting"
++msgstr "als verouderd aanmerken"
++#: ../output.py:2773
++msgid "updated"
++msgstr "bijgewerkt"
++#: ../output.py:2774
++msgid "obsoleted"
++msgstr "als verouderd aangemerkt"
++#: ../output.py:2778
++#, python-format
++msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
++msgstr "---> Pakket %s.%s %s:%s-%s wordt %s"
++#: ../output.py:2789
++msgid "--> Running transaction check"
++msgstr "--> Transactiecontrole uitvoeren"
++#: ../output.py:2795
++msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
++msgstr "--> Herstarten Oplossen Afhankelijkheden met de nieuwe gegevens"
++#: ../output.py:2801
++msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
++msgstr "--> Klaar met oplossen afhankelijkheden"
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
++#, python-format
++msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
++msgstr "--> Verwerking afhankelijkheid: %s voor pakket: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2841
++#, python-format
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr "---> Behouden van pakket: %s vanwege %s"
++#: ../output.py:2850
++#, python-format
++msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
++msgstr "--> Onopgeloste afhankelijkheid: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2867
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s"
++msgstr "Pakket: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2869
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"    Requires: %s"
++msgstr "\n     Vereist: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2878
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
++#: ../output.py:2883
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
++#: ../output.py:2885
++msgid ""
++"        Not found"
++msgstr "\n        Niet gevonden"
++#. These should be the only three things we care about:
++#: ../output.py:2900
++msgid "Updated By"
++msgstr "Bijgewerkt door"
++#: ../output.py:2901
++msgid "Downgraded By"
++msgstr "Downgraded door"
++#: ../output.py:2902
++msgid "Obsoleted By"
++msgstr "Nieuwer pakket is:"
++#: ../output.py:2920
++msgid "Available"
++msgstr "Beschikbaar"
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
++#, python-format
++msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
++msgstr "--> Verwerking Conflict: %s %s conflicteren"
++#: ../output.py:2974
++msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
++msgstr "--> De transactieset wordt met de geselecteerde pakketten gevuld. Een ogenblikje geduld."
++#: ../output.py:2983
++#, python-format
++msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
++msgstr "---> Downloaden header voor %s om in de transactie op te nemen."
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Verifiëren"
++#: ../utils.py:123
++msgid "Running"
++msgstr "Uitvoeren"
++#: ../utils.py:124
++msgid "Sleeping"
++msgstr "Slapen"
++#: ../utils.py:125
++msgid "Uninterruptible"
++msgstr "Ononderbroken"
++#: ../utils.py:126
++msgid "Zombie"
++msgstr "Zombie"
++#: ../utils.py:127
++msgid "Traced/Stopped"
++msgstr "Getraceerd / Gestopt"
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
++msgid "Unknown"
++msgstr "Onbekend"
++#: ../utils.py:153
++msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
++msgstr "  De andere toepassing is: PackageKit"
++#: ../utils.py:155
++#, python-format
++msgid "  The other application is: %s"
++msgstr "  De andere toepassing is: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:158
++#, python-format
++msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
++msgstr "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
++#: ../utils.py:163
++#, python-format
++msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
++msgstr "    Gestart: %s - %s geleden"
++#: ../utils.py:165
++#, python-format
++msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
++msgstr "    Status  : %s, pid: %d"
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
++msgid ""
++"Exiting on user cancel"
++msgstr "\n\nBeëindigen vanwege afbreken door gebruiker"
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
++msgid ""
++"Exiting on Broken Pipe"
++msgstr "\n\nBeëindigen vanwege Broken Pipe"
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
++#: ../utils.py:326
++#, python-format
++msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
++msgstr "PluginExit Fout: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:329
++#, python-format
++msgid "Yum Error: %s"
++msgstr "Yum Fout: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: %s"
++msgstr "Fout: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
++msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
++msgstr " Je zou kunnen proberen met behulp van --skip-broken het probleem te omzeilen"
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
++msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
++msgstr " Je zou kunnen proberen: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
++msgstr "Onbekende fout(en): Exit Code: %d:"
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
++msgid ""
++"Dependencies Resolved"
++msgstr "\nAfhankelijkheden opgelost"
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
++msgid "Complete!"
++msgstr "Compleet!"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:42
++msgid " Mini usage:\n"
++msgstr " Minimaal gebruik:\n"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:52
++msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
++msgstr "U moet root zijn om dit commando uit te voeren."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
++msgid ""
++"You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
++"However, you do not have any GPG public keys installed. You need to download\n"
++"the keys for packages you wish to install and install them.\n"
++"You can do that by running the command:\n"
++"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
++"Alternatively you can specify the url to the key you would like to use\n"
++"for a repository in the 'gpgkey' option in a repository section and yum \n"
++"will install it for you.\n"
++"For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
++msgstr "\nJe hebt het controleren van pakketten via GPG-sleutes aanstaan. Dat is een goede keuze.\nJe hebt echter geen publieke GPG-sleutels geïnstalleerd.\nDownload sleutels voor pakketten die je wilt installeren en\nimporteer deze daarna.\nImporteren kan je doen met het commando:\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nAlternatief is, de URL van de sleutel van de repo die je wil gebruiken, als 'gpgkey'-optie opnemen in een repo-sectie.\nYum installeert deze dan 'automagisch' voor u.\n\nInformeer bij de mensen van je distributie of van het pakket.\n"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
++#, python-format
++msgid "Problem repository: %s"
++msgstr "Probleem repository: %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
++msgstr "Fout: Lijst van Pkgs nodig om door te geven aan %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr "Fout: Tenminste twee pakketten nodig om %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr "Fout: Moet een repo-id en commando doorgeven aan %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr "Fout: Moet een enkel, geldig repo-id doorgeven aan %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr "Fout: Repo %s is niet ingeschakeld"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
++msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
++msgstr "Fout: Item om te vergelijken nodig"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
++msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
++msgstr "Fout: Een groep of lijst van groepen nodig"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
++msgstr "Fout: clean vereist een optie: %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
++msgstr "Fout: ongeldige clean argument: %r"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
++msgid "No argument to shell"
++msgstr "Geen argument voor shell"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
++#, python-format
++msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
++msgstr "Bestandsnaam doorgegeven aan shell: %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
++#, python-format
++msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
++msgstr "Bestand %s gegeven als argument aan shell bestaat niet."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
++msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
++msgstr "Fout: meer dan één bestand gegeven als argument aan shell."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
++msgid ""
++"There are no enabled repos.\n"
++" Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
++" You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
++msgstr "Er zijn geen ingeschakeld repo's. \nRun \"yum repolist all\" om de repo's die je hebt te zien. \nJe kunt de repo's met yum-config-manager --enable <repo> instellen"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
++msgid "PACKAGE..."
++msgstr "PAKKET..."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
++msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
++msgstr "Installeer een pakket of pakketten op je systeem"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++msgid "Setting up Install Process"
++msgstr "Opzetten van installatieproces"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
++msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
++msgstr "[PAKKET...]"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
++msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
++msgstr "Update een pakket of pakketten op je systeem"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
++msgid "Setting up Update Process"
++msgstr "Opzetten van update-proces"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
++msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
++msgstr "Synchroniseren geïnstalleerde pakketten naar de nieuwste beschikbare versies"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
++msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
++msgstr "Opzetten van distributie synchronisatie proces"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
++msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
++msgstr "Weergeven details van pakket of een groep pakketten"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
++msgid "Installed Packages"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerde pakketten"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
++msgid "Available Packages"
++msgstr "Beschikbare pakketten"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++msgid "Extra Packages"
++msgstr "Extra pakketten"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
++msgid "Updated Packages"
++msgstr "Bijgewerkte pakketten"
++#. This only happens in verbose mode
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
++msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
++msgstr "Als verouderd aangemerkte pakketten"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
++msgid "Recently Added Packages"
++msgstr "Onlangs toegevoegde pakketten"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
++msgid "No matching Packages to list"
++msgstr "Geen passende pakketten om te tonen"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
++msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
++msgstr "Toon een pakket of groepen van pakketten"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
++msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
++msgstr "Verwijderen van pakket of pakketten van je systeem"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
++msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
++msgstr "Opzetten Verwijder-proces"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Toon, of gebruik, de groepen-informatie"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
++msgid "Setting up Group Process"
++msgstr "Opzetten van Groep-proces"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
++msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
++msgstr "Geen groepen waarop commando uit te voeren is"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Ongeldige groepen sub-commando, gebruik: %s."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "Er bestaat geen geïnstalleerd groepenbestand"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "U hebt geen toegang tot de groepen DB"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
++msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
++msgstr "Genereer de metadata-cache"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
++msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
++msgstr "Maken van cache-bestanden voor alle metadata bestanden."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
++msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
++msgstr "Dit kan enige tijd duren afhankelijk van de snelheid van deze computer"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
++msgstr "Metadata Cache gemaakt"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
++msgid "Remove cached data"
++msgstr "Verwijderen gegevens in het cachegeheugen"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
++msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
++msgstr "Uitzoeken welk pakket de opgegeven waarde bevat"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
++msgid "Check for available package updates"
++msgstr "Controleren beschikbaarheid update-pakketten"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
++msgid "Search package details for the given string"
++msgstr "Doorzoeken pakketdetails voor de opgegeven string"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
++msgid "Searching Packages: "
++msgstr "Zoeken Pakketten: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
++msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
++msgstr "Bijwerken pakketten met verouderde pakketten meerekenend"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
++msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
++msgstr "Opzetten van Upgrade Proces"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
++msgid "Install a local RPM"
++msgstr "Installeren lokale RPM"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
++msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
++msgstr "Opzetten Lokaal Pakket Proces"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
++msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
++msgstr "Opzoeken pakketten wegens afhankelijkheid:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
++msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
++msgstr "Run een interactieve yum shell"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
++msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
++msgstr "Opzetten van Yum Shell"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
++msgid "List a package's dependencies"
++msgstr "Toon pakketafhankelijkheden"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
++msgid "Finding dependencies: "
++msgstr "Opzoeken van afhankelijkheden:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
++msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
++msgstr "Toon de geconfigureerde software repositories"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
++msgid "enabled"
++msgstr "ingeschakeld"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
++msgid "disabled"
++msgstr "uitgeschakeld"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
++msgid "Repo-id      : "
++msgstr "Repo-id      : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
++msgid "Repo-name    : "
++msgstr "Repo-naam    : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
++msgid "Repo-status  : "
++msgstr "Repo-status  : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
++msgid "Repo-revision: "
++msgstr "Repo-revisie : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
++msgid "Repo-tags    : "
++msgstr "Repo-tags    : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
++msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
++msgstr "Repo-distro-tags: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
++msgid "Repo-updated : "
++msgstr "Repo-updated : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
++msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
++msgstr "Repo-pkgs    : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
++msgid "Repo-size    : "
++msgstr "Repo-grootte : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
++msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
++msgstr "Repo-baseurl : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
++msgid "Repo-metalink: "
++msgstr "Repo-metalink: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
++msgid "  Updated    : "
++msgstr "  Bijgewerkt : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
++msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
++msgstr "Repo-mirrors : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
++#, python-format
++msgid "Never (last: %s)"
++msgstr "Nooit (laatste: %s)"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
++#, python-format
++msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
++msgstr "Instant (laatste: %s)"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
++msgstr "%s second(en) (vorige: %s)"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
++msgid "Repo-expire  : "
++msgstr "Repo-expiratie: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
++msgid "Repo-exclude : "
++msgstr "Repo-uitsluiting : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
++msgid "Repo-include : "
++msgstr "Repo-inbegrepen: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
++msgid "Repo-excluded: "
++msgstr "Repo-uitgesloten: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
++msgid "Repo-filename: "
++msgstr "Repo-bestandsnaam:"
++#. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
++#. then chop the middle (name)...
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
++msgid "repo id"
++msgstr "repo id"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
++msgid "status"
++msgstr "status"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
++msgid "repo name"
++msgstr "repo naam"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
++msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
++msgstr "Toon een hulpvaardig gebruiksbericht"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
++#, python-format
++msgid "No help available for %s"
++msgstr "Geen hulp beschikbaar voor %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
++msgid ""
++"aliases: "
++msgstr "\naliassen: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
++msgid ""
++"alias: "
++msgstr "\n\nalias: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
++msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
++msgstr "Opzetten herinstallatieproces"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
++msgid "reinstall a package"
++msgstr "Herinstalleer een pakket"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
++msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
++msgstr "Opzetten van Downgrade Proces"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
++msgid "downgrade a package"
++msgstr "downgraden van een pakket"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
++msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
++msgstr "Toon een versie voor de machine en/of beschikbare repos."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
++msgid " Yum version groups:"
++msgstr " Yum versie groepen:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
++msgid " Group   :"
++msgstr " Groep   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
++msgid " Packages:"
++msgstr " Pakketten:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
++msgid "Installed:"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerd:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
++msgid "Group-Installed:"
++msgstr "Groep-Geïnstalleerd:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
++msgid "Available:"
++msgstr "Beschikbaar:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
++msgid "Group-Available:"
++msgstr "Groep-Beschikbaar:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
++msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
++msgstr "Toon, of gebruik, de transactiegeschiedenis"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Transacties:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "Begin tijd  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "Eindtijd    :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "Telling     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  rpm DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  yum DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Ongeldig geschiedenis sub-commando, gebruik: %s."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
++msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
++msgstr "Je hebt geen toegang tot de geschiedenis-DB."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
++msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
++msgstr "Controleer op problemen in de rpmdb"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
++msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
++msgstr "laad opgeslagen transactie uit bestandsnaam"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
++msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
++msgstr "Geen opgeslagen transactie bestand gespecificeerd."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
++#, python-format
++msgid "loading transaction from %s"
++msgstr "laden transactie van %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
++msgstr "Transactie geladen van %s met %s leden"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr "Makkelijke manier om pakketten te wisselen, in plaats van de shell te gebruiken."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr "Beschouw een repo als een groep pakketten, waardoor we ze allemaal kunnen installeren/verwijderen"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket te updaten"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten te updaten"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket te verwijderen/te herinstalleren"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten te verwijderen/te herinstalleren"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket te verwijderen/sync"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten te verwijderen/sync"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr "Geen geldig sub-commando van %s"
++#. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
++#: ../yummain.py:84
++#, python-format
++msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
++msgstr " Yum controles is mislukt: %s"
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Geen lezen/uitvoeren rechten in de huidige directory, verhuizen naar /"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Geen getcwd() toegang in huidige directory, ik ga naar /"
++#. Depsolve stage
++#: ../yummain.py:164
++msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
++msgstr "Oplossen van afhankelijkheden"
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "Je transactie was gesaved, voer opnieuw uit met:\n yum load-transaction %s"
++#: ../yummain.py:312
++msgid ""
++"Exiting on user cancel."
++msgstr "\n\nOphouden vanwege afbreken door gebruiker."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
++msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doTsSetup() zal verdwijnen in een toekomstige versie van Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
++msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
++msgstr "Opzetten van TransactionSets voordat config klasse actief is"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
++msgstr "Ongeldige tsflag in config bestand: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
++#, python-format
++msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
++msgstr "Op zoek naar pkgSack afhankelijkheden: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
++#, python-format
++msgid "Member: %s"
++msgstr "Lid: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s converted to install"
++msgstr "%s omgezet om te installeren"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
++msgstr "Toevoegen van pakket %s in %s modus"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
++#, python-format
++msgid "Removing Package %s"
++msgstr "Verwijderen van pakket %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s requires: %s"
++msgstr "%s vereist: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s requires %s"
++msgstr "%s vereist %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
++msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
++msgstr "Benodigde Vereiste is al opgezocht, even vals spelen"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
++#, python-format
++msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
++msgstr "Benodigde Vereiste is geen pakketnaam. Opzoeken: %s "
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
++#, python-format
++msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
++msgstr "Potentiële Leverancier: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
++msgstr "Modus is %s voor de leverancier van %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
++msgstr "Modus voor pkg-verstrekking van %s: %s"
++#. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
++#. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
++#. away :(
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
++#, python-format
++msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
++msgstr "Proberen om, door %s bij te werken, afhankelijkheden op te lossen"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
++msgstr "Geen update paden gevonden voor %s. Faal!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr "Geen update-paden gevonden voor %s. Mislukt vanwege vereiste: %s!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr "Update voor %s. Repareert niet vereiste: %s!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
++msgstr "TSINFO: %s pakket dat %s nodig heeft is gemarkeerd als wissen"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
++msgstr "TSINFO: Vervangen %s door %s om afhankelijkheid op te lossen."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
++msgstr "TSINFO: Bijwerken %s om afhankelijkheid op te lossen."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
++msgstr "Kan geen update-pad voor afhankelijkheden vinden voor: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
++#, python-format
++msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
++msgstr "Snelselectie %s, benodigd voor %s"
++#. is it already installed?
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
++msgstr "%s is aanwezig in klaargezette pakketten, maar is al geïnstalleerd, verwijderen."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
++#, python-format
++msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
++msgstr "Van potentieel afhankelijkheidoplossend pakket %s is nieuwere versie in ts aanwezig"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
++#, python-format
++msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
++msgstr "Van potentieel afhankelijkheidoplossend pakket %s is al een nieuwere versie geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
++msgstr "%s reeds in transactieset, deze wordt overgeslagen"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
++msgstr "TSINFO: Markeren %s als update voor %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
++msgstr "TSINFO: Markeren %s als installatie voor %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
++msgid "Success - empty transaction"
++msgstr "Succes - lege transactie"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
++msgid "Restarting Loop"
++msgstr "Herstarten Loop"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
++msgid "Dependency Process ending"
++msgstr "Proces Afhankelijkheid beëindigen"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
++msgid "Success - deps resolved"
++msgstr "Succes - afhankelijkheden opgelost"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
++#, python-format
++msgid "Checking deps for %s"
++msgstr "Controleren afhankelijkheden voor %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
++#, python-format
++msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
++msgstr "Zoeken naar %s als een vereiste voor %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
++#, python-format
++msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
++msgstr "Uitvoeren compare_providers() voor %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
++#, python-format
++msgid "better arch in po %s"
++msgstr "betere arch in po %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
++msgstr "%s is nieuwer dan %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
++"  Winner: %s"
++msgstr "archdist vergeleek %s met %s op %s\n  Winnaar: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
++#, python-format
++msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
++msgstr "gemeenschappelijke sourcerpm %s en %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
++#, python-format
++msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
++msgstr "basispakket %s is geïnstalleerd voor %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
++#, python-format
++msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
++msgstr "gemeenschappelijke prefix van %s tussen %s en %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
++#, python-format
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "levert vercmp: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
++#, python-format
++msgid " Winner: %s"
++msgstr " Winnaar: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "vereist minimaal: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
++#, python-format
++msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
++msgstr " Verliezer (met %d): %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
++#, python-format
++msgid "Best Order: %s"
++msgstr "De beste keus: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
++msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doConfigSetup() zal verdwijnen in een toekomstige versie van Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr "Overslaan onleesbare repository %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
++msgstr "Repository %r: Fout parsing config: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
++msgstr "Van repository %r ontbreekt naam in configuratie, id wordt gebruikt"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
++msgid "plugins already initialised"
++msgstr "plugins al geïnitialiseerd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
++msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() zal verdwijnen in een toekomstige versie van Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
++msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
++msgstr "Lezen lokale RPMDB"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
++msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doRepoSetup() zal verdwijnen in een toekomstige versie van Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
++msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doSackSetup() zal verdwijnen in een toekomstige versie van Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
++msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
++msgstr "Opzetten van Pakkethouders"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
++#, python-format
++msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
++msgstr "repo object voor repo %s ontbeert een _resetSack methode\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
++msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
++msgstr "daarom kan deze repo niet gereset worden.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
++msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doUpdateSetup() zal verdwijnen in een toekomstige versie van Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
++msgid "Building updates object"
++msgstr "Opbouwen updates object"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
++msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doGroupSetup() zal verdwijnen in een toekomstige versie van Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
++msgid "Getting group metadata"
++msgstr "Verkrijgen groep metadata"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
++msgstr "Toevoegen van groep-bestand uit repository: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr "Groepbestand ophalen voor repository %s is niet gelukt"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
++msgstr "Niet gelukt groepen-bestand toe te voegen voor repository: %s - %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
++msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
++msgstr "Geen Groepen beschikbaar in welke repository dan ook"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
++msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
++msgstr "Verkrijgen pkgtags metadata"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
++msgstr "Toevoegen van tags van repository: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
++msgstr "Niet gelukt Pkg Tags toe te voegen voor repository: %s -%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
++msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
++msgstr "Importeren van extra filelist informatie"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
++#, python-format
++msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
++msgstr "Het programma %s%s%s is gevonden in het yum-utils pakket."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
++msgid ""
++"There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
++"complete-transaction first to finish them."
++msgstr "Er zijn onvoltooid gebleven transactiehandelingen. Je zou kunnen overwegen om yum-complete-transaction eerst uit te voeren om deze af te maken."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
++msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
++msgstr "--> Vinden van overbodige achtergebleven afhankelijkheden"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
++#, python-format
++msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
++msgstr "Beschermde multilib-versies: %s!=%s"
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr " 'Multilib-versie'-probleem gevonden. Dit betekent meestal dat de\nhoofdoorzaak ergens anders ligt en 'multilib versie'-controle er\nslechts op wijst dat er een probleem is, b.v.:\n\n  1. U hebt een upgrade voor %(name)s. Deze mist een afhanke-\n     lijkheid dat een ander pakket nodig heeft. Yum probeert dit op te\n     lossen met het installeren van een oudere versie van %(name)s met\n     een andere architectuur. Indien u de foute architectuur uitsluit\n     meldt yum u wat de hoofdoorzaak is (welk pakket wat\n     nodig heeft). U kunt proberen de upgrade opnieuw te doen met\n     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... dit zou een foutmelding moeten\n     geven met de hoofdoorzaak van het probleem vermeld.\n\n  2. U hebt meerdere architecturen van %(name)s geïnstalleerd, maar\n     yum kan alleen een upgrade van één van beide zien.\n     Indien u beide architecturen niet meer wilt/nodig hebt, kunt\n     u degene met de missende afhankelijkheid verwijderen en alles\n     zal weer werken.\n\n  3. U hebt al identieke versies van %(name)s geïnstalleerd.\n     U kunt \"yum check\" gebruiken om yum deze fouten te laten melden.\n\n...u kunt ook --setopt=protected_multilib=false gebruiken om deze\ncheck uit te schakelen. Dit is echter vrijwel nooit een goede oplossing,\nomdat iets anders zeer waarschijnlijk niet goed zal gaan (meestal \ngeeft dat veel, veel meer problemen).\n\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
++#, python-format
++msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
++msgstr "Proberen \"%s\" te verwijderen, welke wordt beschermd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
++msgid ""
++"Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
++msgstr "\nPakketten overgeslagen vanwege afhankelijkheidsproblemen:"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
++#, python-format
++msgid "    %s from %s"
++msgstr "    %s van %s"
++#. FIXME: _N()
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
++#, python-format
++msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
++msgstr "** %d reeds bestaande rpmdb problem(en) gevonden, 'yum check' output geeft:"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
++msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
++msgstr "Waarschuwing: RPMDB buiten yum om veranderd."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
++msgid "missing requires"
++msgstr "ontbrekende vereist"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
++msgid "installed conflict"
++msgstr "geïnstalleerd conflict"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
++msgid ""
++"Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
++msgstr "Waarschuwing: scriptlet of andere niet-fatale fouten opgetreden tijdens de transactie."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
++msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
++msgstr "Transactie kon niet worden gestart:"
++#. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
++msgid "Could not run transaction."
++msgstr "Transactie kon niet worden uitgevoerd."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
++msgstr "Niet gelukt transactiebestand %s te verwijderen"
++#. maybe a file log here, too
++#. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
++msgstr "%s zou worden geïnstalleerd, maar werd het niet!"
++#. maybe a file log here, too
++#. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
++msgstr "%s moest worden verwijderd, maar werd het niet!"
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
++#, python-format
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgstr "Bestaande lock %s: een ander exemplaar wordt uitgevoerd met PID %s."
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgstr "Kon geen lock maken op %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Kon lock %s niet openen: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Kon niet vaststellen of PID %s actief is"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
++"--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr "Pakket komt niet overeen met voorgenomen download. Suggestie: voer yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata uit"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
++msgid "Could not perform checksum"
++msgstr "Kon checksum niet uitvoeren"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
++msgid "Package does not match checksum"
++msgstr "Pakket komt niet overeen met checksum"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
++#, python-format
++msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
++msgstr "pakket ontbeert checksum, maar caching is ingeschakeld voor %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
++#, python-format
++msgid "using local copy of %s"
++msgstr "lokale kopie van %s wordt gebruikt"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
++msgstr "afsluiten omdat  --downloadonly is opgegeven"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
++msgid "Header is not complete."
++msgstr "Header is niet compleet."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
++msgstr "Header niet in lokale cache aanwezig en caching-only modus ingeschakeld. Kan %s niet downloaden"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
++#, python-format
++msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
++msgstr "Publieke sleutel voor %s is niet geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
++#, python-format
++msgid "Problem opening package %s"
++msgstr "Probleem met openen van pakket %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
++#, python-format
++msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
++msgstr "Publieke sleutel voor %s is niet vertrouwd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is not signed"
++msgstr "Pakket %s is niet ondertekend"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot remove %s"
++msgstr "Kan %s niet verwijderen"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s removed"
++msgstr "Verwijderd %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
++msgstr "Kan niet verwijderen %s bestand %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s file %s removed"
++msgstr "%s bestand verwijderd %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d %s bestand verwijderd"
++msgstr[1] "%d %s bestanden verwijderd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
++#, python-format
++msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
++msgstr "Meer dan één identieke match in houder voor %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
++#, python-format
++msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
++msgstr "Niets komt overeen met %s.%s%s:%s-%s van update"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
++msgid ""
++"searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
++"                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() zal verdwijnen in een toekomstige versie van Yum.                      Gebruik searchGenerator()  \n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "Zoeken %d pakket"
++msgstr[1] "Zoeken %d pakketten"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
++#, python-format
++msgid "searching package %s"
++msgstr "zoeken pakket %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
++msgid "searching in file entries"
++msgstr "zoeken in file entries"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
++msgid "searching in provides entries"
++msgstr "zoeken in provides entries"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
++msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
++msgstr "Geen groepsgegevens beschikbaar voor geconfigureerde repositories"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Group named %s exists"
++msgstr "Er bestaat geen groep met de naam %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
++#, python-format
++msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
++msgstr "pakket %s is niet gemarkeerd in groep %s"
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Pakket %s van groep %s wordt overgeslagen"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Toevoegen van pakket %s uit de groep %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
++msgstr "Geen pakket met de naam %s beschikbaar om te worden geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr "Waarschuwing: Groep %s heeft geen pakketten om te installeren."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
++#, python-format
++msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
++msgstr "Groep %s heeft %u voorwaardelijk pakketten, welke zouden kunnen worden geïnstalleerd."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr "Groep %s wordt weggelaten uit omgeving %s"
++#. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
++#. happened.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
++msgstr "Pakket-tupel %s kon niet in pakkethouder gevonden worden"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
++msgstr "Pakket-tupel %s kon niet in rpmdb gevonden worden"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
++msgstr "Ongeldige versie vlag van: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Package found for %s"
++msgstr "Geen pakket gevonden voor %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Waarschuwing: Omgevingsgroep %s bestaat niet."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr "Pakket: %s - kan niet co-installeren met %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
++msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
++msgstr "Pakket Object was niet een pakket objectinstantie"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
++msgid "Nothing specified to install"
++msgstr "Niets aangemerkt om te installeren"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
++#, python-format
++msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
++msgstr "Controleren op virtuele levering dan wel bestand-levering voor %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
++msgstr "Pakket %s geïnstalleerd en niet beschikbaar"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
++msgid "No package(s) available to install"
++msgstr "Geen pakket(ten) beschikbaar om te installeren"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
++msgstr "Pakket: %s  - reeds in transactie set"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
++msgstr "Pakket %s is ouder dan %s, dat reeds is geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
++msgstr "Pakket %s is ouder dan %s, maar nieuwer pakket voldoet niet aan de vereisten"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
++msgstr "Pakket %s is ouder dan %s, zal dientengevolge pogen %s te installeren"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
++msgstr "Pakket %s is reeds geïnstalleerd en de meest recente versie"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
++msgstr "Pakket dat overeenkomt met %s is al geïnstalleerd. Controleren op update."
++#. update everything (the easy case)
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
++msgid "Updating Everything"
++msgstr "Updaten Alles"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "Niet Bijwerken pakket dat al verouderd is: %s.%s%s:%s-%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s"
++msgstr "%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Geen resultaat voor argument: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Geen pakket aangetroffen om te upgraden: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "Pakket is al verouderd: %s.%s%s:%s-%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
++msgstr "Niet Bijwerken pakket dat verouderd is: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "Niet Bijwerken pakket dat al bijgewerkt is: %s.%s%s:%s-%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "Geen pakket aangetroffen om te verwijderen: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
++msgstr "Overslaan van -draaiende- kernel: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
++#, python-format
++msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
++msgstr "Verwijderen van %s uit de transactie"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
++msgstr "Kan niet openen: %s. Overslaan."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining %s: %s"
++msgstr "Onderzoeken %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
++msgstr "Niet gelukt deltarpm lokaal te installeren: %s. Overslaan."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
++msgstr "Kan pakket %s niet toevoegen aan transactie. Geen compatibele architectuur: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
++msgstr "Kan pakket %s niet installeren. Het al geïnstalleerde pakket %s is nieuwer"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
++msgstr "Pakket %s is niet geïnstalleerd, en kan dus ook niet vernieuwd worden. Voer in de plaats daarvan yum install uit, om te installeren."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
++" instead."
++msgstr "Pakket %s.%s is niet geïnstalleerd, kan het dus niet vernieuwen. Voer in de plaats daarvan yum install uit om te installeren."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
++#, python-format
++msgid "Excluding %s"
++msgstr "Uitsluiten %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
++#, python-format
++msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
++msgstr "Markeren %s om te installeren"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
++#, python-format
++msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
++msgstr "Markeren %s als een update voor %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
++msgstr "%s: is geen update voor geïnstalleerd pakket."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
++msgstr "Kan bestand niet openen: %s. Overslaan."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
++msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
++msgstr "Probleem met herinstalleren: geen overeenkomstig pakket gevonden om eerst te verwijderen"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
++#, python-format
++msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
++msgstr "Probleem met herinstalleren: geen overeenkomstig pakket %s gevonden om opnieuw te installeren "
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
++msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
++msgstr "Geen pakket(ten) beschikbaar om te downgraden"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
++msgstr "Pakket %s is toegestaan ​​meerdere installaties te hebben, wordt overgeslagen"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
++msgstr "Geen match voor beschikbaar pakket: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
++#, python-format
++msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
++msgstr "Upgrade alleen beschikbaar voor het pakket: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Mislukt downgraden: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Bijwerken mislukt van: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
++#, python-format
++msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
++msgstr "Ophalen sleutel uit %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
++msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
++msgstr "GPG sleutel ophalen mislukte:"
++#. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
++#. here is where we would do that
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
++msgstr "GPG key signature van sleutel %s komt niet overeen met de CA Key van repo: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
++msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
++msgstr "GPG key geverifieerd middels CA Key(s)"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
++msgstr "Ongeldige GPG sleutel van %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
++msgstr "GPG sleutel parsing faalde: sleutel heeft geen waarde %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importeren %s sleutel 0x%s:\n Userid     : \"%s\"\n Fingerprint: %s\n Pakket     : %s (%s)\n Van        : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importeren %s sleutel 0x%s:\n Userid     : \"%s\"\n Fingerprint: %s\n Van        : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Falende pakket is: %s\n GPG Sleutels zijn geconfigureerd als: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
++msgstr "GPG sleutel %s (0x%s) is al geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
++msgstr "Importeren sleutel is mislukt (code %d)"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
++msgid "Key imported successfully"
++msgstr "Sleutel succesvol geïmporteerd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
++msgid "Didn't install any keys"
++msgstr "Er werden geen sleutels geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
++"Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
++msgstr "De GPG sleutels vermeld voor de \"%s\" repository zijn al geïnstalleerd, maar ze zijn niet correct voor dit pakket. \nControleer of de juiste sleutel-URL's zijn geconfigureerd voor deze repository."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
++msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
++msgstr "Import van sleutel(s) heeft niet geholpen, verkeerde sleutel(s)?"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "Nee"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Ja"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n CA Sleutel: %s\n Falende repo is: %s\n GPG Sleutels zijn geconfigureerd als: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
++msgstr "GPG-sleutel op %s (0x%s) is reeds geïmporteerd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "Import sleutel %s faalde"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
++#, python-format
++msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
++msgstr "Er werden geen sleutels geïnstalleerd voor repo %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
++"Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
++msgstr "De GPG sleutels vermeld voor de \"%s\" repository zijn al geïnstalleerd, maar ze zijn niet correct. \nControleer of de juiste sleutel-URL's zijn geconfigureerd voor deze repository."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
++msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
++msgstr "Niet in staat om een ​​geschikte mirror te vinden."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
++msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
++msgstr "Fouten tegengekomen tijdens het downloaden van pakketten."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
++#, python-format
++msgid "Please report this error at %s"
++msgstr "Meld deze fout a.u.b. op %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
++msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
++msgstr "Test Transactie Fouten: "
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
++msgstr "Kon cachedir niet instellen: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
++msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
++msgstr "Afhankelijkheden niet opgelost. Zal een transactie met onopgeloste afhankelijkheden niet opslaan."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
++msgstr "Kon transactiebestand %s niet opslaan: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
++msgstr "Kon geen toegang krijgen tot/lezen opgeslagen transactie %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr "rpmdb versie kwam niet overeen met opgeslagen transactie versie,"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
++msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
++msgstr "kan tsflags of tsflags niet vinden, geen integer."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
++#, python-format
++msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
++msgstr "Trof txmbr in onbekende huidige status aan: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
++msgstr "Kon txmbr niet vinden: %s in status %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
++msgstr "Kon txmbr niet vinden: %s van herkomst: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
++msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
++msgstr "Transactie-leden, relaties ontbreken of ts is gewijzigd,"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
++msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
++msgstr " negeren, zoals gevraagd. U moet afhankelijkheden opnieuw oplossen!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s is al bezocht en kan niet worden verwijderd."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "Onderzoeken revdeps van %s"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s heeft revdep %s en was gebruiker-geïnstalleerd."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr "%s moet voor dit pakket al zijn geïnstalleerd"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "%s heeft geen door gebruiker geïnstalleerd revdeps."
++#. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
++msgid "Loaded plugins: "
++msgstr "Geladen plugins: "
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
++#, python-format
++msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
++msgstr "Geen plugin match voor: %s"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
++msgstr "\"%s\" plug-in wordt niet geladen, staat uitgeschakeld"
++#. Give full backtrace:
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
++msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" kan niet worden geïmporteerd"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
++msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" geeft niet de vereiste API-versie aan"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
++msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" vereist API %s. Ondersteunde API is echter %s."
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
++#, python-format
++msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
++msgstr "Laden van \"%s\" plugin"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
++#, python-format
++msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
++msgstr "Twee of meer plugins met de naam \"%s\" komen voor ​​in het plugin zoekpad"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#, python-format
++msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
++msgstr "Configuratiebestand %s niet gevonden"
++#. for
++#. Configuration files for the plugin not found
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
++msgstr "Kan configuratiebestand niet vinden voor plugin %s"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
++msgid "registration of commands not supported"
++msgstr "registratie van commando's niet ondersteund"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
++msgid "has missing requires of"
++msgstr "heeft ontbrekende vereisten"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
++msgid "has installed conflicts"
++msgstr "heeft geïnstalleerde conflicten"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
++msgstr "%s is een duplicaat van %s"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
++msgstr "%s is ouder dan %s"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
++msgstr "%s bevat %s, maar kan niet worden gevonden"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:80
++msgid "Repackaging"
++msgstr "Opnieuw verpakken"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Verifiëer: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Onvoldoende ruimte in download directory %s\n    * vrij     %s\n    * nodig %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr "Pakket komt niet overeen met bedoelde download"
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
++#, python-format
++msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
++msgstr "Header kan niet worden geopend of komt niet overeen met %s, %s."
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:53
++#, python-format
++msgid "RPM %s fails md5 check"
++msgstr "RPM %s komt niet door de md5 check"
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
++msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
++msgstr "RPM-database kan niet worden geopend om te lezen. Misschien al in gebruik?"
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
++msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
++msgstr "Verkreeg een lege Header, iets is er mis gegaan"
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:253 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:260
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:263 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:266
++#, python-format
++msgid "Damaged Header %s"
++msgstr "Beschadigde Header %s"
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:281
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
++msgstr "Fout bij het openen van rpm %s - fout %s"
+diff --git a/po/nl_NL.po b/po/nl_NL.po
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..43145ae
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/po/nl_NL.po
+@@ -0,0 +1,3506 @@
++# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
++# Translators:
++# Richard E. van der Luit <nippur@fedoraproject.org>, 2011-2012.
++msgid ""
++msgstr ""
++"Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 16:53+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Richard E. van der Luit <nippur@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Dutch (Netherlands) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/nl_NL/)\n"
++"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
++"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
++"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++"Language: nl_NL\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++msgid "Updating"
++msgstr "Bijwerken"
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++msgid "Erasing"
++msgstr "Wissen"
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
++msgid "Installing"
++msgstr "Installeren"
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++msgid "Obsoleted"
++msgstr "Aangemerkt als verouderd"
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
++msgid "Updated"
++msgstr "Bijgewerkt"
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
++msgid "Erased"
++msgstr "Gewist"
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
++msgid "Installed"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../callback.py:142
++msgid "No header - huh?"
++msgstr "Geen header - huh?"
++#: ../callback.py:180
++msgid "Repackage"
++msgstr "Opnieuw verpakken"
++#: ../callback.py:201
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
++msgstr "Fout: ongeldige out-put status: %s voor %s"
++#: ../callback.py:224
++#, python-format
++msgid "Erased: %s"
++msgstr "Verwijderd: %s"
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
++msgid "Removing"
++msgstr "Verwijderen"
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++msgid "Cleanup"
++msgstr "Opruimen"
++#: ../cli.py:122
++#, python-format
++msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
++msgstr "Opdracht \"%s\" is al gedefinieerd"
++#: ../cli.py:137
++msgid "Setting up repositories"
++msgstr "Opzetten "
++#: ../cli.py:148
++msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
++msgstr "Repositorymetadata inlezen van lokale bestanden"
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
++#, python-format
++msgid "Config Error: %s"
++msgstr "Configuratiefout: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
++#, python-format
++msgid "Options Error: %s"
++msgstr "Optiefout: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:327
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
++msgstr "  Geïnstalleerd: %s-%s op %s"
++#: ../cli.py:329
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
++msgstr "  Gebouwd    : %s op %s"
++#: ../cli.py:331
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
++msgstr "  Ingediend: %s op %s"
++#: ../cli.py:372
++msgid "You need to give some command"
++msgstr "Je moet een commando ingeven"
++#: ../cli.py:386
++#, python-format
++msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
++msgstr "Een dergelijk commando bestaat niet: %s. Gebruik a.u.b. %s - help"
++#: ../cli.py:444
++msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
++msgstr "Hardeschijf-vereisten:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:446
++#, python-format
++msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "  Minstens %d MB meer ruimte nodig op het bestandssysteem %s.\n"
++msgstr[1] "  Minstens %d MB meer ruimte nodig op  bestandssysteem  %s.\n"
++#. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
++#. Fixup the summary
++#: ../cli.py:451
++msgid ""
++"Error Summary\n"
++msgstr "Samenvatting Fouten\n-------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Kan geen lock-bestand aanmaken; verlaten"
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Een andere toepassing heeft op dit moment yum gelocked; Stoppen zoals geconfigureerd door exit_on_lock"
++#: ../cli.py:532
++msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
++msgstr "Aan het proberen de transactie uit te voeren, maar er is niets te doen. Ik hou er mee op."
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr "aanstaande rpmdb-versie kwam niet overeen met opgeslagen  transactieversie,"
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " negeren, zoals gevraagd."
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr "afbreken."
++#: ../cli.py:588
++msgid "Exiting on user Command"
++msgstr "Ophouden op commando van gebruiker "
++#: ../cli.py:592
++msgid "Downloading Packages:"
++msgstr "Downloaden Pakketten:"
++#: ../cli.py:597
++msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
++msgstr "Fout Downloaden Pakketten:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
++msgid "Running Transaction Check"
++msgstr "Uitvoeren Transactie Check"
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
++msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
++msgstr "FOUT U moet rpm bijwerken om het op te lossen:"
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
++msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
++msgstr "FOUT bij transactiecheck ten opzichte van afhankelijkheidsoplossing:"
++#: ../cli.py:633
++msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
++msgstr "RPM moet worden bijgewerkt"
++#: ../cli.py:634
++#, python-format
++msgid "Please report this error in %s"
++msgstr "Meld deze fout in %s a.u.b."
++#: ../cli.py:640
++msgid "Running Transaction Test"
++msgstr "Uitvoeren Transactie Test"
++#: ../cli.py:652
++msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
++msgstr "Transactie Check Fout:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:659
++msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
++msgstr "Transactie Test geslaagd"
++#: ../cli.py:691
++msgid "Running Transaction"
++msgstr "Uitvoeren Transactie"
++#: ../cli.py:724
++msgid ""
++"Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
++"Use \"-y\" to override."
++msgstr "Weiger om automatisch sleutels te importeren tijdens onbewaakt uitvoeren. \nGebruik \"-y\" om dit te overrulen."
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
++msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
++msgstr "  * Misschien heb je hier bedoeld: "
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
++msgstr "Pakket(ten) %s %s %s beschikbaar, maar niet geïnstalleerd."
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
++msgstr "Geen pakket %s %s %s beschikbaar."
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr "Slecht %s argument %s."
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket om te installeren"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten om te installeren"
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
++msgid "Nothing to do"
++msgstr "Niets te doen"
++#: ../cli.py:953
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket gemarkeerd voor update"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten gemarkeerd voor update"
++#: ../cli.py:955
++msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
++msgstr "Geen pakketten gemarkeerd voor Bijwerken"
++#: ../cli.py:1067
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket gemarkeerd voor Distributie Synchronisatie"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten gemarkeerd voor Distributie Synchronisatie"
++#: ../cli.py:1069
++msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr "Geen pakketten gemarkeerd voor Distributie Synchronisatie"
++#: ../cli.py:1124
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakketten gemarkeerd voor verwijdering"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten gemarkeerd voor verwijdering"
++#: ../cli.py:1126
++msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
++msgstr "Geen pakketten gemarkeerd voor verwijdering"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket te downgraden"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten te downgraden"
++#: ../cli.py:1207
++#, python-format
++msgid " (from %s)"
++msgstr " (van %s)"
++#: ../cli.py:1208
++#, python-format
++msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerd pakket %s %s %s %s niet beschikbaar."
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket te herinstalleren"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten te herinstalleren"
++#: ../cli.py:1246
++msgid "No Packages Provided"
++msgstr "Geen Pakketten Opgeleverd"
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Pakket(ten) te installeren"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
++#, python-format
++msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
++msgstr "N/S Matched: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1384
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr "  Naam en opsomming matches %sonly%s, gebruik \"search all\" voor alles."
++#: ../cli.py:1386
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr "  Volledige naam en opsomming matches %sonly%s, gebruik \"search all\" voor alles."
++#: ../cli.py:1404
++#, python-format
++msgid "Matched: %s"
++msgstr "Passend: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1411
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr "  Naam en opsomming matches %smostly%s, gebruik \"search all\" voor alles."
++#: ../cli.py:1415
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
++msgstr "Waarschuwing: Er zijn geen resultaten gevonden voor: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1418
++msgid "No Matches found"
++msgstr "Geen resultaten gevonden"
++#: ../cli.py:1536
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "Fout: Geen pakketten gevonden voor:\n  %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1572
++msgid "Cleaning repos: "
++msgstr "Opschonen repo's:"
++#: ../cli.py:1577
++msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
++msgstr "Alles opruimen"
++#: ../cli.py:1593
++msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
++msgstr "Headers opruimen"
++#: ../cli.py:1596
++msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
++msgstr "Pakketten opruimen"
++#: ../cli.py:1599
++msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
++msgstr "Xml metadata "
++#: ../cli.py:1602
++msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
++msgstr "Database cache schonen"
++#: ../cli.py:1605
++msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
++msgstr "Expire-cache metadata "
++#: ../cli.py:1608
++msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
++msgstr "Cache rpmdb data "
++#: ../cli.py:1611
++msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
++msgstr "Plugins schonen"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerde omgevingsgroepen:"
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "Beschikbare omgevingsgroepen:"
++#: ../cli.py:1735
++msgid "Installed Groups:"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerd Groepen:"
++#: ../cli.py:1742
++msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerde Taalgroepen:"
++#: ../cli.py:1749
++msgid "Available Groups:"
++msgstr "Beschikbare groepen:"
++#: ../cli.py:1756
++msgid "Available Language Groups:"
++msgstr "Beschikbare Taal Groepen:"
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr "Waarschuwing: Geen omgevingen/groepen komen overeen: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1763
++msgid "Done"
++msgstr "Klaar"
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Waarschuwing: Groep/Omgeving %s bestaat niet."
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Waarschuwing: Omgeving %s bestaat niet."
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Waarschuwing: Groep %s bestaat niet."
++#: ../cli.py:1883
++msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
++msgstr "Geen pakketten in welke gewenste groep dan ook beschikbaar om te installeren of bij te werken"
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket te installeren"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten te installeren"
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr "Er bestaat geen omgeving met de naam %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
++#, python-format
++msgid "No group named %s exists"
++msgstr "Geen enkele groep met de naam %s bestaat"
++#: ../cli.py:1945
++msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
++msgstr "Geen pakketten om uit de groepen te verwijderen"
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket te verwijderen"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten te verwijderen"
++#: ../cli.py:1988
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
++msgstr "Pakket %s is reeds geïnstalleerd, overslaan"
++#: ../cli.py:1999
++#, python-format
++msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
++msgstr "Afwijzen van niet-vergelijkbare pkg %s.%s"
++#. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
++#: ../cli.py:2025
++#, python-format
++msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
++msgstr "Geen ander %s geïnstalleerd, wordt toegevoegd aan de lijst van potentieel te installeren"
++#: ../cli.py:2045
++msgid "Plugin Options"
++msgstr "Plugin Opties"
++#: ../cli.py:2057
++#, python-format
++msgid "Command line error: %s"
++msgstr "Command line error: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:2079
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"%s: %s option requires an argument"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: %s optie vereist een argument"
++#: ../cli.py:2147
++msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
++msgstr "--color   kies uit: auto, always, never"
++#. We have a relative installroot ... haha
++#: ../cli.py:2218
++#, python-format
++msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
++msgstr "--installroot moet een absoluut pad zijn: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:2272
++msgid "show this help message and exit"
++msgstr "Dit helpbericht tonen en afsluiten"
++#: ../cli.py:2276
++msgid "be tolerant of errors"
++msgstr "fout-tolerant zijn"
++#: ../cli.py:2279
++msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
++msgstr "draai volledig uit systeemcache, werk cachegeheugen niet bij"
++#: ../cli.py:2282
++msgid "config file location"
++msgstr "locatie config-bestand"
++#: ../cli.py:2285
++msgid "maximum command wait time"
++msgstr "maximale wachttijd commando"
++#: ../cli.py:2287
++msgid "debugging output level"
++msgstr "debugging output niveau"
++#: ../cli.py:2291
++msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
++msgstr "laat dubbelen zien, in de repo's, in lijst/zoek-opdrachten"
++#: ../cli.py:2296
++msgid "error output level"
++msgstr "fouten output niveau"
++#: ../cli.py:2299
++msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
++msgstr "debugging output level voor rpm"
++#: ../cli.py:2302
++msgid "quiet operation"
++msgstr "stille uitvoering"
++#: ../cli.py:2304
++msgid "verbose operation"
++msgstr "verbose uitvoering"
++#: ../cli.py:2306
++msgid "answer yes for all questions"
++msgstr "antwoord ja op alle vragen"
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "antwoord nee voor alle vragen"
++#: ../cli.py:2312
++msgid "show Yum version and exit"
++msgstr "Toon Yum versie en sluit af"
++#: ../cli.py:2313
++msgid "set install root"
++msgstr "installatie root instellen"
++#: ../cli.py:2317
++msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
++msgstr "aanzetten één of meerdere repositories (wildcards toegestaan)"
++#: ../cli.py:2321
++msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
++msgstr "uitschakelen één of meerdere repositories (wildcards toegestaan)"
++#: ../cli.py:2324
++msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
++msgstr "uitsluiten pakket(ten) op naam of globaal"
++#: ../cli.py:2326
++msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
++msgstr "uitschakelen Uitsluiting van 'main', voor een repo of voor alles"
++#: ../cli.py:2329
++msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
++msgstr "aanzetten Verwerking verouderde pakketten tijdens updates"
++#: ../cli.py:2331
++msgid "disable Yum plugins"
++msgstr "uitschakelen Yum plug-ins"
++#: ../cli.py:2333
++msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
++msgstr "uitschakelen GPG signature controleren"
++#: ../cli.py:2335
++msgid "disable plugins by name"
++msgstr "uitschakelen plugins op naam"
++#: ../cli.py:2338
++msgid "enable plugins by name"
++msgstr "aanzetten plugins op naam"
++#: ../cli.py:2341
++msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
++msgstr "sla pakketten met afhankelijkheidsproblemen over"
++#: ../cli.py:2343
++msgid "control whether color is used"
++msgstr "bepalen of kleur wordt gebruikt"
++#: ../cli.py:2345
++msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
++msgstr "instellen waarde van $releasever in yum config en repo-bestanden"
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr "niet updaten, alleen downloaden"
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr "geeft een andere map op om pakketten in op te slaan"
++#: ../cli.py:2351
++msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
++msgstr "instellen arbitraire config en repo-opties"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Jan"
++msgstr "Jan"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Feb"
++msgstr "Feb"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Mar"
++msgstr "Mrt"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Apr"
++msgstr "Apr"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "May"
++msgstr "Mei"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Jun"
++msgstr "Jun"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Jul"
++msgstr "Jul"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Aug"
++msgstr "Aug"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Sep"
++msgstr "Sep"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Oct"
++msgstr "Okt"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Nov"
++msgstr "Nov"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Dec"
++msgstr "Dec"
++#: ../output.py:473
++msgid "Trying other mirror."
++msgstr "Proberen andere mirror..."
++#: ../output.py:816
++#, python-format
++msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
++msgstr "Naam        : %s %s %s"
++#: ../output.py:817
++#, python-format
++msgid "Arch        : %s"
++msgstr "Arch        : %s"
++#: ../output.py:819
++#, python-format
++msgid "Epoch       : %s"
++msgstr "Epoch       : %s"
++#: ../output.py:820
++#, python-format
++msgid "Version     : %s"
++msgstr "Versie      : %s"
++#: ../output.py:821
++#, python-format
++msgid "Release     : %s"
++msgstr "Release     : %s"
++#: ../output.py:822
++#, python-format
++msgid "Size        : %s"
++msgstr "Grootte     : %s"
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repo        : %s"
++msgstr "Repo        : %s"
++#: ../output.py:825
++#, python-format
++msgid "From repo   : %s"
++msgstr "Van  repo   : %s"
++#: ../output.py:827
++#, python-format
++msgid "Committer   : %s"
++msgstr "Indiener    : %s"
++#: ../output.py:828
++#, python-format
++msgid "Committime  : %s"
++msgstr "Ingediend op: %s"
++#: ../output.py:829
++#, python-format
++msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
++msgstr "Bouwtijd    : %s"
++#: ../output.py:831
++#, python-format
++msgid "Install time: %s"
++msgstr "Installeertijd    : %s"
++#: ../output.py:839
++#, python-format
++msgid "Installed by: %s"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerd door: %s"
++#: ../output.py:846
++#, python-format
++msgid "Changed by  : %s"
++msgstr "Gewijzigd door    : %s"
++#: ../output.py:847
++msgid "Summary     : "
++msgstr "Samenvatting: "
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
++#, python-format
++msgid "URL         : %s"
++msgstr "URL         : %s"
++#: ../output.py:850
++msgid "License     : "
++msgstr "Licentie    : "
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
++msgid "Description : "
++msgstr "Beschrijving: "
++#: ../output.py:969
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "y"
++#: ../output.py:969
++msgid "yes"
++msgstr "yes"
++#: ../output.py:970
++msgid "n"
++msgstr "n"
++#: ../output.py:970
++msgid "no"
++msgstr "no"
++#: ../output.py:974
++msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
++msgstr "Is dit ok [y / N]:"
++#: ../output.py:1097
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Group: %s"
++msgstr "\nGroep: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1101
++#, python-format
++msgid " Group-Id: %s"
++msgstr " Group-Id: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
++#, python-format
++msgid " Description: %s"
++msgstr " Beschrijving: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1124
++#, python-format
++msgid " Language: %s"
++msgstr " Taal: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1126
++msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
++msgstr " Verplichte pakketten:"
++#: ../output.py:1127
++msgid " Default Packages:"
++msgstr "Standaard Pakketten:"
++#: ../output.py:1128
++msgid " Optional Packages:"
++msgstr " Optionele pakketten:"
++#: ../output.py:1129
++msgid " Conditional Packages:"
++msgstr " Voorwaardelijke Pakketten:"
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr " Geïnstalleerde Pakketten:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr "\nOmgevingsgroep: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr "Omgevings-id: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr "Verplichte groepen:"
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr "Optionele groepen:"
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerde groepen:"
++#: ../output.py:1217
++#, python-format
++msgid "package: %s"
++msgstr "pakket: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1219
++msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
++msgstr "  Geen afhankelijkheden voor dit pakket"
++#: ../output.py:1224
++#, python-format
++msgid "  dependency: %s"
++msgstr "  afhankelijkheid: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1226
++msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
++msgstr "   Onvervulde afhankelijkheid"
++#: ../output.py:1337
++msgid "Matched from:"
++msgstr "Match uit:"
++#: ../output.py:1348
++#, python-format
++msgid "License     : %s"
++msgstr "Licentie    : %s"
++#: ../output.py:1351
++#, python-format
++msgid "Filename    : %s"
++msgstr "Bestandsnaam: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "Levert    : "
++#: ../output.py:1363
++msgid "Other       : "
++msgstr "Andere      : "
++#: ../output.py:1426
++msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
++msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij de berekening van de totale download-grootte"
++#: ../output.py:1431
++#, python-format
++msgid "Total size: %s"
++msgstr "Totale grootte: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1433
++#, python-format
++msgid "Total download size: %s"
++msgstr "Totale download grootte: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
++#, python-format
++msgid "Installed size: %s"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerde grootte: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1454
++msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
++msgstr "Er was een fout bij het berekenen van geïnstalleerde grootte"
++#: ../output.py:1504
++msgid "Reinstalling"
++msgstr "Herinstalleren"
++#: ../output.py:1505
++msgid "Downgrading"
++msgstr "Downgrading"
++#: ../output.py:1506
++msgid "Installing for dependencies"
++msgstr "Installeren vanwege afhankelijkheden"
++#: ../output.py:1507
++msgid "Updating for dependencies"
++msgstr "Updaten vanwege afhankelijkheden"
++#: ../output.py:1508
++msgid "Removing for dependencies"
++msgstr "Verwijderen vanwege afhankelijkheden"
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
++msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
++msgstr "Overgeslagen (afhankelijkheidsproblemen)"
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
++msgid "Not installed"
++msgstr "Niet geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
++msgid "Not available"
++msgstr "Niet beschikbaar"
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
++msgid "Package"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "Pakket"
++msgstr[1] "Pakketten"
++#: ../output.py:1540
++msgid "Arch"
++msgstr "Arch"
++#: ../output.py:1541
++msgid "Version"
++msgstr "Versie"
++#: ../output.py:1541
++msgid "Repository"
++msgstr "Repository"
++#: ../output.py:1542
++msgid "Size"
++msgstr "Grootte"
++#: ../output.py:1554
++#, python-format
++msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
++msgstr "    vervangen van %s%s%s.%s%s\n"
++#: ../output.py:1563
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Transaction Summary\n"
++msgstr "\nTransactie Samenvatting\n%s\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Installeren"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Upgrade"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Verwijderen"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Herinstalleren"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Downgrade"
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Afhankelijk pakket"
++msgstr[1] "Afhankelijke pakketten"
++#: ../output.py:1666
++msgid "Removed"
++msgstr "Verwijderd"
++#: ../output.py:1667
++msgid "Dependency Removed"
++msgstr "Afhankelijkheid verwijderd"
++#: ../output.py:1669
++msgid "Dependency Installed"
++msgstr "Afhankelijkheid geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../output.py:1671
++msgid "Dependency Updated"
++msgstr "Afhankelijkheid bijgewerkt"
++#: ../output.py:1673
++msgid "Replaced"
++msgstr "Vervangen"
++#: ../output.py:1674
++msgid "Failed"
++msgstr "Mislukt"
++#. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
++#: ../output.py:1764
++msgid "two"
++msgstr "twee"
++#. For translators: This is output like:
++#. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
++#. to exit.
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
++"to exit.\n"
++msgstr "\nHuidige download geannuleerd, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) nogmaals%s binnen %s%s%s seconden \nom af te sluiten.\n"
++#: ../output.py:1786
++msgid "user interrupt"
++msgstr "onderbreking door gebruiker"
++#: ../output.py:1812
++msgid "Total"
++msgstr "Totaal"
++#: ../output.py:1834
++msgid "I"
++msgstr "I"
++#: ../output.py:1835
++msgid "O"
++msgstr "O"
++#: ../output.py:1836
++msgid "E"
++msgstr "E"
++#: ../output.py:1837
++msgid "R"
++msgstr "R"
++#: ../output.py:1838
++msgid "D"
++msgstr "D"
++#: ../output.py:1839
++msgid "U"
++msgstr "U"
++#: ../output.py:1853
++msgid "<unset>"
++msgstr "<unset>"
++#: ../output.py:1854
++msgid "System"
++msgstr "Systeem"
++#: ../output.py:1923
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
++msgstr "Overslaan van samengevoegde transactie %d tot %d, omdat dat overlapt"
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
++msgid "No transactions"
++msgstr "Geen transacties"
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
++msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
++msgstr "Slechte transactie-ID's, of pakket(ten), gegeven"
++#: ../output.py:2007
++msgid "Command line"
++msgstr "Commando lijn"
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
++msgid "Login user"
++msgstr "Login gebruiker"
++#. REALLY Needs to use columns!
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
++msgid "ID"
++msgstr "ID"
++#: ../output.py:2012
++msgid "Date and time"
++msgstr "Datum en tijd"
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
++msgid "Action(s)"
++msgstr "Actie(s)"
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
++msgid "Altered"
++msgstr "Veranderd"
++#: ../output.py:2061
++msgid "No transaction ID given"
++msgstr "Geen transactie-ID opgegeven"
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
++msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
++msgstr "Onjuiste transactie-ID opgegeven"
++#: ../output.py:2092
++msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
++msgstr "Opgegeven transactie-ID niet gevonden"
++#: ../output.py:2100
++msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
++msgstr "Vond meer dan één transactie ID!"
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
++msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
++msgstr "Geen transactie-ID, of pakket, opgegeven"
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
++msgid "Downgraded"
++msgstr "Downgraded"
++#: ../output.py:2224
++msgid "Older"
++msgstr "Ouder"
++#: ../output.py:2224
++msgid "Newer"
++msgstr "Nieuwer"
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
++msgid "Transaction ID :"
++msgstr "Transactie-ID:"
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
++msgid "Begin time     :"
++msgstr "Starttijd      :"
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
++msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
++msgstr "Begin rpmdb    :"
++#: ../output.py:2286
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u seconds)"
++msgstr "(%u seconden)"
++#: ../output.py:2288
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u minutes)"
++msgstr "(%u minuten)"
++#: ../output.py:2290
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u hours)"
++msgstr "(%u uur)"
++#: ../output.py:2292
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u days)"
++msgstr "(%u dagen)"
++#: ../output.py:2293
++msgid "End time       :"
++msgstr "Eindtijd       :"
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
++msgid "End rpmdb      :"
++msgstr "Einde rpmdb    :"
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
++msgid "User           :"
++msgstr "Gebruiker      :"
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
++msgid "Return-Code    :"
++msgstr "Return-Code    :"
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
++msgid "Aborted"
++msgstr "Afgebroken"
++#: ../output.py:2310
++msgid "Failures:"
++msgstr "Mislukkingen:"
++#: ../output.py:2314
++msgid "Failure:"
++msgstr "Falen:"
++#: ../output.py:2316
++msgid "Success"
++msgstr "Succes"
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
++msgid "Command Line   :"
++msgstr "Commando Lijn   :"
++#: ../output.py:2332
++#, python-format
++msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
++msgstr "Extra niet-standaardinfo opgeslagen: %d"
++#. This is _possible_, but not common
++#: ../output.py:2337
++msgid "Transaction performed with:"
++msgstr "Transactie uitgevoerd met:"
++#: ../output.py:2341
++msgid "Packages Altered:"
++msgstr "Pakketten veranderd:"
++#: ../output.py:2345
++msgid "Packages Skipped:"
++msgstr "Pakketten overgeslagen:"
++#: ../output.py:2353
++msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
++msgstr "Rpmdb Problemen:"
++#: ../output.py:2364
++msgid "Scriptlet output:"
++msgstr "Scriptlet output:"
++#: ../output.py:2370
++msgid "Errors:"
++msgstr "Fouten:"
++#: ../output.py:2378
++msgid "Dep-Install"
++msgstr "Dep-Installeren"
++#: ../output.py:2380
++msgid "Obsoleting"
++msgstr "Als verouderd aanmerken"
++#: ../output.py:2381
++msgid "Erase"
++msgstr "Wissen"
++#: ../output.py:2385
++msgid "Update"
++msgstr "Update"
++#: ../output.py:2459
++msgid "Time"
++msgstr "Tijd"
++#: ../output.py:2485
++msgid "Last day"
++msgstr "Gisteren"
++#: ../output.py:2486
++msgid "Last week"
++msgstr "Vorige week"
++#: ../output.py:2487
++msgid "Last 2 weeks"
++msgstr "Laatste 2 weken"
++#. US default :p
++#: ../output.py:2488
++msgid "Last 3 months"
++msgstr "Laatste 3 maanden"
++#: ../output.py:2489
++msgid "Last 6 months"
++msgstr "Laatste 6 maanden"
++#: ../output.py:2490
++msgid "Last year"
++msgstr "Afgelopen jaar"
++#: ../output.py:2491
++msgid "Over a year ago"
++msgstr "Ruim een ​​jaar geleden"
++#: ../output.py:2538
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Transaction %s found"
++msgstr "Geen transactie %s gevonden"
++#: ../output.py:2544
++msgid "Transaction ID:"
++msgstr "Transactie-ID:"
++#: ../output.py:2545
++msgid "Available additional history information:"
++msgstr "Beschikbare extra historische informatie:"
++#: ../output.py:2558
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
++msgstr "%s: Geen aanvullende gegevens gevonden met deze naam"
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Pakket         :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "Status         :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Grootte        :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "Build host     :"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "Build time     :"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Packager       :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Verkoper       :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Licentie       :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URL            :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "Source RPM     :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "Commit Tijd    :"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "Committer      :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "Reden          :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "Van repo       :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerd door:"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "Gewijzigd door :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
++msgid "installed"
++msgstr "geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../output.py:2768
++msgid "an update"
++msgstr "een update"
++#: ../output.py:2769
++msgid "erased"
++msgstr "gewist"
++#: ../output.py:2770
++msgid "reinstalled"
++msgstr "opnieuw geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../output.py:2771
++msgid "a downgrade"
++msgstr "een downgrade"
++#: ../output.py:2772
++msgid "obsoleting"
++msgstr "als verouderd aanmerken"
++#: ../output.py:2773
++msgid "updated"
++msgstr "bijgewerkt"
++#: ../output.py:2774
++msgid "obsoleted"
++msgstr "als verouderd aangemerkt"
++#: ../output.py:2778
++#, python-format
++msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
++msgstr "---> Pakket %s.%s %s:%s-%s wordt %s"
++#: ../output.py:2789
++msgid "--> Running transaction check"
++msgstr "--> Transactiecontrole uitvoeren"
++#: ../output.py:2795
++msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
++msgstr "--> Herstarten Oplossen Afhankelijkheden met de nieuwe gegevens"
++#: ../output.py:2801
++msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
++msgstr "--> Klaar met oplossen afhankelijkheden"
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
++#, python-format
++msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
++msgstr "--> Verwerking afhankelijkheid: %s voor pakket: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2841
++#, python-format
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr "---> Behouden van pakket: %s vanwege %s"
++#: ../output.py:2850
++#, python-format
++msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
++msgstr "--> Onopgeloste afhankelijkheid: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2867
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s"
++msgstr "Pakket: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2869
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"    Requires: %s"
++msgstr "\n     Vereist: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2878
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
++#: ../output.py:2883
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
++#: ../output.py:2885
++msgid ""
++"        Not found"
++msgstr "\n        Niet gevonden"
++#. These should be the only three things we care about:
++#: ../output.py:2900
++msgid "Updated By"
++msgstr "Bijgewerkt door"
++#: ../output.py:2901
++msgid "Downgraded By"
++msgstr "Downgraded door"
++#: ../output.py:2902
++msgid "Obsoleted By"
++msgstr "Nieuwer pakket is:"
++#: ../output.py:2920
++msgid "Available"
++msgstr "Beschikbaar"
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
++#, python-format
++msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
++msgstr "--> Verwerking Conflict: %s %s conflicteren"
++#: ../output.py:2974
++msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
++msgstr "--> De transactieset wordt met de geselecteerde pakketten gevuld. Een ogenblikje geduld."
++#: ../output.py:2983
++#, python-format
++msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
++msgstr "---> Downloaden header voor %s om in de transactie op te nemen."
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Verifiëren"
++#: ../utils.py:123
++msgid "Running"
++msgstr "Uitvoeren"
++#: ../utils.py:124
++msgid "Sleeping"
++msgstr "Slapen"
++#: ../utils.py:125
++msgid "Uninterruptible"
++msgstr "Ononderbroken"
++#: ../utils.py:126
++msgid "Zombie"
++msgstr "Zombie"
++#: ../utils.py:127
++msgid "Traced/Stopped"
++msgstr "Getraceerd / Gestopt"
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
++msgid "Unknown"
++msgstr "Onbekend"
++#: ../utils.py:153
++msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
++msgstr "  De andere toepassing is: PackageKit"
++#: ../utils.py:155
++#, python-format
++msgid "  The other application is: %s"
++msgstr "  De andere toepassing is: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:158
++#, python-format
++msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
++msgstr "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
++#: ../utils.py:163
++#, python-format
++msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
++msgstr "    Gestart: %s - %s geleden"
++#: ../utils.py:165
++#, python-format
++msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
++msgstr "    Status  : %s, pid: %d"
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
++msgid ""
++"Exiting on user cancel"
++msgstr "\n\nBeëindigen vanwege afbreken door gebruiker"
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
++msgid ""
++"Exiting on Broken Pipe"
++msgstr "\n\nBeëindigen vanwege Broken Pipe"
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
++#: ../utils.py:326
++#, python-format
++msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
++msgstr "PluginExit Fout: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:329
++#, python-format
++msgid "Yum Error: %s"
++msgstr "Yum Fout: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: %s"
++msgstr "Fout: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
++msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
++msgstr " Je zou kunnen proberen met behulp van --skip-broken het probleem te omzeilen"
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
++msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
++msgstr " Je zou kunnen proberen: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
++msgstr "Onbekende fout(en): Exit Code: %d:"
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
++msgid ""
++"Dependencies Resolved"
++msgstr "\nAfhankelijkheden opgelost"
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
++msgid "Complete!"
++msgstr "Compleet!"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:42
++msgid " Mini usage:\n"
++msgstr " Minimaal gebruik:\n"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:52
++msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
++msgstr "U moet root zijn om dit commando uit te voeren."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
++msgid ""
++"You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
++"However, you do not have any GPG public keys installed. You need to download\n"
++"the keys for packages you wish to install and install them.\n"
++"You can do that by running the command:\n"
++"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
++"Alternatively you can specify the url to the key you would like to use\n"
++"for a repository in the 'gpgkey' option in a repository section and yum \n"
++"will install it for you.\n"
++"For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
++msgstr "\nJe hebt het controleren van pakketten via GPG-sleutes aanstaan. Dat is een goede keuze.\nJe hebt echter geen publieke GPG-sleutels geïnstalleerd.\nDownload sleutels voor pakketten die je wilt installeren en\nimporteer deze daarna.\nImporteren kan je doen met het commando:\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nAlternatief is, de URL van de sleutel van de repo die je wil gebruiken, als 'gpgkey'-optie opnemen in een repo-sectie.\nYum installeert deze dan 'automagisch' voor u.\n\nInformeer bij de mensen van je distributie of van het pakket.\n"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
++#, python-format
++msgid "Problem repository: %s"
++msgstr "Probleem repository: %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
++msgstr "Fout: Lijst van Pkgs nodig om door te geven aan %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr "Fout: Tenminste twee pakketten nodig om %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr "Fout: Moet een repo-id en commando doorgeven aan %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr "Fout: Moet een enkel, geldig repo-id doorgeven aan %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr "Fout: Repo %s is niet ingeschakeld"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
++msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
++msgstr "Fout: Item om te vergelijken nodig"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
++msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
++msgstr "Fout: Een groep of lijst van groepen nodig"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
++msgstr "Fout: clean vereist een optie: %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
++msgstr "Fout: ongeldige clean argument: %r"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
++msgid "No argument to shell"
++msgstr "Geen argument voor shell"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
++#, python-format
++msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
++msgstr "Bestandsnaam doorgegeven aan shell: %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
++#, python-format
++msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
++msgstr "Bestand %s gegeven als argument aan shell bestaat niet."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
++msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
++msgstr "Fout: meer dan één bestand gegeven als argument aan shell."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
++msgid ""
++"There are no enabled repos.\n"
++" Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
++" You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
++msgstr "Er zijn geen ingeschakeld repo's. \nRun \"yum repolist all\" om de repo's die je hebt te zien. \nJe kunt de repo's met yum-config-manager --enable <repo> instellen"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
++msgid "PACKAGE..."
++msgstr "PAKKET..."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
++msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
++msgstr "Installeer een pakket of pakketten op je systeem"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++msgid "Setting up Install Process"
++msgstr "Opzetten van installatieproces"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
++msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
++msgstr "[PAKKET...]"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
++msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
++msgstr "Update een pakket of pakketten op je systeem"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
++msgid "Setting up Update Process"
++msgstr "Opzetten van update-proces"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
++msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
++msgstr "Synchroniseren geïnstalleerde pakketten naar de nieuwste beschikbare versies"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
++msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
++msgstr "Opzetten van distributie synchronisatie proces"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
++msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
++msgstr "Weergeven details van pakket of een groep pakketten"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
++msgid "Installed Packages"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerde pakketten"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
++msgid "Available Packages"
++msgstr "Beschikbare pakketten"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++msgid "Extra Packages"
++msgstr "Extra pakketten"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
++msgid "Updated Packages"
++msgstr "Bijgewerkte pakketten"
++#. This only happens in verbose mode
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
++msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
++msgstr "Als verouderd aangemerkte pakketten"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
++msgid "Recently Added Packages"
++msgstr "Onlangs toegevoegde pakketten"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
++msgid "No matching Packages to list"
++msgstr "Geen passende pakketten om te tonen"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
++msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
++msgstr "Toon een pakket of groepen van pakketten"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
++msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
++msgstr "Verwijderen van pakket of pakketten van je systeem"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
++msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
++msgstr "Opzetten Verwijder-proces"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Toon, of gebruik, de groepen-informatie"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
++msgid "Setting up Group Process"
++msgstr "Opzetten van Groep-proces"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
++msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
++msgstr "Geen groepen waarop commando uit te voeren is"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Ongeldige groepen sub-commando, gebruik: %s."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "Er bestaat geen geïnstalleerd groepenbestand"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "U hebt geen toegang tot de groepen DB"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
++msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
++msgstr "Genereer de metadata-cache"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
++msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
++msgstr "Maken van cache-bestanden voor alle metadata bestanden."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
++msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
++msgstr "Dit kan enige tijd duren afhankelijk van de snelheid van deze computer"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
++msgstr "Metadata Cache gemaakt"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
++msgid "Remove cached data"
++msgstr "Verwijderen gegevens in het cachegeheugen"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
++msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
++msgstr "Uitzoeken welk pakket de opgegeven waarde bevat"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
++msgid "Check for available package updates"
++msgstr "Controleren beschikbaarheid update-pakketten"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
++msgid "Search package details for the given string"
++msgstr "Doorzoeken pakketdetails voor de opgegeven string"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
++msgid "Searching Packages: "
++msgstr "Zoeken Pakketten: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
++msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
++msgstr "Bijwerken pakketten met verouderde pakketten meerekenend"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
++msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
++msgstr "Opzetten van Upgrade Proces"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
++msgid "Install a local RPM"
++msgstr "Installeren lokale RPM"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
++msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
++msgstr "Opzetten Lokaal Pakket Proces"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
++msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
++msgstr "Opzoeken pakketten wegens afhankelijkheid:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
++msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
++msgstr "Run een interactieve yum shell"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
++msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
++msgstr "Opzetten van Yum Shell"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
++msgid "List a package's dependencies"
++msgstr "Toon pakketafhankelijkheden"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
++msgid "Finding dependencies: "
++msgstr "Opzoeken van afhankelijkheden:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
++msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
++msgstr "Toon de geconfigureerde software repositories"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
++msgid "enabled"
++msgstr "ingeschakeld"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
++msgid "disabled"
++msgstr "uitgeschakeld"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
++msgid "Repo-id      : "
++msgstr "Repo-id      : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
++msgid "Repo-name    : "
++msgstr "Repo-naam    : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
++msgid "Repo-status  : "
++msgstr "Repo-status  : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
++msgid "Repo-revision: "
++msgstr "Repo-revisie : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
++msgid "Repo-tags    : "
++msgstr "Repo-tags    : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
++msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
++msgstr "Repo-distro-tags: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
++msgid "Repo-updated : "
++msgstr "Repo-updated : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
++msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
++msgstr "Repo-pkgs    : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
++msgid "Repo-size    : "
++msgstr "Repo-grootte : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
++msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
++msgstr "Repo-baseurl : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
++msgid "Repo-metalink: "
++msgstr "Repo-metalink: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
++msgid "  Updated    : "
++msgstr "  Bijgewerkt : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
++msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
++msgstr "Repo-mirrors : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
++#, python-format
++msgid "Never (last: %s)"
++msgstr "Nooit (laatste: %s)"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
++#, python-format
++msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
++msgstr "Instant (laatste: %s)"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
++msgstr "%s second(en) (vorige: %s)"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
++msgid "Repo-expire  : "
++msgstr "Repo-expiratie: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
++msgid "Repo-exclude : "
++msgstr "Repo-uitsluiting : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
++msgid "Repo-include : "
++msgstr "Repo-inbegrepen: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
++msgid "Repo-excluded: "
++msgstr "Repo-uitgesloten: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
++msgid "Repo-filename: "
++msgstr "Repo-bestandsnaam:"
++#. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
++#. then chop the middle (name)...
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
++msgid "repo id"
++msgstr "repo id"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
++msgid "status"
++msgstr "status"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
++msgid "repo name"
++msgstr "repo naam"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
++msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
++msgstr "Toon een hulpvaardig gebruiksbericht"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
++#, python-format
++msgid "No help available for %s"
++msgstr "Geen hulp beschikbaar voor %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
++msgid ""
++"aliases: "
++msgstr "\naliassen: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
++msgid ""
++"alias: "
++msgstr "\n\nalias: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
++msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
++msgstr "Opzetten herinstallatieproces"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
++msgid "reinstall a package"
++msgstr "Herinstalleer een pakket"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
++msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
++msgstr "Opzetten van Downgrade Proces"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
++msgid "downgrade a package"
++msgstr "downgraden van een pakket"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
++msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
++msgstr "Toon een versie voor de machine en/of beschikbare repos."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
++msgid " Yum version groups:"
++msgstr " Yum versie groepen:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
++msgid " Group   :"
++msgstr " Groep   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
++msgid " Packages:"
++msgstr " Pakketten:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
++msgid "Installed:"
++msgstr "Geïnstalleerd:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
++msgid "Group-Installed:"
++msgstr "Groep-Geïnstalleerd:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
++msgid "Available:"
++msgstr "Beschikbaar:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
++msgid "Group-Available:"
++msgstr "Groep-Beschikbaar:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
++msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
++msgstr "Toon, of gebruik, de transactiegeschiedenis"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Transacties:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "Begin tijd  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "Eindtijd    :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "Telling     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  rpm DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  yum DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Ongeldig geschiedenis sub-commando, gebruik: %s."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
++msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
++msgstr "Je hebt geen toegang tot de geschiedenis-DB."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
++msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
++msgstr "Controleer op problemen in de rpmdb"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
++msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
++msgstr "laad opgeslagen transactie uit bestandsnaam"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
++msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
++msgstr "Geen opgeslagen transactie bestand gespecificeerd."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
++#, python-format
++msgid "loading transaction from %s"
++msgstr "laden transactie van %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
++msgstr "Transactie geladen van %s met %s leden"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr "Makkelijke manier om pakketten te wisselen, in plaats van de shell te gebruiken."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr "Beschouw een repo als een groep pakketten, waardoor we ze allemaal kunnen installeren/verwijderen"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket te updaten"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten te updaten"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket te verwijderen/te herinstalleren"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten te verwijderen/te herinstalleren"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakket te verwijderen/sync"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakketten te verwijderen/sync"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr "Geen geldig sub-commando van %s"
++#. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
++#: ../yummain.py:84
++#, python-format
++msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
++msgstr " Yum controles is mislukt: %s"
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Geen lezen/uitvoeren rechten in de huidige directory, verhuizen naar /"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Geen getcwd() toegang in huidige directory, ik ga naar /"
++#. Depsolve stage
++#: ../yummain.py:164
++msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
++msgstr "Oplossen van afhankelijkheden"
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "Je transactie was gesaved, voer opnieuw uit met:\n yum load-transaction %s"
++#: ../yummain.py:312
++msgid ""
++"Exiting on user cancel."
++msgstr "\n\nOphouden vanwege afbreken door gebruiker."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
++msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doTsSetup() zal verdwijnen in een toekomstige versie van Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
++msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
++msgstr "Opzetten van TransactionSets voordat config klasse actief is"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
++msgstr "Ongeldige tsflag in config bestand: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
++#, python-format
++msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
++msgstr "Op zoek naar pkgSack afhankelijkheden: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
++#, python-format
++msgid "Member: %s"
++msgstr "Lid: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s converted to install"
++msgstr "%s omgezet om te installeren"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
++msgstr "Toevoegen van pakket %s in %s modus"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
++#, python-format
++msgid "Removing Package %s"
++msgstr "Verwijderen van pakket %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s requires: %s"
++msgstr "%s vereist: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s requires %s"
++msgstr "%s vereist %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
++msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
++msgstr "Benodigde Vereiste is al opgezocht, even vals spelen"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
++#, python-format
++msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
++msgstr "Benodigde Vereiste is geen pakketnaam. Opzoeken: %s "
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
++#, python-format
++msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
++msgstr "Potentiële Leverancier: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
++msgstr "Modus is %s voor de leverancier van %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
++msgstr "Modus voor pkg-verstrekking van %s: %s"
++#. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
++#. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
++#. away :(
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
++#, python-format
++msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
++msgstr "Proberen om, door %s bij te werken, afhankelijkheden op te lossen"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
++msgstr "Geen update paden gevonden voor %s. Faal!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr "Geen update-paden gevonden voor %s. Mislukt vanwege vereiste: %s!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr "Update voor %s. Repareert niet vereiste: %s!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
++msgstr "TSINFO: %s pakket dat %s nodig heeft is gemarkeerd als wissen"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
++msgstr "TSINFO: Vervangen %s door %s om afhankelijkheid op te lossen."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
++msgstr "TSINFO: Bijwerken %s om afhankelijkheid op te lossen."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
++msgstr "Kan geen update-pad voor afhankelijkheden vinden voor: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
++#, python-format
++msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
++msgstr "Snelselectie %s, benodigd voor %s"
++#. is it already installed?
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
++msgstr "%s is aanwezig in klaargezette pakketten, maar is al geïnstalleerd, verwijderen."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
++#, python-format
++msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
++msgstr "Van potentieel afhankelijkheidoplossend pakket %s is nieuwere versie in ts aanwezig"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
++#, python-format
++msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
++msgstr "Van potentieel afhankelijkheidoplossend pakket %s is al een nieuwere versie geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
++msgstr "%s reeds in transactieset, deze wordt overgeslagen"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
++msgstr "TSINFO: Markeren %s als update voor %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
++msgstr "TSINFO: Markeren %s als installatie voor %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
++msgid "Success - empty transaction"
++msgstr "Succes - lege transactie"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
++msgid "Restarting Loop"
++msgstr "Herstarten Loop"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
++msgid "Dependency Process ending"
++msgstr "Proces Afhankelijkheid beëindigen"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
++msgid "Success - deps resolved"
++msgstr "Succes - afhankelijkheden opgelost"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
++#, python-format
++msgid "Checking deps for %s"
++msgstr "Controleren afhankelijkheden voor %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
++#, python-format
++msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
++msgstr "Zoeken naar %s als een vereiste voor %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
++#, python-format
++msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
++msgstr "Uitvoeren compare_providers() voor %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
++#, python-format
++msgid "better arch in po %s"
++msgstr "betere arch in po %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
++msgstr "%s is nieuwer dan %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
++"  Winner: %s"
++msgstr "archdist vergeleek %s met %s op %s\n  Winnaar: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
++#, python-format
++msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
++msgstr "gemeenschappelijke sourcerpm %s en %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
++#, python-format
++msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
++msgstr "basispakket %s is geïnstalleerd voor %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
++#, python-format
++msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
++msgstr "gemeenschappelijke prefix van %s tussen %s en %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
++#, python-format
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "levert vercmp: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
++#, python-format
++msgid " Winner: %s"
++msgstr " Winnaar: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "vereist minimaal: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
++#, python-format
++msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
++msgstr " Verliezer (met %d): %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
++#, python-format
++msgid "Best Order: %s"
++msgstr "De beste keus: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
++msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doConfigSetup() zal verdwijnen in een toekomstige versie van Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr "Overslaan onleesbare repository %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
++msgstr "Repository %r: Fout parsing config: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
++msgstr "Van repository %r ontbreekt naam in configuratie, id wordt gebruikt"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
++msgid "plugins already initialised"
++msgstr "plugins al geïnitialiseerd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
++msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() zal verdwijnen in een toekomstige versie van Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
++msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
++msgstr "Lezen lokale RPMDB"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
++msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doRepoSetup() zal verdwijnen in een toekomstige versie van Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
++msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doSackSetup() zal verdwijnen in een toekomstige versie van Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
++msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
++msgstr "Opzetten van Pakkethouders"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
++#, python-format
++msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
++msgstr "repo object voor repo %s ontbeert een _resetSack methode\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
++msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
++msgstr "daarom kan deze repo niet gereset worden.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
++msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doUpdateSetup() zal verdwijnen in een toekomstige versie van Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
++msgid "Building updates object"
++msgstr "Opbouwen updates object"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
++msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doGroupSetup() zal verdwijnen in een toekomstige versie van Yum.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
++msgid "Getting group metadata"
++msgstr "Verkrijgen groep metadata"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
++msgstr "Toevoegen van groep-bestand uit repository: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr "Groepbestand ophalen voor repository %s is niet gelukt"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
++msgstr "Niet gelukt groepen-bestand toe te voegen voor repository: %s - %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
++msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
++msgstr "Geen Groepen beschikbaar in welke repository dan ook"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
++msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
++msgstr "Verkrijgen pkgtags metadata"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
++msgstr "Toevoegen van tags van repository: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
++msgstr "Niet gelukt Pkg Tags toe te voegen voor repository: %s -%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
++msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
++msgstr "Importeren van extra filelist informatie"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
++#, python-format
++msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
++msgstr "Het programma %s%s%s is gevonden in het yum-utils pakket."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
++msgid ""
++"There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
++"complete-transaction first to finish them."
++msgstr "Er zijn onvoltooid gebleven transactiehandelingen. Je zou kunnen overwegen om yum-complete-transaction eerst uit te voeren om deze af te maken."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
++msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
++msgstr "--> Vinden van overbodige achtergebleven afhankelijkheden"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
++#, python-format
++msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
++msgstr "Beschermde multilib-versies: %s!=%s"
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr " 'Multilib-versie'-probleem gevonden. Dit betekent meestal dat de\nhoofdoorzaak ergens anders ligt en 'multilib versie'-controle er\nslechts op wijst dat er een probleem is, b.v.:\n\n  1. U hebt een upgrade voor %(name)s. Deze mist een afhanke-\n     lijkheid dat een ander pakket nodig heeft. Yum probeert dit op te\n     lossen met het installeren van een oudere versie van %(name)s met\n     een andere architectuur. Indien u de foute architectuur uitsluit\n     meldt yum u wat de hoofdoorzaak is (welk pakket wat\n     nodig heeft). U kunt proberen de upgrade opnieuw te doen met\n     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... dit zou een foutmelding moeten\n     geven met de hoofdoorzaak van het probleem vermeld.\n\n  2. U hebt meerdere architecturen van %(name)s geïnstalleerd, maar\n     yum kan alleen een upgrade van één van beide zien.\n     Indien u beide architecturen niet meer wilt/nodig hebt, kunt\n     u degene met de missende afhankelijkheid verwijderen en alles\n     zal weer werken.\n\n  3. U hebt al identieke versies van %(name)s geïnstalleerd.\n     U kunt \"yum check\" gebruiken om yum deze fouten te laten melden.\n\n...u kunt ook --setopt=protected_multilib=false gebruiken om deze\ncheck uit te schakelen. Dit is echter vrijwel nooit een goede oplossing,\nomdat iets anders zeer waarschijnlijk niet goed zal gaan (meestal \ngeeft dat veel, veel meer problemen).\n\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
++#, python-format
++msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
++msgstr "Proberen \"%s\" te verwijderen, welke wordt beschermd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
++msgid ""
++"Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
++msgstr "\nPakketten overgeslagen vanwege afhankelijkheidsproblemen:"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
++#, python-format
++msgid "    %s from %s"
++msgstr "    %s van %s"
++#. FIXME: _N()
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
++#, python-format
++msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
++msgstr "** %d reeds bestaande rpmdb problem(en) gevonden, 'yum check' output geeft:"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
++msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
++msgstr "Waarschuwing: RPMDB buiten yum om veranderd."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
++msgid "missing requires"
++msgstr "ontbrekende vereist"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
++msgid "installed conflict"
++msgstr "geïnstalleerd conflict"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
++msgid ""
++"Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
++msgstr "Waarschuwing: scriptlet of andere niet-fatale fouten opgetreden tijdens de transactie."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
++msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
++msgstr "Transactie kon niet worden gestart:"
++#. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
++msgid "Could not run transaction."
++msgstr "Transactie kon niet worden uitgevoerd."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
++msgstr "Niet gelukt transactiebestand %s te verwijderen"
++#. maybe a file log here, too
++#. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
++msgstr "%s zou worden geïnstalleerd, maar werd het niet!"
++#. maybe a file log here, too
++#. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
++msgstr "%s moest worden verwijderd, maar werd het niet!"
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
++#, python-format
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgstr "Bestaande lock %s: een ander exemplaar wordt uitgevoerd met PID %s."
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgstr "Kon geen lock maken op %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Kon lock %s niet openen: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Kon niet vaststellen of PID %s actief is"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
++"--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr "Pakket komt niet overeen met voorgenomen download. Suggestie: voer yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata uit"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
++msgid "Could not perform checksum"
++msgstr "Kon checksum niet uitvoeren"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
++msgid "Package does not match checksum"
++msgstr "Pakket komt niet overeen met checksum"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
++#, python-format
++msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
++msgstr "pakket ontbeert checksum, maar caching is ingeschakeld voor %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
++#, python-format
++msgid "using local copy of %s"
++msgstr "lokale kopie van %s wordt gebruikt"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
++msgstr "afsluiten omdat  --downloadonly is opgegeven"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
++msgid "Header is not complete."
++msgstr "Header is niet compleet."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
++msgstr "Header niet in lokale cache aanwezig en caching-only modus ingeschakeld. Kan %s niet downloaden"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
++#, python-format
++msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
++msgstr "Publieke sleutel voor %s is niet geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
++#, python-format
++msgid "Problem opening package %s"
++msgstr "Probleem met openen van pakket %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
++#, python-format
++msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
++msgstr "Publieke sleutel voor %s is niet vertrouwd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is not signed"
++msgstr "Pakket %s is niet ondertekend"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot remove %s"
++msgstr "Kan %s niet verwijderen"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s removed"
++msgstr "Verwijderd %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
++msgstr "Kan niet verwijderen %s bestand %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s file %s removed"
++msgstr "%s bestand verwijderd %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d %s bestand verwijderd"
++msgstr[1] "%d %s bestanden verwijderd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
++#, python-format
++msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
++msgstr "Meer dan één identieke match in houder voor %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
++#, python-format
++msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
++msgstr "Niets komt overeen met %s.%s%s:%s-%s van update"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
++msgid ""
++"searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
++"                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() zal verdwijnen in een toekomstige versie van Yum.                      Gebruik searchGenerator()  \n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "Zoeken %d pakket"
++msgstr[1] "Zoeken %d pakketten"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
++#, python-format
++msgid "searching package %s"
++msgstr "zoeken pakket %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
++msgid "searching in file entries"
++msgstr "zoeken in file entries"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
++msgid "searching in provides entries"
++msgstr "zoeken in provides entries"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
++msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
++msgstr "Geen groepsgegevens beschikbaar voor geconfigureerde repositories"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Group named %s exists"
++msgstr "Er bestaat geen groep met de naam %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
++#, python-format
++msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
++msgstr "pakket %s is niet gemarkeerd in groep %s"
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Pakket %s van groep %s wordt overgeslagen"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Toevoegen van pakket %s uit de groep %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
++msgstr "Geen pakket met de naam %s beschikbaar om te worden geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr "Waarschuwing: Groep %s heeft geen pakketten om te installeren."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
++#, python-format
++msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
++msgstr "Groep %s heeft %u voorwaardelijk pakketten, welke zouden kunnen worden geïnstalleerd."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr "Groep %s wordt weggelaten uit omgeving %s"
++#. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
++#. happened.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
++msgstr "Pakket-tupel %s kon niet in pakkethouder gevonden worden"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
++msgstr "Pakket-tupel %s kon niet in rpmdb gevonden worden"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
++msgstr "Ongeldige versie vlag van: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Package found for %s"
++msgstr "Geen pakket gevonden voor %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Waarschuwing: Omgevingsgroep %s bestaat niet."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr "Pakket: %s - kan niet co-installeren met %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
++msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
++msgstr "Pakket Object was niet een pakket objectinstantie"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
++msgid "Nothing specified to install"
++msgstr "Niets aangemerkt om te installeren"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
++#, python-format
++msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
++msgstr "Controleren op virtuele levering dan wel bestand-levering voor %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
++msgstr "Pakket %s geïnstalleerd en niet beschikbaar"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
++msgid "No package(s) available to install"
++msgstr "Geen pakket(ten) beschikbaar om te installeren"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
++msgstr "Pakket: %s  - reeds in transactie set"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
++msgstr "Pakket %s is ouder dan %s, dat reeds is geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
++msgstr "Pakket %s is ouder dan %s, maar nieuwer pakket voldoet niet aan de vereisten"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
++msgstr "Pakket %s is ouder dan %s, zal dientengevolge pogen %s te installeren"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
++msgstr "Pakket %s is reeds geïnstalleerd en de meest recente versie"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
++msgstr "Pakket dat overeenkomt met %s is al geïnstalleerd. Controleren op update."
++#. update everything (the easy case)
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
++msgid "Updating Everything"
++msgstr "Updaten Alles"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "Niet Bijwerken pakket dat al verouderd is: %s.%s%s:%s-%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s"
++msgstr "%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Geen resultaat voor argument: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Geen pakket aangetroffen om te upgraden: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "Pakket is al verouderd: %s.%s%s:%s-%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
++msgstr "Niet Bijwerken pakket dat verouderd is: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "Niet Bijwerken pakket dat al bijgewerkt is: %s.%s%s:%s-%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "Geen pakket aangetroffen om te verwijderen: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
++msgstr "Overslaan van -draaiende- kernel: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
++#, python-format
++msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
++msgstr "Verwijderen van %s uit de transactie"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
++msgstr "Kan niet openen: %s. Overslaan."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining %s: %s"
++msgstr "Onderzoeken %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
++msgstr "Niet gelukt deltarpm lokaal te installeren: %s. Overslaan."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
++msgstr "Kan pakket %s niet toevoegen aan transactie. Geen compatibele architectuur: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
++msgstr "Kan pakket %s niet installeren. Het al geïnstalleerde pakket %s is nieuwer"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
++msgstr "Pakket %s is niet geïnstalleerd, en kan dus ook niet vernieuwd worden. Voer in de plaats daarvan yum install uit, om te installeren."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
++" instead."
++msgstr "Pakket %s.%s is niet geïnstalleerd, kan het dus niet vernieuwen. Voer in de plaats daarvan yum install uit om te installeren."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
++#, python-format
++msgid "Excluding %s"
++msgstr "Uitsluiten %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
++#, python-format
++msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
++msgstr "Markeren %s om te installeren"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
++#, python-format
++msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
++msgstr "Markeren %s als een update voor %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
++msgstr "%s: is geen update voor geïnstalleerd pakket."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
++msgstr "Kan bestand niet openen: %s. Overslaan."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
++msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
++msgstr "Probleem met herinstalleren: geen overeenkomstig pakket gevonden om eerst te verwijderen"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
++#, python-format
++msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
++msgstr "Probleem met herinstalleren: geen overeenkomstig pakket %s gevonden om opnieuw te installeren "
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
++msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
++msgstr "Geen pakket(ten) beschikbaar om te downgraden"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
++msgstr "Pakket %s is toegestaan ​​meerdere installaties te hebben, wordt overgeslagen"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
++msgstr "Geen match voor beschikbaar pakket: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
++#, python-format
++msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
++msgstr "Upgrade alleen beschikbaar voor het pakket: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Mislukt downgraden: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Bijwerken mislukt van: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
++#, python-format
++msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
++msgstr "Ophalen sleutel uit %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
++msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
++msgstr "GPG sleutel ophalen mislukte:"
++#. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
++#. here is where we would do that
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
++msgstr "GPG key signature van sleutel %s komt niet overeen met de CA Key van repo: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
++msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
++msgstr "GPG key geverifieerd middels CA Key(s)"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
++msgstr "Ongeldige GPG sleutel van %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
++msgstr "GPG sleutel parsing faalde: sleutel heeft geen waarde %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importeren %s sleutel 0x%s:\n Userid     : \"%s\"\n Fingerprint: %s\n Pakket     : %s (%s)\n Van        : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importeren %s sleutel 0x%s:\n Userid     : \"%s\"\n Fingerprint: %s\n Van        : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Falende pakket is: %s\n GPG Sleutels zijn geconfigureerd als: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
++msgstr "GPG sleutel %s (0x%s) is al geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
++msgstr "Importeren sleutel is mislukt (code %d)"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
++msgid "Key imported successfully"
++msgstr "Sleutel succesvol geïmporteerd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
++msgid "Didn't install any keys"
++msgstr "Er werden geen sleutels geïnstalleerd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
++"Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
++msgstr "De GPG sleutels vermeld voor de \"%s\" repository zijn al geïnstalleerd, maar ze zijn niet correct voor dit pakket. \nControleer of de juiste sleutel-URL's zijn geconfigureerd voor deze repository."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
++msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
++msgstr "Import van sleutel(s) heeft niet geholpen, verkeerde sleutel(s)?"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "Nee"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Ja"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n CA Sleutel: %s\n Falende repo is: %s\n GPG Sleutels zijn geconfigureerd als: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
++msgstr "GPG-sleutel op %s (0x%s) is reeds geïmporteerd"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "Import sleutel %s faalde"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
++#, python-format
++msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
++msgstr "Er werden geen sleutels geïnstalleerd voor repo %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
++"Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
++msgstr "De GPG sleutels vermeld voor de \"%s\" repository zijn al geïnstalleerd, maar ze zijn niet correct. \nControleer of de juiste sleutel-URL's zijn geconfigureerd voor deze repository."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
++msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
++msgstr "Niet in staat om een ​​geschikte mirror te vinden."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
++msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
++msgstr "Fouten tegengekomen tijdens het downloaden van pakketten."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
++#, python-format
++msgid "Please report this error at %s"
++msgstr "Meld deze fout a.u.b. op %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
++msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
++msgstr "Test Transactie Fouten: "
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
++msgstr "Kon cachedir niet instellen: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
++msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
++msgstr "Afhankelijkheden niet opgelost. Zal een transactie met onopgeloste afhankelijkheden niet opslaan."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
++msgstr "Kon transactiebestand %s niet opslaan: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
++msgstr "Kon geen toegang krijgen tot/lezen opgeslagen transactie %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr "rpmdb versie kwam niet overeen met opgeslagen transactie versie,"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
++msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
++msgstr "kan tsflags of tsflags niet vinden, geen integer."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
++#, python-format
++msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
++msgstr "Trof txmbr in onbekende huidige status aan: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
++msgstr "Kon txmbr niet vinden: %s in status %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
++msgstr "Kon txmbr niet vinden: %s van herkomst: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
++msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
++msgstr "Transactie-leden, relaties ontbreken of ts is gewijzigd,"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
++msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
++msgstr " negeren, zoals gevraagd. U moet afhankelijkheden opnieuw oplossen!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s is al bezocht en kan niet worden verwijderd."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "Onderzoeken revdeps van %s"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s heeft revdep %s en was gebruiker-geïnstalleerd."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr "%s moet voor dit pakket al zijn geïnstalleerd"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "%s heeft geen door gebruiker geïnstalleerd revdeps."
++#. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
++msgid "Loaded plugins: "
++msgstr "Geladen plugins: "
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
++#, python-format
++msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
++msgstr "Geen plugin match voor: %s"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
++msgstr "\"%s\" plug-in wordt niet geladen, staat uitgeschakeld"
++#. Give full backtrace:
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
++msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" kan niet worden geïmporteerd"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
++msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" geeft niet de vereiste API-versie aan"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
++msgstr "Plugin \"%s\" vereist API %s. Ondersteunde API is echter %s."
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
++#, python-format
++msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
++msgstr "Laden van \"%s\" plugin"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
++#, python-format
++msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
++msgstr "Twee of meer plugins met de naam \"%s\" komen voor ​​in het plugin zoekpad"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#, python-format
++msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
++msgstr "Configuratiebestand %s niet gevonden"
++#. for
++#. Configuration files for the plugin not found
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
++msgstr "Kan configuratiebestand niet vinden voor plugin %s"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
++msgid "registration of commands not supported"
++msgstr "registratie van commando's niet ondersteund"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
++msgid "has missing requires of"
++msgstr "heeft ontbrekende vereisten"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
++msgid "has installed conflicts"
++msgstr "heeft geïnstalleerde conflicten"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
++msgstr "%s is een duplicaat van %s"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
++msgstr "%s is ouder dan %s"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
++msgstr "%s bevat %s, maar kan niet worden gevonden"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:80
++msgid "Repackaging"
++msgstr "Opnieuw verpakken"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Verifiëer: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Onvoldoende ruimte in download directory %s\n    * vrij     %s\n    * nodig %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr "Pakket komt niet overeen met bedoelde download"
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
++#, python-format
++msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
++msgstr "Header kan niet worden geopend of komt niet overeen met %s, %s."
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:53
++#, python-format
++msgid "RPM %s fails md5 check"
++msgstr "RPM %s komt niet door de md5 check"
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
++msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
++msgstr "RPM-database kan niet worden geopend om te lezen. Misschien al in gebruik?"
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
++msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
++msgstr "Verkreeg een lege Header, iets is er mis gegaan"
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:253 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:260
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:263 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:266
++#, python-format
++msgid "Damaged Header %s"
++msgstr "Beschadigde Header %s"
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:281
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
++msgstr "Fout bij het openen van rpm %s - fout %s"
+diff --git a/po/pa.po b/po/pa.po
+index e714500..b96df92 100644
+--- a/po/pa.po
++++ b/po/pa.po
+@@ -2,1516 +2,1656 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# A S Alam <apreet.alam@gmail.com>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# A S Alam <apreet.alam@gmail.com>, 2011-2013.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-03-01 02:00+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: A S Alam <apreet.alam@gmail.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Panjabi (Punjabi) <punjabi-users@lists.sf.net>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: pa\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "ਸਾਫ਼ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "ਬਰਤਰਫ਼ ਕੀਤੇ"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕੀਤੇ"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "ਸਾਫ਼ ਕੀਤਾ"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕੀਤਾ"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "ਹੈੱਡਰ ਨਹੀਂ - ਓਹ?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "ਮੁੜ-ਪੈਕੇਜ"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਗਲਤੀ: ਗਲਤ ਆਉਟਪੁੱਟ ਸਥਿਤੀ: %s ਲਈ %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "ਸਾਫ਼ ਕੀਤਾ: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "ਹਟਾਇਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "ਸਾਫ਼"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "ਕਮਾਂਡ \"%s\" ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਦੀ ਦਿੱਤੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋਜ਼ਟਰੀਆਂ ਸੈਟਅੱਪ ਕੀਤੀਆਂ ਜਾ ਰਹੀਆਂ ਹਨ"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "ਲੋਕਲ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਰਿਪੋਜ਼ਟਰੀ ਮੇਟਾਡਾਟਾ ਪੜ੍ਹਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ਗਲਤੀ: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "ਚੋਣ ਗਲਤੀ: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "   ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕੀਤਾ:%s-%s %s ਉੱਤੇ "
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr " ਬਿਲਡ   : %s %s ਉੱਤੇ "
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  ਕਮਿਟ ਕੀਤਾ: %s %s ਉੱਤੇ"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਕੁਝ ਕਮਾਂਡ ਦੇਣ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਝ ਦੀ ਕੋਈ ਕਮਾਂਡ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ: %s। %s --help ਵਰਤੋਂ ਜੀ"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "ਡਿਸਕ ਲੋੜਾਂ:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr "   ਘੱਟੋ-ਘੱਟ %dMB ਹੋਰ ਖਾਲੀ ਥਾਂ %s ਫਾਇਲ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਉੱਤੇ ਚਾਹੀਦੀ ਹੈ।\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] "   ਘੱਟੋ-ਘੱਟ %dMB ਹੋਰ ਖਾਲੀ ਥਾਂ %s ਫਾਇਲ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਉੱਤੇ ਚਾਹੀਦੀ ਹੈ।\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"ਗਲਤੀ ਸੰਖੇਪ\n"
++msgstr "ਗਲਤੀ ਸੰਖੇਪ\n------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "ਲਾਕ ਫਾਇਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਬਣਾਈ ਜਾ ਸਕੀ; ਮੌਜੂਦ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "ਹਾਲੇ ਕੋਈ ਹੋਰ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਯੱਮ ਲਾਕ ਵਰਤ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ;  exit_on_lock ਵਲੋਂ ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ਮੁਤਾਬਕ ਬੰਦ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
++msgstr "ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਚਲਾਉਣ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕੀਤੀ, ਪਰ ਕੁਝ ਵੀ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ। ਬੰਦ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ।"
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-"ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਚਲਾਉਣ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕੀਤੀ, ਪਰ ਕੁਝ ਵੀ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ। ਬੰਦ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ"
+-" ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " ਕੀਤੀ ਮੰਗ ਮੁਤਾਬਕ ਅਣਡਿੱਠਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr "ਅਣਡਿੱਠਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ।"
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਕਮਾਂਡ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਕੀਤੇ ਜਾ ਰਹੇ ਹਨ:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਕਰਨ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਗਲਤੀ:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਚੈੱਕ ਚੱਲ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "ਗਲਤੀ, ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਹੈਂਡਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ rpm ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "RPM ਨੂੰ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "%s ਵਿੱਚ ਇਹ ਗਲਤੀ ਬਾਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਦਿਉ"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਟੈਸਟ ਚੱਲ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਚੈੱਕ ਗਲਤੀ:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਟੈਸਟ ਸਫ਼ਲ ਰਿਹਾ"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਚੱਲ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਬਿਨਾਂ-ਧਿਆਨ ਦੇ ਚਲਾਉਣ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਕੁੰਜੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਆਟੋਮੈਟਿਕ ਇੰਪੋਰਟ ਕਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਇਨਕਾਰੀ।\nਅਣਡਿੱਠਾ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ \"-y\" ਵਰਤੋਂ।"
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * ਸ਼ਾਇਦ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ %s%s%s ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਹਨ, ਪਰ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ।"
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "ਕੋਈ %s%s%s ਪੈਕੇਜ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++msgstr[1] "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕੁਝ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ ਚੁਣੇ ਗਏ"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਚੁਣਿਆ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++msgstr[1] "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਲਈ ਚੁਣੇ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "ਡਿਸਟਰੀਬਿਊਸ਼ਨ ਸਿੰਕਰੋਨਾਈਜ਼ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ ਚੁਣੇ ਗਏ"
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d ਪੈਕੇਜ ਡਿਸਟਰੀਬਿਊਜ਼ਸ਼ਨ ਸਿੰਕਰੋਨਾਈਜ਼ੇਸ਼ਨ ਲਈ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨਬੱਧ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ"
++msgstr[1] "%d ਪੈਕੇਜ ਡਿਸਟਰੀਬਿਊਜ਼ਸ਼ਨ ਸਿੰਕਰੋਨਾਈਜ਼ੇਸ਼ਨ ਲਈ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨਬੱਧ ਕੀਤੇ ਗਏ"
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr "ਡਿਸਟਰੀਬਿਊਸ਼ਨ ਸਿੰਕਰੋਨਾਈਜ਼ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਮਾਰਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "ਹਟਾਉਣ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ ਚੁਣੇ ਗਏ"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "ਹਟਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਚੁਣਿਆ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++msgstr[1] "ਹਟਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਚੁਣੇ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "ਹਟਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "ਡਾਊਨਗਰੇਡ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "ਡਾਊਨਗਰੇਡ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++msgstr[1] "ਡਾਊਨਗਰੇਡ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (%s ਵਲੋਂ)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੋਏ ਪੈਕੇਜ %s%s%s%s ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ।"
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "ਮੁੜ-ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "ਮੁੜ-ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++msgstr[1] "ਮੁੜ-ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਨਹੀਂ ਦਿੰਦਾ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "ਮਿਲਦੇ: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "ਚੇਤਾਵਨੀ: %s :ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਮੇਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭਿਆ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਮਿਲਦਾ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "%s ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭਿਆ"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "ਗਲਤੀ: ਇਸ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭਿਆ:\n  %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr "ਰੈਪੋ ਸਾਫ਼ ਕੀਤੀਆਂ ਜਾਂਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ: "
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "ਹਰ ਚੀਜ਼ ਸਾਫ਼ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "ਹੈੱਡਰ ਸਾਫ਼ ਕੀਤੇ ਜਾ ਰਹੇ ਹਨ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ ਸਾਫ਼ ਕੀਤੇ ਜਾ ਰਹੇ ਹਨ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "xml  ਮੇਟਾਡਾਟਾ ਸਾਫ਼ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "ਡਾਟਾਬੇਸ ਕੈਸ਼ ਸਾਫ਼ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "ਐਕਸਪਾਇਰ-ਕੈਸ਼ ਮੇਟਾਡਾਟਾ ਸਾਫ਼ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr "ਕੈਸ਼ ਕੀਤਾ rpmdb ਡਾਟਾ ਸਾਫ਼ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "ਪਲੱਗਇਨ ਸਾਫ਼ ਕੀਤੀਆਂ ਜਾ ਰਹੀਆਂ ਹਨ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੋਏ ਇੰਵਾਇਨਮੈਂਟ ਗਰੁੱਪ:"
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਇੰਵਾਇਨਮੈਂਟ ਗਰੁੱਪ:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੋਏ ਗਰੁੱਪ:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੋਏ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਗਰੁੱਪ:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਗਰੁੱਪ:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
++msgstr "ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਗਰੁੱਪ:"
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "ਮੁਕੰਮਲ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "ਚੇਤਾਵਨੀ: ਗਰੁੱਪ %s ਮੌਜੂਦ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+ msgstr "ਮੰਗੇ ਗਏ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਜਾਂ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਲਈ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++msgstr[1] "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr "%s ਨਾਂ ਦਾ ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਇੰਵਾਇਨਮੈਂਟ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "%s ਨਾਂ ਦਾ ਕੋਈ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "ਗਰੁੱਪ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਹਟਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "ਹਟਾਉਣ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "ਹਟਾਉਣ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++msgstr[1] "ਹਟਾਉਣ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "%s ਪੈਕੇਜ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੈ, ਛੱਡਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਗ਼ੈਰ-ਅਨੁਕੂਲ ਪੈਕੇਜ %s.%s ਅਣਡਿੱਠਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਹੋਰ %s ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ, ਸੰਭਾਵਿਤ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਦੀ ਸੂਚੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਜੋੜਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "ਪਲੱਗਇਨ ਚੋਣਾਂ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "ਕਮਾਂਡ ਲਾਈਨ ਗਲਤੀ: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s:%s ਚੋਣ ਲਈ ਆਰਗੂਮੈਂਟ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ"
++msgstr "\n\n%s:%s ਚੋਣ ਲਈ ਆਰਗੂਮੈਂਟ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--color ਇਹਨਾਂ ਵਿੱਚੋੰ ਲੈਂਦਾ ਹੈ: auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "ਇਹ ਮੱਦਦ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ ਵੇਖਾਉ ਅਤੇ ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr "ਪੂਰੀ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਕੈਸ਼ ਤੋਂ ਚਲਾਓ, ਕੈਸ਼ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਨਾ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ਫਾਇਲ ਟਿਕਾਣਾ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "ਵੱਧੋ-ਵੱਧ ਕਮਾਂਡ ਉਡੀਕ ਸਮਾਂ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "ਡੀਬੱਗ ਆਉਟਪੁੱਟ ਲੈਵਲ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr "ਡੁਪਲੀਕੇਟ ਵੇਖੋ, ਰਿਪੋ ਵਿੱਚ, ਲਿਸਟ/ਖੋਜ ਕਮਾਂਡ ਵਿੱਚ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "ਗਲਤੀ ਆਉਟਪੁੱਟ ਲੈਵਲ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr "rpm ਲਈ ਡੀਬੱਗ ਆਉਟਪੁੱਟ ਲੈਵਲ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "ਚੁੱਪ-ਚਾਪ ਕਾਰਵਾਈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਸਮੇਤ ਕਾਰਵਾਈ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "ਸਭ ਸਵਾਲਾਂ ਦੇ ਜਵਾਬ ਹਾਂ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "ਸਭ ਸਵਾਲਾਂ ਲਈ ਨਾਂਹ ਜਵਾਬ"
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "ਯੱਮ ਵਰਜਨ ਵੇਖਾਓ ਅਤੇ ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "install root ਸੈੱਟ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "ਇੱਕ ਜਾਂ ਵੱਧ ਰਿਪੋਜ਼ਟਰੀਆਂ ਚਾਲੂ ਕਰੋ (ਵਾਈਲਡਕਾਰਡ ਮਨਜ਼ੂਰ ਹਨ)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "ਇੱਕ ਜਾਂ ਵੱਧ ਰਿਪੋਜ਼ਟਰੀਆਂ ਬੰਦ (ਵਾਇਲਡਕਾਰਡ ਮਨਜ਼ੂਰ)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਦੇ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਬਰਤਰਫ਼ ਕਾਰਵਾਈਆਂ ਚਾਲੂ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "ਯੱਮ ਪਲੱਗਇਨ ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "gpg ਦਸਤਖਤ ਚੈੱਕ ਕਰਨਾ ਬੰਦ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "ਨਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਪਲੱਗਇਨ ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "ਪਲੱਗਇਨ ਨਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਚਾਲੂ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਸਮੱਸਿਆਵਾਂ ਵਾਲੇ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਛੱਡ ਦਿਉ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "ਕੰਟਰੋਲ ਕਰੋ ਕਿ ਕੀ ਰੰਗ ਵਰਤਣੇ ਹਨ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr "ਯੱਮ ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ਤੇ ਰਿਪੋ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ 'ਚ $releasever ਦਾ ਮੁੱਲ ਸੈੱਟ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਨਾ ਕਰੋ, ਸਿਰਫ਼ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ"
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "ਜਨ"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "ਫਰ"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "ਮਾਰ"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "ਅਪ"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "ਮਈ"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "ਜੂਨ"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "ਜੁਲਾ"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "ਅਗ"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "ਸਤੰ"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "ਅਕ"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "ਨਵੰ"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "ਦਸੰ"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "ਹੋਰ ਮਿੱਰਰ ਨਾਲ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਜਾਰੀ"
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr "ਨਾਂ        : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr "ਢਾਂਚਾ        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr "Epoch       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr "ਵਰਜਨ     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr "ਰੀਲਿਜ਼     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr "ਸਾਈਜ਼       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋ        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋ ਤੋਂ   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr "ਕਮਿੱਟਰ   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr "ਕਮਿਟ-ਸਮਾਂ  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr "ਬਿਲਡ ਸਮਾਂ   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਸਮਾਂ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਇਸ ਵਲੋਂ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr "ਇਸ ਵਲੋਂ ਬਦਲਿਆ  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr "ਸੰਖੇਪ   : "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "URL         : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr "ਲਾਈਸੈਂਸ    : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "ਵੇਰਵਾ: "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "y"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "yes"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "no"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "ਕੀ ਇਹ ਠੀਕ ਹੈ [y/N]: "
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"ਗਰੁੱਪ: %s"
++msgstr "\nਗਰੁੱਪ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " ਗਰੁੱਪ-Id: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " ਵੇਰਵਾ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " ਭਾਸ਼ਾ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " ਲਾਜ਼ਮੀ ਪੈਕੇਜ:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " ਡਿਫਾਲਟ ਪੈਕੇਜ:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " ਚੋਣਵੇਂ ਪੈਕੇਜ:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " ਸ਼ਰਤੀਆ ਪੈਕੇਜ:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੋਏ ਪੈਕੇਜ:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr "\nਇੰਵਾਇਨਮੈਂਟ ਗਰੁੱਪ: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr "ਇੰਨਵਾਇਨਮੈਂਟ-Id: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr "ਲਾਜ਼ਮੀ ਗਰੁੱਪ:"
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr "ਚੋਣਵੇਂ ਗਰੁੱਪ:"
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੋਏ ਗਰੁੱਪ:"
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr " ਇਹ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr " ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr " ਨਾ-ਹੱਲ ਹੋਈ ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "ਇਸ ਤੋਂ ਮੇਲ:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "ਲਾਈਸੈਂਸ     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ ਨਾਂ    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "ਦਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ     : "
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "ਹੋਰ       : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "ਕੁੱਲ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਆਕਾਰ ਲੱਭਣ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਗਲਤੀ"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "ਕੁੱਲ ਸਾਈਜ਼: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "ਕੁੱਲ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਸਾਈਜ਼: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਦਾ ਸਾਈਜ਼: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਆਕਾਰ ਗਿਣਨ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਗਲਤੀ"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "ਮੁੜ-ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "ਡਾਊਨਗਰੇਡ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਲਈ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਲਈ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਲਈ ਹਟਾਇਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "ਛੱਡਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ (ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] "ਪੈਕੇਜ"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "ਢਾਂਚਾ"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "ਵਰਜਨ"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋਜ਼ਟਰੀ"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "ਸਾਈਜ਼"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr "     %s%s%s.%s %s  ਨੂੰ ਬਦਲਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਸੰਖੇਪ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ\n"
++msgstr "\nਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਸੰਖੇਪ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ %5.5s ਪੈਕੇਜ\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "ਅੱਪਗਰੇਡ   %5.5s ਪੈਕੇਜ\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "ਅੱਪਗਰੇਡ"
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "ਹਟਾਉਣੇ    %5.5s ਪੈਕੇਜ\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "ਹਟਾਓ"
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "ਮੁੜ-ਇੰਸਟਾਲ %5.5s ਪੈਕੇਜ\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "ਮੁੜ-ਇੰਸਟਾਲ"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "ਡਾਊਨਗਰੇਡ %5.5s ਪੈਕੇਜ\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "ਡਾਊਨਗਰੇਡ"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "ਨਿਰਭਰ ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++msgstr[1] "ਨਿਰਭਰ ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "ਹਟਾਏ"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਹਟਾਈ"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕੀਤੀ"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕੀਤੀ"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "ਬਦਲੇ ਗਏ"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "ਫੇਲ੍ਹ ਹੋਏ"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "ਦੋ"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-" ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਰੱਦ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ, ਬੰਦ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) %s %s%s%s ਸਕਿੰਟ ਵਿੱਚ\n"
++msgstr "\n ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਰੱਦ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ, ਬੰਦ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) %s %s%s%s ਸਕਿੰਟ ਵਿੱਚ\nਦਬਾਉ\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਵਲੋਂ ਦਖ਼ਲ"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "ਕੁੱਲ"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<ਅਣ-ਸੈੱਟ>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "ਸਿਸਟਮ"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr "ਖ਼ਰਾਬ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ID, ਜਾਂ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਦਿੱਤਾ"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਕਮਾਂਡ ਲਾਈਨ"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr "ਲਾਗਇਨ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "ਮਿਤੀ ਅਤੇ ਸਮਾਂ"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "ਐਕਸ਼ਨ"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "ਬਦਲੇ"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ID ਦਿੱਤਾ"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "ਖ਼ਰਾਬ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ID ਦਿੱਤਾ"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr "ਦਿੱਤਾ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ID ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭਿਆ"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr "ਇੱਕ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਧ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ID ਲੱਭਿਆ!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ID, ਜਾਂ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਨਹੀਂ ਦਿੱਤਾ"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr "ਡਾਊਨਗਰੇਡ ਕੀਤੇ"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "ਪੁਰਾਣੇ"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "ਨਵੇਂ"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr "ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ID:"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr "ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਸਮਾਂ   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr "rpmdb ਸ਼ੁਰੂ    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u ਸਕਿੰਟ)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u ਮਿੰਟ)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u ਘੰਟੇ)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u ਦਿਨ)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "ਅੰਤ ਸਮਾਂ       :"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr "rpmdb ਅੰਤ      :"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "ਯੂਜ਼ਰ           :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "ਰੀਟਰਨ-ਕੋਡ  :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "ਅਧੂਰਾ ਛੱਡਿਆ"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਫੇਲ੍ਹ:"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "ਫੇਲ੍ਹ:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "ਸਫ਼ਲ"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "ਕਮਾਂਡ ਲਾਈਨ  :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਵਾਧੂ ਗ਼ੈਰ-ਡਿਫਾਲਟ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਸੰਭਾਲੀ: %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr "ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ ਇਸ ਨਾਲ:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ ਬਦਲੇ:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ ਛੱਡੇ ਗਏ:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Rpmdb ਸਮੱਸਿਆਵਾਂ:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "Scriptlet ਆਉਟਪੁੱਟ:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "ਗਲਤੀਆਂ:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr "ਨਿਰਭ-ਇੰਸਟਾਲ"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr "ਬਰਤਰਫ਼ ਕੀਤੇ"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "ਸਾਫ਼"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "ਮੁੜ-ਇੰਸਟਾਲ"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr "ਡਾਊਨਗਰੇਡ"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "ਸਮਾਂ"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "ਪਿਛਲੇ ਦਿਨ"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "ਪਿਛਲੇ ਹਫ਼ਤੇ"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "ਪਿਛਲੇ ੨ ਹਫ਼ਤੇ"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "ਪਿਛਲੇ ੩ ਮਹੀਨੇ"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "ਪਿਛਲੇ ੬ ਮਹੀਨੇ"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "ਪਿਛਲੇ ਸਾਲ"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "ਲਗਭਗ ਸਾਲ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ %s ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭੀ"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr "ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ID:"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਹੋਰ ਅਤੀਤ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ:"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s: ਇਸ ਨਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਕੋਈ ਹੋਰ ਵਾਧੂ ਡਾਟਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭਿਆ"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ        :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "ਹਾਲਤ          :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "ਆਕਾਰ           :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "ਬਿਲਡ ਹੋਸਟ     :"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "ਬਿਲਡ ਸਮਾਂ     :"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜਰ       :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "ਵੈਂਡਰ         :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "ਲਾਈਸੈਂਸ        :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URL            :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "ਸਰੋਤ RPM     :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "ਕਮਿਟ ਸਮਾਂ    :"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "ਕਮਿਟ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲੇ      :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "ਕਾਰਨ         :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "ਰੈਪੋ ਤੋਂ      :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕੀਤਾ ਤੋਂ   :"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "ਵਲੋਂ ਬਦਲਿਆ     :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕੀਤੇ"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਇੱਕ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "ਸਾਫ਼ ਕੀਤੇ"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "ਮੁੜ-ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕੀਤੇ"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਡਾਊਨਗਰੇਡ"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਬਰਤਰਫ਼ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕੀਤੇ"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "ਬਰਤਰਫ਼ ਕੀਤੇ"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "---> ਪੈਕੇਜ %s.%s %s:%s-%s ਹੋਵੇਗਾ %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਚੈੱਕ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr "--> ਨਵੇਂ ਬਦਲਾਅ ਨਾਲ ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਹੱਲ਼ ਲਈ ਮੁੜ-ਚਾਲੂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਹੱਲ ਮੁਕੰਮਲ ਹੋਇਆ"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਲਈ ਕਾਰਵਾਈ ਜਾਰੀ: %s ਪੈਕੇਜ ਲਈ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> ਪੈਕੇਜ ਰੱਖਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr "---> ਪੈਕੇਜ ਰੱਖਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ: %s ਨੂੰ %s ਦੇ ਕਰਕੇ"
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "-->  ਨਾ-ਹੱਲ਼ ਹੋਈ ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ: %s"
++msgstr "\n    ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭਾ"
++msgstr "\n        ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭਾ"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕੀਤਾ"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr "ਡਾਊਨਗਰੇਡ ਕੀਤਾ"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr "ਬਰਤਰਫ਼ ਕੀਤਾ"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "ਉਪਲੱਬਧ"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> ਅਪਵਾਦ ਹੱਲ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ: %s ਦਾ %s ਨਾਲ ਟਕਰਾ"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+-msgstr ""
+-"--> ਚੁਣੇ ਪੈਕੇਜਾਂ ਲਈ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਸੈੱਟ ਪਾਪੂਲੇਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ। ਉਡੀਕੋ ਜੀ।"
++msgstr "--> ਚੁਣੇ ਪੈਕੇਜਾਂ ਲਈ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਸੈੱਟ ਪਾਪੂਲੇਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ। ਉਡੀਕੋ ਜੀ।"
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+-msgstr ""
+-"---> ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਸੈੱਟ 'ਚ ਪੈਕ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %s ਵਾਸਤੇ ਹੈੱਡਰ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ।"
++msgstr "---> ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਸੈੱਟ 'ਚ ਪੈਕ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %s ਵਾਸਤੇ ਹੈੱਡਰ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ।"
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "ਜਾਂਚਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "ਚੱਲ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "ਸਲੀਪਿੰਗ"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "ਗ਼ੈਰ-ਰੁਕਾਵਟ-ਯੋਗ"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "ਜੋਮਬਿਈ"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "ਟਰੇਸ ਕੀਤਾ/ਰੋਕਿਆ"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "ਅਣਜਾਣ"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr " ਹੋਰ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਹੈ: ਪੈਕੇਜਕਿੱਟ"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr " ਹੋਰ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਹੈ: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    ਮੈਮੋਰੀ : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਹੋਇਆ: %s - %s ਪਹਿਲਾਂ"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    ਹਾਲਤ  : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਰੱਦ ਕਰਨ ਉੱਤੇ ਮੌਜੂਦ"
++msgstr "\n\nਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਰੱਦ ਕਰਨ ਉੱਤੇ ਮੌਜੂਦ"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"ਖਰਾਬ ਪਾਈਪ ਉੱਤੇ ਬੰਦ"
++msgstr "\n\nਖਰਾਬ ਪਾਈਪ ਉੱਤੇ ਬੰਦ"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-"ਹਾਲੇ ਕੋਈ ਹੋਰ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਯੱਮ ਲਾਕ ਵਰਤ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ;  exit_on_lock ਵਲੋਂ ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ਮੁਤਾਬਕ "
+-"ਬੰਦ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "PluginExit ਗਲਤੀ: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "ਯੱਮ ਗਲਤੀ: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "ਗਲਤੀ: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr " ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਨਾਲ ਨਿਪਟ ਲਈ --skip-broken ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਕੇ ਕੰਮ ਚਲਾ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr " ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਚਲਾਉਣ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "ਅਣਜਾਣ ਗਲਤੀ: ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਹੱਲ਼ ਹੋਈ"
++msgstr "\nਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਹੱਲ਼ ਹੋਈ"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "ਮੁਕੰਮਲ!"
+ #: ../yumcommands.py:42
+ msgid " Mini usage:\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " ਮਿੰਨੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ:\n"
+ #: ../yumcommands.py:52
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਇਹ ਕਾਰਵਾਈ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਰੂਟ (root) ਹੋਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1528,566 +1668,648 @@ msgid ""
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਰਿਪੋਜ਼ਟਰੀ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
++msgstr "ਗਲਤੀ: %s ਨੂੰ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਲਿਸਟ ਦੇਣ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr "ਗਲਤੀ: ਰਿਪੋ %s ਚਾਲੂ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "ਗਲਤੀ: ਮਿਲਦੀ ਆਈਟਮ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "ਗਲਤੀ: ਗਰੁੱਪ ਜਾਂ ਗਰੁੱਪਾਂ ਦੀ ਲਿਸਟ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "ਗਲਤੀ: ਸਾਫ਼ ਕਰਨ (clean) ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਚੋਣ ਦਿੱਤੀ ਜਾਣੀ ਚਾਹੀਦੀ ਹੈ: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "ਗਲਤੀ: ਗਲਤ clean ਆਰਗੂਮੈਂਟ: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "ਸ਼ੈੱਲ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਆਰਗੂਮੈਂਟ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "ਸ਼ੈੱਲ ਨੂੰ ਦੇਣ ਲਈ ਫਾਇਲ ਨਾਂ: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ %s ਨੇ ਨਾ-ਮੌਜੂਦ ਸ਼ੈੱਲ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਆਰਗੂਮੈਂਟ ਦਿੱਤਾ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਚਾਲੂ ਰੈਪੋ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ।\nਆਪਣੀਆਂ ਰੈਪੋ ਨੂੰ ਵੇਖਣ ਲਈ \"yum repolist all\" ਚਲਾਉ।\nਤੁਸੀਂ ਰੈਪੋ ਨੂੰ yum-config-manager --enable <repo> ਨੂੰ ਚਾਲੂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "ਆਪਣੇ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਉੱਤੇ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਾਰਵਾਈ ਸੈੱਟ ਅੱਪ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[ਪੈਕੇਜ...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "ਆਪਣੇ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਉੱਤੇ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਾਰਵਾਈ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+-msgstr ""
+-"ਸਭ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕੀਤੇ ਪੈਕੇਜਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਨਵੇਂ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਵਰਜਨਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਸਿੰਕਰੋਨਾਈਜ਼ ਕਰੋ"
++msgstr "ਸਭ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕੀਤੇ ਪੈਕੇਜਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਨਵੇਂ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਵਰਜਨਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਸਿੰਕਰੋਨਾਈਜ਼ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr "ਡਿਸਟਰੀਬਿਊਸ਼ਨ ਸਿੰਕਰੋਨਾਈਜ਼ ਕਾਰਵਾਈ ਸੈਟਅੱਪ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ ਜਾਂ ਪੈਕੇਜਾਂ ਦੇ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਬਾਰੇ ਵੇਰਵੇ ਸਮੇਤ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਵੇਖੋ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੋਏ ਪੈਕੇਜ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਪੈਕੇਜ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "ਵਾਧੂ ਪੈਕੇਜ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕੀਤੇ ਪੈਕੇਜ"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "ਬਰਤਰਫ਼ ਕੀਤੇ ਜਾ ਰਹੇ ਪੈਕੇਜ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "ਤਾਜ਼ਾ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕੀਤੇ ਪੈਕੇਜ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "ਲਿਸਟ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਮਿਲਦਾ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ ਜਾਂ ਪੈਕੇਜਾਂ ਦੇ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਦੀ ਲਿਸਟ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "ਆਪਣੇ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਤੋਂ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਹਟਾਓ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "ਹਟਾਉਣ ਕਾਰਵਾਈ ਲਈ ਸੈਟਅੱਪ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "ਵੇਖਾਓ ਜਾਂ ਵਰਤੋਂ, ਗਰੁੱਪ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "ਗਰੁੱਪ ਕਾਰਵਾਈ ਸੈਟਅੱਪ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਨਹੀਂ, ਜਿਸ ਉੱਤੇ ਕਮਾਂਡ ਚਲਾਈ ਜਾ ਸਕੇ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਗਰੁੱਪਾਂ ਦੀ ਲਿਸਟ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "ਆਪਣੇ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਉੱਤੇ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰੋ"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "ਆਪਣੇ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਤੋਂ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਹਟਾਓ"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੋਈ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਫਾਇਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਬਾਰੇ ਵੇਰਵੇ ਸਮੇਤ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਵੇਖੋ"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "ਮੇਟਾਡਾਟਾ ਕੈਸ਼ ਤਿਆਰ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "ਸਭ ਮੇਟਾਡਾਟਾ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਲਈ ਕੈਸ਼ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਬਣਾਈਆਂ ਜਾ ਰਹੀਆਂ ਹਨ।"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr "ਇਹ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਦੀ ਸਪੀਡ ਦੇ ਮੁਤਾਬਕ ਕੁਝ ਸਮਾਂ ਲੈ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "ਮੇਟਾਡਾਟਾ ਕੈਸ਼ ਬਣਾਈ ਗਈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "ਕੈਸ਼ ਡਾਟਾ ਹਟਾਓ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "ਲੱਭੋ ਕਿ ਕਿਹੜਾ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਮੁੱਲ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਲਈ ਚੈੱਕ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "ਦਿੱਤੀ ਲਾਈਨ ਲਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਵੇਰਵਾ ਲੱਭੋ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜਾਂ ਲਈ ਖੋਜ ਜਾਰੀ: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਬਰਤਰਫ਼ ਨੂੰ ਧਿਆਨ 'ਚ ਰੱਖਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "ਅੱਪਗਰੇਡ ਕਰਾਵਾਈ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "ਲੋਕਲ RPM ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "ਲੋਕਲ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਕਾਰਵਾਈ ਲਈ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "ਦੱਸੋ ਕਿ ਕਿਹੜਾ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਦਿੱਤੀ ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਲਈ ਪੈਕੇਜਾਂ ਦੀ ਖੋਜ ਜਾਰੀ:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਟਰ-ਐਕਟਿਵ ਯੱਮ ਸ਼ੈੱਲ ਚਲਾਓ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "ਯੱਮ ਸ਼ੈੱਲ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜਾਂ ਦੀ ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਦੀ ਲਿਸਟ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਲੱਭੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "ਸੰਰਚਿਤ ਸਾਫਟਵੇਅਰ ਰਿਪੋਜ਼ਟਰੀਆਂ ਵੇਖੋ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "ਚਾਲੂ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "ਬੰਦ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋ-id      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋ-ਨਾਂ    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋ-ਹਾਲਤ : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋ-ਰੀਵਿਜ਼ਨ: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋ-ਟੈਗ    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Repo-distro-tags: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋ-ਅੱਪਡੇਟ : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋ-ਪੈਕੇਜ    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋ-ਸਾਈਜ਼     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋ-baseurl : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋ-metalink: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  ਅੱਪਡੇਟ   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋ-mirrors : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "ਕਦੇ ਨਹੀਂ (ਆਖਰੀ: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਮੌਕਾ (ਪਿਛਲਾ: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s ਸਕਿੰਟ (ਆਖਰੀ: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋ-expire  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr "Repo-ਨਾ-ਸ਼ਾਮਲ : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr "Repo-ਸ਼ਾਮਲ : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਵੱਖ ਰੱਖੀ ਗਈ ਰਿਪੋ: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਰਿਪੋ-ਫਾਇਲਨਾਂ:"
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "repo id"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "ਹਾਲਤ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋ ਨਾਂ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਮੱਦਦਗਾਰ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ ਵੇਖਾਉ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "%s ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਮੱਦਦ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"ਏਲੀਆਸ: "
++msgstr "\n\nਏਲੀਆਸ: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"ਏਲੀਆਸ: "
++msgstr "\n\nਏਲੀਆਸ: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "ਮੁੜ-ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਾਰਵਾਈ ਲਈ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ ਮੁੜ-ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "ਡਾਊਨਗਰੇਡ ਕਾਰਵਾਈ ਲਈ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ ਡਾਊਨਗਰੇਡ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr "ਮਸ਼ੀਨ ਤੇ / ਜਾਂ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਰਿਪੋ ਲਈ ਵਰਜਨ ਵੇਖੋ।"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr " ਯੱਮ ਵਰਜਨ ਗਰੁੱਪ:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " ਗਰੁੱਪ   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr " ਪੈਕੇਜ:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੋਏ:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr "ਗਰੁੱਪ-ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੋਏ:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "ਉਪਲੱਬਧ:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "ਉਪਲੱਬਧ-ਗਰੁੱਪ:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr "ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਅਤੀਤ ਵੇਖੋ ਜਾਂ ਵਰਤੋਂ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਸਮਾਂ  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "ਅੰਤ ਸਮਾਂ    :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "ਗਿਣਤੀ      :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  rpm DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  ਯਮ DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਅਤੀਤ DB ਲਈ ਅਸੈਸ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr "rpmdb ਵਿੱਚ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਲਈ ਚੈੱਕ ਕਰੋ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਸੰਭਾਲੀ ਹੋਈ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਨੂੰ ਲੋਡ ਕਰੋ ਫਾਇਲ-ਨਾਂ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਸੰਭਾਲੀ ਹੋਈ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਫਾਇਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਦਿੱਤੀ ਗਈ।"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s ਤੋਂ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਲੋਡ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
++msgstr "%s ਤੋਂ %s ਮੈਂਬਰਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਲੋਡ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++msgstr[1] "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "ਹਟਾਉਣ/ਮੁੜ-ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++msgstr[1] "ਹਟਾਉਣ/ਮੁੜ-ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %d ਪੈਕੇਜ"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਯਮ ਚੈੱਕ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ ਹੋਇਆ: %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+-"ਹਾਲੇ ਕੋਈ ਹੋਰ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਣ ਯੱਮ ਲਾਕ ਵਰਤ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ; ਉਸ ਨੂੰ ਬੰਦ ਹੋਣ ਤੱਕ ਉਡੀਕ ਜਾਰੀ..."
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਹੱਲ਼ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਸੰਭਾਲੀ ਗਈ, ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਮੁੜ-ਚਲਾਉ:\nyum load-transaction %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਨ ਉੱਤੇ ਬੰਦ।"
++msgstr "\n\nਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਨ ਉੱਤੇ ਬੰਦ।"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s: ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਲਈ pkgSack ਦੀ ਖੋਜ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "ਮੈਂਬਰ: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %s ਬਦਲਿਆ"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s ਮੋਡ ਵਿੱਚ ਪੈਕੇਜ %s ਜੋੜਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ %s ਹਟਾਇਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s ਨੂੰ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "ਸੰਭਾਵਿਤ ਦੇਣ ਵਾਲਾ: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -2095,1013 +2317,1165 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਹੱਲ਼ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %s ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
++msgstr "%s ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਮਾਰਗ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭਿਆ। ਫੇਲ੍ਹ!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "TSINFO: ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਹੱਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %s ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s: ਲਈ ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਵਾਸਤੇ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਮਾਰਗ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭਿਆ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਕਰਵਾਉਣ ਵਾਲਿਆ ਪੈਕੇਜਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੈ, ਪਰ ਇਹ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੈ, ਹਟਾਇਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "TSINFO: %s ਨੂੰ %s ਲਈ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਵਜੋਂ ਚੁਣਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "ਸਫ਼ਲ - ਖਾਲੀ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "ਚੱਕਰ ਮੁੜ-ਚਾਲੂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਕਾਰਵਾਈ ਖਤਮ ਹੋ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "ਸਫ਼ਲ - ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਹੱਲ਼ ਹੋਈ"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "%s ਲਈ ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਚੈੱਕ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s ਦੀ ਖੋਜ %s ਦੀ ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਲਈ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s ਨੇ %s ਬਰਤਰਫ਼ ਕੀਤਾ"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "ਆਮ sourcerpm %s ਅਤੇ %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr "ਬੇਸ ਪੈਕੇਜ %s %s ਲਈ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr "ਘੱਟੋ-ਘੱਟ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr " ਜੇਤੂ: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "ਘੱਟੋ-ਘੱਟ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr " ਹਾਰਿਆ(%d ਨਾਲ): %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "ਵਧੀਆ ਕ੍ਰਮ: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
++msgstr "ਰਿਪੋਜ਼ਟਰੀ %r: ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ਪਾਰਸ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਗਲਤੀ: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਰਿਪੋਜ਼ਟਰੀ %r ਦਾ ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਨਾਂ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ, id ਵਰਤੋਂ ਨਾਲ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "ਪਲੱਗਇਨ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਚਾਲੂ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "ਲੋਕਲ RPMDB ਪੜ੍ਹਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "ਇਸਕਰਕੇ ਇਹ ਰਿਪੋ ਮੁੜ-ਸੈੱਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਸਕਦੀ।\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਆਬਜੈਕਟ ਬਣਾਏ ਜਾ ਰਹੇ ਹਨ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "ਗਰੁੱਪ ਮੇਟਾਡਾਟਾ ਲਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "%s: ਰਿਪੋਜ਼ਟਰੀ ਤੋਂ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਫਾਇਲ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "%s - %s: ਰਿਪੋਜ਼ਟਰੀ ਲਈ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਫਾਇਲ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "ਕਿਸੇ ਰਿਪੋਜ਼ਟਰੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੋਈ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜਟੈਗ ਮੇਟਾਡਾ ਲਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "ਰਿਪੋਜ਼ਟਰੀ ਤੋਂ ਟੈਗ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕੀਤੇ ਜਾ ਰਹੇ ਹਨ: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਰਿਪੋਜ਼ਟਰੀ ਲਈ Pkg ਟੈਗ ਜੋੜਨ ਲਈ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "ਵਾਧੂ ਫਾਇਲ-ਲਿਸਟ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਲਈ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "ਪਰੋਗਰਾਮ %s%s%s ਨੂੰ yum-utils ਪੈਕੇਜ 'ਚ ਲੱਭਿਆ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"ਅਧੂਰੀਆਂ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਬਾਕੀ ਹਨ। ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਪੂਰਾ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਸਤੇ yum-complete-"
+-"transaction ਚਲਾਉ ਬਾਰੇ ਸੋਚਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ।"
++msgstr "ਅਧੂਰੀਆਂ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਬਾਕੀ ਹਨ। ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਪੂਰਾ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਸਤੇ yum-complete-transaction ਚਲਾਉ ਬਾਰੇ ਸੋਚਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" ਹਟਾਉਣ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਸੁਰੱਖਿਅਤ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"ਪੈਕੇਜ ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਕਰਕੇ ਛੱਡੇ ਗਏ:"
++msgstr "\nਪੈਕੇਜ ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਕਰਕੇ ਛੱਡੇ ਗਏ:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "   %s %s ਤੋਂ"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"** %d ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਮੌਜੂਦਾ rpmdb ਸਮੱਸਿਆਵਾਂ ਲੱਭੀਆਂ, 'yum check' ਆਉਟਪੁੱਟ ਅੱਗੇ "
+-"ਦਿੱਤੀ ਹੈ:"
++msgstr "** %d ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਮੌਜੂਦਾ rpmdb ਸਮੱਸਿਆਵਾਂ ਲੱਭੀਆਂ, 'yum check' ਆਉਟਪੁੱਟ ਅੱਗੇ ਦਿੱਤੀ ਹੈ:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr "ਚੇਤਾਵਨੀ: RPMDB ਨੂੰ ਯੱਮ ਤੋਂ ਬਿਨਾਂ ਬਦਲਿਆ ਗਿਆ।"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr "ਲੋੜੀਦੇ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਨਾਲ ਟਕਰਾ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr "ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਸਕੀ:"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr "ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਚਲਾਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕੀ।"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਫਾਇਲ %s ਹਟਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ ਹੈ"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੋਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ, ਪਰ ਇਹ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ!"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s ਹਟਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ ਹੋਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਸੀ, ਪਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਗਿਆ!"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "%s ਲਾਕ ਖੋਲ੍ਹਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਿਆ: %s "
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr ""
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr "ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਲਾਕ %s: pid %s ਵਜੋਂ ਹੋਰ ਕਾਪੀ ਚੱਲ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ।"
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr "%s ਲਈ ਲਾਕ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਿਆ: %s "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "%s ਲਾਕ ਖੋਲ੍ਹਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਿਆ: %s "
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "ਚੈੱਕ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਅਸਮਰੱਥ ਕਿਕੀ PID %s ਐਕਟਿਵ ਹੈ"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ ਲੋੜੀਦੇ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਨਾਲ ਮਿਲਦਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ। ਸੁਝਾਅ: yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata ਚਲਾਉ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "checksum ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਸਕਿਆ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ ਚੈਕਸਮ ਰਲਦਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "%s ਦੀ ਲੋਕਲ ਕਾਪੀ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-"ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਡਾਇਰੈਕਟਰੀ %s ਵਿੱਚ ਨਾ-ਲੋੜੀਦੀ ਖਾਲੀ ਥਾਂ\n"
+-"    * ਖਾਲੀ   %s\n"
+-"    * ਚਾਹੀਦੀ  %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "ਹੈੱਡਰ ਪੂਰਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਹੈੱਡਰ ਲੋਕਲ ਕੈਸ਼ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਕੇਵਲ-ਕੈਸ਼ ਮੋਡ ਹੀ ਚਾਲੂ ਹੈ। %s ਨੂੰ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "%s ਲਈ ਪਬਲਿਕ ਕੁੰਜੀ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ %s ਖੋਲ੍ਹਣ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "%s ਲਈ ਪਬਲਿਕ ਕੁੰਜੀ ਭਰੋਸੇਯੋਗ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ %s  ਸਾਈਨ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "%s ਹਟਾਇਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s ਹਟਾਇਆ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "%s ਫਾਇਲ %s ਹਟਾਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਦੀ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s ਫਾਇਲ %s ਹਟਾਈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਹਟਾਈਆਂ ਗਈਆਂ"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d %s ਫਾਇਲ ਹਟਾਈ ਗਈ"
++msgstr[1] "%d %s ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਹਟਾਈਆਂ ਗਈਆਂ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਤੋਂ %s.%s %s:%s-%s ਨਾਲ ਕੁਝ ਵੀ ਮਿਲਦਾ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "%d ਪੈਕੇਜਾਂ ਲਈ ਖੋਜ ਜਾਰੀ ਹੈ"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "%d ਪੈਕੇਜ ਲੱਭਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
++msgstr[1] "%d ਪੈਕੇਜ ਲੱਭੇ ਜਾ ਰਹੇ ਹਨ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ %s ਲਈ ਖੋਜ ਜਾਰੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ ਐਂਟਰੀਆਂ ਲਈ ਖੋਜ ਜਾਰੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "ਪਰੋਵਾਇਡਰ ਐਂਟਰੀਆਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਖੋਜ ਜਾਰੀ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "ਸੰਰਚਿਤ ਰਿਪੋਜ਼ਟਰੀਆਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੋਈ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਡਾਟਾ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "%s ਨਾਂ ਦਾ ਕੋਈ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ %s ਗਰੁੱਪ %s ਵਿੱਚ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨਬੱਧ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "%s ਗਰੁੱਪ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ %s ਪੈਕੇਜ ਛੱਡਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ %s ਗਰੁੱਪ %s ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %s ਨਾਂ ਦਾ ਕੋਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr "ਸਾਵਧਾਨ: ਗਰੁੱਪ %s ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
++msgstr "ਗਰੁੱਪ %s ਵਿੱਚ %u ਲਾਜ਼ਮੀ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਹਨ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕੀਤੇ ਜਾ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ।"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "%s ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭਿਆ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕੁਝ ਨਹੀਂ ਦਿੱਤਾ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "%s ਪੈਕੇਜ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੈ ਤੇ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ: %s  - ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਸੈੱਟ 'ਚ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ %s ਨੂੰ %s ਵਲੋਂ ਬਰਤਰਫ਼ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ, ਜੋ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+ msgstr "%s ਪੈਕੇਜ %s ਨਾਲ ਬਦਲ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਗਿਆ, ਪਰ ਬਦਲਿਆ ਗਿਆ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਲੋੜ ਪੂਰੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰਦਾ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s ਪੈਕੇਜ %s ਨਾਲ ਬਰਤਰਫ਼ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ, %s ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
++msgstr "%s ਪੈਕੇਜ %s ਨਾਲ ਬਰਤਰਫ਼ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ, %s ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "%s ਪੈਕੇਜ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਨਵਾਂ ਵਰਜਨ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr "%s ਨਾਲ ਮਿਲਦਾ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੈ। ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਲਈ ਚੈਕ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "ਹਰ ਚੀਜ਼ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਬਰਤਰਫ਼ ਕੀਤੇ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਨੂੰ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "%s :ਨਾਲ ਮਿਲਦਾ ਕੋਈ ਆਰਗੂਮੈਂਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "%s: ਅਪਗਰੇਡ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਨਹੀਂ ਮਿਲਦਾ"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਬਰਤਰਫ਼ ਕੀਤਾ: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ, ਜੋ ਬਰਤਰਫ਼ ਹੈ: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"ਪੈਕੇਜ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ, ਇਹ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਹੈ: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ, ਇਹ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਹੈ: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "ਹਟਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਨਹੀਂ ਮਿਲਦਾ"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "%s: ਹਟਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਨਹੀਂ ਮਿਲਦਾ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr "ਚੱਲਦਾ ਕਰਨਲ ਛੱਡਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr "ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਤੋਂ %s ਹਟਾਇਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "ਖੋਲ੍ਹਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ: %s। ਛੱਡਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹ।"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "%s ਪੜਤਾਲ ਜਾਰੀ: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "deltarpm localinstall ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ: %s। ਛੱਡਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਲਈ %s ਪੈਕੇਜ ਜੋੜਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ। %s: ਢਾਂਚੇ ਨਾਲ ਅਨੁਕੂਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ"
++msgstr "ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਲਈ %s ਪੈਕੇਜ ਜੋੜਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ। %s: ਢਾਂਚੇ ਨਾਲ ਅਨੁਕੂਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s ਪੈਕੇਜ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ। ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੋਏ ਪੈਕੇਜ %s ਨਾਲ ਬਰਤਰਫ਼ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"ਪੈਕੇਜ %s ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ, ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ। ਇਸ ਦੀ ਬਜਾਏ ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ "
+-"ਕਰਨ ਲਈ yum install ਚਲਾਓ।"
++msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ %s ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ, ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ। ਇਸ ਦੀ ਬਜਾਏ ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ yum install ਚਲਾਓ।"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ %s.%s ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ, ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੋ ਸਕਦਾ। ਇਸ ਦੀ ਬਜਾਏ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ yum install ਚਲਾਉ।"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "%s ਅੱਡ ਕੀਤਾ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "%s ਨੂੰ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸੈੱਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "%s ਨੂੰ %s ਦੇ ਲਈ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਵਜੋਂ ਲਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੋਏ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤੇ ਜਾਂਦੇ।"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "%s: ਫਾਇਲ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਦੀ। ਛੱਡਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr "ਮੁੜ-ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ: ਹਟਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਨਹੀਂ ਮਿਲਦਾ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr "ਮੜ-ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ: ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ %s ਪੈਕੇਜ ਨਾਲ ਕੋਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਮਿਲਦਾ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "ਡਾਊਨਗਰੇਡ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "%s ਪੈਕੇਜ ਕਈ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਲਈ ਮਨਜ਼ੂਰ ਹੈ, ਛੱਡਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਮੇਲ ਨਹੀਂ: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "%s: ਪੈਕੇਜ ਲਈ ਕੇਵਲ ਅੱਪਗਰੇਡ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr "ਡਾਊਨਗਰੇਡ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "%s: ਅੱਪਗਰੇਡ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s ਤੋਂ ਕੁੰਜੀ ਲਈ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "GPG ਕੁੰਜੀ ਲੈਣ ਲਈ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ: "
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "%s ਤੋਂ ਗਲਤ GPG ਕੁੰਜੀ: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "%s ਕੁੰਜੀ 0x%s ਇੰਪੋਰਟ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ:\n Userid     : \"%s\"\n ਫਿੰਗਰਪਰਿੰਟ: %s\n ਪੈਕੇਜ    : %s (%s)\n ਇੱਥੋਂ       : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "%s ਕੁੰਜੀ 0x%s ਇੰਪੋਰਟ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ:\n Userid     : \"%s\"\n ਫਿੰਗਰਪਰਿੰਟ: %s\n ਇਸ ਤੋਂ       : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "GPG ਕੁੰਜੀ %s (0x%s) ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "ਕੁੰਜੀ ਇੰਪੋਰਟ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ (ਕੋਡ %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "ਕੁੰਜੀ ਠੀਕ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਇੰਪੋਰਟ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਕੁੰਜੀ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤੀ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
++msgstr "ਕੁੰਜੀਆਂ ਇੰਪੋਰਟ ਕਰਨ ਨਾਲ ਕੰਮ ਨਹੀਂ ਬਣਿਆ, ਗਲਤ ਕੁੰਜੀਆਂ?"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "ਨਹੀਂ"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "ਹਾਂ"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "GPG ਕੁੰਜੀ %s (0x%s) ਨੂੰ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਇੰਪੋਰਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "ਕੁੰਜੀ ਇੰਪੋਰਟ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "ਕੁੰਜੀ %s ਇੰਪੋਰਟ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s ਰੈਪੋ ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਕੁੰਜੀਆਂ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਨ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "ਢੁੱਕਵਾਂ ਮਿੱਰਰ ਲੱਭਣ ਲਈ ਅਸਮਰੱਥ ਹੈ।"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "ਪੈਕੇਜ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਕਰਨ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਗਲਤੀਆਂ ਆਈਆਂ ਹਨ।"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "%s ਵਿੱਚ ਇਹ ਗਲਤੀ ਬਾਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਦਿਉ"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "ਟੈਸਟ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਗਲਤੀਆਂ: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਕੈਸ਼-ਡਾਇਰੈ ਸੈੱਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਸਕੀ: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਨਿਰਭਰਤਾ ਹੱਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੋ ਸਕੀ। ਨਾ-ਹੱਲ ਹੋਈ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਸੰਭਾਲੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾਵੇਗੀ।"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਫਾਇਲ %s ਸੰਭਾਲੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕੀ: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s ਸੰਭਾਲੀ ਹੋਈ ਟਰਾਂਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਨੂੰ ਵਰਤਿਆ/ਪੜ੍ਹਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਿਆ: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s ਨੂੰ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਵੇਖਿਆ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਹਟਾਇਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr "ਇੱਕ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਵਲੋਂ %s ਨੂੰ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੋਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ।"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "ਲੋਡ ਕੀਤੀਆਂ ਪਲੱਗਇਨ: "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "%s: ਨਾਲ ਮਿਲਦੀ ਕੋਈ ਪਲੱਗਇਨ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" ਪਲੱਗਇਨ ਲੋਡ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ, ਕਿਉਂਕਿ ਇਹ ਬੰਦ ਹੈ"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "ਪਲੱਗਇਨ \"%s\" ਇੰਪੋਰਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਸਕਦੀ"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" ਪਲੱਗਇਨ ਲੋਡ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ਫਾਇਲ %s ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭੀ"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "ਪਲੱਗਇਨ %s ਲਈ ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ਫਾਇਲ ਲੱਭਣ ਲਈ ਅਸਮਰੱਥ"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "ਕਮਾਂਡਾਂ ਲਈ ਰਜਿਸਟਰੇਸਨ ਲਈ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਨਹੀਂ"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਲਈ ਲੋੜ ਦੀ ਕਮੀ"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ਨੇ ਅਪਵਾਦ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕੀਤੇ"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr "%s %s ਨਾਲ ਡੁਪਲੀਕੇਟ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr "%s ਨੂੰ %s ਨਾਲ ਬਦਲਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s %s ਦਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ, ਪਰ ਇਹ ਲੱਭਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ"
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:80
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "ਮੁੜ-ਪੈਕ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "ਜਾਂਚ: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਡਾਇਰੈਕਟਰੀ %s ਵਿੱਚ ਨਾ-ਲੋੜੀਦੀ ਖਾਲੀ ਥਾਂ\n    * ਖਾਲੀ   %s\n    * ਚਾਹੀਦੀ  %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3110,12 +3484,11 @@ msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:53
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "RPM %s fails md5 check"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "RPM %s md5 ਚੈਕ ਲਈ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ ਹੈ"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"RPM ਡਾਟਾਬੇਸ ਪੜ੍ਹਨ ਲਈ ਖੋਲ੍ਹਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਿਆ। ਸ਼ਾਇਦ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਵਰਤਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ?"
++msgstr "RPM ਡਾਟਾਬੇਸ ਪੜ੍ਹਨ ਲਈ ਖੋਲ੍ਹਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਿਆ। ਸ਼ਾਇਦ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਵਰਤਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+@@ -3131,5 +3504,3 @@ msgstr "ਖਰਾਬ ਹੋਇਆ ਹੈੱਡਰ %s"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "rpm %s ਖੋਲ੍ਹਣ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਗਲਤੀ - ਗਲਤੀ %s"
+diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po
+index 0fe83a9..e907814 100644
+--- a/po/pl.po
++++ b/po/pl.po
+@@ -2,1518 +2,1655 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# Piotr Drąg <piotrdrag@gmail.com>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# Piotr Drąg <piotrdrag@gmail.com>, 2011-2013.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Polish (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/pl/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-31 18:46+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Piotr Drąg <piotrdrag@gmail.com>\n"
++"Language-Team: Polish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/pl/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: pl\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Aktualizowanie"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Usuwanie"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Instalowanie"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Przestarzałe"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Zaktualizowano"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Usunięto"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Zainstalowano"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Brak nagłówka - hę?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Ponowne utworzenie pakietu"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Błąd: nieprawidłowy stan wyjścia: %s dla %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Usunięto: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Usuwanie"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Czyszczenie"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "Polecenie \"%s\" zostało już określone"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Ustawianie repozytoriów"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "Odczytywanie metadanych repozytoriów z lokalnych plików"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Błąd konfiguracji: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Błąd opcji: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Zainstalowane: %s-%s o %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Zbudowane    : %s o %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Wysłane: %s o %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "Należy podać polecenie"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "Nie ma takiego polecenia: %s. Proszę użyć %s --help"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Wymagane miejsce na dysku:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Wymagane jest co najmniej %d MB więcej miejsca w systemie plików %s.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "  Wymagane jest co najmniej %d MB więcej miejsca w systemie plików %s.\n"
++msgstr[1] "  Wymagane jest co najmniej %d MB więcej miejsca w systemie plików %s.\n"
++msgstr[2] "  Wymagane jest co najmniej %d MB więcej miejsca w systemie plików %s.\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Podsumowanie błędów\n"
++msgstr "Podsumowanie błędów\n-------------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Nie można utworzyć pliku blokady; kończenie działania"
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Inna aplikacja obecnie blokuje program yum. Kończenie działania zgodnie z konfiguracją exit_on_lock"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Próbowano wykonać transakcję, ale nie ma nic do zrobienia. Kończenie "
++msgstr "Próbowano wykonać transakcję, ale nie ma nic do zrobienia. Kończenie działania."
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr "przyszła wersja RPMDB nie zgadza się z zapisaną wersją transakcji,"
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " ignorowanie, jak zażądano."
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr " przerywanie."
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "Kończenie działania na polecenie użytkownika"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "Pobieranie pakietów:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Błąd podczas pobierania pakietów:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr "Wykonywanie sprawdzania transakcji"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "BŁĄD należy zaktualizować pakiet RPM, aby obsłużyć:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr "BŁĄD sprawdzania transakcji i rozwiązywania zależności:"
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "Pakiet RPM musi zostać zaktualizowany"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Proszę zgłosić ten błąd na %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "Wykonywanie testu transakcji"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "Błąd podczas sprawdzania transakcji:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "Test transakcji został ukończony powodzeniem"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "Wykonywanie transakcji"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Odmawianie automatycznego zaimportowania kluczy podczas nienadzorowanego uruchomienia.\n"
+-"Należy użyć \"-y\", aby wymusić."
++msgstr "Odmawianie automatycznego zaimportowania kluczy podczas nienadzorowanego uruchomienia.\nNależy użyć \"-y\", aby wymusić."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * Czy chodziło o: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "Pakiety %s%s%s są dostępne, ale nie są zainstalowane."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "Nie ma pakietu %s%s%s."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Pakiety do zainstalowania"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr "Błędny %s parametr %s."
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakiet do zainstalowania"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakiety do zainstalowania"
++msgstr[2] "%d pakietów do zainstalowania"
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Nie ma niczego do zrobienia"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d pakietów oznaczonych do aktualizacji"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakiet oznaczony do aktualizacji"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakiety oznaczone do aktualizacji"
++msgstr[2] "%d pakietów oznaczonych do aktualizacji"
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "Brak pakietów oznaczonych do aktualizacji"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "%d pakietów oznaczonych do synchronizacji dystrybucji"
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakiet oznaczony do synchronizacji dystrybucji"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakiety oznaczone do synchronizacji dystrybucji"
++msgstr[2] "%d pakietów oznaczonych do synchronizacji dystrybucji"
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr "Brak pakietów oznaczonych do synchronizacji dystrybucji"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d pakietów oznaczonych do usunięcia"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakiet oznaczony do usunięcia"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakiety oznaczone do usunięcia"
++msgstr[2] "%d pakietów oznaczonych do usunięcia"
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "Brak pakietów oznaczonych do usunięcia"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Pakiety do instalacji poprzedniej wersji"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakiet do zainstalowania poprzedniej wersji"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakiety do zainstalowania poprzedniej wersji"
++msgstr[2] "%d pakietów do zainstalowania poprzedniej wersji"
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (z %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "Zainstalowany pakiet %s%s%s%s jest niedostępny."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Pakiety do ponownego zainstalowania"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakiet do ponownego zainstalowania"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakiety do ponownego zainstalowania"
++msgstr[2] "%d pakietów do ponownego zainstalowania"
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "Nie podano pakietów"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Pakiety do zainstalowania"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "N/S dopasowane: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Pasuje %stylko%s nazwa i podsumowanie, należy użyć \"search all\", aby "
+-"uzyskać wszystko."
++msgstr "  Pasuje %stylko%s nazwa i podsumowanie, należy użyć \"search all\", aby uzyskać wszystko."
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Pasuje %stylko%s pełna nazwa i podsumowanie, należy użyć \"search all\", "
+-"aby uzyskać wszystko."
++msgstr "  Pasuje %stylko%s pełna nazwa i podsumowanie, należy użyć \"search all\", aby uzyskać wszystko."
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Pasujące: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Pasuje %sgłównie%s nazwa i podsumowanie, należy użyć \"search all\", aby "
+-"uzyskać wszystko."
++msgstr "  Pasuje %sgłównie%s nazwa i podsumowanie, należy użyć \"search all\", aby uzyskać wszystko."
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: nie odnaleziono wyników dla: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "Brak wyników"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "Nie odnaleziono pakietów dla %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "Błąd: nie odnaleziono pakietów dla:\n  %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr "Czyszczenie repozytoriów: "
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "Czyszczenie wszystkiego"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "Czyszczenie nagłówków"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "Czyszczenie pakietów"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "Czytanie metadanych XML"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "Czyszczenie bazy danych w pamięci podręcznej"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "Czyszczenie metadanych wygasłej pamięci podręcznej"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr "Czyszczenie bazy danych RPM w pamięci podręcznej"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "Czyszczenie wtyczek"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
+-msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: brak pasujących grup: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "Zainstalowane grupy środowisk:"
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "Dostępne grupy środowisk:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Zainstalowane grupy:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Zainstalowane grupy języków:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Dostępne grupy:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Dostępne grupy języków:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: brak pasujących środowisk/grup: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Ukończono"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: środowisko/grupa %s nie istnieje."
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: środowisko %s nie istnieje."
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: grupa %s nie istnieje."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Brak pakietów dostępnych do instalacji lub aktualizacji w żadnej z żądanych "
++msgstr "Brak pakietów dostępnych do instalacji lub aktualizacji w żadnej z żądanych grup"
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakiet do zainstalowania"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakiety do zainstalowania"
++msgstr[2] "%d pakietów do zainstalowania"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d pakietów do instalacji"
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr "Środowisko o nazwie %s nie istnieje"
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Grupa o nazwie %s nie istnieje"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "Brak pakietów do usunięcia z grup"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d pakietów do usunięcia"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakiet do usunięcia"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakiety do usunięcia"
++msgstr[2] "%d pakietów do usunięcia"
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "Pakiet %s jest już zainstalowany, pomijanie"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "Odrzucanie pakietu %s.%s, którego nie można porównać"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Inne %s nie są zainstalowane, dodawanie do listy potencjalnie instalowanych"
++msgstr "Inne %s nie są zainstalowane, dodawanie do listy potencjalnie instalowanych"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Opcje wtyczki"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Błąd wiersza poleceń: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: opcja %s wymaga parametru"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: opcja %s wymaga parametru"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color przyjmuje jedną z: auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr "--installroot musi być ścieżką bezwzględną: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "wyświetla ten komunikat pomocy i kończy pracę"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "toleruje błędy"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+-msgstr ""
+-"uruchamia wyłącznie z pamięci podręcznej systemu i nie aktualizuje jej"
++msgstr "uruchamia wyłącznie z pamięci podręcznej systemu i nie aktualizuje jej"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "położenie pliku konfiguracji"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "maksymalny czas oczekiwania na polecenie"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "poziom wyjścia debugowania"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr "wyświetla duplikaty w repozytoriach w poleceniach list/search"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "poziom wyjścia błędów"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr "poziom wyjścia debugowania dla programu RPM"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "mało komunikatów"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "dużo komunikatów"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "odpowiada tak na wszystkie pytania"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "odpowiada nie na wszystkie pytania"
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "wyświetla wersję programu yum i kończy pracę"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "ustawia roota instalacji"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "włącza jedno lub więcej repozytoriów (wieloznaczniki są dozwolone)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "wyłącza jedno lub więcej repozytoriów (wieloznaczniki są dozwolone)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr "wyklucza pakiety po nazwie lub wyrażeniu regularnym"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr "wyłącza wykluczanie z głównego, dla repozytorium lub wszystkiego"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "włącza przetwarzanie przestarzałych pakietów podczas aktualizacji"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "wyłącza wtyczki programu yum"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "wyłącza sprawdzanie podpisu GPG"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "wyłącza wtyczki po nazwie"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "włącza wtyczki po nazwie"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "pomija pakiety mające problemy z rozwiązaniem zależności"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "kontroluje użycie kolorów"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+-msgstr ""
+-"ustawia wartość zmiennej $releasever w konfiguracji programu yum i plikach "
++msgstr "ustawia wartość zmiennej $releasever w konfiguracji programu yum i plikach repozytoriów"
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr "bez aktualizowania, tylko pobieranie"
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr "określa alternatywny katalog do przechowywania pakietów"
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr "ustawia bezwzględne opcje konfiguracji i repozytoriów"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "sty"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "lut"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "mar"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "kwi"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "maj"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "cze"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "lip"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "sie"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "wrz"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "paź"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "lis"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "gru"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "Próbowanie innego serwera lustrzanego."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr "Nazwa              : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr "Architektura       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr "Epoka              : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr "Wersja             : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr "Wydanie            : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr "Rozmiar            : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "Repozytorium       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr "Z repozytorium     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr "Twórca             : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr "Czas wysłania      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr "Czas zbudowania    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "Czas zainstalowania: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr "Zainstalowane przez: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr "Zmienione przez    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr "Podsumowanie       : "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "Adres URL          : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr "Licencja           : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "Opis               : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "t"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "tak"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "nie"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "W porządku? [t/N]: "
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Grupa: %s"
++msgstr "\nGrupa: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " Identyfikator grupy: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Opis: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr " Język: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Pakiety obowiązkowe:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Domyślne pakiety:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Pakiety opcjonalne:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Pakiety warunkowe:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr " Zainstalowane pakiety:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr "\nGrupa środowiska: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr "Identyfikator środowiska: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr "Obowiązkowe grupy:"
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr "Opcjonalne grupy:"
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr "Zainstalowane grupy:"
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "pakiet: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr "  Brak zależności dla tego pakietu"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "  zależność: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr "   Nierozwiązana zależność"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Dopasowano z:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Licencja    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Nazwa pliku : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "Dostarcza   : "
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Inne        : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "Wystąpił błąd podczas obliczania całkowitego rozmiaru pobierania"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Całkowity rozmiar: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Całkowity rozmiar pobierania: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "Rozmiar po zainstalowaniu: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr "Wystąpił błąd podczas obliczania rozmiaru po zainstalowaniu"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "Ponowne instalowanie"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "Instalowanie poprzedniej wersji"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Instalowanie, aby rozwiązać zależności"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Aktualizowanie, aby rozwiązać zależności"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Usuwanie, aby rozwiązać zależności"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Pominięto (problemy z zależnościami)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "Nie zainstalowano"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Niedostępne"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Pakiet"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "Pakiet"
++msgstr[1] "Pakiety"
++msgstr[2] "Pakiety"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Architektura"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Wersja"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Repozytorium"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Rozmiar"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr "     zastępuje  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Podsumowanie transakcji\n"
++msgstr "\nPodsumowanie transakcji\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Instalacja                    %5.5s pakiet(y)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Instalacja"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Aktualizacja                  %5.5s pakiet(y)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Aktualizacja"
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Usunięcie                     %5.5s pakiet(y)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Usunięcie"
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Ponowna instalacja            %5.5s pakiet(y)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Ponowna instalacja"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Instalacja poprzedniej wersji %5.5s pakiet(y)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Instalacja poprzedniej wersji"
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Zależny pakiet"
++msgstr[1] "Zależne pakiety"
++msgstr[2] "Zależne pakiety"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Usunięto"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Usunięto zależność"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Zainstalowano zależność"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Zaktualizowano zależność"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Zastąpiono"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Nie powiodło się"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "dwóch"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Obecne pobieranie zostało anulowane, należy %sprzerwać (Ctrl-C) ponownie%s w ciągu %s%s%s sekund, aby zakończyć pracę.\n"
++msgstr "\n Obecne pobieranie zostało anulowane, należy %sprzerwać (Ctrl-C) ponownie%s w ciągu %s%s%s sekund, aby zakończyć pracę.\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "przerwane przez użytkownika"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Razem"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<nie ustawiono>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "System"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr "Pomijanie połączonej transakcji %d do %d, jako że nachodzą na siebie"
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr "Brak transakcji"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr "Podano błędne identyfikatory transakcji lub pakietów"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr "Wiersz poleceń"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr "Zalogowany użytkownik"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "Identyfikator"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "Data i czas"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "Czynności"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "Zmieniono"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Nie podano identyfikatora transakcji"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Podano błędny identyfikator transakcji"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr "Nie odnaleziono podanego identyfikatora transakcji"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr "Odnaleziono więcej niż jeden identyfikator transakcji."
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr "Podano błędny identyfikator transakcji lub pakietu"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr "Zainstalowano poprzednią wersję"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "Starsze"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "Nowsze"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr "Identyfikator transakcji   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr "Czas rozpoczęcia           :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr "Rozpoczęcie bazy danych RPM:"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr "(%u sekund)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr "(%u minut)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr "(%u godzin)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr "(%u dni)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "Czas ukończenia            :"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr "Ukończenie bazy danych RPM :"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "Użytkownik                 :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "Kod zwrotny                :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "Przerwano"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr "Niepowodzenia:"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "Niepowodzenie:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "Powodzenie"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "Wiersz poleceń :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr "Przechowano dodatkowe niedomyślne informacje: %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr "Wykonano transakcję za pomocą:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "Zmienione pakiety:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "Pominięte pakiety:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Problemy bazy danych RPM:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "Wyjście skryptu:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "Błędy:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "Instalacja"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr "Instalacja zależności"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr "Zastępowanie"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "Usunięcie"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "Ponowna instalacja"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr "Instalacja poprzedniej wersji"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "Aktualizacja"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "Czas"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "Ostatni dzień"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "Ostatni tydzień"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "Ostatnie dwa tygodnie"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "Ostatnie trzy miesiące"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "Ostatnie pół roku"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "Ostatni rok"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "Ponad rok temu"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr "Nie odnaleziono transakcji %s"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr "Identyfikator transakcji:"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "Dostępne są dodatkowe informacje o historii:"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s: nie odnaleziono dodatkowych danych dla tej nazwy"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Pakiet             :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "Stan               :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Rozmiar            :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "Komputer budujący  :"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "Czas zbudowania    :"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Twórca pakietu     :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Producent          :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Licencja           :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "Adres URL          :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "Źródłowy pakiet RPM:"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "Czas wysłania      :"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "Wysyłający         :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "Przyczyna          :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "Z repozytorium     :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "Zainstalowane przez:"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "Zmienione przez    :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "zainstalowany"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr "zaktualizowany"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "usunięty"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "ponownie zainstalowany"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr "zainstalowana poprzednia wersja"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr "zastępowany"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "zaktualizowany"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "zastąpiony"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr "---> Pakiet %s.%s %s:%s-%s zostanie %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> Wykonywanie sprawdzania transakcji"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr "--> Ponowne uruchamianie rozwiązywania zależności z nowymi zmianami."
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Ukończono rozwiązywanie zależności"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Przetwarzanie zależności: %s dla pakietu: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> Utrzymywanie pakietu: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr "---> Zatrzymywanie pakietu: %s z powodu %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Nierozwiązana zależność: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "Pakiet: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    Wymaga: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Wymaga: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        Nie odnaleziono"
++msgstr "\n        Nie odnaleziono"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "Zaktualizowano przez"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr "Zainstalowano poprzednią wersję przez"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr "Zastąpiono przez"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "Dostępne"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> Przetwarzanie konfliktów: %s jest w konflikcie z %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+-msgstr ""
+-"--> Układanie zestawu transakcji z wybranymi pakietami. Proszę czekać."
++msgstr "--> Układanie zestawu transakcji z wybranymi pakietami. Proszę czekać."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+-msgstr ""
+-"---> Pobieranie nagłówka dla %s do umieszczenia w zestawie transakcji."
++msgstr "---> Pobieranie nagłówka dla %s do umieszczenia w zestawie transakcji."
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Sprawdzanie"
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Wykonywanie"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Zasypianie"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "Nie można przerywać"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Zombie"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Śledzone/zatrzymane"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Nieznane"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  Inna aplikacja to PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  Inna aplikacja to: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Pamięć: %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    Uruchomiono: %s - %s temu"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    Stan: %s, PID: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Kończenie działania na polecenie użytkownika"
++msgstr "\n\nKończenie działania na polecenie użytkownika"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Kończenie działania z powodu przerwanego potoku"
++msgstr "\n\nKończenie działania z powodu przerwanego potoku"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-"Inna aplikacja obecnie blokuje program yum. Kończenie działania zgodnie z "
+-"konfiguracją exit_on_lock"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Błąd wyjścia wtyczki: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Błąd programu yum: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Błąd: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr " Można spróbować użyć --skip-broken, aby obejść problem"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr " Można spróbować wykonać polecenie: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Nieznane błędy: kod wyjścia: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Rozwiązano zależności"
++msgstr "\nRozwiązano zależności"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Ukończono."
+@@ -1525,7 +1662,7 @@ msgstr " Małe użycie:\n"
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "Należy być zalogowanym jako root, aby wykonać to polecenie."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1540,587 +1677,653 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Włączono sprawdzanie pakietów za pomocą kluczy GPG. To dobry pomysł, brak\n"
+-"jednak zainstalowanych żadnych kluczy publicznych GPG. Należy pobrać klucze\n"
+-"dla pakietów, które mają zostać zainstalowane i zainstalować je.\n"
+-"Można to zrobić wykonując polecenie:\n"
+-"    rpm --import klucz.publiczny.gpg\n"
+-"Można także podać adres URL klucza, który ma być używany dla repozytorium w\n"
+-"opcji \"gpgkey\" w sekcji repozytorium, a program yum go zainstaluje.\n"
+-"Aby dowiedzieć się więcej, proszę skontaktować się z dostawcą dystrybucji\n"
+-"lub pakietu.\n"
++msgstr "\nWłączono sprawdzanie pakietów za pomocą kluczy GPG. To dobry pomysł, brak\njednak zainstalowanych żadnych kluczy publicznych GPG. Należy pobrać klucze\ndla pakietów, które mają zostać zainstalowane i zainstalować je.\nMożna to zrobić wykonując polecenie:\n    rpm --import klucz.publiczny.gpg\n\n\nMożna także podać adres URL klucza, który ma być używany dla repozytorium w\nopcji \"gpgkey\" w sekcji repozytorium, a program yum go zainstaluje.\n\nAby dowiedzieć się więcej, proszę skontaktować się z dostawcą dystrybucji\nlub pakietu.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Problemowe repozytorium: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Błąd: wymagane jest przekazanie listy pakietów do %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr "Błąd: wymagane są co najmniej dwa pakiety dla %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr "Błąd: należy przekazać identyfikator repozytorium i polecenie dla %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr "Błąd: należy przekazać pojedynczy prawidłowy identyfikator repozytorium dla %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr "Błąd: repozytorium %s jest wyłączone"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "Błąd: wymagany jest parametr do dopasowania"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Błąd: wymagana jest grupa lub lista grup"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Błąd: czyszczenie wymaga opcji: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Błąd: nieprawidłowy parametr czyszczenia: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "Brak parametrów dla powłoki"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Przekazano nazwę pliku do powłoki: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr "Plik %s podany powłoce jako parametr nie istnieje."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr "Błąd: podano powłoce więcej niż jeden plik jako parametr."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Brak włączonych repozytoriów.\n"
+-" Wykonanie polecenia \"yum repolist all\" wyświetli wszystkie posiadane repozytoria.\n"
+-" Można włączyć repozytoria za pomocą polecenia yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
++msgstr "Brak włączonych repozytoriów.\n Wykonanie polecenia \"yum repolist all\" wyświetli wszystkie posiadane repozytoria.\n Można włączyć repozytoria za pomocą polecenia yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "PAKIET..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Instaluje pakiet lub pakiety w systemie"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "Ustawianie procesu instalacji"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[PAKIET...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Aktualizuje pakiet lub pakiety w systemie"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "Ustawianie procesu aktualizacji"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr "Synchronizuje zainstalowane pakiety do najnowszych dostępnych wersji"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr "Ustawianie procesu synchronizacji dystrybucji"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Wyświetla szczegóły o pakiecie lub grupie pakietów"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Zainstalowane pakiety"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Dostępne pakiety"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Dodatkowe pakiety"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Zaktualizowane pakiety"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Zastępowanie przestarzałych pakietów"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Ostatnio dodane pakiety"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "Brak pakietów pasujących do listy"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Wyświetla listę pakietów lub grup pakietów"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Usuwa pakiet lub pakiety z systemu"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "Ustawianie procesu usuwania"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Wyświetla lub używa informacji o grupach"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "Ustawianie procesu grup"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "Brak grup, na których można wykonać polecenie"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Wyświetla listę dostępnych grup pakietów"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Instaluje pakiety z grupy w systemie"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Nieprawidłowe podpolecenie grup, należy użyć: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Usuwa pakiety z grupy z systemu"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "Nie zainstalowano żadnych plików grup."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Wyświetla szczegóły o grupie pakietów"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "Brak dostępu do bazy danych grup."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "Utworzy pamięć podręczną metadanych"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "Tworzenie plików pamięci podręcznej ze wszystkich plików metadanych."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr "Może to chwilę zająć, z zależności od prędkości komputera"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "Utworzono pamięć podręczną metadanych"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "Usuwa dane z pamięci podręcznej"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "Wyszukuje pakiet dostarczający podaną wartość"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "Sprawdza dostępne aktualizacje pakietów"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "Wyszukuje szczegóły pakietów dla podanego ciągu"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "Wyszukiwanie pakietów: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Aktualizuje pakiety, w tym przestarzałe"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Ustawianie procesu aktualizacji"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Instaluje lokalny pakiet RPM"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "Ustawianie procesu lokalnego pakietu"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Określa, który pakiet dostarcza podaną zależność"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "Wyszukiwanie pakietów dla zależności:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Uruchamia interaktywną powłokę programu yum"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Ustawianie powłoki programu yum"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "Wyświetla listę zależności pakietu"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "Wyszukiwanie zależności: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Wyświetla skonfigurowane repozytoria oprogramowania"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "włączone"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "wyłączone"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr "Identyfikator repozytorium        : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr "Nazwa repozytorium                : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "Stan repozytorium                 : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Wersja repozytorium               : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "Znaczniki repozytorium            : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Znaczniki dystrybucji repozytorium: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr "Aktualizacje repozytorium         : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr "Pakiety repozytorium              : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "Rozmiar repozytorium              : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr "Podstawowy adres URL repozytorium : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "Metaodnośnik repozytorium         : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  Zaktualizowano                  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr "Serwery lustrzane repozytorium    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Nigdy (ostatnio: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Natychmiast (ostatnio: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s sekundy (ostatnio: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr "Wygaszenie repozytorium           : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr "Wykluczenia z repozytorium        : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr "Dołączone z repozytorium          : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr "Wykluczenia z repozytorium        : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nazwa pliku repozytorium: "
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "identyfikator repozytorium"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "stan"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "nazwa repozytorium"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Wyświetla pomocny komunikat o używaniu"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "Brak dostępnej pomocy dla %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"aliasy: "
++msgstr "\n\naliasy: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"alias: "
++msgstr "\n\nalias: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "Ustawianie procesu ponownej instalacji"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "Ponownie instaluje pakiet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Ustawianie procesu instalacji poprzedniej wersji pakietu"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "Instaluje poprzednią wersję pakietu"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr "Wyświetla wersję dla komputera i/lub dostępnych repozytoriów."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr " Grupy wersji programu yum:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " Grupa  :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr " Pakiety:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "Zainstalowano:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr "Zainstalowana grupa:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Dostępne:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "Dostępne grupy:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr "Wyświetla lub używa historii transakcji"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Transakcje:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "Czas rozpoczęcia:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "Czas ukończenia :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "Liczba          :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  Baza danych RPM:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  Baza danych yum:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr "Nieprawidłowe podpolecenie historii, należy użyć: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr "Brak dostępu do bazy danych historii."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+-msgstr "Proszę sprawdzić, czy występują problemy w bazie danych RPM"
++msgstr "Sprawdza, czy występują problemy w bazie danych RPM"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr "wczytuje zapisaną transakcję z nazwy pliku"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr "Nie podano zapisanego pliku transakcji."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr "wczytywanie transakcji z %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr "Wczytano transakcję z %s z %s elementami"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr "Prosty sposób na przełączenie pakietów, zamiast używania powłoki"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr "Traktuje repozytorium jako grupę pakietów, więc można je wszystkie zainstalować/usunąć"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakiet do zaktualizowania"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakiety do zaktualizowania"
++msgstr[2] "%d pakietów do zaktualizowania"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakiet do usunięcia/zainstalowania ponownie"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakiety do usunięcia/zainstalowania ponownie"
++msgstr[2] "%d pakietów do usunięcia/zainstalowania ponownie"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] "%d pakiet do usunięcia/zsynchronizowania"
++msgstr[1] "%d pakiety do usunięcia/zsynchronizowania"
++msgstr[2] "%d pakietów do usunięcia/zsynchronizowania"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr "Nieprawidłowe podpolecenie dla %s"
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+-msgstr " Sprawdzanie programu yum nie powiodło się: %s"
++msgstr " Sprawdzanie programu yum się nie powiodło: %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Inna aplikacja obecnie blokuje program yum. Oczekiwanie na jej "
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Brak dostępu do odczytu/wykonania w bieżącym katalogu, przenoszenie do /"
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+-msgstr "Nie można utworzyć pliku blokady; kończenie działania"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Brak dostępu getcwd() w bieżącym katalogu, przechodzenie do /"
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "Rozwiązywanie zależności"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Transakcja została zapisana, można ją ponownie wykonać za pomocą polecenia: "
+-"yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "Transakcja została zapisana, można ją wykonać ponownie za pomocą:\n yum load-transaction %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Kończenie działania na polecenie użytkownika."
++msgstr "\n\nKończenie działania na polecenie użytkownika."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() zostanie usunięte w przyszłych wersjach programu yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr "Ustawianie zestawów transakcji przed włączeniem klasy konfiguracji"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nieprawidłowa flaga zestawu transakcji tsflag w pliku konfiguracji: %s"
++msgstr "Nieprawidłowa flaga zestawu transakcji tsflag w pliku konfiguracji: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "Wyszukiwanie zestawu pakietów dla zależności: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Element: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s przekonwertowano do zainstalowania"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "Dodawanie pakietu %s w trybie %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "Usuwanie pakietu %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s wymaga: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s wymaga %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "Wymagana zależność została już odnaleziona, oszukiwanie"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "Wymagana zależność nie jest nazwą pakietu. Wyszukiwanie: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Potencjalny dostawca: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Tryb to %s dla dostawcy %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Tryb dla pakietu dostarczającego %s: %s"
+@@ -2128,1049 +2331,1142 @@ msgstr "Tryb dla pakietu dostarczającego %s: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr "Próba zaktualizowania %s, aby rozwiązać zależność"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr "Nie odnaleziono ścieżek aktualizacji dla %s. Niepowodzenie."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr "Nie odnaleziono ścieżek aktualizacji dla %s. Niepowodzenie z powodu wymagania: %s."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr "Aktualizacja dla %s. Nie naprawia wymagania: %s."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: pakiet %s wymagający %s został oznaczony jako do usunięcia"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+-msgstr ""
+-"TSINFO: zastępowanie przestarzałego pakietu %s pakietem %s, aby rozwiązać "
++msgstr "TSINFO: zastępowanie przestarzałego pakietu %s pakietem %s, aby rozwiązać zależność."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: aktualizowanie %s, aby rozwiązać zależność."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr "Nie można odnaleźć ścieżki aktualizacji dla zależności dla: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "Szybko dopasowano %s jako wymaganie %s"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s jest w dostarczających pakietach, ale jest już zainstalowany, usuwanie."
++msgstr "%s jest w dostarczających pakietach, ale jest już zainstalowany, usuwanie."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakiet %s potencjalnie rozwiązujący ma nowszą wersję w zestawie transakcji."
++msgstr "Pakiet %s potencjalnie rozwiązujący ma nowszą wersję w zestawie transakcji."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr "Pakiet %s potencjalnie rozwiązujący ma zainstalowaną nowszą wersję."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "%s jest już w zestawie transakcji, pomijanie"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: oznaczanie %s jako aktualizacji dla %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: oznaczanie %s jako do zainstalowania dla %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Powodzenie - pusta transakcja"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "Ponowne uruchamianie pętli"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Kończenie procesu zależności"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Powodzenie - rozwiązano zależności"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "Sprawdzanie zależności dla %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "wyszukiwanie %s jako wymagania %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "Wykonywanie compare_providers() dla %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "lepsze arch w po %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s zastępuje %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"archdist porównało %s do %s na %s\n"
+-"  Zwycięzca: %s"
++msgstr "archdist porównało %s do %s na %s\n  Zwycięzca: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "wspólny źródłowy pakiet RPM %s i %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr "podstawowy pakiet %s jest zainstalowany dla %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "wspólny przedrostek %s dla %s i %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr "wymaga minimum: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "dostarcza vercmp: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr " Zwycięzca: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "wymaga minimum: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr " Przegrany (za pomocą %d): %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Najlepszy porządek: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() zostanie usunięte w przyszłych wersjach programu yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr "Pomijanie nieczytelnego repozytorium %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr "Repozytorium %r: błąd podczas przetwarzania konfiguracji: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Repozytorium %r nie posiada nazwy w konfiguracji, używanie identyfikatora"
++msgstr "Repozytorium %r nie posiada nazwy w konfiguracji, używanie identyfikatora"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "wtyczki zostały już zainicjowane"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() zostanie usunięte w przyszłych wersjach programu yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "Odczytywanie lokalnej bazy danych RPM"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() zostanie usunięte w przyszłych wersjach programu yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() zostanie usunięte w przyszłych wersjach programu yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "Ustawianie zestawów pakietów"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr "obiekt repozytorium %s nie posiada metody _resetSack\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "więc to repozytorium nie może zostać przywrócone.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() zostanie usunięte w przyszłych wersjach programu yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "Budowanie obiektu aktualizacji"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() zostanie usunięte w przyszłych wersjach programu yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "Pobieranie metadanych grup"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Dodawanie pliku grup z repozytorium: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr "Pobranie pliku grup dla repozytorium się nie powiodło: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+-msgstr "Dodanie pliku grup dla repozytorium nie powiodło się: %s - %s"
++msgstr "Dodanie pliku grup dla repozytorium się nie powiodło: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "Brak dostępnych grup we wszystkich repozytoriach"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr "Pobieranie metadanych znaczników pakietów"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Dodawanie znaczników z repozytorium: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Dodanie znaczników pakietów dla repozytorium nie powiodło się: %s - %s"
++msgstr "Dodanie znaczników pakietów dla repozytorium się nie powiodło: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "Importowanie dodatkowych informacji o liście plików"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "Program %s%s%s można odnaleźć w pakiecie yum-utils."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pozostały nieukończone transakcje. Można rozważyć wykonanie najpierw "
+-"polecenia yum-complete-transaction, aby je ukończyć."
++msgstr "Pozostały nieukończone transakcje. Można rozważyć wykonanie najpierw polecenia yum-complete-transaction, aby je ukończyć."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr "--> Wyszukiwanie niepotrzebnych pozostałych zależności"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr "Chronione wersje multilib: %s != %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr "Próbowanie usunięcia pakietu \"%s\", który jest chroniony"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakiety pominięto z powodu problemów z zależnościami:"
++msgstr "\nPakiety pominięto z powodu problemów z zależnościami:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s z %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"** Odnaleziono %d wcześniej istniejących problemów bazy danych RPM. Wynik "
+-"polecenia \"yum check\":"
++msgstr "** Odnaleziono %d wcześniej istniejących problemów bazy danych RPM. Wynik polecenia \"yum check\":"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: baza danych RPM została zmieniona poza programem yum."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr "brak wymaganych"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr "zainstalowano konflikt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ostrzeżenie: podczas transakcji wystąpił skrypt lub inne nie krytyczne "
++msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: podczas transakcji wystąpił skrypt lub inne nie krytyczne błędy."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr "Nie można rozpocząć transakcji:"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr "Nie można wykonać transakcji."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+-msgstr "Usunięcie pliku transakcji %s nie powiodło się"
++msgstr "Usunięcie pliku transakcji %s się nie powiodło"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s miało zostać zainstalowane, ale nie zostało."
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s miało zostać usunięte, ale nie zostało."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Nie można otworzyć blokady %s: %s"
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Nie można sprawdzić, czy PID %s jest aktywny"
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr "Istnieje blokada %s: inna kopia jest uruchomiona jako PID %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr "Nie można utworzyć blokady na %s: %s "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Nie można otworzyć blokady %s: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Nie można sprawdzić, czy PID %s jest aktywny"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakiet nie zgadza się z zamierzonym pobieraniem. Sugestia: proszę wykonać "
+-"polecenie yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr "Pakiet nie zgadza się z zamierzonym pobieraniem. Sugestia: proszę wykonać polecenie yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "Nie można wykonać sprawdzenia sum kontrolnych"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "Sumy kontrolne pakietu nie zgadzają się"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"sprawdzenie sum kontrolnych pakietu nie powiodło się, ale zapisywanie w "
+-"pamięci podręcznej dla %s jest włączone"
++msgstr "sprawdzenie sum kontrolnych pakietu się nie powiodło, ale zapisywanie w pamięci podręcznej dla %s jest włączone"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "używanie lokalnej kopii %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Niewystarczająca ilość miejsca w katalogu pobierania %s\n"
+-"    * wolne   %s\n"
+-"    * wymagane %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
++msgstr "kończenie działania, ponieważ podano opcję --downloadonly"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "Nagłówek nie jest pełny."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nagłówek nie jest w lokalnej pamięci podręcznej, a tryb używania tylko "
+-"pamięci podręcznej jest włączony. Nie można pobrać %s"
++msgstr "Nagłówek nie jest w lokalnej pamięci podręcznej, a tryb używania tylko pamięci podręcznej jest włączony. Nie można pobrać %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "Klucz publiczny dla %s nie jest zainstalowany"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Wystąpił problem podczas otwierania pakietu %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "Klucz publiczny dla %s nie jest zaufany"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "Pakiet %s nie jest podpisany"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "Nie można usunąć %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "Usunięto %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "Nie można usunąć %s pliku %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "Usunięto %s plik %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "Usunięto %d %s plików"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d %s plik został usunięty"
++msgstr[1] "%d %s pliki zostały usunięte"
++msgstr[2] "%d %s plików zostało usuniętych"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "Więcej niż jeden identyczny wynik znajduje się w zestawie dla %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "Nic nie pasuje do %s.%s %s:%s-%s z aktualizacji"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages()  zostanie usunięte w przyszłych wersjach programu yum."
+-"                      Zamiast tego należy użyć searchGenerator(). \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages()  zostanie usunięte w przyszłych wersjach programu yum.                      Zamiast tego należy użyć searchGenerator(). \n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "Wyszukiwanie %d pakietów"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "Wyszukiwanie %d pakietu"
++msgstr[1] "Wyszukiwanie %d pakietów"
++msgstr[2] "Wyszukiwanie %d pakietów"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "wyszukiwanie pakietu %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "wyszukiwanie we wpisach plików"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "wyszukiwanie we wpisach dostarczania"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "Brak dostępnych danych grup dla skonfigurowanych repozytoriów"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Grupa o nazwie %s nie istnieje"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "pakiet %s nie został oznaczony w grupie %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Pomijanie pakietu %s z grupy %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "Dodawanie pakietu %s z grupy %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "Brak dostępnego pakietu o nazwie %s do zainstalowania"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
+-msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: grupa %s nie posiada żadnych pakietów."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: grupa %s nie posiada żadnych pakietów do zainstalowania."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Grupa %s posiada %u pakiety warunkowe, które mogą zostać zainstalowane."
++msgstr "Grupa %s posiada %u pakiety warunkowe, które mogą zostać zainstalowane."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr "Pomijanie grupy %s ze środowiska %s"
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "Nie można odnaleźć krotki pakietu %s w zestawie pakietów"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Nie można odnaleźć krotki pakietu %s w bazie danych RPM"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr "Nieprawidłowa flaga wersji z: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "Nie odnaleziono pakietu %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: grupa środowiska %s nie istnieje."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr "Pakiet: %s - nie może być zainstalowany równocześnie z %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "Obiekt pakietu nie był instancją obiektu pakietu"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "Nie podano nic do zainstalowania"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr "Sprawdzanie wirtualnych zależności lub plików dla %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "Brak wyników dla parametru: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "Pakiet %s jest zainstalowany, ale nie jest dostępny"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "Brak pakietów dostępnych do instalacji"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "Pakiet: %s  - jest już w zestawie transakcji"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "Pakiet %s został zastąpiony przez %s, który jest już zainstalowany"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakiet %s został zastąpiony przez %s, ale zastępujący pakiet nie spełnia "
++msgstr "Pakiet %s został zastąpiony przez %s, ale zastępujący pakiet nie spełnia wymagań"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakiet %s został zastąpiony przez %s, próbowanie instalacji %s zamiast niego"
++msgstr "Pakiet %s został zastąpiony przez %s, próbowanie instalacji %s zamiast niego"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "Pakiet %s jest już zainstalowany w najnowszej wersji"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakiet pasujący do %s jest już zainstalowany. Sprawdzanie aktualizacji."
++msgstr "Pakiet pasujący do %s jest już zainstalowany. Sprawdzanie aktualizacji."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "Aktualizowanie wszystkiego"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Przestarzały pakiet nie zostanie zaktualizowany: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Brak wyników dla parametru: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Brak pakietów pasujących do aktualizacji: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Pakiet został już zastąpiony: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "Przestarzały pakiet nie zostanie zaktualizowany: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Już zaktualizowany pakiet nie zostanie zaktualizowany: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "Brak pasujących pakietów do usunięcia"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "Brak pakietów pasujących do usunięcia: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr "Pomijanie uruchomionego jądra: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr "Usuwanie %s z transakcji"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Nie można otworzyć: %s. Pomijanie."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Sprawdzanie %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Nie można lokalnie zainstalować pakietu RPM delta: %s. Pomijanie."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+ msgstr "Nie można dodać pakietu %s do transakcji. Niezgodna architektura: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nie można zainstalować pakietu %s. Został zastąpiony zainstalowanym pakietem"
+-" %s"
++msgstr "Nie można zainstalować pakietu %s. Został zastąpiony zainstalowanym pakietem %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakiet %s nie jest zainstalowany, nie można go zaktualizować. Proszę wykonać"
+-" polecenie yum install, aby go zainstalować."
++msgstr "Pakiet %s nie jest zainstalowany, nie można go zaktualizować. Proszę wykonać polecenie yum install, aby go zainstalować."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pakiet %s.%s nie jest zainstalowany, więc nie może zostać zaktualizowany. "
+-"Należy wykonać polecenie yum install, aby go zainstalować."
++msgstr "Pakiet %s.%s nie jest zainstalowany, więc nie może zostać zaktualizowany. Należy wykonać polecenie yum install, aby go zainstalować."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "Wykluczanie %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "Oznaczanie %s do zainstalowania"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "Oznaczanie %s jako aktualizacji %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: nie aktualizuj zainstalowanego pakietu."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Nie można otworzyć pliku: %s. Pomijanie."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Podczas ponownego instalowania wystąpił problem: brak pasujących pakietów do"
+-" usunięcia"
++msgstr "Podczas ponownego instalowania wystąpił problem: brak pasujących pakietów do usunięcia"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Podczas ponownego instalowania wystąpił problem: brak pakietu %s pasującego "
+-"do zainstalowania"
++msgstr "Podczas ponownego instalowania wystąpił problem: brak pakietu %s pasującego do zainstalowania"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "Brak pakietów dostępnych do instalacji poprzedniej wersji"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "Pakiet %s może być wielokrotnie instalowany, pomijanie"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "Brak wyników dla dostępnych pakietów: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Dla pakietu dostępna jest tylko aktualizacja: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+-msgstr "Zainstalowanie poprzedniej wersji nie powiodło się: %s"
++msgstr "Zainstalowanie poprzedniej wersji się nie powiodło: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Aktualizacja się nie powiodła: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr "Pobieranie klucza z %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+-msgstr "Pobranie klucza GPG nie powiodło się: "
++msgstr "Pobranie klucza GPG się nie powiodło: "
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr "Podpis GPG klucza %s nie pasuje do klucza CA dla repozytorium: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr "Podpis GPG klucza został sprawdzony za pomocą kluczy CA"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Nieprawidłowy klucz GPG z %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Przetworzenie klucza GPG nie powiodło się: klucz nie posiada wartości %s"
++msgstr "Przetworzenie klucza GPG się nie powiodło: klucz nie posiada wartości %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Importowanie %s klucza 0x%s:\n"
+-" Identyfikator użytkownika: %s\n"
+-" Pakiet                   : %s (%s)\n"
+-" Od                       : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importowanie %s klucza 0x%s:\n Identyfikator użytkownika: \"%s\"\n Odcisk palca             : %s\n Pakiet                   : %s (%s)\n Z                        : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Importowanie %s klucza 0x%s:\n"
+-" Identyfikator użytkownika: \"%s\"\n"
+-" Od                       : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importowanie %s klucza 0x%s:\n Identyfikator użytkownika: \"%s\"\n Odcisk palca             : %s\n Z                        : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Nieudany pakiet: %s\n Klucze GPG są skonfigurowane jako: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "Klucz GPG %s (0x%s) jest już zainstalowany"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+-msgstr "Zaimportowanie klucza nie powiodło się (kod %d)"
++msgstr "Zaimportowanie klucza się nie powiodło (kod %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "Klucz został pomyślnie zaimportowany"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr "Nie zainstalowano żadnych kluczy"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Klucze GPG wyświetlone dla repozytorium \"%s\" są już zainstalowane, ale nie są poprawne dla tego pakietu.\n"
+-"Proszę sprawdzić, czy dla tego repozytorium skonfigurowane są poprawne adresy URL do kluczy."
++msgstr "Klucze GPG wyświetlone dla repozytorium \"%s\" są już zainstalowane, ale nie są poprawne dla tego pakietu.\nProszę sprawdzić, czy dla tego repozytorium skonfigurowane są poprawne adresy URL do kluczy."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "Zaimportowanie kluczy nie pomogło, błędne klucze?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "Nie"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Tak"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Klucz CA: %s\n Nieudane repozytorium: %s\n Klucze GPG są skonfigurowane jako: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "Klucz GPG %s (0x%s) został już zaimportowany"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "Zaimportowanie klucza nie powiodło się"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "Zaimportowanie klucza %s się nie powiodło"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr "Nie zainstalowano żadnych kluczy dla repozytorium %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Klucze GPG wyświetlone dla repozytorium \"%s\" są już zainstalowane, ale nie są poprawne.\n"
+-"Proszę sprawdzić, czy dla tego repozytorium skonfigurowane są poprawne adresy URL do kluczy."
++msgstr "Klucze GPG wyświetlone dla repozytorium \"%s\" są już zainstalowane, ale nie są poprawne.\nProszę sprawdzić, czy dla tego repozytorium skonfigurowane są poprawne adresy URL do kluczy."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "Nie można odnaleźć odpowiedniego serwera lustrzanego."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Wystąpiły błędy podczas pobierania pakietów."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Proszę zgłosić ten błąd na %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Błędy testu transakcji: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr "Nie można ustawić katalogu pamięci podręcznej: %s "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Zależności nie zostały rozwiązane. Nierozwiązana transakcja nie zostanie "
++msgstr "Zależności nie zostały rozwiązane. Nierozwiązana transakcja nie zostanie zapisana."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Nie można zapisać pliku transakcji %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr "Nie można uzyskać dostępu/odczytać zapisanej transakcji %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr "wersja bazy danych RPM nie zgadza się z wersją zapisanej transakcji, "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr " ignorowanie, jak zażądano."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr "wersja RPMDB nie zgadza się z zapisaną wersją transakcji,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr " przerywanie."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr "nie można odnaleźć tsflags lub nie jest liczbą całkowitą."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr "Odnaleziono txmbr w nieznanym obecnym stanie: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr "Nie można odnaleźć txmbr: %s w stanie %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr "Nie można odnaleźć txmbr: %s z pierwotnego: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr "Brak elementów transakcji, związków lub ts zostało zmodyfikowane,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr " ignorowanie, jak zażądano. Należy rozwiązać zależności."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s zostało już odwiedzone i nie może zostać usunięte."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "Sprawdzanie odwrotnych zależności pakietu %s"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "Pakiet %s posiada odwrotną zależność %s zainstalowaną przez użytkownika."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr "Zainstalowanie %s jest wymagane przez pakiet."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "%s nie posiada odwrotnych zależności zainstalowanych przez użytkownika."
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Wczytane wtyczki: "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "Brak wyników dla wtyczki: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "Wtyczka \"%s\" nie została wczytana, ponieważ jest wyłączona"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "Nie można zaimportować wtyczki \"%s\""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "Wtyczka \"%s\" nie określa wymaganej wersji API"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "Wtyczka \"%s\" wymaga API %s. Obsługiwane API to %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "Wczytywanie wtyczki \"%s\""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Istnieją dwie lub więcej wtyczek o nazwie \"%s\" w ścieżce wyszukiwania "
++msgstr "Istnieją dwie lub więcej wtyczek o nazwie \"%s\" w ścieżce wyszukiwania wtyczek"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "Nie odnaleziono pliku konfiguracji %s"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "Nie można odnaleźć pliku konfiguracji dla wtyczki %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "rejestracja poleceń nie jest obsługiwana"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr "posiada brakujące wymagania"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr "posiada zainstalowane konflikty"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr "%s jest duplikatem %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr "%s zostaje zastąpiony przez %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr "%s dostarcza %s, ale nie można go odnaleźć"
+@@ -3179,6 +3475,23 @@ msgstr "%s dostarcza %s, ale nie można go odnaleźć"
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "Ponowne tworzenie pakietu"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Sprawdzanie: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Niewystarczająca ilość miejsca w katalogu pobierania %s\n    * wolne   %s\n    * wymagane %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr "Pakiet nie zgadza się z zamierzonym pobieraniem."
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3187,12 +3500,11 @@ msgstr "Nie można otworzyć nagłówka lub nie pasuje do %s, %s."
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:53
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "RPM %s fails md5 check"
+-msgstr "Sprawdzenie MD5 pakietu RPM %s nie powiodło się"
++msgstr "Sprawdzenie MD5 pakietu RPM %s się nie powiodło"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nie można otworzyć bazy danych RPM do odczytania. Może jest już używana?"
++msgstr "Nie można otworzyć bazy danych RPM do odczytania. Może jest już używana?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+@@ -3208,5 +3520,3 @@ msgstr "Uszkodzony nagłówek %s"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Błąd podczas otwierania pakietu RPM %s - błąd %s"
+diff --git a/po/pt.po b/po/pt.po
+index 9e76ec0..e48ed87 100644
+--- a/po/pt.po
++++ b/po/pt.po
+@@ -2,427 +2,506 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
++# Translators:
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: pt\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Sem cabeçalho - hã?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Erro nas Opções: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -430,438 +509,484 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Arq."
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Versão"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -869,65 +994,66 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -935,484 +1061,542 @@ msgid ""
+ "to exit.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -1420,47 +1604,41 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1472,7 +1650,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1489,555 +1667,648 @@ msgid ""
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
+-msgid "Setting up Group Process"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
+-msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
++msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
++msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -2045,991 +2316,1140 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Não é possível verificar se o PID %s está activo"
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgstr ""
+-#. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
++#. The pid doesn't exist
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Não é possível verificar se o PID %s está activo"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -3038,6 +3458,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3066,5 +3503,3 @@ msgstr "Cabeçalho %s Danificado"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Erro ao abrir o RPM %s - erro %s"
+diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po
+index 493f090..bab71ba 100644
+--- a/po/pt_BR.po
++++ b/po/pt_BR.po
+@@ -2,1511 +2,1645 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# ufa <ufa@technotroll.org>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# Cleiton cleitonlima <cleitonlima@lavabit.com>, 2011.
++# ufa <ufa@technotroll.org>, 2011.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazilian) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/pt_BR/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/pt_BR/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: pt_BR\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Atualizando"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Apagando"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Instalando"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Obsoletos"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Atualizados"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Removidos"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Instalados"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Sem cabeçalho - huh?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Reempacotar"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Erro: estado de saída inválido: %s de %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Removidos: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Removendo"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Limpeza"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "Comando \"%s\" já definido"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Configurando repositórios"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "Lendo metadados do repositório a partir dos arquivos locais"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Erro de configuração: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Erro nas opções: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Instalados: %s-%s em %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Construídos    : %s em %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Enviados: %s em %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "Você precisa dar algum comando"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "Comando não encontrado: %s. Por favor, utilize %s --help"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Requisitos de disco:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr "  Pelo menos mais %dMB são necessários no sistema de arquivos %s.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] "  Pelo menos mais %dMB são necessários no sistema de arquivos %s.\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Sumário de erros\n"
++msgstr "Sumário de erros\n-------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Não é possível criar o arquivo de bloqueio; saindo"
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "No momento outro aplicativo está com a posse da trava do yum; saindo conforme configurado pelo exit_on_lock"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr "Tentando executar a transação, mas não há nada a ser feito. Saindo."
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr "ignorando, conforme solicitado."
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr "abortando."
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "Saindo pelo comando do usuário"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "Baixando pacotes:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Erro ao baixar pacotes:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Executando Verificação da Transação"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "ERRO. Você precisa atualizar o rpm para manipular:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "O RPM precisa ser atualizado"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Por favor, relate esse erro em %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "Executando teste de transação"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "Erro na verificação da transação:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "Teste de transação completo"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "Executando a transação"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Recusa de importação automática das chaves ao executar de forma não assistida.\n"
+-"Use \"-y\" para sobrescrever."
++msgstr "Recusa de importação automática das chaves ao executar de forma não assistida.\nUse \"-y\" para sobrescrever."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * Talvez você queira dizer: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "Pacotes %s%s%s disponíveis, mas já instalados."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "Nenhum pacote %s%s%s disponível."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Pacotes a serem instalados"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Nada a ser feito"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d pacotes marcados para atualização"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "Nenhum pacote marcado para atualização"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "%d pacotes marcados para Sincronização da Distribuição"
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr "Nenhum pacote marcado para a Sincronização da Distribuição"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d pacotes marcados para remoção"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "Nenhum pacote marcado para remoção"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Pacote(s) a ser(em) desatualizados(s)"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (a partir de %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "O pacote instalado %s%s%s%s não está disponível."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Pacote(s) a ser(em) reinstalado(s)"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "Nenhum pacote fornecido"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Pacotes a serem instalados"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  Nome e sumário correspondem %sonly%s, use \"search all\" para tudo."
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  Nome completo e sumário correspondem %sonly%s, use \"search all\" para tudo."
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Encontrado: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  Nome e sumário correspondem %smostly%s, use \"search all\" para tudo."
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Aviso: nenhum resultado para: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "Nenhum pacote localizado"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "Nenhum pacote localizado para %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr "Limpando repositórios:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "Limpando tudo"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "Limpando cabeçalhos"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "Limpando pacotes"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "Limpando metadados em xml"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "Limpando cache do banco de dados"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "Limpando metadados expirados do cache"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr "Limpando dados rpmdb em cache"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "Limpando plugins"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Grupos instalados:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Grupos de Idiomas Instalados:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Grupos disponíveis:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
++msgstr "Grupos de Idiomas Disponíveis:"
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Concluído"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Aviso: O grupo %s não existe."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nenhum pacote disponível para instalação ou atualização nos grupos "
++msgstr "Nenhum pacote disponível para instalação ou atualização nos grupos requisitados"
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d pacote(s) a ser(em) instalado(s)"
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Nenhum grupo de nome %s existe"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "Nenhum pacote a ser removido a partir dos grupos"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d pacote(s) a ser(em) removido(s)"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "O pacote %s já está instalado, ignorando"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "Descartando pacote não comparável %s.%s"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nenhum outro %s instalado, adicionado à lista para potencial instalação"
++msgstr "Nenhum outro %s instalado, adicionado à lista para potencial instalação"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Opções do plugin"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Erro na linha de comando: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: a opção %s requer um argumento"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: a opção %s requer um argumento"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color aceita uma destas opções: auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--installroot deve ser um caminho absoluto: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "mostrar essa mensagem ajuda e sai"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "ser tolerante com os erros"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+-msgstr ""
+-"executar por completo a partir do cache do sistema, não atualiza o cache"
++msgstr "executar por completo a partir do cache do sistema, não atualiza o cache"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "configurar localização do arquivo"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "Tempo máximo de espera do comando"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "nível de depuração na saída"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr "mostrar duplicados em repos e em comandos de pesquisa/listagem"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "nível de erro na saída"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr "nível de depuração na saída para o rpm"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "operação discreta"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "operação detalhada"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "responder sim para todas as perguntas"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "mostrar versão do Yum ao sair"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "definir raiz de instalação"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "habilitar um ou mais repositórios (curingas são permitidos)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "desabilitar um ou mais repositórios (curingas são permitidos)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr "excluir pacote(s) por nome ou glob"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+-msgstr ""
+-"desabilitar a exclusão a partir do principal, para um repositório ou para "
++msgstr "desabilitar a exclusão a partir do principal, para um repositório ou para tudo"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "Habilitar processo de obsolescência durante as atualizações"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "desabilitar plugins do Yum"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "desabilitar verificação de assinaturas gpg"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "desabilitar plugins pelo nome"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "habilita plugins pelo nome"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "ignorar pacotes com problemas de solução de dependências"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "controla o uso da cor"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr "defina o valor de $releasever nos arquivos repo e yum config"
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr "Configurando opções arbitrárias de repositório e configurações. "
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "Jan"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "Fev"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "Mar"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "Abr"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "Mai"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "Jun"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "Jul"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "Ago"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "Set"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "Out"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "Nov"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "Dez"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "Tentando outro espelho."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr "Nome        : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr "Arquitetura        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr "Época       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr "Versão     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr "Lançamento     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr "Tamanho        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "Repo        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr "Do repositório   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr "Executor   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr "Tempo de execução  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr "Tempo de compilação   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "Tempo de instalação: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr "Instalado por %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr "Alterado por : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr "Sumário     : "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "URL         : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr "Licença     : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "Descrição : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "s"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "sim"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "não"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "Correto? [s/N]:"
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Grupo: %s"
++msgstr "\nGrupo: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " Group-Id: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Descrição: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Linguagem: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Pacotes obrigatórios:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Pacotes padrão:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Pacotes opcionais:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Pacotes condicionais:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "pacote: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr "  Nenhuma dependência para este pacote"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "  dependência: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr "   Dependência não satisfeita"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Resultado a partir de:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Licença     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Nome de arquivo    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Outro       : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "Houve um erro no cálculo do tamanho total do download"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Tamanho total: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Tamanho total do download: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "Tamanho depois de instalado: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr "Houve um erro ao calcular o tamanho instalado"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "Reinstalando"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "Desatualizando"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Instalando para as dependências"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Atualizando para as dependências"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Removendo para as dependências"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Ignorado (problemas de dependências)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "Não instalado"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não disponível"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Pacote"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] "Pacote"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Arq."
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Versão"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Repo"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Tam."
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr "     substituindo  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Resumo da transação\n"
++msgstr "\nResumo da transação\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Instalar  %5.5s Pacote(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Instalar"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Atualizar   %5.5s Pacote(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Remover     %5.5s Pacote(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Reinstalar %5.5s Pacote(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Reinstalar"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Desatualizar %5.5s Pacote(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Desatualizar"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Removido(s)"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Dependência(s) removida(s)"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Dependência(s) instalada(s)"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Dependência(s) atualizada(s)"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Substituído(s)"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Falhou"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "dois"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Download atual cancelado, %sinterrompa com (ctrl-c) novamente%s dentro de %s%s%s segundos\n"
+-"para sair.\n"
++msgstr "\n Download atual cancelado, %sinterrompa com (ctrl-c) novamente%s dentro de %s%s%s segundos\npara sair.\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "interrupção do usuário"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Total"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<indefinido>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "Sistema"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nenhuma transação"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr "IDs de transação ou pacote(s) fornecido(s) inválido(s)"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Linha de comando"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr "Usuário de login"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "Data e hora"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "Ação(ões)"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "Alterado"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Nenhum ID de transação fornecido"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "O ID de transação fornecido é inválido"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr "O ID de transação dado não foi localizado"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr "Foi localizado mais de um ID de transação!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr "Nenhum ID de transação ou pacote fornecido"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr "Desatualizados"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "Antigo"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "Recente"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr "ID de transação:"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr "Horário de início:"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr "Início do rpmdb:"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u segundos)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u minutos)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u horas)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u dias)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "Horário do fim:"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr "Fim do rpmdb:"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "Usuário:"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "Código de retorno:"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "Interrompido"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Falhas:"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "Falha:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "Sucesso"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "Linha de comando  :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr "informações não-padrão adicionais armazenadas: %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr "Transação realizada com:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "Pacotes alterados:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "Pacotes ignorados: "
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Problemas com Rpmdb:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "Saída do scriptlet:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "Erros:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "Instalar"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr "Dep-Install"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr "Obsoletos"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "Apagar"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "Reinstalar"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr "Desatualizar"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "Atualizar"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "Hora"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "Ontem"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "Uma semana atrás"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "2 semanas atrás"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "3 meses atrás"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "6 meses atrás"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "Ano passado"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "Há mais de um ano"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr "Nenhuma transação %s achada"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr "ID da transação:"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "Informação adicional do histórico disponível:"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s: Não há dados adicionais encontrados por este nome"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "instalado"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "uma atualização"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "removido"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "Reinstalado"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "um downgrade"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "obsoleto"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "atualizado"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "obsoleto"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "---> O pacote %s.%s %s:%s-%s será %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> Executando verificação da transação"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr "--> Reiniciando resolução de dependências com as novas alterações."
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Resolução de dependências finalizada"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Processando dependência: %s para o pacote: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> Manter os  pacotes: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Dependência não resolvida: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "Pacote: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    Requer: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Requer: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"       Não encontrado"
++msgstr "\n       Não encontrado"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "Atualizado por"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr "Desatualizado por"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr "Obsoletado por"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "Disponível"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> Processando conflito: %s conflita com %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+-msgstr ""
+-"--> Construindo conjunto de transações com os pacotes selecionados. Por "
+-"favor aguarde."
++msgstr "--> Construindo conjunto de transações com os pacotes selecionados. Por favor aguarde."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr "--> Baixando cabeçalho do %s para inclusão no conjunto de transações."
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Executando"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Dormindo"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "Ininterrompível"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Zumbi"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Rastreado/Parado"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Desconhecido"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  O outro aplicativo é: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  O outro aplicativo é: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Memória: %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    Iniciado: %s - %s atrás"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    Estado: %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Saindo pelo cancelamento do usuário"
++msgstr "\n\nSaindo pelo cancelamento do usuário"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Saindo por um pipe defeituoso"
++msgstr "\n\nSaindo por um pipe defeituoso"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-"No momento outro aplicativo está com a posse da trava do yum; saindo "
+-"conforme configurado pelo exit_on_lock"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Erro PluginExit: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Error do Yum: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Error: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Você pode tentar usar o parâmetro --skip-broken para contornar o problema"
++msgstr " Você pode tentar usar o parâmetro --skip-broken para contornar o problema"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr " Você pode tentar executar: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Erro(s) desconhecido(s): código de saída: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Dependências resolvidas"
++msgstr "\nDependências resolvidas"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Concluído!"
+@@ -1518,7 +1652,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "Você precisa ser root para executar este comando."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1533,585 +1667,650 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Você habilitou a verificação de pacotes através de chaves GPG. Isso é uma boa coisa.\n"
+-"Entretanto, você não tem nenhuma chave GPG pública instalada. Você precisa baixar\n"
+-"e instalar essas chaves para os pacotes que deseja instalar.\n"
+-"Você pode fazer isso executando o comando:\n"
+-"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
+-"Alternativamente, você pode especificar, na opção \"gpgkey\" da seção\n"
+-" do repositório, a url da chave que você gostaria de usar\n"
+-"para ele e o yum irá instalá-la para você.\n"
+-"Para mais informações contate o fornecedor da sua distribuição ou do pacote.\n"
++msgstr "\nVocê habilitou a verificação de pacotes através de chaves GPG. Isso é uma boa coisa.\nEntretanto, você não tem nenhuma chave GPG pública instalada. Você precisa baixar\ne instalar essas chaves para os pacotes que deseja instalar.\nVocê pode fazer isso executando o comando:\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nAlternativamente, você pode especificar, na opção \"gpgkey\" da seção\n do repositório, a url da chave que você gostaria de usar\npara ele e o yum irá instalá-la para você.\n\nPara mais informações contate o fornecedor da sua distribuição ou do pacote.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Repositório problema: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Erro: É necessário passar uma lista de pacotes para %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "Erro: É necessário um item para corresponder"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Erro: É necessário um grupo ou uma lista de grupos"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Erro: a limpeza requer uma opção: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Erro: argumento de limpeza inválido: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "Nenhum argumento para o shell"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Nome de arquivo passado para o shell: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr "O arquivo %s, passado como um argumento para o shell, não existe."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr "Erro: mais de um arquivo passado como argumento para o shell."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Não há repositórios habilitados.\n"
+-"Execute \"yum repolist all\" para ver os repositórios que você tem.\n"
+-"Você pode habilitar repositórios com yum-config-manager --enable <repositório>"
++msgstr "Não há repositórios habilitados.\nExecute \"yum repolist all\" para ver os repositórios que você tem.\nVocê pode habilitar repositórios com yum-config-manager --enable <repositório>"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "PACOTE..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Instala um ou mais pacotes no seu sistema"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "Configurando o processo de instalação"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[PACOTE...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Atualiza um ou mais pacotes do seu sistema"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "Configurando o processo de atualização"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr "Sincronizar os pacotes instalados para as últimas versões disponíveis"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr "Configurando o processo de Sincronização de Distribuição"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Mostra detalhes sobre um pacote ou grupos de pacotes"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Pacotes instalados"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Pacotes disponíveis"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Pacotes extras"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Pacotes atualizados"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Tornando pacotes obsoletos"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Pacotes adicionados recentemente"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "Nenhum pacote correspondente a ser listado"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Lista um pacote ou grupos de pacotes"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Remove um ou mais pacotes do seu sistema"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "Configurando o processo de remoção"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "Configurando o processo de grupos"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "Não há grupos nos quais executar o comando"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Lista os grupos de pacotes disponíveis"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Instala pacotes em um grupo ou no seu sistema"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Remove pacotes de um grupo ou do seu sistema"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Mostra detalhes sobre um grupo de pacotes"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "Gera o cache de metadados"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "Realizando cache de arquivos para todos os metadados."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr "Isso pode demorar um pouco, dependendo da velocidade deste computador"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "Cache de metadados criado"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "Remove os dados do cache"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "Localiza qual pacote fornece o valor dado"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "Verifica por atualizações de pacotes disponíveis"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "Pesquisa detalhes do pacote para a string fornecida"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "Pesquisando por pacotes:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Atualiza pacotes levando em conta os obsoletos"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Configurando o processo de atualização"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Instala um RPM local"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "Configurando o processo de pacote local"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Determina qual pacote fornece a dependência dada"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "Pesquisando pacotes por dependência:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Executa um shell interativo do yum"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Configurando o shell do Yum"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "Lista as dependências de um pacote"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "Localizando dependências:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Exibe os repositórios de software configurados"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "habilitado"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "desabilitado"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr "Repo-id      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-name    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "Repo-status  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Repo-revision: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-tags    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Repo-distro-tags: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr "Repo-updated : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-pkgs    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "Repo-size    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr "Repo-baseurl : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "Repo-metalink: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  Atualizados :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr "Repo-mirrors : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Nunca (último: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Instante (último: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s segundo(s) (último: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr "Repo-expire  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr "Repo-exclude : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr "Repo-include : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr "Repo-excluded: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nome do Arquivo repo: "
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "id do repo"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "status"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "nome do repo"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Exibe uma mensagem de uso para ajuda"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "Nenhuma ajuda disponível para %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"apelidos: "
++msgstr "\n\napelidos: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"apelido: "
++msgstr "\n\napelido: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "Configurando o processo de reinstalação"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "reinstala um pacote"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Configurando o processo de desatualização"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "desatualizando um pacote"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr "Exibe uma versão para a máquina e/ou os repositórios disponíveis."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr " Grupos da versão do Yum:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " Grupo:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr " Pacotes:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "Instalados:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr "Grupos instalados:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Disponíveis:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "Grupos disponíveis:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr "Exibir ou usar o histórico de transações"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr "Subcomando de histórico inválido, use: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr "Você não tem acesso ao banco de dados do histórico."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Procurar por problemas no rpmdb"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Carregar uma transação salva de um nome de arquivo"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Nenhum arquivo de transação salvo especificado."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "carregando transação de %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
++msgstr "Transação carregada de %s com %s membros"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "A verificação do yum falhou: %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Outro aplicativo está retendo o bloqueio do yum; esperando por ele para "
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "Resolvendo dependências"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Saindo pelo cancelamento do usuário."
++msgstr "\n\nSaindo pelo cancelamento do usuário."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() será removida em uma futura versão do Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Configurando TransactionSets antes da ativação da classe de configuração"
++msgstr "Configurando TransactionSets antes da ativação da classe de configuração"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "tsflag inválido no arquivo de configuração: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "Pesquisando pkgSack para a dep.: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Membro: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s convertido para instalar"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "Adicionando pacote %s no modo %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "Removendo pacote %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s requer: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s requer %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "O requerimento necessário já foi localizado, enganando"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "O requerimento necessário não é o nome de um pacote. Localizando: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Fornecedor em potencial: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "O modo é %s para o fornecedor do %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Modo para o pacote que fornece o %s: %s"
+@@ -2119,1026 +2318,1140 @@ msgstr "Modo para o pacote que fornece o %s: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Tentando atualizar %s para resolver a dependência"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
++msgstr "Sem caminhos de atualização encontrados para %s. Falha!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: o pacote %s que requer o %s foi marcado para remoção"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Tornando %s obsoleto com o %s para resolver a dependência."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Atualizando %s para resolver a dependência."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Não foi possível encontrar um caminho de atualização para a dep. para: %s"
++msgstr "Não foi possível encontrar um caminho de atualização para a dep. para: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "%s localizado rapidamente a ser requerido por %s"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr "%s está nos pacotes fornecedores mas já está instalado, removendo."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+-msgstr ""
+-"O pacote de solução em potencial %s tem uma instância mais nova no ct."
++msgstr "O pacote de solução em potencial %s tem uma instância mais nova no ct."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+-msgstr ""
+-"O pacote de solução em potencial %s tem uma instância mais nova instalada."
++msgstr "O pacote de solução em potencial %s tem uma instância mais nova instalada."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "%s já está no ct, pulando esse"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Marcando %s como uma atualização para o %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Marcando %s como uma instalação para o %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Sucesso - transação vazia"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "Reiniciando o loop"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Término do processo de dependências"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Sucesso - dependências resolvidas"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "Verificando dependências para %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "procurando por %s como um requerimento do %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "Executando compare_providers() para %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "melhor arquitetura no po %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s torna %s obsoleto"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"archdist comparou %s com %s em %s\n"
+-"  Vencedor: %s"
++msgstr "archdist comparou %s com %s em %s\n  Vencedor: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "Sourcerpm comum %s e %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr "o pacote base %s está instalado para o %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "prefixo comum de %s entre %s e %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr "requer mínimo: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr "Vencedor: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "requer mínimo: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr "Perdedor(com %d): %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Melhor ordem: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() será removida em uma futura versão do Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr "Repositório %r: Erro ao analisar a configuração: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr "O repositório %r não tem nome na configuração, usando o id"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "plugins já inicializados"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() será removida em uma futura versão do Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "Lendo RPMDB local"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() será removida em uma futura versão do Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() será removida em uma futura versão do Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "Configurando sacos de pacotes"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr "o objeto de repositório para o %s necessita de um método _resetSack\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "conseqüentemente este repo não pode ser restaurado.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() será removida em uma futura versão do Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "Construindo objeto de atualizações"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() será removida em uma futura versão do Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "Obtendo metadados do grupo"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Adicionando arquivo de grupo a partir do repositório: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Falha ao adicionar o arquivo de grupos para o repositório: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "Nenhum grupo disponível em nenhum repositório"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr "Obtendo metadados do pkgtags"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Adicionando tags do repositório: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Falha ao adicionar as Pkg Tags para o repositório: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "Importando informações adicionais da lista de arquivos"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "O programa %s%s%s está localizado no pacote yum-utils."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Há transações não finalizadas restantes. Você pode considerar executar o "
+-"yum-complete-transaction primeiro para finalizá-las."
++msgstr "Há transações não finalizadas restantes. Você pode considerar executar o yum-complete-transaction primeiro para finalizá-las."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
++msgstr "Versões multilib protegidas: %s != %s"
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr "Tentando remover \"%s\", que está protegido."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Pacotes ignorados devido a problemas de dependências:"
++msgstr "\nPacotes ignorados devido a problemas de dependências:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s a partir de %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"** Encontrado(s) %d problema(s) pré-existente(s) do rpmdb, saída do  'yum "
+-"check' a seguir:"
++msgstr "** Encontrado(s) %d problema(s) pré-existente(s) do rpmdb, saída do  'yum check' a seguir:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr "Aviso: o RPMDB foi alterado de fora do yum."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr "faltando exigências"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr "conflito instalado"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Aviso: scriptlet ou outros erros não fatais ocorreram durante a transação."
++msgstr "Aviso: scriptlet ou outros erros não fatais ocorreram durante a transação."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr "A transação não pode ser iniciada."
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr "Não foi possível executar a transação."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "Falha ao remover o arquivo de transação %s"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s deveria ter sido instalado mas não foi!"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s deveria ter sido removido mas não foi!"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Não foi possível abrir a trava %s: %s"
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Não foi possível verificar se o PID %s está ativo"
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr "Bloqueio existente em %s: outra cópia está em execução com o pid %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr "Não foi possível criar um bloqueio em %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Não foi possível abrir a trava %s: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Não foi possível verificar se o PID %s está ativo"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-msgstr ""
+-"O Pacote não coincide com o download pretendido. Sugestão: execute  yum "
+-"--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr "O Pacote não coincide com o download pretendido. Sugestão: execute  yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "Não foi possível realizar a soma de verificação"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "O pacote não corresponde à soma de verificação"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"o pacote falhou na soma de verificação mas o cache está habilitado para o %s"
++msgstr "o pacote falhou na soma de verificação mas o cache está habilitado para o %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "usando cópia local do %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Espaço insuficiente no diretório de download %s\n"
+-"    * livre   %s\n"
+-"    * necessário %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "O cabeçalho não está completo."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"O cabeçalho não está no cache local e o modo de somente cache está "
+-"habilitado. Não foi possível baixar o %s."
++msgstr "O cabeçalho não está no cache local e o modo de somente cache está habilitado. Não foi possível baixar o %s."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "A chave pública para o %s não está instalada"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Problema ao abrir o pacote %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "A chave pública para o %s não é confiável"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "O pacote %s não está assinado"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "Não foi possível remover %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s removido"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "Não foi possível remover %s arquivo %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s arquivo %s removido"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s arquivos removidos"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "Mais de uma correspondência idêntica no saco para %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "Nada corresponde ao %s.%s %s:%s-%s a partir da atualização"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() será removida em uma futura versão do Yum. Ao invés disso, "
+-"use a searchGenerator().\n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() será removida em uma futura versão do Yum. Ao invés disso, use a searchGenerator().\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "Pesquisando por %d pacotes"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "pesquisando pelo pacote %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "pesquisando nas entradas do arquivo"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "pesquisando nas entradas dos fornecimentos"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "Nenhum dado de grupos disponível para os repositório configurados"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Não existe nenhum grupo de nome %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "o pacote %s não foi marcado no grupo %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "Adicionando o pacote %s do grupo %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "Nenhum pacote de nome %s disponível para ser instalado"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
++msgstr "O grupo %s tem %u pacotes condicionais, que devem ser instalados"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "A tupla %s do pacote não pôde ser encontrada no packagesack"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr "A tupla %s do pacote não pôde ser localizada no rpmdb"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "Nenhum pacote encontrado para %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "O pacote de objeto não era uma instância de pacote de objeto"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "Nada especificado para instalar"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr "Verificando por fornecimento virtual ou de arquivo para %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "Nenhuma correspondência para o argumento: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "Pacote %s instalado, mas não disponível"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "Nenhum pacote disponível para instalar"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "Pacote: %s - já está no conjunto de transações"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "O pacote %s foi tornado obsoleto pelo %s, o qual já está instalado"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+-msgstr ""
+-"O pacote %s foi tornado obsoleto por %s, mas este não provê os requisitos."
++msgstr "O pacote %s foi tornado obsoleto por %s, mas este não provê os requisitos."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+-msgstr ""
+-"O pacote %s foi tornado obsoleto por %s, tentando instalar %s ao invés disso"
++msgstr "O pacote %s foi tornado obsoleto por %s, tentando instalar %s ao invés disso"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "O pacote %s já está instalado em sua última versão"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr "O pacote %s já está instalado. Verificando por uma atualização."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "Atualizando tudo"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Pacote já obsoleto não será atualizado: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Nenhuma correspondência para o argumento: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "O pacote já está obsoleto: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "Não atualizando o pacote que está obsoleto: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Pacote já atualizado não será atualizado novamente: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "Nenhum pacote encontrado para remoção"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr "Ignorando o kernel em execução: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr "Removendo %s da transação"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Não foi possível abrir: %s. Ignorando."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Examinando %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Não é possível instalar localmente o deltarpm: %s. Ignorando."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Não foi possível adicionar o pacote %s à transação. %s não é uma arquitetura"
+-" compatível."
++msgstr "Não foi possível adicionar o pacote %s à transação. %s não é uma arquitetura compatível."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Não é possível instalar o pacote % s. É obsoleto pelo pacote instalado %s"
++msgstr "Não é possível instalar o pacote % s. É obsoleto pelo pacote instalado %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"O pacote %s não está instalado, não é possível atualizá-lo. Execute o yum "
+-"install para instalá-lo."
++msgstr "O pacote %s não está instalado, não é possível atualizá-lo. Execute o yum install para instalá-lo."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Pacote %s.%s não instalado, não pode ser atualizado. Execute yum install para instalá-lo em vez disso."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "Excluindo %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "Marcando %s para ser instalado"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "Marcando %s como uma atualização do %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: não atualiza o pacote instalado."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Não foi possível abrir o arquivo: %s. Ignorando."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr "Problema na reinstalação: nenhum pacote encontrado para remoção"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr "Problema na reinstalação: nenhum pacote %s encontrado para instalação"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "Nenhum pacote disponível para ser desatualizado"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "O pacote %s permite múltiplas instalações, ignorando"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "Nenhuma correspondência disponível para o pacote: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Somente a atualização está disponível para o pacote: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr "Falha ao desatualizar: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
++#, python-format
++msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
++msgstr "Recuperando chave de %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "A obtenção da chave GPG falhou:"
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Assinatura da chave GPG na chave %s não combina com a chave CA para o repositório: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Assinatura da chave GPG verificada em relação a chave(s) CA"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "A chave GPG de %s é inválida: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "Falha na análise da chave GPG: ela não tem o valor %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "A chave GPG em %s (0x%s) já está instalada"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "Falha na importação da chave (código %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "Chave importada com sucesso"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não instalar nenhuma das chaves"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"As chaves GPG listadas para o repositório \"%s\" já estão instaladas, mas não estão corretas para este pacote.\n"
+-"Verifique se as URLs corretas das chaves estão configuradas para esse repositório."
++msgstr "As chaves GPG listadas para o repositório \"%s\" já estão instaladas, mas não estão corretas para este pacote.\nVerifique se as URLs corretas das chaves estão configuradas para esse repositório."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "A importação da(s) chave(s) não ajudou, chave(s) errada(s)?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "A chave GPG em %s (0x%s) já foi importada"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "Falha na importação da chave"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não instalar nenhuma das chaves para o repositório %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"As chaves GPG listadas para o repositório \"%s\" já estão instaladas, mas não estão corretas.\n"
+-"Verifique se as URLs das chaves estão configuradas corretamente para este repositório. "
++msgstr "As chaves GPG listadas para o repositório \"%s\" já estão instaladas, mas não estão corretas.\nVerifique se as URLs das chaves estão configuradas corretamente para este repositório. "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "Não foi possível encontrar um espelho apropriado."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Foram encontrados erros ao baixar os pacotes."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Por favor, relate esse erro em %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Erros do teste de transação:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr "Não foi possível definir a cachedir: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Dependências não resolvidas. Transações não resolvidas não serão salvas."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não foi possível salvar o arquivo de transação %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não foi possível acessar/ler a transação salva %s : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Não foi possível encontrar txmbr: %s da origem: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
++msgstr "ignorando, conforme pedido. Você deve rodar executar novamente o depsolve!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Plugins carregados: "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "Nenhum plugin correspondente para: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "O plugin \"%s\" não será carregado, pois está desabilitado"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "O plugin \"%s\" não pôde ser importado"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "O plugin \"%s\" não especifica a versão requerida da API"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "O plugin \"%s\" requer a API %s. A API suportada é a %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "Carregando o plugin \"%s\""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Dois ou mais plugins com o nome \"%s\" existem no caminho de pesquisa "
++msgstr "Dois ou mais plugins com o nome \"%s\" existem no caminho de pesquisa plugins"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "Arquivos de configuração %s não encontrado"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "Não foi possível encontrar o arquivo de configuração para o plugin %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "O registro de comandos não é suportado"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr "tem exigências faltando do"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr "tem conflitos instalados"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr "%s é uma duplicação do %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr "%s foi tornado obsoleto por %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr "%s provê %s mas não pôde ser achado"
+@@ -3147,6 +3460,23 @@ msgstr "%s provê %s mas não pôde ser achado"
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "Reempacotando"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Espaço insuficiente no diretório de download %s\n    * livre   %s\n    * necessário %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3159,9 +3489,7 @@ msgstr "O RPM %s não passou na verificação md5"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Não foi possível abrir o banco de dados RPM para leitura. Talvez por que ele"
+-" já esteja em uso?"
++msgstr "Não foi possível abrir o banco de dados RPM para leitura. Talvez por que ele já esteja em uso?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+@@ -3177,5 +3505,3 @@ msgstr "Cabeçalho %s danificado"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Erro ao abrir o rpm %s - erro %s"
+diff --git a/po/pt_PT.po b/po/pt_PT.po
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7dcef70
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/po/pt_PT.po
+@@ -0,0 +1,3506 @@
++# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
++# Translators:
++# Bruno Martins <bmomartins@gmail.com>, 2011, 2012.
++msgid ""
++msgstr ""
++"Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Portuguese (Portugal) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/pt_PT/)\n"
++"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
++"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
++"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++"Language: pt_PT\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++msgid "Updating"
++msgstr "Atualizando"
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++msgid "Erasing"
++msgstr "Apagando"
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
++msgid "Installing"
++msgstr "Instalando"
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++msgid "Obsoleted"
++msgstr "Obsoleto"
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
++msgid "Updated"
++msgstr "Atualizado"
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
++msgid "Erased"
++msgstr "Apagado"
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
++msgid "Installed"
++msgstr "Instalado"
++#: ../callback.py:142
++msgid "No header - huh?"
++msgstr "Sem cabeçalho - huh?"
++#: ../callback.py:180
++msgid "Repackage"
++msgstr "Re-empacotar"
++#: ../callback.py:201
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
++msgstr "Erro: estado de saída inválido: %s para %s"
++#: ../callback.py:224
++#, python-format
++msgid "Erased: %s"
++msgstr "Apagado: %s"
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
++msgid "Removing"
++msgstr "Removendo"
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++msgid "Cleanup"
++msgstr "Limpeza"
++#: ../cli.py:122
++#, python-format
++msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
++msgstr "Comando \"%s\" já está definido"
++#: ../cli.py:137
++msgid "Setting up repositories"
++msgstr "Definindo repositórios"
++#: ../cli.py:148
++msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
++msgstr "Lendo a metadata dos repositórios a partir de ficheiros locais"
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
++#, python-format
++msgid "Config Error: %s"
++msgstr "Erro de configuração: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
++#, python-format
++msgid "Options Error: %s"
++msgstr "Erro de opções: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:327
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
++msgstr "Instalado: %s-%s em %s"
++#: ../cli.py:329
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
++msgstr "  Compilado    : %s em %s"
++#: ../cli.py:331
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
++msgstr "  Submetido: %s em %s"
++#: ../cli.py:372
++msgid "You need to give some command"
++msgstr "Precisa de dar algum comando"
++#: ../cli.py:386
++#, python-format
++msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
++msgstr "Comando inválido: %s. Por favor utilize %s --help"
++#: ../cli.py:444
++msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
++msgstr "Requisitos de disco:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:446
++#, python-format
++msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "É preciso pelo menos mais %dMB de espaço livre no sistema de ficheiros %s.\n"
++msgstr[1] "São precisos pelo menos mais %dMB de espaço livre no sistema de ficheiros %s.\n"
++#. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
++#. Fixup the summary
++#: ../cli.py:451
++msgid ""
++"Error Summary\n"
++msgstr "Sumário de erros\n-------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:532
++msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
++msgstr "Tentando executar a transação, mas sem sucesso. Saindo."
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:588
++msgid "Exiting on user Command"
++msgstr "Saindo devido a ação do utilizador"
++#: ../cli.py:592
++msgid "Downloading Packages:"
++msgstr "Descarregando pacotes:"
++#: ../cli.py:597
++msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
++msgstr "Erro descarregando pacotes:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
++msgid "Running Transaction Check"
++msgstr "Executando verficação de transação"
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
++msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
++msgstr "ERRO: Tem de atualizar o rpm para suportar:"
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
++msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
++msgstr "ERRO com a transação check vs depsolve:"
++#: ../cli.py:633
++msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
++msgstr "RPM precisa de ser atualizado"
++#: ../cli.py:634
++#, python-format
++msgid "Please report this error in %s"
++msgstr "Por favor este erro em %s"
++#: ../cli.py:640
++msgid "Running Transaction Test"
++msgstr "Correndo o teste de transição"
++#: ../cli.py:652
++msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
++msgstr "Erro de verificação de transição:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:659
++msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
++msgstr "Teste de transição executado com sucesso"
++#: ../cli.py:691
++msgid "Running Transaction"
++msgstr "Correndo a transição"
++#: ../cli.py:724
++msgid ""
++"Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
++"Use \"-y\" to override."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
++msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
++msgstr "* Talvez queira ter dito:"
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
++msgid "Nothing to do"
++msgstr "Nada a fazer"
++#: ../cli.py:953
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:955
++msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
++msgstr "Sem pacotes marcados para actualização"
++#: ../cli.py:1067
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:1069
++msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr "Sem pacotes marcados para a sincronização de distribuição"
++#: ../cli.py:1124
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:1126
++msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
++msgstr "Sem pacotes marcados para remoção"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:1207
++#, python-format
++msgid " (from %s)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1208
++#, python-format
++msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:1246
++msgid "No Packages Provided"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1367
++#, python-format
++msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1384
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1386
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1404
++#, python-format
++msgid "Matched: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1411
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1415
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1418
++msgid "No Matches found"
++msgstr "Nenhuma ocorrência encontrada"
++#: ../cli.py:1536
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1572
++msgid "Cleaning repos: "
++msgstr "Limpando os repositórios: "
++#: ../cli.py:1577
++msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
++msgstr "Limpando Tudo"
++#: ../cli.py:1593
++msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
++msgstr "Limpando os Cabeçalhos"
++#: ../cli.py:1596
++msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
++msgstr "Limpando Pacotes"
++#: ../cli.py:1599
++msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
++msgstr "Limpando os dados XML"
++#: ../cli.py:1602
++msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
++msgstr "Limpando a cache da base de dados"
++#: ../cli.py:1605
++msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1608
++msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1611
++msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
++msgstr "Limpando os plugins"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1735
++msgid "Installed Groups:"
++msgstr "Grupos Instalados:"
++#: ../cli.py:1742
++msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1749
++msgid "Available Groups:"
++msgstr "Grupos Disponíveis:"
++#: ../cli.py:1756
++msgid "Available Language Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
++msgid "Done"
++msgstr "Feito"
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1883
++msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
++#, python-format
++msgid "No group named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1945
++msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:1988
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1999
++#, python-format
++msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
++msgstr ""
++#. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
++#: ../cli.py:2025
++#, python-format
++msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2045
++msgid "Plugin Options"
++msgstr "Opções do Plugin"
++#: ../cli.py:2057
++#, python-format
++msgid "Command line error: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2079
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"%s: %s option requires an argument"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2147
++msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
++msgstr ""
++#. We have a relative installroot ... haha
++#: ../cli.py:2218
++#, python-format
++msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2272
++msgid "show this help message and exit"
++msgstr "mostra esta mensagem de ajuda e sai"
++#: ../cli.py:2276
++msgid "be tolerant of errors"
++msgstr "sê tolerante a erros"
++#: ../cli.py:2279
++msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
++msgstr "corre inteiramente através da cache do sistema, não actualiza a cache"
++#: ../cli.py:2282
++msgid "config file location"
++msgstr "localização do ficheiro de configuração"
++#: ../cli.py:2285
++msgid "maximum command wait time"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2287
++msgid "debugging output level"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2291
++msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2296
++msgid "error output level"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2299
++msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2302
++msgid "quiet operation"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2304
++msgid "verbose operation"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2306
++msgid "answer yes for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2312
++msgid "show Yum version and exit"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2313
++msgid "set install root"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2317
++msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2321
++msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2324
++msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2326
++msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2329
++msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2331
++msgid "disable Yum plugins"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2333
++msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2335
++msgid "disable plugins by name"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2338
++msgid "enable plugins by name"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2341
++msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2343
++msgid "control whether color is used"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2345
++msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
++msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Jan"
++msgstr "Jan"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Feb"
++msgstr "Fev"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Mar"
++msgstr "Mar"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Apr"
++msgstr "Abr"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "May"
++msgstr "Mai"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Jun"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Jul"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Aug"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Sep"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Oct"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Nov"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Dec"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:473
++msgid "Trying other mirror."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:816
++#, python-format
++msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:817
++#, python-format
++msgid "Arch        : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:819
++#, python-format
++msgid "Epoch       : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:820
++#, python-format
++msgid "Version     : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:821
++#, python-format
++msgid "Release     : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:822
++#, python-format
++msgid "Size        : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repo        : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:825
++#, python-format
++msgid "From repo   : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:827
++#, python-format
++msgid "Committer   : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:828
++#, python-format
++msgid "Committime  : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:829
++#, python-format
++msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:831
++#, python-format
++msgid "Install time: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:839
++#, python-format
++msgid "Installed by: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:846
++#, python-format
++msgid "Changed by  : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:847
++msgid "Summary     : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
++#, python-format
++msgid "URL         : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:850
++msgid "License     : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
++msgid "Description : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:969
++msgid "y"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:969
++msgid "yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:970
++msgid "n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:970
++msgid "no"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:974
++msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1097
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1101
++#, python-format
++msgid " Group-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
++#, python-format
++msgid " Description: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1124
++#, python-format
++msgid " Language: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1126
++msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1127
++msgid " Default Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1128
++msgid " Optional Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1129
++msgid " Conditional Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
++#, python-format
++msgid "package: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1219
++msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1224
++#, python-format
++msgid "  dependency: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1226
++msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1337
++msgid "Matched from:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1348
++#, python-format
++msgid "License     : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1351
++#, python-format
++msgid "Filename    : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
++msgid "Other       : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1426
++msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1431
++#, python-format
++msgid "Total size: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1433
++#, python-format
++msgid "Total download size: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
++#, python-format
++msgid "Installed size: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1454
++msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1504
++msgid "Reinstalling"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1505
++msgid "Downgrading"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1506
++msgid "Installing for dependencies"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1507
++msgid "Updating for dependencies"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1508
++msgid "Removing for dependencies"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
++msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
++msgid "Not installed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
++msgid "Not available"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
++msgid "Package"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../output.py:1540
++msgid "Arch"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1541
++msgid "Version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1541
++msgid "Repository"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1542
++msgid "Size"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1554
++#, python-format
++msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1563
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Transaction Summary\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../output.py:1666
++msgid "Removed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1667
++msgid "Dependency Removed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1669
++msgid "Dependency Installed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1671
++msgid "Dependency Updated"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1673
++msgid "Replaced"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1674
++msgid "Failed"
++msgstr ""
++#. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
++#: ../output.py:1764
++msgid "two"
++msgstr ""
++#. For translators: This is output like:
++#. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
++#. to exit.
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
++"to exit.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1786
++msgid "user interrupt"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1812
++msgid "Total"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1834
++msgid "I"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1835
++msgid "O"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1836
++msgid "E"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1837
++msgid "R"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1838
++msgid "D"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1839
++msgid "U"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1853
++msgid "<unset>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1854
++msgid "System"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1923
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
++msgid "No transactions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
++msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2007
++msgid "Command line"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
++msgid "Login user"
++msgstr ""
++#. REALLY Needs to use columns!
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
++msgid "ID"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2012
++msgid "Date and time"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
++msgid "Action(s)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
++msgid "Altered"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2061
++msgid "No transaction ID given"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
++msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2092
++msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2100
++msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
++msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
++msgid "Downgraded"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2224
++msgid "Older"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2224
++msgid "Newer"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
++msgid "Transaction ID :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
++msgid "Begin time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
++msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2286
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u seconds)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2288
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u minutes)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2290
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u hours)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2292
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u days)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2293
++msgid "End time       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
++msgid "End rpmdb      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
++msgid "User           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
++msgid "Return-Code    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
++msgid "Aborted"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2310
++msgid "Failures:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2314
++msgid "Failure:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2316
++msgid "Success"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
++msgid "Command Line   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2332
++#, python-format
++msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#. This is _possible_, but not common
++#: ../output.py:2337
++msgid "Transaction performed with:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2341
++msgid "Packages Altered:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2345
++msgid "Packages Skipped:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2353
++msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2364
++msgid "Scriptlet output:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2370
++msgid "Errors:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2378
++msgid "Dep-Install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2380
++msgid "Obsoleting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2381
++msgid "Erase"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2385
++msgid "Update"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2459
++msgid "Time"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2485
++msgid "Last day"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2486
++msgid "Last week"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2487
++msgid "Last 2 weeks"
++msgstr ""
++#. US default :p
++#: ../output.py:2488
++msgid "Last 3 months"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2489
++msgid "Last 6 months"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2490
++msgid "Last year"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2491
++msgid "Over a year ago"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2538
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Transaction %s found"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2544
++msgid "Transaction ID:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2545
++msgid "Available additional history information:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2558
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
++msgid "installed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2768
++msgid "an update"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2769
++msgid "erased"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2770
++msgid "reinstalled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2771
++msgid "a downgrade"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2772
++msgid "obsoleting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2773
++msgid "updated"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2774
++msgid "obsoleted"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2778
++#, python-format
++msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2789
++msgid "--> Running transaction check"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2795
++msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2801
++msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
++#, python-format
++msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2841
++#, python-format
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2850
++#, python-format
++msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2867
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2869
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"    Requires: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2878
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2883
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"        %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2885
++msgid ""
++"        Not found"
++msgstr ""
++#. These should be the only three things we care about:
++#: ../output.py:2900
++msgid "Updated By"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2901
++msgid "Downgraded By"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2902
++msgid "Obsoleted By"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2920
++msgid "Available"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
++#, python-format
++msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2974
++msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2983
++#, python-format
++msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
++msgstr ""
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:123
++msgid "Running"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:124
++msgid "Sleeping"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:125
++msgid "Uninterruptible"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:126
++msgid "Zombie"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:127
++msgid "Traced/Stopped"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
++msgid "Unknown"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:153
++msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:155
++#, python-format
++msgid "  The other application is: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:158
++#, python-format
++msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:163
++#, python-format
++msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:165
++#, python-format
++msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
++msgid ""
++"Exiting on user cancel"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
++msgid ""
++"Exiting on Broken Pipe"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:326
++#, python-format
++msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:329
++#, python-format
++msgid "Yum Error: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
++msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
++msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
++msgid ""
++"Dependencies Resolved"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
++msgid "Complete!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:42
++msgid " Mini usage:\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:52
++msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
++msgid ""
++"You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
++"However, you do not have any GPG public keys installed. You need to download\n"
++"the keys for packages you wish to install and install them.\n"
++"You can do that by running the command:\n"
++"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
++"Alternatively you can specify the url to the key you would like to use\n"
++"for a repository in the 'gpgkey' option in a repository section and yum \n"
++"will install it for you.\n"
++"For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
++#, python-format
++msgid "Problem repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
++msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
++msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
++msgstr "Erro: limpar exige uma opção: %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
++msgstr "Erro: argumento de limpeza inválido: %r"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
++msgid "No argument to shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
++#, python-format
++msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
++#, python-format
++msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
++msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
++msgid ""
++"There are no enabled repos.\n"
++" Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
++" You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
++msgid "PACKAGE..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
++msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++msgid "Setting up Install Process"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
++msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
++msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
++msgid "Setting up Update Process"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
++msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
++msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
++msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
++msgid "Installed Packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
++msgid "Available Packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++msgid "Extra Packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
++msgid "Updated Packages"
++msgstr ""
++#. This only happens in verbose mode
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
++msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
++msgid "Recently Added Packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
++msgid "No matching Packages to list"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
++msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
++msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
++msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
++msgid "Setting up Group Process"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
++msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
++msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
++msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
++msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
++msgid "Remove cached data"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
++msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
++msgid "Check for available package updates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
++msgid "Search package details for the given string"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
++msgid "Searching Packages: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
++msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
++msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
++msgid "Install a local RPM"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
++msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
++msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
++msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
++msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
++msgid "List a package's dependencies"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
++msgid "Finding dependencies: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
++msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
++msgid "enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
++msgid "disabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
++msgid "Repo-id      : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
++msgid "Repo-name    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
++msgid "Repo-status  : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
++msgid "Repo-revision: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
++msgid "Repo-tags    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
++msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
++msgid "Repo-updated : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
++msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
++msgid "Repo-size    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
++msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
++msgid "Repo-metalink: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
++msgid "  Updated    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
++msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
++#, python-format
++msgid "Never (last: %s)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
++#, python-format
++msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
++msgid "Repo-expire  : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
++msgid "Repo-exclude : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
++msgid "Repo-include : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
++msgid "Repo-excluded: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
++msgid "Repo-filename: "
++msgstr ""
++#. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
++#. then chop the middle (name)...
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
++msgid "repo id"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
++msgid "status"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
++msgid "repo name"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
++msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
++#, python-format
++msgid "No help available for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
++msgid ""
++"aliases: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
++msgid ""
++"alias: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
++msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
++msgid "reinstall a package"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
++msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
++msgid "downgrade a package"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
++msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
++msgid " Yum version groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
++msgid " Group   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
++msgid " Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
++msgid "Installed:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
++msgid "Group-Installed:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
++msgid "Available:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
++msgid "Group-Available:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
++msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
++msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
++msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
++msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
++msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
++#, python-format
++msgid "loading transaction from %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
++#: ../yummain.py:84
++#, python-format
++msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr ""
++#. Depsolve stage
++#: ../yummain.py:164
++msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yummain.py:312
++msgid ""
++"Exiting on user cancel."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
++msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
++msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
++#, python-format
++msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
++#, python-format
++msgid "Member: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s converted to install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
++#, python-format
++msgid "Removing Package %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s requires: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s requires %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
++msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
++#, python-format
++msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
++#, python-format
++msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
++#. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
++#. away :(
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
++#, python-format
++msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
++#, python-format
++msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. is it already installed?
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
++#, python-format
++msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
++#, python-format
++msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
++msgid "Success - empty transaction"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
++msgid "Restarting Loop"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
++msgid "Dependency Process ending"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
++msgid "Success - deps resolved"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
++#, python-format
++msgid "Checking deps for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
++#, python-format
++msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
++#, python-format
++msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
++#, python-format
++msgid "better arch in po %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
++"  Winner: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
++#, python-format
++msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
++#, python-format
++msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
++#, python-format
++msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
++#, python-format
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
++#, python-format
++msgid " Winner: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
++#, python-format
++msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
++#, python-format
++msgid "Best Order: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
++msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
++msgid "plugins already initialised"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
++msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
++msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
++msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
++msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
++msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
++#, python-format
++msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
++msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
++msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
++msgid "Building updates object"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
++msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
++msgid "Getting group metadata"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
++msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
++msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
++msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
++#, python-format
++msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
++msgid ""
++"There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
++"complete-transaction first to finish them."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
++msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
++#, python-format
++msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
++#, python-format
++msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
++msgid ""
++"Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
++#, python-format
++msgid "    %s from %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. FIXME: _N()
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
++#, python-format
++msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
++msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
++msgid "missing requires"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
++msgid "installed conflict"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
++msgid ""
++"Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
++msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
++msgstr ""
++#. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
++msgid "Could not run transaction."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. maybe a file log here, too
++#. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
++msgstr ""
++#. maybe a file log here, too
++#. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
++msgstr ""
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
++#, python-format
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgstr ""
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
++"--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
++msgid "Could not perform checksum"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
++msgid "Package does not match checksum"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
++#, python-format
++msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
++#, python-format
++msgid "using local copy of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
++msgid "Header is not complete."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
++#, python-format
++msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
++#, python-format
++msgid "Problem opening package %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
++#, python-format
++msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is not signed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot remove %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s removed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s file %s removed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
++#, python-format
++msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
++#, python-format
++msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
++msgid ""
++"searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
++"                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
++#, python-format
++msgid "searching package %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
++msgid "searching in file entries"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
++msgid "searching in provides entries"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
++msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Group named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
++#, python-format
++msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
++#, python-format
++msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
++#. happened.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Package found for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
++msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
++msgid "Nothing specified to install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
++#, python-format
++msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
++msgid "No package(s) available to install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
++msgstr ""
++#. update everything (the easy case)
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
++msgid "Updating Everything"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
++#, python-format
++msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining %s: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
++" instead."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
++#, python-format
++msgid "Excluding %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
++#, python-format
++msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
++#, python-format
++msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
++msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
++#, python-format
++msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
++msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
++#, python-format
++msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
++#, python-format
++msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
++msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
++msgstr ""
++#. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
++#. here is where we would do that
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
++msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
++msgid "Key imported successfully"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
++msgid "Didn't install any keys"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
++"Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
++msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
++#, python-format
++msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
++"Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
++msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
++msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
++#, python-format
++msgid "Please report this error at %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
++msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
++msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
++msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
++#, python-format
++msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
++msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
++msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
++#. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
++msgid "Loaded plugins: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
++#, python-format
++msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
++msgstr ""
++#. Give full backtrace:
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
++#, python-format
++msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
++#, python-format
++msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#, python-format
++msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
++msgstr ""
++#. for
++#. Configuration files for the plugin not found
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
++msgid "registration of commands not supported"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
++msgid "has missing requires of"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
++msgid "has installed conflicts"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:80
++msgid "Repackaging"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
++#, python-format
++msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:53
++#, python-format
++msgid "RPM %s fails md5 check"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
++msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
++msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:253 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:260
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:263 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:266
++#, python-format
++msgid "Damaged Header %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:281
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/pygettext.py b/po/pygettext.py
+index 276a433..7f13138 100644
+--- a/po/pygettext.py
++++ b/po/pygettext.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ #!/usr/bin/python
++# coding=utf-8
+ # Originally written by Barry Warsaw <bwarsaw@python.org>
+ #
+ # minimally patched to make it even more xgettext compatible 
+diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po
+index 52ba58b..c474606 100644
+--- a/po/ru.po
++++ b/po/ru.po
+@@ -2,1514 +2,1657 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# Misha Shnurapet <shnurapet AT fedoraproject.org>, 2011
+-# Misha Shnurapet <shnurapet@fedoraproject.org>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# Misha Shnurapet <shnurapet AT fedoraproject.org>, 2011.
++# Misha Shnurapet <shnurapet@fedoraproject.org>, 2011-2012.
++# Игорь Горбунов <igor.gorbounov@gmail.com>, 2012.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Russian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/ru/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Russian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/ru/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: ru\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Обновление"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Удаление"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Установка"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Исключено"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Обновлено"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Удалено"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Установлено"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Заголовка нет — ага?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Переупаковка"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: неверный код выхода: %s для %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Удален: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Удаление"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Очистка"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "Команда \"%s\" уже используется"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Настройка репозиториев"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "Чтение локальных метаданных для репозиториев"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка в настройке: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка в параметре: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Установлено: %s-%s из %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Собрано    : %s из %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Передано   : %s из %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "Необходимо задать команду"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "Не найдена команда: %s Пожалуйста, воспользуйтесь %s --help"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Требование к носителю:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr " Необходимо по меньшей мере %dМБ на разделе %s.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] " Необходимо по меньшей мере %dМБ на разделе %s.\n"
++msgstr[1] " Необходимо по меньшей мере %dМБ на разделе %s.\n"
++msgstr[2] " Необходимо по меньшей мере %dМБ на разделе %s.\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Сводка ошибок\n"
++msgstr "Сводка ошибок\n-------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Не удалось создать файл блокировки; завершение"
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Другое приложение удерживает данные Yum; выход согласно exit_on_lock"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr "Попытка предпринята, делать нечего. Завершение."
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " игнорирование, как потребуется"
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr " прерывание"
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "Выход по запросу пользователя"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "Загрузка пакетов:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Ошибка загрузки пакетов:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr "Проверка сценария"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "ОШИБКА — необходимо обновить RPM для обработки:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr "ОШИБКА при проверке сценария на этапе зависимостей:"
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "Следует обновить RPM"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Пожалуйста, сообщите об ошибке в %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "Проверяем сценарий"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "Проверка сценария завершена с ошибкой:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "Проверка сценария прошла успешно"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "Выполнение сценария"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Отмена автоматического импорта ключей во время запуска без контроля.\n"
+-"Используйте \"-y\" для игнорирования."
++msgstr "Отмена автоматического импорта ключей во время запуска без контроля.\nИспользуйте \"-y\" для игнорирования."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * Возможно, вы имели в виду: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "Пакет %s%s%s доступен, но не установлен."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "Пакета с названием %s%s%s не найдено."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Пакет(ы) для установки"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакет к установке"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакета к установке"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакетов к установке"
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Выполнять нечего"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d пакеты отмечены для обновления"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакет помечен для обновления"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакета помечено для обновления"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакетов помечено для обновления"
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "Пакетов, отмеченных для обновления, нет."
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "Отмечено пакетов для синхронизации: %d"
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакет помечен для синхронизации"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакета помечены для синхронизации"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакетов помечено для синхронизации"
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr "Пакетов, отмеченных для синхронизации, нет"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d пакеты отмечены для удаления"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакет помечен для удаления"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакета помечены к удалению"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакетов помечено к удалению"
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "Пакетов, отмеченных для удаления, нет."
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Пакет(ы) для отката версии"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакет для отката"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакета для отката"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакетов для отката"
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (из %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "Установленный пакет %s%s%s%s недоступен."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Пакет(ы) для переустановки"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакет для переустановки"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакета для переустановки"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакетов для переустановки"
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "Пакеты не предоставлены"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Пакет(ы) для установки"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Совпадений: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Название и описание совпадают только с %sonly%s, используйте «search all»,"
+-" чтобы искать везде."
++msgstr "  Показаны %sтолько%s совпадения по названиям и описаниям, для большего используйте «search all»."
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Полное название и описание совпадают только с %sonly%s, используйте "
+-"«search all», чтобы искать везде."
++msgstr "  Показаны %sтолько%s полные совпадения по названиям и описаниям, для большего используйте «search all»."
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Совпадений: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Название и описание совпадают с %smostly%s, используйте «search all», "
+-"чтобы искать везде."
++msgstr "  Показаны %sв основном%s совпадения по названияю и описанию, для большего используйте «search all»."
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Внимание: совпадений для %s не найдено"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "Совпадений не найдено"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "Пакет для %s не найден"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "Ошибка: не найдено пакетов для:\n  %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr "Сброс источников:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "Очистка всего"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "Очистка заголовков"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "Очистка пакетов"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "Очистка xml метаданных"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "Очистка кэша данных"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "Очистка устаревшего кэша"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr "Очистка кэша данных базы RPM"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "Сброс модулей"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
+-msgstr "Предупреждение: Ни одна группа не совпадает: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Установлены коллекции:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Установлены языковые пакеты:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Доступные коллекции:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Доступные языковые пакеты:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Выполнено"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Внимание: коллекции %s не существует."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Во всех указанных коллекциях пакеты для установки или обновления отсутствуют"
++msgstr "Во всех указанных коллекциях пакеты для установки или обновления отсутствуют"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d Пакет(ы) для установки"
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакет к установке"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакета к установке"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакетов к установке"
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Коллекции с названием %s не существует"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "Нет пакетов для удаления из коллекций"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d Пакет(ы) для удаления"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакет к удалению"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакета к удалению"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакетов к удалению"
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "Пакет %s уже установлен, пропускаем"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "Исключение несовместимого пакета %s.%s"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr "Других %s не установлено, добавляем в список для возможной установки"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Опции модуля"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка команды: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: %s опцию необходимо указать с аргументом"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: %s опцию необходимо указать с аргументом"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color возможное значение: auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr "--installroot должен указывать абсолютный путь: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "отобразить помощь и выйти"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "игнорировать ошибки"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr "брать полностью из системного кэша, не обновлять его"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "расположение файла конфигурации"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "максимальное время ожидания команды"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "уровень отладочных сообщений"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+-msgstr ""
+-"показывать повторяющиеся в репозиториях пакеты, для команд list/search"
++msgstr "показывать повторяющиеся в репозиториях пакеты, для команд list/search"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "уровень сообщений об ошибках"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr "уровень отладочных сообщений для rpm"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "работать без вывода сообщений"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "подробно описывать действия"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "Отвечать утвердительно на все вопросы"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "ответ нет для всех вопросов"
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "показать версию Yum и выйти"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "настройка корневой папки"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"включение одного и более репозиториев (поиск по шаблону поддерживается)"
++msgstr "включение одного и более репозиториев (поиск по шаблону поддерживается)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"выключение одного и более репозиториев (поиск по шаблону поддерживается)"
++msgstr "выключение одного и более репозиториев (поиск по шаблону поддерживается)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr "исключение пакета(ов) по имени или регулярному выражению"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr "отключает исключения для конкретного репозитория или для всех"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "включить обработку устаревших во время обновления"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "отключить модули Yum"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "отключить проверку подписи gpg"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "отключить модуль по названию"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "включить модуль по названию"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "пропускать пакеты, с проблемами в зависимостях"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "Использовать ли цветовые схемы"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
++msgstr "установите значение $releasever в конфигурационном файле Yum и в файлах репозиториев (repo)"
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-"установите значение $releasever в конфигурационном файле yum и в файлах "
+-"репозиториев (repo)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr "другие настройки и свойства источников"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "Янв"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "Фев"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "Мар"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "Апр"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "Май"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "Июн"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "Июл"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "Авг"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "Сен"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "Окт"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "Ноя"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "Дек"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "Пробуем другое зеркало."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr "Название: %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr "Архитектура: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr "Период: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr "Версия: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr "Выпуск: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr "Объем: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "Источник: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr "Из источника: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr "Создатель: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr "Время создания: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr "Время сборки: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "Время установки: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr "Установил: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr "Изменил: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr "Аннотация: "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "Ссылка: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr "Лицензия: "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "Описание: "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "y"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "да"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "нет"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "Продолжить? [y/N]: "
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Коллекция: %s"
++msgstr "\nКоллекция: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " Код коллекции: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Описание: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr " Язык: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Обязательные пакеты:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Пакеты по умолчанию:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Опциональные пакеты:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Зависимые пакеты:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr " Установленные пакеты:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "пакет: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr "  У этого пакета нет зависимостей"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "  зависимость: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr "   Неудовлетворенная зависимость"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Совпадения с:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Лицензия    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Имя файла   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "Обеспечивает    : "
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Другое      : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "Произошла ошибка при подсчете общего объема загрузки"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Общий размер: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Объем загрузки: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "Объем изменений: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr "Ошибка при подсчете объема установки"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "Переустановка"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "Откат версии"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Установка зависимостей"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Обновление зависимостей"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Удаление зависимостей"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Пропущено (ошибка зависимостей)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "Не установлено"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Недоступно"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Пакет"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "пакет"
++msgstr[1] "пакета"
++msgstr[2] "пакетов"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Архитектура"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Версия"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Репозиторий "
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Размер"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr "     замена  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Результат операции\n"
++msgstr "\nИтого за операцию\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Установить %5.5s пакет(а,ов)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Установить"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Обновить %5.5s пакет(а,ов)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Обновить"
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Удалить %5.5s пакет(а,ов)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Удалить"
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Переустановить %5.5s пакет(а,ов)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Переустановить"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Откатить %5.5s пакет(а,ов)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Откатить"
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "зависимый"
++msgstr[1] "зависимых"
++msgstr[2] "зависимых"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Удалено"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Удалены зависимости"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Установлены зависимости"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Обновлены зависимости"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Заменено"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Неудача"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "двух"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Текущая загрузка отменена, %sпрервите (ctrl-c) повторно%s в течение %s%s%s секунд,\n"
+-"чтобы выйти.\n"
++msgstr "\n Текущая загрузка отменена, %sпрервите (ctrl-c) повторно%s в течение %s%s%s секунд,\nчтобы выйти.\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "прервано пользователем"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Общий размер"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<unset>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "Система"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr "Переход от %d к %d, т.к. сценарии пересекаются"
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr "Сценарии отсутствуют"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr "Заданы неверный код сценария или пакеты"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr "Командная строка"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr "Вход пользователя"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "Дата и время"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "Действия"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "Изменено"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Код действия не задан"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Код действия неверен"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr "Указанный код действия не найден"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr "Указано более одной операции!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr "Не задан код действия или пакет"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr "Откачено"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "Старее"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "Новее"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr "Код операции   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr "Время начала   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr "Начало rpmdb   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr "(%u секунд)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr "(%u минут)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr "(%u часов)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr "(%u дней)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "Конечное время :"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr "Конец rpmdb    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "Пользователь   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "Код возврата   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "Прекращено"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr "Ошибки:"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "Неудача:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "Успешно"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "Команда:"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr "Имеется дополнительная информация: %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr "Действие выполнено:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "Пакеты изменены:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "Пропущены пакеты:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Ошибки в rpmdb:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "Вывод сценария:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "Ошибки:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "Установка "
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr "Установка зависимостей"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr "Исключаем"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "Удаление"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "Переустановка"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr "Откат версии"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "Обновление"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "Время"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "За последний день"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "За последнюю неделю"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "За последние 2 недели"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "За последние 3 месяца"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "За последние 6 месяцев"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "За последний год"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "Более года назад"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr "Действие %s не найдено"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr "Код операции:"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "Имеется информация о ранних действиях:"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s: По этому названию других данных нет"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Пакет        :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "Состояние      :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Размер           :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "Узел сборки    :"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "Время сборки   :"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Сборщик        :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Поставщик      :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Лицензия        :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URL            :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "Исходный RPM     :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "Получено       :"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "Отправитель    :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "Причина         :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "Репозиторий    :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "Установлен   :"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "Изменен     :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "для установки"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+-msgstr "обновление"
++msgstr "как обновление"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "для удаления"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "для переустановки"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+-msgstr "откат"
++msgstr "как версия для отката"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+-msgstr "исключение"
++msgstr "для исключения"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "для обновления"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "как недействительный"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr "---> Пакет %s.%s %s:%s-%s помечен %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> Проверка сценария"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr "--> Перепроверка зависимостей с новыми параметрами."
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Проверка зависимостей окончена"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Обработка зависимостей: %s пакета: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> Сохранен пакет: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Неразрешённая зависимость: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "Пакет: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    Необходимо: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Необходимо: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        Не найдено"
++msgstr "\n        Не найдено"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "Обновил"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr "Откатил"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr "Заменил"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "Доступно"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> Обработка конфликта: %s конфликтует с %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+-msgstr ""
+-"--> Заполнение списка действий выбранными пакетами. Подождите, пожалуйста."
++msgstr "--> Заполнение списка действий выбранными пакетами. Подождите, пожалуйста."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr "---> Загрузка заголовка %s для включения в список."
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Проверка"
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Запуск"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Ожидание"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "Непрерываемый"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Зомби"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Трассировано/Остановлено"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Неизвестно"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  Другое приложение: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  Другое приложение: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Память   : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    Запущено : %s — %s назад"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    Статус   : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Выход по запросу пользователя"
++msgstr "\n\nВыход по запросу пользователя"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Выход из-за разрыва связи"
++msgstr "\n\nВыход из-за разрыва связи"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr "Другое приложение удерживает данные yum; выход согласно exit_on_lock"
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка PluginExit: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка Yum: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr " Вы можете попробовать --skip-broken чтобы обойти проблему"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr " Вы можете попробовать запустить: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Неизвестная ошибка(ошибки): Код выхода: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Зависимости определены"
++msgstr "\nЗависимости определены"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Выполнено!"
+@@ -1521,7 +1664,7 @@ msgstr " Сокращённое использование:\n"
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "Для выполнения этой команды необходимы привилегии суперпользователя."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1536,586 +1679,653 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Вы включили проверку пакетов при помощи ключей GPG. Это хорошо.\n"
+-"Однако, у вас не установлено публичных ключей GPG. Вам необходимо скачать\n"
+-"ключи для пакетов которые хотите установить, и затем запускать установку.\n"
+-"Вы можете выполнить это при помощи команды\n"
+-"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
+-"Вы также можете ввести адрес ключ, который будет использоваться\n"
+-"для репозитория. Опция 'gpgkey' в секции репозитория и Yum\n"
+-"установит его за Вас.\n"
+-"Чтобы узнать больше, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с поставщиком дистрибутива или пакета.\n"
++msgstr "\nВы включили проверку пакетов при помощи ключей GPG. Это хорошо.\nОднако, у вас не установлено публичных ключей GPG. Вам необходимо скачать\nключи для пакетов которые хотите установить, и затем запускать установку.\nВы можете выполнить это при помощи команды\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nВы также можете ввести адрес ключ, который будет использоваться\nдля репозитория. Опция 'gpgkey' в секции репозитория и Yum\nустановит его за Вас.\n\nЧтобы узнать больше, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с поставщиком дистрибутива или пакета.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Проблема с репозиторием: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: Необходимо указать список пакетов для %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: Необходим параметр для соответствия"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: нужна коллекция или список групп"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: очистка требует опции: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Ошибка: неверный параметр очистки: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "Нет аргумента для командной оболочки"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Имя файла принятое для командной оболочки: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Файл %s переданный в качестве аргумента для командной оболочки не "
++msgstr "Файл %s переданный в качестве аргумента для командной оболочки не существует."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ошибка: более чем один файл указан в качестве аргумента для командной "
++msgstr "Ошибка: более чем один файл указан в качестве аргумента для командной оболочки."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Все источники пакетов отключены.\n"
+-"Выполните «yum repolist all» для вывода списка доступных.\n"
+-"Включение производится командой yum-config-manager --enable [источник]"
++msgstr "Все источники пакетов отключены.\nВыполните «yum repolist all» для вывода списка доступных.\nВключение производится командой yum-config-manager --enable [источник]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "ПАКЕТ..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Установка пакета(ов) в систему"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "Подготовка к установке"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[ПАКЕТ...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Обновление пакета(ов) в системе"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "Подготовка к обновлению"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr "Обновить установленные пакеты до новейших доступных версий"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr "Подготовка к синхронизации"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Отобразить информацию о пакете или о коллекции пакетов"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Установленные пакеты"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Доступные пакеты"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Дополнительные пакеты"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Обновленные пакеты"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Исключенные пакеты"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Недавно добавленные пакеты"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "Совпадений среди пакетов не найдено"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Вывести список пакетов или коллекций пакетов"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Удаление пакета(ов) из системы"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "Подготовка к удалению"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Отображать и использовать данные о коллекциях"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "Подготовка к обработке коллекции"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "Коллекций пакетов к обработке нет"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Список доступных коллекций пакетов"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Установка коллекции пакетов в систему"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Некорректная команда для коллекции, используйте: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Удаление коллекции пакета(ов) из системы"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "Нет установленного файла групп."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Показать информацию о коллекции пакетов"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "У вас нет доступа к базе данных групп."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "Создание кэша метаданных"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "Создание кэша для всех метаданных файлов."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr "Это займет немного времени, в зависимости от скорости компьютера"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "Кэш метаданных создан"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "Удаление кэшированных данных"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "Найти пакет по заданному значению"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "Проверка доступных обновлений пакетов"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "Поиск информации о пакете по заданной строке"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "Поиск пакетов:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Обновить пакеты, учитывая недействительные"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Приготовления к процессу обновления"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Установка локального пакета"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "Подготовка действий с локальным пакетом"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Определяет какой пакет предоставляет данную зависимость"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "Поиск зависимых пакетов"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+-msgstr "Запуск интерактивной командной оболочки yum"
++msgstr "Запуск интерактивной командной оболочки Yum"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Настройка командной оболочки Yum"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "Отображение зависимостей пакета"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "Поиск зависимостей:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Отобразить сконфигурированные репозитории ПО"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "включено"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "отключено"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr "Код репозитория      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr "Имя репозитория      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "Состояние репозитория: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Ревизия репозитория  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "Метки репозитория    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Метки дистрибутива   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr "Репозиторий обновлен : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr "Пакеты репозитория   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "Размер репозитория   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr "baseurl репозитория  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "metalink репозитория : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  Обновлено          : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr "Зеркала репозитория  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Никогда (последний: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "момент (осталось:%s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s секунд(а) (осталось: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr "Окончание срока репозитория: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr "Исключения репозитория     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr "Включено в репозиторий     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr "Исключено из репозитория   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Файл репозитория:"
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "Идентификатор репозитория"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "состояние"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "репозиторий"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Отобразить подсказку к использованию"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "Помощь недоступна для %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"альтернативные названия: "
++msgstr "\n\nальтернативные названия: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"альтернативное название: "
++msgstr "\n\nальтернативное название: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "Подготовка к повторной установке"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "переустановка пакета"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Подготовка к откату версии"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "откат к предыдущей версии пакета"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr "Отображает версию для вашей архитектуры и/или доступные репозитории."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr " Группы версий Yum:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " Коллекция   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr " Пакеты      :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "Установлен(ы):"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr "Установлены коллекции:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Доступен(ы):"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "Доступны коллекции   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr "Отобразить (или использовать) журнал операций"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Транзакции:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "Время начала :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "Время оканчивания :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "Количество:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  база данных rpm :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  база данных Yum :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr "Неверная подкоманда журнала, используйте: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr "Нет доступа к спискам предыдущих действий."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Проверка проблем в базе данных RPM"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr "загрузить сохранённый сценарий из файла"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr "Не указан файл сценария."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr "загрузка сценария из %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr "Сценарий загружен из %s с %s членами"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr " Неудачных проверок Yum: %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
+-msgstr "Еще одно приложение, в настоящее время блокирует Yum. Подождите..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Чтение и запуск в текущем каталоге невозможны, переход в /"
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+-msgstr "Не удалось создать файл блокировки; завершение"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "В текущем каталоге нет доступа к getcwd(), переходим к /"
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "Разрешение зависимостей"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
+-msgstr "Сценарий сохранён, запускайте командой: yum-load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "Текущее действие сохранено. Чтобы повторить его, выполните:\n yum load-transaction %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Выход по запросу пользователя"
++msgstr "\n\nВыход по запросу пользователя"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() будет устранен в следующей версии Yum\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr "Составление списка действий до включения класса конфигурации"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "Неверный tsflag в конфигурационном файле: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "Поиск набора пакетов для зависимости: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Член: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s преобразован для установки"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "Добавление пакета %s в режиме %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "Удаление пакета %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s требуется: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s требуется %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+-msgstr "Необходимое требование уже было было уже найдено, сжульничаем"
++msgstr "Требуемые зависимости уже проверялись, обходим"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "Требуемая зависимость не является именем пакета. Поиск: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Возможный поставщик: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Режим %s для поставщика %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Режим для пакета, предоставяющего %s: %s"
+@@ -2123,1028 +2333,1142 @@ msgstr "Режим для пакета, предоставяющего %s: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr "Пробую обновить %s чтобы решить зависимость"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr "Не найдено путей обновления для %s. Срыв!"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s пакет необходимый для %s был помечен для удаления"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+-msgstr ""
+-"TSINFO: Замена устаревшего %s пакета пакетом %s чтобы разрешить зависимости."
++msgstr "TSINFO: Замена устаревшего %s пакета пакетом %s чтобы разрешить зависимости."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Обновление %s для разрешения зависимостей."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr "Не удается найти путь обновления зависимости для: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "Быстро подобран пакет %s в качестве требуемого для %s"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr "Зависимый пакет %s уже установлен и будет пропущен"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr "Пакет %s в сценарии новее доступного"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr "Более новый пакет %s уже установлен в систему."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "%s уже в списке к действию, пропускаем его"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s отмечен как обновление для %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Отмечен %s чтобы установить %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Успешно — пустой сценарий"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "Перезапуск цикла"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Завершение процесса разрешения зависимостей"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Успешно — зависимости определены"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "Проверка зависимостей для %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "поиск %s требуется для %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "Запуск compare_providers() для %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "Лучший архив в %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s исключает %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Сравнение archdist %s с %s в %s\n"
+-"  Лучший: %s"
++msgstr "Сравнение archdist %s с %s в %s\n  Лучший: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "общий источник RPM %s и %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr "базовый пакет %s установлен для %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "Общий префикс %s для %s и %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr "минимально: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "обеспечивает vercmp: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr "Лучший: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "минимально: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr "Худший (c %d): %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Лучший выбор: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() будет устранен в следующей версии Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr "Источник %r: Сбой обработки настроек: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr "Репозиторий %r  не имеет названия в конфигурации, используется ID"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "модули уже загружены"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() будет устранен в следующей версии Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "Чтение локальной базы данных RPM"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() будет устранен в следующей версии Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() будет устранен в следующей версии Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "Настройка набора пакетов"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr "Объект репозитория %s не имеет метода _resetSack\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "поэтому этот репозиторий не может быть сброшен.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() будет устранен в следующей версии Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "Построение объекта обновлений"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() будет устранен в следующей версии Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "Получение метаданных коллекции"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Добавление файла коллекций из репозитория: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка добавления файла коллекций для репозитория: %s — %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "Ни в одном репозитории нет доступных коллекций"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr "Загрузка метаданных меток пакета"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Добавление меток из репозитория: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка добавление меток пакета для репозитория: %s — %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "Импорт дополнительной информации о списке файлов"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "Программа %s%s%s найдена в пакете yum-utils."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Остались незавершенные действия. Возможно, сначала следует выполнить yum-"
+-"complete-transaction для их завершения."
++msgstr "Остались незавершенные действия. Возможно, сначала следует выполнить yum-complete-transaction для их завершения."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr "--> Поиск ненужных остаточных зависимостей"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr "Защищённые версии multilib: %s != %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr "Попытка удаления защищенного «%s»"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Пакеты пропущены из-за проблем с зависимостями:"
++msgstr "\nПакеты пропущены из-за проблем с зависимостями:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s из %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr "** Предварительно ошибок в rpmdb: %d, «yum check» выдает следующее:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+-msgstr "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: база данных RPM была изменена вне yum."
++msgstr "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: база данных RPM была изменена вне Yum."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr "недостающие зависимости"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr "установленный конфликтующий пакет"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+ msgstr "Внимание: в ходе операции возникли некоторые некритические ошибки."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr "Операция не начата:"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr "Невозможно выполнить действие."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "Невозможно удалить файл сценария %s"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s должен был быть установлен, но не был установлен!"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s должен был быть удален, но не был удален!"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Невозможно открыть блокировку %s: %s"
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgstr "Заблокировано %s: другая копия запущена с pid %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Невозможно проверить активен ли процесс %s"
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgstr "Вы не можете создать блокировку %s: %s "
+-#. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+-msgstr "Заблокировано %s: другая копия запущена pid %s."
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Невозможно открыть блокировку %s: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+-msgstr "Вы не можете создать блокировку %s: %s "
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Невозможно проверить активен ли процесс %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Пакет не соответствует предложенному для загрузки.\r\n"
+-"Предлагается запустить run yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr "Пакет не соответствует предложенному для загрузки.\r\nПредлагается выполнить: yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "Невозможно проверить контрольную сумму"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "Пакет не совпадает с контрольной суммой"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr "проверка контрольной суммы неудачна, но кэширование включено для %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "использование локальной копии %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Недостаточно места в директории %s\n"
+-"    * свободно   %s\n"
+-"    * необходимо %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "Заголовок не полный."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Заголовок не в локальном кэше. Включен режим только из кэша. Невозможно "
+-"загрузить %s"
++msgstr "Заголовок не в локальном кэше. Включен режим только из кэша. Невозможно загрузить %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "Публичный ключ для %s не установлен"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Проблема открытия пакета %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "Публичный ключ для %s не заслуживает доверия"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "Пакет %s не подписан"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "Невозможно удалить %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s удален(ы)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "Невозможно удалить %s файл %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s файл %s удален"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s файлы удалены"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d %s файл удален"
++msgstr[1] "%d %s файла удалены"
++msgstr[2] "%d %s файлов удалены"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "Более одного идентичных совпадений найдено в наборе для %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "Совпадений не найдено %s.%s %s:%s-%s из обновлений"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() будет убрано в следующей версии Yum."
+-"                          Используйте searchGenerator() взамен.  \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() будет убрано в следующей версии Yum.                          Используйте searchGenerator() взамен.  \n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "Поиск %d пакетов"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "Поиск %d пакета"
++msgstr[1] "Поиск %d пакетов"
++msgstr[2] "Поиск %d пакетов"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "поиск пакета %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "поиск среди файлов"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "поиск по содержимому"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "Для настроенных репозиториев данных коллекций нет"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Коллекции с названием %s не существует"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "пакет %s не отмечен в коллекции %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Пропуск пакета %s из группы %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "Добавление пакета %s из коллекции %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "Пакет с именем %s не доступен для установки"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
+-msgstr "Предупреждение: Группа %s не имеет никаких пакетов."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
++msgstr "Коллекция %s действительно содержит %u условных пакетов, и возможна их установка."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Коллекция %s действительно содержит %u условных пакетов, и возможна их "
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "Кортеж пакетов %s не найден в наборе пакетов"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Кортеж пакетов %s не найден в базе RPM"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr "Неверный флаг версии от: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "Пакет %s не найден"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "Package Object не является экземпляром объекта пакета"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "Ничего не отмечено для установки"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr "Проверка виртуального провайдера или файлового провайдера для %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "Совпадений с %s не найдено."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "Пакет %s уже установлен и недоступен"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "Нет доступных для установки пакетов"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "Пакет: %s — уже в списке к действию"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "Пакет %s недействителен из-за установленного %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+-msgstr "Пакет %s заменен %s, но последний не отвечает зависимостям"
++msgstr "Пакет %s заменён %s, но последний не отвечает зависимостям"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr "Пакет %s недействителен из-за %s, попытка установки %s взамен"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "Пакет %s уже установлен, и это последняя версия."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr "Пакет %s уже установлен. Проверка обновлений."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "Полное обновление"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Устаревший и уже необновляемый пакет: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Совпадений с %s не найдено."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Ни один пакет не отмечен для обновления: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Пакет уже устарел: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "Устаревший необновляемый пакет: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Необновленный пакет, который был обновлен ранее: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "Нет пакетов для удаления"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "Ни один пакет не отмечен для удаления: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr "Пропуск выполняющегося ядра: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr "Исключение %s из списка действий"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Невозможно открыть: %s. Пропуск."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Проверка %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Нельзя произвести localinstall deltarpm %s. Пропуск."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Невозможно добавить пакет %s в список действий. Несовместимая архитектура: "
++msgstr "Невозможно добавить пакет %s в список действий. Несовместимая архитектура: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr "Установка пакета %s невозможна. Его заменил установленный пакет %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Пакет %s не установлен, невозможно обновить его. Запустите yum install для "
+-"его установки."
++msgstr "Пакет %s не установлен, невозможно обновить его. Запустите yum install для его установки."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Пакет %s.%s не установлен, не возможно его обновить. Запустите yum install "
+-"чтобы установить вместо него."
++msgstr "Пакет %s.%s не установлен, не возможно его обновить. Запустите yum install чтобы установить вместо него."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "Исключаем %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "%s отмечен для установки"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "%s отмечен как обновление для %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: не обновляет установленный пакет."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Невозможно открыть файл %s. Пропуск."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr "Проблема при переустановке: не найден пакет для удаления"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr "Проблема при переустановке: пакет %s не найден для установки"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "Пакеты для отката версии отсутствуют"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "Пакет %s может быть повторно установлен, пропуск"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "Пакеты недоступны: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Только переход к следующей версии доступен для пакета: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка отката версии: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Не удалось обновить: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr "Получение ключа из %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "Неудача получения ключа GPG:"
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Подпись GPG ключа на ключе %s не совпадает с CA ключом для репозитория: %s"
++msgstr "Подпись GPG ключа на ключе %s не совпадает с CA ключом для репозитория: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr "Подпись GPG ключа проверена через CA ключ(и)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Неверный GPG ключ %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "Ошибка обработки GPG ключа: ключ не имеет значения %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Импорт %s ключа 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Импорт %s ключа 0x%s:\n Владелец   : \"%s\"\n Отпечаток  : %s\n Пакет      : %s (%s)\n Источник   : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Импорт %s ключа 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Импорт %s ключа 0x%s:\n Владелец   : \"%s\"\n Отпечаток  : %s\n Источник   : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Не удалось обработать пакет: %s\n Ключи GPG настроены так: %s\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "GPG ключ %s (0x%s) уже установлен"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "Неудача импорта ключа (code %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "Импорт ключа успешно завершен"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr "Не установлены какие-либо ключи"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"GPG ключи включены для репозитория \"%s\", но они не является правильными для данного пакета.\n"
+-"Пожалуйста, проверьте правильно ли настроены URL ключей для данного репозитория."
++msgstr "GPG ключи включены для репозитория \"%s\", но они не является правильными для данного пакета.\nПожалуйста, проверьте правильно ли настроены URL ключей для данного репозитория."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "Импорт ключа(ключей) не помог, неверный ключ(ключи)?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "Нет"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Да"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Ключ CA: %s\n Не удалось обработать репозиторий: %s\n Ключи GPG настроены так: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "GPG ключ из %s (0x%s) уже был импортирован"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "Импорт ключа неудачен"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "Импорт ключа %s не удался"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr "Не установлены какие-либо ключи для репозитория %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ключи подписей GPG для источника «%s» уже установлены, но они неверные.\n"
+-"Убедитесь в правильности заданных URL с ключами для этого источника."
++msgstr "Ключи подписей GPG для источника «%s» уже установлены, но они неверные.\n\r\nУбедитесь в правильности заданных URL с ключами для этого источника."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "Не удается найти подходящее зеркало"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Были обнаружены ошибки во время загрузки пакетов."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Пожалуйста, сообщите об этой ошибке в %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Ошибки проверки сценария:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr "Невозможно задать кэш-папку: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr "Зависимости не определены. Действие не будет сохранено."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Не удалось сохранить файл сценария %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr "Не удалось прочесть сохранённый сценарий %s : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr "Версия базы данных RPM не совпала с версией сценария,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr " игнорирование, как потребуется"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr " прерывание"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr "tsflags не найдены или не целочисленные."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr "Найден txmbr в неопределенном состоянии: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr "Не найден txmbr: %s в состоянии %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr "Не найден txmbr: %s %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr "Отсутствует часть сценария, нарушены связи, или сценарий изменился,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr " пропущено по требованию. Проверьте зависимости!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s уже проверен и его нельзя удалить."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "Проверка зависимостей версий %s"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s имеет зависимость от версии  %s, установленной пользователем."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "у %s нет зависимостей от версий, установленных пользователем."
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Загружены модули: "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "Нет модуля: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "Модуль \"%s\" не был загружен, поскольку отключен"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "Невозможен импорт модуля \"%s\""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "Модулем \"%s\" не указана требуемая версия API"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "Модуль \"%s\" требует API %s. Поддерживаемая API — %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "Загрузка модуля \"%s\""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr "В каталоге модулей обнаружено два или более с названием \"%s\""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "Конфигурационный файл %s не найден"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "Не найден файл настройки модуля %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "регистрация команд не поддерживается"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+-msgstr "имеет недостающие зависимости от"
++msgstr "требует недостающего"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr "конфликтует с установленными"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+-msgstr "%s совпадает с %s"
++msgstr "%s — то же, что и %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+-msgstr "%s заменен на %s"
++msgstr "%s заменён на %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr "%s предоставляет %s, но он не найден"
+@@ -3153,6 +3477,23 @@ msgstr "%s предоставляет %s, но он не найден"
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "Переупаковка"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Проверить: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Недостаточно места в директории %s\n    * свободно   %s\n    * необходимо %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3165,8 +3506,7 @@ msgstr "Контрольная сумма md5 пакета %s не совпад
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Невозможно открыть базу RPM для чтения. Возможно база уже используется."
++msgstr "Невозможно открыть базу RPM для чтения. Возможно база уже используется."
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+@@ -3182,5 +3522,3 @@ msgstr "Поврежденный заголовок %s"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Невозможно открыть пакет %s — ошибка %s"
+diff --git a/po/sk.po b/po/sk.po
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ccee18e
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/po/sk.po
+@@ -0,0 +1,3522 @@
++# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
++# Translators:
++# Tomáš Vadina <kyberdev@gmail.com>, 2011-2012.
++msgid ""
++msgstr ""
++"Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Slovak (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/sk/)\n"
++"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
++"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
++"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++"Language: sk\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++msgid "Updating"
++msgstr "Aktualizuje sa"
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++msgid "Erasing"
++msgstr "Odstraňuje sa"
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
++msgid "Installing"
++msgstr "Inštaluje sa"
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++msgid "Obsoleted"
++msgstr "Zastaralo"
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
++msgid "Updated"
++msgstr "Aktualizované"
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
++msgid "Erased"
++msgstr "Zmazané"
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
++msgid "Installed"
++msgstr "Nainštalované"
++#: ../callback.py:142
++msgid "No header - huh?"
++msgstr "Bez hlavičky???"
++#: ../callback.py:180
++msgid "Repackage"
++msgstr "Prebaliť"
++#: ../callback.py:201
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
++msgstr "Chyba: neplatný výstupný stav: %s pre %s"
++#: ../callback.py:224
++#, python-format
++msgid "Erased: %s"
++msgstr "Zmazané: %s"
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
++msgid "Removing"
++msgstr "Odstraňuje sa"
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++msgid "Cleanup"
++msgstr "Čistí sa"
++#: ../cli.py:122
++#, python-format
++msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
++msgstr "Príkaz \"%s\" je už definovaný"
++#: ../cli.py:137
++msgid "Setting up repositories"
++msgstr "Príprava repozitárov"
++#: ../cli.py:148
++msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
++msgstr "Načítanie metadát repozitárov z miestnych súborov"
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
++#, python-format
++msgid "Config Error: %s"
++msgstr "Chyba nastavenia: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
++#, python-format
++msgid "Options Error: %s"
++msgstr "Chybná možnosť: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:327
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
++msgstr "  Nainštalované: %s-%s na %s"
++#: ../cli.py:329
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
++msgstr "  Zostavené    : %s na %s"
++#: ../cli.py:331
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
++msgstr "  Odoslané: %s na %s"
++#: ../cli.py:372
++msgid "You need to give some command"
++msgstr "Je potrebné zadať nejaký príkaz"
++#: ../cli.py:386
++#, python-format
++msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
++msgstr "Neexistujúci príkaz: %s. Prosím použite príkaz %s --help"
++#: ../cli.py:444
++msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
++msgstr "Požiadavky disku:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:446
++#, python-format
++msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "  Je potrebných aspoň o %dMB viac miesta na súborov systéme %s.\n"
++msgstr[1] "  Je potrebných aspoň o %dMB viac miesta na súborov systéme %s.\n"
++msgstr[2] "  Je potrebných aspoň o %dMB viac miesta na súborov systéme %s.\n"
++#. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
++#. Fixup the summary
++#: ../cli.py:451
++msgid ""
++"Error Summary\n"
++msgstr "Prehľad chýb\n------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Nie je možné vytvoriť zamknutý súbor; ukončuje sa"
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Zámok pre yum teraz drží iná aplikácia; ukončenie kvôli nastavenému exit_on_lock"
++#: ../cli.py:532
++msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
++msgstr "Pokus o spustenie transakcie, ale nie je čo vykonať. Ukončenie."
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " ignorované, ako bolo žiadané."
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr " prerušené."
++#: ../cli.py:588
++msgid "Exiting on user Command"
++msgstr "Ukončenie na príkaz používateľa"
++#: ../cli.py:592
++msgid "Downloading Packages:"
++msgstr "Sťahovanie balíčkov:"
++#: ../cli.py:597
++msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
++msgstr "Chyba pri sťahovaní balíčkov:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
++msgid "Running Transaction Check"
++msgstr "Spustená kontrola transakcie"
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
++msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
++msgstr "CHYBA Je potrebné aktualizovať rpm k vykonaniu:"
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
++msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
++msgstr "CHYBA pri kontrole transakcie a riešení závislostí:"
++#: ../cli.py:633
++msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
++msgstr "Je potrebné aktualizovať RPM"
++#: ../cli.py:634
++#, python-format
++msgid "Please report this error in %s"
++msgstr "Oznámte prosím túto chybu na %s"
++#: ../cli.py:640
++msgid "Running Transaction Test"
++msgstr "Spustený test transakcie"
++#: ../cli.py:652
++msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
++msgstr "Chyba pri kontrole transakcie:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:659
++msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
++msgstr "Test transakcie v poriadku"
++#: ../cli.py:691
++msgid "Running Transaction"
++msgstr "Transakcia spustená"
++#: ../cli.py:724
++msgid ""
++"Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
++"Use \"-y\" to override."
++msgstr "Nie je možné automaticky importovať kľúče pri spustení bez obsluhy.\nPoužite \"-y\" k potlačeniu."
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
++msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
++msgstr "  * Možno ste mysleli: "
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
++msgstr "Balíček(y) %s%s%s dostupný(é), ale nenainštalované."
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
++msgstr "Balíček %s%s%s nie je dostupný."
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíčkov na inštaláciu"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíček na inštaláciu"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčky na inštaláciu"
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
++msgid "Nothing to do"
++msgstr "Nie je čo vykonať"
++#: ../cli.py:953
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíčkov označených pre aktualizáciu"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíček označený pre aktualizáciu"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčky označené pre aktualizáciu"
++#: ../cli.py:955
++msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
++msgstr "Neboli označené žiadne balíčky pre aktualizáciu"
++#: ../cli.py:1067
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíčkov označených pre synchronizáciu distribúcie"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíček označený pre synchronizáciu distribúcie"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčky označené pre synchronizáciu distribúcie"
++#: ../cli.py:1069
++msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr "Neboli označené žiadne balíčky pre synchronizáciu distribúcie"
++#: ../cli.py:1124
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíčkov označených pre odstránenie"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíček označený pre odstránenie"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčky označené pre odstránenie"
++#: ../cli.py:1126
++msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
++msgstr "Neboli označené žiadne balíčky pre odstránenie"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíčkov na downgrade"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíček na downgrade"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčky na downgrade"
++#: ../cli.py:1207
++#, python-format
++msgid " (from %s)"
++msgstr " (z %s)"
++#: ../cli.py:1208
++#, python-format
++msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
++msgstr "Inštalovaný balíček %s%s%s%s nie je dostupný."
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíčkov na preinštalovanie"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíček na preinštalovanie"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčky na preinštalovanie"
++#: ../cli.py:1246
++msgid "No Packages Provided"
++msgstr "Neposkytnuté žiadne balíčky"
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Balíček(y) na inštaláciu"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
++#, python-format
++msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
++msgstr "Meno/súhrn zodpovedá: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1384
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr "  Vyhľadané %siba%s podľa mena a súhrnu, použite \"search all\" pre úplné hľadanie."
++#: ../cli.py:1386
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr "  Vyhľadané %siba%s podľa plného mena a súhrnu, použite \"search all\" pre úplné hľadanie."
++#: ../cli.py:1404
++#, python-format
++msgid "Matched: %s"
++msgstr "Zhoda: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1411
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr "  Vyhľadané %shlavne%s podľa mena a súhrnu, použite \"search all\" pre úplné hľadanie."
++#: ../cli.py:1415
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
++msgstr "Varovanie: Nenájdená žiadna zhoda pre: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1418
++msgid "No Matches found"
++msgstr "Nebola nájdená žiadna zhoda"
++#: ../cli.py:1536
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "Chyba: Neboli nájdené žiadne balíčky pre:\n  %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1572
++msgid "Cleaning repos: "
++msgstr "Čistenie repozitárov:"
++#: ../cli.py:1577
++msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
++msgstr "Čistenie všetkého"
++#: ../cli.py:1593
++msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
++msgstr "Čistenie hlavičiek"
++#: ../cli.py:1596
++msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
++msgstr "Čistenie balíčkov"
++#: ../cli.py:1599
++msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
++msgstr "Čistenie xml metadát"
++#: ../cli.py:1602
++msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
++msgstr "Čistenie dočasnej pamäte databázy"
++#: ../cli.py:1605
++msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
++msgstr "Čistenie zastaralých metadát"
++#: ../cli.py:1608
++msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
++msgstr "Čistenie dočasných dát rpmdb"
++#: ../cli.py:1611
++msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
++msgstr "Čistenie zásuvných modulov"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1735
++msgid "Installed Groups:"
++msgstr "Nainštalované skupiny:"
++#: ../cli.py:1742
++msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
++msgstr "Nainštalované jazykové skupiny:"
++#: ../cli.py:1749
++msgid "Available Groups:"
++msgstr "Dostupné skupiny:"
++#: ../cli.py:1756
++msgid "Available Language Groups:"
++msgstr "Dostupné jazykové skupiny:"
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
++msgid "Done"
++msgstr "Dokončené"
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Varovanie: Skupina %s neexistuje."
++#: ../cli.py:1883
++msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
++msgstr "V žiadnej z požadovaných skupín nie sú balíčky na inštaláciu alebo aktualizáciu"
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíčkov na inštaláciu"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíček na inštaláciu"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčky na inštaláciu"
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
++#, python-format
++msgid "No group named %s exists"
++msgstr "Skupina s názvom %s neexistuje"
++#: ../cli.py:1945
++msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
++msgstr "V skupine nie sú balíčky na odstránenie"
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d balíčkov na odstránenie"
++msgstr[1] "%d balíček na odstránenie"
++msgstr[2] "%d balíčky na odstránenie"
++#: ../cli.py:1988
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
++msgstr "Balíček %s je už nainštalovaný, preskočí sa"
++#: ../cli.py:1999
++#, python-format
++msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
++msgstr "Zahodenie neporovnateľného balíčka %s.%s"
++#. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
++#: ../cli.py:2025
++#, python-format
++msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
++msgstr "Žiadny iný %s nainštalovaný, pridaný do zoznamu pre potencionálnu inštaláciu"
++#: ../cli.py:2045
++msgid "Plugin Options"
++msgstr "Možnosti zásuvného modulu"
++#: ../cli.py:2057
++#, python-format
++msgid "Command line error: %s"
++msgstr "Chyba príkazového riadka: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:2079
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"%s: %s option requires an argument"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: %s možnosť vyžaduje argument"
++#: ../cli.py:2147
++msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
++msgstr "--color môže byť jedno z: auto, always, never"
++#. We have a relative installroot ... haha
++#: ../cli.py:2218
++#, python-format
++msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
++msgstr "--installroot musí byť absolútna cesta: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:2272
++msgid "show this help message and exit"
++msgstr "zobraziť tohoto pomocníka a ukončiť"
++#: ../cli.py:2276
++msgid "be tolerant of errors"
++msgstr "tolerovať chyby"
++#: ../cli.py:2279
++msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
++msgstr "spustiť všetko z dočasnej systémovej pamäte, bez jej aktualizácie"
++#: ../cli.py:2282
++msgid "config file location"
++msgstr "umiestnenie konfiguračného súboru"
++#: ../cli.py:2285
++msgid "maximum command wait time"
++msgstr "maximálny čas čakania na príkaz"
++#: ../cli.py:2287
++msgid "debugging output level"
++msgstr "úroveň výpisu ladiacich informácií"
++#: ../cli.py:2291
++msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
++msgstr "zobraziť duplikáty v repozitároch, v príkazoch list/search"
++#: ../cli.py:2296
++msgid "error output level"
++msgstr "úroveň výpisu chýb"
++#: ../cli.py:2299
++msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
++msgstr "úroveň výpisu ladiacich informácií pre rpm"
++#: ../cli.py:2302
++msgid "quiet operation"
++msgstr "tichá operácia"
++#: ../cli.py:2304
++msgid "verbose operation"
++msgstr "podrobná operácia"
++#: ../cli.py:2306
++msgid "answer yes for all questions"
++msgstr "odpovedať na všetky otázy áno"
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "odpovedať na všetky otázky nie"
++#: ../cli.py:2312
++msgid "show Yum version and exit"
++msgstr "zobraziť verziu Yumu a ukončiť"
++#: ../cli.py:2313
++msgid "set install root"
++msgstr "nastaviť koreň inštalácie"
++#: ../cli.py:2317
++msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
++msgstr "povoliť jeden alebo viac repozitárov (zástupné znaky sú povolené)"
++#: ../cli.py:2321
++msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
++msgstr "zakázať jeden alebo viac repozitárov (zástupné znaky sú povolené)"
++#: ../cli.py:2324
++msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
++msgstr "vynechať balíček(y) podľa mena alebo výrazu"
++#: ../cli.py:2326
++msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
++msgstr "zakázať vynechanie z hlavnej časti, pre repozitár alebo pre všetko"
++#: ../cli.py:2329
++msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
++msgstr "povoliť spracovanie zastaralých počas aktualizácie"
++#: ../cli.py:2331
++msgid "disable Yum plugins"
++msgstr "zakázať zásuvné moduly Yumu"
++#: ../cli.py:2333
++msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
++msgstr "zakázať kontrolu GPG podpisov"
++#: ../cli.py:2335
++msgid "disable plugins by name"
++msgstr "zakázať zásuvné moduly podľa mena"
++#: ../cli.py:2338
++msgid "enable plugins by name"
++msgstr "povoliť zásuvné moduly podľa mena"
++#: ../cli.py:2341
++msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
++msgstr "preskočiť balíčky s problémamy v závislostiach"
++#: ../cli.py:2343
++msgid "control whether color is used"
++msgstr "kontrolovať či sú použité farby"
++#: ../cli.py:2345
++msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
++msgstr "nastaviť hodnotu $releasever v nastaveniach yumu a súboroch repozitárov"
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
++msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
++msgstr "nastaviť doplnkové nastavenia a možnosti repozitára"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Jan"
++msgstr "Jan"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Feb"
++msgstr "Feb"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Mar"
++msgstr "Mar"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Apr"
++msgstr "Apr"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "May"
++msgstr "Máj"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Jun"
++msgstr "Jún"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Jul"
++msgstr "Júl"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Aug"
++msgstr "Aug"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Sep"
++msgstr "Sep"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Oct"
++msgstr "Okt"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Nov"
++msgstr "Nov"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Dec"
++msgstr "Dec"
++#: ../output.py:473
++msgid "Trying other mirror."
++msgstr "Skúsi sa iné zrkadlo."
++#: ../output.py:816
++#, python-format
++msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
++msgstr "Názov        : %s%s%s"
++#: ../output.py:817
++#, python-format
++msgid "Arch        : %s"
++msgstr "Architektúra        : %s"
++#: ../output.py:819
++#, python-format
++msgid "Epoch       : %s"
++msgstr "Epocha       : %s"
++#: ../output.py:820
++#, python-format
++msgid "Version     : %s"
++msgstr "Verzia     : %s"
++#: ../output.py:821
++#, python-format
++msgid "Release     : %s"
++msgstr "Vydanie     : %s"
++#: ../output.py:822
++#, python-format
++msgid "Size        : %s"
++msgstr "Veľkosť        : %s"
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repo        : %s"
++msgstr "Repozitár        : %s"
++#: ../output.py:825
++#, python-format
++msgid "From repo   : %s"
++msgstr "Z repozitára   : %s"
++#: ../output.py:827
++#, python-format
++msgid "Committer   : %s"
++msgstr "Odosielateľ   : %s"
++#: ../output.py:828
++#, python-format
++msgid "Committime  : %s"
++msgstr "Čas odoslania  : %s"
++#: ../output.py:829
++#, python-format
++msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
++msgstr "Čas vytvorenia   : %s"
++#: ../output.py:831
++#, python-format
++msgid "Install time: %s"
++msgstr "Čas inštalácie: %s"
++#: ../output.py:839
++#, python-format
++msgid "Installed by: %s"
++msgstr "Nainštaloval: %s"
++#: ../output.py:846
++#, python-format
++msgid "Changed by  : %s"
++msgstr "Zmenil  : %s"
++#: ../output.py:847
++msgid "Summary     : "
++msgstr "Súhrn     : "
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
++#, python-format
++msgid "URL         : %s"
++msgstr "URL         : %s"
++#: ../output.py:850
++msgid "License     : "
++msgstr "Licencia     : "
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
++msgid "Description : "
++msgstr "Popis : "
++#: ../output.py:969
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "a"
++#: ../output.py:969
++msgid "yes"
++msgstr "áno"
++#: ../output.py:970
++msgid "n"
++msgstr "n"
++#: ../output.py:970
++msgid "no"
++msgstr "nie"
++#: ../output.py:974
++msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
++msgstr "Je to v poriadku [a/N]"
++#: ../output.py:1097
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Group: %s"
++msgstr "\nSkupina: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1101
++#, python-format
++msgid " Group-Id: %s"
++msgstr " ID skupiny: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
++#, python-format
++msgid " Description: %s"
++msgstr " Popis: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1124
++#, python-format
++msgid " Language: %s"
++msgstr " Jazyk: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1126
++msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
++msgstr " Povinné balíčky:"
++#: ../output.py:1127
++msgid " Default Packages:"
++msgstr " Predvolené balíčky:"
++#: ../output.py:1128
++msgid " Optional Packages:"
++msgstr " Voliteľné balíčky:"
++#: ../output.py:1129
++msgid " Conditional Packages:"
++msgstr " Podmienené balíčky:"
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr " Nainštalované balíčky:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
++#, python-format
++msgid "package: %s"
++msgstr "balíček: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1219
++msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
++msgstr "  Pre balíček nie sú žiadne závislosti"
++#: ../output.py:1224
++#, python-format
++msgid "  dependency: %s"
++msgstr "  závislosť: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1226
++msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
++msgstr "   Nevyriešené závislosti"
++#: ../output.py:1337
++msgid "Matched from:"
++msgstr "Zhoda z:"
++#: ../output.py:1348
++#, python-format
++msgid "License     : %s"
++msgstr "Licencia     : %s"
++#: ../output.py:1351
++#, python-format
++msgid "Filename    : %s"
++msgstr "Názov súboru    : %s"
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "Poskytovateľ    : "
++#: ../output.py:1363
++msgid "Other       : "
++msgstr "Iné       : "
++#: ../output.py:1426
++msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
++msgstr "Pri výpočte celkovej veľkosti pre sťahovanie nastala chyba"
++#: ../output.py:1431
++#, python-format
++msgid "Total size: %s"
++msgstr "Celková veľkosť: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1433
++#, python-format
++msgid "Total download size: %s"
++msgstr "Celková veľkosť pre stiahnutie: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
++#, python-format
++msgid "Installed size: %s"
++msgstr "Nainštalovaná veľkosť: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1454
++msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
++msgstr "Pri výpočte veľkosti po inštalácii nastala chyba"
++#: ../output.py:1504
++msgid "Reinstalling"
++msgstr "Preinštalovanie"
++#: ../output.py:1505
++msgid "Downgrading"
++msgstr "Downgrade"
++#: ../output.py:1506
++msgid "Installing for dependencies"
++msgstr "Inštalácia kvôli závislostiam"
++#: ../output.py:1507
++msgid "Updating for dependencies"
++msgstr "Aktualizácia kvôli závislostiam"
++#: ../output.py:1508
++msgid "Removing for dependencies"
++msgstr "Odstránenie kvôli závislostiam"
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
++msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
++msgstr "Preskočené (problémy so závislosťou)"
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
++msgid "Not installed"
++msgstr "Nenainštalované"
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
++msgid "Not available"
++msgstr "Nedostupné"
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
++msgid "Package"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "Balíček"
++msgstr[1] "Balíčky"
++msgstr[2] "Balíčkov"
++#: ../output.py:1540
++msgid "Arch"
++msgstr "Arch"
++#: ../output.py:1541
++msgid "Version"
++msgstr "Verzia"
++#: ../output.py:1541
++msgid "Repository"
++msgstr "Repozitár"
++#: ../output.py:1542
++msgid "Size"
++msgstr "Veľ."
++#: ../output.py:1554
++#, python-format
++msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
++msgstr "     nahradzuje sa  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
++#: ../output.py:1563
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Transaction Summary\n"
++msgstr "\nZhrnutie transakcie\n%s\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Inštalovať"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Upgrade"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Odstrániť"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Preinštalovať"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Downgrade"
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Závislé balíčky"
++msgstr[1] "Závislý balíček"
++msgstr[2] "Závislé balíčky"
++#: ../output.py:1666
++msgid "Removed"
++msgstr "Odstránené"
++#: ../output.py:1667
++msgid "Dependency Removed"
++msgstr "Odstránené závislosti"
++#: ../output.py:1669
++msgid "Dependency Installed"
++msgstr "Nainštalované závislosti"
++#: ../output.py:1671
++msgid "Dependency Updated"
++msgstr "Aktualizované závislosti"
++#: ../output.py:1673
++msgid "Replaced"
++msgstr "Nahradené"
++#: ../output.py:1674
++msgid "Failed"
++msgstr "Zlyhalo"
++#. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
++#: ../output.py:1764
++msgid "two"
++msgstr "dva"
++#. For translators: This is output like:
++#. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
++#. to exit.
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
++"to exit.\n"
++msgstr "\n Aktuálne sťahovanie zrušené, %sprerušiť (ctrl-c) znova%s počas %s%s%s sekúnd\nto exit.\n"
++#: ../output.py:1786
++msgid "user interrupt"
++msgstr "Prerušené používateľom"
++#: ../output.py:1812
++msgid "Total"
++msgstr "Celkovo"
++#: ../output.py:1834
++msgid "I"
++msgstr "I"
++#: ../output.py:1835
++msgid "O"
++msgstr "O"
++#: ../output.py:1836
++msgid "E"
++msgstr "E"
++#: ../output.py:1837
++msgid "R"
++msgstr "R"
++#: ../output.py:1838
++msgid "D"
++msgstr "D"
++#: ../output.py:1839
++msgid "U"
++msgstr "U"
++#: ../output.py:1853
++msgid "<unset>"
++msgstr "<nenastavené>"
++#: ../output.py:1854
++msgid "System"
++msgstr "Systém"
++#: ../output.py:1923
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
++msgstr "preskočenie zlúčenej transakcie %d až %d, pretože sú v presahu"
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
++msgid "No transactions"
++msgstr "Žiadne transakcie"
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
++msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
++msgstr "Zadané chybné ID transakcie, alebo balíčka(ov)"
++#: ../output.py:2007
++msgid "Command line"
++msgstr "Príkazový riadok"
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
++msgid "Login user"
++msgstr "Prihlásený používateľ"
++#. REALLY Needs to use columns!
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
++msgid "ID"
++msgstr "ID"
++#: ../output.py:2012
++msgid "Date and time"
++msgstr "Dátum a čas"
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
++msgid "Action(s)"
++msgstr "Akcia(e)"
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
++msgid "Altered"
++msgstr "Pozmenené"
++#: ../output.py:2061
++msgid "No transaction ID given"
++msgstr "Nezadané ID transakcie"
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
++msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
++msgstr "Chybné ID transakcie"
++#: ../output.py:2092
++msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
++msgstr "Zadané ID transakcie nenájdené"
++#: ../output.py:2100
++msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
++msgstr "Nájdených viac než jedno ID transakcie!"
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
++msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
++msgstr "Nebolo nájdené ID transakcie alebo balíčka(ov)"
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
++msgid "Downgraded"
++msgstr "Downgradované"
++#: ../output.py:2224
++msgid "Older"
++msgstr "Staršie"
++#: ../output.py:2224
++msgid "Newer"
++msgstr "Novšie"
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
++msgid "Transaction ID :"
++msgstr "ID transakcie :"
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
++msgid "Begin time     :"
++msgstr "Počiatočný čas     :"
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
++msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
++msgstr "Začiatok rpmdb    :"
++#: ../output.py:2286
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u seconds)"
++msgstr "(%u sekúnd)"
++#: ../output.py:2288
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u minutes)"
++msgstr "(%u minút)"
++#: ../output.py:2290
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u hours)"
++msgstr "(%u hodín)"
++#: ../output.py:2292
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u days)"
++msgstr "(%u dní)"
++#: ../output.py:2293
++msgid "End time       :"
++msgstr "Čas ukončenia       :"
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
++msgid "End rpmdb      :"
++msgstr "Koniec rpmdb      :"
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
++msgid "User           :"
++msgstr "Používateľ           :"
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
++msgid "Return-Code    :"
++msgstr "Návratový kód    :"
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
++msgid "Aborted"
++msgstr "Prerušené"
++#: ../output.py:2310
++msgid "Failures:"
++msgstr "Zlyhania:"
++#: ../output.py:2314
++msgid "Failure:"
++msgstr "Zlyhanie:"
++#: ../output.py:2316
++msgid "Success"
++msgstr "Úspešné"
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
++msgid "Command Line   :"
++msgstr "Príkazový riadok   :"
++#: ../output.py:2332
++#, python-format
++msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
++msgstr "Uložená neštandardná prídavná informácia: %d"
++#. This is _possible_, but not common
++#: ../output.py:2337
++msgid "Transaction performed with:"
++msgstr "Transakcia vykonaná s:"
++#: ../output.py:2341
++msgid "Packages Altered:"
++msgstr "Pozmenené balíčky:"
++#: ../output.py:2345
++msgid "Packages Skipped:"
++msgstr "Preskočené balíčky:"
++#: ../output.py:2353
++msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
++msgstr "Problémy rpmdb:"
++#: ../output.py:2364
++msgid "Scriptlet output:"
++msgstr "Výstup skriptletu:"
++#: ../output.py:2370
++msgid "Errors:"
++msgstr "Chyby:"
++#: ../output.py:2378
++msgid "Dep-Install"
++msgstr "Inštalovať závislosti"
++#: ../output.py:2380
++msgid "Obsoleting"
++msgstr "Zastaralé"
++#: ../output.py:2381
++msgid "Erase"
++msgstr "Zmazať"
++#: ../output.py:2385
++msgid "Update"
++msgstr "Aktualizovať"
++#: ../output.py:2459
++msgid "Time"
++msgstr "Čas"
++#: ../output.py:2485
++msgid "Last day"
++msgstr "Posledný deň"
++#: ../output.py:2486
++msgid "Last week"
++msgstr "Posledný týždeň"
++#: ../output.py:2487
++msgid "Last 2 weeks"
++msgstr "Posledné 2 týždne"
++#. US default :p
++#: ../output.py:2488
++msgid "Last 3 months"
++msgstr "Posledné 3 mesiace"
++#: ../output.py:2489
++msgid "Last 6 months"
++msgstr "Posledných 6 mesiacov"
++#: ../output.py:2490
++msgid "Last year"
++msgstr "Posledný rok"
++#: ../output.py:2491
++msgid "Over a year ago"
++msgstr "Viac než rok"
++#: ../output.py:2538
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Transaction %s found"
++msgstr "Nenájdená žiadna transakcia %s"
++#: ../output.py:2544
++msgid "Transaction ID:"
++msgstr "ID transakcie:"
++#: ../output.py:2545
++msgid "Available additional history information:"
++msgstr "Ďalšia dostupná informácia z histórie:"
++#: ../output.py:2558
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
++msgstr "%s: Nenájdené ďalšie dáta tohoto mena"
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Balíček       :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "Stav          :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Veľkosť           :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "Hostiteľ zostavenia     :"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "Čas zostavenia     :"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Zabalil       :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Dodávateľ         :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Licencia        :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URL            :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "Zdroj RPM     :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "Čas odoslania    :"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "Odosielateľ      :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "Dôvod         :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "Z repozitára      :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "Nainštaloval   :"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "Zmenil     :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
++msgid "installed"
++msgstr "nainštalovaný"
++#: ../output.py:2768
++msgid "an update"
++msgstr "novou aktualizáciou"
++#: ../output.py:2769
++msgid "erased"
++msgstr "zmazaný"
++#: ../output.py:2770
++msgid "reinstalled"
++msgstr "preinštalovaný"
++#: ../output.py:2771
++msgid "a downgrade"
++msgstr "downgradovaný"
++#: ../output.py:2772
++msgid "obsoleting"
++msgstr "nahradený"
++#: ../output.py:2773
++msgid "updated"
++msgstr "aktualizovaný"
++#: ../output.py:2774
++msgid "obsoleted"
++msgstr "zastaralý"
++#: ../output.py:2778
++#, python-format
++msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
++msgstr "---> Balíček %s.%s %s:%s-%s bude %s"
++#: ../output.py:2789
++msgid "--> Running transaction check"
++msgstr "--> Kontrola transakcie spustená"
++#: ../output.py:2795
++msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
++msgstr "--> Reštartovanie riešenia závislostí s novými zmenami."
++#: ../output.py:2801
++msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
++msgstr "--> Riešenie závislostí dokončené"
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
++#, python-format
++msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
++msgstr "--> Spracovanie závislostí: %s pre balíček: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2841
++#, python-format
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2850
++#, python-format
++msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
++msgstr "--> Nevyriešené závislosti: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2867
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s"
++msgstr "Balíček: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2869
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"    Requires: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Vyžaduje: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2878
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
++#: ../output.py:2883
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
++#: ../output.py:2885
++msgid ""
++"        Not found"
++msgstr "\n        Nenájdené"
++#. These should be the only three things we care about:
++#: ../output.py:2900
++msgid "Updated By"
++msgstr "Aktualizoval"
++#: ../output.py:2901
++msgid "Downgraded By"
++msgstr "Downgradoval"
++#: ../output.py:2902
++msgid "Obsoleted By"
++msgstr "Zastarol"
++#: ../output.py:2920
++msgid "Available"
++msgstr "Dostupné"
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
++#, python-format
++msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
++msgstr "--> Spracovanie konfliktov: %s je v konfilkte s %s"
++#: ../output.py:2974
++msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
++msgstr "--> Do transakcie sú pridávané vybrané balíčky. Čakajte prosím."
++#: ../output.py:2983
++#, python-format
++msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
++msgstr "---> Sťahovanie hlavičiek %s pre pridanie do transakcie."
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Overuje sa"
++#: ../utils.py:123
++msgid "Running"
++msgstr "Beží"
++#: ../utils.py:124
++msgid "Sleeping"
++msgstr "Spí"
++#: ../utils.py:125
++msgid "Uninterruptible"
++msgstr "Neprerušiteľné"
++#: ../utils.py:126
++msgid "Zombie"
++msgstr "Zombie"
++#: ../utils.py:127
++msgid "Traced/Stopped"
++msgstr "Trasovaný/zastavený"
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
++msgid "Unknown"
++msgstr "Neznámy"
++#: ../utils.py:153
++msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
++msgstr "  Iná aplikácia je: PackageKit"
++#: ../utils.py:155
++#, python-format
++msgid "  The other application is: %s"
++msgstr "  Iná aplikácia je: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:158
++#, python-format
++msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
++msgstr "    Pamäť  : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
++#: ../utils.py:163
++#, python-format
++msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
++msgstr "    Spustené: %s - pred %s"
++#: ../utils.py:165
++#, python-format
++msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
++msgstr "    Stav   : %s, pid: %d"
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
++msgid ""
++"Exiting on user cancel"
++msgstr "\n\nUkončené na príkaz používateľa"
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
++msgid ""
++"Exiting on Broken Pipe"
++msgstr "\n\nUkončené prerušením rúry"
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
++#: ../utils.py:326
++#, python-format
++msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
++msgstr "Chyba PluginExit: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:329
++#, python-format
++msgid "Yum Error: %s"
++msgstr "Chyba Yumu: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: %s"
++msgstr "Chyba: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
++msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
++msgstr " Pre obídenie problému môžete skúsiť možnosť --skip-broken"
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
++msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
++msgstr " Môžete skúsiť spustiť: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
++msgstr "Neznáma chyba/y: Výstupný kód: %d:"
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
++msgid ""
++"Dependencies Resolved"
++msgstr "\nZávislosti vyriešené."
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
++msgid "Complete!"
++msgstr "Dokončené!"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:42
++msgid " Mini usage:\n"
++msgstr " Mini použitie:\n"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:52
++msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
++msgstr "Musíte byť root pre vykonanie tohoto príkazu."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
++msgid ""
++"You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
++"However, you do not have any GPG public keys installed. You need to download\n"
++"the keys for packages you wish to install and install them.\n"
++"You can do that by running the command:\n"
++"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
++"Alternatively you can specify the url to the key you would like to use\n"
++"for a repository in the 'gpgkey' option in a repository section and yum \n"
++"will install it for you.\n"
++"For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
++msgstr "\nJe povolená kontrola balíčkov pomocou GPG kľúčov, čo je dobrá vec.\nNie je však nainštalovaný žiadny verejný GPG kľúč. Musíte stiahnuť\nkľúč pre balíček, ktorý si prajete nainštalovať a pridať ho príkazom\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nAko druhú možnosť môžete uviesť URL ku kľúču, ktorý chcete použiť\npre repozitár vo voľbě 'gpgkey' v nastaveniach repozitára, a yum\nho nainštaluje.\n\nViac informácií získate u svojho distribútora alebo správcu balíčkov.\n"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
++#, python-format
++msgid "Problem repository: %s"
++msgstr "Problém v repozitáre: %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
++msgstr "Chyba: Je potrebné predať zoznam balíčkov do %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
++msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
++msgstr "Chyba: K nájdeniu zhody je potrebná položka"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
++msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
++msgstr "Chyba: Je potrebná skupina alebo zoznam skupín"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
++msgstr "Chyba: clean vyžaduje možnosť: %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
++msgstr "Chyba: neplatný argument pre clean: %r"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
++msgid "No argument to shell"
++msgstr "Žiadny argument pre shell"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
++#, python-format
++msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
++msgstr "Názov súboru predaný shellu: %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
++#, python-format
++msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
++msgstr "Súbor %s predaný ako argument shellu neexistuje."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
++msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
++msgstr "Chyba: viac než jeden súbor predaný shellu ako argument."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
++msgid ""
++"There are no enabled repos.\n"
++" Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
++" You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
++msgstr "K dispozícii nie sú žiadne povolené repozitáre.\n Pre zobrazenie repozitárov spustite príkaz yum repolist all.\n Repozitáre môžete povoliť pomocou príkazu yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
++msgid "PACKAGE..."
++msgstr "BALÍČEK..."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
++msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
++msgstr "Inštalovať balíček alebo balíčky do systému"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++msgid "Setting up Install Process"
++msgstr "Príprava priebehu inštalácie"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
++msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
++msgstr "[BALÍČEK...]"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
++msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
++msgstr "Aktualizovať balíček alebo balíčky v systéme"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
++msgid "Setting up Update Process"
++msgstr "Príprava priebehu aktualizácie"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
++msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
++msgstr "Synchronizovať nainštalované balíčky na poslednú dostupnú verziu"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
++msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
++msgstr "Príprava procesu synchronizácie distribúcie"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
++msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
++msgstr "Zobraziť detaily o balíčku, alebo skupine balíčkov"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
++msgid "Installed Packages"
++msgstr "Nainštalované balíčky"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
++msgid "Available Packages"
++msgstr "Dostupné balíčky"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++msgid "Extra Packages"
++msgstr "Dodatočné balíčky"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
++msgid "Updated Packages"
++msgstr "Aktualizované balíčky"
++#. This only happens in verbose mode
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
++msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
++msgstr "Zastaralé balíčky"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
++msgid "Recently Added Packages"
++msgstr "Nedávno pridané balíčky"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
++msgid "No matching Packages to list"
++msgstr "Nenájdené žiadne zodpovedajúce balíčky"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
++msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
++msgstr "Vypísať balíček, alebo skupiny balíčkov"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
++msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
++msgstr "Odstrániť balíček, alebo balíčky zo systému"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
++msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
++msgstr "Príprava priebehu odstránenia"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Zobraziť, alebo použiť informácie o skupine"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
++msgid "Setting up Group Process"
++msgstr "Príprava spracovania skupiny"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
++msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
++msgstr "Nenájdené žiadne skupiny na ktorých by šlo príkaz vykonať"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Neplatný subpríkaz skupiny, použite: %s."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "Neexistuje žiadny súbor nainštalovaných skupín."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "Nemáte prístup k skupinám DB."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
++msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
++msgstr "Vygenerovať dočasnú pamäť metadát"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
++msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
++msgstr "Vytváranie dočasných súborov pre všetky súbory s metadátami."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
++msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
++msgstr "Toto môže chvíľu trvať v závislosti na rýchlosti počítača"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
++msgstr "Dočasná pamäť metadát vytvorená"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
++msgid "Remove cached data"
++msgstr "Odstrániť dočasné dáta"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
++msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
++msgstr "Nájsť balíček, ktorý poskytuje danú hodnotu"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
++msgid "Check for available package updates"
++msgstr "Skontrolovať dostupnosť aktualizácií pre balíčky"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
++msgid "Search package details for the given string"
++msgstr "Vyhľadať detaily balíčkov pre zadaný reťazec"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
++msgid "Searching Packages: "
++msgstr "Prehľadávanie balíčkov:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
++msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
++msgstr "Aktualizovať balíčky a brať do úvahy zastaralé"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
++msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
++msgstr "Príprava priebehu upgradu"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
++msgid "Install a local RPM"
++msgstr "Inštalovať miestny RPM"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
++msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
++msgstr "Príprava spracovania miestneho balíčka"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
++msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
++msgstr "Prehľadávanie balíčkov pre vyriešenie závislostí:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
++msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
++msgstr "Spustiť interaktívny yum shell"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
++msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
++msgstr "Príprava yum shellu"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
++msgid "List a package's dependencies"
++msgstr "Vypísať závislosti balíčkov"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
++msgid "Finding dependencies: "
++msgstr "Hľadanie závislostí:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
++msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
++msgstr "Zobraziť nastavené repozitáre softvéru"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
++msgid "enabled"
++msgstr "povolené"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
++msgid "disabled"
++msgstr "zakázané"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
++msgid "Repo-id      : "
++msgstr "Repo-ID      : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
++msgid "Repo-name    : "
++msgstr "Repo-názov    : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
++msgid "Repo-status  : "
++msgstr "Repo-stav  : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
++msgid "Repo-revision: "
++msgstr "Repo-revízia: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
++msgid "Repo-tags    : "
++msgstr "Repo-značky    : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
++msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
++msgstr "Repo-distro-značky: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
++msgid "Repo-updated : "
++msgstr "Repo-aktualizované : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
++msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
++msgstr "Repo-balíčkov    : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
++msgid "Repo-size    : "
++msgstr "Repo-veľkosť    : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
++msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
++msgstr "Repo-baseurl : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
++msgid "Repo-metalink: "
++msgstr "Repo-metalink: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
++msgid "  Updated    : "
++msgstr "  Aktualizované    : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
++msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
++msgstr "Repo-zrkadlá : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
++#, python-format
++msgid "Never (last: %s)"
++msgstr "Nikdy (naposledy: %s)"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
++#, python-format
++msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
++msgstr "Okamžite (naposledy: %s)"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
++msgstr "%s sekúnd (naposledy: %s)"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
++msgid "Repo-expire  : "
++msgstr "Repo-vyprší  : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
++msgid "Repo-exclude : "
++msgstr "Repo-vynechané : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
++msgid "Repo-include : "
++msgstr "Repo-zahrnuté : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
++msgid "Repo-excluded: "
++msgstr "Repo-vynechané: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
++msgid "Repo-filename: "
++msgstr "Repo-názov súboru: "
++#. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
++#. then chop the middle (name)...
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
++msgid "repo id"
++msgstr "ID repozitára"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
++msgid "status"
++msgstr "stav"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
++msgid "repo name"
++msgstr "názov repozitára"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
++msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
++msgstr "Zobraziť užitočného pomocníka"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
++#, python-format
++msgid "No help available for %s"
++msgstr "Pre %s nie je dostupný pomocník"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
++msgid ""
++"aliases: "
++msgstr "\n\naliasy: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
++msgid ""
++"alias: "
++msgstr "\n\nalias: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
++msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
++msgstr "Príprava priebehu reinštalácie"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
++msgid "reinstall a package"
++msgstr "reinštalácia balíčka"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
++msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
++msgstr "Príprava procesu downgradu"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
++msgid "downgrade a package"
++msgstr "downgrade balíčka"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
++msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
++msgstr "Zobraziť verziu pre počítač a/alebo dostupné repozitáre."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
++msgid " Yum version groups:"
++msgstr " Verzia yum skupín:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
++msgid " Group   :"
++msgstr " Skupina :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
++msgid " Packages:"
++msgstr " Balíčky :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
++msgid "Installed:"
++msgstr "Nainštalované:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
++msgid "Group-Installed:"
++msgstr "Nainštalované skupiny:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
++msgid "Available:"
++msgstr "Dostupné:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
++msgid "Group-Available:"
++msgstr "Dostupné skupiny:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
++msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
++msgstr "Zobraziť alebo použiť históriu transakcií"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Transakcie:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "Čas začatia  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "Čas ukončenia    :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "Počet      :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  rpm DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  yum DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Neplatný subpríkaz histórie, použite: %s."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
++msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
++msgstr "Nemáte prístup k databáze s históriou."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
++msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
++msgstr "Skontrolovať problémy v rpmdb"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
++msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
++msgstr "načítať uloženú transakciu zo súboru"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
++msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
++msgstr "Nebola zadaná žiadna uložená transakcia."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
++#, python-format
++msgid "loading transaction from %s"
++msgstr "načítanie transakcie z %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
++msgstr "Transakcia načítaná z %s s %s členmi"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
++#: ../yummain.py:84
++#, python-format
++msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
++msgstr " Zlyhali kontroly Yumu: %s"
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Žiadny prístup načítania/vykonania v aktuálnom priečinku, presun do /"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Žiadny prístup getcwd() v aktuálnom priečinku, presun do /"
++#. Depsolve stage
++#: ../yummain.py:164
++msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
++msgstr "Riešenie závislostí"
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "Vaša transakcia bola uložená, znova ju spustite s príkazom:\n yum load-transaction %s"
++#: ../yummain.py:312
++msgid ""
++"Exiting on user cancel."
++msgstr "\n\nUkončuje sa na príkaz používateľa."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
++msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doTsSetup() bude v nasledujúcich verziách yumu odstranený.\n"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
++msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
++msgstr "Príprava TransactionSets pred tým než bude pripravená trieda config"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
++msgstr "Neplatný tsflag v konfiguračnonm súbore: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
++#, python-format
++msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
++msgstr "Hľadanie pkgSack pre závislosť? %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
++#, python-format
++msgid "Member: %s"
++msgstr "Člen: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s converted to install"
++msgstr "%s zkonvertovaný pre inštaláciu"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
++msgstr "Pridanie balíčka %s v režime %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
++#, python-format
++msgid "Removing Package %s"
++msgstr "Odstránenie balíčka %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s requires: %s"
++msgstr "%s vyžaduje: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s requires %s"
++msgstr "%s vyžaduje %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
++msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
++msgstr "Potrebné Require už bolo vyhľadané, švindľuje sa"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
++#, python-format
++msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
++msgstr "Potrebné Require nie je meno balíčka. Hľadanie: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
++#, python-format
++msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
++msgstr "Možný poskytovateľ: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
++msgstr "Režim %s pre poskytovateľa %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
++msgstr "Režim pre bal. poskytujúci %s: %s"
++#. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
++#. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
++#. away :(
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
++#, python-format
++msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
++msgstr "Pre vyriešenie závislostí sa skúša aktualizácia %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
++msgstr "Nie je cesta pre aktualizáciu %s. Zlyhanie!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
++msgstr "TSINFO: balíček %s požaduje %s, ktorý je označený pre zmazanie"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
++msgstr "TSINFO: Balíček %s je označený ako zastaralý balíčkom %s pre vyriešenie závislostí."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
++msgstr "TSINFO: Aktualizácia %s pre vyriešenie závislostí."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
++msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť cestu aktualizácie pre závislosť pre: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
++#, python-format
++msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
++msgstr "Rýchla zhoda %s vyžadovaná pre %s"
++#. is it already installed?
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
++msgstr "%s je v poskytujúcich balíčkoch, ale je už nainštalovaný, odstraňuje sa."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
++#, python-format
++msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
++msgstr "Balíček %s, ktorý môže byť riešením, má v transakcii novšiu verziu."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
++#, python-format
++msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
++msgstr "Balíček %s, ktorý môže byť riešením, je nainštalovaný v novšej verzii."
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
++msgstr "%s je už v transakcii, preskočí sa"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
++msgstr "TSINFO: Označenie %s ako aktualizácia pre %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
++msgstr "TSINFO: Označenie %s ako inštalácia pre %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
++msgid "Success - empty transaction"
++msgstr "Úspech - prázdna transakcia"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
++msgid "Restarting Loop"
++msgstr "Reštartovanie slučky"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
++msgid "Dependency Process ending"
++msgstr "Proces spracovania závislostí skončil"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
++msgid "Success - deps resolved"
++msgstr "Úspech - závislosti vyriešené"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
++#, python-format
++msgid "Checking deps for %s"
++msgstr "Kontrola závislostí pre %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
++#, python-format
++msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
++msgstr "hľadá sa %s ako požiadavka pre %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
++#, python-format
++msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
++msgstr "Spustené compare_providers() pre %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
++#, python-format
++msgid "better arch in po %s"
++msgstr "lepšia architektúra v po %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
++msgstr "%s zastaráva %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
++"  Winner: %s"
++msgstr "archdist porovnal %s voči %s na %s\n  Víťaz: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
++#, python-format
++msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
++msgstr "spoločné zdrojové rpm %s a %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
++#, python-format
++msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
++msgstr "základný balíček %s je nainštalovaný pre %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
++#, python-format
++msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
++msgstr "spoločný prefix %s medzi %s a %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
++#, python-format
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "poskytuje vercmp: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
++#, python-format
++msgid " Winner: %s"
++msgstr " Víťaz:  %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "vyžaduje minimálne: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
++#, python-format
++msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
++msgstr " Porazený (%d): %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
++#, python-format
++msgid "Best Order: %s"
++msgstr "Najlepšie poradie: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
++msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doConfigSetup() bude odstránený v najbližšej verzii Yumu.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
++msgstr "Repozitár %r: Chyba pri parsovaní konfigurácie: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
++msgstr "Repozitáru %r chýba v konfigurácii meno, použité id"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
++msgid "plugins already initialised"
++msgstr "zásuvné moduly už sú inicializované"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
++msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() bude odstránený v najbližšej verzii Yumu.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
++msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
++msgstr "Načítanie miestnej RPMDB"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
++msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doRepoSetup() bude odstránený v najbližšej verzii Yumu.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
++msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doSackSetup() bude odstránený v najbližšej verzii Yumu.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
++msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
++msgstr "Príprava súhrnu balíčkov"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
++#, python-format
++msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
++msgstr "repo objektu pre repozitár %s chýba metóda _resetSack\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
++msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
++msgstr "preto nemôže byť tento repozitár resetovaný.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
++msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doUpdateSetup() bude odstránený v najbližšej verzii Yumu.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
++msgid "Building updates object"
++msgstr "Zostavovanie objektov aktualizácií"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
++msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr "doGroupSetup() bude odstránený v najbližšej verzii Yumu.\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
++msgid "Getting group metadata"
++msgstr "Získavenie metedát skupín"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
++msgstr "Pridávanie súboru zo skupinou pre repozitár: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
++msgstr "Zlyhalo pridanie súboru so skupinou pre repozitár: %s - %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
++msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
++msgstr "V žiadnom repozitáre nie sú dostupné skupiny"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
++msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
++msgstr "Získavanie metadát pkgtags"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
++msgstr "Pridávanie značiek z repozitára: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
++msgstr "Zlyhalo pridanie Pkg značiek pre repozitár: %s - %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
++msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
++msgstr "Importovanie informácií z dodatočných zoznamov súborov"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
++#, python-format
++msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
++msgstr "Program %s%s%s bol nájdený v balíčku yum-utils."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
++msgid ""
++"There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
++"complete-transaction first to finish them."
++msgstr "Existujú nedokončené transakcie. Pre ich dokončenie radšej najprv spustite príkaz yum-complete-transaction."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
++msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
++msgstr "--> Hľadanie nepotrebných závislostí"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
++#, python-format
++msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
++msgstr "Chránené verzie multilib-u: %s != %s"
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
++#, python-format
++msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
++msgstr "Pokus o odstránenie \"%s\", ktorý je chránený"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
++msgid ""
++"Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
++msgstr "\nBalíčky preskočené kvôli problémom so závislosťami:"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
++#, python-format
++msgid "    %s from %s"
++msgstr "    %s z %s"
++#. FIXME: _N()
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
++#, python-format
++msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
++msgstr "** Nájdené %d existujúce problémy v rpmdb, nasleduje výstup \"yum check\":"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
++msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
++msgstr "Varovanie: RPMDB bola zmenená mimo yum."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
++msgid "missing requires"
++msgstr "chýbajúce requires"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
++msgid "installed conflict"
++msgstr "inštalačný konflikt"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
++msgid ""
++"Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
++msgstr "Varovanie: Počas transakcie sa vyskytla chyba skriptletu alebo iná fatálna chyba."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
++msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
++msgstr "Transakcia nemôže začať:"
++#. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
++msgid "Could not run transaction."
++msgstr "Nie je možné spustiť transakciu."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
++msgstr "Zlyhalo odstránenie transakčného súboru %s"
++#. maybe a file log here, too
++#. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
++msgstr "%s by mal byť nainštalovaný, ale nie je!"
++#. maybe a file log here, too
++#. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
++msgstr "%s by mal byť odstránený, ale nie je!"
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
++#, python-format
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgstr "Existujúci zámok %s: je spustená iná kópia s pid %s."
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgstr "Nie je možné vytvoriť zámok na %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Nie je možné otvoriť zámok %s: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Nie je možné skontrolovať, či je PID %s aktívny"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
++"--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr "Balíček nezodpovedá plánovanému stiahnutiu. Odporúčanie: spustite príkaz yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
++msgid "Could not perform checksum"
++msgstr "Nie je možné skontrolovať kontrolný súčet"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
++msgid "Package does not match checksum"
++msgstr "Kontrolný súčet balíčka nesúhlasí"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
++#, python-format
++msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
++msgstr "kontrolný súčet balíčka nesúhlasí, ale pre %s je povolená dočasná pamäť"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
++#, python-format
++msgid "using local copy of %s"
++msgstr "použitie miestnej kópie %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
++msgid "Header is not complete."
++msgstr "Hlavička nie je kompletná."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
++msgstr "Hlavička nie je v miestnej dočasnej pamäti, ale nič iného sa nedá použiť. Nie je možné stiahnuť %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
++#, python-format
++msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
++msgstr "Verejný kľúč pre %s nie je nainštalovaný"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
++#, python-format
++msgid "Problem opening package %s"
++msgstr "Problém s otvorením balíčka %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
++#, python-format
++msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
++msgstr "Verejný kľúč %s nie je dôveryhodný"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is not signed"
++msgstr "Balíček %s nie je podpísaný"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot remove %s"
++msgstr "Nie je možné odstrániť %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s removed"
++msgstr "%s odstránený"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
++msgstr "Nie je možné odstrániť %s súbor %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s file %s removed"
++msgstr "%s súbor %s odstránený"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d %s súborov odstránených"
++msgstr[1] "%d %s súbor odstránený"
++msgstr[2] "%d %s súbory odstránené"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
++#, python-format
++msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
++msgstr "Viac než jedna identická zhoda v súhrne pre %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
++#, python-format
++msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
++msgstr "Z aktualizácie sa nič nezhoduje s %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
++msgid ""
++"searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
++"                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() bude odstránený v najbližšej verzii Yumu.                      Používajte namiesto neho searchGenerator(). \n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "Hľadá sa %d balíčkov"
++msgstr[1] "Hľadá sa %d balíček"
++msgstr[2] "Hľadajú sa %d balíčky"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
++#, python-format
++msgid "searching package %s"
++msgstr "vyhľadávanie balíčka %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
++msgid "searching in file entries"
++msgstr "vyhľadávanie v názvoch súborov"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
++msgid "searching in provides entries"
++msgstr "vyhľadávanie v položkách poskytuje"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
++msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
++msgstr "Pre aktívne repozitáre nie sú k dispozícii žiadne dáta o skupinách"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Group named %s exists"
++msgstr "Skupina s názvom %s neexistuje"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
++#, python-format
++msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
++msgstr "balíček %s nebol označený v skupine %s"
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Preskakuje sa balíček %s zo skupiny %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Pridanie balíčka %s zo skupiny %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
++msgstr "Pre inštaláciu nie je k dispozícii žiadny balíček s názvom %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
++#, python-format
++msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
++msgstr "Skupina %s má %u voliteľných balíčkov, ktoré môžu byť nainštalované."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
++#. happened.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
++msgstr "Položka balíčka %s nebola nájdená v súhrne balíčkov"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
++msgstr "Položka balíčka %s nebola nájdená v rpmdb"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
++msgstr "Neplatný príznak verzie z: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Package found for %s"
++msgstr "Pre %s nebol nájdený žiadny balíček"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
++msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
++msgstr "Objekt balíčka nebol inštanciou balíčkového objektu"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
++msgid "Nothing specified to install"
++msgstr "Nebolo nič určené pre inštaláciu"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
++#, python-format
++msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
++msgstr "Kontrola pre virtual provide alebo file-provide pre %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
++msgstr "Balíček %s je nainštalovaný, ale nie je dostupný"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
++msgid "No package(s) available to install"
++msgstr "Nie sú dostupné žiadne balíčky pre inštaláciu"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
++msgstr "Balíček: %s - už je v transakčnej sade"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
++msgstr "Balíček %s je označený ako zastaralý balíčkom %s, ktorý je už nainštalovaný"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
++msgstr "Balíček %s je označený ako zastaralý balíčkom %s, ale nie je poskytnutý pre vyriešenie závislostí"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
++msgstr "Balíček %s je označený ako zastaralý balíčkom %s, skúsi sa namiesto neho nainštalovať %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
++msgstr "Balíček %s je už nainštalovaný a je v poslednej verzii"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
++msgstr "Balíček zodpovedajúci %s je už nainštalovaný. Kontroluje sa pre aktualizáciu."
++#. update everything (the easy case)
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
++msgid "Updating Everything"
++msgstr "Aktualizácia všetkého"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "Neaktualizuje sa balíček, ktorý je už zastaralý: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s"
++msgstr "%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Pre argument nebola nájdená zhoda: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Žiadny balíček sa nezhoduje na upgrade: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "Balíček je už zastaralý: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
++msgstr "Neaktualizuje sa balíček, ktorý je zastaralý: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "Neaktualizuje sa balíček, ktorý je už aktuálny: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "Žiadny balíček sa nezhoduje na zmazanie: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
++msgstr "Preskakuje sa aktuálne používané jadro: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
++#, python-format
++msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
++msgstr "Odstránenie %s z transakcie"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
++msgstr "Nie je možné otvoriť: %s. Preskočí sa."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining %s: %s"
++msgstr "Skúmanie %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
++msgstr "Nije je možné lokálne nainštalovať deltarpm: %s. Preskočí sa."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
++msgstr "Do transakcie nie je možné pridať balíček %s. Nekompatibilná architektúra: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
++msgstr "Nie je možné nainštalovať balíček %s. Je zastaralý nainštalovaným balíčkom %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
++msgstr "Balíček %s nie je nainštalovaný, nie je možné ho aktualizovať. Nainštalujte ho príkazom yum install."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
++" instead."
++msgstr "Balíček %s.%s nie je nainštalovaný, nie je možné ho aktualizovať. Nainštalujte ho príkazom yum install."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
++#, python-format
++msgid "Excluding %s"
++msgstr "Vynechanie %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
++#, python-format
++msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
++msgstr "Označenie %s pre inštaláciu"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
++#, python-format
++msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
++msgstr "Označenie %s ako aktualizácia %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
++msgstr "%s: nie je aktualizáciou nainštalovaného balíčka."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
++msgstr "Nie je možné otvoriť súbor: %s. Preskočí sa."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
++msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
++msgstr "Problém pri preinštalovaní: žiadny balíček nie je zhodným pre odstránenie"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
++#, python-format
++msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
++msgstr "Problém pri preinštalovaní: žiadny zhodný balíček %s pre inštaláciu"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
++msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
++msgstr "Žiadny balíček dostupný pre downgrade"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
++msgstr "Balíček %s má dovolené viacero inštalácií, preskočí sa"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
++msgstr "Neexistuje zhoda pre dostupný balíček: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
++#, python-format
++msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
++msgstr "Pre balíček je dostupná len aktualizácia: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Downgrade zlyhal: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Upgrade zlyhal: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
++#, python-format
++msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
++msgstr "Získavanie kľúča z %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
++msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
++msgstr "Získanie GPG kľúča zlyhalo:"
++#. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
++#. here is where we would do that
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
++msgstr "GPG podpis kľúčom %s nezodpovedá kľúči CA pre repozitár: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
++msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
++msgstr "GPG podpis bol overený oproti CA kľúču (kľúčom)"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
++msgstr "Neplatný GPG kľúč z %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
++msgstr "Parsovanie GPG kľúča zlyhalo: kľúč nemá žiadnu hodnotu %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importuje sa %s kľúč 0x%s:\n Používateľské ID     : \"%s\"\n Odtlačok: %s\n Balíček    : %s (%s)\n Od       : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importuje sa %s kľúč 0x%s:\n Používateľské ID     : \"%s\"\n Odtlačok: %s\n Od       : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Zlyhaný balíček: %s\n GPG kľúče sú nastavené ako: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
++msgstr "GPG kľúč %s (0x%s) je už nainštalovaný"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
++msgstr "Import kľúča zlyhal (kód %d)"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
++msgid "Key imported successfully"
++msgstr "Import kľúča prebehol úspešne"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
++msgid "Didn't install any keys"
++msgstr "Neboli nainštalované žiadne kľúče"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
++"Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
++msgstr "GPG kľúče určené pre repozitár „%s“ sú už nainštalované, avšak pre tento balíček nie sú správne.\nSkontrolujte, či URL kľúčov sú pre tento repozitáe správne nastavené."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
++msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
++msgstr "Import kľúča(ov) nepomohol, chybný(é) kľúč(e)?"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "Nie"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Áno"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n CA kľúč: %s\n Zlyhaný repozitár: %s\n GPG kľúče sú nastavené ako: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
++msgstr "GPG kľúč %s (0x%s) je už importovaný"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "Importovanie kľúča %s zlyhalo"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
++#, python-format
++msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
++msgstr "Neboli nainštalované žiadne kľúče pre repozitár %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
++"Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
++msgstr "GPG kľúče pre repozitár \"%s\" sú už nainštalované, ale nie sú správne.\nSkontrolujte, či je pre repozitár správne nastavené URL kľúča."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
++msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
++msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť vhodné zrkadlo."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
++msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
++msgstr "Pri sťahovaní balíčkov sa vyskytla chyba."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
++#, python-format
++msgid "Please report this error at %s"
++msgstr "Oznámte túto chybu na %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
++msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
++msgstr "Chyby testu transakcie:"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
++msgstr "Nie je možné nastaviť priečinok pre dočasnú pamäť: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
++msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
++msgstr "Závislosti neboli vyriešené. Nevyriešená transakcia nebude uložená."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
++msgstr "Nie je možné uložiť súbor transakcie %s: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
++msgstr "Nie je možné načítať uloženú transakciu %s : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
++msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
++msgstr "nie je možné nájsť tsflags alebo tsflags nie je celé číslo."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
++#, python-format
++msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
++msgstr "Nájdený txmbr v neznámom stave: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
++msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť txmbr: %s v stave %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
++msgstr "Nie je možné násť txmbr: %s z: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
++msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
++msgstr "Chýbajú transakčný členovia, vzťahy alebo bola transakcia zmenená"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
++msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
++msgstr " ignorované, ako bolo žiadané. Musíte spustiť redepsolve!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s bol už navštívený a nemôže byť odstránený."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "Skúma sa revdeps %s"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s má revdep %s, ktorý bol nainštalovaný používateľom."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "%s má revdeps, ktoré nebolo nainštalované používateľom."
++#. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
++msgid "Loaded plugins: "
++msgstr "Načítané zásuvné moduly:"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
++#, python-format
++msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
++msgstr "Žiadna zhoda zásuvného modulu: %s"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
++msgstr "Nezavedený zásuvný modul \"%s\", pretože je zakázaný"
++#. Give full backtrace:
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
++msgstr "Zásuvný modul \"%s\" nemôže byť importovaný"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
++msgstr "Zásuvný modul \"%s\" neuvádza požadovanú verziu API"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
++msgstr "Zásuvný modul \"%s\" požaduje API %s. Podporované API je %s."
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
++#, python-format
++msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
++msgstr "Načítava sa zásuvný modul \"%s\""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
++#, python-format
++msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
++msgstr "V prehľadávaných cestách sú dva, alebo viac modulov s názvom \"%s\""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#, python-format
++msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
++msgstr "Konfiguračný súbor %s nebol nájdený"
++#. for
++#. Configuration files for the plugin not found
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
++msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť konfiguračný súbor pre zásuvný modul %s"
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
++msgid "registration of commands not supported"
++msgstr "registrácia príkazov nie je podporovaná"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
++msgid "has missing requires of"
++msgstr "má chýbajúce requires"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
++msgid "has installed conflicts"
++msgstr "má konflikty v inštalácii"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
++msgstr "%s je duplicitný s %s"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
++msgstr "%s je označený ako zastaralé balíčkom %s"
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
++msgstr "%s poskytuje %s, avšak nie je možné ho nájsť"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:80
++msgid "Repackaging"
++msgstr "Prebalenie"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Overenie: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Nedostatok miesta v cieľovom priečinku pre sťahovanie: %s\n    * voľné miesto %s\n    * je potrebné %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
++#, python-format
++msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
++msgstr "Hlavička nemôže byť otvorená alebo nezodpovedá %s, %s."
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:53
++#, python-format
++msgid "RPM %s fails md5 check"
++msgstr "Pre RPM %s zlyhala kontrola md5"
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
++msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
++msgstr "Nie je možné otvoriť databázu RPM pre čítanie. Možno je práve používaná?"
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
++msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
++msgstr "Získaná prázdna hlavička, niečo nie je v poriadku."
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:253 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:260
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:263 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:266
++#, python-format
++msgid "Damaged Header %s"
++msgstr "Poškodená hlavička %s"
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:281
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
++msgstr "Chyba pri otvorení rpm %s - chyba %s"
+diff --git a/po/sr.po b/po/sr.po
+index 351d6db..81eecdc 100644
+--- a/po/sr.po
++++ b/po/sr.po
+@@ -2,879 +2,1001 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
++# Translators:
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: sr\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Ажурирам"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Бришем"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Инсталирам"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Превазиђени"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Ажурирани"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Обрисани"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Инсталирани"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Нема заглавља - хм?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Поновно паковање"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Грешка: погрешно излазно стање: %s за %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Обрисано: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Уклањам"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Чишћење"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "Наредба „%s“ је већ дефинисана"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Постављам ризнице"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "Читам метаподатке ризница из локалних датотека"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Грешка при подешавању: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Грешка у опцијама: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Инсталиран : %s-%s %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Направио/ла: %s %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Објавио/ла : %s %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "Морате да унесете неку команду"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Захтеви диска:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
++msgstr "Сажетак грешака\n-------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Сажетак грешака\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr "Покушавам да извршим трансакцију али нема шта да се ради. Излазим."
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "Излазим на команду корисника"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "Преузимам пакете:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Грешка при преузимању пакета:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Пријавите ову грешку у %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "Извршавам проверу трансакције"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "Грешка при провери трансакције:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "Провера трансакције је успела"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "Извршавам трансакцију"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Одбијам да аутоматски увезем кључеве када се извршавање не надгледа.\n"
+-"За превазилажење овога користите „-y“."
++msgstr "Одбијам да аутоматски увезем кључеве када се извршавање не надгледа.\nЗа превазилажење овога користите „-y“."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * Можда сте мислили: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "%s%s%s пакет је доступан, али није инсталиран."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "Не постоји доступан пакет %s%s%s."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Пакет(и) који ће се инсталирати"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Нема шта да се ради"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d пакети означени за ажурирање"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "Нема пакета означених за ажурирање"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d пакети означени за уклањање"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "Нема пакета означених за уклањање"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Пакет(и) који ће се уназадити"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Пакет(и) који ће се поново инсталирати"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "Ниједан пакет није добављен"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Пакет(и) који ће се инсталирати"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Упозорење: није нађено подударање за %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "Нису пронађена подударања"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "Нису пронађени пакети за %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "Чистим све"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "Чистим заглавља"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "Чистим пакете"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "Чистим xml метаподатке"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "Чистим кеш базе података"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "Чистим expire-cache метаподатке"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "Чистим додатке"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Инсталиране групе:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Доступне групе:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Урађено"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Упозорење: група %s не постоји."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Нема доступних пакета за инсталацију или ажурирање у свим захтеваним групама"
++msgstr "Нема доступних пакета за инсталацију или ажурирање у свим захтеваним групама"
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d пакет(и) за инсталацију"
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Не постоји група под именом %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "Нема пакета за уклањање из група"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d  пакет(и) за уклањање"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "Пакет %s је већ инсталиран, прескачем га"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "Уклањам неупоредив пакет %s.%s"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Не постоји инсталиран други %s, додајем га у списак за потенцијалну "
++msgstr "Не постоји инсталиран други %s, додајем га у списак за потенцијалну инсталацију"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Опције додатка"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Грешка командне линије: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: %s опција захтева аргумент"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: %s опција захтева аргумент"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color прима један од следећих: auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "прикажи ову помоћну поруку и изађи"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "буди толерантан на грешке"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "место датотеке подешавања"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "најдуже време чекања на команду"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "ниво излазног приказа за проналажење грешака"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+-msgstr ""
+-"приказуј дупликате, у ризницама, у командама за излиставање/претраживање"
++msgstr "приказуј дупликате, у ризницама, у командама за излиставање/претраживање"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "ниво излазног приказа грешака"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "тиха радња"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "опширна радња"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "одговори са да на сва питања"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "прикажи Yum верзију и изађи"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "постави корени директоријум инсталације"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "укључи једну или више ризница (скраћенице су дозвољене)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "искључи једну или више ризница (скраћенице су дозвољене)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr "изузми пакет(е) по имену или глобу"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr "искључи изузимање из главног скупа, за ризницу или за све"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "укључи обраду застарелих пакета у току ажурирања"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "искључи додатке за Yum"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "искључи проверу gpg потписа"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "искључи додатке по имену"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "укључи додатке по имену"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "прескочи пакете који имају проблема са решавањем зависности"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "контролише да ли се користи боја"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "јан"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "феб"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "мар"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "апр"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "мај"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "јун"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "јул"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "авг"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "сеп"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "окт"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "нов"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "дец"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "Покушавам други одраз."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "Ризница     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "УРЛ         : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "Опис        : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "d"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "da"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "ne"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "Да ли је ово у реду [d/N]: "
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Група: %s"
++msgstr "\nГрупа: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " ИБ групе: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Опис: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Обавезни пакети:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Подразумевани пакети:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Изборни пакети:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Условљени пакети:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "пакет: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr "  Не постоје зависности овог пакета"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "  зависност: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr "   Незадовољена зависност"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Повезан из  :"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Лиценца     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Име датотеке: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Остало      : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "Догодила се грешка при рачунању укупне величине за преузимање"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Укупна величина: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Укупна величина за преузимање: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Инсталирам због зависности"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Ажурирам због зависности"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Уклањам због зависности"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Прескочено (проблеми са зависностима)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Пакет"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] "Пакет"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Архитектура"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Верзија"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Ризница"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Величина"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -882,65 +1004,67 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Уклоњено"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Зависност уклоњена"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Зависност инсталирана"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Зависност ажурирана"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Замењено"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Неуспех"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "два"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -948,491 +1072,542 @@ msgid ""
+ "to exit.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "прекид од стране корисника"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Укупно"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "инсталиран"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "обрисан"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "ажуриран"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "превазиђен"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> Извршава се провера трансакције"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr "--> Поновно покретање разрешавања зависности са новим променама."
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Завршено је разрешавање зависности"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Обрађујем зависност: %s за пакет: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Неразрешена зависност: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> Сукоб при обради: %s се сукоби са %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+-msgstr ""
+-"--> Попуњавам скуп трансакције са изабраним пакетима. Молим вас, сачекајте."
++msgstr "--> Попуњавам скуп трансакције са изабраним пакетима. Молим вас, сачекајте."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr "---> Преузимам заглавље за %s ради паковања у скуп трансакције."
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Извршава се"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Успаван"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Зомби"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Праћен/заустављен"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Непознат"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  Други програм је: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  Други програм је: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Меморија: %5s RSS (%5sБ VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    Покренут: %s - %s раније"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    Стање   : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Излазим када корисник откаже"
++msgstr "\n\nИзлазим када корисник откаже"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Излазим када се сломи цев"
++msgstr "\n\nИзлазим када се сломи цев"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -1440,50 +1615,41 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Грешка: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Можете да пробате употребу --skip-broken опције ради заобилажења проблема"
++msgstr " Можете да пробате употребу --skip-broken опције ради заобилажења проблема"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Непозната грешка(е): излазни код: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Зависности су разрешене"
++msgstr "\nЗависности су разрешене"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Завршено!"
+@@ -1495,7 +1661,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "Морате бити root корисник да бисте извршили ову команду."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1510,584 +1676,653 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Укључили сте проверу пакета помоћу GPG кључева. Ово је добра ствар. \n"
+-"Међутим, немате инсталиран ниједан GPG јавни кључ. Морате да преузмете\n"
+-"кључеве за пакете које желите да инсталирате и инсталирате их.\n"
+-"То можете урадити извршавањем команде:\n"
+-"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
+-"Такође, можете одредити урл за кључ који желите да користите\n"
+-"за ризницу у „gpgkey“ опцији у одељку везаним за ризнице и yum \n"
+-"ће га инсталирати за вас.\n"
+-"За више информација контактирајте добављача ваше дистрибуције или пакета.\n"
++msgstr "\nУкључили сте проверу пакета помоћу GPG кључева. Ово је добра ствар. \nМеђутим, немате инсталиран ниједан GPG јавни кључ. Морате да преузмете\nкључеве за пакете које желите да инсталирате и инсталирате их.\nТо можете урадити извршавањем команде:\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nТакође, можете одредити урл за кључ који желите да користите\nза ризницу у „gpgkey“ опцији у одељку везаним за ризнице и yum \nће га инсталирати за вас.\n\nЗа више информација контактирајте добављача ваше дистрибуције или пакета.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Грешка: потребно је да додате списак пакета за %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "Грешка: потребно је придружити ставку"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Грешка: потребна је група или списак група"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Грешка: clean захтева опцију: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Грешка: погрешан clean аргумент:%r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "Не постоји аргумент за командно окружење"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Име датотеке је прослеђено командном окружењу: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Не постоји датотека %s, која је прослеђена као аргумент командном окружењу."
++msgstr "Не постоји датотека %s, која је прослеђена као аргумент командном окружењу."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Грешка: више од једне датотеке је прослеђено као аргумент командном "
++msgstr "Грешка: више од једне датотеке је прослеђено као аргумент командном окружењу."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "ПАКЕТ..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Инсталирајте пакет или пакете на ваш систем"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "Постављам процес инсталације"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[ПАКЕТ...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Ажурирај пакет или пакете на вашем систему"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "Постављам процес ажурирања"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Прикажи детаље о сваком пакету или групи пакета"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Инсталирани пакети"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Доступни пакети"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Додатни пакети"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Ажурирани пакети"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Превазиђени пакети"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Недавно додати пакети"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "Не постоје одговарајући пакети за излиставање"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Излистај пакете или групе пакета"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Уклоните пакет или пакете са вашег система"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "Постављам процес уклањања"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "Постављам процес за групе"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "Не постоји група над којом се може извршити команда"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Излистај доступне групе пакета"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Инсталирајте пакете у групи на вашем систему"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Уклоните пакете у групи са вашег система"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Прикажи детаље о групи пакета"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "Направи кеш са метаподацима"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "Правим кеш датотеке за све датотеке са метаподацима."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr "Ово може да потраје у зависности од брзине вашег рачунара"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "Направљен је кеш са метаподацима"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "Уклони кеширане податке"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "Пронађи који пакет пружа дату вредност"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "Проверите да ли су доступна ажурирања пакета"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "Претражите детаље о пакету за задату ниску"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "Претражујем пакете: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Ажурирајте пакете узимајући превазиђене у обзир"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Постављам процес надградње"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Инсталирај локални RPM"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "Постављам процес локалних пакета"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Одреди који пакети пружају дату зависност"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "Претражујем пакете у потрази за зависностима:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Извршавај интерактивно yum командно окружење"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Постављам yum командно окружење"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "Излистај зависности пакета"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "Тражим зависности: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Прикажи подешене софтверске ризнице"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "укључена"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "искључена"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Ревизија ризнице     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Дистро ознаке ризнице: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "Металинк ризнице     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  Ажурирано          : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "репо id"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "статус"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "репо име"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Прикажи корисну поруку о употреби"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "Није доступна помоћ за %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"псеудоними: "
++msgstr "\n\nпсеудоними: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"псеудоним: "
++msgstr "\n\nпсеудоним: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "Постављам процес поновне инсталације"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "поновно инсталирам пакет"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Постављам процес уназађивања"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "уназади пакет"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Неки други програм тренутно држи yum закључаним; чекам да тај програм "
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "Разрешавам зависности"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Излазим када корисник откаже."
++msgstr "\n\nИзлазим када корисник откаже."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() неће бити присутна у будућим верзијама Yum-а.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr "Постављам TransactionSets пре него што се подигне класа подешавања"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "Погрешан tsflag у датотеци подешавања: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "Претражујем pkgSack за зависност: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Члан: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s пребачен за инсталацију"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "Додајем пакет %s у начину рада %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "Уклањам пакет %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s захтева: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "Потребан захтев је већ потражен, обмањујем"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "Потребан захтев није име пакета. Тражим: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Могући снабдевач: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Режим је %s за снабдевача %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Режим за пакет који снабдева %s: %s"
+@@ -2095,1017 +2330,1142 @@ msgstr "Режим за пакет који снабдева %s: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s пакет захтева да %s буде означен за брисање"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: мењам %s са %s ради разрешавања зависности."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: ажурирам %s ради разрешавања зависности."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr "Не могу да пронађем путању ажурирања за зависност за: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "Брзо повезивање пакета %s као захтева за %s"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr "%s је у пруженим пакетима али је већ инсталиран, уклањам га."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr "Потенцијално разрешавање пакета %s има новији примерак у ts-у."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr "Потенцијално разрешавање пакета %s има инсталиран новији примерак."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "%s је већ у ts-у, прескачем га"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: означавам %s као ажурирање за %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: означавам %s као инсталацију за %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Успех - празна трансакција"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "Поново покрећем петљу"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Завршетак процеса зависности"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Успех - зависности су разрешене"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "Проверавам зависности за %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "тражим %s као захтев за %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "Покрећем compare_providers() за %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "боља архитектура у пакету %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s превазилази %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"archdist упоредио %s са %s на %s\n"
+-"  Победник: %s"
++msgstr "archdist упоредио %s са %s на %s\n  Победник: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "заједнички изворни rpm %s и %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "заједнички префикс %s између %s и %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Најбољи редослед: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() неће бити присутна у будућим верзијама Yum-а.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr "Ризници %r недостаје име у подешавањима, користим id"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "већ иницијализовани додаци"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() неће бити присутна у будућим верзијама Yum-а.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "Читам локални RPMDB"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() неће бити присутна у будућим верзијама Yum-а.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() неће бити присутна у будућим верзијама Yum-а.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "Постављам групе пакета"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr "репо објекту за репо %s недостаје a _resetSack метода\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "због тога се овај репо не може вратити на почетну поставку.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() неће бити присутна у будућим верзијама Yum-а.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "Изграђујем објекат ажурирања"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() неће бити присутна у будућим верзијама Yum-а.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "Добављам метаподатке групе"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Додајем датотеку групе из ризнице: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Није успело додавање датотеке групе за ризницу: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "Не постоји група која је доступна у било којој ризници"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "Увозим додатне информације о списковима датотека"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Остале су недовршене трансакције. Можда би прво требало да извршите yum-"
+-"complete-transaction да бисте их завршили."
++msgstr "Остале су недовршене трансакције. Можда би прво требало да извршите yum-complete-transaction да бисте их завршили."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Пакети су прескочени због проблема са зависностима:"
++msgstr "\nПакети су прескочени због проблема са зависностима:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s из %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Упозорење: дошло је до грешке у скриптици или неке друге некритичне грешке "
+-"током трансакције."
++msgstr "Упозорење: дошло је до грешке у скриптици или неке друге некритичне грешке током трансакције."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "Није успело уклањање датотеке трансакције %s"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Нисам у могућности да проверим да ли је PID %s активан"
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr "Постоји закључавање %s: друга копија се извршава као pid %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Нисам у могућности да проверим да ли је PID %s активан"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "Не могу да извршим контролу суме"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "Пакет нема одговарајући контролну суму"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"пакет нема одговарајућу вредност контролне суме или је за %s укључено "
++msgstr "пакет нема одговарајућу вредност контролне суме или је за %s укључено кеширање"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "користим локални %s умножак"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Недовољна количина простора у директоријуму %s за преузимање\n"
+-"    * слободно је %s\n"
+-"    * потребно је %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "Заглавље није потпуно."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Заглавље није у локалном кешу и само начин рада са кеширањем је укључен. Не "
+-"могу да преузмем %s"
++msgstr "Заглавље није у локалном кешу и само начин рада са кеширањем је укључен. Не могу да преузмем %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "Јавни кључ за %s није инсталиран"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Проблем са отварањем пакета %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "Јавни кључ за %s није поверљив"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "Пакет %s није потписан"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "Не могу да уклоним %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s је уклоњен"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "Не могу да уклоним %s датотеку %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s датотека %s је уклоњена"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s датотеке су уклоњене"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "Постоји више од једног идентичног слагања у групи за %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "Ништа се не слаже са %s.%s %s:%s-%s из ажурирања"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() неће бити присутна у будућим Yum верзијама."
+-"                      Уместо ње користите searchGenerator(). \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() неће бити присутна у будућим Yum верзијама.                      Уместо ње користите searchGenerator(). \n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "Претражујем %d пакете"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "тражим пакет %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "тражим у уносима датотека"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "тражим у уносима достављача"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "Нема доступних података о групама за подешене ризнице"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Не постоји група под именом %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "пакет %s није означен у групи %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "Додајем пакет %s из групе %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "Ниједан пакет под именом %s није доступан за инсталацију"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "Група пакета %s није нађена у packagesack-у"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "Нема пронађених пакета за %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "Објекат пакета није био примерак објекта пакета"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "Није одређено ништа за инсталацију"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr "Проверавам виртуелну доставу или доставу датотеке за %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "Не постоји слагање за аргумент: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "Пакет %s је инсталиран и није доступан"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "Нема пакета доступних за инсталацију"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "Пакет: %s  - већ је у скупу трансакције"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr "Пакет %s је замењен пакетом %s, покушавам да наместо инсталирам %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "Већ је инсталирана најновија верзија пакета %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Пакет који се поклапа са %s је већ инсталиран. Проверавам за новију верзију."
++msgstr "Пакет који се поклапа са %s је већ инсталиран. Проверавам за новију верзију."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "Ажурирам све"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Не ажурирам пакете који су већ превазиђени: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Не постоји слагање за аргумент: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Пакет је већ превазиђен: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Не ажурирам пакете који су већ ажурирани: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "Ниједан пакет није одређен за уклањање"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Испитујем %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Не могу да додам пакет %s у трансакцију. Архитектура није усаглашена: %s"
++msgstr "Не могу да додам пакет %s у трансакцију. Архитектура није усаглашена: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Пакет %s није инсталиран, не могу да га ажурирам. Извршите yum инсталацију "
+-"да бисте га инсталирали."
++msgstr "Пакет %s није инсталиран, не могу да га ажурирам. Извршите yum инсталацију да бисте га инсталирали."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "Изузимам %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "Означавам %s за инсталацију"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "Означавам %s као ажурирање за %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: не ажурира инсталирани пакет."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Не могу да отворим датотеку: %s. Прескачем је."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Проблем при поновној инсталацији: ниједан пакет није одређен за уклањање"
++msgstr "Проблем при поновној инсталацији: ниједан пакет није одређен за уклањање"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "Нема пакета доступних за уназађивање"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "Пакету %s су дозвољене многоструке инсталације, прескачем га"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "Нема доступног одговарајућег пакета: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Само је надградња доступна за пакет: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "Добављање GPG кључа није успело: "
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "Рашчлањивање GPG кључа није успело: кључ нема вредност %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "GPG кључ на %s (0x%s) је већ инсталиран"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "Није успео увоз кључа (код %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "Кључ је успешно увезен"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"GPG кључеви излистани за „%s“ ризницу су већ инсталирани али нису одговарајући за овај пакет.\n"
+-"Проверите да ли су подешени одговарајући УРЛ-ови кључева за ову ризницу."
++msgstr "GPG кључеви излистани за „%s“ ризницу су већ инсталирани али нису одговарајући за овај пакет.\nПроверите да ли су подешени одговарајући УРЛ-ови кључева за ову ризницу."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "Увоз кључа(кључева) није помогао, погрешан кључ(кључеви)?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "GPG кључ на %s (0x%s) је већ увезен"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "Није успео увоз кључа"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "Не могу да пронађем одговарајући одраз."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Појавиле су се грешке за време преузимања пакета."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Пријавите ову грешку код %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Грешке при провери трансакције: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Учитани додаци: "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "Не постоји слагање за додатак: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "Не учитавам додатак „%s“ пошто је искључен"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "Додатак „%s“ не може да буде увезен"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "Додатак „%s“ не одређује верзију захтеваног API-а"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "Додатак „%s“ захтева API %s. Подржани API је %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "Учитавам „%s“ додатак"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+-msgstr ""
+-"У путањи за претраживање додатака постоје два или више додатака под именом "
++msgstr "У путањи за претраживање додатака постоје два или више додатака под именом „%s“"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "Датотека подешавања %s није пронађена"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "Не могу да пронађем датотеку подешавања за додатак %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "регистрација команди није подржана"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -3114,6 +3474,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "Поновно паковање"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Недовољна количина простора у директоријуму %s за преузимање\n    * слободно је %s\n    * потребно је %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3126,9 +3503,7 @@ msgstr "Није успела md5 провера за %s RPM"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Не могу да отворим RPM базу података за потребе читања. Можда је већ у "
++msgstr "Не могу да отворим RPM базу података за потребе читања. Можда је већ у употреби?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+@@ -3144,5 +3519,3 @@ msgstr "Оштећено заглавље %s"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Грешка при отварању rpm-а %s - грешка %s"
+diff --git a/po/sr@latin.po b/po/sr@latin.po
+index 2576fa8..f718e05 100644
+--- a/po/sr@latin.po
++++ b/po/sr@latin.po
+@@ -2,880 +2,1001 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
++# Translators:
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+ "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: sr@latin\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Ažuriram"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Brišem"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Instaliram"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Prevaziđeni"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Ažurirani"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Obrisani"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Instalirani"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Nema zaglavlja - hm?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Ponovno pakovanje"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Greška: pogrešno izlazno stanje: %s za %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Obrisano: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Uklanjam"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Čišćenje"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "Naredba „%s“ je već definisana"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Postavljam riznice"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "Čitam metapodatke riznica iz lokalnih datoteka"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Greška pri podešavanju: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Greška u opcijama: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Instaliran : %s-%s %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Napravio/la: %s %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Objavio/la : %s %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "Morate da unesete neku komandu"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Zahtevi diska:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
++msgstr "Sažetak grešaka\n-------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Sažetak grešaka\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr "Pokušavam da izvršim transakciju ali nema šta da se radi. Izlazim."
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "Izlazim na komandu korisnika"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "Preuzimam pakete:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Greška pri preuzimanju paketa:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Prijavite ovu grešku u %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "Izvršavam proveru transakcije"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "Greška pri proveri transakcije:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "Provera transakcije je uspela"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "Izvršavam transakciju"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Odbijam da automatski uvezem ključeve kada se izvršavanje ne nadgleda.\n"
+-"Za prevazilaženje ovoga koristite „-y“."
++msgstr "Odbijam da automatski uvezem ključeve kada se izvršavanje ne nadgleda.\nZa prevazilaženje ovoga koristite „-y“."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * Možda ste mislili: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "%s%s%s paket je dostupan, ali nije instaliran."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "Ne postoji dostupan paket %s%s%s."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Paket(i) koji će se instalirati"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Nema šta da se radi"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d paketi označeni za ažuriranje"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "Nema paketa označenih za ažuriranje"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d paketi označeni za uklanjanje"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "Nema paketa označenih za uklanjanje"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Paket(i) koji će se unazaditi"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Paket(i) koji će se ponovo instalirati"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "Nijedan paket nije dobavljen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Paket(i) koji će se instalirati"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Upozorenje: nije nađeno podudaranje za %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "Nisu pronađena podudaranja"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "Nisu pronađeni paketi za %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "Čistim sve"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "Čistim zaglavlja"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "Čistim pakete"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "Čistim xml metapodatke"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "Čistim keš baze podataka"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "Čistim expire-cache metapodatke"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "Čistim dodatke"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Instalirane grupe:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Dostupne grupe:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Urađeno"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Upozorenje: grupa %s ne postoji."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Nema dostupnih paketa za instalaciju ili ažuriranje u svim zahtevanim "
++msgstr "Nema dostupnih paketa za instalaciju ili ažuriranje u svim zahtevanim grupama"
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d paket(i) za instalaciju"
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Ne postoji grupa pod imenom %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "Nema paketa za uklanjanje iz grupa"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d  paket(i) za uklanjanje"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "Paket %s je već instaliran, preskačem ga"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "Uklanjam neuporediv paket %s.%s"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ne postoji instaliran drugi %s, dodajem ga u spisak za potencijalnu "
++msgstr "Ne postoji instaliran drugi %s, dodajem ga u spisak za potencijalnu instalaciju"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Opcije dodatka"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Greška komandne linije: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: %s opcija zahteva argument"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: %s opcija zahteva argument"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color prima jedan od sledećih: auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "prikaži ovu pomoćnu poruku i izađi"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "budi tolerantan na greške"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "mesto datoteke podešavanja"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "najduže vreme čekanja na komandu"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "nivo izlaznog prikaza za pronalaženje grešaka"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+-msgstr ""
+-"prikazuj duplikate, u riznicama, u komandama za izlistavanje/pretraživanje"
++msgstr "prikazuj duplikate, u riznicama, u komandama za izlistavanje/pretraživanje"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "nivo izlaznog prikaza grešaka"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "tiha radnja"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "opširna radnja"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "odgovori sa da na sva pitanja"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "prikaži Yum verziju i izađi"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "postavi koreni direktorijum instalacije"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "uključi jednu ili više riznica (skraćenice su dozvoljene)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "isključi jednu ili više riznica (skraćenice su dozvoljene)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr "izuzmi paket(e) po imenu ili globu"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr "isključi izuzimanje iz glavnog skupa, za riznicu ili za sve"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "uključi obradu zastarelih paketa u toku ažuriranja"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "isključi dodatke za Yum"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "isključi proveru gpg potpisa"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "isključi dodatke po imenu"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "uključi dodatke po imenu"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "preskoči pakete koji imaju problema sa rešavanjem zavisnosti"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "kontroliše da li se koristi boja"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "jan"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "feb"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "mar"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "apr"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "maj"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "jun"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "jul"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "avg"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "sep"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "okt"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "nov"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "dec"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "Pokušavam drugi odraz."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "Riznica     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "URL         : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "Opis        : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "d"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "da"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "ne"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "Da li je ovo u redu [d/N]: "
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Grupa: %s"
++msgstr "\nGrupa: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " IB grupe: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Opis: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Obavezni paketi:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Podrazumevani paketi:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Izborni paketi:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Uslovljeni paketi:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "paket: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr "  Ne postoje zavisnosti ovog paketa"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "  zavisnost: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr "   Nezadovoljena zavisnost"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Povezan iz  :"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Licenca     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Ime datoteke: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Ostalo      : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "Dogodila se greška pri računanju ukupne veličine za preuzimanje"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Ukupna veličina: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Ukupna veličina za preuzimanje: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Instaliram zbog zavisnosti"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Ažuriram zbog zavisnosti"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Uklanjam zbog zavisnosti"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Preskočeno (problemi sa zavisnostima)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Paket"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] "Paket"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Arhitektura"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Verzija"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Riznica"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Veličina"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -883,65 +1004,67 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Uklonjeno"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Zavisnost uklonjena"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Zavisnost instalirana"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Zavisnost ažurirana"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Zamenjeno"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Neuspeh"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "dva"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -949,491 +1072,542 @@ msgid ""
+ "to exit.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "prekid od strane korisnika"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Ukupno"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "instaliran"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "obrisan"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "ažuriran"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "prevaziđen"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> Izvršava se provera transakcije"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr "--> Ponovno pokretanje razrešavanja zavisnosti sa novim promenama."
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Završeno je razrešavanje zavisnosti"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Obrađujem zavisnost: %s za paket: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Nerazrešena zavisnost: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> Sukob pri obradi: %s se sukobi sa %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+-msgstr ""
+-"--> Popunjavam skup transakcije sa izabranim paketima. Molim vas, sačekajte."
++msgstr "--> Popunjavam skup transakcije sa izabranim paketima. Molim vas, sačekajte."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr "---> Preuzimam zaglavlje za %s radi pakovanja u skup transakcije."
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Izvršava se"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Uspavan"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Zombi"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Praćen/zaustavljen"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Nepoznat"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  Drugi program je: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  Drugi program je: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Memorija: %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    Pokrenut: %s - %s ranije"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    Stanje  : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Izlazim kada korisnik otkaže"
++msgstr "\n\nIzlazim kada korisnik otkaže"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Izlazim kada se slomi cev"
++msgstr "\n\nIzlazim kada se slomi cev"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -1441,50 +1615,41 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Greška: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Možete da probate upotrebu --skip-broken opcije radi zaobilaženja problema"
++msgstr " Možete da probate upotrebu --skip-broken opcije radi zaobilaženja problema"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Nepoznata greška(e): izlazni kod: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Zavisnosti su razrešene"
++msgstr "\nZavisnosti su razrešene"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Završeno!"
+@@ -1496,7 +1661,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "Morate biti root korisnik da biste izvršili ovu komandu."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1511,584 +1676,653 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Uključili ste proveru paketa pomoću GPG ključeva. Ovo je dobra stvar. \n"
+-"Međutim, nemate instaliran nijedan GPG javni ključ. Morate da preuzmete\n"
+-"ključeve za pakete koje želite da instalirate i instalirate ih.\n"
+-"To možete uraditi izvršavanjem komande:\n"
+-"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
+-"Takođe, možete odrediti url za ključ koji želite da koristite\n"
+-"za riznicu u „gpgkey“ opciji u odeljku vezanim za riznice i yum \n"
+-"će ga instalirati za vas.\n"
+-"Za više informacija kontaktirajte dobavljača vaše distribucije ili paketa.\n"
++msgstr "\nUključili ste proveru paketa pomoću GPG ključeva. Ovo je dobra stvar. \nMeđutim, nemate instaliran nijedan GPG javni ključ. Morate da preuzmete\nključeve za pakete koje želite da instalirate i instalirate ih.\nTo možete uraditi izvršavanjem komande:\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nTakođe, možete odrediti url za ključ koji želite da koristite\nza riznicu u „gpgkey“ opciji u odeljku vezanim za riznice i yum \nće ga instalirati za vas.\n\nZa više informacija kontaktirajte dobavljača vaše distribucije ili paketa.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Greška: potrebno je da dodate spisak paketa za %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "Greška: potrebno je pridružiti stavku"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Greška: potrebna je grupa ili spisak grupa"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Greška: clean zahteva opciju: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Greška: pogrešan clean argument:%r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "Ne postoji argument za komandno okruženje"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Ime datoteke je prosleđeno komandnom okruženju: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ne postoji datoteka %s, koja je prosleđena kao argument komandnom okruženju."
++msgstr "Ne postoji datoteka %s, koja je prosleđena kao argument komandnom okruženju."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Greška: više od jedne datoteke je prosleđeno kao argument komandnom "
++msgstr "Greška: više od jedne datoteke je prosleđeno kao argument komandnom okruženju."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "PAKET..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Instalirajte paket ili pakete na vaš sistem"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "Postavljam proces instalacije"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[PAKET...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Ažuriraj paket ili pakete na vašem sistemu"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "Postavljam proces ažuriranja"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Prikaži detalje o svakom paketu ili grupi paketa"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Instalirani paketi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Dostupni paketi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Dodatni paketi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Ažurirani paketi"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Prevaziđeni paketi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Nedavno dodati paketi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "Ne postoje odgovarajući paketi za izlistavanje"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Izlistaj pakete ili grupe paketa"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Uklonite paket ili pakete sa vašeg sistema"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "Postavljam proces uklanjanja"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "Postavljam proces za grupe"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "Ne postoji grupa nad kojom se može izvršiti komanda"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Izlistaj dostupne grupe paketa"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Instalirajte pakete u grupi na vašem sistemu"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Uklonite pakete u grupi sa vašeg sistema"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Prikaži detalje o grupi paketa"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "Napravi keš sa metapodacima"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "Pravim keš datoteke za sve datoteke sa metapodacima."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr "Ovo može da potraje u zavisnosti od brzine vašeg računara"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "Napravljen je keš sa metapodacima"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "Ukloni keširane podatke"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "Pronađi koji paket pruža datu vrednost"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "Proverite da li su dostupna ažuriranja paketa"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "Pretražite detalje o paketu za zadatu nisku"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "Pretražujem pakete: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Ažurirajte pakete uzimajući prevaziđene u obzir"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Postavljam proces nadgradnje"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Instaliraj lokalni RPM"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "Postavljam proces lokalnih paketa"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Odredi koji paketi pružaju datu zavisnost"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "Pretražujem pakete u potrazi za zavisnostima:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Izvršavaj interaktivno yum komandno okruženje"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Postavljam yum komandno okruženje"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "Izlistaj zavisnosti paketa"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "Tražim zavisnosti: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Prikaži podešene softverske riznice"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "uključena"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "isključena"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Revizija riznice     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Distro oznake riznice: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "Metalink riznice     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  Ažurirano          : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "repo id"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "status"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "repo ime"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Prikaži korisnu poruku o upotrebi"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "Nije dostupna pomoć za %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"pseudonimi: "
++msgstr "\n\npseudonimi: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"pseudonim: "
++msgstr "\n\npseudonim: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "Postavljam proces ponovne instalacije"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "ponovno instaliram paket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Postavljam proces unazađivanja"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "unazadi paket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Neki drugi program trenutno drži yum zaključanim; čekam da taj program "
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "Razrešavam zavisnosti"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Izlazim kada korisnik otkaže."
++msgstr "\n\nIzlazim kada korisnik otkaže."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() neće biti prisutna u budućim verzijama Yuma.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr "Postavljam TransactionSets pre nego što se podigne klasa podešavanja"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "Pogrešan tsflag u datoteci podešavanja: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "Pretražujem pkgSack za zavisnost: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Član: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s prebačen za instalaciju"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "Dodajem paket %s u načinu rada %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "Uklanjam paket %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s zahteva: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "Potreban zahtev je već potražen, obmanjujem"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "Potreban zahtev nije ime paketa. Tražim: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Mogući snabdevač: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Režim je %s za snabdevača %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Režim za paket koji snabdeva %s: %s"
+@@ -2096,1017 +2330,1142 @@ msgstr "Režim za paket koji snabdeva %s: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: %s paket zahteva da %s bude označen za brisanje"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: menjam %s sa %s radi razrešavanja zavisnosti."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: ažuriram %s radi razrešavanja zavisnosti."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr "Ne mogu da pronađem putanju ažuriranja za zavisnost za: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "Brzo povezivanje paketa %s kao zahteva za %s"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr "%s je u pruženim paketima ali je već instaliran, uklanjam ga."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr "Potencijalno razrešavanje paketa %s ima noviji primerak u ts-u."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr "Potencijalno razrešavanje paketa %s ima instaliran noviji primerak."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "%s je već u ts-u, preskačem ga"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: označavam %s kao ažuriranje za %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: označavam %s kao instalaciju za %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Uspeh - prazna transakcija"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "Ponovo pokrećem petlju"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Završetak procesa zavisnosti"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Uspeh - zavisnosti su razrešene"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "Proveravam zavisnosti za %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "tražim %s kao zahtev za %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "Pokrećem compare_providers() za %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "bolja arhitektura u paketu %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s prevazilazi %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"archdist uporedio %s sa %s na %s\n"
+-"  Pobednik: %s"
++msgstr "archdist uporedio %s sa %s na %s\n  Pobednik: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "zajednički izvorni rpm %s i %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "zajednički prefiks %s između %s i %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Najbolji redosled: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() neće biti prisutna u budućim verzijama Yuma.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr "Riznici %r nedostaje ime u podešavanjima, koristim id"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "već inicijalizovani dodaci"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() neće biti prisutna u budućim verzijama Yuma.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "Čitam lokalni RPMDB"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() neće biti prisutna u budućim verzijama Yuma.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() neće biti prisutna u budućim verzijama Yuma.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "Postavljam grupe paketa"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr "repo objektu za repo %s nedostaje a _resetSack metoda\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "zbog toga se ovaj repo ne može vratiti na početnu postavku.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() neće biti prisutna u budućim verzijama Yuma.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "Izgrađujem objekat ažuriranja"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() neće biti prisutna u budućim verzijama Yuma.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "Dobavljam metapodatke grupe"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Dodajem datoteku grupe iz riznice: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Nije uspelo dodavanje datoteke grupe za riznicu: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "Ne postoji grupa koja je dostupna u bilo kojoj riznici"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "Uvozim dodatne informacije o spiskovima datoteka"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ostale su nedovršene transakcije. Možda bi prvo trebalo da izvršite yum-"
+-"complete-transaction da biste ih završili."
++msgstr "Ostale su nedovršene transakcije. Možda bi prvo trebalo da izvršite yum-complete-transaction da biste ih završili."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paketi su preskočeni zbog problema sa zavisnostima:"
++msgstr "\nPaketi su preskočeni zbog problema sa zavisnostima:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s iz %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Upozorenje: došlo je do greške u skriptici ili neke druge nekritične greške "
+-"tokom transakcije."
++msgstr "Upozorenje: došlo je do greške u skriptici ili neke druge nekritične greške tokom transakcije."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "Nije uspelo uklanjanje datoteke transakcije %s"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Nisam u mogućnosti da proverim da li je PID %s aktivan"
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr "Postoji zaključavanje %s: druga kopija se izvršava kao pid %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Nisam u mogućnosti da proverim da li je PID %s aktivan"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "Ne mogu da izvršim kontrolu sume"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "Paket nema odgovarajući kontrolnu sumu"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"paket nema odgovarajuću vrednost kontrolne sume ili je za %s uključeno "
++msgstr "paket nema odgovarajuću vrednost kontrolne sume ili je za %s uključeno keširanje"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "koristim lokalni %s umnožak"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Nedovoljna količina prostora u direktorijumu %s za preuzimanje\n"
+-"    * slobodno je %s\n"
+-"    * potrebno je %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "Zaglavlje nije potpuno."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Zaglavlje nije u lokalnom kešu i samo način rada sa keširanjem je uključen. "
+-"Ne mogu da preuzmem %s"
++msgstr "Zaglavlje nije u lokalnom kešu i samo način rada sa keširanjem je uključen. Ne mogu da preuzmem %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "Javni ključ za %s nije instaliran"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Problem sa otvaranjem paketa %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "Javni ključ za %s nije poverljiv"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "Paket %s nije potpisan"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "Ne mogu da uklonim %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s je uklonjen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "Ne mogu da uklonim %s datoteku %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s datoteka %s je uklonjena"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s datoteke su uklonjene"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "Postoji više od jednog identičnog slaganja u grupi za %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "Ništa se ne slaže sa %s.%s %s:%s-%s iz ažuriranja"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() neće biti prisutna u budućim Yum verzijama."
+-"                      Umesto nje koristite searchGenerator(). \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() neće biti prisutna u budućim Yum verzijama.                      Umesto nje koristite searchGenerator(). \n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "Pretražujem %d pakete"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "tražim paket %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "tražim u unosima datoteka"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "tražim u unosima dostavljača"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "Nema dostupnih podataka o grupama za podešene riznice"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Ne postoji grupa pod imenom %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "paket %s nije označen u grupi %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "Dodajem paket %s iz grupe %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "Nijedan paket pod imenom %s nije dostupan za instalaciju"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "Grupa paketa %s nije nađena u packagesacku"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "Nema pronađenih paketa za %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "Objekat paketa nije bio primerak objekta paketa"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "Nije određeno ništa za instalaciju"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr "Proveravam virtuelnu dostavu ili dostavu datoteke za %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "Ne postoji slaganje za argument: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "Paket %s je instaliran i nije dostupan"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "Nema paketa dostupnih za instalaciju"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "Paket: %s  - već je u skupu transakcije"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr "Paket %s je zamenjen paketom %s, pokušavam da namesto instaliram %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "Već je instalirana najnovija verzija paketa %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paket koji se poklapa sa %s je već instaliran. Proveravam za noviju verziju."
++msgstr "Paket koji se poklapa sa %s je već instaliran. Proveravam za noviju verziju."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "Ažuriram sve"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Ne ažuriram pakete koji su već prevaziđeni: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Ne postoji slaganje za argument: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Paket je već prevaziđen: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Ne ažuriram pakete koji su već ažurirani: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "Nijedan paket nije određen za uklanjanje"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Ispitujem %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ne mogu da dodam paket %s u transakciju. Arhitektura nije usaglašena: %s"
++msgstr "Ne mogu da dodam paket %s u transakciju. Arhitektura nije usaglašena: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paket %s nije instaliran, ne mogu da ga ažuriram. Izvršite yum instalaciju "
+-"da biste ga instalirali."
++msgstr "Paket %s nije instaliran, ne mogu da ga ažuriram. Izvršite yum instalaciju da biste ga instalirali."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "Izuzimam %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "Označavam %s za instalaciju"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "Označavam %s kao ažuriranje za %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: ne ažurira instalirani paket."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim datoteku: %s. Preskačem je."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Problem pri ponovnoj instalaciji: nijedan paket nije određen za uklanjanje"
++msgstr "Problem pri ponovnoj instalaciji: nijedan paket nije određen za uklanjanje"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "Nema paketa dostupnih za unazađivanje"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "Paketu %s su dozvoljene mnogostruke instalacije, preskačem ga"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "Nema dostupnog odgovarajućeg paketa: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Samo je nadgradnja dostupna za paket: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "Dobavljanje GPG ključa nije uspelo: "
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "Raščlanjivanje GPG ključa nije uspelo: ključ nema vrednost %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "GPG ključ na %s (0x%s) je već instaliran"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "Nije uspeo uvoz ključa (kod %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "Ključ je uspešno uvezen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"GPG ključevi izlistani za „%s“ riznicu su već instalirani ali nisu odgovarajući za ovaj paket.\n"
+-"Proverite da li su podešeni odgovarajući URL-ovi ključeva za ovu riznicu."
++msgstr "GPG ključevi izlistani za „%s“ riznicu su već instalirani ali nisu odgovarajući za ovaj paket.\nProverite da li su podešeni odgovarajući URL-ovi ključeva za ovu riznicu."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "Uvoz ključa(ključeva) nije pomogao, pogrešan ključ(ključevi)?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "GPG ključ na %s (0x%s) je već uvezen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "Nije uspeo uvoz ključa"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "Ne mogu da pronađem odgovarajući odraz."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Pojavile su se greške za vreme preuzimanja paketa."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Prijavite ovu grešku kod %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Greške pri proveri transakcije: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Učitani dodaci: "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "Ne postoji slaganje za dodatak: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "Ne učitavam dodatak „%s“ pošto je isključen"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "Dodatak „%s“ ne može da bude uvezen"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "Dodatak „%s“ ne određuje verziju zahtevanog API-a"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "Dodatak „%s“ zahteva API %s. Podržani API je %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "Učitavam „%s“ dodatak"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+-msgstr ""
+-"U putanji za pretraživanje dodataka postoje dva ili više dodataka pod imenom"
+-" „%s“"
++msgstr "U putanji za pretraživanje dodataka postoje dva ili više dodataka pod imenom „%s“"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "Datoteka podešavanja %s nije pronađena"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "Ne mogu da pronađem datoteku podešavanja za dodatak %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "registracija komandi nije podržana"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -3115,6 +3474,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "Ponovno pakovanje"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Nedovoljna količina prostora u direktorijumu %s za preuzimanje\n    * slobodno je %s\n    * potrebno je %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3127,9 +3503,7 @@ msgstr "Nije uspela md5 provera za %s RPM"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ne mogu da otvorim RPM bazu podataka za potrebe čitanja. Možda je već u "
++msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim RPM bazu podataka za potrebe čitanja. Možda je već u upotrebi?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+@@ -3145,5 +3519,3 @@ msgstr "Oštećeno zaglavlje %s"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Greška pri otvaranju rpm-a %s - greška %s"
+diff --git a/po/sv.po b/po/sv.po
+index b9c109b..c45e7f1 100644
+--- a/po/sv.po
++++ b/po/sv.po
+@@ -2,1512 +2,1645 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# Göran Uddeborg <goeran@uddeborg.se>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# Göran Uddeborg <goeran@uddeborg.se>, 2011, 2012.
++# Ulrika  <aurorauddeborg@gmail.com>, 2012.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Swedish (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/sv/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Swedish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/sv/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: sv\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Uppdaterar"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Raderar"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Installerar"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Utfasad"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Uppdaterade"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Raderade"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Installerade"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Inget huvud - va?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Paketera om"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Fel: ogiltig utdatatillstånd: %s för %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Raderade: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Tar bort"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Rensar upp"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "Kommando \"%s\" redan definierat"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Gör i ordning förråd"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "Läser in förrådsmetadata från lokala filer"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Konfigurationsfel: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Fel bland flaggor: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Installerade: %s-%s %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Byggde      : %s %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Verkställde : %s %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "Du måste ange något kommando"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "Inget sådant kommando: %s.  Använd %s --help"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Diskbehov:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr "  Åtminstone %d MB mer utrymme behövs på filsystemet %s.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "  Åtminstone %d MB mer utrymme behövs på filsystemet %s.\n"
++msgstr[1] "  Åtminstone %d MB mer utrymme behövs på filsystemet %s.\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Felsammandrag\n-------------\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Det går inte att skapa en låsfil, avslutar"
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Ett annat program håller för närvarande yum-låset, avslutar som konfigurerad av exit_on_lock"
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr "Försöker köra transaktionen men det finns inget att göra.  Avslutar."
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " bortser ifrån, som begärt."
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr " avbryter."
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "Avslutar på användarens order"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "Hämtar paket:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Fel när paket hämtades:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr "Kör transaktionskontroll"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "FEL Du behöver uppdatera rpm för att hantera:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr "FEL med transaktionskontroll mot depsolve:"
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "RPM behöver uppdateras"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Vänligen rapportera detta fel i %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "Kör transaktionstest"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "Transaktionskontrollfel:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "Transaktionskontrollen lyckades"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "Kör transaktionen"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Vägrar att automatiskt importera nycklar vid oövervakad körning.\n"
+-"Använd \"-y\" för att åsidosätta."
++msgstr "Vägrar att automatiskt importera nycklar vid oövervakad körning.\nAnvänd \"-y\" för att åsidosätta."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * Du kanske menade: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "Paket %s%s%s tillgängliga, men inte installerade."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "Inget paket %s%s%s tillgängligt."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Paket att installera"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket att installera"
++msgstr[1] "%d paket att installera"
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Inget att göra"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d paket noterade att uppdateras"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket noterat att uppdateras"
++msgstr[1] "%d paket noterade att uppdateras"
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "Inga paket noterade att uppdateras"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "%d paket noterade för distributionssynkronisering"
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket noterat för distributionssynkronisering"
++msgstr[1] "%d paket noterade för distributionssynkronisering"
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr "Inga paket noterade för distributionssynkronisering"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d paket noterade att tas bort"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket noterat att tas bort"
++msgstr[1] "%d paket noterade att tas bort"
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "Inga paket noterade att tas bort"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Paket att nedgradera"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket att nedgradera"
++msgstr[1] "%d paket att nedgradera"
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (från %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "Installerat paket %s%s%s%s inte tillgängligt."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Paket att ominstallera"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket att ominstallera"
++msgstr[1] "%d paket att ominstallera"
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "Inga paket angivna"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Paket att installera"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "N/S matchade: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Matchning %sendast%s av namn och sammandrag, använd \"search all\" för "
++msgstr "  Matchning %sendast%s av namn och sammandrag, använd \"search all\" för allting."
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Matchning %sendast%s av fullständigt namn och sammandrag, använd \"search "
+-"all\" för allting."
++msgstr "  Matchning %sendast%s av fullständigt namn och sammandrag, använd \"search all\" för allting."
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Matchade: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Matchning %shuvudsakligen%s av namn och sammandrag, använd \"search all\" "
+-"för allting."
++msgstr "  Matchning %shuvudsakligen%s av namn och sammandrag, använd \"search all\" för allting."
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Varning: Ingen matchning hittades för: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "Inga matchningar hittades"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "Inga paket hittades för %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "Error: No Packages found for:\n  %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr "Rensar förråd: "
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "Rensar upp allt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "Rensar upp huvuden"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "Rensar upp paket"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "Rensar upp xml-metadata"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "Rensar upp databas-cache"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "Rensar upp expire-cache-metadata"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr "Rensar upp cachad rpmdb-data"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "Rensar upp insticksmoduler"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
+-msgstr "Varning: Inga grupper matchar: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Installerade grupper:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Installerade språkgrupper:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Tillgängliga grupper:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Tillgängliga språkgrupper:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Klart"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Varning: Grupp %s finns inte."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Inget paket i någon begärd grupp är tillgängligt för installation eller "
++msgstr "Inget paket i någon begärd grupp är tillgängligt för installation eller uppdatering"
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket att installera"
++msgstr[1] "%d paket att installera"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d paket att installera"
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Ingen grupp med namnet %s finns"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "Inget paket att ta bort från grupper"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d paket att ta bort"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket att ta bort"
++msgstr[1] "%d paket att ta bort"
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "Paket %s är redan installerat, hoppar över"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "Kastar ojämförbart paket %s.%s"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ingen annat %s installerat, lägger till listan för potentiell installation"
++msgstr "Ingen annat %s installerat, lägger till listan för potentiell installation"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Insticksmodulsalternativ"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Kommandoradsfel: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: flaggan %s behöver ett argument"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: flaggan %s behöver ett argument"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color tar en av: auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr "--installroot måste vara en absolut sökväg: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "visa detta hjälpmeddelande och avsluta"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "var tolerant vid fel"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr "kör helt från systemets cache, uppdatera inte cachen"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "konfigurationsfilens plats"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "maximal tid att vänta på kommandon"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "nivå på felsökningsutskrifter"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr "visa dubletter, i förråd, i list-/search-kommandon"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "nivå på felutskrifter"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr "nivå på felsökningsutskrifter för rpm"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "tyst operation"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "utförlig operation"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "svara ja på alla frågor"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "svara nej på alla frågor"
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "visa Yum-version och avsluta"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "ange installationsrot"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr "aktivera ett eller flera förråd (jokrertecken tillåts)"
++msgstr "aktivera ett eller flera förråd (jokertecken tillåts)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr "inaktivera ett eller flera förråd (jokertecken tillåts)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr "uteslut paket via namn eller mönster"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr "inaktivera uteslutningar från main, för ett förråd, eller för allt"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "aktivera bearbetning av utfasningar under uppdateringar"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "inaktivera Yum-insticksmoduler"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "inaktivera kontroll av gpg-signatur"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "inaktivera insticksmoduler efter namn"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "aktivera insticksmoduler efter namn"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "hoppa över paket med problem vid beroendeupplösning"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "styr om färg skall användas"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr "sätt värdet på $releasever i yum-konfigurations- och repo-filer"
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr "sätt godtyckliga konfigurations- och förrådsalternativ"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "jan"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "feb"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "mar"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "apr"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "maj"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "jun"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "jul"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "aug"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "sep"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "okt"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "nov"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "dec"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "Försöker med en annan spegel."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr "Namn        : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr "Arkitektur  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr "Epok        : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr "Version     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr "Utgåva      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr "Storlek     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "Förråd      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr "Från förråd : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr "Verkställare: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr "Verkställt  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr "Byggt       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "Installerat : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr "Installerat av: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr "Ändrat av   : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr "Sammandrag  : "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "URL         : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr "Licens      : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "Beskrivning : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "j"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "ja"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "nej"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "Är detta ok [j/N]: "
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Grupp: %s"
++msgstr "\nGrupp: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " Grupp-id: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Beskrivning: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr " Språk: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Obligatoriska paket:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Standardpaket:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Valfria paket:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Villkorliga paket:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "paket: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr "  Inga beroenden för detta paket"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "  beroende: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr "   Ej uppfyllt beroende"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Matchat från:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Licens      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Filnamn     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Övrigt      : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "Ett fel uppstod vid beräkningen av total storlek att hämta"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Total storlek: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Total storlek att hämta: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "Installerad storlek: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr "Ett fel uppstod vid beräkningen av installerad storlek"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "Ominstallerar"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "Nedgraderar"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Installerar på grund av beroenden"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Uppdaterar på grund av beroenden"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Tar bort på grund av beroenden"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Hoppas över (beroendeproblem)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "Inte installerat"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Ej tillgängliga"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Paket"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "Paket"
++msgstr[1] "Paket"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Ark"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Version"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Förråd"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Storl."
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr "     ersätter  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\nTransaktionssammanfattning\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Installerar   %5.5s paket\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Installera"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Uppdaterar    %5.5s Paket\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Uppgradera"
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Tar bort      %5.5s paket\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Ta bort"
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Ominstallerar %5.5s paket\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Ominstallation"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Nedgraderar   %5.5s paket\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Nedgradering"
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Beroende paket"
++msgstr[1] "Beroende paket"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Borttagna"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Borttagna beroenden"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Installerade beroenden"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Uppdaterade beroenden"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Ersatte"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Misslyckade"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "två"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Aktuell nedladdning avbröts, %savbryt (ctrl-c) igen%s inom %s%s%s sekunder\n"
+-"för att avsluta.\n"
++msgstr "\n Aktuell nedladdning avbröts, %savbryt (ctrl-c) igen%s inom %s%s%s sekunder\nför att avsluta.\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "avbrott från användaren"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Totalt"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "UF"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "N"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<ej satt>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "System"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Hoppar över sammanslagen transaktion %d till %d, eftersom de överlappar"
++msgstr "Hoppar över sammanslagen transaktion %d till %d, eftersom de överlappar"
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr "Inga transaktioner"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr "Felaktiga transaktions ID:n, eller paket, angivna"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr "Kommandorad"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr "Inloggad användare"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "Datum och tid"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "Åtgärd(er)"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "Ändrade"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Inget transaktions-ID angivet"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Felaktigt transaktions-ID angivet"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr "Hittade inte angivet transaktions-ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr "Hittade mer än ett transaktions-ID!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr "Inget transaktions-ID, eller paket, angivet"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr "Nedgraderade"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "Äldre"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "Nyare"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr "Transaktions-ID:"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr "Starttid       :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr "Start-rpmdb    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr "(%u sekunder)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr "(%u minuter)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr "(%u timmar)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr "(%u dagar)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "Sluttid        : "
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr "Slut-rpmdb     :"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "Användare      :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "Returkod       :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "Avbruten"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr "Misslyckanden:"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "Misslyckades:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "Lyckades"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "Kommandoradsfel:"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr "Ytterligare icke-standardinformation lagrad: %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr "Transaktionen utförd med:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "Ändrade paket:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "Överhoppade paket:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Rpmdb-problem:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "Skriptutdata:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "Fel:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "Installation"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr "Ber-inst"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr "Fasar ut"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "Radering"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "Ominstallation"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr "Nedgradering"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "Uppdatering"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "Tid"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "Senaste dagen"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "Senaste veckan"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "Senaste 2 veckorna"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "Senaste 3 månaderna"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "Senaste 6 månaderna"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "Senaste året"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "Mer än ett år tillbaka"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr "Ingen transaktion %s funnen"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr "Transaktions-ID:"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "Tillgänglig ytterligare historieinformation"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s: Inga ytterligare data finns med detta namn"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Paket          :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "Tillstånd      :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Storlek        :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "Byggvärd       :"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "Byggtid        :"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Paketerare     : "
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Leverantör     :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Licens         : "
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URL            :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "Käll-RPM       : "
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "Verkställt     :"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "Verkställare   :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "Orsak          :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "Från förråd    :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "Installerat av :"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "Ändrat av      :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "installerat"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr "en uppdatering"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "raderat"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "ominstallerat"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr "en nedgradering"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr "utfasning"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "uppdaterat"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "utfasat"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr "---> Paket %s.%s %s:%s-%s blir %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> Kör transaktionskontroll"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr "--> Startar om beroendeupplösning med nya ändringar."
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Avslutade beroendeupplösning"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Bearbetar beroende: %s för paket: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> Behåller paketet: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Ej upplöst beroende: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "Paket: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    Behöver: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Behöver: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        Finns inte"
++msgstr "\n        Finns inte"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "Uppdaterat av"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr "Nedgraderat av"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr "Utfasat av"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "Tillgängliga"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> Bearbetar konflikt: %s står i konflikt med %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr "--> Fyller transaktionsmängden med valda paket.  Var god dröj."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr "---> Hämtar huvud för %s för att paketera i transaktionsmängden."
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Verifierar"
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Kör"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Sover"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "Oavbrytbar"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Zombie"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "Spårad/Stoppad"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Okänd"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  Det andra programmet är: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  Det andra programmet är: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Minne   : %5s RSS (%5s B VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    Startade: %s - för %s sedan"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    Status  : %s, pid: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Slutar efter att användaren avbröt"
++msgstr "\n\nSlutar efter att användaren avbröt"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Slutar med brutet rör (pipe)"
++msgstr "\n\nSlutar med brutet rör (pipe)"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ett annat program håller för närvarande yum-låset, avslutar som konfigurerad"
+-" av exit_on_lock"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Insticksmodulsavslutsfel: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Yum-fel: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Fel: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr " Du kan försöka använda --skip-broken för att gå runt problemet"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr " Du kan försöka köra: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Okänt fel: Felkod: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Beroenden upplösta"
++msgstr "\nBeroenden upplösta"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Klart!"
+@@ -1519,7 +1652,7 @@ msgstr " Minianvändning:\n"
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr "Du måste vara root för att utföra detta kommando."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1534,585 +1667,650 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Du har aktiverat kontroll av paket med GPG-nycklar.  Det är bra.  Doch har\n"
+-"du inte några publika GPG-nycklar installerade.  Du behöver hämta nycklarna\n"
+-"för paket som du vill installera och installera dem.\n"
+-"Du kan göra det genom att köra kommandot:\n"
+-"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
+-"Alternativt kan du ange URL:en till nyckeln du vill använda för ett förråd\n"
+-"i alternativet gpgkey i en förrådssektion och yum kommer installera den åt\n"
+-"För mer information, kontakta leverantören av din distribution eller paket.\n"
++msgstr "\nDu har aktiverat kontroll av paket med GPG-nycklar.  Det är bra.  Doch har\ndu inte några publika GPG-nycklar installerade.  Du behöver hämta nycklarna\nför paket som du vill installera och installera dem.\nDu kan göra det genom att köra kommandot:\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nAlternativt kan du ange URL:en till nyckeln du vill använda för ett förråd\ni alternativet gpgkey i en förrådssektion och yum kommer installera den åt\ndig.\n\nFör mer information, kontakta leverantören av din distribution eller paket.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Problemförråd     : %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Fel: Behöver skicka en lista paket till %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "Fel: Behöver något att matcha emot"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Fel: Behöver en grupp eller lista av grupper"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Fel: clean behöver ett argument: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Fel: felaktigt argument till clean: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "Inget argument till skalet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "Filnamn skickat till skalet: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr "Filen %s som gavs som ett argument till skalet finns inte."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr "Fel: mer än en fil angiven som argument till skalet."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Det finns inga aktiverade förråd.\n"
+-" Kör ”yum repolist all” för att se vilka förråd du har.\n"
+-" Du kan aktivera förråd med yum-config-manager --enable <förråd>"
++msgstr "Det finns inga aktiverade förråd.\n Kör ”yum repolist all” för att se vilka förråd du har.\n Du kan aktivera förråd med yum-config-manager --enable <förråd>"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "PAKET..."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Installera ett eller flera paket på ditt system"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "Förbereder installationsprocessen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[PAKET...]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Uppdatera ett eller flera paket på ditt system"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "Förbereder uppdateringsprocessen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Synkroniser installerade paket med de senaste tillgängliga versionerna"
++msgstr "Synkroniser installerade paket med de senaste tillgängliga versionerna"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr "Förbereder distributionssynkroniseringsprocessen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Visa detaljer om ett paket eller en grupp paket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Installerade paket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Tillgängliga paket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Extra paket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Uppdaterade paket"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Fasar ut paket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Nyligen tillagda paket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "Inga matchande paket att lista"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Lista ett paket eller en grupp paket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Ta bort ett eller flera paket från ditt system"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "Förbereder processen att ta bort"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Visa, eller använd, gruppinformationen"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "Förbereder grupprocessen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "Inga grupper att köra kommandot på"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Lista tillgängliga paketgrupper"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Installera paketen i en grupp på ditt system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Ogiltigt underkommando till group, använd: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Ta bort paketen in en grupp från ditt system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Visa detaljer om en paketgrupp"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "Generera metadata-cache:n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "Skapar cache-filer för alla metadatafiler."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr "Detta kan ta ett tag beroende på datorns fart"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "Metadata-cache skapad"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "Ta bort cache:ade data"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "Ta reda på vilka paket som tillhandahåller det angivna värdet"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "Leta efter tillgängliga paketuppdateringar"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "Sök i paketdetaljer efter den angivna strängen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "Söker paket: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Uppdatera paket med hänsyn tagen till utfasningar"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Förbereder uppgraderingsprocessen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Installera en lokal RPM"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "Förbereder den lokala paketprocessen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Avgör vilket paket som tillhandahåller ett angivet beroende"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "Söker i paketen efter beroende:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Kör ett interactivt yum-skal"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Förbereder ett yum-skal"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "Lista ett pakets beroenden"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "Letar efter beroenden: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Visa konfigurerade programvaruförråd"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "aktivt"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "inaktivt"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr "Förråds-id      : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr "Förrådsnamn     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "Förrådsstatus   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Förrådsversion  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "Förrådstaggar   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Förråds-distro-taggar: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr "Förråd uppdaterat: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr "Förrådspaket    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "Förrådstorlek   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr "Förrådsbasurl   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "Förrådsmetalänk : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  Uppdaterat    :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr "Förrådspeglar   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Aldrig (senast: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Omedelbart (senast: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s sekunder (senast: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr "Förråd går ut    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr "Förråd utesluter : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr "Förråd inkluderar: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr "Förråd uteslutet : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Förrådfilnamn: "
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "förråds-id"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "status"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "förrådsnamn"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Visa ett hjälpsamt meddelande om användning"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "Ingen hjälp tillgänglig för %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"alias: "
++msgstr "\n\nalias: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"alias: "
++msgstr "\n\nalias: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "Förbereder ominstallationsprocessen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "ominstallera ett paket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Förbereder nedgraderingsprocessen"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "nedgradera ett paket"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr "Visa en version för maskinen och/eller tillgängliga förråd."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr " Yum versionsgrupper:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " Grupp:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr " Paket:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "Installerade:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr "Gruppinstallerade:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Tillgängliga:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "Grupptillgängliga:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr "Visa, eller använd, transaktionshistorien"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Transaktioner:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "Starttid    :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "Sluttid     : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "Antal       :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  rpm-DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  yum-DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr "Ogiltigt underkommando till history, använd: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr "Du har inte tillgång till historie-DB:n."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Kontrollera om det finns problem i rpmdb:n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr "läs in en sparad transaktion från filnamn"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr "Ingen fil med sparad transaktion angiven."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr "läser in transaktionen från %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr "Transaktionen inläst från %s med %s medlemmar"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr " Yums kontroller misslyckades: %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ett annat program håller för närvarande yum-låset, väntar på att den skall "
+-"avsluta ..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Inga läs-/körrättigheter i aktuell katalog, flyttar till /"
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+-msgstr "Det går inte att skapa en låsfil, avslutar"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "Löser upp beroenden"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
+-msgstr "Din transaktion sparades, kör om den med: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "Din transaktion sparades, kör om den med:\n yum load-transaction %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Slutar efter att användaren avbröt."
++msgstr "\n\nSlutar efter att användaren avbröt."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() kommer att försvinna i en framtida version av Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr "Förbereder transaktionsmängder före konfigurationsklass är uppe"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "Ogiltig tsflag i konfigurationsfil: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "Söker pkgSack efter beroende: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Medlem: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s konverterad till att installera"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "Lägger till paket %s i läge %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "Tar bort paket %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s behöver: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s behöver %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "Nödvändigt behov har redan slagits upp, fuskar"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "Nödvändigt behov är inte ett paketnamn.  Slår upp: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Potentiell tillhandahållare: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Läget är %s för tillhandahållare av %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Läge för paket som tillhandahåller %s: %s"
+@@ -2120,1040 +2318,1140 @@ msgstr "Läge för paket som tillhandahåller %s: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr "Försöker uppdatera %s för att lösa upp beroenden"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr "Hittar ingen uppdateringsväg för %s.  Misslyckat!"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: paket %s behöver %s noteras att raderas"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Fasar ut %s med %s för att lösa upp beroenden."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Uppdaterar %s för att lösa upp beroenden"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr "Hittar ingen uppdateringsväg för beroende för: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "Snabb matcning av %s mot behov för %s"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s finns bland tillhandahållande paket men det är redan installerat, tar "
++msgstr "%s finns bland tillhandahållande paket men det är redan installerat, tar bort."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr "Potentiellt upplösande paket %s har nyare instans i ts."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr "Potentiellt upplösande paket %s har nyare instans installerad."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "%s är redan i ts, hoppar över denna"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Noterar %s som en uppdatering av %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: Noterar %s som en installation av %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Klart - tom transaktion"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "Startar om slingan"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Beroendeprocessen avslutas"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Klart - beroenden upplösta"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "Kontrollerar beroenden för %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "letar efter %s som ett behov för %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "Kör compare_providers() för %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "bättre arkitektur i po %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s fasar ut %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"arkitekturavstånd jämför %s med %s på %s\n"
+-"  Vinnare: %s"
++msgstr "arkitekturavstånd jämför %s med %s på %s\n  Vinnare: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "samma käll-rpm %s och %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr "baspaket %s är installerat för %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "gemensamt prefix för %s mellan %s och %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr "behöver minst: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr "Vinnare: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "behöver minst: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr " Förlorare(med %d): %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Bästa ordning: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() kommer att försvinna i en framtida version av Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr "Förråd %r: Fel vid tolkning konfiguration: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr "Förrådet %r saknar namn i konfigurationen, använder id"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "insticksmoduler redan initierade"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() kommer att försvinna i en framtida version av Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "Läser lokal RPMDB"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() kommer att försvinna i en framtida version av Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() kommer att försvinna i en framtida version av Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "Förbereder paketsäckar"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr "förrådsobjekt för förrådet %s saknar en _resetSack-metod\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "därför kan inte detta förråd återställas.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() kommer att försvinna i en framtida version av Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "Bygger uppdateringsobjekt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() kommer att försvinna i en framtida version av Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "Hämtar gruppmetadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Lägger till gruppfil från förrådet: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Kunde inte lägga till gruppfil för förrådet: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "Inga grupper tillgängliga i något förråd"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr "Hämtar pakettaggsmetadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Lägger till taggar från förrådet: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Kunde inte lägga till pakettaggar för förrådet: %s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "Importerar ytterligare fillisteinformation"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "Programmet %s%s%s finns i paketet yum-utils."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Det finns oavslutade transaktioner kvar.  Du kan överväga att köra yum-"
+-"complete-transaction först för att avsluta dem."
++msgstr "Det finns oavslutade transaktioner kvar.  Du kan överväga att köra yum-complete-transaction först för att avsluta dem."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr "--> Letar efter överblivna beroenden som inte behövs"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr "Skyddade multilibversioner: %s ≠ %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr "Försöker ta bort ”%s”, som är skyddad"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paket hoppades över på grund av beroendeproblem:"
++msgstr "\nPaket hoppades över på grund av beroendeproblem:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s från %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"** Hittade %d redan befintliga tidigare rpmdb-problem, ”yum check”-utdata "
++msgstr "** Hittade %d redan befintliga tidigare rpmdb-problem, ”yum check”-utdata följer:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr "Varning: RPMDB ändrad utanför yum."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr "saknade behov"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr "installerade konflikter"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Varning: skript- eller annat icke ödesdigert fel inträffade under "
++msgstr "Varning: skript- eller annat icke ödesdigert fel inträffade under transaktionen."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr "Transaktionen kunde inte starta:"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr "Kunde inte köra transaktionen."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "Kunde inte ta bort transaktionsfilen %s"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s skulle installerats men gjordes det inte!"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s skulle tagits bort men det gjordes inte!"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Kunde inte öppna låset %s: %s "
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Kan inte kontrollera om PID %s är aktiv"
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr "Existerande lås %s: en annan kopia kör som pid %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr "Kunde inte skapa lås av %s: %s "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Kunde inte öppna låset %s: %s "
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Kan inte kontrollera om PID %s är aktiv"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paketet matchar inte den avsedda hämtningen.  Förslag: kör yum "
+-"--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr "Paketet matchar inte den avsedda hämtningen.  Förslag: kör yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "Kunde inte utföra kontrollsummering"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "Paketet stämmer inte med kontrollsumman"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"paketet misslyckas med kontrollsumman men cachning är aktiverat för %s"
++msgstr "paketet misslyckas med kontrollsumman men cachning är aktiverat för %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "använder lokal kopia av %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Otillräckligt utrymme i hämtningskatalogen %s\n"
+-"    * fritt   %s\n"
+-"    * behovet %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "Huvudet är inte komplett."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Huvudet finns inte i den lokala cachen och endast-cache-läget är aktiverat."
+-"  Kan inte hämta %s"
++msgstr "Huvudet finns inte i den lokala cachen och endast-cache-läget är aktiverat.  Kan inte hämta %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "Den publika nyckeln för %s är inte installerad"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Problem att öppna paketet %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "Den publika nyckeln för %s är inte betrodd"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "Paket %s är inte signerat"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "Det går inte att ta bort %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s borttaget"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "Det går inte att ta bort %s-filen %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s-filen %s borttagen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s-filer borttagna"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d %s-fil borttagen"
++msgstr[1] "%d %s-filer borttagna"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "Mer än en identisk matchning i säcken för %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "Ingenting matchar %s.%s %s:%s-%s från uppdateringarna"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() kommer att försvinna i en framtida version av Yum."
+-"                      Använd searchGenerator() istället. \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() kommer att försvinna i en framtida version av Yum.                      Använd searchGenerator() istället. \n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "Söker i %d paket"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "Söker i %d paket"
++msgstr[1] "Söker i %d paket"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "söker i paketet %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "söker i filposter"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "söker i tillhandahållandeposter"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "Inga gruppdata är tillgängliga för de konfigurerade förråden"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Det finns ingen grupp med namnet %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "paket %s noterades inte i gruppen %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "Lägger till paket %s från grupp %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "Inget paket med namnet %s är tillgängligt för installation"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
+-msgstr "Varning: Gruppen %s har inte några paket."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr "Gruppen %s har %u villkorliga paket, vilka kan komma att installeras."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "Pakettupel %s fanns inte i paketsäcken"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Pakettupel %s fanns inte i rpmdb"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr "Ogiltig versionsflagga från: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "Inga paket hittades för %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "Paketobjektet var inte en paketobjektinstans"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "Inget angivet att installeras"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Kontrollerar virtuella tillhandahållanden eller filtillhandahållanden för %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "Ingen matchning för argument: %s"
++msgstr "Kontrollerar virtuella tillhandahållanden eller filtillhandahållanden för %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "Paket %s installerat och inte tillgänligt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "Inga paket tillgängliga att installera"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "Paket: %s - redan i transaktionsmängden"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "Paket %s fasas ut av %s, som redan är installerat"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paket %s fasas ut av %s, men paketet som fasar ut tillhandahåller inte "
++msgstr "Paket %s fasas ut av %s, men paketet som fasar ut tillhandahåller inte behoven"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr "Paket %s fasas ut av %s, försöker installera %s istället"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "Paket %s är redan installerat och senaste version"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr "Paket som matchar %s är redan installerat.  Letar efter uppdatering."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "Uppdaterar allt"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Uppdaterar inte paket som redan är utfasade: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Ingen matchning för argument: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Inget paket att uppgradera matchar: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Paketet är redan utfasat: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "Uppdaterar inte paket som fasas ut: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Uppdaterar inte paket som redan är uppdaterat: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "Inget paket att tas bort matchar"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "Inget paket att ta bort matchar: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr "Hoppar över den körande kärnan: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr "Ta bort %s från transaktionen"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Det går inte att öppna: %s.  Hoppar över."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Undersöker %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Det går inte att lokalinstallera deltarpm: %s.  Hoppar över."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Kan inte lägga till paket %s till transaktionen.  Inte en kompatibel "
+-"arkitektur: %s"
++msgstr "Kan inte lägga till paket %s till transaktionen.  Inte en kompatibel arkitektur: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Det går inte att installera paketet %s.  Det är fasas ut av det installerade"
+-" paketet %s"
++msgstr "Det går inte att installera paketet %s.  Det är fasas ut av det installerade paketet %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paket %s är inte installerat, kan inte uppdatera det.  Kör yum install för "
+-"att installera det istället."
++msgstr "Paket %s är inte installerat, kan inte uppdatera det.  Kör yum install för att installera det istället."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Paketet %s.%s är inte installerat, kan inte uppdatera det.  Kör yum install "
+-"för att installera det istället."
++msgstr "Paketet %s.%s är inte installerat, kan inte uppdatera det.  Kör yum install för att installera det istället."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "Utesluter %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "Noterar %s för installation"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "Noterar %s som en uppdatering av %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: uppdaterar inte ett installerat paket."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Det går inte att öppna filen: %s.  Hoppar över."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr "Problem att ominstallera: inget paket matchades att tas bort"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr "Problem att ominstallera: inget paket %s matchades att installera"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "Inga paket tillgängliga att nedgradera"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "Paket %s tillåts multipla installationer, hoppar över"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "Ingen matchning för tillgängliga paket: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Endast uppgradering tillgängliga för paket: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr "Misslyckades nedgradera: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Misslyckades att uppgradera: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr "Hämtar nyckel från %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "Hämtandet av GPG-nyckeln misslyckades: "
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"GPG-nyckelsignatur på nyckeln %s har inte någon matchande CA-nyckel för "
+-"förrådet: %s"
++msgstr "GPG-nyckelsignatur på nyckeln %s har inte någon matchande CA-nyckel för förrådet: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr "GPG-nyckelsignatur verifierad mot CA-nycklar"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Ogiltig GPG-nyckel från %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "GPG-nyckeltolkning misslyckades: nyckeln har inte värde %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Importerar %s-nyckel 0x%s:\n"
+-" Användarid: %s\n"
+-" Paket     : %s (%s)\n"
+-" Från      : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importerar %s-nyckel 0x%s:\n Användarid   : ”%s”\n Fingeravtryck: %s\n Paket        : %s (%s)\n Från         : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Importerar %s-nyckel 0x%s:\n Användarid   : ”%s”\n Fingeravtryck: %s\n Från         : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Importerar %s-nyckel 0x%s:\n"
+-" Användarid: ”%s”\n"
+-" Från      : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "GPG-nyckel vid %s (0x%s) är redan installerad"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "Nyckelimport misslyckades (kod %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "Nyckelimport lyckades"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr "Installerade inte några nycklar"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"GPG-nycklarna uppräknade för förrådet \"%s\" är redan installerade men de är inte korrekta för detta paket.\n"
+-"Kontrollera att de rätta nyckel-URL:erna är konfigurerade för detta förråd."
++msgstr "GPG-nycklarna uppräknade för förrådet \"%s\" är redan installerade men de är inte korrekta för detta paket.\nKontrollera att de rätta nyckel-URL:erna är konfigurerade för detta förråd."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "Import av nycklar hjälpte inte, fel nycklar?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "GPG-nyckel vid %s (0x%s) är redan importerad"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "Nyckelimport misslyckades"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr "Installerade inte några nycklar för förrådet %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"GPG-nycklarna uppräknade för förrådet \"%s\" är redan installerade men de är inte korrekta.\n"
+-"Kontrollera att rätt nyckel-URL:ar är konfigurerade för detta förråd."
++msgstr "GPG-nycklarna uppräknade för förrådet \"%s\" är redan installerade men de är inte korrekta.\nKontrollera att rätt nyckel-URL:ar är konfigurerade för detta förråd."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "Kan inte hitta en lämplig spegel."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Fel uppstod när paket hämtades."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Rapportera gärna detta fel till %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Transaktionstestfel: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr "Kunde inte sätta cache-katalog: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Beroenden inte upplösta.  Kommer inte att spara ouppklarad transaktion."
++msgstr "Beroenden inte upplösta.  Kommer inte att spara ouppklarad transaktion."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Kunde inte spara transaktionsfilen %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr "Kunde inte komma åt/läsa sparad transaktion %s: %s "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr "rpmdb-version stämmer inte med sparad transaktionsversion, "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr " bortser ifrån, som begärt."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr " avbryter."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr "det går inte att hitta tsflags eller så är tsflags inte ett heltal."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr "Hittade txmbr i okänt aktuellt tillstånd: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr "Kunde inte hitta txmbr: %s i tillstånd %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr "Kunde inte hitta txmbr: %s från ursprung: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr "Transaktionsmedlemmar, -relationer saknas eller ts har ändrats,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr " bortser ifrån, som begärt.  Du måste göra redepsolve!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s har redan besökts och kan inte tas bort."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "Undersöker versionsberoenden för %s"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s har versionsberoende %s som var var användarinstallerat."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "%s: uppdaterar inga användarinstallerade versionsberoenden."
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Inlästa insticksmoduler: "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "Ingen insticksmodul matchar: %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "Läser inte in insticksmodulen \"%s\" eftersom den är inaktiverad"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "Insticksmodulen \"%s\" kan inte importeras"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "Insticksmodulen \"%s\" specificerare inte nödvändig API-version"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "Insticksmodulen \"%s\" kräver API %s.  API:er som stöds är %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "Läser in insticksmodulen \"%s\""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Två eller flera insticksmoduler med namnet \"%s\" finns i sökvägen för "
++msgstr "Två eller flera insticksmoduler med namnet \"%s\" finns i sökvägen för insticksmoduler"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "Konfigurationsfilen %s finns inte"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "Kan inte hitta konfigurationsfil för insticksmodulen %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "registrering av kommandon stöds inte"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr "har ett saknat beroende på"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr "har installerad konflikt"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr "%s är en dubblett med %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr "%s fasas ut av %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr "%s tillhandahåller %s men det kan inte hittas"
+@@ -3162,6 +3460,23 @@ msgstr "%s tillhandahåller %s men det kan inte hittas"
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "Paketerar om"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Verifiera: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Otillräckligt utrymme i hämtningskatalogen %s\n    * fritt   %s\n    * behovet %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3174,9 +3489,7 @@ msgstr "RPM %s misslyckas med md5-kontroll"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Det gick inte att öppna RPM-databasen för läsning.  Kanske den redan "
++msgstr "Det gick inte att öppna RPM-databasen för läsning.  Kanske den redan används?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+@@ -3192,5 +3505,3 @@ msgstr "Trasigt huvud %s"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Fel när rpm %s öppnades - fel %s"
+diff --git a/po/tr.po b/po/tr.po
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..57fee42
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/po/tr.po
+@@ -0,0 +1,3491 @@
++# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
++# Translators:
++# Muhammet Kara <muhammet.k@gmail.com>, 2011, 2012.
++# Onuralp SEZER <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com>, 2012.
++msgid ""
++msgstr ""
++"Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Turkish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/tr/)\n"
++"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
++"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
++"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++"Language: tr\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++msgid "Updating"
++msgstr "Güncelleniyor"
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++msgid "Erasing"
++msgstr "Siliniyor"
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
++msgid "Installing"
++msgstr "Kuruluyor"
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++msgid "Obsoleted"
++msgstr "Kullanım Dışı"
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
++msgid "Updated"
++msgstr "Güncellendi"
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
++msgid "Erased"
++msgstr "Silindi"
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
++msgid "Installed"
++msgstr "Kuruldu"
++#: ../callback.py:142
++msgid "No header - huh?"
++msgstr "Başlık yok - ha?"
++#: ../callback.py:180
++msgid "Repackage"
++msgstr "Yeniden Paketle"
++#: ../callback.py:201
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
++msgstr "Hata: geçersiz çıktı durumu: %s (%s için)"
++#: ../callback.py:224
++#, python-format
++msgid "Erased: %s"
++msgstr "Silindi: %s"
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
++msgid "Removing"
++msgstr "Kaldırılıyor"
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++msgid "Cleanup"
++msgstr "Temizle"
++#: ../cli.py:122
++#, python-format
++msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
++msgstr "\"%s\" komutu zaten tanımlanmış"
++#: ../cli.py:137
++msgid "Setting up repositories"
++msgstr "Depolar ayarlanıyor"
++#: ../cli.py:148
++msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
++msgstr "Depo meta verisi yerel dosyalardan okunuyor"
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
++#, python-format
++msgid "Config Error: %s"
++msgstr "Yapılandırma Hatası: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
++#, python-format
++msgid "Options Error: %s"
++msgstr "Seçeneklerde Hata: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:327
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
++msgstr "  Kuruldu: %s-%s at %s"
++#: ../cli.py:329
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:331
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:372
++msgid "You need to give some command"
++msgstr "Bir komut vermelisiniz"
++#: ../cli.py:386
++#, python-format
++msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
++msgstr "Böyle bir komut yok: %s. Lütfen %s--help komutunu kullanın"
++#: ../cli.py:444
++msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
++msgstr "Disk Gereksinimleri:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:446
++#, python-format
++msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
++#. Fixup the summary
++#: ../cli.py:451
++msgid ""
++"Error Summary\n"
++msgstr "Hata Özeti\n-------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:532
++msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr "iptal ediliyor."
++#: ../cli.py:588
++msgid "Exiting on user Command"
++msgstr "Kullanıcı Komutu ile Çıkılıyor"
++#: ../cli.py:592
++msgid "Downloading Packages:"
++msgstr "Paketler İndiriliyor:"
++#: ../cli.py:597
++msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
++msgstr "Paketler İndirilirken Hata Oluştu:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
++msgid "Running Transaction Check"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
++msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
++msgstr "HATA Bunu işlemek için rpm'i güncellemelisiniz:"
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
++msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:633
++msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
++msgstr "RPM'nin güncellenmesi gerekiyor"
++#: ../cli.py:634
++#, python-format
++msgid "Please report this error in %s"
++msgstr "Lütfen %s'deki bu hatayı bildirin"
++#: ../cli.py:640
++msgid "Running Transaction Test"
++msgstr "İşlem Sınaması Yürütülüyor"
++#: ../cli.py:652
++msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
++msgstr "İşlem Denetimi Hatası:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:659
++msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
++msgstr "İşlem Sınaması Başarılı"
++#: ../cli.py:691
++msgid "Running Transaction"
++msgstr "İşlem Yürütülüyor"
++#: ../cli.py:724
++msgid ""
++"Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
++"Use \"-y\" to override."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
++msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
++msgstr "  * Belki de bunu demek istediniz: "
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
++msgstr "%s%s%s paket(ler)i kullanılabilir durumda ama kurulmamış."
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
++msgstr "%s%s%s diye kullanılabilir bir paket yok."
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket kurulacak"
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
++msgid "Nothing to do"
++msgstr "Yapılacak birşey yok"
++#: ../cli.py:953
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket Güncelleme için işaretlendi"
++#: ../cli.py:955
++msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
++msgstr "Hiçbir paket, Güncelleme için işaretlenmedi"
++#: ../cli.py:1067
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket Dağıtım Eşzamanlaması için işaretlendi"
++#: ../cli.py:1069
++msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr "Hiçbir paket, Dağıtım Eşzamanlaması için işaretlenmedi"
++#: ../cli.py:1124
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket kaldırılmak için işaretlendi"
++#: ../cli.py:1126
++msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
++msgstr "Hiçbir paket, kaldırılmak üzere işaretlenmedi"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket indirgenmek için işaretlendi"
++#: ../cli.py:1207
++#, python-format
++msgid " (from %s)"
++msgstr " (%s ' den)"
++#: ../cli.py:1208
++#, python-format
++msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket yeniden kurulacak"
++#: ../cli.py:1246
++msgid "No Packages Provided"
++msgstr "Hiçbir Paket Sağlanmadı"
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Kurulacak paket(ler)"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
++#, python-format
++msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1384
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1386
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1404
++#, python-format
++msgid "Matched: %s"
++msgstr "Eşleşen: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1411
++#, python-format
++msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1415
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
++msgstr "Uyarı: Bunun için hiçbir eşleşme bulunamadı: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1418
++msgid "No Matches found"
++msgstr "Hiçbir Eşleşme bulunamadı"
++#: ../cli.py:1536
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1572
++msgid "Cleaning repos: "
++msgstr "Depolar temizleniyor: "
++#: ../cli.py:1577
++msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
++msgstr "Herşey Temizleniyor"
++#: ../cli.py:1593
++msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
++msgstr "Başlıklar Temizleniyor"
++#: ../cli.py:1596
++msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
++msgstr "Paketler Temizleniyor"
++#: ../cli.py:1599
++msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
++msgstr "Xml meta verisi temizleniyor"
++#: ../cli.py:1602
++msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
++msgstr "Veritabanı önbelleği temizleniyor"
++#: ../cli.py:1605
++msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
++msgstr "Zamanaşımı önbelleği meta verisi temizleniyor"
++#: ../cli.py:1608
++msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
++msgstr "Önbelleğe alınmış rpmdb verisi temizleniyor"
++#: ../cli.py:1611
++msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
++msgstr "Eklentiler temizleniyor"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1735
++msgid "Installed Groups:"
++msgstr "Kurulan Gruplar:"
++#: ../cli.py:1742
++msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1749
++msgid "Available Groups:"
++msgstr "Kullanılabilir Gruplar:"
++#: ../cli.py:1756
++msgid "Available Language Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
++msgid "Done"
++msgstr "Yapıldı"
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Uyarı: %s adlı bir grup yok."
++#: ../cli.py:1883
++msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
++msgstr "İstenilen gruplardaki hiçbir paketin kurulum ya da güncellemesi kullanılabilir değil."
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket kurulacak"
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
++#, python-format
++msgid "No group named %s exists"
++msgstr "%s adlı bir grup yok"
++#: ../cli.py:1945
++msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
++msgstr "Gruplardan kaldırılacak hiçbir paket yok"
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d paket kaldırılacak"
++#: ../cli.py:1988
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
++msgstr "%s paketi zaten kurulmuş, atlanıyor"
++#: ../cli.py:1999
++#, python-format
++msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
++msgstr ""
++#. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
++#: ../cli.py:2025
++#, python-format
++msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2045
++msgid "Plugin Options"
++msgstr "Eklenti Seçenekleri"
++#: ../cli.py:2057
++#, python-format
++msgid "Command line error: %s"
++msgstr "Komut satırı hatası: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:2079
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"%s: %s option requires an argument"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: %s seçeneği bir argüman gerektiriyor"
++#: ../cli.py:2147
++msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
++msgstr "--color, şunlardan birini alabilir: auto, always, never"
++#. We have a relative installroot ... haha
++#: ../cli.py:2218
++#, python-format
++msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2272
++msgid "show this help message and exit"
++msgstr "bu yardım mesajını göster ve çık"
++#: ../cli.py:2276
++msgid "be tolerant of errors"
++msgstr "Hatalarda toleranslı ol "
++#: ../cli.py:2279
++msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
++msgstr "tamamen sistem önbelleğinden çalış, önbelleği güncelleme"
++#: ../cli.py:2282
++msgid "config file location"
++msgstr "yapılandırma dosyası konumu"
++#: ../cli.py:2285
++msgid "maximum command wait time"
++msgstr "en fazla komut bekleme süresi"
++#: ../cli.py:2287
++msgid "debugging output level"
++msgstr "hata ayıklama çıktısı düzeyi"
++#: ../cli.py:2291
++msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
++msgstr "Depoda , liste/arama komutunlarında , çakışmaları göster"
++#: ../cli.py:2296
++msgid "error output level"
++msgstr "hata çıktısı düzeyi"
++#: ../cli.py:2299
++msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
++msgstr "rpm için hata ayıklama çıktısı düzeyi"
++#: ../cli.py:2302
++msgid "quiet operation"
++msgstr "sessiz işlem"
++#: ../cli.py:2304
++msgid "verbose operation"
++msgstr "açıklamalı işlem"
++#: ../cli.py:2306
++msgid "answer yes for all questions"
++msgstr "tüm soruları evet olarak cevapla"
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "tüm sorulara hayır cevabını ver"
++#: ../cli.py:2312
++msgid "show Yum version and exit"
++msgstr "Yum sürümünü göster ve çık"
++#: ../cli.py:2313
++msgid "set install root"
++msgstr "kurulum kökünü ayarla"
++#: ../cli.py:2317
++msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
++msgstr "Bir veya birden depoyu aktifleştir (Joker karakter izin verilir)"
++#: ../cli.py:2321
++msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
++msgstr "Bir veya birden depoyu devre dışı bırak (Joker karakter izin verilir)"
++#: ../cli.py:2324
++msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2326
++msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2329
++msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
++msgstr "Güncelleme boyunca kullanılmayan işlemini etkinleştir"
++#: ../cli.py:2331
++msgid "disable Yum plugins"
++msgstr "Yum eklentilerini devre dışı bırak"
++#: ../cli.py:2333
++msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
++msgstr "gpg imza denetimini devre dışı bırak"
++#: ../cli.py:2335
++msgid "disable plugins by name"
++msgstr "eklentileri ada göre devre dışı bırak"
++#: ../cli.py:2338
++msgid "enable plugins by name"
++msgstr "eklentileri ada göre etkinleştir"
++#: ../cli.py:2341
++msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
++msgstr "Bağımlılık problemleri olan paketleri atla"
++#: ../cli.py:2343
++msgid "control whether color is used"
++msgstr "renk kullanılıp kullanılmayacağını kontrol et"
++#: ../cli.py:2345
++msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
++msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Jan"
++msgstr "Oca"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Feb"
++msgstr "Şub"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Mar"
++msgstr "Mar"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Apr"
++msgstr "Nis"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "May"
++msgstr "May"
++#: ../output.py:458
++msgid "Jun"
++msgstr "Haz"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Jul"
++msgstr "Tem"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Aug"
++msgstr "Ağu"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Sep"
++msgstr "Eyl"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Oct"
++msgstr "Eki"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Nov"
++msgstr "Kas"
++#: ../output.py:459
++msgid "Dec"
++msgstr "Ara"
++#: ../output.py:473
++msgid "Trying other mirror."
++msgstr "Başka bir yansı deneniyor."
++#: ../output.py:816
++#, python-format
++msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
++msgstr "Ad        : %s%s%s"
++#: ../output.py:817
++#, python-format
++msgid "Arch        : %s"
++msgstr "Mimari        : %s"
++#: ../output.py:819
++#, python-format
++msgid "Epoch       : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:820
++#, python-format
++msgid "Version     : %s"
++msgstr "Sürüm     : %s"
++#: ../output.py:821
++#, python-format
++msgid "Release     : %s"
++msgstr "Dağıtım     : %s"
++#: ../output.py:822
++#, python-format
++msgid "Size        : %s"
++msgstr "Boyut        : %s"
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repo        : %s"
++msgstr "Depo        : %s"
++#: ../output.py:825
++#, python-format
++msgid "From repo   : %s"
++msgstr "Depodan   : %s"
++#: ../output.py:827
++#, python-format
++msgid "Committer   : %s"
++msgstr "Committer   : %s"
++#: ../output.py:828
++#, python-format
++msgid "Committime  : %s"
++msgstr "Komitzamanı  : %s"
++#: ../output.py:829
++#, python-format
++msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
++msgstr "İnşaatzamanı   : %s"
++#: ../output.py:831
++#, python-format
++msgid "Install time: %s"
++msgstr "Kurulum zamanı: %s"
++#: ../output.py:839
++#, python-format
++msgid "Installed by: %s"
++msgstr "Kuran: %s"
++#: ../output.py:846
++#, python-format
++msgid "Changed by  : %s"
++msgstr "Değiştiren  : %s"
++#: ../output.py:847
++msgid "Summary     : "
++msgstr "Özet     : "
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
++#, python-format
++msgid "URL         : %s"
++msgstr "URL         : %s"
++#: ../output.py:850
++msgid "License     : "
++msgstr "Lisans     : "
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
++msgid "Description : "
++msgstr "Açıklama : "
++#: ../output.py:969
++msgid "y"
++msgstr "e"
++#: ../output.py:969
++msgid "yes"
++msgstr "evet"
++#: ../output.py:970
++msgid "n"
++msgstr "h"
++#: ../output.py:970
++msgid "no"
++msgstr "hayır"
++#: ../output.py:974
++msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
++msgstr "Tamam mı [e/H]: "
++#: ../output.py:1097
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Group: %s"
++msgstr "\nGrup: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1101
++#, python-format
++msgid " Group-Id: %s"
++msgstr " Grup-Kimliği: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
++#, python-format
++msgid " Description: %s"
++msgstr "Açıklama: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1124
++#, python-format
++msgid " Language: %s"
++msgstr " Dil: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1126
++msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
++msgstr " Zorunlu Paketler:"
++#: ../output.py:1127
++msgid " Default Packages:"
++msgstr " Öntanımlı Paketler:"
++#: ../output.py:1128
++msgid " Optional Packages:"
++msgstr " İsteğe Bağlı Paketler:"
++#: ../output.py:1129
++msgid " Conditional Packages:"
++msgstr " Şartlı Paketler:"
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr "Paketler Kuruldu:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
++#, python-format
++msgid "package: %s"
++msgstr "paket: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1219
++msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
++msgstr "  Bu paket için hiçbir bağımlılık yok"
++#: ../output.py:1224
++#, python-format
++msgid "  dependency: %s"
++msgstr "  bağımlılık: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1226
++msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
++msgstr "Yetersiz bağımlılık"
++#: ../output.py:1337
++msgid "Matched from:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1348
++#, python-format
++msgid "License     : %s"
++msgstr "Lisans     : %s"
++#: ../output.py:1351
++#, python-format
++msgid "Filename    : %s"
++msgstr "Dosya adı    : %s"
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
++msgid "Other       : "
++msgstr "Diğer       : "
++#: ../output.py:1426
++msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
++msgstr "Toplam indirme boyutu hesaplanırken bir hata oluştu"
++#: ../output.py:1431
++#, python-format
++msgid "Total size: %s"
++msgstr "Toplam boyut: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1433
++#, python-format
++msgid "Total download size: %s"
++msgstr "Toplam indirme boyutu: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
++#, python-format
++msgid "Installed size: %s"
++msgstr "Kurulu boyutu: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1454
++msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
++msgstr "Kurulu boyutu hesaplarken bir hata oluştu"
++#: ../output.py:1504
++msgid "Reinstalling"
++msgstr "Yeniden kuruluyor"
++#: ../output.py:1505
++msgid "Downgrading"
++msgstr "Sürüm düşürülüyor"
++#: ../output.py:1506
++msgid "Installing for dependencies"
++msgstr "Bağımlılıklar nedeniyle kuruluyor"
++#: ../output.py:1507
++msgid "Updating for dependencies"
++msgstr "Bağımlılıklar nedeniyle güncelleniyor"
++#: ../output.py:1508
++msgid "Removing for dependencies"
++msgstr "Bağımlılıklar nedeniyle kaldırılıyor"
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
++msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
++msgstr "Atlandı (bağımlılık sorunları)"
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
++msgid "Not installed"
++msgstr "Kurulmadı"
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
++msgid "Not available"
++msgstr "Kullanılabilir değil"
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
++msgid "Package"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "Paketler"
++#: ../output.py:1540
++msgid "Arch"
++msgstr "Mimari"
++#: ../output.py:1541
++msgid "Version"
++msgstr "Sürüm"
++#: ../output.py:1541
++msgid "Repository"
++msgstr "Depo"
++#: ../output.py:1542
++msgid "Size"
++msgstr "Boyut"
++#: ../output.py:1554
++#, python-format
++msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1563
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Transaction Summary\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Kur"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Yükselt"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Kaldır"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Yeniden Kur"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Bağımlı paketler"
++#: ../output.py:1666
++msgid "Removed"
++msgstr "Kaldırıldı"
++#: ../output.py:1667
++msgid "Dependency Removed"
++msgstr "Bağımlılık Kaldırıldı"
++#: ../output.py:1669
++msgid "Dependency Installed"
++msgstr "Bağımlılık Kuruldu"
++#: ../output.py:1671
++msgid "Dependency Updated"
++msgstr "Bağımlılık Güncellendi"
++#: ../output.py:1673
++msgid "Replaced"
++msgstr "Değiştirildi"
++#: ../output.py:1674
++msgid "Failed"
++msgstr "Başarısız Oldu"
++#. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
++#: ../output.py:1764
++msgid "two"
++msgstr "iki"
++#. For translators: This is output like:
++#. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
++#. to exit.
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
++"to exit.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1786
++msgid "user interrupt"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1812
++msgid "Total"
++msgstr "Toplam"
++#: ../output.py:1834
++msgid "I"
++msgstr "I"
++#: ../output.py:1835
++msgid "O"
++msgstr "O"
++#: ../output.py:1836
++msgid "E"
++msgstr "E"
++#: ../output.py:1837
++msgid "R"
++msgstr "R"
++#: ../output.py:1838
++msgid "D"
++msgstr "D"
++#: ../output.py:1839
++msgid "U"
++msgstr "U"
++#: ../output.py:1853
++msgid "<unset>"
++msgstr "<unset>"
++#: ../output.py:1854
++msgid "System"
++msgstr "Sistem"
++#: ../output.py:1923
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
++msgid "No transactions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
++msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2007
++msgid "Command line"
++msgstr "Komut satırı"
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
++msgid "Login user"
++msgstr "Kullanıcı Girişi"
++#. REALLY Needs to use columns!
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
++msgid "ID"
++msgstr "ID"
++#: ../output.py:2012
++msgid "Date and time"
++msgstr "Tarih ve saat"
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
++msgid "Action(s)"
++msgstr "Eylem(ler)"
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
++msgid "Altered"
++msgstr "Değişikliğe uğradı"
++#: ../output.py:2061
++msgid "No transaction ID given"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
++msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2092
++msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2100
++msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
++msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
++msgid "Downgraded"
++msgstr "İndirgendi"
++#: ../output.py:2224
++msgid "Older"
++msgstr "Daha eski"
++#: ../output.py:2224
++msgid "Newer"
++msgstr "Daha yeni"
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
++msgid "Transaction ID :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
++msgid "Begin time     :"
++msgstr "Başlama zamanı     :"
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
++msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
++msgstr "rpmdb başlangıcı    :"
++#: ../output.py:2286
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u seconds)"
++msgstr "(%u saniye)"
++#: ../output.py:2288
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u minutes)"
++msgstr "(%u dakika)"
++#: ../output.py:2290
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u hours)"
++msgstr "(%u dakika)"
++#: ../output.py:2292
++#, python-format
++msgid "(%u days)"
++msgstr "(%u gün)"
++#: ../output.py:2293
++msgid "End time       :"
++msgstr "Bitiş zamanı       :"
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
++msgid "End rpmdb      :"
++msgstr "rpmdb sonu      :"
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
++msgid "User           :"
++msgstr "Kullanıcı           :"
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
++msgid "Return-Code    :"
++msgstr "Return-Code    :"
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
++msgid "Aborted"
++msgstr "İptal Edildi"
++#: ../output.py:2310
++msgid "Failures:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2314
++msgid "Failure:"
++msgstr "Başarısız:"
++#: ../output.py:2316
++msgid "Success"
++msgstr "Başarılı"
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
++msgid "Command Line   :"
++msgstr "Komut Satırı   :"
++#: ../output.py:2332
++#, python-format
++msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#. This is _possible_, but not common
++#: ../output.py:2337
++msgid "Transaction performed with:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2341
++msgid "Packages Altered:"
++msgstr "Değişikliğe Uğrayan Paketler:"
++#: ../output.py:2345
++msgid "Packages Skipped:"
++msgstr "Atlanan Paketler:"
++#: ../output.py:2353
++msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
++msgstr "Rpmdb Sorunları:"
++#: ../output.py:2364
++msgid "Scriptlet output:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2370
++msgid "Errors:"
++msgstr "Hatalar:"
++#: ../output.py:2378
++msgid "Dep-Install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2380
++msgid "Obsoleting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2381
++msgid "Erase"
++msgstr "Sil"
++#: ../output.py:2385
++msgid "Update"
++msgstr "Güncelle"
++#: ../output.py:2459
++msgid "Time"
++msgstr "Zaman"
++#: ../output.py:2485
++msgid "Last day"
++msgstr "Son bir gün"
++#: ../output.py:2486
++msgid "Last week"
++msgstr "Son bir hafta"
++#: ../output.py:2487
++msgid "Last 2 weeks"
++msgstr "Son 2 hafta"
++#. US default :p
++#: ../output.py:2488
++msgid "Last 3 months"
++msgstr "Son 3 ay"
++#: ../output.py:2489
++msgid "Last 6 months"
++msgstr "Son 6 ay"
++#: ../output.py:2490
++msgid "Last year"
++msgstr "Geçen yıl"
++#: ../output.py:2491
++msgid "Over a year ago"
++msgstr "Bir yıldan fazla zaman önce"
++#: ../output.py:2538
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Transaction %s found"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2544
++msgid "Transaction ID:"
++msgstr "İşlem ID:"
++#: ../output.py:2545
++msgid "Available additional history information:"
++msgstr "Kullanılabilir ek geçmiş bilgisi:"
++#: ../output.py:2558
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Paket        :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "Durum          :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Boyut           :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "İnşa makinesi     :"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "İnşa zamanı     :"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Paketleyen       :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Üretici         :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Lisans        :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URL            :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "Kaynak RPM     :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
++msgid "installed"
++msgstr "kuruldu"
++#: ../output.py:2768
++msgid "an update"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2769
++msgid "erased"
++msgstr "silindi"
++#: ../output.py:2770
++msgid "reinstalled"
++msgstr "yeniden kuruldu"
++#: ../output.py:2771
++msgid "a downgrade"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2772
++msgid "obsoleting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2773
++msgid "updated"
++msgstr "güncellendi"
++#: ../output.py:2774
++msgid "obsoleted"
++msgstr "eskimiş"
++#: ../output.py:2778
++#, python-format
++msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2789
++msgid "--> Running transaction check"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2795
++msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2801
++msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
++#, python-format
++msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2841
++#, python-format
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2850
++#, python-format
++msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2867
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s"
++msgstr "Paket: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2869
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"    Requires: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Gereksinimler: %s"
++#: ../output.py:2878
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
++#: ../output.py:2883
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
++#: ../output.py:2885
++msgid ""
++"        Not found"
++msgstr "\n        Bulunamadı"
++#. These should be the only three things we care about:
++#: ../output.py:2900
++msgid "Updated By"
++msgstr "Güncelleyen:"
++#: ../output.py:2901
++msgid "Downgraded By"
++msgstr "İndirgeyen:"
++#: ../output.py:2902
++msgid "Obsoleted By"
++msgstr "Tarafından eskimiş"
++#: ../output.py:2920
++msgid "Available"
++msgstr "Kullanılabilir"
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
++#, python-format
++msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
++msgstr "--> Uyuşmazlık İşleniyor: %s, %s ile uyuşmuyor"
++#: ../output.py:2974
++msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2983
++#, python-format
++msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
++msgstr ""
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Doğrulanıyor"
++#: ../utils.py:123
++msgid "Running"
++msgstr "Çalışıyor"
++#: ../utils.py:124
++msgid "Sleeping"
++msgstr "Uykuda"
++#: ../utils.py:125
++msgid "Uninterruptible"
++msgstr "Durdurulamaz"
++#: ../utils.py:126
++msgid "Zombie"
++msgstr "Zombi"
++#: ../utils.py:127
++msgid "Traced/Stopped"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
++msgid "Unknown"
++msgstr "Bilinmiyor"
++#: ../utils.py:153
++msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
++msgstr "  Diğer uygulama: PackageKit"
++#: ../utils.py:155
++#, python-format
++msgid "  The other application is: %s"
++msgstr "  Diğer uygulama: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:158
++#, python-format
++msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
++msgstr "    Bellek : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
++#: ../utils.py:163
++#, python-format
++msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
++msgstr "    Başladı: %s - %s kadar önce"
++#: ../utils.py:165
++#, python-format
++msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
++msgstr "    Durum  : %s, pid: %d"
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
++msgid ""
++"Exiting on user cancel"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
++msgid ""
++"Exiting on Broken Pipe"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
++#: ../utils.py:326
++#, python-format
++msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
++msgstr "PluginExit Hatası: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:329
++#, python-format
++msgid "Yum Error: %s"
++msgstr "Yum Hatası: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: %s"
++msgstr "Hata: %s"
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
++msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
++msgstr "--skip-broken kullanmayı deneyerek problemli durumda çalıştırabilirsiniz."
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
++msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
++msgstr "Bunu çalıştırmayı deneyebilirsiniz: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
++msgstr "Bilinmeyen Hata(lar): Çıkış Kodu: %d:"
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
++msgid ""
++"Dependencies Resolved"
++msgstr "\nBağımlılıklar Çözüldü"
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
++msgid "Complete!"
++msgstr "Tamamlandı!"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:42
++msgid " Mini usage:\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:52
++msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
++msgstr "Bu komutu çalıştırmak için root (üst yönetici) olmanız gerekiyor."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
++msgid ""
++"You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
++"However, you do not have any GPG public keys installed. You need to download\n"
++"the keys for packages you wish to install and install them.\n"
++"You can do that by running the command:\n"
++"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
++"Alternatively you can specify the url to the key you would like to use\n"
++"for a repository in the 'gpgkey' option in a repository section and yum \n"
++"will install it for you.\n"
++"For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
++#, python-format
++msgid "Problem repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
++msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
++msgstr "Hata:Nesnenin uyumlu olması lazım"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
++msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
++msgstr "Hata: Geçersiz argüman : %r"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
++msgid "No argument to shell"
++msgstr "Kabuk argümanı yok"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
++#, python-format
++msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
++#, python-format
++msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
++msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
++msgid ""
++"There are no enabled repos.\n"
++" Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
++" You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
++msgid "PACKAGE..."
++msgstr "PAKET..."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
++msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
++msgstr "Sisteminize paket veya paketleri yükleyin."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++msgid "Setting up Install Process"
++msgstr "Yükleme İşlemi ayarlanıyor"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
++msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
++msgstr "[PAKET...]"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
++msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
++msgid "Setting up Update Process"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
++msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
++msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
++msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
++msgstr "Bir paket ya da paket grubu hakkındaki ayrıntıları görüntüle"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
++msgid "Installed Packages"
++msgstr "Kurulan Paketler"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
++msgid "Available Packages"
++msgstr "Kullanılabilir Paketler"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++msgid "Extra Packages"
++msgstr "Ek Paketler"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
++msgid "Updated Packages"
++msgstr "Güncellenen Paketler"
++#. This only happens in verbose mode
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
++msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
++msgstr "Eksimiş Paketler"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
++msgid "Recently Added Packages"
++msgstr "Yeni Eklenen Paketler"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
++msgid "No matching Packages to list"
++msgstr "Paketler liste ile uyumlu değil"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
++msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
++msgstr "Paket listeleri veya Paket grupları"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
++msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
++msgstr "Bir paketi ya da paketleri sisteminizden kaldırın"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
++msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
++msgstr "Kaldırma İşlemi Ayarlanıyor"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
++msgid "Setting up Group Process"
++msgstr "Grup İşlemi Ayarlanıyor"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
++msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
++msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
++msgstr "Önbellek metaverisi üret."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
++msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
++msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
++msgstr "Önbellek metaverisi yaratıldı"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
++msgid "Remove cached data"
++msgstr "Önbellek verisini sil"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
++msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
++msgid "Check for available package updates"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
++msgid "Search package details for the given string"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
++msgid "Searching Packages: "
++msgstr "Paketler Aranıyor: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
++msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
++msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
++msgid "Install a local RPM"
++msgstr "Yerel RPM yükle"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
++msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
++msgstr "Yerel Paket İşlemi ayarlanıyor"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
++msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
++msgstr "Paketler için bağımlılıklar aranıyor:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
++msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
++msgstr "İnteraktif yum kabuğu çalıştır"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
++msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
++msgstr "Yum Kabuğu Ayarlanıyor"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
++msgid "List a package's dependencies"
++msgstr "Bir paketin bağımlılıklarını listele"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
++msgid "Finding dependencies: "
++msgstr "Bağımlılıklar bulunuyor: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
++msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
++msgstr "Yapılandırılmış yazılım depolarını görüntüle"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
++msgid "enabled"
++msgstr "etkin"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
++msgid "disabled"
++msgstr "devre dışı"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
++msgid "Repo-id      : "
++msgstr "Depo-id      : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
++msgid "Repo-name    : "
++msgstr "Depo-ismi    : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
++msgid "Repo-status  : "
++msgstr "Depo-durumu  : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
++msgid "Repo-revision: "
++msgstr "Repo-revizesi: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
++msgid "Repo-tags    : "
++msgstr "Depo-tagları    : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
++msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
++msgstr "Depo-dağıtım-tagları: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
++msgid "Repo-updated : "
++msgstr "Depo-Güncellendi:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
++msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
++msgstr "Depo-pkgs    : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
++msgid "Repo-size    : "
++msgstr "Depo-boyutu    : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
++msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
++msgid "Repo-metalink: "
++msgstr "Depo-metalink: "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
++msgid "  Updated    : "
++msgstr "  Güncellendi    : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
++msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
++msgstr "Depo-yansımaları : "
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
++#, python-format
++msgid "Never (last: %s)"
++msgstr "Asla (Son: %s)"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
++#, python-format
++msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
++msgid "Repo-expire  : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
++msgid "Repo-exclude : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
++msgid "Repo-include : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
++msgid "Repo-excluded: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
++msgid "Repo-filename: "
++msgstr ""
++#. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
++#. then chop the middle (name)...
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
++msgid "repo id"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
++msgid "status"
++msgstr "durum"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
++msgid "repo name"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
++msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
++#, python-format
++msgid "No help available for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
++msgid ""
++"aliases: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
++msgid ""
++"alias: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
++msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
++msgid "reinstall a package"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
++msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
++msgid "downgrade a package"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
++msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
++msgid " Yum version groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
++msgid " Group   :"
++msgstr " Grup   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
++msgid " Packages:"
++msgstr " Paketler:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
++msgid "Installed:"
++msgstr "Kuruldu:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
++msgid "Group-Installed:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
++msgid "Available:"
++msgstr "Kullanılabilir:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
++msgid "Group-Available:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
++msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
++msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
++msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
++msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
++msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
++#, python-format
++msgid "loading transaction from %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
++#: ../yummain.py:84
++#, python-format
++msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr ""
++#. Depsolve stage
++#: ../yummain.py:164
++msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
++msgstr "Bağımlılıklar Çözülüyor"
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yummain.py:312
++msgid ""
++"Exiting on user cancel."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
++msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
++msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
++#, python-format
++msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
++#, python-format
++msgid "Member: %s"
++msgstr "Üye: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s converted to install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
++#, python-format
++msgid "Removing Package %s"
++msgstr "%s Paketi Kaldırılıyor"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s requires: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s requires %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
++msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
++#, python-format
++msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
++#, python-format
++msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
++#. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
++#. away :(
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
++#, python-format
++msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
++#, python-format
++msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. is it already installed?
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
++#, python-format
++msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
++#, python-format
++msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
++#, python-format
++msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
++msgid "Success - empty transaction"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
++msgid "Restarting Loop"
++msgstr "Döngü Yeniden Başlatılıyor"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
++msgid "Dependency Process ending"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
++msgid "Success - deps resolved"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
++#, python-format
++msgid "Checking deps for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
++#, python-format
++msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
++#, python-format
++msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
++#, python-format
++msgid "better arch in po %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
++"  Winner: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
++#, python-format
++msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
++#, python-format
++msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
++#, python-format
++msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
++#, python-format
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
++#, python-format
++msgid " Winner: %s"
++msgstr " Kazanan: %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
++#, python-format
++msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
++msgstr " Kaybeden(%d ile): %s"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
++#, python-format
++msgid "Best Order: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
++msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
++#, python-format
++msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
++msgid "plugins already initialised"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
++msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
++msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
++msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
++msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
++msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
++#, python-format
++msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
++msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
++msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
++msgid "Building updates object"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
++msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
++msgid "Getting group metadata"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
++msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
++msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
++msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
++#, python-format
++msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
++msgid ""
++"There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
++"complete-transaction first to finish them."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
++msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
++#, python-format
++msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
++#, python-format
++msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
++msgid ""
++"Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
++#, python-format
++msgid "    %s from %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. FIXME: _N()
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
++#, python-format
++msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
++msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
++msgid "missing requires"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
++msgid "installed conflict"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
++msgid ""
++"Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
++msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
++msgstr ""
++#. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
++msgid "Could not run transaction."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. maybe a file log here, too
++#. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
++msgstr ""
++#. maybe a file log here, too
++#. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
++msgstr ""
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
++#, python-format
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgstr ""
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
++"--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
++msgid "Could not perform checksum"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
++msgid "Package does not match checksum"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
++#, python-format
++msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
++#, python-format
++msgid "using local copy of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
++msgid "Header is not complete."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
++#, python-format
++msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
++#, python-format
++msgid "Problem opening package %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
++#, python-format
++msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is not signed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot remove %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s removed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s file %s removed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
++#, python-format
++msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
++#, python-format
++msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
++msgid ""
++"searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
++"                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
++#, python-format
++msgid "searching package %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
++msgid "searching in file entries"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
++msgid "searching in provides entries"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
++msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Group named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
++#, python-format
++msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
++#, python-format
++msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
++#, python-format
++msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
++#. happened.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Package found for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
++msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
++msgid "Nothing specified to install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
++#, python-format
++msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
++msgid "No package(s) available to install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
++msgstr ""
++#. update everything (the easy case)
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
++msgid "Updating Everything"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s"
++msgstr "%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
++#, python-format
++msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
++msgstr "Açılamıyor: %s. Atlanıyor."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining %s: %s"
++msgstr "%s İnceleniyor: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
++" instead."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
++#, python-format
++msgid "Excluding %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
++#, python-format
++msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
++#, python-format
++msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
++#, python-format
++msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
++msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
++#, python-format
++msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
++msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
++#, python-format
++msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
++#, python-format
++msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
++msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
++msgstr ""
++#. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
++#. here is where we would do that
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
++msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
++msgstr "Anahtarın içe aktarımı başarısız oldu (kod %d)"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
++msgid "Key imported successfully"
++msgstr "Anahtar başarıyla içe aktarıldı"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
++msgid "Didn't install any keys"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
++"Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
++msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "Hayır"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Evet"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
++#, python-format
++msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
++#, python-format
++msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
++"Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
++msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
++msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
++#, python-format
++msgid "Please report this error at %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
++msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
++msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
++msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
++#, python-format
++msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
++msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
++msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
++#. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
++msgid "Loaded plugins: "
++msgstr "Yüklü eklentiler: "
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
++#, python-format
++msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
++msgstr ""
++#. Give full backtrace:
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
++#, python-format
++msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
++#, python-format
++msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#, python-format
++msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
++msgstr ""
++#. for
++#. Configuration files for the plugin not found
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
++msgid "registration of commands not supported"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
++msgid "has missing requires of"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
++msgid "has installed conflicts"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:80
++msgid "Repackaging"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
++#, python-format
++msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:53
++#, python-format
++msgid "RPM %s fails md5 check"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
++msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
++msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:253 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:260
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:263 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:266
++#, python-format
++msgid "Damaged Header %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:281
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/uk.po b/po/uk.po
+index f5a658d..454d977 100644
+--- a/po/uk.po
++++ b/po/uk.po
+@@ -2,1516 +2,1656 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>, 2011-2012.
++# Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>, 2011-2012, 2013.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Ukrainian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/uk/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-31 08:31+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>\n"
++"Language-Team: Ukrainian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/uk/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: uk\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr "Оновлення"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "Вилучення"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "Встановлення"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr "Став застарілим"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "Оновлено"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "Вилучено"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "Встановлено"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "Немає заголовка — як це?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "Перепакувати"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr "Помилка: некоректний стан виводу: %s для %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "Вилучено: %s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "Вилучення"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "Очищення диска"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "Команду «%s» вже визначено"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr "Налаштування сховищ"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr "Читання метаданих сховища з локальних файлів"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Помилка налаштування: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Помилка у параметрах: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Встановлено: %s-%s у %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Зібрано    : %s о %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  Надіслано  : %s о %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr "Вам слід вказати якусь команду"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr "Команди %s не виявлено. Будь ласка, скористайтеся командою %s --help"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr "Вимоги до диска:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Потрібно принаймні ще %d МБ простору на диску для файлової системи %s.\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] "  Потрібно принаймні ще %d МБ простору на диску для файлової системи %s.\n"
++msgstr[1] "  Потрібно принаймні ще %d МБ простору на диску для файлової системи %s.\n"
++msgstr[2] "  Потрібно принаймні ще %d МБ простору на диску для файлової системи %s.\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Резюме помилок\n"
++msgstr "Резюме помилок\n-------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "Не вдалося створити файл блокування. Завершення роботи."
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "Зараз yum блокує стороння програма. Завершуємо роботу відповідно до налаштування exit_on_lock"
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Спроба виконання операції за умови порожнього списку операцій. Завершуємо "
++msgstr "Спроба виконання операції за умови порожнього списку операцій. Завершуємо роботу."
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr "новітня версія rpmdb не відповідає збереженим даним щодо версії у операції,"
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " ігнорується у відповідь на запит."
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr " завершення роботи."
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr "Завершення роботи за бажанням користувача"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr "Звантаження пакунків:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr "Помилка завантаження пакетів:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr "Виконання перевірки операції"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr "ПОМИЛКА. Вам слід оновити rpm для обробки:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr "ПОМИЛКА перевірки дії під час розв’язання залежностей:"
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "RPM слід оновити"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr "Будь ласка, повідомте про цю помилку за адресою %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr "Запускається операція з перевірки"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr "Помилка під час перевірки операції:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr "Операцію з перевірки успішно завершено"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr "Виконання операції"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Автоматичне імпортування ключів під час некерованого запуску заборонено.\n"
+-"Скасувати заборону можна параметром «-y»."
++msgstr "Автоматичне імпортування ключів під час некерованого запуску заборонено.\nСкасувати заборону можна параметром «-y»."
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr "  * Можливо, ви хотіли використати: "
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr "Доступні невстановлені пакунки %s%s%s."
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr "Пакунок %s%s%s недоступний."
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "Пакунки, які слід встановити"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr "Помилковий параметр %s до %s."
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакунок для встановлення"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакунки для встановлення"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакунків для встановлення"
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "Нічого виконувати"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "%d пакунків позначено для оновлення"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакунок позначено для оновлення"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакунків позначено для оновлення"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакунків позначено для оновлення"
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr "Для оновлення не позначено жодного пакунка"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "%d пакунків позначено для виконання синхронізації дистрибутивів"
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакунок позначено для виконання синхронізації дистрибутивів"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакунків позначено для виконання синхронізації дистрибутивів"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакунків позначено для виконання синхронізації дистрибутивів"
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Для виконання синхронізації дистрибутивів не позначено жодного пакунка"
++msgstr "Для виконання синхронізації дистрибутивів не позначено жодного пакунка"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "%d пакунків позначено для вилучення"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакунок позначено для вилучення"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакунків позначено для вилучення"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакунків позначено для вилучення"
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "Для вилучення не позначено жодного пакунка"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "Пакунки, версію яких слід знизити"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакунок зі зниженням версії"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакунки зі зниженням версії"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакунків зі зниженням версії"
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr " (з %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr "Встановлений пакунок %s%s%s%s недоступний."
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "Пакунки для перевстановлення"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакунок для перевстановлення"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакунки для перевстановлення"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакунків для перевстановлення"
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "Не надано жодного пакунка"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "Пакунки, які слід встановити"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Відповідність Н/Р: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Виконано пошук %sлише%s за назвою і резюме, скористайтеся «search all» для"
+-" пошуку у всіх даних"
++msgstr "  Виконано пошук %sлише%s за назвою і резюме, скористайтеся «search all» для пошуку у всіх даних"
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Виконано пошук %sлише%s за повною назвою і резюме, скористайтеся «search "
+-"all» для пошуку у всіх даних"
++msgstr "  Виконано пошук %sлише%s за повною назвою і резюме, скористайтеся «search all» для пошуку у всіх даних"
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "Відповідники: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
+-"  Виконано пошук %sпереважно%s за назвою і резюме, скористайтеся «search "
+-"all» для пошуку у всіх даних"
++msgstr "  Виконано пошук %sпереважно%s за назвою і резюме, скористайтеся «search all» для пошуку у всіх даних"
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "Попередження: відповідників %s не знайдено"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr "Не знайдено відповідників"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "Пакунків з %s не знайдено"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "Помилка. Таких пакунків не знайдено:\n  %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr "Спорожнення записів сховищ: "
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr "Вилучення всього"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr "Вилучення заголовків"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr "Вилучення зайвих пакунків"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr "Вилучення метаданих xml"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr "Вилучення кешу бази даних"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr "Вилучення метаданих застарілого кешу"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr "Вилучення кешованих даних rpmdb"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr "Вилучення додатків"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
+-msgstr "Попередження: відповідних груп не знайдено: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "Встановлені групи середовищ:"
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "Доступні групи середовищ:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "Встановлені групи:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Встановлені групи мов:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr "Наявні групи:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr "Доступні групи мов:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr "Попередження: немає відповідності середовищ/груп: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "Виконано"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Попередження: групи/середовища з назвою %s не існує."
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Попередження: середовища з назвою %s не існує."
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "Попередження: групи з назвою %s не існує."
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+-msgstr ""
+-"У жодній з вказаних груп немає пакунків для встановлення або оновлення"
++msgstr "У жодній з вказаних груп немає пакунків для встановлення або оновлення"
++#: ../cli.py:1885
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакунок для встановлення"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакунки для встановлення"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакунків для встановлення"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "%d пакунків для встановлення"
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr "Середовища з назвою %s не існує"
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Групи з назвою %s не існує"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr "Пакунків для вилучення з груп не знайдено"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "%d пакунків для вилучення"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакунок для вилучення"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакунки для вилучення"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакунків для вилучення"
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "Пакунок %s вже встановлено, пропускаємо"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "Відкинуто несумісний пакунок %s.%s"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr "Не встановлено інших %s, додаємо до списку потенційного встановлення"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "Параметри додатка"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "Помилка виконання команди: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: для параметра %s потрібен аргумент"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: для параметра %s потрібен аргумент"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color повинен мати один з аргументів: auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr "Аргументом --installroot має бути абсолютний шлях: %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "показати це довідкове повідомлення і завершити роботу"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr "ігнорувати помилки"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr "запустити на основі системного кешу, не оновлювати кеш"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "розташування файла налаштувань"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "максимальний час очікування на завершення команди"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "рівень докладності діагностичних повідомлень"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr "показати дублікати у сховищах та командах побудови списку та пошуку"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "рівень докладності повідомлень про помилки"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr "рівень докладності діагностичних повідомлень rpm"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr "обробка без виведення повідомлень"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "докладна обробка команд"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr "відповісти «так» на всі питання"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "відповідати «ні» на всі питання"
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr "показати версію Yum і завершити роботу"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr "встановити кореневий каталог встановлення"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"увімкнути одне або декілька сховищ (можна використовувати шаблони заміни)"
++msgstr "увімкнути одне або декілька сховищ (можна використовувати шаблони заміни)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"вимкнути одне або декілька сховищ (можна використовувати шаблони заміни)"
++msgstr "вимкнути одне або декілька сховищ (можна використовувати шаблони заміни)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr "виключити пакунки за назвою або формальним виразом"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr "вимкнути виключення з main для сховища або на загальному рівні"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr "увімкнути обробку застарілих пакунків під час оновлень"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "вимкнути додатки Yum"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr "вимкнути перевірку підписів gpg"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "вимкнути додатки за назвою"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "увімкнути додатки за назвою"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr "пропустити пакунки з помилками у розв’язанні залежностей"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "визначає, чи слід використовувати розфарбовування"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+-msgstr ""
+-"встановити значення $releasever у налаштуванні yum config and repo files"
++msgstr "встановити значення $releasever у налаштуванні yum config and repo files"
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr "не оновлювати, лише отримати дані"
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr "визначає альтернативний каталог для зберігання пакунків"
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr "встановити довільні параметри налаштування і сховищ"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "січ"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "лют"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "бер"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "кві"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "тра"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "чер"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "лип"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "сер"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "вер"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "жов"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "лис"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "гру"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr "Спроба використання іншого дзеркала."
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr "Назва       : %s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr "Архітектура : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr "Епоха       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr "Версія      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr "Випуск      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr "Розмір      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr "Сховище     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr "Зі сховища  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr "Автор       : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr "Час внеску  : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr "Час збирання : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "Встановлення: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr "Користувач : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr "Змінено     : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr "Резюме      : "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr "Адреса      : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr "Ліцензія     : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr "Опис        : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "y"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "так"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "ні"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr "Виконати дію? [y/N]: "
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Група: %s"
++msgstr "\nГрупа: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " Ід. групи: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " Опис: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr " Мова: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " Обов’язкові пакунки:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " Типові пакунки:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Додаткові пакунки:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " Залежні пакунки:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr " Встановлені пакунки:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr "\nГрупа середовища: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr " Ід. середовища: %s"
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr " Обов’язкові групи:"
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr " Додаткові групи:"
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr " Встановлені групи:"
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "пакунок: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr "  Пакунок не залежить від інших пакунків"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "  залежність: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr "   Незадоволена залежність"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr "Відповідність:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr "Ліцензія    : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "Назва файла : %s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "Містить     : "
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "Інше        : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "Під час обчислення загального обсягу звантаження сталася помилка"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr "Загальний обсяг: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "Загальний обсяг звантаження: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "Розмір після встановлення: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr "Під час обчислення обсягу після встановлення сталася помилка"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "Перевстановлення"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "Зниження версії"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Встановлення для залежностей"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Оновлення для залежностей"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "Вилучення для залежностей"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "Пропущено (проблеми з залежностями)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "Не встановлено"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Недоступний"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "Пакунок"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "Пакунок"
++msgstr[1] "Пакунки"
++msgstr[2] "Пакунки"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "Архітектура"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "Версія"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr "Сховище"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "Розмір"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr "     заміна  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Резюме операції\n"
++msgstr "\nРезюме операції\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Встановлення %5.5s пакунків\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "Встановити"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Оновлення  %5.5s пакунків\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "Оновити"
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Вилучення %5.5s пакунків\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Вилучити"
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Перевстановлення %5.5s пакунків\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "Перевстановлення"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "Зниження версії %5.5s пакунків\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "Понизити"
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "Залежні пакунки"
++msgstr[1] "Залежні пакунки"
++msgstr[2] "Залежні пакунки"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "Вилучено"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "Вилучено залежності"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "Встановлено залежності"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "Оновлено залежності"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "Замінено"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "Помилка"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "два"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-" Поточне звантаження скасовано, %sперервіть роботу (ctrl-c) ще раз%s протягом %s%s%s секунд,\n"
+-"щоб завершити операцію.\n"
++msgstr "\n Поточне звантаження скасовано, %sперервіть роботу (ctrl-c) ще раз%s протягом %s%s%s секунд,\nщоб завершити операцію.\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "перервано користувачем"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "Загалом"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<не встановлено>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "Система"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr "Пропущено операцію з об’єднання %d з %d через перекриття даних"
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr "Немає операцій"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr "Вказано помилкові ідентифікатори операцій або пакунки"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr "Командний рядок"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr "Користувач"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "Ід."
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "Дата і час"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "Дії"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr "Змінено"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Не вказано ідентифікатора операції"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "Вказано помилковий ідентифікатор операції"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr "Не виявлено вказаного ідентифікатора операції"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr "Виявлено більше одного ідентифікатора операції!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr "Не вказано ідентифікатора операції або назви пакунка"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr "Знижено версію"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "Старіший"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "Новіший"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr "Ід. операції   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr "Час початку     :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr "Початок rpmdb   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr "(%u секунд)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr "(%u хвилин)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr "(%u годин)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr "(%u днів)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "Час завершення  :"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr "Завершення rpmdb:"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "Користувач     :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "Повернутий код :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "Перервано"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr "Помилки:"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "Помилка:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "Успіх"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "Командний рядок :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr "Збережені додаткові нетипові дані        : %d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr "Результат виконання операції:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr "Змінено пакунків:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "Пропущено пакунків:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr "Проблеми з rpmdb:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "Виведено скриптом:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "Помилки:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "Встановити"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr "Встановлення з залежностями"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr "Робить застарілим"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr "Стерти"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "Перевстановлення"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr "Понизити"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "Оновити"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "Час"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "Протягом дня"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "Попереднього тижня"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "Попередні 2 тижні"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "Попередні 3 місяці"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "Попередні 6 місяців"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "Попередній рік"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "Понад рік тому"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr "Не знайдено операції %s"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr "Ід. операції  :"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "Доступні додаткові дані з журналу:"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr "%s: для цієї назви додаткових даних не знайдено"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "Пакунок        :"
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "Стан           :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "Розмір         :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "Вузол збирання :"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "Час збирання   :"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "Пакувальник    :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "Постачальник   :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "Ліцензія       :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "Адреса         :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "RPM з кодом    :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "Час надсилання :"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "Автор внеску   :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "Причина        :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "Зі сховища      :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "Встановлено    :"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "Автор змін     :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+-msgstr "встановлення"
++msgstr "встановлено"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr "оновленням"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "вилучено"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "перевстановлено"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr "зниженням версії"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr "робити застарілим"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "оновлено"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "визнано застарілим"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr "---> Пакунок %s.%s %s:%s-%s буде %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr "--> Виконання перевірки операції"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr "--> Перезапускається визначення залежностей з урахуванням змін."
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr "--> Визначення залежностей завершено"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Обробка залежності: %s для пакунка: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> Збережено пакунок: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr "---> Зберігаємо пакунок: %s через %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr "--> Нерозв'язана залежність: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "Пакунок: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    Потребує: %s"
++msgstr "\n    Потребує: %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        Не знайдено"
++msgstr "\n        Не знайдено"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "Оновлено"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr "Знижено версію"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr "Став застарілим"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "Наявні"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> Обробка конфлікту: %s конфліктів %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr "--> Додавання вибраних пакунків до операції. Зачекайте, будь ласка."
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr "---> У список операцій звантажується заголовок пакунка %s."
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "Перевірка"
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "Виконання"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "Сплю"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "Безперервний"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "Зомбі"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "З трасуванням/зупинкою"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "Невідомо"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  Сторонньою програмою є: PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  Сторонньою програмою є: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    Пм’ять : %5s RSS (%5sБ VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    Почато: %s - %s тому"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    Стан   : %s, PID: %d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Завершення роботи на запит користувача"
++msgstr "\n\nЗавершення роботи на запит користувача"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Завершення роботи через розрив зв’язку"
++msgstr "\n\nЗавершення роботи через розрив зв’язку"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-"Зараз yum блокує стороння програма. Завершуємо роботу відповідно до "
+-"налаштування exit_on_lock"
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Помилка PluginExit: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Помилка Yum: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Помилка: %s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr " Щоб обійти проблему, спробуйте скористатися параметром --skip-broken"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr " Спробуйте віддати команду: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr "Невідомі помилки: код виходу: %d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Залежності розв’язано"
++msgstr "\nЗалежності розв’язано"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "Завершено!"
+@@ -1521,11 +1661,9 @@ msgstr " Коротко щодо використання:\n"
+ #: ../yumcommands.py:52
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Для виконання цієї команди вам слід набути прав доступу адміністративного "
++msgstr "Для виконання цієї команди вам слід набути прав доступу адміністративного користувача."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1540,589 +1678,653 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Вами було увімкнено перевірку пакунків за допомогою ключів GPG. Це правильний крок. \n"
+-"Але у вашій системі не встановлено жодного відкритого ключа GPG. Вам слід звантажити\n"
+-"ключі до пакунків, які ви бажаєте встановити і встановити ці ключі.\n"
+-"Виконати встановлення можна за допомогою команди:\n"
+-"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
+-"Крім того, ви можете вказати адресу URL ключа, яким бажаєте скористатися\n"
+-"для сховища за допомогою параметра «gpgkey» у розділі налаштувань сховища, yum \n"
+-"встановить потрібні ключі автоматично.\n"
+-"Докладніші відомості може бути отримано з довідки до вашого дистрибутива або від\n"
+-"постачальника пакунків.\n"
++msgstr "\nВами було увімкнено перевірку пакунків за допомогою ключів GPG. Це правильний крок. \nАле у вашій системі не встановлено жодного відкритого ключа GPG. Вам слід звантажити\nключі до пакунків, які ви бажаєте встановити і встановити ці ключі.\nВиконати встановлення можна за допомогою команди:\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\nКрім того, ви можете вказати адресу URL ключа, яким бажаєте скористатися\nдля сховища за допомогою параметра «gpgkey» у розділі налаштувань сховища, yum \nвстановить потрібні ключі автоматично.\n\nДокладніші відомості може бути отримано з довідки до вашого дистрибутива або від\nпостачальника пакунків.\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Проблема зі сховищем: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "Помилка: %s слід передати список пакунків"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr "Помилка: для %s потрібно принаймні два пакунки"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr "Помилка: до %s слід передати ід. сховища і команду"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr "Помилка: до %s слід передати один чинний ід. сховища"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr "Помилка: сховище %s не увімкнено"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "Помилка: слід вказати ключ для встановлення відповідності"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "Помилка: слід вказати групу або список груп"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "Помилка: для виконання clean слід вказати %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "Помилка: некоректний аргумент clean: %r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr "Не вказано аргумент shell"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr "shell передано назву файла: %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr "Файла %s, переданого як аргумент параметра shell, не знайдено."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr "Помилка: shell передано як аргументи декілька файлів."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Не увімкнено жодного сховища.\n"
+-" Для перегляду списку всіх сховищ віддайте команду «yum repolist all».\n"
+-" Увімкнути сховище можна за допомогою команди yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
++msgstr "Не увімкнено жодного сховища.\n Для перегляду списку всіх сховищ віддайте команду «yum repolist all».\n Увімкнути сховище можна за допомогою команди yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "ПАКУНОК…"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Встановлення пакунка або пакунків у вашій системі"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "Налаштування процесу встановлення"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[ПАКУНОК…]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "Оновлення пакунків вашої системи"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "Налаштування процесу оновлення"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Синхронізація встановлених пакунків з найсвіжішими доступними версіями"
++msgstr "Синхронізація встановлених пакунків з найсвіжішими доступними версіями"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr "Налаштування процесу синхронізації дистрибутивів"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "Показати подробиці щодо пакунка або групи пакунків"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "Встановлені пакунки"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "Доступних пакунків"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr "Зайвих пакунків"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "Оновлених пакунків"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "Застарілих пакунків"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "Останні додані пакунки"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "У списку не виявлено відповідних пакунків"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "Список пакунків або груп пакунків"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "Вилучення пакунка або пакунків з вашої системі"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr "Налаштування процесу вилучення"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "Показати або використати дані груп"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "Налаштування обробки груп"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "Не виявлено груп, над якими має бути виконано команду"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "Список можливих груп пакунків"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "Встановлення пакунків групи"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "Некоректна підкоманда груп, скористайтеся: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "Вилучення пакунків групи"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "Немає встановленого файла груп."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "Показ подробиць щодо групи пакунків"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "У вас немає прав доступу до бази даних груп."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "Створення кешу метаданих"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "Створення файлів кешу для всіх файлів метаданих."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Процедура може тривати досить довго, тривалість залежить від потужності "
++msgstr "Процедура може тривати досить довго, тривалість залежить від потужності комп’ютера."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "Створено кеш метаданих"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr "Вилучення кешованих даних"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "Пошук пакунка за вказаним ключем"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr "Перевірка доступності оновлень пакунків"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "Пошук подробиць щодо пакунка за вказаним рядком"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "Пошук пакунків: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "Оновлення пакунків з врахуванням застарівання пакунків"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Налаштування процесу оновлення"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr "Встановлення локального пакунка RPM"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr "Налаштування обробки локального пакунка"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "Визначення пакунка, що містить вказану залежність"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "Пошук пакунків для задоволення залежності:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr "Запуск інтерактивної оболонки yum"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr "Налаштування оболонки Yum"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "Показ списку залежностей пакунків"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr "Пошук залежностей: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr "Показ списку увімкнених сховищ програмного забезпечення"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "увімкнено"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "вимкнено"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr "Ід. сховища   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr "Назва сховища : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr "Стан сховища  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr "Версія сховища: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr "Мітки сховища : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr "Мітки дистрибутива сховища: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr "Оновлення сховища: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr "Пакунки сховища: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr "Розмір сховища: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr "Адреса сховища: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr "Метапосилання сховища: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr "  Оновлено   : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr "Дзеркала сховищ: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Ніколи (востаннє: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "Негайно (лишилося: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr "%s секунд (лишилося: %s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr "Строк дії сховища: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr "Виключення сховища: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr "Включення сховища: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr "Виключені сховища: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Назва файла сховища: "
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr "ід. сховища"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "стан"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr "назва сховища"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr "Показати корисну підказку щодо використання"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "Довідки щодо %s не виявлено"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"інші назви: "
++msgstr "\n\nінші назви: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
+-"інша назва: "
++msgstr "\n\nінша назва: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr "Налаштування процесу перевстановлення"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr "перевстановлення пакунка"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr "Налаштування процесу зниження версії"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr "зниження версії пакунка"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr "Показ версії для вашої архітектури і/або списку доступних сховищ."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr " Групи версій Yum:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " Група   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr " Пакунки:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "Встановлено:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr "Встановлені групи:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "Доступні:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "Доступні групи:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr "Показ або використання журналу операцій"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "Операції:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "Час початку :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "Час закінч. :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "Лічильники  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  rpm DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  yum DB :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr "Некоректна підкоманда журналу, скористайтеся: %s."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr "У вас немає права доступу до бази даних журналу."
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr "Пошук проблем у rpmdb"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr "завантажити збережену операцію з файла з вказаною назвою"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr "Не вказано файла збережених записів операцій"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr "завантаження операції з %s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr "Операцію завантажено з %s, кількість дій — %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr "Простий спосіб заміни пакунків замість використання командної оболонки"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr "Обробляти сховище як групу пакунків для встановлення або вилучення всіх цих пакунків одночасно"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакунок оновлення"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакунки оновлення"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакунків оновлення"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакунок для вилучення або повторного встановлення"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакунки для вилучення або повторного встановлення"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакунків для вилучення або повторного встановлення"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] "%d пакунок для вилучення або синхронізації"
++msgstr[1] "%d пакунки для вилучення або синхронізації"
++msgstr[2] "%d пакунків для вилучення або синхронізації"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr "Некоректна підкоманда %s"
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr " Спроба перевірки yum зазнала невдачі: %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Зараз yum блокує стороння програма. Зачекаємо на завершення її роботи..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Немає доступу до читання або виконання до поточного каталогу, пересуваємо до /"
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+-msgstr "Не вдалося створити файл блокування. Завершення роботи."
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "Немає доступу до getcwd() у поточному каталозі, переходимо до /"
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr "Розв’язання залежностей"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ваш запис операції було збережено, повторити операцію можна за допомогою "
+-"команди: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "Ваш запис операції було збережено, повторити операцію можна за допомогою\n yum load-transaction %s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Завершення роботи на запит користувача."
++msgstr "\n\nЗавершення роботи на запит користувача."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() буде усунуто у майбутніх версіях Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr "Налаштування наборів операцій до включення класу налаштувань"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "Некоректне значення tsflag у файлі налаштувань: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "Пошук pkgSack для залежності: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "Частина: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s перетворено для встановлення"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "Додавання пакунка %s у режимі %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "Вилучення пакунка %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s потребує: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s потребує %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "Потрібний пакунок вже знайдено, обхідний маневр"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "Потрібна залежність задана не яка назва пакунка. Шукаємо: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr "Можливе джерело залежності: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Режим %s для надання %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Режим надання пакунка %s: %s"
+@@ -2130,1044 +2332,1142 @@ msgstr "Режим надання пакунка %s: %s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr "Спроба оновлення %s з метою розв’язання залежностей"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr "Не знайдено шляхів оновлення %s. Помилка!"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr "Для %s не знайдено шляхів для оновлення. Помилка через потребу у %s!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr "Оновлення %s. Не виправляє потребу у %s!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: пакунок %s, потрібний для %s, позначено для вилучення"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+-msgstr ""
+-"TSINFO: %s стає застарілим після встановлення %s для розв’язання "
++msgstr "TSINFO: %s стає застарілим після встановлення %s для розв’язання залежностей."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr "TSINFO: оновлення %s для розв’язання залежностей."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося знайти шлях оновлення для залежності %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "Встановлено швидку відповідність %s пакунку потрібному для пакунка %s"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s належить до списку супутніх пакунків, його вже встановлено, пропускаємо."
++msgstr "%s належить до списку супутніх пакунків, його вже встановлено, пропускаємо."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr "Потенційний пакунок розв’язання %s має новішу версію у ts."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr "Встановлено новішу версію потенційного пакунка розв’язання %s."
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "%s вже перебуває у списку, пропускаємо його"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: позначення %s як оновлення для %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr "TSINFO: позначення %s як такий, який слід встановити для %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr "Успіх — порожня операція"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "Перезапуск циклу"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "Завершення процесу розв’язання залежностей"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "Успіх — залежності розв’язано"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr "Перевірка залежностей для %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr "пошук %s, потрібного для %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr "Виконання compare_providers() для %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "краща архітектура у po %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s робить застарілим %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"archdist порівняно %s з %s у %s\n"
+-"  Кращий варіант: %s"
++msgstr "archdist порівняно %s з %s у %s\n  Кращий варіант: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr "загальний sourcerpm %s і %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr "базовий пакунок %s встановлено для %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "загальний префікс %s для %s і %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr "мінімальна вимога: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "містить vercmp: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr " Переможець: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "мінімальна вимога: %d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr " Невдаха(з %d): %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "Найкращий порядок: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() буде усунуто у майбутніх версіях Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr "Пропускаємо непридатне до читання сховище %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr "Сховище %r: помилка під час обробки налаштувань: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Для сховища %r у налаштуваннях не вказано назви, використовуємо "
++msgstr "Для сховища %r у налаштуваннях не вказано назви, використовуємо ідентифікатор"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "додатки вже ініціалізовано"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() буде усунуто у наступних версіях Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr "Читання локальної RPMDB"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() буде усунуто у майбутніх версіях Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() буде усунуто у майбутніх версіях Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "Налаштування наборів пакунків"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr "Об’єкт сховища %s не має _resetSack method,\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr "тому параметри цього сховища не може бути відновлено до початкових.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() буде усунуто у майбутніх версіях Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr "Побудова об’єкта оновлення"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() буде усунуто у майбутніх версіях Yum.\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr "Отримання метаданих групи"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Додавання файла групи зі сховища: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr "Не вдалося отримати файл груп для сховищ %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося додати файл груп зі сховища: %s — %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr "У жодному сховищі немає доступних груп"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr "Отримання метаданих міток пакунків"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr "Додавання міток зі сховища: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося додати мітки пакунків для сховища: %s — %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "Імпортування додаткових відомостей списку файлів"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr "У пакунку yum-utils виявлено програму %s%s%s."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Залишилися незавершені операції. Для їх завершення вам слід спочатку "
+-"запустити yum-complete-transaction."
++msgstr "Залишилися незавершені операції. Для їх завершення вам слід спочатку запустити yum-complete-transaction."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr "--> Пошук непотрібних залишкових операцій"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr "Захищені версії multilib: %s != %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr " Виявлено проблеми з версіями бібліотек для різних архітектур.\nЦе часто означає, що проблеми насправді десь у іншому місці,\nа перевірка версій для сторонніх архітектур лише вказує на\nіснування цієї проблеми. Приклад:\n\n  1. Ви маєте оновити %(name)s, для якого не вистачає певної\n     залежності, потрібної для встановлення іншого пакунка. Yum\n     намагається вирішити цю проблему встановленням старішої\n     версіїi %(name)s для іншої архітектури. Якщо цю помилкову\n     архітектуру буде вимкнено, yum повідомить вам, що є основною\n     проблемою (якому пакунку потрібні залежності, яких не\n     вистачає). Ви можете повторити спробу оновлення з параметром\n     --exclude %(name)s.інша_архітектура ... Це надасть вам\n     змогу ознайомитися з повідомлення про справжні причини\n     неможливості встановлення пакунка.\n\n  2. У системі встановлено пакунки %(name)s для декількох\n     архітектур, але yum бачит оновлення лише для однієї з цих\n     архітектур. Якщо пакунки для обох архітектур вам не потрібні,\n     ви можете вилучити той з них, для якого не вистачає оновлених\n     пакунків, і все має запрацювати.\n\n  3. У вашій системі встановлено декілька версій %(name)s.\n     Скористайтеся командою «yum check», щоб наказати yum показати\n     пов’язані з цим повідомлення про помилки.\n\n...крім того, ви можете скористатися параметром\n--setopt=protected_multilib=false, щоб усунути цю перевірку. Втім,\nне варто користуватися цим параметром, оскільки це майже напевно\nпризведе до якихось помилок (часто це може спричинити ще більші\nпроблеми).\n\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr "Спроба вилучення захищеного запису «%s»"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Пакунки, пропущені через проблеми з залежностями:"
++msgstr "\nПакунки, пропущені через проблеми з залежностями:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s з %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+-msgstr ""
+-"** Знайдено %d проблем rpmdb, які вже існували, командою «yum check» "
+-"виведено такі дані:"
++msgstr "** Знайдено %d проблем rpmdb, які вже існували, командою «yum check» виведено такі дані:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr "Попередження: RPMDB змінено поза межами yum."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr "не має потрібних"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr "конфлікт встановлення"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Попередження: під час виконання операції сталися помилки виконання скриптів "
+-"та інші некритичні помилки."
++msgstr "Попередження: під час виконання операції сталися помилки виконання скриптів та інші некритичні помилки."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося розпочати операцію:"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr "Не вдалося розпочати операцію."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося вилучити файл операції %s"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s мало бути встановлено, але цю дію не було виконано!"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s мало бути вилучено, але цього не сталося!"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "Не вдалося вилучити блокування %s: %s"
+-#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "Не вдалося перевірити, чи є активним PID %s"
+ #. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr "Блокування %s: запущено іншу копію з PID %s."
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr "Не вдалося створити блокування %s: %s "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "Не вдалося вилучити блокування %s: %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
++#. Whoa. What the heck happened?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
++#, python-format
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "Не вдалося перевірити, чи є активним PID %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Пакунок не відповідає тому, який програма має намір звантажити. Пропозиція: "
+-"віддайте команду yum -enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
++msgstr "Пакунок не відповідає тому, який програма має намір звантажити. Пропозиція: віддайте команду yum -enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося перевірити контрольну суму"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr "Контрольна сума пакунка не збігається з еталонною"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr "контрольна сума пакунка не збігається, кешування для %s увімкнено"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "використано локальну копію %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Недостатньо місця у каталозі для звантажень %s\n"
+-"    * вільно   %s\n"
+-"    * потрібно %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
++msgstr "завершуємо роботу, оскільки вказано --downloadonly"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "Заголовок не завершено."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Заголовка немає у локальному кеші, увімкнено режим «лише кешування». Не "
+-"вдалося звантажити %s"
++msgstr "Заголовка немає у локальному кеші, увімкнено режим «лише кешування». Не вдалося звантажити %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr "Відкритий ключ для %s не встановлено"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "Проблеми з відкриттям пакунка %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "Відкритий ключ %s не є надійним"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "Пакунок %s не підписано"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося вилучити %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s вилучено"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося вилучити файл %s, %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "Файл %s, %s, вилучено"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "Вилучено %d файлів %s"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d файл %s вилучено"
++msgstr[1] "Вилучено %d файлів %s"
++msgstr[2] "Вилучено %d файлів %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "У наборі для %s знайдено декілька ідентичних відповідників"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "Немає відповідників %s.%s %s:%s-%s з оновлення"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"searchPackages() буде усунуто у майбутніх версіях Yum.                      "
+-"Використовуйте краще searchGenerator(). \n"
++msgstr "searchPackages() буде усунуто у майбутніх версіях Yum.                      Використовуйте краще searchGenerator(). \n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "Пошук %d пакунків"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "Пошук %d пакунка"
++msgstr[1] "Пошук %d пакунків"
++msgstr[2] "Пошук %d пакунків"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "пошук пакунка %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "пошук серед файлів"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "пошук у супутніх записах"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr "Для налаштованих сховищ дані груп недоступні"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "Групи з назвою %s не існує"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "пакунок %s було позначено у групі %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "Пропускаємо пакунок %s з групи %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "Додавання пакунка %s з групи %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося знайти пакунок з назвою %s для встановлення"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
+-msgstr "Попередження: у групі %s немає жодного пакунка."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr "Попередження: у групі %s немає жодного пакунка для встановлення."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr "У групі %s %u необов’язкових пакунки, які може бути встановлено."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr "Пропускаємо групу %s з середовища %s"
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "У наборі пакунків не вдалося знайти кортеж пакунків %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr "У базі даних RPM не вдалося знайти кортеж пакунків %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr "Некоректний прапорець версії від: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr "Пакунків з %s не знайдено"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr "Попередження: групи середовища з назвою %s не існує."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr "Пакунок: %s не можна встановлювати одночасно з %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr "Об’єкт пакунка не був екземпляром об’єкта пакунка"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "Список встановлення порожній"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr "Пошук віртуальних супутніх пакунків або файлів для %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "Відповідника параметра не знайдено: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr "Пакунок %s вже встановлено, його не можна позначити"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr "Немає доступних для встановлення пакунків"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr "Пакунок: %s  — вже у наборі операцій"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "Пакунок %s став застарілим після встановлення %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Пакунок %s став застарілим після встановлення %s, але застарілий пакунок не "
+-"містить вимог до інших пакунків"
++msgstr "Пакунок %s став застарілим після встановлення %s, але застарілий пакунок не містить вимог до інших пакунків"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Пакунок %s став застарілим після встановлення %s, спробуємо встановити "
+-"замість нього %s"
++msgstr "Пакунок %s став застарілим після встановлення %s, спробуємо встановити замість нього %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr "Пакунок %s вже встановлено, його версія є найсвіжішою"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr "Відповідник пакунка %s вже встановлено. Перевірка існування оновлень."
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr "Повне оновлення"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Неоновлюваний пакунок, який вже застарів: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "Відповідника параметра не знайдено: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Відповідного пакунка для оновлення не знайдено: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Пакунок вже застарілий: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "Неоновлюваний пакунок, який застарів: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "Неоновлюваний пакунок, який було оновлено раніше: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "Відповідного пакунка для вилучення не знайдено"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "Відповідного пакунка для вилучення не знайдено: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr "Пропущено поточне робоче ядро: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr "Вилучення %s з запису операції"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Не вдалося відкрити: %s. Пропускаємо."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Перевірка %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Не вдалося виконати локальне встановлення deltarpm: %s. Пропущено."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося додати пакунок %s до операції. Несумісна архітектура: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Не вдалося встановити пакунок %s. Він є застарілим після встановлення "
+-"пакунка %s"
++msgstr "Не вдалося встановити пакунок %s. Він є застарілим після встановлення пакунка %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Пакунок %s не встановлено, не вдалося оновити його. Віддайте команду yum "
+-"install, щоб встановити цей пакунок."
++msgstr "Пакунок %s не встановлено, не вдалося оновити його. Віддайте команду yum install, щоб встановити цей пакунок."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Пакунок %s.%s не встановлено, його не можна оновити. Вам слід скористатися "
+-"командою «yum install» для його встановлення."
++msgstr "Пакунок %s.%s не встановлено, його не можна оновити. Вам слід скористатися командою «yum install» для його встановлення."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "Виключення %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "Позначення %s для встановлення"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "Позначення %s як оновлення %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s: не оновлює встановлений пакунок."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "Не вдалося відкрити файл %s. Пропускаємо."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr "Проблема з перевстановленням: не виявлено пакунків для вилучення"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Проблема з перевстановленням: не виявлено відповідного пакунка %s для "
++msgstr "Проблема з перевстановленням: не виявлено відповідного пакунка %s для встановлення"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "Немає доступних для зниження версії пакунків"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Пакунок %s можна встановлювати паралельно з іншими версіями, пропускаємо"
++msgstr "Пакунок %s можна встановлювати паралельно з іншими версіями, пропускаємо"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "Немає відповідників для доступного пакунка: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr "Для пакунка доступне лише оновлення: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося знизити версію: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "Не вдалося оновити: %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr "Отримання ключа з %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "Невдала спроба отримання ключа GPG: "
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr "Ключ підпису GPG ключа %s не збігається з ключем CA сховища: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr "Перевірено відповідність підпису ключа GPG ключам CA"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Некоректний ключ GPG з %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "Помилка обробник ключа GPG: у ключі немає значення %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Імпортування ключа %s 0x%s:\n"
+-" Ідентифікатор: «%s»\n"
+-" Пакунок      : %s (%s)\n"
+-" Джерело      : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Імпортування ключа %s 0x%s:\n Ід. корист.: «%s»\n Відбиток   : %s\n Пакунок    : %s (%s)\n Походження : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Імпортування ключа %s 0x%s:\n"
+-" Ідентифікатор: «%s»\n"
+-" Джерело      : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "Імпортування ключа %s 0x%s:\n Ід. корист.: «%s»\n Відбиток   : %s\n Походження : %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Пакунок, який не вдалося обробити: %s\n Ключі GPG налаштовано так: %s\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "Ключ GPG у %s (0x%s) вже встановлено"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr "Помилка імпортування ключа (код %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "Ключ успішно імпортовано"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr "Не встановлено жодного ключа"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ключі GPG зі списку сховища «%s» вже встановлено, але вони є некоректними для цього пакунка.\n"
+-"Перевірте, чи правильно вказано адреси URL для цього сховища."
++msgstr "Ключі GPG зі списку сховища «%s» вже встановлено, але вони є некоректними для цього пакунка.\nПеревірте, чи правильно вказано адреси URL для цього сховища."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "Імпортування ключів не допомогло, помилкові ключі?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "Ні"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Так"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n Ключ CA: %s\n Сховище, яке не вдалося обробити: %s\n Ключі GPG налаштовано так: %s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "Ключ GPG у %s (0x%s) вже імпортовано"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "Помилка імпортування ключа"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "Помилка під час імпортування ключа %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr "Не встановлено жодного ключа для сховища %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Ключі GPG зі списку сховища «%s» вже встановлено, але вони є некоректними.\n"
+-"Перевірте, чи правильно вказано адреси URL для цього сховища."
++msgstr "Ключі GPG зі списку сховища «%s» вже встановлено, але вони є некоректними.\nПеревірте, чи правильно вказано адреси URL для цього сховища."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr "Не вдалося знайти відповідного дзеркала."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "Під час спроби звантаження пакунків сталися помилки."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "Повідомте про цю помилку за адресою %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "Помилки під час тестування: "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося визначити теку кешування: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+-msgstr ""
+-"Залежності не розв’язано. Запис операції з нерозв’язаними залежностями не "
+-"буде збережено."
++msgstr "Залежності не розв’язано. Запис операції з нерозв’язаними залежностями не буде збережено."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося зберегти файл операцій %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Не вдалося отримати доступ або прочитати збережений запис операції %s: %s"
++msgstr "Не вдалося отримати доступ або прочитати збережений запис операції %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr "версія rpmdb не відповідає збереженим даним щодо версії у операції, "
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr " ігнорується у відповідь на запит."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr "версія rpmdb не відповідає збереженим даним щодо версії у операції,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr " завершення роботи."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr "не вдалося знайти tsflags або tsflags не є цілим числом."
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr "Знайдено txmbr у невідомому поточному стані: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося знайти txmbr: %s у стані %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося знайти txmbr: %s з джерела: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr "Не вистачає дій операції, зв’язків або ts було змінено,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+-msgstr ""
+-" ігнорується у відповідь на запит. Вам слід повторно виконати розв’язання "
++msgstr " ігнорується у відповідь на запит. Вам слід повторно виконати розв’язання залежностей!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s вже було перевірено, його не можна вилучати."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "Перевірка залежностей версій %s"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s має залежність від версії %s, яку було встановлено користувачем."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr "%s потрібен пакунку, який має бути встановлено."
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "%s немає залежностей від версій, встановлених користувачем."
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "Завантажені додатки: "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "Не виявлено відповідника додатка %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr "Додаток «%s» не завантажується, оскільки його вимкнено"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "Додаток «%s» не можна імпортувати"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "Додаток «%s» не визначає потрібної версії API"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "Для додатка «%s» потрібна версія API %s. Поточна версія API — %s."
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "Завантаження додатка «%s»"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr "За адресою пошуку додатків виявлено декілька додатків з назвою «%s»"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "Файл налаштувань %s не знайдено"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "Не вдалося знайти файл налаштувань для додатка %s"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "підтримки реєстрації команд не передбачено"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr "не має потрібних залежностей"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr "конфліктує зі встановленими пакунками"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr "%s є дублікатом з %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr "%s є застарілим після встановлення %s"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr "%s містить %s, але його не вдалося знайти"
+@@ -3176,6 +3476,23 @@ msgstr "%s містить %s, але його не вдалося знайти"
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr "Перепакування"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "Перевірка: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "Недостатньо місця у каталозі для звантажень %s\n    * вільно   %s\n    * потрібно %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr "Пакунок не відповідає тому, який програма має намір звантажити."
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3188,9 +3505,7 @@ msgstr "RPM %s не пройшов перевірки на md5"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr ""
+-"Не вдалося відкрити базу даних RPM для читання. Можливо, цю базу вже "
+-"використовує інша програма?"
++msgstr "Не вдалося відкрити базу даних RPM для читання. Можливо, цю базу вже використовує інша програма?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+@@ -3206,5 +3521,3 @@ msgstr "Пошкоджений заголовок %s"
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr "Помилка під час відкриття rpm %s — помилка %s"
+diff --git a/po/ur.po b/po/ur.po
+index 40bd619..562ed0a 100644
+--- a/po/ur.po
++++ b/po/ur.po
+@@ -2,427 +2,506 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
++# Translators:
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Urdu (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/ur/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Urdu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/ur/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: ur\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -430,438 +509,484 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -869,65 +994,66 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -935,484 +1061,542 @@ msgid ""
+ "to exit.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -1420,47 +1604,41 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1472,7 +1650,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1489,555 +1667,648 @@ msgid ""
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
+-msgid "Setting up Group Process"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
+-msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
++msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
++msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -2045,991 +2316,1140 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
++#. The pid doesn't exist
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -3038,6 +3458,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3066,5 +3503,3 @@ msgstr ""
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr ""
+diff --git a/po/yum.pot b/po/yum.pot
+index 97ae91a..27dd693 100644
+--- a/po/yum.pot
++++ b/po/yum.pot
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-03-06 16:02-0500\n"
+ "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+ "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+ "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+@@ -16,415 +16,493 @@ msgstr ""
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Config Error: %s"
++msgid "Config error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2211
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Options Error: %s"
++msgid "Options error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:497
+-msgid "Exiting on user Command"
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6601
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6604 ../yum/__init__.py:6751
++msgid " aborting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:501
+-msgid "Downloading Packages:"
++#: ../cli.py:588
++msgid "Exiting on user command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:506
+-msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:592
++msgid "Downloading packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
+-msgid "Running Transaction Check"
++#: ../cli.py:597
++msgid "Error downloading packages:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:616
++msgid "Running transaction check"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:626 ../yum/__init__.py:6291
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:628 ../yum/__init__.py:6294
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:635
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:639
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:549
+-msgid "Running Transaction Test"
++#: ../cli.py:645
++msgid "Running transaction test"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:561
+-msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
++#: ../cli.py:657
++msgid "Transaction check error:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:568
+-msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
++#: ../cli.py:664
++msgid "Transaction test succeeded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:600
+-msgid "Running Transaction"
++#: ../cli.py:696
++msgid "Running transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:729
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:748 ../cli.py:791
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:774 ../cli.py:782
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:788 ../cli.py:896 ../cli.py:1163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
++#: ../cli.py:876 ../cli.py:886 ../cli.py:1106 ../cli.py:1116
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:905 ../yumcommands.py:3464
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:908 ../cli.py:909 ../cli.py:1174 ../cli.py:1175 ../cli.py:1229
++#: ../cli.py:1230 ../cli.py:1265 ../yumcommands.py:325 ../yumcommands.py:3618
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:958
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:770
+-msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
++#: ../cli.py:960
++msgid "No packages marked for update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1072
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for distribution synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for distribution synchronization"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:869
+-msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++#: ../cli.py:1074
++msgid "No packages marked for distribution synchronization"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1129
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1131
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1171
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1213
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
++#: ../cli.py:1226 ../yumcommands.py:3494 ../yumcommands.py:3529
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:1251
++msgid "No packages provided"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:960
+-msgid "No Packages Provided"
++#: ../cli.py:1264
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1372
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
++msgid "N/S matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1389
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1391
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1409
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1416
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1420
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
+-msgid "No Matches found"
++#: ../cli.py:1423
++msgid "No matches found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1541
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
+-msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
++#: ../cli.py:1582
++msgid "Cleaning up everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
+-msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
++#: ../cli.py:1598
++msgid "Cleaning up headers"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
+-msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
++#: ../cli.py:1601
++msgid "Cleaning up packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1604
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1607
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1610
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1613
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1616
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1732
++msgid "Installed environment groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
+-msgid "Installed Groups:"
++#: ../cli.py:1733
++msgid "Available environment groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
+-msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
++#: ../cli.py:1740
++msgid "Installed groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1747
++msgid "Installed language groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1754
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
+-msgid "Available Language Groups:"
++#: ../cli.py:1761
++msgid "Available language groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1764
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: no environments/groups match: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1768
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1823
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
++msgid "Warning: group/environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1864
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: environment %s does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1878 ../cli.py:1884
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1888
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1890
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../cli.py:1924
++#, python-format
++msgid "No environment named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1940 ../yum/__init__.py:4336
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1950
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1952 ../yumcommands.py:3550
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2030
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2050
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2062
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2084
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -432,438 +510,484 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2152
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2223
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2277
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2281
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2284
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2290
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2292
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2301
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2307
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2309
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2311
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2313
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2318
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2322
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2334
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2336
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2340
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2346
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2348
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2350
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2352
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2354
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2356
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:3199
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -871,57 +995,58 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -929,7 +1054,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+ #. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -938,484 +1063,542 @@ msgid ""
+ "to exit.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2224
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -1423,59 +1606,63 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++#: ../utils.py:320
++#, python-format
++msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:323
++#, python-format
++msgid "Options Error: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:152 ../yummain.py:196
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:201
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:162 ../yummain.py:209
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:215
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:252
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:42
++#: ../yumcommands.py:44
+ msgid " Mini usage:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:52
++#: ../yumcommands.py:54
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:69
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1493,1363 +1680,1617 @@ msgid ""
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:98
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:116
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:138 ../yumcommands.py:144
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:166
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:180
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:197
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:203
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:220
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:230
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:249
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:385
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:392
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:423
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:449 ../yumcommands.py:509
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:456
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:485
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:516
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:545
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:605
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:674
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:684
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:689
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:693
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:701 ../yumcommands.py:708 ../yumcommands.py:1570
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:710
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:717
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:768
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:800
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:850
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
+-msgid "Setting up Group Process"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:911
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
+-msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:914
++msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:920
++msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:990
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:997
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:999
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1261
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1287
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1288
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1332
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1370
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1448
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1516
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1618
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1644
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1697
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1727
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1762
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1792
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1856
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1898
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1924
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1967
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1994
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2036
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2125 ../yumcommands.py:2126
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2152 ../yumcommands.py:2153
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2168
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2172
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2175
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2179
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2185
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2192
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2200 ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2208
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2212
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2215
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2235
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2237
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2240
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2244
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2248
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2252
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2261 ../yumcommands.py:2290
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2278 ../yumcommands.py:2279 ../yumcommands.py:2297
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2291
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2363
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2405
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2410
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2412
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2497
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2509
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2572
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2583
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2622
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2674
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2684
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2685
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2714
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2722
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2731
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2740
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2814
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2907 ../yumcommands.py:2911
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2912
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2913
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2914
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2915
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2916
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2917
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2918
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2919
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2920
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2953
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2960
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3067
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3143
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
+-msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3184
++#, python-format
++msgid "showing transaction files from %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3224
++msgid "Members"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3229
++msgid "Filename"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3235
++#, python-format
++msgid "Saved transactions from %s; looked at %u files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3238
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3244
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3300
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, instead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3395
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3474
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3509 ../yumcommands.py:3540
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to move to"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to move to"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3569
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3612
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3616
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:169
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:242 ../yummain.py:250
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:327
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:945
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:975
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:935
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#. No callback?
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:922
++#, python-format
++msgid "Removing %s due to obsoletes from %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:955
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:977
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1001
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1090
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1357
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384 ../yum/depsolve.py:1390
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1504
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1524
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1528
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1534
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1551
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1555 ../yum/depsolve.py:1589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1585
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1610
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:275
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:554
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:573
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:579
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:619
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:628
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:639
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:669
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:753
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:799
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:807
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:819
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:863
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:888
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:916
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:925
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:931
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:946
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:956
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:967
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1060
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1078
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1095
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1112
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1170
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1174
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those architectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1258
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1383
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1565
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1569
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1581
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1582
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1718
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1728
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1731
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1745
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1882
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2017
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2066
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2078
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
++#. The pid doesn't exist
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2095
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2145
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum --enablerepo="
+ "%s clean metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2168
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2171
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#. This is definitely a depsolver bug.  Make it fatal?
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2230
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
++msgid "ignoring a dupe of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2235
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2238
+ #, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Delta RPMs reduced %s of updates to %s (%d%% saved)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2375
++msgid "Some delta RPMs failed to download or rebuild. Retrying.."
++msgstr ""
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2386
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2415
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2455
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2515
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2519
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2531
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2573
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2577
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2644
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2756
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2762
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3150
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of "
+ "Yum.                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3203
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3219
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3226
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3423
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3520 ../yum/__init__.py:3554 ../yum/__init__.py:3630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3636 ../yum/__init__.py:3773 ../yum/__init__.py:3777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4352
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566 ../yum/__init__.py:3794
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3590 ../yum/__init__.py:3820 ../yum/__init__.py:3878
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr ""
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3676
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3682
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3703
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3756
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3758
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3848
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3912
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3940
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4003 ../yum/__init__.py:4066
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4027 ../yum/__init__.py:4033 ../yum/__init__.py:4090
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4096
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
+-msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4299 ../yum/__init__.py:4328
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
+-msgid "Nothing specified to install"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4308
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4451
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4491
++msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4495
++msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4519 ../yum/__init__.py:5477
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4596
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4599
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4643
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4648
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4651
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4659
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4673
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4805
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4829 ../yum/__init__.py:4987 ../yum/__init__.py:5035
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5071
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4884 ../yum/__init__.py:5132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4911 ../yum/__init__.py:5140 ../yum/__init__.py:5483
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4929
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4976
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#. Meh.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5030
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5039 ../yum/__init__.py:5075
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5153
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5159
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5202
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5205 ../yum/__init__.py:5322 ../yum/__init__.py:5414
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5209
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218 ../yum/__init__.py:5325 ../yum/__init__.py:5417
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5251 ../yum/__init__.py:5258
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267 ../yum/__init__.py:5330 ../yum/__init__.py:5422
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5272
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5278
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5285
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5319 ../yum/__init__.py:5411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5365
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5392
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5505
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5513
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5573
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5686 ../yum/__init__.py:5753
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5703 ../yum/__init__.py:5759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5810
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5833
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5835
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5843
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5852
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5868
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5906
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5920
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5958
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5960 ../yum/__init__.py:6061
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5964
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5967
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they "
+@@ -2857,25 +3298,45 @@ msgid ""
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5977
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5999
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6001
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6002
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6059
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6076
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6081
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they "
+@@ -2883,158 +3344,186 @@ msgid ""
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6239
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6241
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Please report this error at %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6282
++msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6313
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6425
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6487 ../yum/__init__.py:6489
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6522 ../yum/__init__.py:6524
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6534
++msgid "File is empty."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6571
++#, python-format
++msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6599
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6613
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6662
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6666
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6703 ../yum/__init__.py:6720
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6745
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6748
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6816 ../yum/__init__.py:6835
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6819
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6840
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6851 ../yum/__init__.py:6857
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6871
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:163
++msgid "has installed obsoletes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:167
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:184
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:192
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -3043,6 +3532,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:956
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:1022
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po
+index 9fe1a5c..d0a0ab9 100644
+--- a/po/zh_CN.po
++++ b/po/zh_CN.po
+@@ -2,1513 +2,1651 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
+-# Mike Ma <zhtx10@gmail.com>, 2011
+-# lovenemesis <lovenemesis@gmail.com>, 2011
++# Translators:
++# Christopher Meng <cickumqt@gmail.com>, 2012-2013.
++#   <dd331@163.com>, 2012.
++# lovenemesis <lovenemesis@gmail.com>, 2011.
++# Mike Manilone <zhtx10@gmail.com>, 2012.
++# Mike Ma <zhtx10@gmail.com>, 2011.
++#   <qinghao1@foxmail.com>, 2012.
++# Tommy He <lovenemesis@gmail.com>, 2012-2013.
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/zh_CN/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-27 00:10+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Christopher Meng <cickumqt@gmail.com>\n"
++"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/zh_CN/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: zh_CN\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+-msgstr "正在升级"
++msgstr "正在更新"
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr "正在删除"
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr "正在安装"
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+-msgstr "被取代"
++msgstr "已废弃"
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr "更新完毕"
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr "已删除"
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr "已安装"
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr "没有文件头 - 怎么回事?"
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr "重新打包"
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+-msgstr "错误:%s 输出状态不对:%s"
++msgstr "错误:%s 输出状态无效:%s"
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr "已删除:%s"
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr "正在删除"
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr "清理"
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr "命令 \"%s\" 已有定义"
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+-msgstr "设置仓库"
++msgstr "正在设置更新源"
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+-msgstr "从本地文件读入仓库元数据"
++msgstr "正在从本地文件读取源元数据"
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr "配置错误:%s"
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+-msgstr "属性错误:%s"
++msgstr "选项错误:%s"
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr "  已安装: %s-%s 在 %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr "  构建    :%s 在 %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+-msgstr "  已经提交:%s ,共 %s "
++msgstr "  已提交:%s ,共 %s "
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+-msgstr "你需要给出命令"
++msgstr "您需要给出命令"
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+-msgstr "没有命令: %s。请使用 %s --help"
++msgstr "没有该命令:%s。请使用 %s --help"
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+-msgstr "磁盘要求:\n"
++msgstr "空间需求:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr "  至少需要 %d MB 以上的空间在文件系统 %s 上。\n"
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] " %d MB 以上的空间至少需要在文件系统 %s 上。\n"
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "错误概要\n-------------\n"
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr "无法创建锁文件,正在退出"
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr "另外一个程序锁定了 yum;遵循 exit_on_lock 设置退出"
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+-msgstr "尝试执行事务但无须任何处理。现在退出。"
++msgstr "无须任何处理。正在退出。"
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr "新的 RPM 数据库版本与已保存事务中的版本不匹配,"
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr " 忽略,作为请求。"
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr " 终止。"
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+-msgstr "在用户的命令下退出"
++msgstr "由于用户命令正在退出"
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+-msgstr "下载软件包:"
++msgstr "正在下载软件包:"
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+-msgstr "下载软件包出错:\n"
++msgstr "下载软件包时出错:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "正在执行事务检查"
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+-msgstr "错误:您需要更新 rpm 以处理:"
++msgstr "错误:您需要更新 RPM 以处理:"
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "事务检查与依赖解决错误:"
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr "RPM 需要更新"
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+-msgstr "请在%s报告此错误"
++msgstr "请在 %s 报告此错误"
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+-msgstr "执行事务测试"
++msgstr "正在执行事务检查"
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+-msgstr "事务检验出错:\n"
++msgstr "事务检查出错:\n"
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+-msgstr "事务测试成功"
++msgstr "事务测试完成"
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+-msgstr "执行事务"
++msgstr "正在执行事务"
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+-msgstr ""
+-"指定 \"-y\" 改变这个行为。"
++msgstr "如果不加干预,拒绝自动导入密钥。\n指定 \"-y\" 改变这个行为。"
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+-msgstr "  * 也许您希望:"
++msgstr "  * 也许您想要:"
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+-msgstr "包 %s%s%s 可用,但未安装。"
++msgstr "软件包 %s%s%s 可用,但尚未安装。"
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+-msgstr "没有可用的包 %s%s%s。"
++msgstr "没有可用软件包 %s%s%s。"
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
+-msgstr "将安装的软件包"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
++msgstr "错误 %s 参数 %s。"
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] "%d 个软件包将被安装"
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr "无须任何处理"
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "升级 %d 个软件包"
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] "%d 个软件包标记为更新"
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr "不升级任何软件包"
++msgstr "不更新任何软件包"
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "已标记的欲分布同步的%d个包"
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] "%d 个软件包标记为发行版同步"
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr "没有已标记的欲分布同步的包"
++msgstr "没有发行版同步软件包"
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr "删除 %d 个软件包"
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] "%d 个软件包标记为移除"
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr "不删除任何软件包"
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr "要降级的包"
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] "%d 个软件包要降级"
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr "(来自 %s)"
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+-msgstr "安装的包 %s%s%s%s 不可用。"
++msgstr "已安装的软件包 %s%s%s%s 不可用。"
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr "重装的包"
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d 个软件包要重新安装"
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr "未指定软件包"
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr "将安装的软件包"
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "N/S 匹配:%s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  名称和简介匹配 %sonly%s,使用“search all”试试。"
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  全名和简介匹配 %sonly%s,使用“search all”试试。"
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr "匹配:%s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "  名称和简介匹配 %smonstly%s,使用“search all”试试。"
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr "警告:没有匹配 %s 的软件包"
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+-msgstr "没有找到匹配的软件包"
++msgstr "未找到匹配的软件包"
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
+-msgstr "没有找到 %s 软件包"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
++msgstr "错误:未找到软件包:\n  %s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+-msgstr "正在清理仓库: "
++msgstr "正在清理软件源: "
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+-msgstr "清理一切"
++msgstr "清除全部"
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+-msgstr "清理文件头缓存"
++msgstr "清除文件头缓存"
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+-msgstr "清理软件包"
++msgstr "清除软件包缓存"
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+-msgstr "清理 XML 元数据"
++msgstr "清除 XML 元数据"
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+-msgstr "清理数据库缓存"
++msgstr "清除数据库缓存"
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+-msgstr "清理过期缓存元数据"
++msgstr "清除过期的缓存元数据"
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+-msgstr "正在清理缓存rpmdb数据"
++msgstr "正在清除 RPM 数据库缓存"
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+-msgstr "清理插件"
++msgstr "清除插件缓存"
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "已安装环境分组:"
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
++msgstr "可用的环境分组:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr "已安装的组:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "已安装的语言组:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+-msgstr "有效的组:"
++msgstr "可用组:"
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "可用语言组:"
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr "警告:没有环境/分组匹配:%s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr "完成"
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr "警告:分组/环境 %s 不存在。"
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr "警告:环境 %s 不存在。"
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr "警告:组 %s 不存在。"
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+ msgstr "指定组中没有可安装或升级的软件包"
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
+-msgstr "安装 %d 个软件包"
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] "%d 个软件包要安装"
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
++msgstr "没有名为 %s 的环境存在。"
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "没有名为 %s 的组"
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+-msgstr "指定组中没有要删除的软件包"
++msgstr "指定组中没有要移除的软件包"
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr "删除 %d 个软件包"
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] "%d 个软件包要移除"
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr "略过已安装的 %s 软件包"
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr "丢弃不可比较的软件包 %s.%s"
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr "%s 未安装,加入列表以备安装"
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr "插件选项"
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr "命令行错误:%s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+-msgstr ""
+-"%s: %s 选项需要参数"
++msgstr "\n\n%s: %s 选项需要参数"
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr "--color 需要参数:auto, always, never"
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "-- 安装根必须是绝对路径:%s"
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr "显示此帮助消息并退出"
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+-msgstr "容忍错误"
++msgstr "忽略错误"
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr "完全从系统缓存运行,不升级缓存"
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr "配置文件路径"
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr "命令最长等待时间"
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr "调试输出级别"
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+-msgstr "在 list/search 命令下,显示仓库里重复的条目"
++msgstr "在 list/search 命令下,显示源里重复的条目"
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr "错误输出级别"
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+-msgstr "rpm调试输出等级"
++msgstr "RPM 调试输出级别"
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+-msgstr "安静的操作"
++msgstr "静默执行"
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr "详尽的操作过程"
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+-msgstr "回答所有的问题为是"
++msgstr "回答全部问题为是"
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr "回答全部问题为否"
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+-msgstr "显示 Yum 版本信息并退出"
++msgstr "显示 Yum 版本然后退出"
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+-msgstr "设置目标根目录"
++msgstr "设置安装根目录"
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr "启用一个或多个仓库(支持通配符)"
++msgstr "启用一个或多个软件源(支持通配符)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+-msgstr "禁用一个或多个仓库(支持通配符)"
++msgstr "禁用一个或多个软件源(支持通配符)"
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+-msgstr "用全名或通配符排除软件包"
++msgstr "采用全名或通配符排除软件包"
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+-msgstr "禁止从主配置,从仓库或者从任何位置排除"
++msgstr "禁止从主配置,从源或者从任何位置排除"
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+-msgstr "升级时考虑软件包取代关系"
++msgstr "更新时处理软件包取代关系"
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr "禁用 Yum 插件"
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+-msgstr "禁用 gpg 签名检测"
++msgstr "禁用 GPG 签名检查"
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr "禁用指定名称的插件"
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+-msgstr "由名称启用插件"
++msgstr "启用指定名称的插件"
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+-msgstr "跳过有依赖问题的软件包"
++msgstr "忽略存在依赖关系问题的软件包"
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr "配置是否使用颜色"
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+-msgstr "在yum配置和repo文件里设置$releasever的值"
++msgstr "在 yum 配置和 repo 文件里设置 $releasever 的值"
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr "仅下载而不更新"
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr "指定一个其他文件夹用于保存软件包"
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+-msgstr "设置任意配置和仓库选项"
++msgstr "设置任意配置和源选项"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr "一月"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr "二月"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr "三月"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr "四月"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr "五月"
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr "六月"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr "七月"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr "八月"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr "九月"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr "十月"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr "十一月"
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr "十二月"
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+-msgstr "尝试其他镜像。"
++msgstr "正在尝试其它镜像。"
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+-msgstr "名称        :%s%s%s"
++msgstr "名称    :%s%s%s"
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+-msgstr "构架        :%s"
++msgstr "架构    :%s"
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+-msgstr "时期       : %s"
++msgstr "时期       :%s"
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+-msgstr "版本     :%s"
++msgstr "版本    :%s"
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+-msgstr "发布     :%s"
++msgstr "发布    :%s"
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+-msgstr "大小        :%s"
++msgstr "大小    :%s"
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+-msgstr "仓库        :%s"
++msgstr "源    :%s"
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+-msgstr "来自仓库   :%s"
++msgstr "来自源:%s"
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr "提交者   :%s"
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr "提交时间  :%s"
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr "构建时间:%s"
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr "安装时间:%s"
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+-msgstr "由 %s 安装"
++msgstr "由 %s 安装:"
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr "由 %s 修改"
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+-msgstr "简介     : "
++msgstr "简介    : "
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+-msgstr "网址         :%s"
++msgstr "网址    :%s"
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+-msgstr "协议     : "
++msgstr "协议    : "
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+-msgstr "描述: "
++msgstr "描述    : "
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr "y"
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr "是"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr "n"
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr "否"
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+-msgstr "确定吗?[y/N]:"
++msgstr "是否继续?[y/N]:"
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n组:%s"
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr " 组编号:%s"
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr " 描述:%s"
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " 语言:%s"
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr " 必要的软件包:"
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr " 默认的软件包:"
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr " 可选的软件包:"
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr " 可能的软件包:"
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr " 已安装的软件包:"
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr "\n环境分组:%s"
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr "环境 ID:%s"
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr "必备组:"
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr "可选组:"
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr "已安装组:"
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr "软件包:%s"
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr " 此软件包无依赖关系"
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+-msgstr "   依赖: %s"
++msgstr "   依赖:%s"
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+-msgstr " 不满足的依赖关系"
++msgstr " 不良依赖关系"
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+-msgstr "匹配来自于:"
++msgstr "匹配来源:"
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+-msgstr "协议     :%s"
++msgstr "协议    :%s"
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr "文件名    :%s"
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr "提供    :"
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr "其他       : "
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr "计算总下载量时出错"
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+-msgstr "总文件大小:%s"
++msgstr "总计:%s"
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr "总下载量:%s"
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr "安装大小:%s"
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+-msgstr "有一个错误计算安装大小"
++msgstr "计算安装大小时出错"
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr "重新安装"
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr "正在降级"
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "为依赖而安装"
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr "为依赖而更新"
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr "为依赖而移除"
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr "跳过(依赖问题)"
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr "未安装"
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "不可用"
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr "软件包"
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] "软件包"
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr "架构"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr "版本"
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+-msgstr "仓库"
++msgstr "源"
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr "大小"
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr "      替换  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Transaction Summary\n"
+ "%s\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n事务概要\n%s\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "安装   %5.5s 个包\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
++msgstr "安装"
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "升级   %5.5s 个包\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
++msgstr "升级"
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "移除    %5.5s 个包\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "移除"
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "重新安装 %5.5s 个包\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
++msgstr "重新安装"
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
+-msgstr "降级 %5.5s 个包\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
++msgstr "降级"
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] "依赖软件包"
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr "删除"
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr "作为依赖被删除"
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr "作为依赖被安装"
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr "作为依赖被升级"
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr "替代"
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr "失败"
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr "二"
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ " Current download cancelled, %sinterrupt (ctrl-c) again%s within %s%s%s seconds\n"
+ "to exit.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-" 当前下载已取消,再次输入%s个中断(ctrl-c)%s于 %s%s%s 秒内\n"
++msgstr "\n 当前下载已被取消,再次输入 %s 个中断请求(ctrl-c) %s 于 %s%s%s 秒内\n将会退出。\n"
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr "用户中断"
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr "总计"
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr "I"
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr "O"
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr "E"
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr "R"
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr "D"
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr "U"
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr "<空>"
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr "系统"
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "由于重叠,忽略合并事务 %d 至 %d"
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "没有事务"
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr "错误的事务 ID 或软件包"
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "命令行"
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+-msgstr "登陆用户"
++msgstr "登录用户"
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr "ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr "日期和时间"
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr "操作"
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+-msgstr "更改"
++msgstr "变更数量"
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+-msgstr "没有事务 ID"
++msgstr "未指定事务 ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr "错误的事务 ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+-msgstr "未能找到指定事务 ID"
++msgstr "未找到指定的事务 ID"
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+-msgstr "找到多个事务 ID!"
++msgstr "找到多个事务 ID!"
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+-msgstr "未指定事务 ID、或者软件包"
++msgstr "未指定事务 ID 或软件包"
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr "降级"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr "较老的"
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr "较早的"
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr "事务 ID:"
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr "起始时间    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+-msgstr "启动 rpmdb     :"
++msgstr "启动 RPM 数据库     :"
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u 秒)"
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u 分钟)"
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u 小时)"
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "(%u 天)"
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr "结束时间       :"
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+-msgstr "结束 rpmdb      :"
++msgstr "结束 RPM 数据库      :"
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr "用户           :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr "返回码    :"
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr "已终止"
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "失败:"
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr "失败:"
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr "成功"
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr "命令行   :"
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+-msgstr "其他非默认信息已保存:%d"
++msgstr "其它非默认信息已保存:%d"
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+-msgstr "事务完成由:"
++msgstr "事务完成属主:"
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+-msgstr "已改变的包:"
++msgstr "已变更的包:"
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr "已跳过的包:"
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+-msgstr "Rpmdb 问题:"
++msgstr "RPM 数据库问题:"
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr "Scriptlet 输出:"
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr "错误:"
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr "安装"
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr "依赖安装"
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr "取代中"
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+-msgstr "抹去"
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr "重新安装"
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr "降级"
++msgstr "删除"
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr "更新"
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr "时间"
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr "最近一天"
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr "最近一周"
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr "最近2周"
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr "最近3个月"
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr "最近6个月"
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr "最近一年"
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr "一年以前"
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr "未找到事务 %s"
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr "事务 ID:"
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr "可用的额外历史信息:"
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+-msgstr "%s: 未找到符合该名称的额外数据"
++msgstr "%s:未找到符合该名称的额外数据"
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr "包        :"
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr "状态          :"
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr "大小           :"
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr "构建主机     :"
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr "构建时间     :"
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr "打包者       :"
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr "供应商         :"
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr "许可协议        :"
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr "URL            :"
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr "源代码 RPM     :"
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr "提交时间    :"
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr "提交者      :"
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr "原因         :"
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr "来自源      :"
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr "安装者   :"
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr "修改者     :"
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr "安装"
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "更新"
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr "删除"
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr "已重新安装"
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "降级"
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "舍弃"
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr "升级"
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr "取代"
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "---> 软件包 %s.%s.%s.%s-%s 将被 %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+-msgstr "--> 执行事务检查"
++msgstr "--> 正在检查事务"
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+-msgstr "--> 使用新的信息重新计算依赖关系。"
++msgstr "--> 正在使用新的信息重新解决依赖关系"
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+-msgstr "--> 完成依赖关系计算"
++msgstr "--> 解决依赖关系完成"
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+-msgstr "--> 处理依赖关系 %s,它被软件包 %s 需要"
++msgstr "--> 正在处理依赖关系 %s,它被软件包 %s 需要"
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
+-msgstr "---> 保留软件包: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
++msgstr "---> 保留软件包:%s 由于 %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+-msgstr "--> 无法解决的依赖:%s"
++msgstr "--> 未能解决依赖:%s"
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr "软件包:%s"
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    需要:%s"
++msgstr "\n    需要:%s"
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+-msgstr ""
+-"    %s: %s (%s)"
++msgstr "\n    %s: %s (%s)"
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        %s"
++msgstr "\n        %s"
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+-msgstr ""
+-"        未找到"
++msgstr "\n        未找到"
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr "更新,由"
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr "降级,由"
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr "取代,由"
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr "可用"
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr "--> 处理 %s 与 %s 的冲突"
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+-msgstr "--> 根据指定的软件包创建事务,请等待。"
++msgstr "--> 请稍候,正在根据指定的软件包创建事务。"
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+-msgstr "---> 下载 %s 的文件头作为事务的一部分。"
++msgstr "---> 正在下载 %s 的文件头,它是事务的一部分。"
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr "验证中"
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr "运行中"
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr "睡眠中"
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr "不可中断"
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr "僵死"
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr "跟踪/停止"
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr "未知"
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr "  另一个应用程序是:PackageKit"
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr "  另一个应用程序是:%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr "    内存:%5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr "    已启动: %s - %s之前"
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr "    状态  :%s,进程ID:%d"
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n由于用户取消而退出"
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n由于管道被破坏而退出"
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "%s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr "另外一个程序锁定了 yum;遵循 exit_on_lock 设置退出"
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr "插件退出错误:%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr "Yum 错误:%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr "错误:%s"
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+-msgstr " 您可以尝试用 --skip-broken 来解决该问题"
++msgstr " 您可以尝试添加 --skip-broken 选项来解决该问题"
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-msgstr " 您可以尝试运行: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
++msgstr " 您可以尝试执行:rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+-msgstr "未知错误:退出码 %d:"
++msgstr "未知错误:退出码:%d:"
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n依赖关系解决"
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr "完毕!"
+ #: ../yumcommands.py:42
+ msgid " Mini usage:\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "简单用法:\n"
+ #: ../yumcommands.py:52
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+-msgstr "你需要以 root 身份执行此命令。"
++msgstr "您需要 root 权限执行此命令。"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1523,577 +1661,647 @@ msgid ""
+ "will install it for you.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"您启用了软件包 GPG 签名检测,这样很好。但是,您尚未安装任何 GPG 公钥。请下载您希望安装的软件的签名公钥并安装。假设公钥已下载,安装命令是:\n"
+-"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
+-"或者,在仓库配置中,使用 'gpgkey' 选项指定仓库使用的公钥的 URL,这样 yum 会自动安装它。\n"
++msgstr "\n您已启用软件包 GPG 签名检查,这样很好。不过您尚未安装任何 GPG 公钥。请下载您希望安装的软件签名公钥并安装。假设公钥已下载,安装命令是:\n    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n\n\n或者,在软件源配置中,使用 'gpgkey' 选项指定软件源使用的公钥 URL,这样 yum 会自动安装它。\n\n详情请联系发行版或软件包制作人。\n"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "问题源:%s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr "错误:需要为 %s 指定软件包列表"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr "错误:需要至少两个软件包用于 %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr "错误:需要传递 repoid. 和命令至 %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr "错误:需要传递一个有效的 repoid. 至 %s"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr "错误:源 %s 尚未启用"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr "错误:需要指定匹配模式"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr "错误:需要组或组的列表"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr "错误:清理命令需要参数:%s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr "错误:清理命令参数不正确:%r"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+-msgstr "没有给外壳指定参数"
++msgstr "没有给 shell 指定参数"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+-msgstr "传给外壳的文件名:%s"
++msgstr "传给 shell 的文件名:%s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+-msgstr "作为参数传给外壳的文件 %s 不存在。"
++msgstr "作为参数传给 shell 的文件 %s 不存在。"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+-msgstr "错误:作为参数传给外壳超过一个文件。"
++msgstr "错误:作为参数传给 shell 的文件超过一个。"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"执行 \"yum repolist all\" 查看您拥有的仓库。\n"
+-"您可以用 yum-config-manager --enable &lt;仓库名&gt; 来启用仓库"
++msgstr "没有已启用的源。\n执行 \"yum repolist all\" 查看您拥有的源。\n您可以用 yum-config-manager --enable &lt;源名&gt; 来启用源"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr "软件包……"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "向系统中安装一个或多个软件包"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr "设置安装进程"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr "[软件包……]"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr "更新系统中的一个或多个软件包"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr "设置更新进程"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr "已同步软件包到最新可用版本"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr "正在设置发行版同步进程"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr "显示关于软件包或组的详细信息"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr "已安装的软件包"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr "可安装的软件包"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+-msgstr "更多软件包"
++msgstr "额外的软件包"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr "更新的软件包"
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr "取代的软件包"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr "最近添加的软件包"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr "没有匹配的软件包可以列出"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr "列出一个或一组软件包"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr "从系统中移除一个或多个软件包"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+-msgstr "设置移除进程"
++msgstr "正在设置移除进程"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
++msgstr "显示或使用、组信息"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
+ msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr "设置组进程"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
+ msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr "没有指定要处理的组"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
+-msgstr "列出可安装的组"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
+-msgstr "向系统中安装一组软件包"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
++msgstr "无效的组子命令,使用:%s"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
+-msgstr "从系统中移除一组软件包"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
++msgstr "没有安装组信息文件"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
+-msgstr "显示组的详细信息"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
++msgstr "您没有权限访问组信息数据库。"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr "创建元数据缓存"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr "为元数据文件生成缓存文件。"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr "这需要一段时间,取决于这台计算机的速度"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr "元数据缓存已建立"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+-msgstr "删除缓存的数据"
++msgstr "删除缓存数据"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr "查找提供指定内容的软件包"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+-msgstr "检查是否有软件包更新"
++msgstr "检查是否有可用的软件包更新"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr "在软件包详细信息中搜索指定字符串"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr "搜索软件包:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr "更新软件包同时考虑软件包取代关系"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+-msgstr "设置升级进程"
++msgstr "正在配置升级进程"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+-msgstr "安装本地的 RPM"
++msgstr "安装本地 RPM"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+-msgstr "设置本地安装进程"
++msgstr "正在设置本地安装进程"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr "判断哪个包提供了指定的依赖"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr "查找依赖的软件包:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+-msgstr "运行交互式的 yum 外壳"
++msgstr "运行交互式的 yum shell"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+-msgstr "设置 Yum 外壳"
++msgstr "设置 Yum Shell"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr "列出软件包的依赖关系"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+-msgstr "查找依赖:"
++msgstr "正在查找依赖:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+-msgstr "显示已配置的仓库"
++msgstr "显示已配置的源"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr "启用"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr "禁用"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+-msgstr "仓库ID     : "
++msgstr "源ID     : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+-msgstr "仓库名    : "
++msgstr "源名    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+-msgstr "仓库状态  : "
++msgstr "源状态  : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+-msgstr "仓库版本: "
++msgstr "源版本: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+-msgstr "仓库标志    : "
++msgstr "源标志    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+-msgstr "仓库发行版标签: "
++msgstr "源发行版标签: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+-msgstr "仓库更新: "
++msgstr "源更新: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+-msgstr "仓库包    : "
++msgstr "源软件包    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+-msgstr "仓库大小    : "
++msgstr "源大小    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+-msgstr "仓库基本地址: "
++msgstr "源基本地址: "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+-msgstr "仓库元链接:"
++msgstr "源元链接:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+-msgstr "更新:"
++msgstr "  已更新    : "
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+-msgstr "仓库镜像:"
++msgstr "源镜像:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+-msgstr "从不 (最后 %s)"
++msgstr "从不(已持续:%s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+-msgstr "瞬间(最后%s)"
++msgstr "瞬间(已持续:%s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+-msgstr "%s 秒 (最后 %s)"
++msgstr "%s 秒(已持续:%s)"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+-msgstr "仓库到期:"
++msgstr "源到期:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+-msgstr "仓库排除:"
++msgstr "源排除:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+-msgstr "仓库包括:"
++msgstr "包含的源:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+-msgstr "仓库除外:"
++msgstr "排除的源:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "源文件名:"
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+-msgstr "仓库标识"
++msgstr "源标识"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr "状态"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+-msgstr "仓库名称"
++msgstr "源名称"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+-msgstr "显示用法信息"
++msgstr "显示用法提示"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr "没有关于 %s 的帮助"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n别名:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n别名:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+-msgstr "设置覆盖安装进程"
++msgstr "正在设置覆盖安装进程"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+-msgstr "覆盖安装一个包"
++msgstr "覆盖安装软件包"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+-msgstr "设置降级过程"
++msgstr "正在设置降级进程"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+-msgstr "降级包"
++msgstr "降级软件包"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+-msgstr "显示机器和/或可用的仓库版本。"
++msgstr "显示机器和/或可用的源版本。"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+-msgstr " Yum版本组:"
++msgstr " Yum 版本组:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr " 组   :"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr " 包:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr "已安装:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr "组已安装:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr "可用:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr "组内现有:"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr "显示或使用事务历史"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr "事务:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr "开始于  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr "结束于    :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr "计数      :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr "  NEVRAC :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr "  NEVRA  :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr "  NA     :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr "  NEVR   :"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr "  RPM 数据库:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr "  yum 数据库:"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr "无效的历史子命令,使用:%s。"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+-msgstr "你没有权限到历史数据。"
++msgstr "您没有权限访问历史数据。"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+-msgstr "检查rpmdb里的问题"
++msgstr "检查 RPM 数据库问题"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "从文件名中加载一个已存事务"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "指定文件中没有已存事务。"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "正在从 %s 中加载事务"
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "事务已从 %s 载入,还有 %s 位成员。"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr "交换软件包的简单方式,无需 Shell 操作"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr "将一个源当作一个软件包组,这样我们就可以一次性安装/移除全部软件包。"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] "%d 软件包将被更新"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] "%d 个软件包将被移除/重安装"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] "%d 个软件包将被移除/同步"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr "不是 %s 的有效子命令"
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " Yum 检查失败:%s"
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
+-msgstr "另外一个程序锁定了 yum;等待它退出……"
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "没有当前目录的读、执行权限,正在移动至 /"
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
++msgstr "当前目录没有 getcwd() 权限,移动到/"
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+-msgstr "解决依赖关系"
++msgstr "正在解决依赖关系"
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
++msgstr "您的事务已保存,请执行:\n yum load-transaction %s 重新执行该事务"
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n\n由于用户取消而退出。"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doTsSetup() 将从未来版本的 Yum 中去掉。\n"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+-msgstr "在配置可用前设置事务集"
++msgstr "正在配置可用前设置事务集"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr "配置文件 %s 中使用 tsflag 是错误的"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr "搜索群集中 %s 的依赖关系"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr "成员:%s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr "%s 转为安装"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr "添加软件包 %s 到 %s 模式"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr "正在删除软件包 %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr "%s 需要:%s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr "%s 需要 %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr "已查询过所需的依赖关系,跳过"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr "所需的依赖关系并非软件包名称。搜索:%s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+-msgstr " 可能的提供者:%s"
++msgstr " 可能提供者:%s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr "模式 %s 被用于提供 %s 的软件包:%s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr "提供 %s 的软件包使用的模式:%s"
+@@ -2101,1007 +2309,1162 @@ msgstr "提供 %s 的软件包使用的模式:%s"
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "尝试升级 %s 来解决依赖"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "失败!未找到 %s 的更新路径。"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr "未找到适用于 %s 的更新途径。无法满足需求:%s!"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr "适用于 %s 的更新。未满足需求:%s !"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+-msgstr "事务:%s 软件包要求删除 %s"
++msgstr "事务信息:%s 要求删除 %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+-msgstr "事务:令 %s 被 %s 取代以解决依赖关系。"
++msgstr "事务信息:令 %s 被 %s 取代以解决依赖关系。"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+-msgstr "事务:更新 %s 以解决依赖。"
++msgstr "事务信息:更新 %s 以解决依赖关系。"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr "无法找到 %s 依赖的更新路径"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr "快速匹配 %s 到 %s 的需求"
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr "提供 %s 的软件包存在而且已被安装,不再检测。"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+-msgstr "可能解决依赖的 %s 软件包已经有更新的版本存在于事务中了。"
++msgstr "可能解决依赖的 %s 软件包已经有较新的版本存在于事务中。"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr "可能解决依赖的 %s 软件包已经有更新的版本安装过了。"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr "%s 已包含在事务中,不再重复"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+-msgstr "事务:将 %s 作为 %s 的更新"
++msgstr "事务信息:正在将 %s 标记为 %s 的更新"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+-msgstr "事务:将 %s 作为 %s 安装"
++msgstr "事务信息:正在将 %s 标记为 %s 的安装依赖"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+-msgstr "成功 - 空的事务"
++msgstr "成功 - 空事务"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr "重新开始循环"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr "依赖进程即将完成"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr "成功 - 依赖关系解决"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+-msgstr "检查 %s 的依赖关系"
++msgstr "正在检查 %s 的依赖关系"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+-msgstr "搜索 %s 作为 %s 的依赖关系"
++msgstr "正在查找 %s 作为 %s 的依赖关系"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+-msgstr "为 %s 运行 compare_providers()"
++msgstr "正在为 %s 运行 compare_providers()"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr "%s 提供了更好的架构选择"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr "%s 取代 %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"比较 %s 与 %s 架构差异,在 %s\n"
+-"  胜者:%s"
++msgstr "比较 %s 与 %s 架构差异,在 %s\n  最终选择:%s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+-msgstr "%s 和 %s 具有共同的源代码 rpm"
++msgstr "%s 和 %s 具有共同的源代码 RPM"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr "基础软件包 %s 由于 %s 已经安装"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr "共同的前缀 %s 存在于 %s 和 %s 之间"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
+-msgstr "最小需求: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
++msgstr "提供 vercmp: %s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+-msgstr " 胜者:%s"
++msgstr " 最终选择:%s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr "最小需求:%d"
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr " 负者( %d):%s"
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr "最佳顺序:%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doConfigSetup() 将从未来版本的 Yum 中去掉。\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr "跳过不可读源 %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+-msgstr "软件仓库 %r:传递配置出错: %s"
++msgstr "软件源 %r:传递配置出错: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+-msgstr "仓库 %r 在配置文件中未指定名字,使用标识代替"
++msgstr "源 %r 在配置文件中未指定名字,使用标识代替"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr "插件已初始化"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRpmDBSetup() 将从未来版本的 Yum 中去掉。\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+-msgstr "读入本地 RPMDB"
++msgstr "正在读取本地 RPM 数据库"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doRepoSetup() 将从未来版本的 Yum 中去掉。\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doSackSetup() 将从未来版本的 Yum 中去掉。\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr "设置软件包群集"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+-msgstr "仓库 %s 的对象缺少 _resetSack 方法\n"
++msgstr "源 %s 的对象缺少 _resetSack 方法\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+-msgstr "因此仓库无法复位。\n"
++msgstr "因此源无法复位。\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doUpdateSetup() 将从未来版本的 Yum 中去掉。\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+-msgstr "建立升级对象"
++msgstr "正在建立升级对象"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr "doGroupSetup() 将从未来版本的 Yum 中去掉。\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+-msgstr "获取组的元数据"
++msgstr "正在获取组的元数据"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+-msgstr "从仓库 %s 中添加组文件"
++msgstr "正在从源 %s 中添加组文件"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr "从源获取分组文件失败:%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+-msgstr "为仓库 %s 添加组文件时失败:%s"
++msgstr "为源 %s 添加组文件时失败:%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+-msgstr "在现有的仓库中没有提供组"
++msgstr "目前所有源中没有可用的组"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+-msgstr "获取软件包标签元数据"
++msgstr "正在获取软件包标签元数据"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+-msgstr "从软件仓库添加标签:%s"
++msgstr "正在从软件源添加标签:%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+-msgstr "从软件仓库添加软件包标签失败:%s - %s"
++msgstr "从软件源添加软件包标签失败:%s - %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr "正在导入额外的文件列表信息"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+-msgstr "程序 %s%s%s 位于 yum-utils 软件包。"
++msgstr "程序 %s%s%s 在 yum-utils 软件包中。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+ msgstr "存在未完成的操作。您或许需要先运行 yum-complete-transaction 来完成。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "--> 正在查找剩下不需要的依赖"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
++msgstr "保护多库版本:%s != %s"
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr "尝试移除受保护的 \"%s\""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\n因为依赖关系问题而跳过的软件包:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr "    %s 来自 %s"
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+-msgstr "** 发现 %d 个已存在的 rpmdb 问题, 'yum check' 输出如下:"
++msgstr "** 发现 %d 个已存在的 RPM 数据库问题, 'yum check' 输出如下:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+-msgstr "警告:RPMDB 在 yum 以外被修改。"
++msgstr "警告:RPM 数据库已被非 yum 程序修改。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr "缺失的需求"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr "安装冲突"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+ msgstr "警告:事务过程中出现 scriptlet 或其他非致命性错误。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr "事务无法启动:"
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+-msgstr "不能执行事务。"
++msgstr "无法执行事务。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr "移除事务文件 %s 失败"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s 假定被安装但并非这样!"
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr "%s 假定被移除但并非这样!"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+-msgstr "不能打开锁 %s : %s"
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgstr "%s 已被锁定,PID 为 %s 的另一个程序正在运行。"
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+-msgstr "无法检测 PID %s 是否激活"
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgstr "无法在 %s 中创建锁:%s"
+-#. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+-msgstr "%s 已被锁定,PID 为 %s 的另一个程序正在运行。"
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgstr "无法打开锁 %s : %s"
++#. The pid doesn't exist
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+-msgstr "无法在 %s 创建锁:%s"
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgstr "无法检测 PID %s 是否为活动"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+ msgstr "软件包与预期下载的不符。建议:运行 yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr "无法执行校验和"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+-msgstr "软件包校验和不匹配"
++msgstr "软件包校验不匹配"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr "软件包校验和失败但是 %s 已启用缓存"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr "使用本地的 %s 副本"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-"下载目录 %s 空间不足\n"
+-"    * 空闲   %s\n"
+-"    * 需要 %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
++msgstr "正在退出,因为指定了 --downloadonly"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr "文件头不完整。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+-msgstr "文件头不在本地缓存中,但是因为处于只使用缓存的模式,无法下载 %s"
++msgstr "文件头不在本地缓存中,由于处于只使用缓存模式,无法下载 %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+-msgstr "%s 的公钥没有安装"
++msgstr "%s 的公钥尚未安装"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr "打开软件包 %s 出现问题"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr "%s 的公钥不可信任"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr "软件包 %s 没有签名"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr "无法删除 %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr "%s 已删除"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr "无法删除 %s 文件 %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr "%s 文件 %s 已删除"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr "%d %s 文件已删除"
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] "%d %s 文件已移除"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr "群集中有超过一个相同的匹配 %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr "更新不包括匹配 %s.%s %s:%s-%s 的内容"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+ msgstr "searchPackages() 将从未来版本的 Yum 中去掉,被searchGenerator() 替代。\n"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr "搜索 %d 个软件包"
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] "正在搜索,已搜索 %d 个软件包"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr "搜索 %s 软件包"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr "在文件中搜索"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr "在可提供的依赖中搜索"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+-msgstr "配置的软件仓库不包含组数据"
++msgstr "配置的软件源不包含组数据"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr "不存在 %s 组"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr "软件包 %s 没有包含在 %s 组中"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr "跳过 %s 软件包,它是 %s 组的"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr "添加包 %s 从组 %s 中"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr "找不到名为 %s 的软件包来安装"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
++msgstr "警告:分组 %s 不包含任何可安装软件包。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "组 %s 拥有 %u 有条件的包可能安装。"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr "跳过分组 %s,来自环境 %s 中"
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr "群集中找不到软件包 %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+-msgstr "rpmdb 中找不到软件包元组 %s"
++msgstr "RPM 数据库中找不到软件包元组 %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "来自 %s 的无效版本标识"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+-msgstr "找不到 %s 软件包"
++msgstr "找不到软件包 %s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr "警告:环境分组 %s 不存在。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr "软件包: %s - 无法与 %s 同时安装"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+-msgstr "不是一个软件包对象的实例"
++msgstr "不是一个软件包对象实例"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr "没有指定要安装的内容"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr "检测 %s 提供的依赖或文件"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr "参数 %s 没有匹配"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+-msgstr "包 %s 已安装且不可用"
++msgstr "软件包 %s 已安装但不可用"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+-msgstr "没有包可供安装"
++msgstr "没有软件包可供安装"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+-msgstr "软件包 %s 已包含在事务中"
++msgstr "软件包:%s - 已包含在事务集中"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr "软件包 %s 被已安装的 %s 取代"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+ msgstr "软件包 %s 已经被 %s 取代,但是取代的软件包并未满足需求"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr "软件包 %s 已经被 %s 取代,改为尝试安装 %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+-msgstr "包 %s 已安装并且是最新版本"
++msgstr "软件包 %s 已安装并且是最新版本"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+-msgstr "匹配 %s 的软件包已经安装。检查更新。"
++msgstr "匹配 %s 的软件包已经安装。正在检查更新。"
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+-msgstr "全部升级"
++msgstr "更新全部"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr "不更新已被取代的软件包:%s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr "%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr "参数 %s 没有匹配"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "没有匹配的可升级软件包:%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr "包已被取代:%s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "软件包已被取代:%s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr "未更新已被废除的软件包:%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-msgstr "未更新已被更新的软件包:%s.%s %s:%s-%s"
++msgstr "未更新已是最新的软件包:%s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
+-msgstr "没有匹配的要删除的包"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
++msgstr "没有匹配的可移除软件包:%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr "跳过正在运行的内核:%ss"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr "从操作中移除 %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "无法打开 %s ,跳过。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+-msgstr "诊断 %s: %s"
++msgstr "正在检查 %s: %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+-msgstr "无法本地安装 deltarpm %s ,跳过。"
++msgstr "无法本地安装 delta RPM:%s ,跳过。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+-msgstr "无法添加软件包 %s 到操作中。不属于可兼容的架构:%s"
++msgstr "无法添加软件包 %s 至操作中。不属于任何可兼容的架构:%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+-msgstr "无法安装软件包 %s 。被已安装软件包 %s 标识为废除"
++msgstr "无法安装软件包 %s 。被已安装软件包 %s 标记为废除"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+ msgstr "软件包 %s 没有安装,不能更新。运行 yum install 安装它。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "软件包 %s.%s 未被安装,不能更新它。请通过运行 yum install 来完成安装。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr "排除 %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr "%s 将被安装"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr "%s 将作为 %s 的更新"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr "%s:不更新已安装的软件包。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr "无法打开文件:%s。跳过。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr "覆盖安装出错:没有匹配的要删除的软件包"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr "重新安装出错:没有匹配的软件包 %s 来安装"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr "没有可供降级的软件包"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr "软件包 %s 允许同时安装多个版本,跳过"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr "未找到匹配的可用软件包:%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+-msgstr "只更新可用软件包:%s"
++msgstr "只升级可用软件包:%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr "降级失败:%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr "升级失败:%s"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "从 %s 检索密钥"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr "获取 GPG 密钥失败:"
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "密钥 %s 上的 GPG 密钥签名与 %s 源的 CA 密钥不匹配"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "GPG 密钥签名验证与 CA 密钥冲突"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+-msgstr "来自 %s 的不可用 GPG 密钥:%s"
++msgstr "来自 %s 的无效 GPG 密钥:%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr "GPG 密钥传递失败:密钥未包含值 %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "导入 %s key 0x%s:\n 用户ID     : \"%s\"\n 指纹       : %s\n 软件包     : %s (%s)\n 来自       : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
+-msgstr ""
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
++msgstr "导入 %s key 0x%s:\n 用户ID     : \"%s\"\n 指纹       : %s\n 来自       : %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n 失败的软件包是:%s\n GPG  密钥配置为:%s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr "%s 的 GPG 密钥(0x%s)已安装"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+-msgstr "导入密钥失败(代码 %d)"
++msgstr "导入密钥失败(错误代码 %d)"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr "导入密钥成功"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "尚未安装任何密钥"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr "仓库 \"%s\" 的 GPG 密钥已安装,但是不适用于此软件包。请检查仓库的公钥 URL 是否配置正确。"
++msgstr "源 \"%s\" 的 GPG 密钥已安装,但是不适用于此软件包。请检查源的公钥 URL 是否配置正确。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr "导入的密钥没有用处,错误的密钥?"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "否"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "是"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr "\n\n\n CA 密钥:%s\n失败的源是:%s\n GPG 密钥配置为:%s\n"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr "位于 %s 的 GPG 密钥 (0x%s) 已经导入"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
+-msgstr "导入密钥失败"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
++msgstr "密钥 %s 导入失败"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "没有安装 %s 源的任何密钥"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+-msgstr ""
+-"\"%s\" 仓库列出的 GPG 密钥已经安装但并不正确。\n"
+-"请检查此仓库正确的密钥 URL 配置。"
++msgstr "\"%s\" 源列出的 GPG 密钥已经安装但并不正确。\n请检查此源正确的密钥 URL 配置。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+-msgstr "不能发现合适的镜像。"
++msgstr "无法发现合适的镜像。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr "下载软件包时出错。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr "请在 %s 报告这个错误"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr "事务测试出错:"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr "不能置缓存目录:%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "尚未解决依赖关系。将不会保存未解决事务。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "不能保存事务文件 %s:%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "不能访问或读取事务 %s:%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr "RPM 数据库版本与已保存事务中的版本不匹配,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "不能找到 tsflags 或 tsflags 非整数。"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "在未知当前状态找到 txmbr:%s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "不能找到 txmbr:在 %s 状态中 %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "不能找到 txmbr:来自原始 %s 的 %s"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "事务成员、关系缺失或本身已被修改,"
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr " 由于请求正在忽略。您必须重新解决依赖!"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr "%s 已经被访问过了,不能删除。"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr "正在检查 %s 的 revdeps"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr "%s 的revdep %s 是用户安装的。"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr "%s 由于某软件包的需要将被安装"
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr "%s 没有用户安装的 revdeps。"
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr "已加载插件:"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr "没有匹配 %s 的插件"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+-msgstr "\"%s\" 插件被禁用,因此未加载它"
++msgstr "\"%s\" 插件已被禁用,因此未加载"
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr "插件 \"%s\" 不能被导入"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr "插件 \"%s\" 没有指定必要的 API 版本"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr "插件 \"%s\" 需要 API %s。支持的 API 为 %s。"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr "加载 \"%s\" 插件"
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr "搜索路径中存在两个或多个重名插件 \"%s\""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr "找不到配置文件 %s"
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr "找不到插件 %s 的配置文件 "
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr "不支持注册命令"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr "有缺少的需求"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr "有已安装冲突"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr "%s 是 %s 的副本"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr "%s 被 %s 取代"
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr "%s 提供 %s 但不能被找到"
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:80
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+-msgstr "正在重新包装"
++msgstr "正在重新打包"
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr "验证: %u/%u: %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr "下载目录 %s 空间不足\n    * 空闲   %s\n    * 需要 %s"
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr "软件包与预期下载的不符。"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+@@ -3115,11 +3478,11 @@ msgstr "RPM %s md5 校验失败"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:151
+ msgid "Could not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?"
+-msgstr "无法打开 RPM 数据库以读取。也许它已在使用中?"
++msgstr "无法打开并读取 RPM 数据库。也许它正在被使用?"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:183
+ msgid "Got an empty Header, something has gone wrong"
+-msgstr "下载到空的文件头,有错误发生"
++msgstr "有错误产生,获得文件头为空"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:253 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:260
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:263 ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:266
+@@ -3130,6 +3493,4 @@ msgstr "损坏的文件头 %s"
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+-msgstr "打开 RPM %s 错误 - 错误 %s"
++msgstr "打开 RPM %s 发生错误 - 错误 %s"
+diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po
+index 704a726..2ab6a67 100644
+--- a/po/zh_TW.po
++++ b/po/zh_TW.po
+@@ -2,427 +2,497 @@
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+ # 
++# Translators:
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: Yum\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://yum.baseurl.org/\n"
+-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 10:21-0400\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-06 14:21+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: skvidal <skvidal@fedoraproject.org>\n"
+-"Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/zh_TW/)\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/\n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-30 14:08+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: james <james@fedoraproject.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/yum/language/zh_TW/)\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "Language: zh_TW\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+-#: ../callback.py:48 ../output.py:1037 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
++#: ../callback.py:45 ../output.py:1502 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:73
+ msgid "Updating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:49 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
++#: ../callback.py:46 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:74
+ msgid "Erasing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:50 ../callback.py:51 ../callback.py:53 ../output.py:1036
+-#: ../output.py:2218 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
++#: ../callback.py:47 ../callback.py:48 ../callback.py:50 ../output.py:1501
++#: ../output.py:2922 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:75 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:76
+ #: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:78
+ msgid "Installing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:52 ../callback.py:58 ../output.py:1840 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
++#: ../callback.py:49 ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:2379 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:77
+ msgid "Obsoleted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:54 ../output.py:1169 ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1847
++#: ../callback.py:51 ../output.py:1670 ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2386
+ msgid "Updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:55 ../output.py:1685
++#: ../callback.py:52 ../output.py:2221
+ msgid "Erased"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:56 ../callback.py:57 ../callback.py:59 ../output.py:1167
+-#: ../output.py:1685 ../output.py:1687 ../output.py:2190
++#: ../callback.py:53 ../callback.py:54 ../callback.py:56 ../output.py:1668
++#: ../output.py:2221 ../output.py:2223 ../output.py:2894
+ msgid "Installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:130
++#: ../callback.py:142
+ msgid "No header - huh?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:168
++#: ../callback.py:180
+ msgid "Repackage"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:189
++#: ../callback.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid output state: %s for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:212
++#: ../callback.py:224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Erased: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:217 ../output.py:1038 ../output.py:2193
++#: ../callback.py:229 ../output.py:1503 ../output.py:2897
+ msgid "Removing"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../callback.py:219 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
++#: ../callback.py:231 ../yum/rpmtrans.py:79
+ msgid "Cleanup"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:115
++#: ../cli.py:122
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:127
++#: ../cli.py:137
+ msgid "Setting up repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:138
++#: ../cli.py:148
+ msgid "Reading repository metadata in from local files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:245 ../utils.py:281
++#: ../cli.py:273 ../cli.py:277 ../utils.py:320
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Config Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:248 ../cli.py:1584 ../utils.py:284
++#: ../cli.py:280 ../cli.py:2206 ../utils.py:323
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Options Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:293
++#: ../cli.py:327
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:295
++#: ../cli.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Built    : %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:297
++#: ../cli.py:331
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Committed: %s at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:336
++#: ../cli.py:372
+ msgid "You need to give some command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:350
++#: ../cli.py:386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:400
++#: ../cli.py:444
+ msgid "Disk Requirements:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:402
++#: ../cli.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "  At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem.\n"
++msgstr[0] ""
+ #. TODO: simplify the dependency errors?
+ #. Fixup the summary
+-#: ../cli.py:407
++#: ../cli.py:451
+ msgid ""
+ "Error Summary\n"
+ "-------------\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:450
++#: ../cli.py:472
++msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:479
++msgid ""
++"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:532
+ msgid "Trying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:497
++#: ../cli.py:577
++msgid "future rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:579 ../yum/__init__.py:6523
++msgid " ignoring, as requested."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:582 ../yum/__init__.py:6526 ../yum/__init__.py:6673
++msgid " aborting."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:588
+ msgid "Exiting on user Command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:501
++#: ../cli.py:592
+ msgid "Downloading Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:506
++#: ../cli.py:597
+ msgid "Error Downloading Packages:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:525 ../yum/__init__.py:4967
++#: ../cli.py:616 ../yum/__init__.py:6215
+ msgid "Running Transaction Check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:534 ../yum/__init__.py:4976
++#: ../cli.py:625 ../yum/__init__.py:6224
+ msgid "ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:536 ../yum/__init__.py:4979
++#: ../cli.py:627 ../yum/__init__.py:6227
+ msgid "ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:542
++#: ../cli.py:633
+ msgid "RPM needs to be updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:543
++#: ../cli.py:634
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error in %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:549
++#: ../cli.py:640
+ msgid "Running Transaction Test"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:561
++#: ../cli.py:652
+ msgid "Transaction Check Error:\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:568
++#: ../cli.py:659
+ msgid "Transaction Test Succeeded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:600
++#: ../cli.py:691
+ msgid "Running Transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:630
++#: ../cli.py:724
+ msgid ""
+ "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
+ "Use \"-y\" to override."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:649 ../cli.py:692
++#: ../cli.py:743 ../cli.py:786
+ msgid "  * Maybe you meant: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:675 ../cli.py:683
++#: ../cli.py:769 ../cli.py:777
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:689 ../cli.py:722 ../cli.py:908
++#: ../cli.py:783 ../cli.py:891 ../cli.py:1158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package %s%s%s available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:729 ../cli.py:973
+-msgid "Package(s) to install"
++#: ../cli.py:871 ../cli.py:881 ../cli.py:1101 ../cli.py:1111
++#, python-format
++msgid "Bad %s argument %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:732 ../cli.py:733 ../cli.py:914 ../cli.py:948 ../cli.py:974
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:190
++#: ../cli.py:900 ../yumcommands.py:3331
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../cli.py:903 ../cli.py:904 ../cli.py:1169 ../cli.py:1170 ../cli.py:1224
++#: ../cli.py:1225 ../cli.py:1260 ../yumcommands.py:323 ../yumcommands.py:3419
+ msgid "Nothing to do"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:767
++#: ../cli.py:953
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Update"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Update"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:770
++#: ../cli.py:955
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:866
++#: ../cli.py:1067
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:869
++#: ../cli.py:1069
+ msgid "No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:885
++#: ../cli.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d packages marked for removal"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package marked for removal"
++msgid_plural "%d packages marked for removal"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:888
++#: ../cli.py:1126
+ msgid "No Packages marked for removal"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:913
+-msgid "Package(s) to downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to downgrade"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to downgrade"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:938
++#: ../cli.py:1207
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " (from %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:939
++#: ../cli.py:1208
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed package %s%s%s%s not available."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:947
+-msgid "Package(s) to reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1221
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:960
++#: ../cli.py:1246
+ msgid "No Packages Provided"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1058
++#: ../cli.py:1259
++msgid "Package(s) to install"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1367
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "N/S Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1075
++#: ../cli.py:1384
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1077
++#: ../cli.py:1386
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "  Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1095
++#: ../cli.py:1404
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Matched: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1102
++#: ../cli.py:1411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use \"search all\" for everything."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1106
++#: ../cli.py:1415
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: No matches found for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1109
++#: ../cli.py:1418
+ msgid "No Matches found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1174
++#: ../cli.py:1536
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "No Package Found for %s"
++msgid ""
++"Error: No Packages found for:\n"
++"  %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1184
++#: ../cli.py:1572
+ msgid "Cleaning repos: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1189
++#: ../cli.py:1577
+ msgid "Cleaning up Everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1205
++#: ../cli.py:1593
+ msgid "Cleaning up Headers"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1208
++#: ../cli.py:1596
+ msgid "Cleaning up Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1211
++#: ../cli.py:1599
+ msgid "Cleaning up xml metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1214
++#: ../cli.py:1602
+ msgid "Cleaning up database cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1217
++#: ../cli.py:1605
+ msgid "Cleaning up expire-cache metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1220
++#: ../cli.py:1608
+ msgid "Cleaning up cached rpmdb data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1223
++#: ../cli.py:1611
+ msgid "Cleaning up plugins"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1247
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: No groups match: %s"
++#: ../cli.py:1727
++msgid "Installed Environment Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1728
++msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1264
++#: ../cli.py:1735
+ msgid "Installed Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1270
++#: ../cli.py:1742
+ msgid "Installed Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1276
++#: ../cli.py:1749
+ msgid "Available Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1282
++#: ../cli.py:1756
+ msgid "Available Language Groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1285
++#: ../cli.py:1759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: No Environments/Groups match: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1763
+ msgid "Done"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1296 ../cli.py:1314 ../cli.py:1320 ../yum/__init__.py:3313
++#: ../cli.py:1818
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Group/Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1859
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:1873 ../cli.py:1879 ../yum/__init__.py:4254
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Warning: Group %s does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1324
++#: ../cli.py:1883
+ msgid "No packages in any requested group available to install or update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1326
++#: ../cli.py:1885
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to Install"
++msgid "%d package to Install"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to Install"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../cli.py:1919 ../yum/__init__.py:3536 ../yum/__init__.py:3766
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3824
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Environment named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1336 ../yum/__init__.py:3325
++#: ../cli.py:1935 ../yum/__init__.py:4282
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1342
++#: ../cli.py:1945
+ msgid "No packages to remove from groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1344
++#: ../cli.py:1947 ../yumcommands.py:3351
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d Package(s) to remove"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d package to remove"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1386
++#: ../cli.py:1988
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is already installed, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1397
++#: ../cli.py:1999
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Discarding non-comparable pkg %s.%s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. we've not got any installed that match n or n+a
+-#: ../cli.py:1423
++#: ../cli.py:2025
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No other %s installed, adding to list for potential install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1443
++#: ../cli.py:2045
+ msgid "Plugin Options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1451
++#: ../cli.py:2057
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Command line error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1467
++#: ../cli.py:2079
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -430,438 +500,483 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s: %s option requires an argument"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1521
++#: ../cli.py:2147
+ msgid "--color takes one of: auto, always, never"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. We have a relative installroot ... haha
+-#: ../cli.py:1596
++#: ../cli.py:2218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--installroot must be an absolute path: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1642
++#: ../cli.py:2272
+ msgid "show this help message and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1646
++#: ../cli.py:2276
+ msgid "be tolerant of errors"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1649
++#: ../cli.py:2279
+ msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1652
++#: ../cli.py:2282
+ msgid "config file location"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1655
++#: ../cli.py:2285
+ msgid "maximum command wait time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1657
++#: ../cli.py:2287
+ msgid "debugging output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1661
++#: ../cli.py:2291
+ msgid "show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1663
++#: ../cli.py:2296
+ msgid "error output level"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1666
++#: ../cli.py:2299
+ msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1669
++#: ../cli.py:2302
+ msgid "quiet operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1671
++#: ../cli.py:2304
+ msgid "verbose operation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1673
++#: ../cli.py:2306
+ msgid "answer yes for all questions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1675
++#: ../cli.py:2308
++msgid "answer no for all questions"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2312
+ msgid "show Yum version and exit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1676
++#: ../cli.py:2313
+ msgid "set install root"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1680
++#: ../cli.py:2317
+ msgid "enable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1684
++#: ../cli.py:2321
+ msgid "disable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1687
++#: ../cli.py:2324
+ msgid "exclude package(s) by name or glob"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1689
++#: ../cli.py:2326
+ msgid "disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1692
++#: ../cli.py:2329
+ msgid "enable obsoletes processing during updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1694
++#: ../cli.py:2331
+ msgid "disable Yum plugins"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1696
++#: ../cli.py:2333
+ msgid "disable gpg signature checking"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1698
++#: ../cli.py:2335
+ msgid "disable plugins by name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1701
++#: ../cli.py:2338
+ msgid "enable plugins by name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1704
++#: ../cli.py:2341
+ msgid "skip packages with depsolving problems"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1706
++#: ../cli.py:2343
+ msgid "control whether color is used"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1708
++#: ../cli.py:2345
+ msgid "set value of $releasever in yum config and repo files"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../cli.py:1710
++#: ../cli.py:2347
++msgid "don't update, just download"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2349
++msgid "specifies an alternate directory to store packages"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../cli.py:2351
+ msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jan"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Feb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Mar"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Apr"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "May"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:307
++#: ../output.py:458
+ msgid "Jun"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Jul"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Aug"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Sep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Oct"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Nov"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:308
++#: ../output.py:459
+ msgid "Dec"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:318
++#: ../output.py:473
+ msgid "Trying other mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:581
++#: ../output.py:816
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Name        : %s%s%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:582
++#: ../output.py:817
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Arch        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:584
++#: ../output.py:819
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Epoch       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:585
++#: ../output.py:820
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Version     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:586
++#: ../output.py:821
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Release     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:587
++#: ../output.py:822
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Size        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:588 ../output.py:900
++#: ../output.py:823 ../output.py:1329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repo        : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:590
++#: ../output.py:825
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "From repo   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:592
++#: ../output.py:827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committer   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:593
++#: ../output.py:828
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Committime  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:594
++#: ../output.py:829
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Buildtime   : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:596
++#: ../output.py:831
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Install time: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:604
++#: ../output.py:839
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed by: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:611
++#: ../output.py:846
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Changed by  : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:612
++#: ../output.py:847
+ msgid "Summary     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:614 ../output.py:913
++#: ../output.py:849 ../output.py:1345
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "URL         : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:615
++#: ../output.py:850
+ msgid "License     : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:616 ../output.py:910
++#: ../output.py:851 ../output.py:1342
+ msgid "Description : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "y"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:684
++#: ../output.py:969
+ msgid "yes"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:685
++#: ../output.py:970
+ msgid "no"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:689
++#: ../output.py:974
+ msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:777
++#: ../output.py:1097
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Group: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:781
++#: ../output.py:1101
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Group-Id: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:786
++#: ../output.py:1122 ../output.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Description: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:788
++#: ../output.py:1124
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Language: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:790
++#: ../output.py:1126
+ msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:791
++#: ../output.py:1127
+ msgid " Default Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:792
++#: ../output.py:1128
+ msgid " Optional Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:793
++#: ../output.py:1129
+ msgid " Conditional Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:814
++#: ../output.py:1147
++msgid " Installed Packages:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1157
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Environment Group: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1158
++#, python-format
++msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1191
++msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1192
++msgid " Optional Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1205
++msgid " Installed Groups:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1217
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:816
++#: ../output.py:1219
+ msgid "  No dependencies for this package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:821
++#: ../output.py:1224
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:823
++#: ../output.py:1226
+ msgid "   Unsatisfied dependency"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:901
++#: ../output.py:1337
+ msgid "Matched from:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:916
++#: ../output.py:1348
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "License     : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:919
++#: ../output.py:1351
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename    : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:923
++#: ../output.py:1360
++msgid "Provides    : "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:1363
+ msgid "Other       : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:966
++#: ../output.py:1426
+ msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:971
++#: ../output.py:1431
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:974
++#: ../output.py:1433
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Total download size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:978 ../output.py:998
++#: ../output.py:1436 ../output.py:1459 ../output.py:1463
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Installed size: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:994
++#: ../output.py:1454
+ msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1039
++#: ../output.py:1504
+ msgid "Reinstalling"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1040
++#: ../output.py:1505
+ msgid "Downgrading"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1041
++#: ../output.py:1506
+ msgid "Installing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1042
++#: ../output.py:1507
+ msgid "Updating for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1043
++#: ../output.py:1508
+ msgid "Removing for dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1050 ../output.py:1171
++#: ../output.py:1515 ../output.py:1576 ../output.py:1672
+ msgid "Skipped (dependency problems)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1052 ../output.py:1687
++#: ../output.py:1517 ../output.py:1577 ../output.py:2223
+ msgid "Not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1053
++#: ../output.py:1518 ../output.py:1578
+ msgid "Not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075 ../output.py:2024
++#: ../output.py:1540 ../output.py:1588 ../output.py:1604 ../output.py:2581
+ msgid "Package"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid_plural "Packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../output.py:1075
++#: ../output.py:1540
+ msgid "Arch"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1076
++#: ../output.py:1541
+ msgid "Repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1077
++#: ../output.py:1542
+ msgid "Size"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1089
++#: ../output.py:1554
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "     replacing  %s%s%s.%s %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1098
++#: ../output.py:1563
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -869,65 +984,65 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1109
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Install   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1568 ../output.py:2376 ../output.py:2377
++msgid "Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1113
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Upgrade   %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1570
++msgid "Upgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1117
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Remove    %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1572
++msgid "Remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1121
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Reinstall %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1574 ../output.py:2382
++msgid "Reinstall"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1125
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "Downgrade %5.5s Package(s)\n"
++#: ../output.py:1575 ../output.py:2383
++msgid "Downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1165
++#: ../output.py:1606
++msgid "Dependent package"
++msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../output.py:1666
+ msgid "Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1166
++#: ../output.py:1667
+ msgid "Dependency Removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1168
++#: ../output.py:1669
+ msgid "Dependency Installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1170
++#: ../output.py:1671
+ msgid "Dependency Updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1172
++#: ../output.py:1673
+ msgid "Replaced"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1173
++#: ../output.py:1674
+ msgid "Failed"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Delta between C-c's so we treat as exit
+-#: ../output.py:1260
++#: ../output.py:1764
+ msgid "two"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. For translators: This is output like:
+ #. Current download cancelled, interrupt (ctrl-c) again within two seconds
+ #. to exit.
+-#. Where "interupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
+-#: ../output.py:1271
++#. Where "interrupt (ctrl-c) again" and "two" are highlighted.
++#: ../output.py:1775
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -935,484 +1050,542 @@ msgid ""
+ "to exit.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1282
++#: ../output.py:1786
+ msgid "user interrupt"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1300
++#: ../output.py:1812
+ msgid "Total"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1322
++#: ../output.py:1834
+ msgid "I"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1323
++#: ../output.py:1835
+ msgid "O"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1324
++#: ../output.py:1836
+ msgid "E"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1325
++#: ../output.py:1837
+ msgid "R"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1326
++#: ../output.py:1838
+ msgid "D"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1327
++#: ../output.py:1839
+ msgid "U"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1341
++#: ../output.py:1853
+ msgid "<unset>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1342
++#: ../output.py:1854
+ msgid "System"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1411
++#: ../output.py:1923
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlaps"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1421 ../output.py:1592
++#: ../output.py:1933 ../output.py:2125
+ msgid "No transactions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1446 ../output.py:2013
++#: ../output.py:1958 ../output.py:2570 ../output.py:2660
+ msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1484
++#: ../output.py:2007
+ msgid "Command line"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1486 ../output.py:1908
++#: ../output.py:2009 ../output.py:2458
+ msgid "Login user"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
+-#: ../output.py:1487 ../output.py:2022
++#: ../output.py:2010 ../output.py:2579
+ msgid "ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1489
++#: ../output.py:2012
+ msgid "Date and time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1490 ../output.py:1910 ../output.py:2023
++#: ../output.py:2013 ../output.py:2460 ../output.py:2580
+ msgid "Action(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1491 ../output.py:1911
++#: ../output.py:2014 ../output.py:2461
+ msgid "Altered"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1538
++#: ../output.py:2061
+ msgid "No transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1564 ../output.py:1972
++#: ../output.py:2087 ../output.py:2526
+ msgid "Bad transaction ID given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1569
++#: ../output.py:2092
+ msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1577
++#: ../output.py:2100
+ msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1618 ../output.py:1980
++#: ../output.py:2151 ../output.py:2534
+ msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1686 ../output.py:1845
++#: ../output.py:2222 ../output.py:2384
+ msgid "Downgraded"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Older"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1688
++#: ../output.py:2224
+ msgid "Newer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1724 ../output.py:1726
++#: ../output.py:2261 ../output.py:2263 ../output.py:2681
+ msgid "Transaction ID :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1728
++#: ../output.py:2265 ../output.py:2683
+ msgid "Begin time     :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1731 ../output.py:1733
++#: ../output.py:2268 ../output.py:2270
+ msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1749
++#: ../output.py:2286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u seconds)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1751
++#: ../output.py:2288
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u minutes)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1753
++#: ../output.py:2290
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u hours)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1755
++#: ../output.py:2292
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "(%u days)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1756
++#: ../output.py:2293
+ msgid "End time       :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1759 ../output.py:1761
++#: ../output.py:2296 ../output.py:2298
+ msgid "End rpmdb      :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1764 ../output.py:1766
++#: ../output.py:2301 ../output.py:2303
+ msgid "User           :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1773 ../output.py:1775 ../output.py:1777
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2310 ../output.py:2312 ../output.py:2314
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Return-Code    :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1770 ../output.py:1775
++#: ../output.py:2307 ../output.py:2312
+ msgid "Aborted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1773
++#: ../output.py:2310
+ msgid "Failures:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1777
++#: ../output.py:2314
+ msgid "Failure:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1779
++#: ../output.py:2316
+ msgid "Success"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1784 ../output.py:1786
++#: ../output.py:2321 ../output.py:2323 ../output.py:2712
+ msgid "Command Line   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1795
++#: ../output.py:2332
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Additional non-default information stored: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This is _possible_, but not common
+-#: ../output.py:1800
++#: ../output.py:2337
+ msgid "Transaction performed with:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1804
++#: ../output.py:2341
+ msgid "Packages Altered:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1808
++#: ../output.py:2345
+ msgid "Packages Skipped:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1814
++#: ../output.py:2353
+ msgid "Rpmdb Problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1825
++#: ../output.py:2364
+ msgid "Scriptlet output:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1831
++#: ../output.py:2370
+ msgid "Errors:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1837 ../output.py:1838
+-msgid "Install"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1839
++#: ../output.py:2378
+ msgid "Dep-Install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1841
++#: ../output.py:2380
+ msgid "Obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1842
++#: ../output.py:2381
+ msgid "Erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1843
+-msgid "Reinstall"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1844
+-msgid "Downgrade"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1846
++#: ../output.py:2385
+ msgid "Update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1909
++#: ../output.py:2459
+ msgid "Time"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1935
++#: ../output.py:2485
+ msgid "Last day"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1936
++#: ../output.py:2486
+ msgid "Last week"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1937
++#: ../output.py:2487
+ msgid "Last 2 weeks"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. US default :p
+-#: ../output.py:1938
++#: ../output.py:2488
+ msgid "Last 3 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1939
++#: ../output.py:2489
+ msgid "Last 6 months"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1940
++#: ../output.py:2490
+ msgid "Last year"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1941
++#: ../output.py:2491
+ msgid "Over a year ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1984
++#: ../output.py:2538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Transaction %s found"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1990
++#: ../output.py:2544
+ msgid "Transaction ID:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:1991
++#: ../output.py:2545
+ msgid "Available additional history information:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2003
++#: ../output.py:2558
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: No additional data found by this name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2106
++#: ../output.py:2684
++msgid "Package        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2685
++msgid "State          :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2688
++msgid "Size           :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2690
++msgid "Build host     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2693
++msgid "Build time     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2695
++msgid "Packager       :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2697
++msgid "Vendor         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2699
++msgid "License        :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2701
++msgid "URL            :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2703
++msgid "Source RPM     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2706
++msgid "Commit Time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2708
++msgid "Committer      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2710
++msgid "Reason         :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2714
++msgid "From repo      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2718
++msgid "Installed by   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2722
++msgid "Changed by     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../output.py:2767
+ msgid "installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2107
++#: ../output.py:2768
+ msgid "an update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2108
++#: ../output.py:2769
+ msgid "erased"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2109
++#: ../output.py:2770
+ msgid "reinstalled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2110
++#: ../output.py:2771
+ msgid "a downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2111
++#: ../output.py:2772
+ msgid "obsoleting"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2112
++#: ../output.py:2773
+ msgid "updated"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2113
++#: ../output.py:2774
+ msgid "obsoleted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2117
++#: ../output.py:2778
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2124
++#: ../output.py:2789
+ msgid "--> Running transaction check"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2129
++#: ../output.py:2795
+ msgid "--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2134
++#: ../output.py:2801
+ msgid "--> Finished Dependency Resolution"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2139 ../output.py:2144
++#: ../output.py:2814 ../output.py:2827
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2149
++#: ../output.py:2841
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "---> Keeping package: %s"
++msgid "---> Keeping package: %s due to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2152
++#: ../output.py:2850
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Unresolved Dependency: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2163
++#: ../output.py:2867
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2165
++#: ../output.py:2869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    Requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2174
++#: ../output.py:2878
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "    %s: %s (%s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2179
++#: ../output.py:2883
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2181
++#: ../output.py:2885
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "        Not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. These should be the only three things we care about:
+-#: ../output.py:2196
++#: ../output.py:2900
+ msgid "Updated By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2197
++#: ../output.py:2901
+ msgid "Downgraded By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2198
++#: ../output.py:2902
+ msgid "Obsoleted By"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2216
++#: ../output.py:2920
+ msgid "Available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2243 ../output.py:2248
++#: ../output.py:2955 ../output.py:2968
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2252
++#: ../output.py:2974
+ msgid "--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../output.py:2256
++#: ../output.py:2983
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:99
++#. self.event(txmbr.name, count, len(base.tsInfo), count, )
++#. (te_current*100L)/te_total
++#: ../output.py:3248
++msgid "Verifying"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../utils.py:123
+ msgid "Running"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:100
++#: ../utils.py:124
+ msgid "Sleeping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:101
++#: ../utils.py:125
+ msgid "Uninterruptible"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:102
++#: ../utils.py:126
+ msgid "Zombie"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:103
++#: ../utils.py:127
+ msgid "Traced/Stopped"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:104 ../yumcommands.py:994
++#: ../utils.py:128 ../yumcommands.py:2193
+ msgid "Unknown"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:115
++#: ../utils.py:153
+ msgid "  The other application is: PackageKit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:117
++#: ../utils.py:155
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "  The other application is: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:120
++#: ../utils.py:158
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:125
++#: ../utils.py:163
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    Started: %s - %s ago"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:127
++#: ../utils.py:165
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    State  : %s, pid: %d"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:170 ../yummain.py:43
++#: ../utils.py:194 ../yummain.py:43
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:176 ../yummain.py:49
++#: ../utils.py:206 ../yummain.py:49
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on Broken Pipe"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:178 ../yummain.py:51
++#: ../utils.py:208 ../yummain.py:51
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+@@ -1420,47 +1593,41 @@ msgid ""
+ "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:228 ../yummain.py:123
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:287
++#: ../utils.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "PluginExit Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:290
++#: ../utils.py:329
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Yum Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:342 ../yummain.py:150 ../yummain.py:189
++#: ../utils.py:387 ../yummain.py:147 ../yummain.py:186
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:346 ../yummain.py:194
++#: ../utils.py:391 ../yummain.py:191
+ msgid " You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:348 ../yummain.py:87
++#: ../utils.py:393 ../yummain.py:87
+ msgid " You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:355 ../yummain.py:160 ../yummain.py:202
++#: ../utils.py:400 ../yummain.py:157 ../yummain.py:199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:361 ../yummain.py:208
++#: ../utils.py:406 ../yummain.py:205
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Dependencies Resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../utils.py:376 ../yummain.py:234
++#: ../utils.py:422 ../yummain.py:237
+ msgid "Complete!"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1472,7 +1639,7 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "You need to be root to perform this command."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:59
++#: ../yumcommands.py:67
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. \n"
+@@ -1489,555 +1656,645 @@ msgid ""
+ "For more information contact your distribution or package provider.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:74
++#: ../yumcommands.py:82
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:80
++#: ../yumcommands.py:96
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:86
++#: ../yumcommands.py:114
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need at least two packages to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:136 ../yumcommands.py:142
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:147
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: Repo %s is not enabled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:164
+ msgid "Error: Need an item to match"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:92
++#: ../yumcommands.py:178
+ msgid "Error: Need a group or list of groups"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:101
++#: ../yumcommands.py:195
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: clean requires an option: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:106
++#: ../yumcommands.py:201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error: invalid clean argument: %r"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:119
++#: ../yumcommands.py:216
+ msgid "No argument to shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:121
++#: ../yumcommands.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Filename passed to shell: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:125
++#: ../yumcommands.py:222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "File %s given as argument to shell does not exist."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:131
++#: ../yumcommands.py:228
+ msgid "Error: more than one file given as argument to shell."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:148
++#: ../yumcommands.py:247
+ msgid ""
+ "There are no enabled repos.\n"
+ " Run \"yum repolist all\" to see the repos you have.\n"
+ " You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:200
++#: ../yumcommands.py:383
+ msgid "PACKAGE..."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:203
++#: ../yumcommands.py:390
+ msgid "Install a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:212
++#: ../yumcommands.py:421
+ msgid "Setting up Install Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:223 ../yumcommands.py:245
++#: ../yumcommands.py:447 ../yumcommands.py:507
+ msgid "[PACKAGE...]"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:226
++#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+ msgid "Update a package or packages on your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:234
++#: ../yumcommands.py:483
+ msgid "Setting up Update Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:248
++#: ../yumcommands.py:514
+ msgid "Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:256
++#: ../yumcommands.py:543
+ msgid "Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:299
++#: ../yumcommands.py:603
+ msgid "Display details about a package or group of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:348
++#: ../yumcommands.py:672
+ msgid "Installed Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:356
++#: ../yumcommands.py:682
+ msgid "Available Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:687
+ msgid "Extra Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:364
++#: ../yumcommands.py:691
+ msgid "Updated Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. This only happens in verbose mode
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:372 ../yumcommands.py:379 ../yumcommands.py:667
++#: ../yumcommands.py:699 ../yumcommands.py:706 ../yumcommands.py:1539
+ msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:381
++#: ../yumcommands.py:708
+ msgid "Recently Added Packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:388
++#: ../yumcommands.py:715
+ msgid "No matching Packages to list"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:402
++#: ../yumcommands.py:766
+ msgid "List a package or groups of packages"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:414
++#: ../yumcommands.py:797
+ msgid "Remove a package or packages from your system"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:421
++#: ../yumcommands.py:845
+ msgid "Setting up Remove Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:435
+-msgid "Setting up Group Process"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:906
++msgid "Display, or use, the groups information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:441
+-msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:909
++msgid "Setting up Group Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:454
+-msgid "List available package groups"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:915
++msgid "No Groups on which to run command"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:474
+-msgid "Install the packages in a group on your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:985
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:497
+-msgid "Remove the packages in a group from your system"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:992
++msgid "There is no installed groups file."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:525
+-msgid "Display details about a package group"
++#: ../yumcommands.py:994
++msgid "You don't have access to the groups DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:550
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1256
+ msgid "Generate the metadata cache"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:556
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1282
+ msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:557
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1283
+ msgid "This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:578
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
+ msgid "Metadata Cache Created"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:592
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1350
+ msgid "Remove cached data"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:613
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1417
+ msgid "Find what package provides the given value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:633
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1485
+ msgid "Check for available package updates"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:687
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1587
+ msgid "Search package details for the given string"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:693
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1613
+ msgid "Searching Packages: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:710
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1666
+ msgid "Update packages taking obsoletes into account"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:719
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1696
+ msgid "Setting up Upgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:737
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1731
+ msgid "Install a local RPM"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:745
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1761
+ msgid "Setting up Local Package Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:764
+-msgid "Determine which package provides the given dependency"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:767
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1825
+ msgid "Searching Packages for Dependency:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:781
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1867
+ msgid "Run an interactive yum shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:787
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1893
+ msgid "Setting up Yum Shell"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:805
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1936
+ msgid "List a package's dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:811
++#: ../yumcommands.py:1963
+ msgid "Finding dependencies: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:827
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2005
+ msgid "Display the configured software repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:893 ../yumcommands.py:894
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2094 ../yumcommands.py:2095
+ msgid "enabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:920 ../yumcommands.py:921
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2121 ../yumcommands.py:2122
+ msgid "disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:937
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2137
+ msgid "Repo-id      : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:938
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2138
+ msgid "Repo-name    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:941
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2141
+ msgid "Repo-status  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:944
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2144
+ msgid "Repo-revision: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:948
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2148
+ msgid "Repo-tags    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:954
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2154
+ msgid "Repo-distro-tags: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:959
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2159
+ msgid "Repo-updated : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:961
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2161
+ msgid "Repo-pkgs    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:962
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2162
+ msgid "Repo-size    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:969 ../yumcommands.py:990
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2169 ../yumcommands.py:2190
+ msgid "Repo-baseurl : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:977
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2177
+ msgid "Repo-metalink: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:981
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2181
+ msgid "  Updated    : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:984
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2184
+ msgid "Repo-mirrors : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1000
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2199
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Never (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1002
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2201
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1005
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2204
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1007
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2206
+ msgid "Repo-expire  : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1010
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2209
+ msgid "Repo-exclude : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1014
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2213
+ msgid "Repo-include : "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1018
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2217
+ msgid "Repo-excluded: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1022
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2221
+ msgid "Repo-filename: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+ #. then chop the middle (name)...
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1032 ../yumcommands.py:1061
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2230 ../yumcommands.py:2259
+ msgid "repo id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1049 ../yumcommands.py:1050 ../yumcommands.py:1068
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2247 ../yumcommands.py:2248 ../yumcommands.py:2266
+ msgid "status"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1062
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2260
+ msgid "repo name"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1099
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2332
+ msgid "Display a helpful usage message"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1133
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No help available for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1138
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2379
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "aliases: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1140
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2381
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "alias: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1168
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2466
+ msgid "Setting up Reinstall Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1176
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2478
+ msgid "reinstall a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1195
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2541
+ msgid "Setting up Downgrade Process"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1202
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2552
+ msgid "downgrade a package"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1216
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2591
+ msgid "Display a version for the machine and/or available repos."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1255
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2643
+ msgid " Yum version groups:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1265
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2653
+ msgid " Group   :"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1266
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2654
+ msgid " Packages:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1295
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2683
+ msgid "Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1303
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2691
+ msgid "Group-Installed:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1312
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2700
+ msgid "Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1321
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2709
+ msgid "Group-Available:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1360
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2783
+ msgid "Display, or use, the transaction history"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1432
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2876 ../yumcommands.py:2880
++msgid "Transactions:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2881
++msgid "Begin time  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2882
++msgid "End time    :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2883
++msgid "Counts      :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2884
++msgid "  NEVRAC :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2885
++msgid "  NEVRA  :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2886
++msgid "  NA     :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2887
++msgid "  NEVR   :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2888
++msgid "  rpm DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2889
++msgid "  yum DB :"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2922
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid history sub-command, use: %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1439
++#: ../yumcommands.py:2929
+ msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1487
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3036
+ msgid "Check for problems in the rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1514
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3102
+ msgid "load a saved transaction from filename"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1518
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3119
+ msgid "No saved transaction file specified."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1522
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3123
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "loading transaction from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yumcommands.py:1528
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3129
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Transaction loaded from %s with %s members"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3169
++msgid "Simple way to swap packages, isntead of using shell"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3264
++msgid ""
++"Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3341
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to update"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to update"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3370
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/reinstall"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/reinstall"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3413
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d package to remove/sync"
++msgid_plural "%d packages to remove/sync"
++msgstr[0] ""
++#: ../yumcommands.py:3417
++#, python-format
++msgid "Not a valid sub-command of %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This is mainly for PackageSackError from rpmdb.
+ #: ../yummain.py:84
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Yum checks failed: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:114
+-msgid ""
+-"Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."
++#: ../yummain.py:98
++msgid "No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:120
+-msgid "Can't create lock file; exiting"
++#: ../yummain.py:106
++msgid "No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Depsolve stage
+-#: ../yummain.py:167
++#: ../yummain.py:164
+ msgid "Resolving Dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:230
++#: ../yummain.py:227 ../yummain.py:235
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s"
++msgid ""
++"Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n"
++" yum load-transaction %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yummain.py:288
++#: ../yummain.py:312
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Exiting on user cancel."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:84
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:127
+ msgid "doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:99
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:143
+ msgid "Setting up TransactionSets before config class is up"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:153
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:200
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid tsflag in config file: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:164
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Searching pkgSack for dep: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:207
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:269
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Member: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:221 ../yum/depsolve.py:793
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:283 ../yum/depsolve.py:937
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s converted to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:233
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:295
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding Package %s in mode %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:249
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:311
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing Package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:271
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:333
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:312
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:374
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s requires %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:339
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:401
+ msgid "Needed Require has already been looked up, cheating"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:349
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Needed Require is not a package name. Looking up: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:357
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:419
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential Provider: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:380
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:442
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode is %s for provider of %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Mode for pkg providing %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -2045,991 +2302,1138 @@ msgstr ""
+ #. the thing it needs is being updated or obsoleted away
+ #. try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes
+ #. away :(
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:389 ../yum/depsolve.py:406
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:451 ../yum/depsolve.py:486
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to update %s to resolve dep"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:400 ../yum/depsolve.py:410
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:480
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:416
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:491
++#, python-format
++msgid "No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:514
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:429
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:527
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:432
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:530
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:440
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:538
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot find an update path for dep for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:471
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:569
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Quick matched %s to require for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. is it already installed?
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:513
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:611
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:529
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:627
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:540
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:638
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:558
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:656
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s already in ts, skipping this one"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:607
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:705
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as update for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:616
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:714
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "TSINFO: Marking %s as install for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:727 ../yum/depsolve.py:819
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:849 ../yum/depsolve.py:967
+ msgid "Success - empty transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:767 ../yum/depsolve.py:783
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:889 ../yum/depsolve.py:927
+ msgid "Restarting Loop"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:799
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:947
+ msgid "Dependency Process ending"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:821
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:969
+ msgid "Success - deps resolved"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:845
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:993
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking deps for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:931
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1082
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "looking for %s as a requirement of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1169
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Running compare_providers() for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1196 ../yum/depsolve.py:1202
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1376 ../yum/depsolve.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "better arch in po %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1298
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s obsoletes %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1310
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1508
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "archdist compared %s to %s on %s\n"
+ "  Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1318
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1516
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common sourcerpm %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1322
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1520
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "base package %s is installed for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1328
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1526
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "common prefix of %s between %s and %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1359
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1543
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgid "provides vercmp: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1363
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1547 ../yum/depsolve.py:1581
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Winner: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1368
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1577
++#, python-format
++msgid "requires minimal: %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1586
+ #, python-format
+ msgid " Loser(with %d): %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1384
++#: ../yum/depsolve.py:1602
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Best Order: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:274
+ msgid "doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:482
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:553
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping unreadable repository %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:572
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r: Error parsing config: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:488
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:578
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Repository %r is missing name in configuration, using id"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:526
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:618
+ msgid "plugins already initialised"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:533
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:627
+ msgid "doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:544
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:638
+ msgid "Reading Local RPMDB"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:668
+ msgid "doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:630
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:722
+ msgid "doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:660
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:752
+ msgid "Setting up Package Sacks"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:705
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:797
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "repo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:706
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:798
+ msgid "therefore this repo cannot be reset.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:711
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:806
+ msgid "doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:818
+ msgid "Building updates object"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:765
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:862
+ msgid "doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:790
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:887
+ msgid "Getting group metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:816
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:915
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding group file from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:827
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:918
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:924
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:833
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:930
+ msgid "No Groups Available in any repository"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:845
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:945
+ msgid "Getting pkgtags metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:855
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:955
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding tags from repository: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:866
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:944
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1059
+ msgid "Importing additional filelist information"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:958
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1077
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:966
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1094
+ msgid ""
+ "There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-"
+ "complete-transaction first to finish them."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:983
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1111
+ msgid "--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1041
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1169
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Protected multilib versions: %s != %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1096
++#. People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++#. them a nicer message.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1173
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root\n"
++"cause is something else and multilib version checking is just\n"
++"pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:\n"
++"  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some\n"
++"     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to\n"
++"     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the\n"
++"     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture\n"
++"     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package\n"
++"     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with\n"
++"     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error\n"
++"     message showing the root cause of the problem.\n"
++"  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but\n"
++"     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those arcitectures.\n"
++"     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you\n"
++"     can remove the one with the missing update and everything\n"
++"     will work.\n"
++"  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.\n"
++"     You can use \"yum check\" to get yum show these errors.\n"
++"...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove\n"
++"this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to\n"
++"do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing\n"
++"much more problems).\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1257
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Trying to remove \"%s\", which is protected"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1217
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1378
+ msgid ""
+ "\n"
+ "Packages skipped because of dependency problems:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1221
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1382
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "    %s from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. FIXME: _N()
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1391
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1556
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1395
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1560
+ msgid "Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1407
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1572
+ msgid "missing requires"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1408
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1573
+ msgid "installed conflict"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1525
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1709
+ msgid ""
+ "Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1535
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1719
+ msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. should this be 'to_unicoded'?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1538
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1722
+ msgid "Could not run transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1552
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1736
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1590
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1792
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be installed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. maybe a file log here, too
+ #. but raising an exception is not going to do any good
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1651
++#. Note: This actually triggers atm. because we can't
++#. always find the erased txmbr to set it when
++#. we should.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:1869
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s was supposed to be removed but is not!"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1768
++#. Another copy seems to be running.
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2004
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
++msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1785
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2053
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
++msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
+ msgstr ""
+-#. Another copy seems to be running.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1789
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2065
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s."
++msgid "Could not open lock %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
++#. The pid doesn't exist
+ #. Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1830
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2082
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Could not create lock at %s: %s "
++msgid "Unable to check if PID %s is active"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1875
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2132
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum "
+ "--enablerepo=%s clean metadata"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2155
+ msgid "Could not perform checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1894
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2158
+ msgid "Package does not match checksum"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1946
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2222
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package fails checksum but caching is enabled for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1949 ../yum/__init__.py:1979
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2225 ../yum/__init__.py:2268
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "using local copy of %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:1991
+-#, python-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
+-"    * free   %s\n"
+-"    * needed %s"
++#. caller handles errors
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2342
++msgid "exiting because --downloadonly specified"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2052
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2371
+ msgid "Header is not complete."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2089
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2411
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2147
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2471
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2151
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2475
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem opening package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2159
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2163
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2487
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is not signed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2202
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2529
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2206
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2533
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2252
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot remove %s file %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2256
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2598
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s file %s removed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2258
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2600
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "%d %s files removed"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "%d %s file removed"
++msgid_plural "%d %s files removed"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2327
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2712
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "More than one identical match in sack for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2333
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:2718
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Nothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from update"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2632
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096
+ msgid ""
+ "searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum."
+ "                      Use searchGenerator() instead. \n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2675
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3149
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Searching %d packages"
+-msgstr ""
++msgid "Searching %d package"
++msgid_plural "Searching %d packages"
++msgstr[0] ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2679
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3153
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "searching package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2691
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3165
+ msgid "searching in file entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2698
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3172
+ msgid "searching in provides entries"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2777
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3369
+ msgid "No group data available for configured repositories"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2808 ../yum/__init__.py:2827 ../yum/__init__.py:2858
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2864 ../yum/__init__.py:2953 ../yum/__init__.py:2957
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3339
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3466 ../yum/__init__.py:3500 ../yum/__init__.py:3576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3582 ../yum/__init__.py:3719 ../yum/__init__.py:3723
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4298
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Group named %s exists"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2839 ../yum/__init__.py:2973
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3512 ../yum/__init__.py:3740
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "package %s was not marked in group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2887
++#. (upgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3622
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping package %s from group %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3628
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Adding package %s from group %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2891
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3649
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No package named %s available to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2941
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3702
+ #, python-format
+-msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages."
++msgid "Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:2943
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3704
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed."
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3794
++#, python-format
++msgid "Skipping group %s from environment %s"
++msgstr ""
+ #. This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+ #. happened.
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3002
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3858
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3022
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3886
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3079 ../yum/__init__.py:3129
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3949 ../yum/__init__.py:4012
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid version flag from: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3096 ../yum/__init__.py:3101
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:3973 ../yum/__init__.py:3979 ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4042
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Package found for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3401
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4245 ../yum/__init__.py:4274
++#, python-format
++msgid "Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4397
++#, python-format
++msgid "Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4437
+ msgid "Package Object was not a package object instance"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3405
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4441
+ msgid "Nothing specified to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3424 ../yum/__init__.py:4283
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4465 ../yum/__init__.py:5410
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3430 ../yum/__init__.py:3775 ../yum/__init__.py:3969
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4289
+-#, python-format
+-msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3507
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4542
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s installed and not available"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3510
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4545
+ msgid "No package(s) available to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3522
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package: %s  - already in transaction set"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3550
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4589
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3555
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4594
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for "
+ "requirements"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3558
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4597
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3566
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4605
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s already installed and latest version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3580
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4619
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update."
+ msgstr ""
+ #. update everything (the easy case)
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3684
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4751
+ msgid "Updating Everything"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3708 ../yum/__init__.py:3849 ../yum/__init__.py:3879
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3915
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4775 ../yum/__init__.py:4930 ../yum/__init__.py:4975
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5011
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3753 ../yum/__init__.py:3965
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4830 ../yum/__init__.py:5072
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3838
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4854 ../yum/__init__.py:5080 ../yum/__init__.py:5416
++#, python-format
++msgid "No Match for argument: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4872
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4919
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3874
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4970
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3883 ../yum/__init__.py:3919
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:4979 ../yum/__init__.py:5015
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3982
+-msgid "No package matched to remove"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5093
++#, python-format
++msgid "No package matched to remove: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3988
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5099
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Skipping the running kernel: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:3994
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5105
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Removing %s from the transaction"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4029
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5142
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4032 ../yum/__init__.py:4150 ../yum/__init__.py:4226
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5145 ../yum/__init__.py:5262 ../yum/__init__.py:5347
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Examining %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4036
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5149
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4045 ../yum/__init__.py:4153 ../yum/__init__.py:4229
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5158 ../yum/__init__.py:5265 ../yum/__init__.py:5350
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4051
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5164
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4059
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5172
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it "
+ "instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4078 ../yum/__init__.py:4085
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5191 ../yum/__init__.py:5198
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it"
+ " instead."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4094 ../yum/__init__.py:4158 ../yum/__init__.py:4234
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5207 ../yum/__init__.py:5270 ../yum/__init__.py:5355
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Excluding %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4099
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5212
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s to be installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4105
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5218
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Marking %s as an update to %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4112
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5225
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s: does not update installed package."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4147 ../yum/__init__.py:4223
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5259 ../yum/__init__.py:5344
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Cannot open file: %s. Skipping."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4177
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5299
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4203
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5325
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to install"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4311
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5438
+ msgid "No package(s) available to downgrade"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4319
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5446
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Package %s is allowed multiple installs, skipping"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4365
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5496
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No Match for available package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4372
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5506
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Only Upgrade available on package: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4442 ../yum/__init__.py:4479
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5619 ../yum/__init__.py:5686
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Failed to downgrade: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4516
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5636 ../yum/__init__.py:5692
++#, python-format
++msgid "Failed to upgrade: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5725
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Retrieving key from %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4534
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5743
+ msgid "GPG key retrieval failed: "
+ msgstr ""
+ #. if we decide we want to check, even though the sig failed
+ #. here is where we would do that
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4557
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5766
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4559
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5768
+ msgid "GPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4567
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5776
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4576
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5785
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4592
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5801
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid : %s\n"
+-" Package: %s (%s)\n"
+-" From   : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" Package    : %s (%s)\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4600
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5811
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Importing %s key 0x%s:\n"
+-" Userid: \"%s\"\n"
+-" From  : %s"
++" Userid     : \"%s\"\n"
++" Fingerprint: %s\n"
++" From       : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4634
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5839
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" Failing package is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5853
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4671
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5891
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4672 ../yum/__init__.py:4755
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5893 ../yum/__init__.py:5994
+ msgid "Key imported successfully"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4676
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5897
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4680
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5900
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4689
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5910
+ msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4713
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5932
++msgid "No"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5934
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5935
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++" CA Key: %s\n"
++" Failing repo is: %s\n"
++" GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5948
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4754
+-msgid "Key import failed"
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:5992
++#, python-format
++msgid "Key %s import failed"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4770
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6009
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Didn't install any keys for repo %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4774
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6014
+ #, python-format
+ msgid ""
+ "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct.\n"
+ "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4924
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6172
+ msgid "Unable to find a suitable mirror."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4926
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6174
+ msgid "Errors were encountered while downloading packages."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4981
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6229
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Please report this error at %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:4998
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6246
+ msgid "Test Transaction Errors: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5098
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6358
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not set cachedir: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5148 ../yum/__init__.py:5150
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6420 ../yum/__init__.py:6422
+ msgid "Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5179 ../yum/__init__.py:5181
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6455 ../yum/__init__.py:6457
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not save transaction file %s: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5195
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6483
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5214
+-msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, "
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5216
+-msgid " ignoring, as requested."
+-msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5219 ../yum/__init__.py:5354
+-msgid " aborting."
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6521
++msgid "rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5228
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6535
+ msgid "cannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5267
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6584
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Found txmbr in unknown current state: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5271
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6588
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s in state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5307 ../yum/__init__.py:5324
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6625 ../yum/__init__.py:6642
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5349
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6667
+ msgid "Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/__init__.py:5351
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6670
+ msgid " ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!"
+ msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6738 ../yum/__init__.py:6757
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has been visited already and cannot be removed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6741
++#, python-format
++msgid "Examining revdeps of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6762
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6773 ../yum/__init__.py:6779
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is needed by a package to be installed."
++msgstr ""
++#. Debugging output
++#: ../yum/__init__.py:6793
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s has no user-installed revdeps."
++msgstr ""
+ #. Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:209
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:212
+ msgid "Loaded plugins: "
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:223 ../yum/plugins.py:229
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:226 ../yum/plugins.py:232
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "No plugin match for: %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:259
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:262
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Not loading \"%s\" plugin, as it is disabled"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Give full backtrace:
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:271
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:274
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" can't be imported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:278
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:281
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" doesn't specify required API version"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:283
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:286
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Plugin \"%s\" requires API %s. Supported API is %s."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:316
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:319
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Loading \"%s\" plugin"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:323
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:326
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Two or more plugins with the name \"%s\" exist in the plugin search path"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:343
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Configuration file %s not found"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. for
+ #. Configuration files for the plugin not found
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:346
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:349
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/plugins.py:508
++#: ../yum/plugins.py:553
+ msgid "registration of commands not supported"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:148
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:159
+ msgid "has missing requires of"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:151
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:162
+ msgid "has installed conflicts"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:160
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:171
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is a duplicate with %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:168
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:179
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s is obsoleted by %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:176
++#: ../yum/rpmsack.py:187
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "%s provides %s but it cannot be found"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -3038,6 +3442,23 @@ msgstr ""
+ msgid "Repackaging"
+ msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/rpmtrans.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Verify: %u/%u: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:919
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"Insufficient space in download directory %s\n"
++"    * free   %s\n"
++"    * needed %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../yum/yumRepo.py:986
++msgid "Package does not match intended download."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../rpmUtils/oldUtils.py:33
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s."
+@@ -3066,5 +3487,3 @@ msgstr ""
+ #, python-format
+ msgid "Error opening rpm %s - error %s"
+ msgstr ""
+diff --git a/rpmUtils/arch.py b/rpmUtils/arch.py
+index 6082005..6172b1a 100644
+--- a/rpmUtils/arch.py
++++ b/rpmUtils/arch.py
+@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
+ #
+ import os
++import rpm
++import ctypes
++import struct
++_ppc64_native_is_best = False
+ # dict mapping arch -> ( multicompat, best personality, biarch personality )
+ multilibArches = { "x86_64":  ( "athlon", "x86_64", "athlon" ),
+@@ -10,6 +15,8 @@ multilibArches = { "x86_64":  ( "athlon", "x86_64", "athlon" ),
+                    "ppc64":   ( "ppc", "ppc", "ppc64" ),
+                    "s390x":   ( "s390", "s390x", "s390" ),
+                    }
++if _ppc64_native_is_best:
++    multilibArches["ppc64"] = ( "ppc", "ppc64", "ppc64" )
+ arches = {
+     # ia32
+@@ -26,6 +33,7 @@ arches = {
+     "ia32e": "x86_64",
+     # ppc
++    "ppc64p7": "ppc64",
+     "ppc64pseries": "ppc64",
+     "ppc64iseries": "ppc64",    
+     "ppc64": "ppc",
+@@ -61,6 +69,13 @@ arches = {
+     "armv5tejl": "armv5tel",
+     "armv5tel": "noarch",
++    #arm hardware floating point
++    "armv7hnl": "armv7hl",
++    "armv7hl": "noarch",
++    # arm64
++    "arm64": "noarch",
+     # super-h 
+     "sh4a": "sh4",
+     "sh4": "noarch",
+@@ -70,6 +85,13 @@ arches = {
+     "ia64": "noarch",
+     }
++#  Will contain information parsed from /proc/self/auxv via _parse_auxv().
++# Should move into rpm really.
++_aux_vector = {
++    "platform": "",
++    "hwcap": 0,
++    }
+ def legitMultiArchesInSameLib(arch=None):
+     # this is completely crackrock - if anyone has a better way I
+     # am all ears
+@@ -80,7 +102,7 @@ def legitMultiArchesInSameLib(arch=None):
+     results = [arch]
+-    if arch == 'x86_64' or arch.startswith('sparcv9'):
++    if arch in ('x86_64', 'ppc64') or arch.startswith('sparcv9'):
+         for (k, v) in arches.items():
+             if v == arch:
+                 results.append(k)
+@@ -205,17 +227,44 @@ def _try_read_cpuinfo():
+     """ Try to read /proc/cpuinfo ... if we can't ignore errors (ie. proc not
+         mounted). """
+     try:
+-        lines = open("/proc/cpuinfo", "r").readlines()
+-        return lines
++        return open("/proc/cpuinfo", "r")
+     except:
+         return []
++def _parse_auxv():
++    """ Read /proc/self/auxv and parse it into global dict for easier access
++        later on, very similar to what rpm does. """
++    # In case we can't open and read /proc/self/auxv, just return
++    try:
++        data = open("/proc/self/auxv", "rb").read()
++    except:
++        return
++    # Define values from /usr/include/elf.h
++    AT_PLATFORM = 15
++    AT_HWCAP = 16
++    fmtlen = struct.calcsize("LL")
++    offset = 0
++    platform = ctypes.c_char_p()
++    # Parse the data and fill in _aux_vector dict
++    while offset <= len(data) - fmtlen:
++        at_type, at_val = struct.unpack_from("LL", data, offset)
++        if at_type == AT_PLATFORM:
++            platform.value = at_val
++            _aux_vector["platform"] = platform.value
++        if at_type == AT_HWCAP:
++            _aux_vector["hwcap"] = at_val
++        offset = offset + fmtlen
+ def getCanonX86Arch(arch):
+     # 
+     if arch == "i586":
+         for line in _try_read_cpuinfo():
+-            if line.startswith("model name") and line.find("Geode(TM)") != -1:
+-                return "geode"
++            if line.startswith("model name"):
++                if line.find("Geode(TM)") != -1:
++                    return "geode"
++                break
+         return arch
+     # only athlon vs i686 isn't handled with uname currently
+     if arch != "i686":
+@@ -226,11 +275,20 @@ def getCanonX86Arch(arch):
+         if line.startswith("vendor") and line.find("AuthenticAMD") != -1:
+             return "athlon"
+         # i686 doesn't guarantee cmov, but we depend on it
+-        elif line.startswith("flags") and line.find("cmov") == -1:
+-            return "i586"
++        elif line.startswith("flags"):
++            if line.find("cmov") == -1:
++                return "i586"
++            break
+     return arch
++def getCanonARMArch(arch):
++    # the %{_target_arch} macro in rpm will let us know the abi we are using 
++    target = rpm.expandMacro('%{_target_cpu}')
++    if target.startswith('armv7h'):
++        return target
++    return arch
+ def getCanonPPCArch(arch):
+     # FIXME: should I do better handling for mac, etc?
+     if arch != "ppc64":
+@@ -241,6 +299,17 @@ def getCanonPPCArch(arch):
+         if line.find("machine") != -1:
+             machine = line.split(':')[1]
+             break
++    platform = _aux_vector["platform"]
++    if machine is None and not platform:
++        return arch
++    try:
++        if platform.startswith("power") and int(platform[5:].rstrip('+')) >= 7:
++            return "ppc64p7"
++    except:
++        pass
+     if machine is None:
+         return arch
+@@ -305,9 +374,13 @@ def getCanonArch(skipRpmPlatform = 0):
+     arch = os.uname()[4]
++    _parse_auxv()
+     if (len(arch) == 4 and arch[0] == "i" and arch[2:4] == "86"):
+         return getCanonX86Arch(arch)
++    if arch.startswith("arm"):
++        return getCanonARMArch(arch)
+     if arch.startswith("ppc"):
+         return getCanonPPCArch(arch)
+     if arch.startswith("sparc"):
+@@ -339,7 +412,7 @@ def getBestArch(myarch=None):
+     if arch.startswith("sparc64"):
+         arch = multilibArches[arch][1]
+-    if arch.startswith("ppc64"):
++    if arch.startswith("ppc64") and not _ppc64_native_is_best:
+         arch = 'ppc'
+     return arch
+@@ -357,8 +430,12 @@ def getBaseArch(myarch=None):
+     if myarch.startswith("sparc64"):
+         return "sparc"
+-    elif myarch.startswith("ppc64"):
++    elif myarch.startswith("ppc64") and not _ppc64_native_is_best:
+         return "ppc"
++    elif myarch.startswith("arm64"):
++        return "arm64"
++    elif myarch.startswith("armv7h"):
++        return "armhfp"
+     elif myarch.startswith("arm"):
+         return "arm"
+@@ -394,7 +471,7 @@ class ArchStorage(object):
+         if arch:
+             self.canonarch = arch
+         else:
+-            self.canonarch = getCanonArch()
++            self.canonarch = canonArch
+         self.basearch = getBaseArch(myarch=self.canonarch)
+         self.archlist = getArchList(thisarch=self.canonarch)
+diff --git a/rpmUtils/transaction.py b/rpmUtils/transaction.py
+index 121ad5b..778ed2d 100644
+--- a/rpmUtils/transaction.py
++++ b/rpmUtils/transaction.py
+@@ -114,7 +114,8 @@ class TransactionWrapper:
+         # FIXME GARBAGE - remove once this is reimplemented elsehwere
+         if conf.get('diskspacecheck') == 0:
+-            self.ts.setProbFilter(rpm.RPMPROB_FILTER_DISKSPACE)
++            self.ts.setProbFilter(rpm.RPMPROB_FILTER_DISKSPACE|
++                                  rpm.RPMPROB_FILTER_DISKNODES)
+         tserrors = self.ts.run(cb.callback, '')
+         self.ts.setFlags(origflags)
+diff --git a/shell.py b/shell.py
+index 999bffc..2232b03 100644
+--- a/shell.py
++++ b/shell.py
+@@ -26,13 +26,11 @@ import logging
+ from yum import Errors
+ from yum.constants import *
+ import yum.logginglevels as logginglevels
++from yum.i18n import to_utf8
++import __builtin__
+ class YumShell(cmd.Cmd):
+-    """
+-    Interactive yum shell.
+-    """
++    """A class to implement an interactive yum shell."""
+     def __init__(self, base):
+         cmd.Cmd.__init__(self)
+@@ -75,8 +73,39 @@ class YumShell(cmd.Cmd):
+                 raise Errors.YumBaseError, "Fatal error in script, exiting"
+         return inputs
++    def cmdloop(self, *args, **kwargs):
++        """ Sick hack for readline. """
++        oraw_input = raw_input
++        owriter    = sys.stdout
++        _ostdout   = owriter.stream
++        def _sick_hack_raw_input(prompt):
++            sys.stdout = _ostdout
++            rret = oraw_input(to_utf8(prompt))
++            sys.stdout = owriter
++            return rret
++        __builtin__.raw_input = _sick_hack_raw_input
++        try:
++            cret = cmd.Cmd.cmdloop(self, *args, **kwargs)
++        except:
++            __builtin__.raw_input  = oraw_input
++            raise
++        __builtin__.raw_input = oraw_input
++        return cret
+     def script(self):
++        """Execute a script file in the yum shell.  The location of
++        the script file is supplied by the :class:`cli.YumBaseCli`
++        object that is passed as a parameter to the :class:`YumShell`
++        object when it is created.
++        """
+         try:
+             fd = open(self.file, 'r')
+         except IOError:
+@@ -90,6 +119,13 @@ class YumShell(cmd.Cmd):
+         return True
+     def default(self, line):
++        """Handle the next line of input if there is not a dedicated
++        method of :class:`YumShell` to handle it.  This method will
++        handle yum commands that are not unique to the shell, such as
++        install, erase, etc.
++        :param line: the next line of input
++        """
+         if len(line) > 0 and line.strip()[0] == '#':
+             pass
+         else:
+@@ -117,9 +153,15 @@ class YumShell(cmd.Cmd):
+                 self.base.doCommands()
+     def emptyline(self):
++        """Do nothing on an empty line of input."""
+         pass
+     def completenames(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
++        """Return a list of possible completions of a command.
++        :param text: the command to be completed
++        :return: a list of possible completions of the command
++        """
+         ret = cmd.Cmd.completenames(self, text, line, begidx, endidx)
+         for command in self.base.yum_cli_commands:
+             if command.startswith(text) and command != "shell":
+@@ -127,6 +169,11 @@ class YumShell(cmd.Cmd):
+         return ret
+     def do_help(self, arg):
++        """Output help information.
++        :param arg: the command to ouput help information about. If
++           *arg* is an empty string, general help will be output.
++        """
+         msg = """
+     Shell specific arguments:
+       config - set config options
+@@ -166,21 +213,47 @@ class YumShell(cmd.Cmd):
+         self.verbose_logger.info(msg)
+     def do_EOF(self, line):
++        """Exit the shell when EOF is reached.
++        :param line: unused
++        """
+         self.resultmsgs = ['Leaving Shell']
+         return True
+     def do_quit(self, line):
++        """Exit the shell.
++        :param line: unused
++        """
+         self.resultmsgs = ['Leaving Shell']
+         return True
+     def do_exit(self, line):
++        """Exit the shell.
++        :param line: unused
++        """
+         self.resultmsgs = ['Leaving Shell']
+         return True
+     def do_ts(self, line):
++        """Handle the ts alias of the :func:`do_transaction` method.
++        :param line: the remainder of the line, containing the name of
++           a subcommand.  If no subcommand is given, run the list subcommand.
++        """
+         self.do_transaction(line)
+     def do_transaction(self, line):
++        """Execute the given transaction subcommand.  The list
++        subcommand outputs the contents of the transaction, the reset
++        subcommand clears the transaction, the solve subcommand solves
++        dependencies for the transaction, and the run subcommand
++        executes the transaction.
++        :param line: the remainder of the line, containing the name of
++           a subcommand.  If no subcommand is given, run the list subcommand.
++        """
+         (cmd, args, line) = self.parseline(line)
+         if cmd in ['list', None]:
+             self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2,
+@@ -210,6 +283,15 @@ class YumShell(cmd.Cmd):
+             self.do_help('transaction')
+     def do_config(self, line):
++        """Configure yum shell options.
++        :param line: the remainder of the line, containing an option,
++           and then optionally a value in the form [option] [value].
++           Valid options are one of the following: debuglevel,
++           errorlevel, obsoletes, gpgcheck, assumeyes, exclude.  If no
++           value is given, print the current value.  If a value is
++           supplied, set the option to the given value.
++        """
+         (cmd, args, line) = self.parseline(line)
+         # logs
+         if cmd in ['debuglevel', 'errorlevel']:
+@@ -264,9 +346,23 @@ class YumShell(cmd.Cmd):
+             self.do_help('config')
+     def do_repository(self, line):
++        """Handle the repository alias of the :func:`do_repo` method.
++        :param line: the remainder of the line, containing the name of
++           a subcommand.
++        """
+         self.do_repo(line)
+     def do_repo(self, line):
++        """Execute the given repo subcommand.  The list subcommand
++        lists repositories and their statuses, the enable subcommand
++        enables the given repository, and the disable subcommand
++        disables the given repository.
++        :param line: the remainder of the line, containing the name of
++           a subcommand and other parameters if required.  If no
++           subcommand is given, run the list subcommand.
++        """
+         (cmd, args, line) = self.parseline(line)
+         if cmd in ['list', None]:
+             # Munge things to run the repolist command
+@@ -338,6 +434,10 @@ class YumShell(cmd.Cmd):
+         print line
+     def do_run(self, line):
++        """Run the transaction.
++        :param line: unused
++        """
+         if len(self.base.tsInfo) > 0:
+             try:
+                 (code, msgs) = self.base.buildTransaction()
+diff --git a/test/check-po-yes-no.py b/test/check-po-yes-no.py
+index e22318e..b8f3406 100755
+--- a/test/check-po-yes-no.py
++++ b/test/check-po-yes-no.py
+@@ -6,7 +6,12 @@
+ import sys
+ import glob
+-from yum.misc import to_utf8
++# Don't import from yum, as it isn't there when we are distro. building...
++def to_utf8(obj, errors='replace'):
++    '''convert 'unicode' to an encoded utf-8 byte string '''
++    if isinstance(obj, unicode):
++        obj = obj.encode('utf-8', errors)
++    return obj
+ def trans(msg, default):
+     if msg == 'msgstr ""\n':
+@@ -16,6 +21,8 @@ def trans(msg, default):
+         msg = msg[:-2]
+     return unicode(msg, encoding='utf-8')
++allow_plain_yn = True
+ for fname in glob.glob("po/*.po"):
+     next = None
+     is_this_ok  = None
+@@ -32,7 +39,8 @@ for fname in glob.glob("po/*.po"):
+         if next is not None:
+             if next == 'is_this_ok':
+                 sis_this_ok = line
+-                if line == 'msgstr ""\n' or line.find('[y/N]') != -1:
++                if line == 'msgstr ""\n' or (not allow_plain_yn and
++                                             line.find('[y/N]') != -1):
+                     is_this_ok = False
+                 else:
+                     is_this_ok = True
+@@ -62,9 +70,9 @@ for fname in glob.glob("po/*.po"):
+             next = 'n'
+     if (is_this_ok is None or
+         yes is None or
+-        y   is None or
++        (not allow_plain_yn and y   is None) or
+         no  is None or
+-        n   is None):
++        (not allow_plain_yn and n   is None)):
+         print >>sys.stderr, """\
+ ERROR: Can't find all the msg id's in %s
+ is_this_ok %s
+@@ -96,6 +104,10 @@ n          %5s: %s
+        to_utf8(is_this_ok), to_utf8(sis_this_ok),
+        to_utf8(yes), to_utf8(syes), to_utf8(y), to_utf8(sy),
+        to_utf8(no), to_utf8(sno), to_utf8(n), to_utf8(sn))
++    if allow_plain_yn:
++        continue
+     if syes[0] != sy:
+         print >>sys.stderr, """\
+ ERROR: yes/y translations don't match in: %s
+diff --git a/test/depsolvetests.py b/test/depsolvetests.py
+index 7af3f16..ea47b03 100644
+--- a/test/depsolvetests.py
++++ b/test/depsolvetests.py
+@@ -1130,9 +1130,10 @@ class DepsolveTests(DepsolveTests):
+         # FIXME: Does it make sense to ignore the obsoletes here? esp. as we
+         # don't ignore the conflicts above? ... I'm guessing ignoring it is
+         # by accident too? bah.
+-        # self.assertEquals('err', *self.resolveCode())
+-        self.assertEquals('ok', *self.resolveCode())
+-        self.assertResult((ipo1, po1))
++        self.assertEquals('err', *self.resolveCode())
++        # Old behaviour:
++        # self.assertEquals('ok', *self.resolveCode())
++        # self.assertResult((ipo1, po1))
+     def testUpdate_so_req_diff_arch(self):
+         rpo1 = FakePackage('foozoomer')
+diff --git a/test/misc-tests.py b/test/misc-tests.py
+index d34c161..7d7d06f 100644
+--- a/test/misc-tests.py
++++ b/test/misc-tests.py
+@@ -114,6 +114,42 @@ class MiscTests(DepsolveTests):
+         res, msg = solver.buildTransaction()
+         return self.res[res], msg
++    def testXML(self):
++        import yum.misc
++        for args in (
++# valid utf8 and unicode
++('\xc4\x9b\xc5\xa1\xc4\x8d', '\xc4\x9b\xc5\xa1\xc4\x8d'),
++(u'\u011b\u0161\u010d',      '\xc4\x9b\xc5\xa1\xc4\x8d'),
++# invalid utf8
++('\xc3\x28', '\xc3\x83\x28'),
++('\xa0\xa1', '\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa1'),
++('Skytt\xe4', 'Skytt\xc3\xa4'),
++# entity expansion
++('&<>', '&amp;&lt;&gt;'),
++# removal of invalid bytes
++('\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f', '\t\n\r'),
++# attr flag
++('&"\'', '&amp;"\''),
++('&"\'', True, '&amp;&quot;&apos;'),
++# weirdness
++(None, ''),
++('abc ', 'abc'),
++        ):
++            # last item is the expected result
++            args, expected = args[:-1], args[-1]
++            actual = yum.misc.to_xml(*args)
++            # actual vs expected
++            self.assertEqual(type(actual), type(expected))
++            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+ def setup_logging():
+     logging.basicConfig()    
+     plainformatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s")    
+diff --git a/test/revdepupdatetests.py b/test/revdepupdatetests.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a98341d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/revdepupdatetests.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
++from testbase import *
++class RevdepUpdateTests(OperationsTests):
++    @staticmethod
++    def buildPkgs(pkgs, *args):
++        """ This test checks that remove_old_deps handles reverse 
++        dependencies properly during yum update. Specifically, 
++        remove_old_deps should remove precisely the packages which are not 
++        required by any package currently installed or pending 
++        installation. Two cases:
++        For packages A, B, we write A -> B if B requires A. Packages 
++        with a dep prefix are dep-installed.
++        1) Installed: dep1 -> dep2 -> pkg1 <- dep3 and dep3 -> dep2
++           Update: pkg1, which requires dep2 but no longer requires dep3.
++           Correct outcome: dep1, dep2, dep3, pkg1, since dep2 still 
++           needs dep3.
++        2) Installed: dep1 -> dep2 -> pkg1 <- dep3 and dep3 -> dep2
++           Update: pkg1, which now requires only dep1
++           Correct outcome: dep1, pkg1, since dep2 and dep3 are 
++           no longer needed.
++        """
++        pkgs.installed_1 = FakePackage('dep1', '1', '0', '0', 'noarch')
++        pkgs.installed_1.yumdb_info.reason = 'dep'
++        pkgs.installed_2 = FakePackage('dep2', '1', '0', '0', 'noarch')
++        pkgs.installed_2.yumdb_info.reason = 'dep'
++        pkgs.installed_3 = FakePackage('pkg1', '1', '0', '0', 'noarch')
++        pkgs.installed_3.yumdb_info.reason = 'user'
++        pkgs.installed_4 = FakePackage('dep3', '1', '0', '0', 'noarch')
++        pkgs.installed_4.yumdb_info.reason = 'dep'
++        pkgs.installed_1.addRequiringPkg(pkgs.installed_2)
++        pkgs.installed_2.addRequiringPkg(pkgs.installed_3)
++        pkgs.installed_4.addRequiringPkg(pkgs.installed_2)
++        pkgs.installed_2.addRequiresPkg(pkgs.installed_1)
++        pkgs.installed_2.addRequiresPkg(pkgs.installed_4)
++        pkgs.installed_3.addRequiresPkg(pkgs.installed_4)
++        pkgs.installed_3.addRequiresPkg(pkgs.installed_2)
++        pkgs.update_2 = FakePackage('dep2', '2', '0', '0', 'noarch')
++        pkgs.update_2.addRequires('dep1', 'EQ', ('0', '1', '0'))
++        pkgs.update_3 = FakePackage('pkg1', '2', '0', '0', 'noarch')
++        pkgs.update_3.addRequires('dep2', 'EQ', ('0', '1', '0'))
++        pkgs.update_4 = FakePackage('pkg1', '2', '0', '0', 'noarch')
++        pkgs.update_4.addRequires('dep1', 'EQ', ('0', '1', '0'))
++    def testUpdate(self):
++        p = self.pkgs
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['update'], [p.installed_1, p.installed_2, p.installed_3, p.installed_4], [p.update_3])
++        self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
++        self.assertResult( (p.installed_1, p.installed_2, p.update_3, p.installed_4) )
++    def testUpdate2(self):
++        p = self.pkgs
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['update'], [p.installed_1, p.installed_2, p.installed_3, p.installed_4], [p.update_4])
++        self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
++        self.assertResult( (p.installed_1, p.update_4) )
+diff --git a/test/simpleobsoletestests.py b/test/simpleobsoletestests.py
+index 97a9923..6cede1e 100644
+--- a/test/simpleobsoletestests.py
++++ b/test/simpleobsoletestests.py
+@@ -244,6 +244,40 @@ class SimpleObsoletesTests(OperationsTests):
+         self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
+         self.assertResult((p.obsoletes_noarch,))
++    def testObsoletesOffPostInst1(self):
++        p = self.pkgs
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['install', 'zsh'], [p.obsoletes_i386], [p.installed_i386])
++        self.assert_(res=='empty', msg)
++    def testObsoletesOffPostInst2(self):
++        p = self.pkgs
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['install', 'zsh'], [p.obsoletes_i386], [p.installed_i386], {'obsoletes' : False})
++        self.assert_(res=='empty', msg)
++    def testObsoletesOffPostAvail1(self):
++        p = self.pkgs
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['install', 'zsh-ng', 'zsh'], [], [p.obsoletes_i386, p.installed_i386])
++        self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
++        self.assertResult((p.obsoletes_i386,))
++    def testObsoletesOffPostAvail2(self):
++        p = self.pkgs
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['install', 'zsh-ng', 'zsh'], [], [p.obsoletes_i386, p.installed_i386], {'obsoletes' : False})
++        self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
++        self.assertResult((p.obsoletes_i386,))
++    def testObsoletesOffPostAvail3(self):
++        p = self.pkgs
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['install', 'zsh', 'zsh-ng'], [], [p.obsoletes_i386, p.installed_i386])
++        self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
++        self.assertResult((p.obsoletes_i386,))
++    def testObsoletesOffPostAvail4(self):
++        p = self.pkgs
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['install', 'zsh', 'zsh-ng'], [], [p.obsoletes_i386, p.installed_i386], {'obsoletes' : False})
++        self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
++        self.assertResult((p.obsoletes_i386,))
+     def _MultiObsHelper(self):
+         ret = {'zsh'  : FakePackage('zsh', '1', '1', '0', 'noarch'),
+                'ksh'  : FakePackage('ksh', '1', '1', '0', 'noarch'),
+@@ -588,6 +622,152 @@ class SimpleObsoletesTests(OperationsTests):
+         # self.assert_(res=='err', msg)
+         self.assertResult([])
++    def testRLOpenSSLMess1(self):
++        osl1  = FakePackage('openssl',      '1.0.0', '1', arch='i386')
++        osl1.addProvides('libssl.1', 'EQ', ('0', '1', '1'))
++        osl2  = FakePackage('openssl',      '1.0.1', '1', arch='i386')
++        osll2 = FakePackage('openssl-libs', '1.0.1', '1', arch='i386')
++        osll2.addProvides('libssl.2', 'EQ', ('0', '2', '1'))
++        osll2.addObsoletes('openssl', 'LT', (None, '1.0.1', None))
++        oc1   = FakePackage('openconnect',  '2.0.1', '1', arch='i386')
++        oc1.addRequires('openssl', 'GE', ('0', '0.9.9', '1'))
++        oc2   = FakePackage('openconnect',  '2.0.2', '1', arch='i386')
++        oc2.addRequires('openssl', 'GE', ('0', '0.9.9', '1'))
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['upgrade', 'openssl'],
++                                     [oc1, osl1],
++                                     [oc1, oc2, osl1, osl2, osll2])
++        # In theory don't need to upgrade oc1 => oc2
++        self.assertResult((oc2, osl2, osll2))
++    def testCircObs1(self):
++        c1 = FakePackage('test-ccc', '0.1', '1')
++        c2 = FakePackage('test-ccc', '0.2', '2')
++        c2.addObsoletes('test-ddd', None, (None, None, None))
++        d1 = FakePackage('test-ddd', '0.1', '1')
++        d2 = FakePackage('test-ddd', '0.2', '2')
++        d2.addObsoletes('test-ccc', None, (None, None, None))
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['upgrade'],
++                                     [c1, d1],
++                                     [c1, d1, c2, d2])
++        self.assertResult((c2, d2))
++    def testCircObs2(self):
++        c1 = FakePackage('test-ccc', '0.1', '1')
++        c2 = FakePackage('test-ccc', '0.2', '2')
++        c2.addObsoletes('test-ddd', None, (None, None, None))
++        d1 = FakePackage('test-ddd', '0.1', '1')
++        d2 = FakePackage('test-ddd', '0.2', '2')
++        d2.addObsoletes('test-ccc', None, (None, None, None))
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['upgrade', 'test-ccc', 'test-ddd'],
++                                     [c1, d1],
++                                     [c1, d1, c2, d2])
++        self.assertResult((c2, d2))
++    def testCircObs3(self):
++        c1 = FakePackage('test-ccc', '0.1', '1')
++        c2 = FakePackage('test-ccc', '0.2', '2')
++        c2.addObsoletes('test-ddd', None, (None, None, None))
++        d1 = FakePackage('test-ddd', '0.1', '1')
++        d2 = FakePackage('test-ddd', '0.2', '2')
++        d2.addObsoletes('test-ccc', None, (None, None, None))
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['upgrade', 'test-ccc'],
++                                     [c1, d1],
++                                     [c1, d1, c2, d2])
++        # Just c2 is fine too, although less likely what the user wants
++        self.assertResult((c2,d2))
++    def testCircObs4(self):
++        c1 = FakePackage('test-ccc', '0.1', '1')
++        c2 = FakePackage('test-ccc', '0.2', '2')
++        c2.addObsoletes('test-ddd', None, (None, None, None))
++        d1 = FakePackage('test-ddd', '0.1', '1')
++        d2 = FakePackage('test-ddd', '0.2', '2')
++        d2.addObsoletes('test-ccc', None, (None, None, None))
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['upgrade', 'test-ddd'],
++                                     [c1, d1],
++                                     [c1, d1, c2, d2])
++        # Just d2 is fine too, although less likely what the user wants
++        self.assertResult((c2,d2))
++    def testRLFileReqTransObs1(self):
++        fr1 = FakePackage('fr1', '1', '1')
++        fr1.addRequires('/foo')
++        fr2 = FakePackage('fr2', '2', '2')
++        fp1 = FakePackage('fp1', '1', '2')
++        fp1.addFile('/foo')
++        fp2 = FakePackage('fpl2', '1', '2')
++        fp2.addFile('/foo')
++        ob1 = FakePackage('ob1', '1', '3')
++        ob1.addObsoletes('fp1', None, (None, None, None))
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['install', 'ob1', 'fr1'], [],
++                                     [fr1, fr2, fp1, fp2, ob1])
++        self.assert_(res=='err', msg)
++        # Should really be:
++        # self.assertResult([ob1, fr1, fp2])
++    def testRLFileReqTransObs2(self):
++        fr1 = FakePackage('fr1', '1', '1')
++        fr1.addRequires('/foo')
++        fr2 = FakePackage('fr2', '2', '2')
++        fr2.addRequires('/bar')
++        fp1 = FakePackage('fp1', '1', '2')
++        fp1.addFile('/foo')
++        fp2 = FakePackage('fpl2', '1', '2')
++        fp2.addFile('/foo')
++        ob1 = FakePackage('ob1', '1', '3')
++        ob1.addObsoletes('fp1', None, (None, None, None))
++        ob1.addFile('/bar')
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['install', 'fr1', 'fr2'], [],
++                                     [fr1, fr2, fp1, fp2, ob1])
++        self.assert_(res=='err', msg)
++        # Should really be:
++        # self.assertResult([ob1, fr1, fp2])
++    def testRLFileReqInstObs(self):
++        fr1 = FakePackage('fr1', '1', '1')
++        fr1.addRequires('/foo')
++        fr2 = FakePackage('fr2', '2', '2')
++        fp1 = FakePackage('fp1', '1', '2')
++        fp1.addFile('/foo')
++        fp2 = FakePackage('fpl2', '1', '2')
++        fp2.addFile('/foo')
++        ob1 = FakePackage('ob1', '1', '3')
++        ob1.addObsoletes('fp1', None, (None, None, None))
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['install', 'fr1'], [ob1],
++                                     [fr1, fr2, fp1, fp2, ob1])
++        print "JDBG:", "test:", res, msg
++        self.assert_(res=='err', msg)
++        # Should really be:
++        # self.assertResult([ob1, fr1, fp2])
+ class GitMetapackageObsoletesTests(OperationsTests):
+     @staticmethod
+diff --git a/test/simpleupdatetests.py b/test/simpleupdatetests.py
+index 6177fb1..ba65e55 100644
+--- a/test/simpleupdatetests.py
++++ b/test/simpleupdatetests.py
+@@ -990,3 +990,243 @@ class SimpleUpdateTests(OperationsTests):
+         # Nothing to do...
+         self.assert_(res==0, msg)
++    def testUpdateReqFail_1(self):
++        foo11 = FakePackage('foo', '1', '1', '0', 'i386')
++        foo11.addRequires('bar', 'EQ', ('0', '1', '1'))
++        foo12 = FakePackage('foo', '1', '2', '0', 'i386')
++        foo12.addRequires('bar', 'EQ', ('0', '1', '1'))
++        bar11 = FakePackage('bar', '1', '1', '0', 'i386')
++        bar12 = FakePackage('bar', '1', '2', '0', 'i386')
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['update', 'bar'],
++                                     [foo11, bar11],
++                                     [foo11, foo12, bar11, bar12])
++        # Should fail...
++        self.assert_(res=='err', msg)
++    def testUpdateReqFail_2(self):
++        foo11 = FakePackage('foo', '1', '1', '0', 'i386')
++        foo11.addRequires('bar', 'EQ', ('0', '1', '1'))
++        foo12 = FakePackage('foo', '1', '2', '0', 'i386')
++        foo12.addRequires('bar', 'LE', ('0', '1', '1'))
++        bar11 = FakePackage('bar', '1', '1', '0', 'i386')
++        bar12 = FakePackage('bar', '1', '2', '0', 'i386')
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['update', 'bar'],
++                                     [foo11, bar11],
++                                     [foo11, foo12, bar11, bar12])
++        # Should fail...
++        self.assert_(res=='err', msg)
++    def testUpdateReqFail_3(self):
++        foo11 = FakePackage('foo', '1', '1', '0', 'i386')
++        foo11.addRequires('bar', 'EQ', ('0', '1', '1'))
++        foo12 = FakePackage('foo', '1', '2', '0', 'i386')
++        foo12.addRequires('bar', 'EQ', ('0', '1', '1'))
++        bar11 = FakePackage('bar', '1', '1', '0', 'i386')
++        bar12 = FakePackage('bar', '1', '2', '0', 'i386')
++        cbar11 = FakePackage('compat-bar', '1', '1', '0', 'i386')
++        cbar11.addProvides('bar', 'EQ', ('0', '1', '1'))
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['update', 'bar'],
++                                     [foo11, bar11],
++                                     [foo11, foo12, bar11, bar12, cbar11])
++        self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
++        # Ideal:
++        # self.assertResult((foo11, bar12, cbar11))
++        self.assertResult((foo12, bar12, cbar11))
++    def testUpdateReqFail_4(self):
++        foo11 = FakePackage('foo', '1', '1', '0', 'i386')
++        foo11.addRequires('bar', 'EQ', ('0', '1', '1'))
++        foo12 = FakePackage('foo', '1', '2', '0', 'i386')
++        foo12.addRequires('bar', 'LE', ('0', '1', '1'))
++        bar11 = FakePackage('bar', '1', '1', '0', 'i386')
++        bar12 = FakePackage('bar', '1', '2', '0', 'i386')
++        cbar11 = FakePackage('compat-bar', '1', '1', '0', 'i386')
++        cbar11.addProvides('bar', 'EQ', ('0', '1', '1'))
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['update', 'bar'],
++                                     [foo11, bar11],
++                                     [foo11, foo12, bar11, bar12, cbar11])
++        self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
++        # Ideal:
++        # self.assertResult((foo11, bar12, cbar11))
++        self.assertResult((foo12, bar12, cbar11))
++    def testInstallOtherArch1(self):
++        #  Installing something with dep. on newer version should upgrade older
++        # version with other arch.
++        # Eg. BZ 791326
++        pax1 = FakePackage('inst', '1', '1', '0', 'x86_64')
++        pai1 = FakePackage('inst', '1', '1', '0', 'i686')
++        pax2 = FakePackage('inst', '2', '1', '0', 'x86_64')
++        pax2.addProvides('foo-x', 'EQ', ('0', '2', '1'))
++        pai2 = FakePackage('inst', '2', '1', '0', 'i686')
++        pai2.addProvides('foo-i', 'EQ', ('0', '2', '1'))
++        pa2 = FakePackage('bar', '1', '1', '0', 'i386')
++        pa2.addRequires('foo-i', 'EQ', ('0', '2', '1'))
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['install', 'bar'],
++                                     [pax1],
++                                     [pax1, pai1, pax2, pai2, pa2])
++        self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
++        self.assertResult((pax2, pai2, pa2))
++    def testUpdateForDeps0(self):
++        foo11 = FakePackage('foo', '1', '1', '0', 'i386')
++        foo11.addRequires('bar', 'EQ', ('0', '1', '1'))
++        foo12 = FakePackage('foo', '1', '2', '0', 'i386')
++        foo12.addRequires('bar', 'EQ', ('0', '1', '2'))
++        bar11 = FakePackage('bar', '1', '1', '0', 'i386')
++        bar11.yumdb_info.reason = 'dep'
++        bar12 = FakePackage('bar', '1', '2', '0', 'i386')
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['install', 'foo', 'bar'], [foo11, bar11], [foo12, bar12])
++        self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
++        self.assertResult((foo12, bar12))
++        self.tsInfo.makelists()
++        self.assertEquals([], self.tsInfo.depupdated)
++    def _pkg2txmbr(self, pkg):
++        for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembers(pkg.pkgtup):
++            return txmbr
++        return None
++    def _testUpdateForDeps_setup(self):
++        foo11 = FakePackage('foo', '1', '1', '0', 'i386')
++        foo11.addRequires('bar', 'EQ', ('0', '1', '1'))
++        foo12 = FakePackage('foo', '1', '2', '0', 'i386')
++        foo12.addRequires('bar', 'EQ', ('0', '1', '2'))
++        bar11 = FakePackage('bar', '1', '1', '0', 'i386')
++        bar11.addRequires('foo', 'EQ', ('0', '1', '1'))
++        bar12 = FakePackage('bar', '1', '2', '0', 'i386')
++        bar12.addRequires('foo', 'EQ', ('0', '1', '2'))
++        return foo11, foo12, bar11, bar12
++    def testUpdateForDeps_install_all1(self):
++        foo11, foo12, bar11, bar12 = self._testUpdateForDeps_setup()
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['install', 'foo', 'bar'], [foo11, bar11], [foo12, bar12])
++        self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
++        self.assertResult((foo12, bar12))
++        self.tsInfo.makelists()
++        self.assertEquals([], self.tsInfo.depupdated)
++    def testUpdateForDeps_upgrade_all2(self):
++        foo11, foo12, bar11, bar12 = self._testUpdateForDeps_setup()
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['upgrade', 'foo', 'bar'], [foo11, bar11], [foo12, bar12])
++        self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
++        self.assertResult((foo12, bar12))
++        self.assert_(self._pkg2txmbr(bar12).reason == 'user')
++        self.tsInfo.makelists()
++        self.assertEquals([], self.tsInfo.depupdated)
++    def testUpdateForDeps_upgrade_all3(self):
++        foo11, foo12, bar11, bar12 = self._testUpdateForDeps_setup()
++        bar11.yumdb_info.reason = 'dep'
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['upgrade', 'foo', 'bar'], [foo11, bar11], [foo12, bar12])
++        self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
++        self.assertResult((foo12, bar12))
++        self.assert_(self._pkg2txmbr(bar12).reason == 'dep')
++        self.tsInfo.makelists()
++        self.assertEquals([], self.tsInfo.depupdated)
++    def testUpdateForDeps_upgrade_foo4(self):
++        foo11, foo12, bar11, bar12 = self._testUpdateForDeps_setup()
++        foo11.yumdb_info.reason = 'user'
++        bar11.yumdb_info.reason = 'dep'
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['upgrade', 'foo'], [foo11, bar11], [foo12, bar12])
++        self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
++        self.assertResult((foo12, bar12))
++        print foo12.yumdb_info.reason
++        self.assert_(self._pkg2txmbr(foo12).reason == 'user')
++        self.assert_(self._pkg2txmbr(bar12).reason == 'dep')
++        self.tsInfo.makelists()
++        self.assertEquals([bar12], self.tsInfo.depupdated)
++    def testUpdateForDeps_upgrade_bar5(self):
++        foo11, foo12, bar11, bar12 = self._testUpdateForDeps_setup()
++        foo11.yumdb_info.reason = 'user'
++        bar11.yumdb_info.reason = 'dep'
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['upgrade', 'bar'], [foo11, bar11], [foo12, bar12])
++        self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
++        self.assertResult((foo12, bar12))
++        self.assert_(self._pkg2txmbr(foo12).reason == 'user')
++        self.assert_(self._pkg2txmbr(bar12).reason == 'dep')
++        self.tsInfo.makelists()
++        self.assertEquals([foo12], self.tsInfo.depupdated)
++    def testUpdateForDeps_install_foo6(self):
++        foo11, foo12, bar11, bar12 = self._testUpdateForDeps_setup()
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['install', 'foo'], [], [foo11, bar11, foo12, bar12])
++        self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
++        self.assertResult((foo12, bar12))
++        self.assert_(self._pkg2txmbr(foo12).reason == 'user')
++        self.assert_(self._pkg2txmbr(bar12).reason == 'dep')
++        self.tsInfo.makelists()
++        self.assertEquals([bar12], self.tsInfo.depinstalled)
++    def testUpdateForDeps_install_bar7(self):
++        foo11, foo12, bar11, bar12 = self._testUpdateForDeps_setup()
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['install', 'bar'], [], [foo11, bar11, foo12, bar12])
++        self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
++        self.assertResult((foo12, bar12))
++        self.assert_(self._pkg2txmbr(foo12).reason == 'dep')
++        self.assert_(self._pkg2txmbr(bar12).reason == 'user')
++        self.tsInfo.makelists()
++        self.assertEquals([foo12], self.tsInfo.depinstalled)
++    def testUpdateForDeps_downgrade_all8(self):
++        foo11, foo12, bar11, bar12 = self._testUpdateForDeps_setup()
++        foo12.yumdb_info.reason = 'user'
++        bar12.yumdb_info.reason = 'blahg'
++        res, msg = self.runOperation(['downgrade', 'foo', 'bar'], [foo12, bar12], [foo11, bar11, foo12, bar12])
++        self.assert_(res=='ok', msg)
++        self.assertResult((foo11, bar11))
++        self.assert_(self._pkg2txmbr(foo11).reason == 'user')
++        self.assert_(self._pkg2txmbr(bar11).reason == 'blahg')
+diff --git a/test/skipbroken-tests.py b/test/skipbroken-tests.py
+index 812785a..68f5ef9 100644
+--- a/test/skipbroken-tests.py
++++ b/test/skipbroken-tests.py
+@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class SkipBrokenTests(DepsolveTests):
+         self.assertResult([])
+     def testDepWithMissingReqSkip(self):
+-        ''' install is skipped, beacuse dep is missing req.  
++        ''' install is skipped, because dep is missing req.  
+         foo + foobar is skipped because barfoo is not provided
+         bar stays in the transaction
+         '''
+@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ class SkipBrokenTests(DepsolveTests):
+         self.assertResult([ipo, po1])
+     def testConflictWithInstalledButUpdateExist(self):
+-        ''' update fails, because conflict cant be fixed. (req. loop)
++        ''' update fails, because conflict can't be fixed. (req. loop)
+         foo 1.0 -> 2.0 update fails, because foo-2.0 conflict with bar-1.0
+         bar-1.0 is update to bar-2.0, to solve the conflict but bar-2.0 need foo-1.0
+         so the foo & bar updates get skipped and the transaction is empty
+@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ class SkipBrokenTests(DepsolveTests):
+         self.assertResult([po1,ipo])
+     def testConflictWithInstalledButUpdateExist2(self):
+-        '''update fails, because conflict cant be fixed. (missing req.)
++        '''update fails, because conflict can't be fixed. (missing req.)
+         foo 1.0 -> 2.0 update fails, because foo-2.0 conflict with bar-1.0
+         bar-1.0 is update to bar-2.0, to solve the conflict but bar-2.0 need poo-1.0
+         there is not provided
+@@ -809,7 +809,55 @@ class SkipBrokenTests(DepsolveTests):
+         members.append(u1)
+         self.assertEquals('ok', *self.resolveCode(skip=True))
+         self.assertResult(members)
++    def test_skipbroken_004_deps_1(self):
++        ''' 
++        this tries to test that when we have two things depending on Y, and we
++        remove one of them we do not want to remove Y. bz#905899.
++        '''
++        members = []
++        ux0 = self.repoString('1:bar-1.0.0-1.i686')
++        members.append(ux0)
++        ux1 = self.repoString('1:foo1-1.0.0-1.i686')
++        ux1.addRequires('bar')
++        ux1.addRequires('blah')
++        ux2 = self.repoString('1:foo2-1.0.0-1.i686')
++        ux2.addRequires('bar')
++        members.append(ux2)
++        self.tsInfo.addInstall(ux1)
++        self.tsInfo.addInstall(ux2)
++        self.assertEquals('ok', *self.resolveCode(skip=True))
++        self.assertResult(members)
++    def test_skipbroken_004_deps_2(self):
++        ''' 
++        this tries to test that when we have two things depending on Y, and we
++        remove both then we do want to remove Y again. bz#905899.
++        '''
++        members = []
++        ux0 = self.repoString('1:bar-1.0.0-1.i686')
++        ux0 = self.repoString('1:zoom-1.0.0-1.i686')
++        members.append(ux0)
++        ux1 = self.repoString('1:foo1-1.0.0-1.i686')
++        ux1.addRequires('bar')
++        ux1.addRequires('blah')
++        ux2 = self.repoString('1:foo2-1.0.0-1.i686')
++        ux2.addRequires('bar')
++        ux2.addRequires('baz')
++        self.tsInfo.addInstall(ux0)
++        self.tsInfo.addInstall(ux1)
++        self.tsInfo.addInstall(ux2)
++        self.assertEquals('ok', *self.resolveCode(skip=True))
++        self.assertResult(members)
+     def resolveCode(self,skip = False):
+         solver = YumBase()
+diff --git a/test/testbase.py b/test/testbase.py
+index d0f22be..a31f7a6 100644
+--- a/test/testbase.py
++++ b/test/testbase.py
+@@ -55,6 +55,17 @@ class FakeConf(object):
+         self.protected_packages = []
+         self.protected_multilib = False
+         self.clean_requirements_on_remove = True
++        self.upgrade_requirements_on_install = False
++        self.recheck_installed_requires = False
++        self.group_command = 'compat'
++        self.repopkgsremove_leaf_only = False
++        self.remove_leaf_only = False
++        self.config_file_path = '/dev/null'
++        self.config_file_age = 0
++        self.yumvar = {}
++        self.reposdir = '/tmp/XXXX'
++        self.diskspacecheck = True
++        self.depsolve_loop_limit = 10
+ class FakeSack:
+     """ Fake PackageSack to use with FakeRepository"""
+@@ -138,6 +149,7 @@ class FakePackage(packages.YumAvailablePackage):
+         self.yumdb_info = FakeYumDBInfo()
+         self.prco['provides'].append((name, 'EQ', (epoch, version, release)))
++        self.prco['strong_requires'] = []
+         # Just a unique integer
+         self.id = self.__hash__()
+@@ -149,6 +161,7 @@ class FakePackage(packages.YumAvailablePackage):
+         self.prco['provides'].append((name, flag, evr))
+     def addRequires(self, name, flag=None, evr=(None, None, None)):
+         self.prco['requires'].append((name, flag, evr))
++        self.prco['strong_requires'].append((name, flag, evr))
+     def addRequiresPkg(self, pkg):
+         self.required_pkgs.append(pkg)
+     def addRequiringPkg(self, pkg):
+@@ -310,6 +323,12 @@ class FakeRpmDb(packageSack.PackageSack):
+             if len(pkg.conflicts):
+                 ret.append(pkg)
+         return ret
++    def returnObsoletePackages(self):
++        ret = []
++        for pkg in self.returnPackages():
++            if len(pkg.obsoletes):
++                ret.append(pkg)
++        return ret
+     def fileRequiresData(self):
+         installedFileRequires = {}
+         installedUnresolvedFileRequires = set()
+@@ -344,6 +363,8 @@ class FakeRpmDb(packageSack.PackageSack):
+         return
+     def transactionCacheConflictPackages(self, pkgs):
+         return
++    def transactionCacheObsoletePackages(self, pkgs):
++        return
+     def transactionResultVersion(self, rpmdbv):
+         return
+     def transactionReset(self):
+diff --git a/test/yum-leak-test.py b/test/yum-leak-test.py
+index 760b770..dd64483 100755
+--- a/test/yum-leak-test.py
++++ b/test/yum-leak-test.py
+@@ -33,6 +33,13 @@ def _leak_tst_yb():
+     yb.repos.setCacheDir(yum.misc.getCacheDir())
+     yb.rpmdb.returnPackages()
+     yb.pkgSack.returnPackages()
++    yb.tsInfo
++    yb.ts
++    yb.up
++    yb.comps
++    yb.history
++    yb.igroups
++    yb.pkgtags
+     out_mem(os.getpid())
+     time.sleep(4)
+diff --git a/test/yum-pylintrc b/test/yum-pylintrc
+index fa3e57c..d0cf2a6 100644
+--- a/test/yum-pylintrc
++++ b/test/yum-pylintrc
+@@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
+-# lint Python modules using external checkers.
+-# This is the main checker controling the other ones and the reports
+-# generation. It is itself both a raw checker and an astng checker in order
+-# to:
+-# * handle message activation / deactivation at the module level
+-# * handle some basic but necessary stats'data (number of classes, methods...)
+ # Specify a configuration file.
+@@ -13,7 +5,7 @@
+ # Python code to execute, usually for sys.path manipulation such as
+ # pygtk.require().
+ # Profiled execution.
+ profile=no
+@@ -25,9 +17,6 @@ ignore=CVS
+ # Pickle collected data for later comparisons.
+ persistent=yes
+-# Set the cache size for astng objects.
+ # List of plugins (as comma separated values of python modules names) to load,
+ # usually to register additional checkers.
+ load-plugins=
+@@ -35,25 +24,16 @@ load-plugins=
+-# Enable only checker(s) with the given id(s). This option conflicts with the
+-# disable-checker option
+-# Enable all checker(s) except those with the given id(s). This option
+-# conflicts with the enable-checker option
+-# Enable all messages in the listed categories.
+-# Disable all messages in the listed categories.
++# Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can
++# either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
++# multiple time.
+-# Enable the message(s) with the given id(s).
++# Disable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You
++# can either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
++# multiple time.
+-# Disable the message(s) with the given id(s).
+-# E1101: *%s %r has no %r member* (The init-hook for do sys.path manipulation don't, so we cant find the utils module)
++# E1101: *%s %r has no %r member* (The init-hook for do sys.path manipulation don't, so we can't find the utils module)
+ # F0401: *Unable to import %r (%s)* (See above)
+ # W0704: *Except doesn't do anything* ( Except xxxxxx,e : pass is ok)
+ # W0612: *Unused variable %r* ( dont care if x,y,z = f() and y,z is not used) 
+@@ -83,12 +63,13 @@ disable-msg-cat=C,R
+ # W0710: *Exception doesn't inherit from standard "Exception" class* (give false positives on ex. KeyboardInterrupt)
+ # W0631: *Using possibly undefined loop variable %r* (Gives to many false positives)
+ # E1103: *%s %r has no %r member (but some types could not be inferred)*
+-# set the output format. Available formats are text, parseable, colorized, msvs
++# Set the output format. Available formats are text, parseable, colorized, msvs
+ # (visual studio) and html
+ output-format=colorized
+@@ -100,12 +81,12 @@ include-ids=yes
+ # written in a file name "pylint_global.[txt|html]".
+ files-output=no
+-# Tells wether to display a full report or only the messages
++# Tells whether to display a full report or only the messages
+ reports=yes
+ # Python expression which should return a note less than 10 (10 is the highest
+-# note).You have access to the variables errors warning, statement which
+-# respectivly contain the number of errors / warnings messages and the total
++# note). You have access to the variables errors warning, statement which
++# respectively contain the number of errors / warnings messages and the total
+ # number of statements analyzed. This is used by the global evaluation report
+ # (R0004).
+ evaluation=10.0 - ((float(5 * error + warning + refactor + convention) / statement) * 10)
+@@ -114,79 +95,94 @@ evaluation=10.0 - ((float(5 * error + warning + refactor + convention) / stateme
+ # evaluation report (R0004).
+ comment=no
+-# Enable the report(s) with the given id(s).
+-# Disable the report(s) with the given id(s).
++# List of note tags to take in consideration, separated by a comma.
++# Tells whether missing members accessed in mixin class should be ignored. A
++# mixin class is detected if its name ends with "mixin" (case insensitive).
++# List of classes names for which member attributes should not be checked
++# (useful for classes with attributes dynamically set).
++# When zope mode is activated, add a predefined set of Zope acquired attributes
++# to generated-members.
++# List of members which are set dynamically and missed by pylint inference
++# system, and so shouldn't trigger E0201 when accessed.
+-# checks for :
+-# * doc strings
+-# * modules / classes / functions / methods / arguments / variables name
+-# * number of arguments, local variables, branchs, returns and statements in
+-# functions, methods
+-# * required module attributes
+-# * dangerous default values as arguments
+-# * redefinition of function / method / class
+-# * uses of the global statement
+ # Required attributes for module, separated by a comma
+ required-attributes=
+-# Regular expression which should only match functions or classes name which do
+-# not require a docstring
++# List of builtins function names that should not be used, separated by a comma
+ # Regular expression which should only match correct module names
+ # Regular expression which should only match correct module level names
+ # Regular expression which should only match correct class names
+ class-rgx=[A-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9]+$
+ # Regular expression which should only match correct function names
+ # Regular expression which should only match correct method names
+ # Regular expression which should only match correct instance attribute names
+ # Regular expression which should only match correct argument names
+ # Regular expression which should only match correct variable names
+ # Regular expression which should only match correct list comprehension /
+ # generator expression variable names
+ inlinevar-rgx=[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$
+ # Good variable names which should always be accepted, separated by a comma
+ # Bad variable names which should always be refused, separated by a comma
+ bad-names=foo,bar,baz,toto,tutu,tata
+-# List of builtins function names that should not be used, separated by a comma
++# Regular expression which should only match functions or classes name which do
++# not require a docstring
++# Minimum lines number of a similarity.
++# Ignore comments when computing similarities.
++# Ignore docstrings when computing similarities.
+-# checks for
+-# * unused variables / imports
+-# * undefined variables
+-# * redefinition of variable from builtins or from an outer scope
+-# * use of variable before assigment
+-# Tells wether we should check for unused import in __init__ files.
++# Tells whether we should check for unused import in __init__ files.
+ init-import=no
+ # A regular expression matching names used for dummy variables (i.e. not used).
+@@ -197,89 +193,67 @@ dummy-variables-rgx=_|dummy
+ additional-builtins=
+-# try to find bugs in the code using type inference
+-# Tells wether missing members accessed in mixin class should be ignored. A
+-# mixin class is detected if its name ends with "mixin" (case insensitive).
++# Maximum number of characters on a single line.
+-# List of classes names for which member attributes should not be checked
+-# (useful for classes with attributes dynamicaly set).
++# Maximum number of lines in a module
+-# When zope mode is activated, consider the acquired-members option to ignore
+-# access to some undefined attributes.
++# String used as indentation unit. This is usually " " (4 spaces) or "\t" (1
++# tab).
++indent-string='    '
+-# List of members which are usually get through zope's acquisition mecanism and
+-# so shouldn't trigger E0201 when accessed (need zope=yes to be considered).
++# List of interface methods to ignore, separated by a comma. This is used for
++# instance to not check methods defines in Zope's Interface base class.
++# List of method names used to declare (i.e. assign) instance attributes.
+-# checks for
+-# * external modules dependencies
+-# * relative / wildcard imports
+-# * cyclic imports
+-# * uses of deprecated modules
+ # Deprecated modules which should not be used, separated by a comma
+ deprecated-modules=regsub,TERMIOS,Bastion,rexec
+ # Create a graph of every (i.e. internal and external) dependencies in the
+-# given file (report R0402 must not be disabled)
++# given file (report RP0402 must not be disabled)
+ import-graph=
+-# Create a graph of external dependencies in the given file (report R0402 must
++# Create a graph of external dependencies in the given file (report RP0402 must
+ # not be disabled)
+ ext-import-graph=
+-# Create a graph of internal dependencies in the given file (report R0402 must
++# Create a graph of internal dependencies in the given file (report RP0402 must
+ # not be disabled)
+ int-import-graph=
+-# checks for :
+-# * methods without self as first argument
+-# * overridden methods signature
+-# * access only to existant members via self
+-# * attributes not defined in the __init__ method
+-# * supported interfaces implementation
+-# * unreachable code
+-# List of interface methods to ignore, separated by a comma. This is used for
+-# instance to not check methods defines in Zope's Interface base class.
+-# List of method names used to declare (i.e. assign) instance attributes.
+-# checks for sign of poor/misdesign:
+-# * number of methods, attributes, local variables...
+-# * size, complexity of functions, methods
+ # Maximum number of arguments for function / method
+ max-args=5
++# Argument names that match this expression will be ignored. Default to name
++# with leading underscore
+ # Maximum number of locals for function / method body
+ # Maximum number of return / yield for function / method body
+ # Maximum number of branch for function / method body
+ # Maximum number of statements in function / method body
+ # Maximum number of parents for a class (see R0901).
+ max-parents=7
+@@ -291,49 +265,4 @@ max-attributes=7
+ min-public-methods=2
+ # Maximum number of public methods for a class (see R0904).
+-# checks for :
+-# * unauthorized constructions
+-# * strict indentation
+-# * line length
+-# * use of <> instead of !=
+-# Maximum number of characters on a single line.
+-# Maximum number of lines in a module
+-# String used as indentation unit. This is usually " " (4 spaces) or "\t" (1
+-# tab).
+-indent-string='    '
+-# checks for similarities and duplicated code. This computation may be
+-# memory / CPU intensive, so you should disable it if you experiments some
+-# problems.
+-# Minimum lines number of a similarity.
+-# Ignore comments when computing similarities.
+-# Ignore docstrings when computing similarities.
+-# checks for:
+-# * warning notes in the code like FIXME, XXX
+-# * PEP 263: source code with non ascii character but no encoding declaration
+-# List of note tags to take in consideration, separated by a comma.
+diff --git a/test/yum-release-test.sh b/test/yum-release-test.sh
+index fba02c5..a9270e2 100755
+--- a/test/yum-release-test.sh
++++ b/test/yum-release-test.sh
+@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ if [ ! -d $WORKDIR/usr/bin ]; then
+   "${RPM[@]}" -q vim-minimal > /dev/null
+   if [ "X$?" == "X0" ] ; then echo " OK"; else echo " FAILED"; fi
+ else
+-  echo Ommiting base install
++  echo Omitting base install
+ fi
+ #"${YUMUPDATES[@]}" list updates
+diff --git a/utils.py b/utils.py
+old mode 100644
+new mode 100755
+index ced6ba0..28fdd70
+--- a/utils.py
++++ b/utils.py
+@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
+ # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
++"""Various utility functions, and a utility class."""
++import os
+ import sys
+ import time
+ import exceptions
+@@ -21,14 +24,23 @@ import yum
+ from cli import *
+ from yum import Errors
+ from yum import _
+-from yum.i18n import utf8_width
++from yum.i18n import utf8_width, exception2msg
+ from yum import logginglevels
+ from optparse import OptionGroup
+ import yum.plugins as plugins
+ from urlgrabber.progress import format_number
++    _USER_HZ = os.sysconf(os.sysconf_names['SC_CLK_TCK'])
++except (AttributeError, KeyError):
++    # Huh, non-Unix platform? Or just really old?
++    _USER_HZ = 100
+ def suppress_keyboard_interrupt_message():
++    """Change settings so that nothing will be printed to the
++    terminal after an uncaught :class:`exceptions.KeyboardInterrupt`.
++    """
+     old_excepthook = sys.excepthook
+     def new_hook(type, value, traceback):
+@@ -40,10 +52,22 @@ def suppress_keyboard_interrupt_message():
+     sys.excepthook = new_hook
+ def jiffies_to_seconds(jiffies):
+-    Hertz = 100 # FIXME: Hack, need to get this, AT_CLKTCK elf note *sigh*
+-    return int(jiffies) / Hertz
++    """Convert a number of jiffies to seconds. How many jiffies are in a second
++    is system-dependent, e.g. 100 jiffies = 1 second is common.
++    :param jiffies: a number of jiffies
++    :return: the equivalent number of seconds
++    """
++    return int(jiffies) / _USER_HZ
+ def seconds_to_ui_time(seconds):
++    """Return a human-readable string representation of the length of
++    a time interval given in seconds.
++    :param seconds: the length of the time interval in seconds
++    :return: a human-readable string representation of the length of
++    the time interval
++    """
+     if seconds >= 60 * 60 * 24:
+         return "%d day(s) %d:%02d:%02d" % (seconds / (60 * 60 * 24),
+                                            (seconds / (60 * 60)) % 24,
+@@ -55,6 +79,12 @@ def seconds_to_ui_time(seconds):
+     return "%02d:%02d" % ((seconds / 60), seconds % 60)
+ def get_process_info(pid):
++    """Return information about a process taken from
++    /proc/*pid*/status, /proc/stat/, and /proc/*pid*/stat.
++    :param pid: the process id number
++    :return: a dictionary containing information about the process
++    """
+     if not pid:
+         return
+@@ -63,12 +93,6 @@ def get_process_info(pid):
+     except ValueError, e:
+         return
+-    # Maybe true if /proc isn't mounted, or not Linux ... or something.
+-    if (not os.path.exists("/proc/%d/status" % pid) or
+-        not os.path.exists("/proc/stat") or
+-        not os.path.exists("/proc/%d/stat" % pid)):
+-        return
+     ps = {}
+     for line in open("/proc/%d/status" % pid):
+         if line[-1] != '\n':
+@@ -106,7 +130,21 @@ def get_process_info(pid):
+     return ps
+ def show_lock_owner(pid, logger):
+-    ps = get_process_info(pid)
++    """Output information about another process that is holding the
++    yum lock.
++    :param pid: the process id number of the process holding the yum
++       lock
++    :param logger: the logger to output the information to
++    :return: a dictionary containing information about the process.
++       This is the same as the dictionary returned by
++       :func:`get_process_info`.
++    """
++    try:
++        ps = get_process_info(pid)
++    except IOError, e:
++        logger.critical("%s", exception2msg(e))
++        ps = None
+     if not ps:
+         return None
+@@ -129,28 +167,9 @@ def show_lock_owner(pid, logger):
+     return ps
+-def exception2msg(e):
+-    """ DIE python DIE! Which one works:
+-        to_unicode(e.value); unicode(e); str(e); 
+-        Call this so you don't have to care. """
+-    try:
+-        return to_unicode(e.value)
+-    except:
+-        pass
+-    try:
+-        return unicode(e)
+-    except:
+-        pass
+-    try:
+-        return str(e)
+-    except:
+-        pass
+-    return "<exception failed to convert to text>"
+ class YumUtilBase(YumBaseCli):
++    """A class to extend the yum cli for utilities."""
+     def __init__(self,name,ver,usage):
+         YumBaseCli.__init__(self)
+         self._parser = YumOptionParser(base=self,utils=True,usage=usage)
+@@ -167,11 +186,22 @@ class YumUtilBase(YumBaseCli):
+             self.run_with_package_names.add("yum-utils")
+     def exUserCancel(self):
++        """Output a message stating that the operation was cancelled
++        by the user.
++        :return: the exit code
++        """
+         self.logger.critical(_('\n\nExiting on user cancel'))
+         if self.unlock(): return 200
+         return 1
+     def exIOError(self, e):
++        """Output a message stating that the program is exiting due to
++        an IO exception.
++        :param e: the IO exception
++        :return: the exit code
++        """
+         if e.errno == 32:
+             self.logger.critical(_('\n\nExiting on Broken Pipe'))
+         else:
+@@ -180,10 +210,13 @@ class YumUtilBase(YumBaseCli):
+         return 1
+     def exPluginExit(self, e):
+-        '''Called when a plugin raises PluginYumExit.
++        """Called when a plugin raises
++           :class:`yum.plugins.PluginYumExit`.  Log the plugin's exit
++           message if one was supplied.
+-        Log the plugin's exit message if one was supplied.
+-        ''' # ' xemacs hack
++        :param e: the exception
++        :return: the exit code
++        """ # ' xemacs hack
+         exitmsg = exception2msg(e)
+         if exitmsg:
+             self.logger.warn('\n\n%s', exitmsg)
+@@ -191,11 +224,20 @@ class YumUtilBase(YumBaseCli):
+         return 1
+     def exFatal(self, e):
++        """Output a message stating that a fatal error has occurred.
++        :param e: the exception
++        :return: the exit code
++        """
+         self.logger.critical('\n\n%s', exception2msg(e))
+         if self.unlock(): return 200
+         return 1
+     def unlock(self):
++        """Release the yum lock.
++        :return: the exit code
++        """
+         try:
+             self.closeRpmDB()
+             self.doUnlock()
+@@ -205,34 +247,31 @@ class YumUtilBase(YumBaseCli):
+     def getOptionParser(self):
++        """Return the :class:`cli.YumOptionParser` for this object.
++        :return: the :class:`cli.YumOptionParser` for this object
++        """
+         return self._parser        
+     def getOptionGroup(self):
+-        """ Get an option group to add non inherited options"""
++        """Return an option group to add non inherited options.
++        :return: a :class:`optparse.OptionGroup` for adding options
++           that are not inherited from :class:`YumBaseCli`.
++        """
+         return self._option_group    
+-    def waitForLock(self):
+-        lockerr = ""
+-        while True:
+-            try:
+-                self.doLock()
+-            except Errors.LockError, e:
+-                if exception2msg(e) != lockerr:
+-                    lockerr = exception2msg(e)
+-                    self.logger.critical(lockerr)
+-                if not self.conf.exit_on_lock:
+-                    self.logger.critical("Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit...")  
+-                    show_lock_owner(e.pid, self.logger)
+-                    time.sleep(2)
+-                else:
+-                    raise Errors.YumBaseError, _("Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by exit_on_lock")
+-            else:
+-                break
+     def _printUtilVersion(self):
+         print "%s - %s (yum - %s)" % (self._utilName,self._utilVer,yum.__version__)
+     def doUtilConfigSetup(self,args = sys.argv[1:],pluginsTypes=(plugins.TYPE_CORE,)):
++        """Parse command line options, and perform configuration.
++        :param args: list of arguments to use for configuration
++        :param pluginsTypes: a sequence specifying the types of
++           plugins to load
++        :return: a dictionary containing the values of command line options
++        """
+         # Parse only command line options that affect basic yum setup
+         opts = self._parser.firstParse(args)
+@@ -305,8 +344,9 @@ class YumUtilBase(YumBaseCli):
+         return opts
+     def doUtilYumSetup(self):
+-        """do a default setup for all the normal/necessary yum components,
+-           really just a shorthand for testing"""
++        """Do a default setup for all the normal or necessary yum components;
++           this method is mostly just a used for testing.
++        """
+         # FIXME - we need another way to do this, I think.
+         try:
+             self.waitForLock()
+@@ -319,6 +359,11 @@ class YumUtilBase(YumBaseCli):
+             sys.exit(1)
+     def doUtilBuildTransaction(self, unfinished_transactions_check=True):
++        """Build the transaction.
++        :param unfinished_transactions_check: whether to check if an
++           unfinished transaction has been saved
++        """
+         try:
+             (result, resultmsgs) = self.buildTransaction(unfinished_transactions_check = unfinished_transactions_check)
+         except plugins.PluginYumExit, e:
+@@ -361,6 +406,7 @@ class YumUtilBase(YumBaseCli):
+         self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, _('\nDependencies Resolved'))
+     def doUtilTransaction(self):
++        """Perform the transaction."""
+         try:
+             return_code = self.doTransaction()
+diff --git a/yum-cron/Makefile b/yum-cron/Makefile
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..875d3d7
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/yum-cron/Makefile
+@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
++	echo "Nothing to do"
++	rm -f *~
++install: install-$(INIT)
++install-systemd: install-common
++	install -D -m 644 yum-cron.service $(DESTDIR)/$(UNITDIR)/yum-cron.service
++install-sysv: install-common
++	install -D -m 755 yum-cron.sysvinit $(DESTDIR)/etc/rc.d/init.d/yum-cron
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/cron.hourly
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/cron.daily
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/rc.d/init.d
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/sbin
++# Install as 0yum-*.cron so it runs before items like
++# manpage update, mlocate, and prelink
++	install -D -m 755 yum-daily.cron.sh $(DESTDIR)/etc/cron.daily/0yum-daily.cron
++	install -D -m 755 yum-hourly.cron.sh $(DESTDIR)/etc/cron.hourly/0yum-hourly.cron
++	install -D -m 755 yum-cron.py $(DESTDIR)/usr/sbin/yum-cron
+diff --git a/yum-cron/TODO b/yum-cron/TODO
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..28e1964
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/yum-cron/TODO
+@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
++- Add basic syslog support (success or failure; number of updates)
++- Write a man page
++- Write a readme file
++- Use a different subject for success and failure mail
++- Make receiving mail when nothing happens optional
++- Break out check-updates and download-updates into their own actions;
++  move that logic to the cron scripts
++- Re-do the lockfile bit so failures can be reported without resorting to
++  relying on cron's output handler.
++- Figure out what to do with systemd
++- Update rpm, glibc, yum, python, specially?
++- Check if we're running as root; exit nicely.
+diff --git a/yum-cron/yum-cron.py b/yum-cron/yum-cron.py
+new file mode 100755
+index 0000000..79c1907
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/yum-cron/yum-cron.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,1133 @@
++#!/usr/bin/python -tt
++import os
++import sys
++import gzip
++from socket import gethostname
++import yum
++import yum.Errors
++from yum.config import BaseConfig, Option, IntOption, ListOption, BoolOption
++from yum.parser import ConfigPreProcessor
++from ConfigParser import ConfigParser, ParsingError
++from yum.constants import *
++from email.mime.text import MIMEText
++from yum.i18n import to_str, to_utf8, to_unicode, utf8_width, utf8_width_fill, utf8_text_fill
++from yum import  _, P_
++import yum.updateinfo
++import smtplib
++from random import random
++from time import sleep
++from yum.misc import setup_locale
++# FIXME: is it really sane to use this from here?
++import callback
++default_config_file = '/etc/yum/yum-cron.conf'
++class UpdateEmitter(object):
++    """Abstract class for implementing different types of emitters.
++       Most methods will add certain messages the output list.  Then,
++       the sendMessage method can be overridden in a subclass to
++       combine these messages and transmit them as required.
++    """
++    def __init__(self, opts):
++        self.opts  = opts
++        self.output = []
++    def updatesAvailable(self, tsInfo):
++        """Appends a message to the output list stating that there are
++        updates available.
++        :param tsInfo: A :class:`yum.transactioninfo.TransactionData`
++           instance that contains information about the transaction.
++        """
++        self.output.append('The following updates are available on %s:' % self.opts.system_name)
++        self.output.append(self._formatTransaction(tsInfo))
++    def updatesDownloading(self, tsInfo):
++        """Append a message to the output list stating that
++        downloading updates has started.
++        :param tsInfo: A :class:`yum.transactioninfo.TransactionData`
++           instance that contains information about the transaction.
++        """
++        self.output.append('The following updates will be downloaded on %s:' % self.opts.system_name)
++        self.output.append(self._formatTransaction(tsInfo))
++    def updatesDownloaded(self):
++        """Append a message to the output list stating that updates
++        have been downloaded successfully.
++        """
++        self.output.append("Updates downloaded successfully.")
++    def updatesInstalling(self, tsInfo):
++        """Append a message to the output list stating that
++        installing updates has started.
++        :param tsInfo: A :class:`yum.transactioninfo.TransactionData`
++           instance that contains information about the transaction.
++        """
++        self.output.append('The following updates will be applied on %s:' % self.opts.system_name)
++        self.output.append(self._formatTransaction(tsInfo))
++    def updatesInstalled(self):
++        """Append a message to the output list stating that updates
++        have been installed successfully.
++        """
++        self.output.append('The updates were successfully applied')
++    def setupFailed(self, errmsg):
++        """Append a message to the output list stating that setup
++        failed, and then call sendMessages to emit the output.
++        :param errmsgs: a string that contains the error message
++        """
++        self.output.append("Plugins failed to initialize with the following error message: \n%s" 
++                           % errmsg)
++        self.sendMessages()
++    def lockFailed(self, errmsg):
++        """Append a message to the output list stating that the
++        program failed to acquire the yum lock, then call sendMessages
++        to emit the output.
++        :param errmsg: a string that contains the error message
++        """
++        self.output.append("Failed to acquire the yum lock with the following error message: \n%s"
++                           % errmsg)
++        self.sendMessages()
++    def checkFailed(self, errmsg):
++        """Append a message to the output stating that checking for
++        updates failed, then call sendMessages to emit the output.
++        :param errmsgs: a string that contains the error message
++        """
++        self.output.append("Failed to check for updates with the following error message: \n%s" 
++                           % errmsg)
++        self.sendMessages()
++    def groupError(self, errmsg):
++        """Append a message to the output list stating that an error
++        was encountered while checking for group updates.
++        :param errmsgs: a string that contains the error message
++        """
++        self.output.append("Error checking for group updates: \n%s" 
++                           % errmsg)
++    def groupFailed(self, errmsg):
++        """Append a message to the output list stating that checking
++        for group updates failed, then call sendMessages to emit the output.
++        :param errmsgs: a string that contains the error message
++        """
++        self.output.append("Failed to check for updates with the following error message: \n%s" 
++                           % errmsg)
++        self.sendMessages()
++    def downloadFailed(self, errmsg):
++        """Append a message to the output list stating that
++        downloading updates failed, then call sendMessages to emit the output.
++        :param errmsgs: a string that contains the error message
++        """
++        self.output.append("Updates failed to download with the following error message: \n%s"
++                      % errmsg)
++        self.sendMessages()
++    def updatesFailed(self, errmsg):
++        """Append a message to the output list stating that installing
++        updates failed, then call sendMessages to emit the output.
++        :param errmsgs: a string that contains the error message
++        """
++        self.output.append("Updates failed to install with the following error message: \n%s"
++                      % errmsg)
++        self.sendMessages()
++    def sendMessages(self):
++        """Send the messages that have been stored.  This should be
++        overridden by inheriting classes to emit the messages
++        according to their individual methods.
++        """
++        pass
++    def _format_number(self, number, SI=0, space=' '):
++        """Return a human-readable metric-like string representation
++        of a number.
++        :param number: the number to be converted to a human-readable form
++        :param SI: If is 0, this function will use the convention
++           that 1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes, otherwise, the convention
++           that 1 kilobyte = 1000 bytes will be used
++        :param space: string that will be placed between the number
++           and the SI prefix
++        :return: a human-readable metric-like string representation of
++           *number*
++        """
++        symbols = [ ' ', # (none)
++                    'k', # kilo
++                    'M', # mega
++                    'G', # giga
++                    'T', # tera
++                    'P', # peta
++                    'E', # exa
++                    'Z', # zetta
++                    'Y'] # yotta
++        if SI: step = 1000.0
++        else: step = 1024.0
++        thresh = 999
++        depth = 0
++        max_depth = len(symbols) - 1
++        # we want numbers between 0 and thresh, but don't exceed the length
++        # of our list.  In that event, the formatting will be screwed up,
++        # but it'll still show the right number.
++        while number > thresh and depth < max_depth:
++            depth  = depth + 1
++            number = number / step
++        if type(number) == type(1) or type(number) == type(1L):
++            format = '%i%s%s'
++        elif number < 9.95:
++            # must use 9.95 for proper sizing.  For example, 9.99 will be
++            # rounded to 10.0 with the .1f format string (which is too long)
++            format = '%.1f%s%s'
++        else:
++            format = '%.0f%s%s'
++        return(format % (float(number or 0), space, symbols[depth]))
++    def _fmtColumns(self, columns, msg=u'', end=u'', text_width=utf8_width):
++        """Return a row of data formatted into a string for output.
++        Items can overflow their columns. 
++        :param columns: a list of tuples containing the data to
++           output.  Each tuple contains first the item to be output,
++           then the amount of space allocated for the column, and then
++           optionally a type of highlighting for the item
++        :param msg: a string to begin the line of output with
++        :param end: a string to end the line of output with
++        :param text_width: a function to find the width of the items
++           in the columns.  This defaults to utf8 but can be changed
++           to len() if you know it'll be fine
++        :return: a row of data formatted into a string for output
++        """
++        total_width = len(msg)
++        data = []
++        for col_data in columns[:-1]:
++            (val, width) = col_data
++            if not width: # Don't count this column, invisible text
++                msg += u"%s"
++                data.append(val)
++                continue
++            (align, width) = self._fmt_column_align_width(width)
++            val_width = text_width(val)
++            if val_width <= width:
++                #  Don't use utf8_width_fill() because it sucks performance
++                # wise for 1,000s of rows. Also allows us to use len(), when
++                # we can.
++                msg += u"%s%s "
++                if (align == u'-'):
++                    data.extend([val, " " * (width - val_width)])
++                else:
++                    data.extend([" " * (width - val_width), val])
++            else:
++                msg += u"%s\n" + " " * (total_width + width + 1)
++                data.append(val)
++            total_width += width
++            total_width += 1
++        (val, width) = columns[-1]
++        (align, width) = self._fmt_column_align_width(width)
++        val = utf8_width_fill(val, width, left=(align == u'-'))
++        msg += u"%%s%s" % end
++        data.append(val)
++        return msg % tuple(data)
++    def _calcColumns(self, data, total_width, columns=None, remainder_column=0, indent=''):
++        """Dynamically calculate the widths of the columns that the
++        fields in data should be placed into for output.
++        :param data: a list of dictionaries that represent the data to
++           be output.  Each dictionary in the list corresponds to annn
++           column of output. The keys of the dictionary are the
++           lengths of the items to be output, and the value associated
++           with a key is the number of items of that length.
++        :param total_width: the total width of the output.
++        :param columns: a list containing the minimum amount of space
++           that must be allocated for each row. This can be used to
++           ensure that there is space available in a column if, for
++           example, the actual lengths of the items being output
++           cannot be given in *data*
++        :param remainder_column: number of the column to receive a few
++           extra spaces that may remain after other allocation has
++           taken place
++        :param indent: string that will be prefixed to a line of
++           output to create e.g. an indent
++        :return: a list of the widths of the columns that the fields
++           in data should be placed into for output
++        """
++        if total_width is None:
++            total_width = self.term.columns
++        cols = len(data)
++        # Convert the data to ascending list of tuples, (field_length, pkgs)
++        pdata = data
++        data  = [None] * cols # Don't modify the passed in data
++        for d in range(0, cols):
++            data[d] = sorted(pdata[d].items())
++        #  We start allocating 1 char to everything but the last column, and a
++        # space between each (again, except for the last column). Because
++        # at worst we are better with:
++        # |one two three|
++        # | four        |
++        # ...than:
++        # |one two three|
++        # |            f|
++        # |our          |
++        # ...the later being what we get if we pre-allocate the last column, and
++        # thus. the space, due to "three" overflowing it's column by 2 chars.
++        if columns is None:
++            columns = [1] * (cols - 1)
++            columns.append(0)
++        total_width -= (sum(columns) + (cols - 1) +
++                        utf8_width(indent))
++        if not columns[-1]:
++            total_width += 1
++        while total_width > 0:
++            # Find which field all the spaces left will help best
++            helps = 0
++            val   = 0
++            for d in xrange(0, cols):
++                thelps = self._calc_columns_spaces_helps(columns[d], data[d],
++                                                         total_width)
++                if not thelps:
++                    continue
++                #  We prefer to overflow: the last column, and then earlier
++                # columns. This is so that in the best case (just overflow the
++                # last) ... grep still "works", and then we make it prettier.
++                if helps and (d == (cols - 1)) and (thelps / 2) < helps:
++                    continue
++                if thelps < helps:
++                    continue
++                helps = thelps
++                val   = d
++            #  If we found a column to expand, move up to the next level with
++            # that column and start again with any remaining space.
++            if helps:
++                diff = data[val].pop(0)[0] - columns[val]
++                if not columns[val] and (val == (cols - 1)):
++                    #  If we are going from 0 => N on the last column, take 1
++                    # for the space before the column.
++                    total_width  -= 1
++                columns[val] += diff
++                total_width  -= diff
++                continue
++            overflowed_columns = 0
++            for d in xrange(0, cols):
++                if not data[d]:
++                    continue
++                overflowed_columns += 1
++            if overflowed_columns:
++                #  Split the remaining spaces among each overflowed column
++                # equally
++                norm = total_width / overflowed_columns
++                for d in xrange(0, cols):
++                    if not data[d]:
++                        continue
++                    columns[d] += norm
++                    total_width -= norm
++            #  Split the remaining spaces among each column equally, except the
++            # last one. And put the rest into the remainder column
++            cols -= 1
++            norm = total_width / cols
++            for d in xrange(0, cols):
++                columns[d] += norm
++            columns[remainder_column] += total_width - (cols * norm)
++            total_width = 0
++        return columns
++    @staticmethod
++    def _fmt_column_align_width(width):
++        if width < 0:
++            return (u"-", -width)
++        return (u"", width)
++    @staticmethod
++    def _calc_columns_spaces_helps(current, data_tups, left):
++        """ Spaces left on the current field will help how many pkgs? """
++        ret = 0
++        for tup in data_tups:
++            if left < (tup[0] - current):
++                break
++            ret += tup[1]
++        return ret
++    def _formatTransaction(self, tsInfo):
++        """Return a string containing a human-readable formatted
++        summary of the transaction.
++        :param tsInfo: :class:`yum.transactioninfo.TransactionData`
++           instance that contains information about the transaction
++        :return: a string that contains a formatted summary of the
++           transaction
++           """
++        # Sort the packages in the transaction into different lists,
++        # e.g. installed, updated etc
++        tsInfo.makelists(True, True)
++        # For each package list, pkglist_lines will contain a tuple
++        # that contains the name of the list, and a list of tuples
++        # with information about each package in the list
++        pkglist_lines = []
++        data  = {'n' : {}, 'v' : {}, 'r' : {}}
++        a_wid = 0 # Arch can't get "that big" ... so always use the max.
++        def _add_line(lines, data, a_wid, po, obsoletes=[]):
++            # Create a tuple of strings that contain the name, arch,
++            # version, repository, size, and obsoletes of the package
++            # given in po.  Then, append this tuple to lines.  The
++            # strings are formatted so that the tuple can be easily
++            # joined together for output.
++            (n,a,e,v,r) = po.pkgtup
++            # Retrieve the version, repo id, and size of the package
++            # in human-readable form
++            evr = po.printVer()
++            repoid = po.ui_from_repo
++            size = self._format_number(float(po.size))
++            if a is None: # gpgkeys are weird
++                a = 'noarch'
++            lines.append((n, a, evr, repoid, size, obsoletes))
++            #  Create a dict of field_length => number of packages, for
++            # each field.
++            for (d, v) in (("n",len(n)), ("v",len(evr)), ("r",len(repoid))):
++                data[d].setdefault(v, 0)
++                data[d][v] += 1
++            a_wid = max(a_wid, len(a))
++            return a_wid
++        # Iterate through the different groups of packages
++        for (action, pkglist) in [(_('Installing'), tsInfo.installed),
++                            (_('Updating'), tsInfo.updated),
++                            (_('Removing'), tsInfo.removed),
++                            (_('Reinstalling'), tsInfo.reinstalled),
++                            (_('Downgrading'), tsInfo.downgraded),
++                            (_('Installing for dependencies'), tsInfo.depinstalled),
++                            (_('Updating for dependencies'), tsInfo.depupdated),
++                            (_('Removing for dependencies'), tsInfo.depremoved)]:
++            # Create a list to hold the tuples of strings for each package
++            lines = []
++            # Append the tuple for each package to lines, and update a_wid
++            for txmbr in pkglist:
++                a_wid = _add_line(lines, data, a_wid, txmbr.po, txmbr.obsoletes)
++            # Append the lines instance for this package list to pkglist_lines
++            pkglist_lines.append((action, lines))
++        # # Iterate through other package lists
++        # for (action, pkglist) in [(_('Skipped (dependency problems)'),
++        #                            self.skipped_packages),
++        #                           (_('Not installed'), self._not_found_i.values()),
++        #                           (_('Not available'), self._not_found_a.values())]:
++        #     lines = []
++        #     for po in pkglist:
++        #         a_wid = _add_line(lines, data, a_wid, po)
++        #     pkglist_lines.append((action, lines))
++        if not data['n']:
++            return u''
++        else:
++            # Change data to a list with the correct number of
++            # columns, in the correct order
++            data    = [data['n'],    {}, data['v'], data['r'], {}]
++            # Calculate the space needed for each column
++            columns = [1,         a_wid,         1,         1,  5]
++            columns = self._calcColumns(data, self.opts.output_width,
++                                        columns, remainder_column = 2, indent="  ")
++            (n_wid, a_wid, v_wid, r_wid, s_wid) = columns
++            assert s_wid == 5
++            # out will contain the output as a list of strings, that
++            # can be later joined together
++            out = [u"""
++""" % ('=' * self.opts.output_width,
++       self._fmtColumns(((_('Package'), -n_wid), (_('Arch'), -a_wid),
++                        (_('Version'), -v_wid), (_('Repository'), -r_wid),
++                        (_('Size'), s_wid)), u" "),
++       '=' * self.opts.output_width)]
++        # Add output for each package list in pkglist_lines
++        for (action, lines) in pkglist_lines:
++            #If the package list is empty, skip it
++            if not lines:
++                continue
++            # Add the name of the package list
++            totalmsg = u"%s:\n" % action
++            # Add a line of output about an individual package
++            for (n, a, evr, repoid, size, obsoletes) in lines:
++                columns = ((n,   -n_wid), (a,      -a_wid),
++                           (evr, -v_wid), (repoid, -r_wid), (size, s_wid))
++                msg = self._fmtColumns(columns, u" ", u"\n")
++                for obspo in sorted(obsoletes):
++                    appended = _('     replacing  %s.%s %s\n')
++                    appended %= (obspo.name,
++                                 obspo.arch, obspo.printVer())
++                    msg = msg+appended
++                totalmsg = totalmsg + msg
++            # Append the line about the individual package to out
++            out.append(totalmsg)
++        # Add a summary of the transaction
++        out.append(_("""
++Transaction Summary
++""") % ('=' * self.opts.output_width))
++        summary_data =  (
++            (_('Install'), len(tsInfo.installed),
++             len(tsInfo.depinstalled)),
++            (_('Upgrade'), len(tsInfo.updated),
++             len(tsInfo.depupdated)),
++            (_('Remove'), len(tsInfo.removed),
++             len(tsInfo.depremoved)),
++            (_('Reinstall'), len(tsInfo.reinstalled), 0),
++            (_('Downgrade'), len(tsInfo.downgraded), 0),
++            # (_('Skipped (dependency problems)'), len(self.skipped_packages), 0),
++            # (_('Not installed'), len(self._not_found_i.values()), 0),
++            # (_('Not available'), len(self._not_found_a.values()), 0),
++        )
++        max_msg_action   = 0
++        max_msg_count    = 0
++        max_msg_pkgs     = 0
++        max_msg_depcount = 0
++        for action, count, depcount in summary_data:
++            if not count and not depcount:
++                continue
++            msg_pkgs = P_('Package', 'Packages', count)
++            len_msg_action   = utf8_width(action)
++            len_msg_count    = utf8_width(str(count))
++            len_msg_pkgs     = utf8_width(msg_pkgs)
++            if depcount:
++                len_msg_depcount = utf8_width(str(depcount))
++            else:
++                len_msg_depcount = 0
++            max_msg_action   = max(len_msg_action,   max_msg_action)
++            max_msg_count    = max(len_msg_count,    max_msg_count)
++            max_msg_pkgs     = max(len_msg_pkgs,     max_msg_pkgs)
++            max_msg_depcount = max(len_msg_depcount, max_msg_depcount)
++        for action, count, depcount in summary_data:
++            msg_pkgs = P_('Package', 'Packages', count)
++            if depcount:
++                msg_deppkgs = P_('Dependent package', 'Dependent packages',
++                                 depcount)
++                if count:
++                    msg = '%s  %*d %s (+%*d %s)\n'
++                    out.append(msg % (utf8_width_fill(action, max_msg_action),
++                                      max_msg_count, count,
++                                      utf8_width_fill(msg_pkgs, max_msg_pkgs),
++                                      max_msg_depcount, depcount, msg_deppkgs))
++                else:
++                    msg = '%s  %*s %s ( %*d %s)\n'
++                    out.append(msg % (utf8_width_fill(action, max_msg_action),
++                                      max_msg_count, '',
++                                      utf8_width_fill('', max_msg_pkgs),
++                                      max_msg_depcount, depcount, msg_deppkgs))
++            elif count:
++                msg = '%s  %*d %s\n'
++                out.append(msg % (utf8_width_fill(action, max_msg_action),
++                                  max_msg_count, count, msg_pkgs))
++        return ''.join(out)
++class EmailEmitter(UpdateEmitter):
++    """Emitter class to send messages via email."""
++    def __init__(self, opts):
++        super(EmailEmitter, self).__init__(opts)        
++        self.subject = ""
++    def updatesAvailable(self, tsInfo):
++        """Appends a message to the output list stating that there are
++        updates available, and set an appropriate subject line.
++        :param tsInfo: A :class:`yum.transactioninfo.TransactionData`
++           instance that contains information about the transaction.
++        """
++        super(EmailEmitter, self).updatesAvailable(tsInfo)
++        self.subject = "Yum: Updates Available on %s" % self.opts.system_name
++    def updatesDownloaded(self):
++        """Append a message to the output list stating that updates
++        have been downloaded successfully, and set an appropriate
++        subject line.
++        """
++        self.subject = "Yum: Updates downloaded on %s" % self.opts.system_name
++        super(EmailEmitter, self).updatesDownloaded()
++    def updatesInstalled(self):
++        """Append a message to the output list stating that updates
++        have been installed successfully, and set an appropriate
++        subject line.
++        """
++        self.subject = "Yum: Updates installed on %s" % self.opts.system_name
++        super(EmailEmitter, self).updatesInstalled()
++    def setupFailed(self, errmsg):
++        """Append a message to the output list stating that setup
++        failed, and then call sendMessages to emit the output, and set
++        an appropriate subject line.
++        :param errmsgs: a string that contains the error message
++        """
++        self.subject = "Yum: Failed to perform setup on %s" % self.opts.system_name
++        super(EmailEmitter, self).setupFailed(errmsg)
++    def lockFailed(self, errmsg):
++        """Append a message to the output list stating that the
++        program failed to acquire the yum lock, then call sendMessages
++        to emit the output, and set an appropriate subject line.
++        :param errmsg: a string that contains the error message
++        """
++        self.subject = "Yum: Failed to  acquire the yum lock on %s" % self.opts.system_name
++        super(EmailEmitter, self).lockFailed(errmsg)
++    def checkFailed(self, errmsg):
++        """Append a message to the output stating that checking for
++        updates failed, then call sendMessages to emit the output, and
++        set an appropriate subject line.
++        :param errmsgs: a string that contains the error message
++        """
++        self.subject = "Yum: Failed to check for updates on %s" % self.opts.system_name
++        super(EmailEmitter, self).checkFailed(errmsg)
++    def downloadFailed(self, errmsg):
++        """Append a message to the output list stating that checking
++        for group updates failed, then call sendMessages to emit the
++        output, and add an appropriate subject line.
++        :param errmsgs: a string that contains the error message
++        """
++        self.subject = "Yum: Failed to download updates on %s" % self.opts.system_name
++        super(EmailEmitter, self).downloadFailed(errmsg)
++    def updatesFailed(self, errmsg):
++        """Append a message to the output list stating that installing
++        updates failed, then call sendMessages to emit the output, and
++        add an appropriate subject line.
++        :param errmsgs: a string that contains the error message
++        """
++        self.subject = "Yum: Failed to install updates on %s" % self.opts.system_name
++        super(EmailEmitter, self).updatesFailed(errmsg)
++    def sendMessages(self):
++        """Combine the stored messages that have been stored into a
++        single email message, and send this message.
++        """
++        # Build up the email to be sent
++        msg = MIMEText(''.join(self.output))
++        msg['Subject'] = self.subject
++        msg['From'] = self.opts.email_from
++        msg['To'] = ",".join(self.opts.email_to)
++        # Send the email
++        s = smtplib.SMTP()
++        s.connect(self.opts.email_host)
++        s.sendmail(self.opts.email_from, self.opts.email_to, msg.as_string())
++        s.close()
++class StdIOEmitter(UpdateEmitter):
++    """Emitter class to send messages to syslog."""
++    def __init__(self, opts):
++        super(StdIOEmitter, self).__init__(opts)
++    def sendMessages(self) :
++        """Combine the stored messages that have been stored into a
++        single email message, and send this message to standard output.
++        """
++        print "".join(self.output)
++class YumCronConfig(BaseConfig):
++    """Class to parse configuration information from the config file, and
++    to store this information.
++    """
++    system_name = Option(gethostname())
++    output_width = IntOption(80)
++    random_sleep = IntOption(0)
++    emit_via = ListOption(['email','stdio'])
++    email_to = ListOption(["root"])
++    email_from = Option("root")
++    email_host = Option("localhost")
++    email_port = IntOption(25)
++    update_messages = BoolOption(False)
++    update_cmd = Option("default")
++    apply_updates = BoolOption(False)
++    download_updates = BoolOption(False)
++    yum_config_file = Option("/etc/yum.conf")
++    group_list = ListOption([])
++    group_package_types = ListOption(['mandatory', 'default'])
++class YumCronBase(yum.YumBase):
++    """Main class to check for and apply the updates."""
++    def __init__(self, config_file_name = None):
++        """Create a YumCronBase object, and perform initial setup.
++        :param config_file_name: a String specifying the name of the
++           config file to use.
++        """
++        yum.YumBase.__init__(self)
++        # Read the config file
++        self.readConfigFile(config_file_name)
++        # Create the emitters, and add them to the list
++        self.emitters = []
++        if 'email' in self.opts.emit_via:
++            self.emitters.append(EmailEmitter(self.opts))
++        if 'stdio' in self.opts.emit_via:
++            self.emitters.append(StdIOEmitter(self.opts))
++        self.updateInfo = []
++        self.updateInfoTime = None
++    def readConfigFile(self, config_file_name = None):
++        """Reads the given config file, or if none is given, the
++        default config file.
++        :param config_file_name: a String specifying the name of the
++           config file to read.
++        """
++        # Create ConfigParser and UDConfig Objects
++        confparser = ConfigParser()
++        self.opts = YumCronConfig()
++        #If no config file name is given, fall back to the default
++        if config_file_name == None:
++            config_file_name = default_config_file
++        # Attempt to read the config file.  confparser.read will return a
++        # list of the files that were read successfully, so check that it
++        # contains config_file
++        if config_file_name not in confparser.read(config_file_name):
++            print >> sys.stderr, "Error reading config file:", config_file_name
++            sys.exit(1)
++        # Populate the values into  the opts object
++        self.opts.populate(confparser, 'commands')
++        self.opts.populate(confparser, 'emitters')
++        self.opts.populate(confparser, 'email')
++        self.opts.populate(confparser, 'groups')
++        self._confparser = confparser
++        #If the system name is not given, set it by getting the hostname
++        if self.opts.system_name == 'None' :
++            self.opts.system_name = gethostname()
++        if 'None' in self.opts.group_list:
++            self.opts.group_list = []
++    def randomSleep(self, duration):
++        """Sleep for a random amount of time up to *duration*.
++        :param duration: the maximum amount of time to sleep, in
++           minutes.  The actual time slept will be between 0 and
++           *duration* minutes
++           """
++        if duration > 0:
++            sleep(random() * 60 * duration)
++    def doSetup(self):
++        """Perform set up, including setting up directories and
++        parsing options.
++        :return: boolean that indicates whether setup has completed
++           successfully
++        """
++        try :
++            # Set the configuration file
++            self.preconf.fn = self.opts.yum_config_file
++            # This needs to be set early, errors are handled later.
++            try: self.preconf.debuglevel = int(self._confparser.get('base', 'debuglevel'))
++            except: pass
++            # if we are not root do the special subdir thing
++            if os.geteuid() != 0:
++                self.setCacheDir()
++            # Create the configuration
++            self.conf
++            # override base yum options
++            self.conf.populate(self._confparser, 'base')
++            del self._confparser
++        except Exception, e:
++            # If there are any exceptions, send a message about them,
++            # and return False
++            self.emitSetupFailed('%s' % e)
++            sys.exit(1)
++    def acquireLock(self):
++        """ Wrapper method around doLock to emit errors correctly."""
++        try:
++            self.doLock()
++        except yum.Errors.LockError, e:
++            self.emitLockFailed("%s" % e)
++            sys.exit(1)
++    def populateUpdateMetadata(self):
++        """Populate the metadata for the packages in the update."""
++        for repo in self.repos.sort():
++            repo.metadata_expire = 0
++        self.upinfo
++    def refreshUpdates(self):
++        """Check whether updates are available.
++        :return: Boolean indicating whether any updates are
++           available
++        """
++        try:
++            #  Just call .update() because it does obsoletes loops, and group
++            # objects. etc.
++            update_cmd = self.opts.update_cmd
++            idx = update_cmd.find("security-severity:")
++            if idx != -1:
++                sevs       = update_cmd[idx + len("security-severity:"):]
++                update_cmd = update_cmd[:idx + len("security")]
++                self.updateinfo_filters['sevs'] = sevs.split(",")
++            if self.opts.update_cmd in ('minimal', 'minimal-security'):
++                if not yum.updateinfo.update_minimal(self):
++                    return False
++                self.updateinfo_filters['bugfix'] = True
++            elif self.opts.update_cmd in ('default', 'security',
++                                          'default-security'):
++                if not self.update():
++                    return False
++            else:
++                # return False ?
++                self.opts.update_cmd = 'default'
++                if not self.update():
++                    return False
++            if self.opts.update_cmd.endswith("security"):
++                self.updateinfo_filters['security'] = True
++                yum.updateinfo.remove_txmbrs(self)
++            elif self.opts.update_cmd == 'minimal':
++                self.updateinfo_filters['bugfix'] = True
++                yum.updateinfo.remove_txmbrs(self)
++        except Exception, e:
++            self.emitCheckFailed("%s" %(e,))
++            sys.exit(1)
++        else:
++            return True
++    def refreshGroupUpdates(self):
++        """Check for group updates, and add them to the
++        transaction.
++        :return: Boolean indicating whether there are any updates to
++           the group available
++        """
++        if self.conf.group_command == 'objects':
++            return False
++        update_available = False
++        try:
++            for group_string in self.opts.group_list:
++                group_matched = False
++                for group in self.comps.return_groups(group_string):
++                    group_matched = True
++                    try:
++                        txmbrs = self.selectGroup(group.groupid,
++                                                  self.opts.group_package_types,
++                                                  upgrade=True)
++                        # If updates are available from a previous
++                        # group, or there are updates are available
++                        # from this group, set update_available to True
++                        update_available |= (txmbrs != [])
++                    except yum.Errors.GroupsError:
++                        self.emitGroupError('Warning: Group %s does not exist.' % group_string)
++                        continue
++                if not group_matched:
++                    self.emitGroupError('Warning: Group %s does not exist.' % group_string)
++                    continue
++        except Exception, e:
++            self.emitGroupFailed("%s" % e)
++            return False
++        else:
++            return update_available
++    def findDeps(self):
++        """Build the transaction to resolve the dependencies for the update."""
++        try:
++            (res, resmsg) = self.buildTransaction()
++        except yum.Errors.RepoError, e:
++            self.emitCheckFailed("%s" %(e,))
++            sys.exit()
++        if res != 2:
++            self.emitCheckFailed("Failed to build transaction: %s" %(str.join("\n", resmsg),))
++            sys.exit(1)
++    def downloadUpdates(self, emit):
++        """Download the update.
++        :param emit: Boolean indicating whether to emit messages
++           about the download
++        """
++        # Emit a message that that updates will be downloaded
++        if emit :
++            self.emitDownloading()
++        dlpkgs = map(lambda x: x.po, filter(lambda txmbr:
++                                            txmbr.ts_state in ("i", "u"),
++                                            self.tsInfo.getMembers()))
++        try:
++            # Download the updates
++            self.conf.downloadonly = not self.opts.apply_updates
++            self.downloadPkgs(dlpkgs)
++        except Exception, e:
++            self.emitDownloadFailed("%s" % e)
++            sys.exit(1)
++        except SystemExit, e:
++            if e.code == 0:
++                # Emit a message that the packages have been downloaded
++                self.emitDownloaded()
++                self.emitMessages()
++            raise
++    def installUpdates(self, emit):
++        """Apply the available updates.
++        :param emit: Boolean indicating whether to emit messages about
++           the installation
++        """
++        # Emit a message  that 
++        if emit :
++            self.emitInstalling()
++        dlpkgs = map(lambda x: x.po, filter(lambda txmbr:
++                                            txmbr.ts_state in ("i", "u"),
++                                            self.tsInfo.getMembers()))
++        for po in dlpkgs:
++            result, err = self.sigCheckPkg(po)
++            if result == 0:
++                continue
++            elif result == 1:
++                try:
++                    self.getKeyForPackage(po)
++                except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, errmsg:
++                    self.emitUpdateFailed([str(errmsg)])
++                    return False
++        del self.ts
++        self.initActionTs() # make a new, blank ts to populate
++        self.populateTs(keepold=0)
++        self.ts.check() #required for ordering
++        self.ts.order() # order
++        cb = callback.RPMInstallCallback(output = 0)
++        cb.filelog = True
++        cb.tsInfo = self.tsInfo
++        try:
++            self.runTransaction(cb=cb)
++        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, err:
++            self.emitUpdateFailed([str(err)])
++            sys.exit(1)
++        if emit :
++            self.emitInstalled()
++        self.emitMessages()
++    def updatesCheck(self):
++        """Check to see whether updates are available for any
++        installed packages. If updates are available, install them,
++        download them, or just emit a message, depending on what
++        options are selected in the configuration file.
++        """
++        # Sleep a random time
++        self.randomSleep(self.opts.random_sleep)
++        # Perform the initial setup
++        self.doSetup()
++        # Acquire the yum lock
++        self.acquireLock()
++        # Update the metadata
++        self.populateUpdateMetadata()
++        # Exit if we don't need to check for updates
++        if not (self.opts.update_messages or self.opts.download_updates or self.opts.apply_updates):
++            sys.exit(0)
++        # Check for updates in packages, or groups ... need to run both.
++        pups = self.refreshUpdates()
++        gups = self.refreshGroupUpdates()
++        # If neither have updates, we can just exit.
++        if not (pups or gups):
++            sys.exit(0)
++        # Build the transaction to find the additional dependencies
++        self.findDeps()
++        # download if set up to do so, else tell about the updates and exit
++        if not self.opts.download_updates:
++            self.emitAvailable()
++            self.emitMessages()
++            self.releaseLocks()
++            sys.exit(0)
++        self.downloadUpdates(not self.opts.apply_updates)
++        # now apply if we're set up to do so; else just tell that things are
++        # available
++        if not self.opts.apply_updates:
++            self.releaseLocks()
++            sys.exit(0)
++        self.installUpdates(self.opts.update_messages)
++        self.releaseLocks()
++        sys.exit(0)
++    def releaseLocks(self):
++        """Close the rpm database, and release the yum lock."""
++        self.closeRpmDB()
++        self.doUnlock()
++    def emitAvailable(self):
++        """Emit a notice stating whether updates are available."""
++        map(lambda x: x.updatesAvailable(self.tsInfo), self.emitters)
++    def emitDownloading(self):
++        """Emit a notice stating that updates are downloading."""
++        map(lambda x: x.updatesDownloading(self.tsInfo), self.emitters)
++    def emitDownloaded(self):
++        """Emit a notice stating that updates have downloaded."""
++        map(lambda x: x.updatesDownloaded(), self.emitters)
++    def emitInstalling(self):
++        """Emit a notice stating that automatic updates are about to
++        be applied.
++        """
++        map(lambda x: x.updatesInstalling(self.tsInfo), self.emitters)
++    def emitInstalled(self):
++        """Emit a notice stating that automatic updates have been applied."""
++        map(lambda x: x.updatesInstalled(), self.emitters)
++    def emitSetupFailed(self, error):
++        """Emit a notice stating that checking for updates failed."""
++        map(lambda x: x.setupFailed(error), self.emitters)
++    def emitLockFailed(self, errmsg):
++        """Emit a notice that we failed to acquire the yum lock."""
++        map(lambda x: x.lockFailed(errmsg), self.emitters)
++    def emitCheckFailed(self, error):
++        """Emit a notice stating that checking for updates failed."""
++        map(lambda x: x.checkFailed(error), self.emitters)
++    def emitGroupError(self, error):
++        """Emit a notice stating that there was an error checking for
++        group updates.
++        """
++        map(lambda x: x.groupError(error), self.emitters)
++    def emitGroupFailed(self, error):
++        """Emit a notice stating that checking for group updates failed."""
++        map(lambda x: x.groupFailed(error), self.emitters)
++    def emitDownloadFailed(self, error):
++        """Emit a notice stating that downloading the updates failed."""
++        map(lambda x: x.downloadFailed(error), self.emitters)
++    def emitUpdateFailed(self, errmsgs):
++        """Emit a notice stating that automatic updates failed."""
++        map(lambda x: x.updatesFailed(errmsgs), self.emitters)
++    def emitMessages(self):
++        """Emit the messages from the emitters."""
++        map(lambda x: x.sendMessages(), self.emitters)
++def main():
++    """Configure and run the update check."""
++    setup_locale(override_time=True)
++    # If a file name was passed in, use it as the config file name.
++    base = None
++    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
++        base = YumCronBase(sys.argv[1])
++    else:
++        base = YumCronBase()
++    #Run the update check
++    base.updatesCheck()
++if __name__ == "__main__":
++    main()
+diff --git a/yum-cron/yum-cron.service b/yum-cron/yum-cron.service
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..82f3e6b
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/yum-cron/yum-cron.service
+@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
++Description=Run automatic yum updates as a cron job
++ExecStart=/bin/touch /var/lock/subsys/yum-cron
++ExecStop=/bin/rm -f /var/lock/subsys/yum-cron
+diff --git a/yum-cron/yum-cron.sysvinit b/yum-cron/yum-cron.sysvinit
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ee531c6
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/yum-cron/yum-cron.sysvinit
+@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
++# yum-cron      Enable or disable scheduled yum system updates.
++# chkconfig:	- 50 01
++# description:  This controls whether yum-cron runs. If this service is \
++#               off, the yum-cron scripts in /etc/cron.daily exit \
++#               immediately; otherwise, they download and/or apply package \
++#               updates as configured in /etc/sysconfig/yum-cron.
++# processname:  yum-cron
++# config: /etc/yum/yum-daily.yum
++# source function library
++. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
++test -f /etc/sysconfig/yum-cron && . /etc/sysconfig/yum-cron
++# This is generated by /usr/sbin/yum-cron and will exist when that script
++# is running and not otherwise.
++start() {
++	echo -n $"Enabling scheduled yum updates: "
++	# The cron script exits silently if this file doesn't exist.
++	touch "$lockfile" && success || failure
++	RETVAL=$?
++	echo
++stop() {
++        # Disabling this is just removing the so-called lock file.  But we
++        # also have logic to delay shutdown if a transaction is in-progress.
++        # All that affects is the exit of _this_ script, which may be
++        # waited on by other things in the shutdown process.
++	echo -n $"Disabling scheduled yum updates: "
++	if [ "$SERVICE_WAITS" = "yes" ]; then
++	  # if SERVICE_WAITS is yes, we check for an active pid
++	  # file and recheck in 5 second increments up to 
++	  # SERVICE_WAIT_TIME before continuing.
++          if (set -o noclobber; ! echo "$$" > $pidfile ) 2>/dev/null; then
++            # yum-cron has the lock. Read the pid, and wait and then loop
++            # until it's done.
++            activepid="$(< $pidfile)" 2>/dev/null
++            if [ $? != 0 ]; then 
++              echo; echo -n $"Stale yum-cron lock ignored. "
++            else
++              echo; echo -n $"Waiting for in-progress yum transaction"
++              end=$( expr $( date +%s ) + ${SERVICE_WAIT_TIME:-300} )
++              while checkpid $activepid 2>/dev/null ; do
++                echo -n "."
++                if [ $( date +%s ) -gt $end ]; then
++                  echo -n " Timed out. "
++                  break
++                fi
++                sleep 5
++              done
++            fi
++          else
++            # we got the lock. we don't really want it; remove and move on.
++            rm -f "$pidfile"
++          fi
++	fi
++	rm -f "$lockfile" && success || failure
++	RETVAL=$?
++	echo
++restart() {
++	stop
++	start
++case "$1" in
++  start)
++	start
++	;;
++  stop) 
++	stop
++	;;
++  restart|force-reload)
++	restart
++	;;
++  reload)
++	;;
++  condrestart)
++	[ -f "$lockfile" ] && restart
++	;;
++  status)
++	if [ -f $lockfile ]; then
++		echo $"Scheduled yum updates are enabled."
++		RETVAL=0
++	else
++		echo $"Scheduled yum updates are disabled."
++		RETVAL=3
++	fi
++	;;
++  *)
++	echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|reload|force-reload|condrestart}"
++	exit 1
++exit $RETVAL
+diff --git a/yum-cron/yum-daily.cron.sh b/yum-cron/yum-daily.cron.sh
+new file mode 100755
+index 0000000..06dee5f
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/yum-cron/yum-daily.cron.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
++# Only run if this flag is set. The flag is created by the yum-cron init
++# script when the service is started -- this allows one to use chkconfig and
++# the standard "service stop|start" commands to enable or disable yum-cron.
++if [[ ! -f /var/lock/subsys/yum-cron ]]; then
++  exit 0
++# Action!
++exec /usr/sbin/yum-cron
+diff --git a/yum-cron/yum-hourly.cron.sh b/yum-cron/yum-hourly.cron.sh
+new file mode 100755
+index 0000000..f0b77a9
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/yum-cron/yum-hourly.cron.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
++# Only run if this flag is set. The flag is created by the yum-cron init
++# script when the service is started -- this allows one to use chkconfig and
++# the standard "service stop|start" commands to enable or disable yum-cron.
++if [[ ! -f /var/lock/subsys/yum-cron ]]; then
++  exit 0
++# Action!
++exec /usr/sbin/yum-cron /etc/yum/yum-cron-hourly.conf
+diff --git a/yum-updatesd.py b/yum-updatesd.py
+old mode 100644
+new mode 100755
+index 1ce4720..2f3f7a3
+--- a/yum-updatesd.py
++++ b/yum-updatesd.py
+@@ -23,11 +23,16 @@
+ # - what to do if we're asked to exit while updates are being applied?
+ # - what to do with the lock around downloads/updates
+-# since it takes me time everytime to figure this out again, here's how to
++# since it takes me time every time to figure this out again, here's how to
+ # queue a check with dbus-send.  adjust appropriately for other methods
+ # $ dbus-send --system --print-reply --type=method_call \
+ #   --dest=edu.duke.linux.yum /Updatesd edu.duke.linux.yum.CheckNow
++Daemon to periodically check for updates to installed packages, and
++associated classes and methods.
+ import os
+ import sys
+ import time
+@@ -60,34 +65,78 @@ config_file = '/etc/yum/yum-updatesd.conf'
+ initial_directory = os.getcwd()
+ class UpdateEmitter(object):
+-    """Abstract object for implementing different types of emitters."""
++    """Abstract class for implementing different types of
++       emitters.
++    """
+     def __init__(self):
+         pass
+     def updatesAvailable(self, updateInfo):
+         """Emitted when there are updates available to be installed.
+         If not doing the download here, then called immediately on finding
+         new updates.  If we do the download here, then called after the
+-        updates have been downloaded."""
++        updates have been downloaded.
++        :param updateInfo: a list of tuples of dictionaries.  Each
++           dictionary contains information about a package, and each
++           tuple specifies an available upgrade: the second dictionary
++           in the tuple has information about a package that is
++           currently installed, and the first dictionary has
++           information what the package can be upgraded to
++        """
+         pass
+     def updatesDownloading(self, updateInfo):
+-        """Emitted to give feedback of update download starting."""
++        """Emitted to give feedback of update download starting.
++        :param updateInfo: a list of tuples of dictionaries.  Each
++           dictionary contains information about a package, and each
++           tuple specifies an available upgrade: the second dictionary
++           in the tuple has information about a package that is
++           currently installed, and the first dictionary has
++           information what the package can be upgraded to
++        """
+         pass
+     def updatesApplied(self, updateInfo):
+-        """Emitted on successful installation of updates."""
++        """Emitted on successful installation of updates.
++        :param updateInfo: a list of tuples of dictionaries.  Each
++           dictionary contains information about a package, and each
++           tuple specifies an available upgrade: the second dictionary
++           in the tuple has information about a package that is
++           currently installed, and the first dictionary has
++           information what the package can be upgraded to
++        """
+         pass
+     def updatesFailed(self, errmsgs):
+-        """Emitted when an update has failed to install."""
++        """Emitted when an update has failed to install.
++        :param errmsgs: a list of error messages
++        """
+         pass
+     def checkFailed(self, error):
+-        """Emitted when checking for updates failed."""
++        """Emitted when checking for updates failed.
++        :param error: an error message
++        """
+         pass
+     def setupFailed(self, error, translation_domain):
+-        """Emitted when plugin initialization failed."""
++        """Emitted when plugin initialization failed.
++        :param error: an error message
++        :param translation_domain: the translation domain supplied by
++           the plugin
++        """
+         pass
+ class SyslogUpdateEmitter(UpdateEmitter):
++    """Emitter class to send messages to syslog."""
+     def __init__(self, syslog_facility, ident = "yum-updatesd",
+                  level = "WARN"):
+         UpdateEmitter.__init__(self)
+@@ -95,6 +144,15 @@ class SyslogUpdateEmitter(UpdateEmitter):
+         self.level = level
+     def updatesAvailable(self, updateInfo):
++        """Emit a message stating that updates are available.
++        :param updateInfo: a list of tuples of dictionaries.  Each
++           dictionary contains information about a package, and each
++           tuple specifies an available upgrade: the second dictionary
++           in the tuple has information about a package that is
++           currently installed, and the first dictionary has
++           information what the package can be upgraded to
++        """
+         num = len(updateInfo)
+         level = self.level
+         if num > 1:
+@@ -144,12 +202,23 @@ class SyslogUpdateEmitter(UpdateEmitter):
+ class EmailUpdateEmitter(UpdateEmitter):
++    """Emitter class to send messages via email."""
+     def __init__(self, sender, rcpt):
+         UpdateEmitter.__init__(self)        
+         self.sender = sender
+         self.rcpt = rcpt
+     def updatesAvailable(self, updateInfo):
++        """Emit a message stating that updates are available.
++        :param updateInfo: a list of tuples of dictionaries.  Each
++           dictionary contains information about a package, and each
++           tuple specifies an available upgrade: the second dictionary
++           in the tuple has information about a package that is
++           currently installed, and the first dictionary has
++           information what the package can be upgraded to
++        """
+         num = len(updateInfo)
+         if num < 1:
+             return
+@@ -173,6 +242,8 @@ class EmailUpdateEmitter(UpdateEmitter):
+         s.close()
+ class DbusUpdateEmitter(UpdateEmitter):
++    """Emitter class to send messages to the dbus message system."""
+     def __init__(self):
+         UpdateEmitter.__init__(self)        
+         bus = dbus.SystemBus()
+@@ -181,6 +252,15 @@ class DbusUpdateEmitter(UpdateEmitter):
+         self.dbusintf = yum_dbus
+     def updatesAvailable(self, updateInfo):
++        """Emit a message stating that updates are available.
++        :param updateInfo: a list of tuples of dictionaries.  Each
++           dictionary contains information about a package, and each
++           tuple specifies an available upgrade: the second dictionary
++           in the tuple has information about a package that is
++           currently installed, and the first dictionary has
++           information what the package can be upgraded to
++        """
+         num = len(updateInfo)
+         msg = "%d" %(num,)
+         if num > 0:
+@@ -189,44 +269,102 @@ class DbusUpdateEmitter(UpdateEmitter):
+             self.dbusintf.NoUpdatesAvailableSignal(msg)
+     def updatesFailed(self, errmsgs):
++        """Emit a message stating that an update has failed to install.
++        :param errmsgs: a list of error messages
++        """
+         self.dbusintf.UpdatesFailedSignal(errmsgs)
+     def updatesApplied(self, updinfo):
++        """Emit a message stating that updates were installed
++        successfully.
++        :param updinfo: a list of tuples of dictionaries.  Each
++           dictionary contains information about a package, and each
++           tuple specifies an available upgrade: the second dictionary
++           in the tuple has information about a package that is
++           currently installed, and the first dictionary has
++           information what the package can be upgraded to
++        """
+         self.dbusintf.UpdatesAppliedSignal(updinfo)
+     def checkFailed(self, error):
++        """Emit a message stating that checking for updates failed.
++        :param error: an error message
++        """
+         self.dbusintf.CheckFailedSignal(error)
+     def setupFailed(self, error, translation_domain):
++        """Emit a message stating that plugin initialization failed.
++        :param error: an error message
++        :param translation_domain: the translation domain supplied by
++           the plugin
++        """
+         self.dbusintf.SetupFailedSignal(error, translation_domain)
+ class YumDbusInterface(dbus.service.Object):
++    """Interface class for sending signals to the dbus."""
+     def __init__(self, bus_name, object_path='/UpdatesAvail'):
+         dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus_name, object_path)
+     @dbus.service.signal('edu.duke.linux.yum')
+     def UpdatesAvailableSignal(self, message):
++        """Send a signal stating that updates are available.
++        :param message: the message to send in the signal
++        """
+         pass
+     @dbus.service.signal('edu.duke.linux.yum')
+     def NoUpdatesAvailableSignal(self, message):
++        """Send a signal stating that no updates are available.
++        :param message: the message to send in the signal
++        """
+         pass
+     @dbus.service.signal('edu.duke.linux.yum')
+     def UpdatesFailedSignal(self, errmsgs):
++        """Send a signal stating that the update has failed.
++        :param errmsgs: a list of error messages
++        """
+         pass
+     @dbus.service.signal('edu.duke.linux.yum')
+     def UpdatesAppliedSignal(self, updinfo):
++        """Send a signal stating that updates were applied
++        successfully.
++        :param updinfo: a list of tuples of dictionaries.  Each
++           dictionary contains information about a package, and each
++           tuple specifies an available upgrade: the second dictionary
++           in the tuple has information about a package that is
++           currently installed, and the first dictionary has
++           information what the package can be upgraded to
++        """
+         pass
+     @dbus.service.signal('edu.duke.linux.yum')
+     def CheckFailedSignal(self, message):
++        """Send a signal stating that checking for updates failed.
++        :param message: the message to send in the signal
++        """
+         pass
+     @dbus.service.signal('edu.duke.linux.yum')
+     def SetupFailedSignal(self, message, translation_domain=""):
++        """Send a signal stating that plugin initialization failed.
++        :param message: the message to send in the signal
++        :param translation_domain: the translation domain supplied by
++           the plugin
++        """
+         pass
+@@ -249,11 +387,18 @@ class UDConfig(BaseConfig):
+ class UpdateBuildTransactionThread(threading.Thread):
++    """Class to build the update transaction in a new thread."""
+     def __init__(self, updd, name):
+         self.updd = updd
+         threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=name)
+     def run(self):
++        """Build the transaction, and download the packages to be
++        updated.  Finally, call self.processPkgs. This method must be
++        provided by a subclass, and will determine what, if any,
++        action is taken with the packages after they are downloaded.
++        """
+         self.updd.tsInfo.makelists()
+         try:
+             (result, msgs) = self.updd.buildTransaction()
+@@ -270,25 +415,41 @@ class UpdateBuildTransactionThread(threading.Thread):
+ class UpdateDownloadThread(UpdateBuildTransactionThread):
++    """Class to download the packages in the update in a new thread."""
+     def __init__(self, updd):
+         UpdateBuildTransactionThread.__init__(self, updd,
+             name="UpdateDownloadThread")
+     def processPkgs(self, dlpkgs):
++        """Output that there are updates available via the emitters,
++        and release the yum locks.
++        :param dlpkgs: unused
++        """
+         self.updd.emitAvailable()
+         self.updd.releaseLocks()
+ class UpdateInstallThread(UpdateBuildTransactionThread):
++    """Class to install updates in a new thread."""
+     def __init__(self, updd):
+         UpdateBuildTransactionThread.__init__(self, updd,
+             name="UpdateInstallThread")
+     def failed(self, msgs):
++        """Output that the update failed via the emitters.
++        :param msgs: a list or error messages to emit
++        """
+         self.updd.emitUpdateFailed(msgs)
+         self.updd.releaseLocks()
+     def success(self):
++        """Output that the update has completed successfully via the
++        emitters, and perform clean up.
++        """
+         self.updd.emitUpdateApplied()
+         self.updd.releaseLocks()
+@@ -296,6 +457,10 @@ class UpdateInstallThread(UpdateBuildTransactionThread):
+         self.updd.updateInfoTime = None        
+     def processPkgs(self, dlpkgs):
++        """Apply the available updates.
++        :param dlpkgs: a list of package objecs to update
++        """
+         for po in dlpkgs:
+             result, err = self.updd.sigCheckPkg(po)
+             if result == 0:
+@@ -323,6 +488,8 @@ class UpdateInstallThread(UpdateBuildTransactionThread):
+         self.success()
+ class UpdatesDaemon(yum.YumBase):
++    """Class to implement the update checking daemon."""
+     def __init__(self, opts):
+         yum.YumBase.__init__(self)
+         self.opts = opts
+@@ -343,6 +510,9 @@ class UpdatesDaemon(yum.YumBase):
+         self.updateInfoTime = None
+     def doSetup(self):
++        """Perform set up, including setting up directories and
++        parsing options.
++        """
+         # if we are not root do the special subdir thing
+         if os.geteuid() != 0:
+             if not os.path.exists(self.opts.nonroot_workdir):
+@@ -352,6 +522,8 @@ class UpdatesDaemon(yum.YumBase):
+         self.doConfigSetup(fn=self.opts.yum_config)
+     def refreshUpdates(self):
++        """Retrieve information about what updates are available."""
+         self.doLock()
+         try:
+             self.doRepoSetup()
+@@ -366,6 +538,8 @@ class UpdatesDaemon(yum.YumBase):
+         return True
+     def populateUpdateMetadata(self):
++        """Populate the metadata for the packages in the update."""
+         self.updateMetadata = UpdateMetadata()
+         repos = []
+@@ -383,6 +557,9 @@ class UpdatesDaemon(yum.YumBase):
+                 md.close()
+     def populateUpdates(self):
++        """Retrieve and set up information about the updates available
++        for installed packages.
++        """
+         def getDbusPackageDict(pkg):
+             """Returns a dictionary corresponding to the package object
+             in the form that we can send over the wire for dbus."""
+@@ -425,6 +602,8 @@ class UpdatesDaemon(yum.YumBase):
+         self.updateInfoTime = time.time()
+     def populateTsInfo(self):
++        """Set up information about the update in the tsInfo object."""
+         # figure out the updates
+         for (new, old) in self.up.getUpdatesTuples():
+             updating = self.getPackageObject(new)
+@@ -442,6 +621,13 @@ class UpdatesDaemon(yum.YumBase):
+                 self.tsInfo.addObsoleted(installed, obsoleting)
+     def updatesCheck(self):
++        """Check to see whether updates are available for any
++        installed packages. If updates are available, install them,
++        download them, or just emit a message, depending on what
++        options are selected in the configuration file.
++        :return: whether the daemon should continue looping
++        """
+         if not self.didSetup:
+             try:
+                 self.doSetup()
+@@ -491,6 +677,18 @@ class UpdatesDaemon(yum.YumBase):
+         return True
+     def getUpdateInfo(self):
++        """Return information about the update.  This may be
++        previously cached information if the configured time interval
++        between update retrievals has not yet elapsed, or there is an
++        error in trying to retrieve the update information.
++        :return: a list of tuples of dictionaries.  Each
++           dictionary contains information about a package, and each
++           tuple specifies an available upgrade: the second dictionary
++           in the tuple has information about a package that is
++           currently installed, and the first dictionary has
++           information what the package can be upgraded to        
++        """
+         # if we have a cached copy, use it
+         if self.updateInfoTime and (time.time() - self.updateInfoTime <
+                                     self.opts.updaterefresh):
+@@ -522,40 +720,47 @@ class UpdatesDaemon(yum.YumBase):
+         return self.updateInfo
+     def updateCheckSetup(self):
++        """Set up the transaction set, rpm database, and prepare to
++        get updates.
++        """
+         self.doTsSetup()
+         self.doRpmDBSetup()
+         self.doUpdateSetup()
+     def releaseLocks(self):
++        """Close the rpm database, and release the yum lock."""
+         self.closeRpmDB()
+         self.doUnlock()
+     def emitAvailable(self):
+-        """method to emit a notice about updates"""
++        """Emit a notice stating whether updates are available."""
+         map(lambda x: x.updatesAvailable(self.updateInfo), self.emitters)
+     def emitDownloading(self):
+-        """method to emit a notice about updates downloading"""
++        """Emit a notice stating that updates are downloading."""
+         map(lambda x: x.updatesDownloading(self.updateInfo), self.emitters)
+     def emitUpdateApplied(self):
+-        """method to emit a notice when automatic updates applied"""
++        """Emit a notice stating that automatic updates have been applied."""
+         map(lambda x: x.updatesApplied(self.updateInfo), self.emitters)
+     def emitUpdateFailed(self, errmsgs):
+-        """method to emit a notice when automatic updates failed"""
++        """Emit a notice stating that automatic updates failed."""
+         map(lambda x: x.updatesFailed(errmsgs), self.emitters)
+     def emitCheckFailed(self, error):
+-        """method to emit a notice when checking for updates failed"""
++        """Emit a notice stating that checking for updates failed."""
+         map(lambda x: x.checkFailed(error), self.emitters)
+     def emitSetupFailed(self, error, translation_domain=""):
+-        """method to emit a notice when checking for updates failed"""
++        """Emit a notice stating that checking for updates failed."""
+         map(lambda x: x.setupFailed(error, translation_domain), self.emitters)
+ class YumDbusListener(dbus.service.Object):
++    """Class to export methods that control the daemon over the
++    dbus.
++    """
+     def __init__(self, updd, bus_name, object_path='/Updatesd',
+                  allowshutdown = False):
+         dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus_name, object_path)
+@@ -563,11 +768,19 @@ class YumDbusListener(dbus.service.Object):
+         self.allowshutdown = allowshutdown
+     def doCheck(self):
++        """Check whether updates are available.
++        :return: False
++        """
+         self.updd.updatesCheck()
+         return False
+     @dbus.service.method("edu.duke.linux.yum", in_signature="")
+     def CheckNow(self):
++        """Check whether updates are available.
++        :return: a message stating that a check has been queued
++        """
+         # make updating checking asynchronous since we discover whether
+         # or not there are updates via a callback signal anyway
+         gobject.idle_add(self.doCheck)
+@@ -575,6 +788,11 @@ class YumDbusListener(dbus.service.Object):
+     @dbus.service.method("edu.duke.linux.yum", in_signature="")
+     def ShutDown(self):
++        """Shut down the daemon.
++        :return: whether remote callers have permission to shut down
++           the daemon
++        """
+         if not self.allowshutdown:
+             return False
+@@ -585,19 +803,34 @@ class YumDbusListener(dbus.service.Object):
+     @dbus.service.method("edu.duke.linux.yum", in_signature="", out_signature="a(a{ss}a{ss})")
+     def GetUpdateInfo(self):
++        """Return information about the available updates
++        :return: a list of tuples of dictionaries.  Each
++           dictionary contains information about a package, and each
++           tuple specifies an available upgrade: the second dictionary
++           in the tuple has information about a package that is
++           currently installed, and the first dictionary has
++           information what the package can be upgraded to        
++        """
+         # FIXME: should this be async?
+         upds = self.updd.getUpdateInfo()
+         return upds
+ def shutDown():
++    """Shut down the daemon."""
+     sys.exit(0)
+ def restart():
++    """Restart the daemon, reloading configuration files."""
+     os.chdir(initial_directory)
+     os.execve(sys.argv[0], sys.argv, os.environ)  
+ def main(options = None):
++    """Configure and start the daemon."""
+     # we'll be threading for downloads/updates
+     gobject.threads_init()
+     dbus.glib.threads_init()
+diff --git a/yum.spec b/yum.spec
+index abd203f..fa8b782 100644
+--- a/yum.spec
++++ b/yum.spec
+@@ -1,24 +1,85 @@
+-Summary: RPM installer/updater
++%define move_yum_conf_back 1
++%define auto_sitelib 1
++%define yum_updatesd 0
++%define disable_check 0
++%define yum_cron_systemd 1
++%define yum_makecache_systemd 1
++%if 0%{?rhel} <= 6
++# rhel-6 doesn't have the systemd stuff...
++%define yum_cron_systemd 0
++%define yum_makecache_systemd 0
++%if ! 0%{?rhel}
++# we don't have this in rhel yet...
++BuildRequires: bash-completion
++%if 0%{?fedora} <= 18
++# yum in Fedora <= 18 doesn't use systemd unit files...
++%define yum_cron_systemd 0
++%if 0%{?fedora} <= 20
++# Don't use .timer's before 20
++%define yum_makecache_systemd 0
++%if %{auto_sitelib}
++%{!?python_sitelib: %define python_sitelib %(python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")}
++%define python_sitelib /usr/lib/python?.?/site-packages
++# We always used /usr/lib here, even on 64bit ... so it's a bit meh.
++%define yum_pluginslib   /usr/lib/yum-plugins
++%define yum_pluginsshare /usr/share/yum-plugins
++# disable broken /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-bytecompile
++%define __os_install_post %{nil}
++%define compdir %(pkg-config --variable=completionsdir bash-completion)
++%if "%{compdir}" == ""
++%define compdir "/etc/bash_completion.d"
++Summary: RPM package installer/updater/manager
+ Name: yum
+-Version: 3.4.2
++Version: 3.4.3
+ Release: 0
+ License: GPLv2+
+ Group: System Environment/Base
+ Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
+ URL: http://yum.baseurl.org/
+-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}root
+ BuildArchitectures: noarch
+ BuildRequires: python
+ BuildRequires: gettext
+ BuildRequires: intltool
++# This is really CheckRequires ...
++BuildRequires: python-nose
++BuildRequires: python >= 2.4
++BuildRequires: rpm-python, rpm >= 0:4.4.2
++BuildRequires: python-iniparse
++BuildRequires: python-sqlite
++BuildRequires: python-urlgrabber >= 3.9.0-8
++BuildRequires: yum-metadata-parser >= 1.1.0
++BuildRequires: pygpgme
++# End of CheckRequires
++Conflicts: pirut < 1.1.4
+ Requires: python >= 2.4
+ Requires: rpm-python, rpm >= 0:4.4.2
++Requires: python-iniparse
+ Requires: python-sqlite
+-Requires: urlgrabber >= 3.9.2
++Requires: python-urlgrabber >= 3.9.0-8
+ Requires: yum-metadata-parser >= 1.1.0
+-Requires: python-iniparse
+ Requires: pygpgme
++# rawhide is >= 0.5.3-7.fc18 ... as this is added.
++Requires: pyliblzma
++# Not really a suggests anymore, due to metadata using it.
++Requires: pyxattr
+ Conflicts: rpm >= 5-0
+ # Zif is a re-implementation of yum in C, however:
+ #
+@@ -34,18 +95,32 @@ Conflicts: rpm >= 5-0
+ # zif experts).
+ #
+ # ...so we have two sane choices: i) Conflict with it. 2) Stop developing yum.
+-Conflicts: zif
++#  Upstream says that #2 will no longer be true after this release.
++Conflicts: zif <= 0.1.3-3.fc15
+ Obsoletes: yum-skip-broken <= 1.1.18
++Provides: yum-skip-broken = 1.1.18.yum
+ Obsoletes: yum-basearchonly <= 1.1.9
++Obsoletes: yum-plugin-basearchonly <= 1.1.9
++Provides: yum-basearchonly = 1.1.9.yum
++Provides: yum-plugin-basearchonly = 1.1.9.yum
+ Obsoletes: yum-allow-downgrade < 1.1.20-0
+ Obsoletes: yum-plugin-allow-downgrade < 1.1.22-0
++Provides: yum-allow-downgrade = 1.1.20-0.yum
++Provides: yum-plugin-allow-downgrade = 1.1.22-0.yum
+ Obsoletes: yum-plugin-protect-packages < 1.1.27-0
+-Provides: yum-skip-broken
+-Provides: yum-basearchonly
+-Provides: yum-allow-downgrade
+-Provides: yum-plugin-allow-downgrade
+-Provides: yum-protect-packages
+-Provides: yum-plugin-protect-packages
++Provides: yum-protect-packages = 1.1.27-0.yum
++Provides: yum-plugin-protect-packages = 1.1.27-0.yum
++Obsoletes: yum-plugin-download-order <= 0.2-2
++Obsoletes: yum-plugin-downloadonly <= 1.1.31-7.fc18
++Provides: yum-plugin-downloadonly = 3.4.3-44.yum
++Obsoletes: yum-presto < 3.4.3-66.yum
++Provides: yum-presto = 3.4.3-66.yum
++Obsoletes: yum-plugin-security < 1.1.32
++Provides: yum-plugin-security = 3.4.3-84.yum
++BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
+ %description
+ Yum is a utility that can check for and automatically download and
+@@ -58,9 +133,11 @@ Group: Applications/System
+ Requires: yum = %{version}-%{release}
+ Requires: dbus-python
+ Requires: pygobject2
+-Requires(preun): /sbin/chkconfig 
++Requires(preun): /sbin/chkconfig
++Requires(post): /sbin/chkconfig
+ Requires(preun): /sbin/service
+-Requires(postun): /sbin/chkconfig 
++Requires(post): /sbin/service
++Requires(postun): /sbin/chkconfig
+ Requires(postun): /sbin/service
+@@ -68,33 +145,74 @@ Requires(postun): /sbin/service
+ yum-updatesd provides a daemon which checks for available updates and 
+ can notify you when they are available via email, syslog or dbus. 
+ %package cron
+ Summary: Files needed to run yum updates as a cron job
+ Group: System Environment/Base
+-Requires: yum >= 3.0 vixie-cron crontabs yum-plugin-downloadonly findutils
++Requires: yum >= 3.4.3-84 cronie crontabs findutils
++%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
++BuildRequires: systemd-units
++Requires(post): systemd
++Requires(preun): systemd
++Requires(postun): systemd
+ Requires(post): /sbin/chkconfig
+ Requires(post): /sbin/service
+ Requires(preun): /sbin/chkconfig
+ Requires(preun): /sbin/service
+ Requires(postun): /sbin/service
+ %description cron
+ These are the files needed to run yum updates as a cron job.
+ Install this package if you want auto yum updates nightly via cron.
+ %prep
+ %setup -q
+ %build
+ make
++%if !%{disable_check}
++make check
+ %install
+ [ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+-make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install
+-# install -m 644 %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/yum/yum.conf
+-# install -m 755 %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/cron.daily/yum.cron
++%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
++make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT UNITDIR=%{_unitdir} INIT=$INIT install
++install -m 644 %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum.conf
++mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum/pluginconf.d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{yum_pluginslib}
++mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{yum_pluginsshare}
++%if %{move_yum_conf_back}
++# for now, move repodir/yum.conf back
++mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum/repos.d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d
++rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum.conf
++%if %{yum_updatesd}
++echo Keeping local yum-updatesd
++# yum-updatesd has moved to the separate source version
++rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum-updatesd.conf 
++rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/yum-updatesd
++rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/dbus-1/system.d/yum-updatesd.conf
++rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sbindir}/yum-updatesd
++rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man*/yum-updatesd*
++rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/yum-cli/yumupd.py*
+ # Ghost files:
+ mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/yum/history
+@@ -102,12 +220,31 @@ mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/yum/plugins
+ mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/yum/yumdb
+ touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/yum/uuid
++# rpmlint bogus stuff...
++chmod +x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/yum-cli/*.py
++chmod +x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{python_sitelib}/yum/*.py
++chmod +x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{python_sitelib}/rpmUtils/*.py
+ %find_lang %name
++%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
++# Remove the yum-cron sysV stuff to make rpmbuild happy..
++rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/yum-cron
++# Remove the yum-cron systemd stuff to make rpmbuild happy..
++rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_unitdir}/yum-cron.service
++%if %{yum_makecache_systemd}
++cp -a etc/yum-makecache.service /usr/lib/systemd/system
++cp -a etc/yum-makecache.timer   /usr/lib/systemd/system
+ %clean
+ [ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
++%if %{yum_updatesd}
+ %post updatesd
+ /sbin/chkconfig --add yum-updatesd
+ /sbin/service yum-updatesd condrestart >/dev/null 2>&1
+@@ -119,9 +256,29 @@ if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
+  /sbin/service yum-updatesd stop >/dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+ exit 0
+ %post cron
++%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
++#systemd_post yum-cron.service
++#  Do this manually because it's a fake service for a cronjob, and cronjobs
++# are default on atm. This may change in the future.
++if [ $1 = 1 ]; then
++ systemctl enable yum-cron >/dev/null 2>&1
++#  Note that systemctl preset is being run here ... but _only_ on initial
++# install. So try this...
++if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/yum-cron -a -f /etc/rc.d/init.d/yum-cron ]; then
++ systemctl enable yum-cron >/dev/null 2>&1
++# Also note:
++#  systemctl list-unit-files | fgrep yum-cron
++# SYSV init post cron
+ # Make sure chkconfig knows about the service
+ /sbin/chkconfig --add yum-cron
+ # if an upgrade:
+@@ -144,8 +301,13 @@ if [ "$1" -ge "1" ]; then
+  fi
+ fi 
+ exit 0
+ %preun cron
++%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
++%systemd_preun yum-cron.service
++# SYSV init preun cron
+ # if this will be a complete removeal of yum-cron rather than an upgrade,
+ # remove the service from chkconfig control
+ if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
+@@ -153,33 +315,59 @@ if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
+  /sbin/service yum-cron stop 1> /dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+ exit 0
+ %postun cron
++%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
++%systemd_postun_with_restart yum-cron.service
++# SYSV init postun cron
+ # If there's a yum-cron package left after uninstalling one, do a
+ # conditional restart of the service
+ if [ "$1" -ge "1" ]; then
+  /sbin/service yum-cron condrestart 1> /dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+ exit 0
++%if %{yum_makecache_systemd}
++%systemd_post yum-makecache.timer
++%systemd_preun yum-makecache.timer
++%systemd_postun_with_restart yum-makecache.timer
+ %files -f %{name}.lang
+-%defattr(-, root, root)
++%defattr(-, root, root, -)
++%if %{move_yum_conf_back}
++%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum.conf
++%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d
+ %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum.conf
++%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum/repos.d
+ %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/version-groups.conf
+ %dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum
+ %dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum/protected.d
+-%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum/repos.d
++%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum/fssnap.d
+ %dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum/vars
+-%config %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name}
++%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name}
++%(dirname %{compdir})
++%dir %{_datadir}/yum-cli
+ %{_datadir}/yum-cli/*
++%exclude %{_datadir}/yum-cli/completion-helper.py?
++%if %{yum_updatesd}
+ %exclude %{_datadir}/yum-cli/yumupd.py*
+ %{_bindir}/yum
+ %dir /var/cache/yum
+ %dir /var/lib/yum
+ %ghost /var/lib/yum/uuid
+@@ -188,20 +376,31 @@ exit 0
+ %ghost /var/lib/yum/yumdb
+ %{_mandir}/man*/yum.*
+ %{_mandir}/man*/yum-shell*
++# plugin stuff
++%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum/pluginconf.d 
++%dir %{yum_pluginslib}
++%dir %{yum_pluginsshare}
++%if %{yum_makecache_systemd}
+ %files cron
+ %defattr(-,root,root)
+ %doc COPYING
+-%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum-daily.yum
+-%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum-weekly.yum
++%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum-cron.conf
++%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum-cron-hourly.conf
++%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
+ %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/yum-cron
+-%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/yum-cron
++%if %{yum_updatesd}
+ %files updatesd
+ %defattr(-, root, root)
+ %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum-updatesd.conf
+@@ -210,8 +409,12 @@ exit 0
+ %{_datadir}/yum-cli/yumupd.py*
+ %{_sbindir}/yum-updatesd
+ %{_mandir}/man*/yum-updatesd*
+ %changelog
++* Thu Jul 28 2011 Matthew Miller <mattdm at mattdm.org>
++- reorganize yum-cron to allow more flexible scheduling
+ * Wed Apr 20 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org>
+ - 3.4.1
+ - umask bug fix.
+diff --git a/yum/Errors.py b/yum/Errors.py
+index c1af4ad..70de539 100644
+--- a/yum/Errors.py
++++ b/yum/Errors.py
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
+ Exceptions and Errors thrown by yum.
+ """
+-from i18n import to_unicode
++from i18n import to_unicode, to_utf8
+ class YumBaseError(Exception):
+     """
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class YumBaseError(Exception):
+         Exception.__init__(self)
+         self.value = value
+     def __str__(self):
+-        return "%s" %(self.value,)
++        return "%s" % to_utf8(self.value)
+     def __unicode__(self):
+         return '%s' % to_unicode(self.value)
+@@ -79,9 +79,20 @@ class RepoError(YumBaseError):
+ class DuplicateRepoError(RepoError):
+     pass
++# Have our own custom .value with all the mirror errors.
+ class NoMoreMirrorsRepoError(RepoError):
+-    pass
++    def __init__(self, value=None, errors=None):
++        Exception.__init__(self)
++        self._value = value
++        self.errors = errors
++    @property
++    def value(self):
++        ret = self._value
++        for url, msg in self.errors or []:
++            ret += '\n%s: %s' % (url, msg)
++        return ret
+ class ConfigError(YumBaseError):
+     pass
+diff --git a/yum/__init__.py b/yum/__init__.py
+index 99039e0..6a6f1fc 100644
+--- a/yum/__init__.py
++++ b/yum/__init__.py
+@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ The Yum RPM software updater.
+ import os
+ import os.path
+ import rpm
++import sys
+ def _rpm_ver_atleast(vertup):
+     """ Check if rpm is at least the current vertup. Can return False/True/None
+@@ -46,8 +47,13 @@ import operator
+ import tempfile
+ import yum.i18n
+-_ = yum.i18n._
+-P_ = yum.i18n.P_
++# This is required to make gaftonmode work...
++_wrap_yum_i18n__ = yum.i18n._
++def _(*args, **kwargs):
++    return _wrap_yum_i18n__(*args, **kwargs)
++_wrap_yum_i18n_P_ = yum.i18n.P_
++def P_(*args, **kwargs):
++    return _wrap_yum_i18n_P_(*args, **kwargs)
+ import config
+ from config import ParsingError, ConfigParser
+@@ -73,6 +79,9 @@ import logginglevels
+ import yumRepo
+ import callbacks
+ import yum.history
++import yum.fssnapshots
++import yum.igroups
++import update_md
+ import warnings
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore", Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning)
+@@ -82,7 +91,8 @@ from packages import YumAvailablePackage, YumLocalPackage, YumInstalledPackage
+ from packages import YumUrlPackage, YumNotFoundPackage
+ from constants import *
+ from yum.rpmtrans import RPMTransaction,SimpleCliCallBack
+-from yum.i18n import to_unicode, to_str
++from yum.i18n import to_unicode, to_str, exception2msg
++from yum.drpm import DeltaInfo, DeltaPackage
+ import string
+ import StringIO
+@@ -102,10 +112,12 @@ default_grabber.opts.user_agent += " yum/" + __version__
+ class _YumPreBaseConf:
+-    """This is the configuration interface for the YumBase configuration.
+-       So if you want to change if plugins are on/off, or debuglevel/etc.
+-       you tweak it here, and when yb.conf does it's thing ... it happens. """
++    """This is the configuration interface for the :class:`YumBase`
++    configuration.  To change configuration settings such as whether
++    plugins are on or off, or the value of debuglevel, change the
++    values here. Later, when :func:`YumBase.conf` is first called, all
++    of the options will be automatically configured.
++    """
+     def __init__(self):
+         self.fn = '/etc/yum/yum.conf'
+         self.root = '/'
+@@ -125,12 +137,15 @@ class _YumPreBaseConf:
+ class _YumPreRepoConf:
+-    """This is the configuration interface for the repos configuration.
+-       So if you want to change callbacks etc. you tweak it here, and when
+-       yb.repos does it's thing ... it happens. """
++    """This is the configuration interface for the repos configuration
++    configuration.  To change configuration settings such what
++    callbacks are used, change the values here. Later, when
++    :func:`YumBase.repos` is first called, all of the options will be
++    automatically configured.
++    """
+     def __init__(self):
+         self.progressbar = None
++        self.multi_progressbar = None
+         self.callback = None
+         self.failure_callback = None
+         self.interrupt_callback = None
+@@ -164,11 +179,11 @@ class _YumCostExclude:
+         return False
+ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+-    """This is a primary structure and base class. It houses the objects and
+-       methods needed to perform most things in yum. It is almost an abstract
+-       class in that you will need to add your own class above it for most
+-       real use."""
++    """This is a primary structure and base class. It houses the
++    objects and methods needed to perform most things in yum. It is
++    almost an abstract class in that you will need to add your own
++    class above it for most real use.
++    """
+     def __init__(self):
+         depsolve.Depsolve.__init__(self)
+         self._conf = None
+@@ -177,9 +192,12 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         self._up = None
+         self._comps = None
+         self._history = None
++        self._igroups = None
+         self._pkgSack = None
+         self._lockfile = None
+         self._tags = None
++        self._upinfo = None
++        self._fssnap = None
+         self._ts_save_file = None
+         self.skipped_packages = []   # packages skip by the skip-broken code
+         self._not_found_a = {}
+@@ -204,6 +222,9 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         self.run_with_package_names = set()
+         self._cleanup = []
++        self.exit_code = 0
++        self.updateinfo_filters = {}
+     def __del__(self):
+         self.close()
+@@ -213,10 +234,15 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         for cb in self._cleanup: cb()
+     def close(self):
++        """Close the history and repo objects."""
+         # We don't want to create the object, so we test if it's been created
+         if self._history is not None:
+             self.history.close()
++        if self._igroups is not None:
++            self.igroups.close()
+         if self._repos:
+             self._repos.close()
+@@ -225,15 +251,33 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return transactioninfo.TransactionData()
+     def doGenericSetup(self, cache=0):
+-        """do a default setup for all the normal/necessary yum components,
+-           really just a shorthand for testing"""
++        """Do a default setup for all the normal or necessary yum
++        components.  This function is really just a shorthand for
++        testing purposes.
++        :param cache: whether to run in cache only mode, which will
++           run only from the system cache
++        """
+         self.preconf.init_plugins = False
+         self.conf.cache = cache
+     def doConfigSetup(self, fn='/etc/yum/yum.conf', root='/', init_plugins=True,
+             plugin_types=(plugins.TYPE_CORE,), optparser=None, debuglevel=None,
+             errorlevel=None):
++        """Deprecated.  Perform configuration setup.
++        :param fn: the name of the configuration file to use
++        :param root: the root directory to use
++        :param init_plugins: whether to initialize plugins before
++           running yum
++        :param plugin_types: a tuple containing the types to plugins
++           to load
++        :param optparser: the option parser to use for configuration
++        :param debuglevel: the minimum debug logging level to output
++           messages from
++        :param errorlevel: the minimum error logging level to output
++           messages from
++        """
+         warnings.warn(_('doConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'),
+                 Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+@@ -297,15 +341,17 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             # Try the old default
+             fn = '/etc/yum.conf'
+-        startupconf = config.readStartupConfig(fn, root)
++        startupconf = config.readStartupConfig(fn, root, releasever)
+         startupconf.arch = arch
+         startupconf.basearch = self.arch.basearch
+         if uuid:
+             startupconf.uuid = uuid
+         if startupconf.gaftonmode:
+-            global _
+-            _ = yum.i18n.dummy_wrapper
++            global _wrap_yum_i18n__
++            _wrap_yum_i18n__ = yum.i18n.dummy_wrapper
++            global _wrap_yum_i18n_P_
++            _wrap_yum_i18n_P_ = yum.i18n.dummyP_wrapper
+         if debuglevel != None:
+             startupconf.debuglevel = debuglevel
+@@ -336,6 +382,12 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         self._conf = config.readMainConfig(startupconf)
++        # update urlgrabber defaults
++        mc = self._conf.max_connections
++        if mc > 0:
++            default_grabber.opts.max_connections = mc
++        default_grabber.opts.timedhosts = self._conf.cachedir + '/timedhosts'
+         #  We don't want people accessing/altering preconf after it becomes
+         # worthless. So we delete it, and thus. it'll raise AttributeError
+         del self.preconf
+@@ -367,22 +419,36 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+     def doLoggingSetup(self, debuglevel, errorlevel,
+                        syslog_ident=None, syslog_facility=None,
+                        syslog_device='/dev/log'):
+-        '''
+-        Perform logging related setup.
+-        @param debuglevel: Debug logging level to use.
+-        @param errorlevel: Error logging level to use.
+-        '''
++        """Perform logging related setup.
++        :param debuglevel: the minimum debug logging level to output
++           messages from
++        :param errorlevel: the minimum error logging level to output
++           messages from
++        :param syslog_ident: the ident of the syslog to use
++        :param syslog_facility: the name of the syslog facility to use
++        :param syslog_device: the syslog device to use
++        """
+         logginglevels.doLoggingSetup(debuglevel, errorlevel,
+                                      syslog_ident, syslog_facility,
+                                      syslog_device)
+     def doFileLogSetup(self, uid, logfile):
++        """Set up the logging file.
++        :param uid: the user id of the current user
++        :param logfile: the name of the file to use for logging
++        """
+         logginglevels.setFileLog(uid, logfile, self._cleanup)
+     def getReposFromConfigFile(self, repofn, repo_age=None, validate=None):
+-        """read in repositories from a config .repo file"""
++        """Read in repositories from a config .repo file.
++        :param repofn: a string specifying the path of the .repo file
++           to read
++        :param repo_age: the last time that the .repo file was
++           modified, in seconds since the epoch
++        """
+         if repo_age is None:
+             repo_age = os.stat(repofn)[8]
+@@ -391,8 +457,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         try:
+             parser.readfp(confpp_obj)
+         except ParsingError, e:
+-            msg = str(e)
+-            raise Errors.ConfigError, msg
++            raise Errors.ConfigError(exception2msg(e))
+         # Check sections in the .repo file that was just slurped up
+         for section in parser.sections():
+@@ -429,7 +494,21 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 thisrepo.base_persistdir = self.conf._repos_persistdir
++            # do the wildcard ones first
++            # The keys are in indeterminate order at this point, *sigh*.
++            for i in sorted(self.repo_setopts):
++                #  Skip normal names, as we want to do wildcard matches first
++                # and then override with specific id stuff.
++                if not misc.re_glob(i):
++                    continue
++                if fnmatch.fnmatch(thisrepo.id, i):
++                    for opt in self.repo_setopts[i].items:
++                        if not hasattr(thisrepo, opt):
++                            msg = "Repo %s did not have a %s attr. before setopt"
++                            self.logger.warning(msg % (thisrepo.id, opt))
++                        setattr(thisrepo, opt, getattr(self.repo_setopts[i], opt))
+             if thisrepo.id in self.repo_setopts:
+                 for opt in self.repo_setopts[thisrepo.id].items:
+                     if not hasattr(thisrepo, opt):
+@@ -440,6 +519,20 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             if validate and not validate(thisrepo):
+                 continue
++            if thisrepo.ssl_check_cert_permissions:
++                for fn in  (thisrepo.sslcacert,
++                            thisrepo.sslclientcert, thisrepo.sslclientkey):
++                    if not fn:
++                        continue
++                    #  If we can't read the SSL certs. we need to skip the repo.
++                    # if we don't have all the data.
++                    if not os.access(fn, os.R_OK):
++                        msg="Repo %s forced skip_if_unavailable=True due to: %s"
++                        if thisrepo.enabled:
++                            # Don't spam messages for disabled repos.
++                            self.logger.warning(msg % (thisrepo.id, fn))
++                        thisrepo.skip_if_unavailable = True
+             # Got our list of repo objects, add them to the repos
+             # collection
+             try:
+@@ -448,8 +541,11 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 self.logger.warning(e)
+     def getReposFromConfig(self):
+-        """read in repositories from config main and .repo files"""
++        """Read in repositories from the main yum conf file, and from
++        .repo files.  The location of the main yum conf file is given
++        by self.conf.config_file_path, and the location of the
++        directory of .repo files is given by self.conf.reposdir.
++        """
+         # Read .repo files from directories specified by the reposdir option
+         # (typically /etc/yum/repos.d)
+         repo_config_age = self.conf.config_file_age
+@@ -466,18 +562,22 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             if os.path.isdir(reposdir):
+                 for repofn in sorted(glob.glob('%s/*.repo' % reposdir)):
++                    if not os.access(repofn, os.R_OK):
++                        self.logger.warning(_("Skipping unreadable repository %s"), repr(repofn))
++                        continue
+                     thisrepo_age = os.stat(repofn)[8]
+                     if thisrepo_age < repo_config_age:
+                         thisrepo_age = repo_config_age
+                     self.getReposFromConfigFile(repofn, repo_age=thisrepo_age)
+     def readRepoConfig(self, parser, section):
+-        '''Parse an INI file section for a repository.
++        """Parse an INI file section for a repository.
+-        @param parser: ConfParser or similar to read INI file values from.
+-        @param section: INI file section to read.
+-        @return: YumRepository instance.
+-        '''
++        :param parser: :class:`ConfigParser` or similar object to read
++           INI file values from
++        :param section: INI file section to read
++        :return: :class:`yum.yumRepo.YumRepository` instance
++        """
+         repo = yumRepo.YumRepository(section)
+         try:
+             repo.populate(parser, section, self.conf)
+@@ -493,38 +593,40 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         repo.name = to_unicode(repo.name)
+         # Set attributes not from the config file
++        repo.old_base_cache_dir = getattr(self, '_old_cachedir', '')
+         repo.basecachedir = self.conf.cachedir
+         repo.yumvar.update(self.conf.yumvar)
+         repo.cfg = parser
++        # Enable parallel downloading
++        repo._async = repo.async
+         return repo
+     def disablePlugins(self):
+-        '''Disable yum plugins
+-        '''
++        """Disable yum plugins."""
+         self.plugins = plugins.DummyYumPlugins()
+     def doPluginSetup(self, optparser=None, plugin_types=None, searchpath=None,
+             confpath=None,disabled_plugins=None,enabled_plugins=None):
+-        '''Initialise and enable yum plugins. 
+-        Note: _getConfig() will initialise plugins if instructed to. Only
+-        call this method directly if not calling _getConfig() or calling
+-        doConfigSetup(init_plugins=False).
+-        @param optparser: The OptionParser instance for this run (optional)
+-        @param plugin_types: A sequence specifying the types of plugins to load.
+-            This should be a sequence containing one or more of the
+-            yum.plugins.TYPE_...  constants. If None (the default), all plugins
+-            will be loaded.
+-        @param searchpath: A list of directories to look in for plugins. A
+-            default will be used if no value is specified.
+-        @param confpath: A list of directories to look in for plugin
+-            configuration files. A default will be used if no value is
+-            specified.
+-        @param disabled_plugins: Plugins to be disabled    
+-        @param enabled_plugins: Plugins to be enabled
+-        '''
++        """Initialise and enable yum plugins.
++        Note: _getConfig() will also initialise plugins if instructed
++        to. Only call this method directly if not calling _getConfig()
++        or calling doConfigSetup(init_plugins=False).
++        :param optparser: the :class:`OptionParser` instance to use
++           for this run
++        :param plugin_types: a sequence specifying the types of plugins to load.
++           This should be a sequence containing one or more of the
++           yum.plugins.TYPE_...  constants. If None (the default), all plugins
++           will be loaded
++        :param searchpath: a list of directories to look in for plugins. A
++           default will be used if no value is specified
++        :param confpath: a list of directories to look in for plugin
++           configuration files. A default will be used if no value is
++           specified
++        :param disabled_plugins: a list of plugins to be disabled    
++        :param enabled_plugins: a list plugins to be enabled
++        """
+         if isinstance(self.plugins, plugins.YumPlugins):
+             raise RuntimeError(_("plugins already initialised"))
+@@ -533,6 +635,8 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+     def doRpmDBSetup(self):
++        """Deprecated.  Set up the rpm database."""
+         warnings.warn(_('doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'),
+                 Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+@@ -552,7 +656,8 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return self._rpmdb
+     def closeRpmDB(self):
+-        """closes down the instances of the rpmdb we have wangling around"""
++        """Closes down the instances of rpmdb that could be open."""
+         if self._rpmdb is not None:
+             self._rpmdb.ts = None
+             self._rpmdb.dropCachedData()
+@@ -561,12 +666,19 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         self._tsInfo = None
+         self._up = None
+         self.comps = None
++        self.igroups = None
+     def _deleteTs(self):
+         del self._ts
+         self._ts = None
+     def doRepoSetup(self, thisrepo=None):
++        """Deprecated. Set up the yum repositories.
++        :param thisrepo: the repository to set up.  If None, all
++           repositories will be set up
++        :return: the set up repos
++        """
+         warnings.warn(_('doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'),
+                 Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+@@ -588,7 +700,8 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             prerepoconf = self.prerepoconf
+             del self.prerepoconf
+-            self.repos.setProgressBar(prerepoconf.progressbar)
++            self.repos.setProgressBar(prerepoconf.progressbar,
++                                      prerepoconf.multi_progressbar)
+             self.repos.callback = prerepoconf.callback
+             self.repos.setFailureCallback(prerepoconf.failure_callback)
+             self.repos.setInterruptCallback(prerepoconf.interrupt_callback)
+@@ -602,24 +715,6 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         if doSetup:
+-            if (hasattr(urlgrabber, 'grabber') and
+-                hasattr(urlgrabber.grabber, 'pycurl')):
+-                # Must do basename checking, on cert. files...
+-                cert_basenames = {}
+-                for repo in self._repos.listEnabled():
+-                    if not repo.sslclientcert:
+-                        continue
+-                    bn = os.path.basename(repo.sslclientcert)
+-                    if bn not in cert_basenames:
+-                        cert_basenames[bn] = repo
+-                        continue
+-                    if repo.sslclientcert == cert_basenames[bn].sslclientcert:
+-                        # Exactly the same path is fine too
+-                        continue
+-                    msg = 'sslclientcert basename shared between %s and %s'
+-                    raise Errors.ConfigError, msg % (repo, cert_basenames[bn])
+             repo_st = time.time()        
+             self._repos.doSetup(thisrepo)
+             self.verbose_logger.debug('repo time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - repo_st))        
+@@ -630,6 +725,14 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         self._repos = RepoStorage(self)
+     def doSackSetup(self, archlist=None, thisrepo=None):
++        """Deprecated. Populate the package sacks with information
++        from our repositories.
++        :param archlist: a list of the names of archs to include.  If
++           None, all arches are set up
++        :param thisrepo: the repository to use.  If None, all enabled
++           repositories are used
++        """
+         warnings.warn(_('doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'),
+                 Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+@@ -711,6 +814,9 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+     def doUpdateSetup(self):
++        """Deprecated. Set up the update object in the base class and populate the
++        updates, obsoletes, and other lists.
++        """
+         warnings.warn(_('doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'),
+                 Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+@@ -765,6 +871,8 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return self._up
+     def doGroupSetup(self):
++        """Deprecated. Create and populate the groups object."""
+         warnings.warn(_('doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'),
+                 Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+@@ -776,7 +884,12 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             # if we unset the comps object, we need to undo which repos have
+             # been added to the group file as well
+             if self._repos:
+-                for repo in self._repos.listGroupsEnabled():
++                #  Used to do listGroupsEnabled(), which seems fine but requires
++                # calling .listEnalbed() ... which doesn't work on __del__ path
++                # if we haven't already called that (due to
++                # "prelistenabledrepos" plugins). So just blank it for
++                # all repos.
++                for repo in self._repos.sort():
+                     repo.groups_added = False
+         self._comps = val
+@@ -813,6 +926,21 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         overwrite = self.conf.overwrite_groups
+         self._comps = comps.Comps(overwrite_groups = overwrite)
++        if self.conf.group_command == 'objects':
++            #  Add the ids for installed groups/envs as though sys is a repo.
++            # makes everything easier (comps.return_groups() etc. works)...
++            self._comps.compscount += 1
++            for gid in self.igroups.groups:
++                grp = comps.Group()
++                grp.name = grp.groupid = gid
++                grp._weak = True
++                self._comps.add_group(grp)
++            for evgid in self.igroups.environments:
++                env = comps.Environment()
++                env.name = env.environmentid = evgid
++                env._weak = True
++                self._comps.add_environment(env)
+         for repo in reposWithGroups:
+             if repo.groups_added: # already added the groups from this repo
+                 continue
+@@ -820,16 +948,14 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_4,
+                 _('Adding group file from repository: %s'), repo)
+             groupfile = repo.getGroups()
+-            # open it up as a file object so iterparse can cope with our compressed file
+-            if groupfile:
+-                groupfile = misc.repo_gen_decompress(groupfile, 'groups.xml',
+-                                                     cached=repo.cache)
+-                # Do we want a RepoError here?
++            if not groupfile:
++                msg = _('Failed to retrieve group file for repository: %s') % repo
++                self.logger.critical(msg)
++                continue
+             try:
+                 self._comps.add(groupfile)
+             except (Errors.GroupsError,Errors.CompsException), e:
+-                msg = _('Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s') % (repo, str(e))
++                msg = _('Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %s') % (repo, exception2msg(e))
+                 self.logger.critical(msg)
+             else:
+                 repo.groups_added = True
+@@ -837,7 +963,10 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         if self._comps.compscount == 0:
+             raise Errors.GroupsError, _('No Groups Available in any repository')
+-        self._comps.compile(self.rpmdb.simplePkgList())
++        #  Note that this means that grp.installed is not usable, when using
++        # groups as objects ... but that's GOOD.
++        if self.conf.group_command != 'objects':
++            self._comps.compile(self.rpmdb.simplePkgList())
+         self.verbose_logger.debug('group time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - group_st))                
+         return self._comps
+@@ -868,22 +997,72 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     # feed it into _tags.add()
+                     self._tags.add(repo.id, tag_sqlite)
+                 except (Errors.RepoError, Errors.PkgTagsError), e:
+-                    msg = _('Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s') % (repo, str(e))
++                    msg = _('Failed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %s') % (repo, exception2msg(e))
+                     self.logger.critical(msg)
+         self.verbose_logger.debug('tags time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - tag_st))
+         return self._tags
++    def _getUpdateinfo(self):
++        """ create the Update Info object used to search/report the updateinfo
++            metadata"""
++        upi_st = time.time()
++        self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_4,
++                                _('Getting updateinfo metadata'))
++        if self._upinfo is None:
++            logger = logging.getLogger("yum.update_md")
++            vlogger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.update_md")
++            self._upinfo = update_md.UpdateMetadata(logger=logger,
++                                                    vlogger=vlogger)
++            for repo in self.repos.listEnabled():
++                if 'updateinfo' not in repo.repoXML.fileTypes():
++                    continue
++                self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_4,
++                    _('Adding Update Info from repository: %s'), repo)
++                try:
++                    self._upinfo.add(repo)
++                except Errors.RepoMDError, e:
++                    msg = _('Failed to add Update Info for repository: %s - %s') % (repo, exception2msg(e))
++                    self.logger.critical(msg)
++        self.verbose_logger.debug('updateinfo time: %0.3f' %
++                                  (time.time() - upi_st))
++        return self._upinfo
+     def _getHistory(self):
+         """auto create the history object that to access/append the transaction
+            history information. """
+         if self._history is None:
+             pdb_path = self.conf.persistdir + "/history"
+             self._history = yum.history.YumHistory(root=self.conf.installroot,
+-                                                   db_path=pdb_path)
++                                                   db_path=pdb_path,
++                                                   releasever=self.conf.yumvar['releasever'])
+         return self._history
++    def _getFSsnap(self):
++        """ create the fssnap object used to query/create snapshots. """
++        if self._fssnap is None:
++            devices = self.conf.fssnap_devices
++            self._fssnap = yum.fssnapshots._FSSnap(root=self.conf.installroot,
++                                                   devices=devices)
++        return self._fssnap
++    def _getIGroups(self):
++        """auto create the installed groups object that to access/change the
++           installed groups information. """
++        if self._igroups is None:
++            pdb_path = self.conf.persistdir + "/groups"
++            self._igroups = yum.igroups.InstalledGroups(db_path=pdb_path)
++        return self._igroups
+     # properties so they auto-create themselves with defaults
+     repos = property(fget=lambda self: self._getRepos(),
+                      fset=lambda self, value: setattr(self, "_repos", value),
+@@ -921,16 +1100,31 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                        fdel=lambda self: setattr(self, "_history", None),
+                        doc="Yum History Object")
++    igroups = property(fget=lambda self: self._getIGroups(),
++                       fset=lambda self, value: setattr(self, "_igroups",value),
++                       fdel=lambda self: setattr(self, "_igroups", None),
++                       doc="Yum Installed Groups Object")
+     pkgtags = property(fget=lambda self: self._getTags(),
+                        fset=lambda self, value: setattr(self, "_tags",value),
+                        fdel=lambda self: setattr(self, "_tags", None),
+                        doc="Yum Package Tags Object")
++    upinfo = property(fget=lambda self: self._getUpdateinfo(),
++                      fset=lambda self, value: setattr(self, "_upinfo", value),
++                      fdel=lambda self: setattr(self, "_upinfo", None),
++                      doc="Yum Update Info Object")
++    fssnap = property(fget=lambda self: self._getFSsnap(),
++                      fset=lambda self, value: setattr(self, "_fssnap",value),
++                      fdel=lambda self: setattr(self, "_fssnap", None),
++                      doc="Yum FS snapshot Object")
+     def doSackFilelistPopulate(self):
+-        """convenience function to populate the repos with the filelist metadata
+-           it also is simply to only emit a log if anything actually gets populated"""
++        """Convenience function to populate the repositories with the
++        filelist metadata, and emit a log message only if new
++        information is actually populated.
++        """
+         necessary = False
+         # I can't think of a nice way of doing this, we have to have the sack here
+@@ -951,8 +1145,12 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             self.repos.populateSack(mdtype='filelists')
+     def yumUtilsMsg(self, func, prog):
+-        """ Output a message that the tool requires the yum-utils package,
+-            if not installed. """
++        """Output a message that the given tool requires the yum-utils
++        package, if it not installed.
++        :param func: the function to output the message
++        :param prog: the name of the tool that requires yum-utils
++        """
+         if self.rpmdb.contains(name="yum-utils"):
+             return
+@@ -964,12 +1162,25 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+              (hibeg, prog, hiend))
+     def buildTransaction(self, unfinished_transactions_check=True):
+-        """go through the packages in the transaction set, find them in the
+-           packageSack or rpmdb, and pack up the ts accordingly"""
++        """Go through the packages in the transaction set, find them
++        in the packageSack or rpmdb, and pack up the transaction set
++        accordingly.
++        :param unfinished_transactions_check: whether to check for
++           unfinished transactions before building the new transaction
++        """
++        # FIXME: This is horrible, see below and yummain. Maybe create a real
++        #        rescode object? :(
++        self._depsolving_failed = False
+         if (unfinished_transactions_check and
+             misc.find_unfinished_transactions(yumlibpath=self.conf.persistdir)):
+             msg = _('There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might ' \
+-                    'consider running yum-complete-transaction first to finish them.' )
++                    'consider running yum-complete-transaction, or' \
++                    ' "yum-complete-transaction --cleanup-only" and' \
++                    ' "yum history redo last", first to finish them. If those' \
++                    ' don\'t work you\'ll have to try removing/installing' \
++                    ' packages by hand (maybe package-cleanup can help).')
+             self.logger.critical(msg)
+             self.yumUtilsMsg(self.logger.critical, "yum-complete-transaction")
+             time.sleep(3)
+@@ -1004,7 +1215,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             # If transaction was changed by postresolve plugins then we should run skipbroken again
+             (rescode, restring) = self._doSkipBroken(rescode, restring, clear_skipped=False )
+-        if self.tsInfo.pkgSack is not None: # rm Transactions don't have pkgSack
++        if self.tsInfo._pkgSack is not None: # Transactions have pkgSack?
+             self.tsInfo.pkgSack.dropCachedData()
+         # FIXME: This is horrible, see below and yummain. Maybe create a real
+@@ -1044,6 +1255,39 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 if first.verEQ(other):
+                     continue
+                 msg = _('Protected multilib versions: %s != %s')
++                if not xrestring:
++                    #  People are confused about protected mutilib ... so give
++                    # them a nicer message.
++                    bigmsg = _("""\
++ Multilib version problems found. This often means that the root
++cause is something else and multilib version checking is just
++pointing out that there is a problem. Eg.:
++  1. You have an upgrade for %(name)s which is missing some
++     dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to
++     solve this by installing an older version of %(name)s of the
++     different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture
++     yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package
++     requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with
++     --exclude %(name)s.otherarch ... this should give you an error
++     message showing the root cause of the problem.
++  2. You have multiple architectures of %(name)s installed, but
++     yum can only see an upgrade for one of those architectures.
++     If you don't want/need both architectures anymore then you
++     can remove the one with the missing update and everything
++     will work.
++  3. You have duplicate versions of %(name)s installed already.
++     You can use "yum check" to get yum show these errors.
++...you can also use --setopt=protected_multilib=false to remove
++this checking, however this is almost never the correct thing to
++do as something else is very likely to go wrong (often causing
++much more problems).
++""") % {'name' : pkgname}
++                    msg = bigmsg + msg
+                 xrestring.append(msg % (first, other))
+         if xrestring:
+             rescode = 1
+@@ -1227,7 +1471,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 self.verbose_logger.info(msg)
+             self.skipped_packages.extend(skipped_list)   # make the skipped packages public
+         else:
+-            # If we cant solve the problems the show the original error messages.
++            # If we can't solve the problems the show the original error messages.
+             self.verbose_logger.info("Skip-broken could not solve problems")
+             return 1, orig_restring
+         return rescode, restring
+@@ -1242,13 +1486,15 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         if None in pkgtup:
+             return None
+         return pkgtup
+-    def _add_not_found_a(self, pkgs, nevra_dict):
+-        pkgtup = self._add_not_found(pkgs, nevra_dict)
++    def _add_not_found_a(self, pkgs, nevra_dict={}, pkgtup=None):
++        if pkgtup is None and nevra_dict:
++            pkgtup = self._add_not_found(pkgs, nevra_dict)
+         if pkgtup is None:
+             return
+         self._not_found_a[pkgtup] = YumNotFoundPackage(pkgtup)
+-    def _add_not_found_i(self, pkgs, nevra_dict):
+-        pkgtup = self._add_not_found(pkgs, nevra_dict)
++    def _add_not_found_i(self, pkgs, nevra_dict={}, pkgtup=None):
++        if pkgtup is None and nevra_dict:
++            pkgtup = self._add_not_found(pkgs, nevra_dict)
+         if pkgtup is None:
+             return
+         self._not_found_i[pkgtup] = YumNotFoundPackage(pkgtup)
+@@ -1267,7 +1513,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             for pkg in txmbr.obsoleted_by:
+                 # check if the obsoleting txmbr is in the transaction
+                 # else remove the obsoleted txmbr
+-                # it clean out some really wierd cases
++                # it clean out some really weird cases
+                 if not self.tsInfo.exists(pkg.pkgtup):
+                     self.verbose_logger.debug('SKIPBROKEN: Remove extra obsoleted %s (%s)' % (txmbr.po,pkg) )
+                     self.tsInfo.remove(txmbr.po.pkgtup)
+@@ -1282,7 +1528,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             for pkg in txmbr.updated_by:
+                 # check if the updating txmbr is in the transaction
+                 # else remove the updated txmbr
+-                # it clean out some really wierd cases with dupes installed on the system
++                # it clean out some really weird cases with dupes installed on the system
+                 if not self.tsInfo.exists(pkg.pkgtup):
+                     self.verbose_logger.debug('SKIPBROKEN: Remove extra updated %s (%s)' % (txmbr.po,pkg) )
+                     self.tsInfo.remove(txmbr.po.pkgtup)
+@@ -1379,9 +1625,19 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+     def _getDepsToRemove(self,po, deptree, toRemove):
+         for dep in deptree.get(po, []): # Loop trough all deps of po
++            more_deps = False
+             for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembers(dep.pkgtup):
++                txmbr.removeDep(po)
++                if txmbr.depends_on:
++                    more_deps = True
++                    break
+                 for pkg in (txmbr.updates + txmbr.obsoletes):
+                     toRemove.add(pkg)
++            if more_deps: # Others depend on this pkg, so leave it. bz#905899
++                continue
++            if dep in toRemove: #  If this is true we inf. recurse, so check
++                continue        # even though it shouldn't happen. bz#874065
+             toRemove.add(dep)
+             self._getDepsToRemove(dep, deptree, toRemove)
+@@ -1454,7 +1710,46 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return probs
+     def runTransaction(self, cb):
+-        """takes an rpm callback object, performs the transaction"""
++        """Perform the transaction.
++        :param cb: an rpm callback object to use in the transaction
++        :return: a :class:`yum.misc.GenericHolder` containing
++           information about the results of the transaction
++        :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.YumRPMTransError` if there is a
++           transaction cannot be completed
++        """
++        if self.fssnap.available and ((self.conf.fssnap_automatic_pre or
++                                       self.conf.fssnap_automatic_post) and
++                                      self.conf.fssnap_automatic_keep):
++            # Automatically kill old snapshots...
++            snaps = self.fssnap.old_snapshots()
++            snaps = sorted(snaps, key=lambda x: (x['ctime'], x['origin_dev']),
++                           reverse=True)
++            last = '<n/a>'
++            num = 0
++            todel = []
++            for snap in snaps:
++                num += 1
++                if last != snap['origin_dev']:
++                    last = snap['origin_dev']
++                    num = 1
++                    continue
++                if num > self.conf.fssnap_automatic_keep:
++                    todel.append(snap['dev'])
++            # Display something to the user?
++            self.fssnap.del_snapshots(devices=todel)
++        if (self.fssnap.available and
++            (not self.ts.isTsFlagSet(rpm.RPMTRANS_FLAG_TEST) and
++            self.conf.fssnap_automatic_pre)):
++            if not self.fssnap.has_space(self.conf.fssnap_percentage):
++                msg = _("Not enough space to create pre. FS snapshot, aborting transaction.")
++                raise Errors.YumRPMTransError(msg=msg, errors=[])
++            else:
++                tags = {'*': ['reason=automatic']} # FIXME: pre. tags
++                self.fssnap.snapshot(self.conf.fssnap_percentage, tags=tags)
+         self.plugins.run('pretrans')
+@@ -1516,10 +1811,23 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 pass
+         self._ts_save_file = None
++        if self.conf.reset_nice:
++            onice = os.nice(0)
++            if onice:
++                try:
++                    os.nice(-onice)
++                except:
++                    onice = 0
+         errors = self.ts.run(cb.callback, '')
+         # ts.run() exit codes are, hmm, "creative": None means all ok, empty 
+         # list means some errors happened in the transaction and non-empty 
+         # list that there were errors preventing the ts from starting...
++        if self.conf.reset_nice:
++            try:
++                os.nice(onice)
++            except:
++                pass
+         # make resultobject - just a plain yumgenericholder object
+         resultobject = misc.GenericHolder()
+@@ -1544,8 +1852,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                                           errors=errors)
+-        if (not self.conf.keepcache and
+-            not self.ts.isTsFlagSet(rpm.RPMTRANS_FLAG_TEST)):
++        if not self.ts.isTsFlagSet(rpm.RPMTRANS_FLAG_TEST):
+             self.cleanUsedHeadersPackages()
+         for i in ('ts_all_fn', 'ts_done_fn'):
+@@ -1567,13 +1874,35 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         self.plugins.run('posttrans')
+         # sync up what just happened versus what is in the rpmdb
+         if not self.ts.isTsFlagSet(rpm.RPMTRANS_FLAG_TEST):
+-            self.verifyTransaction(resultobject)
++            vTcb = None
++            if hasattr(cb, 'verify_txmbr'):
++                vTcb = cb.verify_txmbr
++            self.verifyTransaction(resultobject, vTcb)
++            if self.conf.group_command == 'objects':
++                self.igroups.save()
++        if (self.fssnap.available and
++            (not self.ts.isTsFlagSet(rpm.RPMTRANS_FLAG_TEST) and
++            self.conf.fssnap_automatic_post)):
++            if not self.fssnap.has_space(self.conf.fssnap_percentage):
++                msg = _("Not enough space to create post trans FS snapshot.")
++                self.logger.critical(msg)
++            else:
++                tags = {'*': ['reason=automatic']} # FIXME: post tags
++                self.fssnap.snapshot(self.conf.fssnap_percentage, tags=tags)
+         return resultobject
+-    def verifyTransaction(self, resultobject=None):
+-        """checks that the transaction did what we expected it to do. Also 
+-           propagates our external yumdb info"""
++    def verifyTransaction(self, resultobject=None, txmbr_cb=None):
++        """Check that the transaction did what was expected, and 
++        propagate external yumdb information.  Output error messages
++        if the transaction did not do what was expected.
++        :param resultobject: the :class:`yum.misc.GenericHolder`
++           object returned from the :func:`runTransaction` call that
++           ran the transaction
++        :param txmbr_cb: the callback for the rpm transaction members
++        """
+         # check to see that the rpmdb and the tsInfo roughly matches
+         # push package object metadata outside of rpmdb into yumdb
+         # delete old yumdb metadata entries
+@@ -1584,9 +1913,16 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         #    that there is not also an install of this pkg in the tsInfo (reinstall)
+         # for any kind of install add from_repo to the yumdb, and the cmdline
+         # and the install reason
++        def _call_txmbr_cb(txmbr, count):
++            if txmbr_cb is not None:
++                count += 1
++                txmbr_cb(txmbr, count)
++            return count
+         vt_st = time.time()
+         self.plugins.run('preverifytrans')
++        count = 0
+         for txmbr in self.tsInfo:
+             if txmbr.output_state in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
+                 if not self.rpmdb.contains(po=txmbr.po):
+@@ -1596,12 +1932,21 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                                            ' but is not!' % txmbr.po))
+                     # Note: Get Panu to do te.Failed() so we don't have to
+                     txmbr.output_state = TS_FAILED
++                    count = _call_txmbr_cb(txmbr, count)
+                     continue
++                count = _call_txmbr_cb(txmbr, count)
+                 po = self.getInstalledPackageObject(txmbr.pkgtup)
+                 rpo = txmbr.po
+                 po.yumdb_info.from_repo = rpo.repoid
+                 po.yumdb_info.reason = txmbr.reason
+                 po.yumdb_info.releasever = self.conf.yumvar['releasever']
++                for var in self.conf.yumvar: # Store all yum variables.
++                    # Skip some of the variables...
++                    if var == 'releasever': continue
++                    if var == 'basearch': continue # This "never" changes.
++                    if var == 'arch':     continue
++                    # Skip uuid?
++                    setattr(po.yumdb_info, 'var_' + var, self.conf.yumvar[var])
+                 if hasattr(self, 'args') and self.args:
+                     po.yumdb_info.command_line = ' '.join(self.args)
+                 elif hasattr(self, 'cmds') and self.cmds:
+@@ -1630,6 +1975,10 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     if md:
+                         po.yumdb_info.from_repo_timestamp = str(md.timestamp)
++                if hasattr(txmbr, 'group_member'):
++                    # FIXME:
++                    po.yumdb_info.group_member = txmbr.group_member
+                 loginuid = misc.getloginuid()
+                 if txmbr.updates or txmbr.downgrades or txmbr.reinstall:
+                     if txmbr.updates:
+@@ -1640,11 +1989,16 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                         opo = po
+                     if 'installed_by' in opo.yumdb_info:
+                         po.yumdb_info.installed_by = opo.yumdb_info.installed_by
++                    if 'group_member' in opo.yumdb_info:
++                        po.yumdb_info.group_member = opo.yumdb_info.group_member
+                     if loginuid is not None:
+                         po.yumdb_info.changed_by = str(loginuid)
+                 elif loginuid is not None:
+                     po.yumdb_info.installed_by = str(loginuid)
++                if self.conf.history_record:
++                    self.history.sync_alldb(po)
+         # Remove old ones after installing new ones, so we can copy values.
+         for txmbr in self.tsInfo:
+             if txmbr.output_state in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
+@@ -1662,10 +2016,13 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                                                ' but is not!' % txmbr.po))
+                         # Note: Get Panu to do te.Failed() so we don't have to
+                         txmbr.output_state = TS_FAILED
++                        count = _call_txmbr_cb(txmbr, count)
+                         continue
++                count = _call_txmbr_cb(txmbr, count)
+                 yumdb_item = self.rpmdb.yumdb.get_package(po=txmbr.po)
+                 yumdb_item.clean()
+             else:
++                count = _call_txmbr_cb(txmbr, count)
+                 self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, 'What is this? %s' % txmbr.po)
+         self.plugins.run('postverifytrans')
+@@ -1680,10 +2037,11 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         self.verbose_logger.debug('VerifyTransaction time: %0.3f' % (time.time() - vt_st))
+     def costExcludePackages(self):
+-        """ Create an excluder for repos. with higher cost. Eg.
+-            repo-A:cost=1 repo-B:cost=2 ... here we setup an excluder on repo-B
+-            that looks for pkgs in repo-B."""
++        """Create an excluder for repositories with higher costs. For
++        example, if repo-A:cost=1 and repo-B:cost=2, this function
++        will set up an excluder on repo-B that looks for packages in
++        repo-B.
++        """
+         # if all the repo.costs are equal then don't bother running things
+         costs = {}
+         for r in self.repos.listEnabled():
+@@ -1705,10 +2063,12 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             done = True
+     def excludePackages(self, repo=None):
+-        """removes packages from packageSacks based on global exclude lists,
+-           command line excludes and per-repository excludes, takes optional 
+-           repo object to use."""
++        """Remove packages from packageSacks based on global exclude
++        lists, command line excludes and per-repository excludes.
++        :param repo: a repo object to use.  If not given, all
++           repositories are used
++        """
+         if "all" in self.conf.disable_excludes:
+             return
+@@ -1735,9 +2095,14 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             self.pkgSack.addPackageExcluder(repoid, exid,'exclude.match', match)
+     def includePackages(self, repo):
+-        """removes packages from packageSacks based on list of packages, to include.
+-           takes repoid as a mandatory argument."""
++        """Remove packages from packageSacks based on list of
++        packages to include.  
++        :param repo: the repository to use
++        """
++        for di in getattr(self.conf, 'disable_includes', []):
++            if di == 'all' or di == repo.id:
++                return
+         includelist = repo.getIncludePkgList()
+         if len(includelist) == 0:
+@@ -1757,8 +2122,11 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         self.pkgSack.addPackageExcluder(repo.id, exid, 'exclude.marked')
+     def doLock(self, lockfile = YUM_PID_FILE):
+-        """perform the yum locking, raise yum-based exceptions, not OSErrors"""
++        """Acquire the yum lock.
++        :param lockfile: the file to use for the lock
++        :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.LockError`
++        """
+         if self.conf.uid != 0:
+             #  If we are a user, assume we are using the root cache ... so don't
+             # bother locking.
+@@ -1774,38 +2142,26 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         mypid=str(os.getpid())    
+         while not self._lock(lockfile, mypid, 0644):
+-            try:
+-                fd = open(lockfile, 'r')
+-            except (IOError, OSError), e:
+-                msg = _("Could not open lock %s: %s") % (lockfile, e)
+-                raise Errors.LockError(errno.EPERM, msg)
+-            try: oldpid = int(fd.readline())
+-            except ValueError:
+-                # bogus data in the pid file. Throw away.
++            oldpid = self._get_locker(lockfile)
++            if not oldpid:
++                # Invalid locker: unlink lockfile and retry
+                 self._unlock(lockfile)
+-            else:
+-                if oldpid == os.getpid(): # if we own the lock, we're fine
+-                    break
+-                try: os.kill(oldpid, 0)
+-                except OSError, e:
+-                    if e[0] == errno.ESRCH:
+-                        # The pid doesn't exist
+-                        self._unlock(lockfile)
+-                    else:
+-                        # Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-                        msg = _('Unable to check if PID %s is active') % oldpid
+-                        raise Errors.LockError(errno.EPERM, msg, oldpid)
+-                else:
+-                    # Another copy seems to be running.
+-                    msg = _('Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s.') % (lockfile, oldpid)
+-                    raise Errors.LockError(0, msg, oldpid)
++                continue
++            if oldpid == os.getpid(): # if we own the lock, we're fine
++                break
++            # Another copy seems to be running.
++            msg = _('Existing lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s.') % (lockfile, oldpid)
++            raise Errors.LockError(0, msg, oldpid)
+         # We've got the lock, store it so we can auto-unlock on __del__...
+         self._lockfile = lockfile
+     def doUnlock(self, lockfile=None):
+-        """do the unlock for yum"""
++        """Release the yum lock.
++        :param lockfile: the lock file to use.  If not given, the file
++           that was given as a parameter to the :func:`doLock` call
++           that closed the lock is used
++        """
+         # if we're not root then we don't lock - just return nicely
+         #  Note that we can get here from __del__, so if we haven't created
+         # YumBase.conf we don't want to do so here as creating stuff inside
+@@ -1830,31 +2186,69 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         self._unlock(lockfile)
+         self._lockfile = None
+-    def _lock(self, filename, contents='', mode=0777):
++    @staticmethod
++    def _lock(filename, contents='', mode=0777):
+         lockdir = os.path.dirname(filename)
+         try:
+             if not os.path.exists(lockdir):
+                 os.makedirs(lockdir, mode=0755)
+             fd = os.open(filename, os.O_EXCL|os.O_CREAT|os.O_WRONLY, mode)    
++            os.write(fd, contents)
++            os.close(fd)
++            return 1
+         except OSError, msg:
+             if not msg.errno == errno.EEXIST: 
+                 # Whoa. What the heck happened?
+-                errmsg = _('Could not create lock at %s: %s ') % (filename, str(msg))
++                errmsg = _('Could not create lock at %s: %s ') % (filename, exception2msg(msg))
+                 raise Errors.LockError(msg.errno, errmsg, int(contents))
+             return 0
+-        else:
+-            os.write(fd, contents)
+-            os.close(fd)
+-            return 1
+-    def _unlock(self, filename):
++    @staticmethod
++    def _unlock(filename):
+         misc.unlink_f(filename)
++    @staticmethod
++    def _get_locker(lockfile):
++        try: fd = open(lockfile, 'r')
++        except (IOError, OSError), e:
++            msg = _("Could not open lock %s: %s") % (lockfile, e)
++            raise Errors.LockError(errno.EPERM, msg)
++        try: oldpid = int(fd.readline())
++        except ValueError:
++            return None # Bogus pid
++        try:
++            stat = open("/proc/%d/stat" % oldpid).readline()
++            if stat.split()[2] == 'Z':
++                return None # The pid is a zombie
++        except IOError:
++            # process dead or /proc not mounted
++            try: os.kill(oldpid, 0)
++            except OSError, e:
++                if e[0] == errno.ESRCH:
++                    return None # The pid doesn't exist
++                # Whoa. What the heck happened?
++                msg = _('Unable to check if PID %s is active') % oldpid
++                raise Errors.LockError(errno.EPERM, msg, oldpid)
++        return oldpid
+     def verifyPkg(self, fo, po, raiseError):
+-        """verifies the package is what we expect it to be
+-           raiseError  = defaults to 0 - if 1 then will raise
+-           a URLGrabError if the file does not check out.
+-           otherwise it returns false for a failure, true for success"""
++        """Check that the checksum of a remote package matches what we
++        expect it to be.  If the checksum of the package file is
++        wrong, and the file is also larger than expected, it cannot be
++        redeemed, so delete it.
++        :param fo: the file object of the package
++        :param po: the package object to verify
++        :param raiseError: if *raiseError* is 1, and the package
++           does not check out, a :class:`URLGrabError will be raised.
++           Defaults to 0
++        :return: True if the package is verified successfully.
++           Otherwise, False will be returned, unless *raiseError* is
++           1, in which case a :class:`URLGrabError` will be raised
++        :raises: :class:`URLGrabError` if verification fails, and
++           *raiseError* is 1
++        """
+         failed = False
+         if type(fo) is types.InstanceType:
+@@ -1877,10 +2271,10 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             cursize = os.stat(fo)[6]
+             totsize = long(po.size)
+             if cursize >= totsize and not po.repo.cache:
+-                # if the path to the file is NOT inside the cachedir then don't
+-                # unlink it b/c it is probably a file:// url and possibly
++                # if the path to the file is NOT inside the pkgdir then don't
++                # unlink it b/c it is probably a file:// url and possibly not
+                 # unlinkable
+-                if fo.startswith(po.repo.cachedir):
++                if fo.startswith(po.repo.pkgdir):
+                     os.unlink(fo)
+             if raiseError:
+@@ -1894,9 +2288,16 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+     def verifyChecksum(self, fo, checksumType, csum):
+-        """Verify the checksum of the file versus the 
+-           provided checksum"""
++        """Verify that the checksum of the given file matches the
++        given checksum.
++        :param fo: the file object to verify the checksum of
++        :param checksumType: the type of checksum to use
++        :parm csum: the checksum to check against
++        :return: 0 if the checksums match
++        :raises: :class:`URLGrabError` if there is an error performing
++           the checksums, or the checksums do not match
++        """
+         try:
+             filesum = misc.checksum(checksumType, fo)
+         except Errors.MiscError, e:
+@@ -1908,13 +2309,26 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return 0
+     def downloadPkgs(self, pkglist, callback=None, callback_total=None):
++        """Download the packages specified by the given list of
++        package objects.
++        :param pkglist: a list of package objects specifying the
++           packages to download
++        :param callback: unused
++        :param callback_total: a callback to output messages about the
++           download operation
++        :return: a dictionary containing errors from the downloading process
++        :raises: :class:`URLGrabError`
++        """
+         def mediasort(apo, bpo):
+             # FIXME: we should probably also use the mediaid; else we
+             # could conceivably ping-pong between different disc1's
+             a = apo.getDiscNum()
+             b = bpo.getDiscNum()
+             if a is None and b is None:
+-                return cmp(apo, bpo)
++                # deltas first to start rebuilding asap
++                return cmp(isinstance(bpo, DeltaPackage),
++                           isinstance(apo, DeltaPackage)) or cmp(apo, bpo)
+             if a is None:
+                 return -1
+             if b is None:
+@@ -1925,9 +2339,6 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 return 1
+             return 0
+-        """download list of package objects handed to you, output based on
+-           callback, raise yum.Errors.YumBaseError on problems"""
+         errors = {}
+         def adderror(po, msg):
+             errors.setdefault(po, []).append(msg)
+@@ -1943,116 +2354,200 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         self.history.close()
+         self.plugins.run('predownload', pkglist=pkglist)
+-        repo_cached = False
++        beenthere = set() # only once, please. BZ 468401
++        downloadonly = getattr(self.conf, 'downloadonly', False)
+         remote_pkgs = []
+         remote_size = 0
++        def verify_local(po):
++            local = po.localPkg()
++            if local in beenthere:
++                # This is definitely a depsolver bug.  Make it fatal?
++                self.verbose_logger.warn(_("ignoring a dupe of %s") % po)
++                return True
++            beenthere.add(local)
++            if os.path.exists(local):
++                if self.verifyPkg(local, po, False):
++                    self.verbose_logger.debug(_("using local copy of %s") % po)
++                    return True
++                if po.repo.cache:
++                    adderror(po, _('package fails checksum but caching is '
++                        'enabled for %s') % po.repo.id)
++                    return False
++            if downloadonly:
++                po.localpath += '.%d.tmp' % os.getpid()
++                try: os.rename(local, po.localpath)
++                except OSError: pass
++                po.returnIdSum()
++                po.basepath # prefetch now; fails when repos are closed
++            return False
++        pkgs = []
+         for po in pkglist:
+             if hasattr(po, 'pkgtype') and po.pkgtype == 'local':
+                 continue
+-            local = po.localPkg()
+-            if os.path.exists(local):
+-                if not self.verifyPkg(local, po, False):
+-                    if po.repo.cache:
+-                        repo_cached = True
+-                        adderror(po, _('package fails checksum but caching is '
+-                            'enabled for %s') % po.repo.id)
+-                else:
+-                    self.verbose_logger.debug(_("using local copy of %s") %(po,))
++            if verify_local(po):
++                continue
++            if errors:
++                return errors
++            pkgs.append(po)
++        # download presto metadata and use drpms
++        presto = DeltaInfo(self, pkgs, adderror)
++        deltasize = rpmsize = 0
++        for po in pkgs:
++            if isinstance(po, DeltaPackage):
++                if verify_local(po):
++                    # there's .drpm already, use it
++                    presto.rebuild(po)
+                     continue
++                deltasize += po.size
++                rpmsize += po.rpm.size
+             remote_pkgs.append(po)
+             remote_size += po.size
+-            # caching is enabled and the package 
+-            # just failed to check out there's no 
+-            # way to save this, report the error and return
+-            if (self.conf.cache or repo_cached) and errors:
+-                return errors
++        if deltasize:
++            self.verbose_logger.info(_('Delta RPMs reduced %s of updates to %s (%d%% saved)'),
++                format_number(rpmsize), format_number(deltasize), 100 - deltasize*100.0/rpmsize)
++        if downloadonly:
++            # close DBs, unlock
++            self.repos.close()
++            self.closeRpmDB()
++            self.doUnlock()
+-        remote_pkgs.sort(mediasort)
+-        #  This is kind of a hack and does nothing in non-Fedora versions,
+-        # we'll fix it one way or anther soon.
+-        if (hasattr(urlgrabber.progress, 'text_meter_total_size') and
+-            len(remote_pkgs) > 1):
+-            urlgrabber.progress.text_meter_total_size(remote_size)
+         beg_download = time.time()
+-        i = 0
+-        local_size = 0
+-        done_repos = set()
+-        for po in remote_pkgs:
+-            #  Recheck if the file is there, works around a couple of weird
+-            # edge cases.
+-            local = po.localPkg()
+-            i += 1
+-            if os.path.exists(local):
+-                if self.verifyPkg(local, po, False):
+-                    self.verbose_logger.debug(_("using local copy of %s") %(po,))
+-                    remote_size -= po.size
++        all_remote_pkgs = remote_pkgs
++        all_remote_size = remote_size
++        while True:
++            remote_pkgs.sort(mediasort)
++            #  This is kind of a hack and does nothing in non-Fedora versions,
++            # we'll fix it one way or anther soon.
++            if (hasattr(urlgrabber.progress, 'text_meter_total_size') and
++                len(remote_pkgs) > 1):
++                urlgrabber.progress.text_meter_total_size(remote_size)
++            i = 0
++            local_size = [0]
++            done_repos = set()
++            async = hasattr(urlgrabber.grabber, 'parallel_wait')
++            for po in remote_pkgs:
++                i += 1
++                def checkfunc(obj, po=po):
++                    self.verifyPkg(obj, po, 1)
++                    local_size[0] += po.size
+                     if hasattr(urlgrabber.progress, 'text_meter_total_size'):
+                         urlgrabber.progress.text_meter_total_size(remote_size,
+-                                                                  local_size)
+-                    continue
+-                if os.path.getsize(local) >= po.size:
+-                    os.unlink(local)
+-            checkfunc = (self.verifyPkg, (po, 1), {})
+-            dirstat = os.statvfs(po.repo.pkgdir)
+-            if (dirstat.f_bavail * dirstat.f_bsize) <= long(po.size):
+-                adderror(po, _('Insufficient space in download directory %s\n'
+-                        "    * free   %s\n"
+-                        "    * needed %s") %
+-                         (po.repo.pkgdir,
+-                          format_number(dirstat.f_bavail * dirstat.f_bsize),
+-                          format_number(po.size)))
+-                continue
+-            try:
+-                if i == 1 and not local_size and remote_size == po.size:
+-                    text = os.path.basename(po.relativepath)
+-                else:
+-                    text = '(%s/%s): %s' % (i, len(remote_pkgs),
+-                                            os.path.basename(po.relativepath))
+-                mylocal = po.repo.getPackage(po,
+-                                   checkfunc=checkfunc,
+-                                   text=text,
+-                                   cache=po.repo.http_caching != 'none',
+-                                   )
+-                local_size += po.size
+-                if hasattr(urlgrabber.progress, 'text_meter_total_size'):
+-                    urlgrabber.progress.text_meter_total_size(remote_size,
+-                                                              local_size)
+-                if po.repoid not in done_repos:
+-                    #  Check a single package per. repo. ... to give a hint to
+-                    # the user on big downloads.
+-                    result, errmsg = self.sigCheckPkg(po)
+-                    if result != 0:
+-                        self.verbose_logger.warn("%s", errmsg)
+-                done_repos.add(po.repoid)
+-            except Errors.RepoError, e:
+-                adderror(po, str(e))
+-            else:
+-                po.localpath = mylocal
+-                if po in errors:
+-                    del errors[po]
+-        if hasattr(urlgrabber.progress, 'text_meter_total_size'):
+-            urlgrabber.progress.text_meter_total_size(0)
+-        if callback_total is not None and not errors:
+-            callback_total(remote_pkgs, remote_size, beg_download)
++                                                                  local_size[0])
++                    if isinstance(po, DeltaPackage):
++                        presto.rebuild(po)
++                        return
++                    else:
++                        presto.dequeue_max()
++                    if po.repoid not in done_repos:
++                        done_repos.add(po.repoid)
++                        #  Check a single package per. repo. ... to give a hint to
++                        # the user on big downloads.
++                        result, errmsg = self.sigCheckPkg(po)
++                        if result != 0:
++                            self.verbose_logger.warn("%s", errmsg)
++                    po.localpath = obj.filename
++                    if po in errors:
++                        del errors[po]
++                text = os.path.basename(po.relativepath)
++                kwargs = {}
++                if async and po.repo._async:
++                    kwargs['failfunc'] = lambda obj, po=po: adderror(po, exception2msg(obj.exception))
++                    kwargs['async'] = True
++                elif not (i == 1 and not local_size[0] and remote_size == po.size):
++                    text = '(%s/%s): %s' % (i, len(remote_pkgs), text)
++                try:
++                    po.repo.getPackage(po,
++                                       checkfunc=checkfunc,
++                                       text=text,
++                                       cache=po.repo.http_caching != 'none',
++                                       **kwargs
++                                       )
++                except Errors.RepoError, e:
++                    adderror(po, exception2msg(e))
++            if async:
++                urlgrabber.grabber.parallel_wait()
++            presto.dequeue_all()
++            presto.wait()
++            if hasattr(urlgrabber.progress, 'text_meter_total_size'):
++                urlgrabber.progress.text_meter_total_size(0)
++            if downloadonly:
++                for po in remote_pkgs:
++                    if not po.localpath.endswith('.tmp'):
++                        # file:// repos don't "download"
++                        continue
++                    if po in errors:
++                        # we may throw away partial file here- but we don't lock,
++                        # so can't rename tempfile to rpmfile safely
++                        misc.unlink_f(po.localpath)
++                    else:
++                        # verifyPkg() didn't complain, so (potentially)
++                        # overwriting another copy should not be a problem
++                        rpmfile = po.localpath.rsplit('.', 2)[0]
++                        os.rename(po.localpath, rpmfile)
++                        po.localpath = rpmfile
++            fatal = False
++            for po in errors:
++                if not isinstance(po, DeltaPackage):
++                    fatal = True
++                    break
++            if not errors or fatal:
++                break
+-        self.plugins.run('postdownload', pkglist=pkglist, errors=errors)
++            # there were drpm related errors *only*
++            remote_pkgs = []
++            remote_size = 0
++            for po in errors:
++                po = po.rpm
++                remote_pkgs.append(po)
++                remote_size += po.size
++            # callback_total needs the total pkg count
++            all_remote_pkgs.extend(remote_pkgs)
++            all_remote_size += remote_size
++            errors.clear()
++            self.verbose_logger.warn(_('Some delta RPMs failed to download or rebuild. Retrying..'))
++        if callback_total and not errors:
++            callback_total(all_remote_pkgs, all_remote_size, beg_download)
++        if not downloadonly:
++            # XXX: Run unlocked?  Skip this for now..
++            self.plugins.run('postdownload', pkglist=pkglist, errors=errors)
+         # Close curl object after we've downloaded everything.
+         if hasattr(urlgrabber.grabber, 'reset_curl_obj'):
+             urlgrabber.grabber.reset_curl_obj()
++        if downloadonly and not errors: # caller handles errors
++            self.verbose_logger.info(_('exiting because "Download Only" specified'))
++            sys.exit(self.exit_code)
+         return errors
+     def verifyHeader(self, fo, po, raiseError):
+-        """check the header out via it's naevr, internally"""
++        """Check that the header of the given file object and matches
++        the given package.
++        :param fo: the file object to check
++        :param po: the package object to check
++        :param raiseError: if *raiseError* is True, a
++           :class:`URLGrabError` will be raised if the header matches
++           the package object, or cannot be read from the file.  If
++           *raiseError* is False, 0 will be returned in the above
++           cases
++        :return: 1 if the header matches the package object, and 0 if
++           they do not match, and *raiseError* is False
++        :raises: :class:`URLGrabError` if *raiseError* is True, and
++           the header does not match the package object or cannot be
++           read from the file
++        """
+         if type(fo) is types.InstanceType:
+             fo = fo.filename
+@@ -2076,9 +2571,12 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return 1
+     def downloadHeader(self, po):
+-        """download a header from a package object.
+-           output based on callback, raise yum.Errors.YumBaseError on problems"""
++        """Download a header from a package object.
++        :param po: the package object to download the header from
++        :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.RepoError` if there are errors
++           obtaining the header
++        """
+         if hasattr(po, 'pkgtype') and po.pkgtype == 'local':
+             return
+@@ -2122,15 +2620,17 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             return
+     def sigCheckPkg(self, po):
+-        '''
+-        Take a package object and attempt to verify GPG signature if required
++        """Verify the GPG signature of the given package object.
+-        Returns (result, error_string) where result is:
+-            - 0 - GPG signature verifies ok or verification is not required.
+-            - 1 - GPG verification failed but installation of the right GPG key
+-                  might help.
+-            - 2 - Fatal GPG verification error, give up.
+-        '''
++        :param po: the package object to verify the signature of
++        :return: (result, error_string) 
++           where result is::
++              0 = GPG signature verifies ok or verification is not required.
++              1 = GPG verification failed but installation of the right GPG key
++                    might help.
++              2 = Fatal GPG verification error, give up.
++        """
+         if self._override_sigchecks:
+             check = False
+             hasgpgkey = 0
+@@ -2181,6 +2681,9 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return result, msg
+     def cleanUsedHeadersPackages(self):
++        """Delete the header and package files used in the
++        transaction from the yum cache.
++        """
+         filelist = []
+         for txmbr in self.tsInfo:
+             if txmbr.po.state not in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
+@@ -2189,6 +2692,8 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 continue
+             if txmbr.po.repoid not in self.repos.repos:
+                 continue
++            if txmbr.po.repo.keepcache:
++                continue
+             # make sure it's not a local file
+             repo = self.repos.repos[txmbr.po.repoid]
+@@ -2218,27 +2723,42 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     _('%s removed'), fn)
+     def cleanHeaders(self):
++        """Delete the header files from the yum cache."""
+         exts = ['hdr']
+         return self._cleanFiles(exts, 'hdrdir', 'header')
+     def cleanPackages(self):
++        """Delete the package files from the yum cache."""
+         exts = ['rpm']
+         return self._cleanFiles(exts, 'pkgdir', 'package')
+     def cleanSqlite(self):
+-        exts = ['sqlite', 'sqlite.bz2', 'sqlite-journal']
++        """Delete the sqlite files from the yum cache."""
++        exts = ['sqlite', 'sqlite.bz2', 'sqlite.gz', 'sqlite.xz',
++                'sqlite-journal']
+         return self._cleanFiles(exts, 'cachedir', 'sqlite')
+     def cleanMetadata(self):
+-        exts = ['xml.gz', 'xml', 'cachecookie', 'mirrorlist.txt', 'asc']
++        """Delete the metadata files from the yum cache."""
++        exts = ['xml.gz', 'xml', 'cachecookie', 'mirrorlist.txt', 'asc',
++                'xml.bz2', 'xml.xz']
+         # Metalink is also here, but is a *.xml file
+         return self._cleanFiles(exts, 'cachedir', 'metadata') 
+     def cleanExpireCache(self):
++        """Delete the local data saying when the metadata and mirror
++           lists were downloaded for each repository."""
+         exts = ['cachecookie', 'mirrorlist.txt']
+         return self._cleanFiles(exts, 'cachedir', 'metadata')
+     def cleanRpmDB(self):
++        """Delete any cached data from the local rpmdb."""
+         cachedir = self.conf.persistdir + "/rpmdb-indexes/"
+         if not os.path.exists(cachedir):
+             filelist = []
+@@ -2271,9 +2791,31 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return 0, [msg]
+     def doPackageLists(self, pkgnarrow='all', patterns=None, showdups=None,
+-                       ignore_case=False):
+-        """generates lists of packages, un-reduced, based on pkgnarrow option"""
++                       ignore_case=False, repoid=None):
++        """Return a :class:`yum.misc.GenericHolder` containing
++        lists of package objects.  The contents of the lists are
++        specified in various ways by the arguments.
++        :param pkgnarrow: a string specifying which types of packages
++           lists to produces, such as updates, installed, available,
++           etc.
++        :param patterns: a list of names or wildcards specifying
++           packages to list
++        :param showdups: whether to include duplicate packages in the
++           lists
++        :param ignore_case: whether to ignore case when searching by
++           package names
++        :param repoid: repoid that all pkgs will belong to
++        :return: a :class:`yum.misc.GenericHolder` instance with the
++           following lists defined::
++             available = list of packageObjects
++             installed = list of packageObjects
++             updates = tuples of packageObjects (updating, installed)
++             extras = list of packageObjects
++             obsoletes = tuples of packageObjects (obsoleting, installed)
++             recent = list of packageObjects
++        """
+         if showdups is None:
+             showdups = self.conf.showdupesfromrepos
+         ygh = misc.GenericHolder(iter=pkgnarrow)
+@@ -2295,6 +2837,8 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             ndinst = {} # Newest versions by name.arch
+             for po in self.rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=patterns,
+                                                 ignore_case=ic):
++                if not misc.filter_pkgs_repoid([po], repoid):
++                    continue
+                 dinst[po.pkgtup] = po
+                 if showdups:
+                     continue
+@@ -2304,8 +2848,13 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             installed = dinst.values()
+             if showdups:
+-                avail = self.pkgSack.returnPackages(patterns=patterns,
++                avail = self.pkgSack.returnPackages(repoid=repoid,
++                                                    patterns=patterns,
+                                                     ignore_case=ic)
++            elif repoid:
++                avail = self.pkgSack.sacks[repoid]
++                avail = avail.returnNewestByNameArch(patterns=patterns,
++                                                     ignore_case=ic)
+             else:
+                 try:
+                     avail = self.pkgSack.returnNewestByNameArch(patterns=patterns,
+@@ -2323,16 +2872,30 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     key = (pkg.name, pkg.arch)
+                     if pkg.pkgtup in dinst:
+                         reinstall_available.append(pkg)
+-                    elif key not in ndinst or pkg.verGT(ndinst[key]):
+-                        available.append(pkg)
+                     else:
+-                        old_available.append(pkg)
++                        # if (self.allowedMultipleInstalls(pkg) or
++                        #     key not in ndinst):
++                        #  Might be because pattern specified a version, so
++                        # we need to do a search for name/arch to find any
++                        # installed. Alas. calling allowedMultipleInstalls()
++                        # is much slower than calling searchNevra(). *Sigh*
++                        ipkgs = self.rpmdb.searchNevra(pkg.name,
++                                                       arch=pkg.arch)
++                        if ipkgs:
++                            ndinst[key] = sorted(ipkgs)[-1]
++                        if key not in ndinst or pkg.verGT(ndinst[key]):
++                            available.append(pkg)
++                        else:
++                            old_available.append(pkg)
+         # produce the updates list of tuples
+         elif pkgnarrow == 'updates':
+             for (n,a,e,v,r) in self.up.getUpdatesList():
+                 matches = self.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=n, arch=a, epoch=e, 
+                                                    ver=v, rel=r)
++                # This is kind of wrong, depending on how you look at it.
++                matches = misc.filter_pkgs_repoid(matches, repoid)
+                 if len(matches) > 1:
+                     updates.append(matches[0])
+                     self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_1,
+@@ -2352,13 +2915,19 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         elif pkgnarrow == 'installed':
+             installed = self.rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=patterns,
+                                                   ignore_case=ic)
++            installed = misc.filter_pkgs_repoid(installed, repoid)
+         # available in a repository
+         elif pkgnarrow == 'available':
+             if showdups:
+                 avail = self.pkgSack.returnPackages(patterns=patterns,
+-                                                    ignore_case=ic)
++                                                    ignore_case=ic,
++                                                    repoid=repoid)
++            elif repoid:
++                avail = self.pkgSack.sacks[repoid]
++                avail = avail.returnNewestByNameArch(patterns=patterns,
++                                                     ignore_case=ic)
+             else:
+                 try:
+                     avail = self.pkgSack.returnNewestByNameArch(patterns=patterns,
+@@ -2392,9 +2961,21 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             avail = set(avail)
+             for po in self.rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=patterns,
+                                                 ignore_case=ic):
++                if not misc.filter_pkgs_repoid([po], repoid):
++                    continue
+                 if po.pkgtup not in avail:
+                     extras.append(po)
++        # not in a repo but installed
++        elif pkgnarrow == 'distro-extras':
++            for po in self.rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=patterns,
++                                                ignore_case=ic):
++                if not misc.filter_pkgs_repoid([po], repoid):
++                    continue
++                if self.pkgSack.searchNames([po.name]):
++                    continue
++                extras.append(po)
+         # obsoleting packages (and what they obsolete)
+         elif pkgnarrow == 'obsoletes':
+             self.conf.obsoletes = 1
+@@ -2402,6 +2983,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             for (pkgtup, instTup) in self.up.getObsoletesTuples():
+                 (n,a,e,v,r) = pkgtup
+                 pkgs = self.pkgSack.searchNevra(name=n, arch=a, ver=v, rel=r, epoch=e)
++                pkgs = misc.filter_pkgs_repoid(pkgs, repoid)
+                 instpo = self.getInstalledPackageObject(instTup)
+                 for po in pkgs:
+                     obsoletes.append(po)
+@@ -2433,7 +3015,12 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             recentlimit = now-(self.conf.recent*86400)
+             if showdups:
+                 avail = self.pkgSack.returnPackages(patterns=patterns,
+-                                                    ignore_case=ic)
++                                                    ignore_case=ic,
++                                                    repoid=repoid)
++            elif repoid:
++                avail = self.pkgSack.sacks[repoid]
++                avail = avail.returnNewestByNameArch(patterns=patterns,
++                                                     ignore_case=ic)
+             else:
+                 try:
+                     avail = self.pkgSack.returnNewestByNameArch(patterns=patterns,
+@@ -2461,14 +3048,13 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+     def findDeps(self, pkgs):
+-        """
+-        Return the dependencies for a given package object list, as well
+-        possible solutions for those dependencies.
++        """Return the dependencies for a given package object list, as well
++        as possible solutions for those dependencies.
+-        Returns the deps as a dict of dicts::
+-            packageobject = [reqs] = [list of satisfying pkgs]
++        :param pkgs: a list of package objects
++        :return: the dependencies as a dictionary of dictionaries:
++           packageobject = [reqs] = [list of satisfying pkgs]
+         """
+         results = {}
+         for pkg in pkgs:
+@@ -2495,10 +3081,22 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+     # pre 3.2.10 API used to always showdups, so that's the default atm.
+     def searchGenerator(self, fields, criteria, showdups=True, keys=False, 
+                                              searchtags=True, searchrpmdb=True):
+-        """Generator method to lighten memory load for some searches.
+-           This is the preferred search function to use. Setting keys to True
+-           will use the search keys that matched in the sorting, and return
+-           the search keys in the results. """
++        """Yield the packages that match the given search criteria.
++        This generator method will lighten memory load for some
++        searches, and is the preferred search function to use.
++        :param fields: the fields to search
++        :param criteria: a list of strings specifying the criteria to
++           search for
++        :param showdups: whether to yield duplicate packages from
++           different repositories
++        :param keys: setting *keys* to True will use the search keys
++           that matched in the sorting, and return the search keys in
++           the results
++        :param searchtags: whether to search the package tags
++        :param searchrpmdb: whether to search the rmpdb
++        """
+         sql_fields = []
+         for f in fields:
+             sql_fields.append(RPM_TO_SQLITE.get(f, f))
+@@ -2614,7 +3212,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         # ...but without showdups we want to output _just_ #3, which requires
+         # we find the newest EVR po for the best "matching value". Without keys
+         # it's the same, except we just want the newest EVR.
+-        #  If we screw it up it's probably not even noticable most of the time
++        #  If we screw it up it's probably not even noticeable most of the time
+         # either, so it's pretty thankless. HTH. HAND.
+         # By default just sort using package sorting
+         sort_func = operator.itemgetter(0)
+@@ -2661,6 +3259,14 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     yield (po, vs)
+     def searchPackageTags(self, criteria):
++        """Search for and return a list packages that have tags
++        matching the given criteria.
++        :param criteria: a list of strings specifying the criteria to
++           search for
++        :return: a list of package objects that have tags matching the
++           given criteria
++        """
+         results = {} # name = [(criteria, taglist)]
+         for c in criteria:
+             c = c.lower()
+@@ -2677,11 +3283,16 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return results
+     def searchPackages(self, fields, criteria, callback=None):
+-        """Search specified fields for matches to criteria
+-           optional callback specified to print out results
+-           as you go. Callback is a simple function of:
+-           callback(po, matched values list). It will 
+-           just return a dict of dict[po]=matched values list"""
++        """Deprecated.  Search the specified fields for packages that
++        match the given criteria, and return a list of the results.
++        :param fields: the fields to search
++        :param criteria: a list of strings specifying the criteria to
++           search for
++        :param callback: a function to print out the results as they
++           are found.  *callback* should have the form callback(po,
++           matched values list)
++        """
+         warnings.warn(_('searchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum.\
+                       Use searchGenerator() instead. \n'),
+                 Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)           
+@@ -2700,13 +3311,23 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+     def searchPackageProvides(self, args, callback=None,
+                               callback_has_matchfor=False):
++        """Search for and return a list package objects that provide
++        the given files or features.
++        :param args: a list of strings specifying the files and
++           features to search for the packages that provide
++        :param callback: a callback function to print out the results
++           as they are found
++        :param callback_has_matchfor: whether the callback function
++           will accept a list of strings to highlight in its output.
++           If this is true, *args* will be passed to *callback* so
++           that the files or features that were searched for can be
++           highlighted
++        """
+         def _arg_data(arg):
+             if not misc.re_glob(arg):
+                 isglob = False
+-                if arg[0] != '/':
+-                    canBeFile = False
+-                else:
+-                    canBeFile = True
++                canBeFile = arg.startswith('/')
+             else:
+                 isglob = True
+                 canBeFile = misc.re_filename(arg)
+@@ -2723,7 +3344,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 where = self.returnPackagesByDep(arg)
+             else:
+                 usedDepString = False
+-                where = self.pkgSack.searchAll(arg, False)
++                where = self.pkgSack.searchProvides(arg)
+             self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_1,
+                P_('Searching %d package', 'Searching %d packages', len(where)), len(where))
+@@ -2817,25 +3438,168 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return matches
+-    def doGroupLists(self, uservisible=0, patterns=None, ignore_case=True):
+-        """returns two lists of groups, installed groups and available groups
+-           optional 'uservisible' bool to tell it whether or not to return
+-           only groups marked as uservisible"""
++    def _groupInstalledData(self, group):
++        """ Return a dict of
++             pkg_name =>
++             (installed, available,
++             backlisted-installed, blacklisted-available). """
++        ret = {}
++        if not group or self.conf.group_command != 'objects':
++            return ret
++        pkg_names = {}
++        if group.groupid in self.igroups.groups:
++            pkg_names = self.igroups.groups[group.groupid].pkg_names
++        all_pkg_names = set(list(pkg_names))
++        if hasattr(group, 'packages'): # If a comps. group, add remote pkgs.
++            all_pkg_names.update(group.packages)
++        for pkg_name in all_pkg_names:
++            ipkgs = self.rpmdb.searchNames([pkg_name])
++            if pkg_name not in pkg_names and not ipkgs:
++                ret[pkg_name] = 'available'
++                continue
++            if not ipkgs:
++                ret[pkg_name] = 'blacklisted-available'
++                continue
++            for ipkg in ipkgs:
++                # Multiarch, if any are installed for the group we count "both"
++                if ipkg.yumdb_info.get('group_member', '') != group.groupid:
++                    continue
++                ret[pkg_name] = 'installed'
++                break
++            else:
++                ret[pkg_name] = 'blacklisted-installed'
++        return ret
++    def _groupInstalledEnvData(self, evgroup):
++        """ Return a dict of
++             grp_name =>
++             (installed, available,
++             backlisted-installed, blacklisted-available). """
++        ret = {}
++        if not evgroup or self.conf.group_command != 'objects':
++            return ret
++        grp_names = {}
++        if evgroup.environmentid in self.igroups.groups:
++            grp_names = self.igroups.environments[evgroup.environmentid]
++            grp_names = grp_names.grp_names
++        all_grp_names = set(list(grp_names))
++        if hasattr(evgroup, 'allgroups'): # If a comps. evgroup, add remote grps
++            all_grp_names.update(evgroup.allgroups)
++        for grp_name in all_grp_names:
++            igrp = self.igroups.groups.get(grp_name)
++            if grp_name not in grp_names and not igrp:
++                ret[grp_name] = 'available'
++                continue
++            if not igrp:
++                ret[grp_name] = 'blacklisted-available'
++                continue
++            if igrp.environment == evgroup.environmentid:
++                ret[grp_name] = 'installed'
++                break
++            else:
++                ret[grp_name] = 'blacklisted-installed'
++        return ret
++    def _groupReturnGroups(self, patterns=None, ignore_case=True):
++        igrps = None
++        ievgrps = None
++        if patterns is None:
++            grps = self.comps.groups
++            if self.conf.group_command == 'objects':
++                igrps = self.igroups.groups.values()
++            evgrps = self.comps.environments
++            if False and self.conf.group_command == 'objects':
++                # FIXME: Environment groups.
++                ievgrps = self.igroups.environments.values()
++            return igrps, grps, ievgrps, evgrps
++        gpats = []
++        epats = []
++        for pat in patterns:
++            if pat.startswith('@^'):
++                epats.append(pat[2:])
++            elif pat.startswith('@'):
++                gpats.append(pat[1:])
++            else:
++                epats.append(pat)
++                gpats.append(pat)
++        epats = ",".join(epats)
++        gpats = ",".join(gpats)
++        cs   = not ignore_case
++        grps = self.comps.return_groups(gpats, case_sensitive=cs)
++        #  Because we want name matches too, and we don't store group names
++        # we need to add the groupid's we've found:
++        if self.conf.group_command == 'objects':
++            gpats = gpats + "," + ",".join([grp.groupid for grp in grps])
++            igrps = self.igroups.return_groups(gpats, case_sensitive=cs)
++        evgrps = self.comps.return_environments(epats, case_sensitive=cs)
++        if self.conf.group_command == 'objects':
++            epats = epats+ "," + ",".join([grp.environmentid for grp in evgrps])
++            ievgrps = self.igroups.return_environments(epats, case_sensitive=cs)
++        return igrps, grps, ievgrps, evgrps
++    def doGroupLists(self, uservisible=0, patterns=None, ignore_case=True,
++                     return_evgrps=False):
++        """Return two lists of groups: installed groups and available
++        groups.
++        :param uservisible: If True, only groups marked as uservisible
++           will be returned. Otherwise, all groups will be returned
++        :param patterns: a list of stings.  If given, only groups
++           with names that match the patterns will be included in the
++           lists.  If not given, all groups will be included
++        :param ignore_case: whether to ignore case when determining
++           whether group names match the strings in *patterns*
++        :param return_evgrps: whether to return environment groups as well as
++           package groups
++        """
+         installed = []
+         available = []
++        einstalled = []
++        eavailable = []
+         if self.comps.compscount == 0:
+             raise Errors.GroupsError, _('No group data available for configured repositories')
+-        if patterns is None:
+-            grps = self.comps.groups
+-        else:
+-            grps = self.comps.return_groups(",".join(patterns),
+-                                            case_sensitive=not ignore_case)
++        igrps, grps, ievgrps, evgrps = self._groupReturnGroups(patterns,
++                                                               ignore_case)
++        if igrps is not None:
++            digrps = {}
++            for igrp in igrps:
++                digrps[igrp.gid] = igrp
++            igrps = digrps
++        if ievgrps is not None:
++            digrps = {}
++            for ievgrp in ievgrps:
++                digrps[ievgrp.evgid] = ievgrp
++            ievgrps = digrps
+         for grp in grps:
+-            if grp.installed:
++            if igrps is None:
++                grp_installed = grp.installed
++            else:
++                grp_installed = grp.groupid in igrps
++                if grp_installed:
++                    del igrps[grp.groupid]
++            if grp_installed:
+                 if uservisible:
+                     if grp.user_visible:
+                         installed.append(grp)
+@@ -2847,34 +3611,91 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                         available.append(grp)
+                 else:
+                     available.append(grp)
++        for evgrp in evgrps:
++            if ievgrps is None:
++                evgrp_installed = evgrp.installed
++            else:
++                evgrp_installed = evgrp.environmentid in ievgrps
++                if evgrp_installed:
++                    del ievgrps[evgrp.environmentid]
++            if evgrp_installed:
++                einstalled.append(evgrp)
++            else:
++                eavailable.append(evgrp)
++        if igrps is None:
++            igrps = {}
++        if ievgrps is None:
++            ievgrps = {}
++        for igrp in igrps.values():
++            #  These are installed groups that aren't in comps anymore. so we
++            # create fake comps groups for them.
++            grp = comps.Group()
++            grp.groupid = igrp.gid
++            grp.installed = True
++            grp.name = grp.groupid
++            for pkg_name in igrp.pkg_names:
++                grp.mandatory_packages[pkg_name] = 1
++            installed.append(grp)
++        for ievgrp in ievgrps.values():
++            #  These are installed evgroups that aren't in comps anymore. so we
++            # create fake comps evgroups for them.
++            evgrp = comps.Environment()
++            grp.environmentid = ievgrp.evgid
++            evgrp.installed = True
++            evgrp.name = evgrp.environmentid
++            evgrp._groups = list(ievgrp.groups)
++            einstalled.append(evgrp)
++        if return_evgrps:
++            return (sorted(installed), sorted(available),
++                    sorted(einstalled), sorted(eavailable))
+         return sorted(installed), sorted(available)
+     def groupRemove(self, grpid):
+-        """mark all the packages in this group to be removed"""
++        """Mark all the packages in the given group to be removed.
++        :param grpid: the name of the group containing the packages to
++           mark for removal
++        :return: a list of transaction members added to the
++           transaction set by this function
++        """
+         txmbrs_used = []
+         thesegroups = self.comps.return_groups(grpid)
+         if not thesegroups:
+             raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Group named %s exists") % to_unicode(grpid)
+         for thisgroup in thesegroups:
++            igroup_data = self._groupInstalledData(thisgroup)
+             thisgroup.toremove = True
+             pkgs = thisgroup.packages
+-            for pkg in thisgroup.packages:
++            gid  = thisgroup.groupid
++            for pkg in pkgs:
++                if pkg in igroup_data and igroup_data[pkg] != 'installed':
++                    continue
+                 txmbrs = self.remove(name=pkg, silence_warnings=True)
+                 txmbrs_used.extend(txmbrs)
+                 for txmbr in txmbrs:
+-                    txmbr.groups.append(thisgroup.groupid)
++                    txmbr.groups.append(gid)
++            if igroup_data:
++                self.igroups.del_group(gid)
+         return txmbrs_used
+     def groupUnremove(self, grpid):
+-        """unmark any packages in the group from being removed"""
++        """Unmark any packages in the given group from being removed.
++        :param grpid: the name of the group to unmark the packages of
++        """
+         thesegroups = self.comps.return_groups(grpid)
+         if not thesegroups:
+             raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Group named %s exists") % to_unicode(grpid)
+@@ -2898,13 +3719,51 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                             self.tsInfo.remove(txmbr.po.pkgtup)
+-    def selectGroup(self, grpid, group_package_types=[], enable_group_conditionals=None):
+-        """mark all the packages in the group to be installed
+-           returns a list of transaction members it added to the transaction 
+-           set
+-           Optionally take:
+-           group_package_types=List - overrides self.conf.group_package_types
+-           enable_group_conditionals=Bool - overrides self.conf.enable_group_conditionals
++    def environmentRemove(self, evgrpid):
++        """Mark all the packages in the given group to be removed.
++        :param evgrpid: the name of the environment containing the groups to
++           mark for removal
++        :return: a list of transaction members added to the
++           transaction set by this function
++        """
++        txmbrs_used = []
++        thesegroups = self.comps.return_environments(evgrpid)
++        if not thesegroups:
++            raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Environment named %s exists") % to_unicode(evgrpid)
++        for thisgroup in thesegroups:
++            igroup_data = self._groupInstalledEnvData(thisgroup)
++            grps  = thisgroup.allgroups
++            evgid = thisgroup.environmentid
++            for grp in grps:
++                if grp in igroup_data and igroup_data[grp] != 'installed':
++                    continue
++                txmbrs = self.groupRemove(grp)
++                txmbrs_used.extend(txmbrs)
++                for txmbr in txmbrs:
++                    txmbr.environments.append(evgid)
++            if igroup_data:
++                self.igroups.del_environment(evgid)
++        return txmbrs_used
++    def selectGroup(self, grpid, group_package_types=[],
++                    enable_group_conditionals=None, upgrade=False, ievgrp=None):
++        """Mark all the packages in the given group to be installed.
++        :param grpid: the name of the group containing the packages to
++           mark for installation
++        :param group_package_types: a list of the types of groups to
++           work with.  This overrides self.conf.group_package_types
++        :param enable_group_conditionals: overrides
++           self.conf.enable_group_conditionals
++        :return: a list of transaction members added to the
++           transaction set by this function
+         """
+         if not self.comps.has_group(grpid):
+@@ -2920,12 +3779,18 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         if group_package_types:
+             package_types = group_package_types
++        if self.conf.group_command == 'compat':
++            upgrade = False
+         for thisgroup in thesegroups:
+             if thisgroup.selected:
+                 continue
+             thisgroup.selected = True
++            # Can move to upgrade, if installed and calling install
++            lupgrade = upgrade
+             pkgs = []
+             if 'mandatory' in package_types:
+                 pkgs.extend(thisgroup.mandatory_packages)
+@@ -2934,12 +3799,52 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             if 'optional' in package_types:
+                 pkgs.extend(thisgroup.optional_packages)
++            igroup_data = self._groupInstalledData(thisgroup)
++            igrp = None
++            if igroup_data:
++                if thisgroup.groupid in self.igroups.groups:
++                    igrp = self.igroups.groups[thisgroup.groupid]
++                    lupgrade = True
++                else:
++                    self.igroups.add_group(thisgroup.groupid,
++                                           thisgroup.packages, ievgrp)
++            for pkg in igroup_data:
++                if igroup_data[pkg] == 'installed':
++                    pkgs.append(pkg)
+             old_txmbrs = len(txmbrs_used)
+             for pkg in pkgs:
++                if self.conf.group_command == 'objects':
++                    assert pkg in igroup_data
++                    if (pkg not in igroup_data or
++                        igroup_data[pkg].startswith('blacklisted')):
++                        # (lupgrade and igroup_data[pkg] == 'available')):
++                        msg = _('Skipping package %s from group %s')
++                        self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2,
++                                                msg, pkg, thisgroup.groupid)
++                        continue
+                 self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2,
+                     _('Adding package %s from group %s'), pkg, thisgroup.groupid)
++                if igrp is not None:
++                    igrp.pkg_names.add(pkg)
++                    self.igroups.changed = True
++                txmbrs = []
+                 try:
+-                    txmbrs = self.install(name = pkg)
++                    if (lupgrade and
++                        (self.conf.group_command == 'simple' or
++                         (igroup_data and igroup_data[pkg] == 'installed'))):
++                        txmbrs = self.update(name = pkg,
++                                             pkg_warning_level='debug2')
++                    elif igroup_data and igroup_data[pkg] == 'installed':
++                        pass # Don't upgrade on install.
++                    else:
++                        txmbrs = self.install(name = pkg,
++                                              pkg_warning_level='debug2')
++                        for txmbr in txmbrs:
++                            txmbr.group_member = thisgroup.groupid
+                 except Errors.InstallError, e:
+                     self.verbose_logger.debug(_('No package named %s available to be installed'),
+                         pkg)
+@@ -2953,7 +3858,9 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 group_conditionals = enable_group_conditionals
+             count_cond_test = 0
+-            if group_conditionals:
++            # FIXME: What do we do about group conditionals when group==objects
++            #        or group upgrade for group_command=simple?
++            if not lupgrade and group_conditionals:
+                 for condreq, cond in thisgroup.conditional_packages.iteritems():
+                     if self.isPackageInstalled(cond):
+                         try:
+@@ -2990,17 +3897,23 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                         if cond not in self.tsInfo.conditionals:
+                             self.tsInfo.conditionals[cond] = []
+                         self.tsInfo.conditionals[cond].extend(pkgs)
+-            if len(txmbrs_used) == old_txmbrs:
+-                self.logger.critical(_('Warning: Group %s does not have any packages.'), thisgroup.groupid)
++            if not lupgrade and len(txmbrs_used) == old_txmbrs:
++                self.logger.critical(_('Warning: Group %s does not have any packages to install.'), thisgroup.groupid)
+                 if count_cond_test:
+-                    self.logger.critical(_('Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed.'), count_cond_test)
++                    self.logger.critical(_('Group %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed.'),
++                                         thisgroup.groupid, count_cond_test)
+         return txmbrs_used
+     def deselectGroup(self, grpid, force=False):
+-        """ Without the force option set, this removes packages from being
+-            installed that were added as part of installing one of the
+-            group(s). If the force option is set, then all installing packages
+-            in the group(s) are force removed from the transaction. """
++        """Unmark the packages in the given group from being
++        installed.
++        :param grpid: the name of the group containing the packages to
++           unmark from installation
++        :param force: if True, force remove all the packages in the
++           given group from the transaction
++        """
+         if not self.comps.has_group(grpid):
+             raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Group named %s exists") % to_unicode(grpid)
+@@ -3008,7 +3921,8 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         thesegroups = self.comps.return_groups(grpid)
+         if not thesegroups:
+             raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Group named %s exists") % to_unicode(grpid)
++        # FIXME: Do something with groups as objects, and env. groups.
+         for thisgroup in thesegroups:
+             thisgroup.selected = False
+@@ -3034,13 +3948,102 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                         for pkg in self.tsInfo.conditionals.get(txmbr.name, []):
+                             self.tsInfo.remove(pkg.pkgtup)
++    def selectEnvironment(self, evgrpid, group_package_types=[],
++                          enable_group_conditionals=None, upgrade=False):
++        """Mark all the groups in the given environment group to be installed.
++        :param evgrpid: the name of the env. group containing the groups to
++           mark for installation
++        :param group_package_types: a list of the types of groups to
++           work with.  This overrides self.conf.group_package_types
++        :param enable_group_conditionals: overrides
++           self.conf.enable_group_conditionals
++        :return: a list of transaction members added to the
++           transaction set by this function
++        """
++        evgrps = self.comps.return_environments(evgrpid)
++        if not evgrps:
++            raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Environment named %s exists") % to_unicode(evgrpid)
++        ret = []
++        for evgrp in evgrps:
++            ievgrp = None
++            if self.conf.group_command == 'compat':
++                grps = ",".join(sorted(evgrp.groups))
++            elif self.conf.group_command == 'simple':
++                if not upgrade:
++                    grps = ",".join(sorted(evgrp.groups))
++                else: # Only upgrade the installed groups...
++                    grps = []
++                    for grpid in evgrp.groups:
++                        grp = self.comps.return_group(grpid)
++                        if grp is None:
++                            continue
++                        if not grp.installed:
++                            continue
++                        grps.append(grpid)
++                    grps = ",".join(sorted(grps))
++            elif self.conf.group_command == 'objects':
++                igroup_data = self._groupInstalledEnvData(evgrp)
++                grps = []
++                for grpid in evgrp.groups:
++                    if (grpid not in igroup_data or
++                        igroup_data[grpid].startswith('blacklisted')):
++                        msg = _('Skipping group %s from environment %s')
++                        self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2,
++                                                msg, grpid, evgrp.environmentid)
++                        continue
++                    grps.append(grpid)
++                if evgrp.environmentid in self.igroups.environments:
++                    ievgrp = self.igroups.environments[evgrp.environmentid]
++                else:
++                    self.igroups.add_environment(evgrp.environmentid,
++                                                 evgrp.allgroups)
++                grps = ",".join(sorted(grps))
++            txs = self.selectGroup(grps,
++                                   group_package_types,
++                                   enable_group_conditionals, upgrade,
++                                   ievgrp=ievgrp)
++            ret.extend(txs)
++        return ret
++    def deselectEnvironment(self, evgrpid, force=False):
++        """Unmark the groups in the given environment group from being
++        installed.
++        :param evgrpid: the name of the environment group containing the
++           groups to unmark from installation
++        :param force: if True, force remove all the packages in the
++           given groups from the transaction
++        """
++        evgrps = self.comps.return_environments(evgrpid)
++        if not thesegroups:
++            raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Environment named %s exists") % to_unicode(evgrpid)
++        for evgrp in evgrps:
++            grps = ",".join(sorted(evgrp.groups))
++            self.deselectGroup(grps, force)
++            # FIXME: env. needs to be marked not-to-be-installed, etc.
+     def getPackageObject(self, pkgtup, allow_missing=False):
+-        """retrieves a packageObject from a pkgtuple - if we need
+-           to pick and choose which one is best we better call out
+-           to some method from here to pick the best pkgobj if there are
+-           more than one response - right now it's more rudimentary."""
++        """Return a package object that corresponds to the given
++        package tuple.
++        :param pkgtup: the package tuple specifying the package object
++           to return
++        :param allow_missing: If no package corresponding to the given
++           package tuple can be found, None is returned if
++           *allow_missing* is True, and a :class:`yum.Errors.DepError` is
++           raised if *allow_missing* is False.
++        :return: a package object corresponding to the given package tuple
++        :raises: a :class:`yum.Errors.DepError` if no package
++           corresponding to the given package tuple can be found, and
++           *allow_missing* is False
++        """
+         # look it up in the self.localPackages first:
+         for po in self.localPackages:
+             if po.pkgtup == pkgtup:
+@@ -3049,7 +4052,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         pkgs = self.pkgSack.searchPkgTuple(pkgtup)
+         if len(pkgs) == 0:
+-            self._add_not_found_a(pkgs, pkgtup)
++            self._add_not_found_a(pkgs, pkgtup=pkgtup)
+             if allow_missing: #  This can happen due to excludes after .up has
+                 return None   # happened.
+             raise Errors.DepError, _('Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesack') % str(pkgtup)
+@@ -3065,13 +4068,21 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return result
+     def getInstalledPackageObject(self, pkgtup):
+-        """ Returns a YumInstalledPackage object for the pkgtup specified, or
+-            raises an exception. You should use this instead of
+-            searchPkgTuple() if you are assuming there is a value. """
++        """Return a :class:`yum.packages.YumInstalledPackage` object that
++        corresponds to the given package tuple.  This function should
++        be used instead of :func:`searchPkgTuple` if you are assuming
++        that the package object exists.
++        :param pkgtup: the package tuple specifying the package object
++           to return
++        :return: a :class:`yum.packages.YumInstalledPackage` object corresponding
++           to the given package tuple
++        :raises: a :class:`yum.Errors.RpmDBError` if the specified package
++           object cannot be found
++        """
+         pkgs = self.rpmdb.searchPkgTuple(pkgtup)
+         if len(pkgs) == 0:
+-            self._add_not_found_i(pkgs, pkgtup)
++            self._add_not_found_i(pkgs, pkgtup=pkgtup)
+             raise Errors.RpmDBError, _('Package tuple %s could not be found in rpmdb') % str(pkgtup)
+         # Dito. FIXME from getPackageObject() for len() > 1 ... :)
+@@ -3079,9 +4090,11 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return po
+     def gpgKeyCheck(self):
+-        """checks for the presence of gpg keys in the rpmdb
+-           returns 0 if no keys returns 1 if keys"""
++        """Checks for the presence of GPG keys in the rpmdb.
++        :return: 0 if there are no GPG keys in the rpmdb, and 1 if
++           there are keys
++        """
+         gpgkeyschecked = self.conf.cachedir + '/.gpgkeyschecked.yum'
+         if os.path.exists(gpgkeyschecked):
+             return 1
+@@ -3106,9 +4119,13 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             return 1
+     def returnPackagesByDep(self, depstring):
+-        """Pass in a generic [build]require string and this function will 
+-           pass back the packages it finds providing that dep."""
++        """Return a list of package objects that provide the given
++        dependencies. 
++        :param depstring: a string specifying the dependency to return
++           the packages that fulfil
++        :return: a list of packages that fulfil the given dependency
++        """
+         if not depstring:
+             return []
+@@ -3132,12 +4149,23 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                         raise Errors.YumBaseError, _('Invalid version flag from: %s') % str(depstring)
+                     depflags = SYMBOLFLAGS[flagsymbol]
++        if depflags is None: # This does wildcards...
++            return self.pkgSack.searchProvides(depstring)
++        # This does flags+versions, but no wildcards...
+         return self.pkgSack.getProvides(depname, depflags, depver).keys()
+     def returnPackageByDep(self, depstring):
+-        """Pass in a generic [build]require string and this function will 
+-           pass back the best(or first) package it finds providing that dep."""
++        """Return the best, or first, package object that provides the
++        given dependencies.
++        :param depstring: a string specifying the dependency to return
++           the package that fulfils
++        :return: the best, or first, package that fulfils the given
++           dependency
++        :raises: a :class:`yum.Errors.YumBaseError` if no packages that
++           fulfil the given dependency can be found
++        """
+         # we get all sorts of randomness here
+         errstring = depstring
+         if type(depstring) not in types.StringTypes:
+@@ -3149,16 +4177,22 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             raise Errors.YumBaseError, _('No Package found for %s') % errstring
+         ps = ListPackageSack(pkglist)
+-        result = self._bestPackageFromList(ps.returnNewestByNameArch())
++        result = self._bestPackageFromList(ps.returnNewestByNameArch(),
++                                           req=errstring)
+         if result is None:
+             raise Errors.YumBaseError, _('No Package found for %s') % errstring
+         return result
+     def returnInstalledPackagesByDep(self, depstring):
+-        """Pass in a generic [build]require string and this function will 
+-           pass back the installed packages it finds providing that dep."""
++        """Return a list of installed package objects that provide the
++        given dependencies.
++        :param depstring: a string specifying the dependency to return
++           the packages that fulfil
++        :return: a list of installed packages that fulfil the given
++           dependency
++        """
+         if not depstring:
+             return []
+@@ -3182,14 +4216,53 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                         raise Errors.YumBaseError, _('Invalid version flag from: %s') % str(depstring)
+                     depflags = SYMBOLFLAGS[flagsymbol]
++        if depflags is None: # This does wildcards...
++            return self.rpmdb.searchProvides(depstring)
++        # This does flags+versions, but no wildcards...
+         return self.rpmdb.getProvides(depname, depflags, depver).keys()
+-    def _bestPackageFromList(self, pkglist):
++    def returnInstalledPackageByDep(self, depstring):
++        """Return the best, or first, installed package object that provides the
++        given dependencies.
++        :param depstring: a string specifying the dependency to return
++           the package that fulfils
++        :return: the best, or first, installed package that fulfils the given
++           dependency
++        :raises: a :class:`yum.Errors.YumBaseError` if no packages that
++           fulfil the given dependency can be found
++        """
++        # we get all sorts of randomness here
++        errstring = depstring
++        if type(depstring) not in types.StringTypes:
++            errstring = str(depstring)
++        try:
++            pkglist = self.returnInstalledPackagesByDep(depstring)
++        except Errors.YumBaseError:
++            raise Errors.YumBaseError, _('No Package found for %s') % errstring
++        ps = ListPackageSack(pkglist)
++        result = self._bestPackageFromList(ps.returnNewestByNameArch(),
++                                           req=errstring)
++        if result is None:
++            raise Errors.YumBaseError, _('No Package found for %s') % errstring
++        return result
++    def _bestPackageFromList(self, pkglist, req=None):
+         """take list of package objects and return the best package object.
+            If the list is empty, return None. 
+            Note: this is not aware of multilib so make sure you're only
+-           passing it packages of a single arch group."""
++           passing it packages of a single arch group.
++           :param pkglist: the list of packages to return the best
++             packages from
++           :param req: the requirement from the user
++           :return: a list of the best packages from *pkglist*
++        """
+         if len(pkglist) == 0:
+@@ -3198,14 +4271,23 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         if len(pkglist) == 1:
+             return pkglist[0]
+-        bestlist = self._compare_providers(pkglist, None)
++        bestlist = self._compare_providers(pkglist, reqpo=None, req=req)
+         return bestlist[0][0]
+-    def bestPackagesFromList(self, pkglist, arch=None, single_name=False):
+-        """Takes a list of packages, returns the best packages.
+-           This function is multilib aware so that it will not compare
+-           multilib to singlelib packages""" 
++    def bestPackagesFromList(self, pkglist, arch=None, single_name=False,
++                             req=None):
++        """Return the best packages from a list of packages.  This
++        function is multilib aware, so that it will not compare
++        multilib to singlelib packages.
++        :param pkglist: the list of packages to return the best
++           packages from
++        :param arch: packages will be selected that are compatible
++           with the architecture specified by *arch*
++        :param single_name: whether to return a single package name
++        :param req: the requirement from the user
++        :return: a list of the best packages from *pkglist*
++        """
+         returnlist = []
+         compatArchList = self.arch.get_arch_list(arch)
+         multiLib = []
+@@ -3222,9 +4304,9 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 singleLib.append(po)
+         # we now have three lists.  find the best package(s) of each
+-        multi = self._bestPackageFromList(multiLib)
+-        single = self._bestPackageFromList(singleLib)
+-        no = self._bestPackageFromList(noarch)
++        multi = self._bestPackageFromList(multiLib, req=req)
++        single = self._bestPackageFromList(singleLib, req=req)
++        no = self._bestPackageFromList(noarch, req=req)
+         if single_name and multi and single and multi.name != single.name:
+             # Sinlge _must_ match multi, if we want a single package name
+@@ -3238,7 +4320,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         # if there's a noarch and it's newer than the multilib, we want
+         # just the noarch.  otherwise, we want multi + single
+         elif multi:
+-            best = self._bestPackageFromList([multi,no])
++            best = self._bestPackageFromList([multi,no], req=req)
+             if best.arch == "noarch":
+                 returnlist.append(no)
+             else:
+@@ -3246,7 +4328,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 if single: returnlist.append(single)
+         # similar for the non-multilib case
+         elif single:
+-            best = self._bestPackageFromList([single,no])
++            best = self._bestPackageFromList([single,no], req=req)
+             if best.arch == "noarch":
+                 returnlist.append(no)
+             else:
+@@ -3350,28 +4432,69 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             done = True
+             slow = next_func(slow)
+-            if next == slow:
++            if node == slow:
+                 return None
+-    def _at_groupinstall(self, pattern):
+-        " Do groupinstall via. leading @ on the cmd line, for install/update."
++    def _at_groupinstall(self, pattern, upgrade=False):
++        " Do groupinstall via. leading @ on the cmd line, for install."
+         assert pattern[0] == '@'
+         group_string = pattern[1:]
+         tx_return = []
+-        for group in self.comps.return_groups(group_string):
++        try: comps = self.comps
++        except yum.Errors.GroupsError, e:
++            # No Groups Available in any repository?
++            # This also means no installed groups, when using objects.
++            self.logger.warning(e)
++            return tx_return
++        if group_string and group_string[0] == '^':
++            group_string = group_string[1:]
++            # Actually dealing with "environment groups".
++            for env_grp in comps.return_environments(group_string):
++                try:
++                    txmbrs = self.selectEnvironment(env_grp.environmentid,
++                                                    upgrade=upgrade)
++                    tx_return.extend(txmbrs)
++                except yum.Errors.GroupsError:
++                    self.logger.critical(_('Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist.'), group_string)
++                    continue
++            return tx_return
++        for group in comps.return_groups(group_string):
+             try:
+-                txmbrs = self.selectGroup(group.groupid)
++                txmbrs = self.selectGroup(group.groupid, upgrade=upgrade)
+                 tx_return.extend(txmbrs)
+             except yum.Errors.GroupsError:
+                 self.logger.critical(_('Warning: Group %s does not exist.'), group_string)
+                 continue
++        else:
++            self.logger.error(_('Warning: group %s does not exist.'),
++                              group_string)
+         return tx_return
++    def _at_groupupgrade(self, pattern):
++        " Do group upgrade via. leading @ on the cmd line, for update."
++        return self._at_groupinstall(pattern, upgrade=True)
+     def _at_groupremove(self, pattern):
+         " Do groupremove via. leading @ on the cmd line, for remove."
+         assert pattern[0] == '@'
+         group_string = pattern[1:]
+         tx_return = []
++        if group_string and group_string[0] == '^':
++            group_string = group_string[1:]
++            # Actually dealing with "environment groups".
++            try:
++                txmbrs = self.environmentRemove(group_string)
++            except yum.Errors.GroupsError:
++                self.logger.critical(_('Warning: Environment Group %s does not exist.'), group_string)
++            else:
++                tx_return.extend(txmbrs)
++            return tx_return
+         try:
+             txmbrs = self.groupRemove(group_string)
+         except yum.Errors.GroupsError:
+@@ -3387,6 +4510,8 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         assert pattern[0] == '@'
+         grpid = pattern[1:]
++        # FIXME: **** environment groups and groups as objects... ****
+         thesegroups = self.comps.return_groups(grpid)
+         if not thesegroups:
+             raise Errors.GroupsError, _("No Group named %s exists") % to_unicode(grpid)
+@@ -3398,7 +4523,11 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+     def _minus_deselect(self, pattern):
+         """ Remove things from the transaction, like kickstart. """
+         assert pattern[0] == '-'
+-        pat = pattern[1:]
++        pat = pattern[1:].strip()
++        if pat and pat.startswith('@^'):
++            pat = pat[2:]
++            return self.deselectEnvironment(pat)
+         if pat and pat[0] == '@':
+             pat = pat[1:]
+@@ -3437,14 +4566,87 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             if flag not in self.tsInfo.probFilterFlags:
+                 self.tsInfo.probFilterFlags.append(flag)
++    def _install_is_upgrade(self, po, ipkgs):
++        """ See if po is an upgradeable version of an installed pkg.
++        Non-compat. arch differences mean no. """
++        if False and self._up is not None:
++            #  This is the old code, not sure it's good to have two paths. And
++            # we don't want to create .up. (which requires init repos.) if we
++            # don't have to.
++            return po.pkgtup in self.up.updating_dict
++        for ipkg in ipkgs:
++            if po.verLE(ipkg):
++                continue
++            if po.arch == ipkg.arch: # always fine.
++                return True
++            if 'noarch' in (po.arch, ipkg.arch):
++                return True
++            if not self.arch.multilib:
++                return True
++            if canCoinstall(po.arch, ipkg.arch):
++                continue
++            return True
++        return False
++    def _valid_install_arch(self, po, ipkgs=None):
++        ''' See if we can install this arch of package, mainly for
++            i386 vs. i586 or ppc64 vs. ppc64 etc. '''
++        if not ipkgs:
++            ipkgs = self.rpmdb.searchNames([po.name])
++        else:
++            ipkgs = ipkgs[:]
++        # Add these anyway, just to be sure.
++        for txmbr in self.tsInfo.matchNaevr(po.name):
++            if txmbr.output_state not in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
++                continue
++            ipkgs.append(txmbr.po)
++        for ipkg in ipkgs:
++            if po.arch == ipkg.arch:
++                continue
++            if not po.verEQ(ipkg):
++                continue
++            if canCoinstall(po.arch, ipkg.arch):
++                continue
++            self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2,
++                    _("Package: %s - can't co-install with %s"), po, ipkg)
++            return False
++        return True
+     def install(self, po=None, **kwargs):
+-        """try to mark for install the item specified. Uses provided package 
+-           object, if available. If not it uses the kwargs and gets the best
+-           packages from the keyword options provided 
+-           returns the list of txmbr of the items it installs
+-           """
++        """Mark the specified item for installation.  If a package
++        object is given, mark it for installation.  Otherwise, mark
++        the best package specified by the key word arguments for
++        installation.
++        :param po: a package object to install
++        :param kwargs: if *po* is not specified, these keyword
++           arguments will be used to find the best package to install
++        :return: a list of the transaction members added to the
++           transaction set by this function
++        :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.InstallError` if there is a problem
++           installing the package
++        """
++        #  This is kind of hacky, we really need a better way to do errors than
++        # doing them directly from .install/etc. ... but this is easy. *sigh*.
++        #  We are only using this in "groupinstall" atm. ... so we don't have
++        # a long list of "blah already installed." messages when people run
++        # "groupinstall mygroup" in yum-cron etc.
++        pkg_warn = kwargs.get('pkg_warning_level', 'flibble')
++        def _dbg2(*args, **kwargs):
++            self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, *args, **kwargs)
++        level2func = {'debug2' : _dbg2,
++                      'warning' : self.verbose_logger.warning}
++        if pkg_warn not in level2func:
++            pkg_warn = 'warning'
++        pkg_warn = level2func[pkg_warn]
+         pkgs = []
+         was_pattern = False
+         if po:
+@@ -3464,9 +4666,14 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 if kwargs['pattern'] and kwargs['pattern'][0] == '@':
+                     return self._at_groupinstall(kwargs['pattern'])
++                repoid = None # All of them
++                if 'repoid' in kwargs:
++                    repoid = kwargs['repoid']
+                 was_pattern = True
+                 pats = [kwargs['pattern']]
+                 mypkgs = self.pkgSack.returnPackages(patterns=pats,
++                                                     repoid=repoid,
+                                                       ignore_case=False)
+                 pkgs.extend(mypkgs)
+                 # if we have anything left unmatched, let's take a look for it
+@@ -3477,20 +4684,12 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     self.verbose_logger.debug(_('Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for %s'), 
+                         arg)
+-                    try:
+-                        mypkgs = self.returnPackagesByDep(arg)
+-                    except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-                        self.logger.critical(_('No Match for argument: %s') % to_unicode(arg))
+-                    else:
+-                        # install MTA* == fail, because provides don't do globs
+-                        # install /usr/kerberos/bin/* == success (and we want
+-                        #                                all of the pkgs)
+-                        if mypkgs and not misc.re_glob(arg):
+-                            mypkgs = self.bestPackagesFromList(mypkgs,
+-                                                               single_name=True)
+-                        if mypkgs:
+-                            pkgs.extend(mypkgs)
++                    mypkgs = self.returnPackagesByDep(arg)
++                    if not misc.re_glob(arg):
++                        mypkgs = self.bestPackagesFromList(mypkgs,
++                                                           single_name=True,
++                                                           req=arg)
++                    pkgs.extend(mypkgs)
+             else:
+                 nevra_dict = self._nevra_kwarg_parse(kwargs)
+@@ -3499,6 +4698,8 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                      ver=nevra_dict['version'], rel=nevra_dict['release'])
+                 self._add_not_found_a(pkgs, nevra_dict)
++                pkgs = misc.filter_pkgs_repoid(pkgs, kwargs.get('repoid'))
+             if pkgs:
+                 # if was_pattern or nevra-dict['arch'] is none, take the list
+                 # of arches based on our multilib_compat config and 
+@@ -3577,17 +4778,21 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     continue
+             # make sure this shouldn't be passed to update:
+-            if (self.rpmdb.searchNames([po.name]) and
+-                po.pkgtup in self.up.updating_dict):
+-                txmbrs = self.update(po=po)
++            ipkgs = self.rpmdb.searchNames([po.name])
++            if ipkgs and self._install_is_upgrade(po, ipkgs):
++                txmbrs = self.update(po=po, repoid=kwargs.get('repoid'))
+                 tx_return.extend(txmbrs)
+                 continue
++            if not self._valid_install_arch(po, ipkgs):
++                continue
+             #  Make sure we're not installing a package which is obsoleted by
+             # something else in the repo. Unless there is a obsoletion loop,
+             # at which point ignore everything.
++            # NOTE: This is broken wrt. repoid...
+             obsoleting_pkg = None
+-            if self.conf.obsoletes:
++            if self.conf.obsoletes and not isinstance(po, YumLocalPackage):
+                 obsoleting_pkg = self._test_loop(po, self._pkg2obspkg)
+             if obsoleting_pkg is not None:
+                 # this is not a definitive check but it'll make sure we don't
+@@ -3600,23 +4805,23 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     already_obs = pkgs[0]
+                 if already_obs:
+-                    self.verbose_logger.warning(_('Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed'), 
+-                                                po, already_obs)
++                    pkg_warn(_('Package %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installed'), 
++                             po, already_obs)
+                 else:
+                     if 'provides_for' in kwargs:
+                         if not obsoleting_pkg.provides_for(kwargs['provides_for']):
+-                            self.verbose_logger.warning(_('Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for requirements'),
+-                                                  po.name, obsoleting_pkg.name)
++                            pkg_warn(_('Package %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for requirements'),
++                                     po.name, obsoleting_pkg.name)
+                             continue
+-                    self.verbose_logger.warning(_('Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead'),
+-                        po.name, obsoleting_pkg.name, obsoleting_pkg)
++                    pkg_warn(_('Package %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s instead'),
++                             po.name, obsoleting_pkg.name, obsoleting_pkg)
+                     tx_return.extend(self.install(po=obsoleting_pkg))
+                 continue
+             # make sure it's not already installed
+             if self.rpmdb.contains(po=po):
+                 if not self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(po.pkgtup, TS_REMOVE_STATES):
+-                    self.verbose_logger.warning(_('Package %s already installed and latest version'), po)
++                    pkg_warn(_('Package %s already installed and latest version'), po)
+                     continue
+             # make sure we don't have a name.arch of this already installed
+@@ -3630,8 +4835,8 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                         found = True
+                         break
+                 if not found:
+-                    self.verbose_logger.warning(_('Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update.'), po)            
+-                    txmbrs = self.update(po=po)
++                    pkg_warn(_('Package matching %s already installed. Checking for update.'), po)            
++                    txmbrs = self.update(po=po, repoid=kwargs.get('repoid'))
+                     tx_return.extend(txmbrs)
+                     continue
+@@ -3719,19 +4924,47 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return txmbr
+     def update(self, po=None, requiringPo=None, update_to=False, **kwargs):
+-        """try to mark for update the item(s) specified. 
+-            po is a package object - if that is there, mark it for update,
+-            if possible
+-            else use **kwargs to match the package needing update
+-            if nothing is specified at all then attempt to update everything
++        """Mark the specified items to be updated.  If a package
++        object is given, mark it.  Else, if a package is specified by
++        the keyword arguments, mark it.  Finally, if nothing is given,
++        mark all installed packages to be updated.
++        :param po: the package object to be marked for updating
++        :param requiringPo: the package object that requires the
++           upgrade
++        :param update_to: if *update_to* is True, the update will only
++           be run if it will update the given package to the given
++           version.  For example, if the package foo-1-2 is installed,::
++             updatePkgs(["foo-1-2"], update_to=False)
++           will work identically to::
+-            returns the list of txmbr of the items it marked for update"""
++             updatePkgs(["foo"])
++           but::
++             updatePkgs(["foo-1-2"], update_to=True)
++           will do nothing
++        :param kwargs: if *po* is not given, the names or wildcards in
++           *kwargs* will be used to find the packages to update
++        :return: a list of transaction members added to the
++           transaction set by this function
++        """
+         # check for args - if no po nor kwargs, do them all
+         # if po, do it, ignore all else
+         # if no po do kwargs
+         # uninstalled pkgs called for update get returned with errors in a list, maybe?
++        pkg_warn = kwargs.get('pkg_warning_level', 'flibble')
++        def _dbg2(*args, **kwargs):
++            self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, *args, **kwargs)
++        level2func = {'debug2' : _dbg2,
++                      'warning' : self.verbose_logger.warning}
++        if pkg_warn not in level2func:
++            pkg_warn = 'warning'
++        pkg_warn = level2func[pkg_warn]
+         tx_return = []
+         if not po and not kwargs: # update everything (the easy case)
+             self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _('Updating Everything'))
+@@ -3765,7 +4998,14 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     if new is None:
+                         continue
+                     tx_return.extend(self.update(po=new))
++            # Upgrade the installed groups, as part of generic "yum upgrade"
++            if self.conf.group_command == 'objects':
++                for ievgrp in self.igroups.environments:
++                    tx_return.extend(self._at_groupupgrade('@^' + ievgrp))
++                for igrp in self.igroups.groups:
++                    tx_return.extend(self._at_groupupgrade('@'  + igrp))
+             return tx_return
+         # complications
+@@ -3787,13 +5027,16 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 return self._minus_deselect(kwargs['pattern'])
+             if kwargs['pattern'] and kwargs['pattern'][0] == '@':
+-                return self._at_groupinstall(kwargs['pattern'])
++                return self._at_groupupgrade(kwargs['pattern'])
+             arg = kwargs['pattern']
+             if not update_to:
+                 instpkgs  = self.rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=[arg])
++                instpkgs  = misc.filter_pkgs_repoid(instpkgs,
++                                                    kwargs.get('repoid'))
+             else:
+-                availpkgs = self.pkgSack.returnPackages(patterns=[arg])
++                availpkgs = self.pkgSack.returnPackages(patterns=[arg],
++                                                        repoid=kwargs.get('repoid'))
+             if not instpkgs and not availpkgs:
+                 depmatches = []
+@@ -3805,6 +5048,8 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+                     self.logger.critical(_('%s') % e)
++                depmatches = misc.filter_pkgs_repoid(depmatches,
++                                                     kwargs.get('repoid'))
+                 if update_to:
+                     availpkgs.extend(depmatches)
+                 else:
+@@ -3816,9 +5061,12 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             try:
+                 if update_to:
+                     m = []
++                elif kwargs.get('repoid'):
++                    pats = [kwargs['pattern']]
++                    m = self.pkgSack.sacks[kwargs['repoid']]
++                    m = m.returnNewestByNameArch(patterns=pats)
+                 else:
+                     pats = [kwargs['pattern']]
+-                    # pats += list(set([pkg.name for pkg in instpkgs]))
+                     m = self.pkgSack.returnNewestByNameArch(patterns=pats)
+             except Errors.PackageSackError:
+                 m = []
+@@ -3843,7 +5091,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     availpkgs = self._compare_providers(availpkgs, requiringPo)
+                     availpkgs = map(lambda x: x[0], availpkgs)
+                 elif not availpkgs:
+-                    self.logger.warning(_("No package matched to upgrade: %s"), self._ui_nevra_dict(nevra_dict))
++                    pkg_warn(_("No package matched to upgrade: %s"), self._ui_nevra_dict(nevra_dict))
+         # for any thing specified
+         # get the list of available pkgs matching it (or take the po)
+@@ -3879,6 +5127,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     if obsoleting_pkg is None:
+                         continue
+                     obs_pkgs.append(obsoleting_pkg)
++                # NOTE: Broekn wrt. repoid
+                 for obsoleting_pkg in packagesNewestByName(obs_pkgs):
+                     tx_return.extend(self.install(po=obsoleting_pkg))
+             for available_pkg in availpkgs:
+@@ -3920,11 +5169,29 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     tx_return.append(txmbr)
+         for available_pkg in availpkgs:
++            if not self._valid_install_arch(available_pkg):
++                continue
++            # "Just do it" if it's a local pkg.
++            if isinstance(available_pkg, YumLocalPackage):
++                n = available_pkg.name
++                for updated_pkg in self.rpmdb.returnNewestByName(n):
++                    updated = updated_pkg.pkgtup
++                    if self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(updated,
++                                                       TS_REMOVE_STATES):
++                        self.tsInfo.remove(updated)
++                    txmbr = self._add_up_txmbr(requiringPo,
++                                               available_pkg, updated_pkg)
++                    tx_return.append(txmbr)
++                continue
+             #  Make sure we're not installing a package which is obsoleted by
+             # something else in the repo. Unless there is a obsoletion loop,
+             # at which point ignore everything.
+             obsoleting_pkg = self._test_loop(available_pkg, self._pkg2obspkg)
+             if obsoleting_pkg is not None:
++                if (kwargs.get('repoid') and
++                    obsoleting_pkg.repoid != kwargs.get('repoid')):
++                    continue # Meh.
+                 self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _('Not Updating Package that is obsoleted: %s'), available_pkg)
+                 tx_return.extend(self.update(po=obsoleting_pkg))
+                 continue
+@@ -3985,11 +5252,18 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return tx_return
+     def remove(self, po=None, **kwargs):
+-        """try to find and mark for remove the specified package(s) -
+-            if po is specified then that package object (if it is installed) 
+-            will be marked for removal.
+-            if no po then look at kwargs, if neither then raise an exception"""
++        """Mark the specified packages for removal. If a package
++        object is given, mark it for removal.  Otherwise, mark the
++        package specified by the keyword arguments.
++        :param po: the package object to mark for installation
++        :param kwargs: If *po* is not given, the keyword arguments
++           will be used to specify a package to mark for installation
++        :return: a list of the transaction members that were added to
++           the transaction set by this method
++        :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.RemoveError` if nothing is specified
++           to mark for removal
++        """
+         if not po and not kwargs:
+             raise Errors.RemoveError, 'Nothing specified to remove'
+@@ -4008,6 +5282,10 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     return self._at_groupremove(kwargs['pattern'])
+                 (e,m,u) = self.rpmdb.matchPackageNames([kwargs['pattern']])
++                if 'repoid' in kwargs:
++                    e = misc.filter_pkgs_repoid(e, kwargs['repoid'])
++                    m = misc.filter_pkgs_repoid(m, kwargs['repoid'])
+                 pkgs.extend(e)
+                 pkgs.extend(m)
+                 if u:
+@@ -4018,6 +5296,10 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+                         self.logger.critical(_('%s') % e)
++                    if 'repoid' in kwargs:
++                        depmatches = misc.filter_pkgs_repoid(depmatches,
++                                                             kwargs['repoid'])
+                     if not depmatches:
+                         arg = to_unicode(arg)
+                         self.logger.critical(_('No Match for argument: %s') % to_unicode(arg))
+@@ -4055,17 +5337,19 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return tx_return
+     def installLocal(self, pkg, po=None, updateonly=False):
++        """Mark a package on the local filesystem (i.e. not from a
++        repository) for installation. 
++        :param pkg: a string specifying the path to an rpm file in the
++           local filesystem to be marked for installation
++        :param po: a :class:`yum.packages.YumLocalPackage` 
++        :param updateonly: if True, the given package will only be
++           marked for installation if it is an upgrade for a package
++           that is already installed.  If False, this restriction is
++           not enforced
++        :return: a list of the transaction members added to the
++           transaction set by this method
+         """
+-        handles installs/updates of rpms provided on the filesystem in a
+-        local dir (ie: not from a repo)
+-        Return the added transaction members.
+-        @param pkg: a path to an rpm file on disk.
+-        @param po: A YumLocalPackage
+-        @param updateonly: Whether or not true installs are valid.
+-        """
+         # read in the package into a YumLocalPackage Object
+         # append it to self.localPackages
+         # check if it can be installed or updated based on nevra versus rpmdb
+@@ -4183,16 +5467,15 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return tx_return
+     def reinstallLocal(self, pkg, po=None):
++        """Mark a package on the local filesystem (i.e. not from a
++        repository) for reinstallation. 
++        :param pkg: a string specifying the path to an rpm file in the
++           local filesystem to be marked for reinstallation
++        :param po: a :class:`yum.packages.YumLocalPackage` 
++        :return: a list of the transaction members added to the
++           transaction set by this method
+         """
+-        handles reinstall of rpms provided on the filesystem in a
+-        local dir (ie: not from a repo)
+-        Return the added transaction members.
+-        @param pkg: a path to an rpm file on disk.
+-        @param po: A YumLocalPackage
+-        """
+         if not po:
+             try:
+                 po = YumUrlPackage(self, ts=self.rpmdb.readOnlyTS(), url=pkg,
+@@ -4215,13 +5498,29 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return self.reinstall(po=po)
+     def reinstall(self, po=None, **kwargs):
+-        """Setup the problem filters to allow a reinstall to work, then
+-           pass everything off to install"""
++        """Mark the given package for reinstallation.  This is
++        accomplished by setting problem filters to allow a reinstall
++        take place, then calling :func:`install`.
++        :param po: the package object to mark for reinstallation
++        :param kwargs: if po is not given, the keyword will be used to
++           specify a package for reinstallation
++        :return: a list of the transaction members added to the
++           transaction set by this method
++        :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.ReinstallRemoveError` or
++           :class:`yum.Errors.ReinstallInstallError` depending the nature
++           of the error that is encountered
++        """
+         self._add_prob_flags(rpm.RPMPROB_FILTER_REPLACEPKG,
+                              rpm.RPMPROB_FILTER_REPLACENEWFILES,
+                              rpm.RPMPROB_FILTER_REPLACEOLDFILES)
++        # NOTE: For repoid=foo we could do two things:
++        # 1. Only do the "remove" op. with packages installed from "foo".
++        # 2. Only do the "install" op. with packages available from "foo".
++        # ...so repoid=foo means #1 and repoid_install=foo means #2. Can also
++        # combine them.
+         tx_mbrs = []
+         if po: # The po, is the "available" po ... we want the installed po
+             tx_mbrs.extend(self.remove(pkgtup=po.pkgtup))
+@@ -4240,10 +5539,11 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             # pkgs that are obsolete.
+             old_conf_obs = self.conf.obsoletes
+             self.conf.obsoletes = False
+-            if isinstance(po, YumLocalPackage):
++            if isinstance(po, YumLocalPackage) and 'repoid' not in kwargs:
+                 members = self.install(po=po)
+             else:
+-                members = self.install(pkgtup=item.pkgtup)
++                members = self.install(pkgtup=item.pkgtup,
++                                       repoid=kwargs.get('repoid_install'))
+             self.conf.obsoletes = old_conf_obs
+             if len(members) == 0:
+                 self.tsInfo.remove(item.pkgtup)
+@@ -4259,16 +5559,15 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return tx_mbrs
+     def downgradeLocal(self, pkg, po=None):
++        """Mark a package on the local filesystem (i.e. not from a
++        repository) to be downgraded.
++        :param pkg: a string specifying the path to an rpm file in the
++           local filesystem to be marked to be downgraded
++        :param po: a :class:`yum.packages.YumLocalPackage` 
++        :return: a list of the transaction members added to the
++           transaction set by this method
+         """
+-        handles downgrades of rpms provided on the filesystem in a
+-        local dir (ie: not from a repo)
+-        Return the added transaction members.
+-        @param pkg: a path to an rpm file on disk.
+-        @param po: A YumLocalPackage
+-        """
+         if not po:
+             try:
+                 po = YumUrlPackage(self, ts=self.rpmdb.readOnlyTS(), url=pkg,
+@@ -4309,13 +5608,19 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return False
+     def downgrade(self, po=None, **kwargs):
+-        """ Try to downgrade a package. Works like:
+-            % yum shell <<EOL
+-            remove  abcd
+-            install abcd-<old-version>
+-            run
+-            EOL """
++        """Mark a package to be downgraded.  This is equivalent to
++        first removing the currently installed package, and then
++        installing the older version.
++        :param po: the package object to be marked to be downgraded
++        :param kwargs: if a package object is not given, the keyword
++           arguments will be used to specify a package to be marked to
++           be downgraded
++        :return: a list of the transaction members added to the
++           transaction set by this method
++        :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.DowngradeError` if no packages are
++           specified or available for downgrade
++        """
+         if not po and not kwargs:
+             raise Errors.DowngradeError, 'Nothing specified to downgrade'
+@@ -4397,6 +5702,10 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         # installed version. Indexed fromn the latest installed pkgtup.
+         downgrade_apkgs = {}
+         for pkg in sorted(apkgs):
++            # We are cleverer here, I think...
++            # if not self._valid_install_arch(pkg, ipkgs):
++            # continue
+             na  = (pkg.name, pkg.arch)
+             # Here we allow downgrades from .i386 => .noarch, or .i586 => .i386
+@@ -4421,6 +5730,9 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 warned_nas.add(na)
+                 continue
++            if pkg.verEQ(lipkg):
++                continue
+             if pkg.verGE(lipkg):
+                 if na not in warned_nas:
+                     msg = _('Only Upgrade available on package: %s') % pkg
+@@ -4457,7 +5769,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         if e and v and r:
+             evr = '%s:%s-%s' % (e, v, r)
+         elif v and r:
+-            evr = '%s-%s' % (e, v, r)
++            evr = '%s-%s' % (v, r)
+         elif e and v:
+             evr = '%s:%s' % (e, v)
+         elif v: # e and r etc. is just too weird to print
+@@ -4500,12 +5812,24 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return returndict
+-    def history_redo(self, transaction):
+-        """ Given a valid historical transaction object, try and repeat
+-            that transaction. """
++    def history_redo(self, transaction,
++                     force_reinstall=False, force_changed_removal=False):
++        """Repeat the transaction represented by the given
++        :class:`yum.history.YumHistoryTransaction` object.
++        :param transaction: a
++           :class:`yum.history.YumHistoryTransaction` object
++           representing the transaction to be repeated
++        :param force_reinstall: bool - do we want to reinstall anything that was
++           installed/updated/downgraded/etc.
++        :param force_changed_removal: bool - do we want to force remove anything
++           that was downgraded or upgraded.
++        :return: whether the transaction was repeated successfully
++        """
+         # NOTE: This is somewhat basic atm. ... see comment in undo.
+         #  Also note that redo doesn't force install Dep-Install packages,
+         # which is probably what is wanted the majority of the time.
+         old_conf_obs = self.conf.obsoletes
+         self.conf.obsoletes = False
+         done = False
+@@ -4515,19 +5839,46 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     done = True
+         for pkg in transaction.trans_data:
+             if pkg.state == 'Downgrade':
++                if force_reinstall and self.rpmdb.searchPkgTuple(pkg.pkgtup):
++                    if self.reinstall(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup):
++                        done = True
++                    continue
+                 try:
+                     if self.downgrade(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup):
+                         done = True
+                 except yum.Errors.DowngradeError:
+                     self.logger.critical(_('Failed to downgrade: %s'), pkg)
+         for pkg in transaction.trans_data:
++            if force_changed_removal and pkg.state == 'Downgraded':
++                if self.tsInfo.getMembers(pkg.pkgtup):
++                    continue
++                if self.remove(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup, silence_warnings=True):
++                    done = True
++        for pkg in transaction.trans_data:
+             if pkg.state == 'Update':
++                if force_reinstall and self.rpmdb.searchPkgTuple(pkg.pkgtup):
++                    if self.reinstall(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup):
++                        done = True
++                    continue
+                 if self.update(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup):
+                     done = True
+                 else:
+                     self.logger.critical(_('Failed to upgrade: %s'), pkg)
+         for pkg in transaction.trans_data:
++            if force_changed_removal and pkg.state == 'Updated':
++                if self.tsInfo.getMembers(pkg.pkgtup):
++                    continue
++                if self.remove(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup, silence_warnings=True):
++                    done = True
++        for pkg in transaction.trans_data:
+             if pkg.state in ('Install', 'True-Install', 'Obsoleting'):
++                if force_reinstall and self.rpmdb.searchPkgTuple(pkg.pkgtup):
++                    if self.reinstall(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup):
++                        done = True
++                    continue
+                 if self.install(pkgtup=pkg.pkgtup):
+                     done = True
+         for pkg in transaction.trans_data:
+@@ -4538,8 +5889,14 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return done
+     def history_undo(self, transaction):
+-        """ Given a valid historical transaction object, try and undo
+-            that transaction. """
++        """Undo the transaction represented by the given
++        :class:`yum.history.YumHistoryTransaction` object.
++        :param transaction: a
++           :class:`yum.history.YumHistoryTransaction` object
++           representing the transaction to be undone
++        :return: whether the transaction was undone successfully
++        """
+         # NOTE: This is somewhat basic atm. ... for instance we don't check
+         #       that we are going from the old new version. However it's still
+         #       better than the RHN rollback code, and people pay for that :).
+@@ -4616,7 +5973,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError, e:
+             raise Errors.YumBaseError(_('GPG key retrieval failed: ') +
+-                                      to_unicode(str(e)))
++                                      exception2msg(e))
+         # check for a .asc file accompanying it - that's our gpg sig on the key
+         # suck it down and do the check
+@@ -4649,7 +6006,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             keys_info = misc.getgpgkeyinfo(rawkey, multiple=True)
+         except ValueError, e:
+             raise Errors.YumBaseError(_('Invalid GPG Key from %s: %s') % 
+-                                      (url, to_unicode(str(e))))
++                                      (url, exception2msg(e)))
+         keys = []
+         for keyinfo in keys_info:
+             thiskey = {}
+@@ -4674,39 +6031,49 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             if pkgs:
+                 pkgs = sorted(pkgs)[-1]
+                 msg = (_('Importing %s key 0x%s:\n'
+-                         ' Userid : %s\n'
+-                         ' Package: %s (%s)\n'
+-                         ' From   : %s') %
++                         ' Userid     : "%s"\n'
++                         ' Fingerprint: %s\n'
++                         ' Package    : %s (%s)\n'
++                         ' From       : %s') %
+                        (keytype, info['hexkeyid'], to_unicode(info['userid']),
++                        misc.gpgkey_fingerprint_ascii(info),
+                         pkgs, pkgs.ui_from_repo,
+                         keyurl.replace("file://","")))
+         if msg is None:
+             msg = (_('Importing %s key 0x%s:\n'
+-                     ' Userid: "%s"\n'
+-                     ' From  : %s') %
++                     ' Userid     : "%s"\n'
++                     ' Fingerprint: %s\n'
++                     ' From       : %s') %
+                    (keytype, info['hexkeyid'], to_unicode(info['userid']),
++                    misc.gpgkey_fingerprint_ascii(info),
+                     keyurl.replace("file://","")))
+         self.logger.critical("%s", msg)
+     def getKeyForPackage(self, po, askcb = None, fullaskcb = None):
+-        """
+-        Retrieve a key for a package. If needed, prompt for if the key should
+-        be imported using askcb.
+-        @param po: Package object to retrieve the key of.
+-        @param askcb: Callback function to use for asking for permission to
+-                      import a key. This is verification, but also "choice".
+-                      Takes arguments of the po, the userid for the key, and
+-                      the keyid.
+-        @param fullaskcb: Callback function to use for asking for permission to
+-                          import a key. This is verification, but also "choice".
+-                          Differs from askcb in that it gets passed a
+-                          dictionary so that we can expand the values passed.
++        """Retrieve a key for a package. If needed, use the given
++        callback to prompt whether the key should be imported.
++        :param po: the package object to retrieve the key of
++        :param askcb: Callback function to use to ask permission to
++           import a key.  The arguments *askck* should take are the
++           package object, the userid of the key, and the keyid
++        :param fullaskcb: Callback function to use to ask permission to
++           import a key.  This differs from *askcb* in that it gets
++           passed a dictionary so that we can expand the values passed.
++        :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.YumBaseError` if there are errors
++           retrieving the keys
+         """
+         repo = self.repos.getRepo(po.repoid)
+         keyurls = repo.gpgkey
+         key_installed = False
++        def _prov_key_data(msg):
++            msg += _('\n\n\n'
++                     ' Failing package is: %s\n'
++                     ' GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n'
++                     ) % (po, ", ".join(repo.gpgkey))
++            return msg
+         user_cb_fail = False
+         for keyurl in keyurls:
+             keys = self._retrievePublicKey(keyurl, repo)
+@@ -4725,7 +6092,9 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     # Try installing/updating GPG key
+                     self._getKeyImportMessage(info, keyurl)
+                     rc = False
+-                    if self.conf.assumeyes:
++                    if self.conf.assumeno:
++                        rc = False
++                    elif self.conf.assumeyes:
+                         rc = True
+                     # grab the .sig/.asc for the keyurl, if it exists
+@@ -4751,8 +6120,8 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 ts = self.rpmdb.readOnlyTS()
+                 result = ts.pgpImportPubkey(misc.procgpgkey(info['raw_key']))
+                 if result != 0:
+-                    raise Errors.YumBaseError, \
+-                          _('Key import failed (code %d)') % result
++                    msg = _('Key import failed (code %d)') % result
++                    raise Errors.YumBaseError, _prov_key_data(msg)
+                 self.logger.info(_('Key imported successfully'))
+                 key_installed = True
+@@ -4760,18 +6129,20 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             raise Errors.YumBaseError, _("Didn't install any keys")
+         if not key_installed:
+-            raise Errors.YumBaseError, \
+-                  _('The GPG keys listed for the "%s" repository are ' \
++            msg = _('The GPG keys listed for the "%s" repository are ' \
+                   'already installed but they are not correct for this ' \
+                   'package.\n' \
+                   'Check that the correct key URLs are configured for ' \
+-                  'this repository.') % (repo.name)
++                  'this repository.') % repo.name
++            raise Errors.YumBaseError, _prov_key_data(msg)
+         # Check if the newly installed keys helped
+         result, errmsg = self.sigCheckPkg(po)
+         if result != 0:
+-            self.logger.info(_("Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"))
+-            raise Errors.YumBaseError, errmsg
++            msg = _("Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?")
++            self.logger.info(msg)
++            errmsg = to_unicode(errmsg)
++            raise Errors.YumBaseError, _prov_key_data(errmsg)
+     def _getAnyKeyForRepo(self, repo, destdir, keyurl_list, is_cakey=False, callback=None):
+         """
+@@ -4788,6 +6159,18 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         """
+         key_installed = False
++        def _prov_key_data(msg):
++            cakeytxt = _("No")
++            if is_cakey:
++                cakeytxt = _("Yes")
++            msg += _('\n\n\n'
++                     ' CA Key: %s\n'
++                     ' Failing repo is: %s\n'
++                     ' GPG Keys are configured as: %s\n'
++                     ) % (cakeytxt, repo, ", ".join(keyurl_list))
++            return msg
+         user_cb_fail = False
+         for keyurl in keyurl_list:
+             keys = self._retrievePublicKey(keyurl, repo, getSig=not is_cakey)
+@@ -4819,8 +6202,11 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 if not key_installed:
+                     self._getKeyImportMessage(info, keyurl, keytype)
+                     rc = False
+-                    if self.conf.assumeyes:
++                    if self.conf.assumeno:
++                        rc = False
++                    elif self.conf.assumeyes:
+                         rc = True
+                     elif callback:
+                         rc = callback({"repo": repo, "userid": info['userid'],
+                                         "hexkeyid": info['hexkeyid'], "keyurl": keyurl,
+@@ -4835,7 +6221,8 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 # Import the key
+                 result = misc.import_key_to_pubring(info['raw_key'], info['hexkeyid'], gpgdir=destdir)
+                 if not result:
+-                    raise Errors.YumBaseError, _('Key import failed')
++                    msg = _('Key %s import failed') % info['hexkeyid']
++                    raise Errors.YumBaseError, _prov_key_data(msg)
+                 self.logger.info(_('Key imported successfully'))
+                 key_installed = True
+                 # write out the key id to imported_cakeys in the repos basedir
+@@ -4851,36 +6238,35 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                             pass
+         if not key_installed and user_cb_fail:
+-            raise Errors.YumBaseError, _("Didn't install any keys for repo %s") % repo
++            msg = _("Didn't install any keys for repo %s") % repo
++            raise Errors.YumBaseError, _prov_key_data(msg)
+         if not key_installed:
+-            raise Errors.YumBaseError, \
++            msg = \
+                   _('The GPG keys listed for the "%s" repository are ' \
+                   'already installed but they are not correct.\n' \
+                   'Check that the correct key URLs are configured for ' \
+                   'this repository.') % (repo.name)
++            raise Errors.YumBaseError, _prov_key_data(msg)
+     def getKeyForRepo(self, repo, callback=None):
+-        """
+-        Retrieve a key for a repository If needed, prompt for if the key should
+-        be imported using callback
+-        @param repo: Repository object to retrieve the key of.
+-        @param callback: Callback function to use for asking for verification
+-                          of a key. Takes a dictionary of key info.
++        """Retrieve a key for a repository.  If needed, use the given
++        callback to prompt whether the key should be imported.
++        :param repo: repository object to retrieve the key of
++        :param callback: callback function to use for asking for
++           verification of key information
+         """
+         self._getAnyKeyForRepo(repo, repo.gpgdir, repo.gpgkey, is_cakey=False, callback=callback)
+     def getCAKeyForRepo(self, repo, callback=None):
+-        """
+-        Retrieve a key for a repository If needed, prompt for if the key should
+-        be imported using callback
+-        @param repo: Repository object to retrieve the key of.
+-        @param callback: Callback function to use for asking for verification
+-                          of a key. Takes a dictionary of key info.
+-        """
++        """Retrieve a key for a repository.  If needed, use the given
++        callback to prompt whether the key should be imported.
++        :param repo: repository object to retrieve the key of
++        :param callback: callback function to use for asking for
++           verification of key information
++        """
+         self._getAnyKeyForRepo(repo, repo.gpgcadir, repo.gpgcakey, is_cakey=True, callback=callback)
+     def _limit_installonly_pkgs(self):
+@@ -4889,7 +6275,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             New in 3.2.24: Obey yumdb_info.installonly data. """
+         def _sort_and_filter_installonly(pkgs):
+-            """ Allow the admin to specify some overrides fo installonly pkgs.
++            """ Allow the admin to specify some overrides for installonly pkgs.
+                 using the yumdb. """
+             ret_beg = []
+             ret_mid = []
+@@ -4917,6 +6303,10 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         if self.conf.installonly_limit < 1 :
+             return 
++        # We shouldn't alter the transaction if this is set...
++        if self.tsInfo._check_future_rpmdbv:
++            return
+         toremove = []
+         #  We "probably" want to use either self.ts or self.rpmdb.ts if either
+@@ -4926,23 +6316,30 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         # so self.rpmdb.ts should be valid.
+         ts = self.rpmdb.readOnlyTS()
+         (cur_kernel_v, cur_kernel_r) = misc.get_running_kernel_version_release(ts)
+-        install_only_names = set(self.conf.installonlypkgs)
++        found = {}
+         for m in self.tsInfo.getMembers():
+             if m.ts_state not in ('i', 'u'):
+                 continue
+             if m.reinstall:
+                 continue
+-            po_names = set([m.name] + m.po.provides_names)
+-            if not po_names.intersection(install_only_names):
++            if not self.allowedMultipleInstalls(m.po):
+                 continue
+-            installed = self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=m.name)
++            if m.name not in found:
++                found[m.name] = 1
++            else:
++                found[m.name] += 1
++        for name in found:
++            installed = self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=name)
+             installed = _sort_and_filter_installonly(installed)
+-            if len(installed) < self.conf.installonly_limit - 1:
+-                continue # we're adding one
+-            numleft = len(installed) - self.conf.installonly_limit + 1
++            total = len(installed) + found[name]
++            if total <= self.conf.installonly_limit:
++                continue # Not adding enough to trigger.
++            # Number left to try and remove...
++            numleft = total - self.conf.installonly_limit
+             for po in installed:
+                 if (po.version, po.release) == (cur_kernel_v, cur_kernel_r): 
+                     # don't remove running
+@@ -4959,19 +6356,22 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             txmbr.depends_on.append(rel)
+     def processTransaction(self, callback=None,rpmTestDisplay=None, rpmDisplay=None):
+-        '''
+-        Process the current Transaction
+-        - Download Packages
+-        - Check GPG Signatures.
+-        - Run Test RPM Transaction
+-        - Run RPM Transaction
+-        callback.event method is called at start/end of each process.
+-        @param callback: callback object (must have an event method)
+-        @param rpmTestDisplay: Name of display class to use in RPM Test Transaction 
+-        @param rpmDisplay: Name of display class to use in RPM Transaction 
+-        '''
++        """Process the current transaction.  This involves the
++        following steps:
++          - Download the packages
++          - Check the GPG signatures of the packages
++          - Run the test RPM transaction
++          - Run the RPM Transaction
++        The *callback*.event method is called at the start, and
++        between each step.
++        :param callback: a callback object, which must have an event
++           method
++        :param rpmTestDisplay: name of the display class to use in the
++           RPM test transaction
++        :param rpmDisplay: name of the display class to use in the rpm
++           transaction
++        """
+         if not callback:
+             callback = callbacks.ProcessTransNoOutputCallback()
+@@ -5062,8 +6462,8 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                 raise Errors.YumRPMCheckError, retmsgs
+             retmsgs = [_('ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:')]
+             retmsgs.extend(msgs) 
+-            retmsgs.append(_('Please report this error at %s') 
+-                                         % self.conf.bugtracker_url)
++            # Don't encourage users to file a bug here, as this is probably
++            # pre-existing issue in dependendies of installed packages
+             raise Errors.YumRPMCheckError,retmsgs
+         tsConf = {}
+@@ -5114,13 +6514,19 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         return results
+     def add_enable_repo(self, repoid, baseurls=[], mirrorlist=None, **kwargs):
+-        """add and enable a repo with just a baseurl/mirrorlist and repoid
+-           requires repoid and at least one of baseurl and mirrorlist
+-           additional optional kwargs are:
+-           variable_convert=bool (defaults to true)
+-           and any other attribute settable to the normal repo setup
+-           ex: metadata_expire, enable_groups, gpgcheck, cachedir, etc
+-           returns the repo object it added"""
++        """Add and enable a repository.
++        :param repoid: a string specifying the name of the repository
++        :param baseurls: a list of strings specifying the urls for
++           the repository.  At least one base url, or one mirror, must
++           be given
++        :param mirrorlist: a list of strings specifying a list of
++           mirrors for the repository.  At least one base url, or one
++           mirror must be given
++        :param kwargs: key word arguments to set any normal repository
++           attribute
++        :return: the new repository that has been added and enabled
++        """
+         # out of place fixme - maybe we should make this the default repo addition
+         # routine and use it from getReposFromConfigFile(), etc.
+         newrepo = yumRepo.YumRepository(repoid)
+@@ -5167,9 +6573,15 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+     def setCacheDir(self, force=False, tmpdir=None, reuse=True,
+                     suffix='/$basearch/$releasever'):
+-        ''' Set a new cache dir, using misc.getCacheDir() and var. replace
+-            on suffix. '''
++        """Set a new cache directory.
++        :param force: whether to force the cache directory to be
++           changed
++        :param tmpdir: a temporary directory
++        :param reuse: whether the temporary directory can be reused
++        :param suffix: suffix to attach to the directory name
++        :return: whether the new cache directory is successfully set
++        """
+         if not force and os.geteuid() == 0:
+             return True # We are root, not forced, so happy with the global dir.
+         if tmpdir is None:
+@@ -5179,7 +6591,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         try:
+             cachedir = misc.getCacheDir(tmpdir, reuse)
+         except (IOError, OSError), e:
+-            self.logger.critical(_('Could not set cachedir: %s') % str(e))
++            self.logger.critical(_('Could not set cachedir: %s') % exception2msg(e))
+             cachedir = None
+         if cachedir is None:
+@@ -5190,6 +6602,8 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             self.prerepoconf.cachedir = cachedir
+         else:
+             self.repos.setCacheDir(cachedir)
++        if not hasattr(self, '_old_cachedir'):
++            self._old_cachedir = self.conf.cachedir
+         self.conf.cachedir = cachedir
+         return True # We got a new cache dir
+@@ -5220,13 +6634,24 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         self.history.write_addon_data('config-repos', myrepos)
+     def verify_plugins_cb(self, verify_package):
+-        """ Callback to call a plugin hook for pkg.verify(). """
++        """Callback to call a plugin hook for pkg.verify().
++        :param verify_package: a conduit for the callback
++        :return: *verify_package*
++        """
+         self.plugins.run('verify_package', verify_package=verify_package)
+         return verify_package
+     def save_ts(self, filename=None, auto=False):
+-        """saves out a transaction to .yumtx file to be loaded later"""
++        """Save out a transaction to a .yumtx file to be loaded later.
++        :param filename: the name of the file to save the transaction
++           in.  If *filename* is not given, a name will be generated
++        :param auto: whether to output errors to the logger, rather
++           than raising exceptions
++        :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.YumBaseError` if there are errors
++           saving the transaction
++        """
+         if self.tsInfo._unresolvedMembers:
+             if auto:
+                 self.logger.critical(_("Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."))
+@@ -5234,7 +6659,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+             raise Errors.YumBaseError(_("Dependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction."))
+         if not filename:
+-            prefix = 'yum_save_tx-%s' % time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M')
++            prefix = 'yum_save_tx.%s' % time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d.%H-%M.')
+             fd,filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.yumtx', prefix=prefix)
+             f = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
+         else:
+@@ -5244,13 +6669,17 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         msg = "%s\n" % self.rpmdb.simpleVersion(main_only=True)[0]
+         msg += "%s\n" % self.ts.getTsFlags()
+-        if self.tsInfo.pkgSack is None: # rm Transactions don't have pkgSack
+-            msg += "0\n"
++        if self.tsInfo._pkgSack is None: # Transactions have pkgSack?
++            msg += "1\n"
+         else:
+-            msg += "%s\n" % len(self.repos.listEnabled())
++            msg += "%s\n" % (len(self.repos.listEnabled()) + 1)
+             for r in self.repos.listEnabled():
+                 msg += "%s:%s:%s\n" % (r.id, len(r.sack), r.repoXML.revision)
++        # Save what we think the future rpmdbv will be.
++        msg += "%s:%s\n" % ('installed', self.tsInfo.futureRpmDBVersion())
+         msg += "%s\n" % len(self.tsInfo.getMembers())
+         for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembers():
+             msg += txmbr._dump()
+@@ -5260,42 +6689,84 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         except (IOError, OSError), e:
+             self._ts_save_file = None
+             if auto:
+-                self.logger.critical(_("Could not save transaction file %s: %s") % (filename, str(e)))
++                self.logger.critical(_("Could not save transaction file %s: %s") % (filename, exception2msg(e)))
+             else:
+-                raise Errors.YumBaseError(_("Could not save transaction file %s: %s") % (filename, str(e)))
++                raise Errors.YumBaseError(_("Could not save transaction file %s: %s") % (filename, exception2msg(e)))
+-    def load_ts(self, filename, ignorerpm=None, ignoremissing=None):
+-        """loads a transaction from a .yumtx file"""
++    def _load_ts_data(self, filename):
++        """ Load the file into a simple data format. """
++        try:
++            data = open(filename, 'r').readlines()
++        except (IOError, OSError), e:
++            return (exception2msg(e), None)
++        if not data:
++            return (_("File is empty."), None)
++        if data[0] == 'saved_tx:\n':
++            #  Old versions of yum would put "saved_tx:" at the beginning and
++            # two blank lines at the end when you used:
++            # "yum -q history addon-info saved_tx".
++            if data[-1] == 'history addon-info\n':
++                # Might as well also DTRT if they hand removed the plugins line
++                data = data[1:-3]
++            else:
++                data = data[1:-2]
++        return (None, data)
++    def load_ts(self, filename, ignorerpm=None, ignoremissing=None,
++                ignorenewrpm=None):
++        """Load a transaction from a .yumtx file.
++        :param filename: the name of the file to load the transaction
++           from
++        :param ignorerpm: whether to ignore starting rpmdb version mismatch.
++        :param ignoremissing: whether to ignore that there may be
++           transaction members missing
++        :param ignorenewrpm: whether to ignore ending rpmdb version mismatch.
++        :return: the members of the loaded transaction
++        :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.YumBaseError` if there are problems
++           loading the transaction
++        """
+         # check rpmversion - if not match throw a fit
+         # check repoversions  (and repos)- if not match throw a fit
+         # load each txmbr - if pkgs being updated don't exist, bail w/error
+         # setup any ts flags
+         # setup cmds for history/yumdb to know about
+         # return txmbrs loaded
+-        try:
+-            data = open(filename, 'r').readlines()
+-        except (IOError, OSError), e:
+-            raise Errors.YumBaseError(_("Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s") % (filename, str(e)))
++        data = self._load_ts_data(filename)
++        if data[0] is not None:
++            raise Errors.YumBaseError(_("Could not access/read saved transaction %s : %s") % (filename, data[0]))
++        data = data[1]
+         if ignorerpm is None:
+             ignorerpm = self.conf.loadts_ignorerpm
++        if ignorenewrpm is None:
++            ignorenewrpm = self.conf.loadts_ignorenewrpm
+         if ignoremissing is None:
+             ignoremissing = self.conf.loadts_ignoremissing
++        #  Inherit this, because for the ending version to match the starting
++        # version must match.
++        if ignorerpm:
++            ignorenewrpm = True
+         # data format
+         # 0 == rpmdb version
+         # 1 == tsflags
+         # 2 == numrepos
+         # 3:numrepos = repos
++        #  -- post 3.2.29 update: 'installed' repo. added with the values as the
++        #                         new rpmdb version.
+         # 3+numrepos = num pkgs
+         # 3+numrepos+1 -> EOF= txmembers
+         # rpm db ver
+         rpmv = data[0].strip()
+         if rpmv != str(self.rpmdb.simpleVersion(main_only=True)[0]):
+-            msg = _("rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version, ")
++            msg = _("rpmdb ver mismatched saved transaction version,")
+             if ignorerpm:
+                 msg += _(" ignoring, as requested.")
+                 self.logger.critical(_(msg))
+@@ -5318,8 +6789,17 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         numrepos = int(data[2].strip())
+         repos = []
+         rindex=3+numrepos
++        future_rpmdbv = None
+         for r in data[3:rindex]:
+-            repos.append(r.strip().split(':'))
++            repo = r.strip().split(':')
++            if repo and repo[0] == 'installed':
++                #  This is an update hack to list the _future_ rpmdb version.
++                # Doing it this way allows older yum's to load newer ts files.
++                future_rpmdbv = "%s:%s" % (repo[1], repo[2])
++                continue
++            repos.append(repo)
+         # pkgs/txmbrs
+         numpkgs = int(data[rindex].strip())
+@@ -5329,6 +6809,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         pkgcount = 0
+         pkgprob = False
+         curpkg = None
++        missingany = False
+         for l in data[pkgstart:]:
+             l = l.rstrip()
+             # our main txmbrs
+@@ -5356,6 +6837,7 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     if not ignoremissing:
+                         raise Errors.YumBaseError(msg)
+                     else:
++                        ignorenewrpm = True
+                         self.logger.critical(msg)
+                 else:
+                     pkgcount += 1
+@@ -5432,12 +6914,18 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         if pkgprob:
+             msg = _("Transaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,")
+             if ignoremissing:
++                ignorenewrpm = True
+                 msg += _(" ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!")
+                 self.logger.critical(msg)
+             else:
+                 msg += _(" aborting.")
+                 raise Errors.YumBaseError(msg)
++        if len(self.tsInfo) != pkgcount:
++            future_rpmdbv = None
++        if future_rpmdbv is not None:
++            self.tsInfo._check_future_rpmdbv = (pkgcount, future_rpmdbv,
++                                                ignorenewrpm)
+         return self.tsInfo.getMembers()
+     def _remove_old_deps(self):
+@@ -5470,18 +6958,6 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     if requiring == required: # if they are self-requiring skip them
+                         continue
+-                # go through the stuff in the ts to be installed - make sure none of that needs the required pkg, either.
+-                for (provn,provf,provevr) in required.provides:
+-                    if self.tsInfo.getNewRequires(provn, provf, provevr).keys():
+-                        still_needed = True
+-                        okay_to_remove[required] = False
+-                        break
+-                for fn in required.filelist + required.dirlist:
+-                    if self.tsInfo.getNewRequires(fn, None,(None,None,None)).keys():
+-                        okay_to_remove[required] = False
+-                        still_needed = True
+-                        break
+                     #for tbi_pkg in self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(output_states=TS_INSTALL_STATES):
+                     #   for reqtuple in tbi_pkg.po.requires:
+                     #        if required.provides_for(reqtuple):
+@@ -5533,7 +7009,24 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+                     # Debugging output
+                     self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _("%s has revdep %s which was user-installed."), pkg, curpkg)
+                     ok_to_remove[pkg] = False
++                    ok_to_remove[curpkg] = False
+                     return True
++                #  Go through the stuff in the ts to be installed - make sure
++                # none of that needs the required pkg, either.
++                for (provn,provf,provevr) in curpkg.provides:
++                    if self.tsInfo.getNewRequires(provn, provf, provevr).keys():
++                        ok_to_remove[pkg] = False
++                        ok_to_remove[curpkg] = False
++                        self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _("%s is needed by a package to be installed."), curpkg)
++                        return True
++                for fn in curpkg.filelist + curpkg.dirlist:
++                    if self.tsInfo.getNewRequires(fn, None,(None,None,None)).keys():
++                        ok_to_remove[pkg] = False
++                        ok_to_remove[curpkg] = False
++                        self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _("%s is needed by a package to be installed."), curpkg)
++                        return True
+                 visited[curpkg] = True
+             all_leaves_visited = True
+             leaves = curpkg.requiring_packages()
+@@ -5547,4 +7040,3 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+         # Debugging output
+         self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _("%s has no user-installed revdeps."), pkg)
+         return False
+diff --git a/yum/callbacks.py b/yum/callbacks.py
+index 7ad25ce..a9a8e53 100644
+--- a/yum/callbacks.py
++++ b/yum/callbacks.py
+@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
+ # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
++"""Classes for handling various callbacks."""
+ # imports
+ import logging 
+@@ -35,59 +37,79 @@ PT_MESSAGES = { PT_DOWNLOAD    : "Downloading Packages",
+ class ProcessTransBaseCallback:
++    """A class to handle callbacks from
++    :func:`YumBase.processTransaction`.
++    """
+     def __init__(self):
+         self.logger = logging.getLogger('yum.verbose.ProcessTrasactionBaseCallback')
+     def event(self,state,data=None):
++        """Handle an event by logging it.
++        :param state: a number indicating the type of callback
++        :param data: data associated with the callback
++        """
+         if state in PT_MESSAGES.keys():
+             self.logger.info(PT_MESSAGES[state])
+ class ProcessTransNoOutputCallback:
++    """A class to handle callbacks from
++    :func:`YumBase.processTransaction`, without logging them.
++    """
+     def __init__(self):
+         pass
+     def event(self,state,data=None):
++        """Handle an event.
++        :param state: a number indicating the type of callback
++        :param data: data associated with the callback
++        """
+         pass
+ class DownloadBaseCallback( BaseMeter ):
+-    """ 
+-    This is class is a base class to use by implement a download progress
+-    handler to be used with YumBase.repos.setProgressBar.
++    """This is a base class that can be extended to implement a custom
++    download progress handler to be used with
++    :func:`YumBase.repos.setProgressBar`.
+-    Example:
+-    from yum.callbacks import DownloadBaseCallback
+-    class MyDownloadCallback(  DownloadBaseCallback ):
+-        def updateProgress(self,name,frac,fread,ftime):
+-            '''
+-            Update the progressbar
+-            @param name: filename
+-            @param frac: Progress fracment (0 -> 1)
+-            @param fread: formated string containing BytesRead
+-            @param ftime : formated string containing remaining or elapsed time
+-            '''
+-            pct = int( frac*100 )
+-            print " %s : %s " % (name,pct)
+-    if __name__ == '__main__':
+-        my = YumBase()
+-        my.doConfigSetup()
+-        dnlcb = MyDownloadCallback()
+-        my.repos.repos.setProgressBar( dnlcb )
+-        for pkg in my.pkgSack:
+-            print pkg.name
+-    """
++    Example::
++       from yum.callbacks import DownloadBaseCallback
++       class MyDownloadCallback(  DownloadBaseCallback ):
++           def updateProgress(self,name,frac,fread,ftime):
++               '''
++               Update the progressbar
++               @param name: filename
++               @param frac: Progress fracment (0 -> 1)
++               @param fread: formated string containing BytesRead
++               @param ftime : formated string containing remaining or elapsed time
++               '''
++               pct = int( frac*100 )
++               print " %s : %s " % (name,pct)
++       if __name__ == '__main__':
++           my = YumBase()
++           my.doConfigSetup()
++           dnlcb = MyDownloadCallback()
++           my.repos.setProgressBar( dnlcb )
++           for pkg in my.pkgSack:
++               print pkg.name
++       """
+     def __init__(self):
+         BaseMeter.__init__( self )
+         self.totSize = ""   # Total size to download in a formatted string (Kb, MB etc)
+     def update( self, amount_read, now=None ):
++        """Update the status bar.
++        :param amount_read: the amount of data, in bytes, that has been read
++        :param now: the current time in seconds since the epoch.  If
++           *now* is not given, the output of :func:`time.time()` will
++           be used.
++        """
+         BaseMeter.update( self, amount_read, now )
+     def _do_start( self, now=None ):
+@@ -130,12 +152,15 @@ class DownloadBaseCallback( BaseMeter ):
+         return name
+     def updateProgress(self,name,frac,fread,ftime):
+-        '''
+-         Update the progressbar (Overload in child class)
+-        @param name: filename
+-        @param frac: Progress fracment (0 -> 1)
+-        @param fread: formated string containing BytesRead
+-        @param ftime : formated string containing remaining or elapsed time
+-        '''
++        """Update the progressbar.  This method should be overridden
++        by subclasses to implement the handler.
++        :param name: the name of the filed being downloaded
++        :param frac: number between 0 and 1 representing the fraction
++            fraction of the file that has been downloaded
++        :param fread: formatted string containing the number of bytes read
++        :param ftime: formatted string containing remaining or elapsed time
++        """
+         pass
+diff --git a/yum/comps.py b/yum/comps.py
+index 65f6d5e..706e2a4 100755
+--- a/yum/comps.py
++++ b/yum/comps.py
+@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@
+ import types
+ import sys
+-from constants import *
+-from Errors import CompsException
++from yum.constants import *
++from yum.Errors import CompsException
+ #FIXME - compsexception isn't caught ANYWHERE so it's pointless to raise it
+ # switch all compsexceptions to grouperrors after api break
+ import fnmatch
+ import re
+ from yum.i18n import to_unicode
+-from misc import get_my_lang_code
++from yum.misc import get_my_lang_code
+ from yum.misc import cElementTree_iterparse as iterparse 
+ lang_attr = '{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang'
+@@ -43,6 +43,16 @@ class CompsObj(object):
+         return self.name
+     @property
++    def compsid(self):
++        """ Return the "id": categoryid, groupid, environmentid. """
++        for idT in ('categoryid', 'groupid', 'environmentid'):
++            if hasattr(self, idT):
++                return getattr(self, idT)
++        return None
++    @property
+     def ui_name(self):
+         """ Return the "name" of the object for the current locale. """
+         return self.nameByLang(get_my_lang_code())
+@@ -108,12 +118,14 @@ class Group(CompsObj):
+         self.optional_packages = {}
+         self.default_packages = {}
+         self.conditional_packages = {}
+-        self.langonly = None ## what the hell is this?
++        self.langonly = None
+         self.groupid = None
+         self.display_order = 1024
+         self.installed = False
+         self.toremove = False
++        self._weak = False
+         if elem:
+             self.parse(elem)
+@@ -191,6 +203,10 @@ class Group(CompsObj):
+                     continue
+                 package = child.text
++                if not package:
++                    #  Ignore this too, or we end up doing:
++                    # .searchNevra(name=None)
++                    continue
+                 if genre == 'mandatory':
+                     self.mandatory_packages[package] = 1
+                 elif genre == 'default':
+@@ -271,6 +287,157 @@ class Group(CompsObj):
+         return msg      
++class Environment(CompsObj):
++    """ Environment object parsed from group data in each repo, and merged """
++    def __init__(self, elem=None):
++        self.name = ""
++        self.environmentid = None
++        self.description = ""
++        self.translated_name = {}
++        self.translated_description = {}
++        self.display_order = 1024
++        self.langonly = None
++        self.installed = False
++        self._groups = {}
++        self._options = {}
++        self._defaultoptions = {}
++        self._weak = False
++        if elem:
++            self.parse(elem)
++    def _allgroupiter(self):
++        lst = self._groups.keys() + \
++              self._options.keys()
++        return lst
++    allgroups = property(_allgroupiter)
++    def _groupiter(self):
++        return self._groups.keys()
++    groups = property(_groupiter)
++    def _optioniter(self):
++        return self._options.keys()
++    options = property(_optioniter)
++    def _defaultoptioniter(self):
++        return self._defaultoptions.keys()
++    defaultoptions = property(_defaultoptioniter)
++    def parse(self, elem):
++        for child in elem:
++            if child.tag == 'id':
++                myid = child.text
++                if self.environmentid is not None:
++                    raise CompsException
++                self.environmentid = myid
++            elif child.tag == 'name':
++                text = child.text
++                if text:
++                    text = text.encode('utf8')
++                lang = child.attrib.get(lang_attr)
++                if lang:
++                    self.translated_name[lang] = text
++                else:
++                    self.name = text
++            elif child.tag == 'description':
++                text = child.text
++                if text:
++                    text = text.encode('utf8')
++                lang = child.attrib.get(lang_attr)
++                if lang:
++                    self.translated_description[lang] = text
++                else:
++                    self.description = text
++            elif child.tag == 'grouplist':
++                self.parse_group_list(child)
++            elif child.tag == 'optionlist':
++                self.parse_option_list(child)
++            elif child.tag == 'display_order':
++                self.display_order = parse_number(child.text)
++    def parse_group_list(self, grouplist_elem):
++        for child in grouplist_elem:
++            if child.tag == 'groupid':
++                groupid = child.text
++                self._groups[groupid] = 1
++    def parse_option_list(self, optionlist_elem):
++        for child in optionlist_elem:
++            if child.tag == 'groupid':
++                optionid = child.text
++                self._options[optionid] = 1
++                defopt = child.attrib.get('default')
++                if defopt:
++                    default = parse_boolean(defopt)
++                else:
++                    default = False
++                if default:
++                    self._defaultoptions[optionid] = 1
++    def add(self, obj):
++        """Add another environment object to this object"""
++        for grp in obj.groups:
++            self._groups[grp] = 1
++        for grp in obj.defaultoptions:
++            self._defaultoptions[grp] = 1
++        for grp in obj.options:
++            self._options[grp] = 1
++        # name and description translations
++        for lang in obj.translated_name:
++            if lang not in self.translated_name:
++                self.translated_name[lang] = obj.translated_name[lang]
++        for lang in obj.translated_description:
++            if lang not in self.translated_description:
++                self.translated_description[lang] = obj.translated_description[lang]
++    def xml(self):
++        """write out an xml stanza for the environment object"""
++        msg ="""
++  <environment>
++   <id>%s</id>
++   <display_order>%s</display_order>\n""" % (self.environmentid, self.display_order)
++        msg +="""   <name>%s</name>\n""" % self.name
++        for (lang, val) in self.translated_name.items():
++            msg += """   <name xml:lang="%s">%s</name>\n""" % (lang, val)
++        msg += """   <description>%s</description>\n""" % self.description
++        for (lang, val) in self.translated_description.items():
++            msg += """    <description xml:lang="%s">%s</description>\n""" % (lang, val)
++        msg += """    <grouplist>\n"""
++        for grp in self.groups:
++            msg += """     <groupid>%s</groupid>\n""" % grp
++        msg += """    </grouplist>\n"""
++        msg += """    <optionlist>\n"""
++        for grp in self.options:
++            if grp in self.defaultoptions:
++                msg += """     <groupid default="true">%s</groupid>\n""" % grp
++            else:
++                msg += """     <groupid>%s</groupid>\n""" % grp
++        msg += """    </optionlist>\n"""
++        msg += """  </environment>\n"""
++        return msg
+ class Category(CompsObj):
+     """ Category object parsed from group data in each repo. and merged. """
+@@ -371,12 +538,61 @@ class Category(CompsObj):
+         msg += """  </category>\n"""
+         return msg                
++class Langpacks(CompsObj):
++    def __init__(self, elem=None):
++        self.langpacks = []
++        self.name = "" # prevent CompsObj.__str__() throwing an AttributeError
++        if elem is not None:
++            self.parse(elem)
++    def __getitem__(self, indx):
++        return self.langpacks[indx]
++    def __iter__(self):
++        for i in self.langpacks:
++            yield i
++    def __len__(self):
++        return len(self.langpacks)
++    def add(self, name, install):
++        langpack = {
++            "name": name,
++            "install": install,
++        }
++        self.langpacks.append(langpack)
++    def parse(self, elem):
++        for child in elem:
++            if child.tag == "match":
++                langpack = {
++                    "name": child.attrib.get("name"),
++                    "install": child.attrib.get("install"),
++                }
++                self.langpacks.append(langpack)
++            else:
++                raise CompsException("Unexpected element in <langpacks>: %s" % child.tag)
++        self.name = elem.attrib.get("name")
++        self.install = elem.attrib.get("install")
++    def xml(self):
++        """write out an xml stanza for the Langpacks object"""
++        if not self.langpacks:
++            return ''
++        msg  = '  <langpacks>\n'
++        for i in self:
++            msg += '    <match name="%s" install="%s"/>\n' % (i["name"], i["install"])
++        msg += '  </langpacks>\n'
++        return msg
+ class Comps(object):
+     def __init__(self, overwrite_groups=False):
+         self._groups = {}
++        self._environments = {}
+         self._categories = {}
++        self._langpacks = Langpacks()
+         self.compscount = 0
+         self.overwrite_groups = overwrite_groups
+         self.compiled = False # have groups been compiled into avail/installed 
+@@ -387,14 +603,24 @@ class Comps(object):
+         grps = self._groups.values()
+         grps.sort(key=lambda x: (x.display_order, x.name))
+         return grps
++    def get_environments(self):
++        environments = self._environments.values()
++        environments.sort(key=lambda x: (x.display_order, x.name))
++        return environments
+     def get_categories(self):
+         cats = self._categories.values()
+         cats.sort(key=lambda x: (x.display_order, x.name))
+         return cats
++    def get_langpacks(self):
++        return self._langpacks
+     groups = property(get_groups)
++    environments = property(get_environments)
+     categories = property(get_categories)
++    langpacks = property(get_langpacks)
+     def has_group(self, grpid):
+         exists = self.return_groups(grpid)
+@@ -416,6 +642,9 @@ class Comps(object):
+         """return all groups which match either by glob or exact match"""
+         returns = {}
++        if not group_pattern:
++            return []
+         for item in group_pattern.split(','):
+             item = item.strip()
+             if item in self._groups:
+@@ -447,6 +676,60 @@ class Comps(object):
+         return returns.values()
++    def has_environment(self, environmentid):
++        exists = self.return_environments(environmentid)
++        if exists:
++            return True
++        return False
++    def return_environment(self, environmentid):
++        """Return the first group which matches"""
++        environments = self.return_environments(environmentid)
++        if environments:
++            return environments[0]
++        return None
++    def return_environments(self, env_pattern, case_sensitive=False):
++        """return all environments which match either by glob or exact match"""
++        returns = {}
++        if not env_pattern:
++            return []
++        for item in env_pattern.split(','):
++            item = item.strip()
++            if item in self._environments:
++                env = self._environments[item]
++                returns[env.environmentid] = env
++                continue
++            if case_sensitive:
++                match = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(item)).match
++            else:
++                match = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(item), flags=re.I).match
++            done = False
++            for env in self.environments:
++                for name in env.name, env.environmentid, env.ui_name:
++                    if match(name):
++                        done = True
++                        returns[env.environmentid] = env
++                        break
++            if done:
++                continue
++            # If we didn't match to anything in the current locale, try others
++            for env in self.environments:
++                for name in env.translated_name.values():
++                    if match(name):
++                        returns[env.environmentid] = env
++                        break
++        return returns.values()
+     #  This is close to returnPackages() etc. API ... need to std. these names
+     # the above return_groups uses different, but equal, API.
+     def return_categories(self, pattern, ignore_case=True):
+@@ -486,10 +769,27 @@ class Comps(object):
+     def add_group(self, group):
+         if group.groupid in self._groups:
+             thatgroup = self._groups[group.groupid]
++            if thatgroup._weak:
++                # If what we had was weak, use this one and merge the weak one.
++                tmp = group
++                group = thatgroup
++                thatgroup = self._groups[group.groupid] = tmp
+             thatgroup.add(group)
+         else:
+             self._groups[group.groupid] = group
++    def add_environment(self, environment):
++        if environment.environmentid in self._environments:
++            env = self._environments[environment.environmentid]
++            if env._weak:
++                # If what we had was weak, use this one and merge the weak one.
++                tmp = environment
++                environment = env
++                env = self._environments[environment.environmentid] = tmp
++            env.add(environment)
++        else:
++            self._environments[environment.environmentid] = environment
+     def add_category(self, category):
+         if category.categoryid in self._categories:
+             thatcat = self._categories[category.categoryid]
+@@ -497,6 +797,9 @@ class Comps(object):
+         else:
+             self._categories[category.categoryid] = category
++    def add_langpack(self, name, install):
++        self._langpacks.add(name, install)
+     def add(self, srcfile = None):
+         if not srcfile:
+             raise CompsException
+@@ -520,9 +823,14 @@ class Comps(object):
+                 if elem.tag == "group":
+                     group = Group(elem)
+                     self.add_group(group)
++                if elem.tag == "environment":
++                    environment = Environment(elem)
++                    self.add_environment(environment)
+                 if elem.tag == "category":
+                     category = Category(elem)
+                     self.add_category(category)
++                if elem.tag == "langpacks":
++                    self._langpacks.parse(elem)
+         except SyntaxError, e:
+             raise CompsException, "comps file is empty/damaged"
+@@ -557,13 +865,32 @@ class Comps(object):
+                     if pkgname in inst_pkg_names:
+                         group.installed = True
+                         break
++        # Now do basically the same thing for evgroups.
++        inst_grp_names = {}
++        for group in self.groups:
++            inst_grp_names[group.groupid] = group.installed
++        for evgroup in self.environments:
++            if evgroup.groups:
++                evgroup.installed = True
++                for grpname in evgroup.groups:
++                    if not inst_grp_names.get(grpname):
++                        evgroup.installed = False
++                        break
++            else:
++                evgroup.installed = False
++                for grpname in evgroup.optional:
++                    if grpname in inst_grp_names:
++                        evgroup.installed = True
++                        break
+         self.compiled = True
+     def xml(self):
+         """returns the xml of the comps files in this class, merged"""
+-        if not self._groups and not self._categories:
++        if not self._groups and not self._categories and \
++            not self._environments and not len(self._langpacks):
+             return ""
+         msg = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+@@ -575,7 +902,9 @@ class Comps(object):
+             msg += g.xml()
+         for c in self.get_categories():
+             msg += c.xml()
++        for e in self.get_environments():
++            msg += e.xml()
++        msg += self.get_langpacks().xml()
+         msg += """\n</comps>\n"""
+         return msg
+@@ -590,16 +919,34 @@ def main():
+         for srcfile in sys.argv[1:]:
+             p.add(srcfile)
++        print
++        print "===== GROUPS ====="
+         for group in p.groups:
+-            print group
++            print "%s (id: %s)" % (group, group.groupid)
+             for pkg in group.packages:
+                 print '  ' + pkg
++        print
++        print "===== ENVIRONMENTS ====="
++        for environment in p.environments:
++            print "%s (id: %s)" % (environment.name, environment.environmentid)
++            for group in environment.groups:
++                print '  ' + group
++            for group in environment.options:
++                print '  *' + group
++        print
++        print "===== CATEGORIES ====="
+         for category in p.categories:
+-            print category.name
++            print "%s (id: %s)" % (category.name, category.categoryid)
+             for group in category.groups:
+                 print '  ' + group
++        print
++        print "===== LANGPACKS ====="
++        for langpack in p.langpacks:
++            print '  %s (%s)' % (langpack["name"], langpack["install"])
+     except IOError:
+         print >> sys.stderr, "newcomps.py: No such file:\'%s\'" % sys.argv[1]
+         sys.exit(1)
+diff --git a/yum/config.py b/yum/config.py
+index d09511f..851339d 100644
+--- a/yum/config.py
++++ b/yum/config.py
+@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ if not _use_iniparse:
+     from ConfigParser import NoSectionError, NoOptionError, ParsingError
+     from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
+ import rpmUtils.transaction
++import rpmUtils.miscutils
+ import Errors
+ import types
+ from misc import get_uuid, read_in_items_from_dot_dir
+@@ -45,15 +46,18 @@ from misc import get_uuid, read_in_items_from_dot_dir
+ # Alter/patch these to change the default checking...
+ __pkgs_gpgcheck_default__ = False
+ __repo_gpgcheck_default__ = False
++__main_multilib_policy_default__ = 'all'
++__main_failovermethod_default__ = 'roundrobin'
++__main_installonly_limit_default__ = 0
++__group_command_default__ = 'compat'
+ class Option(object):
+-    '''
++    """
+     This class handles a single Yum configuration file option. Create
+     subclasses for each type of supported configuration option.
+     Python descriptor foo (__get__ and __set__) is used to make option
+-    definition easy and consise.
+-    '''
++    definition easy and concise.
++    """
+     def __init__(self, default=None, parse_default=False):
+         self._setattrname()
+@@ -63,19 +67,19 @@ class Option(object):
+         self.default = default
+     def _setattrname(self):
+-        '''Calculate the internal attribute name used to store option state in
++        """Calculate the internal attribute name used to store option state in
+         configuration instances.
+-        '''
++        """
+         self._attrname = '__opt%d' % id(self)
+     def __get__(self, obj, objtype):
+-        '''Called when the option is read (via the descriptor protocol). 
++        """Called when the option is read (via the descriptor protocol). 
+-        @param obj: The configuration instance to modify.
+-        @param objtype: The type of the config instance (not used).
+-        @return: The parsed option value or the default value if the value
+-            wasn't set in the configuration file.
+-        '''
++        :param obj: The configuration instance to modify.
++        :param objtype: The type of the config instance (not used).
++        :return: The parsed option value or the default value if the value
++           wasn't set in the configuration file.
++        """
+         # xemacs highlighting hack: '
+         if obj is None:
+             return self
+@@ -83,12 +87,11 @@ class Option(object):
+         return getattr(obj, self._attrname, None)
+     def __set__(self, obj, value):
+-        '''Called when the option is set (via the descriptor protocol). 
++        """Called when the option is set (via the descriptor protocol). 
+-        @param obj: The configuration instance to modify.
+-        @param value: The value to set the option to.
+-        @return: Nothing.
+-        '''
++        :param obj: The configuration instance to modify.
++        :param value: The value to set the option to.
++        """
+         # Only try to parse if it's a string
+         if isinstance(value, basestring):
+             try:
+@@ -100,62 +103,59 @@ class Option(object):
+         setattr(obj, self._attrname, value)
+     def setup(self, obj, name):
+-        '''Initialise the option for a config instance. 
++        """Initialise the option for a config instance. 
+         This must be called before the option can be set or retrieved. 
+-        @param obj: BaseConfig (or subclass) instance.
+-        @param name: Name of the option.
+-        '''
++        :param obj: :class:`BaseConfig` (or subclass) instance.
++        :param name: Name of the option.
++        """
+         self._optname = name
+         setattr(obj, self._attrname, copy.copy(self.default))
+     def clone(self):
+-        '''Return a safe copy of this Option instance
+-        '''
++        """Return a safe copy of this :class:`Option` instance.
++        :return: a safe copy of this :class:`Option` instance
++        """
+         new = copy.copy(self)
+         new._setattrname()
+         return new
+     def parse(self, s):
+-        '''Parse the string value to the Option's native value.
++        """Parse the string value to the :class:`Option`'s native value.
+-        @param s: Raw string value to parse.
+-        @return: Validated native value.
+-        Will raise ValueError if there was a problem parsing the string.
+-        Subclasses should override this.
+-        '''
++        :param s: raw string value to parse
++        :return: validated native value
++        :raise: ValueError if there was a problem parsing the string.
++           Subclasses should override this
++        """
+         return s
+     def tostring(self, value):
+-        '''Convert the Option's native value to a string value.
+-        @param value: Native option value.
+-        @return: String representation of input.
+-        This does the opposite of the parse() method above.
++        """Convert the :class:`Option`'s native value to a string value.  This
++        does the opposite of the :func:`parse` method above.
+         Subclasses should override this.
+-        '''
++        :param value: native option value
++        :return: string representation of input
++        """
+         return str(value)
+ def Inherit(option_obj):
+-    '''Clone an Option instance for the purposes of inheritance. The returned
+-    instance has all the same properties as the input Option and shares items
++    """Clone an :class:`Option` instance for the purposes of inheritance. The returned
++    instance has all the same properties as the input :class:`Option` and shares items
+     such as the default value. Use this to avoid redefinition of reused
+     options.
+-    @param option_obj: Option instance to inherit.
+-    @return: New Option instance inherited from the input.
+-    '''
++    :param option_obj: :class:`Option` instance to inherit
++    :return: New :class:`Option` instance inherited from the input
++    """
+     new_option = option_obj.clone()
+     new_option.inherit = True
+     return new_option
+ class ListOption(Option):
+-    """
+-    An option containing a list of strings.
+-    """
++    """An option containing a list of strings."""
+     def __init__(self, default=None, parse_default=False):
+         if default is None:
+@@ -163,10 +163,12 @@ class ListOption(Option):
+         super(ListOption, self).__init__(default, parse_default)
+     def parse(self, s):
+-        """Converts a string from the config file to a workable list, parses
+-           globdir: paths as foo.d-style dirs
++        """Convert a string from the config file to a workable list, parses
++        globdir: paths as foo.d-style dirs.
+-        Commas and spaces are used as separators for the list
++        :param s: The string to be converted to a list. Commas and
++           whitespace are used as separators for the list
++        :return: *s* converted to a list
+         """
+         # we need to allow for the '\n[whitespace]' continuation - easier
+         # to sub the \n with a space and then read the lines
+@@ -183,12 +185,18 @@ class ListOption(Option):
+         return results
+     def tostring(self, value):
++        """Convert a list of to a string value.  This does the
++        opposite of the :func:`parse` method above.
++        :param value: a list of values
++        :return: string representation of input
++        """
+         return '\n '.join(value)
+ class UrlOption(Option):
+-    '''
+-    This option handles lists of URLs with validation of the URL scheme.
+-    '''
++    """This option handles lists of URLs with validation of the URL
++    scheme.
++    """
+     def __init__(self, default=None, schemes=('http', 'ftp', 'file', 'https'), 
+             allow_none=False):
+@@ -197,6 +205,13 @@ class UrlOption(Option):
+         self.allow_none = allow_none
+     def parse(self, url):
++        """Parse a url to make sure that it is valid, and in a scheme
++        that can be used.
++        :param url: a string containing the url to parse
++        :return: *url* if it is valid
++        :raises: :class:`ValueError` if there is an error parsing the url
++        """
+         url = url.strip()
+         # Handle the "_none_" special case
+@@ -223,11 +238,18 @@ class UrlOption(Option):
+         else:
+             return '%s or %s' % (', '.join(self.schemes[:-1]), self.schemes[-1])
+-class UrlListOption(ListOption):
+-    '''
+-    Option for handling lists of URLs with validation of the URL scheme.
+-    '''
++class ProxyOption(UrlOption):
++    """ Just like URLOption but accept "libproxy" too.
++    """
++    def parse(self, proxy):
++        if proxy.strip().lower() == 'libproxy':
++            return 'libproxy'
++        return UrlOption.parse(self, proxy)
++class UrlListOption(ListOption):
++    """Option for handling lists of URLs with validation of the URL
++    scheme.
++    """
+     def __init__(self, default=None, schemes=('http', 'ftp', 'file', 'https'),
+                  parse_default=False):
+         super(UrlListOption, self).__init__(default, parse_default)
+@@ -236,6 +258,13 @@ class UrlListOption(ListOption):
+         self._urloption = UrlOption(schemes=schemes)
+     def parse(self, s):
++        """Parse a string containing multiple urls into a list, and
++        ensure that they are in a scheme that can be used.
++        :param s: the string to parse
++        :return: a list of strings containing the urls in *s*
++        :raises: :class:`ValueError` if there is an error parsing the urls
++        """
+         out = []
+         s = s.replace('\n', ' ')
+         s = s.replace(',', ' ')
+@@ -254,10 +283,7 @@ class UrlListOption(ListOption):
+ class IntOption(Option):
+-    """
+-    An option representing an integer value.
+-    """
++    """An option representing an integer value."""
+     def __init__(self, default=None, range_min=None, range_max=None):
+         super(IntOption, self).__init__(default)
+@@ -265,6 +291,13 @@ class IntOption(Option):
+         self._range_max = range_max
+     def parse(self, s):
++        """Parse a string containing an integer.
++        :param s: the string to parse
++        :return: the integer in *s*
++        :raises: :class:`ValueError` if there is an error parsing the
++           integer
++        """
+         try:
+             val = int(s)
+         except (ValueError, TypeError), e:
+@@ -276,39 +309,56 @@ class IntOption(Option):
+         return val
+ class PositiveIntOption(IntOption):
+-    """
+-    An option representing a positive integer value, where 0 can have a special
+-    represention.
++    """An option representing a positive integer value, where 0 can
++    have a special representation.
+     """
+     def __init__(self, default=None, range_min=0, range_max=None,
+                  names_of_0=None):
+         super(PositiveIntOption, self).__init__(default, range_min, range_max)
+         self._names0 = names_of_0
+     def parse(self, s):
++        """Parse a string containing a positive integer, where 0 can
++           have a special representation.
++        :param s: the string to parse
++        :return: the integer in *s*
++        :raises: :class:`ValueError` if there is an error parsing the
++           integer
++        """
+         if s in self._names0:
+             return 0
+         return super(PositiveIntOption, self).parse(s)
+ class SecondsOption(Option):
++    """An option representing an integer value of seconds, or a human
++    readable variation specifying days, hours, minutes or seconds
++    until something happens. Works like :class:`BytesOption`.  Note
++    that due to historical president -1 means "never", so this accepts
++    that and allows the word never, too.
+-    """
+-    An option representing an integer value of seconds, or a human readable
+-    variation specifying days, hours, minutes or seconds until something
+-    happens. Works like BytesOption.
+-    Note that due to historical president -1 means "never", so this accepts
+-    that and allows the word never too.
+-    Valid inputs: 100, 1.5m, 90s, 1.2d, 1d, 0xF, 0.1, -1, never
+-    Invalid inputs: -10, -0.1, 45.6Z, 1d6h, 1day, 1y
++    Valid inputs: 100, 1.5m, 90s, 1.2d, 1d, 0xF, 0.1, -1, never.
++    Invalid inputs: -10, -0.1, 45.6Z, 1d6h, 1day, 1y.
+     Return value will always be an integer
+     """
+     MULTS = {'d': 60 * 60 * 24, 'h' : 60 * 60, 'm' : 60, 's': 1}
+     def parse(self, s):
++        """Parse a string containing an integer value of seconds, or a human
++        readable variation specifying days, hours, minutes or seconds
++        until something happens. Works like :class:`BytesOption`.  Note
++        that due to historical president -1 means "never", so this accepts
++        that and allows the word never, too.
++        Valid inputs: 100, 1.5m, 90s, 1.2d, 1d, 0xF, 0.1, -1, never.
++        Invalid inputs: -10, -0.1, 45.6Z, 1d6h, 1day, 1y.
++        :param s: the string to parse
++        :return: an integer representing the number of seconds
++           specified by *s*
++        :raises: :class:`ValueError` if there is an error parsing the string
++        """
+         if len(s) < 1:
+             raise ValueError("no value specified")
+@@ -335,14 +385,20 @@ class SecondsOption(Option):
+         return int(n * mult)
+ class BoolOption(Option):
+-    """
+-    An option representing a boolean value.
+-    The value can be one of 0, 1, yes, no, true, or false.
++    """An option representing a boolean value.  The value can be one
++    of 0, 1, yes, no, true, or false.
+     """
+     def parse(self, s):
++        """Parse a string containing a boolean value.  1, yes, and
++        true will evaluate to True; and 0, no, and false will evaluate
++        to False.  Case is ignored.
++        :param s: the string containing the boolean value
++        :return: the boolean value contained in *s*
++        :raises: :class:`ValueError` if there is an error in parsing
++           the boolean value
++        """
+         s = s.lower()
+         if s in ('0', 'no', 'false'):
+             return False
+@@ -352,30 +408,49 @@ class BoolOption(Option):
+             raise ValueError('invalid boolean value')
+     def tostring(self, value):
++        """Convert a boolean value to a string value.  This does the
++        opposite of the :func:`parse` method above.
++        :param value: the boolean value to convert
++        :return: a string representation of *value*
++        """
+         if value:
+             return "1"
+         else:
+             return "0"
+ class FloatOption(Option):
+-    """
+-    An option representing a numeric float value.
+-    """
++    """An option representing a numeric float value."""
+     def parse(self, s):
++        """Parse a string containing a numeric float value.
++        :param s: a string containing a numeric float value to parse
++        :return: the numeric float value contained in *s*
++        :raises: :class:`ValueError` if there is an error parsing
++           float value
++        """
+         try:
+             return float(s.strip())
+         except (ValueError, TypeError):
+             raise ValueError('invalid float value')
+ class SelectionOption(Option):
+-    '''Handles string values where only specific values are allowed
+-    '''
++    """Handles string values where only specific values are
++    allowed.
++    """
+     def __init__(self, default=None, allowed=(), mapper={}):
+         super(SelectionOption, self).__init__(default)
+         self._allowed = allowed
+         self._mapper  = mapper
+     def parse(self, s):
++        """Parse a string for specific values.
++        :param s: the string to parse
++        :return: *s* if it contains a valid value
++        :raises: :class:`ValueError` if there is an error parsing the values
++        """
+         if s in self._mapper:
+             s = self._mapper[s]
+         if s not in self._allowed:
+@@ -383,18 +458,21 @@ class SelectionOption(Option):
+         return s
+ class CaselessSelectionOption(SelectionOption):
+-    ''' Mainly for compat. with BoolOption, works like SelectionOption but
+-        lowers input case. '''
++    """Mainly for compatibility with :class:`BoolOption`, works like
++    :class:`SelectionOption` but lowers input case.
++    """
+     def parse(self, s):
++        """Parse a string for specific values.
++        :param s: the string to parse
++        :return: *s* if it contains a valid value
++        :raises: :class:`ValueError` if there is an error parsing the values
++        """
+         return super(CaselessSelectionOption, self).parse(s.lower())
+ class BytesOption(Option):
+-    """
+-    An option representing a value in bytes.
+-    The value may be given in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes.
++    """An option representing a value in bytes. The value may be given
++    in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes.
+     """
+     # Multipliers for unit symbols
+     MULTS = {
+@@ -404,20 +482,18 @@ class BytesOption(Option):
+     }
+     def parse(self, s):
+-        """Parse a friendly bandwidth option to bytes
+-        The input should be a string containing a (possibly floating point)
+-        number followed by an optional single character unit. Valid units are
+-        'k', 'M', 'G'. Case is ignored.
++        """Parse a friendly bandwidth option to bytes.  The input
++        should be a string containing a (possibly floating point)
++        number followed by an optional single character unit. Valid
++        units are 'k', 'M', 'G'. Case is ignored. The convention that
++        1k = 1024 bytes is used.
+-        Valid inputs: 100, 123M, 45.6k, 12.4G, 100K, 786.3, 0
+-        Invalid inputs: -10, -0.1, 45.6L, 123Mb
+-        Return value will always be an integer
++        Valid inputs: 100, 123M, 45.6k, 12.4G, 100K, 786.3, 0.
++        Invalid inputs: -10, -0.1, 45.6L, 123Mb.
+-        1k = 1024 bytes.
+-        ValueError will be raised if the option couldn't be parsed.
++        :param s: the string to parse
++        :return: the number of bytes represented by *s*
++        :raises: :class:`ValueError` if the option can't be parsed
+         """
+         if len(s) < 1:
+             raise ValueError("no value specified")
+@@ -443,25 +519,23 @@ class BytesOption(Option):
+         return int(n * mult)
+ class ThrottleOption(BytesOption):
+-    """
+-    An option representing a bandwidth throttle value. See
+-    ThrottleOption.parse for acceptable input values.
++    """An option representing a bandwidth throttle value. See
++    :func:`parse` for acceptable input values.
+     """
+     def parse(self, s):
+-        """Get a throttle option. 
+-        Input may either be a percentage or a "friendly bandwidth value" as
+-        accepted by the BytesOption.
+-        Valid inputs: 100, 50%, 80.5%, 123M, 45.6k, 12.4G, 100K, 786.0, 0
+-        Invalid inputs: 100.1%, -4%, -500
+-        Return value will be a int if a bandwidth value was specified or a
+-        float if a percentage was given.
+-        ValueError will be raised if input couldn't be parsed.
++        """Get a throttle option. Input may either be a percentage or
++        a "friendly bandwidth value" as accepted by the
++        :class:`BytesOption`.
++        Valid inputs: 100, 50%, 80.5%, 123M, 45.6k, 12.4G, 100K, 786.0, 0.
++        Invalid inputs: 100.1%, -4%, -500.
++        :param s: the string to parse
++        :return: the bandwidth represented by *s*. The return value
++           will be an int if a bandwidth value was specified, and a
++           float if a percentage was given
++        :raises: :class:`ValueError` if input can't be parsed
+         """
+         if len(s) < 1:
+             raise ValueError("no value specified")
+@@ -479,10 +553,9 @@ class ThrottleOption(BytesOption):
+             return BytesOption.parse(self, s)
+ class BaseConfig(object):
+-    '''
+-    Base class for storing configuration definitions. Subclass when creating
+-    your own definitons.
+-    '''
++    """Base class for storing configuration definitions. Subclass when
++    creating your own definitions.
++    """
+     def __init__(self):
+         self._section = None
+@@ -499,13 +572,14 @@ class BaseConfig(object):
+         return '\n'.join(out)
+     def populate(self, parser, section, parent=None):
+-        '''Set option values from a INI file section.
++        """Set option values from an INI file section.
+-        @param parser: ConfParser instance (or subclass)
+-        @param section: INI file section to read use.
+-        @param parent: Optional parent BaseConfig (or subclass) instance to use
+-            when doing option value inheritance.
+-        '''
++        :param parser: :class:`ConfigParser` instance (or subclass)
++        :param section: INI file section to read use
++        :param parent: Optional parent :class:`BaseConfig` (or
++            subclass) instance to use when doing option value
++            inheritance
++        """
+         self.cfg = parser
+         self._section = section
+@@ -527,8 +601,19 @@ class BaseConfig(object):
+                 setattr(self, name, value)
+     def optionobj(cls, name, exceptions=True):
+-        '''Return the Option instance for the given name
+-        '''
++        """Return the :class:`Option` instance for the given name.
++        :param cls: the class to return the :class:`Option` instance from
++        :param name: the name of the :class:`Option` instance to return
++        :param exceptions: defines what action to take if the
++           specified :class:`Option` instance does not exist. If *exceptions* is
++           True, a :class:`KeyError` will be raised. If *exceptions*
++           is False, None will be returned
++        :return: the :class:`Option` instance specified by *name*, or None if
++           it does not exist and *exceptions* is False
++        :raises: :class:`KeyError` if the specified :class:`Option` does not
++           exist, and *exceptions* is True
++        """
+         obj = getattr(cls, name, None)
+         if isinstance(obj, Option):
+             return obj
+@@ -539,37 +624,41 @@ class BaseConfig(object):
+     optionobj = classmethod(optionobj)
+     def isoption(cls, name):
+-        '''Return True if the given name refers to a defined option 
+-        '''
++        """Return True if the given name refers to a defined option.
++        :param cls: the class to find the option in
++        :param name: the name of the option to search for
++        :return: whether *name* specifies a defined option
++        """
+         return cls.optionobj(name, exceptions=False) is not None
+     isoption = classmethod(isoption)
+     def iterkeys(self):
+-        '''Yield the names of all defined options in the instance.
+-        '''
++        """Yield the names of all defined options in the instance."""
+         for name in dir(self):
+             if self.isoption(name):
+                 yield name
+     def iteritems(self):
+-        '''Yield (name, value) pairs for every option in the instance.
+-        The value returned is the parsed, validated option value.
+-        '''
++        """Yield (name, value) pairs for every option in the
++        instance. The value returned is the parsed, validated option
++        value.
++        """
+         # Use dir() so that we see inherited options too
+         for name in self.iterkeys():
+             yield (name, getattr(self, name))
+     def write(self, fileobj, section=None, always=()):
+-        '''Write out the configuration to a file-like object
++        """Write out the configuration to a file-like object.
+-        @param fileobj: File-like object to write to
+-        @param section: Section name to use. If not-specified the section name
+-            used during parsing will be used.
+-        @param always: A sequence of option names to always write out.
++        :param fileobj: File-like object to write to
++        :param section: Section name to use. If not specified, the section name
++            used during parsing will be used
++        :param always: A sequence of option names to always write out.
+             Options not listed here will only be written out if they are at
+-            non-default values. Set to None to dump out all options.
+-        '''
++            non-default values. Set to None to dump out all options
++        """
+         # Write section heading
+         if section is None:
+             if self._section is None:
+@@ -586,6 +675,14 @@ class BaseConfig(object):
+         self.cfg.write(fileobj)
+     def getConfigOption(self, option, default=None):
++        """Return the current value of the given option.
++        :param option: string specifying the option to return the
++           value of
++        :param default: the value to return if the option does not exist
++        :return: the value of the option specified by *option*, or
++           *default* if it does not exist
++        """
+         warnings.warn('getConfigOption() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'
+                 'Please access option values as attributes or using getattr().',
+                 DeprecationWarning)
+@@ -594,6 +691,12 @@ class BaseConfig(object):
+         return default
+     def setConfigOption(self, option, value):
++        """Set the value of the given option to the given value.
++        :param option: string specifying the option to set the value
++           of
++        :param value: the value to set the option to
++        """        
+         warnings.warn('setConfigOption() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'
+                 'Please set option values as attributes or using setattr().',
+                 DeprecationWarning)
+@@ -603,16 +706,15 @@ class BaseConfig(object):
+             raise Errors.ConfigError, 'No such option %s' % option
+ class StartupConf(BaseConfig):
+-    '''
+-    Configuration option definitions for yum.conf's [main] section that are
+-    required early in the initialisation process or before the other [main]
+-    options can be parsed. 
+-    '''
++    """Configuration option definitions for yum.conf's [main] section
++    that are required early in the initialisation process or before
++    the other [main] options can be parsed.
++    """
+     # xemacs highlighting hack: '
+-    debuglevel = IntOption(2, 0, 10)
++    debuglevel = IntOption(2, -4, 10)
+     errorlevel = IntOption(2, 0, 10)
+-    distroverpkg = Option('redhat-release')
++    distroverpkg = ListOption(['system-release(releasever)', 'redhat-release'])
+     installroot = Option('/')
+     config_file_path = Option('/etc/yum/yum.conf')
+     plugins = BoolOption(False)
+@@ -625,13 +727,13 @@ class StartupConf(BaseConfig):
+     persistdir = Option('/var/lib/yum')
+ class YumConf(StartupConf):
+-    '''
+-    Configuration option definitions for yum.conf\'s [main] section.
++    """Configuration option definitions for yum.conf's [main] section.
+-    Note: see also options inherited from StartupConf
+-    '''
++    Note: see also options inherited from :class:`StartupConf`
++    """
+     retries = PositiveIntOption(10, names_of_0=["<forever>"])
+     recent = IntOption(7, range_min=0)
++    reset_nice = BoolOption(True)
+     cachedir = Option('/var/cache/yum')
+@@ -641,20 +743,24 @@ class YumConf(StartupConf):
+     commands = ListOption()
+     exclude = ListOption()
+-    failovermethod = Option('roundrobin')
+-    proxy = UrlOption(schemes=('http', 'ftp', 'https'), allow_none=True)
++    failovermethod = Option(__main_failovermethod_default__)
++    proxy = ProxyOption(default=False, schemes=('http', 'ftp', 'https',
++        'socks4', 'socks4a', 'socks5', 'socks5h'), allow_none=True)
+     proxy_username = Option()
+     proxy_password = Option()
+     username = Option()
+     password = Option()
+     installonlypkgs = ListOption(['kernel', 'kernel-bigmem',
++                                  'installonlypkg(kernel-module)',
++                                  'installonlypkg(vm)',
+             'kernel-enterprise','kernel-smp', 'kernel-modules', 'kernel-debug',
+             'kernel-unsupported', 'kernel-source', 'kernel-devel', 'kernel-PAE',
+             'kernel-PAE-debug'])
+     # NOTE: If you set this to 2, then because it keeps the current kernel it
+     # means if you ever install an "old" kernel it'll get rid of the newest one
+     # so you probably want to use 3 as a minimum ... if you turn it on.
+-    installonly_limit = PositiveIntOption(0, range_min=2,
++    installonly_limit = PositiveIntOption(__main_installonly_limit_default__,
++                                          range_min=2,
+                                           names_of_0=["0", "<off>"])
+     kernelpkgnames = ListOption(['kernel','kernel-smp', 'kernel-enterprise',
+             'kernel-bigmem', 'kernel-BOOT', 'kernel-PAE', 'kernel-PAE-debug'])
+@@ -664,6 +770,7 @@ class YumConf(StartupConf):
+     tsflags = ListOption()
+     assumeyes = BoolOption(False)
++    assumeno  = BoolOption(False)
+     alwaysprompt = BoolOption(True)
+     exactarch = BoolOption(True)
+     tolerant = BoolOption(True)
+@@ -677,18 +784,33 @@ class YumConf(StartupConf):
+     obsoletes = BoolOption(True)
+     showdupesfromrepos = BoolOption(False)
+     enabled = BoolOption(True)
++    remove_leaf_only = BoolOption(False)
++    repopkgsremove_leaf_only = BoolOption(False)
+     enablegroups = BoolOption(True)
+     enable_group_conditionals = BoolOption(True)
+     groupremove_leaf_only = BoolOption(False)
+     group_package_types = ListOption(['mandatory', 'default'])
++    group_command = SelectionOption(__group_command_default__,
++                                    ('compat', 'objects', 'simple'))
+     timeout = FloatOption(30.0) # FIXME: Should use variation of SecondsOption
++    minrate = IntOption(0)
+     bandwidth = BytesOption(0)
+     throttle = ThrottleOption(0)
++    ip_resolve = CaselessSelectionOption(
++            allowed = ('ipv4', 'ipv6', 'whatever'),
++            mapper  = {'4': 'ipv4', '6': 'ipv6'})
++    max_connections = IntOption(0, range_min=0)
++    deltarpm = IntOption(2, range_min=-16, range_max=128)
++    deltarpm_percentage = IntOption(75, range_min=0, range_max=100)
+     http_caching = SelectionOption('all', ('none', 'packages', 'all'))
+     metadata_expire = SecondsOption(60 * 60 * 6) # Time in seconds (6h).
++    metadata_expire_filter = SelectionOption('read-only:present',
++                                             ('never', 'read-only:future',
++                                              'read-only:present',
++                                              'read-only:past'))
+     # Time in seconds (1 day). NOTE: This isn't used when using metalinks
+     mirrorlist_expire = SecondsOption(60 * 60 * 24)
+     # XXX rpm_check_debug is unused, left around for API compatibility for now
+@@ -697,13 +819,15 @@ class YumConf(StartupConf):
+     skip_broken = BoolOption(False)
+     #  Note that "instant" is the old behaviour, but group:primary is very
+     # similar but better :).
+-    mdpolicy = ListOption(['group:primary'])
++    mdpolicy = ListOption(['group:small'])
++    mddownloadpolicy = SelectionOption('sqlite', ('sqlite', 'xml'))
+     #  ('instant', 'group:all', 'group:main', 'group:small', 'group:primary'))
+-    multilib_policy = SelectionOption('all',('best', 'all'))
++    multilib_policy = SelectionOption(__main_multilib_policy_default__,
++                                      ('best', 'all'))
+                  # all == install any/all arches you can
+                  # best == use the 'best  arch' for the system
+-    bugtracker_url = Option('http://yum.baseurl.org/report')
++    bugtracker_url = Option('https://bugzilla.redhat.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=Fedora&version=rawhide&component=yum')
+     color = SelectionOption('auto', ('auto', 'never', 'always'),
+                             mapper={'on' : 'always', 'yes' : 'always',
+@@ -715,22 +839,27 @@ class YumConf(StartupConf):
+     color_list_installed_newer = Option('bold,yellow')
+     color_list_installed_reinstall = Option('normal')
+     color_list_installed_extra = Option('bold,red')
++    color_list_installed_running_kernel = Option('bold,underline')
+     color_list_available_upgrade = Option('bold,blue')
+     color_list_available_downgrade = Option('dim,cyan')
+     color_list_available_reinstall = Option('bold,underline,green')
+     color_list_available_install = Option('normal')
++    color_list_available_running_kernel = Option('bold,underline')
+     color_update_installed = Option('normal')
+     color_update_local     = Option('bold')
+     color_update_remote    = Option('normal')
+     color_search_match = Option('bold')
++    ui_repoid_vars = ListOption(['releasever', 'basearch'])
+     sslcacert = Option()
+     sslverify = BoolOption(True)
+     sslclientcert = Option()
+     sslclientkey = Option()
++    ssl_check_cert_permissions = BoolOption(True)
+     history_record = BoolOption(True)
+     history_record_packages = ListOption(['yum', 'rpm'])
+@@ -744,18 +873,39 @@ class YumConf(StartupConf):
+     loadts_ignoremissing = BoolOption(False)
+     loadts_ignorerpm = BoolOption(False)
++    loadts_ignorenewrpm = BoolOption(False)
+     clean_requirements_on_remove = BoolOption(False)
++    upgrade_requirements_on_install = BoolOption(False)
+     history_list_view = SelectionOption('single-user-commands',
+                                         ('single-user-commands', 'users',
+                                          'commands'),
+                                      mapper={'cmds'          : 'commands',
+                                              'default' :'single-user-commands'})
++    recheck_installed_requires = BoolOption(False)
++    fssnap_automatic_pre  = BoolOption(False)
++    fssnap_automatic_post = BoolOption(False)
++    fssnap_automatic_keep = IntOption(1)
++    fssnap_percentage = IntOption(100, range_min=1, range_max=100)
++    fssnap_devices = ListOption("!*/swap !*/lv_swap "
++                                "glob:/etc/yum/fssnap.d/*.conf",
++                                parse_default=True)
++    depsolve_loop_limit = PositiveIntOption(100, names_of_0=["<forever>"])
+     _reposlist = []
+     def dump(self):
++        """Return a string representing the values of all the
++        configuration options.
++        :return: a string representing the values of all the
++           configuration options
++        """
+         output = '[main]\n'
+         # we exclude all vars which start with _ or are in this list:
+         excluded_vars = ('cfg', 'uid', 'yumvar', 'progress_obj', 'failure_obj',
+@@ -778,14 +928,12 @@ class YumConf(StartupConf):
+         return output
+ class RepoConf(BaseConfig):
+-    '''
+-    Option definitions for repository INI file sections.
+-    '''
++    """Option definitions for repository INI file sections."""
+     __cached_keys = set()
+     def iterkeys(self):
+-        '''Yield the names of all defined options in the instance.
+-        '''
++        """Yield the names of all defined options in the instance."""
+         ck = self.__cached_keys
+         if not isinstance(self, RepoConf):
+             ck = set()
+@@ -797,6 +945,7 @@ class RepoConf(BaseConfig):
+     name = Option()
+     enabled = Inherit(YumConf.enabled)
++    keepcache = Inherit(YumConf.keepcache)
+     baseurl = UrlListOption()
+     mirrorlist = UrlOption()
+     metalink   = UrlOption()
+@@ -820,42 +969,52 @@ class RepoConf(BaseConfig):
+     keepalive = Inherit(YumConf.keepalive)
+     enablegroups = Inherit(YumConf.enablegroups)
++    minrate = Inherit(YumConf.minrate)
+     bandwidth = Inherit(YumConf.bandwidth)
+     throttle = Inherit(YumConf.throttle)
+     timeout = Inherit(YumConf.timeout)
++    ip_resolve = Inherit(YumConf.ip_resolve)
++    deltarpm_percentage = IntOption(None, range_min=0, range_max=100)
+     http_caching = Inherit(YumConf.http_caching)
+     metadata_expire = Inherit(YumConf.metadata_expire)
++    metadata_expire_filter = Inherit(YumConf.metadata_expire_filter)
+     mirrorlist_expire = Inherit(YumConf.mirrorlist_expire)
+     # NOTE: metalink expire _must_ be the same as metadata_expire, due to the
+     #       checksumming of the repomd.xml.
+     mdpolicy = Inherit(YumConf.mdpolicy)
++    mddownloadpolicy = Inherit(YumConf.mddownloadpolicy)
+     cost = IntOption(1000)
+     sslcacert = Inherit(YumConf.sslcacert)
+     sslverify = Inherit(YumConf.sslverify)
+     sslclientcert = Inherit(YumConf.sslclientcert)
+     sslclientkey = Inherit(YumConf.sslclientkey)
++    ssl_check_cert_permissions = Inherit(YumConf.ssl_check_cert_permissions)
+     skip_if_unavailable = BoolOption(False)
++    async = BoolOption(True)
++    ui_repoid_vars = Inherit(YumConf.ui_repoid_vars)
+ class VersionGroupConf(BaseConfig):
++    """Option definitions for version groups."""
+     pkglist = ListOption()
+     run_with_packages = BoolOption(False)
+-def readStartupConfig(configfile, root):
+-    '''
+-    Parse Yum's main configuration file and return a StartupConf instance.
+-    This is required in order to access configuration settings required as Yum
+-    starts up.
++def readStartupConfig(configfile, root, releasever=None):
++    """Parse Yum's main configuration file and return a
++    :class:`StartupConf` instance.  This is required in order to
++    access configuration settings required as Yum starts up.
+-    @param configfile: The path to yum.conf.
+-    @param root: The base path to use for installation (typically '/')
+-    @return: A StartupConf instance.
++    :param configfile: the path to yum.conf
++    :param root: the base path to use for installation (typically '/')
++    :return: A :class:`StartupConf` instance
+-    May raise Errors.ConfigError if a problem is detected with while parsing.
+-    '''
++    :raises: :class:`Errors.ConfigError` if a problem is detected with while parsing.
++    """
+     # ' xemacs syntax hack
+@@ -876,20 +1035,24 @@ def readStartupConfig(configfile, root):
+             raise Errors.ConfigError("All plugin search paths must be absolute")
+     # Stuff this here to avoid later re-parsing
+     startupconf._parser = parser
+     # setup the release ver here
+-    startupconf.releasever = _getsysver(startupconf.installroot, startupconf.distroverpkg)
++    if releasever is None:
++        releasever = _getsysver(startupconf.installroot,
++                                startupconf.distroverpkg)
++    startupconf.releasever = releasever
+     uuidfile = '%s/%s/uuid' % (startupconf.installroot, startupconf.persistdir)
+     startupconf.uuid = get_uuid(uuidfile)
+     return startupconf
+ def readMainConfig(startupconf):
+-    '''
+-    Parse Yum's main configuration file
++    """Parse Yum's main configuration file
+-    @param startupconf: StartupConf instance as returned by readStartupConfig()
+-    @return: Populated YumConf instance.
+-    '''
++    :param startupconf: :class:`StartupConf` instance as returned by readStartupConfig()
++    :return: Populated :class:`YumConf` instance
++    """
+     # ' xemacs syntax hack
+@@ -956,6 +1119,12 @@ def readMainConfig(startupconf):
+     return yumconf
+ def readVersionGroupsConfig(configfile="/etc/yum/version-groups.conf"):
++    """Parse the configuration file for version groups.
++    :param configfile: the configuration file to read
++    :return: a dictionary containing the parsed options
++    """
+     parser = ConfigParser()
+     confpp_obj = ConfigPreProcessor(configfile)
+     try:
+@@ -970,17 +1139,16 @@ def readVersionGroupsConfig(configfile="/etc/yum/version-groups.conf"):
+ def getOption(conf, section, name, option):
+-    '''Convenience function to retrieve a parsed and converted value from a
+-    ConfigParser.
+-    @param conf: ConfigParser instance or similar
+-    @param section: Section name
+-    @param name: Option name
+-    @param option: Option instance to use for conversion.
+-    @return: The parsed value or default if value was not present.
+-    Will raise ValueError if the option could not be parsed.
+-    '''
++    """Convenience function to retrieve a parsed and converted value from a
++    :class:`ConfigParser`.
++    :param conf: ConfigParser instance or similar
++    :param section: Section name
++    :param name: :class:`Option` name
++    :param option: :class:`Option` instance to use for conversion
++    :return: The parsed value or default if value was not present
++    :raises: :class:`ValueError` if the option could not be parsed
++    """
+     try: 
+         val = conf.get(section, name)
+     except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError):
+@@ -1010,7 +1178,10 @@ def _getsysver(installroot, distroverpkg):
+     ts = rpmUtils.transaction.initReadOnlyTransaction(root=installroot)
+     try:
+-        idx = ts.dbMatch('provides', distroverpkg)
++        for distroverpkg_prov in distroverpkg:
++            idx = ts.dbMatch('provides', distroverpkg_prov)
++            if idx.count():
++                break
+     except TypeError, e:
+         # This is code for "cannot open rpmdb"
+         # this is for pep 352 compliance on python 2.6 and above :(
+@@ -1028,25 +1199,40 @@ def _getsysver(installroot, distroverpkg):
+     if idx.count() == 0:
+         releasever = '$releasever'
+     else:
+-        hdr = idx.next()
++        try:
++            hdr = idx.next()
++        except StopIteration:
++            raise Errors.YumBaseError("Error: rpmdb failed release provides. Try: rpm --rebuilddb")
+         releasever = hdr['version']
++        off = hdr[getattr(rpm, 'RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME')].index(distroverpkg_prov)
++        flag = hdr[getattr(rpm, 'RPMTAG_PROVIDEFLAGS')][off]
++        flag = rpmUtils.miscutils.flagToString(flag)
++        ver  = hdr[getattr(rpm, 'RPMTAG_PROVIDEVERSION')][off]
++        if flag == 'EQ' and ver:
++            releasever = rpmUtils.miscutils.stringToVersion(releasever)
++            if releasever[2]:
++                releasever = "%s-%s" % (releasever[1], releasever[2]) # No epoch
++            else:
++                releasever = releasever[1] # No epoch or release, just version
+         del hdr
+     del idx
+     del ts
+     return releasever
+-def writeRawRepoFile(repo,only=None):
+-    """
+-    Writes changes in a repo object back to a .repo file.
+-    @param repo: Repo Object
+-    @param only: List of attributes to work on (None = All)
+-    It work by reading the repo file, changes the values there shall be changed and write it back to disk.
+-    """
++def _readRawRepoFile(repo):
+     if not _use_iniparse:
+-        return
++        return None
++    if not hasattr(repo, 'repofile') or not repo.repofile:
++        return None
++    try:
++        ini = INIConfig(open(repo.repofile))
++    except:
++        return None
+-    ini = INIConfig(open(repo.repofile))
+     # b/c repoids can have $values in them we need to map both ways to figure
+     # out which one is which
+     section_id = repo.id
+@@ -1054,6 +1240,22 @@ def writeRawRepoFile(repo,only=None):
+         for sect in ini._sections.keys():
+             if varReplace(sect, repo.yumvar) == repo.id:
+                 section_id = sect
++                break
++        else:
++            return None
++    return ini, section_id
++def writeRawRepoFile(repo,only=None):
++    """Write changes in a repo object back to a .repo file.
++    :param repo: the Repo Object to write back out
++    :param only: list of attributes to work on. If *only* is None, all
++       options will be written out   
++    """
++    if not _use_iniparse:
++        return
++    ini, section_id = _readRawRepoFile(repo)
+     # Updated the ConfigParser with the changed values    
+     cfgOptions = repo.cfg.options(repo.id)
+@@ -1069,7 +1271,7 @@ def writeRawRepoFile(repo,only=None):
+         #  If the value is the same, but just interpreted ... when we don't want
+         # to keep the interpreted values.
+         if (name in ini[section_id] and
+-            ovalue == varReplace(ini[section_id][name], yumvar)):
++            ovalue == varReplace(ini[section_id][name], repo.yumvar)):
+             ovalue = ini[section_id][name]
+         if name not in cfgOptions and option.default == value:
+diff --git a/yum/depsolve.py b/yum/depsolve.py
+index 6d744c0..8b438bb 100644
+--- a/yum/depsolve.py
++++ b/yum/depsolve.py
+@@ -31,13 +31,15 @@ from transactioninfo import TransactionMember
+ import rpm
+ from packageSack import ListPackageSack
++from packages import PackageEVR
+ from constants import *
+-import packages
+ import logginglevels
+ import Errors
+ import warnings
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore", Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning)
++from weakref import proxy as weakref
+ from yum import _, _rpm_ver_atleast
+ try:
+@@ -58,12 +60,51 @@ flags = {"GT": rpm.RPMSENSE_GREATER,
+          "LE": rpm.RPMSENSE_LESS | rpm.RPMSENSE_EQUAL,
+          "EQ": rpm.RPMSENSE_EQUAL,
+          None: 0 }
++_rflags = {}
++for f in flags:
++    _rflags[flags[f]] = f
++class _wrap_ayum_getPkgSack:
++    """ This is a wrapper for calling YumBase.pkgSack because
++        otherwise we take a real reference through the bound method and
++        that is d00m (this applies to YumBase and TransactionInfo, hence why
++        we have a separate class). """
++    def __init__(self, ayum):
++        self.ayum = weakref(ayum)
++    def __call__(self):
++        return self.ayum.pkgSack
++class _wrap_ayum_install:
++    """ This is a wrapper for calling YumBase.install because
++        otherwise we take a real reference through the bound method and
++        that is d00m (this applies to YumBase and TransactionInfo, hence why
++        we have a separate class). """
++    def __init__(self, ayum):
++        self.ayum = weakref(ayum)
++    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
++        return self.ayum.install(*args, **kwargs)
++class _wrap_ayum_remove:
++    """ This is a wrapper for calling YumBase.remove because
++        otherwise we take a real reference through the bound method and
++        that is d00m (this applies to YumBase and TransactionInfo, hence why
++        we have a separate class). """
++    def __init__(self, ayum):
++        self.ayum = weakref(ayum)
++    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
++        return self.ayum.remove(*args, **kwargs)
++class _wrap_ayum_update:
++    """ This is a wrapper for calling YumBase.update because
++        otherwise we take a real reference through the bound method and
++        that is d00m (this applies to YumBase and TransactionInfo, hence why
++        we have a separate class). """
++    def __init__(self, ayum):
++        self.ayum = weakref(ayum)
++    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
++        return self.ayum.update(*args, **kwargs)
+ class Depsolve(object):
+-    """
+-    Dependency resolving class.
+-    """
++    """A class for resolving dependencies."""
+     def __init__(self):
+         self._ts = None
+@@ -81,6 +122,8 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+         self.installedUnresolvedFileRequires = None
+     def doTsSetup(self):
++        """Sets up the transaction set before it is used."""
+         warnings.warn(_('doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'),
+                 Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+         return self._getTs()
+@@ -92,7 +135,8 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+         if self._tsInfo != None and self._ts != None:
+             if not remove_only and self._tsInfo.pkgSack is None:
+-                self._tsInfo.setDatabases(self.rpmdb, self.pkgSack)
++                pkgSackCtor = _wrap_ayum_getPkgSack(self)
++                self._tsInfo.setDatabases(self.rpmdb, None, pkgSackCtor)
+             return
+         if not self.conf.installroot:
+@@ -108,14 +152,17 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+             self._tsInfo = self._transactionDataFactory()
+             if remove_only:
+                 pkgSack = None
++                pkgSackCtor = None
+             else:
+-                pkgSack = self.pkgSack
+-            self._tsInfo.setDatabases(self.rpmdb, pkgSack)
++                # Don't instant setup, or things like localinstall are screwed.
++                pkgSack = None
++                pkgSackCtor = _wrap_ayum_getPkgSack(self)
++            self._tsInfo.setDatabases(self.rpmdb, pkgSack, pkgSackCtor)
+             self._tsInfo.installonlypkgs = self.conf.installonlypkgs # this kinda sucks
+             # this REALLY sucks, sadly (needed for group conditionals)
+-            self._tsInfo.install_method = self.install
+-            self._tsInfo.update_method = self.update
+-            self._tsInfo.remove_method = self.remove
++            self._tsInfo.install_method = _wrap_ayum_install(self)
++            self._tsInfo.update_method = _wrap_ayum_update(self)
++            self._tsInfo.remove_method = _wrap_ayum_remove(self)
+         return self._tsInfo
+     def _setTsInfo(self, value):
+@@ -131,7 +178,7 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+     def initActionTs(self):
+-        """sets up the ts we'll use for all the work"""
++        """Set up the transaction set that will be used for all the work."""
+         self._ts = rpmUtils.transaction.TransactionWrapper(self.conf.installroot)
+         ts_flags_to_rpm = { 'noscripts': rpm.RPMTRANS_FLAG_NOSCRIPTS,
+@@ -152,25 +199,41 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+             else:
+                 self.logger.critical(_('Invalid tsflag in config file: %s'), flag)
++        if not self.conf.diskspacecheck:
++            self._add_prob_flags(rpm.RPMPROB_FILTER_DISKSPACE,
++                                 rpm.RPMPROB_FILTER_DISKNODES)
+         probfilter = 0
+         for flag in self.tsInfo.probFilterFlags:
+             probfilter |= flag
+         self._ts.setProbFilter(probfilter)
+     def whatProvides(self, name, flags, version):
+-        """searches the packageSacks for what provides the arguments
+-           returns a ListPackageSack of providing packages, possibly empty"""
++        """Search the packageSacks for what provides the specified
++        feature or file.
++        :param name: a string specifying the file or feature to search
++           for
++        :param flags: flags related to the search
++        :param version: the version to search for
++        :return: a :class:`ListPackagaSack` containing the packages
++           that match the arguments, and may be empty
++        """
+         self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_1, _('Searching pkgSack for dep: %s'),
+             name)
+         defSack = ListPackageSack(self.pkgSack.searchProvides((name, flags, version)))
+         return defSack
+     def allowedMultipleInstalls(self, po):
+-        """takes a packageObject, returns 1 or 0 depending on if the package 
+-           should/can be installed multiple times with different vers
+-           like kernels and kernel modules, for example"""
++        """Return whether the given package object can be installed
++        multiple times with different versions.  For example, this
++        would be true of kernels and kernel modules.
++        :param po: the package object that this function will
++           determine whether can be install multiple times
++        :return: a boolean specifying whether *po* can be installed
++           multiple times
++        """
+         iopkgs = set(self.conf.installonlypkgs)
+         if po.name in iopkgs:
+             return True
+@@ -182,8 +245,11 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+         return False
+     def populateTs(self, test=0, keepold=1):
+-        """take transactionData class and populate transaction set"""
++        """Populate the transaction set.
++        :param test: unused
++        :param keepold: whether to keep old packages
++        """
+         if self.dsCallback: self.dsCallback.transactionPopulation()
+         ts_elem = {}
+@@ -393,9 +459,27 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+             self.conf.obsoletes = 0
+             txmbrs = self.update(po=requiringPo, requiringPo=requiringPo)
+             self.conf.obsoletes = origobs
+-            if not txmbrs:
++            def _check_update_worked(txmbrs, obs=False):
++                #  Old code assumed that if there was an update, we were good:
++                #    if txmbrs: return True
++                # ..however we have a problem when foo-1 and foo-2 both require
++                # bar-1, and bar-2 is being installed. If the req. is identical
++                # then we'll skip checking it in _checkInstall(), so we need to
++                # check it here.
++                for txmbr in txmbrs:
++                    if obs or txmbr.name == requiringPo.name:
++                        n,f,v = requirement
++                        creq = (n, _rflags[f],
++                                rpmUtils.miscutils.stringToVersion(v))
++                        # If it's identical ... checkInstall will skip it.
++                        if creq not in txmbr.po.requires:
++                            return True
++                return False
++            if not _check_update_worked(txmbrs):
+                 txmbrs = self.update(po=requiringPo, requiringPo=requiringPo)
+-                if not txmbrs:
++                if not _check_update_worked(txmbrs, obs=True):
+                     msg = self._err_missing_requires(requiringPo, requirement)
+                     self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _('No update paths found for %s. Failure!'), requiringPo)
+                     return self._requiringFromTransaction(requiringPo, requirement, errorlist)
+@@ -405,12 +489,30 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+             # try to update the requiring package in hopes that all this problem goes away :(
+             self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _('Trying to update %s to resolve dep'), requiringPo)
+             txmbrs = self.update(po=requiringPo, requiringPo=requiringPo)
++            fixed = False
+             if not txmbrs:
+                 msg = self._err_missing_requires(requiringPo, requirement)
+-                self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _('No update paths found for %s. Failure!'), requiringPo)
++                self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _('No update paths found for %s. Failure due to requirement: %s!'), requiringPo, msg)
++            else:
++                req_lookup = (needname, needflags,
++                              rpmUtils.miscutils.stringToVersion(needversion))
++            for txmbr in txmbrs:
++                #  This works for upgrades, and for obsoletes, on one side.
++                # Also catches upgrades that don't work on the other.
++                if txmbr.output_state in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
++                    if txmbr.po.checkPrco('requires', req_lookup):
++                        fixed = False
++                        break
++                    else:
++                        fixed = True
++            if txmbrs and not fixed:
++                msg = self._err_missing_requires(requiringPo, requirement)
++                self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _("Update for %s. Doesn't fix requirement: %s!"), requiringPo, msg)
++            if not fixed:
+                 return self._requiringFromTransaction(requiringPo, requirement, errorlist)
+             checkdeps = 1
+         if needmode in ['e']:
+             self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, _('TSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as erase'),
+@@ -589,7 +691,7 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+             #  Always do compare providers for multiple pkgs, it deals with
+             # newest etc. ... so no need to do NewestNameArch() ... and it
+             # stops compare_providers from being clever.
+-            pkgresults = self._compare_providers(pkgs, requiringPo)
++            pkgresults = self._compare_providers(pkgs, requiringPo,req=needname)
+             best = pkgresults[0][0]
+         if self.rpmdb.contains(po=best): # is it already installed?
+@@ -609,7 +711,10 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+             # FIXME: we should probably handle updating multiple packages...
+             txmbr = self.tsInfo.addUpdate(best, inst[0])
+             txmbr.setAsDep(po=requiringPo)
+-            txmbr.reason = "dep"
++            if 'reason' in inst[0].yumdb_info:
++                txmbr.reason = inst[0].yumdb_info.reason
++            else:
++                txmbr.reason = 'dep'
+             checkdeps = True
+             self._last_req = best
+         else:
+@@ -696,6 +801,13 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+                 self.tsInfo.remove(txmbr.pkgtup)
+     def prof_resolveDeps(self):
++        """Call :func:`resolveDeps`, and profile the call using the
++        hotshot profiler.
++        :return: a tuple containing the result code and a list of
++           result strings.  This is simply the return value of
++           :func:`resolveDeps` being passed up.
++        """
+         fn = "anaconda.prof.0"
+         import hotshot, hotshot.stats
+         prof = hotshot.Profile(fn)
+@@ -709,6 +821,13 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+         return rc
+     def cprof_resolveDeps(self):
++        """Call :func:`resolveDeps`, and profile the call using the
++        cprof profiler.
++        :return: a tuple containing the result code and a list of
++           result strings.  This is simply the return value of
++           :func:`resolveDeps` being passed up.
++        """
+         import cProfile, pstats
+         prof = cProfile.Profile()
+         rc = prof.runcall(self.resolveDeps)
+@@ -722,7 +841,17 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+         return rc
+     def resolveDeps(self, full_check=True, skipping_broken=False):
++        """Resolve dependencies for the packages in the current
++        trasaction set.
++        :param full_check: whether to also check removes and installs,
++           as well as dependencies
++        :param skipping_broken: if this is true, a message saying that
++           dependency solving has finished successfully will not be output.
++           This is useful since if there are broken packages that are
++           being skipped, :func:`resolveDeps` will need to be called
++           multiple times before dependency solving is completely finished
++        """
+         if not len(self.tsInfo):
+             return (0, [_('Success - empty transaction')])
+@@ -740,7 +869,9 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+         if self.dsCallback: self.dsCallback.start()
+-        while True:
++        depsolve_loop_count = 0
++        while depsolve_loop_count < self.conf.depsolve_loop_limit:
++            depsolve_loop_count += 1
+             CheckDeps = True
+@@ -778,6 +909,12 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+                     if checkdep:
+                         break # The next conflict might be the same pkg
++                if True: # Always have to check obsoletes...
++                    if self._checkObsoletes():
++                        CheckDeps = True
++                        CheckRemoves = True
++                        self._last_req = None
+                 if CheckDeps:
+                     if self.dsCallback: self.dsCallback.restartLoop()
+                     self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_1, _('Restarting Loop'))
+@@ -785,6 +922,9 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+             break
++        if depsolve_loop_count >= self.conf.depsolve_loop_limit:
++            return (1, [_("Depsolving loop limit reached.")] + unique(errors))
+         # FIXME: this doesn't belong here at all...
+         for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembers():
+             if self.allowedMultipleInstalls(txmbr.po) and \
+@@ -920,9 +1060,12 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+         # if this is an update, we should check what the old
+         # requires were to make things faster
++        #  Note that if the rpmdb is broken, this gets annoying. So we provide
++        # a way to turn it off.
+         oldreqs = []
+-        for oldpo in txmbr.updates:
+-            oldreqs.extend(oldpo.returnPrco('requires'))
++        if not self.conf.recheck_installed_requires:
++            for oldpo in txmbr.updates:
++                oldreqs.extend(oldpo.returnPrco('strong_requires'))
+         oldreqs = set(oldreqs)
+         ret = []
+@@ -948,7 +1091,7 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+                     continue
+                 for member in self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(
+                     pkgtup=po.pkgtup, output_states=TS_INSTALL_STATES):
+-                    member.relatedto.append((txmbr.po, 'dependson'))
++                    member.setAsDep(txmbr.po, relonly=True)
+         return ret
+@@ -974,12 +1117,36 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+             # FIXME: This is probably the best place to fix the postfix rename
+             # problem long term (post .21) ... see compare_providers.
+             for pkg, hits in self.tsInfo.getRequires(*prov).iteritems():
+-                # See the docs, this is to make groupremove "more useful".
++                # See the docs, this is to make remove* "more useful".
++                if (self.conf.repopkgsremove_leaf_only and txmbr.repopkg and
++                    txmbr.output_state == TS_ERASE):
++                    cb = self.dsCallback
++                    if cb and hasattr(cb, 'repoPkgRemoveReq'):
++                        cb.repoPkgRemoveReq(txmbr.po, hits)
++                    elif cb and hasattr(cb, 'removeReq'):
++                        cb.removeReq(txmbr.po, pkg, hits)
++                    #  We don't undo anything else here ... hopefully that's
++                    # fine.
++                    self.tsInfo.remove(txmbr.pkgtup)
++                    return []
+                 if (self.conf.groupremove_leaf_only and txmbr.groups and
+                     txmbr.output_state == TS_ERASE):
+                     cb = self.dsCallback
+                     if cb and hasattr(cb, 'groupRemoveReq'):
+                         cb.groupRemoveReq(pkg, hits)
++                    elif cb and hasattr(cb, 'removeReq'):
++                        cb.removeReq(txmbr.po, pkg, hits)
++                    #  We don't undo anything else here ... hopefully that's
++                    # fine.
++                    self.tsInfo.remove(txmbr.pkgtup)
++                    return []
++                if (self.conf.remove_leaf_only and
++                    txmbr.output_state == TS_ERASE):
++                    cb = self.dsCallback
++                    if cb and hasattr(cb, 'removeReq'):
++                        cb.removeReq(txmbr.po, pkg, hits)
+                     #  We don't undo anything else here ... hopefully that's
+                     # fine.
+                     self.tsInfo.remove(txmbr.pkgtup)
+@@ -1033,10 +1200,10 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+         # get file requirements from new packages
+         for txmbr in self._tsInfo.getMembersWithState(output_states=TS_INSTALL_STATES):
++            files = []
+             for name, flag, evr in txmbr.po.requires:
+                 if name.startswith('/'):
+-                    pt = txmbr.po.pkgtup
+-                    self.installedFileRequires.setdefault(pt, []).append(name)
++                    files.append(name)
+                     # check if file requires was already unresolved in update
+                     if name in self.installedUnresolvedFileRequires:
+                         already_broken = False
+@@ -1050,6 +1217,7 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+                         nfileRequires.add(name)
+                     fileRequires.add(name)
+                     reverselookup.setdefault(name, []).append(txmbr.po.pkgtup)
++            self.installedFileRequires[txmbr.po.pkgtup] = files
+         todel = []
+         for fname in self.installedFileProviders:
+@@ -1149,7 +1317,74 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+         self.rpmdb.transactionCacheConflictPackages(cpkgs)
+         return ret
++    #  This is checking for installed / transaction members which
++    # obsolete each other. Because rpm will now auto. obs. those
++    # anyway (even if we have obsoletes turned off).
++    def _checkObsoletes(self):
++        opkgs = []
++        ret = False
++        def _do_obs(otxmbr):
++            self.tsInfo.remove(otxmbr.pkgtup)
++            #  We need to remove an obsoleted entry that
++            # was maybe used to resolve something ... ?
++            self.pkgSack.delPackage(otxmbr.po)
++            self.up.delPackage(otxmbr.pkgtup)
++            # Remove it from the installed file requires cache
++            (self.installedFileRequires or {}).pop(otxmbr.pkgtup, None)
++        for po in self.rpmdb.returnObsoletePackages():
++            if self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(po.pkgtup, output_states=TS_REMOVE_STATES):
++                continue
++            obsoletes = po.returnPrco('obsoletes')
++            if not obsoletes: # We broke this due to dbMatch() usage.
++                continue
++            opkgs.append(po)
++            for obs_name,f,v in obsoletes:
++                for otxmbr in self.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name=obs_name):
++                    if not otxmbr.po.obsoletedBy([po]):
++                        continue
++                    if po.obsoletedBy([otxmbr.po]): # Loops, hope for rpm.
++                        continue
++                    msg = _('Removing %s due to obsoletes from installed %s')
++                    self.verbose_logger.warning(msg, otxmbr, po)
++                    _do_obs(otxmbr)
++                    ret = True
++        for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembersWithState(None, output_states=TS_INSTALL_STATES):
++            done = False
++            for obs_n in txmbr.po.obsoletes_names:
++                if not done:
++                    opkgs.append(txmbr.po)
++                    done = True
++                for otxmbr in self.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name=obs_n):
++                    if otxmbr.output_state not in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
++                        continue
++                    if otxmbr.po == txmbr.po:
++                        #  Not sure if we should just ignore this for
++                        # us, or for everyone...
++                        continue
++                    if not otxmbr.po.obsoletedBy([txmbr.po]):
++                        continue
++                    if txmbr.po.obsoletedBy([otxmbr.po]):
++                        # Have to deal with loops! Hope rpm behaves too.
++                        continue
++                    msg = _('Removing %s due to obsoletes from %s')
++                    self.verbose_logger.warning(msg, otxmbr, txmbr)
++                    _do_obs(otxmbr)
++                    ret = True
++        self.rpmdb.transactionCacheObsoletePackages(opkgs)
++        return ret
+     def isPackageInstalled(self, pkgname):
++        """Return whether the given package in installed.
++        :param pkgname: the name of the package
++        :return: whether the package in installed
++        """
+         lst = self.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name = pkgname)
+         for txmbr in lst:
+             if txmbr.output_state in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
+@@ -1166,7 +1401,7 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+         return True
+     _isPackageInstalled = isPackageInstalled
+-    def _compare_providers(self, pkgs, reqpo):
++    def _compare_providers(self, pkgs, reqpo, req=None):
+         """take the list of pkgs and score them based on the requesting package
+            return a dictionary of po=score"""
+         self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_4,
+@@ -1210,6 +1445,24 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+                 return None
+             return x
++        def _pkg2prov_version(pkg, provname):
++            ''' This converts a package into a specific version tuple for the
++            required provide. The provide _must_ be '=' and epoch=None and
++            release=None == '0'.
++               If there is 0 or 2+ matches, return None.
++               If the req does not == the provide name, return None. '''
++            ret = None
++            for prov in pkg.provides:
++                (n, f, (e, v, r)) = prov
++                if n != provname:
++                    continue
++                if f != 'EQ':
++                    continue
++                if ret is not None:
++                    return None
++                ret = (e or '0', v, r or '0')
++            return ret
+         #  Actual start of _compare_providers().
+         # Do a NameArch filtering, based on repo. __cmp__
+@@ -1332,6 +1585,29 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+                         _('common prefix of %s between %s and %s' % (cpl, po, reqpo)))
+                     pkgresults[po] += cpl*2
++        if req is not None:
++            bestnum = max(pkgresults.values())
++            prov_depsolve = {}
++            for po in pkgs:
++                if pkgresults[po] != bestnum:
++                    continue
++                evr = _pkg2prov_version(po, req)
++                if evr is None:
++                    prov_depsolve = {}
++                    break
++                prov_depsolve[po] = evr
++            if len(prov_depsolve) > 1:
++                self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_4,
++                                        _('provides vercmp: %s') % str(req))
++                newest = sorted(prov_depsolve,
++                                key = lambda x: PackageEVR(*prov_depsolve[x]))
++                for winner in reversed(newest):
++                    if prov_depsolve[winner] != prov_depsolve[newest[-1]]:
++                        break
++                    self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_4,
++                                            _(' Winner: %s') % winner)
++                    pkgresults[winner] += 1
+         #  If we have more than one "best", see what would happen if we picked
+         # each package ... ie. what things do they require that _aren't_ already
+@@ -1393,42 +1669,52 @@ class Depsolve(object):
+ class DepCheck(object):
+-    """object that YumDepsolver uses to see what things are needed to close
+-       the transaction set. attributes: requires, conflicts are a list of 
+-       requires are conflicts in the current transaction set. Each item in the
+-       lists are a requires or conflicts object"""
++    """Object that :class:`YumDepsolver` uses to see what things are
++    needed to close the transaction set. The attributes requires and
++    conflicts are lists of requires and conflicts in the current
++    transaction set. Each item in the lists is a :class:`Requires` or
++    :class:`Conflicts` object.
++    """
+     def __init__(self):
+         self.requires = []
+         self.conflicts = []
+     def addRequires(self, po, req_tuple_list):
++        """Create and add a :class:`Requires` object to the list of
++        requires.
++        :param po: the package object involved in the requires
++        :param req_tuple_list: a list of required by *po* that are
++           un-closed in the transaction set
++        """
+         # fixme - do checking for duplicates or additions in here to zip things along
+         reqobj = Requires(po, req_tuple_list)
+         self.requires.append(reqobj)
+     def addConflicts(self, conflict_po_list, conflict_item):
++        """Create and add a :class:`Conflicts` object to the list of
++        conflicts.
++        :param conflict_po_list: a list of conflicting package objects
++        :param conflict_item: what the conflict between the members of
++           *conflict_po_list is.
++        """
+         confobj = Conflicts(conflict_po_list, conflict_item)
+         self.conflicts.append(confobj)
+ class Requires(object):
+-    """
+-    A pure data class for holding a package and the list of things it
+-    requires.
++    """A pure data class for holding a package and the list of things
++    it requires.
+     """
+     def __init__(self, pkg,requires):
+         self.pkg = pkg # po of requiring pkg
+         self.requires = requires # list of things it requires that are un-closed in the ts
+ class Conflicts(object):
++    """A pure data class for holding a list packages and what the
++    conflict between them is.
+     """
+-    A pure data class for holding a package and the list of things it
+-    conflicts.
+-    """
+     def __init__(self, pkglist, conflict):
+         self.pkglist = pkglist # list of conflicting package objects
+         self.conflict = conflict # what the conflict was between them
+diff --git a/yum/drpm.py b/yum/drpm.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d00cf1c
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/yum/drpm.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
++#  Integrated delta rpm support
++#  Copyright 2013 Zdenek Pavlas
++#   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++#   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++#   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++#   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++#   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++#   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++#   License along with this library; if not, write to the
++#      Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
++#      59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
++#      Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
++from yum.constants import TS_UPDATE
++from yum.Errors import RepoError
++from yum.i18n import exception2msg, _
++from yum.Errors import MiscError
++from yum.misc import checksum, repo_gen_decompress, unlink_f
++from urlgrabber import grabber, progress
++async = hasattr(grabber, 'parallel_wait')
++from xml.etree.cElementTree import iterparse
++import os, re
++APPLYDELTA = '/usr/bin/applydeltarpm'
++class DeltaPackage:
++    def __init__(self, rpm, size, remote, csum, oldrpm):
++        # copy what needed
++        self.rpm = rpm
++        self.repo = rpm.repo
++        self.basepath = rpm.basepath
++        self.pkgtup = rpm.pkgtup
++        (self.name, self.arch, self.epoch,
++         self.version, self.release) = self.pkgtup
++        self._hash = None
++        # set up drpm attributes
++        self.size = size
++        self.relativepath = remote
++        self.localpath = os.path.dirname(rpm.localpath) +'/'+ os.path.basename(remote)
++        self.csum = csum
++        self.oldrpm = oldrpm
++    def __str__(self):
++        return 'Delta RPM of %s' % self.rpm
++    def __cmp__(self, other):
++        if other is None:
++            return 1
++        #  Not a PackageObject(), so do this ourselves the bad way:
++        return (cmp(self.name, other.name) or
++                cmp(self.epoch, other.epoch) or
++                cmp(self.version, other.version) or
++                cmp(self.release, other.release) or
++                cmp(self.arch, other.arch))
++    def __hash__(self): # C&P from PackageObject...
++        if self._hash is None:
++            mystr = '%s - %s:%s-%s-%s.%s' % (self.repo.id, self.epoch, self.name,
++                                         self.version, self.release, self.arch)
++            self._hash = hash(mystr)
++        return self._hash
++    def localPkg(self):
++        return self.localpath
++    def getDiscNum(self):
++        return None
++    def verifyLocalPkg(self):
++        # check file size first
++        try: fsize = os.path.getsize(self.localpath)
++        except OSError: return False
++        if fsize != self.size: return False
++        # checksum
++        ctype, csum = self.csum
++        try: fsum = checksum(ctype, self.localpath)
++        except MiscError: return False
++        if fsum != csum: return False
++        # hooray
++        return True
++    def returnIdSum(self):
++        return self.csum
++def _num_cpus_online(unknown=1):
++    if not hasattr(os, "sysconf"):
++        return unknown
++    if not os.sysconf_names.has_key("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN"):
++        return unknown
++    ncpus = os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
++    try:
++        if int(ncpus) > 0:
++            return ncpus
++    except:
++        pass
++    return unknown
++class DeltaInfo:
++    def __init__(self, ayum, pkgs, adderror):
++        self.verbose_logger = ayum.verbose_logger
++        self.adderror = adderror
++        self.jobs = {}
++        self._future_jobs = []
++        self.progress = None
++        self.limit = ayum.conf.deltarpm
++        if self.limit < 0:
++            nprocs = _num_cpus_online()
++            self.limit *= -nprocs
++        if not self.limit: # Turned off.
++            return
++        # calculate update sizes
++        oldrpms = {}
++        pinfo = {}
++        reposize = {}
++        for index, po in enumerate(pkgs):
++            perc = po.repo.deltarpm_percentage
++            if perc is None:
++                urls = po.repo.urls
++                perc = ayum.conf.deltarpm_percentage
++                if len(urls) == 1 and urls[0].startswith('file:'):
++                    perc = 0 # for local repos, default to off.
++            if perc == 0:
++                continue # Allow people to turn off a repo. (meh)
++            if po.state == TS_UPDATE: pass
++            elif po.name in ayum.conf.installonlypkgs: pass
++            else:
++                names = oldrpms.get(po.repo)
++                if names is None:
++                    # load all locally cached rpms
++                    names = oldrpms[po.repo] = {}
++                    for rpmfn in os.listdir(po.repo.pkgdir):
++                        m = re.match('^(.+)-(.+)-(.+)\.(.+)\.rpm$', rpmfn)
++                        if m:
++                            n, v, r, a = m.groups()
++                            names.setdefault((n, a), set()).add((v, r))
++                if (po.name, po.arch) not in names:
++                    continue
++            pinfo.setdefault(po.repo, {})[po.pkgtup] = index
++            reposize[po.repo] = reposize.get(po.repo, 0) + po.size
++        # don't use deltas when deltarpm not installed
++        if reposize and not os.access(APPLYDELTA, os.X_OK):
++            self.verbose_logger.info(_('Delta RPMs disabled because %s not installed.'), APPLYDELTA)
++            return
++        # download delta metadata
++        mdpath = {}
++        for repo in reposize:
++            for name in ('prestodelta', 'deltainfo'):
++                try: data = repo.repoXML.getData(name); break
++                except: pass
++            else:
++                self.verbose_logger.info(_('No Presto metadata available for %s'), repo)
++                continue
++            path = repo.cachedir +'/'+ os.path.basename(data.location[1])
++            if not os.path.exists(path) and int(data.size) > reposize[repo]:
++                self.verbose_logger.info(_('Not downloading Presto metadata for %s'), repo)
++                continue
++            def failfunc(e, name=name, repo=repo):
++                mdpath.pop(repo, None)
++                if hasattr(e, 'exception'): e = e.exception
++                self.verbose_logger.warn(_('Failed to download %s for repository %s: %s'),
++                                         name, repo, exception2msg(e))
++            kwargs = {}
++            if async and repo._async:
++                kwargs['failfunc'] = failfunc
++                kwargs['async'] = True
++            try: mdpath[repo] = repo._retrieveMD(name, **kwargs)
++            except RepoError, e: failfunc(e)
++        if async:
++            grabber.parallel_wait()
++        # parse metadata, create DeltaPackage instances
++        for repo, cpath in mdpath.items():
++            pinfo_repo = pinfo[repo]
++            path = repo_gen_decompress(cpath, 'prestodelta.xml',
++                                       cached=repo.cache)
++            for ev, el in iterparse(path):
++                if el.tag != 'newpackage': continue
++                name = el.get('name')
++                arch = el.get('arch')
++                new = name, arch, el.get('epoch'), el.get('version'), el.get('release')
++                index = pinfo_repo.get(new)
++                if index is not None:
++                    po = pkgs[index]
++                    perc = repo.deltarpm_percentage
++                    if perc is None:
++                        perc = ayum.conf.deltarpm_percentage
++                    best = po.size * (perc / 100.0)
++                    have = oldrpms.get(repo, {}).get((name, arch), {})
++                    for el in el.findall('delta'):
++                        size = int(el.find('size').text)
++                        if size >= best:
++                            continue
++                        # can we use this delta?
++                        epoch = el.get('oldepoch')
++                        ver = el.get('oldversion')
++                        rel = el.get('oldrelease')
++                        if (ver, rel) in have:
++                            oldrpm = '%s/%s-%s-%s.%s.rpm' % (repo.pkgdir, name, ver, rel, arch)
++                        else:
++                            if not ayum.rpmdb.searchNevra(name, epoch, ver, rel, arch):
++                                continue
++                            oldrpm = None
++                        best = size
++                        remote = el.find('filename').text
++                        csum = el.find('checksum')
++                        csum = csum.get('type'), csum.text
++                        pkgs[index] = DeltaPackage(po, size, remote, csum, oldrpm)
++                el.clear()
++    def wait(self, num=None):
++        """ Wait for "num" number of jobs to finish, or all of them. Blocks. """
++        if num is None:
++            num = len(self.jobs)
++        # wait for some jobs, run callbacks
++        while num > 0:
++            if not self.jobs: # This is probably broken logic, which is bad.
++                return
++            num -= self._wait(block=True)
++    def _wait(self, block=False):
++        num = 0
++        while self.jobs:
++            if block:
++                pid, code = os.wait()
++            else:
++                pid, code = os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG)
++                if not pid:
++                    break
++            # urlgrabber spawns child jobs, too.  But they exit synchronously,
++            # so we should never see an unknown pid here.
++            assert pid in self.jobs
++            po = self.jobs.pop(pid)
++            if self.progress:
++                self.done += po.rpm.size
++                self.progress.update(self.done)
++            if code != 0:
++                unlink_f(po.rpm.localpath)
++                self.adderror(po, _('Delta RPM rebuild failed'))
++            elif not po.rpm.verifyLocalPkg():
++                self.adderror(po, _('Checksum of the delta-rebuilt RPM failed'))
++            else:
++                # done with drpm file, unlink when local
++                if po.localpath.startswith(po.repo.pkgdir):
++                    os.unlink(po.localpath)
++                po.localpath = po.rpm.localpath # for --downloadonly
++            num += 1
++            # when blocking, one is enough
++            if block:
++                break
++        return num
++    def rebuild(self, po):
++        """ Turn a drpm into an rpm, by adding it to the queue and trying to
++            service the queue. """
++        self._future_jobs.append(po)
++        self.dequeue_max()
++    def dequeue_all(self):
++        """ De-Queue all delta rebuilds and spawn the rebuild processes. """
++        count = total = 0
++        for po in self.jobs.values() + self._future_jobs:
++            count += 1
++            total += po.rpm.size
++        if total:
++            self.verbose_logger.info(_('Finishing delta rebuilds of %d package(s) (%s)'),
++                                     count, progress.format_number(total))
++            if po.repo.callback:
++                if hasattr(progress, 'text_meter_total_size'):
++                    progress.text_meter_total_size(0)
++                self.progress = po.repo.callback
++                # default timescale 5s works fine with 0.3s dl updates.
++                # drpm rebuild jobs do not finish that often, so bump it
++                try: self.progress.re.timescale = 30
++                except: pass # accessing private api
++                self.progress.start(filename=None, url=None, # BZ 963023
++                                    text='<locally rebuilding deltarpms>', size=total)
++                self.done = 0
++        while self._future_jobs:
++            self.dequeue()
++    def dequeue_max(self):
++        """ De-Queue all delta rebuilds we can and spawn the rebuild
++            processes. """
++        if not self._future_jobs:
++            # Just trim the zombies...
++            self._wait()
++            return
++        while self._future_jobs:
++            if not self.dequeue(block=False):
++                break
++    def dequeue(self, block=True):
++        """ Try to De-Queue a delta rebuild and spawn the rebuild process. """
++        # Do this here, just to keep the zombies at bay...
++        self._wait()
++        if not self._future_jobs:
++            return False
++        if self.limit <= len(self.jobs):
++            if not block:
++                return False
++            self.wait(len(self.jobs) - self.limit + 1)
++        po = self._future_jobs.pop(0)
++        args = ('-a', po.arch)
++        if po.oldrpm: args += '-r', po.oldrpm
++        args += po.localpath, po.rpm.localpath
++        pid = os.spawnl(os.P_NOWAIT, APPLYDELTA, APPLYDELTA, *args)
++        self.jobs[pid] = po
++        return True
+diff --git a/yum/failover.py b/yum/failover.py
+index bca9651..00c17ad 100644
+--- a/yum/failover.py
++++ b/yum/failover.py
+@@ -19,51 +19,80 @@
+ # worry about calling get_serverurl() and server_failed() and these classes will 
+ # figure out which URL to cough up based on the failover method.
++"""Classes for handling failovers for server URLs."""
+ import random
+ class baseFailOverMethod:
++    """A base class to provide a failover to switch to a new server if
++    the current one fails.
++    """
+     def __init__(self, repo):
+         self.repo = repo
+         self.failures = 0
+     def get_serverurl(self, i=None):
+-        """Returns a serverurl based on this failover method or None 
+-           if complete failure.  If i is given it is a direct index
+-           to pull a server URL from instead of using the failures 
+-           counter."""
++        """Return a server URL based on this failover method, or None
++        if there is a complete failure.  This method should always be
++        used to translate an index into a URL, as this object may
++        change how indexes map.
++        :param i: if given, this is the index of the server URL to
++           return, instead of using the failures counter
++        :return: the next server URL
++        """
+         return None
+     def server_failed(self):
+-        "Tells the failover method that the current server is failed."
++        """Notify the failover method that the current server has
++        failed.
++        """
+         self.failures = self.failures + 1
+     def reset(self, i=0):
+-        "Reset the failures counter to a given index."
++        """Reset the failures counter to the given index.
++        :param i: the index to reset the failures counter to
++        """
+         self.failures = i
+     def get_index(self):
+-        """Returns the current number of failures which is also the
+-           index into the list this object represents.  ger_serverurl()
+-           should always be used to translate an index into a URL
+-           as this object may change how indexs map.  (See RoundRobin)"""
++        """Return the current number of failures, which is also the
++        current index into the list of URLs that this object
++        represents.  :fun:`get_serverurl` should always be used to
++        translate an index into a URL, as this object may change how
++        indexes map.
++        :return: the current number of failures, which is also the
++           current index   
++        """
+         return self.failures
+     def len(self):
+-        """Returns the how many URLs we've got to cycle through."""
++        """Return the total number of URLs available to cycle through
++        in this object.
++        :return: the total number of URLs available
++        """
+         return len(self.repo.urls)
+ class priority(baseFailOverMethod):
+-    """Chooses server based on the first success in the list."""
++    """A class to provide a failover to switch to a new server
++    if the current one fails.  This classes chooses the next server
++    based on the first success in the list of servers.
++    """
+     def get_serverurl(self, i=None):
+-        "Returns a serverurl based on this failover method or None if complete failure."
++        """Return the next successful server URL in the list, or None
++        if there is a complete failure.  This method should always be
++        used to translate an index into a URL, as this object may
++        change how indexes map.
++        :param i: if given, this is the index of the server URL to
++           return, instead of using the failures counter
++        :return: the next server URL
++        """
+         if i == None:
+             index = self.failures
+         else:
+@@ -77,17 +106,28 @@ class priority(baseFailOverMethod):
+ class roundRobin(baseFailOverMethod):
+-    """Chooses server based on a round robin."""
++    """A class to provide a failover to switch to a new server
++    if the current one fails.  When an object of this class is
++    created, it selects a random place in the list of URLs to begin
++    with, then each time :func:`get_serveurl` is called, the next URL
++    in the list is returned, cycling back to the beginning of the list
++    after the end is reached.
++    """
+     def __init__(self, repo):
+         baseFailOverMethod.__init__(self, repo)
+         random.seed()
+         self.offset = random.randint(0, 37)
+     def get_serverurl(self, i=None):
+-        "Returns a serverurl based on this failover method or None if complete failure."
++        """Return the next successful server URL in the list, using
++        the round robin scheme, or None if there is a complete
++        failure.  This method should always be used to translate an
++        index into a URL, as this object may change how indexes map.
++        :param i: if given, this is the index of the server URL to
++           return, instead of using the failures counter
++        :return: the next server URL
++        """
+         if i == None:
+             index = self.failures
+         else:
+diff --git a/yum/fssnapshots.py b/yum/fssnapshots.py
+new file mode 100755
+index 0000000..567cb65
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/yum/fssnapshots.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
++import os
++import fnmatch
++import time
++import subprocess
++    import lvm
++    #  Check that lvm2 is at least 2.2.99... In theory hacked versions of
++    # .98 work, but meh.
++    _ver = lvm.getVersion()
++    # Looks liks: 2.02.84(2) (2011-02-09)
++    _ver = _ver.split()[0]
++    _ver = _ver.split('(')[0]
++    _ver = tuple(map(int, _ver.split('.')))
++    if _ver < (2, 2, 99):
++        lvm = None
++    lvm = None
++    _ver = None
++def _is_origin(lv):
++    snap = lv.getProperty("lv_attr")
++    # snap=(<value>, <is settable>)
++    if not snap[0]: # Broken??
++        return None
++    return snap[0][0] in ('o', 'O')
++def _is_snap(lv):
++    snap = lv.getProperty("lv_attr")
++    # snap=(<value>, <is settable>)
++    if not snap[0]: # Broken??
++        return None
++    return snap[0][0] in ('s', 'S')
++def _is_virt(lv):
++    snap = lv.getProperty("lv_attr")
++    # snap=(<value>, <is settable>)
++    if not snap[0]: # Broken??
++        return None
++    return snap[0][0] == 'v'
++def _vg_name2lv(vg, lvname):
++    try:
++        return vg.lvFromName(lvname)
++    except:
++        return None
++def _list_vg_names():
++    names = lvm.listVgNames()
++    if not names: # Could be just broken...
++        p = subprocess.Popen(["/sbin/lvm", "vgs", "-o", "vg_name"],
++                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
++        err = p.wait()
++        if err:
++            return [] # Meh.
++        output = p.communicate()[0]
++        output = output.split('\n')
++        if not output:
++            return []
++        header = output[0].strip()
++        if header != 'VG':
++            return []
++        names = []
++        for name in output[1:]:
++            if not name:
++                break
++            names.append(name.strip())
++    return names
++def _z_off(z, ctime=0):
++    if len(z) == 5: # +0000 / -0130 / etc.
++        off = int(z[1:3]) * 60
++        off += int(z[3:5])
++        off *= 60
++        if z[0] == '+':
++            ctime -= off
++        if z[0] == '-':
++            ctime += off
++    return ctime
++def _lv_ctime2utc(ctime):
++    try: # Welcome to insanity ...
++        d,t,z = ctime.split()
++        ctime = time.strptime(d + ' ' + t, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
++        ctime = time.mktime(ctime)
++        if False: # Ignore the offset atm. ... we using this to delete older.
++            cur_z = time.strftime("%z")
++            if cur_z != z: # lol ...
++                cur_z = _z_off(cur_z)
++                z = _z_off(z)
++                ctime += (cur_z - z)
++    except:
++        ctime = 0
++    return ctime
++def _lv_data(vg, lv):
++    vgname = vg.getName()
++    lvname = lv.getName()
++    size = lv.getSize()
++    origin = lv.getProperty("origin")[0]
++    tags = lv.getTags()
++    ctime = _lv_ctime2utc(lv.getProperty("lv_time")[0])
++    used = lv.getProperty("snap_percent")[0]
++    used = float(used)
++    used = used / (1 * 1000 * 1000)
++    data = {'dev' : "%s/%s" % (vgname, lvname),
++            'ctime' : ctime,
++            'origin' : origin,
++            'origin_dev' : "%s/%s" % (vgname, origin),
++            'free' : vg.getFreeSize(),
++            'tags' : tags,
++            'size' : size,
++            'used' : used}
++    return data
++class _FSSnap(object):
++    # Old style was: vg/lv_root vg/lv_swap
++    # New style is: fedora/root fedora/swap
++    # New style is: redhat/root redhat/swap
++    def __init__(self, root="/", lookup_mounts=True,
++                 devices=('!*/swap', '!*/lv_swap')):
++        if not lvm or os.geteuid():
++            devices = []
++        self.version = _ver
++        self.available = bool(lvm)
++        self.postfix_static = "_yum_"
++        self._postfix = None
++        self._root = root
++        self._devs = devices
++        self._vgnames = []
++        if not self._devs:
++            return
++        self._vgnames = _list_vg_names()
++    def _use_dev(self, vgname, lv=None):
++        if lv is not None:
++            if _is_snap(lv) or _is_virt(lv): # Don't look at these.
++                return False
++        found_neg = False
++        for dev in self._devs:
++            if '/' not in dev: # Bad...
++                continue
++            neg = False
++            if dev[0] == '!':
++                found_neg = True
++                neg = True
++                dev = dev[1:]
++            vgn,lvn = dev.split('/', 1)
++            if '/' in lvn:
++                continue
++            if not fnmatch.fnmatch(vgname, vgn):
++                continue
++            if lvn == '*':
++                return not neg
++            if lv is None:
++                return None
++            lvname = lv.getName()
++            if not fnmatch.fnmatch(lvname, lvn):
++                continue
++            return not neg
++        return found_neg
++    def has_space(self, percentage=100):
++        """ See if we have enough space to try a snapshot. """
++        ret = False
++        for vgname in self._vgnames:
++            use = self._use_dev(vgname)
++            if use is not None and not use:
++                continue
++            vg = lvm.vgOpen(vgname, 'r')
++            if not vg:
++                return False
++            vgfsize = vg.getFreeSize()
++            lvssize = 0
++            for lv in vg.listLVs():
++                if not self._use_dev(vgname, lv):
++                    continue
++                lvssize += lv.getSize()
++            vg.close()
++            if not lvssize:
++                continue
++            ret = True
++            if (lvssize * percentage) > (100*vgfsize):
++                return False
++        return ret
++    def _get_postfix(self):
++        if self._postfix is None:
++            self._postfix = self.postfix_static
++            self._postfix += time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
++        return self._postfix
++    postfix = property(fget=lambda self: self._get_postfix(),
++                       fset=lambda self, value: setattr(self, "_postfix",value),
++                       fdel=lambda self: setattr(self, "_postfix", None),
++                       doc="postfix for snapshots")
++    def snapshot(self, percentage=100, prefix='', postfix=None, tags={}):
++        """ Attempt to take a snapshot, note that errors can happen after
++            this function succeeds. """
++        if postfix is None:
++            postfix = self.postfix
++        ret = []
++        for vgname in self._vgnames:
++            use = self._use_dev(vgname)
++            if use is not None and not use:
++                continue
++            vg = lvm.vgOpen(vgname, 'w')
++            if not vg:
++                return False
++            for lv in vg.listLVs():
++                lvname = lv.getName()
++                if not self._use_dev(vgname, lv):
++                    continue
++                nlvname = "%s%s%s" % (prefix, lvname, postfix)
++                nlv = lv.snapshot(nlvname, (lv.getSize() * percentage) / 100)
++                if not nlv: # Failed here ... continuing seems bad.
++                    vg.close()
++                    return None
++                odev = "%s/%s" % (vgname,  lvname)
++                ndev = "%s/%s" % (vgname, nlvname)
++                # FIXME: yum_fssnapshot_pre_lv_name=<blah>
++                eq_tags = set()
++                for val in (ndev, odev, '*'):
++                    for tag in tags.get(val, []):
++                        if '=' in tag:
++                            eq_tag_key,eq_tag_val = tag.split('=', 1)
++                            if eq_tag_key in eq_tags:
++                                continue
++                            eq_tags.add(eq_tag_key)
++                        nlv.addTag(tag)
++                ret.append((odev, ndev))
++            vg.close()
++        return ret
++    def old_snapshots(self):
++        """ List data for old snapshots. """
++        ret = []
++        for vgname in self._vgnames:
++            #  We could filter out the VGs using _use_dev() but this way we'll
++            # see stuff after changing config. options.
++            vg = lvm.vgOpen(vgname, 'w')
++            for lv in vg.listLVs():
++                if not _is_snap(lv): # No snapshot means, we don't care.
++                    continue
++                ret.append(_lv_data(vg, lv))
++            vg.close()
++        return ret
++    def del_snapshots(self, devices=[]):
++        """ Remove snapshots. """
++        if not lvm:
++            return []
++        ret = []
++        togo = {}
++        for dev in devices:
++            vgname,lvname = dev.split('/')
++            if vgname not in togo:
++                togo[vgname] = set([lvname])
++            else:
++                togo[vgname].add(lvname)
++        for vgname in togo:
++            vg = lvm.vgOpen(vgname, 'w')
++            for lvname in togo[vgname]:
++                lv = _vg_name2lv(vg, lvname)
++                if not lv:
++                    continue
++                if not _is_snap(lv): # No snapshot means don't try to delete!
++                    continue
++                ret.append(_lv_data(vg, lv))
++                lv.remove()
++            vg.close()
++        return ret
+diff --git a/yum/history.py b/yum/history.py
+index 5385bd1..6f60f54 100644
+--- a/yum/history.py
++++ b/yum/history.py
+@@ -97,9 +97,58 @@ def _setupHistorySearchSQL(patterns=None, ignore_case=False):
+     return (need_full, patterns, fields, False)
+ # ---- horrible Copy and paste from sqlitesack ----
++class _YumHistPackageYumDB:
++    """ Class to pretend to be yumdb_info for history packages. """
++    def __init__(self, pkg):
++        self._pkg = pkg
++    _valid_yumdb_keys = set(["command_line",
++                             "from_repo", "from_repo_revision",
++                             "from_repo_timestamp",
++                             "installed_by", "changed_by",
++                             "reason", "releasever"])
++    def __getattr__(self, attr):
++        """ Load yumdb attributes from the history sqlite. """
++        pkg = self._pkg
++        if attr.startswith('_'):
++            raise AttributeError, "%s has no yum attribute %s" % (pkg, attr)
++        if attr not in self._valid_yumdb_keys:
++            raise AttributeError, "%s has no yum attribute %s" % (pkg, attr)
++        val = pkg._history._load_yumdb_key(pkg, attr)
++        if False and val is None:
++            raise AttributeError, "%s has no yum attribute %s" % (pkg, attr)
++        if val is None:
++            return None
++        val = str(val) or ""
++        setattr(self, attr, val)
++        return val
++    def __contains__(self, attr):
++        #  This is faster than __iter__ and it makes things fail in a much more
++        # obvious way in weird FS corruption cases like: BZ 593436
++        x = self.get(attr)
++        return x is not None
++    def get(self, attr, default=None):
++        """retrieve an add'l data obj"""
++        try:
++            res = getattr(self, attr)
++        except AttributeError:
++            return default
++        return res
+ class YumHistoryPackage(PackageObject):
+-    def __init__(self, name, arch, epoch, version, release, checksum=None):
++    def __init__(self, name, arch, epoch, version, release, checksum=None,
++                 history=None):
+         self.name    = name
+         self.version = version
+         self.release = release
+@@ -111,21 +160,69 @@ class YumHistoryPackage(PackageObject):
+             self._checksums = [] # (type, checksum, id(0,1)
+         else:
+             chk = checksum.split(':')
+-            self._checksums = [(chk[0], chk[1], 0)] # (type, checksum, id(0,1))
++            self._checksums = [(chk[0], chk[1], 1)] # (type, checksum, id(0,1))
+         # Needed for equality comparisons in PackageObject
+         self.repoid = "<history>"
++        self._history = history
++        self.yumdb_info = _YumHistPackageYumDB(self)
++    _valid_rpmdb_keys = set(["buildtime", "buildhost",
++                             "license", "packager",
++                             "size", "sourcerpm", "url", "vendor",
++                             # ?
++                             "committer", "committime"])
++    def __getattr__(self, attr):
++        """ Load rpmdb attributes from the history sqlite. """
++        if attr.startswith('_'):
++            raise AttributeError, "%s has no attribute %s" % (self, attr)
++        if attr not in self._valid_rpmdb_keys:
++            raise AttributeError, "%s has no attribute %s" % (self, attr)
++        val = self._history._load_rpmdb_key(self, attr)
++        if False and val is None:
++            raise AttributeError, "%s has no attribute %s" % (self, attr)
++        if val is None:
++            return None
++        val = str(val) or ""
++        setattr(self, attr, val)
++        return val
++    def _ui_from_repo(self):
++        """ This reports the repo the package is from, we integrate YUMDB info.
++            for RPM packages so a package from "fedora" that is installed has a
++            ui_from_repo of "@fedora". Note that, esp. with the --releasever
++            option, "fedora" or "rawhide" isn't authoritative.
++            So we also check against the current releasever and if it is
++            different we also print the YUMDB releasever. This means that
++            installing from F12 fedora, while running F12, would report as
++            "@fedora/13". """
++        if 'from_repo' in self.yumdb_info:
++            self._history.releasever
++            end = ''
++            if (self._history.releasever is not None and
++                'releasever' in self.yumdb_info and
++                self.yumdb_info.releasever != self._history.releasever):
++                end = '/' + self.yumdb_info.releasever
++            return '@' + self.yumdb_info.from_repo + end
++        return self.repoid
++    ui_from_repo = property(fget=lambda self: self._ui_from_repo())
+ class YumHistoryPackageState(YumHistoryPackage):
+-    def __init__(self, name,arch, epoch,version,release, state, checksum=None):
++    def __init__(self, name,arch, epoch,version,release, state, checksum=None,
++                 history=None):
+         YumHistoryPackage.__init__(self, name,arch, epoch,version,release,
+-                                   checksum)
++                                   checksum, history)
+         self.done  = None
+         self.state = state
+-        self.repoid = '<history>'
+-class YumHistoryRpmdbProblem(PackageObject):
++class YumHistoryRpmdbProblem:
+     """ Class representing an rpmdb problem that existed at the time of the
+         transaction. """
+@@ -328,7 +425,8 @@ class YumMergedHistoryTransaction(YumHistoryTransaction):
+     @staticmethod
+     def _conv_pkg_state(pkg, state):
+         npkg = YumHistoryPackageState(pkg.name, pkg.arch,
+-                                      pkg.epoch,pkg.version,pkg.release, state)
++                                      pkg.epoch,pkg.version,pkg.release, state,
++                                      history=pkg._history)
+         npkg._checksums = pkg._checksums
+         npkg.done = pkg.done
+         if _sttxt2stcode[npkg.state] in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
+@@ -557,7 +655,7 @@ class YumMergedHistoryTransaction(YumHistoryTransaction):
+ class YumHistory:
+     """ API for accessing the history sqlite data. """
+-    def __init__(self, root='/', db_path=_history_dir):
++    def __init__(self, root='/', db_path=_history_dir, releasever=None):
+         self._conn = None
+         self.conf = yum.misc.GenericHolder()
+@@ -568,6 +666,8 @@ class YumHistory:
+         self.conf.writable = False
+         self.conf.readable = True
++        self.releasever = releasever
+         if not os.path.exists(self.conf.db_path):
+             try:
+                 os.makedirs(self.conf.db_path)
+@@ -638,13 +738,15 @@ class YumHistory:
+         return self._conn.cursor()
+     def _commit(self):
+         return self._conn.commit()
++    def _rollback(self):
++        return self._conn.rollback()
+     def close(self):
+         if self._conn is not None:
+             self._conn.close()
+             self._conn = None
+-    def _pkgtup2pid(self, pkgtup, checksum=None):
++    def _pkgtup2pid(self, pkgtup, checksum=None, create=True):
+         cur = self._get_cursor()
+         executeSQL(cur, """SELECT pkgtupid, checksum FROM pkgtups
+                            WHERE name=? AND arch=? AND
+@@ -659,6 +761,9 @@ class YumHistory:
+             if checksum == sql_checksum:
+                 return sql_pkgtupid
++        if not create:
++            return None
+         (n,a,e,v,r) = pkgtup
+         (n,a,e,v,r) = (to_unicode(n),to_unicode(a),
+                        to_unicode(e),to_unicode(v),to_unicode(r))
+@@ -674,23 +779,28 @@ class YumHistory:
+                                 (name, arch, epoch, version, release)
+                                 VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""", (n,a,e,v,r))
+         return cur.lastrowid
+-    def _apkg2pid(self, po):
++    def _apkg2pid(self, po, create=True):
+         csum = po.returnIdSum()
+         if csum is not None:
+             csum = "%s:%s" % (str(csum[0]), str(csum[1]))
+-        return self._pkgtup2pid(po.pkgtup, csum)
+-    def _ipkg2pid(self, po):
++        return self._pkgtup2pid(po.pkgtup, csum, create)
++    def _ipkg2pid(self, po, create=True):
+         csum = None
+         yumdb = po.yumdb_info
+         if 'checksum_type' in yumdb and 'checksum_data' in yumdb:
+             csum = "%s:%s" % (yumdb.checksum_type, yumdb.checksum_data)
+-        return self._pkgtup2pid(po.pkgtup, csum)
+-    def pkg2pid(self, po):
++        return self._pkgtup2pid(po.pkgtup, csum, create)
++    def _hpkg2pid(self, po, create=False):
++        return self._apkg2pid(po, create)
++    def pkg2pid(self, po, create=True):
+         if isinstance(po, YumInstalledPackage):
+-            return self._ipkg2pid(po)
++            return self._ipkg2pid(po, create)
+         if isinstance(po, YumAvailablePackage):
+-            return self._apkg2pid(po)
+-        return self._pkgtup2pid(po.pkgtup, None)
++            return self._apkg2pid(po, create)
++        if isinstance(po, YumHistoryPackage):
++            return self._hpkg2pid(po, create)
++        return self._pkgtup2pid(po.pkgtup, None, create)
+     @staticmethod
+     def txmbr2state(txmbr):
+@@ -984,7 +1094,8 @@ class YumHistory:
+                       ORDER BY name ASC, epoch ASC""", (tid,))
+         ret = []
+         for row in cur:
+-            obj = YumHistoryPackage(row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3],row[4], row[5])
++            obj = YumHistoryPackage(row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3],row[4], row[5],
++                                    history=self)
+             ret.append(obj)
+         return ret
+     def _old_data_pkgs(self, tid):
+@@ -998,7 +1109,7 @@ class YumHistory:
+         ret = []
+         for row in cur:
+             obj = YumHistoryPackageState(row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3],row[4],
+-                                         row[7], row[5])
++                                         row[7], row[5], history=self)
+             obj.done     = row[6] == 'TRUE'
+             obj.state_installed = None
+             if _sttxt2stcode[obj.state] in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
+@@ -1018,7 +1129,8 @@ class YumHistory:
+                       ORDER BY name ASC, epoch ASC""", (tid,))
+         ret = []
+         for row in cur:
+-            obj = YumHistoryPackage(row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3],row[4], row[5])
++            obj = YumHistoryPackage(row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3],row[4], row[5],
++                                    history=self)
+             ret.append(obj)
+         return ret
+     def _old_prob_pkgs(self, rpid):
+@@ -1032,7 +1144,8 @@ class YumHistory:
+                       ORDER BY name ASC, epoch ASC""", (rpid,))
+         ret = []
+         for row in cur:
+-            obj = YumHistoryPackage(row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3],row[4], row[5])
++            obj = YumHistoryPackage(row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3],row[4], row[5],
++                                    history=self)
+             obj.main = row[6] == 'TRUE'
+             ret.append(obj)
+         return ret
+@@ -1091,7 +1204,11 @@ class YumHistory:
+         if tids and len(tids) <= yum.constants.PATTERNS_INDEXED_MAX:
+             params = tids = list(set(tids))
+             sql += " WHERE tid IN (%s)" % ", ".join(['?'] * len(tids))
+-        sql += " ORDER BY beg_ts DESC, tid ASC"
++        #  This relies on the fact that the PRIMARY KEY in sqlite will always
++        # increase with each transaction. In theory we can use:
++        # ORDER BY beg_ts DESC ... except sometimes people do installs with a
++        # system clock that is very broken, and using that screws them forever.
++        sql += " ORDER BY tid DESC"
+         if limit is not None:
+             sql += " LIMIT " + str(limit)
+         executeSQL(cur, sql, params)
+@@ -1151,6 +1268,127 @@ class YumHistory:
+         assert len(ret) == 1
+         return ret[0]
++    def _load_anydb_key(self, pkg, db, attr):
++        cur = self._get_cursor()
++        if cur is None or not self._update_db_file_3():
++            return None
++        pid = self.pkg2pid(pkg, create=False)
++        if pid is None:
++            return None
++        sql = """SELECT %(db)sdb_val FROM pkg_%(db)sdb
++                  WHERE pkgtupid=? and %(db)sdb_key=? """ % {'db' : db}
++        executeSQL(cur, sql, (pid, attr))
++        for row in cur:
++            return row[0]
++        return None
++    def _load_rpmdb_key(self, pkg, attr):
++        return self._load_anydb_key(pkg, "rpm", attr)
++    def _load_yumdb_key(self, pkg, attr):
++        return self._load_anydb_key(pkg, "yum", attr)
++    def _save_anydb_key(self, pkg, db, attr, val):
++        cur = self._get_cursor()
++        if cur is None or not self._update_db_file_3():
++            return None
++        pid = self.pkg2pid(pkg, create=False)
++        if pid is None:
++            return None
++        sql = """INSERT INTO pkg_%(db)sdb (pkgtupid, %(db)sdb_key, %(db)sdb_val)
++                        VALUES (?, ?, ?)""" % {'db' : db}
++        executeSQL(cur, sql, (pid, attr, to_unicode(val)))
++        return cur.lastrowid
++    def _save_rpmdb_key(self, pkg, attr, val):
++        return self._save_anydb_key(pkg, "rpm", attr, val)
++    def _save_yumdb_key(self, pkg, attr, val):
++        return self._save_anydb_key(pkg, "yum", attr, val)
++    def _save_rpmdb(self, ipkg):
++        """ Save all the data for rpmdb for this installed pkg, assumes
++            there is no data currently. """
++        for attr in YumHistoryPackage._valid_rpmdb_keys:
++            val = getattr(ipkg, attr, None)
++            if val is None:
++                continue
++            if not self._save_anydb_key(ipkg, "rpm", attr, val):
++                return False
++        return True
++    def _save_yumdb(self, ipkg):
++        """ Save all the data for yumdb for this installed pkg, assumes
++            there is no data currently. """
++        for attr in _YumHistPackageYumDB._valid_yumdb_keys:
++            val = ipkg.yumdb_info.get(attr)
++            if val is None:
++                continue
++            if not self._save_anydb_key(ipkg, "yum", attr, val):
++                return False
++        return True
++    def _wipe_anydb(self, pkg, db):
++        """ Delete all the data for rpmdb/yumdb for this installed pkg. """
++        cur = self._get_cursor()
++        if cur is None or not self._update_db_file_3():
++            return False
++        pid = self.pkg2pid(pkg, create=False)
++        if pid is None:
++            return False
++        sql = """DELETE FROM pkg_%(db)sdb WHERE pkgtupid=?""" % {'db' : db}
++        executeSQL(cur, sql, (pid,))
++        return True
++    def sync_alldb(self, ipkg):
++        """ Sync. all the data for rpmdb/yumdb for this installed pkg. """
++        if not self._wipe_anydb(ipkg, "rpm"):
++            return False
++        if not (self._wipe_anydb(ipkg, "yum") and
++                self._save_rpmdb(ipkg) and
++                self._save_yumdb(ipkg)):
++            self._rollback()
++            return False
++        self._commit()
++        return True
++    def _pkg_stats(self):
++        """ Some stats about packages in the DB. """
++        ret = {'nevrac' : 0,
++               'nevra'  : 0,
++               'nevr'   : 0,
++               'na'     : 0,
++               'rpmdb'  : 0,
++               'yumdb'  : 0,
++               }
++        cur = self._get_cursor()
++        if cur is None or not self._update_db_file_3():
++            return False
++        data = (('nevrac', "COUNT(*)",                      "pkgtups"),
++                ('na',     "COUNT(DISTINCT(name || arch))", "pkgtups"),
++                ('nevra',"COUNT(DISTINCT(name||version||epoch||release||arch))",
++                 "pkgtups"),
++                ('nevr',   "COUNT(DISTINCT(name||version||epoch||release))",
++                 "pkgtups"),
++                ('rpmdb',  "COUNT(DISTINCT(pkgtupid))", "pkg_rpmdb"),
++                ('yumdb',  "COUNT(DISTINCT(pkgtupid))", "pkg_yumdb"))
++        for key, bsql, esql in data:
++            executeSQL(cur, "SELECT %s FROM %s" % (bsql, esql))
++            for row in cur:
++                ret[key] = row[0]
++        return ret
+     def _yieldSQLDataList(self, patterns, fields, ignore_case):
+         """Yields all the package data for the given params. """
+@@ -1220,6 +1458,48 @@ class YumHistory:
+             tids.add(row[0])
+         return tids
++    _update_ops_3 = ['''\
++ CREATE TABLE pkg_rpmdb (
++     pkgtupid INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES pkgtups,
++     rpmdb_key TEXT NOT NULL,
++     rpmdb_val TEXT NOT NULL);
++''', '''\
++ CREATE INDEX i_pkgkey_rpmdb ON pkg_rpmdb (pkgtupid, rpmdb_key);
++''', '''\
++ CREATE TABLE pkg_yumdb (
++     pkgtupid INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES pkgtups,
++     yumdb_key TEXT NOT NULL,
++     yumdb_val TEXT NOT NULL);
++''', '''\
++ CREATE INDEX i_pkgkey_yumdb ON pkg_yumdb (pkgtupid, yumdb_key);
++# pylint: disable-msg=E0203
++    def _update_db_file_3(self):
++        """ Update to version 3 of history, rpmdb/yumdb data. """
++        if not self._update_db_file_2():
++            return False
++        if hasattr(self, '_cached_updated_3'):
++            return self._cached_updated_3
++        cur = self._get_cursor()
++        if cur is None:
++            return False
++        executeSQL(cur, "PRAGMA table_info(pkg_yumdb)")
++        #  If we get anything, we're fine. There might be a better way of
++        # saying "anything" but this works.
++        for ob in cur:
++            break
++        else:
++            for op in self._update_ops_3:
++                cur.execute(op)
++            self._commit()
++        self._cached_updated_3 = True
++        return True
+     _update_ops_2 = ['''\
+ \
+  CREATE TABLE trans_skip_pkgs (
+@@ -1307,6 +1587,8 @@ class YumHistory:
+         self._cached_updated_2 = True
+         return True
++# pylint: enable-msg=E0203
+     def _create_db_file(self):
+         """ Create a new history DB file, populating tables etc. """
+@@ -1374,6 +1656,8 @@ class YumHistory:
+             cur.execute(op)
+         for op in self._update_ops_2:
+             cur.execute(op)
++        for op in self._update_ops_3:
++            cur.execute(op)
+         self._commit()
+ # Pasted from sqlitesack
+diff --git a/yum/i18n.py b/yum/i18n.py
+index 9889bf6..76a258d 100755
+--- a/yum/i18n.py
++++ b/yum/i18n.py
+@@ -462,6 +462,34 @@ def str_eq(a, b):
+     return False
++def exception2msg(e):
++    """Convert an exception to a message.  This function will convert
++    the exception using to_unicode, unicode, or str, whichever works correctly.
++    :param e: an exception
++    :return: a string representation of the exception
++    """
++    # DIE python DIE! Which one works:
++    # to_unicode(e.value); unicode(e); str(e); 
++    # Call this so you don't have to care.
++    try:
++        return to_unicode(e.value)
++    except:
++        pass
++    try:
++        return unicode(e)
++    except:
++        pass
++    try:
++        return to_unicode(str(e))
++    except:
++        pass
++    return "<exception failed to convert to text>"
+ try: 
+     '''
+     Setup the yum translation domain and make _() and P_() translation wrappers
+diff --git a/yum/igroups.py b/yum/igroups.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..73fbc2b
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/yum/igroups.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
++#! /usr/bin/python -tt
++# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
++# Copyright 2010, 2012 Red Hat
++# James Antill <james@fedoraproject.org>
++import os
++import fnmatch
++import re
++def _open_no_umask(*args):
++    """ Annoying people like to set umask's for root, which screws everything
++        up for user readable stuff. """
++    oumask = os.umask(022)
++    try:
++        ret = open(*args)
++    finally:
++        os.umask(oumask)
++    return ret
++def _makedirs_no_umask(*args):
++    """ Annoying people like to set umask's for root, which screws everything
++        up for user readable stuff. """
++    oumask = os.umask(022)
++    try:
++        ret = os.makedirs(*args)
++    finally:
++        os.umask(oumask)
++    return ret
++class InstalledGroup(object):
++    def __init__(self, gid):
++        self.gid       = gid
++        self.pkg_names = set()
++        self.environment = None
++    def __cmp__(self, other):
++        if other is None:
++            return 1
++        return cmp(self.gid, other.gid)
++    def _additions(self, pkg_names):
++        pkg_names = set(pkg_names)
++        return sorted(pkg_names.difference(self.pkg_names))
++    def _removals(self, pkg_names):
++        pkg_names = set(pkg_names)
++        return sorted(pkg_names.difference(self.pkg_names))
++    groupid = property(fget=lambda self: self.gid,
++                      fset=lambda self, value: setattr(self, "gid", value),
++                      fdel=lambda self: setattr(self, "gid", None),
++                      doc="Compat. to treat comps groups/igroups the same")
++class InstalledEnvironment(object):
++    def __init__(self, evgid):
++        self.evgid     = evgid
++        self.grp_names = set()
++    def __cmp__(self, other):
++        if other is None:
++            return 1
++        return cmp(self.evgid, other.evgid)
++    def _additions(self, grp_names):
++        grp_names = set(grp_names)
++        return sorted(grp_names.difference(self.grp_names))
++    def _removals(self, grp_names):
++        grp_names = set(grp_names)
++        return sorted(grp_names.difference(self.grp_names))
++    environmentid = property(fget=lambda self: self.evgid,
++                      fset=lambda self, value: setattr(self, "evgid", value),
++                      fdel=lambda self: setattr(self, "evgid", None),
++                      doc="Compat. to treat comps groups/igroups the same")
++class InstalledGroups(object):
++    def __init__(self, db_path):
++        self.groups   = {}
++        self.changed  = False
++        self.environments = {}
++        self._read_pkg_grps(db_path)
++        self._read_grp_grps(db_path)
++    def _read_pkg_grps(self, db_path):
++        self.filename = db_path + "/installed"
++        if not os.access(self.filename, os.R_OK):
++            return
++        def _read_str(fo):
++            return fo.readline()[:-1]
++        fo = open(self.filename)
++        ver = int(_read_str(fo))
++        if ver != 1:
++            return
++        groups_num = int(_read_str(fo))
++        while groups_num > 0:
++            groups_num -= 1
++            grp = InstalledGroup(_read_str(fo))
++            self.groups[grp.gid] = grp
++            num = int(_read_str(fo))
++            while num > 0:
++                num -= 1
++                grp.pkg_names.add(_read_str(fo))
++    def _read_grp_grps(self, db_path):
++        self.grp_filename = db_path + "/environment"
++        if not os.access(self.grp_filename, os.R_OK):
++            return
++        def _read_str(fo):
++            return fo.readline()[:-1]
++        fo = open(self.grp_filename)
++        ver = int(_read_str(fo))
++        if ver != 1:
++            return
++        groups_num = int(_read_str(fo))
++        while groups_num > 0:
++            groups_num -= 1
++            evgrp = InstalledEnvironment(_read_str(fo))
++            self.environments[evgrp.evgid] = evgrp
++            num = int(_read_str(fo))
++            while num > 0:
++                num -= 1
++                grpname = _read_str(fo)
++                memb = _read_str(fo)
++                evgrp.grp_names.add(grpname)
++                assert memb in ('true', 'false')
++                if memb == 'true':
++                    assert grpname in self.groups
++                    if grpname in self.groups:
++                        self.groups[grpname].environment = evgrp.evgid
++    def close(self):
++        pass
++    def save(self, force=False):
++        if not force and not self.changed:
++            return False
++        db_path = os.path.dirname(self.filename)
++        if not os.path.exists(db_path):
++            try:
++                _makedirs_no_umask(db_path)
++            except (IOError, OSError), e:
++                # some sort of useful thing here? A warning?
++                return False
++        if not os.access(db_path, os.W_OK):
++            return False
++        self._write_pkg_grps()
++        self._write_grp_grps()
++        self.changed = False
++    def _write_pkg_grps(self):
++        fo = _open_no_umask(self.filename + '.tmp', 'w')
++        fo.write("1\n") # version
++        fo.write("%u\n" % len(self.groups))
++        for grp in sorted(self.groups.values()):
++            fo.write("%s\n" % grp.gid)
++            fo.write("%u\n" % len(grp.pkg_names))
++            for pkgname in sorted(grp.pkg_names):
++                fo.write("%s\n" % pkgname)
++        fo.close()
++        os.rename(self.filename + '.tmp', self.filename)
++    def _write_grp_grps(self):
++        fo = _open_no_umask(self.grp_filename + '.tmp', 'w')
++        fo.write("1\n") # version
++        fo.write("%u\n" % len(self.environments))
++        for evgrp in sorted(self.environments.values()):
++            fo.write("%s\n" % evgrp.evgid)
++            fo.write("%u\n" % len(evgrp.grp_names))
++            for grpname in sorted(evgrp.grp_names):
++                fo.write("%s\n" % grpname)
++                if (grpname in self.groups and
++                    self.groups[grpname].environment == evgrp.evgid):
++                    fo.write("%s\n" % "true")
++                else:
++                    fo.write("%s\n" % "false")
++        fo.close()
++        os.rename(self.grp_filename + '.tmp', self.grp_filename)
++    def add_group(self, groupid, pkg_names, ievgrp=None):
++        self.changed = True
++        if groupid not in self.groups:
++            self.groups[groupid] = InstalledGroup(groupid)
++        grp = self.groups[groupid]
++        for pkg_name in pkg_names:
++            grp.pkg_names.add(pkg_name)
++        if ievgrp is not None:
++            grp.environment = ievgrp.evgid
++            ievgrp.grp_names.add(groupid)
++        return grp
++    def del_group(self, groupid):
++        self.changed = True
++        if groupid in self.groups:
++            del self.groups[groupid]
++    def return_groups(self, group_pattern, case_sensitive=False):
++        returns = {}
++        if not group_pattern:
++            return []
++        for item in group_pattern.split(','):
++            item = item.strip()
++            if item in self.groups:
++                thisgroup = self.groups[item]
++                returns[thisgroup.gid] = thisgroup
++                continue
++            if case_sensitive:
++                match = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(item)).match
++            else:
++                match = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(item), flags=re.I).match
++            done = False
++            for group in self.groups.values():
++                if match(group.gid):
++                    done = True
++                    returns[group.gid] = group
++                    break
++        return returns.values()
++    def add_environment(self, evgroupid, grp_names):
++        self.changed = True
++        if evgroupid not in self.environments:
++            self.environments[evgroupid] = InstalledEnvironment(evgroupid)
++        grp = self.environments[evgroupid]
++        for grp_name in grp_names:
++            grp.grp_names.add(grp_name)
++        return grp
++    def del_environment(self, evgroupid):
++        self.changed = True
++        if evgroupid in self.environments:
++            del self.environments[evgroupid]
++    def return_environments(self, evgroup_pattern, case_sensitive=False):
++        returns = {}
++        if not evgroup_pattern:
++            return []
++        for item in evgroup_pattern.split(','):
++            item = item.strip()
++            if item in self.environments:
++                thisgroup = self.environments[item]
++                returns[thisgroup.evgid] = thisgroup
++                continue
++            if case_sensitive:
++                match = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(item)).match
++            else:
++                match = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(item), flags=re.I).match
++            done = False
++            for group in self.environments.values():
++                if match(group.evgid):
++                    done = True
++                    returns[group.evgid] = group
++                    break
++        return returns.values()
+diff --git a/yum/logginglevels.py b/yum/logginglevels.py
+index 14c5e73..f441eb9 100644
+--- a/yum/logginglevels.py
++++ b/yum/logginglevels.py
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ logging.addLevelName(DEBUG_3, "DEBUG_3")
+ logging.addLevelName(DEBUG_4, "DEBUG_4")
+ # High level to effectively turn off logging.
+-# For compatability with the old logging system.
++# For compatibility with the old logging system.
+ __NO_LOGGING = 100
+ logging.raiseExceptions = False
+@@ -87,7 +87,9 @@ def logLevelFromErrorLevel(error_level):
+ def logLevelFromDebugLevel(debug_level):
+     """ Convert an old-style debug logging level to the new style. """
+-    debug_table = {-1 : __NO_LOGGING, 0 : logging.INFO, 1 : INFO_1, 2 : INFO_2,
++    debug_table = {-5 : __NO_LOGGING,
++        -4 : logging.CRITICAL, -3 : logging.ERROR, -2 : logging.WARNING,
++        -1 : __NO_LOGGING, 0 : logging.INFO, 1 : INFO_1, 2 : INFO_2,
+         3 : logging.DEBUG, 4 : DEBUG_1, 5 : DEBUG_2, 6 : DEBUG_3, 7 : DEBUG_4}
+     return __convertLevel(debug_level, debug_table)
+@@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ def __convertLevel(level, table):
+     try:
+         new_level = table[level]
+     except KeyError:
+-        keys = table.keys()
++        keys = sorted(table.keys())
+         # We didn't find the level in the table, check if it's smaller
+         # than the smallest level
+         if level < keys[0]:
+diff --git a/yum/metalink.py b/yum/metalink.py
+index aaa4f25..a2c5135 100755
+--- a/yum/metalink.py
++++ b/yum/metalink.py
+@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ class MetaLinkRepoMD:
+         self.repomd = None
+         self.old_repomds = []
+         self.mirrors = []
++        self._host2mc = {}
+         if not os.path.exists(filename):
+             raise MetaLinkRepoErrorParseFail, "File %s does not exist" %filename
+         try:
+@@ -206,7 +207,7 @@ class MetaLinkRepoMD:
+                 self.old_repomds.append(MetaLinkFile(celem))
+             for celem in elem.findall(__ML_RESOURCES__):
+-                max_connections = int(celem.get("maxconnections"))
++                max_connections = int(celem.get("maxconnections") or 2)
+                 for uelem in celem:
+                     if uelem.tag == "{%s}url"  % __XML_NS_ML__:
+                         self.mirrors.append(MetaLinkURL(uelem, max_connections))
+@@ -225,8 +226,6 @@ class MetaLinkRepoMD:
+         # Get the hostname from a url, stripping away any usernames/passwords
+         # Borrowd from fastestmirror
+         url2host = lambda url: url.split('/')[2].split('@')[-1]
+-        hosts = set() # Don't want multiple urls for one host in plain mode
+-                      # The list of URLs is sorted, so http is before ftp
+         for mirror in self.mirrors:
+             url = mirror.url
+@@ -237,9 +236,9 @@ class MetaLinkRepoMD:
+             elif (url.startswith("http:") or url.startswith("ftp:") or
+                   url.startswith("https:")):
+                 host = url2host(url)
+-                if host in hosts:
++                if host in self._host2mc:
+                     continue
+-                hosts.add(host)
++                self._host2mc[host] = mirror
+             else:
+                 continue
+diff --git a/yum/misc.py b/yum/misc.py
+index 2f6ddfe..b817cc0 100644
+--- a/yum/misc.py
++++ b/yum/misc.py
+@@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ Assorted utility functions for yum.
+ import types
+ import os
++import sys
+ import os.path
+ from cStringIO import StringIO
+ import base64
++import binascii
+ import struct
+ import re
+ import errno
+@@ -21,6 +23,7 @@ import fnmatch
+ import bz2
+ import gzip
+ import shutil
++import urllib
+ _available_compression = ['gz', 'bz2']
+ try:
+     import lzma
+@@ -38,13 +41,11 @@ except ImportError:
+ try:
+     import hashlib
+     _available_checksums = set(['md5', 'sha1', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512'])
+-    _default_checksums = ['sha256']
+ except ImportError:
+     # Python-2.4.z ... gah!
+     import sha
+     import md5
+     _available_checksums = set(['md5', 'sha1'])
+-    _default_checksums = ['sha1']
+     class hashlib:
+         @staticmethod
+@@ -55,6 +56,20 @@ except ImportError:
+                 return sha.new()
+             raise ValueError, "Bad checksum type"
++# some checksum types might be disabled
++for ctype in list(_available_checksums):
++    try:
++        hashlib.new(ctype)
++    except:
++        print >> sys.stderr, 'Checksum type %s disabled' % repr(ctype)
++        _available_checksums.remove(ctype)
++for ctype in 'sha256', 'sha1':
++    if ctype in _available_checksums:
++        _default_checksums = [ctype]
++        break
++    raise ImportError, 'broken hashlib'
+ from Errors import MiscError
+ # These are API things, so we can't remove them even if they aren't used here.
+ # pylint: disable-msg=W0611
+@@ -95,6 +110,19 @@ def re_glob(s):
+         _re_compiled_glob_match = re.compile('[*?]|\[.+\]').search
+     return _re_compiled_glob_match(s)
++def compile_pattern(pat, ignore_case=False):
++    """ Compile shell wildcards, return a 'match' function. """
++    if re_glob(pat):
++        try:
++            flags = ignore_case and re.I or 0
++            return re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pat), flags).match
++        except re.error:
++            pass # fall back to exact match
++    if ignore_case:
++        pat = pat.lower()
++        return lambda s: s.lower() == pat
++    return lambda s: s == pat
+ _re_compiled_filename_match = None
+ def re_filename(s):
+     """ Tests if a string could be a filename. We still get negated character
+@@ -410,6 +438,17 @@ def procgpgkey(rawkey):
+     # Decode and return
+     return base64.decodestring(block.getvalue())
++def gpgkey_fingerprint_ascii(info, chop=4):
++    ''' Given a key_info data from getgpgkeyinfo(), return an ascii
++    fingerprint. Chop every 4 ascii values, as that is what GPG does. '''
++    # First "duh" ... it's a method...
++    fp = info['fingerprint']()
++    fp = binascii.hexlify(fp)
++    if chop:
++        fp = [fp[i:i+chop] for i in range(0, len(fp), chop)]
++        fp = " ".join(fp)
++    return fp
+ def getgpgkeyinfo(rawkey, multiple=False):
+     '''Return a dict of info for the given ASCII armoured key text
+@@ -611,6 +650,8 @@ def getCacheDir(tmpdir='/var/tmp', reuse=True, prefix='yum-'):
+     try:
+         usertup = pwd.getpwuid(uid)
+         username = usertup[0]
++        # we prefer ascii-only paths
++        username = urllib.quote(username)
+     except KeyError:
+         return None # if it returns None then, well, it's bollocksed
+@@ -744,8 +785,9 @@ def _decompress_chunked(source, dest, ztype):
+     while True:
+         try:
+             data = s_fn.read(1024000)
+-        except IOError:
+-            break
++        except (OSError, IOError, EOFError), e:
++            msg = "Error reading from file %s: %s" % (source, str(e))
++            raise Errors.MiscError, msg
+         if not data: break
+@@ -868,67 +910,39 @@ def seq_max_split(seq, max_entries):
+     ret.append(seq[beg:])
+     return ret
+-def _ugly_utf8_string_hack(item):
+-    """hands back a unicoded string"""
+-    # this is backward compat for handling non-utf8 filenames 
+-    # and content inside packages. :(
+-    # content that xml can cope with but isn't really kosher
++_deletechars = ''.join(chr(i) for i in range(32) if i not in (9, 10, 13))
+-    # if we're anything obvious - do them first
+-    if item is None:
+-        return ''
+-    elif isinstance(item, unicode):    
+-        return item
+-    # this handles any bogon formats we see
+-    du = False
+-    try:
+-        x = unicode(item, 'ascii')
+-        du = True
+-    except UnicodeError:
+-        encodings = ['utf-8', 'iso-8859-1', 'iso-8859-15', 'iso-8859-2']
+-        for enc in encodings:
+-            try:
+-                x = unicode(item, enc)
+-            except UnicodeError:
+-                pass
+-            else:
+-                if x.encode(enc) == item:
+-                    if enc != 'utf-8':
+-                        print '\n%s encoding on %s\n' % (enc, item)
+-                    return x.encode('utf-8')
+-    # Kill bytes (or libxml will die) not in the small byte portion of:
+-    #  http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#NT-Char
+-    # we allow high bytes, if it passed the utf8 check above. Eg.
+-    # good chars = #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-...]
+-    newitem = ''
+-    bad_small_bytes = range(0, 8) + [11, 12] + range(14, 32)
+-    for char in item:
+-        if ord(char) in bad_small_bytes:
+-            pass # Just ignore these bytes...
+-        elif not du and ord(char) > 127:
+-            newitem = newitem + '?' # byte by byte equiv of escape
+-        else:
+-            newitem = newitem + char
+-    return newitem
+-__cached_saxutils = None
+ def to_xml(item, attrib=False):
+-    global __cached_saxutils
+-    if __cached_saxutils is None:
+-        import xml.sax.saxutils
+-        __cached_saxutils = xml.sax.saxutils
++    """ Returns xml-friendly utf-8 encoded string.
++        Accepts utf-8, iso-8859-1, or unicode.
++    """
++    if type(item) is str:
++        # check if valid utf8
++        try: unicode(item, 'utf-8')
++        except UnicodeDecodeError:
++            # assume iso-8859-1
++            item = unicode(item, 'iso-8859-1').encode('utf-8')
++    elif type(item) is unicode:
++        item = item.encode('utf-8')
++    elif item is None:
++        return ''
++    else:
++        raise ValueError, 'String expected, got %s' % repr(item)
+-    item = _ugly_utf8_string_hack(item)
+-    item = to_utf8(item)
++    # compat cruft...
+     item = item.rstrip()
++    # kill ivalid low bytes
++    item = item.translate(None, _deletechars)
++    # quote reserved XML characters
++    item = item.replace('&', '&amp;')
++    item = item.replace('<', '&lt;')
++    item = item.replace('>', '&gt;')
+     if attrib:
+-        item = __cached_saxutils.escape(item, entities={'"':"&quot;"})
+-    else:
+-        item = __cached_saxutils.escape(item)
++        item = item.replace('"', '&quot;')
++        item = item.replace("'", '&apos;')
+     return item
+ def unlink_f(filename):
+@@ -937,17 +951,19 @@ def unlink_f(filename):
+     try:
+         os.unlink(filename)
+     except OSError, e:
+-        if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
++        if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.EPERM, errno.EACCES, errno.EROFS):
+             raise
+-def stat_f(filename):
++def stat_f(filename, ignore_EACCES=False):
+     """ Call os.stat(), but don't die if the file isn't there. Returns None. """
+     try:
+         return os.stat(filename)
+     except OSError, e:
+-        if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTDIR):
+-            raise
+-        return None
++        if e.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTDIR):
++            return None
++        if ignore_EACCES and e.errno == errno.EACCES:
++            return None
++        raise
+ def _getloginuid():
+     """ Get the audit-uid/login-uid, if available. None is returned if there
+@@ -976,7 +992,6 @@ def getloginuid():
+ # ---------- i18n ----------
+ import locale
+-import sys
+ def setup_locale(override_codecs=True, override_time=False):
+     # This test needs to be before locale.getpreferredencoding() as that
+     # does setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "")
+@@ -992,9 +1007,17 @@ def setup_locale(override_codecs=True, override_time=False):
+         locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C')
+     if override_codecs:
+-        import codecs
+-        sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter(locale.getpreferredencoding())(sys.stdout)
+-        sys.stdout.errors = 'replace'
++        class UnicodeStream:
++            def __init__(self, stream, encoding):
++                self.stream = stream
++                self.encoding = encoding
++            def write(self, s):
++                if isinstance(s, unicode):
++                    s = s.encode(self.encoding, 'replace')
++                self.stream.write(s)
++            def __getattr__(self, name):
++                return getattr(self.stream, name)
++        sys.stdout = UnicodeStream(sys.stdout, locale.getpreferredencoding())
+ def get_my_lang_code():
+@@ -1105,17 +1128,28 @@ def decompress(filename, dest=None, fn_only=False, check_timestamps=False):
+             out = filename.replace('.xz', '')
+     else:
+-        out = filename # returning the same file since it is not compressed
+-        ztype = None
++        return filename # returning the same file since it is not compressed
+-    if ztype and not fn_only:
+-        if check_timestamps:
+-            fi = stat_f(filename)
+-            fo = stat_f(out)
+-            if fi and fo and fo.st_mtime > fi.st_mtime:
++    if check_timestamps:
++        fi = stat_f(filename)
++        fo = stat_f(out)
++        if fi and fo:
++            # Eliminate sub second precision in mtime before comparison,
++            # see http://bugs.python.org/issue14127
++            if int(fo.st_mtime) == int(fi.st_mtime):
+                 return out
++            if fn_only:
++                # out exists but not valid
++                return None
+-        _decompress_chunked(filename, out, ztype)
++    if not fn_only:
++        try:
++            _decompress_chunked(filename, out, ztype)
++            if check_timestamps and fi:
++                os.utime(out, (fi.st_mtime, fi.st_mtime))
++        except:
++            unlink_f(out)
++            raise
+     return out
+@@ -1123,13 +1157,14 @@ def repo_gen_decompress(filename, generated_name, cached=False):
+     """ This is a wrapper around decompress, where we work out a cached
+         generated name, and use check_timestamps. filename _must_ be from
+         a repo. and generated_name is the type of the file. """
+-    dest = os.path.dirname(filename)
+-    dest += '/gen'
+-    if not os.path.exists(dest):
+-        os.makedirs(dest, mode=0755)
+-    dest += '/' + generated_name
+-    return decompress(filename, dest=dest, check_timestamps=True,fn_only=cached)
++    dest = os.path.dirname(filename) + '/gen/' + generated_name
++    try:
++        return decompress(filename, dest=dest, check_timestamps=True)
++    except (OSError, IOError), e:
++        if cached and e.errno == errno.EACCES:
++            return None
++        raise
+ def read_in_items_from_dot_dir(thisglob, line_as_list=True):
+     """takes a glob of a dir (like /etc/foo.d/*.foo)
+        returns a list of all the lines in all the files matching
+@@ -1175,3 +1210,22 @@ def cElementTree_xmlparse(filename):
+     """ Lazily load/run: cElementTree.parse """
+     _cElementTree_import()
+     return __cached_cElementTree.parse(filename)
++def filter_pkgs_repoid(pkgs, repoid):
++    """ Given a list of packages, filter them for those "in" the repoid.
++    uses from_repo for installed packages, used by repo-pkgs commands. """
++    if repoid is None:
++        return pkgs
++    ret = []
++    for pkg in pkgs:
++        if pkg.repoid == 'installed':
++            if 'from_repo' not in pkg.yumdb_info:
++                continue
++            if pkg.yumdb_info.from_repo != repoid:
++                continue
++        elif pkg.repoid != repoid:
++            continue
++        ret.append(pkg)
++    return ret
+diff --git a/yum/packageSack.py b/yum/packageSack.py
+index 4af563a..a702ac1 100644
+--- a/yum/packageSack.py
++++ b/yum/packageSack.py
+@@ -282,11 +282,7 @@ class PackageSackBase(object):
+         specs = {}
+         for p in pkgspecs:
+-            if misc.re_glob(p):
+-                restring = fnmatch.translate(p)
+-                specs[p] = re.compile(restring)
+-            else:
+-                specs[p] = p
++            specs[p] = misc.compile_pattern(p)
+         #  We don't use simplePkgList() here because that loads all of the
+         # rpmdb, if we are Eg. doing a "remove PackageKit".
+@@ -304,13 +300,12 @@ class PackageSackBase(object):
+                 ))
+             for (term,query) in specs.items():
+-                if term == query:
+-                    if query in names:
+-                        exactmatch.append(self.searchPkgTuple(pkgtup)[0])
+-                        unmatched.discard(term)
++                if term in names:
++                    exactmatch.append(self.searchPkgTuple(pkgtup)[0])
++                    unmatched.discard(term)
+                 else:
+                     for n in names:
+-                        if query.match(n):
++                        if query(n):
+                             matched.append(self.searchPkgTuple(pkgtup)[0])
+                             unmatched.discard(term)
+         return misc.unique(exactmatch), misc.unique(matched), list(unmatched)
+@@ -445,6 +440,7 @@ class MetaSack(PackageSackBase):
+         nobsdict = {}
+         last_name = ''
+         last_pkg = None
++        last_pkgtup = None
+         #  It takes about 0.2 of a second to convert these into packages, just
+         # so we can sort them, which is ~40% of this functions time. So we sort
+         # the pkgtups "by hand".
+@@ -624,6 +620,8 @@ class MetaSack(PackageSackBase):
+ class PackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+     """represents sets (sacks) of Package Objects"""
+     def __init__(self):
++        PackageSackBase.__init__(self)
+         self.nevra = {} #nevra[(Name, Epoch, Version, Release, Arch)] = []
+         self.obsoletes = {} #obs[obsoletename] = [pkg1, pkg2, pkg3] 
+                  #the package lists are packages that obsolete the key name
+diff --git a/yum/packages.py b/yum/packages.py
+index 5ef9951..cc1f1e3 100644
+--- a/yum/packages.py
++++ b/yum/packages.py
+@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import struct
+ from constants import *
+ from operator import itemgetter
++import urllib
+ import urlparse
+ urlparse.uses_fragment.append("media")
+ from urlgrabber.grabber import URLGrabber, URLGrabError
+@@ -106,14 +107,16 @@ def buildPkgRefDict(pkgs, casematch=True):
+     return pkgdict
+ def parsePackages(pkgs, usercommands, casematch=0,
+-                  unique='repo-epoch-name-version-release-arch'):
++                  unique='repo-epoch-name-version-release-arch',
++                  pkgdict=None):
+     """matches up the user request versus a pkg list:
+        for installs/updates available pkgs should be the 'others list' 
+        for removes it should be the installed list of pkgs
+        takes an optional casematch option to determine if case should be matched
+        exactly. Defaults to not matching."""
+-    pkgdict = buildPkgRefDict(pkgs, bool(casematch))
++    if pkgdict is None:
++        pkgdict = buildPkgRefDict(pkgs, bool(casematch))
+     exactmatch = []
+     matched = []
+     unmatched = []
+@@ -130,11 +133,10 @@ def parsePackages(pkgs, usercommands, casematch=0,
+                 trylist = pkgdict.keys()
+                 # command and pkgdict are already lowered if not casematch
+                 # so case sensitive is always fine
+-                restring = fnmatch.translate(command)
+-                regex = re.compile(restring)
++                regex = misc.compile_pattern(command)
+                 foundit = 0
+                 for item in trylist:
+-                    if regex.match(item):
++                    if regex(item):
+                         matched.extend(pkgdict[item])
+                         del pkgdict[item]
+                         foundit = 1
+@@ -223,6 +225,10 @@ class FakeRepository:
+     def __str__(self):
+         return self.id
++    def _ui_id(self):
++        return self.id
++    ui_id = property(fget=lambda self: self._ui_id())
+ #  Goal for the below is to have a packageobject that can be used by generic
+ # functions independent of the type of package - ie: installed or available
+@@ -243,34 +249,87 @@ class PackageObject(object):
+     def _ui_envra(self):
+         if self.epoch == '0':
+-            out = '%s-%s-%s.%s' % (self.name, 
+-                                   self.version,
+-                                   self.release, 
+-                                   self.arch)
++            return self.nvra
+         else:
+-            out = '%s:%s-%s-%s.%s' % (self.epoch,
+-                                      self.name,  
+-                                      self.version, 
+-                                      self.release, 
+-                                      self.arch)
+-        return out
++            return self.envra
+     ui_envra = property(fget=lambda self: self._ui_envra())
+     def _ui_nevra(self):
+         if self.epoch == '0':
+-            out = '%s-%s-%s.%s' % (self.name,
+-                                   self.version,
+-                                   self.release,
+-                                   self.arch)
++            return self.nvra
+         else:
+-            out = '%s-%s:%s-%s.%s' % (self.name,
+-                                      self.epoch,
+-                                      self.version,
+-                                      self.release,
+-                                      self.arch)
+-        return out
++            return self.nevra
+     ui_nevra = property(fget=lambda self: self._ui_nevra())
++    def _ui_evr(self):
++        if self.epoch == '0':
++            return self.vr
++        else:
++            return self.evr
++    ui_evr = property(fget=lambda self: self._ui_evr())
++    def _ui_evra(self):
++        if self.epoch == '0':
++            return self.vra
++        else:
++            return self.evra
++    ui_evra = property(fget=lambda self: self._ui_evra())
++    def _ui_nevr(self):
++        if self.epoch == '0':
++            return self.nvr
++        else:
++            return self.nevr
++    ui_nevr = property(fget=lambda self: self._ui_nevr())
++    def _na(self):
++        return '%s.%s' % (self.name, self.arch)
++    na = property(fget=lambda self: self._na())
++    def _vr(self):
++        return '%s-%s' % (self.version, self.release)
++    vr = property(fget=lambda self: self._vr())
++    def _vra(self):
++        return '%s-%s.%s' % (self.version, self.release, self.arch)
++    vra = property(fget=lambda self: self._vra())
++    def _evr(self):
++        return '%s:%s-%s' % (self.epoch, self.version, self.release)
++    evr = property(fget=lambda self: self._evr())
++    def _evra(self):
++        return '%s:%s-%s.%s' % (self.epoch,self.version,self.release, self.arch)
++    evra = property(fget=lambda self: self._evra())
++    def _nvr(self):
++        return '%s-%s-%s' % (self.name, self.version, self.release)
++    nvr = property(fget=lambda self: self._nvr())
++    def _nvra(self):
++        return '%s-%s-%s.%s' % (self.name, self.version,self.release, self.arch)
++    nvra = property(fget=lambda self: self._nvra())
++    def _nevr(self):
++        return '%s-%s:%s-%s' % (self.name, self.epoch,self.version,self.release)
++    nevr = property(fget=lambda self: self._nevr())
++    def _nevra(self):
++        return '%s-%s:%s-%s.%s' % (self.name,
++                                   self.epoch, self.version, self.release,
++                                   self.arch)
++    nevra = property(fget=lambda self: self._nevra())
++    def _envr(self):
++        return '%s:%s-%s-%s' % (self.epoch,self.name, self.version,self.release)
++    envr = property(fget=lambda self: self._envr())
++    def _envra(self):
++        return '%s:%s-%s-%s.%s' % (self.epoch, self.name,
++                                   self.version, self.release,
++                                   self.arch)
++    envra = property(fget=lambda self: self._envra())
+     def __str__(self):
+         return self.ui_envra
+@@ -481,15 +540,14 @@ class RpmBase(object):
+             if prcotuple in self._prco_lookup[prcotype]:
+                 return 1
+-        if True: # Keep indentation for patch smallness...
+-            # make us look it up and compare
+-            (reqn, reqf, (reqe, reqv ,reqr)) = prcotuple
+-            if reqf is not None:
+-                return self.inPrcoRange(prcotype, prcotuple)
+-            else:
+-                for (n, f, (e, v, r)) in self.returnPrco(prcotype):
+-                    if i18n.str_eq(reqn, n):
+-                        return 1
++        # make us look it up and compare
++        (reqn, reqf, (reqe, reqv ,reqr)) = prcotuple
++        if reqf is not None:
++            return self.inPrcoRange(prcotype, prcotuple)
++        else:
++            for (n, f, (e, v, r)) in self.returnPrco(prcotype):
++                if i18n.str_eq(reqn, n):
++                    return 1
+         return 0
+@@ -611,15 +669,18 @@ class RpmBase(object):
+     dirlist = property(fget=lambda self: self.returnFileEntries(ftype='dir'))
+     ghostlist = property(fget=lambda self: self.returnFileEntries(ftype='ghost'))
+     requires = property(fget=lambda self: self.returnPrco('requires'))
++    strong_requires = property(fget=lambda self: self.returnPrco('strong_requires'))
+     provides = property(fget=lambda self: self.returnPrco('provides'))
+     obsoletes = property(fget=lambda self: self.returnPrco('obsoletes'))
+     conflicts = property(fget=lambda self: self.returnPrco('conflicts'))
+     provides_names = property(fget=lambda self: self.returnPrcoNames('provides'))
+     requires_names = property(fget=lambda self: self.returnPrcoNames('requires'))
++    strong_requires_names = property(fget=lambda self: self.returnPrcoNames('strong_requires'))
+     conflicts_names = property(fget=lambda self: self.returnPrcoNames('conflicts'))
+     obsoletes_names = property(fget=lambda self: self.returnPrcoNames('obsoletes'))
+     provides_print = property(fget=lambda self: self.returnPrco('provides', True))
+     requires_print = property(fget=lambda self: self.returnPrco('requires', True))
++    strong_requires_print = property(fget=lambda self: self.returnPrco('strong_requires', True))
+     conflicts_print = property(fget=lambda self: self.returnPrco('conflicts', True))
+     obsoletes_print = property(fget=lambda self: self.returnPrco('obsoletes', True))
+     changelog = property(fget=lambda self: self.returnChangelog())
+@@ -737,7 +798,7 @@ class YumAvailablePackage(PackageObject, RpmBase):
+         """ This reports the repo the package is from, we integrate YUMDB info.
+             for RPM packages so a package from "fedora" that is installed has a
+             ui_from_repo of "@fedora". Note that, esp. with the --releasever
+-            option, "fedora" or "rawhide" isn't authoritive.
++            option, "fedora" or "rawhide" isn't authoritative.
+             So we also check against the current releasever and if it is
+             different we also print the YUMDB releasever. This means that
+             installing from F12 fedora, while running F12, would report as
+@@ -789,7 +850,7 @@ class YumAvailablePackage(PackageObject, RpmBase):
+     size = property(fget=lambda self: self._size())
+     remote_path = property(_remote_path)
+-    remote_url = property(_remote_url)
++    remote_url = property(lambda self: self._remote_url())
+     def _committer(self):
+         "Returns the name of the last person to do a commit to the changelog."
+@@ -797,22 +858,14 @@ class YumAvailablePackage(PackageObject, RpmBase):
+         if hasattr(self, '_committer_ret'):
+             return self._committer_ret
+-        def _nf2ascii(x):
+-            """ does .encode("ascii", "replace") but it never fails. """
+-            ret = []
+-            for val in x:
+-                if ord(val) >= 128:
+-                    val = '?'
+-                ret.append(val)
+-            return "".join(ret)
+         if not len(self.changelog): # Empty changelog is _possible_ I guess
+             self._committer_ret = self.packager
+             return self._committer_ret
+         val = self.changelog[0][1]
+         # Chagnelog data is in multiple locale's, so we convert to ascii
+         # ignoring "bad" chars.
+-        val = _nf2ascii(val)
++        val = misc.to_unicode(val, errors='replace')
++        val = val.encode('ascii', 'replace')
+         # Hacky way to get rid of version numbers...
+         ix = val.find('> ')
+         if ix != -1:
+@@ -1063,10 +1116,10 @@ class YumAvailablePackage(PackageObject, RpmBase):
+         packager = url = ''
+         if self.packager:
+-            packager = misc.to_unicode(misc.to_xml(self.packager))
++            packager = misc.to_xml(self.packager)
+         if self.url:
+-            url = misc.to_unicode(misc.to_xml(self.url))
++            url = misc.to_xml(self.url)
+         (csum_type, csum, csumid) = self.checksums[0]
+         msg = """
+   <name>%s</name>
+@@ -1080,10 +1133,10 @@ class YumAvailablePackage(PackageObject, RpmBase):
+   <time file="%s" build="%s"/>
+   <size package="%s" installed="%s" archive="%s"/>\n""" % (self.name, 
+          self.arch, self.epoch, self.ver, self.rel, csum_type, csum, 
+-         misc.to_unicode(misc.to_xml(self.summary)), 
+-         misc.to_unicode(misc.to_xml(self.description)), 
++         misc.to_xml(self.summary),
++         misc.to_xml(self.description),
+          packager, url, self.filetime, 
+-         self.buildtime, self.packagesize, self.size, self.archivesize)
++         self.buildtime, self.packagesize, self.installedsize, self.archivesize)
+         msg += self._return_remote_location()
+         return msg
+@@ -1133,7 +1186,7 @@ class YumAvailablePackage(PackageObject, RpmBase):
+         msg = ""
+         mylist = getattr(self, pcotype)
+         if mylist: msg = "\n    <rpm:%s>\n" % pcotype
+-        for (name, flags, (e,v,r)) in mylist:
++        for (name, flags, (e,v,r)) in sorted(mylist):
+             pcostring = '''      <rpm:entry name="%s"''' % misc.to_xml(name, attrib=True)
+             if flags:
+                 pcostring += ''' flags="%s"''' % misc.to_xml(flags, attrib=True)
+@@ -1151,25 +1204,14 @@ class YumAvailablePackage(PackageObject, RpmBase):
+         return msg
+     def _dump_files(self, primary=False):
+-        msg ="\n"
+-        if not primary:
+-            files = self.returnFileEntries('file')
+-            dirs = self.returnFileEntries('dir')
+-            ghosts = self.returnFileEntries('ghost')
+-        else:
+-            files = self.returnFileEntries('file', primary_only=True)
+-            dirs = self.returnFileEntries('dir', primary_only=True)
+-            ghosts = self.returnFileEntries('ghost', primary_only=True)
+-        for fn in files:
+-            msg += """    <file>%s</file>\n""" % misc.to_xml(fn)
+-        for fn in dirs:
+-            msg += """    <file type="dir">%s</file>\n""" % misc.to_xml(fn)
+-        for fn in ghosts:
+-            msg += """    <file type="ghost">%s</file>\n""" % misc.to_xml(fn)
+-        return msg
++        msg = []
++        for fn in sorted(self.returnFileEntries('file', primary)):
++            msg.append('\n  <file>%s</file>' % misc.to_xml(fn))
++        for fn in sorted(self.returnFileEntries('dir', primary)):
++            msg.append('\n  <file type="dir">%s</file>' % misc.to_xml(fn))
++        for fn in sorted(self.returnFileEntries('ghost', primary)):
++            msg.append('\n  <file type="ghost">%s</file>' % misc.to_xml(fn))
++        return ''.join(msg)
+     def _requires_with_pre(self):
+         raise NotImplementedError()
+@@ -1194,8 +1236,8 @@ class YumAvailablePackage(PackageObject, RpmBase):
+                         continue
+                     newlist.append(i)
+                 mylist = newlist
+-        for (name, flags, (e,v,r),pre) in mylist:
++        used = 0
++        for (name, flags, (e,v,r),pre) in sorted(mylist):
+             if name.startswith('rpmlib('):
+                 continue
+             # this drops out requires that the pkg provides for itself.
+@@ -1217,19 +1259,22 @@ class YumAvailablePackage(PackageObject, RpmBase):
+                     prcostring += ''' ver="%s"''' % misc.to_xml(v, attrib=True)
+                 if r:
+                     prcostring += ''' rel="%s"''' % misc.to_xml(r, attrib=True)
+-            if pre:
++            if pre not in ("0", 0):
+                 prcostring += ''' pre="%s"''' % pre
+             prcostring += "/>\n"
+             msg += prcostring
++            used += 1
+         if mylist: msg += "    </rpm:requires>"
++        if used == 0:
++            return ""
+         return msg
+     def _dump_changelog(self, clog_limit):
+         if not self.changelog:
+             return ""
+-        msg = "\n"
++        msg = []
+         # We need to output them "backwards", so the oldest is first
+         if not clog_limit:
+             clogs = self.changelog
+@@ -1244,34 +1289,46 @@ class YumAvailablePackage(PackageObject, RpmBase):
+                 hack_ts += 1
+             last_ts = ts
+             ts += hack_ts
+-            msg += """<changelog author="%s" date="%s">%s</changelog>\n""" % (
++            msg.append('\n  <changelog author="%s" date="%s">%s</changelog>' % (
+                         misc.to_xml(author, attrib=True), misc.to_xml(str(ts)), 
+-                        misc.to_xml(content))
+-        return msg
++                        misc.to_xml(content)))
++        return ''.join(msg)
+     def xml_dump_primary_metadata(self):
+         msg = """\n<package type="rpm">"""
+-        msg += misc.to_unicode(self._dump_base_items())
+-        msg += misc.to_unicode(self._dump_format_items())
++        msg += self._dump_base_items()
++        msg += self._dump_format_items()
+         msg += """\n</package>"""
+-        return misc.to_utf8(msg)
++        assert type(msg) is str
++        return msg
+     def xml_dump_filelists_metadata(self):
+-        msg = """\n<package pkgid="%s" name="%s" arch="%s">
+-    <version epoch="%s" ver="%s" rel="%s"/>\n""" % (self.checksum, self.name, 
+-                                     self.arch, self.epoch, self.ver, self.rel)
+-        msg += misc.to_unicode(self._dump_files())
+-        msg += "</package>\n"
+-        return misc.to_utf8(msg)
++        msg = """
++<package pkgid="%s" name="%s" arch="%s">
++  <version epoch="%s" ver="%s" rel="%s"/>%s
++</package>""" % (self.checksum, self.name, self.arch,
++                 self.epoch, self.ver, self.rel,
++                 self._dump_files())
++        assert type(msg) is str
++        return msg
+     def xml_dump_other_metadata(self, clog_limit=0):
+-        msg = """\n<package pkgid="%s" name="%s" arch="%s">
+-    <version epoch="%s" ver="%s" rel="%s"/>\n""" % (self.checksum, self.name, 
+-                                     self.arch, self.epoch, self.ver, self.rel)
+-        msg += "%s\n</package>\n" % misc.to_unicode(self._dump_changelog(clog_limit))
+-        return misc.to_utf8(msg)
++        msg = """
++<package pkgid="%s" name="%s" arch="%s">
++  <version epoch="%s" ver="%s" rel="%s"/>%s
++</package>""" % (self.checksum, self.name, self.arch,
++                 self.epoch, self.ver, self.rel,
++                 self._dump_changelog(clog_limit))
++        assert type(msg) is str
++        return msg
++# HACK: This is completely retarded. Don't blame me, someone just fix
++#       rpm-python already. This is almost certainly not all of the problems,
++#       but w/e.
++def _rpm_long_size_hack(hdr, size):
++    """ Rpm returns None, for certain sizes. And has a "longsize" for the real
++        values. """
++    return hdr[size] or hdr['long' + size]
+ #  This is a tweak on YumAvailablePackage() and is a base class for packages
+ # which are actual rpms.
+@@ -1299,10 +1356,14 @@ class YumHeaderPackage(YumAvailablePackage):
+         self.pkgid = self.hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_SHA1HEADER]
+         if not self.pkgid:
+             self.pkgid = "%s.%s" %(self.hdr['name'], self.hdr['buildtime'])
+-        self.packagesize = self.hdr['size']
++        self.packagesize = _rpm_long_size_hack(self.hdr, 'archivesize')
++        self.installedsize = _rpm_long_size_hack(self.hdr, 'size')
+         self.__mode_cache = {}
+         self.__prcoPopulated = False
++    def _remote_url(self):
++        return 'file://' + urllib.quote(os.path.abspath(self.localPkg()))
+     def _loadSummary(self):
+         # Summaries "can be" empty, which rpm return [], see BZ 473239, *sigh*
+         if self._loaded_summary is None:
+@@ -1353,6 +1414,12 @@ class YumHeaderPackage(YumAvailablePackage):
+                 continue
+             lst = hdr[getattr(rpm, 'RPMTAG_%sFLAGS' % tag)]
++            if tag == 'REQUIRE':
++                #  Rpm is a bit magic here, and if pkgA requires(pre/post): foo
++                # it will then let you remove foo _after_ pkgA has been
++                # installed. So we need to mark those deps. as "weak".
++                bits = rpm.RPMSENSE_SCRIPT_PRE | rpm.RPMSENSE_SCRIPT_POST
++                weakreqs = [bool(flag & bits) for flag in lst]
+             flag = map(rpmUtils.miscutils.flagToString, lst)
+             flag = map(misc.share_data, flag)
+@@ -1363,6 +1430,10 @@ class YumHeaderPackage(YumAvailablePackage):
+             prcotype = tag2prco[tag]
+             self.prco[prcotype] = map(misc.share_data, zip(name,flag,vers))
++            if tag == 'REQUIRE':
++                weakreqs = zip(weakreqs, self.prco[prcotype])
++                strongreqs = [wreq[1] for wreq in weakreqs if not wreq[0]]
++                self.prco['strong_requires'] = strongreqs
+     def tagByName(self, tag):
+         warnings.warn("tagByName() will go away in a furture version of Yum.\n",
+@@ -1438,16 +1509,16 @@ class YumHeaderPackage(YumAvailablePackage):
+         # then create a _loadChangelog() method to put them into the 
+         # self._changelog attr
+         if len(self.hdr['changelogname']) > 0:
+-            return zip(misc.to_unicode(self.hdr['changelogtime'], errors='replace'),
+-                       misc.to_unicode(self.hdr['changelogname'], errors='replace'),
+-                       misc.to_unicode(self.hdr['changelogtext'], errors='replace'))
++            return zip(self.hdr['changelogtime'],
++                       self.hdr['changelogname'],
++                       self.hdr['changelogtext'])
+         return []
+     def returnChecksums(self):
+         raise NotImplementedError()
+     def _size(self):
+-        return self.hdr['size']
++        return _rpm_long_size_hack(self.hdr, 'size')
+     def _is_pre_req(self, flag):
+         """check the flags for a requirement, return 1 or 0 whether or not requires
+@@ -1946,7 +2017,7 @@ class YumInstalledPackage(YumHeaderPackage):
+                             my_csum = digest_type + ':' + my_csum
+                             my_st_size = fp.read_size
+-                    if pf.verify_digest and my_csum != csum:
++                    if pf.verify_digest and my_csum != csum and my_csum:
+                         prob = _PkgVerifyProb('checksum',
+                                               'checksum does not match', ftypes)
+                         prob.database_value = csum
+@@ -2120,11 +2191,11 @@ class YumLocalPackage(YumHeaderPackage):
+             relpath = self.localpath
+         if self._baseurl:
+-            msg = """<location xml:base="%s" href="%s"/>\n""" % (
++            msg = """  <location xml:base="%s" href="%s"/>\n""" % (
+                                      misc.to_xml(self._baseurl, attrib=True),
+                                      misc.to_xml(relpath, attrib=True))
+         else:
+-            msg = """<location href="%s"/>\n""" % misc.to_xml(relpath, attrib=True)
++            msg = """  <location href="%s"/>\n""" % misc.to_xml(relpath, attrib=True)
+         return msg
+diff --git a/yum/parser.py b/yum/parser.py
+index fccf528..f443ce7 100644
+--- a/yum/parser.py
++++ b/yum/parser.py
+@@ -73,7 +73,11 @@ class ConfigPreProcessor:
+         if scheme == '':
+             # check it to make sure it's not a relative file url
+             if configfile[0] != '/':
+-                configfile = os.getcwd() + '/' + configfile
++                try:
++                    rootdir = os.getcwd() + "/"
++                except:
++                    rootdir = "/"
++                configfile = rootdir + configfile
+             url = 'file://' + configfile
+         else:
+             url = configfile
+diff --git a/yum/pgpmsg.py b/yum/pgpmsg.py
+index ee825c6..dae60c9 100644
+--- a/yum/pgpmsg.py
++++ b/yum/pgpmsg.py
+@@ -934,7 +934,8 @@ class pgp_certificate(object):
+         """load(pkts)
+ Initialize the pgp_certificate with a list of OpenPGP packets. The list of packets will
+ be scanned to make sure they are valid for a pgp certificate."""
+         # each certificate should begin with a public key packet
+         if pkts[0].pkt_typ != CTB_PKT_PK_CERT :
+             raise ValueError('first PGP packet should be a public-key packet, not %s' % map_to_str(ctb_pkt_to_str, pkts[0].pkt_typ))
+@@ -1093,6 +1094,16 @@ be scanned to make sure they are valid for a pgp certificate."""
+                         self.rvkd_subkeys.append(subkey)
+                     else :
+                         self.subkeys.append(subkey)
++                elif pkts[pkt_idx].pkt_typ == CTB_PKT_SIG :
++                    # ok, well at least the type is good, we'll assume the cert is
++                    # revoked
++                    self.revocations.append(pkts[pkt_idx])
++                    # increment the pkt_idx to go to the next one
++                    pkt_idx = pkt_idx + 1
+                 else :
+                     break
+@@ -1234,7 +1245,6 @@ a PGP "certificate" includes a public key, user id(s), and signature.
+             # ok, the sum looks ok so we'll actually decode the thing
+             pkt_list = decode(cert_msg)
+             # turn it into a real cert
+             cert_list = []
+             while len(pkt_list) > 0 :
+@@ -1283,5 +1293,5 @@ def decode_multiple_keys(msg):
+ if __name__ == '__main__' :
+     import sys
+-    for pgp_cert in decode_msg(open(sys.argv[1]).read()) :
++    for pgp_cert in decode_multiple_keys(open(sys.argv[1]).read()) :
+         print pgp_cert
+diff --git a/yum/pkgtag_db.py b/yum/pkgtag_db.py
+index afcc28d..934f246 100644
+--- a/yum/pkgtag_db.py
++++ b/yum/pkgtag_db.py
+@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ def catchSqliteException(func):
+ class PackageTagDB(object):
++    @catchSqliteException
+     def __init__(self, repoid, sqlite_file):
+         self.sqlite_file = sqlite_file
+         self.repoid = repoid
+diff --git a/yum/plugins.py b/yum/plugins.py
+index bfc49b7..f34ea19 100644
+--- a/yum/plugins.py
++++ b/yum/plugins.py
+@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ from yum.i18n import utf8_width
+ API_VERSION = '2.6'
+ class DeprecatedInt(int):
+-    '''
+-    A simple int subclass that used to check when a deprecated constant is used.
+-    '''
++    """A simple int subclass that is used to check when a deprecated
++    constant is used.
++    """
+ # Plugin types
+@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ SLOT_TO_CONDUIT = {
+     'args': 'ArgsPluginConduit',
+     'predownload': 'DownloadPluginConduit',
+     'postdownload': 'DownloadPluginConduit',
++    'prelistenabledrepos': 'PreRepoSetupPluginConduit',
+     'prereposetup': 'PreRepoSetupPluginConduit',
+     'postreposetup': 'PostRepoSetupPluginConduit',
+     'close': 'PluginConduit',
+@@ -105,8 +106,8 @@ SLOT_TO_CONDUIT = {
+ SLOTS = sorted(SLOT_TO_CONDUIT.keys())
+ class PluginYumExit(Exception):
+-    '''Used by plugins to signal that yum should stop
+-    '''
++    """Exception that can be raised by plugins to signal that yum should stop."""
+     def __init__(self, value="", translation_domain=""):
+         self.value = value
+         self.translation_domain = translation_domain
+@@ -117,9 +118,7 @@ class PluginYumExit(Exception):
+             return self.value
+ class YumPlugins:
+-    '''
+-    Manager class for Yum plugins.
+-    '''
++    """Manager class for Yum plugins."""
+     def __init__(self, base, searchpath, optparser=None, types=None, 
+             pluginconfpath=None,disabled=None,enabled=None):
+@@ -167,8 +166,13 @@ class YumPlugins:
+         self.run('config')
+     def run(self, slotname, **kwargs):
+-        '''Run all plugin functions for the given slot.
+-        '''
++        """Run all plugin functions for the given slot.
++        :param slotname: a string representing the name of the slot to
++           run the plugins for
++        :param kwargs: keyword arguments that will be simply passed on
++           to the plugins
++        """
+         # Determine handler class to use
+         conduitcls = SLOT_TO_CONDUIT.get(slotname, None)
+         if conduitcls is None:
+@@ -250,6 +254,16 @@ class YumPlugins:
+         dir, modname = os.path.split(modulefile)
+         modname = modname.split('.py')[0]
++        #  This should really work like enable/disable repo. and be based on the
++        # cmd line order ... but the API doesn't really allow that easily.
++        # FIXME: Fix for 4.* (lol)
++        # Do disabled cmd line checks before loading the module code.
++        if (self._plugin_cmdline_match(modname, self.disabledPlugins,
++                                       self._used_disable_plugin) and
++            not self._plugin_cmdline_match(modname, self.enabledPlugins,
++                                           self._used_enable_plugin)):
++            return
+         conf = self._getpluginconf(modname)
+         if (not conf or
+             (not config.getOption(conf, 'main', 'enabled',
+@@ -304,15 +318,6 @@ class YumPlugins:
+             if plugintype not in types:
+                 return
+-        #  This should really work like enable/disable repo. and be based on the
+-        # cmd line order ... but the API doesn't really allow that easily.
+-        # FIXME: Fix for 4.*
+-        if (self._plugin_cmdline_match(modname, self.disabledPlugins,
+-                                       self._used_disable_plugin) and
+-            not self._plugin_cmdline_match(modname, self.enabledPlugins,
+-                                           self._used_enable_plugin)):
+-            return
+         self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_3, _('Loading "%s" plugin'),
+                                 modname)
+@@ -356,23 +361,35 @@ class YumPlugins:
+         return parser
+     def setCmdLine(self, opts, commands):
+-        '''Set the parsed command line options so that plugins can access them
+-        '''
++        """Set the parsed command line options so that plugins can
++        access them.
++        :param opts: a dictionary containing the values of the command
++           line options
++        :param commands: a list of command line arguments passed to yum
++        """
+         self.cmdline = (opts, commands)
+ class DummyYumPlugins:
+-    '''
+-    This class provides basic emulation of the YumPlugins class. It exists so
+-    that calls to plugins.run() don't fail if plugins aren't in use.
+-    '''
++    """This class provides basic emulation of the :class:`YumPlugins`
++    class. It exists so that calls to plugins.run() don't fail if
++    plugins aren't in use.
++    """
+     def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
++        """Do nothing.  All arguments are unused."""
+         pass
+     def setCmdLine(self, *args, **kwargs):
++        """Do nothing.  All arguments are unused."""
+         pass
+ class PluginConduit:
++    """A conduit class to transfer information between yum and the
++    plugin.
++    """
+     def __init__(self, parent, base, conf):
+         self._parent = parent
+         self._base = base
+@@ -382,14 +399,30 @@ class PluginConduit:
+         self.verbose_logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.plugin")
+     def info(self, level, msg):
++        """Send an info message to the logger.
++        :param level: the level of the message to send
++        :param msg: the message to send
++        """
+         converted_level = logginglevels.logLevelFromDebugLevel(level)
+         self.verbose_logger.log(converted_level, msg)
+     def error(self, level, msg):
++        """Send an error message to the logger.
++        :param level: the level of the message to send
++        :param msg: the message to send
++        """
+         converted_level = logginglevels.logLevelFromErrorLevel(level)
+         self.logger.log(converted_level, msg)
+     def promptYN(self, msg):
++        """Return a yes or no response, either from assumeyes already
++        being set, or from prompting the user.
++        :param msg: the message to prompt the user with
++        :return: 1 if the response is yes, and 0 if the response is no
++        """
+         self.info(2, msg)
+         if self._base.conf.assumeyes:
+             return 1
+@@ -397,88 +430,96 @@ class PluginConduit:
+             return self._base.userconfirm()
+     def getYumVersion(self):
++        """Return a string representing the current version of yum."""
+         import yum
+         return yum.__version__
+     def getOptParser(self):
+-        '''Return the optparse.OptionParser instance for this execution of Yum
+-        In the "config" and "init" slots a plugin may add extra options to this
+-        instance to extend the command line options that Yum exposes.
+-        In all other slots a plugin may only read the OptionParser instance.
+-        Any modification of the instance at this point will have no effect. 
+-        See the getCmdLine() method for details on how to retrieve the parsed
+-        values of command line options.
+-        @return: the global optparse.OptionParser instance used by Yum. May be
+-            None if an OptionParser isn't in use.
+-        '''
++        """Return the :class:`optparse.OptionParser` instance for this
++        execution of Yum.  In the "config" and "init" slots a plugin
++        may add extra options to this instance to extend the command
++        line options that Yum exposes.  In all other slots a plugin
++        may only read the :class:`OptionParser` instance.  Any
++        modification of the instance at this point will have no
++        effect.  See the
++        :func:`PreRepoSetupPluginConduit.getCmdLine` method for
++        details on how to retrieve the parsed values of command line
++        options.
++        :return: the global :class:`optparse.OptionParser` instance used by
++           Yum. May be None if an OptionParser isn't in use
++        """
+         # ' xemacs highlighting hack
+         # This isn't API compatible :(
+         # return self._parent.optparser.plugin_option_group
+         return self._parent.optparser
+     def confString(self, section, opt, default=None):
+-        '''Read a string value from the plugin's own configuration file
++        """Read a string value from the plugin's own configuration file.
+-        @param section: Configuration file section to read.
+-        @param opt: Option name to read.
+-        @param default: Value to read if option is missing.
+-        @return: String option value read, or default if option was missing.
+-        '''
++        :param section: configuration file section to read
++        :param opt: option name to read
++        :param default: value to read if the option is missing
++        :return: string option value read, or default if option was missing
++        """
+         # ' xemacs highlighting hack
+         return config.getOption(self._conf, section, opt, config.Option(default))
+     def confInt(self, section, opt, default=None):
+-        '''Read an integer value from the plugin's own configuration file
++        """Read an integer value from the plugin's own configuration file.
+-        @param section: Configuration file section to read.
+-        @param opt: Option name to read.
+-        @param default: Value to read if option is missing.
+-        @return: Integer option value read, or default if option was missing or
+-            could not be parsed.
+-        '''
++        :param section: configuration file section to read
++        :param opt: option name to read
++        :param default: value to read if the option is missing
++        :return: the integer option value read, or *default* if the
++            option was missing or could not be parsed
++        """
+         return config.getOption(self._conf, section, opt, config.IntOption(default))
+     def confFloat(self, section, opt, default=None):
+-        '''Read a float value from the plugin's own configuration file
+-        @param section: Configuration file section to read.
+-        @param opt: Option name to read.
+-        @param default: Value to read if option is missing.
+-        @return: Float option value read, or default if option was missing or
+-            could not be parsed.
+-        '''
++        """Read a float value from the plugin's own configuration file.
++        :param section: configuration file section to read
++        :param opt: option name to read
++        :param default: value to read if the option is missing
++        :return: float option value read, or *default* if the option was
++            missing or could not be parsed
++        """
+         return config.getOption(self._conf, section, opt, config.FloatOption(default))
+     def confBool(self, section, opt, default=None):
+-        '''Read a boolean value from the plugin's own configuration file
+-        @param section: Configuration file section to read.
+-        @param opt: Option name to read.
+-        @param default: Value to read if option is missing.
+-        @return: Boolean option value read, or default if option was missing or
+-            could not be parsed.
+-        '''
++        """Read a boolean value from the plugin's own configuration file
++        :param section: configuration file section to read
++        :param opt: option name to read
++        :param default: value to read if the option is missing
++        :return: boolean option value read, or *default* if the option
++            was missing or could not be parsed
++        """
+         return config.getOption(self._conf, section, opt, config.BoolOption(default))
+     def registerPackageName(self, name):
++        """Register the name of a package to use.
++        :param name: the name of the package to register
++        """
+         self._base.run_with_package_names.add(name)
+ class ConfigPluginConduit(PluginConduit):
++    """A conduit for use in the config slot."""
+     def registerOpt(self, name, valuetype, where, default):
+-        '''Register a yum configuration file option.
+-        @param name: Name of the new option.
+-        @param valuetype: Option type (PLUG_OPT_BOOL, PLUG_OPT_STRING ...)
+-        @param where: Where the option should be available in the config file.
+-        @param default: Default value for the option if not set by the user.
+-        '''
++        """Deprecated.  Register a yum configuration file option.
++        :param name: name of the new option
++        :param valuetype: option type (PLUG_OPT_BOOL, PLUG_OPT_STRING, etc.)
++        :param where: where the option should be available in the config file
++        :param default: default value for the option if it is not set by the user
++        """
+         warnings.warn('registerOpt() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'
+                 'Please manipulate config.YumConf and config.RepoConf directly.',
+                 DeprecationWarning)
+@@ -502,64 +543,93 @@ class ConfigPluginConduit(PluginConduit):
+             setattr(config.RepoConf, name, config.Inherit(option))
+     def registerCommand(self, command):
++        """Register a new command.
++        :param command: the command to register
++        :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.ConfigError` if the registration
++           of commands is not supported
++        """
+         if hasattr(self._base, 'registerCommand'):
+             self._base.registerCommand(command)
+         else:
+             raise Errors.ConfigError(_('registration of commands not supported'))
+ class PostConfigPluginConduit(ConfigPluginConduit):
++    """Conduit for use in the postconfig slot."""
+     def getConf(self):
++        """Return a dictionary containing the values of the
++        configuration options.
++        :return: a dictionary containing the values of the
++           configuration options
++        """
+         return self._base.conf
+ class InitPluginConduit(PluginConduit):
++    """Conduit for use in the init slot."""
+     def getConf(self):
++        """Return a dictionary containing the values of the
++        configuration options.
++        :return: a dictionary containing the values of the
++           configuration options
++        """
+         return self._base.conf
+     def getRepos(self):
+-        '''Return Yum's container object for all configured repositories.
++        """Return Yum's container object for all configured repositories.
+-        @return: Yum's RepoStorage instance
+-        '''
++        :return: Yum's :class:`yum.repos.RepoStorage` instance
++        """
+         return self._base.repos
+ class ArgsPluginConduit(InitPluginConduit):
++    """Conduit for dealing with command line arguments."""
+     def __init__(self, parent, base, conf, args):
+         InitPluginConduit.__init__(self, parent, base, conf)
+         self._args = args
+     def getArgs(self):
++        """Return a list of the command line arguments passed to yum.
++        :return: a list of the command line arguments passed to yum
++        """
+         return self._args
+ class PreRepoSetupPluginConduit(InitPluginConduit):
++    """Conduit for use in the prererosetup slot."""
+     def getCmdLine(self):
+-        '''Return parsed command line options.
++        """Return parsed command line options.
+-        @return: (options, commands) as returned by OptionParser.parse_args()
+-        '''
++        :return: (options, commands) as returned by :class:`OptionParser.parse_args()`
++        """
+         return self._parent.cmdline
+     def getRpmDB(self):
+-        '''Return a representation of local RPM database. This allows querying
+-        of installed packages.
++        """Return a representation of the local RPM database. This
++        allows querying of installed packages.
+-        @return: rpmUtils.RpmDBHolder instance
+-        '''
++        :return: a :class:`yum.rpmUtils.RpmDBHolder` instance
++        """
+         return self._base.rpmdb
+ class PostRepoSetupPluginConduit(PreRepoSetupPluginConduit):
++    """Conduit for use in the postreposetup slot."""
+     def getGroups(self):
+-        '''Return group information.
++        """Return group information.
+-        @return: yum.comps.Comps instance
+-        '''
++        :return: :class:`yum.comps.Comps` instance
++        """
+         return self._base.comps
+ class DownloadPluginConduit(PostRepoSetupPluginConduit):
++    """Conduit for use in the download slots."""
+     def __init__(self, parent, base, conf, pkglist, errors=None):
+         PostRepoSetupPluginConduit.__init__(self, parent, base, conf)
+@@ -567,24 +637,35 @@ class DownloadPluginConduit(PostRepoSetupPluginConduit):
+         self._errors = errors
+     def getDownloadPackages(self):
+-        '''Return a list of package objects representing packages to be
++        """Return a list of package objects representing packages to be
+         downloaded.
+-        '''
++        :return: a list of package object representing packages to be
++           downloaded
++        """
+         return self._pkglist
+     def getErrors(self):
+-        '''Return a dictionary of download errors. 
++        """Return a dictionary of download errors. 
+-        The returned dictionary is indexed by package object. Each element is a
+-        list of strings describing the error.
+-        '''
++        :return: a dictionary of download errors. This dictionary is
++           indexed by package object. Each element is a list of
++           strings describing the error
++        """
+         if not self._errors:
+             return {}
+         return self._errors
+ class MainPluginConduit(PostRepoSetupPluginConduit):
++    """Main conduit class for plugins.  Many other conduit classes
++    will inherit from this class.
++    """
+     def getPackages(self, repo=None):
++        """Return a list of packages.
++        :param repo: the repo to return a packages from
++        :return: a list of package objects
++        """
+         if repo:
+             arg = repo.id
+         else:
+@@ -592,50 +673,76 @@ class MainPluginConduit(PostRepoSetupPluginConduit):
+         return self._base.pkgSack.returnPackages(arg)
+     def getPackageByNevra(self, nevra):
+-        '''Retrieve a package object from the packages loaded by Yum using
+-        nevra information 
++        """Retrieve a package object from the packages loaded by Yum using
++        nevra information.
+-        @param nevra: A tuple holding (name, epoch, version, release, arch)
++        :param nevra: a tuple holding (name, epoch, version, release, arch)
+             for a package
+-        @return: A PackageObject instance (or subclass)
+-        '''
++        :return: a :class:`yum.packages.PackageObject` instance (or subclass)
++        """
+         return self._base.getPackageObject(nevra)
+     def delPackage(self, po):
++        """Delete the given package from the package sack.
++        :param po: the package object to delete
++        """
+         po.repo.sack.delPackage(po)
+     def getTsInfo(self):
++        """Return transaction set.
++        :return: the transaction set
++        """
+         return self._base.tsInfo
+ class DepsolvePluginConduit(MainPluginConduit):
++    """Conduit for use in solving dependencies."""
+     def __init__(self, parent, base, conf, rescode=None, restring=[]):
+         MainPluginConduit.__init__(self, parent, base, conf)
+         self.resultcode = rescode
+         self.resultstring = restring
+ class CompareProvidersPluginConduit(MainPluginConduit):
++    """Conduit to compare different providers of packages."""
+     def __init__(self, parent, base, conf, providers_dict={}, reqpo=None):
+         MainPluginConduit.__init__(self, parent, base, conf)
+         self.packages = providers_dict
+         self.reqpo = reqpo
+ class HistoryPluginConduit(MainPluginConduit):
++    """Conduit to access information about the yum history."""
+     def __init__(self, parent, base, conf, rescode=None, restring=[]):
+         MainPluginConduit.__init__(self, parent, base, conf)
+         self.history = self._base.history
+ class VerifyPluginConduit(MainPluginConduit):
++    """Conduit to verify packages."""
+     def __init__(self, parent, base, conf, verify_package):
+         MainPluginConduit.__init__(self, parent, base, conf)
+         self.verify_package = verify_package
+ def parsever(apiver):
++    """Parse a string representing an api version.
++    :param apiver: a string representing an api version
++    :return: a tuple containing the major and minor version numbers
++    """
+     maj, min = apiver.split('.')
+     return int(maj), int(min)
+ def apiverok(a, b):
+-    '''Return true if API version "a" supports API version "b"
+-    '''
++    """Return true if API version "a" supports API version "b"
++    :param a: a string representing an api version
++    :param b: a string representing an api version
++    :return: whether version *a* supports version *b*
++    """
+     a = parsever(a)
+     b = parsever(b)
+diff --git a/yum/repoMDObject.py b/yum/repoMDObject.py
+index 31b1080..97e6797 100755
+--- a/yum/repoMDObject.py
++++ b/yum/repoMDObject.py
+@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+ # Copyright 2006 Duke University
+ from yum.misc import cElementTree_iterparse as iterparse 
++from yum.misc import _available_compression, stat_f
+ from Errors import RepoMDError
+ import sys
+@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ class RepoData:
+         self.dbversion = None
+         self.size      = None
+         self.opensize  = None
++        self.deltas    = []
+         if elem:
+             self.parse(elem)
+@@ -69,6 +71,10 @@ class RepoData:
+                 self.size = child.text
+             elif child_name == 'open-size':
+                 self.opensize = child.text
++            elif child_name == 'delta':
++                delta = RepoData(child)
++                delta.type = self.type
++                self.deltas.append(delta)
+     def dump_xml(self):
+         msg = ""
+@@ -102,10 +108,21 @@ class RepoData:
+                                                  xmlname)
+                 msg += d_xml
++        for delta in self.deltas:
++            # change tag to "delta" and increase indent
++            body = '\n  '.join(delta.dump_xml().split('\n')[1:-2])
++            msg += '  <delta>\n  %s\n  </delta>\n' % body
+         bottom = """</data>\n"""
+         msg += bottom
+         return msg
++    def getDelta(self, old_timestamp):
++        old_timestamp = int(old_timestamp)
++        for deltamd in self.deltas:
++            if int(deltamd.timestamp) <= old_timestamp:
++                return deltamd
+ class RepoMD:
+     """represents the repomd xml file"""
+@@ -133,6 +150,7 @@ class RepoMD:
+         else:
+             # srcfile is a file object
+             infile = srcfile
++            srcfile = None
+         # We trust any of these to mean the repomd.xml is valid.
+         infile = AutoFileChecksums(infile, ['sha256', 'sha512'],
+@@ -145,6 +163,13 @@ class RepoMD:
+                 if elem_name == "data":
+                     thisdata = RepoData(elem=elem)
++                    old = self.repoData.get(thisdata.type)
++                    if (old and old.size and old.size < thisdata.size
++                        and old.location[1].rsplit('.', 1)[1] in _available_compression
++                        and srcfile and stat_f(srcfile.rsplit('/', 1)[0] +'/'+
++                                               thisdata.location[1].rsplit('/', 1)[1]) is None):
++                        # previous is smaller, can unzip it, and next is not cached
++                        thisdata = old
+                     self.repoData[thisdata.type] = thisdata
+                     try:
+                         nts = int(thisdata.timestamp)
+@@ -225,13 +250,19 @@ class RepoMD:
+             for item in self.tags['repo']:
+                 tag = """   <repo>%s</repo>\n""" % (to_xml(item))
+                 tags += tag
+-            for (cpeid, item) in self.tags['distro']:
+-                itemlist = list(item) # frellingsets.
++            distro = self.tags['distro']
++            if isinstance(distro, dict):
++                lst = []
++                for cpeid in sorted(distro):
++                    for item in sorted(distro[cpeid]):
++                        lst.append((cpeid, item))
++                distro = lst
++            for (cpeid, item) in distro:
+                 if cpeid:
+                     tag = """   <distro cpeid="%s">%s</distro>\n""" % (
+-                                to_xml(cpeid, attrib=True), to_xml(itemlist[0]))
++                                to_xml(cpeid, attrib=True), to_xml(item))
+                 else:
+-                    tag = """   <distro>%s</distro>\n""" % (to_xml(itemlist[0]))
++                    tag = """   <distro>%s</distro>\n""" % (to_xml(item))
+                 tags += tag
+             tags += """ </tags>\n"""
+             msg += tags
+diff --git a/yum/repos.py b/yum/repos.py
+index 3793bad..67ef1e4 100644
+--- a/yum/repos.py
++++ b/yum/repos.py
+@@ -15,13 +15,14 @@
+ # Copyright 2004 Duke University 
+ import re
+-import fnmatch
+ import types
+ import logging
+ import misc
++import os
+ import Errors
+ from packageSack import MetaSack
++import urlgrabber.grabber
+ from weakref import proxy as weakref
+@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ class _wrap_ayum_getKeyForRepo:
+     """ This is a wrapper for calling YumBase.getKeyForRepo() because
+         otherwise we take a real reference through the bound method and
+         that is d00m (this applies to YumBase and RepoStorage, hence why
+-        we have a seperate class).
++        we have a separate class).
+         A "better" fix might be to explicitly pass the YumBase instance to
+         the callback ... API change! """
+     def __init__(self, ayum, ca=False):
+@@ -67,8 +68,57 @@ class RepoStorage:
+         self._cache_enabled_repos = []
+         self.quick_enable_disable = {}
++        #  This allows plugins to setup a repo. just before the first
++        # listEnabled() call.
++        self._list_enabled_hasrun = False
++    def retrieveAllMD(self):
++        """ Download metadata for all enabled repositories,
++            based on mdpolicy.
++        """
++        if not hasattr(urlgrabber.grabber, 'parallel_wait'):
++            return
++        repos = []
++        for repo in self.listEnabled():
++            if repo.cache:
++                continue
++            try:
++                dl = repo._async and repo._commonLoadRepoXML(repo)
++            except Errors.RepoError, e:
++                if not repo.skip_if_unavailable:
++                    raise
++                self.disableRepo(repo.id)
++                dl = False
++            if dl:
++                mdtypes = repo._mdpolicy2mdtypes()
++                downloading = repo._commonRetrieveDataMD_list(mdtypes)
++                repos.append((repo, downloading, [False]))
++        # with sizes first, then without sizes..
++        for no_size in (False, True):
++            for repo, downloading, error in repos:
++                def failfunc(obj, error=error):
++                    error[0] = True
++                for (ndata, nmdtype) in downloading:
++                    if (ndata.size is None) == no_size:
++                        repo._retrieveMD(nmdtype, async=True, failfunc=failfunc)
++            urlgrabber.grabber.parallel_wait()
++        # done or revert
++        for repo, downloading, error in repos:
++            if error[0]: # some MD failed?
++                repo._revertOldRepoXML()
++            else:
++                repo._commonRetrieveDataMD_done(downloading)
+     def doSetup(self, thisrepo = None):
++        if thisrepo is None:
++            # Just in case the prelistenabledrepos plugin point hasn't run.
++            self.listEnabled()
+         self.ayum.plugins.run('prereposetup')
+         if thisrepo is None:
+@@ -79,6 +129,17 @@ class RepoStorage:
+         if len(repos) < 1:
+             self.logger.debug('No Repositories Available to Set Up')
++        if hasattr(urlgrabber.grabber, 'pycurl'):
++            # Must do basename checking, on cert. files...
++            cert_basenames = {}
++            for repo in self.listEnabled():
++                if repo.sslclientcert:
++                    bn = os.path.basename(repo.sslclientcert)
++                    other = cert_basenames.setdefault(bn, repo)
++                    if repo.sslclientcert != other.sslclientcert:
++                        msg = 'sslclientcert basename shared between %s and %s'
++                        raise Errors.ConfigError, msg % (repo, other)
+         for repo in repos:
+             repo.setup(self.ayum.conf.cache, self.ayum.mediagrabber,
+                    gpg_import_func = self.gpg_import_func, confirm_func=self.confirm_func,
+@@ -87,8 +148,13 @@ class RepoStorage:
+             # so nothing else touches us
+             if not repo.enabled:
+                 self.disableRepo(repo.id)
++            else:
++                pkgdir = getattr(self.ayum.conf, 'downloaddir', None)
++                if pkgdir:
++                    repo.pkgdir = pkgdir
+         self._setup = True
++        self.retrieveAllMD()
+         self.ayum.plugins.run('postreposetup')
+     def __str__(self):
+@@ -135,17 +201,25 @@ class RepoStorage:
+             raise Errors.RepoError, \
+                 'Error getting repository data for %s, repository not found' % (repoid)
+-    def findRepos(self,pattern):
+-        """find all repositories matching fnmatch `pattern`"""
++    def findRepos(self, pattern, name_match=False, ignore_case=False):
++        """ Find all repositories matching fnmatch `pattern` on the repo.id,
++            can also do case insensitive searches and/or search on the name."""
++        if pattern in self.repos: # Minor opt. as we do this a lot...
++            return [self.repos[pattern]]
+         result = []
+         for item in pattern.split(','):
+             item = item.strip()
+-            match = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(item)).match
++            match = misc.compile_pattern(item.strip(), ignore_case)
+             for name,repo in self.repos.items():
++                assert name == repo.id
+                 if match(name):
+                     result.append(repo)
++                elif name_match and match(repo.name):
++                    result.append(repo)
+         return result
+     def disableRepo(self, repoid):
+@@ -187,6 +261,10 @@ class RepoStorage:
+     def listEnabled(self):
+         """return list of enabled repo objects"""
++        if not self._list_enabled_hasrun:
++            self.ayum.plugins.run('prelistenabledrepos')
++            self._list_enabled_hasrun = True
+         if (self._cache_enabled_repos is not None and
+             not self.quick_enable_disable):
+             return self._cache_enabled_repos
+@@ -223,15 +301,16 @@ class RepoStorage:
+         self._cachedir = cachedir
+         for repo in self.repos.values():
+-            repo.old_base_cache_dir = repo.basecachedir
+-            repo.basecachedir = cachedir
++            if cachedir != repo.basecachedir:
++                repo.old_base_cache_dir = repo.basecachedir
++                repo.basecachedir = cachedir
+-    def setProgressBar(self, obj):
++    def setProgressBar(self, obj, multi_obj=None):
+         """sets the progress bar for downloading files from repos"""
+         for repo in self.repos.values():
+-            repo.setCallback(obj)
++            repo.setCallback(obj, multi_obj)
+     def setFailureCallback(self, obj):
+         """sets the failure callback for all repos"""
+@@ -288,6 +367,16 @@ class RepoStorage:
+         else:
+             data = [ mdtype ]
++        if hasattr(urlgrabber.grabber, 'parallel_wait'):
++            # download all metadata in parallel
++            for repo in myrepos:
++                if repo.cache:
++                    continue
++                if repo._async:
++                    sack = repo.getPackageSack()
++                    sack._retrieve_async(repo, data)
++            urlgrabber.grabber.parallel_wait()
+         for repo in myrepos:
+             sack = repo.getPackageSack()
+             try:
+@@ -329,6 +418,11 @@ class Repository:
+     def __del__(self):
+         self.close()
++    def _ui_id(self):
++        """ Show self.id, so we can use it and override it. """
++        return self.id
++    ui_id = property(_ui_id)
+     def close(self):
+         pass
+diff --git a/yum/rpmsack.py b/yum/rpmsack.py
+index e289a7a..5b9f798 100644
+--- a/yum/rpmsack.py
++++ b/yum/rpmsack.py
+@@ -48,6 +48,17 @@ def _open_no_umask(*args):
+     return ret
++def _makedirs_no_umask(*args):
++    """ Annoying people like to set umask's for root, which screws everything
++        up for user readable stuff. """
++    oumask = os.umask(022)
++    try:
++        ret = os.makedirs(*args)
++    finally:
++        os.umask(oumask)
++    return ret
+ def _iopen(*args):
+     """ IOError wrapper BS for open, stupid exceptions. """
+     try:
+@@ -119,7 +130,7 @@ class RPMInstalledPackage(YumInstalledPackage):
+     def required_packages(self):
+         pkgset = set()
+-        for (reqn, reqf, reqevr) in self.requires:
++        for (reqn, reqf, reqevr) in self.strong_requires:
+             for pkg in self.rpmdb.getProvides(reqn, reqf, reqevr):
+                 if pkg != self:
+                     pkgset.add(pkg)
+@@ -222,6 +233,11 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+             self._persistdir = root +  '/' + persistdir
+         else:
+             self._persistdir = persistdir
++        if hasattr(rpm, 'expandMacro'):
++            dbpath = rpm.expandMacro('%_dbpath')
++        else:
++            dbpath = '/var/lib/rpm'
++        self._rpmdbpath = os.path.normpath(root + '/' + dbpath)
+         self._have_cached_rpmdbv_data = None
+         self._cached_conflicts_data = None
+         # Store the result of what happens, if a transaction completes.
+@@ -325,7 +341,7 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+         #  We are keeping some data from before, and sometimes (Eg. remove only)
+         # we never open the rpmdb again ... so get the mtime now.
+-        rpmdbfname  = self.root + "/var/lib/rpm/Packages"
++        rpmdbfname  = self._rpmdbpath + "/Packages"
+         self._cached_rpmdb_mtime = os.path.getmtime(rpmdbfname)
+         def _safe_del(x, y):
+@@ -364,7 +380,8 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+             pkg = self.searchNevra(n, e, v, r, a)
+             if not pkg:
+                 # Wibble?
+-                self._deal_with_bad_rpmdbcache("dCDPT(pkg checksums)")
++                self._deal_with_bad_rpmdbcache("dCDPT(pkg checksums): %s" %
++                                               txmbr)
+                 continue
+             pkg = pkg[0]
+@@ -387,7 +404,7 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+         else:
+             self._cachedir = '/' + cachedir
+-        if hasattr(self, 'yumdb'): # Need to keep this upto date, after init.
++        if hasattr(self, 'yumdb'): # Need to keep this up to date, after init.
+             version_path = os.path.normpath(self._cachedir + '/version')
+             self.yumdb.conf.version_path = version_path
+@@ -534,13 +551,11 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+             qpat = pat[0]
+             if qpat in ('?', '*', '['):
+                 qpat = None
+-            if ignore_case:
+-                if qpat is not None:
+-                    qpat = qpat.lower()
+-                ret.append((qpat, re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pat), re.I)))
+-            else:
+-                ret.append((qpat, re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pat))))
++            elif ignore_case:
++                qpat = qpat.lower()
++            ret.append((qpat, misc.compile_pattern(pat, ignore_case)))
+         return ret
+     @staticmethod
+     def _match_repattern(repatterns, hdr, ignore_case):
+         """ This is basically parsePackages() but for rpm hdr objects. """
+@@ -558,20 +573,20 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+                 qname = qname.lower()
+             if qpat is not None and qpat != qname and qpat != epoch[0]:
+                 continue
+-            if repat.match(hdr['name']):
++            if repat(hdr['name']):
+                 return True
+-            if repat.match("%(name)s-%(version)s-%(release)s.%(arch)s" % hdr):
++            if repat("%(name)s-%(version)s-%(release)s.%(arch)s" % hdr):
+                 return True
+-            if repat.match("%(name)s.%(arch)s" % hdr):
++            if repat("%(name)s.%(arch)s" % hdr):
+                 return True
+-            if repat.match("%(name)s-%(version)s" % hdr):
++            if repat("%(name)s-%(version)s" % hdr):
+                 return True
+-            if repat.match("%(name)s-%(version)s-%(release)s" % hdr):
++            if repat("%(name)s-%(version)s-%(release)s" % hdr):
+                 return True
+-            if repat.match(epoch + ":%(name)s-%(version)s-%(release)s.%(arch)s"
++            if repat(epoch + ":%(name)s-%(version)s-%(release)s.%(arch)s"
+                            % hdr):
+                 return True
+-            if repat.match("%(name)s-%(epoch)s:%(version)s-%(release)s.%(arch)s"
++            if repat(("%(name)s-" + epoch + ":%(version)s-%(release)s.%(arch)s")
+                            % hdr):
+                 return True
+         return False
+@@ -592,7 +607,23 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+                 # will pick up any loads :)
+                 pkgs = self.searchNames([pat])
+                 if not pkgs:
+-                    break
++                    # We need to do a big search for 'pkg*'
++                    if misc.re_glob(pat):
++                        break
++                    # We need to do a big search for 'pkg-1.2'
++                    if '-' in pat:
++                        break
++                    # We need to do a big search for 'pkg.noarch'
++                    if '.' in pat:
++                        break
++                    #  We don't need to do a big search for '0:pkg', because
++                    # <en> isn't possible ... and envra matches the above.
++                    # if ':' in pat:
++                    #    break
++                    #  At this point we have just found something that doesn't
++                    # match, like "yum list zzuf" ... we don't want this to take
++                    # the much slower path.
+                 ret.extend(pkgs)
+             else:
+                 return ret
+@@ -616,7 +647,7 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+             for hdr, idx in self._get_packages():
+                 if self._match_repattern(rpats, hdr, ignore_case):
+                     self._makePackageObject(hdr, idx)
+-            self._completely_loaded = patterns is None
++            self._completely_loaded = rpats is None
+         pkgobjlist = self._idx2pkg.values()
+         # Remove gpg-pubkeys, as no sane callers expects/likes them...
+@@ -680,11 +711,56 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+         rpmdbv = self.simpleVersion(main_only=True)[0]
+         self._write_conflicts_new(pkgs, rpmdbv)
++    def _uncached_returnObsoletePackages(self):
++        """ Load the packages which have obsoletes from the rpmdb, this is
++            needed because newer rpm's have obsoletes imply conflicts. """
++        if self._cached_obsoletes_data is None:
++            result = {}
++            for hdr, idx in self._get_packages('obsoletename'):
++                if not hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_OBSOLETENAME]:
++                    # Pre. rpm-4.9.x the above dbMatch() does nothing.
++                    continue
++                po = self._makePackageObject(hdr, idx)
++                result[po.pkgid] = po
++                if po._has_hdr:
++                    continue # Unlikely, but, meh...
++                po.hdr = hdr
++                po._has_hdr = True
++                po.obsoletes
++                po._has_hdr = False
++                del po.hdr
++            self._cached_obsoletes_data = result.values()
++        return self._cached_obsoletes_data
++    def _write_obsoletes_new(self, pkgs, rpmdbv):
++        if not os.access(self._cachedir, os.W_OK):
++            return
++        obsoletes_fname = self._cachedir + '/obsoletes'
++        fo = _open_no_umask(obsoletes_fname + '.tmp', 'w')
++        fo.write("%s\n" % rpmdbv)
++        fo.write("%u\n" % len(pkgs))
++        for pkg in sorted(pkgs):
++            for var in pkg.pkgtup:
++                fo.write("%s\n" % var)
++        fo.close()
++        os.rename(obsoletes_fname + '.tmp', obsoletes_fname)
++    def _write_obsoletes(self, pkgs):
++        rpmdbv = self.simpleVersion(main_only=True)[0]
++        self._write_obsoletes_new(pkgs, rpmdbv)
+     def _deal_with_bad_rpmdbcache(self, caller):
+         """ This shouldn't be called, but people are hitting weird stuff so
+             we want to deal with it so it doesn't stay broken "forever". """
+         misc.unlink_f(self._cachedir + "/version")
+         misc.unlink_f(self._cachedir + '/conflicts')
++        misc.unlink_f(self._cachedir + '/obsoletes')
+         misc.unlink_f(self._cachedir + '/file-requires')
+         misc.unlink_f(self._cachedir + '/pkgtups-checksums')
+         #  We have a couple of options here, we can:
+@@ -701,15 +777,15 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+         if __debug__:
+             raise Errors.PackageSackError, 'Rpmdb checksum is invalid: %s' % caller
+-    def _read_conflicts(self):
++    def _read_pkglist(self, fname):
+         if not self.__cache_rpmdb__:
+             return None
+         def _read_str(fo):
+             return fo.readline()[:-1]
+-        conflict_fname = self._cachedir + '/conflicts'
+-        fo, e = _iopen(conflict_fname)
++        full_fname = self._cachedir + '/' + fname
++        fo, e = _iopen(full_fname)
+         if fo is None:
+             return None
+         frpmdbv = fo.readline()
+@@ -719,7 +795,7 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+         ret = []
+         try:
+-            # Read the conflicts...
++            # Read the pkgs...
+             pkgtups_num = int(_read_str(fo))
+             while pkgtups_num > 0:
+                 pkgtups_num -= 1
+@@ -732,10 +808,13 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+             if fo.readline() != '': # Should be EOF
+                 return None
+         except ValueError:
+-            self._deal_with_bad_rpmdbcache("conflicts")
++            self._deal_with_bad_rpmdbcache(fname)
+             return None
+-        self._cached_conflicts_data = ret
++        return ret
++    def _read_conflicts(self):
++        self._cached_conflicts_data = self._read_pkglist("conflicts")
+         return self._cached_conflicts_data
+     def transactionCacheConflictPackages(self, pkgs):
+@@ -752,6 +831,24 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+         return pkgs
++    def transactionCacheObsoletePackages(self, pkgs):
++        if self.__cache_rpmdb__:
++            self._trans_cache_store['obsoletes'] = pkgs
++    def _read_obsoletes(self):
++        self._cached_obsoletes_data = self._read_pkglist("obsoletes")
++        return self._cached_obsoletes_data
++    def returnObsoletePackages(self):
++        """ Return a list of packages that have obsoletes. """
++        pkgs = self._read_obsoletes()
++        if pkgs is None:
++            pkgs = self._uncached_returnObsoletePackages()
++            if self.__cache_rpmdb__:
++                self._write_obsoletes(pkgs)
++        return pkgs
+     def transactionResultVersion(self, rpmdbv):
+         """ We are going to do a transaction, and the parameter will be the
+             rpmdb version when we finish. The idea being we can update all
+@@ -765,6 +862,10 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+             pkgs = self._trans_cache_store['conflicts']
+             self._write_conflicts_new(pkgs, rpmdbv)
++        if 'obsoletes' in self._trans_cache_store:
++            pkgs = self._trans_cache_store['obsoletes']
++            self._write_obsoletes_new(pkgs, rpmdbv)
+         if 'file-requires' in self._trans_cache_store:
+             data = self._trans_cache_store['file-requires']
+             self._write_file_requires(rpmdbv, data)
+@@ -993,7 +1094,7 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+             return
+         if not load_packages:
+-             return checksum_data
++            return checksum_data
+         for pkgtup in checksum_data:
+             if checksum_data[pkgtup] is None:
+@@ -1002,7 +1103,8 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+             (n, a, e, v, r) = pkgtup
+             pkg = self.searchNevra(n, e, v, r, a)
+             if not pkg:
+-                self._deal_with_bad_rpmdbcache("pkg checksums")
++                self._deal_with_bad_rpmdbcache("pkg checksums: %s-%s:%s-%s.%s" %
++                                               (n, e, v, r, a))
+                 continue
+             pkg = pkg[0]
+             (T, D) = checksum_data[pkgtup]
+@@ -1049,7 +1151,7 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+         # http://lists.rpm.org/pipermail/rpm-maint/2007-November/001719.html
+         # ...if anything gets implemented, we should change.
+         rpmdbvfname = self._cachedir + "/version"
+-        rpmdbfname  = self.root + "/var/lib/rpm/Packages"
++        rpmdbfname  = self._rpmdbpath + "/Packages"
+         if os.path.exists(rpmdbvfname) and os.path.exists(rpmdbfname):
+             # See if rpmdb has "changed" ...
+@@ -1072,7 +1174,7 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+         if self._cached_rpmdb_mtime is None:
+             return # We haven't loaded any packages!!!
+-        rpmdbfname  = self.root + "/var/lib/rpm/Packages"
++        rpmdbfname  = self._rpmdbpath + "/Packages"
+         if not os.path.exists(rpmdbfname):
+             return # haha
+@@ -1088,7 +1190,7 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+                 return
+             try:
+-                os.makedirs(self._cachedir)
++                _makedirs_no_umask(self._cachedir)
+             except (IOError, OSError), e:
+                 return
+@@ -1223,7 +1325,7 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+                 if not pkgs:
+                     self._pkgname_fails.add(name)
+             else:
+-                pkgs = self.returnPkgs()
++                pkgs = self.returnPackages()
+             for po in pkgs:
+                 for tag in ('arch', 'rel', 'ver', 'epoch'):
+                     if loc[tag] is not None and loc[tag] != getattr(po, tag):
+@@ -1268,7 +1370,7 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+         self._name2pkg.setdefault(po.name, []).append(po)
+         self._tup2pkg[po.pkgtup] = po
+         if self.__cache_rpmdb__ and self._cached_rpmdb_mtime is None:
+-            rpmdbfname  = self.root + "/var/lib/rpm/Packages"
++            rpmdbfname  = self._rpmdbpath + "/Packages"
+             self._cached_rpmdb_mtime = os.path.getmtime(rpmdbfname)
+         return po
+@@ -1456,7 +1558,7 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+         providers = set() # Speedup, as usual :)
+         problems = []
+         for pkg in sorted(pkgs): # The sort here is mainly for "UI"
+-            for rreq in pkg.requires:
++            for rreq in pkg.strong_requires:
+                 if rreq[0].startswith('rpmlib'): continue
+                 if rreq in providers:            continue
+@@ -1481,6 +1583,8 @@ class RPMDBPackageSack(PackageSackBase):
+                 prob = RPMDBProblemDependency(pkg, "conflicts", found=found,
+                                               conflicts=res)
+                 problems.append(prob)
++            # Note that obsoletes are checked separately, and are name only.
+         return problems
+     def _iter_two_pkgs(self, ignore_provides):
+@@ -1562,11 +1666,11 @@ class RPMDBAdditionalData(object):
+         self._packages = {} # pkgid = dir
+         if not os.path.exists(self.conf.db_path):
+             try:
+-                os.makedirs(self.conf.db_path)
++                _makedirs_no_umask(self.conf.db_path)
++                self.conf.writable = True
+             except (IOError, OSError), e:
+                 # some sort of useful thing here? A warning?
+-                return
+-            self.conf.writable = True
++                pass
+         else:
+             if os.access(self.conf.db_path, os.W_OK):
+                 self.conf.writable = True
+@@ -1622,6 +1726,7 @@ class RPMDBAdditionalDataPackage(object):
+                                 'installed_by', 'changed_by',
+                                 'from_repo', 'from_repo_revision',
+                                 'from_repo_timestamp', 'releasever',
++                                'group_member',
+                                 'command_line'])
+     def __init__(self, conf, pkgdir, yumdb_cache=None):
+@@ -1708,7 +1813,7 @@ class RPMDBAdditionalDataPackage(object):
+     def _write(self, attr, value):
+         # check for self._conf.writable before going on?
+         if not os.path.exists(self._mydir):
+-            os.makedirs(self._mydir)
++            _makedirs_no_umask(self._mydir)
+         attr = _sanitize(attr)
+         if attr in self._read_cached_data:
+@@ -1753,7 +1858,7 @@ class RPMDBAdditionalDataPackage(object):
+         if attr.endswith('.tmp'):
+             raise AttributeError, "%s has no attribute %s" % (self, attr)
+-        info = misc.stat_f(fn)
++        info = misc.stat_f(fn, ignore_EACCES=True)
+         if info is None:
+             raise AttributeError, "%s has no attribute %s" % (self, attr)
+diff --git a/yum/rpmtrans.py b/yum/rpmtrans.py
+index 9b265f9..74a0f3f 100644
+--- a/yum/rpmtrans.py
++++ b/yum/rpmtrans.py
+@@ -119,7 +119,11 @@ class RPMBaseCallback:
+         else:
+             msg = '%s: %s' % (package, action)
+         self.logger.info(msg)
++    def verify_txmbr(self, base, txmbr, count):
++        " Callback for post transaction when we are in verifyTransaction(). "
++        pass
+ class SimpleCliCallBack(RPMBaseCallback):
+     def __init__(self):
+@@ -140,6 +144,10 @@ class SimpleCliCallBack(RPMBaseCallback):
+         if msgs:
+             print msgs,
++    def verify_txmbr(self, base, txmbr, count):
++        " Callback for post transaction when we are in verifyTransaction(). "
++        print _("Verify: %u/%u: %s") % (count, len(base.tsInfo), txmbr)
+ #  This is ugly, but atm. rpm can go insane and run the "cleanup" phase
+ # without the "install" phase if it gets an exception in it's callback. The
+ # following means that we don't really need to know/care about that in the
+@@ -157,8 +165,12 @@ class _WrapNoExceptions:
+         def newFunc(*args, **kwargs):
+             try:
+                 func(*args, **kwargs)
+-            except:
+-                pass
++            except Exception, e:
++                # It's impossible to debug stuff without this:
++                try:
++                    print "Error:", "display callback failed:", e
++                except:
++                    pass
+         newFunc.__name__ = func.__name__
+         newFunc.__doc__ = func.__doc__
+@@ -463,6 +475,11 @@ class RPMTransaction:
+         # SCRIPT_ERROR is only in rpm >= 4.6.0
+         elif hasattr(rpm, "RPMCALLBACK_SCRIPT_ERROR") and what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_SCRIPT_ERROR:
+             self._scriptError(bytes, total, h)
++        # SCRIPT_START and SCRIPT_STOP are only in rpm >= 4.10
++        elif hasattr(rpm, "RPMCALLBACK_SCRIPT_START") and what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_SCRIPT_START:
++            self._scriptStart(bytes, total, h);
++        elif hasattr(rpm, "RPMCALLBACK_SCRIPT_STOP") and what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_SCRIPT_STOP:
++            self._scriptStop(bytes, total, h);
+     def _transStart(self, bytes, total, h):
+@@ -619,5 +636,19 @@ class RPMTransaction:
+             msg = ("Non-fatal %s scriptlet failure in rpm package %s" % 
+                    (scriptlet_name, package_name))
+         self.display.errorlog(msg)
++        self._scriptout(package_name)
+         # FIXME - what else should we do here? raise a failure and abort?
++    def _scriptStart(self, bytes, total, h):
++        pass
++    def _scriptStop(self, bytes, total, h):
++        name, txmbr = self._getTxmbr(h)
++        self._scriptout(txmbr or name)
++    def verify_txmbr(self, txmbr, count):
++        " Callback for post transaction when we are in verifyTransaction(). "
++        if not hasattr(self.display, 'verify_txmbr'):
++            return
++        self.display.verify_txmbr(self.base, txmbr, count)
+diff --git a/yum/sqlitesack.py b/yum/sqlitesack.py
+index 8a6f6f3..65401a9 100644
+--- a/yum/sqlitesack.py
++++ b/yum/sqlitesack.py
+@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ def _parse_pkg_n(match, regexp_match, n):
+     if not regexp_match:
+         return False
+-    if (match and n and match[0] not in ('?', '*') and match[0] != n[0]):
++    if (match and n and match[0] not in ('?', '*', '[') and match[0] != n[0]):
+         return False
+     if regexp_match(n):
+         return True
+@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def _parse_pkg(match, regexp_match, data, e,v,r,a):
+     # Worthless speed hacks?
+     if match == n:
+         return True
+-    if (match and n and match[0] not in ('?', '*') and
++    if (match and n and match[0] not in ('?', '*', '[') and
+         match[0] != n[0] and match[0] != e[0]):
+         return False
+@@ -298,13 +298,14 @@ class YumAvailablePackageSqlite(YumAvailablePackage, PackageObject, RpmBase):
+                            "WHERE  packages.pkgId = ?", (self.pkgId,))
+         for ob in cur:
+             dirname = ob['dirname']
++            if dirname == '.':
++                dirname = ''
++            elif dirname and dirname[-1] != '/':
++                dirname += '/'
+             filetypes = decodefiletypelist(ob['filetypes'])
+             filenames = decodefilenamelist(ob['filenames'])
+             while(filetypes):
+-                if dirname:
+-                    filename = dirname+'/'+filenames.pop()
+-                else:
+-                    filename = filenames.pop()
++                filename = dirname + filenames.pop()
+                 filetype = _share_data(filetypes.pop())
+                 result.setdefault(filetype,[]).append(filename)
+         self._loadedfiles = True
+@@ -382,6 +383,10 @@ class YumAvailablePackageSqlite(YumAvailablePackage, PackageObject, RpmBase):
+     def returnPrco(self, prcotype, printable=False):
+         prcotype = _share_data(prcotype)
++        if prcotype == 'strong_requires':
++            # pkg not installed so we don't know require flags yet
++            # returning all requires should work in most cases
++            prcotype = 'requires'
+         if isinstance(self.prco[prcotype], tuple):
+             sql = "SELECT name, version, release, epoch, flags " \
+                   "FROM %s WHERE pkgKey = ?" % prcotype
+@@ -406,7 +411,7 @@ class YumAvailablePackageSqlite(YumAvailablePackage, PackageObject, RpmBase):
+         requires = []
+         for ob in cur:
+             pre = "0"
+-            if ob['pre'].lower() in ['TRUE', 1]:
++            if ob['pre'].lower() in ['true', 1]:
+                 pre = "1"
+             prco_set = (_share_data(ob['name']), _share_data(ob['flags']),
+                         (_share_data(ob['epoch']),
+@@ -917,8 +922,7 @@ class YumSqlitePackageSack(yumRepo.YumPackageSack):
+         # ultra simple optimization 
+         if misc.re_primary_filename(name):
+-            if not misc.re_glob(dirname): # is the dirname a glob?
+-                return self._search_primary_files(name)
++            return self._search_primary_files(name)
+         if len(self.filelistsdb) == 0:
+             # grab repo object from primarydb and force filelists population in this sack using repo
+@@ -1560,7 +1564,7 @@ class YumSqlitePackageSack(yumRepo.YumPackageSack):
+             patterns = tmp
+         return (need_full, patterns, fields, False)
+-    @catchSqliteException
++    # @catchSqliteException has no effect on generators
+     def _yieldSQLDataList(self, repoid, patterns, fields, ignore_case):
+         """Yields all the package data for the given params. Excludes are done
+            at this stage. """
+@@ -1593,6 +1597,7 @@ class YumSqlitePackageSack(yumRepo.YumPackageSack):
+                 for x in cur:
+                     yield (repo, x)
++    @catchSqliteException
+     def _buildPkgObjList(self, repoid=None, patterns=None, ignore_case=False):
+         """Builds a list of packages, only containing nevra information.
+            Excludes are done at this stage. """
+@@ -1666,6 +1671,7 @@ class YumSqlitePackageSack(yumRepo.YumPackageSack):
+         return returnList
++    @catchSqliteException
+     def simplePkgList(self, patterns=None, ignore_case=False):
+         """Returns a list of pkg tuples (n, a, e, v, r), optionally from a
+            single repoid. Note that the packages are always filtered to those
+diff --git a/yum/sqlutils.py b/yum/sqlutils.py
+index 4d7e36e..826ad62 100644
+--- a/yum/sqlutils.py
++++ b/yum/sqlutils.py
+@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def Tokenize(str, whitespace=" \t\r\n", quotes="\"", escapes="\\"):
+     @param        str: string to tokenize
+     @type         str: string
+-    @param whitespace: whitespace characters seperating tokens
++    @param whitespace: whitespace characters separating tokens
+     @type  whitespace: string
+     @param     quotes: legal quoting characters
+     @type      quotes: string
+diff --git a/yum/transactioninfo.py b/yum/transactioninfo.py
+index 4d89d83..d34f3a8 100644
+--- a/yum/transactioninfo.py
++++ b/yum/transactioninfo.py
+@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ import Errors
+ import warnings
+ import misc
++import time
+ class GetProvReqOnlyPackageSack(PackageSack):
+     def __init__(self, need_files=False):
+         PackageSack.__init__(self)
+@@ -84,10 +86,13 @@ class TransactionData:
+         self.changed = False
+         self.installonlypkgs = []
+         self.state_counter = 0
++        self.tm_created = time.time()
++        self.tm_changed = time.time()
+         self.conditionals = {} # key = pkgname, val = list of pos to add
+         self.rpmdb = None
+-        self.pkgSack = None
++        self._pkgSack = None
++        self._pkgSackCtor = None
+         self.pkgSackPackages = 0
+         self.localSack = PackageSack()
+         self._inSack = GetProvReqOnlyPackageSack()
+@@ -95,6 +100,8 @@ class TransactionData:
+         # lists of txmbrs in their states - just placeholders
+         self.instgroups = []
+         self.removedgroups = []
++        self.instenvironments = []
++        self.removedenvironments = []
+         self.removed = []
+         self.installed = []
+         self.updated = []
+@@ -105,6 +112,14 @@ class TransactionData:
+         self.reinstalled = []
+         self.downgraded = []
+         self.failed = []
++        self._future_rpmdbv = None
++        self._check_future_rpmdbv = None
++    def _changed(self):
++        self.changed = True
++        self.state_counter += 1
++        self.tm_changed = time.time()
+     def __len__(self):
+         return len(self.pkgdict)
+@@ -115,6 +130,18 @@ class TransactionData:
+         else:
+             return iter(self.getMembers())
++    def _getPkgSack(self):
++        if self._pkgSack is not None:
++            return self._pkgSack
++        if self._pkgSackCtor is not None:
++            self._pkgSack = self._pkgSackCtor()
++        return self._pkgSack
++    pkgSack = property(fget=lambda self: self._getPkgSack(),
++                       fset=lambda self, value: setattr(self, "_pkgSack",value),
++                       fdel=lambda self: setattr(self, "_pkgSack", None),
++                       doc="Package sack object")
+     def debugprint(self, msg):
+         if self.debug:
+             print msg
+@@ -208,7 +235,9 @@ class TransactionData:
+                 txmbrs = self.matchNaevr(na[0], na[1])
+         if not txmbrs:
+-            if self.pkgSack is None:
++            if self._inSack is not None:
++                pkgs = self._inSack.returnPackages(patterns=[pattern])
++            elif self.pkgSack is None:
+                 pkgs = []
+             else:
+                 pkgs = self.pkgSack.returnPackages(patterns=[pattern])
+@@ -236,6 +265,8 @@ class TransactionData:
+         # happens IRL.
+         return txmember.ts_state in ('u', 'i') and not isinstance(txmember.po, (YumInstalledPackage, YumAvailablePackageSqlite))
++    # NOTE: This is a copy of Depsolve.allowedMultipleInstalls() because
++    #       we can't get to YumBase from here. Use that as the main/public API.
+     def _allowedMultipleInstalls(self, po):
+         """takes a packageObject, returns 1 or 0 depending on if the package 
+            should/can be installed multiple times with different vers
+@@ -266,8 +297,8 @@ class TransactionData:
+                     return
+         self.pkgdict[txmember.pkgtup].append(txmember)
+         self._namedict.setdefault(txmember.name, []).append(txmember)
+-        self.changed = True
+-        self.state_counter += 1
++        self._changed()
+         if self._isLocalPackage(txmember):
+             self.localSack.addPackage(txmember.po)
+         elif isinstance(txmember.po, YumAvailablePackageSqlite):
+@@ -307,8 +338,7 @@ class TransactionData:
+         del self.pkgdict[pkgtup]
+         if not self._namedict[pkgtup[0]]:
+             del self._namedict[pkgtup[0]]
+-        self.changed = True        
+-        self.state_counter += 1
++        self._changed()
+     def exists(self, pkgtup):
+         """tells if the pkg is in the class"""
+@@ -334,6 +364,8 @@ class TransactionData:
+         self.instgroups = []
+         self.removedgroups = []
++        self.instenvironments = []
++        self.removedenvironments = []
+         self.removed = []
+         self.installed = []
+         self.updated = []
+@@ -365,7 +397,13 @@ class TransactionData:
+                     for g in txmbr.groups:
+                         if g not in self.instgroups:
+                             self.instgroups.append(g)
+-                if txmbr.isDep:
++                if txmbr.environments:
++                    for evg in txmbr.environments:
++                        if evg not in self.instenvironments:
++                            self.instenvironments.append(evg)
++                #  "user" here is kind of a hack ... we really shouldn't have
++                # .isDep == True, but this probably doesn't hurt.
++                if txmbr.isDep and txmbr.reason != 'user':
+                     self.depinstalled.append(txmbr)
+                 else:
+                     self.installed.append(txmbr)
+@@ -377,6 +415,9 @@ class TransactionData:
+                 for g in txmbr.groups:
+                     if g not in self.instgroups:
+                         self.removedgroups.append(g)
++                for evg in txmbr.environments:
++                    if evg not in self.instenvironments:
++                        self.removedenvironments.append(evg)
+                 if txmbr.isDep:
+                     self.depremoved.append(txmbr)
+                 else:
+@@ -402,6 +443,8 @@ class TransactionData:
+         self.depremoved.sort()
+         self.instgroups.sort()
+         self.removedgroups.sort()
++        self.instenvironments.sort()
++        self.removedenvironments.sort()
+         self.reinstalled.sort()
+         self.downgraded.sort()
+         self.failed.sort()
+@@ -418,7 +461,6 @@ class TransactionData:
+         txmbr.output_state = TS_INSTALL
+         txmbr.po.state = TS_INSTALL        
+         txmbr.ts_state = 'u'
+-        txmbr.reason = 'user'
+         if self.rpmdb.contains(po=txmbr.po):
+             txmbr.reinstall = True
+@@ -436,7 +478,6 @@ class TransactionData:
+         txmbr.output_state = TS_TRUEINSTALL
+         txmbr.po.state = TS_INSTALL        
+         txmbr.ts_state = 'i'
+-        txmbr.reason = 'user'
+         if self.rpmdb.contains(po=txmbr.po):
+             txmbr.reinstall = True
+@@ -489,6 +530,10 @@ class TransactionData:
+         if not atxmbr: # Fail?
+             self.remove(itxmbr.pkgtup)
+             return None
++        if 'reason' in oldpo.yumdb_info:
++            atxmbr.reason = oldpo.yumdb_info.reason
+         atxmbr.relatedto.append((oldpo, 'downgrades'))
+         atxmbr.downgrades.append(oldpo)
+@@ -505,6 +550,10 @@ class TransactionData:
+         txmbr.ts_state = 'ud'
+         txmbr.relatedto.append((updating_po, 'updatedby'))
+         txmbr.updated_by.append(updating_po)
++        if 'reason' in po.yumdb_info: # Propbably worthless, but...
++            txmbr.reason = po.yumdb_info.reason
+         self.add(txmbr)
+         return txmbr
+@@ -537,6 +586,10 @@ class TransactionData:
+         txmbr.ts_state = 'od'
+         txmbr.relatedto.append((obsoleting_po, 'obsoletedby'))
+         txmbr.obsoleted_by.append(obsoleting_po)
++        if 'reason' in po.yumdb_info: # Propbably worthless, but...
++            txmbr.reason = po.yumdb_info.reason
+         self.add(txmbr)
+         for otxmbr in self.getMembersWithState(obsoleting_po.pkgtup,
+                                                [TS_OBSOLETING]):
+@@ -547,9 +600,10 @@ class TransactionData:
+         return txmbr
+-    def setDatabases(self, rpmdb, pkgSack):
++    def setDatabases(self, rpmdb, pkgSack, pkgSackCtor=None):
+         self.rpmdb = rpmdb
+-        self.pkgSack = pkgSack
++        self._pkgSack     = pkgSack
++        self._pkgSackCtor = pkgSackCtor
+     def getNewProvides(self, name, flag=None, version=(None, None, None)):
+         """return dict { packages -> list of matching provides }
+@@ -619,6 +673,12 @@ class TransactionData:
+         """ Return a simple version for the future rpmdb. Works like
+             rpmdb.simpleVersion(main_only=True)[0], but for the state the rpmdb
+             will be in after the transaction. """
++        if self._future_rpmdbv is not None:
++            sc, ret = self._future_rpmdbv
++            if sc == self.state_counter:
++                return ret
+         pkgs = self.rpmdb.returnPackages()
+         _reinstalled_pkgtups = {}
+         for txmbr in self.getMembersWithState(None, TS_INSTALL_STATES):
+@@ -658,6 +718,7 @@ class TransactionData:
+         self.rpmdb.transactionCachePackageChecksums(pkg_checksum_tups)
++        self._future_rpmdbv = (self.state_counter, main)
+         return main
+     def findObsoletedByThisMember(self, txmbr):
+@@ -752,6 +813,8 @@ class TransactionMember:
+         self.downgraded_by = []
+         self.reinstall = False
+         self.groups = [] # groups it's in
++        self.environments = [] # Env. groups it's in
++        self.repopkg = None # repo pkg "group" it was removed/installed by
+         self._poattr = ['pkgtup', 'repoid', 'name', 'arch', 'epoch', 'version',
+                         'release']
+@@ -767,15 +830,34 @@ class TransactionMember:
+             po.yumdb_info.get('releasever')
+             po.yumdb_info.get('changed_by')
+-    def setAsDep(self, po=None):
++    def setAsDep(self, po=None, relonly=False):
+         """sets the transaction member as a dependency and maps the dep into the
+            relationship list attribute"""
+-        self.isDep = 1
++        if not relonly:
++            self.isDep = 1
+         if po:
+             self.relatedto.append((po, 'dependson'))
+             self.depends_on.append(po)
++    def removeDep(self, po):
++        """sets the transaction member as a dependency and maps the dep into the
++           relationship list attribute"""
++        nrelto = []
++        for data in self.relatedto:
++            if data[0] == po:
++                continue
++            nrelto.append(data)
++        self.relatedto = nrelto
++        ndepon = []
++        for data in self.depends_on:
++            if data == po:
++                continue
++            ndepon.append(data)
++        self.depends_on = ndepon
+     def __cmp__(self, other):
+         return cmp(self.po, other.po)
+@@ -825,5 +907,9 @@ class TransactionMember:
+         if self.groups:
+             msg += "  groups: %s\n" % ' '.join(self.groups)
++        if self.environments:
++            msg += "  environments: %s\n" % ' '.join(self.environments)
++        if self.repopkg:
++            msg += "  repopkg: %s\n" % self.repopkg
+         return msg
+diff --git a/yum/update_md.py b/yum/update_md.py
+index 2cb1acb..a62bc00 100644
+--- a/yum/update_md.py
++++ b/yum/update_md.py
+@@ -23,23 +23,28 @@ Update metadata (updateinfo.xml) parsing.
+ import sys
+-from yum.i18n import utf8_text_wrap, to_utf8, to_unicode
++from yum.i18n import utf8_text_wrap, to_utf8, to_unicode, _
+ from yum.yumRepo import YumRepository
+ from yum.packages import FakeRepository
+ from yum.misc import to_xml, decompress, repo_gen_decompress
+ from yum.misc import cElementTree_iterparse as iterparse 
+ import Errors
++import logginglevels
+ import rpmUtils.miscutils
+-def safe_iterparse(filename):
++def safe_iterparse(filename, logger=None):
+     """ Works like iterparse, but hides XML errors (prints a warning). """
+     try:
+         for event, elem in iterparse(filename):
+             yield event, elem
+     except SyntaxError: # Bad XML
+-        print >> sys.stderr, "File is not valid XML:", filename
++        if logger:
++            logger.critical(_("Updateinfo file is not valid XML: %s"), filename)
++        else:
++            print >> sys.stderr, "Updateinfo file is not valid XML:", filename
+ class UpdateNoticeException(Exception):
+     """ An exception thrown for bad UpdateNotice data. """
+@@ -79,11 +84,53 @@ class UpdateNotice(object):
+     def __getitem__(self, item):
+         """ Allows scriptable metadata access (ie: un['update_id']). """
+-        return self._md.get(item) or None
++        if type(item) is int:
++            return sorted(self._md)[item]
++        ret = self._md.get(item)
++        if ret == '':
++            ret = None
++        return ret
++    def __contains__(self, item):
++        """ Allows quick tests for foo in blah. """
++        return item in self._md
+     def __setitem__(self, item, val):
+         self._md[item] = val
++    def __eq__(self, other):
++        #  Tests to see if it's "the same data", which means that the
++        # packages can be different (see add_notice).
++        if not other or not hasattr(other, '_md'):
++            return False
++        for data in ('type', 'update_id', 'status', 'rights',
++                     'severity', 'release',
++                     'issued', 'updated', 'version', 'pushcount',
++                     'from', 'title', 'summary', 'description', 'solution'):
++            if data == 'status': # FIXME: See below...
++                continue
++            if self._md[data] != other._md[data]:
++                return False
++        # FIXME: Massive hack, Fedora is really broken and gives status=stable
++        # and status=testing for updateinfo notices, just depending on which
++        # repo. they come from.
++        data = 'status'
++        if self._md[data] != other._md[data]:
++            if self._md[data]  not in ('stable', 'testing'):
++                return False
++            if other._md[data] not in ('stable', 'testing'):
++                return False
++            # They are both really "stable" ...
++            self._md[data]  = 'stable'
++            other._md[data] = 'stable'
++        return True
++    def __ne__(self, other):
++        return not (self == other)
+     def text(self, skip_data=('files', 'summary', 'rights', 'solution')):
+         head = """
+ ===============================================================================
+@@ -304,7 +351,9 @@ class UpdateNotice(object):
+                 to_xml(self._md['title']), to_xml(self._md['release']),
+                 to_xml(self._md['issued'], attrib=True),
+                 to_xml(self._md['description']))
++        if self._md['updated']:
++            # include the updated date in the generated xml
++            msg += """ <updated date="%s"/>\n""" % (to_xml(self._md['updated'], attrib=True))
+         if self._md['summary']:
+             msg += """  <summary>%s</summary>\n""" % (to_xml(self._md['summary']))
+         if self._md['solution']:
+@@ -336,16 +385,17 @@ class UpdateNotice(object):
+                       to_xml(coll['name']))
+                 for pkg in coll['packages']:
+-                    msg += """      <package arch="%s" name="%s" release="%s" src="%s" version="%s">
++                    msg += """      <package arch="%s" name="%s" release="%s" src="%s" version="%s" epoch="%s">
+         <filename>%s</filename>
+       </package>\n""" % (to_xml(pkg['arch'], attrib=True),
+                                 to_xml(pkg['name'], attrib=True),
+                                 to_xml(pkg['release'], attrib=True),
+                                 to_xml(pkg['src'], attrib=True),
+                                 to_xml(pkg['version'], attrib=True),
++                                to_xml(pkg['epoch'] or '0', attrib=True),
+                                 to_xml(pkg['filename']))
+                 msg += """    </collection>\n"""
+-                msg += """  </pkglist>\n"""
++            msg += """  </pkglist>\n"""
+         msg += """</update>\n"""
+         return msg
+@@ -360,11 +410,15 @@ class UpdateMetadata(object):
+     The root update metadata object.
+     """
+-    def __init__(self, repos=[]):
++    def __init__(self, repos=[], logger=None, vlogger=None):
+         self._notices = {}
+         self._cache = {}    # a pkg nvr => notice cache for quick lookups
+         self._no_cache = {}    # a pkg name only => notice list
+         self._repos = []    # list of repo ids that we've parsed
++        self._logger  = logger
++        self._vlogger = vlogger
+         for repo in repos:
+             try: # attempt to grab the updateinfo.xml.gz from the repodata
+                 self.add(repo)
+@@ -423,8 +477,41 @@ class UpdateMetadata(object):
+     def add_notice(self, un):
+         """ Add an UpdateNotice object. This should be fully populated with
+             data, esp. update_id and pkglist/packages. """
+-        if not un or not un["update_id"] or un['update_id'] in self._notices:
+-            return
++        if not un or not un["update_id"]:
++            return False
++        #  This is "special", the main thing we want to deal with here is
++        # having one errata that has multiple packages in it rpmA and rpmB, but
++        # the packages are in repos. repoA and repoB. So instead of doing a
++        # single errata pointing to both rpmA and rpmB and put the same thing
++        # in both repodata (which is legal, and works fine) people want to have
++        # just the packages from repoA in the repodata for repoA and vice versa.
++        if un['update_id'] in self._notices:
++            oun = self._notices[un['update_id']]
++            if oun != un:
++                return False
++            # Ok, main parts of errata are the same, so now merge references:
++            seen = set()
++            for ref in oun['references']:
++                seen.add(ref['id'])
++            for ref in un['references']:
++                if ref['id'] in seen:
++                    continue
++                seen.add(ref['id'])
++                oun['references'].append(ref)
++            # ...and pkglist (this assumes that a pkglist name XYZ is the same):
++            seen = set()
++            for pkg in oun['pkglist']:
++                seen.add(pkg['name'])
++            for pkg in un['pkglist']:
++                if pkg['name'] in seen:
++                    continue
++                seen.add(pkg['name'])
++                oun['pkglist'].append(pkg)
++            un = oun
+         self._notices[un['update_id']] = un
+         for pkg in un['pkglist']:
+@@ -435,16 +522,26 @@ class UpdateMetadata(object):
+                 no = self._no_cache.setdefault(filedata['name'], set())
+                 no.add(un)
++        return True
+     def add(self, obj, mdtype='updateinfo'):
+         """ Parse a metadata from a given YumRepository, file, or filename. """
++        def _rid(repoid, fmt=_(' (from %s)')):
++            if not repoid:
++                return ''
++            return fmt % repoid
+         if not obj:
+             raise UpdateNoticeException
++        repoid = None
+         if type(obj) in (type(''), type(u'')):
+             unfile = decompress(obj)
+             infile = open(unfile, 'rt')
+         elif isinstance(obj, YumRepository):
+             if obj.id not in self._repos:
++                repoid = obj.id
+                 self._repos.append(obj.id)
+                 md = obj.retrieveMD(mdtype)
+                 if not md:
+@@ -456,15 +553,28 @@ class UpdateMetadata(object):
+         else:   # obj is a file object
+             infile = obj
+-        for event, elem in safe_iterparse(infile):
++        have_dup = False
++        for event, elem in safe_iterparse(infile, logger=self._logger):
+             if elem.tag == 'update':
+                 try:
+                     un = UpdateNotice(elem)
+                 except UpdateNoticeException, e:
+-                    print >> sys.stderr, "An update notice is broken, skipping."
+-                    # what else should we do?
++                    msg = _("An update notice%s is broken, skipping.") % _rid(repoid)
++                    if self._vlogger:
++                        self._vlogger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_1, "%s", msg)
++                    else:
++                        print >> sys.stderr, msg
+                     continue
+-                self.add_notice(un)
++                if not self.add_notice(un):
++                    msg = _("Update notice %s%s is broken, or a bad duplicate, skipping.") % (un['update_id'], _rid(repoid))
++                    if not have_dup:
++                        msg += _('\nYou should report this problem to the owner of the %srepository.') % _rid(repoid, "%s ")
++                    have_dup = True
++                    if self._vlogger:
++                        self._vlogger.warn("%s", msg)
++                    else:
++                        print >> sys.stderr, msg
+     def __unicode__(self):
+         ret = u''
+diff --git a/yum/updateinfo.py b/yum/updateinfo.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..1cc207f
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/yum/updateinfo.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
++import os.path
++from yum.i18n import _, P_
++from yum.constants import *
++from yum.logginglevels import INFO_1
++import rpmUtils.miscutils
++import misc
++import fnmatch
++# newpackages is weird, in that we'll never display that because we filter to
++# things relevant to installed pkgs...
++_update_info_types_ = ("security", "bugfix", "enhancement",
++                       "recommended", "newpackage")
++def _rpm_tup_vercmp(tup1, tup2):
++    """ Compare two "std." tuples, (n, a, e, v, r). """
++    return rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR((tup1[2], tup1[3], tup1[4]),
++                                         (tup2[2], tup2[3], tup2[4]))
++def _ysp_safe_refs(refs):
++    """ Sometimes refs == None, if so return the empty list here. 
++        So we don't have to check everywhere. """
++    if not refs:
++        return []
++    return refs
++def _match_sec_cmd(sec_cmds, pkgname, notice):
++    for i in sec_cmds:
++        if fnmatch.fnmatch(pkgname, i):
++            return i
++        if fnmatch.fnmatch(notice['update_id'], i):
++            return i
++        cvei = i
++        if not (i.startswith("CVE-") or i.startswith("*")):
++            cvei = 'CVE-' + i
++        for ref in _ysp_safe_refs(notice['references']):
++            if ref['id'] is None:
++                continue
++            if fnmatch.fnmatch(ref['id'], i):
++                return i
++            if fnmatch.fnmatch(ref['id'], cvei):
++                return i
++    return None
++def _has_id(used_map, refs, ref_type, ref_ids):
++    ''' Check if the given ID is a match. '''
++    for ref in _ysp_safe_refs(refs):
++        if ref['type'] != ref_type:
++            continue
++        if ref['id'] not in ref_ids:
++            continue
++        used_map[ref_type][ref['id']] = True
++        return ref
++    return None
++def _ysp_should_filter_pkg(opts, pkgname, notice, used_map):
++    """ Do the package filtering for should_show and should_keep. """
++    rcmd = _match_sec_cmd(opts.sec_cmds, pkgname, notice)
++    if rcmd:
++        used_map['cmd'][rcmd] = True
++        return True
++    elif opts.advisory and notice['update_id'] in opts.advisory:
++        used_map['id'][notice['update_id']] = True
++        return True
++    elif (opts.severity and notice['type'] == 'security' and
++          notice['severity'] in opts.severity):
++        used_map['sev'][notice['severity']] = True
++        return True
++    elif opts.cve and _has_id(used_map, notice['references'], "cve", opts.cve):
++        return True
++    elif opts.bz and _has_id(used_map, notice['references'],"bugzilla",opts.bz):
++        return True
++    # FIXME: Add opts for enhancement/etc.? -- __update_info_types__
++    elif (opts.security and notice['type'] == 'security' and
++          (not opts.severity or 'severity' not in notice or
++           not notice['severity'])):
++        return True
++    elif opts.bugfixes and notice['type'] == 'bugfix':
++        return True
++    elif not (opts.advisory or opts.cve or opts.bz or
++              opts.security or opts.bugfixes or opts.sec_cmds or opts.severity):
++        return True # This is only possible from should_show_pkg
++    return False
++def _ysp_has_info_md(rname, md):
++    if rname in _update_info_types_:
++        if md['type'] == rname:
++            return md
++    for ref in _ysp_safe_refs(md['references']):
++        if ref['type'] != rname:
++            continue
++        return md
++def _no_options(opts):
++    return not (opts.security or opts.bugfixes or
++                opts.advisory or opts.bz or opts.cve or opts.severity)
++def _updateinfofilter2opts(updateinfo_filters):
++    opts = misc.GenericHolder()
++    opts.sec_cmds = []
++    opts.advisory = updateinfo_filters.get('advs', [])
++    opts.bz       = updateinfo_filters.get('bzs',  [])
++    opts.cve      = updateinfo_filters.get('cves', [])
++    opts.severity = updateinfo_filters.get('sevs', [])
++    opts.bugfixes = updateinfo_filters.get('bugfix', False)
++    opts.security = updateinfo_filters.get('security', False)
++    return opts
++def _args2filters(args):
++    # Basically allow args to turn into security filters, for shell command etc.
++    T_map = {'advs' : 'advs',
++             'advisory' : 'advs',
++             'advisories' : 'advs',
++             'bzs' : 'bzs',
++             'bz' : 'bzs',
++             'cves' : 'cves',
++             'cve' : 'cves',
++             'security-severity' : 'sevs',
++             'security-severities' : 'sevs',
++             'severity' : 'sevs',
++             'severities' : 'sevs',
++             'sevs' : 'sevs',
++             'sev' : 'sevs',
++             'security' : 'security',
++             'sec' : 'security',
++             'bugfix' : 'bugfix',
++             'bugfixes' : 'bugfix',
++             'bugs' : 'bugfix',
++             }
++    filters = {'security' : False, 'bugfix' : False}
++    for arg0 in args:
++        arg0 = arg0.replace(" ", ',')
++        T = 'advs'
++        if '=' in arg0:
++            T, arg1 = arg0.split('=', 1)
++        elif arg0 not in T_map:
++            arg1 = arg0
++        else:
++            T = arg0
++            arg1 = 'true'
++        if T not in T_map:
++            continue # Error message?
++        T = T_map[T]
++        if T in ('security', 'bugfix'):
++            filters[T] = not filters[T]
++        else:
++            filters[T] = filters.get(T, []) + arg1.split(',')
++        return filters
++def _ysp_gen_used_map(opts):
++    used_map = {'bugzilla' : {}, 'cve' : {}, 'id' : {}, 'cmd' : {}, 'sev' : {}}
++    if True:
++        return used_map
++    for i in opts.sec_cmds:
++        used_map['cmd'][i] = False
++    for i in opts.advisory:
++        used_map['id'][i] = False
++    for i in opts.bz:
++        used_map['bugzilla'][i] = False
++    for i in opts.cve:
++        used_map['cve'][i] = False
++    for i in opts.severity:
++        used_map['sev'][i] = False
++    return used_map
++def _ysp_chk_used_map(used_map, msg):
++    for i in used_map['cmd']:
++        if not used_map['cmd'][i]:
++            msg('No update information found for \"%s\"' % i)
++    for i in used_map['id']:
++        if not used_map['id'][i]:
++            msg('Advisory \"%s\" not found applicable for this system' % i)
++    for i in used_map['bugzilla']:
++        if not used_map['bugzilla'][i]:
++            msg('BZ \"%s\" not found applicable for this system' % i)
++    for i in used_map['cve']:
++        if not used_map['cve'][i]:
++            msg('CVE \"%s\" not found applicable for this system' % i)
++    for i in used_map['sev']:
++        if not used_map['sev'][i]:
++            msg('Severity \"%s\" not found applicable for this system' % i)
++def _get_name2pkgtup(base, pkgtups):
++    name2tup = {}
++    for pkgtup in pkgtups:
++        # Get the latest "old" pkgtups
++        if (pkgtup[0] in name2tup and
++            _rpm_tup_vercmp(name2tup[pkgtup[0]], pkgtup) > 0):
++            continue
++        name2tup[pkgtup[0]] = pkgtup
++    return name2tup
++def _get_name2oldpkgtup(base):
++    """ Get the pkgtups for all installed pkgs. which have an update. """
++    oupdates = map(lambda x: x[1], base.up.getUpdatesTuples())
++    return _get_name2pkgtup(base, oupdates)
++def _get_name2instpkgtup(base):
++    """ Get the pkgtups for all installed pkgs. """
++    return _get_name2pkgtup(base, base.rpmdb.simplePkgList())
++def _get_name2allpkgtup(base):
++    """ Get the pkgtups for all installed pkgs. and munge that to be the
++        first possible pkgtup. """
++    ofirst = [(pt[0], pt[1], '0','0','0') for pt in base.rpmdb.simplePkgList()]
++    return _get_name2pkgtup(base, ofirst)
++def _get_name2aallpkgtup(base):
++    """ Get the pkgtups for all available pkgs. and munge that to be the
++        first possible pkgtup. """
++    ofirst = [(pt[0], pt[1],'0','0','0') for pt in base.pkgSack.simplePkgList()]
++    return _get_name2pkgtup(base, ofirst)
++#  You might think we'd just call delPackage
++# and indeed that works for list updates etc.
++# __but__ that doesn't work for dependancies on real updates
++#  So to fix deps. we need to do it at the preresolve stage and take the
++# "transaction package list" and then remove packages from that.
++# __but__ that doesn't work for lists ... so we do it two ways
++def _ysp_should_keep_pkg(opts, pkgtup, md_info, used_map):
++    """ Do we want to keep this package to satisfy the security limits. """
++    name = pkgtup[0]
++    for (pkgtup, notice) in md_info.get_applicable_notices(pkgtup):
++        if _ysp_should_filter_pkg(opts, name, notice, used_map):
++            return True
++    return False
++def _repos_downloaded(repos):
++    dled = True
++    for repo in repos:
++        try:
++            data = repo.repoXML.getData('updateinfo');
++        except:
++            continue # No data is fine...
++        # Note that this doesn't check that it's decompressed...
++        path = repo.cachedir +'/'+ os.path.basename(data.location[1])
++        if not os.path.exists(path):
++            dled = False
++            break
++    return dled
++def _check_running_kernel(yb, md_info, msg):
++    kern_pkgtup = misc.get_running_kernel_pkgtup(yb.ts)
++    if kern_pkgtup[0] is None:
++        return
++    found_sec = False
++    for (pkgtup, notice) in md_info.get_applicable_notices(kern_pkgtup):
++        if found_sec or notice['type'] != 'security':
++            continue
++        found_sec = True
++        ipkg = yb.rpmdb.searchPkgTuple(pkgtup)
++        if not ipkg:
++            continue # Not installed
++        ipkg = ipkg[0]
++        e = ''
++        if kern_pkgtup[2] != '0':
++            e = '%s:' % kern_pkgtup[2]
++        rpkg = '%s-%s%s-%s.%s' % (kern_pkgtup[0], e,
++                                  kern_pkgtup[3], kern_pkgtup[4],
++                                  kern_pkgtup[1])
++        msg(_('Security: %s is an installed security update') % ipkg)
++        msg(_('Security: %s is the currently running version') % rpkg)
++        break
++def remove_txmbrs(base, filters=None):
++    '''
++    Remove packages from the transaction, using the updateinfo data.
++    '''
++    def ysp_del_pkg(tspkg):
++        """ Deletes a package within a transaction. """
++        base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1,
++                                _(" --> %s from %s removed (updateinfo)") %
++                                (tspkg.po, tspkg.po.ui_from_repo))
++        tsinfo.remove(tspkg.pkgtup)
++    if filters is None:
++        filters = base.updateinfo_filters
++    opts = _updateinfofilter2opts(filters)
++    if _no_options(opts):
++        return 0, 0, 0
++    md_info = base.upinfo
++    tot = 0
++    cnt = 0
++    used_map = _ysp_gen_used_map(opts)
++    tsinfo = base.tsInfo
++    tspkgs = tsinfo.getMembers()
++    #  Ok, here we keep any pkgs that pass "ysp" tests, then we keep all
++    # related pkgs ... Ie. "installed" version marked for removal.
++    keep_pkgs = set()
++    count_states = set(TS_INSTALL_STATES + [TS_ERASE])
++    count_pkgs = set()
++    for tspkg in tspkgs:
++        if tspkg.output_state in count_states:
++            count_pkgs.add(tspkg.po)
++    name2tup = _get_name2oldpkgtup(base)
++    for tspkg in tspkgs:
++        if tspkg.output_state in count_states:
++            tot += 1
++        name = tspkg.po.name
++        if (name not in name2tup or
++            not _ysp_should_keep_pkg(opts, name2tup[name], md_info, used_map)):
++            continue
++        if tspkg.output_state in count_states:
++            cnt += 1
++        keep_pkgs.add(tspkg.po)
++    scnt = cnt
++    mini_depsolve_again = True
++    while mini_depsolve_again:
++        mini_depsolve_again = False
++        for tspkg in tspkgs:
++            if tspkg.po in keep_pkgs:
++                # Find any related pkgs, and add them:
++                for (rpkg, reason) in tspkg.relatedto:
++                    if rpkg not in keep_pkgs:
++                        if rpkg in count_pkgs:
++                            cnt += 1
++                        keep_pkgs.add(rpkg)
++                        mini_depsolve_again = True
++            else:
++                # If related to any keep pkgs, add us
++                for (rpkg, reason) in tspkg.relatedto:
++                    if rpkg in keep_pkgs:
++                        if rpkg in count_pkgs:
++                            cnt += 1
++                        keep_pkgs.add(tspkg.po)
++                        mini_depsolve_again = True
++                        break
++    for tspkg in tspkgs:
++        if tspkg.po not in keep_pkgs:
++            ysp_del_pkg(tspkg)
++    _ysp_chk_used_map(used_map, lambda x: base.verbose_logger.warn("%s", x))
++    if cnt:
++        base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1, _('%d package(s) needed (+%d related) for security, out of %d available') % (scnt, cnt - scnt, tot))
++    else:
++        base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1, _('No packages needed for security; %d packages available') % tot)
++    return cnt, scnt, tot
++def exclude_updates(base, filters=None):
++    '''
++    Exclude all packages to do with updates, using the updateinfo data.
++    '''
++    def ysp_del_pkg(pkg, reason="updateinfo"):
++        """ Deletes a package from all trees that yum knows about """
++        base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1,
++                                _(" --> %s from %s excluded (%s)") %
++                                (pkg,pkg.repoid, reason))
++        pkg.repo.sack.delPackage(pkg)
++    if filters is None:
++        filters = base.updateinfo_filters
++    opts = _updateinfofilter2opts(filters)
++    if _no_options(opts):
++        return 0, 0
++    md_info = base.upinfo
++    used_map = _ysp_gen_used_map(opts)
++    # In theory the official API is:
++    #
++    # pkgs = base.pkgSack.returnPackages()
++    #
++    # ...however that is _extremely_ slow, deleting all packages. So we ask
++    # for the list of update packages, which is all we care about.    
++    upds = base.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow='updates')
++    pkgs = upds.updates
++    # In theory we don't need to do this in some cases, but meh.
++    upds = base.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow='obsoletes')
++    pkgs += upds.obsoletes
++    name2tup = _get_name2oldpkgtup(base)
++    tot = 0
++    cnt = 0
++    for pkg in pkgs:
++        tot += 1
++        name = pkg.name
++        if (name not in name2tup or
++            not _ysp_should_keep_pkg(opts, name2tup[name], md_info, used_map)):
++            ysp_del_pkg(pkg)
++            continue
++        cnt += 1
++    _ysp_chk_used_map(used_map, lambda x: base.verbose_logger.warn("%s", x))
++    if cnt:
++        base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1, _('%d package(s) needed for security, out of %d available') % (cnt, tot))
++    else:
++        base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1, _('No packages needed for security; %d packages available' % tot))
++    return cnt, tot
++def exclude_all(base, filters=None):
++    '''
++    Exclude all packages, using the updateinfo data.
++    '''
++    def ysp_del_pkg(pkg, reason="updateinfo"):
++        """ Deletes a package from all trees that yum knows about """
++        base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1,
++                                _(" --> %s from %s excluded (%s)") %
++                                (pkg,pkg.repoid, reason))
++        pkg.repo.sack.delPackage(pkg)
++    if filters is None:
++        filters = base.updateinfo_filters
++    opts = _updateinfofilter2opts(filters)
++    if _no_options(opts):
++        return 0, 0
++    md_info = base.upinfo
++    used_map = _ysp_gen_used_map(opts)
++    pkgs = base.pkgSack.returnPackages()
++    name2tup = _get_name2aallpkgtup(base)
++    tot = 0
++    cnt = 0
++    for pkg in pkgs:
++        tot += 1
++        name = pkg.name
++        if (name not in name2tup or
++            not _ysp_should_keep_pkg(opts, name2tup[name], md_info, used_map)):
++            ysp_del_pkg(pkg)
++            continue
++        cnt += 1
++    _ysp_chk_used_map(used_map, lambda x: base.verbose_logger.warn("%s", x))
++    if cnt:
++        base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1, _('%d package(s) needed for security, out of %d available') % (cnt, tot))
++    else:
++        base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1, _('No packages needed for security; %d packages available' % tot))
++    return cnt, tot
++def update_minimal(base, extcmds=[]):
++    """Mark the specified items to be updated, in the minimal way.
++    :param extcmds: the user specified arguments
++    :return: a list of transaction members added to the
++       transaction set by this function
++    """
++    txmbrs = []
++    used_map = _ysp_gen_used_map(base.updateinfo_filters)
++    opts     = _updateinfofilter2opts(base.updateinfo_filters)
++    ndata    = _no_options(opts)
++    # NOTE: Not doing obsoletes processing atm. ... maybe we should? --
++    # Also worth pointing out we don't go backwards for obsoletes in the:
++    # update --security case etc.
++    # obsoletes = base.up.getObsoletesTuples(newest=False)
++    # for (obsoleting, installed) in sorted(obsoletes, key=lambda x: x[0]):
++    #   pass
++    # Tuples == (n, a, e, v, r)
++    oupdates  = map(lambda x: x[1], base.up.getUpdatesTuples())
++    for oldpkgtup in sorted(oupdates):
++        data = base.upinfo.get_applicable_notices(oldpkgtup)
++        if ndata: # No options means pick the oldest update
++            data.reverse()
++        for (pkgtup, notice) in data:
++            name = pkgtup[0]
++            if extcmds and not _match_sec_cmd(extcmds, name, notice):
++                continue
++            if (not ndata and
++                not _ysp_should_filter_pkg(base, name, notice, used_map)):
++                continue
++            txmbrs.extend(base.update(name=pkgtup[0], arch=pkgtup[1],
++                                      epoch=pkgtup[2],
++                                      version=pkgtup[3], release=pkgtup[4]))
++            break
++    # _ysp_chk_used_map(used_map, msg)
++    return txmbrs
+diff --git a/yum/yumRepo.py b/yum/yumRepo.py
+index e5e9ece..67bb7c9 100644
+--- a/yum/yumRepo.py
++++ b/yum/yumRepo.py
+@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ import time
+ import types
+ import urlparse
+ urlparse.uses_fragment.append("media")
++import urllib
+ import Errors
+ from urlgrabber.grabber import URLGrabber
+ from urlgrabber.grabber import default_grabber
++from urlgrabber.progress import format_number
+ import urlgrabber.mirror
+ from urlgrabber.grabber import URLGrabError
+ import repoMDObject
+@@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ import sqlitesack
+ from yum import config
+ from yum import misc
+ from yum import comps
++from yum import _
+ from constants import *
+ import metalink
+@@ -49,15 +52,54 @@ import stat
+ import errno
+ import tempfile
+-#  If you want yum to _always_ check the MD .sqlite files then set this to
+-# False (this doesn't affect .xml files or .sqilte files derived from them).
+-# With this as True yum will only check when a new repomd.xml or
+-# new MD is downloaded.
+-#  Note that with atomic MD, we can't have old MD lying around anymore so
+-# the only way we need this check is if someone does something like:
+-#   cp primary.sqlite /var/cache/yum/blah
+-# ...at which point you lose.
+-skip_old_DBMD_check = True
++# This is unused now, probably nothing uses it but it was global/public.
++skip_old_DBMD_check = False
++    import xattr
++    if not hasattr(xattr, 'get') or not hasattr(xattr, 'set'):
++        xattr = None # This is a "newer" API.
++except ImportError:
++    xattr = None
++#  The problem we are trying to solve here is that:
++# 1. We rarely want to be downloading MD/pkgs/etc.
++# 2. We want to check those files are valid (match checksums) when we do
++#    download them.
++# 3. We _really_ don't want to checksum all the files every time we
++#    run (100s of MBs).
++# 4. We can continue to download files from bad mirrors, or retry files due to
++#    C-c etc.
++# ...we used to solve this by just checking the file size, and assuming the
++# files had been downloaded and checksumed as correct if that matched. But that
++# was error prone on bad mirrors, so now we store the checksum in an
++# xattr ... this does mean that if you can't store xattrs (Eg. NFS) you will
++# rechecksum everything constantly.
++def _xattr_get_chksum(filename, chktype):
++    if not xattr:
++        return None
++    try:
++        ret = xattr.get(filename, 'user.yum.checksum.' + chktype)
++    except: # Documented to be "EnvironmentError", but make sure
++        return None
++    return ret
++def _xattr_set_chksum(filename, chktype, chksum):
++    if not xattr:
++        return None
++    try:
++        xattr.set(filename, 'user.yum.checksum.' + chktype, chksum)
++    except:
++        return False # Data too long. = IOError ... ignore everything.
++    return True
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore", Errors.YumFutureDeprecationWarning)
+@@ -104,7 +146,7 @@ class YumPackageSack(packageSack.PackageSack):
+             if repo in self.added:
+                 if 'metadata' not in self.added[repo]:
+                     raise Errors.RepoError, '%s md for %s imported before primary' \
+-                           % (datatype, repo.id)
++                           % (datatype, repo.ui_id)
+             current = 0
+             for pkgid in dataobj:
+                 current += 1
+@@ -121,6 +163,26 @@ class YumPackageSack(packageSack.PackageSack):
+             # umm, wtf?
+             pass
++    def _retrieve_async(self, repo, data):
++        """ Just schedule the metadata downloads """
++        for item in data:
++            if item in self.added.get(repo, []):
++                continue
++            if item == 'metadata':
++                mydbtype = 'primary_db'
++            elif item == 'filelists':
++                mydbtype = 'filelists_db'
++            elif item == 'otherdata':
++                mydbtype = 'other_db'
++            else:
++                continue
++            if self._check_db_version(repo, mydbtype):
++                if not self._check_uncompressed_db_gen(repo, mydbtype):
++                    # NOTE: No failfunc.
++                    repo._retrieveMD(mydbtype, async=True, failfunc=None)
+     def populate(self, repo, mdtype='metadata', callback=None, cacheonly=0):
+         if mdtype == 'all':
+             data = ['metadata', 'filelists', 'otherdata']
+@@ -138,8 +200,6 @@ class YumPackageSack(packageSack.PackageSack):
+                 if item in self.added[repo]:
+                     continue
+-            db_fn = None
+             if item == 'metadata':
+                 mydbtype = 'primary_db'
+                 mymdtype = 'primary'
+@@ -162,25 +222,39 @@ class YumPackageSack(packageSack.PackageSack):
+                 continue
+             if self._check_db_version(repo, mydbtype):
+-                # see if we have the uncompressed db and check it's checksum vs the openchecksum
+-                # if not download the compressed file
+-                # decompress it
+-                # unlink it
++                #  Use gen decompression on DB files. Keeps exactly what we
++                # downloaded in the download dir.
++                # Backwards compat. ... try the old uncompressed version first.
+                 db_un_fn = self._check_uncompressed_db(repo, mydbtype)
+                 if not db_un_fn:
++                    db_un_fn = self._check_uncompressed_db_gen(repo, mydbtype)
++                if not db_un_fn:
+                     db_fn = repo._retrieveMD(mydbtype)
+                     if db_fn:
+-                        if not repo.cache:
+-                            db_un_fn = misc.decompress(db_fn)
+-                            misc.unlink_f(db_fn)
+-                            db_un_fn = self._check_uncompressed_db(repo, mydbtype)
++                        # unlink the decompressed file, we know it's not valid
++                        misc.unlink_f(repo.cachedir +'/gen/%s.sqlite' % mydbtype)
++                        db_un_fn = self._check_uncompressed_db_gen(repo,
++                                                                   mydbtype)
++                    if not db_un_fn: # Shouldn't happen?
++                        raise Errors.RepoError, '%s: Check uncompressed DB failed' % repo
+                 dobj = repo.cacheHandler.open_database(db_un_fn)
+             else:
+                 repo._xml2sqlite_local = True
++                # Download...
+                 xml = repo_get_function()
++                #  Use generated dir. and handle compression types metadata
++                # parser doesn't understand.
++                gen = mymdtype + '.xml'
++                ret = misc.repo_gen_decompress(xml, gen, cached=repo.cache)
++                if not ret:
++                    raise Errors.RepoError, '%s: Decompress DB failed' % repo
++                xml = ret
++                # Convert XML => .sqlite
+                 xmldata = repo.repoXML.getData(mymdtype)
+                 (ctype, csum) = xmldata.checksum
+                 dobj = repo_cache_function(xml, csum)
+@@ -193,6 +267,25 @@ class YumPackageSack(packageSack.PackageSack):
+         # get rid of all this stuff we don't need now
+         del repo.cacheHandler
++    def _check_uncompressed_db_gen(self, repo, mdtype):
++        """return file name of db in gen/ dir if good, None if not"""
++        mydbdata         = repo.repoXML.getData(mdtype)
++        (r_base, remote) = mydbdata.location
++        fname            = os.path.basename(remote)
++        compressed_fn    = repo.cachedir + '/' + fname
++        db_un_fn         = mdtype + '.sqlite'
++        if not repo._checkMD(compressed_fn, mdtype, data=mydbdata,
++                             check_can_fail=True):
++            return None
++        ret = misc.repo_gen_decompress(compressed_fn, db_un_fn,
++                                       cached=repo.cache)
++        if ret:
++            return self._check_uncompressed_db_fn(repo, mdtype, ret)
++        return None
+     def _check_uncompressed_db(self, repo, mdtype):
+         """return file name of uncompressed db is good, None if not"""
+         mydbdata = repo.repoXML.getData(mdtype)
+@@ -201,12 +294,13 @@ class YumPackageSack(packageSack.PackageSack):
+         compressed_fn = repo.cachedir + '/' + fname
+         db_un_fn = misc.decompress(compressed_fn, fn_only=True)
++        return self._check_uncompressed_db_fn(repo, mdtype, db_un_fn)
++    def _check_uncompressed_db_fn(self, repo, mdtype, db_un_fn):
+         result = None
+-        repo._preload_md_from_system_cache(os.path.basename(db_un_fn))
+         if os.path.exists(db_un_fn):
+-            if skip_old_DBMD_check and repo._using_old_MD:
+-                return db_un_fn
+             try:
+                 repo.checkMD(db_un_fn, mdtype, openchecksum=True)
+@@ -240,7 +334,6 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+                                               # eventually want
+         self.repoMDFile = 'repodata/repomd.xml'
+         self._repoXML = None
+-        self._using_old_MD = None
+         self._oldRepoMDData = {}
+         self.cache = 0
+         self.mirrorlistparsed = 0
+@@ -260,10 +353,11 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+         self.copy_local = 0
+         # holder for stuff we've grabbed
+         self.retrieved = { 'primary':0, 'filelists':0, 'other':0, 'group':0,
+-                           'updateinfo':0, 'prestodelta' : 0}
++                           'updateinfo':0, 'prestodelta':0}
+         # callbacks
+         self.callback = None  # for the grabber
++        self.multi_callback = None
+         self.failure_obj = None
+         self.mirror_failure_obj = None
+         self.interrupt_callback = None
+@@ -285,6 +379,7 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+         self._grabfunc = None
+         self._grab = None
++        self._async = False
+     def __cmp__(self, other):
+         """ Sort yum repos. by cost, and then by alphanumeric on their id. """
+@@ -311,6 +406,36 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+         return self._sack
+     sack = property(_getSack)
++    def _ui_id(self):
++        """ Show self.id, but include any $releasever/$basearch/etc. data. """
++        if hasattr(self, '__cached_ui_id'):
++            return getattr(self, '__cached_ui_id')
++        val = config._readRawRepoFile(self)
++        if not val:
++            val = ''
++        else:
++            ini, section_id = val
++            ini = ini[section_id]
++            if 'metalink' in ini:
++                val = ini['metalink']
++            elif 'mirrorlist' in ini:
++                val = ini['mirrorlist']
++            elif 'baseurl' in ini:
++                val = ini['baseurl']
++            else:
++                val = ''
++        ret = self.id
++        for var in self.ui_repoid_vars:
++            if '$'+var in val:
++                ret += '/'
++                ret += str(self.yumvar[var])
++        setattr(self, '__cached_ui_id', ret)
++        return ret
++    ui_id = property(_ui_id)
+     def close(self):
+         if self._sack is not None:
+             self.sack.close()
+@@ -350,6 +475,10 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+         return thisdata.location
+     def __str__(self):
++        # Note: You might expect this to be .ui_id, except people got used to
++        # the fact that str(repo) == repo.id and used the former instead of
++        # the later when they wanted just the .id. So we have to live with it
++        # and use .ui_id explicitly.
+         return self.id
+     def _checksum(self, sumtype, file, CHUNK=2**16, checksum_can_fail=False,
+@@ -378,7 +507,7 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+                         'basecachedir', 'http_headers', 'metadata_cookie',
+                         'metadata_cookie_fn', 'quick_enable_disable',
+                         'repoMDFile', 'timestamp_check', 'urls', 'mirrorurls',
+-                        'yumvar', 'repofile')
++                        'yumvar', 'repofile', 'multi_callback')
+         for attr in dir(self):
+             if attr.startswith('_'):
+                 continue
+@@ -422,7 +551,7 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+            on then raise a repo error"""
+         if len(self._urls) < 1 and not self.mediaid:
+             raise Errors.RepoError, \
+-             'Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: %s' % self.id
++             'Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: %s' % self.ui_id
+     def doProxyDict(self):
+         if self._proxy_dict:
+@@ -431,25 +560,18 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+         self._proxy_dict = {} # zap it
+         proxy_string = None
+         empty = (None, '_none_', '')
+-        if self.proxy not in empty:
++        if self.proxy is None:  # got 'proxy=_none_'
++            proxy_string = ''   # this disables default proxies
++        elif self.proxy:
+             proxy_string = '%s' % self.proxy
+             if self.proxy_username not in empty:
+-                proxy_parsed = urlparse.urlsplit(self.proxy, allow_fragments=0)
+-                proxy_proto = proxy_parsed[0]
+-                proxy_host = proxy_parsed[1]
+-                # http://foo:123 == ('http', 'foo:123', '', '', '')
+-                # don't turn that into: http://foo:123? - bug#328121
+-                if proxy_parsed[2] == '':
+-                    proxy_rest = ''
+-                else:
+-                    proxy_rest = proxy_parsed[2] + '?' + proxy_parsed[3]
+-                proxy_string = '%s://%s@%s%s' % (proxy_proto,
+-                        self.proxy_username, proxy_host, proxy_rest)
++                auth = urllib.quote(self.proxy_username)
+                 if self.proxy_password not in empty:
+-                    proxy_string = '%s://%s:%s@%s%s' % (proxy_proto,
+-                              self.proxy_username, self.proxy_password,
+-                              proxy_host, proxy_rest)
++                    auth += ':' + urllib.quote(self.proxy_password)
++                proto, rest = re.match('(\w+://)(.+)', proxy_string).groups()
++                proxy_string = '%s%s@%s' % (proto, auth, rest)
+         if proxy_string is not None:
+             self._proxy_dict['http'] = proxy_string
+@@ -483,22 +605,63 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+         ugopts = self._default_grabopts()
+         self._grabfunc = URLGrabber(progress_obj=self.callback,
++                                    multi_progress_obj=self.multi_callback,
+                                     failure_callback=self.failure_obj,
+                                     interrupt_callback=self.interrupt_callback,
+                                     copy_local=self.copy_local,
+                                     reget='simple',
+                                     **ugopts)
+-        self._grab = mgclass(self._grabfunc, self.urls,
+-                             failure_callback=self.mirror_failure_obj)
++        def add_mc(url):
++            host = urlparse.urlsplit(url).netloc.split('@')[-1]
++            mc = self.metalink_data._host2mc.get(host)
++            if mc:
++                url = {
++                    'mirror': misc.to_utf8(url),
++                    'kwargs': {
++                        'max_connections': mc.max_connections,
++                        'preference': mc.preference,
++                        'private': mc.private,
++                    },
++                }
++            return url
++        urls = self.urls
++        if self.metalink:
++            urls = map(add_mc, urls)
++        def mirror_failure(obj):
++            action = {}
++            # timeout, refused connect, and HTTP 503 may retry
++            e = obj.exception
++            if e.errno == 12 or \
++               e.errno == 14 and getattr(e, 'code', 0) in (7, 503):
++                tries = getattr(obj, 'tries', self.retries)
++                if tries <= self.retries - len(self.urls):
++                    # don't remove this mirror yet
++                    action['remove'] = False
++            elif e.errno == -3:
++                # unsupported checksum type, fail now
++                action['fail'] = True
++            # No known user of this callback, but just in case...
++            cb = self.mirror_failure_obj
++            if cb:
++                fun, arg, karg = callable(cb) and (cb, (), {}) or cb
++                action.update(fun(obj, *arg, **karg))
++            return action
++        self._grab = mgclass(self._grabfunc, urls,
++                             failure_callback=mirror_failure)
+     def _default_grabopts(self, cache=True):
+         opts = { 'keepalive': self.keepalive,
+                  'bandwidth': self.bandwidth,
+                  'retry': self.retries,
+                  'throttle': self.throttle,
+-                 'proxies': self.proxy_dict,
+                  'timeout': self.timeout,
++                 'minrate': self.minrate,
++                 'ip_resolve': self.ip_resolve,
+                  'http_headers': tuple(self.__headersListFromDict(cache=cache)),
+                  'ssl_verify_peer': self.sslverify,
+                  'ssl_verify_host': self.sslverify,
+@@ -509,6 +672,10 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+                  'username': self.username,
+                  'password': self.password,
+                  }
++        if self.proxy == 'libproxy':
++            opts['libproxy'] = True
++        else:
++            opts['proxies'] = self.proxy_dict
+         return opts
+     def _getgrabfunc(self):
+@@ -531,9 +698,6 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+         if os.path.exists(dpath) and os.path.isdir(dpath):
+             return
+-        if self.cache:
+-            raise Errors.RepoError, "Cannot access repository dir %s" % dpath
+         try:
+             os.makedirs(dpath, mode=0755)
+         except OSError, e:
+@@ -561,7 +725,7 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+         cookie = self.cachedir + '/' + self.metadata_cookie_fn
+         self.setAttribute('_dir_setup_metadata_cookie', cookie)
+-        for dir in [self.cachedir, self.pkgdir]:
++        for dir in [self.cachedir, self.cachedir + '/gen', self.pkgdir]:
+             self._dirSetupMkdir_p(dir)
+         # persistdir is really root-only but try the make anyway and just
+@@ -714,15 +878,15 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+             local = self.metalink_filename + '.tmp'
+             if not self._metalinkCurrent():
+                 url = misc.to_utf8(self.metalink)
+-                ugopts = self._default_grabopts()
++                ugopts = self._default_grabopts(cache=self.http_caching=='all')
+                 try:
+                     ug = URLGrabber(progress_obj = self.callback, **ugopts)
+-                    result = ug.urlgrab(url, local, text=self.id + "/metalink")
++                    result = ug.urlgrab(url, local, text="%s/metalink" % self.ui_id)
+-                except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError, e:
++                except URLGrabError, e:
+                     if not os.path.exists(self.metalink_filename):
+                         msg = ("Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: %s. "
+-                               "Please verify its path and try again" % self )
++                               "Please verify its path and try again" % self.ui_id )
+                         raise Errors.RepoError, msg
+                     #  Now, we have an old usable metalink, so we can't move to
+                     # a newer repomd.xml ... or checksums won't match.
+@@ -749,9 +913,22 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+                                                               value),
+                              fdel=lambda self: setattr(self, "_metalink", None))
++    def _all_urls_are_files(self, url):
++        if url:
++            return url.startswith("/") or url.startswith("file:")
++        if not self.urls: # WTF ... but whatever.
++            return False
++        # Not an explicit url ... so make sure all mirrors/etc. are file://
++        for url in self.urls:
++            if not self._all_urls_are_files(url):
++                return False
++        return True
+     def _getFile(self, url=None, relative=None, local=None, start=None, end=None,
+             copy_local=None, checkfunc=None, text=None, reget='simple', 
+-            cache=True, size=None):
++            cache=True, size=None, **kwargs):
+         """retrieve file from the mirrorgroup for the repo
+            relative to local, optionally get range from
+            start to end, also optionally retrieve from a specific baseurl"""
+@@ -768,7 +945,7 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+         if local is None or relative is None:
+             raise Errors.RepoError, \
+-                  "get request for Repo %s, gave no source or dest" % self.id
++                  "get request for Repo %s, gave no source or dest" % self.ui_id
+         if self.cache == 1:
+             if os.path.exists(local): # FIXME - we should figure out a way
+@@ -778,7 +955,7 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+                 raise Errors.RepoError, \
+                     "Caching enabled but no local cache of %s from %s" % (local,
+-                           self)
++                           self.ui_id)
+         if url:
+             (scheme, netloc, path, query, fragid) = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
+@@ -796,6 +973,16 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+             except Errors.MediaError, e:
+                 verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_2, "Error getting package from media; falling back to url %s" %(e,))
++        if size and (copy_local or not self._all_urls_are_files(url)):
++            dirstat = os.statvfs(os.path.dirname(local))
++            avail = dirstat.f_bavail * dirstat.f_bsize
++            if avail < long(size):
++                raise Errors.RepoError, _('''\
++Insufficient space in download directory %s
++    * free   %s
++    * needed %s'''
++                ) % (os.path.dirname(local), format_number(avail), format_number(long(size)))
+         if url and scheme != "media":
+             ugopts = self._default_grabopts(cache=cache)
+             ug = URLGrabber(progress_obj = self.callback,
+@@ -815,15 +1002,11 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+                                     range=(start, end),
+                                     )
+             except URLGrabError, e:
+-                errstr = "failed to retrieve %s from %s\nerror was %s" % (relative, self.id, e)
+-                if self.mirrorurls:
+-                    errstr +="\n  You could try running: yum clean expire-cache"
+-                    errstr +="\n  To get a new set of mirrors."
+-                if e.errno == 256:
+-                    raise Errors.NoMoreMirrorsRepoError, errstr
+-                else:
+-                    raise Errors.RepoError, errstr
++                self._del_dl_file(local, size)
++                errstr = "failed to retrieve %s from %s\nerror was %s" % (relative, self, e)
++                e = Errors.RepoError(errstr)
++                e.repo = self
++                raise e
+         else:
+             headers = tuple(self.__headersListFromDict(cache=cache))
+@@ -835,19 +1018,21 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+                                            reget = reget,
+                                            checkfunc=checkfunc,
+                                            http_headers=headers,
+-                                           size=size
++                                           size=size,
++                                           **kwargs
+                                            )
+             except URLGrabError, e:
+-                errstr = "failure: %s from %s: %s" % (relative, self.id, e)
+-                if e.errno == 256:
+-                    raise Errors.NoMoreMirrorsRepoError, errstr
+-                else:
+-                    raise Errors.RepoError, errstr
++                self._del_dl_file(local, size)
++                errstr = "failure: %s from %s: %s" % (relative, self, e)
++                errors = getattr(e, 'errors', None)
++                e = Errors.NoMoreMirrorsRepoError(errstr, errors)
++                e.repo = self
++                raise e
+         return result
+     __get = _getFile
+-    def getPackage(self, package, checkfunc=None, text=None, cache=True):
++    def getPackage(self, package, checkfunc=None, text=None, cache=True, **kwargs):
+         remote = package.relativepath
+         local = package.localPkg()
+         basepath = package.basepath
+@@ -857,15 +1042,30 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+                 return local
+             misc.unlink_f(local)
+-        return self._getFile(url=basepath,
++        if checkfunc is None:
++            def checkfunc(obj):
++                if not package.verifyLocalPkg():
++                    misc.unlink_f(local)
++                    raise URLGrabError(-1, _('Package does not match intended download.'))
++        ret = self._getFile(url=basepath,
+                         relative=remote,
+                         local=local,
+                         checkfunc=checkfunc,
+                         text=text,
+                         cache=cache,
+                         size=package.size,
++                        **kwargs
+                         )
++        if not kwargs.get('async') and not package.verifyLocalPkg():
++            # Don't return as "success" when bad.
++            msg = "Downloaded package %s, from %s, but it was invalid."
++            msg = msg % (package, package.repo.id)
++            raise Errors.RepoError, msg
++        return ret
+     def getHeader(self, package, checkfunc = None, reget = 'simple',
+             cache = True):
+@@ -894,19 +1094,16 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+         mC_def = self.withinCacheAge(self.metadata_cookie, self.metadata_expire)
+         if not mC_def: # Normal path...
+-            self._metadataCurrent = mC_def
+             return mC_def
+         # Edge cases, both repomd.xml and metalink (if used). Must exist.
+         repomdfn = self.cachedir + '/' + 'repomd.xml'
+         if not os.path.exists(repomdfn):
+-            self._metadataCurrent = False
+             return False
+         self._hack_mirrorlist_for_anaconda()
+         mlfn = self.cachedir + '/' + 'metalink.xml'
+         if self.metalink and not os.path.exists(mlfn):
+-            self._metadataCurrent = False
+             return False
+         self._metadataCurrent = True
+@@ -933,7 +1130,7 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+             self._metadataCurrent = False
+         return self._metadataCurrent
+-    def withinCacheAge(self, myfile, expiration_time):
++    def withinCacheAge(self, myfile, expiration_time, expire_req_filter=True):
+         """check if any file is older than a certain amount of time. Used for
+            the cachecookie and the mirrorlist
+            return True if w/i the expiration time limit
+@@ -943,6 +1140,24 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+            file. If any of them are newer then invalidate the cache
+            """
++        # Never/write means we just skip this...
++        if (expire_req_filter and hasattr(self, '_metadata_cache_req') and
++            self._metadata_cache_req.startswith("read-only:") and
++            self.metadata_expire_filter.startswith("read-only:")):
++            cache_filt = self.metadata_expire_filter[len("read-only:"):]
++            cache_req  = self._metadata_cache_req[len("read-only:"):]
++            if cache_filt == 'future':
++                assert cache_req in ('past', 'present', 'future')
++                expiration_time = -1
++            if cache_filt == 'present':
++                if cache_req in ('past', 'present'):
++                    expiration_time = -1
++            if cache_filt == 'past':
++                if cache_req == 'past':
++                    expiration_time = -1
+         # -1 is special and should never get refreshed
+         if expiration_time == -1 and os.path.exists(myfile):
+             return True
+@@ -991,7 +1206,7 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+     def _cachingRepoXML(self, local):
+         """ Should we cache the current repomd.xml """
+         if self.cache and not os.path.exists(local):
+-            raise Errors.RepoError, 'Cannot find repomd.xml file for %s' % self
++            raise Errors.RepoError, 'Cannot find repomd.xml file for %s' % self.ui_id
+         if self.cache or self.metadataCurrent():
+             return True
+         return False
+@@ -1020,7 +1235,7 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+             if grab_can_fail:
+                 return None
+             raise Errors.RepoError, 'Error downloading file %s: %s' % (local, e)
+-        except (Errors.NoMoreMirrorsRepoError, Errors.RepoError):
++        except Errors.RepoError:
+             misc.unlink_f(tfname)
+             if grab_can_fail:
+                 return None
+@@ -1047,7 +1262,7 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+                 parse_can_fail = 'old_repo_XML' in self._oldRepoMDData
+             if parse_can_fail:
+                 return None
+-            raise Errors.RepoError, 'Error importing repomd.xml from %s: %s' % (self, e)
++            raise Errors.RepoError, 'Error importing repomd.xml from %s: %s' % (self.ui_id, e)
+     def _saveOldRepoXML(self, local):
+         """ If we have an older repomd.xml file available, save it out. """
+@@ -1074,7 +1289,7 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+         #  We still want the old data, so we don't download twice. So we
+         # pretend everything is good until the revert.
+         if not self.timestamp_check:
+-            raise Errors.RepoError, "Can't download or revert repomd.xml"
++            raise Errors.RepoError, "Can't download or revert repomd.xml for %s" % self.ui_id
+         if 'old_repo_XML' not in self._oldRepoMDData:
+             self._oldRepoMDData = {}
+@@ -1250,7 +1465,6 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+             self._revertOldRepoXML()
+             return False
+-        self._using_old_MD = caching
+         if caching:
+             return False # Skip any work.
+@@ -1260,6 +1474,9 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+         return True
+     def _check_db_version(self, mdtype, repoXML=None):
++        if self.mddownloadpolicy == 'xml':
++            return False
+         if repoXML is None:
+             repoXML = self.repoXML
+         if mdtype in repoXML.repoData:
+@@ -1277,11 +1494,11 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+             return None
+         if not file_check:
+-            compressed = dbmdtype.endswith("_db")
+-            local = self._get_mdtype_fname(data, compressed)
++            compressed = False
++            local = self._get_mdtype_fname(data)
+         else:
+             compressed = False
+-            local = self._get_mdtype_fname(data, False)
++            local = self._get_mdtype_fname(data)
+             if not os.path.exists(local):
+                 local = misc.decompress(local, fn_only=True)
+                 compressed = True
+@@ -1302,6 +1519,17 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+             into the delete list, this means metadata can change filename
+             without us leaking it. """
++        downloading = self._commonRetrieveDataMD_list(mdtypes)
++        for (ndata, nmdtype) in downloading:
++            if not self._retrieveMD(nmdtype, retrieve_can_fail=True):
++                self._revertOldRepoXML()
++                return False
++        self._commonRetrieveDataMD_done(downloading)
++        return True
++    def _commonRetrieveDataMD_list(self, mdtypes):
++        """ Return a list of metadata to be retrieved """
+         def _mdtype_eq(omdtype, odata, nmdtype, ndata):
+             """ Check if two returns from _get_mdtype_data() are equal. """
+             if ndata is None:
+@@ -1321,6 +1549,14 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+             return True
+         all_mdtypes = self.retrieved.keys()
++        # Add in any extra stuff we don't know about.
++        for mdtype in self.repoXML.fileTypes():
++            if mdtype in all_mdtypes:
++                continue
++            if mdtype in ('primary_db', 'filelists_db', 'other_db', 'group_gz'):
++                continue
++            all_mdtypes.append(mdtype)
+         if mdtypes is None:
+             mdtypes = all_mdtypes
+@@ -1332,9 +1568,8 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+             self._oldRepoMDData['old_MD_files'] = reverts
+         # Inited twice atm. ... sue me
+-        self._oldRepoMDData['new_MD_files'] = []
+-        downloading_with_size = []
+-        downloading_no_size   = []
++        newmdfiles = self._oldRepoMDData['new_MD_files'] = []
++        downloading = []
+         for mdtype in all_mdtypes:
+             (nmdtype, ndata) = self._get_mdtype_data(mdtype)
+@@ -1371,43 +1606,16 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+             # No old repomd data, but we might still have uncompressed MD
+             if self._groupCheckDataMDValid(ndata, nmdtype, mdtype):
+                 continue
++            downloading.append((ndata, nmdtype))
++            newmdfiles.append(self._get_mdtype_fname(ndata, False))
++        return downloading
+-            if ndata.size is None:
+-                downloading_no_size.append((ndata, nmdtype))
+-            else:
+-                downloading_with_size.append((ndata, nmdtype))
+-        if len(downloading_with_size) == 1:
+-            downloading_no_size.extend(downloading_with_size)
+-            downloading_with_size = []
+-        remote_size = 0
+-        local_size  = 0
+-        for (ndata, nmdtype) in downloading_with_size: # Get total size...
+-            remote_size += int(ndata.size)
+-        for (ndata, nmdtype) in downloading_with_size:
+-            urlgrabber.progress.text_meter_total_size(remote_size, local_size)
+-            if not self._retrieveMD(nmdtype, retrieve_can_fail=True):
+-                self._revertOldRepoXML()
+-                return False
+-            local_size += int(ndata.size)
+-        urlgrabber.progress.text_meter_total_size(0)
+-        for (ndata, nmdtype) in downloading_no_size:
+-            if not self._retrieveMD(nmdtype, retrieve_can_fail=True):
+-                self._revertOldRepoXML()
+-                return False
++    def _commonRetrieveDataMD_done(self, downloading):
++        """ Uncompress the downloaded metadata """
+-        for (ndata, nmdtype) in downloading_with_size + downloading_no_size:
++        for (ndata, nmdtype) in downloading:
+             local = self._get_mdtype_fname(ndata, False)
+-            if nmdtype.endswith("_db"): # Uncompress any compressed files
+-                dl_local = local
+-                local = misc.decompress(dl_local)
+-                misc.unlink_f(dl_local)
+-            self._oldRepoMDData['new_MD_files'].append(local)
+         self._doneOldRepoXML()
+-        return True
+     def _groupLoadRepoXML(self, text=None, mdtypes=None):
+         """ Retrieve the new repomd.xml from the repository, then check it
+@@ -1421,11 +1629,11 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+             self._commonRetrieveDataMD(mdtypes)
+     def _mdpolicy2mdtypes(self):
+-        md_groups = {'instant'       : [],
++        md_groups = {'instant'       : ['__None__'],
+                      'group:primary' : ['primary'],
+-                     'group:small'   : ["primary", "updateinfo"],
+-                     'group:main'    : ["primary", "group", "filelists",
+-                                        "updateinfo", "prestodelta"]}
++                     'group:small'   : ["primary", "updateinfo", "group", "pkgtags"],
++                     'group:main'    : ["primary", "updateinfo", "group", "pkgtags",
++                                        "filelists", "prestodelta"]}
+         mdtypes = set()
+         if type(self.mdpolicy) in types.StringTypes:
+             mdtypes.update(md_groups.get(self.mdpolicy, [self.mdpolicy]))
+@@ -1436,6 +1644,7 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+         if not mdtypes or 'group:all' in mdtypes:
+             mdtypes = None
+         else:
++            mdtypes.discard("__None__")
+             mdtypes = sorted(list(mdtypes))
+         return mdtypes
+@@ -1446,17 +1655,12 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+         except KeyboardInterrupt:
+             self._revertOldRepoXML() # Undo metadata cookie?
+             raise
+-        raise Errors.RepoError, 'Bad loadRepoXML policy: %s' % (self.mdpolicy)
++        raise Errors.RepoError, 'Bad loadRepoXML policy (for %s): %s' % (self.ui_id, self.mdpolicy)
+     def _getRepoXML(self):
+         if self._repoXML:
+             return self._repoXML
+-        try:
+-            self._loadRepoXML(text=self)
+-        except Errors.RepoError, e:
+-            msg = ("Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: %s. "
+-                  "Please verify its path and try again" % self )
+-            raise Errors.RepoError, msg
++        self._loadRepoXML(text=self.ui_id)
+         return self._repoXML
+@@ -1480,7 +1684,7 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+                 result = self._getFile(relative='repodata/repomd.xml.asc',
+                                        copy_local=1,
+                                        local = sigfile,
+-                                       text='%s/signature' % self.id,
++                                       text='%s/signature' % self.ui_id,
+                                        reget=None,
+                                        checkfunc=None,
+                                        cache=self.http_caching == 'all',
+@@ -1508,6 +1712,18 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+             raise URLGrabError(-1, 'repomd.xml does not match metalink for %s' %
+                                self)
++    def _del_dl_file(self, local, size):
++        """ Delete a downloaded file if it's the correct size. """
++        sd = misc.stat_f(local)
++        if not sd: # File doesn't exist...
++            return
++        if size and sd.st_size < size:
++            return # Still more to get...
++        # Is the correct size, or too big ... delete it so we'll try again.
++        misc.unlink_f(local)
+     def checkMD(self, fn, mdtype, openchecksum=False):
+         """check the metadata type against its checksum"""
+@@ -1537,6 +1753,16 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+         if size is not None:
+             size = int(size)
++        l_csum = _xattr_get_chksum(file, r_ctype)
++        if l_csum:
++            fsize = misc.stat_f(file)
++            if fsize is not None: # We just got an xattr, so it should be there
++                if size is None and l_csum == r_csum and fsize.st_size > 0:
++                    return 1
++                if size == fsize.st_size and l_csum == r_csum:
++                    return 1
++            # Anything goes wrong, run the checksums as normal...
+         try: # get the local checksum
+             l_csum = self._checksum(r_ctype, file, datasize=size)
+         except Errors.RepoError, e:
+@@ -1545,21 +1771,20 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+             raise URLGrabError(-3, 'Error performing checksum')
+         if l_csum == r_csum:
++            _xattr_set_chksum(file, r_ctype, l_csum)
+             return 1
+         else:
+             if check_can_fail:
+                 return None
+             raise URLGrabError(-1, 'Metadata file does not match checksum')
+     def retrieveMD(self, mdtype):
+         """base function to retrieve metadata files from the remote url
+            returns the path to the local metadata file of a 'mdtype'
+            mdtype can be 'primary', 'filelists', 'other' or 'group'."""
+         return self._retrieveMD(mdtype)
+-    def _retrieveMD(self, mdtype, retrieve_can_fail=False):
++    def _retrieveMD(self, mdtype, retrieve_can_fail=False, **kwargs):
+         """ Internal function, use .retrieveMD() from outside yum. """
+         #  Note that this can raise Errors.RepoMDError if mdtype doesn't exist
+         # for this repo.
+@@ -1575,37 +1800,38 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+             # got it, move along
+             return local
+-        if self.cache == 1:
+-            if os.path.exists(local):
+-                try:
+-                    self.checkMD(local, mdtype)
+-                except URLGrabError, e:
+-                    raise Errors.RepoError, \
+-                        "Caching enabled and local cache: %s does not match checksum" % local
+-                else:
+-                    return local
+-            else: # ain't there - raise
+-                raise Errors.RepoError, \
+-                    "Caching enabled but no local cache of %s from %s" % (local,
+-                           self)
+         if (os.path.exists(local) or
+             self._preload_md_from_system_cache(os.path.basename(local))):
+             if self._checkMD(local, mdtype, check_can_fail=True):
+                 self.retrieved[mdtype] = 1
+                 return local # it's the same return the local one
++        if self.cache == 1:
++            if retrieve_can_fail:
++                return None
++            if os.path.exists(local):
++                msg = "Caching enabled and local cache: %s does not match checksum" % local
++            else:
++                msg = "Caching enabled but no local cache of %s from %s" % (local, self.ui_id)
++            raise Errors.RepoError, msg
+         try:
+-            checkfunc = (self.checkMD, (mdtype,), {})
+-            text = "%s/%s" % (self.id, mdtype)
++            def checkfunc(obj):
++                try:
++                    self.checkMD(obj, mdtype)
++                except URLGrabError:
++                    #  Don't share MD among mirrors, in theory we could use:
++                    #     self._del_dl_file(local, int(thisdata.size))
++                    # ...but this is safer.
++                    misc.unlink_f(obj.filename)
++                    raise
++                self.retrieved[mdtype] = 1
++            text = "%s/%s" % (self.ui_id, mdtype)
+             if thisdata.size is None:
+                 reget = None
+             else:
+                 reget = 'simple'
+-                if os.path.exists(local):
+-                    if os.stat(local).st_size >= int(thisdata.size):
+-                        misc.unlink_f(local)
++                self._del_dl_file(local, int(thisdata.size))
+             local = self._getFile(relative=remote,
+                                   local=local, 
+                                   copy_local=1,
+@@ -1613,8 +1839,9 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+                                   checkfunc=checkfunc, 
+                                   text=text,
+                                   cache=self.http_caching == 'all',
+-                                  size=thisdata.size)
+-        except (Errors.NoMoreMirrorsRepoError, Errors.RepoError):
++                                  size=thisdata.size,
++                                  **kwargs)
++        except Errors.RepoError:
+             if retrieve_can_fail:
+                 return None
+             raise
+@@ -1622,9 +1849,8 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+             if retrieve_can_fail:
+                 return None
+             raise Errors.RepoError, \
+-                "Could not retrieve %s matching remote checksum from %s" % (local, self)
++                "Could not retrieve %s matching remote checksum from %s" % (local, self.ui_id)
+         else:
+-            self.retrieved[mdtype] = 1
+             return local
+@@ -1646,13 +1872,21 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+     def getGroups(self):
+         """gets groups and returns group file path for the repository, if there
+-           is none it returns None"""
++           is none or retrieve/decompress fails, it returns None"""
+         if 'group_gz' in self.repoXML.fileTypes():
+-            return self._retrieveMD('group_gz', retrieve_can_fail=True)
++            fn = self._retrieveMD('group_gz', retrieve_can_fail=True)
++            if fn:
++                try:
++                    fn = misc.repo_gen_decompress(fn, 'comps.xml', cached=self.cache)
++                except IOError, e:
++                    logger.warning(e)
++                    fn = None
++            return fn
+         return self._retrieveMD('group', retrieve_can_fail=True)
+-    def setCallback(self, callback):
++    def setCallback(self, callback, multi_callback=None):
+         self.callback = callback
++        self.multi_callback = multi_callback
+         self._callbacks_changed = True
+     def setFailureObj(self, failure_obj):
+@@ -1681,7 +1915,7 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+                 print "Could not read mirrorlist %s, error was \n%s" %(url, e)
+                 content = []
+             for line in content:
+-                if re.match('\s*(#|$)', line):
++                if not re.match('\w+://\S+\s*$', line):
+                     continue
+                 mirror = line.rstrip() # no more trailing \n's
+                 mirror = mirror.replace('$ARCH', '$BASEARCH')
+@@ -1701,7 +1935,8 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+         fo = None
+         cacheok = False
+-        if self.withinCacheAge(self.mirrorlist_file, self.mirrorlist_expire):
++        if self.withinCacheAge(self.mirrorlist_file, self.mirrorlist_expire,
++                               expire_req_filter=False):
+             cacheok = True
+             fo = open(self.mirrorlist_file, 'r')
+             url = 'file://' + self.mirrorlist_file # just to keep self._readMirrorList(fo,url) happy
+@@ -1713,7 +1948,7 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+             ugopts = self._default_grabopts()
+             try:
+                 fo = urlgrabber.grabber.urlopen(url, **ugopts)
+-            except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError, e:
++            except URLGrabError, e:
+                 print "Could not retrieve mirrorlist %s error was\n%s: %s" % (url, e.args[0], misc.to_unicode(e.args[1]))
+                 fo = None
+@@ -1740,7 +1975,11 @@ class YumRepository(Repository, config.RepoConf):
+         if os.path.exists(destfn):
+             if os.stat(fn)[stat.ST_CTIME] <= os.stat(destfn)[stat.ST_CTIME]:
+                 return False
+-        shutil.copy2(fn, destfn)
++        try:
++            # IOError is the main culprit, with mode=600. But ignore everything.
++            shutil.copy2(fn, destfn)
++        except:
++            return False
+         return True
+     def _preload_file_from_system_cache(self, filename, subdir='',
+@@ -1877,7 +2116,7 @@ def getMirrorList(mirrorlist, pdict = None):
+     try:
+         fo = urlresolver.urlopen(url, proxies=pdict)
+-    except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError, e:
++    except URLGrabError, e:
+         print "Could not retrieve mirrorlist %s error was\n%s: %s" % (url, e.args[0], misc.to_unicode(e.args[1]))
+         fo = None
+diff --git a/yumcommands.py b/yumcommands.py
+index 4dcbea7..1530161 100644
+--- a/yumcommands.py
++++ b/yumcommands.py
+@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
+ # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ # Copyright 2006 Duke University 
++# Copyright 2013 Red Hat
+ # Written by Seth Vidal
+ """
+@@ -22,16 +23,19 @@ Classes for subcommands of the yum command line interface.
+ import os
+ import cli
+ from yum import logginglevels
+-from yum import _
++from yum import _, P_
+ from yum import misc
+ import yum.Errors
+ import operator
+ import locale
+ import fnmatch
+ import time
+-from yum.i18n import utf8_width, utf8_width_fill, to_unicode
++from yum.i18n import utf8_width, utf8_width_fill, to_unicode, exception2msg
++import tempfile
++import glob
+ import yum.config
++from yum import updateinfo
+ def _err_mini_usage(base, basecmd):
+     if basecmd not in base.yum_cli_commands:
+@@ -43,16 +47,24 @@ def _err_mini_usage(base, basecmd):
+     base.logger.critical(txt)
+ def checkRootUID(base):
+-    """
+-    Verify that the program is being run by the root user.
++    """Verify that the program is being run by the root user.
+-    @param base: a YumBase object.
++    :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object.
++    :raises: :class:`cli.CliError`
+     """
+     if base.conf.uid != 0:
+         base.logger.critical(_('You need to be root to perform this command.'))
+         raise cli.CliError
+ def checkGPGKey(base):
++    """Verify that there are gpg keys for the enabled repositories in the
++    rpm database.
++    :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object.
++    :raises: :class:`cli.CliError`
++    """
++    if base._override_sigchecks:
++        return
+     if not base.gpgKeyCheck():
+         for repo in base.repos.listEnabled():
+             if (repo.gpgcheck or repo.repo_gpgcheck) and not repo.gpgkey:
+@@ -75,31 +87,122 @@ For more information contact your distribution or package provider.
+                 raise cli.CliError
+ def checkPackageArg(base, basecmd, extcmds):
++    """Verify that *extcmds* contains the name of at least one package for
++    *basecmd* to act on.
++    :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object.
++    :param basecmd: the name of the command being checked for
++    :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++    :raises: :class:`cli.CliError`
++    """
+     if len(extcmds) == 0:
+         base.logger.critical(
+                 _('Error: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %s') % basecmd)
+         _err_mini_usage(base, basecmd)
+         raise cli.CliError
++def checkSwapPackageArg(base, basecmd, extcmds):
++    """Verify that *extcmds* contains the name of at least two packages for
++    *basecmd* to act on.
++    :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object.
++    :param basecmd: the name of the command being checked for
++    :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++    :raises: :class:`cli.CliError`
++    """
++    min_args = 2
++    if '--' in extcmds:
++        min_args = 3
++    if len(extcmds) < min_args:
++        base.logger.critical(
++                _('Error: Need at least two packages to %s') % basecmd)
++        _err_mini_usage(base, basecmd)
++        raise cli.CliError
++def checkRepoPackageArg(base, basecmd, extcmds):
++    """Verify that *extcmds* contains the name of at least one package for
++    *basecmd* to act on.
++    :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object.
++    :param basecmd: the name of the command being checked for
++    :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++    :raises: :class:`cli.CliError`
++    """
++    if len(extcmds) < 2: # <repoid> install|remove [pkgs]
++        base.logger.critical(
++                _('Error: Need to pass a repoid. and command to %s') % basecmd)
++        _err_mini_usage(base, basecmd)
++        raise cli.CliError
++    repos = base.repos.findRepos(extcmds[0], name_match=True, ignore_case=True)
++    if not repos:
++        base.logger.critical(
++                _('Error: Need to pass a single valid repoid. to %s') % basecmd)
++        _err_mini_usage(base, basecmd)
++        raise cli.CliError
++    if len(repos) > 1:
++        repos = [r for r in repos if r.isEnabled()]
++    if len(repos) > 1:
++        repos = ", ".join([r.ui_id for r in repos])
++        base.logger.critical(
++                _('Error: Need to pass only a single valid repoid. to %s, passed: %s') % (basecmd, repos))
++        _err_mini_usage(base, basecmd)
++        raise cli.CliError
++    if not repos[0].isEnabled():
++        # Might as well just fix this...
++        base.repos.enableRepo(repos[0].id)
++        base.verbose_logger.info(
++                _('Repo %s has been automatically enabled.') % repos[0].ui_id)
+ def checkItemArg(base, basecmd, extcmds):
++    """Verify that *extcmds* contains the name of at least one item for
++    *basecmd* to act on.  Generally, the items are command-line
++    arguments that are not the name of a package, such as a file name
++    passed to provides.
++    :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object.
++    :param basecmd: the name of the command being checked for
++    :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++    :raises: :class:`cli.CliError`
++    """
+     if len(extcmds) == 0:
+         base.logger.critical(_('Error: Need an item to match'))
+         _err_mini_usage(base, basecmd)
+         raise cli.CliError
+ def checkGroupArg(base, basecmd, extcmds):
++    """Verify that *extcmds* contains the name of at least one group for
++    *basecmd* to act on.
++    :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object.
++    :param basecmd: the name of the command being checked for
++    :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++    :raises: :class:`cli.CliError`
++    """
+     if len(extcmds) == 0:
+         base.logger.critical(_('Error: Need a group or list of groups'))
+         _err_mini_usage(base, basecmd)
+         raise cli.CliError    
+ def checkCleanArg(base, basecmd, extcmds):
++    """Verify that *extcmds* contains at least one argument, and that all
++    arguments in *extcmds* are valid options for clean.
++    :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++    :param basecmd: the name of the command being checked for
++    :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++    :raises: :class:`cli.CliError`
++    """
+     VALID_ARGS = ('headers', 'packages', 'metadata', 'dbcache', 'plugins',
+                   'expire-cache', 'rpmdb', 'all')
+     if len(extcmds) == 0:
+         base.logger.critical(_('Error: clean requires an option: %s') % (
+             ", ".join(VALID_ARGS)))
++        raise cli.CliError
+     for cmd in extcmds:
+         if cmd not in VALID_ARGS:
+@@ -108,12 +211,14 @@ def checkCleanArg(base, basecmd, extcmds):
+             raise cli.CliError
+ def checkShellArg(base, basecmd, extcmds):
+-    """
+-    Verify that the arguments given to 'yum shell' are valid.
+-    yum shell can be given either no args, or exactly one argument,
+-    which is the name of a file. If these are not met,
+-    raise cli.CliError.
++    """Verify that the arguments given to 'yum shell' are valid.  yum
++    shell can be given either no argument, or exactly one argument,
++    which is the name of a file.
++    :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object.
++    :param basecmd: the name of the command being checked for
++    :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++    :raises: :class:`cli.CliError`
+     """
+     if len(extcmds) == 0:
+         base.verbose_logger.debug(_("No argument to shell"))
+@@ -133,10 +238,12 @@ def checkShellArg(base, basecmd, extcmds):
+         raise cli.CliError
+ def checkEnabledRepo(base, possible_local_files=[]):
+-    """
+-    Verify that there is at least one enabled repo.
++    """Verify that there is at least one enabled repo.
+-    @param base: a YumBase object.
++    :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object.
++    :param basecmd: the name of the command being checked for
++    :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++    :raises: :class:`cli.CliError`:
+     """
+     if base.repos.listEnabled():
+         return
+@@ -145,6 +252,11 @@ def checkEnabledRepo(base, possible_local_files=[]):
+         if lfile.endswith(".rpm") and os.path.exists(lfile):
+             return
++    # runs prereposetup (which "most" plugins currently use to add repos.)
++    base.pkgSack
++    if base.repos.listEnabled():
++        return
+     msg = _('There are no enabled repos.\n'
+             ' Run "yum repolist all" to see the repos you have.\n'
+             ' You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>')
+@@ -152,113 +264,296 @@ def checkEnabledRepo(base, possible_local_files=[]):
+     raise cli.CliError
+ class YumCommand:
++    """An abstract base class that defines the methods needed by the cli
++    to execute a specific command.  Subclasses must override at least
++    :func:`getUsage` and :func:`getSummary`.
++    """
+     def __init__(self):
+         self.done_command_once = False
+         self.hidden = False
+     def doneCommand(self, base, msg, *args):
++        """ Output *msg* the first time that this method is called, and do
++        nothing on subsequent calls.  This is to prevent duplicate
++        messages from being printed for the same command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param msg: the message to be output
++        :param *args: additional arguments associated with the message
++        """
+         if not self.done_command_once:
+-            base.verbose_logger.info(msg, *args)
++            base.verbose_logger.info(logginglevels.INFO_2, msg, *args)
+         self.done_command_once = True
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list of strings that are the names of the command.
++        The command can be called from the command line by using any
++        of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of the command
++        """
+         return []
+     def getUsage(self):
+-        """
+-        @return: A usage string for the command, including arguments.
++        """Return a usage string for the command, including arguments.
++        :return: a usage string for the command
+         """
+         raise NotImplementedError
+     def getSummary(self):
+-        """
+-        @return: A one line summary of what the command does.
++        """Return a one line summary of what the command does.
++        :return: a one line summary of what the command does
+         """
+         raise NotImplementedError
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that various conditions are met so that the command
++        can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object.
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command being checked for
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         pass
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
+-        """
+-        @return: (exit_code, [ errors ]) where exit_code is:
+-           0 = we're done, exit
+-           1 = we've errored, exit with error string
+-           2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """Execute the command
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object.
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command being executed
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
+         """
+         return 0, [_('Nothing to do')]
+     def needTs(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set must be set up before the
++        command can run
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
+         return True
++    #  Some of this is subjective, esp. between past/present, but roughly use:
++    #
++    # write = I'm using package data to alter the rpmdb in anyway.
++    # read-only:future  = I'm providing data that is likely to result in a
++    #                     future write, so we might as well do it now.
++    #                     Eg. yum check-update && yum update -q -y
++    # read-only:present = I'm providing data about the present state of
++    #                     packages in the repo.
++    #                     Eg. yum list yum
++    # read-only:past    = I'm providing context data about past writes, or just
++    #                     anything that is available is good enough for me
++    #                     (speed is much better than quality).
++    #                     Eg. yum history info
++    #                     Eg. TAB completion
++    #
++    # ...default is write, which does the same thing we always did (obey
++    # metadata_expire and live with it).
++    def cacheRequirement(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return the cache requirements for the remote repos.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: Type of requirement: read-only:past, read-only:present, read-only:future, write
++        """
++        return 'write'
+ class InstallCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    install command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
+-        return ['install']
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of
++        these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
++        return ['install', 'install-n', 'install-na', 'install-nevra']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return _("PACKAGE...")
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("Install a package or packages on your system")
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can run.
++        These include that the program is being run by the root user,
++        that there are enabled repositories with gpg keys, and that
++        this command is called with appropriate arguments.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         checkRootUID(base)
+         checkGPGKey(base)
+         checkPackageArg(base, basecmd, extcmds)
+         checkEnabledRepo(base, extcmds)
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         self.doneCommand(base, _("Setting up Install Process"))
+-        try:
+-            return base.installPkgs(extcmds)
+-        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [str(e)]
++        return base.installPkgs(extcmds, basecmd=basecmd)
+ class UpdateCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    update command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can by called from the command line by using any of
++        these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['update', 'update-to']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return _("[PACKAGE...]")
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("Update a package or packages on your system")
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can run.
++        These include that there are enabled repositories with gpg
++        keys, and that this command is being run by the root user.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         checkRootUID(base)
+         checkGPGKey(base)
+         checkEnabledRepo(base, extcmds)
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         self.doneCommand(base, _("Setting up Update Process"))
+-        try:
+-            return base.updatePkgs(extcmds, update_to=(basecmd == 'update-to'))
+-        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [str(e)]
++        ret = base.updatePkgs(extcmds, update_to=(basecmd == 'update-to'))
++        updateinfo.remove_txmbrs(base)
++        return ret
+ class DistroSyncCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    distro-synch command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['distribution-synchronization', 'distro-sync']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return _("[PACKAGE...]")
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions")
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can run.
++        These include that the program is being run by the root user,
++        and that there are enabled repositories with gpg keys.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         checkRootUID(base)
+         checkGPGKey(base)
+         checkEnabledRepo(base, extcmds)
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         self.doneCommand(base, _("Setting up Distribution Synchronization Process"))
+-        try:
+-            base.conf.obsoletes = 1
+-            return base.distroSyncPkgs(extcmds)
+-        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [str(e)]
++        base.conf.obsoletes = 1
++        ret = base.distroSyncPkgs(extcmds)
++        updateinfo.remove_txmbrs(base)
++        return ret
+ def _add_pkg_simple_list_lens(data, pkg, indent=''):
+     """ Get the length of each pkg's column. Add that to data.
+@@ -289,22 +584,62 @@ def _list_cmd_calc_columns(base, ypl):
+     return (-columns[0], -columns[1], -columns[2])
+ class InfoCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    info command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['info']
+     def getUsage(self):
+-        return "[PACKAGE|all|available|installed|updates|extras|obsoletes|recent]"
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
++        return "[PACKAGE|all|available|installed|updates|distro-extras|extras|obsoletes|recent]"
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("Display details about a package or group of packages")
+-    def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
+-        try:
+-            highlight = base.term.MODE['bold']
+-            ypl = base.returnPkgLists(extcmds, installed_available=highlight)
+-        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [str(e)]
++    def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds, repoid=None):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
++        if extcmds and extcmds[0] in ('updates', 'obsoletes'):
++            updateinfo.exclude_updates(base)
+         else:
++            updateinfo.exclude_all(base)
++        if True: # Try, YumBase...
++            highlight = base.term.MODE['bold']
++            #  If we are doing: "yum info installed blah" don't do the highlight
++            # because the usability of not accessing the repos. is still higher
++            # than providing colour for a single line. Usable updatesd/etc. FTW.
++            if basecmd == 'info' and extcmds and extcmds[0] == 'installed':
++                highlight = False
++            ypl = base.returnPkgLists(extcmds, installed_available=highlight,
++                                      repoid=repoid)
+             update_pkgs = {}
+             inst_pkgs   = {}
+             local_pkgs  = {}
+@@ -341,6 +676,7 @@ class InfoCommand(YumCommand):
+                         local_pkgs[(po.name, po.arch)] = po
+             # Output the packages:
++            kern = base.conf.color_list_installed_running_kernel
+             clio = base.conf.color_list_installed_older
+             clin = base.conf.color_list_installed_newer
+             clir = base.conf.color_list_installed_reinstall
+@@ -348,7 +684,9 @@ class InfoCommand(YumCommand):
+             rip = base.listPkgs(ypl.installed, _('Installed Packages'), basecmd,
+                                 highlight_na=update_pkgs, columns=columns,
+                                 highlight_modes={'>' : clio, '<' : clin,
++                                                 'kern' : kern,
+                                                  '=' : clir, 'not in' : clie})
++            kern = base.conf.color_list_available_running_kernel
+             clau = base.conf.color_list_available_upgrade
+             clad = base.conf.color_list_available_downgrade
+             clar = base.conf.color_list_available_reinstall
+@@ -356,6 +694,7 @@ class InfoCommand(YumCommand):
+             rap = base.listPkgs(ypl.available, _('Available Packages'), basecmd,
+                                 highlight_na=inst_pkgs, columns=columns,
+                                 highlight_modes={'<' : clau, '>' : clad,
++                                                 'kern' : kern,
+                                                  '=' : clar, 'not in' : clai})
+             rep = base.listPkgs(ypl.extras, _('Extra Packages'), basecmd,
+                                 columns=columns)
+@@ -374,7 +713,7 @@ class InfoCommand(YumCommand):
+                 for obtup in sorted(ypl.obsoletesTuples,
+                                     key=operator.itemgetter(0)):
+                     base.updatesObsoletesList(obtup, 'obsoletes',
+-                                              columns=columns)
++                                              columns=columns, repoid=repoid)
+             else:
+                 rop = base.listPkgs(ypl.obsoletes, _('Obsoleting Packages'),
+                                     basecmd, columns=columns)
+@@ -389,45 +728,160 @@ class InfoCommand(YumCommand):
+             return 0, []
+     def needTs(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set must be set up before this
++        command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
+         if len(extcmds) and extcmds[0] == 'installed':
+             return False
+         return True
++    def cacheRequirement(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return the cache requirements for the remote repos.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: Type of requirement: read-only:past, read-only:present, read-only:future, write
++        """
++        if len(extcmds) and extcmds[0] in ('updates', 'obsoletes'):
++            return 'read-only:future'
++        if len(extcmds) and extcmds[0] in ('installed', 'distro-extras', 'extras', 'recent'):
++            return 'read-only:past'
++        # available/all
++        return 'read-only:present'
+ class ListCommand(InfoCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    list command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['list']
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("List a package or groups of packages")
+ class EraseCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    erase command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
+-        return ['erase', 'remove']
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
++        return ['erase', 'remove', 'autoremove',
++                'erase-n', 'erase-na', 'erase-nevra',
++                'autoremove-n', 'autoremove-na', 'autoremove-nevra',
++                'remove-n', 'remove-na', 'remove-nevra']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return "PACKAGE..."
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("Remove a package or packages from your system")
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can
++        run.  These include that the program is being run by the root
++        user, and that this command is called with appropriate
++        arguments.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         checkRootUID(base)
++        if basecmd == 'autoremove':
++            return
+         checkPackageArg(base, basecmd, extcmds)
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
++        pos = False
++        if basecmd.startswith('autoremove'):
++            #  We have to alter this, as it's used in resolving stage. Which
++            # sucks. Just be careful in "yum shell".
++            base.conf.clean_requirements_on_remove = True
++            basecmd = basecmd[len('auto'):] # pretend it's just remove...
++            if not extcmds:
++                pos = True
++                extcmds = []
++                for pkg in sorted(base.rpmdb.returnLeafNodes()):
++                    if 'reason' not in pkg.yumdb_info:
++                        continue
++                    if pkg.yumdb_info.reason != 'dep':
++                        continue
++                    extcmds.append(pkg)
+         self.doneCommand(base, _("Setting up Remove Process"))
+-        try:
+-            return base.erasePkgs(extcmds)
+-        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [str(e)]
++        ret = base.erasePkgs(extcmds, pos=pos, basecmd=basecmd)
++        return ret
+     def needTs(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set must be set up before this
++        command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
+         return False
+     def needTsRemove(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set for removal only must be
++        set up before this command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a remove-only transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
+         return True
+@@ -442,12 +896,25 @@ class GroupsCommand(YumCommand):
+                        'groupinfo'    : 'info'}
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['groups', 'group'] + self.direct_commands.keys()
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return "[list|info|summary|install|upgrade|remove|mark] [GROUP]"
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("Display, or use, the groups information")
+     def _grp_setup_doCommand(self, base):
+@@ -459,7 +926,7 @@ class GroupsCommand(YumCommand):
+         except yum.Errors.GroupsError:
+             return 1, [_('No Groups on which to run command')]
+         except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [str(e)]
++            raise
+     def _grp_cmd(self, basecmd, extcmds):
+         if basecmd in self.direct_commands:
+@@ -470,6 +937,10 @@ class GroupsCommand(YumCommand):
+         else:
+             cmd = 'summary'
++        if cmd in ('mark', 'unmark') and extcmds:
++            cmd = "%s-%s" % (cmd, extcmds[0])
++            extcmds = extcmds[1:]
+         remap = {'update' : 'upgrade',
+                  'erase' : 'remove',
+                  'mark-erase' : 'mark-remove',
+@@ -479,32 +950,83 @@ class GroupsCommand(YumCommand):
+         return cmd, extcmds
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can run.
++        The exact conditions checked will vary depending on the
++        subcommand that is being called.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         cmd, extcmds = self._grp_cmd(basecmd, extcmds)
+         checkEnabledRepo(base)
+-        if cmd in ('install', 'remove',
+-                   'mark-install', 'mark-remove',
+-                   'mark-members', 'info', 'mark-members-sync'):
++        ocmds_all = []
++        ocmds_arg = []
++        if base.conf.group_command == 'objects':
++            ocmds_arg = ('mark-install', 'mark-remove',
++                         'mark-packages', 'mark-packages-force',
++                         'unmark-packages',
++                         'mark-packages-sync', 'mark-packages-sync-force',
++                         'mark-groups', 'mark-groups-force',
++                         'unmark-groups',
++                         'mark-groups-sync', 'mark-groups-sync-force')
++            ocmds_all = ('mark-install', 'mark-remove', 'mark-convert',
++                         'mark-packages', 'mark-packages-force',
++                         'unmark-packages',
++                         'mark-packages-sync', 'mark-packages-sync-force',
++                         'mark-groups', 'mark-groups-force',
++                         'unmark-groups',
++                         'mark-groups-sync', 'mark-groups-sync-force')
++        if cmd in ('install', 'remove', 'info') or cmd in ocmds_arg:
+             checkGroupArg(base, cmd, extcmds)
+-        if cmd in ('install', 'remove', 'upgrade',
+-                   'mark-install', 'mark-remove',
+-                   'mark-members', 'mark-members-sync'):
++        if cmd in ('install', 'remove', 'upgrade') or cmd in ocmds_all:
+             checkRootUID(base)
+         if cmd in ('install', 'upgrade'):
+             checkGPGKey(base)
+-        cmds = ('list', 'info', 'remove', 'install', 'upgrade', 'summary',
+-                'mark-install', 'mark-remove',
+-                'mark-members', 'mark-members-sync')
++        cmds = set(('list', 'info', 'remove', 'install', 'upgrade', 'summary'))
++        if base.conf.group_command == 'objects':
++            cmds.update(ocmds_all)
+         if cmd not in cmds:
+             base.logger.critical(_('Invalid groups sub-command, use: %s.'),
+                                  ", ".join(cmds))
+             raise cli.CliError
++        if base.conf.group_command != 'objects':
++            pass
++        elif not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(base.igroups.filename)):
++            base.logger.critical(_("There is no installed groups file."))
++            base.logger.critical(_("Maybe run: yum groups mark convert"))
++        elif not os.access(os.path.dirname(base.igroups.filename), os.R_OK):
++            base.logger.critical(_("You don't have access to the groups DBs."))
++            raise cli.CliError
++        elif not os.path.exists(base.igroups.filename):
++            base.logger.critical(_("There is no installed groups file."))
++            base.logger.critical(_("Maybe run: yum groups mark convert"))
++        elif not os.access(base.igroups.filename, os.R_OK):
++            base.logger.critical(_("You don't have access to the groups DB."))
++            raise cli.CliError
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         cmd, extcmds = self._grp_cmd(basecmd, extcmds)
+         self._grp_setup_doCommand(base)
+@@ -514,136 +1036,546 @@ class GroupsCommand(YumCommand):
+         if cmd == 'list':
+             return base.returnGroupLists(extcmds)
+-        try:
++        if True: # Try, YumBase...
+             if cmd == 'info':
+                 return base.returnGroupInfo(extcmds)
+             if cmd == 'install':
+                 return base.installGroups(extcmds)
+             if cmd == 'upgrade':
+-                return base.installGroups(extcmds, upgrade=True)
++                ret = base.installGroups(extcmds, upgrade=True)
++                updateinfo.remove_txmbrs(base)
++                return ret
+             if cmd == 'remove':
+                 return base.removeGroups(extcmds)
+-        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [str(e)]
++            if cmd == 'mark-install':
++                gRG = base._groupReturnGroups(extcmds,ignore_case=False)
++                igrps, grps, ievgrps, evgrps = gRG
++                for evgrp in evgrps:
++                    base.igroups.add_environment(evgrp.environmentid,
++                                                 evgrp.allgroups)
++                for grp in grps:
++                    pkg_names = set() # Only see names that are installed.
++                    for pkg in base.rpmdb.searchNames(grp.packages):
++                        pkg_names.add(pkg.name)
++                    base.igroups.add_group(grp.groupid, pkg_names)
++                base.igroups.save()
++                return 0, ['Marked install: ' + ','.join(extcmds)]
++            if cmd in ('mark-packages', 'mark-packages-force'):
++                if len(extcmds) < 2:
++                    return 1, ['No group or package given']
++                gRG = base._groupReturnGroups([extcmds[0]],
++                                              ignore_case=False)
++                igrps, grps, ievgrps, evgrps = gRG
++                if igrps is None or len(igrps) != 1:
++                    return 1, ['No group matched']
++                grp = igrps[0]
++                force = cmd == 'mark-packages-force'
++                for pkg in base.rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=extcmds[1:]):
++                    if not force and 'group_member' in pkg.yumdb_info:
++                        continue
++                    pkg.yumdb_info.group_member = grp.gid
++                    grp.pkg_names.add(pkg.name)
++                    base.igroups.changed = True
++                base.igroups.save()
++                return 0, ['Marked packages: ' + ','.join(extcmds[1:])]
++            if cmd == 'unmark-packages':
++                for pkg in base.rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=extcmds):
++                    if 'group_member' in pkg.yumdb_info:
++                        del pkg.yumdb_info.group_member
++                return 0, ['UnMarked packages: ' + ','.join(extcmds)]
++            if cmd in ('mark-packages-sync', 'mark-packages-sync-force'):
++                gRG = base._groupReturnGroups(extcmds,ignore_case=False)
++                igrps, grps, ievgrps, evgrps = gRG
++                if not igrps:
++                    return 1, ['No group matched']
++                force = cmd == 'mark-packages-sync-force'
++                for grp in igrps:
++                    for pkg in base.rpmdb.searchNames(grp.pkg_names):
++                        if not force and 'group_member' in pkg.yumdb_info:
++                            continue
++                        pkg.yumdb_info.group_member = grp.gid
++                if force:
++                    return 0, ['Marked packages-sync-force: '+','.join(extcmds)]
++                else:
++                    return 0, ['Marked packages-sync: ' + ','.join(extcmds)]
++            if cmd in ('mark-groups', 'mark-groups-force'):
++                if len(extcmds) < 2:
++                    return 1, ['No environment or group given']
++                gRG = base._groupReturnGroups([extcmds[0]],
++                                              ignore_case=False)
++                igrps, grps, ievgrps, evgrps = gRG
++                if ievgrps is None or len(ievgrps) != 1:
++                    return 1, ['No environment matched']
++                evgrp = ievgrps[0]
++                force = cmd == 'mark-groups-force'
++                gRG = base._groupReturnGroups(extcmds[1:], ignore_case=False)
++                for grp in gRG[1]:
++                    # Packages full or empty?
++                    self.igroups.add_group(grp.groupid,
++                                           grp.packages, ievgrp)
++                if force:
++                    for grp in gRG[0]:
++                        grp.environment = evgrp.evgid
++                        base.igroups.changed = True
++                base.igroups.save()
++                return 0, ['Marked groups: ' + ','.join(extcmds[1:])]
++            if cmd == 'unmark-groups':
++                gRG = base._groupReturnGroups([extcmds[0]],
++                                              ignore_case=False)
++                igrps, grps, ievgrps, evgrps = gRG
++                if igrps is None:
++                    return 1, ['No groups matched']
++                for grp in igrps:
++                    grp.environment = None
++                    base.igroups.changed = True
++                base.igroups.save()
++                return 0, ['UnMarked groups: ' + ','.join(extcmds)]
++            if cmd in ('mark-groups-sync', 'mark-groups-sync-force'):
++                gRG = base._groupReturnGroups(extcmds,ignore_case=False)
++                igrps, grps, ievgrps, evgrps = gRG
++                if not ievgrps:
++                    return 1, ['No environment matched']
++                force = cmd == 'mark-groups-sync-force'
++                for evgrp in ievgrps:
++                    grp_names = ",".join(sorted(evgrp.grp_names))
++                    for grp in base.igroups.return_groups(grp_names):
++                        if not force and grp.environment is not None:
++                            continue
++                        grp.environment = evgrp.evgid
++                        base.igroups.changed = True
++                base.igroups.save()
++                if force:
++                    return 0, ['Marked groups-sync-force: '+','.join(extcmds)]
++                else:
++                    return 0, ['Marked groups-sync: ' + ','.join(extcmds)]
++            # FIXME: This doesn't do environment groups atm.
++            if cmd == 'mark-convert':
++                # Convert old style info. into groups as objects.
++                def _convert_grp(grp):
++                    if not grp.installed:
++                        return
++                    pkg_names = []
++                    for pkg in base.rpmdb.searchNames(pkg_names):
++                        if 'group_member' in pkg.yumdb_info:
++                            continue
++                        pkg.yumdb_info.group_member = grp.groupid
++                        pkg_names.append(pkg.name)
++                    #  We only mark the packages installed as a known part of
++                    # the group. This way "group update" will work and install
++                    # any remaining packages, as it would before the conversion.
++                    base.igroups.add_group(grp.groupid, pkg_names)
++                # Blank everything.
++                for gid in base.igroups.groups.keys():
++                    base.igroups.del_group(gid)
++                for pkg in base.rpmdb:
++                    if 'group_member' in pkg.yumdb_info:
++                        del pkg.yumdb_info.group_member
++                #  Need to do this by hand, when using objects, to setup the
++                # .installed attribute in comps.
++                base.comps.compile(base.rpmdb.simplePkgList())
++                #  This is kind of a hack, to work around the biggest problem
++                # with having pkgs in more than one group. Treat Fedora/EL/etc.
++                # base/core special. Maybe other groups?
++                #  Not 100% we want to force install "core", as that's then
++                # "different", but it is better ... so, meh.
++                special_gids = (('core', True),
++                                ('base', False))
++                for gid, force_installed in special_gids:
++                    grp = base.comps.return_group(gid)
++                    if grp is None:
++                        continue
++                    if force_installed:
++                        grp.installed = True
++                    _convert_grp(grp)
++                for grp in base.comps.get_groups():
++                    if grp.groupid in special_gids:
++                        continue
++                    _convert_grp(grp)
++                base.igroups.save()
++                return 0, ['Converted old style groups to objects.']
++            if cmd == 'mark-remove':
++                gRG = base._groupReturnGroups(extcmds,ignore_case=False)
++                igrps, grps, ievgrps, evgrps = gRG
++                for evgrp in ievgrps:
++                    base.igroups.del_environment(evgrp.evgid)
++                for grp in igrps:
++                    base.igroups.del_group(grp.gid)
++                base.igroups.save()
++                return 0, ['Marked remove: ' + ','.join(extcmds)]
+     def needTs(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set must be set up before this
++        command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
+         cmd, extcmds = self._grp_cmd(basecmd, extcmds)
+         if cmd in ('list', 'info', 'remove', 'summary'):
+             return False
++        if cmd.startswith('mark') or cmd.startswith('unmark'):
++            return False
+         return True
+     def needTsRemove(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set for removal only must be
++        set up before this command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a remove-only transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
+         cmd, extcmds = self._grp_cmd(basecmd, extcmds)
+         if cmd in ('remove',):
+-           return True
++            return True
+         return False
++    def cacheRequirement(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return the cache requirements for the remote repos.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: Type of requirement: read-only:past, read-only:present, read-only:future, write
++        """
++        cmd, extcmds = self._grp_cmd(basecmd, extcmds)
++        if cmd in ('list', 'info', 'summary'):
++            return 'read-only:past'
++        if cmd.startswith('mark') or cmd.startswith('unmark'):
++            return 'read-only:past'
++        return 'write'
+ class MakeCacheCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    makecache command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['makecache']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return ""
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("Generate the metadata cache")
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can
++        run; namely that there is an enabled repository.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         checkEnabledRepo(base)
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         base.logger.debug(_("Making cache files for all metadata files."))
+         base.logger.debug(_("This may take a while depending on the speed of this computer"))
+-        try:
+-            for repo in base.repos.findRepos('*'):
++        # Fast == don't download any extra MD
++        fast = False
++        if extcmds and extcmds[0] == 'fast':
++            fast = True
++        if True: # Try, YumBase...
++            for repo in base.repos.sort():
+                 repo.metadata_expire = 0
+-                repo.mdpolicy = "group:all"
++                if not fast:
++                    repo.mdpolicy = "group:all"
+             base.doRepoSetup(dosack=0)
+             base.repos.doSetup()
+-            for repo in base.repos.listEnabled():
+-                repo.repoXML
+             # These convert the downloaded data into usable data,
+             # we can't remove them until *LoadRepo() can do:
+             # 1. Download a .sqlite.bz2 and convert to .sqlite
+             # 2. Download a .xml.gz and convert to .xml.gz.sqlite
+-            base.repos.populateSack(mdtype='metadata', cacheonly=1)
+-            base.repos.populateSack(mdtype='filelists', cacheonly=1)
+-            base.repos.populateSack(mdtype='otherdata', cacheonly=1)
++            if fast:
++                #  Can't easily tell which other metadata each repo. has, so
++                # just do primary.
++                base.repos.populateSack(mdtype='metadata', cacheonly=1)
++            else:
++                base.repos.populateSack(mdtype='all', cacheonly=1)
++            # Now decompress stuff, so that -C works, sigh.
++            fname_map = {'group_gz'   : 'groups.xml',
++                         'pkgtags'    : 'pkgtags.sqlite',
++                         'updateinfo' : 'updateinfo.xml',
++                         'prestodelta': 'prestodelta.xml',
++                         }
++            for repo in base.repos.listEnabled():
++                for MD in repo.repoXML.fileTypes():
++                    if MD not in fname_map:
++                        continue
++                    if MD not in repo.retrieved or not repo.retrieved[MD]:
++                        continue # For fast mode.
++                    misc.repo_gen_decompress(repo.retrieveMD(MD),
++                                             fname_map[MD],
++                                             cached=repo.cache)
+-        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [str(e)]
+         return 0, [_('Metadata Cache Created')]
+     def needTs(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set must be set up before this
++        command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
+         return False
+ class CleanCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    clean command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['clean']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return "[headers|packages|metadata|dbcache|plugins|expire-cache|all]"
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("Remove cached data")
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can run.
++        These include that there is at least one enabled repository,
++        and that this command is called with appropriate arguments.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         checkCleanArg(base, basecmd, extcmds)
+         checkEnabledRepo(base)
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         base.conf.cache = 1
+         return base.cleanCli(extcmds)
+     def needTs(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set must be set up before this
++        command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
+         return False
+-class ProvidesCommand(YumCommand):
+-    def getNames(self):
++    def cacheRequirement(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return the cache requirements for the remote repos.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: Type of requirement: read-only:past, read-only:present, read-only:future, write
++        """
++        return 'read-only:past'
++class ProvidesCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    provides command.
++    """
++    def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['provides', 'whatprovides']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return "SOME_STRING"
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("Find what package provides the given value")
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can
++        run; namely that this command is called with appropriate arguments.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         checkItemArg(base, basecmd, extcmds)
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         base.logger.debug("Searching Packages: ")
+-        try:
+-            return base.provides(extcmds)
+-        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [str(e)]
++        updateinfo.exclude_updates(base)
++        return base.provides(extcmds)
++    def cacheRequirement(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return the cache requirements for the remote repos.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: Type of requirement: read-only:past, read-only:present, read-only:future, write
++        """
++        return 'read-only:past'
+ class CheckUpdateCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    check-update command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['check-update']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return "[PACKAGE...]"
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("Check for available package updates")
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can
++        run; namely that there is at least one enabled repository.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         checkEnabledRepo(base)
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
++        updateinfo.exclude_updates(base)
+         obscmds = ['obsoletes'] + extcmds
+         base.extcmds.insert(0, 'updates')
+         result = 0
+-        try:
++        if True:
+             ypl = base.returnPkgLists(extcmds)
+             if (base.conf.obsoletes or
+                 base.verbose_logger.isEnabledFor(logginglevels.DEBUG_3)):
+@@ -675,162 +1607,471 @@ class CheckUpdateCommand(YumCommand):
+                     base.updatesObsoletesList(obtup, 'obsoletes',
+                                               columns=columns)
+                 result = 100
+-        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [str(e)]
+-        else:
+-            return result, []
++            # Add check_running_kernel call, if updateinfo is available.
++            if updateinfo._repos_downloaded(base.repos.listEnabled()):
++                def _msg(x):
++                    base.verbose_logger.info("%s", x)
++                updateinfo._check_running_kernel(base, base.upinfo, _msg)
++        return result, []
++    def cacheRequirement(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return the cache requirements for the remote repos.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: Type of requirement: read-only:past, read-only:present, read-only:future, write
++        """
++        return 'read-only:future'
+ class SearchCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    search command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['search']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return "SOME_STRING"
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("Search package details for the given string")
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can
++        run; namely that this command is called with appropriate arguments.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         checkItemArg(base, basecmd, extcmds)
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         base.logger.debug(_("Searching Packages: "))
+-        try:
+-            return base.search(extcmds)
+-        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [str(e)]
++        updateinfo.exclude_updates(base)
++        return base.search(extcmds)
+     def needTs(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set must be set up before this
++        command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
+         return False
++    def cacheRequirement(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return the cache requirements for the remote repos.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: Type of requirement: read-only:past, read-only:present, read-only:future, write
++        """
++        return 'read-only:present'
+ class UpgradeCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    upgrade command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['upgrade', 'upgrade-to']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return 'PACKAGE...'
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("Update packages taking obsoletes into account")
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can
++         run.  These include that the program is being run by the root
++         user, and that there are enabled repositories with gpg.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         checkRootUID(base)
+         checkGPGKey(base)
+         checkEnabledRepo(base, extcmds)
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         base.conf.obsoletes = 1
+         self.doneCommand(base, _("Setting up Upgrade Process"))
+-        try:
+-            return base.updatePkgs(extcmds, update_to=(basecmd == 'upgrade-to'))
+-        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [str(e)]
++        ret = base.updatePkgs(extcmds, update_to=(basecmd == 'upgrade-to'))
++        updateinfo.remove_txmbrs(base)
++        return ret
+ class LocalInstallCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    localinstall command.
++    """
+     def __init__(self):
+         YumCommand.__init__(self)
+         self.hidden = True
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['localinstall', 'localupdate']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return "FILE"
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("Install a local RPM")
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can
++        run.  These include that there are enabled repositories with
++        gpg keys, and that this command is called with appropriate
++        arguments.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         checkRootUID(base)
+         checkGPGKey(base)
+         checkPackageArg(base, basecmd, extcmds)
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is:
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         self.doneCommand(base, _("Setting up Local Package Process"))
+         updateonly = basecmd == 'localupdate'
+-        try:
+-            return base.localInstall(filelist=extcmds, updateonly=updateonly)
+-        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [str(e)]
++        return base.localInstall(filelist=extcmds, updateonly=updateonly)
+     def needTs(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set must be set up before this
++        command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
+         return False
+ class ResolveDepCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    resolvedep command.
++    """
++    def __init__(self):
++        YumCommand.__init__(self)
++        self.hidden = True
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['resolvedep']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return "DEPENDENCY"
+     def getSummary(self):
+-        return _("Determine which package provides the given dependency")
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
++        return "repoquery --pkgnarrow=all --whatprovides --qf '%{envra} %{ui_from_repo}'"
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         base.logger.debug(_("Searching Packages for Dependency:"))
+-        try:
+-            return base.resolveDepCli(extcmds)
+-        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [str(e)]
++        updateinfo.exclude_updates(base)
++        return base.resolveDepCli(extcmds)
++    def cacheRequirement(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return the cache requirements for the remote repos.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: Type of requirement: read-only:past, read-only:present, read-only:future, write
++        """
++        return 'read-only:past'
+ class ShellCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    shell command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['shell']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return "[FILENAME]"
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("Run an interactive yum shell")
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can
++        run; namely that this command is called with appropriate arguments.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         checkShellArg(base, basecmd, extcmds)
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         self.doneCommand(base, _('Setting up Yum Shell'))
+-        try:
+-            return base.doShell()
+-        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [str(e)]
++        return base.doShell()
+     def needTs(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set must be set up before this
++        command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
+         return False
+ class DepListCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    deplist command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['deplist']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return 'PACKAGE...'
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("List a package's dependencies")
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can
++        run; namely that this command is called with appropriate
++        arguments.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         checkPackageArg(base, basecmd, extcmds)
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         self.doneCommand(base, _("Finding dependencies: "))
+-        try:
+-            return base.deplist(extcmds)
+-        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [str(e)]
++        updateinfo.exclude_updates(base)
++        return base.deplist(extcmds)
++    def cacheRequirement(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return the cache requirements for the remote repos.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: Type of requirement: read-only:past, read-only:present, read-only:future, write
++        """
++        return 'read-only:past' # read-only ?
+ class RepoListCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    repolist command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
+-        return ('repolist',)
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
++        return ('repolist', 'repoinfo')
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return '[all|enabled|disabled]'
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _('Display the configured software repositories')
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         def _repo_size(repo):
+             ret = 0
+             for pkg in repo.sack.returnPackages():
+@@ -838,12 +2079,9 @@ class RepoListCommand(YumCommand):
+             return base.format_number(ret)
+         def _repo_match(repo, patterns):
+-            rid = repo.id.lower()
+-            rnm = repo.name.lower()
+             for pat in patterns:
+-                if fnmatch.fnmatch(rid, pat):
+-                    return True
+-                if fnmatch.fnmatch(rnm, pat):
++                if repo in base.repos.findRepos(pat, name_match=True,
++                                                ignore_case=True):
+                     return True
+             return False
+@@ -857,7 +2095,10 @@ class RepoListCommand(YumCommand):
+             arg = 'enabled'
+         extcmds = map(lambda x: x.lower(), extcmds)
+-        verbose = base.verbose_logger.isEnabledFor(logginglevels.DEBUG_3)
++        if basecmd == 'repoinfo':
++            verbose = True
++        else:
++            verbose = base.verbose_logger.isEnabledFor(logginglevels.DEBUG_3)
+         if arg != 'disabled' or extcmds:
+             try:
+                 # Setup so len(repo.sack) is correct
+@@ -866,6 +2107,13 @@ class RepoListCommand(YumCommand):
+             except yum.Errors.RepoError:
+                 if verbose:
+                     raise
++                #  populate them by hand, so one failure doesn't kill everything
++                # after it.
++                for repo in base.repos.listEnabled():
++                    try:
++                        base.repos.populateSack(repo.id)
++                    except yum.Errors.RepoError:
++                        pass
+         repos = base.repos.repos.values()
+         repos.sort()
+@@ -924,111 +2172,113 @@ class RepoListCommand(YumCommand):
+                 ui_enabled = dhibeg + _('disabled') + hiend
+                 ui_endis_wid = utf8_width(_('disabled'))
+-            if True: # Here to make patch smaller, TODO: rm
+-                if not verbose:
+-                    rid = str(repo)
+-                    if enabled and repo.metalink:
+-                        mdts = repo.metalink_data.repomd.timestamp
+-                        if mdts > repo.repoXML.timestamp:
+-                            rid = '*' + rid
+-                    cols.append((rid, repo.name,
+-                                 (ui_enabled, ui_endis_wid), ui_num))
++            if not verbose:
++                rid = repo.ui_id # can't use str()
++                if repo.metadata_expire >= 0:
++                    if os.path.exists(repo.metadata_cookie):
++                        last = os.stat(repo.metadata_cookie).st_mtime
++                        if last + repo.metadata_expire < time.time():
++                            rid = '!' + rid
++                if enabled and repo.metalink:
++                    mdts = repo.metalink_data.repomd.timestamp
++                    if mdts > repo.repoXML.timestamp:
++                        rid = '*' + rid
++                cols.append((rid, repo.name,
++                             (ui_enabled, ui_endis_wid), ui_num))
++            else:
++                if enabled:
++                    md = repo.repoXML
+                 else:
++                    md = None
++                out = [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-id      : "), repo.ui_id),
++                       base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-name    : "), repo.name)]
++                if force_show or extcmds:
++                    out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-status  : "),
++                                               ui_enabled)]
++                if md and md.revision is not None:
++                    out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-revision: "),
++                                               md.revision)]
++                if md and md.tags['content']:
++                    tags = md.tags['content']
++                    out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-tags    : "),
++                                               ", ".join(sorted(tags)))]
++                if md and md.tags['distro']:
++                    for distro in sorted(md.tags['distro']):
++                        tags = md.tags['distro'][distro]
++                        out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-distro-tags: "),
++                                                   "[%s]: %s" % (distro,
++                                                   ", ".join(sorted(tags))))]
++                if md:
++                    out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-updated : "),
++                                               time.ctime(md.timestamp)),
++                            base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-pkgs    : "),ui_num),
++                            base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-size    : "),ui_size)]
++                if hasattr(repo, '_orig_baseurl'):
++                    baseurls = repo._orig_baseurl
++                else:
++                    baseurls = repo.baseurl
++                if baseurls:
++                    out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-baseurl : "),
++                                               ", ".join(baseurls))]
++                if enabled:
++                    # This needs to be here due to the mirrorlists are
++                    # metalinks hack.
++                    repo.urls
++                if repo.metalink:
++                    out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-metalink: "),
++                                               repo.metalink)]
+                     if enabled:
+-                        md = repo.repoXML
+-                    else:
+-                        md = None
+-                    out = [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-id      : "), repo),
+-                           base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-name    : "), repo.name)]
+-                    if force_show or extcmds:
+-                        out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-status  : "),
+-                                                   ui_enabled)]
+-                    if md and md.revision is not None:
+-                        out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-revision: "),
+-                                                   md.revision)]
+-                    if md and md.tags['content']:
+-                        tags = md.tags['content']
+-                        out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-tags    : "),
+-                                                   ", ".join(sorted(tags)))]
+-                    if md and md.tags['distro']:
+-                        for distro in sorted(md.tags['distro']):
+-                            tags = md.tags['distro'][distro]
+-                            out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-distro-tags: "),
+-                                                       "[%s]: %s" % (distro,
+-                                                       ", ".join(sorted(tags))))]
+-                    if md:
+-                        out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-updated : "),
+-                                                   time.ctime(md.timestamp)),
+-                                base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-pkgs    : "),ui_num),
+-                                base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-size    : "),ui_size)]
+-                    if hasattr(repo, '_orig_baseurl'):
+-                        baseurls = repo._orig_baseurl
+-                    else:
+-                        baseurls = repo.baseurl
+-                    if baseurls:
+-                        out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-baseurl : "),
+-                                                   ", ".join(baseurls))]
+-                    if enabled:
+-                        #  This needs to be here due to the mirrorlists are
+-                        # metalinks hack.
+-                        repo.urls
+-                    if repo.metalink:
+-                        out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-metalink: "),
+-                                                   repo.metalink)]
+-                        if enabled:
+-                            ts = repo.metalink_data.repomd.timestamp
+-                            out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("  Updated    : "),
+-                                                       time.ctime(ts))]
+-                    elif repo.mirrorlist:
+-                        out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-mirrors : "),
+-                                                   repo.mirrorlist)]
+-                    if enabled and repo.urls and not baseurls:
+-                        url = repo.urls[0]
+-                        if len(repo.urls) > 1:
+-                            url += ' (%d more)' % (len(repo.urls) - 1)
+-                        out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-baseurl : "),
+-                                                   url)]
+-                    if not os.path.exists(repo.metadata_cookie):
+-                        last = _("Unknown")
+-                    else:
+-                        last = os.stat(repo.metadata_cookie).st_mtime
+-                        last = time.ctime(last)
++                        ts = repo.metalink_data.repomd.timestamp
++                        out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("  Updated    : "),
++                                                   time.ctime(ts))]
++                elif repo.mirrorlist:
++                    out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-mirrors : "),
++                                               repo.mirrorlist)]
++                if enabled and repo.urls and not baseurls:
++                    url = repo.urls[0]
++                    if len(repo.urls) > 1:
++                        url += ' (%d more)' % (len(repo.urls) - 1)
++                    out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-baseurl : "), url)]
++                if not os.path.exists(repo.metadata_cookie):
++                    last = _("Unknown")
++                else:
++                    last = os.stat(repo.metadata_cookie).st_mtime
++                    last = time.ctime(last)
+-                    if repo.metadata_expire <= -1:
+-                        num = _("Never (last: %s)") % last
+-                    elif not repo.metadata_expire:
+-                        num = _("Instant (last: %s)") % last
+-                    else:
+-                        num = _num2ui_num(repo.metadata_expire)
+-                        num = _("%s second(s) (last: %s)") % (num, last)
++                if repo.metadata_expire <= -1:
++                    num = _("Never (last: %s)") % last
++                elif not repo.metadata_expire:
++                    num = _("Instant (last: %s)") % last
++                else:
++                    num = _num2ui_num(repo.metadata_expire)
++                    num = _("%s second(s) (last: %s)") % (num, last)
+-                    out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-expire  : "), num)]
++                out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-expire  : "), num)]
+-                    if repo.exclude:
+-                        out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-exclude : "),
+-                                                   ", ".join(repo.exclude))]
++                if repo.exclude:
++                    out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-exclude : "),
++                                               ", ".join(repo.exclude))]
+-                    if repo.includepkgs:
+-                        out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-include : "),
+-                                                   ", ".join(repo.includepkgs))]
++                if repo.includepkgs:
++                    out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-include : "),
++                                               ", ".join(repo.includepkgs))]
+-                    if ui_excludes_num:
+-                        out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-excluded: "),
+-                                                   ui_excludes_num)]
++                if ui_excludes_num:
++                    out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-excluded: "),
++                                               ui_excludes_num)]
+-                    if repo.repofile:
+-                        out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-filename: "),
+-                                                   repo.repofile)]
++                if repo.repofile:
++                    out += [base.fmtKeyValFill(_("Repo-filename: "),
++                                               repo.repofile)]
+-                    base.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_3,
+-                                            "%s\n",
+-                                            "\n".join(map(misc.to_unicode, out)))
++                base.verbose_logger.info("%s\n",
++                                        "\n".join(map(misc.to_unicode, out)))
+         if not verbose and cols:
+             #  Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disalbed/count),
+@@ -1088,21 +2338,64 @@ class RepoListCommand(YumCommand):
+         return 0, ['repolist: ' +to_unicode(locale.format("%d", tot_num, True))]
+     def needTs(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set must be set up before this
++        command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
+         return False
++    def cacheRequirement(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return the cache requirements for the remote repos.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: Type of requirement: read-only:past, read-only:present, read-only:future, write
++        """
++        return 'read-only:past'
+ class HelpCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    help command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['help']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return "COMMAND"
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("Display a helpful usage message")
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can
++        run; namely that this command is called with appropriate
++        arguments.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         if len(extcmds) == 0:
+             base.usage()
+             raise cli.CliError
+@@ -1147,82 +2440,230 @@ class HelpCommand(YumCommand):
+         return help_output
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         if extcmds[0] in base.yum_cli_commands:
+             command = base.yum_cli_commands[extcmds[0]]
+             base.verbose_logger.info(self._makeOutput(command))
+         return 0, []
+     def needTs(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set must be set up before this
++        command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
+         return False
+ class ReInstallCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    reinstall command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['reinstall']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return "PACKAGE..."
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can
++        run.  These include that the program is being run by the root
++        user, that there are enabled repositories with gpg keys, and
++        that this command is called with appropriate arguments.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         checkRootUID(base)
+         checkGPGKey(base)
+         checkPackageArg(base, basecmd, extcmds)
+         checkEnabledRepo(base, extcmds)
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         self.doneCommand(base, _("Setting up Reinstall Process"))
+-        try:
+-            return base.reinstallPkgs(extcmds)
+-        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [to_unicode(e)]
++        return base.reinstallPkgs(extcmds)
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("reinstall a package")
+     def needTs(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set must be set up before this
++        command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
+         return False
+ class DowngradeCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    downgrade command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['downgrade']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return "PACKAGE..."
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can
++        run.  These include that the program is being run by the root
++        user, that there are enabled repositories with gpg keys, and
++        that this command is called with appropriate arguments.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         checkRootUID(base)
+         checkGPGKey(base)
+         checkPackageArg(base, basecmd, extcmds)
+         checkEnabledRepo(base, extcmds)
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         self.doneCommand(base, _("Setting up Downgrade Process"))
+-        try:
+-            return base.downgradePkgs(extcmds)
+-        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [str(e)]
++        return base.downgradePkgs(extcmds)
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("downgrade a package")
+     def needTs(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set must be set up before this
++        command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
+         return False
+ class VersionCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    version command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['version']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return "[all|installed|available]"
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("Display a version for the machine and/or available repos.")
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         vcmd = 'installed'
+         if extcmds:
+             vcmd = extcmds[0]
++        if vcmd in ('grouplist', 'groupinfo',
++                    'nogroups', 'nogroups-installed', 'nogroups-available',
++                    'nogroups-all',
++                    'installed', 'all', 'group-installed', 'group-all',
++                    'available', 'all', 'group-available', 'group-all'):
++            extcmds = extcmds[1:]
++        else:
++            vcmd = 'installed'
+         def _append_repos(cols, repo_data):
+             for repoid in sorted(repo_data):
+@@ -1264,7 +2705,7 @@ class VersionCommand(YumCommand):
+         if vcmd == 'groupinfo':
+             for group in groups:
+-                if group not in extcmds[1:]:
++                if group not in extcmds:
+                     continue
+                 print _(" Group   :"), group
+                 print _(" Packages:")
+@@ -1284,11 +2725,35 @@ class VersionCommand(YumCommand):
+             return 0, ['version groupinfo']
++        # Have a way to manually specify a dynamic group of packages, whee.
++        if not vcmd.startswith("group-") and extcmds:
++            for dgrp in extcmds:
++                if '/' not in dgrp:
++                    # It's a package name, add it to the cmd line group...
++                    if '<cmd line>' not in groups:
++                        groups['<cmd line>'] = set()
++                    groups['<cmd line>'].add(dgrp)
++                else: # It's a file containing a list of packages...
++                    if not os.path.exists(dgrp):
++                        base.logger.warn(_(" File doesn't exist: %s"), dgrp)
++                    else:
++                        pkg_names = open(dgrp).readlines()
++                        pkg_names = set(n.strip() for n in pkg_names)
++                        dgrp = os.path.basename(dgrp)
++                        if dgrp in groups:
++                            for num in range(1, 100):
++                                ndgrp = dgrp + str(num)
++                                if ndgrp in groups:
++                                    continue
++                                dgrp = ndgrp
++                                break
++                        groups[dgrp] = pkg_names
+         rel = base.conf.yumvar['releasever']
+         ba  = base.conf.yumvar['basearch']
+         cols = []
+         if vcmd in ('installed', 'all', 'group-installed', 'group-all'):
+-            try:
++            if True: # Try, YumBase...
+                 data = base.rpmdb.simpleVersion(not verbose, groups=groups)
+                 lastdbv = base.history.last()
+                 if lastdbv is not None:
+@@ -1302,15 +2767,14 @@ class VersionCommand(YumCommand):
+                 if groups:
+                     for grp in sorted(data[2]):
+                         if (vcmd.startswith("group-") and
+-                            len(extcmds) > 1 and grp not in extcmds[1:]):
++                            extcmds and grp not in extcmds):
+                             continue
+                         cols.append(("%s %s" % (_("Group-Installed:"), grp),
+                                      str(data[2][grp])))
+                         _append_repos(cols, data[3][grp])
+-            except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-                return 1, [str(e)]
+         if vcmd in ('available', 'all', 'group-available', 'group-all'):
+-            try:
++            if True: # Try, YumBase...
+                 data = base.pkgSack.simpleVersion(not verbose, groups=groups)
+                 if vcmd not in ('group-available', 'group-all'):
+                     cols.append(("%s %s/%s" % (_("Available:"), rel, ba),
+@@ -1320,14 +2784,12 @@ class VersionCommand(YumCommand):
+                 if groups:
+                     for grp in sorted(data[2]):
+                         if (vcmd.startswith("group-") and
+-                            len(extcmds) > 1 and grp not in extcmds[1:]):
++                            extcmds and grp not in extcmds):
+                             continue
+                         cols.append(("%s %s" % (_("Group-Available:"), grp),
+                                      str(data[2][grp])))
+                         if verbose:
+                             _append_repos(cols, data[3][grp])
+-            except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-                return 1, [str(e)]
+         data = {'rid' : {}, 'ver' : {}}
+         for (rid, ver) in cols:
+@@ -1344,6 +2806,14 @@ class VersionCommand(YumCommand):
+         return 0, ['version']
+     def needTs(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set must be set up before this
++        command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
+         vcmd = 'installed'
+         if extcmds:
+             vcmd = extcmds[0]
+@@ -1352,25 +2822,74 @@ class VersionCommand(YumCommand):
+             return True
+         return vcmd in ('available', 'all', 'group-available', 'group-all')
++    def cacheRequirement(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return the cache requirements for the remote repos.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: Type of requirement: read-only:past, read-only:present, read-only:future, write
++        """
++        return 'read-only:present'
+ class HistoryCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    history command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['history']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return "[info|list|packages-list|summary|addon-info|redo|undo|rollback|new]"
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("Display, or use, the transaction history")
+     def _hcmd_redo(self, base, extcmds):
++        kwargs = {'force_reinstall' : False,
++                  'force_changed_removal' : False,
++                  }
++        kwargs_map = {'reinstall' : 'force_reinstall',
++                      'force-reinstall' : 'force_reinstall',
++                      'remove' : 'force_changed_removal',
++                      'force-remove' : 'force_changed_removal',
++                      }
++        while len(extcmds) > 1:
++            done = False
++            for arg in extcmds[1].replace(' ', ',').split(','):
++                if arg not in kwargs_map:
++                    continue
++                done = True
++                key = kwargs_map[extcmds[1]]
++                kwargs[key] = not kwargs[key]
++            if not done:
++                break
++            extcmds = [extcmds[0]] + extcmds[2:]
+         old = base._history_get_transaction(extcmds)
+         if old is None:
+             return 1, ['Failed history redo']
+         tm = time.ctime(old.beg_timestamp)
+         print "Repeating transaction %u, from %s" % (old.tid, tm)
+         base.historyInfoCmdPkgsAltered(old)
+-        if base.history_redo(old):
++        if base.history_redo(old, **kwargs):
+             return 2, ["Repeating transaction %u" % (old.tid,)]
+     def _hcmd_undo(self, base, extcmds):
+@@ -1426,12 +2945,57 @@ class HistoryCommand(YumCommand):
+     def _hcmd_new(self, base, extcmds):
+         base.history._create_db_file()
++    def _hcmd_stats(self, base, extcmds):
++        print "File        :", base.history._db_file
++        num = os.stat(base.history._db_file).st_size
++        print "Size        :", locale.format("%d", num, True)
++        trans_N = base.history.last()
++        if trans_N is None:
++            print _("Transactions:"), 0
++            return
++        counts = base.history._pkg_stats()
++        trans_1 = base.history.old("1")[0]
++        print _("Transactions:"), trans_N.tid
++        print _("Begin time  :"), time.ctime(trans_1.beg_timestamp)
++        print _("End time    :"), time.ctime(trans_N.end_timestamp)
++        print _("Counts      :")
++        print _("  NEVRAC :"), locale.format("%6d", counts['nevrac'], True)
++        print _("  NEVRA  :"), locale.format("%6d", counts['nevra'],  True)
++        print _("  NA     :"), locale.format("%6d", counts['na'],     True)
++        print _("  NEVR   :"), locale.format("%6d", counts['nevr'],   True)
++        print _("  rpm DB :"), locale.format("%6d", counts['rpmdb'],  True)
++        print _("  yum DB :"), locale.format("%6d", counts['yumdb'],  True)
++    def _hcmd_sync(self, base, extcmds):
++        extcmds = extcmds[1:]
++        if not extcmds:
++            extcmds = None
++        for ipkg in sorted(base.rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=extcmds)):
++            if base.history.pkg2pid(ipkg, create=False) is None:
++                continue
++            print "Syncing rpm/yum DB data for:", ipkg, "...",
++            if base.history.sync_alldb(ipkg):
++                print "Done."
++            else:
++                print "FAILED."
+     def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can
++        run.  The exact conditions checked will vary depending on the
++        subcommand that is being called.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
+         cmds = ('list', 'info', 'summary', 'repeat', 'redo', 'undo', 'new',
+                 'rollback',
+                 'addon', 'addon-info',
++                'stats', 'statistics', 'sync', 'synchronize'
+                 'pkg', 'pkgs', 'pkg-list', 'pkgs-list',
+-                'package', 'package-list', 'packages', 'packages-list')
++                'package', 'package-list', 'packages', 'packages-list',
++                'pkg-info', 'pkgs-info', 'package-info', 'packages-info')
+         if extcmds and extcmds[0] not in cmds:
+             base.logger.critical(_('Invalid history sub-command, use: %s.'),
+                                  ", ".join(cmds))
+@@ -1444,6 +3008,19 @@ class HistoryCommand(YumCommand):
+             raise cli.CliError
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         vcmd = 'list'
+         if extcmds:
+             vcmd = extcmds[0]
+@@ -1468,29 +3045,88 @@ class HistoryCommand(YumCommand):
+             ret = self._hcmd_rollback(base, extcmds)
+         elif vcmd == 'new':
+             ret = self._hcmd_new(base, extcmds)
++        elif vcmd in ('stats', 'statistics'):
++            ret = self._hcmd_stats(base, extcmds)
++        elif vcmd in ('sync', 'synchronize'):
++            ret = self._hcmd_sync(base, extcmds)
++        elif vcmd in ('pkg-info', 'pkgs-info', 'package-info', 'packages-info'):
++            ret = base.historyPackageInfoCmd(extcmds)
+         if ret is None:
+             return 0, ['history %s' % (vcmd,)]
+         return ret
+     def needTs(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set must be set up before this
++        command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
+         vcmd = 'list'
+         if extcmds:
+             vcmd = extcmds[0]
+         return vcmd in ('repeat', 'redo', 'undo', 'rollback')
++    def cacheRequirement(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return the cache requirements for the remote repos.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: Type of requirement: read-only:past, read-only:present, read-only:future, write
++        """
++        vcmd = 'list'
++        if extcmds:
++            vcmd = extcmds[0]
++        if vcmd in ('repeat', 'redo', 'undo', 'rollback'):
++            return 'write'
++        return 'read-only:past'
+ class CheckRpmdbCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    check-rpmdb command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
+         return ['check', 'check-rpmdb']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return "[dependencies|duplicates|all]"
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("Check for problems in the rpmdb")
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
+         chkcmd = 'all'
+         if extcmds:
+             chkcmd = extcmds
+@@ -1505,33 +3141,1113 @@ class CheckRpmdbCommand(YumCommand):
+         return rc, ['%s %s' % (basecmd, chkcmd)]
+     def needTs(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set must be set up before this
++        command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
+         return False
++    def cacheRequirement(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return the cache requirements for the remote repos.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: Type of requirement: read-only:past, read-only:present, read-only:future, write
++        """
++        return 'read-only:past'
+ class LoadTransactionCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    load-transaction command.
++    """
+     def getNames(self):
+-        return ['load-transaction', 'load-ts']
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
++        return ['load-transaction', 'load-ts', 'ts-load']
+     def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
+         return "filename"
+     def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
+         return _("load a saved transaction from filename")
+     def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
++        def _pkg_avail(l):
++            if not l.startswith('mbr:'):
++                return True # Kind of ... 
++            try:
++                pkgtup, current_state = l.split(':')[1].strip().split(' ')
++                current_state = int(current_state.strip())
++                pkgtup = tuple(pkgtup.strip().split(','))
++                if current_state == yum.TS_INSTALL:
++                    po = base.getInstalledPackageObject(pkgtup)
++                elif current_state == yum.TS_AVAILABLE:
++                    po = base.getPackageObject(pkgtup)
++                else:
++                    return False # Bad...
++            except:
++                return False # Bad...
++            return True
++        def _pkg_counts(l, counts):
++            if not l.startswith('  ts_state: '):
++                return
++            state = l[len('  ts_state: '):]
++            if state in ('e', 'od', 'ud'):
++                counts['remove'] += 1
++            elif state in ('i', 'u'):
++                counts['install'] += 1
+         if not extcmds:
+-            base.logger.critical(_("No saved transaction file specified."))
+-            raise cli.CliError
++            extcmds = [tempfile.gettempdir()]
+         load_file = extcmds[0]
++        if os.path.isdir(load_file):
++            self.doneCommand(base, _("showing transaction files from %s") %
++                             load_file)
++            yumtxs = sorted(glob.glob("%s/*.yumtx" % load_file))
++            currpmv = None
++            done = False
++            for yumtx in yumtxs:
++                data = base._load_ts_data(yumtx)
++                if data[0] is not None:
++                    continue # Bad file...
++                data = data[1]
++                rpmv = data[0].strip()
++                if currpmv is None:
++                    currpmv = str(base.rpmdb.simpleVersion(main_only=True)[0])
++                if rpmv == currpmv:
++                    current = _('y')
++                else:
++                    current = ' ' # Not usable is the most common
++                # See load_ts() for data ...
++                try:
++                    numrepos = int(data[2].strip())
++                    pkgstart = 3+numrepos
++                    numpkgs  = int(data[pkgstart].strip())
++                    pkgstart += 1
++                except:
++                    continue
++                counts = {'install' : 0, 'remove' : 0}
++                for l in data[pkgstart:]:
++                    l = l.rstrip()
++                    _pkg_counts(l, counts)
++                # Check to see if all the packages are available..
++                bad = ' '
++                for l in data[pkgstart:]:
++                    l = l.rstrip()
++                    if _pkg_avail(l):
++                        continue
++                    bad = '*'
++                    break
++                # assert (counts['install'] + counts['remove']) == numpkgs
++                current = '%s%s' % (bad, current)
++                if not done:
++                    pkgititle = _("Install")
++                    pkgilen = utf8_width(pkgititle)
++                    if pkgilen < 6:
++                        pkgilen = 6
++                    pkgititle = utf8_width_fill(pkgititle, pkgilen)
++                    pkgetitle = _("Remove")
++                    pkgelen = utf8_width(pkgetitle)
++                    if pkgelen < 6:
++                        pkgelen = 6
++                    pkgetitle = utf8_width_fill(pkgetitle, pkgelen)
++                    print "?? |", pkgititle, "|", pkgetitle, "|", _("Filename")
++                    done = True
++                numipkgs = locale.format("%d", counts['install'], True)
++                numipkgs = "%*s" % (pkgilen, numipkgs)
++                numepkgs = locale.format("%d", counts['remove'], True)
++                numepkgs = "%*s" % (pkgelen, numepkgs)
++                print "%s | %s | %s | %s" % (current, numipkgs, numepkgs,
++                                             os.path.basename(yumtx))
++            return 0, [_('Saved transactions from %s; looked at %u files') %
++                       (load_file, len(yumtxs))]
+         self.doneCommand(base, _("loading transaction from %s") % load_file)
+-        try:
+-            base.load_ts(load_file)
+-        except yum.Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+-            return 1, [to_unicode(e)]
++        base.load_ts(load_file)
+         return 2, [_('Transaction loaded from %s with %s members') % (load_file, len(base.tsInfo.getMembers()))]
+     def needTs(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set must be set up before this
++        command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
++        if not extcmds or os.path.isdir(extcmds[0]):
++            return False
++        return True
++    def cacheRequirement(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return the cache requirements for the remote repos.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: Type of requirement: read-only:past, read-only:present, read-only:future, write
++        """
++        if not extcmds or os.path.isdir(extcmds[0]):
++            return 'read-only:past'
++        return 'write'
++class SwapCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    swap command.
++    """
++    def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
++        return ['swap']
++    def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
++        return "[remove|cmd] <pkg|arg(s)> [-- install|cmd] <pkg|arg(s)>"
++    def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
++        return _("Simple way to swap packages, instead of using shell")
++    def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can run.
++        These include that the program is being run by the root user,
++        that there are enabled repositories with gpg keys, and that
++        this command is called with appropriate arguments.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
++        checkRootUID(base)
++        checkGPGKey(base)
++        checkSwapPackageArg(base, basecmd, extcmds)
++        checkEnabledRepo(base, extcmds)
++    def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
++        if '--' in extcmds:
++            off = extcmds.index('--')
++            rextcmds = extcmds[:off]
++            iextcmds = extcmds[off+1:]
++        else:
++            rextcmds = extcmds[:1]
++            iextcmds = extcmds[1:]
++        if not (rextcmds and iextcmds):
++            return 1, ['swap'] # impossible
++        if rextcmds[0] not in base.yum_cli_commands:
++            rextcmds = ['remove'] + rextcmds
++        if iextcmds[0] not in base.yum_cli_commands:
++            iextcmds = ['install'] + iextcmds
++        # Very similar to what the shell command does...
++        ocmds = base.cmds
++        oline = base.cmdstring
++        for cmds in (rextcmds, iextcmds):
++            base.cmdstring = " ".join(cmds)
++            base.cmds = cmds
++            #  Don't call this atm. as the line has gone through it already,
++            # also makes it hard to do the "is ?extcmds[0] a cmd" check.
++            # base.plugins.run('args', args=base.cmds)
++            # We don't catch exceptions, just pass them up and fail...
++            base.parseCommands()
++            cmdret = base.doCommands()
++            if cmdret[0] != 2:
++                return cmdret[0], ['%s %s' % (basecmd, " ".join(cmds))]
++        base.cmds      = ocmds
++        base.cmdstring = oline
++        return 2, ['%s %s' % (basecmd, " ".join(extcmds))]
++class RepoPkgsCommand(YumCommand):
++    """A class containing methods needed by the cli to execute the
++    repo command.
++    """
++    def getNames(self):
++        """Return a list containing the names of this command.  This
++        command can be called from the command line by using any of these names.
++        :return: a list containing the names of this command
++        """
++        return ['repo-pkgs',
++                'repo-packages', 'repository-pkgs', 'repository-packages']
++    def getUsage(self):
++        """Return a usage string for this command.
++        :return: a usage string for this command
++        """
++        return "<repoid> <list|info|install|remove|upgrade|reinstall*|remove-or-*> [pkg(s)]"
++    def getSummary(self):
++        """Return a one line summary of this command.
++        :return: a one line summary of this command
++        """
++        return _("Treat a repo. as a group of packages, so we can install/remove all of them")
++    def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can run.
++        These include that the program is being run by the root user,
++        that there are enabled repositories with gpg keys, and that
++        this command is called with appropriate arguments.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
++        checkRootUID(base)
++        checkGPGKey(base)
++        checkRepoPackageArg(base, basecmd, extcmds)
++        checkEnabledRepo(base, extcmds)
++    def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
++        def _add_repopkg2txmbrs(txmbrs, repoid):
++            for txmbr in txmbrs:
++                txmbr.repopkg = repoid
++        repoid = extcmds[0]
++        cmd = extcmds[1]
++        args = extcmds[2:]
++        noargs = False
++        if not args:
++            noargs = True
++            args = ['*']
++        num = 0
++        remap = {'erase' : 'remove',
++                 'erase-or-reinstall' : 'remove-or-reinstall',
++                 'erase-or-sync' : 'remove-or-sync',
++                 'erase-or-distro-sync' : 'remove-or-sync',
++                 'remove-or-distro-sync' : 'remove-or-sync',
++                 'erase-or-distribution-synchronization' : 'remove-or-sync',
++                 'remove-or-distribution-synchronization' : 'remove-or-sync',
++                 'upgrade' : 'update', # Hack, but meh.
++                 'upgrade-to' : 'update-to', # Hack, but meh.
++                 }
++        cmd = remap.get(cmd, cmd)
++        if False: pass
++        elif cmd == 'list': # list/info is easiest...
++            return ListCommand().doCommand(base, cmd, args, repoid=repoid)
++        elif cmd == 'info':
++            return InfoCommand().doCommand(base, cmd, args, repoid=repoid)
++        elif cmd == 'install': # install is simpler version of installPkgs...
++            for arg in args:
++                txmbrs = base.install(pattern=arg, repoid=repoid)
++                _add_repopkg2txmbrs(txmbrs, repoid)
++                num += len(txmbrs)
++            if num:
++                return 2, P_('%d package to install', '%d packages to install',
++                             num)
++        elif cmd == 'update': # update is basically the same as install...
++            for arg in args:
++                txmbrs = base.update(pattern=arg, repoid=repoid)
++                _add_repopkg2txmbrs(txmbrs, repoid)
++                num += len(txmbrs)
++            if num:
++                updateinfo.remove_txmbrs(base)
++                return 2, P_('%d package to update', '%d packages to update',
++                             num)
++        elif cmd == 'update-to': # update is basically the same as install...
++            for arg in args:
++                txmbrs = base.update(pattern=arg, update_to=True, repoid=repoid)
++                _add_repopkg2txmbrs(txmbrs, repoid)
++                num += len(txmbrs)
++            if num:
++                updateinfo.remove_txmbrs(base)
++                return 2, P_('%d package to update', '%d packages to update',
++                             num)
++        elif cmd in ('reinstall-old', 'reinstall-installed'):
++            #  We have to choose for reinstall, for "reinstall foo" do we mean:
++            # 1. reinstall the packages that are currently installed from "foo".
++            # 2. reinstall the packages specified to the ones from "foo"
++            # This is for installed.from_repo=foo
++            if noargs:
++                onot_found_a = base._not_found_a.copy()
++            for arg in args:
++                txmbrs = base.reinstall(pattern=arg,
++                                        repoid=repoid, repoid_install=repoid)
++                _add_repopkg2txmbrs(txmbrs, repoid)
++                num += len(txmbrs)
++            if noargs:
++                base._not_found_a = onot_found_a
++            if num:
++                return 2, P_('%d package to reinstall',
++                             '%d packages to reinstall', num)
++        elif cmd in ('reinstall-new', 'reinstall-available', 'move-to'):
++            # This is for move-to the packages from this repo.
++            if noargs:
++                onot_found_a = base._not_found_a.copy()
++            for arg in args:
++                txmbrs = base.reinstall(pattern=arg, repoid_install=repoid)
++                _add_repopkg2txmbrs(txmbrs, repoid)
++                num += len(txmbrs)
++            if noargs:
++                base._not_found_a = onot_found_a
++            if num:
++                return 2, P_('%d package to move to',
++                             '%d packages to move to', num)
++        elif cmd == 'reinstall':
++            #  This means "guess", so doing the old version unless it produces
++            # nothing, in which case try switching.
++            if noargs:
++                onot_found_a = base._not_found_a.copy()
++            for arg in args:
++                try:
++                    txmbrs = base.reinstall(pattern=arg,
++                                            repoid=repoid,repoid_install=repoid)
++                except yum.Errors.ReinstallRemoveError:
++                    continue
++                _add_repopkg2txmbrs(txmbrs, repoid)
++                num += len(txmbrs)
++            if noargs:
++                base._not_found_a = onot_found_a.copy()
++            if num:
++                return 2, P_('%d package to reinstall',
++                             '%d packages to reinstall', num)
++            for arg in args:
++                txmbrs = base.reinstall(pattern=arg, repoid_install=repoid)
++                _add_repopkg2txmbrs(txmbrs, repoid)
++                num += len(txmbrs)
++            if noargs:
++                base._not_found_a = onot_found_a
++            if num:
++                return 2, P_('%d package to move to',
++                             '%d packages to move to', num)
++        elif cmd == 'remove': # Also mostly the same...
++            for arg in args:
++                txmbrs = base.remove(pattern=arg, repoid=repoid)
++                _add_repopkg2txmbrs(txmbrs, repoid)
++                num += len(txmbrs)
++            if num:
++                return 2, P_('%d package to remove', '%d packages to remove',
++                             num)
++        elif cmd == 'remove-or-reinstall': # More complicated...
++            for arg in args:
++                txmbrs = base.remove(pattern=arg, repoid=repoid)
++                # Add an install() if it's in another repo.
++                for txmbr in txmbrs[:]:
++                    pkgs = base.pkgSack.searchPkgTuple(txmbr.pkgtup)
++                    for pkg in sorted(pkgs):
++                        if pkg.repoid == repoid:
++                            continue
++                        txmbrs += base.install(po=pkg)
++                        break
++                _add_repopkg2txmbrs(txmbrs, repoid)
++                num += len(txmbrs)
++            if num:
++                return 2, P_('%d package to remove/reinstall',
++                             '%d packages to remove/reinstall', num)
++        elif cmd == 'remove-or-sync': # Even more complicated...
++            for arg in args:
++                txmbrs = base.remove(pattern=arg, repoid=repoid)
++                #  Add an install/upgrade/downgrade if a version is in another
++                # repo.
++                for txmbr in txmbrs[:]:
++                    pkgs = base.pkgSack.searchNames([txmbr.name])
++                    apkgs = None
++                    for pkg in sorted(pkgs):
++                        if pkg.repoid == repoid: # Backwards filter_pkgs_repoid
++                            continue
++                        if apkgs and pkg.verEQ(apkgs[0]):
++                            apkgs.append(pkg)
++                        else:
++                            apkgs = [pkg]
++                    if apkgs:
++                        for pkg in apkgs:
++                            if pkg.arch != txmbr.arch:
++                                continue
++                            apkgs = [pkg]
++                            break
++                        if len(apkgs) != 1:
++                            apkgs = base.bestPackagesFromList(apkgs)
++                    for toinst in apkgs:
++                        n,a,e,v,r = toinst.pkgtup
++                        if toinst.verEQ(txmbr.po):
++                            txmbrs += base.install(po=toinst)
++                        elif toinst.verGT(txmbr.po):
++                            txmbrs += base.update(po=toinst)
++                        else:
++                            base.tsInfo.remove(txmbr.pkgtup)
++                            txmbrs.remove(txmbr)
++                            txmbrs += base.downgrade(po=toinst)
++                _add_repopkg2txmbrs(txmbrs, repoid)
++                num += len(txmbrs)
++            if num:
++                return 2, P_('%d package to remove/sync',
++                             '%d packages to remove/sync', num)
++        else:
++            return 1, [_('Not a valid sub-command of %s') % basecmd]
++        return 0, [_('Nothing to do')]
++    def needTs(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return whether a transaction set must be set up before this
++        command can run.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: True if a transaction set is needed, False otherwise
++        """
++        cmd = 'install'
++        if len(extcmds) > 1:
++            cmd = extcmds[1]
++        if cmd in ('info', 'list'):
++            return InfoCommand().cacheRequirement(base, cmd, extcmds[2:])
+         return True
++    def cacheRequirement(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Return the cache requirements for the remote repos.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: a list of arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: Type of requirement: read-only:past, read-only:present, read-only:future, write
++        """
++        cmd = 'install'
++        if len(extcmds) > 1:
++            cmd = extcmds[1]
++        if cmd in ('info', 'list'):
++            return InfoCommand().cacheRequirement(base, cmd, extcmds[2:])
++        return 'write'
++# Using this a lot, so make it easier...
++_upi = updateinfo
++class UpdateinfoCommand(YumCommand):
++    # Old command names...
++    direct_cmds = {'list-updateinfo'    : 'list',
++                   'list-security'      : 'list',
++                   'list-sec'           : 'list',
++                   'info-updateinfo'    : 'info',
++                   'info-security'      : 'info',
++                   'info-sec'           : 'info',
++                   'summary-updateinfo' : 'summary'}
++    #  Note that this code (instead of using inheritance and multiple
++    # cmd classes) means that "yum help" only displays the updateinfo command.
++    # Which is what we want, because the other commands are just backwards
++    # compatible gunk we don't want the user using).
++    def getNames(self):
++        return ['updateinfo'] + sorted(self.direct_cmds.keys())
++    def getUsage(self):
++        return "[info|list|...] [security|...] [installed|available|all] [pkgs|id]"
++    def getSummary(self):
++        return "Acts on repository update information"
++    def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        pass
++    def list_show_pkgs(self, base, md_info, list_type, show_type,
++                       iname2tup, data, msg):
++        n_maxsize = 0
++        r_maxsize = 0
++        t_maxsize = 0
++        for (notice, pkgtup, pkg) in data:
++            n_maxsize = max(len(notice['update_id']), n_maxsize)
++            tn = notice['type']
++            if tn == 'security' and notice['severity']:
++                tn = notice['severity'] + '/Sec.'
++            t_maxsize = max(len(tn),                  t_maxsize)
++            if show_type:
++                for ref in _upi._ysp_safe_refs(notice['references']):
++                    if ref['type'] != show_type:
++                        continue
++                    r_maxsize = max(len(str(ref['id'])), r_maxsize)
++        for (notice, pkgtup, pkg) in data:
++            mark = ''
++            if list_type == 'all':
++                mark = '  '
++                if _upi._rpm_tup_vercmp(iname2tup[pkgtup[0]], pkgtup) >= 0:
++                    mark = 'i '
++            tn = notice['type']
++            if tn == 'security' and notice['severity']:
++                tn = notice['severity'] + '/Sec.'
++            if show_type and _upi._ysp_has_info_md(show_type, notice):
++                for ref in _upi._ysp_safe_refs(notice['references']):
++                    if ref['type'] != show_type:
++                        continue
++                    msg("%s %-*s %-*s %s" % (mark, r_maxsize, str(ref['id']),
++                                             t_maxsize, tn, pkg))
++            elif hasattr(pkg, 'name'):
++                print base.fmtKeyValFill("%s: " % pkg.name,
++                                         base._enc(pkg.summary))
++            else:
++                msg("%s%-*s %-*s %s" % (mark, n_maxsize, notice['update_id'],
++                                        t_maxsize, tn, pkg))
++    def info_show_pkgs(self, base, md_info, list_type, show_type,
++                       iname2tup, data, msg):
++        show_pkg_info_done = {}
++        for (notice, pkgtup, pkg) in data:
++            if notice['update_id'] in show_pkg_info_done:
++                continue
++            show_pkg_info_done[notice['update_id']] = notice
++            if hasattr(notice, 'text'):
++                debug_log_lvl = yum.logginglevels.DEBUG_3
++                vlog = base.verbose_logger
++                if vlog.isEnabledFor(debug_log_lvl):
++                    obj = notice.text(skip_data=[])
++                else:
++                    obj = notice.text()
++            else:
++                # Python-2.4.* doesn't understand str(x) returning unicode
++                obj = notice.__str__()
++            if list_type == 'all':
++                if _upi._rpm_tup_vercmp(iname2tup[pkgtup[0]], pkgtup) >= 0:
++                    obj = obj + "\n  Installed : true"
++                else:
++                    obj = obj + "\n  Installed : false"
++            msg(obj)
++    def summary_show_pkgs(self, base, md_info, list_type, show_type,
++                          iname2tup, data, msg):
++        def _msg(x):
++            base.verbose_logger.info("%s", x)
++        counts = {}
++        sev_counts = {}
++        show_pkg_info_done = {}
++        for (notice, pkgtup, pkg) in data:
++            if notice['update_id'] in show_pkg_info_done:
++                continue
++            show_pkg_info_done[notice['update_id']] = notice
++            counts[notice['type']] = counts.get(notice['type'], 0) + 1
++            if notice['type'] == 'security':
++                sev = notice['severity']
++                if sev is None:
++                    sev = ''
++                sev_counts[sev] = sev_counts.get(sev, 0) + 1
++        maxsize = 0
++        for T in ('newpackage', 'security', 'bugfix', 'enhancement'):
++            if T not in counts:
++                continue
++            size = len(str(counts[T]))
++            if maxsize < size:
++                maxsize = size
++        if not maxsize:
++            _upi._check_running_kernel(base, md_info, _msg)
++            return
++        outT = {'newpackage' : 'New Package',
++                'security' : 'Security',
++                'bugfix' : 'Bugfix',
++                'enhancement' : 'Enhancement'}
++        print "Updates Information Summary:", list_type
++        for T in ('newpackage', 'security', 'bugfix', 'enhancement'):
++            if T not in counts:
++                continue
++            n = outT[T]
++            if T == 'security' and len(sev_counts) == 1:
++                sn = sev_counts.keys()[0]
++                if sn != '':
++                    n = sn + " " + n
++            print "    %*u %s notice(s)" % (maxsize, counts[T], n)
++            if T == 'security' and len(sev_counts) != 1:
++                def _sev_sort_key(key):
++                    # We want these in order, from "highest" to "lowest".
++                    # Anything unknown is "higher". meh.
++                    return {'Critical' : "zz1",
++                            'Important': "zz2",
++                            'Moderate' : "zz3",
++                            'Low'      : "zz4",
++                            }.get(key, key)
++                for sn in sorted(sev_counts, key=_sev_sort_key):
++                    args = (maxsize, sev_counts[sn],sn or '?', outT['security'])
++                    print "        %*u %s %s notice(s)" % args
++        _upi._check_running_kernel(base, md_info, _msg)
++        self.show_pkg_info_done = {}
++    def _get_new_pkgs(self, md_info):
++        for notice in md_info.notices:
++            if notice['type'] != "newpackage":
++                continue
++            for upkg in notice['pkglist']:
++                for pkg in upkg['packages']:
++                    pkgtup = (pkg['name'], pkg['arch'], pkg['epoch'] or '0',
++                              pkg['version'], pkg['release'])
++                    yield (notice, pkgtup)
++    _cmd2filt = {"bugzillas" : "bugzilla",
++                 "bugzilla" : "bugzilla",
++                 "bzs" : "bugzilla",
++                 "bz" : "bugzilla",
++                 "sec" : "security",
++                 "cves" : "cve",
++                 "cve" : "cve",
++                 "newpackages" : "newpackage",
++                 "new-packages" : "newpackage",
++                 "newpackage" : "newpackage",
++                 "new-package" : "newpackage",
++                 "new" : "newpackage"}
++    for filt_type in _upi._update_info_types_:
++        _cmd2filt[filt_type] = filt_type
++    def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        if basecmd in self.direct_cmds:
++            subcommand = self.direct_cmds[basecmd]
++        elif extcmds and extcmds[0] in ('list', 'info', 'summary',
++                                        'remove-pkgs-ts', 'exclude-updates',
++                                        'exclude-all',
++                                        'check-running-kernel'):
++            subcommand = extcmds[0]
++            extcmds = extcmds[1:]
++        elif extcmds and extcmds[0] in self._cmd2filt:
++            subcommand = 'list'
++        elif extcmds:
++            subcommand = 'info'
++        else:
++            subcommand = 'summary'
++        if subcommand == 'list':
++            return self.doCommand_li(base, 'updateinfo list', extcmds,
++                                     self.list_show_pkgs)
++        if subcommand == 'info':
++            return self.doCommand_li(base, 'updateinfo info', extcmds,
++                                     self.info_show_pkgs)
++        if subcommand == 'summary':
++            return self.doCommand_li(base, 'updateinfo summary', extcmds,
++                                     self.summary_show_pkgs)
++        if subcommand == 'remove-pkgs-ts':
++            filters = None
++            if extcmds:
++                filters = updateinfo._args2filters(extcmds)
++            updateinfo.remove_txmbrs(base, filters)
++            return 0, [basecmd + ' ' + subcommand + ' done']
++        if subcommand == 'exclude-all':
++            filters = None
++            if extcmds:
++                filters = updateinfo._args2filters(extcmds)
++            updateinfo.exclude_all(base, filters)
++            return 0, [basecmd + ' ' + subcommand + ' done']
++        if subcommand == 'exclude-updates':
++            filters = None
++            if extcmds:
++                filters = updateinfo._args2filters(extcmds)
++            updateinfo.exclude_updates(base, filters)
++            return 0, [basecmd + ' ' + subcommand + ' done']
++        if subcommand == 'check-running-kernel':
++            def _msg(x):
++                base.verbose_logger.info("%s", x)
++            updateinfo._check_running_kernel(base, base.upinfo, _msg)
++            return 0, [basecmd + ' ' + subcommand + ' done']
++    def doCommand_li_new(self, base, list_type, extcmds, md_info, msg,
++                         show_pkgs):
++        done_pkgs = set()
++        data = []
++        for (notice, pkgtup) in sorted(self._get_new_pkgs(md_info),
++                                       key=lambda x: x[1][0]):
++            if extcmds and not _upi._match_sec_cmd(extcmds, pkgtup[0], notice):
++                continue
++            n = pkgtup[0]
++            if n in done_pkgs:
++                continue
++            ipkgs = list(reversed(sorted(base.rpmdb.searchNames([n]))))
++            if list_type in ('installed', 'updates') and not ipkgs:
++                done_pkgs.add(n)
++                continue
++            if list_type == 'available' and ipkgs:
++                done_pkgs.add(n)
++                continue
++            pkgs = base.pkgSack.searchPkgTuple(pkgtup)
++            if not pkgs:
++                continue
++            if list_type == "updates" and pkgs[0].verLE(ipkgs[0]):
++                done_pkgs.add(n)
++                continue
++            done_pkgs.add(n)
++            data.append((notice, pkgtup, pkgs[0]))
++        show_pkgs(base, md_info, list_type, None, {}, data, msg)
++    def _parse_extcmds(self, extcmds):
++        filt_type = None
++        show_type = None
++        if len(extcmds) >= 1:
++            filt_type = None
++            if extcmds[0] in self._cmd2filt:
++                filt_type = self._cmd2filt[extcmds.pop(0)]
++            show_type = filt_type
++            if filt_type and filt_type in _upi._update_info_types_:
++                show_type = None
++        return extcmds, show_type, filt_type
++    def doCommand_li(self, base, basecmd, extcmds, show_pkgs):
++        md_info = base.upinfo
++        def msg(x):
++            #  Don't use: logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, x)
++            # or -q deletes everything.
++            print x
++        opts = _upi._updateinfofilter2opts(base.updateinfo_filters)
++        extcmds, show_type, filt_type = self._parse_extcmds(extcmds)
++        list_type = "available"
++        if extcmds and extcmds[0] in ("updates","available","installed", "all"):
++            list_type = extcmds.pop(0)
++            if filt_type is None:
++                extcmds, show_type, filt_type = self._parse_extcmds(extcmds)
++        if filt_type == "newpackage":
++            # No filtering here, as we want what isn't installed...
++            self.doCommand_li_new(base, list_type, extcmds, md_info, msg,
++                                  show_pkgs)
++            return 0, [basecmd + ' new done']
++        opts.sec_cmds = extcmds
++        used_map = _upi._ysp_gen_used_map(base.updateinfo_filters)
++        iname2tup = {}
++        if False: pass
++        elif list_type in ('installed', 'all'):
++            name2tup = _upi._get_name2allpkgtup(base)
++            iname2tup = _upi._get_name2instpkgtup(base)
++        elif list_type == 'updates':
++            name2tup = _upi._get_name2oldpkgtup(base)
++        elif list_type == 'available':
++            name2tup = _upi._get_name2instpkgtup(base)
++        def _show_pkgtup(pkgtup):
++            name = pkgtup[0]
++            notices = reversed(md_info.get_applicable_notices(pkgtup))
++            for (pkgtup, notice) in notices:
++                if filt_type and not _upi._ysp_has_info_md(filt_type, notice):
++                    continue
++                if list_type == 'installed':
++                    # Remove any that are newer than what we have installed
++                    if _upi._rpm_tup_vercmp(iname2tup[name], pkgtup) < 0:
++                        continue
++                if _upi._ysp_should_filter_pkg(opts, name, notice, used_map):
++                    yield (pkgtup, notice)
++        data = []
++        for pkgname in sorted(name2tup):
++            for (pkgtup, notice) in _show_pkgtup(name2tup[pkgname]):
++                d = {}
++                (d['n'], d['a'], d['e'], d['v'], d['r']) = pkgtup
++                if d['e'] == '0':
++                    d['epoch'] = ''
++                else:
++                    d['epoch'] = "%s:" % d['e']
++                data.append((notice, pkgtup,
++                            "%(n)s-%(epoch)s%(v)s-%(r)s.%(a)s" % d))
++        show_pkgs(base, md_info, list_type, show_type, iname2tup, data, msg)
++        _upi._ysp_chk_used_map(used_map, msg)
++        return 0, [basecmd + ' done']
++class UpdateMinimalCommand(YumCommand):
++    def getNames(self):
++        return ['update-minimal', 'upgrade-minimal']
++    def getUsage(self):
++        return "[PACKAGE-wildcard]"
++    def getSummary(self):
++        return _("Works like upgrade, but goes to the 'newest' package match which fixes a problem that affects your system")
++    def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can run.
++        These include that the program is being run by the root user,
++        that there are enabled repositories with gpg keys, and that
++        this command is called with appropriate arguments.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
++        checkRootUID(base)
++        checkGPGKey(base)
++    def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
++        num = len(base.tsInfo)
++        _upi.update_minimal(base, extcmds)
++        num -= len(base.tsInfo)
++        if num > 0:
++            msg = '%d packages marked for minimal Update' % num
++            return 2, [msg]
++        else:
++            return 0, ['No Packages marked for minimal Update']
++class FSSnapshotCommand(YumCommand):
++    def getNames(self):
++        return ['fssnapshot', 'fssnap']
++    def getUsage(self):
++        return "[]"
++    def getSummary(self):
++        return _("Creates filesystem snapshots, or lists/deletes current snapshots.")
++    def doCheck(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Verify that conditions are met so that this command can run.
++        These include that the program is being run by the root user,
++        that there are enabled repositories with gpg keys, and that
++        this command is called with appropriate arguments.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        """
++        checkRootUID(base)
++    @staticmethod
++    def _li_snaps(base, snaps):
++        snaps = sorted(snaps, key=lambda x: x['dev'])
++        max_dev = utf8_width(_('Snapshot'))
++        max_ori = utf8_width(_('Origin'))
++        for data in snaps:
++            max_dev = max(max_dev, len(data['dev']))
++            max_ori = max(max_ori, len(data['origin']))
++        done = False
++        for data in snaps:
++            if not done:
++                print ("%s %s %s %s %s %s" %
++                       (utf8_width_fill(_('Snapshot'), max_dev),
++                        utf8_width_fill(_('Size'), 6, left=False),
++                        utf8_width_fill(_('Used'), 6, left=False),
++                        utf8_width_fill(_('Free'), 6, left=False),
++                        utf8_width_fill(_('Origin'), max_ori), _('Tags')))
++                done = True
++            print ("%*s %6s %5.1f%% %6s %*s %s" %
++                   (max_dev, data['dev'], base.format_number(data['size']),
++                    data['used'],
++                    base.format_number(data['free']),
++                    max_ori, data['origin'], ",".join(data['tags'])))
++    def doCommand(self, base, basecmd, extcmds):
++        """Execute this command.
++        :param base: a :class:`yum.Yumbase` object
++        :param basecmd: the name of the command
++        :param extcmds: the command line arguments passed to *basecmd*
++        :return: (exit_code, [ errors ])
++        exit_code is::
++            0 = we're done, exit
++            1 = we've errored, exit with error string
++            2 = we've got work yet to do, onto the next stage
++        """
++        if extcmds and extcmds[0] in ('list', 'delete', 'create', 'summary',
++                                      'have-space', 'has-space'):
++            subcommand = extcmds[0]
++            extcmds = extcmds[1:]
++        else:
++            subcommand = 'summary'
++        if not base.fssnap.available:
++            if not base.rpmdb.searchNames(['python-lvm']):
++                print _("Snapshot support not available, no python-lvm package installed.")
++            else:
++                print _("Snapshot support not available, python-lvm is old/broken.")
++            return 0, [basecmd + ' ' + subcommand + ' done']
++        if subcommand == 'list':
++            snaps = base.fssnap.old_snapshots()
++            print _("List of %u snapshosts:") % len(snaps)
++            self._li_snaps(base, snaps)
++        if subcommand == 'delete':
++            snaps = base.fssnap.old_snapshots()
++            devs = [x['dev'] for x in snaps]
++            snaps = set()
++            for dev in devs:
++                if dev in snaps:
++                    continue
++                for extcmd in extcmds:
++                    if dev == extcmd or fnmatch.fnmatch(dev, extcmd):
++                        snaps.add(dev)
++                        break
++            snaps = base.fssnap.del_snapshots(devices=snaps)
++            print _("Deleted %u snapshosts:") % len(snaps)
++            self._li_snaps(base, snaps)
++        if subcommand in ('have-space', 'has-space'):
++            pc = base.conf.fssnap_percentage
++            if base.fssnap.has_space(pc):
++                print _("Space available to take a snapshot.")
++            else:
++                print _("Not enough space available to take a snapshot.")
++        if subcommand == 'create':
++            tags = {'*': ['reason=manual']}
++            pc = base.conf.fssnap_percentage
++            for (odev, ndev) in base.fssnap.snapshot(pc, tags=tags):
++                print _("Created snapshot from %s, results is: %s") %(odev,ndev)
++            else:
++                print _("Failed to create snapshots")
++        if subcommand == 'summary':
++            snaps = base.fssnap.old_snapshots()
++            if not snaps:
++                print _("No snapshots, LVM version:"), base.fssnap.version
++                return 0, [basecmd + ' ' + subcommand + ' done']
++            used = 0
++            dev_oris = set()
++            for snap in snaps:
++                used += snap['used']
++                dev_oris.add(snap['origin_dev'])
++            msg = _("Have %u snapshots, using %s space, from %u origins.")
++            print msg % (len(snaps), base.format_number(used), len(dev_oris))
++        return 0, [basecmd + ' ' + subcommand + ' done']
+diff --git a/yummain.py b/yummain.py
+index 9f79f4f..fa76af8 100755
+--- a/yummain.py
++++ b/yummain.py
+@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ from yum import Errors
+ from yum import plugins
+ from yum import logginglevels
+ from yum import _
+-from yum.i18n import to_unicode, utf8_width
++from yum.i18n import utf8_width, exception2msg
+ import yum.misc
+ import cli
+-from utils import suppress_keyboard_interrupt_message, show_lock_owner, exception2msg
++from utils import suppress_keyboard_interrupt_message
+ def main(args):
+-    """This does all the real work"""
++    """Run the yum program from a command line interface."""
+     yum.misc.setup_locale(override_time=True)
+@@ -68,6 +68,51 @@ def main(args):
+         if unlock(): return 200
+         return 1
++    def exRepoError(e):
++        # For RepoErrors ... help out by forcing new repodata next time.
++        # XXX: clean only the repo that has failed?
++        base.cleanExpireCache()
++        msg = _("""\
++ One of the configured repositories failed (%(repo)s),
++ and yum doesn't have enough cached data to continue. At this point the only
++ safe thing yum can do is fail. There are a few ways to work "fix" this:
++     1. Contact the upstream for the repository and get them to fix the problem.
++     2. Reconfigure the baseurl/etc. for the repository, to point to a working
++        upstream. This is most often useful if you are using a newer
++        distribution release than is supported by the repository (and the
++        packages for the previous distribution release still work).
++     3. Disable the repository, so yum won't use it by default. Yum will then
++        just ignore the repository until you permanently enable it again or use
++        --enablerepo for temporary usage:
++            yum-config-manager --disable %(repoid)s
++     4. Configure the failing repository to be skipped, if it is unavailable.
++        Note that yum will try to contact the repo. when it runs most commands,
++        so will have to try and fail each time (and thus. yum will be be much
++        slower). If it is a very temporary problem though, this is often a nice
++        compromise:
++            yum-config-manager --save --setopt=%(repoid)s.skip_if_unavailable=true
++        repoui = _('Unknown')
++        repoid = _('<repoid>')
++        if hasattr(e, 'repo'):
++            repoid = e.repo.id
++            repoui = e.repo.name
++        msg = msg % {'repoid' : repoid, 'repo' : repoui}
++        logger.critical('\n\n%s\n%s', msg, exception2msg(e))
++        if unlock(): return 200
++        return 1
+     def unlock():
+         try:
+             base.closeRpmDB()
+@@ -89,6 +134,23 @@ def main(args):
+     logger = logging.getLogger("yum.main")
+     verbose_logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.main")
++    # Try to open the current directory to see if we have 
++    # read and execute access. If not, chdir to /
++    try:
++        f = open(".")
++    except IOError, e:
++        if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
++            logger.critical(_('No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /'))
++            os.chdir("/")
++    else:
++        f.close()
++    try:
++        os.getcwd()
++    except OSError, e:
++        if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
++            logger.critical(_('No getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /'))
++            os.chdir("/")
+     # our core object for the cli
+     base = cli.YumBaseCli()
+@@ -100,46 +162,20 @@ def main(args):
+         return exPluginExit(e)
+     except Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+         return exFatal(e)
++    except (OSError, IOError), e:
++        return exIOError(e)
+-    # Try to open the current directory to see if we have 
+-    # read and write access. If not, chdir to /
+     try:
+-        f = open(".")
+-    except IOError, e:
+-        if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
+-            logger.critical(_('No read/write access in current directory, moving to /'))
+-            os.chdir("/")
+-    else:
+-        close(f)
+-    lockerr = ""
+-    while True:
+-        try:
+-            base.doLock()
+-        except Errors.LockError, e:
+-            if exception2msg(e) != lockerr:
+-                lockerr = exception2msg(e)
+-                logger.critical(lockerr)
+-            if (e.errno not in (errno.EPERM, errno.EACCES) and
+-                not base.conf.exit_on_lock):
+-                logger.critical(_("Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit..."))
+-                tm = 0.1
+-                if show_lock_owner(e.pid, logger):
+-                    tm = 2
+-                time.sleep(tm)
+-            elif e.errno in (errno.EPERM, errno.EACCES):
+-                logger.critical(_("Can't create lock file; exiting"))
+-                return 1
+-            else:
+-                logger.critical(_("Another app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by exit_on_lock"))
+-                return 1
+-        else:
+-            break
++        base.waitForLock()
++    except Errors.YumBaseError, e:
++        return exFatal(e)
+     try:
+         result, resultmsgs = base.doCommands()
+     except plugins.PluginYumExit, e:
+         return exPluginExit(e)
++    except Errors.RepoError, e:
++        return exRepoError(e)
+     except Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+         result = 1
+         resultmsgs = [exception2msg(e)]
+@@ -154,7 +190,7 @@ def main(args):
+         for msg in resultmsgs:
+             verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, '%s', msg)
+         if unlock(): return 200
+-        return 0
++        return base.exit_code
+     elif result == 1:
+         # Fatal error
+         for msg in resultmsgs:
+@@ -181,6 +217,8 @@ def main(args):
+         (result, resultmsgs) = base.buildTransaction() 
+     except plugins.PluginYumExit, e:
+         return exPluginExit(e)
++    except Errors.RepoError, e:
++        return exRepoError(e)
+     except Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+         result = 1
+         resultmsgs = [exception2msg(e)]
+@@ -193,7 +231,7 @@ def main(args):
+     if result == 0:
+         # Normal exit
+         if unlock(): return 200
+-        return 0
++        return base.exit_code
+     elif result == 1:
+         # Fatal error
+         for msg in resultmsgs:
+@@ -223,6 +261,8 @@ def main(args):
+         return_code = base.doTransaction()
+     except plugins.PluginYumExit, e:
+         return exPluginExit(e)
++    except Errors.RepoError, e:
++        return exRepoError(e)
+     except Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+         return exFatal(e)
+     except KeyboardInterrupt:
+@@ -238,16 +278,27 @@ def main(args):
+         rpmdb_warn_checks()
+         return_code = result
+         if base._ts_save_file:
+-            verbose_logger.info(_("Your transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %s") % base._ts_save_file)
++            verbose_logger.info(_("Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n yum load-transaction %s") % base._ts_save_file)
+     elif return_code < 0:
+         return_code = 1 # Means the pre-transaction checks failed...
++        #  This includes:
++        # . No packages.
++        # . Hitting N at the prompt.
++        # . GPG check failures.
++        if base._ts_save_file:
++            verbose_logger.info(_("Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:\n yum load-transaction %s") % base._ts_save_file)
+     else:
+         verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, _('Complete!'))
+     if unlock(): return 200
+-    return return_code
++    return return_code or base.exit_code
+ def hotshot(func, *args, **kwargs):
++    """Profile the given function using the hotshot profiler.
++    :param func: the function to profile
++    :return: the return code given by the hotshot profiler
++    """
+     import hotshot.stats
+     fn = os.path.expanduser("~/yum.prof")
+     prof = hotshot.Profile(fn)
+@@ -257,6 +308,11 @@ def hotshot(func, *args, **kwargs):
+     return rc
+ def cprof(func, *args, **kwargs):
++    """Profile the given function using the cprof profiler.
++    :param func: the function to profile
++    :return: the return code given by the cprof profiler
++    """
+     import cProfile, pstats
+     fn = os.path.expanduser("~/yum.prof")
+     prof = cProfile.Profile()
+@@ -266,6 +322,10 @@ def cprof(func, *args, **kwargs):
+     return rc
+ def print_stats(stats):
++    """Print out information from a :class:`Stats` object.
++    :param stats: the :class:`Stats` object to print information from
++    """
+     stats.strip_dirs()
+     stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls')
+     stats.print_stats(20)
+@@ -273,7 +333,14 @@ def print_stats(stats):
+     stats.print_stats(40)
+ def user_main(args, exit_code=False):
+-    """ This calls one of the multiple main() functions based on env. vars """
++    """Call one of the multiple main() functions based on environment variables.
++    :param args: command line arguments passed into yum
++    :param exit_code: if *exit_code* is True, this function will exit
++       python with its exit code when it has finished executing.
++       Otherwise, it will return its exit code.
++    :return: the exit code from yum execution
++    """
+     errcode = None
+     if 'YUM_PROF' in os.environ:
+         if os.environ['YUM_PROF'] == 'cprof':
diff --git a/SOURCES/yum-completion-helper.patch b/SOURCES/yum-completion-helper.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44e6c73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/yum-completion-helper.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+diff -up yum-3.4.3/completion-helper.py.old yum-3.4.3/completion-helper.py
+--- yum-3.4.3/completion-helper.py.old	2012-08-22 17:00:47.444104234 +0200
++++ yum-3.4.3/completion-helper.py	2012-08-22 17:00:57.954647525 +0200
+@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ def get_pattern(extcmds):
+ def main(args):
+     base = cli.YumBaseCli()
++    base.setCacheDir = lambda *x: True # use the system cachedir
+     base.yum_cli_commands.clear()
+     base.registerCommand(GroupsCompletionCommand())
+     base.registerCommand(ListCompletionCommand())
diff --git a/SOURCES/yum-distro-configs.patch b/SOURCES/yum-distro-configs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5abeece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/yum-distro-configs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+diff -ru yum-3.4.3-orig/yum/config.py yum-3.4.3/yum/config.py
+--- yum-3.4.3-orig/yum/config.py	2011-12-02 15:45:41.617448597 -0500
++++ yum-3.4.3/yum/config.py	2011-12-02 15:46:20.576285275 -0500
+@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@
+ # Alter/patch these to change the default checking...
+ __pkgs_gpgcheck_default__ = False
+ __repo_gpgcheck_default__ = False
+-__main_multilib_policy_default__ = 'all'
+-__main_failovermethod_default__ = 'roundrobin'
+-__main_installonly_limit_default__ = 0
+-__group_command_default__ = 'compat'
++__main_multilib_policy_default__ = 'best'
++__main_failovermethod_default__ = 'priority'
++__main_installonly_limit_default__ = 3
++__group_command_default__ = 'objects'
+ class Option(object):
+     """
+Only in yum-3.4.3/yum: config.py~
+--- a/docs/yum.conf.5.orig	2010-06-21 17:39:17.000000000 -0400
++++ b/docs/yum.conf.5	2010-09-14 12:11:40.897615896 -0400
+@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
+ .IP
+ \fBinstallonly_limit \fR
+ Number of packages listed in installonlypkgs to keep installed at the same
+-time. Setting to 0 disables this feature. Default is '0'. Note that this
++time. Setting to 0 disables this feature. Default is '3'. Note that this
+ functionality used to be in the "installonlyn" plugin, where this option was
+ altered via tokeep.
+ Note that as of version 3.2.24, yum will now look in the yumdb for a installonly
diff --git a/SOURCES/yum-manpage-files.patch b/SOURCES/yum-manpage-files.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f688725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/yum-manpage-files.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+commit 102915d4d402493c48d434ae1d1756225c4468e0
+Author: James Antill <james@and.org>
+Date:   Mon Jun 14 01:15:21 2010 -0400
+    Port manpage files path fixups.
+diff --git a/docs/yum.8 b/docs/yum.8
+index d5ede0a..3bdb408 100644
+--- a/docs/yum.8
++++ b/docs/yum.8
+@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ option in yum.conf. For a plugin to work, the following conditions must be met:
+ 1. The plugin module file must be installed in the plugin path as just
+ described.
+ .LP
+-2. The global \fBplugins\fP option in /etc/yum/yum.conf must be set to `1'.
++2. The global \fBplugins\fP option in /etc/yum.conf must be set to `1'.
+ .LP
+ 3. A configuration file for the plugin must exist in
+ /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/<plugin_name>.conf and the \fBenabled\fR setting in this
+@@ -584,9 +584,9 @@ configuration options.
+ .PP
+ .nf
+ /etc/yum/version-groups.conf
+ /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/
+ /var/cache/yum/
+ .fi 
+diff --git a/docs/yum.conf.5 b/docs/yum.conf.5
+index ca36103..42815b9 100644
+--- a/docs/yum.conf.5
++++ b/docs/yum.conf.5
+@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
+ \fByum.conf\fR \- Configuration file for \fByum(8)\fR.
+ .LP
+-Yum uses a configuration file at \fB/etc/yum/yum.conf\fR.
++Yum uses a configuration file at \fB/etc/yum.conf\fR.
+ .LP
+ Additional configuration files are also read from the directories set by the
+-\fBreposdir\fR option (default is `/etc/yum/repos.d').
++\fBreposdir\fR option (default is `/etc/yum.repos.d').
+ See the \fBreposdir\fR option below for further details.
+@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ of headers and packages after successful installation.  Default is '1'
+ .IP
+ \fBreposdir\fR
+ A list of directories where yum should look for .repo files which define
+-repositories to use. Default is `/etc/yum/repos.d'. Each
++repositories to use. Default is `/etc/yum.repos.d'. Each
+ file in this directory should contain one or more repository sections as
+ documented in \fB[repository] options\fR below. These will be merged with the
+-repositories defined in /etc/yum/yum.conf to form the complete set of
++repositories defined in /etc/yum.conf to form the complete set of
+ repositories that yum will use.
+ .IP
+@@ -745,8 +745,8 @@ for any given command. Defaults to False.
+ .LP
+-The inclusion of external configuration files is supported for /etc/yum/yum.conf
+-and the .repo files in the /etc/yum/repos.d directory. To include a URL, use a
++The inclusion of external configuration files is supported for /etc/yum.conf
++and the .repo files in the /etc/yum.repos.d directory. To include a URL, use a
+ line of the following format:
+ include=url://to/some/location
+@@ -812,8 +812,8 @@ data in any value.
+ .nf
+ /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/
+ /etc/yum/protected.d
+ /etc/yum/vars
diff --git a/SOURCES/yum-ppc64-preferred.patch b/SOURCES/yum-ppc64-preferred.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eaae57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/yum-ppc64-preferred.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+diff -ru yum-3.4.3-orig/rpmUtils/arch.py yum-3.4.3/rpmUtils/arch.py
+--- yum-3.4.3-orig/rpmUtils/arch.py	2011-06-28 17:01:10.009680846 -0400
++++ yum-3.4.3/rpmUtils/arch.py	2011-06-28 17:01:31.849916539 -0400
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ import ctypes
+ import struct
+-_ppc64_native_is_best = False
++_ppc64_native_is_best = True
+ # dict mapping arch -> ( multicompat, best personality, biarch personality )
+ multilibArches = { "x86_64":  ( "athlon", "x86_64", "athlon" ),
+Only in yum-3.4.3/rpmUtils: arch.py~
diff --git a/SOURCES/yum-updatesd.conf.fedora b/SOURCES/yum-updatesd.conf.fedora
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2088753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/yum-updatesd.conf.fedora
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# how often to check for new updates (in seconds)
+run_interval = 3600
+# how often to allow checking on request (in seconds)
+updaterefresh = 600
+# how to send notifications (valid: dbus, email, syslog)
+emit_via = dbus
+# automatically install updates
+do_update = no
+# automatically download updates
+do_download = no
+# automatically download deps of updates
+do_download_deps = no
diff --git a/SOURCES/yum.conf.fedora b/SOURCES/yum.conf.fedora
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9837f10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/yum.conf.fedora
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#  This is the default, if you make this bigger yum won't see if the metadata
+# is newer on the remote and so you'll "gain" the bandwidth of not having to
+# download the new metadata and "pay" for it by yum not having correct
+# information.
+#  It is esp. important, to have correct metadata, for distributions like
+# Fedora which don't keep old packages around. If you don't like this checking
+# interupting your command line usage, it's much better to have something
+# manually check the metadata once an hour (yum-updatesd will do this).
+# metadata_expire=90m
+# PUT YOUR REPOS HERE OR IN separate files named file.repo
+# in /etc/yum.repos.d
diff --git a/SPECS/yum.spec b/SPECS/yum.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00d171d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SPECS/yum.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,1289 @@
+%define move_yum_conf_back 1
+%define auto_sitelib 1
+%define yum_updatesd 0
+%define disable_check 0
+%define yum_cron_systemd 1
+%if 0%{?rhel} <= 6
+# rhel-6 doesn't have the systemd stuff...
+%define yum_cron_systemd 0
+%if ! 0%{?rhel}
+# we don't have this in rhel yet...
+BuildRequires: bash-completion
+%if 0%{?fedora} <= 18
+# yum in Fedora <= 18 doesn't use systemd unit files...
+%define yum_cron_systemd 0
+%if %{auto_sitelib}
+%{!?python_sitelib: %define python_sitelib %(python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")}
+%define python_sitelib /usr/lib/python?.?/site-packages
+# We always used /usr/lib here, even on 64bit ... so it's a bit meh.
+%define yum_pluginslib   /usr/lib/yum-plugins
+%define yum_pluginsshare /usr/share/yum-plugins
+# disable broken /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-bytecompile
+%define __os_install_post %{nil}
+%define compdir %(pkg-config --variable=completionsdir bash-completion)
+%if "%{compdir}" == ""
+%define compdir "/etc/bash_completion.d"
+Summary: RPM package installer/updater/manager
+Name: yum
+Version: 3.4.3
+Release: 106.2%{?dist}
+License: GPLv2+
+Group: System Environment/Base
+Source0: http://yum.baseurl.org/download/3.4/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
+Source1: yum.conf.fedora
+Source2: yum-updatesd.conf.fedora
+Patch1: yum-distro-configs.patch
+Patch4: no-more-exactarchlist.patch
+Patch5: geode-arch.patch
+Patch6: yum-HEAD.patch
+Patch7: yum-ppc64-preferred.patch
+Patch20: yum-manpage-files.patch
+Patch21: yum-completion-helper.patch
+# rhel-7.0
+Patch30: BZ-801067-remove-kernel-modules-from-installonly.patch
+patch31: BZ-1002977-use-the-provide-version.patch
+URL: http://yum.baseurl.org/
+BuildArchitectures: noarch
+BuildRequires: python
+BuildRequires: gettext
+BuildRequires: intltool
+# This is really CheckRequires ...
+BuildRequires: python-nose
+BuildRequires: python >= 2.4
+BuildRequires: rpm-python, rpm >= 0:4.4.2
+BuildRequires: python-iniparse
+BuildRequires: python-sqlite
+BuildRequires: python-urlgrabber >= 3.9.0-8
+BuildRequires: yum-metadata-parser >= 1.1.0
+BuildRequires: pygpgme
+# End of CheckRequires
+Conflicts: pirut < 1.1.4
+Requires: python >= 2.4
+Requires: rpm-python, rpm >= 0:4.4.2
+Requires: python-iniparse
+Requires: python-sqlite
+Requires: python-urlgrabber >= 3.9.0-8
+Requires: yum-metadata-parser >= 1.1.0
+Requires: pygpgme
+# rawhide is >= 0.5.3-7.fc18 ... as this is added.
+Requires: pyliblzma
+# Not really a suggests anymore, due to metadata using it.
+Requires: pyxattr
+Conflicts: rpm >= 5-0
+# Zif is a re-implementation of yum in C, however:
+# 1. There is no co-operation/etc. with us.
+# 2. It touches our private data directly.
+# ...both of which mean that even if there were _zero_ bugs in zif, we'd
+# never be able to change anything after the first user started using it. And
+# of course:
+# 3. Users will never be able to tell that it isn't weird yum bugs, when they
+# hit them (and we'll probably never be able to debug them, without becoming
+# zif experts).
+# ...so we have two sane choices: i) Conflict with it. 2) Stop developing yum.
+#  Upstream says that #2 will no longer be true after this release.
+Conflicts: zif <= 0.1.3-3.fc15
+Obsoletes: yum-skip-broken <= 1.1.18
+Provides: yum-skip-broken = 1.1.18.yum
+Obsoletes: yum-basearchonly <= 1.1.9
+Obsoletes: yum-plugin-basearchonly <= 1.1.9
+Provides: yum-basearchonly = 1.1.9.yum
+Provides: yum-plugin-basearchonly = 1.1.9.yum
+Obsoletes: yum-allow-downgrade < 1.1.20-0
+Obsoletes: yum-plugin-allow-downgrade < 1.1.22-0
+Provides: yum-allow-downgrade = 1.1.20-0.yum
+Provides: yum-plugin-allow-downgrade = 1.1.22-0.yum
+Obsoletes: yum-plugin-protect-packages < 1.1.27-0
+Provides: yum-protect-packages = 1.1.27-0.yum
+Provides: yum-plugin-protect-packages = 1.1.27-0.yum
+Obsoletes: yum-plugin-download-order <= 0.2-2
+Obsoletes: yum-plugin-downloadonly <= 1.1.31-7.fc18
+Provides: yum-plugin-downloadonly = 3.4.3-44.yum
+Obsoletes: yum-presto < 3.4.3-66.yum
+Provides: yum-presto = 3.4.3-66.yum
+Obsoletes: yum-plugin-security < 1.1.32
+Provides: yum-plugin-security = 3.4.3-84.yum
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
+Yum is a utility that can check for and automatically download and
+install updated RPM packages. Dependencies are obtained and downloaded 
+automatically, prompting the user for permission as necessary.
+%package updatesd
+Summary: Update notification daemon
+Group: Applications/System
+Requires: yum = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: dbus-python
+Requires: pygobject2
+Requires(preun): /sbin/chkconfig
+Requires(post): /sbin/chkconfig
+Requires(preun): /sbin/service
+Requires(post): /sbin/service
+Requires(postun): /sbin/chkconfig
+Requires(postun): /sbin/service
+%description updatesd
+yum-updatesd provides a daemon which checks for available updates and 
+can notify you when they are available via email, syslog or dbus. 
+%package cron
+Summary: Files needed to run yum updates as a cron job
+Group: System Environment/Base
+Requires: yum >= 3.4.3-84 cronie crontabs findutils
+%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
+BuildRequires: systemd-units
+Requires(post): systemd
+Requires(preun): systemd
+Requires(postun): systemd
+Requires(post): /sbin/chkconfig
+Requires(post): /sbin/service
+Requires(preun): /sbin/chkconfig
+Requires(preun): /sbin/service
+Requires(postun): /sbin/service
+%description cron
+These are the files needed to run yum updates as a cron job.
+Install this package if you want auto yum updates nightly via cron.
+%setup -q
+%patch4 -p0
+%patch5 -p1
+%patch6 -p1
+%patch7 -p1
+%patch20 -p1
+%patch21 -p1
+%patch1 -p1
+# rhel-7.0
+%patch30 -p1
+%patch31 -p1
+%if !%{disable_check}
+make check
+[ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
+make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT UNITDIR=%{_unitdir} INIT=$INIT install
+install -m 644 %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum.conf
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum/pluginconf.d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{yum_pluginslib}
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{yum_pluginsshare}
+%if %{move_yum_conf_back}
+# for now, move repodir/yum.conf back
+mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum/repos.d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum.conf
+%if %{yum_updatesd}
+echo Keeping local yum-updatesd
+# yum-updatesd has moved to the separate source version
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum-updatesd.conf 
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/yum-updatesd
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/dbus-1/system.d/yum-updatesd.conf
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sbindir}/yum-updatesd
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man*/yum-updatesd*
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/yum-cli/yumupd.py*
+# Ghost files:
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/yum/history
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/yum/plugins
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/yum/yumdb
+touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/yum/uuid
+# rpmlint bogus stuff...
+chmod +x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/yum-cli/*.py
+chmod +x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{python_sitelib}/yum/*.py
+chmod +x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{python_sitelib}/rpmUtils/*.py
+%find_lang %name
+%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
+# Remove the yum-cron sysV stuff to make rpmbuild happy..
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/yum-cron
+# Remove the yum-cron systemd stuff to make rpmbuild happy..
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_unitdir}/yum-cron.service
+[ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+%if %{yum_updatesd}
+%post updatesd
+/sbin/chkconfig --add yum-updatesd
+/sbin/service yum-updatesd condrestart >/dev/null 2>&1
+exit 0
+%preun updatesd
+if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
+ /sbin/chkconfig --del yum-updatesd
+ /sbin/service yum-updatesd stop >/dev/null 2>&1
+exit 0
+%post cron
+%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
+#systemd_post yum-cron.service
+#  Do this manually because it's a fake service for a cronjob, and cronjobs
+# are default on atm. This may change in the future.
+if [ $1 = 1 ]; then
+ systemctl enable yum-cron >/dev/null 2>&1
+#  Note that systemctl preset is being run here ... but _only_ on initial
+# install. So try this...
+if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/yum-cron -a -f /etc/rc.d/init.d/yum-cron ]; then
+ systemctl enable yum-cron >/dev/null 2>&1
+# Also note:
+#  systemctl list-unit-files | fgrep yum-cron
+# SYSV init post cron
+# Make sure chkconfig knows about the service
+/sbin/chkconfig --add yum-cron
+# if an upgrade:
+if [ "$1" -ge "1" ]; then
+# if there's a /etc/rc.d/init.d/yum file left, assume that there was an
+# older instance of yum-cron which used this naming convention.  Clean 
+# it up, do a conditional restart
+ if [ -f /etc/init.d/yum ]; then 
+# was it on?
+  /sbin/chkconfig yum
+  RETVAL=$?
+  if [ $RETVAL = 0 ]; then
+# if it was, stop it, then turn on new yum-cron
+   /sbin/service yum stop 1> /dev/null 2>&1
+   /sbin/service yum-cron start 1> /dev/null 2>&1
+   /sbin/chkconfig yum-cron on
+  fi
+# remove it from the service list
+  /sbin/chkconfig --del yum
+ fi
+exit 0
+%preun cron
+%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
+%systemd_preun yum-cron.service
+# SYSV init preun cron
+# if this will be a complete removeal of yum-cron rather than an upgrade,
+# remove the service from chkconfig control
+if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
+ /sbin/chkconfig --del yum-cron
+ /sbin/service yum-cron stop 1> /dev/null 2>&1
+exit 0
+%postun cron
+%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
+%systemd_postun_with_restart yum-cron.service
+# SYSV init postun cron
+# If there's a yum-cron package left after uninstalling one, do a
+# conditional restart of the service
+if [ "$1" -ge "1" ]; then
+ /sbin/service yum-cron condrestart 1> /dev/null 2>&1
+exit 0
+%files -f %{name}.lang
+%defattr(-, root, root, -)
+%if %{move_yum_conf_back}
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum.conf
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum.repos.d
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum.conf
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum/repos.d
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/version-groups.conf
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum/protected.d
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum/fssnap.d
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum/vars
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name}
+%(dirname %{compdir})
+%dir %{_datadir}/yum-cli
+%exclude %{_datadir}/yum-cli/completion-helper.py?
+%if %{yum_updatesd}
+%exclude %{_datadir}/yum-cli/yumupd.py*
+%dir /var/cache/yum
+%dir /var/lib/yum
+%ghost /var/lib/yum/uuid
+%ghost /var/lib/yum/history
+%ghost /var/lib/yum/plugins
+%ghost /var/lib/yum/yumdb
+# plugin stuff
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/yum/pluginconf.d 
+%dir %{yum_pluginslib}
+%dir %{yum_pluginsshare}
+%files cron
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum-cron.conf
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum-cron-hourly.conf
+%if %{yum_cron_systemd}
+%if %{yum_updatesd}
+%files updatesd
+%defattr(-, root, root)
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/yum-updatesd.conf
+%config %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/yum-updatesd
+%config %{_sysconfdir}/dbus-1/system.d/yum-updatesd.conf
+* Wed Nov 21 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-106.2
+- _getsysver(): compat behavior when both pkg name and provide match.
+- Related: bug#1002977
+* Wed Nov 20 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-106.1
+- _getsysver(): use the version of the provide.
+- Related: bug#1002977
+* Tue Nov  5 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-106
+- More reliable po.localpath file:// URL test. BZ 1004089
+- Disable drpms for local repositories. BZ 1007097
+- docs: fix formatting of "yum swap" examples. BZ 1009154
+- docs: update "yum check" extra args description. BZ 1014993
+- Implement pkg.remote_url for YumLocalPackage. BZ 1016148
+- Give same non-exist msg. for install @foo as group install foo. BZ 1018833.
+- UpdateNotice.xml(): sanitize pkg['epoch']. BZ 1020540
+- yum-cron: support download/install with update_messages==False. BZ 1018068
+- Fix some bugs in setopt for repo config. entries. BZ 1023595.
+- Add loop limit for depsolving. BZ 1017840.
+- Small change how distroverpkg config. works. BZ 1002977.
+- _readRawRepoFile: return only valid (ini, section_id). BZ 1018795
+* Fri Oct 25 2013 James Antill <james.antill@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-105
+- Always call group commands when in non-groups as objects mode.
+- Resolves: bug#1002439
+* Fri Oct 25 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-104
+- Same-mirror retry on refused connections. Helps BZ 853432
+* Mon Sep  9 2013 James Antill <james.antill@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-103
+- Add cache check to repolist, using "!". Document repoinfo.
+- Add epoch to updateinfo xml output.
+- Add missing translation hooks for ignored -c option message.
+- Try to smooth out the edge cases for cacheReq not ever updating data.
+- update /etc/yum-cron-hourly.conf. BZ 1002623
+- Tweak y-c-t and history redo msg. BZ 974576.
+- docs: $arch does not map 1:1 to uname(2) arch. BZ 1003554
+- checkMD: re-check when xattr matches but size==0. BZ 1002494
+- Use new comps. mock objects to re-integrate group removal. BZ 996866.
+- Add "weak" comps. groups, for installed groups.
+- Add msg. to help users deal with RepoError failures. BZ 867389.
+- Give msgs about install/trans. obsoletes a higher priority. BZ 991080.
+* Tue Aug 13 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-102
+- smtp-compliant email_from default. BZ 982696
+- Fix the .reason handling and update/depupdated split. BZ 961938.
+- Override users umask for groups files, so users can read it. BZ 982361.
+- Also check groups dirname(), for better user messages. BZ 982361.
+- Add "--disableincludes" option to yum. BZ 911422
+- yum-cron: override the default stdout codec.  BZ 992797
+- fix file:// repository && downloadonly. BZ 903294, BZ 993567
+- deltarpm: _wait(block=True) should not wait for all running jobs. BZ 991694
+- make mdpolicy=group:small default, add group and pkgtags. BZ 989231
+- yum-cron: use the [base] section to override yum.conf. BZ 968529
+- Don't unlink .drpm files from file:// repos. BZ 999591
+- waitForLock() raises YumBaseError. BZ 1001154
+- checkMD: re-check when xattr matches but size==0. BZ 1002494
+- Add per-repository "keepcache" option to yum. BZ 1001072
+* Tue Jul 30 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas at redhat.com> - 3.4.3-101
+- Pass arch of package to applydeltarpm. BZ 981314.
+- Clean up new files when reverting to old repomd.xml
+- Get correct rpmdb path from rpm configuration
+- repoMDObject.dump_xml() "distro" tag fix
+- Fix parsing of power7+ platform string. BZ 980275
+- updatesObsoletesList: add repoid arg. BZ 984297
+- findRepos: handle re.compile() errors. BZ 984356
+- updatesObsoletesList: add repoid arg. BZ 984297
+- Preload from root cache when --cacheonly. BZ 830523, 903631
+- Add debuglevel option to yum-cron.conf BZ 873428, 982088
+- RepoMD: support loading/dumping of <delta>s.
+- yum-cron: use [base] section
+- yum-cron: fix the download but don't appy updates case. BZ 983076
+- group install/update: handle "No Groups Available" exception. BZ 983010
+- misc.decompress(): handle OSError, too. BZ 989948
+- yum-distro-configs: update installonly_limit default in yum.conf.5
+- Remove "kernel-modules" from installonly list. BZ 801067
+* Wed Jun 26 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas at redhat.com> - 3.4.3-100
+- Move the import statement up. BZ 902357
+* Mon Jun 24 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-99
+- Update to latest HEAD.
+- Fix igroups not being reset in "ts reset" and anaconda. BZ 924162.
+- Check for bad checksum types at runtime. BZ 902357.
+- fix --cacheonly edge case. BZ 975619.
+* Wed Jun 19 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-98
+- Update to latest HEAD.
+- Add simple way to specify a group of pkgs. for version. BZ 913461.
+- Change group install => group upgrade for installed groups. BZ 833087.
+- Give more text when telling user about y-c-t, mention history. BZ 974576.
+- Fix the tolerant yum.conf text.
+- Skip installonly limit, if something has set check_future_rpmdbv. BZ 962757.
+* Mon Jun 17 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-97
+- Update to latest HEAD.
+- Minor updates to fssnapshot command.
+- metalink: Don't assume maxconnections is always set. BZ 974826.
+- DeltaPackage: provide returnIdSum(). BZ 974394.
+* Fri Jun 14 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-96
+- Update to latest HEAD.
+- Add real logging to updateinfo parsing.
+- Merge fssnap command.
+- Extend repos.findRepos() API so it can handle repolist input.
+- Add a prelistenabledrepos plugin point.
+- Auto. enable disabled repos. in repo-pkgs.
+- Do cacheRequirement() tests before doCheck().
+* Fri Jun 14 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-95
+- DeltaPackage compat fix. BZ 974394
+* Wed Jun 12 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-94
+- Update to latest HEAD.
+- downloadonly: prefetch also pkg checksums. BZ 973380
+- Fix superfluous dots after "via" in man pages. BZ 972764
+- support "proxy = libproxy" syntax to enable libproxy. BZ 857263
+- checkEnabledRepo: run prereposetup if necessary. BZ 826096
+* Mon Jun  3 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-93
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Workaround anaconda passing None as group name. BZ 959710.
+- Fix second part of igrp as grp problems. BZ 955236.
+- Add a fuzzy matcher for numbers in format_missing_requires. BZ 718245.
+- Hide the "downloadonly" option when nothing to download.
+- Add the "minrate" option. BZ 964298
+* Tue May 21 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-92
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- returnPackagesByDep() API fix (really old break).
+- Try to make groups conversion better.
+- progress.start: supply the default filename & url.  BZ 963023
+- drpm retry: add RPM sizes to total size.  BZ 959786
+- YumBaseError: safe str(e).  BZ 963698
+* Mon May 13 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-91
+- same-mirror retry also on timeout.  BZ 853432
+* Wed May  8 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-90
+- Massive hack for Fedora/updateinfo stable vs. testing statuses. BZ 960642.
+- Don't load updateinfo when we don't have to.
+- Tell which repo. we are skipping the updateinfo notice from.
+- Compat. code so we can treat groups/igroups the same. BZ 955236.
+- Don't highlight the empty space, Eg. --showdups list.
+* Thu May  2 2013 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-89
+- Fix defaults-for-environment optional groups change. BZ 958531
+* Tue Apr 30 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-88
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Allow default on Environment optional groups.
+- Tweak load-ts output.
+* Fri Apr 26 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-87
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Make --downloadonly skip userconfirm prompt.
+- Turn metadata_expire off for yum-cron.
+- Skip var_arch storage in yumdb.
+* Tue Apr 23 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-86
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- A fix for environments and not installed groups. BZ 928859.
+- Add downloadonly option to download prompt.
+* Fri Apr 19 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-85
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- A couple of fixes for yum-cron using security.
+- Add documentation for updateinfo merge.
+* Thu Apr 18 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-84
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Move yum-security into core.
+- A bunch of minor fixes for yum-cron.
+- Update yum-cron to add security/minimal/etc. updates.
+- Add socks support to proxy config.
+* Tue Apr 16 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-83
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Update yum-cron to make it worthwhile on Fedora.
+- Fix the installed/depinstalled split.  BZ 952162
+- rebuilding deltarpms: fix the callback==None case. BZ 952357
+- Reuse mirrors when max_retries > len(mirrors).  BZ 765598
+* Thu Apr  4 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-82
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Keep installedFileRequires in sync. BZ 920758.
+- Add repo-pkgs upgrade-to.
+- Document autoremove commands.
+* Thu Mar 28 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-81
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Fix optional packages getting installed by default. BZ 923547.
+- cacheReq() added to groups command.
+- Finally fix the installed obsoletes problem.
+- Sync specfiles.
+- Turn checking on, and fix check-po script.
+* Wed Mar 27 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-80
+- package also %{compdir}'s parent
+- set correct dir when bytecompiling /usr/share/yum-cli
+- add fast package name completion (disabled by default)
+* Wed Mar 20 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-79
+- add BuildRequires: bash-completion
+* Wed Mar 20 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-78
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- add bash-completion aliases, use pkg-config.
+- spelling fixes
+* Tue Mar 19 2013 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-77
+- move bash-completion scripts to /usr/share/  BZ 922992
+* Tue Mar 12 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-76
+- Change groups_command default to objects.
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Add timestamp to transaction object for plugins etc.
+* Mon Mar 11 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-75
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Fix deltarpm=0.
+- Fix double unlink. BZ 919657.
+* Fri Mar  8 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-74
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Fix obsoletes in "yum check".
+- Drop drpm rebuild defaults back to 2 workers.
+* Thu Mar  7 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-73
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Queue for drpm rebuilding.
+- Sort drpms.
+* Wed Mar  6 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-72
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Translation updates.
+- Smarter selection of drpm candidates.
+- "makecache fast".
+- Minor updates.
+* Fri Mar  1 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-70
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Reimport the size calculation fix.
+* Thu Feb 28 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-69
+- drpm: Fix getDiscNum() sorting bug. BZ 916675.
+- Move to just dumping upstream HEAD again.
+* Thu Feb 28 2013 Zdeněk Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-67
+- drpm: fixed the yum._up==None case.
+- drpm: repo_gen_decompress() to handle all comp types.
+* Wed Feb 27 2013 Zdeněk Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-66
+- fixed getDiscNum bug
+- fixed rpmsize calculation
+- obsoleted yum-presto plugin
+* Tue Feb 26 2013 Zdeněk Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-65
+- start downloading drpms before rpms
+- deactivate presto if deltarpm package is not installed
+- rename "presto" option to "deltarpm".
+- new DeltaPO class instead of in-place rpm=>drpm patching.
+* Fri Feb 22 2013 Zdeněk Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-64
+- use multiple applydeltarpm workers (4 by default)
+* Thu Feb 21 2013 Zdeněk Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-63
+- Added native drpm support.
+* Tue Feb 19 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-62
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Add cache-reqs.
+- Fixup specfile for Fedora <= 18 usage.
+* Mon Feb 18 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-60
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Auto expire caches on repo errors.
+- Use xattrs for cache checksum speedup.
+* Fri Feb 15 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-59
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Add load-ts helper.
+- Update downloadonly plugin version obs.
+* Fri Feb  8 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-58
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Add pyxattr require for origin_urls for everyone.
+- Fix yum-cron service file and scriptlets.
+- Fix instant broken mirrors problem.
+* Thu Jan 31 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-57
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Fix autoremove foo.
+- Speedup/fix repo-pkgs <foo> update with obsoletes.
+* Wed Jan 30 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-56
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Add yumvar dumping into yumdb.
+- Add ui_repoid_vars configuration.
+- Update translations.
+* Tue Jan 22 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-55
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Add repo-pkgs update/list and tweak remove-or-sync.
+* Mon Jan 21 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-54
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Add repo-pkgs docs. add erase/etc. aliases.
+- Fix for 895854.
+* Wed Jan 16 2013 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-53
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Add repo-pkgs.
+- Add swap.
+- Add remove_leaf_only and repopkgremove_leaf_only.
+- Add metadata_expire_filter.
+* Tue Jan 15 2013 Zdeněk Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-52
+- update to latest HEAD
+- _lock(): yet another exception2msg fix.  BZ 895060
+- use yum-cron.service.  BZ 893593
+- YumRepo.populate(): always decompresses new database
+* Wed Jan  9 2013 Zdeněk Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-51
+- update to latest HEAD
+- Include langpacks when reading and writing comps. BZ 879030
+- selectGroup(): Fix a typo. BZ 885139
+- move the basename checking into _repos.doSetup(). BZ 885159
+- bash completion: offer nvra for multi-install packages
+- fixes extra '</pkglist>' tags on multi-collection errata. BZ 887407
+- Include the update date in updateinfo xml. BZ 887935
+- Complete provides/whatprovides with filenames. BZ 891561
+- New locking code.  BZ 865601
+* Thu Dec 06 2012 Zdeněk Pavlas <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-50
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Check for possible inf. recursion and workaround in skip-broken. BZ 874065
+- Don't error in history list, when we have no history. BZ 802462
+- Avoid converting to unicode and back in dump_xml_*.  BZ 716235
+- po.xml_dump_{primary,filelists,other}_metadata() cleanup
+* Wed Nov 28 2012 Zdenek Pavlas  <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-49
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Fix ugly paths in po.xml_dump_*(). BZ 835565.
+- Fix yum-cron requires.
+* Mon Nov 19 2012 Zdenek Pavlas  <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-48
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- add skip-broken option to yum-cron.
+- get rid of bogus "Downloaded package .. but it was invalid."
+- clean up misc.to_xml(), make it faster.  BZ 716235.
+- checksum not available implies checksum does not match.  BZ 825272.
+- avoid checksumming existing .sqlite.bz2 files.
+- fix circular obsoletes in transaction members check. BZ 868840.
+* Thu Oct 25 2012 Zdenek Pavlas  <zpavlas@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-47
+- replaced yum-cron.sh with the new yum-cron.py (very alpha)
+* Thu Oct 25 2012 Nils Philippsen <nils@redhat.com> - 3.4.3-46
+- bump release to ensure upgrade path and satisfy PackageKit deps
+* Wed Oct 17 2012 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-44
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Add downloadonly into core, and enable background downloads.
+- Lots of minor fixes.
+* Fri Sep  7 2012 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-43
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Use .ui_id explicitly for backcompat. on strings, *sigh*.
+* Sat Sep  1 2012 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-42
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Fix missing self. on last patch.
+* Fri Aug 31 2012 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-41
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Don't statvfs when we aren't going to copy, and using relative.
+* Thu Aug 30 2012 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-40
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Fix rel-eng problems when repo.repofile is None.
+- Don't statvfs when we aren't going to copy.
+* Tue Aug 28 2012 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-36
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Fix environment groups write.
+- Allow merging of updateinfo.
+- Add releasever/arch to repoids on output, if used in urls.
+- Merge mirror errors fix.
+* Thu Aug 23 2012 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas at redhat.com> - 3.4.3-34
+- Some users skip setupProgressCallbacks(). BZ 850913.
+* Wed Aug 22 2012 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas at redhat.com> - 3.4.3-33
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Set multi_progress_obj option
+- Show full URLs and mirror errors when _getFile() fails.
+* Thu Aug 16 2012 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-32
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Some fixes for new environment groups.
+- Fix "yum upgrade" download verification. BZ 848811.
+* Fri Aug 10 2012 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-31
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Big update, mostly for "environment groups".
+* Sun Jul 22 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-30
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Jun 20 2012 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas at redhat.com> - 3.4.3-29
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- quote uids to keep cachedir ascii-clean.  BZ 832195
+- show_lock_owner: report errors if we fail.  BZ 745281
+* Thu Jun 14 2012 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas at redhat.com> - 3.4.3-28
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- No async downloading when --cacheonly.  BZ 830523
+- misc.decompress(): compare mtime without sub second precision. BZ 831918
+- preload_from_sys to user dir with --cacheonly, BZ 830523
+* Fri Jun  8 2012 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-27
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Fix for ppc64p7 detection.
+* Wed May 16 2012 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas at redhat.com> - 3.4.3-26
+- update to latest master HEAD
+- Fix using available packages as installed, due to strong_requires.
+- Remove tracebacks on MD downloads. BZ 822009.
+* Mon May 14 2012 Zdenek Pavlas <zpavlas at redhat.com> - 3.4.3-25
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- merged multi-downloader code
+- rebased yum-ppc64-preferred.patch
+- dropped arm-arch-detection.patch (moved to HEAD)
+- renamed yum-update.cron to 0yum-update.cron
+* Fri Apr 27 2012 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-24
+- Add code for arm detection.
+* Fri Mar 16 2012 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-23
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Also fix "yum check" for strong requires. bug 795907.
+- Fix for "Only update available" on downgrade. bug 803346.
+* Fri Mar  9 2012 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-22
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Fail on bad reinstall/downgrade arguments. bug 800285.
+- Fix weird multiple obsoletion bug. BZ 800016
+- Check for a compat. arch. as well, when hand testing for upgradability.
+- Allow changing the exit code on non-fatal errors.
+* Thu Mar  1 2012 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-21
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Translation update.
+* Wed Feb 29 2012 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-20
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Lazy setup pkgSack, for localinstall/etc.
+- add support for 64 bit arm hardware.
+- Hack for "info install blah" to never look at repos.
+- Fixup resolvedep command for mock users.
+* Mon Feb 20 2012 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-19
+- update to latest HEAD.
+- Add a yum group convert command, so people can use groups as objects easily.
+- Document the new group stuff.
+- Generic provide markers for installonlypkgs (for kernel/vms).
+- Minor updates/fixes merge some older branches.
+* Fri Jan 20 2012 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-18
+- update to latest HEAD
+- Added group_command, but didn't change to groups as objects by default.
+- Minor updates.
+* Sat Jan 14 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-17
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
+* Tue Dec 13 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-16
+- update to latest HEAD
+- Have users always use their own dirs.
+- Minor updates.
+* Fri Dec  2 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-15
+- update to latest HEAD
+- Init "found" variable for distro-sync full. BZ 752407.
+- Fix _conv_pkg_state when calling with history as checksum. BZ 757736.
+- When a repo. fails in repolist, manually populate the ones after it.A
+- Fix a corner case in exception2msg(). BZ 749239.
+- Transifex sync.
+- Hand fix the plural forms gettext stuff.
+* Wed Nov 30 2011 Dennis Gilmore <dennis@ausil.us> - 3.4.3-13
+- add patch from upstream for arm hardware floating point support
+* Mon Oct 17 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-12
+- update to latest HEAD
+- Basically just an update for transifex sync.
+* Fri Oct 14 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-11
+- update to latest HEAD
+- Some edge case depsolver bug fixes.
+- Output the GPG fingerprint when showing the GPG key.
+- Update bugtracker URL back to redhat.
+- Allow reinstall and remove arguments to history redo command.
+- Let resolvedep look for installed packages.
+* Wed Sep 21 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-10
+- update to latest HEAD
+- Fix for history sync, and saving on install.
+- Lots of minor bug fixes.
+- Speedups for upgrade_requirements_on_install=true.
+- Fix generated data using bad caches.
+- Changes for yum-cron.
+* Tue Aug 23 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-9
+- update to latest HEAD
+- Update translations.
+- Minor UI tweaks for transaction output.
+- Minor tweak for update_reqs_on_install.
+* Mon Aug 22 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-8
+- update to latest HEAD
+- Fix upgrade_requirements_on_install breaking upgrade typos.
+* Fri Aug 19 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-7
+- update to latest HEAD
+- Fix syncing of yum DB data in history.
+- Add upgrade_requirements_on_install config. option.
+- Don't look for releasever if it's set directly (anaconda).
+- Expose ip_resolve urlgrabber option.
+* Fri Aug  5 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-6
+- update to latest HEAD
+- Add new yum DB data.
+- Add hack to workaround broken python readline in yum shell.
+- Make "yum -q history addon-info last saved_tx" valid input for load-ts.
+- Add "history packages-info/stats/sync" sub-commnands.
+* Fri Jul 29 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-5
+- update to latest HEAD
+- Lots of really minor changes. Docs. and yum-cron mainly.
+- Output yum_saved_tx file.
+* Fri Jul 15 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-4
+- update to latest HEAD
+- Weird old bugs fixed for new createrepo code.
+- Add --assumeno and an easter egg! Also allow remove to use alwaysprompt.
+- Fix \r appearing on serial console etc. BZ 720088.
+- Fix umask on mkdir() as well as open. BZ 719467.
+- Fix traceback when enabling/disabling repos. in GUI.
+* Thu Jun 30 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-3
+- Fix the skip broken tuples => dict. bug. BZ 717973.
+* Wed Jun 29 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-2
+- Add ppc64 arch. change for BZ 713791.
+* Tue Jun 28 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.3-1
+- update to 3.4.3
+- Real upstream workaround for rpm chroot and history insanity.
+- Minor bugfixes.
+* Wed Jun 22 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.2-2
+- Workaround rpm chroot insanity.
+* Wed Jun 22 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.2-1
+- update to 3.4.2
+- Lots of smallish bug fixes/tweaks.
+- Lookup erase transaction members, by their name, if we can.
+- Added pluralized translation messages.
+* Tue Jun 14 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.1-5
+- update to latest HEAD
+- Lots of smallish bug fixes.
+- New groups command.
+* Thu Jun  2 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.1-4
+- update to latest HEAD
+- Fix RepoStorage problem for pulp.
+- Add list of not found packages.
+- Minor bug fixes.
+* Tue May 24 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.1-3
+- update to latest HEAD
+- Tweak "yum provides"
+- Don't access the repos. for saved_tx, if doing a removal.
+- Fix a couple of old minor bugs:
+- Remove usage of INFO_* from yumcommands, as -q supresses that. BZ 689241.
+- Don't show depsolve failure messages for non-depsolving problems. BZ 597336.
+* Wed May  4 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.1-2
+- update to latest HEAD
+- Fix consolidate_libc.
+- Update translations.
+- Add history rollback.
+* Wed Apr 20 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.1-1
+- Fix umask override.
+- Remove double baseurl display, BZ 697885.
+* Fri Apr 15 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.0-1
+- update to 3.4.0.
+* Fri Apr  8 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.29-10
+- update to latest HEAD 
+- Likely last HEAD before 3.2.30.
+* Fri Mar 25 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.29-9
+- update to latest HEAD 
+* Mon Feb 28 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.29-8
+- take out the hack-patch from 2 weeks ago.
+* Mon Feb 28 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.29-7
+- latest head including all of Panu's rpmutils/callback patches
+* Thu Feb 17 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.29-6
+- add rpmutils-recursive-import.patch to work around recursive import problems
+* Wed Feb 16 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.29-5
+- lots of hopefully NOT exciting changes to rpmutils/rpmsack from head.
+* Tue Feb 08 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.29-4
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
+* Tue Jan 25 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.29-3
+- latest from head - fixing a number of minor bugs
+* Thu Jan 13 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.29-2
+- grumble broken skip-broken test :(
+* Thu Jan 13 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.29-1
+- 3.2.29
+- add yum-cron subpkg
+* Thu Jan  6 2011 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.28-17
+- Allow kernel installs with multilib protection ... oops!
+- Don't conflict with fixed versions of Zif.
+- Add locks for non-root.
+* Tue Jan  4 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.28-16
+- fix skip-broken conflict - thanks dgilmore for the catch
+* Tue Jan  4 2011 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.28-15
+- latest head
+- conflicts zif
+* Thu Nov 11 2010 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.28-14
+- latest head
+- Perf. fixes/improvements.
+* Tue Nov  9 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.28-13
+- once again with head
+* Fri Nov  5 2010 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.28-12
+- latest head
+- Add load-ts command.
+- Fix verifying symlinks.
+* Wed Oct 20 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.28-11
+- latest head
+- depsolve enhancements on update/obsoletes
+- show recent pkgs in history package-list instead of a specific pkg
+- bz: 644432, 644265
+- make sure urlgrabber is using the right config settings for fetching gpg keys
+* Fri Oct 15 2010 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.28-10
+- latest head 
+- Fix major breakage from the "list updates" speedup :).
+- Close curl/urlgrabber after downloading packages.
+- Allow remove+update in "yum shell".
+- Fix output of distro tags.
+* Thu Oct  7 2010 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.28-9
+- latest head 
+- Add localpkg_gpgcheck option.
+- Speedup "list updates"
+- Doc fixes.
+* Sat Sep 25 2010 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.28-8
+- latest head 
+- Speedup install/remove/etc a lot.
+- Add merged history.
+- Fix unique comps/pkgtags leftovers.
+* Tue Sep 14 2010 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.28-7
+- latest head 
+- Fix PK/auto-close GPG import bug.
+- Fix patch for installonly_limit and enable it again.
+- Fix rpmlint warnings.
+- Remove color=never config.
+* Fri Sep 10 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org>
+- latest head 
+* Fri Aug 27 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org>
+- obsoleted yum-plugin-download-order
+* Thu Aug 12 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.28-3
+- latest head
+- fix gpg key import
+- more unicode fixes
+- output slightly more clear depsovling error msgs
+* Mon Aug  9 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.28-2
+- latest head
+- unicide fixes
+- sqlite history db conversion fixes
+* Fri Jul 30 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.28-1
+- 3.2.28
+* Wed Jul 28 2010 Mamoru Tasaka <mtasaka@ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp> - 3.2.27-21
+- Again rebuild against python 2.7
+* Mon Jul 26 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-20
+- latest head
+- minor fixes and doc updates
+- hardlink yumdb files to conserve spacde
+- cache yumdb results
+* Thu Jul 22 2010 David Malcolm <dmalcolm@redhat.com> - 3.2.27-19
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild
+* Fri Jul 16 2010 James Antill <james@fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-18
+- Latest head.
+- Add history addon-info.
+- Add new callbacks, verify and compare_providers.
+- Fix rpm transaction fail API break, probably only for anaconda.
+- Bug fixes.
+* Fri Jun 25 2010 James Antill <james@fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-17
+- Latest head.
+- Allow reinstalls of kernel, etc.
+- Tweaks to some user output.
+- Allow Fedora GPG keys to be removed.
+- Add history extra data API, and history plugin hooks.
+- Bunch of minor bug fixes.
+* Tue Jun 15 2010 James Antill <james@fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-16
+- Latest head.
+- Fix install being recorded as reinstall.
+- Make localinstall not install obsoleted only by installed.
+- Fix info -v, on available packages.
+- Fix man page stuff.
+- Deal with unicide on rpmdb problems.
+- Allow ipkg.repo.name to work.
+- Add ville's epoch None vs. 0 code, in compareEVR.
+* Fri Jun 11 2010 James Antill <james@fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-15
+- Latest head.
+- Add filtering requires code for createrepo.
+- Add installed_by/changed_by yumdb values.
+- Tweak output for install/reinstall/downgrade callbacks.
+- Add plugin hooks for pre/post verifytrans.
+- Deal with local pkgs. which only obsolete.
+- No chain removals on downgrade.
+- Bunch of speedups for "list installed blah", and "remove blah".
+* Wed Jun  2 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-14
+- merge in latest yum head:
+- change decompressors to support lzma, if python module is available
+- finnish translation fixes
+- pyint vs pylong fix for formatRequire() so we stop spitting back the wrong requires strings to mock on newish rpm
+- add exit_on_lock option
+- Deal with RHEL-5 loginuid damage
+- Fix pkgs. that are excluded after being put in yb.up ... BZ#597853
+- Opt. for rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=...). Drops about 30%% from remove time.
+- Fix "remove name-version", really minor API bug before last patch
+* Wed May 26 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-13
+- minor cleanups for yum-utils with --setopt
+- translation updates
+* Thu May 13 2010 James Antill <james@fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-12
+- Latest head.
+- History db version 2
+- Some bug fixes
+- More paranoid/leanient with rpmdb cache problems.
+* Wed May  5 2010 James Antill <james@fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-11
+- Fix from head for mock, mtime=>ctime due to caches and fixed installroot
+- Fix for typo in new problems code, bug 589008
+* Mon May  3 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-10
+- latest head
+- fixes yum chroot path duplication
+- yum.log perms
+* Thu Apr 29 2010 James Antill <james@fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-9
+- Latest yum-3_2_X head.
+- Added protect packages.
+- Bug fixes from the yum bug day.
+- Added removed size output.
+- Added glob: to all list config. options.
+- Fix fsvars.
+* Thu Apr 22 2010 James Antill <james@fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-8
+- Latest yum-3_2_X head.
+- Add deselections.
+- Add simple depsolve into compare_providers
+- Speedup distro-sync blah.
+* Fri Apr 16 2010 James Antill <james@fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-7
+- Latest yum-3_2_X head.
+- Add the "big update" speedup patch.
+- Add nocontexts ts flag.
+- Add provides and obsoleted to "yum check".
+- Add new dump_xml stuff for createrepo/modifyrepo.
+- Move /var/lib/yum/vars to /etc/yum/vars
+* Mon Apr 12 2010 James Antill <james@fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-6
+- Latest yum-3_2_X head.
+- Fix the caching changes.
+* Sat Apr 10 2010 James Antill <james@fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-5
+- Latest yum-3_2_X head.
+- Remove the broken assert in sqlitesack
+* Thu Apr  8 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-4
+- more latest headness
+* Fri Mar 26 2010 James Antill <james@fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-3
+- Latest yum-3_2_X head.
+* Tue Mar 23 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-2
+- broke searching in PK, this patch fixes it.
+* Thu Mar 18 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.27-1
+- 3.2.27 from upstream (more or less the same as 3.2.26-6 but with a new number
+* Thu Mar 11 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.26-6
+- should be the final HEAD update before 3.2.27
+* Wed Feb 24 2010 James Antill <james@fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.26-5
+- new HEAD, minor features and speed.
+* Wed Feb 17 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.26-4
+- new HEAD to fix the fix to the fix
+* Tue Feb 16 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.26-3
+- latest head - including fixes to searchPrcos
+* Wed Feb 10 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.26-2
+- grumble.
+* Tue Feb  9 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.26-1
+- final 3.2.26
+* Mon Feb  8 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.25-14
+- $uuid, pkgtags searching, latest HEAD patch - pre 3.2.26
+* Thu Jan 28 2010 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.25-13
+- A couple of bugfixes, most notably:
+-  you can now install gpg keys again!
+-  bad installed file requires don't get cached.
+* Fri Jan 22 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.25-12
+- someone forgot to push their changes
+* Fri Jan 22 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.25-11
+- more fixes, more fun
+* Fri Jan 15 2010 James Antill <james at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.25-10
+- latest head
+- Fixes for pungi, rpmdb caching and kernel-PAE-devel duplicates finding
+- among others.
+* Mon Jan  4 2010 Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.25-8
+- latest head