e8ec7a |
e94fa4 |
The site is built with *nanoc* and *Bootstrap 3*.
e94fa4 |
e94fa4 |
* http://www.nanoc.ws
e94fa4 |
* http://getbootstrap.com
e94fa4 |
e94fa4 |
We use haml for templates where it makes sense and mostly markdown for
e94fa4 |
e94fa4 |
e94fa4 |
e94fa4 |
Required Gems:
e94fa4 |
e94fa4 |
* nanoc
e94fa4 |
* cri
e94fa4 |
* compass
e94fa4 |
* haml
e94fa4 |
* nokogiri // available from Fedora (EPEL?) repository
e94fa4 |
* kramdown
e94fa4 |
* pry
e94fa4 |
* rainpress
e94fa4 |
* rubypants
e94fa4 |
* sass
e94fa4 |
* susy
e94fa4 |
* systemu
e94fa4 |
* asciidoc // also requires the asciidoc package
e94fa4 |
* adsf // if using 'nanoc view' command
e94fa4 |
e94fa4 |
May be in RPM:
e94fa4 |
e94fa4 |
* ruby
e94fa4 |
* asciidoc
e94fa4 |
* nokogiri
e94fa4 |
fdc62c |
## Installing on CentOS 7 as well as F19/20/21:
e8ec7a |
e94fa4 |
1e5375 |
sudo yum install ruby asciidoc rubygem-bundler make gcc ruby-devel zlib-devel zlib gcc-c++
ce0219 |
bundle install
e94fa4 |
7f616c |
fdc62c |
fdc62c |
## Using a built container (all platforms):
fdc62c |
Assuming that you have this git repository cloned under /opt/data/git/centos.org :
fdc62c |
4f7719 |
sudo docker pull registry.centos.org/arrfab/nanoc:latest # Download the container
4f7719 |
sudo docker run --rm -v /opt/data/git/centos.org/:/nanoc/:Z registry.centos.org/arrfab/nanoc:latest
fdc62c |
4f7719 |
Please note that it also works with Podman, so no need to install Docker anymore ! :
4f7719 |
4f7719 |
4f7719 |
sudo yum install -y podman
4f7719 |
sudo podman run --rm -v /opt/data/git/centos.org/:/nanoc/:Z registry.centos.org/arrfab/nanoc:latest
4f7719 |
4f7719 |
fdc62c |
7f616c |
#Site Layout
7f616c |
* Template and menu files live in /layouts
7f616c |
* Markdown, erb and processed text files live in /content
7f616c |
* Static site content such as images and javascript live in /static
7f616c |
* The /lib directory contains nanoc helper files used to process the site
7f616c |
* Compiled site content exists in /output
7f616c |
7f616c |
#Building the site
7f616c |
* Run 'nanoc' to compile assemble the static site. files from /static, /content, and /layouts will be combined.
7f616c |
* You may view the site with 'nanoc view' and then pointing your browser at
7f616c |
7f616c |
You may compile and view the site live as you make changes using the guard module. To do this, run 'guard init' at the root of the site.
7f616c |
This will create a watch file that will serve as list for what files the guard module will keep an eye on. Changes to these files will trigger an automatic rebuild of the site.
7f616c |
Next run 'nanoc view &', followed by 'guard'
7f616c |
Now in another terminal, you may make changes to the website content, and it will rebuild as you touch files.
7f616c |
7f616c |
7f616c |
#Deploying the site
7f616c |
Simply run 'nanoc deploy --target=' where the target value is either prod1 or prod2. These targets are defined in the nanoc.yaml file.