vishalmishra434 / rpms / openssh

Forked from rpms/openssh 5 months ago

93a474 - upgrade to new upstream release

Authored and Committed by Tomáš Mráz 16 years ago
    - upgrade to new upstream release
    - fixed a problem with public key authentication and explicitely specified
        SELinux role
file modified
+1 -1
openssh-5.1p1-cloexec.patch openssh-4.7p1-cloexec.patch
file renamed
+11 -11
openssh-5.1p1-log-in-chroot.patch openssh-4.7p1-log-in-chroot.patch
file renamed
+13 -13
openssh-5.1p1-redhat.patch openssh-4.7p1-redhat.patch
file renamed
+23 -21
openssh-5.1p1-selinux.patch openssh-4.7p1-selinux.patch
file renamed
+114 -40
openssh-5.1p1-vendor.patch openssh-4.7p1-vendor.patch
file renamed
+66 -58
file modified
+14 -14
file modified
+1 -1