22c213 |
%global SLOF_gittagdate 20191022
febaa2 |
22c213 |
%global SLOF_gittagcommit 899d9883
22c213 |
22c213 |
%global have_usbredir 1
22c213 |
%global have_spice 1
22c213 |
%global have_opengl 1
22c213 |
%global have_fdt 0
22c213 |
%global have_gluster 1
22c213 |
%global have_kvm_setup 0
22c213 |
%global have_memlock_limits 0
22c213 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
# Release candidate version tracking
febaa2 |
# global rcver rc4
febaa2 |
%if 0%{?rcver:1}
febaa2 |
%global rcrel .%{rcver}
febaa2 |
%global rcstr -%{rcver}
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
22c213 |
%ifnarch %{ix86} x86_64
22c213 |
%global have_usbredir 0
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%ifnarch s390x
22c213 |
%global have_librdma 1
22c213 |
22c213 |
%global have_librdma 0
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%ifarch %{ix86}
22c213 |
%global kvm_target i386
22c213 |
22c213 |
%ifarch x86_64
22c213 |
%global kvm_target x86_64
22c213 |
22c213 |
%global have_spice 0
22c213 |
%global have_opengl 0
22c213 |
%global have_gluster 0
22c213 |
22c213 |
%ifarch %{power64}
22c213 |
%global kvm_target ppc64
22c213 |
%global have_fdt 1
22c213 |
%global have_kvm_setup 1
22c213 |
%global have_memlock_limits 1
22c213 |
22c213 |
%ifarch s390x
22c213 |
%global kvm_target s390x
22c213 |
%global have_kvm_setup 1
22c213 |
22c213 |
%ifarch ppc
22c213 |
%global kvm_target ppc
22c213 |
%global have_fdt 1
22c213 |
22c213 |
%ifarch aarch64
22c213 |
%global kvm_target aarch64
22c213 |
%global have_fdt 1
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
#Versions of various parts:
22c213 |
22c213 |
%global requires_all_modules \
febaa2 |
%if %{have_spice} \
febaa2 |
Requires: %{name}-ui-spice = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} \
febaa2 |
%endif \
febaa2 |
%if %{have_opengl} \
febaa2 |
Requires: %{name}-ui-opengl = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} \
febaa2 |
%endif \
22c213 |
Requires: %{name}-block-curl = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} \
22c213 |
%if %{have_gluster} \
22c213 |
Requires: %{name}-block-gluster = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} \
22c213 |
%endif \
febaa2 |
%if %{have_usbredir} \
febaa2 |
Requires: %{name}-hw-usbredir = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} \
febaa2 |
%endif \
22c213 |
Requires: %{name}-block-iscsi = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} \
22c213 |
Requires: %{name}-block-rbd = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} \
22c213 |
Requires: %{name}-block-ssh = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
22c213 |
22c213 |
# Macro to properly setup RHEL/RHEV conflict handling
22c213 |
%define rhev_ma_conflicts() \
febaa2 |
Obsoletes: %1-ma <= %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} \
febaa2 |
Obsoletes: %1-rhev <= %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
22c213 |
22c213 |
Summary: QEMU is a machine emulator and virtualizer
22c213 |
Name: qemu-kvm
febaa2 |
Version: 6.1.0
febaa2 |
Release: 3%{?rcrel}%{?dist}
22c213 |
# Epoch because we pushed a qemu-1.0 package. AIUI this can't ever be dropped
22c213 |
Epoch: 15
22c213 |
License: GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and CC-BY
22c213 |
Group: Development/Tools
22c213 |
URL: http://www.qemu.org/
22c213 |
ExclusiveArch: x86_64 %{power64} aarch64 s390x
22c213 |
22c213 |
febaa2 |
Source0: http://wiki.qemu.org/download/qemu-6.1.0.tar.xz
22c213 |
22c213 |
# KSM control scripts
22c213 |
Source4: ksm.service
22c213 |
Source5: ksm.sysconfig
22c213 |
Source6: ksmctl.c
22c213 |
Source7: ksmtuned.service
22c213 |
Source8: ksmtuned
22c213 |
Source9: ksmtuned.conf
22c213 |
Source10: qemu-guest-agent.service
22c213 |
Source11: 99-qemu-guest-agent.rules
22c213 |
Source12: bridge.conf
22c213 |
Source13: qemu-ga.sysconfig
22c213 |
Source21: kvm-setup
22c213 |
Source22: kvm-setup.service
22c213 |
Source23: 85-kvm.preset
22c213 |
Source26: vhost.conf
22c213 |
Source27: kvm.conf
22c213 |
Source28: 95-kvm-memlock.conf
22c213 |
Source30: kvm-s390x.conf
22c213 |
Source31: kvm-x86.conf
22c213 |
Source32: qemu-pr-helper.service
22c213 |
Source33: qemu-pr-helper.socket
22c213 |
Source34: 81-kvm-rhel.rules
22c213 |
Source35: udev-kvm-check.c
22c213 |
Source36: README.tests
22c213 |
22c213 |
febaa2 |
Patch0001: 0001-redhat-Adding-slirp-to-the-exploded-tree.patch
22c213 |
Patch0005: 0005-Initial-redhat-build.patch
22c213 |
Patch0006: 0006-Enable-disable-devices-for-RHEL.patch
22c213 |
Patch0007: 0007-Machine-type-related-general-changes.patch
22c213 |
Patch0008: 0008-Add-aarch64-machine-types.patch
22c213 |
Patch0009: 0009-Add-ppc64-machine-types.patch
22c213 |
Patch0010: 0010-Add-s390x-machine-types.patch
22c213 |
Patch0011: 0011-Add-x86_64-machine-types.patch
22c213 |
Patch0012: 0012-Enable-make-check.patch
22c213 |
Patch0013: 0013-vfio-cap-number-of-devices-that-can-be-assigned.patch
22c213 |
Patch0014: 0014-Add-support-statement-to-help-output.patch
22c213 |
Patch0015: 0015-globally-limit-the-maximum-number-of-CPUs.patch
febaa2 |
Patch0016: 0016-Use-qemu-kvm-in-documentation-instead-of-qemu-system.patch
febaa2 |
Patch0017: 0017-virtio-scsi-Reject-scsi-cd-if-data-plane-enabled-RHE.patch
febaa2 |
Patch0018: 0018-BZ1653590-Require-at-least-64kiB-pages-for-downstrea.patch
febaa2 |
# For bz#2002907 - Unexpectedly failed when managedsave the guest which has qxl video device
febaa2 |
Patch19: kvm-qxl-fix-pre-save-logic.patch
febaa2 |
# For bz#1998949 - Add machine type compatibility update for 6.1 rebase [ppc64le]
febaa2 |
Patch20: kvm-redhat-Define-hw_compat_rhel_8_5.patch
febaa2 |
# For bz#1998949 - Add machine type compatibility update for 6.1 rebase [ppc64le]
febaa2 |
Patch21: kvm-redhat-Update-pseries-rhel8.5.0.patch
febaa2 |
# For bz#1998950 - Add machine type compatibility update for 6.1 rebase [s390x]
febaa2 |
Patch22: kvm-redhat-Add-s390x-machine-type-compatibility-update-f.patch
febaa2 |
# For bz#1999221 - CVE-2021-3748 virt:rhel/qemu-kvm: QEMU: virtio-net: heap use-after-free in virtio_net_receive_rcu [rhel-8]
febaa2 |
Patch23: kvm-virtio-net-fix-use-after-unmap-free-for-sg.patch
22c213 |
22c213 |
BuildRequires: wget
22c213 |
BuildRequires: rpm-build
febaa2 |
BuildRequires: ninja-build
febaa2 |
BuildRequires: meson >= 0.55.3-3
22c213 |
BuildRequires: zlib-devel
22c213 |
BuildRequires: glib2-devel
22c213 |
BuildRequires: which
22c213 |
BuildRequires: gnutls-devel
22c213 |
BuildRequires: cyrus-sasl-devel
22c213 |
BuildRequires: libtool
22c213 |
BuildRequires: libaio-devel
22c213 |
BuildRequires: rsync
22c213 |
BuildRequires: python3-devel
22c213 |
BuildRequires: pciutils-devel
22c213 |
BuildRequires: libiscsi-devel
22c213 |
BuildRequires: ncurses-devel
22c213 |
BuildRequires: libattr-devel
febaa2 |
BuildRequires: libusbx-devel >= 1.0.23
22c213 |
%if %{have_usbredir}
22c213 |
BuildRequires: usbredir-devel >= 0.7.1
22c213 |
22c213 |
BuildRequires: texinfo
22c213 |
BuildRequires: python3-sphinx
22c213 |
%if %{have_spice}
22c213 |
BuildRequires: spice-protocol >= 0.12.12
22c213 |
BuildRequires: spice-server-devel >= 0.12.8
22c213 |
BuildRequires: libcacard-devel
22c213 |
# For smartcard NSS support
22c213 |
BuildRequires: nss-devel
22c213 |
22c213 |
BuildRequires: libseccomp-devel >= 2.4.0
22c213 |
# For network block driver
22c213 |
BuildRequires: libcurl-devel
22c213 |
BuildRequires: libssh-devel
22c213 |
BuildRequires: librados-devel
22c213 |
BuildRequires: librbd-devel
22c213 |
%if %{have_gluster}
22c213 |
# For gluster block driver
f66865 |
BuildRequires: glusterfs-api-devel
22c213 |
BuildRequires: glusterfs-devel
22c213 |
22c213 |
# We need both because the 'stap' binary is probed for by configure
22c213 |
BuildRequires: systemtap
22c213 |
BuildRequires: systemtap-sdt-devel
22c213 |
# For VNC PNG support
22c213 |
BuildRequires: libpng-devel
22c213 |
# For uuid generation
22c213 |
BuildRequires: libuuid-devel
22c213 |
# For Braille device support
22c213 |
BuildRequires: brlapi-devel
22c213 |
# For test suite
22c213 |
BuildRequires: check-devel
22c213 |
# For virtiofs
22c213 |
BuildRequires: libcap-ng-devel
22c213 |
# Hard requirement for version >= 1.3
22c213 |
BuildRequires: pixman-devel
22c213 |
# Documentation requirement
22c213 |
BuildRequires: perl-podlators
22c213 |
BuildRequires: texinfo
22c213 |
BuildRequires: python3-sphinx
22c213 |
# For rdma
22c213 |
%if 0%{?have_librdma}
22c213 |
BuildRequires: rdma-core-devel
22c213 |
22c213 |
%if %{have_fdt}
be904d |
BuildRequires: libfdt-devel >= 1.6.0
22c213 |
22c213 |
# iasl and cpp for acpi generation (not a hard requirement as we can use
22c213 |
# pre-compiled files, but it's better to use this)
22c213 |
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
22c213 |
BuildRequires: iasl
22c213 |
BuildRequires: cpp
22c213 |
22c213 |
# For compressed guest memory dumps
22c213 |
BuildRequires: lzo-devel snappy-devel
22c213 |
# For NUMA memory binding
22c213 |
%ifnarch s390x
22c213 |
BuildRequires: numactl-devel
22c213 |
22c213 |
BuildRequires: libgcrypt-devel
22c213 |
# qemu-pr-helper multipath support (requires libudev too)
22c213 |
BuildRequires: device-mapper-multipath-devel
22c213 |
BuildRequires: systemd-devel
22c213 |
# used by qemu-bridge-helper and qemu-pr-helper
22c213 |
BuildRequires: libcap-ng-devel
22c213 |
22c213 |
BuildRequires: diffutils
22c213 |
%ifarch x86_64
22c213 |
BuildRequires: libpmem-devel
22c213 |
Requires: libpmem
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
# qemu-keymap
22c213 |
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xkbcommon)
22c213 |
22c213 |
# For s390-pgste flag
22c213 |
%ifarch s390x
22c213 |
BuildRequires: binutils >= 2.27-16
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%if %{have_opengl}
22c213 |
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(epoxy)
22c213 |
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libdrm)
22c213 |
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gbm)
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
BuildRequires: perl-Test-Harness
22c213 |
22c213 |
Requires: qemu-kvm-core = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
febaa2 |
Requires: qemu-kvm-docs = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
22c213 |
%rhev_ma_conflicts qemu-kvm
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%define qemudocdir %{_docdir}/%{name}
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
qemu-kvm is an open source virtualizer that provides hardware
22c213 |
emulation for the KVM hypervisor. qemu-kvm acts as a virtual
22c213 |
machine monitor together with the KVM kernel modules, and emulates the
22c213 |
hardware for a full system such as a PC and its associated peripherals.
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%package -n qemu-kvm-core
22c213 |
Summary: qemu-kvm core components
febaa2 |
Requires: %{name}-common = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
22c213 |
Requires: qemu-img = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
22c213 |
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
22c213 |
Requires: edk2-ovmf
22c213 |
22c213 |
%ifarch aarch64
22c213 |
Requires: edk2-aarch64
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%ifarch %{power64}
22c213 |
Requires: SLOF >= %{SLOF_gittagdate}-1.git%{SLOF_gittagcommit}
22c213 |
22c213 |
Requires: libseccomp >= 2.4.0
22c213 |
# For compressed guest memory dumps
22c213 |
Requires: lzo snappy
22c213 |
%if %{have_kvm_setup}
22c213 |
Requires(post): systemd-units
22c213 |
Requires(preun): systemd-units
22c213 |
%ifarch %{power64}
22c213 |
Requires: powerpc-utils
22c213 |
22c213 |
febaa2 |
Requires: libusbx >= 1.0.23
be904d |
%if %{have_fdt}
be904d |
Requires: libfdt >= 1.6.0
be904d |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%rhev_ma_conflicts qemu-kvm
22c213 |
22c213 |
%description -n qemu-kvm-core
22c213 |
qemu-kvm is an open source virtualizer that provides hardware
22c213 |
emulation for the KVM hypervisor. qemu-kvm acts as a virtual
22c213 |
machine monitor together with the KVM kernel modules, and emulates the
22c213 |
hardware for a full system such as a PC and its associated peripherals.
22c213 |
febaa2 |
%package -n qemu-kiwi
febaa2 |
Summary: qemu-kiwi components
febaa2 |
Requires: qemu-kvm-common = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%description -n qemu-kiwi
febaa2 |
qemu-kiwi is a version of qemu-kvm with a restricted set of features
febaa2 |
intended for use by specific applications.
febaa2 |
It's experimental and unsupported.
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%package -n qemu-kvm-docs
febaa2 |
Summary: qemu-kvm documentation
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%description -n qemu-kvm-docs
febaa2 |
qemu-kvm-docs provides documentation files regarding qemu-kvm.
22c213 |
22c213 |
%package -n qemu-img
22c213 |
Summary: QEMU command line tool for manipulating disk images
22c213 |
Group: Development/Tools
22c213 |
22c213 |
%rhev_ma_conflicts qemu-img
22c213 |
22c213 |
%description -n qemu-img
22c213 |
This package provides a command line tool for manipulating disk images.
22c213 |
22c213 |
%package -n qemu-kvm-common
22c213 |
Summary: QEMU common files needed by all QEMU targets
22c213 |
Group: Development/Tools
22c213 |
Requires(post): /usr/bin/getent
22c213 |
Requires(post): /usr/sbin/groupadd
22c213 |
Requires(post): /usr/sbin/useradd
22c213 |
Requires(post): systemd-units
22c213 |
Requires(preun): systemd-units
22c213 |
Requires(postun): systemd-units
febaa2 |
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
febaa2 |
Requires: seabios-bin >= 1.10.2-1
febaa2 |
Requires: sgabios-bin
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%ifnarch aarch64 s390x
febaa2 |
Requires: seavgabios-bin >= 1.12.0-3
febaa2 |
Requires: ipxe-roms-qemu >= 20170123-1
febaa2 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%rhev_ma_conflicts qemu-kvm-common
22c213 |
22c213 |
%description -n qemu-kvm-common
22c213 |
qemu-kvm is an open source virtualizer that provides hardware emulation for
22c213 |
the KVM hypervisor.
22c213 |
22c213 |
This package provides documentation and auxiliary programs used with qemu-kvm.
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%package -n qemu-guest-agent
22c213 |
Summary: QEMU guest agent
22c213 |
Requires(post): systemd-units
22c213 |
Requires(preun): systemd-units
22c213 |
Requires(postun): systemd-units
22c213 |
22c213 |
%description -n qemu-guest-agent
22c213 |
qemu-kvm is an open source virtualizer that provides hardware emulation for
22c213 |
the KVM hypervisor.
22c213 |
22c213 |
This package provides an agent to run inside guests, which communicates
22c213 |
with the host over a virtio-serial channel named "org.qemu.guest_agent.0"
22c213 |
22c213 |
This package does not need to be installed on the host OS.
22c213 |
22c213 |
%package tests
22c213 |
Summary: tests for the qemu-kvm package
22c213 |
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
22c213 |
22c213 |
%define testsdir %{_libdir}/%{name}/tests-src
22c213 |
22c213 |
%description tests
22c213 |
The qemu-kvm-tests rpm contains tests that can be used to verify
22c213 |
the functionality of the installed qemu-kvm package
22c213 |
22c213 |
Install this package if you want access to the avocado_qemu
22c213 |
tests, or qemu-iotests.
22c213 |
22c213 |
%package block-curl
22c213 |
Summary: QEMU CURL block driver
22c213 |
Requires: %{name}-common%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
22c213 |
22c213 |
%description block-curl
22c213 |
This package provides the additional CURL block driver for QEMU.
22c213 |
22c213 |
Install this package if you want to access remote disks over
22c213 |
http, https, ftp and other transports provided by the CURL library.
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%if %{have_gluster}
22c213 |
%package block-gluster
22c213 |
Summary: QEMU Gluster block driver
22c213 |
Requires: %{name}-common%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
22c213 |
%description block-gluster
22c213 |
This package provides the additional Gluster block driver for QEMU.
22c213 |
22c213 |
Install this package if you want to access remote Gluster storage.
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%package block-iscsi
22c213 |
Summary: QEMU iSCSI block driver
22c213 |
Requires: %{name}-common%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
22c213 |
22c213 |
%description block-iscsi
22c213 |
This package provides the additional iSCSI block driver for QEMU.
22c213 |
22c213 |
Install this package if you want to access iSCSI volumes.
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%package block-rbd
22c213 |
Summary: QEMU Ceph/RBD block driver
22c213 |
Requires: %{name}-common%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
22c213 |
22c213 |
%description block-rbd
22c213 |
This package provides the additional Ceph/RBD block driver for QEMU.
22c213 |
22c213 |
Install this package if you want to access remote Ceph volumes
22c213 |
using the rbd protocol.
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%package block-ssh
22c213 |
Summary: QEMU SSH block driver
22c213 |
Requires: %{name}-common%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
22c213 |
22c213 |
%description block-ssh
22c213 |
This package provides the additional SSH block driver for QEMU.
22c213 |
22c213 |
Install this package if you want to access remote disks using
22c213 |
the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol.
22c213 |
22c213 |
febaa2 |
%if %{have_spice}
febaa2 |
%package ui-spice
febaa2 |
Summary: QEMU spice support
febaa2 |
Requires: %{name}-common%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
febaa2 |
%if %{have_opengl}
febaa2 |
Requires: %{name}-ui-opengl%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%description ui-spice
febaa2 |
This package provides spice support.
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%if %{have_opengl}
febaa2 |
%package ui-opengl
febaa2 |
Summary: QEMU opengl support
febaa2 |
Requires: %{name}-common%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
febaa2 |
Requires: mesa-libGL
febaa2 |
Requires: mesa-libEGL
febaa2 |
Requires: mesa-dri-drivers
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%description ui-opengl
febaa2 |
This package provides opengl support.
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%if %{have_usbredir}
febaa2 |
%package hw-usbredir
febaa2 |
Summary: QEMU usbredir support
febaa2 |
Requires: %{name}-common%{?_isa} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
febaa2 |
Requires: usbredir >= 0.7.1
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%description hw-usbredir
febaa2 |
This package provides usbredir support.
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
22c213 |
febaa2 |
%setup -q -n qemu-%{version}%{?rcstr}
febaa2 |
# Remove slirp content in scratchbuilds because it's being applyed as a patch
febaa2 |
rm -fr slirp
febaa2 |
mkdir slirp
22c213 |
%autopatch -p1
22c213 |
febaa2 |
%global qemu_kvm_build qemu_kvm_build
febaa2 |
%global qemu_kiwi_build qemu_kiwi_src/build
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
# XXX: ugly hack to copy source tree into a new folder.
febaa2 |
# it allows to build qemu-kiwi without touching the original source tree.
febaa2 |
# This is required as the build isolation is not 100% as we also have to
febaa2 |
# change the source tree when building qemu-kiwi. And, when we do that,
febaa2 |
# calling "make check" on qemu-kvm see that change and behaves baddly.
febaa2 |
# Newer version of qemu allow us to create a better sollution, and this
febaa2 |
# hack can be dropped.
febaa2 |
cp -fpr . ../qemu_kiwi_src
febaa2 |
mv ../qemu_kiwi_src ./qemu_kiwi_src
febaa2 |
mkdir -p %{qemu_kiwi_build}
febaa2 |
mkdir -p %{qemu_kvm_build}
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%global buildarch %{kvm_target}-softmmu
22c213 |
22c213 |
# --build-id option is used for giving info to the debug packages.
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%global block_drivers_list qcow2,raw,file,host_device,nbd,iscsi,rbd,blkdebug,luks,null-co,nvme,copy-on-read,throttle
22c213 |
22c213 |
%if 0%{have_gluster}
22c213 |
%global block_drivers_list %{block_drivers_list},gluster
22c213 |
22c213 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%define disable_everything \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-attr \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-auth-pam \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-avx2 \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-avx512f \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-bochs \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-bpf \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-brlapi \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-bsd-user \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-bzip2 \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-cap-ng \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-capstone \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-cfi \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-cfi-debug \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-cloop \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-cocoa \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-coroutine-pool \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-crypto-afalg \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-curl \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-curses \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-debug-info \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-debug-mutex \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-debug-tcg \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-dmg \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-docs \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-fdt \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-fuse \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-fuse-lseek \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-gcrypt \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-gio \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-glusterfs \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-gnutls \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-gtk \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-guest-agent \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-guest-agent-msi \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-hax \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-hvf \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-iconv \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-jemalloc \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-kvm \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-libdaxctl \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-libiscsi \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-libnfs \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-libpmem \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-libssh \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-libudev \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-libusb \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-libxml2 \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-linux-aio \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-linux-io-uring \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-linux-user \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-live-block-migration \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-lto \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-lzfse \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-lzo \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-malloc-trim \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-membarrier \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-modules \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-module-upgrades \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-mpath \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-multiprocess \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-netmap \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-nettle \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-numa \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-nvmm \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-opengl \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-parallels \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-pie \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-pvrdma \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-qcow1 \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-qed \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-qom-cast-debug \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-rbd \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-rdma \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-replication \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-rng-none \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-safe-stack \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-sanitizers \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-sdl \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-sdl-image \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-seccomp \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-slirp-smbd \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-smartcard \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-snappy \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-sparse \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-spice \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-strip \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-system \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-tcg \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-tcmalloc \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-tools \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-tpm \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-u2f \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-usb-redir \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-user \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-vde \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-vdi \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-vhost-crypto \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-vhost-kernel \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-vhost-net \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-vhost-scsi \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-vhost-user \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-vhost-user-blk-server \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-vhost-vdpa \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-vhost-vsock \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-virglrenderer \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-virtfs \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-virtiofsd \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-vnc \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-vnc-jpeg \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-vnc-png \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-vnc-sasl \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-vte \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-vvfat \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-werror \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-whpx \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-xen \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-xen-pci-passthrough \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-xfsctl \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-xkbcommon \\\
febaa2 |
--disable-zstd \\\
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
pushd %{qemu_kvm_build}
febaa2 |
../configure \
febaa2 |
--prefix="%{_prefix}" \
febaa2 |
--libdir="%{_libdir}" \
febaa2 |
--datadir="%{_datadir}" \
febaa2 |
--sysconfdir="%{_sysconfdir}" \
febaa2 |
--interp-prefix=%{_prefix}/qemu-%M \
febaa2 |
--localstatedir="%{_localstatedir}" \
febaa2 |
--docdir="%{_docdir}" \
febaa2 |
--libexecdir="%{_libexecdir}" \
febaa2 |
--extra-ldflags="-Wl,--build-id -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now" \
febaa2 |
--extra-cflags="%{optflags}" \
febaa2 |
--with-pkgversion="%{name}-%{version}-%{release}" \
febaa2 |
--with-suffix="%{name}" \
febaa2 |
--firmwarepath=%{_prefix}/share/qemu-firmware \
febaa2 |
--meson="%{__meson}" \
febaa2 |
--target-list="%{buildarch}" \
febaa2 |
--block-drv-rw-whitelist=%{block_drivers_list} \
febaa2 |
--audio-drv-list= \
febaa2 |
--block-drv-ro-whitelist=vmdk,vhdx,vpc,https,ssh \
febaa2 |
--with-coroutine=ucontext \
febaa2 |
--with-git=git \
febaa2 |
--tls-priority=@QEMU,SYSTEM \
febaa2 |
%{disable_everything} \
febaa2 |
--enable-attr \
febaa2 |
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
febaa2 |
--enable-avx2 \
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
--enable-cap-ng \
febaa2 |
--enable-capstone \
febaa2 |
--enable-coroutine-pool \
febaa2 |
--enable-curl \
febaa2 |
--enable-debug-info \
febaa2 |
--enable-docs \
22c213 |
%if 0%{have_fdt}
22c213 |
--enable-fdt \
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
--enable-gcrypt \
22c213 |
%if 0%{have_gluster}
22c213 |
--enable-glusterfs \
22c213 |
febaa2 |
--enable-gnutls \
22c213 |
--enable-guest-agent \
febaa2 |
--enable-iconv \
febaa2 |
--enable-kvm \
febaa2 |
--enable-libiscsi \
febaa2 |
%ifarch x86_64
febaa2 |
--enable-libpmem \
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
--enable-libssh \
febaa2 |
--enable-libusb \
febaa2 |
--enable-libudev \
febaa2 |
--enable-linux-aio \
febaa2 |
--enable-lzo \
febaa2 |
--enable-malloc-trim \
febaa2 |
--enable-modules \
febaa2 |
--enable-mpath \
22c213 |
%ifnarch s390x
22c213 |
--enable-numa \
22c213 |
febaa2 |
%if 0%{have_opengl}
febaa2 |
--enable-opengl \
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
--enable-pie \
22c213 |
--enable-rbd \
22c213 |
%if 0%{have_librdma}
22c213 |
--enable-rdma \
22c213 |
22c213 |
--enable-seccomp \
febaa2 |
--enable-snappy \
22c213 |
%if 0%{have_spice}
22c213 |
--enable-smartcard \
febaa2 |
--enable-spice \
22c213 |
febaa2 |
--enable-system \
febaa2 |
--enable-tcg \
febaa2 |
--enable-tools \
febaa2 |
--enable-tpm \
febaa2 |
--enable-trace-backend=dtrace \
22c213 |
%if 0%{have_usbredir}
22c213 |
--enable-usb-redir \
22c213 |
febaa2 |
--enable-virtiofsd \
febaa2 |
--enable-vhost-kernel \
febaa2 |
--enable-vhost-net \
22c213 |
--enable-vhost-user \
febaa2 |
--enable-vhost-user-blk-server \
febaa2 |
--enable-vhost-vdpa \
febaa2 |
--enable-vhost-vsock \
febaa2 |
--enable-vnc \
febaa2 |
--enable-vnc-png \
febaa2 |
--enable-vnc-sasl \
febaa2 |
--enable-werror \
febaa2 |
--enable-xkbcommon \
febaa2 |
--without-default-devices \
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
echo "qemu-kvm config-host.mak contents:"
febaa2 |
echo "==="
febaa2 |
cat config-host.mak
febaa2 |
echo "==="
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
make V=1 %{?_smp_mflags} $buildldflags
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
# Setup back compat qemu-kvm binary
febaa2 |
%{__python3} scripts/tracetool.py --backend dtrace --format stap \
febaa2 |
--group=all --binary %{_libexecdir}/qemu-kvm --probe-prefix qemu.kvm \
febaa2 |
trace/trace-events-all qemu-kvm.stp
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%{__python3} scripts/tracetool.py --backends=dtrace --format=log-stap \
febaa2 |
--group=all --binary %{_libexecdir}/qemu-kvm --probe-prefix qemu.kvm \
febaa2 |
trace/trace-events-all qemu-kvm-log.stp
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%{__python3} scripts/tracetool.py --backend dtrace --format simpletrace-stap \
febaa2 |
--group=all --binary %{_libexecdir}/qemu-kvm --probe-prefix qemu.kvm \
febaa2 |
trace/trace-events-all qemu-kvm-simpletrace.stp
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
cp -a %{kvm_target}-softmmu/qemu-system-%{kvm_target} qemu-kvm
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
gcc %{SOURCE35} $RPM_OPT_FLAGS $RPM_LD_FLAGS -o udev-kvm-check
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
echo "Starting qemu-kiwi build"
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
pushd %{qemu_kiwi_build}
febaa2 |
# XXX: removing QXL and CONFIG_TPM.* mak configuration,
febaa2 |
# which causes problem with the config options used by qemu-kiwi.
febaa2 |
# Ideally we should be able to do this at configure time.
febaa2 |
find ../configs -name "*-rh-devices.mak" \
febaa2 |
-exec sed -i '/CONFIG_QXL=/d' {} \;
febaa2 |
find ../configs -name "*-rh-devices.mak" \
febaa2 |
-exec sed -i '/CONFIG_TPM.*=/d' {} \;
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
../configure \
febaa2 |
--prefix="%{_prefix}" \
febaa2 |
--libdir="%{_libdir}" \
febaa2 |
--sysconfdir="%{_sysconfdir}" \
febaa2 |
--interp-prefix=%{_prefix}/qemu-%M \
febaa2 |
--localstatedir="%{_localstatedir}" \
febaa2 |
--libexecdir="%{_libexecdir}" \
febaa2 |
--extra-ldflags="-Wl,--build-id -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now" \
febaa2 |
--extra-cflags="%{optflags}" \
febaa2 |
--with-pkgversion="%{name}-%{version}-%{release}" \
febaa2 |
--with-suffix="%{name}" \
febaa2 |
--firmwarepath=%{_prefix}/share/qemu-firmware \
febaa2 |
--meson="%{__meson}" \
22c213 |
--target-list="%{buildarch}" \
22c213 |
--block-drv-rw-whitelist=%{block_drivers_list} \
22c213 |
--audio-drv-list= \
22c213 |
--block-drv-ro-whitelist=vmdk,vhdx,vpc,https,ssh \
22c213 |
--with-coroutine=ucontext \
febaa2 |
--with-git=git \
c687bc |
--tls-priority=@QEMU,SYSTEM \
febaa2 |
%{disable_everything} \
febaa2 |
--enable-attr \
febaa2 |
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
febaa2 |
--enable-avx2 \
febaa2 |
22c213 |
--enable-cap-ng \
22c213 |
--enable-coroutine-pool \
febaa2 |
--enable-debug-info \
febaa2 |
%if 0%{have_fdt}
febaa2 |
--enable-fdt \
febaa2 |
22c213 |
--enable-kvm \
febaa2 |
%ifarch x86_64
febaa2 |
--enable-libpmem \
febaa2 |
22c213 |
--enable-linux-aio \
febaa2 |
--enable-libudev \
febaa2 |
--enable-malloc-trim \
febaa2 |
--enable-mpath \
febaa2 |
%ifnarch s390x
febaa2 |
--enable-numa \
febaa2 |
22c213 |
--enable-pie \
febaa2 |
--enable-seccomp \
22c213 |
--enable-system \
22c213 |
--enable-tcg \
febaa2 |
--enable-trace-backend=dtrace \
22c213 |
--enable-vhost-kernel \
febaa2 |
--enable-vhost-net \
febaa2 |
--enable-vhost-user \
febaa2 |
--enable-vhost-user-blk-server \
febaa2 |
--enable-vhost-vdpa \
febaa2 |
--enable-vhost-vsock \
febaa2 |
--enable-werror \
febaa2 |
--enable-xkbcommon \
febaa2 |
--without-default-devices \
febaa2 |
22c213 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
echo "qemu-kiki config-host.mak contents:"
22c213 |
echo "==="
22c213 |
cat config-host.mak
22c213 |
echo "==="
22c213 |
22c213 |
make V=1 %{?_smp_mflags} $buildldflags
22c213 |
22c213 |
%{__python3} scripts/tracetool.py --backend dtrace --format stap \
febaa2 |
--group=all --binary %{_libexecdir}/qemu-kiwi --probe-prefix qemu.kvm \
febaa2 |
trace/trace-events-all qemu-kiwi.stp
22c213 |
22c213 |
%{__python3} scripts/tracetool.py --backends=dtrace --format=log-stap \
febaa2 |
--group=all --binary %{_libexecdir}/qemu-kiwi --probe-prefix qemu.kvm \
febaa2 |
trace/trace-events-all qemu-kiwi-log.stp
22c213 |
22c213 |
%{__python3} scripts/tracetool.py --backend dtrace --format simpletrace-stap \
febaa2 |
--group=all --binary %{_libexecdir}/qemu-kiwi --probe-prefix qemu.kvm \
febaa2 |
trace/trace-events-all qemu-kiwi-simpletrace.stp
22c213 |
febaa2 |
cp -a %{kvm_target}-softmmu/qemu-system-%{kvm_target} qemu-kiwi
22c213 |
77c23f |
%ifarch s390x
77c23f |
# Copy the built new images into place for "make check":
77c23f |
cp pc-bios/s390-ccw/s390-ccw.img pc-bios/s390-ccw/s390-netboot.img pc-bios/
77c23f |
77c23f |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
22c213 |
febaa2 |
pushd %{qemu_kvm_build}
22c213 |
%define _udevdir %(pkg-config --variable=udevdir udev)
22c213 |
%define _udevrulesdir %{_udevdir}/rules.d
22c213 |
22c213 |
install -D -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE4} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_unitdir}/ksm.service
22c213 |
install -D -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE5} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/ksm
22c213 |
install -D -p -m 0755 ksmctl $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir}/ksmctl
22c213 |
22c213 |
install -D -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE7} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_unitdir}/ksmtuned.service
22c213 |
install -D -p -m 0755 %{SOURCE8} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir}/ksmtuned
22c213 |
install -D -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE9} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/ksmtuned.conf
22c213 |
install -D -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE26} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/modprobe.d/vhost.conf
22c213 |
%ifarch s390x
22c213 |
install -D -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE30} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/modprobe.d/kvm.conf
22c213 |
22c213 |
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
22c213 |
install -D -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE31} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/modprobe.d/kvm.conf
22c213 |
22c213 |
install -D -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE27} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/modprobe.d/kvm.conf
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/
22c213 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_udevrulesdir}/
22c213 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}
22c213 |
22c213 |
# Create new directories and put them all under tests-src
22c213 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{testsdir}/python
22c213 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{testsdir}/tests
22c213 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{testsdir}/tests/acceptance
22c213 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{testsdir}/tests/qemu-iotests
22c213 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{testsdir}/scripts/qmp
22c213 |
22c213 |
install -p -m 0755 udev-kvm-check $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_udevdir}
22c213 |
install -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE34} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_udevrulesdir}
22c213 |
22c213 |
install -m 0644 scripts/dump-guest-memory.py \
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
# Install avocado_qemu tests
22c213 |
cp -R tests/acceptance/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{testsdir}/tests/acceptance/
22c213 |
22c213 |
# Install qemu.py and qmp/ scripts required to run avocado_qemu tests
22c213 |
cp -R python/qemu $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{testsdir}/python
22c213 |
cp -R scripts/qmp/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{testsdir}/scripts/qmp
febaa2 |
install -p -m 0755 ../tests/Makefile.include $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{testsdir}/tests/
22c213 |
22c213 |
# Install qemu-iotests
febaa2 |
cp -R ../tests/qemu-iotests/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{testsdir}/tests/qemu-iotests/
febaa2 |
cp -ur tests/qemu-iotests/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{testsdir}/tests/qemu-iotests/
22c213 |
# Avoid ambiguous 'python' interpreter name
77c23f |
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{testsdir}/tests/qemu-iotests/* -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec sed -i -e '1 s+/usr/bin/env \(python\|python3\)+%{__python3}+' {} \;
77c23f |
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{testsdir}/scripts/qmp/* -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec sed -i -e '1 s+/usr/bin/env \(python\|python3\)+%{__python3}+' {} \;
77c23f |
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{testsdir}/scripts/qmp/* -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec sed -i -e '1 s+/usr/bin/\(python\|python3\)+%{__python3}+' {} \;
22c213 |
22c213 |
install -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE36} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{testsdir}/README
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
sharedir="%{_datadir}/%{name}" \
22c213 |
datadir="%{_datadir}/%{name}" \
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/systemtap/tapset
22c213 |
febaa2 |
# Move vhost-user JSON files to the standard "qemu" directory
febaa2 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/qemu
febaa2 |
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/vhost-user $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/qemu/
febaa2 |
22c213 |
# Install qemu-guest-agent service and udev rules
22c213 |
install -m 0644 %{_sourcedir}/qemu-guest-agent.service %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}
22c213 |
install -m 0644 %{_sourcedir}/qemu-ga.sysconfig %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/qemu-ga
22c213 |
install -m 0644 %{_sourcedir}/99-qemu-guest-agent.rules %{buildroot}%{_udevrulesdir}
22c213 |
22c213 |
# - the fsfreeze hook script:
22c213 |
install -D --preserve-timestamps \
22c213 |
scripts/qemu-guest-agent/fsfreeze-hook \
22c213 |
c687bc |
# Workaround for the missing /etc/qemu-kvm/fsfreeze-hook
c687bc |
# Please, do not carry this over to RHEL-9
c687bc |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/qemu-kvm/
c687bc |
ln -s %{_sysconfdir}/qemu-ga/fsfreeze-hook \
c687bc |
22c213 |
22c213 |
# - the directory for user scripts:
22c213 |
mkdir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/qemu-ga/fsfreeze-hook.d
22c213 |
22c213 |
# - and the fsfreeze script samples:
22c213 |
mkdir --parents $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/qemu-ga/fsfreeze-hook.d/
22c213 |
install --preserve-timestamps --mode=0644 \
22c213 |
scripts/qemu-guest-agent/fsfreeze-hook.d/*.sample \
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
# - Install dedicated log directory:
22c213 |
mkdir -p -v $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/log/qemu-ga/
22c213 |
22c213 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
febaa2 |
install -c -m 0755 qga/qemu-ga ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_bindir}/qemu-ga
22c213 |
22c213 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8
22c213 |
febaa2 |
install -m 0755 %{kvm_target}-softmmu/qemu-system-%{kvm_target} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir}/qemu-kvm
22c213 |
install -m 0644 qemu-kvm.stp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/systemtap/tapset/
22c213 |
install -m 0644 qemu-kvm-log.stp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/systemtap/tapset/
22c213 |
install -m 0644 qemu-kvm-simpletrace.stp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/systemtap/tapset/
febaa2 |
install -d -m 0755 "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/systemtap/script.d"
febaa2 |
install -c -m 0644 scripts/systemtap/script.d/qemu_kvm.stp "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/systemtap/script.d/"
febaa2 |
install -d -m 0755 "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/systemtap/conf.d"
febaa2 |
install -c -m 0644 scripts/systemtap/conf.d/qemu_kvm.conf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/systemtap/conf.d/"
febaa2 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/applications/qemu.desktop
22c213 |
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/qemu-system-%{kvm_target}
22c213 |
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/systemtap/tapset/qemu-system-%{kvm_target}.stp
22c213 |
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/systemtap/tapset/qemu-system-%{kvm_target}-simpletrace.stp
22c213 |
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/systemtap/tapset/qemu-system-%{kvm_target}-log.stp
22c213 |
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/elf2dmp
22c213 |
22c213 |
# Install simpletrace
22c213 |
install -m 0755 scripts/simpletrace.py $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/simpletrace.py
22c213 |
# Avoid ambiguous 'python' interpreter name
22c213 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/tracetool
22c213 |
install -m 0644 -t $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/tracetool scripts/tracetool/*.py
22c213 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/tracetool/backend
22c213 |
install -m 0644 -t $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/tracetool/backend scripts/tracetool/backend/*.py
22c213 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/tracetool/format
22c213 |
install -m 0644 -t $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/tracetool/format scripts/tracetool/format/*.py
22c213 |
22c213 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{qemudocdir}
febaa2 |
install -p -m 0644 -t ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{qemudocdir} ../README.rst ../README.systemtap ../COPYING ../COPYING.LIB ../LICENSE ../docs/interop/qmp-spec.txt
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
# Rename man page
febaa2 |
pushd ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_mandir}/man1/
febaa2 |
for fn in qemu.1*; do
febaa2 |
mv $fn "qemu-kvm${fn#qemu}"
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
22c213 |
chmod -x ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_mandir}/man1/*
22c213 |
chmod -x ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_mandir}/man8/*
22c213 |
febaa2 |
install -D -p -m 0644 ../qemu.sasl $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/sasl2/%{name}.conf
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
# Install keymaps
febaa2 |
pushd pc-bios/keymaps
febaa2 |
for kmp in *; do
febaa2 |
install $kmp ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/keymaps/
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
rm -f ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/keymaps/*.stamp
febaa2 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
# Provided by package openbios
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/openbios-ppc
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/openbios-sparc32
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/openbios-sparc64
22c213 |
# Provided by package SLOF
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/slof.bin
22c213 |
22c213 |
# Remove unpackaged files.
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/palcode-clipper
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/petalogix*.dtb
22c213 |
rm -f ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/bamboo.dtb
22c213 |
rm -f ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/ppc_rom.bin
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/s390-zipl.rom
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/u-boot.e500
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/qemu_vga.ndrv
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/skiboot.lid
febaa2 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/qboot.rom
22c213 |
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/s390-ccw.img
77c23f |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/s390-netboot.img
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/hppa-firmware.img
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/canyonlands.dtb
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/u-boot-sam460-20100605.bin
22c213 |
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/firmware
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/edk2-*.fd
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/edk2-licenses.txt
22c213 |
febaa2 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/opensbi-riscv32-sifive_u-fw_jump.bin
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/opensbi-riscv32-virt-fw_jump.bin
febaa2 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/opensbi-riscv32-generic-fw_dynamic.*
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/opensbi-riscv64-sifive_u-fw_jump.bin
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/opensbi-riscv64-virt-fw_jump.bin
febaa2 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/opensbi-riscv64-generic-fw_dynamic.*
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/qemu-nsis.bmp
febaa2 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/npcm7xx_bootrom.bin
22c213 |
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_libdir}/qemu-kvm/ui-spice-app.so
22c213 |
febaa2 |
# Remove virtfs-proxy-helper files
febaa2 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_libexecdir}/virtfs-proxy-helper
febaa2 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_mandir}/man1/virtfs-proxy-helper*
febaa2 |
22c213 |
%ifarch s390x
77c23f |
# Use the s390-*.imgs that we've just built, not the pre-built ones
22c213 |
install -m 0644 pc-bios/s390-ccw/s390-ccw.img $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/
77c23f |
install -m 0644 pc-bios/s390-ccw/s390-netboot.img $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_libdir}/qemu-kvm/hw-s390x-virtio-gpu-ccw.so
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%ifnarch x86_64
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/kvmvapic.bin
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/linuxboot.bin
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/multiboot.bin
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/pvh.bin
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
# Remove sparc files
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/QEMU,tcx.bin
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/QEMU,cgthree.bin
22c213 |
22c213 |
# Remove ivshmem example programs
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_bindir}/ivshmem-client
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_bindir}/ivshmem-server
22c213 |
22c213 |
# Remove efi roms
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/efi*.rom
22c213 |
22c213 |
# Provided by package ipxe
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/pxe*rom
22c213 |
# Provided by package vgabios
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/vgabios*bin
22c213 |
# Provided by package seabios
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/bios*.bin
22c213 |
# Provided by package sgabios
22c213 |
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/%{name}/sgabios.bin
22c213 |
22c213 |
# the pxe gpxe images will be symlinks to the images on
22c213 |
# /usr/share/ipxe, as QEMU doesn't know how to look
22c213 |
# for other paths, yet.
22c213 |
pxe_link() {
22c213 |
ln -s ../ipxe.efi/$2.rom %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/efi-$1.rom
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%ifnarch aarch64 s390x
22c213 |
pxe_link e1000 8086100e
22c213 |
pxe_link ne2k_pci 10ec8029
22c213 |
pxe_link pcnet 10222000
22c213 |
pxe_link rtl8139 10ec8139
22c213 |
pxe_link virtio 1af41000
22c213 |
pxe_link e1000e 808610d3
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
rom_link() {
22c213 |
ln -s $1 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/$2
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%ifnarch aarch64 s390x
22c213 |
rom_link ../seavgabios/vgabios-isavga.bin vgabios.bin
22c213 |
rom_link ../seavgabios/vgabios-cirrus.bin vgabios-cirrus.bin
22c213 |
rom_link ../seavgabios/vgabios-qxl.bin vgabios-qxl.bin
22c213 |
rom_link ../seavgabios/vgabios-stdvga.bin vgabios-stdvga.bin
22c213 |
rom_link ../seavgabios/vgabios-vmware.bin vgabios-vmware.bin
22c213 |
rom_link ../seavgabios/vgabios-virtio.bin vgabios-virtio.bin
22c213 |
rom_link ../seavgabios/vgabios-ramfb.bin vgabios-ramfb.bin
22c213 |
rom_link ../seavgabios/vgabios-bochs-display.bin vgabios-bochs-display.bin
22c213 |
22c213 |
%ifarch x86_64
22c213 |
rom_link ../seabios/bios.bin bios.bin
22c213 |
rom_link ../seabios/bios-256k.bin bios-256k.bin
22c213 |
rom_link ../sgabios/sgabios.bin sgabios.bin
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%if 0%{have_kvm_setup}
22c213 |
install -D -p -m 755 %{SOURCE21} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/kvm-setup
22c213 |
install -D -p -m 644 %{SOURCE22} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_unitdir}/kvm-setup.service
22c213 |
install -D -p -m 644 %{SOURCE23} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_presetdir}/85-kvm.preset
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%if 0%{have_memlock_limits}
22c213 |
install -D -p -m 644 %{SOURCE28} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/security/limits.d/95-kvm-memlock.conf
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
# Install rules to use the bridge helper with libvirt's virbr0
22c213 |
install -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE12} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/bridge.conf
22c213 |
22c213 |
# Install qemu-pr-helper service
22c213 |
install -m 0644 %{_sourcedir}/qemu-pr-helper.service %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}
22c213 |
install -m 0644 %{_sourcedir}/qemu-pr-helper.socket %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}
22c213 |
22c213 |
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name '*.la' -or -name '*.a' | xargs rm -f
22c213 |
febaa2 |
# We need to make the block device modules and other qemu SO files executable
febaa2 |
# otherwise RPM won't pick up their dependencies.
febaa2 |
chmod +x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/qemu-kvm/*.so
22c213 |
22c213 |
# Remove buildinfo
22c213 |
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{qemudocdir}/interop/.buildinfo
febaa2 |
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{qemudocdir}/system/.buildinfo
febaa2 |
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{qemudocdir}/tools/.buildinfo
febaa2 |
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{qemudocdir}/user/.buildinfo
febaa2 |
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{qemudocdir}/devel/.buildinfo
febaa2 |
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{qemudocdir}/.buildinfo
22c213 |
22c213 |
# Remove spec
22c213 |
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{qemudocdir}/specs
22c213 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
pushd %{qemu_kiwi_build}
febaa2 |
install -m 0755 %{kvm_target}-softmmu/qemu-system-%{kvm_target} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir}/qemu-kiwi
febaa2 |
install -m 0644 qemu-kiwi.stp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/systemtap/tapset/
febaa2 |
install -m 0644 qemu-kiwi-log.stp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/systemtap/tapset/
febaa2 |
install -m 0644 qemu-kiwi-simpletrace.stp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/systemtap/tapset/
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
22c213 |
febaa2 |
pushd %{qemu_kvm_build}
febaa2 |
echo "Testing qemu-kvm-build"
22c213 |
export DIFF=diff; make check V=1
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
echo "Testing qemu-kiwi"
febaa2 |
pushd %{qemu_kiwi_build}
febaa2 |
export DIFF=diff; make check V=1
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%post -n qemu-kvm-common
febaa2 |
%systemd_post ksm.service
febaa2 |
%systemd_post ksmtuned.service
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
getent group kvm >/dev/null || groupadd -g 36 -r kvm
febaa2 |
getent group qemu >/dev/null || groupadd -g 107 -r qemu
febaa2 |
getent passwd qemu >/dev/null || \
febaa2 |
useradd -r -u 107 -g qemu -G kvm -d / -s /sbin/nologin \
febaa2 |
-c "qemu user" qemu
22c213 |
22c213 |
# load kvm modules now, so we can make sure no reboot is needed.
22c213 |
# If there's already a kvm module installed, we don't mess with it
22c213 |
22c213 |
sh %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/modules/kvm.modules &> /dev/null || :
22c213 |
udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=misc --sysname-match=kvm --action=add || :
22c213 |
%if %{have_kvm_setup}
22c213 |
systemctl daemon-reload # Make sure it sees the new presets and unitfile
22c213 |
%systemd_post kvm-setup.service
22c213 |
if systemctl is-enabled kvm-setup.service > /dev/null; then
22c213 |
systemctl start kvm-setup.service
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%preun -n qemu-kvm-common
22c213 |
%systemd_preun ksm.service
22c213 |
%systemd_preun ksmtuned.service
febaa2 |
%if %{have_kvm_setup}
febaa2 |
%systemd_preun kvm-setup.service
febaa2 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%postun -n qemu-kvm-common
22c213 |
%systemd_postun_with_restart ksm.service
22c213 |
%systemd_postun_with_restart ksmtuned.service
22c213 |
c687bc |
%post -n qemu-guest-agent
c687bc |
%systemd_post qemu-guest-agent.service
c687bc |
%preun -n qemu-guest-agent
c687bc |
%systemd_preun qemu-guest-agent.service
c687bc |
%postun -n qemu-guest-agent
c687bc |
%systemd_postun_with_restart qemu-guest-agent.service
c687bc |
22c213 |
22c213 |
# Deliberately empty
22c213 |
febaa2 |
%files -n qemu-kvm-docs
22c213 |
22c213 |
%dir %{qemudocdir}
febaa2 |
%doc %{qemudocdir}/genindex.html
febaa2 |
%doc %{qemudocdir}/search.html
febaa2 |
%doc %{qemudocdir}/objects.inv
febaa2 |
%doc %{qemudocdir}/searchindex.js
22c213 |
%doc %{qemudocdir}/README.rst
22c213 |
%doc %{qemudocdir}/COPYING
22c213 |
%doc %{qemudocdir}/COPYING.LIB
22c213 |
%doc %{qemudocdir}/LICENSE
22c213 |
%doc %{qemudocdir}/README.systemtap
22c213 |
%doc %{qemudocdir}/qmp-spec.txt
22c213 |
%doc %{qemudocdir}/interop/*
febaa2 |
%doc %{qemudocdir}/index.html
febaa2 |
%doc %{qemudocdir}/about/*
febaa2 |
%doc %{qemudocdir}/system/*
febaa2 |
%doc %{qemudocdir}/tools/*
febaa2 |
%doc %{qemudocdir}/user/*
febaa2 |
%doc %{qemudocdir}/devel/*
febaa2 |
%doc %{qemudocdir}/_static/*
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%files -n qemu-kvm-common
febaa2 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%attr(4755, -, -) %{_libexecdir}/qemu-bridge-helper
22c213 |
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sasl2/%{name}.conf
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/ksm
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%ghost %{_sysconfdir}/kvm
22c213 |
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/ksmtuned.conf
22c213 |
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}
22c213 |
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/bridge.conf
22c213 |
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/modprobe.d/vhost.conf
22c213 |
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/modprobe.d/kvm.conf
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%ifarch x86_64
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%ifarch s390x
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%ifnarch aarch64 s390x
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%ifnarch s390x
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%ifarch x86_64 %{power64}
febaa2 |
22c213 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%ifarch x86_64
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%if 0%{have_kvm_setup}
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%if 0%{have_memlock_limits}
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
# This is the standard location for vhost-user JSON files defined in the
febaa2 |
# vhost-user specification for interoperability with other software. Unlike
febaa2 |
# most other paths we use it's "qemu" instead of "qemu-kvm".
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%files -n qemu-kvm-core
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%ifarch s390x
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%files -n qemu-kiwi
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%files -n qemu-img
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
febaa2 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%files -n qemu-guest-agent
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/qemu-ga
22c213 |
c687bc |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%dir %{_localstatedir}/log/qemu-ga
22c213 |
22c213 |
%files tests
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%files block-curl
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%if %{have_gluster}
22c213 |
%files block-gluster
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%files block-iscsi
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%files block-rbd
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
%files block-ssh
22c213 |
22c213 |
febaa2 |
%if 0%{have_spice}
febaa2 |
%files ui-spice
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%ifarch x86_64
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%if 0%{have_opengl}
febaa2 |
%files ui-opengl
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
%if %{have_usbredir}
febaa2 |
%files hw-usbredir
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Oct 12 2021 Jon Maloy <jmaloy@redhat.com> - 6.1.0-3
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-net-fix-use-after-unmap-free-for-sg.patch [bz#1999221]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1999221
febaa2 |
(CVE-2021-3748 virt:rhel/qemu-kvm: QEMU: virtio-net: heap use-after-free in virtio_net_receive_rcu [rhel-8])
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Fri Oct 01 2021 Jon Maloy <jmaloy@redhat.com> - 6.1.0-2
febaa2 |
- kvm-qxl-fix-pre-save-logic.patch [bz#2002907]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Define-hw_compat_rhel_8_5.patch [bz#1998949]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Update-pseries-rhel8.5.0.patch [bz#1998949]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Add-s390x-machine-type-compatibility-update-f.patch [bz#1998950]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#2002907
febaa2 |
(Unexpectedly failed when managedsave the guest which has qxl video device)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1998949
febaa2 |
(Add machine type compatibility update for 6.1 rebase [ppc64le])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1998950
febaa2 |
(Add machine type compatibility update for 6.1 rebase [s390x])
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Sep 08 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 6.1.0-1.el8
febaa2 |
- Rebase qemu-kvm 6.1.0
febaa2 |
- Resolves bz#1997410
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Aug 18 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 6.0.0-28.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Improve-and-rename-test-291-to-qemu-img-bitm.patch [bz#1946084]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qemu-img-Fail-fast-on-convert-bitmaps-with-inconsist.patch [bz#1946084]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qemu-img-Add-skip-broken-bitmaps-for-convert-bitmaps.patch [bz#1946084]
febaa2 |
- kvm-audio-Never-send-migration-section.patch [bz#1991671]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1946084
febaa2 |
(qemu-img convert --bitmaps fail if a bitmap is inconsistent)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1991671
febaa2 |
(vmstate differs between -audiodev and QEMU_AUDIO_DRV when no sound frontends devs present.)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Aug 04 2021 Miroslav Rezanina <mrezanin@redhat.com> - 6.0.0-27
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-move-wait-unplug-loop-to-its-own-function.patch [bz#1976852]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-failover-continue-to-wait-card-unplug-on-e.patch [bz#1976852]
febaa2 |
- kvm-aarch64-Add-USB-storage-devices.patch [bz#1974579]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1976852
febaa2 |
([failover vf migration] The failover vf will be unregistered if canceling the migration whose status is "wait-unplug")
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1974579
febaa2 |
(It's not possible to start installation from a virtual USB device on aarch64)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Thu Jul 29 2021 Miroslav Rezanina <mrezanin@redhat.com> - 6.0.0-26
febaa2 |
- kvm-acpi-pc-revert-back-to-v5.2-PCI-slot-enumeration.patch [bz#1977798]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-failover-reset-partially_hotplugged.patch [bz#1787194]
febaa2 |
- kvm-hmp-Fix-loadvm-to-resume-the-VM-on-success-instead-o.patch [bz#1959676]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-Move-bitmap_mutex-out-of-migration_bitmap_.patch [bz#1959729]
febaa2 |
- kvm-i386-cpu-Expose-AVX_VNNI-instruction-to-guest.patch [bz#1924822]
febaa2 |
- kvm-ratelimit-protect-with-a-mutex.patch [bz#1838221]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Update-Linux-headers-to-5.13-rc4.patch [bz#1838221]
febaa2 |
- kvm-i386-Add-ratelimit-for-bus-locks-acquired-in-guest.patch [bz#1838221]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iothread-generalize-iothread_set_param-iothread_get_.patch [bz#1930286]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iothread-add-aio-max-batch-parameter.patch [bz#1930286]
febaa2 |
- kvm-linux-aio-limit-the-batch-size-using-aio-max-batch-p.patch [bz#1930286]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-nvme-Fix-VFIO_MAP_DMA-failed-No-space-left-on-.patch [bz#1848881]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1977798
febaa2 |
(RHEL8.5 guest network interface name changed after upgrade to qemu-6.0)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1787194
febaa2 |
(After canceling the migration of a vm with VF which enables failover, using "migrate -d tcp:invalid uri" to re-migrating the vm will cause the VF in vm to be hot-unplug.)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1959676
febaa2 |
(guest status is paused after loadvm on rhel8.5.0)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1959729
febaa2 |
(SAP/3TB VM migration slowness [idle db])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1924822
febaa2 |
([Intel 8.5 FEAT] qemu-kvm AVX2 VNNI - Fast Train)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1838221
febaa2 |
([Intel 8.5 FEAT] qemu-kvm Bus Lock VM Exit - Fast Train)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1930286
febaa2 |
(randread and randrw regression with virtio-blk multi-queue)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1848881
febaa2 |
(nvme:// block driver can exhaust IOMMU DMAs, hanging the VM, possible data loss)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Jul 20 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 6.0.0-25.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-s390x-cpumodel-add-3931-and-3932.patch [bz#1976171]
febaa2 |
- kvm-file-posix-fix-max_iov-for-dev-sg-devices.patch [bz#1943653]
febaa2 |
- kvm-scsi-generic-pass-max_segments-via-max_iov-field-in-.patch [bz#1943653]
febaa2 |
- kvm-osdep-provide-ROUND_DOWN-macro.patch [bz#1943653]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-backend-align-max_transfer-to-request-alignmen.patch [bz#1943653]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-add-max_hw_transfer-to-BlockLimits.patch [bz#1943653]
febaa2 |
- kvm-file-posix-try-BLKSECTGET-on-block-devices-too-do-no.patch [bz#1943653]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1976171
febaa2 |
([IBM 8.5 FEAT] CPU Model for new IBM Z Hardware - qemu part)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1943653
febaa2 |
(RHV VM pauses due to 'qemu-kvm' getting EINVAL on i/o to a direct lun with scsi passthrough enabled)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Fri Jul 16 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 6.0.0-24.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-s390x-css-Introduce-an-ESW-struct.patch [bz#1968326]
febaa2 |
- kvm-s390x-css-Split-out-the-IRB-sense-data.patch [bz#1968326]
febaa2 |
- kvm-s390x-css-Refactor-IRB-construction.patch [bz#1968326]
febaa2 |
- kvm-s390x-css-Add-passthrough-IRB.patch [bz#1968326]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-user-blk-Fail-gracefully-on-too-large-queue-si.patch [bz#1935014 bz#1935019 bz#1935020 bz#1935031]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-user-blk-Make-sure-to-set-Error-on-realize-fai.patch [bz#1935014 bz#1935019 bz#1935020 bz#1935031]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-user-blk-Don-t-reconnect-during-initialisation.patch [bz#1935014 bz#1935019 bz#1935020 bz#1935031]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-user-blk-Improve-error-reporting-in-realize.patch [bz#1935014 bz#1935019 bz#1935020 bz#1935031]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-user-blk-Get-more-feature-flags-from-vhost-dev.patch [bz#1935014 bz#1935019 bz#1935020 bz#1935031]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-Fail-if-iommu_platform-is-requested-but-unsup.patch [bz#1935014 bz#1935019 bz#1935020 bz#1935031]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-user-blk-Check-that-num-queues-is-supported-by.patch [bz#1935014 bz#1935019 bz#1935020 bz#1935031]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-user-Fix-backends-without-multiqueue-support.patch [bz#1935014 bz#1935019 bz#1935020 bz#1935031]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1968326
febaa2 |
([vfio_ccw] I/O error when checking format - dasdfmt requires --force in quick mode when passed through)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1935014
febaa2 |
(qemu crash when attach vhost-user-blk-pci with option queue-size=4096)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1935019
febaa2 |
(qemu guest failed boot when attach vhost-user-blk-pci with option iommu_platform=on)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1935020
febaa2 |
(qemu guest failed boot when attach vhost-user-blk-pci with option packed=on)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1935031
febaa2 |
(qemu guest failed boot when attach vhost-user-blk-pci with unmatched num-queues with qsd)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Thu Jul 08 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 6.0.0-23.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-Add-mtod_check.patch [bz#1970823 bz#1970842 bz#1970850 bz#1970858]
febaa2 |
- kvm-bootp-limit-vendor-specific-area-to-input-packet-mem.patch [bz#1970823 bz#1970842 bz#1970850 bz#1970858]
febaa2 |
- kvm-bootp-check-bootp_input-buffer-size.patch [bz#1970823]
febaa2 |
- kvm-upd6-check-udp6_input-buffer-size.patch [bz#1970842]
febaa2 |
- kvm-tftp-check-tftp_input-buffer-size.patch [bz#1970850]
febaa2 |
- kvm-tftp-introduce-a-header-structure.patch [bz#1970823 bz#1970842 bz#1970850 bz#1970858]
febaa2 |
- kvm-udp-check-upd_input-buffer-size.patch [bz#1970858]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Fix-DHCP-broken-in-libslirp-v4.6.0.patch [bz#1970823 bz#1970842 bz#1970850 bz#1970858]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-use-the-standard-vhost-user-JSON-path.patch [bz#1804196]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1970823
febaa2 |
(CVE-2021-3592 virt:av/qemu-kvm: QEMU: slirp: invalid pointer initialization may lead to information disclosure (bootp) [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1970842
febaa2 |
(CVE-2021-3593 virt:av/qemu-kvm: QEMU: slirp: invalid pointer initialization may lead to information disclosure (udp6) [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1970850
febaa2 |
(CVE-2021-3595 virt:av/qemu-kvm: QEMU: slirp: invalid pointer initialization may lead to information disclosure (tftp) [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1970858
febaa2 |
(CVE-2021-3594 virt:av/qemu-kvm: QEMU: slirp: invalid pointer initialization may lead to information disclosure (udp) [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1804196
febaa2 |
(inconsistent paths for interop json files)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Fri Jul 02 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 6.0.0-22.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Expose-upstream-machines-pc-4.2-and-pc-2.11.patch [bz#1897923]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Enable-FDC-device-for-upstream-machines-too.patch [bz#1897923]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Add-hw_compat_4_2_extra-and-apply-to-upstream.patch [bz#1897923]
febaa2 |
- kvm-ppc-pef.c-initialize-cgs-ready-in-kvmppc_svm_init.patch [bz#1789757]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-gpu-handle-partial-maps-properly.patch [bz#1932279]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Fix-unversioned-Obsoletes-warning.patch [bz#1950405 bz#1967330]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Move-qemu-kvm-docs-dependency-to-qemu-kvm.patch [bz#1950405 bz#1967330]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-introducting-qemu-kvm-hw-usbredir.patch [bz#1950405 bz#1967330]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-Fix-EEH-capability-issue-on-KVM-guest-for-PCI-.patch [bz#1976015]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1897923
febaa2 |
(support Live Migration from Ubuntu 18.04 i440fx to RHEL)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1789757
febaa2 |
([IBM 8.5 FEAT] Add machine option to enable secure VM support)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1932279
febaa2 |
([aarch64] qemu core dumped when using smmuv3 and iommu_platform enabling at virtio-gpu-pci)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1950405
febaa2 |
(review qemu-kvm-core dependencies)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1967330
febaa2 |
(Make qemu-kvm use versioned obsoletes for qemu-kvm-ma and qemu-kvm-rhev)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1976015
febaa2 |
(spapr: Fix EEH capability issue on KVM guest for PCI passthru)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Jun 23 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 6.0.0-21.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-backend-add-drained_poll.patch [bz#1960137]
febaa2 |
- kvm-nbd-server-Use-drained-block-ops-to-quiesce-the-serv.patch [bz#1960137]
febaa2 |
- kvm-disable-CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_BOT.patch [bz#1866133]
febaa2 |
- kvm-doc-Fix-some-mistakes-in-the-SEV-documentation.patch [bz#1954750]
febaa2 |
- kvm-docs-Add-SEV-ES-documentation-to-amd-memory-encrypti.patch [bz#1954750]
febaa2 |
- kvm-docs-interop-firmware.json-Add-SEV-ES-support.patch [bz#1954750]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1960137
febaa2 |
([incremental backup] qemu-kvm hangs when Rebooting the VM during full backup)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1866133
febaa2 |
(Disable usb-bot device in QEMU (unsupported))
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1954750
febaa2 |
(firmware scheme for sev-es)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Jun 21 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 6.0.0-20.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-x86-Add-x86-rhel8.5-machine-types.patch [bz#1957838]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-x86-Enable-kvm-asyncpf-int-by-default.patch [bz#1967603]
febaa2 |
- kvm-yank-Unregister-function-when-using-TLS-migration.patch [bz#1964326]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1957838
febaa2 |
(8.5 machine types for x86)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1967603
febaa2 |
(Enable interrupt based asynchronous page fault mechanism by default)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1964326
febaa2 |
(Qemu core dump when do tls migration via tcp protocol)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Fri Jun 11 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 6.0.0-19.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-pc-bios-s390-ccw-don-t-try-to-read-the-next-block-if.patch [bz#1965626]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Install-the-s390-netboot.img-that-we-ve-built.patch [bz#1966463]
febaa2 |
- kvm-sockets-update-SOCKET_ADDRESS_TYPE_FD-listen-2-backl.patch [bz#1967177]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-i386-sev-add-support-to-query-the-attestation.patch [bz#1957022]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-Don-t-hijack-current_machine-boot_order.patch [bz#1960119]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-i386-Add-CPU-model-versions-supporting-xsaves.patch [bz#1942914]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-Remove-stale-comment-about-power-saving-LPCR-b.patch [bz#1940731]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-Set-LPCR-to-current-AIL-mode-when-starting-a-n.patch [bz#1940731]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1965626
febaa2 |
(RHEL8.2 - QEMU BIOS fails to read stage2 loader (kvm))
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1966463
febaa2 |
(Rebuild the s390-netboot.img for downstream instead of shipping the upstream image)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1967177
febaa2 |
(QEMU 6.0.0 socket_get_fd() fails with the error "socket_get_fd: too many connections")
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1957022
febaa2 |
(SEV: Add support to query the attestation report)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1960119
febaa2 |
([regression]Failed to reset guest)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1942914
febaa2 |
([Hyper-V][RHEL8.4]Nested Hyper-V on KVM: On Intel CPU L1 2016 can not start with cpu model Skylake-Server-noTSX-IBRS or Skylake-Client-noTSX-IBRS)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1940731
f7c9e9 |
([ppc64le] Hotplug vcpu device hit call trace:[qemu output] KVM: unknown exit, hardware reason 7fff9ce87ed8)
f7c9e9 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Jun 01 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 6.0.0-18.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-net-failover-add-missing-remove_migration_sta.patch [bz#1953045]
febaa2 |
- kvm-hw-arm-virt-Add-8.5-machine-type.patch [bz#1957667]
febaa2 |
- kvm-hw-arm-virt-Disable-PL011-clock-migration-through-hw.patch [bz#1957667]
febaa2 |
- kvm-arm-virt-Register-highmem-and-gic-version-as-class-p.patch [bz#1957667]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-blk-Fix-rollback-path-in-virtio_blk_data_plan.patch [bz#1927108]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-blk-Configure-all-host-notifiers-in-a-single-.patch [bz#1927108]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-scsi-Set-host-notifiers-and-callbacks-separat.patch [bz#1927108]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-scsi-Configure-all-host-notifiers-in-a-single.patch [bz#1927108]
febaa2 |
- kvm-hw-arm-smmuv3-Another-range-invalidation-fix.patch [bz#1929720]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1953045
febaa2 |
(qemu-kvm NULL pointer de-reference during migration at migrate_fd_connect ->...-> notifier_list_notify)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1957667
febaa2 |
([aarch64] Add 8.5 machine type)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1927108
febaa2 |
(It's too slow to load scsi disk when use 384 vcpus)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1929720
febaa2 |
([aarch64] Handle vsmmuv3 IOTLB invalidation with non power of 2 size)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue May 25 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 6.0.0-17.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-s390x-add-rhel-8.5.0-compat-machine.patch [bz#1951476]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-add-missing-entries-in-hw_compat_rhel_8_4.patch [bz#1957834]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Define-pseries-rhel8.5.0-machine-type.patch [bz#1957834]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1951476
febaa2 |
([s390x] RHEL AV 8.5 new machine type for s390x)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1957834
febaa2 |
([ppc64le] RHEL AV 8.5 new machine type for ppc64le)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon May 03 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 6.0.0-16.el8
febaa2 |
- Rebase to qemu-kvm 6.0.0
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Apr 28 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.2.0-16.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-pci-compat-page-aligned-ATS.patch [bz#1942362]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1942362
febaa2 |
(Live migration with iommu from rhel8.3.1 to rhel8.4 fails: qemu-kvm: get_pci_config_device: Bad config data)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Apr 12 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.2.0-15.el8_4
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Simplify-qmp_block_resize-error-paths.patch [bz#1903511]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Fix-locking-in-qmp_block_resize.patch [bz#1903511]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Fix-deadlock-in-bdrv_co_yield_to_drain.patch [bz#1903511]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1903511
febaa2 |
(no response on QMP command 'block_resize')
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Sat Mar 20 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.2.0-14.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-user-blk-fix-blkcfg-num_queues-endianness.patch [bz#1937004]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-export-fix-blk_size-double-byteswap.patch [bz#1937004]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-export-use-VIRTIO_BLK_SECTOR_BITS.patch [bz#1937004]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-export-fix-vhost-user-blk-export-sector-number.patch [bz#1937004]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-export-port-virtio-blk-discard-write-zeroes-in.patch [bz#1937004]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-export-port-virtio-blk-read-write-range-check.patch [bz#1937004]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spec-ui-spice-sub-package.patch [bz#1936373]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spec-ui-opengl-sub-package.patch [bz#1936373]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1937004
febaa2 |
(vhost-user-blk server endianness and input validation fixes)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1936373
febaa2 |
(move spice & opengl modules to rpm subpackages)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Mar 16 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.2.0-13.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-i386-acpi-restore-device-paths-for-pre-5.1-vms.patch [bz#1934158]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1934158
febaa2 |
(Windows guest looses network connectivity when NIC was configured with static IP)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Mar 15 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.2.0-12.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-scsi-disk-move-scsi_handle_rw_error-earlier.patch [bz#1927530]
febaa2 |
- kvm-scsi-disk-do-not-complete-requests-early-for-rerror-.patch [bz#1927530]
febaa2 |
- kvm-scsi-introduce-scsi_sense_from_errno.patch [bz#1927530]
febaa2 |
- kvm-scsi-disk-pass-SCSI-status-to-scsi_handle_rw_error.patch [bz#1927530]
febaa2 |
- kvm-scsi-disk-pass-guest-recoverable-errors-through-even.patch [bz#1927530]
febaa2 |
- kvm-hw-intc-arm_gic-Fix-interrupt-ID-in-GICD_SGIR-regist.patch [bz#1936948]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1927530
febaa2 |
(RHEL8 Hypervisor - OVIRT - Issues seen on a virtualization guest with direct passthrough LUNS pausing when a host gets a Thin threshold warning)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1936948
febaa2 |
(CVE-2021-20221 virt:av/qemu-kvm: qemu: out-of-bound heap buffer access via an interrupt ID field [rhel-av-8.4.0])
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Mar 08 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.2.0-11.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-qxl-set-qxl.ssd.dcl.con-on-secondary-devices.patch [bz#1932190]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qxl-also-notify-the-rendering-is-done-when-skipping-.patch [bz#1932190]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Save-error-code-early-at-the-failure-calls.patch [bz#1935071]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofs-drop-remapped-security.capability-xattr-as-.patch [bz#1935071]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1932190
febaa2 |
(Timeout when dump the screen from 2nd VGA)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1935071
febaa2 |
(CVE-2021-20263 virt:8.4/qemu-kvm: QEMU: virtiofsd: 'security.capabilities' is not dropped with xattrmap option [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Mar 03 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.2.0-10.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-dirty-bitmap-Use-struct-for-alias-map-inne.patch [bz#1930757]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-dirty-bitmap-Allow-control-of-bitmap-persi.patch [bz#1930757]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-300-Add-test-case-for-modifying-persist.patch [bz#1930757]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-fix-indentantion.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-Use-always-atomics-for-primary_should_be_hi.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-primary-bus-is-only-used-once-and-where-it-.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-Remove-unused-parameter.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-Remove-external-partially_hotplugged-proper.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-qdev_device_add-returns-err-or-dev-set.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-Rename-bool-to-failover_primary_hidden.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-g_strcmp0-knows-how-to-handle-NULL.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-Remove-primary_device_opts.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-remove-standby_id-variable.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-Remove-primary_device_dict.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-Remove-memory-leak.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-simplify-virtio_net_find_primary.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-should_be_hidden-should-take-a-bool.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-Rename-function-to-hide_device.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-virtio_net_connect_failover_devices-does-no.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-Rename-to-failover_find_primary_device.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-simplify-qdev_device_add-failover-case.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-simplify-qdev_device_add.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-make-sure-that-id-always-exist.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-remove-failover_find_primary_device-error-p.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-split-failover_find_primary_device_id.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-We-don-t-need-to-cache-primary_device_id-an.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-Caller-of-this-two-functions-already-have-p.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-simplify-failover_unplug_primary.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-failover-Remove-primary_dev-member.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-net-add-missing-object_unref.patch [bz#1819991]
febaa2 |
- kvm-x86-cpu-Populate-SVM-CPUID-feature-bits.patch [bz#1926785]
febaa2 |
- kvm-i386-Add-the-support-for-AMD-EPYC-3rd-generation-pro.patch [bz#1926785]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1930757
febaa2 |
(Allow control of block-dirty-bitmap persistence via 'block-bitmap-mapping')
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1819991
febaa2 |
(Hostdev type interface with net failover enabled exists in domain xml and doesn't reattach to host after hot-unplug)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1926785
febaa2 |
([RFE] AMD Milan - Add KVM/support for EPYC-Milan CPU Model - Fast Train)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Mar 01 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.2.0-9.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-docs-generate-qemu-storage-daemon-qmp-ref-7-man-page.patch [bz#1901323]
febaa2 |
- kvm-docs-add-qemu-storage-daemon-1-man-page.patch [bz#1901323]
febaa2 |
- kvm-docs-Add-qemu-storage-daemon-1-manpage-to-meson.buil.patch [bz#1901323]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qemu-storage-daemon-Enable-object-add.patch [bz#1901323]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spec-Package-qemu-storage-daemon.patch [bz#1901323]
febaa2 |
- kvm-default-configs-Enable-vhost-user-blk.patch [bz#1930033]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qemu-nbd-Use-SOMAXCONN-for-socket-listen-backlog.patch [bz#1925345]
febaa2 |
- kvm-pcie-don-t-set-link-state-active-if-the-slot-is-empt.patch [bz#1917654]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1901323
febaa2 |
(QSD (QEMU Storage Daemon): basic support - TechPreview)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1930033
febaa2 |
(enable vhost-user-blk device)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1925345
febaa2 |
(qemu-nbd needs larger backlog for Unix socket listen())
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1917654
febaa2 |
([failover vf migration][RHEL84 vm] After start a vm with a failover vf + a failover virtio net device, the failvoer vf do not exist in the vm)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Fri Feb 19 2021 Eduardo Lima (Etrunko) <elima@redhat.com> - 5.2.0-8.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-nbd-only-detach-existing-iochannel-from-aio_co.patch [bz#1887883]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-nbd-only-enter-connection-coroutine-if-it-s-pr.patch [bz#1887883]
febaa2 |
- kvm-nbd-make-nbd_read-return-EIO-on-error.patch [bz#1887883]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-move-use-disabled-flag-property-to-hw_compat_.patch [bz#1907255]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-extract-lo_do_open-from-lo_open.patch [bz#1920740]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-optionally-return-inode-pointer-from-lo_do.patch [bz#1920740]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-prevent-opening-of-special-files-CVE-2020-.patch [bz#1920740]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-Adjust-firmware-path-of-PCI-devices.patch [bz#1920941]
febaa2 |
- kvm-pci-reject-too-large-ROMs.patch [bz#1917830]
febaa2 |
- kvm-pci-add-romsize-property.patch [bz#1917830]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Add-some-devices-for-exporting-upstream-machi.patch [bz#1917826]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-Check-for-valid-vdev-in-vhost_backend_handle_i.patch [bz#1880299]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1887883
febaa2 |
(qemu blocks client progress with various NBD actions)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1907255
febaa2 |
(Migrate failed with vhost-vsock-pci from RHEL-AV 8.3.1 to RHEL-AV 8.2.1)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1920740
febaa2 |
(CVE-2020-35517 virt:8.4/qemu-kvm: QEMU: virtiofsd: potential privileged host device access from guest [rhel-av-8.4.0])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1920941
febaa2 |
([ppc64le] [AV]--disk cdimage.iso,bus=usb fails to boot)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1917830
febaa2 |
(Add romsize property to qemu-kvm)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1917826
febaa2 |
(Add extra device support to qemu-kvm, but not to rhel machine types)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1880299
febaa2 |
(vhost-user mq connection fails to restart after kill host testpmd which acts as vhost-user client)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Fri Feb 12 2021 Eduardo Lima (Etrunko) <elima@redhat.com> - 5.2.0-7.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-Add-corresponding-memory_listener_unregister-.patch [bz#1903521]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Honor-blk_set_aio_context-context-requirements.patch [bz#1918966 bz#1918968]
febaa2 |
- kvm-nbd-server-Quiesce-coroutines-on-context-switch.patch [bz#1918966 bz#1918968]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Avoid-processing-BDS-twice-in-bdrv_set_aio_con.patch [bz#1918966 bz#1918968]
febaa2 |
- kvm-storage-daemon-Call-bdrv_close_all-on-exit.patch [bz#1918966 bz#1918968]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-move-blk_exp_close_all-to-qemu_cleanup.patch [bz#1918966 bz#1918968]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1903521
febaa2 |
(hot unplug vhost-user cause qemu crash: qemu-kvm: ../softmmu/memory.c:2818: do_address_space_destroy: Assertion `QTAILQ_EMPTY(&as->listeners)' failed.)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1918966
febaa2 |
([incremental_backup] qemu aborts if guest reboot during backup when using virtio-blk: "aio_co_schedule: Co-routine was already scheduled in 'aio_co_schedule'")
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1918968
febaa2 |
([incremental_backup] qemu deadlock after poweroff in guest during backup in nbd_export_close_all())
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Feb 09 2021 Eduardo Lima (Etrunko) <elima@redhat.com> - 5.2.0-6.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-scsi-fix-device-removal-race-vs-IO-restart-callback-.patch [bz#1854811]
febaa2 |
- kvm-tracetool-also-strip-l-and-ll-from-systemtap-format-.patch [bz#1907264]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-moving-all-documentation-files-to-qemu-kvm-do.patch [bz#1881170 bz#1924766]
febaa2 |
- kvm-hw-arm-smmuv3-Fix-addr_mask-for-range-based-invalida.patch [bz#1834152]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-makes-qemu-respect-system-s-crypto-profile.patch [bz#1902219]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-Unbreak-SMMU-and-virtio-iommu-on-dev-iotlb-sup.patch [bz#1925028]
febaa2 |
- kvm-docs-set-CONFDIR-when-running-sphinx.patch [bz#1902537]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1854811
febaa2 |
(scsi-bus.c: use-after-free due to race between device unplug and I/O operation causes guest crash)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1907264
febaa2 |
(systemtap: invalid or missing conversion specifier at the trace event vhost_vdpa_set_log_base)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1881170
febaa2 |
(split documentation from the qemu-kvm-core package to its own subpackage)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1924766
febaa2 |
(split documentation from the qemu-kvm-core package to its own subpackage [av-8.4.0])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1834152
febaa2 |
([aarch64] QEMU SMMUv3 device: Support range invalidation)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1902219
c687bc |
(QEMU doesn't honour system crypto policies)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1925028
febaa2 |
(vsmmuv3/vhost and virtio-iommu/vhost regression)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1902537
febaa2 |
(The default fsfreeze-hook path from man page and qemu-ga --help command are different)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Feb 02 2021 Eduardo Lima (Etrunko) <elima@redhat.com> - 5.2.0-5.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-Allow-memory-unplug-to-always-succeed.patch [bz#1914069]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-Improve-handling-of-memory-unplug-with-old-gue.patch [bz#1914069]
febaa2 |
- kvm-x86-cpu-Add-AVX512_FP16-cpu-feature.patch [bz#1838738]
febaa2 |
- kvm-q35-Increase-max_cpus-to-710-on-pc-q35-rhel8-machine.patch [bz#1904268]
febaa2 |
- kvm-config-enable-VFIO_CCW.patch [bz#1922170]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1914069
febaa2 |
([ppc64le] have this fix for rhel8.4 av (spapr: Allow memory unplug to always succeed))
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1838738
febaa2 |
([Intel 8.4 FEAT] qemu-kvm Sapphire Rapids (SPR) New Instructions (NIs) - Fast Train)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1904268
febaa2 |
([RFE] [HPEMC] qemu-kvm: support up to 710 VCPUs)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1922170
febaa2 |
(Enable vfio-ccw in AV)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Jan 27 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.2.0-4.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-Drop-bogus-IPv6-messages.patch [bz#1918061]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1918061
febaa2 |
(CVE-2020-10756 virt:rhel/qemu-kvm: QEMU: slirp: networking out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Jan 18 2021 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.2.0-3.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-nvme-Implement-fake-truncate-coroutine.patch [bz#1848834]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spec-find-system-python-via-meson.patch [bz#1899619]
febaa2 |
- kvm-build-system-use-b_staticpic-false.patch [bz#1899619]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-Fix-buffer-overflow-in-spapr_numa_associativit.patch [bz#1908693]
febaa2 |
- kvm-usb-hcd-xhci-pci-Fixup-capabilities-ordering-again.patch [bz#1912846]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qga-commands-posix-Send-CCW-address-on-s390x-with-th.patch [bz#1755075]
febaa2 |
- kvm-AArch64-machine-types-cleanup.patch [bz#1895276]
febaa2 |
- kvm-hw-arm-virt-Add-8.4-Machine-type.patch [bz#1895276]
febaa2 |
- kvm-udev-kvm-check-remove-the-exceeded-subscription-limi.patch [bz#1914463]
febaa2 |
- kvm-memory-Rename-memory_region_notify_one-to-memory_reg.patch [bz#1845758]
febaa2 |
- kvm-memory-Add-IOMMUTLBEvent.patch [bz#1845758]
febaa2 |
- kvm-memory-Add-IOMMU_NOTIFIER_DEVIOTLB_UNMAP-IOMMUTLBNot.patch [bz#1845758]
febaa2 |
- kvm-intel_iommu-Skip-page-walking-on-device-iotlb-invali.patch [bz#1845758]
febaa2 |
- kvm-memory-Skip-bad-range-assertion-if-notifier-is-DEVIO.patch [bz#1845758]
febaa2 |
- kvm-RHEL-Switch-pvpanic-test-to-q35.patch [bz#1885555]
febaa2 |
- kvm-8.4-x86-machine-type.patch [bz#1885555]
febaa2 |
- kvm-memory-clamp-cached-translation-in-case-it-points-to.patch [bz#1904392]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1848834
febaa2 |
(Failed to create luks format image on NVMe device)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1899619
febaa2 |
(QEMU 5.2 is built with PIC objects instead of PIE)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1908693
febaa2 |
([ppc64le]boot up a guest with 128 numa nodes ,qemu got coredump)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1912846
febaa2 |
(qemu-kvm: Failed to load xhci:parent_obj during migration)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1755075
febaa2 |
([qemu-guest-agent] fsinfo doesn't return disk info on s390x)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1895276
febaa2 |
(Machine types update for aarch64 for QEMU 5.2.0)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1914463
c687bc |
(Remove KVM guest count and limit info message)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1845758
c687bc |
(qemu core dumped: qemu-kvm: /builddir/build/BUILD/qemu-4.2.0/memory.c:1928: memory_region_notify_one: Assertion `entry->iova >= notifier->start && entry_end <= notifier->end' failed.)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1885555
febaa2 |
(8.4 machine types for x86)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1904392
febaa2 |
(CVE-2020-27821 virt:8.4/qemu-kvm: QEMU: heap buffer overflow in msix_table_mmio_write() in hw/pci/msix.c [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Dec 15 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.2.0-2.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Define-hw_compat_8_3.patch [bz#1893935]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Add-spapr_machine_rhel_default_class_options.patch [bz#1893935]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Define-pseries-rhel8.4.0-machine-type.patch [bz#1893935]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-s390x-add-rhel-8.4.0-compat-machine.patch [bz#1836282]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1836282
febaa2 |
(New machine type for qemu-kvm on s390x in RHEL-AV)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1893935
febaa2 |
(New machine type on RHEL-AV 8.4 for ppc64le)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Dec 09 2020 Miroslav Rezanina <mrezanin@redhat.com> - 5.2.0-1.el8
febaa2 |
- Rebase to QEMU 5.2.0 [bz#1905933]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1905933
febaa2 |
(Rebase qemu-kvm to version 5.2.0)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Dec 01 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.1.0-16.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-introduces-disable_everything-macro-into-the-.patch [bz#1884611]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-scripts-extract_build_cmd.py-Avoid-listing-em.patch [bz#1884611]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Removing-unecessary-configurations.patch [bz#1884611]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Fixing-rh-local-build.patch [bz#1884611]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-allow-Makefile-rh-prep-builddep-to-fail.patch [bz#1884611]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-adding-rh-rpm-target.patch [bz#1884611]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-move-shareable-files-from-qemu-kvm-core-to-qe.patch [bz#1884611]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Add-qemu-kiwi-subpackage.patch [bz#1884611]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1884611
febaa2 |
(Build kata-specific version of qemu)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Nov 16 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.1.0-15.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-add-un-pre-install-systemd-hooks-for-qemu-ga.patch [bz#1882719]
febaa2 |
- kvm-rcu-Implement-drain_call_rcu.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-libqtest-Rename-qmp_assert_error_class-to-qmp_expect.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qtest-rename-qtest_qmp_receive-to-qtest_qmp_receive_.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qtest-Reintroduce-qtest_qmp_receive-with-QMP-event-b.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qtest-remove-qtest_qmp_receive_success.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-device-plug-test-use-qtest_qmp-to-send-the-device_de.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qtest-switch-users-back-to-qtest_qmp_receive.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qtest-check-that-drives-are-really-appearing-and-dis.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-qtest-rewrite-test-067-as-a-qtest.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qdev-add-check-if-address-free-callback-for-buses.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-scsi-scsi_bus-switch-search-direction-in-scsi_device.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-device_core-use-drain_call_rcu-in-in-qmp_device_add.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-device-core-use-RCU-for-list-of-children-of-a-bus.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-scsi-switch-to-bus-check_address.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-device-core-use-atomic_set-on-.realized-property.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-scsi-scsi-bus-scsi_device_find-don-t-return-unrealiz.patch [bz#1812399]
febaa2 |
- kvm-scsi-scsi_bus-Add-scsi_device_get.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-scsi-use-scsi_device_get.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-scsi-scsi_bus-fix-races-in-REPORT-LUNS.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-tests-migration-fix-memleak-in-wait_command-wait_com.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-libqtest-fix-the-order-of-buffered-events.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-libqtest-fix-memory-leak-in-the-qtest_qmp_event_ref.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-add-filter_qmp_virtio_scsi-function.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-rewrite-iotest-240-in-python.patch [bz#1812399 bz#1866707]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1812399
febaa2 |
(Qemu crash when detach disk with cache="none" discard="ignore" io="native")
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1866707
febaa2 |
(qemu-kvm is crashing with error "scsi_target_emulate_report_luns: Assertion `i == n + 8' failed")
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1882719
c687bc |
(qemu-ga service still active and can work after qemu-guest-agent been removed)
c687bc |
febaa2 |
* Tue Oct 13 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.1.0-14.el8_3
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-avoid-proc-self-fd-tempdir.patch [bz#1884276]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1884276
febaa2 |
(Pod with kata-runtime won't start, QEMU: "vhost_user_dev init failed, Operation not permitted" [mkdtemp failing in sandboxing])
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Thu Oct 08 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.1.0-13.el8_3
febaa2 |
- kvm-x86-lpc9-let-firmware-negotiate-CPU-hotplug-with-SMI.patch [bz#1846886]
febaa2 |
- kvm-x86-cpuhp-prevent-guest-crash-on-CPU-hotplug-when-br.patch [bz#1846886]
febaa2 |
- kvm-x86-cpuhp-refuse-cpu-hot-unplug-request-earlier-if-n.patch [bz#1846886]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1846886
febaa2 |
(Guest hit soft lockup or reboots if hotplug vcpu under ovmf)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Oct 05 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.1.0-12.el8_3
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-skip-legacy-support-check-on-machine-types-le.patch [bz#1868449]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-vsock-pci-force-virtio-version-1.patch [bz#1868449]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-user-vsock-pci-force-virtio-version-1.patch [bz#1868449]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-vsock-ccw-force-virtio-version-1.patch [bz#1868449]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1868449
febaa2 |
(vhost_vsock error: device is modern-only, use disable-legacy=on)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Oct 05 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.1.0-11.el8_3
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-increase-max-bandwidth-to-128-MiB-s-1-Gib-.patch [bz#1874004]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Make-all-generated-so-files-executable-not-on.patch [bz#1876635]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1874004
febaa2 |
(Live migration performance is poor during guest installation process on power host)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1876635
febaa2 |
(VM fails to start with a passthrough smartcard)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Sep 28 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.1.0-10.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-qemu-img-Support-bitmap-merge-into-backing-image.patch [bz#1877209]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1877209
febaa2 |
('qemu-img bitmaps --merge' failed when trying to merge top volume bitmap to base volume bitmap)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Sep 21 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.1.0-9.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-hw-nvram-fw_cfg-fix-FWCfgDataGeneratorClass-get_data.patch [bz#1688978]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1688978
febaa2 |
(RFE: forward host preferences for cipher suites and CA certs to guest firmware)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Thu Sep 17 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.1.0-8.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-link-etc-qemu-ga-fsfreeze-hook-to-etc-qemu-kv.patch [bz#1738820]
febaa2 |
- kvm-seccomp-fix-killing-of-whole-process-instead-of-thre.patch [bz#1752376]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Revert-Drop-bogus-IPv6-messages.patch [bz#1867075]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-rbd-add-namespace-to-qemu_rbd_strong_runtime_o.patch [bz#1821528]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1738820
febaa2 |
('-F' option of qemu-ga command cause the guest-fsfreeze-freeze command doesn't work)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1752376
c687bc |
(qemu use SCMP_ACT_TRAP even SCMP_ACT_KILL_PROCESS is available)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1821528
febaa2 |
(missing namespace attribute when access the rbd image with namespace)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1867075
febaa2 |
(CVE-2020-10756 virt:8.3/qemu-kvm: QEMU: slirp: networking out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Sep 15 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.1.0-7.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-ppc-Add-experimental-option-for-enabling-secu.patch [bz#1789757 bz#1870384]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-arm-Move-start-powered-off-property-to-generi.patch [bz#1849483]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-arm-Move-setting-of-CPU-halted-state-to-gener.patch [bz#1849483]
febaa2 |
- kvm-ppc-spapr-Use-start-powered-off-CPUState-property.patch [bz#1849483]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1789757
febaa2 |
([IBM 8.4 FEAT] Add machine option to enable secure VM support)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1849483
febaa2 |
(Failed to boot up guest when hotplugging vcpus on bios stage)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1870384
febaa2 |
([IBM 8.3 FEAT] Add interim/unsupported machine option to enable secure VM support for testing purposes)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Thu Sep 10 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.1.0-6.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-spec-Move-qemu-pr-helper-back-to-usr-bin.patch [bz#1869635]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Bump-required-libusbx-version.patch [bz#1856591]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1856591
febaa2 |
(libusbx isn't updated with qemu-kvm)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1869635
febaa2 |
('/usr/bin/qemu-pr-helper' is not a suitable pr helper: No such file or directory)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Sep 08 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.1.0-5.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-Revert-i386-Fix-pkg_id-offset-for-EPYC-cpu-models.patch [bz#1873417]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Revert-target-i386-Enable-new-apic-id-encoding-for-E.patch [bz#1873417]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Revert-hw-i386-Move-arch_id-decode-inside-x86_cpus_i.patch [bz#1873417]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Revert-i386-Introduce-use_epyc_apic_id_encoding-in-X.patch [bz#1873417]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Revert-hw-i386-Introduce-apicid-functions-inside-X86.patch [bz#1873417]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Revert-target-i386-Cleanup-and-use-the-EPYC-mode-top.patch [bz#1873417]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Revert-hw-386-Add-EPYC-mode-topology-decoding-functi.patch [bz#1873417]
febaa2 |
- kvm-nvram-Exit-QEMU-if-NVRAM-cannot-contain-all-prom-env.patch [bz#1867739]
febaa2 |
- kvm-usb-fix-setup_len-init-CVE-2020-14364.patch [bz#1869715]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Remove-explicit-glusterfs-api-dependency.patch [bz#1872853]
febaa2 |
- kvm-disable-virgl.patch [bz#1831271]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1831271
febaa2 |
(Drop virgil acceleration support and remove virglrenderer dependency)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1867739
f66865 |
(-prom-env does not validate input)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1869715
febaa2 |
(CVE-2020-14364 qemu-kvm: QEMU: usb: out-of-bounds r/w access issue while processing usb packets [rhel-av-8.3.0])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1872853
febaa2 |
(move the glusterfs dependency out of qemu-kvm-core to the glusterfs module)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1873417
febaa2 |
(AMD/NUMA topology - revert 5.1 changes)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Thu Aug 27 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.1.0-4.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-Drop-bogus-IPv6-messages.patch [bz#1867075]
febaa2 |
- kvm-machine-types-numa-set-numa_mem_supported-on-old-mac.patch [bz#1849707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-machine_types-numa-compatibility-for-auto_enable_num.patch [bz#1849707]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-Add-block-bitmap-mapping-parameter.patch [bz#1790492]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests.py-Let-wait_migration-return-on-failure.patch [bz#1790492]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Test-node-bitmap-aliases-during-migration.patch [bz#1790492]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1790492
febaa2 |
('dirty-bitmaps' migration capability should allow configuring target nodenames)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1849707
febaa2 |
(8.3 machine types for x86 - 5.1 update)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1867075
febaa2 |
(CVE-2020-10756 virt:8.3/qemu-kvm: QEMU: slirp: networking out-of-bounds read information disclosure vulnerability [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Aug 19 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.1.0-3.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Update-hw_compat_8_2.patch [bz#1843348]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-update-pseries-rhel8.2.0-machine-type.patch [bz#1843348]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Disable-TPM-passthrough-backend-on-ARM.patch [bz#1801242]
be904d |
- kvm-Require-libfdt-1.6.0.patch [bz#1867847]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1801242
febaa2 |
([aarch64] vTPM support in machvirt)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1843348
febaa2 |
(8.3 machine types for POWER)
be904d |
- Resolves: bz#1867847
be904d |
([ppc] virt module 7629: /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm: undefined symbol: fdt_check_full, version LIBFDT_1.2)
be904d |
febaa2 |
* Wed Aug 12 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.1.0-2.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-define-hw_compat_8_2.patch [bz#1853265]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1853265
febaa2 |
(Forward and backward migration from rhel-av-8.3.0(qemu-kvm-5.0.0) to rhel-av-8.2.1(qemu-kvm-4.2.0) failed with "qemu-kvm: error while loading state for instance 0x0 of device 'spapr'")
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Aug 12 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.1.0-1.el8
febaa2 |
- Quick changelog fix to reflect the current fixes:
febaa2 |
- Resolve: bz#1781911
febaa2 |
- Resolve: bz#1841529
febaa2 |
- Resolve: bz#1842902
febaa2 |
- Resolve: bz#1818843
febaa2 |
- Resolve: bz#1819292
febaa2 |
- Resolve: bz#1801242
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Aug 12 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 5.1.0-0.el8
febaa2 |
- Rebase to 5.1.0
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1809650
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Jul 07 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-29.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-net-fix-removal-of-failover-device.patch [bz#1820120]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1820120
febaa2 |
(After hotunplugging the vitrio device and netdev, hotunpluging the failover VF will cause qemu core dump)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Sun Jun 28 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-28.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-blk-Refactor-the-code-that-processes-queued-r.patch [bz#1812765]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-blk-On-restart-process-queued-requests-in-the.patch [bz#1812765]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Fix-use-afte-free-in-ip_reass-CVE-2020-1983.patch [bz#1838082]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1812765
febaa2 |
(qemu with iothreads enabled crashes on resume after enospc pause for disk extension)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1838082
febaa2 |
(CVE-2020-1983 virt:8.2/qemu-kvm: QEMU: slirp: use-after-free in ip_reass() function in ip_input.c [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Thu Jun 18 2020 Eduardo Lima (Etrunko) <elima@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-27.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-hw-pci-pcie-Move-hot-plug-capability-check-to-pre_pl.patch [bz#1820531]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spec-Fix-python-shenigans-for-tests.patch [bz#1845779]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-i386-Add-ARCH_CAPABILITIES-related-bits-into-.patch [bz#1840342]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1820531
febaa2 |
(qmp command query-pci get wrong result after hotplug device under hotplug=off controller)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1840342
febaa2 |
([Intel 8.2.1 Bug] qemu-kvm Add ARCH_CAPABILITIES to Icelake-Server cpu model - Fast Train)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1845779
febaa2 |
(Install 'qemu-kvm-tests' failed as nothing provides /usr/libexec/platform-python3 - virt module 6972)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Jun 17 2020 Eduardo Lima (Etrunko) <elima@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-26.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-nbd-server-Avoid-long-error-message-assertions-CVE-2.patch [bz#1845384]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Call-attention-to-truncation-of-long-NBD-expor.patch [bz#1845384]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1845384
febaa2 |
(CVE-2020-10761 virt:8.2/qemu-kvm: QEMU: nbd: reachable assertion failure in nbd_negotiate_send_rep_verr via remote client [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Jun 09 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-25.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-enable-ramfb.patch [bz#1841068]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Add-flags-to-BlockDriver.bdrv_co_truncate.patch [bz#1780574]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Add-flags-to-bdrv-_co-_truncate.patch [bz#1780574]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-backend-Add-flags-to-blk_truncate.patch [bz#1780574]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qcow2-Support-BDRV_REQ_ZERO_WRITE-for-truncate.patch [bz#1780574]
febaa2 |
- kvm-raw-format-Support-BDRV_REQ_ZERO_WRITE-for-truncate.patch [bz#1780574]
febaa2 |
- kvm-file-posix-Support-BDRV_REQ_ZERO_WRITE-for-truncate.patch [bz#1780574]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-truncate-Don-t-make-backing-file-data-visible.patch [bz#1780574]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Add-qemu_io_log.patch [bz#1780574]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Filter-testfiles-out-in-filter_img_info.patch [bz#1780574]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Test-committing-to-short-backing-file.patch [bz#1780574]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qcow2-Forward-ZERO_WRITE-flag-for-full-preallocation.patch [bz#1780574]
febaa2 |
- kvm-i386-Add-MSR-feature-bit-for-MDS-NO.patch [bz#1769912]
febaa2 |
- kvm-i386-Add-macro-for-stibp.patch [bz#1769912]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-i386-Add-new-bit-definitions-of-MSR_IA32_ARCH.patch [bz#1769912]
febaa2 |
- kvm-i386-Add-new-CPU-model-Cooperlake.patch [bz#1769912]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-i386-Add-missed-features-to-Cooperlake-CPU-mo.patch [bz#1769912]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1769912
febaa2 |
([Intel 8.2.1 Feature] introduce Cooper Lake cpu model - qemu-kvm Fast Train)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1780574
febaa2 |
(Data corruption with resizing short overlay over longer backing files)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1841068
febaa2 |
(RFE: please support the "ramfb" display device model)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Jun 08 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-24.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-i386-set-the-CPUID-level-to-0x14-on-old-machi.patch [bz#1513681]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-curl-HTTP-header-fields-allow-whitespace-aroun.patch [bz#1841038]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-curl-HTTP-header-field-names-are-case-insensit.patch [bz#1841038]
febaa2 |
- kvm-MAINTAINERS-fix-qcow2-bitmap.c-under-Dirty-Bitmaps-h.patch [bz#1779893 bz#1779904]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Let-_make_test_img-parse-its-parameters.patch [bz#1779893 bz#1779904]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qemu_img-add-cvtnum_full-to-print-error-reports.patch [bz#1779893 bz#1779904]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Make-it-easier-to-learn-which-BDS-support-bitm.patch [bz#1779893 bz#1779904]
febaa2 |
- kvm-blockdev-Promote-several-bitmap-functions-to-non-sta.patch [bz#1779893 bz#1779904]
febaa2 |
- kvm-blockdev-Split-off-basic-bitmap-operations-for-qemu-.patch [bz#1779893 bz#1779904]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qemu-img-Add-bitmap-sub-command.patch [bz#1779893 bz#1779904]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Fix-test-178.patch [bz#1779893 bz#1779904]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qcow2-Expose-bitmaps-size-during-measure.patch [bz#1779893 bz#1779904]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qemu-img-Factor-out-code-for-merging-bitmaps.patch [bz#1779893 bz#1779904]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qemu-img-Add-convert-bitmaps-option.patch [bz#1779893 bz#1779904]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Add-test-291-to-for-qemu-img-bitmap-coverage.patch [bz#1779893 bz#1779904]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Add-more-skip_if_unsupported-statements-to-t.patch [bz#1778593]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-don-t-use-format-for-drive_add.patch [bz#1778593]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-055-refactor-compressed-backup-to-vmdk.patch [bz#1778593]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-055-skip-vmdk-target-tests-if-vmdk-is-not-wh.patch [bz#1778593]
febaa2 |
- kvm-backup-Improve-error-for-bdrv_getlength-failure.patch [bz#1778593]
febaa2 |
- kvm-backup-Make-sure-that-source-and-target-size-match.patch [bz#1778593]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Backup-with-different-source-target-size.patch [bz#1778593]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-109-Don-t-mirror-with-mismatched-size.patch [bz#1778593]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-229-Use-blkdebug-to-inject-an-error.patch [bz#1778593]
febaa2 |
- kvm-mirror-Make-sure-that-source-and-target-size-match.patch [bz#1778593]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Mirror-with-different-source-target-size.patch [bz#1778593]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1513681
febaa2 |
([Intel 8.2.1 Feat] qemu-kvm PT VMX -- Fast Train)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1778593
febaa2 |
(Qemu coredump when backup to a existing small size image)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1779893
febaa2 |
(RFE: Copy bitmaps with qemu-img convert)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1779904
febaa2 |
(RFE: ability to estimate bitmap space utilization for qcow2)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1841038
febaa2 |
(qemu-img: /var/tmp/v2vovl56bced.qcow2: CURL: Error opening file: Server does not support 'range' (byte ranges) with HTTP/2 server in VMware ESXi 7)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Thu Jun 04 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-23.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-arm-Fix-PAuth-sbox-functions.patch [bz#1813940]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Don-t-leak-memory-when-reallocation-fails.patch [bz#1749737]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Replace-remaining-malloc-free-user-with-glib.patch [bz#1749737]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Revert-RHEL-disable-hostmem-memfd.patch [bz#1839030]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-introducing-bdrv_co_delete_file-interface.patch [bz#1827630]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block.c-adding-bdrv_co_delete_file.patch [bz#1827630]
febaa2 |
- kvm-crypto.c-cleanup-created-file-when-block_crypto_co_c.patch [bz#1827630]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1749737
febaa2 |
(CVE-2019-15890 qemu-kvm: QEMU: Slirp: use-after-free during packet reassembly [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1813940
febaa2 |
(CVE-2020-10702 virt:8.1/qemu-kvm: qemu: weak signature generation in Pointer Authentication support for ARM [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1827630
febaa2 |
(volume creation leaving uncleaned stuff behind on error (vol-clone/libvirt/qemu-kvm))
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1839030
febaa2 |
(RFE: enable the "memfd" memory backend)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon May 25 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-22.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-always-fill-entire-LUKS-header-space-with-zero.patch [bz#1775462]
febaa2 |
- kvm-numa-remove-not-needed-check.patch [bz#1600217]
febaa2 |
- kvm-numa-properly-check-if-numa-is-supported.patch [bz#1600217]
febaa2 |
- kvm-numa-Extend-CLI-to-provide-initiator-information-for.patch [bz#1600217]
febaa2 |
- kvm-numa-Extend-CLI-to-provide-memory-latency-and-bandwi.patch [bz#1600217]
febaa2 |
- kvm-numa-Extend-CLI-to-provide-memory-side-cache-informa.patch [bz#1600217]
febaa2 |
- kvm-hmat-acpi-Build-Memory-Proximity-Domain-Attributes-S.patch [bz#1600217]
febaa2 |
- kvm-hmat-acpi-Build-System-Locality-Latency-and-Bandwidt.patch [bz#1600217]
febaa2 |
- kvm-hmat-acpi-Build-Memory-Side-Cache-Information-Struct.patch [bz#1600217]
febaa2 |
- kvm-tests-numa-Add-case-for-QMP-build-HMAT.patch [bz#1600217]
febaa2 |
- kvm-tests-bios-tables-test-add-test-cases-for-ACPI-HMAT.patch [bz#1600217]
febaa2 |
- kvm-ACPI-add-expected-files-for-HMAT-tests-acpihmat.patch [bz#1600217]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1600217
febaa2 |
([Intel 8.2.1 FEAT] KVM ACPI HMAT support - qemu-kvm Fast Train)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1775462
febaa2 |
(Creating luks-inside-qcow2 images with cluster_size=2k/4k will get a corrupted image)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon May 11 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-21.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-hw-pci-pcie-Forbid-hot-plug-if-it-s-disabled-on-the-.patch [bz#1820531]
febaa2 |
- kvm-hw-pci-pcie-Replace-PCI_DEVICE-casts-with-existing-v.patch [bz#1820531]
febaa2 |
- kvm-tools-virtiofsd-passthrough_ll-Fix-double-close.patch [bz#1817445]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-add-rlimit-nofile-NUM-option.patch [bz#1817445]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-stay-below-fs.file-max-sysctl-value-CVE-20.patch [bz#1817445]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-jail-lo-proc_self_fd.patch [bz#1817445]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Show-submounts.patch [bz#1817445]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-only-retain-file-system-capabilities.patch [bz#1817445]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-drop-all-capabilities-in-the-wait-parent-p.patch [bz#1817445]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1817445
febaa2 |
(CVE-2020-10717 virt:8.2/qemu-kvm: QEMU: virtiofsd: guest may open maximum file descriptor to cause DoS [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1820531
febaa2 |
(qmp command query-pci get wrong result after hotplug device under hotplug=off controller)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Fri May 01 2020 Jon Maloy <jmaloy@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-20.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-pcie_root_port-Add-hotplug-disabling-option.patch [bz#1790899]
febaa2 |
- kvm-compat-disable-edid-for-virtio-gpu-ccw.patch [bz#1816793]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1790899
febaa2 |
([RFE] QEMU devices should have the option to enable/disable hotplug/unplug)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1816793
febaa2 |
('edid' compat handling missing for virtio-gpu-ccw)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Apr 14 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-19.el8_2
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-i386-do-not-set-unsupported-VMX-secondary-exe.patch [bz#1822682]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1822682
febaa2 |
(QEMU-4.2 fails to start a VM on Azure)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Thu Apr 09 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-18.el8_2
febaa2 |
- kvm-job-take-each-job-s-lock-individually-in-job_txn_app.patch [bz#1817621]
febaa2 |
- kvm-replication-assert-we-own-context-before-job_cancel_.patch [bz#1817621]
febaa2 |
- kvm-backup-don-t-acquire-aio_context-in-backup_clean.patch [bz#1817621]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-backend-Reorder-flush-pdiscard-function-defini.patch [bz#1817621]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Increase-BB.in_flight-for-coroutine-and-sync-i.patch [bz#1817621]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Fix-blk-in_flight-during-blk_wait_while_draine.patch [bz#1817621]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1817621
febaa2 |
(Crash and deadlock with block jobs when using io-threads)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Mar 30 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-17.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-pass-BlockDriver-reference-to-the-.bdrv_co_cre.patch [bz#1816007]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-trickle-down-the-fallback-image-creation-funct.patch [bz#1816007]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Revert-mirror-Don-t-let-an-operation-wait-for-itself.patch [bz#1794692]
febaa2 |
- kvm-mirror-Wait-only-for-in-flight-operations.patch [bz#1794692]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1794692
febaa2 |
(Mirror block job stops making progress)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1816007
febaa2 |
(qemu-img convert failed to convert with block device as target)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Mar 24 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-16.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-Rate-limit-inside-host-pages.patch [bz#1814336]
febaa2 |
- kvm-build-sys-do-not-make-qemu-ga-link-with-pixman.patch [bz#1811670]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1811670
febaa2 |
(Unneeded qemu-guest-agent dependency on pixman)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1814336
febaa2 |
([POWER9] QEMU migration-test triggers a kernel warning)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Mar 17 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-15.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-nbd-Fix-hang-in-.bdrv_close.patch [bz#1640894]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Generic-file-creation-fallback.patch [bz#1640894]
febaa2 |
- kvm-file-posix-Drop-hdev_co_create_opts.patch [bz#1640894]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iscsi-Drop-iscsi_co_create_opts.patch [bz#1640894]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Add-test-for-image-creation-fallback.patch [bz#1640894]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Fix-leak-in-bdrv_create_file_fallback.patch [bz#1640894]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Use-complete_and_wait-in-155.patch [bz#1790482 bz#1805143]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Introduce-bdrv_reopen_commit_post-step.patch [bz#1790482 bz#1805143]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-qcow2-Move-bitmap-reopen-into-bdrv_reopen_comm.patch [bz#1790482 bz#1805143]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Refactor-blockdev-reopen-test-for-iothreads.patch [bz#1790482 bz#1805143]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-bdrv_reopen-with-backing-file-in-different-Aio.patch [bz#1790482 bz#1805143]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Versioned-x-blockdev-reopen-API-with-feature-f.patch [bz#1790482 bz#1805143]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Make-bdrv_get_cumulative_perm-public.patch [bz#1790482 bz#1805143]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Relax-restrictions-for-blockdev-snapshot.patch [bz#1790482 bz#1805143]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Fix-run_job-with-use_log-False.patch [bz#1790482 bz#1805143]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Test-mirror-with-temporarily-disabled-target.patch [bz#1790482 bz#1805143]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Fix-cross-AioContext-blockdev-snapshot.patch [bz#1790482 bz#1805143]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Add-iothread-cases-to-155.patch [bz#1790482 bz#1805143]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qapi-Add-allow-write-only-overlay-feature-for-blockd.patch [bz#1790482 bz#1805143]
febaa2 |
- kvm-exec-rom_reset-Free-rom-data-during-inmigrate-skip.patch [bz#1809380]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1640894
febaa2 |
(Fix generic file creation fallback for qemu-img nvme:// image creation support)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1790482
febaa2 |
(bitmaps in backing images can't be modified)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1805143
febaa2 |
(allow late/lazy opening of backing chain for shallow blockdev-mirror)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1809380
febaa2 |
(guest hang during reboot process after migration from RHEl7.8 to RHEL8.2.0.)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Mar 11 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-14.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-hw-smbios-set-new-default-SMBIOS-fields-for-Windows-.patch [bz#1782529]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-multifd-clean-pages-after-filling-packet.patch [bz#1738451]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-Make-sure-that-we-don-t-call-write-in-case.patch [bz#1738451]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-multifd-fix-nullptr-access-in-terminating-.patch [bz#1738451]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-multifd-fix-destroyed-mutex-access-in-term.patch [bz#1738451]
febaa2 |
- kvm-multifd-Make-sure-that-we-don-t-do-any-IO-after-an-e.patch [bz#1738451]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qemu-file-Don-t-do-IO-after-shutdown.patch [bz#1738451]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-Don-t-send-data-if-we-have-stopped.patch [bz#1738451]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-Create-migration_is_running.patch [bz#1738451]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-multifd-fix-nullptr-access-in-multifd_send.patch [bz#1738451]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-Maybe-VM-is-paused-when-migration-is-cance.patch [bz#1738451]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Remove-fuse_req_getgroups.patch [bz#1797064]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-fv_create_listen_socket-error-path-socket-.patch [bz#1797064]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-load_capng-missing-unlock.patch [bz#1797064]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-do_read-missing-NULL-check.patch [bz#1797064]
febaa2 |
- kvm-tools-virtiofsd-fuse_lowlevel-Fix-fuse_out_header-er.patch [bz#1797064]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-passthrough_ll-cleanup-getxattr-listxattr.patch [bz#1797064]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Fix-xattr-operations.patch [bz#1797064]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1738451
febaa2 |
(qemu on src host core dump after set multifd-channels and do migration twice (first migration execute migrate_cancel))
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1782529
febaa2 |
(Windows Update Enablement with default smbios strings in qemu)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1797064
febaa2 |
(virtiofsd: Fixes)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Sat Feb 29 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-13.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-i386-kvm-initialize-feature-MSRs-very-early.patch [bz#1791648]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-i386-add-a-ucode-rev-property.patch [bz#1791648]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-i386-kvm-initialize-microcode-revision-from-K.patch [bz#1791648]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-i386-fix-TCG-UCODE_REV-access.patch [bz#1791648]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-i386-check-for-availability-of-MSR_IA32_UCODE.patch [bz#1791648]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-i386-enable-monitor-and-ucode-revision-with-c.patch [bz#1791648]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qcow2-Fix-qcow2_alloc_cluster_abort-for-external-dat.patch [bz#1703907]
febaa2 |
- kvm-mirror-Store-MirrorOp.co-for-debuggability.patch [bz#1794692]
febaa2 |
- kvm-mirror-Don-t-let-an-operation-wait-for-itself.patch [bz#1794692]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1703907
febaa2 |
([upstream]QEMU coredump when converting to qcow2: external data file images on block devices with copy_offloading)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1791648
febaa2 |
([RFE] Passthrough host CPU microcode version to KVM guest if using CPU passthrough)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1794692
febaa2 |
(Mirror block job stops making progress)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Feb 24 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-12.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-user-gpu-Drop-trailing-json-comma.patch [bz#1805334]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1805334
febaa2 |
(vhost-user/50-qemu-gpu.json is not valid JSON)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Sun Feb 23 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-11.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-Enable-DD2.3-accelerated-count-cache-flush-in-.patch [bz#1796240]
febaa2 |
- kvm-util-add-slirp_fmt-helpers.patch [bz#1798994]
febaa2 |
- kvm-tcp_emu-fix-unsafe-snprintf-usages.patch [bz#1798994]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-add-ability-to-delete-vq-through-a-pointer.patch [bz#1791590]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-make-virtio_delete_queue-idempotent.patch [bz#1791590]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-reset-region-cache-when-on-queue-deletion.patch [bz#1791590]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-net-delete-also-control-queue-when-TX-RX-dele.patch [bz#1791590]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1791590
22c213 |
([Q35] No "DEVICE_DELETED" event in qmp after unplug virtio-net-pci device)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1796240
febaa2 |
(Enable hw accelerated cache-count-flush by default for POWER9 DD2.3 cpus)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1798994
febaa2 |
(CVE-2020-8608 qemu-kvm: QEMU: Slirp: potential OOB access due to unsafe snprintf() usages [rhel-av-8.2.0])
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Fri Feb 14 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-10.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-i386-Resolve-CPU-models-to-v1-by-default.patch [bz#1779078 bz#1787291 bz#1779078 bz#1779078]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Support-job-complete-in-run_job.patch [bz#1781637]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Create-VM.blockdev_create.patch [bz#1781637]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Activate-recursively-even-for-already-active-n.patch [bz#1781637]
febaa2 |
- kvm-hmp-Allow-using-qdev-ID-for-qemu-io-command.patch [bz#1781637]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Test-external-snapshot-with-VM-state.patch [bz#1781637]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests.py-Let-wait_migration-wait-even-more.patch [bz#1781637]
febaa2 |
- kvm-blockdev-fix-coding-style-issues-in-drive_backup_pre.patch [bz#1745606 bz#1746217 bz#1773517 bz#1779036 bz#1782111 bz#1782175 bz#1783965]
febaa2 |
- kvm-blockdev-unify-qmp_drive_backup-and-drive-backup-tra.patch [bz#1745606 bz#1746217 bz#1773517 bz#1779036 bz#1782111 bz#1782175 bz#1783965]
febaa2 |
- kvm-blockdev-unify-qmp_blockdev_backup-and-blockdev-back.patch [bz#1745606 bz#1746217 bz#1773517 bz#1779036 bz#1782111 bz#1782175 bz#1783965]
febaa2 |
- kvm-blockdev-honor-bdrv_try_set_aio_context-context-requ.patch [bz#1745606 bz#1746217 bz#1773517 bz#1779036 bz#1782111 bz#1782175 bz#1783965]
febaa2 |
- kvm-backup-top-Begin-drain-earlier.patch [bz#1745606 bz#1746217 bz#1773517 bz#1779036 bz#1782111 bz#1782175 bz#1783965]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-backup-top-Don-t-acquire-context-while-droppin.patch [bz#1745606 bz#1746217 bz#1773517 bz#1779036 bz#1782111 bz#1782175 bz#1783965]
febaa2 |
- kvm-blockdev-Acquire-AioContext-on-dirty-bitmap-function.patch [bz#1745606 bz#1746217 bz#1773517 bz#1779036 bz#1782111 bz#1782175 bz#1783965]
febaa2 |
- kvm-blockdev-Return-bs-to-the-proper-context-on-snapshot.patch [bz#1745606 bz#1746217 bz#1773517 bz#1779036 bz#1782111 bz#1782175 bz#1783965]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Test-handling-of-AioContexts-with-some-block.patch [bz#1745606 bz#1746217 bz#1773517 bz#1779036 bz#1782111 bz#1782175 bz#1783965]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-arm-monitor-query-cpu-model-expansion-crashed.patch [bz#1801320]
febaa2 |
- kvm-docs-arm-cpu-features-Make-kvm-no-adjvtime-comment-c.patch [bz#1801320]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1745606
febaa2 |
(Qemu hang when do incremental live backup in transaction mode without bitmap)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1746217
febaa2 |
(Src qemu hang when do storage vm migration during guest installation)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1773517
febaa2 |
(Src qemu hang when do storage vm migration with dataplane enable)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1779036
febaa2 |
(Qemu coredump when do snapshot in transaction mode with one snapshot path not exist)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1779078
febaa2 |
(RHVH 4.4: Failed to run VM on 4.3/4.4 engine (Exit message: the CPU is incompatible with host CPU: Host CPU does not provide required features: hle, rtm))
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1781637
febaa2 |
(qemu crashed when do mem and disk snapshot)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1782111
febaa2 |
(Qemu hang when do full backup on multi-disks with one job's 'job-id' missed in transaction mode(data plane enable))
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1782175
febaa2 |
(Qemu core dump when add persistent bitmap(data plane enable))
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1783965
febaa2 |
(Qemu core dump when do backup with sync: bitmap and no bitmap provided)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1787291
febaa2 |
(RHVH 4.4: Failed to run VM on 4.3/4.4 engine (Exit message: the CPU is incompatible with host CPU: Host CPU does not provide required features: hle, rtm) [rhel-8.1.0.z])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1801320
febaa2 |
(aarch64: backport query-cpu-model-expansion and adjvtime document fixes)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Feb 10 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-9.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-ppc-Deassert-the-external-interrupt-pin-in-KVM-on-re.patch [bz#1776638]
febaa2 |
- kvm-xics-Don-t-deassert-outputs.patch [bz#1776638]
febaa2 |
- kvm-ppc-Don-t-use-CPUPPCState-irq_input_state-with-moder.patch [bz#1776638]
febaa2 |
- kvm-trace-update-qemu-trace-stap-to-Python-3.patch [bz#1787395]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Remove-redundant-fix-for-qemu-trace-stap.patch [bz#1787395]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iscsi-Cap-block-count-from-GET-LBA-STATUS-CVE-2020-1.patch [bz#1794503]
febaa2 |
- kvm-tpm-ppi-page-align-PPI-RAM.patch [bz#1787444]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-arm-kvm-trivial-Clean-up-header-documentation.patch [bz#1647366]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-arm-kvm64-kvm64-cpus-have-timer-registers.patch [bz#1647366]
febaa2 |
- kvm-tests-arm-cpu-features-Check-feature-default-values.patch [bz#1647366]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-arm-kvm-Implement-virtual-time-adjustment.patch [bz#1647366]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-arm-cpu-Add-the-kvm-no-adjvtime-CPU-property.patch [bz#1647366]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-Define-VMSTATE_INSTANCE_ID_ANY.patch [bz#1529231]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-Change-SaveStateEntry.instance_id-into-uin.patch [bz#1529231]
febaa2 |
- kvm-apic-Use-32bit-APIC-ID-for-migration-instance-ID.patch [bz#1529231]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1529231
febaa2 |
([q35] VM hangs after migration with 200 vCPUs)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1647366
febaa2 |
(aarch64: Add support for the kvm-no-adjvtime ARM CPU feature)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1776638
febaa2 |
(Guest failed to boot up after system_reset 20 times)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1787395
febaa2 |
(qemu-trace-stap list : TypeError: startswith first arg must be bytes or a tuple of bytes, not str)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1787444
febaa2 |
(Broken postcopy migration with vTPM device)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1794503
febaa2 |
(CVE-2020-1711 qemu-kvm: QEMU: block: iscsi: OOB heap access via an unexpected response of iSCSI Server [rhel-av-8.2.0])
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Fri Jan 31 2020 Miroslav Rezanina <mrezanin@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-8.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-arm-arch_dump-Add-SVE-notes.patch [bz#1725084]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-Add-names-to-section-rounded-warning.patch [bz#1779041]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-Only-align-sections-for-vhost-user.patch [bz#1779041]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-coding-style-fix.patch [bz#1779041]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-fs-fix-MSI-X-nvectors-calculation.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-user-fs-remove-vhostfd-property.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-build-rename-CONFIG_LIBCAP-to-CONFIG_LIBCAP_NG.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Pull-in-upstream-headers.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Pull-in-kernel-s-fuse.h.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Add-auxiliary-.c-s.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Add-fuse_lowlevel.c.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Add-passthrough_ll.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Trim-down-imported-files.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Format-imported-files-to-qemu-style.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-remove-mountpoint-dummy-argument.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-remove-unused-notify-reply-support.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Remove-unused-enum-fuse_buf_copy_flags.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Fix-fuse_daemonize-ignored-return-values.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Fix-common-header-and-define-for-QEMU-buil.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Trim-out-compatibility-code.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vitriofsd-passthrough_ll-fix-fallocate-ifdefs.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Make-fsync-work-even-if-only-inode-is-pass.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Add-options-for-virtio.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-add-o-source-PATH-to-help-output.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Open-vhost-connection-instead-of-mounting.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Start-wiring-up-vhost-user.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Add-main-virtio-loop.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-get-set-features-callbacks.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Start-queue-threads.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Poll-kick_fd-for-queue.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Start-reading-commands-from-queue.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Send-replies-to-messages.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Keep-track-of-replies.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Add-Makefile-wiring-for-virtiofsd-contrib.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Fast-path-for-virtio-read.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-add-fd-FDNUM-fd-passing-option.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-make-f-foreground-the-default.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-add-vhost-user.json-file.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-add-print-capabilities-option.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofs-Add-maintainers-entry.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-passthrough_ll-create-new-files-in-caller-.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-passthrough_ll-add-lo_map-for-ino-fh-indir.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-passthrough_ll-add-ino_map-to-hide-lo_inod.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-passthrough_ll-add-dirp_map-to-hide-lo_dir.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-passthrough_ll-add-fd_map-to-hide-file-des.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-passthrough_ll-add-fallback-for-racy-ops.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-validate-path-components.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Plumb-fuse_bufvec-through-to-do_write_buf.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Pass-write-iov-s-all-the-way-through.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-add-fuse_mbuf_iter-API.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-validate-input-buffer-sizes-in-do_write_bu.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-check-input-buffer-size-in-fuse_lowlevel.c.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-prevent-.-escape-in-lo_do_lookup.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-prevent-.-escape-in-lo_do_readdir.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-use-proc-self-fd-O_PATH-file-descriptor.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-sandbox-mount-namespace.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-move-to-an-empty-network-namespace.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-move-to-a-new-pid-namespace.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-add-seccomp-whitelist.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Parse-flag-FUSE_WRITE_KILL_PRIV.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-cap-ng-helpers.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Drop-CAP_FSETID-if-client-asked-for-it.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-set-maximum-RLIMIT_NOFILE-limit.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-fix-libfuse-information-leaks.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-add-syslog-command-line-option.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-print-log-only-when-priority-is-high-enoug.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Add-ID-to-the-log-with-FUSE_LOG_DEBUG-leve.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Add-timestamp-to-the-log-with-FUSE_LOG_DEB.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Handle-reinit.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Handle-hard-reboot.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Kill-threads-when-queues-are-stopped.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-user-Print-unexpected-slave-message-types.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-contrib-libvhost-user-Protect-slave-fd-with-mutex.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-passthrough_ll-add-renameat2-support.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-passthrough_ll-disable-readdirplus-on-cach.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-passthrough_ll-control-readdirplus.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-rename-unref_inode-to-unref_inode_lolocked.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-fail-when-parent-inode-isn-t-known-in-lo_d.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-extract-root-inode-init-into-setup_root.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-passthrough_ll-clean-up-cache-related-opti.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-passthrough_ll-use-hashtable.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Clean-up-inodes-on-destroy.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-support-nanosecond-resolution-for-file-tim.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-fix-error-handling-in-main.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-cleanup-allocated-resource-in-se.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-fix-memory-leak-on-lo.source.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-add-helper-for-lo_data-cleanup.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Prevent-multiply-running-with-same-vhost_u.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-enable-PARALLEL_DIROPS-during-INIT.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-fix-incorrect-error-handling-in-lo_do_look.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Virtiofsd-fix-memory-leak-on-fuse-queueinfo.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Support-remote-posix-locks.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-use-fuse_lowlevel_is_virtio-in-fuse_sessio.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-prevent-fv_queue_thread-vs-virtio_loop-rac.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-make-lo_release-atomic.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-prevent-races-with-lo_dirp_put.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-rename-inode-refcount-to-inode-nlookup.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-libvhost-user-Fix-some-memtable-remap-cases.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-passthrough_ll-fix-refcounting-on-remove-r.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-introduce-inode-refcount-to-prevent-use-af.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-do-not-always-set-FUSE_FLOCK_LOCKS.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-convert-more-fprintf-and-perror-to-use-fus.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Reset-O_DIRECT-flag-during-file-open.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Fix-data-corruption-with-O_APPEND-write-in.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-passthrough_ll-Use-cache_readdir-for-direc.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-add-definition-of-fuse_buf_writev.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-use-fuse_buf_writev-to-replace-fuse_buf_wr.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-process-requests-in-a-thread-pool.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-prevent-FUSE_INIT-FUSE_DESTROY-races.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-fix-lo_destroy-resource-leaks.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-add-thread-pool-size-NUM-option.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-Convert-lo_destroy-to-take-the-lo-mutex-lo.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-passthrough_ll-Pass-errno-to-fuse_reply_er.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-stop-all-queue-threads-on-exit-in-virtio_l.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtiofsd-add-some-options-to-the-help-message.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-ship-virtiofsd-vhost-user-device-backend.patch [bz#1694164]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1694164
febaa2 |
(virtio-fs: host<->guest shared file system (qemu))
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1725084
febaa2 |
(aarch64: support dumping SVE registers)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1779041
febaa2 |
(netkvm: no connectivity Windows guest with q35 + hugepages + vhost + hv_synic)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Jan 21 2020 Miroslav Rezanina <mrezanin@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-7.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-tcp_emu-Fix-oob-access.patch [bz#1791568]
febaa2 |
- kvm-slirp-use-correct-size-while-emulating-IRC-commands.patch [bz#1791568]
febaa2 |
- kvm-slirp-use-correct-size-while-emulating-commands.patch [bz#1791568]
febaa2 |
- kvm-RHEL-hw-i386-disable-nested-PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL-MSR-sup.patch [bz#1559846]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1559846
febaa2 |
(Nested KVM: limit VMX features according to CPU models - Fast Train)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1791568
febaa2 |
(CVE-2020-7039 qemu-kvm: QEMU: slirp: OOB buffer access while emulating tcp protocols in tcp_emu() [rhel-av-8.2.0])
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Jan 15 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-6.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-Don-t-trigger-a-CAS-reboot-for-XICS-XIVE-mode-.patch [bz#1733893]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vfio-pci-Don-t-remove-irqchip-notifier-if-not-regist.patch [bz#1782678]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-don-t-enable-notifications-during-polling.patch [bz#1789301]
febaa2 |
- kvm-usbredir-Prevent-recursion-in-usbredir_write.patch [bz#1790844]
febaa2 |
- kvm-xhci-recheck-slot-status.patch [bz#1790844]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1733893
febaa2 |
(Boot a guest with "-prom-env 'auto-boot?=false'", SLOF failed to enter the boot entry after input "boot" followed by "0 > " on VNC)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1782678
febaa2 |
(qemu core dump after hot-unplugging the XXV710/XL710 PF)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1789301
febaa2 |
(virtio-blk/scsi: fix notification suppression during AioContext polling)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1790844
febaa2 |
(USB related fixes)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Jan 07 2020 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-5.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-i386-Remove-cpu64-rhel6-CPU-model.patch [bz#1741345]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Reallocate-dirty_bmap-when-we-change-a-slot.patch [bz#1772774]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1741345
22c213 |
(Remove the "cpu64-rhel6" CPU from qemu-kvm)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1772774
febaa2 |
(qemu-kvm core dump during migration+reboot ( Assertion `mem->dirty_bmap' failed ))
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Fri Dec 13 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.2.0-4.el8
febaa2 |
- Rebase to qemu-4.2
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1783250
febaa2 |
(rebase qemu-kvm to 4.2)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Dec 10 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-18.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-LUKS-support-preallocation.patch [bz#1534951]
febaa2 |
- kvm-nbd-add-empty-.bdrv_reopen_prepare.patch [bz#1718727]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qdev-qbus-add-hidden-device-support.patch [bz#1757796]
febaa2 |
- kvm-pci-add-option-for-net-failover.patch [bz#1757796]
febaa2 |
- kvm-pci-mark-devices-partially-unplugged.patch [bz#1757796]
febaa2 |
- kvm-pci-mark-device-having-guest-unplug-request-pending.patch [bz#1757796]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qapi-add-unplug-primary-event.patch [bz#1757796]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qapi-add-failover-negotiated-event.patch [bz#1757796]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-allow-unplug-during-migration-for-failover.patch [bz#1757796]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-add-new-migration-state-wait-unplug.patch [bz#1757796]
febaa2 |
- kvm-libqos-tolerate-wait-unplug-migration-state.patch [bz#1757796]
febaa2 |
- kvm-net-virtio-add-failover-support.patch [bz#1757796]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vfio-unplug-failover-primary-device-before-migration.patch [bz#1757796]
febaa2 |
- kvm-net-virtio-fix-dev_unplug_pending.patch [bz#1757796]
febaa2 |
- kvm-net-virtio-return-early-when-failover-primary-alread.patch [bz#1757796]
febaa2 |
- kvm-net-virtio-fix-re-plugging-of-primary-device.patch [bz#1757796]
febaa2 |
- kvm-net-virtio-return-error-when-device_opts-arg-is-NULL.patch [bz#1757796]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vfio-don-t-ignore-return-value-of-migrate_add_blocke.patch [bz#1757796]
febaa2 |
- kvm-hw-vfio-pci-Fix-double-free-of-migration_blocker.patch [bz#1757796]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1534951
febaa2 |
(RFE: Support preallocation mode for luks format)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1718727
febaa2 |
(Committing changes to the backing file over NBD fails with reopening files not supported)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1757796
febaa2 |
(RFE: support for net failover devices in qemu)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Dec 02 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-17.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-qemu-pr-helper-fix-crash-in-mpath_reconstruct_sense.patch [bz#1772322]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1772322
febaa2 |
(qemu-pr-helper: fix crash in mpath_reconstruct_sense)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Nov 27 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-16.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-curl-Keep-pointer-to-the-CURLState-in-CURLSocket.patch [bz#1745209]
febaa2 |
- kvm-curl-Keep-socket-until-the-end-of-curl_sock_cb.patch [bz#1745209]
febaa2 |
- kvm-curl-Check-completion-in-curl_multi_do.patch [bz#1745209]
febaa2 |
- kvm-curl-Pass-CURLSocket-to-curl_multi_do.patch [bz#1745209]
febaa2 |
- kvm-curl-Report-only-ready-sockets.patch [bz#1745209]
febaa2 |
- kvm-curl-Handle-success-in-multi_check_completion.patch [bz#1745209]
febaa2 |
- kvm-curl-Check-curl_multi_add_handle-s-return-code.patch [bz#1745209]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vhost-user-save-features-if-the-char-dev-is-closed.patch [bz#1738768]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-snapshot-Restrict-set-of-snapshot-nodes.patch [bz#1658981]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Test-internal-snapshots-with-blockdev.patch [bz#1658981]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qapi-Add-feature-flags-to-commands-in-qapi-introspec.patch [bz#1658981]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qapi-Allow-introspecting-fix-for-savevm-s-cooperatio.patch [bz#1658981]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Remove-backing-null-from-bs-explicit_-options.patch [bz#1773925]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Test-multiple-blockdev-snapshot-calls.patch [bz#1773925]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1658981
febaa2 |
(qemu failed to create internal snapshot via 'savevm' when using blockdev)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1738768
febaa2 |
(Guest fails to recover receiving packets after vhost-user reconnect)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1745209
22c213 |
(qemu-img gets stuck when stream-converting from http)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1773925
febaa2 |
(Fail to do blockcommit with more than one snapshots)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Thu Nov 14 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-15.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-blk-Add-blk_drain-to-virtio_blk_device_unreal.patch [bz#1706759]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Revert-qcow2-skip-writing-zero-buffers-to-empty-COW-.patch [bz#1772473]
febaa2 |
- kvm-coroutine-Add-qemu_co_mutex_assert_locked.patch [bz#1772473]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qcow2-Fix-corruption-bug-in-qcow2_detect_metadata_pr.patch [bz#1772473]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1706759
febaa2 |
(qemu core dump when unplug a 16T GPT type disk from win2019 guest)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1772473
febaa2 |
(Import fixes from 8.1.0 into 8.1.1 branch)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Oct 29 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-14.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-Revert-qcow2-skip-writing-zero-buffers-to-empty-COW-.patch [bz#1751934]
febaa2 |
- kvm-coroutine-Add-qemu_co_mutex_assert_locked.patch [bz#1764721]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qcow2-Fix-corruption-bug-in-qcow2_detect_metadata_pr.patch [bz#1764721]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1751934
febaa2 |
(Fail to install guest when xfs is the host filesystem)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1764721
febaa2 |
(qcow2 image corruption due to incorrect locking in preallocation detection)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Fri Sep 27 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-13.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-nbd-server-attach-client-channel-to-the-export-s-Aio.patch [bz#1748253]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-blk-schedule-virtio_notify_config-to-run-on-m.patch [bz#1744955]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1744955
febaa2 |
(Qemu hang when block resize a qcow2 image)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1748253
febaa2 |
(QEMU crashes (core dump) when using the integrated NDB server with data-plane)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Thu Sep 26 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-12.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Use-QEMU_IS_ALIGNED.patch [bz#1745922]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-qcow2-Fix-corruption-introduced-by-commit-8ac0.patch [bz#1745922]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-qcow2-refactor-encryption-code.patch [bz#1745922]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-Add-test-for-bz-1745922.patch [bz#1745922]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1745922
febaa2 |
(Luks-inside-qcow2 snapshot cannot boot after 'qemu-img rebase')
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Sep 23 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-11.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-blockjob-update-nodes-head-while-removing-all-bdrv.patch [bz#1746631]
febaa2 |
- kvm-hostmem-file-fix-pmem-file-size-check.patch [bz#1724008 bz#1736788]
febaa2 |
- kvm-memory-fetch-pmem-size-in-get_file_size.patch [bz#1724008 bz#1736788]
febaa2 |
- kvm-pr-manager-Fix-invalid-g_free-crash-bug.patch [bz#1753992]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1724008
febaa2 |
(QEMU core dumped "memory_region_get_ram_ptr: Assertion `mr->ram_block' failed")
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1736788
febaa2 |
(QEMU core dumped if boot guest with nvdimm backed by /dev/dax0.0 and option pmem=off)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1746631
febaa2 |
(Qemu core dump when do block commit under stress)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1753992
febaa2 |
(core dump when testing persistent reservation in guest)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Sep 16 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-10.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-xive-Mask-the-EAS-when-allocating-an-IRQ.patch [bz#1748725]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-create-Do-not-abort-if-a-block-driver-is-not-a.patch [bz#1746267]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-blk-Cancel-the-pending-BH-when-the-dataplane-.patch [bz#1717321]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Using-ip_deq-after-m_free-might-read-pointers-from-a.patch [bz#1749737]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1717321
22c213 |
(qemu-kvm core dumped when repeat "system_reset" multiple times during guest boot)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1746267
febaa2 |
(qemu coredump: qemu-kvm: block/create.c:68: qmp_blockdev_create: Assertion `drv' failed)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1748725
febaa2 |
([ppc][migration][v6.3-rc1-p1ce8930]basic migration failed with "qemu-kvm: KVM_SET_DEVICE_ATTR failed: Group 3 attr 0x0000000000001309: Device or resource busy")
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1749737
febaa2 |
(CVE-2019-15890 qemu-kvm: QEMU: Slirp: use-after-free during packet reassembly [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Sep 10 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-9.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-always-initialise-ram_counters-for-a-new-m.patch [bz#1734316]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-add-qemu_file_update_transfer-interface.patch [bz#1734316]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-add-speed-limit-for-multifd-migration.patch [bz#1734316]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-update-ram_counters-for-multifd-sync-packe.patch [bz#1734316]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-pci-Consolidate-de-allocation-of-MSIs.patch [bz#1750200]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-pci-Free-MSIs-during-reset.patch [bz#1750200]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1734316
febaa2 |
(multifd migration does not honour speed limits, consumes entire bandwidth of NIC)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1750200
febaa2 |
([RHEL8.1][QEMU4.1]boot up guest with vf device,then system_reset guest,error prompt(qemu-kvm: Can't allocate MSIs for device 2800: IRQ 4904 is not free))
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Sep 09 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-8.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-Do-not-re-read-the-clock-on-pre_save-in-ca.patch [bz#1747836]
febaa2 |
- kvm-ehci-fix-queue-dev-null-ptr-dereference.patch [bz#1746790]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-Use-SHUTDOWN_CAUSE_SUBSYSTEM_RESET-for-CAS-reb.patch [bz#1743477]
febaa2 |
- kvm-file-posix-Handle-undetectable-alignment.patch [bz#1749134]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-posix-Always-allocate-the-first-block.patch [bz#1749134]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Test-allocate_first_block-with-O_DIRECT.patch [bz#1749134]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1743477
febaa2 |
(Since bd94bc06479a "spapr: change default interrupt mode to 'dual'", QEMU resets the machine to select the appropriate interrupt controller. And -no-reboot prevents that.)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1746790
febaa2 |
(qemu core dump while migrate from RHEL7.6 to RHEL8.1)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1747836
febaa2 |
(Call traces after guest migration due to incorrect handling of the timebase)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1749134
22c213 |
(I/O error when virtio-blk disk is backed by a raw image on 4k disk)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Fri Sep 06 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-7.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-trace-Clarify-DTrace-SystemTap-help-message.patch [bz#1516220]
febaa2 |
- kvm-socket-Add-backlog-parameter-to-socket_listen.patch [bz#1726898]
febaa2 |
- kvm-socket-Add-num-connections-to-qio_channel_socket_syn.patch [bz#1726898]
febaa2 |
- kvm-socket-Add-num-connections-to-qio_channel_socket_asy.patch [bz#1726898]
febaa2 |
- kvm-socket-Add-num-connections-to-qio_net_listener_open_.patch [bz#1726898]
febaa2 |
- kvm-multifd-Use-number-of-channels-as-listen-backlog.patch [bz#1726898]
febaa2 |
- kvm-pseries-Fix-compat_pvr-on-reset.patch [bz#1744107]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-Set-compat-mode-in-spapr_core_plug.patch [bz#1744107]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1516220
febaa2 |
(-trace help prints an incomplete list of trace events)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1726898
febaa2 |
(Parallel migration fails with error "Unable to write to socket: Connection reset by peer" now and then)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1744107
febaa2 |
(Migration from P8(qemu4.1) to P9(qemu4.1), after migration, qemu crash on destination with error message "qemu-kvm: error while loading state for instance 0x1 of device 'cpu'")
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Sep 04 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-6.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-memory-Refactor-memory_region_clear_coalescing.patch [bz#1743142]
febaa2 |
- kvm-memory-Split-zones-when-do-coalesced_io_del.patch [bz#1743142]
febaa2 |
- kvm-memory-Remove-has_coalesced_range-counter.patch [bz#1743142]
febaa2 |
- kvm-memory-Fix-up-memory_region_-add-del-_coalescing.patch [bz#1743142]
febaa2 |
- kvm-enable-virgl-for-real-this-time.patch [bz#1559740]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1559740
febaa2 |
([RFE] Enable virgl as TechPreview (qemu))
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1743142
febaa2 |
(Boot guest with multiple e1000 devices, qemu will crash after several guest reboots: kvm_mem_ioeventfd_add: error adding ioeventfd: No space left on device (28))
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Aug 27 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-5.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-s390x-Rename-s390-ccw-virtio-rhel8.0.0-to-s39.patch [bz#1693772]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-s390x-Add-proper-compatibility-options-for-th.patch [bz#1693772]
febaa2 |
- kvm-enable-virgl.patch [bz#1559740]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-update-pseries-rhel8.1.0-machine-type.patch [bz#1744170]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Do-not-run-iotests-on-brew-build.patch [bz#1742197 bz#1742819]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1559740
febaa2 |
([RFE] Enable virgl as TechPreview (qemu))
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1693772
febaa2 |
([IBM zKVM] RHEL AV 8.1.0 machine type update for s390x)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1742197
febaa2 |
(Remove iotests from qemu-kvm builds [RHEL AV 8.1.0])
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1742819
22c213 |
(Remove iotests from qemu-kvm builds [RHEL 8.1.0])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1744170
febaa2 |
([IBM Power] New 8.1.0 machine type for pseries)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Aug 20 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-4.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-RHEL-disable-hostmem-memfd.patch [bz#1738626 bz#1740797]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1738626
febaa2 |
(Disable memfd in QEMU)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1740797
22c213 |
(Disable memfd in QEMU)
22c213 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Aug 19 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-3.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-x86-machine-types-pc_rhel_8_0_compat.patch [bz#1719649]
febaa2 |
- kvm-x86-machine-types-q35-Fixup-units_per_default_bus.patch [bz#1719649]
febaa2 |
- kvm-x86-machine-types-Fixup-dynamic-sysbus-entries.patch [bz#1719649]
febaa2 |
- kvm-x86-machine-types-add-pc-q35-rhel8.1.0.patch [bz#1719649]
febaa2 |
- kvm-machine-types-Update-hw_compat_rhel_8_0-from-hw_comp.patch [bz#1719649]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-Make-disable-legacy-disable-modern-compat-pro.patch [bz#1719649]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1719649
febaa2 |
(8.1 machine type for x86)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Aug 19 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-2.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-spec-Update-seavgabios-dependency.patch [bz#1725664]
febaa2 |
- kvm-pc-Don-t-make-die-id-mandatory-unless-necessary.patch [bz#1741451]
febaa2 |
- kvm-display-bochs-fix-pcie-support.patch [bz#1733977 bz#1740692]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-Reset-CAS-IRQ-subsystem-after-devices.patch [bz#1733977]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-xive-Fix-migration-of-hot-plugged-CPUs.patch [bz#1733977]
febaa2 |
- kvm-riscv-roms-Fix-make-rules-for-building-sifive_u-bios.patch [bz#1733977 bz#1740692]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Update-version-for-v4.1.0-release.patch [bz#1733977 bz#1740692]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1725664
febaa2 |
(Update seabios dependency)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1733977
febaa2 |
(Qemu core dumped: /home/ngu/qemu/hw/intc/xics_kvm.c:321: ics_kvm_set_irq: Assertion `kernel_xics_fd != -1' failed)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1740692
febaa2 |
(Backport QEMU 4.1.0 rc5 & ga patches)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1741451
febaa2 |
(Failed to hot-plug vcpus)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Aug 14 2019 Miroslav Rezanina <mrezanin@redhat.com> - 4.1.0-1.el8
febaa2 |
- Rebase to qemu 4.1.0 rc4 [bz#1705235]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1705235
febaa2 |
(Rebase qemu-kvm for RHEL-AV 8.1.0)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Jul 23 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.0.0-6.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-x86_64-rh-devices-add-missing-TPM-passthrough.patch [bz#1519013]
febaa2 |
- kvm-x86_64-rh-devices-enable-TPM-emulation.patch [bz#1519013]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vfio-increase-the-cap-on-number-of-assigned-devices-.patch [bz#1719823]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1519013
febaa2 |
([RFE] QEMU Software TPM support (vTPM, or TPM emulation))
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1719823
febaa2 |
([RHEL 8.1] [RFE] increase the maximum of vfio devices to more than 32 in qemu-kvm)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Jul 08 2019 Miroslav Rezanina <mrezanin@redhat.com> - 4.0.0-5.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-qemu-kvm.spec-bump-libseccomp-2.4.0.patch [bz#1720306]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qxl-check-release-info-object.patch [bz#1712717]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-i386-add-MDS-NO-feature.patch [bz#1722839]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-file-posix-Unaligned-O_DIRECT-block-status.patch [bz#1588356]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Test-unaligned-raw-images-with-O_DIRECT.patch [bz#1588356]
febaa2 |
- kvm-rh-set-CONFIG_BOCHS_DISPLAY-y-for-x86.patch [bz#1707118]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1588356
febaa2 |
(qemu crashed on the source host when do storage migration with source qcow2 disk created by 'qemu-img')
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1707118
febaa2 |
(enable device: bochs-display (QEMU))
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1712717
febaa2 |
(CVE-2019-12155 qemu-kvm: QEMU: qxl: null pointer dereference while releasing spice resources [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1720306
22c213 |
(VM failed to start with error "failed to install seccomp syscall filter in the kernel")
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1722839
febaa2 |
([Intel 8.1 FEAT] MDS_NO exposure to guest - Fast Train)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Jun 11 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.0.0-4.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-Disable-VXHS-support.patch [bz#1714937]
febaa2 |
- kvm-aarch64-Add-virt-rhel8.1.0-machine-type-for-ARM.patch [bz#1713735]
febaa2 |
- kvm-aarch64-Allow-ARM-VIRT-iommu-option-in-RHEL8.1-machi.patch [bz#1713735]
febaa2 |
- kvm-usb-call-reset-handler-before-updating-state.patch [bz#1713679]
febaa2 |
- kvm-usb-host-skip-reset-for-untouched-devices.patch [bz#1713679]
febaa2 |
- kvm-usb-host-avoid-libusb_set_configuration-calls.patch [bz#1713679]
febaa2 |
- kvm-aarch64-Compile-out-IOH3420.patch [bz#1627283]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vl-Fix-drive-blockdev-persistent-reservation-managem.patch [bz#1714891]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vl-Document-why-objects-are-delayed.patch [bz#1714891]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1627283
febaa2 |
(Compile out IOH3420 on aarch64)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1713679
22c213 |
(Detached device when trying to upgrade USB device firmware when in doing USB Passthrough via QEMU)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1713735
febaa2 |
(Allow ARM VIRT iommu option in RHEL8.1 machine)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1714891
febaa2 |
(Guest with persistent reservation manager for a disk fails to start)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1714937
febaa2 |
(Disable VXHS support)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue May 28 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.0.0-3.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-fix-cut-n-paste-garbage-in-hw_compat-comments.patch [bz#1709726]
febaa2 |
- kvm-compat-Generic-hw_compat_rhel_8_0.patch [bz#1709726]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-sync-pseries-rhel7.6.0-with-rhel-av-8.0.1.patch [bz#1709726]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-define-pseries-rhel8.1.0-machine-type.patch [bz#1709726]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1709726
febaa2 |
(Forward and backward migration failed with "qemu-kvm: error while loading state for instance 0x0 of device 'spapr'")
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Sat May 25 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 4.0.0-2.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-i386-define-md-clear-bit.patch [bz#1703297 bz#1703304 bz#1703310 bz#1707274]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1703297
febaa2 |
(CVE-2018-12126 virt:8.0.0/qemu-kvm: hardware: Microarchitectural Store Buffer Data Sampling (MSBDS) [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1703304
febaa2 |
(CVE-2018-12130 virt:8.0.0/qemu-kvm: hardware: Microarchitectural Fill Buffer Data Sampling (MFBDS) [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1703310
febaa2 |
(CVE-2018-12127 virt:8.0.0/qemu-kvm: hardware: Micro-architectural Load Port Data Sampling - Information Leak (MLPDS) [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1707274
febaa2 |
(CVE-2019-11091 virt:8.0.0/qemu-kvm: hardware: Microarchitectural Data Sampling Uncacheable Memory (MDSUM) [rhel-av-8.1.0])
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed May 15 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-26.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-ppc-spapr-Add-SPAPR_CAP_LARGE_DECREMENTER.patch [bz#1698711]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-ppc-spapr-Add-workaround-option-to-SPAPR_CAP_.patch [bz#1698711]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-ppc-spapr-Add-SPAPR_CAP_CCF_ASSIST.patch [bz#1698711]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-ppc-tcg-make-spapr_caps-apply-cap-cfpc-sbbc-i.patch [bz#1698711]
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-ppc-spapr-Enable-mitigations-by-default-for-p.patch [bz#1698711]
febaa2 |
- kvm-slirp-ensure-there-is-enough-space-in-mbuf-to-null-t.patch [bz#1693076]
febaa2 |
- kvm-slirp-don-t-manipulate-so_rcv-in-tcp_emu.patch [bz#1693076]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1693076
febaa2 |
(CVE-2019-6778 qemu-kvm: QEMU: slirp: heap buffer overflow in tcp_emu() [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1698711
febaa2 |
(Enable Spectre / Meltdown mitigations by default in pseries-rhel8.0.0 machine type)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon May 06 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-25.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-enable-tpmdev-passthrough.patch [bz#1688312]
febaa2 |
- kvm-exec-Only-count-mapped-memory-backends-for-qemu_getr.patch [bz#1680492]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Enable-libpmem-to-support-nvdimm.patch [bz#1705149]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1680492
febaa2 |
(Qemu quits suddenly while system_reset after hot-plugging unsupported memory by compatible guest on P9 with 1G huge page set)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1688312
febaa2 |
([RFE] enable TPM passthrough at compile time (qemu-kvm))
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1705149
febaa2 |
(libpmem support is not enabled in qemu-kvm)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Fri Apr 26 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-24.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-x86-host-phys-bits-limit-option.patch [bz#1688915]
febaa2 |
- kvm-rhel-Set-host-phys-bits-limit-48-on-rhel-machine-typ.patch [bz#1688915]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1688915
febaa2 |
([Intel 8.0 Alpha] physical bits should <= 48 when host with 5level paging &EPT5 and qemu command with "-cpu qemu64" parameters.)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Apr 23 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-23.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-device_tree-Fix-integer-overflowing-in-load_device_t.patch [bz#1693173]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1693173
febaa2 |
(CVE-2018-20815 qemu-kvm: QEMU: device_tree: heap buffer overflow while loading device tree blob [rhel-av-8])
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Apr 15 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-22.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-i386-kvm-Disable-arch_capabilities-if-MSR-can-t-be-s.patch [bz#1687578]
febaa2 |
- kvm-i386-Make-arch_capabilities-migratable.patch [bz#1687578]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1687578
febaa2 |
(Incorrect CVE vulnerabilities reported on Cascade Lake cpus)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Thu Apr 11 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-21.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-Remove-7-qcow2-and-luks-iotests-that-are-taking-25-s.patch [bz#1683473]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-fix-out-of-bounds-write-in-spapr_populate_drme.patch [bz#1674438]
febaa2 |
- kvm-qcow2-include-LUKS-payload-overhead-in-qemu-img-meas.patch [bz#1655065]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-add-LUKS-payload-overhead-to-178-qemu-img-me.patch [bz#1655065]
febaa2 |
- kvm-vnc-detect-and-optimize-pageflips.patch [bz#1666206]
22c213 |
- kvm-Load-kvm-module-during-boot.patch [bz#1676907 bz#1685995]
febaa2 |
- kvm-hostmem-file-reject-invalid-pmem-file-sizes.patch [bz#1669053]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-Fix-test-200-on-s390x-without-virtio-pci.patch [bz#1687582]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-file-posix-do-not-fail-on-unlock-bytes.patch [bz#1652572]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1652572
febaa2 |
(QEMU core dumped if stop nfs service during migration)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1655065
febaa2 |
([rhel.8.0][fast train]'qemu-img measure' size does not match the real allocated size for luks-inside-qcow2 image)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1666206
febaa2 |
(vnc server should detect page-flips and avoid sending fullscreen updates then.)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1669053
febaa2 |
(Guest call trace when boot with nvdimm device backed by /dev/dax)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1674438
febaa2 |
(RHEL8.0 - Guest reboot fails after memory hotplug multiple times (kvm))
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1676907
22c213 |
(/dev/kvm device exists but kernel module is not loaded on boot up causing VM start to fail in libvirt)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1683473
febaa2 |
(Remove 7 qcow2 & luks iotests from rhel8 fast train build %check phase)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1685995
22c213 |
(/dev/kvm device exists but kernel module is not loaded on boot up causing VM start to fail in libvirt)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1687582
febaa2 |
(QEMU IOTEST 200 fails with 'virtio-scsi-pci is not a valid device model name')
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Fri Mar 15 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-20.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-i386-Add-stibp-flag-name.patch [bz#1686260]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1686260
febaa2 |
(stibp is missing on qemu 3.0 and qemu 3.1)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Fri Mar 15 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-19.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-Fix-cancel-state.patch [bz#1608649]
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-rdma-Fix-qemu_rdma_cleanup-null-check.patch [bz#1608649]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1608649
febaa2 |
(Query-migrate get "failed" status after migrate-cancel)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Feb 26 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-18.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-target-i386-Disable-MPX-support-on-named-CPU-models.patch [bz#1661030]
febaa2 |
- kvm-i386-remove-the-new-CPUID-PCONFIG-from-Icelake-Serve.patch [bz#1661515]
febaa2 |
- kvm-i386-remove-the-INTEL_PT-CPUID-bit-from-named-CPU-mo.patch [bz#1661515]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Revert-i386-Add-CPUID-bit-for-PCONFIG.patch [bz#1661515]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1661030
febaa2 |
(Remove MPX support from 8.0 machine types)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1661515
febaa2 |
(Remove PCONFIG and INTEL_PT from Icelake-* CPU models)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Feb 26 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-17.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Apply-auto-read-only-for-ro-whitelist-drivers.patch [bz#1678968]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1678968
febaa2 |
(-blockdev: auto-read-only is ineffective for drivers on read-only whitelist)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Feb 25 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-16.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-fdc-Revert-downstream-disablement-of-device-floppy.patch [bz#1664997]
febaa2 |
- kvm-fdc-Restrict-floppy-controllers-to-RHEL-7-machine-ty.patch [bz#1664997]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1664997
febaa2 |
(Restrict floppy device to RHEL-7 machine types)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Feb 13 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-15.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-Add-raw-qcow2-nbd-and-luks-iotests-to-run-during-the.patch [bz#1664855]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Introduce-the-qemu-kvm-tests-rpm.patch [bz#1669924]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1664855
febaa2 |
(Run iotests in qemu-kvm build %check phase)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1669924
febaa2 |
(qemu-kvm packaging: Package the avocado_qemu tests and qemu-iotests in a new rpm)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Feb 12 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-14.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-doc-fix-the-configuration-path.patch [bz#1644985]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1644985
febaa2 |
(The "fsfreeze-hook" script path shown by command "qemu-ga --help" or "man qemu-ga" is wrong - Fast Train)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Feb 11 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-13.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-Acceptance-tests-add-Linux-initrd-checking-test.patch [bz#1669922]
febaa2 |
- kvm-mmap-alloc-unfold-qemu_ram_mmap.patch [bz#1671519]
febaa2 |
- kvm-mmap-alloc-fix-hugetlbfs-misaligned-length-in-ppc64.patch [bz#1671519]
febaa2 |
- kvm-BZ1653590-Require-at-least-64kiB-pages-for-downstrea.patch [bz#1653590]
febaa2 |
- kvm-block-Fix-invalidate_cache-error-path-for-parent-act.patch [bz#1673014]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-scsi-Move-BlockBackend-back-to-the-main-AioCo.patch [bz#1656276 bz#1662508]
febaa2 |
- kvm-scsi-disk-Acquire-the-AioContext-in-scsi_-_realize.patch [bz#1656276 bz#1662508]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-scsi-Forbid-devices-with-different-iothreads-.patch [bz#1656276 bz#1662508]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1653590
febaa2 |
([Fast train]had better stop qemu immediately while guest was making use of an improper page size)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1656276
febaa2 |
(qemu-kvm core dumped after hotplug the deleted disk with iothread parameter)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1662508
febaa2 |
(Qemu core dump when start guest with two disks using same drive)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1669922
febaa2 |
(Backport avocado-qemu tests for QEMU 3.1)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1671519
febaa2 |
(RHEL8.0 Snapshot3 - qemu doesn't free up hugepage memory when hotplug/hotunplug using memory-backend-file (qemu-kvm))
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1673014
febaa2 |
(Local VM and migrated VM on the same host can run with same RAW file as visual disk source while without shareable configured or lock manager enabled)
22c213 |
febaa2 |
* Fri Feb 08 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-12.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-io-ensure-UNIX-client-doesn-t-unlink-server-socket.patch [bz#1665896]
febaa2 |
- kvm-scsi-disk-Don-t-use-empty-string-as-device-id.patch [bz#1668248]
febaa2 |
- kvm-scsi-disk-Add-device_id-property.patch [bz#1668248]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1665896
febaa2 |
(VNC unix listener socket is deleted after first client quits)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1668248
febaa2 |
("An unknown error has occurred" when using cdrom to install the system with two blockdev disks.(when choose installation destination))
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Thu Jan 31 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-11.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-Fix-fsfreeze-hook-path-in-the-man-page.patch [bz#1644985]
febaa2 |
- kvm-json-Fix-handling-when-not-interpolating.patch [bz#1668244]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1644985
febaa2 |
(The "fsfreeze-hook" script path shown by command "qemu-ga --help" or "man qemu-ga" is wrong - Fast Train)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1668244
febaa2 |
(qemu-img: /var/tmp/v2vovl9951f8.qcow2: CURL: Error opening file: The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Jan 29 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-10.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-throttle-groups-fix-restart-coroutine-iothread-race.patch [bz#1655947]
febaa2 |
- kvm-iotests-add-238-for-throttling-tgm-unregister-iothre.patch [bz#1655947]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1655947
febaa2 |
(qemu-kvm core dumped after unplug the device which was set io throttling parameters)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Jan 29 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-9.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-migration-rdma-unregister-fd-handler.patch [bz#1666601]
febaa2 |
- kvm-s390x-tod-Properly-stop-the-KVM-TOD-while-the-guest-.patch [bz#1659127]
febaa2 |
- kvm-hw-s390x-Fix-bad-mask-in-time2tod.patch [bz#1659127]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1659127
22c213 |
(Stress guest and stop it, then do live migration, guest hit call trace on destination end)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1666601
febaa2 |
([q35] dst qemu core dumped when do rdma migration with Mellanox IB QDR card)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Thu Jan 24 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-7.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-i386-kvm-expose-HV_CPUID_ENLIGHTMENT_INFO.EAX-and-HV.patch [bz#1653511]
febaa2 |
- kvm-i386-kvm-add-a-comment-explaining-why-.feat_names-ar.patch [bz#1653511]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1653511
febaa2 |
(qemu doesn't report all support cpu features which cause libvirt cannot get the support status of hv_tlbflush)
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Wed Jan 23 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-6.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-Fix-ibm-max-associativity-domains-property-num.patch [bz#1653114]
febaa2 |
- kvm-cpus-ignore-ESRCH-in-qemu_cpu_kick_thread.patch [bz#1668205]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1653114
febaa2 |
(Incorrect NUMA nodes passed to qemu-kvm guest in ibm,max-associativity-domains property)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1668205
febaa2 |
(Guest quit with error when hotunplug cpu)
22c213 |
febaa2 |
* Mon Jan 21 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-5.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-Helper-for-registering-virtio-device-types.patch [bz#1648023]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-Provide-version-specific-variants-of-virtio-P.patch [bz#1648023]
febaa2 |
- kvm-globals-Allow-global-properties-to-be-optional.patch [bz#1648023]
febaa2 |
- kvm-virtio-Make-disable-legacy-disable-modern-compat-pro.patch [bz#1648023]
febaa2 |
- kvm-aarch64-Add-virt-rhel8.0.0-machine-type-for-ARM.patch [bz#1656504]
febaa2 |
- kvm-aarch64-Set-virt-rhel8.0.0-max_cpus-to-512.patch [bz#1656504]
febaa2 |
- kvm-aarch64-Use-256MB-ECAM-region-by-default.patch [bz#1656504]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1648023
febaa2 |
(Provide separate device types for transitional virtio PCI devices - Fast Train)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1656504
febaa2 |
(Machine types for qemu-kvm based on rebase to qemu-3.1 (aarch64))
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Fri Jan 11 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-4.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-hw-s390x-s390-virtio-ccw-Add-machine-types-for-RHEL8.patch [bz#1656510]
febaa2 |
- kvm-spapr-Add-H-Call-H_HOME_NODE_ASSOCIATIVITY.patch [bz#1661967]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-Fixing-.gitpublish-to-include-AV-information.patch []
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1656510
febaa2 |
(Machine types for qemu-kvm based on rebase to qemu-3.1 (s390x))
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1661967
febaa2 |
(Kernel prints the message "VPHN is not supported. Disabling polling...")
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Thu Jan 03 2019 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-3.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-define-pseries-rhel8.0.0-machine-type.patch [bz#1656508]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1656508
febaa2 |
(Machine types for qemu-kvm based on rebase to qemu-3.1 (ppc64le))
febaa2 |
febaa2 |
* Fri Dec 21 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-2.el8
febaa2 |
- kvm-pc-7.5-compat-entries.patch [bz#1655820]
febaa2 |
- kvm-compat-Generic-HW_COMPAT_RHEL7_6.patch [bz#1655820]
febaa2 |
- kvm-pc-PC_RHEL7_6_COMPAT.patch [bz#1655820]
febaa2 |
- kvm-pc-Add-compat-for-pc-i440fx-rhel7.6.0-machine-type.patch [bz#1655820]
febaa2 |
- kvm-pc-Add-pc-q35-8.0.0-machine-type.patch [bz#1655820]
febaa2 |
- kvm-pc-Add-x-migrate-smi-count-off-to-PC_RHEL7_6_COMPAT.patch [bz#1655820]
febaa2 |
- kvm-clear-out-KVM_ASYNC_PF_DELIVERY_AS_PF_VMEXIT-for.patch [bz#1659604]
febaa2 |
- kvm-Add-edk2-Requires-to-qemu-kvm.patch [bz#1660208]
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1655820
febaa2 |
(Can't migarate between rhel8 and rhel7 when guest has device "video")
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1659604
22c213 |
(8->7 migration failed: qemu-kvm: error: failed to set MSR 0x4b564d02 to 0x27fc13285)
febaa2 |
- Resolves: bz#1660208
22c213 |
(qemu-kvm: Should depend on the architecture-appropriate guest firmware)
22c213 |
febaa2 |
* Thu Dec 13 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-1.el8
febaa2 |
- Rebase to qemu-kvm 3.1.0
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Tue Dec 11 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - qemu-kvm-2.12.0-47
22c213 |
- kvm-Disable-CONFIG_IPMI-and-CONFIG_I2C-for-ppc64.patch [bz#1640044]
22c213 |
- kvm-Disable-CONFIG_CAN_BUS-and-CONFIG_CAN_SJA1000.patch [bz#1640042]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1640042
22c213 |
(Disable CONFIG_CAN_BUS and CONFIG_CAN_SJA1000 config switches)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1640044
22c213 |
(Disable CONFIG_I2C and CONFIG_IPMI in default-configs/ppc64-softmmu.mak)
22c213 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Dec 11 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - qemu-kvm-2.12.0-46
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Give-the-refcount-cache-the-minimum-possible-s.patch [bz#1656507]
22c213 |
- kvm-docs-Document-the-new-default-sizes-of-the-qcow2-cac.patch [bz#1656507]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Fix-Coverity-warning-when-calculating-the-refc.patch [bz#1656507]
22c213 |
- kvm-include-Add-IEC-binary-prefixes-in-qemu-units.h.patch [bz#1656507]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Options-documentation-fixes.patch [bz#1656507]
22c213 |
- kvm-include-Add-a-lookup-table-of-sizes.patch [bz#1656507]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Make-sizes-more-humanly-readable.patch [bz#1656507]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Avoid-duplication-in-setting-the-refcount-cach.patch [bz#1656507]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Assign-the-L2-cache-relatively-to-the-image-si.patch [bz#1656507]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Increase-the-default-upper-limit-on-the-L2-cac.patch [bz#1656507]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Resize-the-cache-upon-image-resizing.patch [bz#1656507]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Set-the-default-cache-clean-interval-to-10-min.patch [bz#1656507]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Explicit-number-replaced-by-a-constant.patch [bz#1656507]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-backend-Set-werror-rerror-defaults-in-blk_new.patch [bz#1657637]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Fix-cache-clean-interval-documentation.patch [bz#1656507]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1656507
22c213 |
([RHEL.8] qcow2 cache is too small)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1657637
22c213 |
(Wrong werror default for -device drive=<node-name>)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Thu Dec 06 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - qemu-kvm-2.12.0-45
22c213 |
- kvm-target-ppc-add-basic-support-for-PTCR-on-POWER9.patch [bz#1639069]
22c213 |
- kvm-linux-headers-Update-for-nested-KVM-HV-downstream-on.patch [bz#1639069]
22c213 |
- kvm-target-ppc-Add-one-reg-id-for-ptcr.patch [bz#1639069]
22c213 |
- kvm-ppc-spapr_caps-Add-SPAPR_CAP_NESTED_KVM_HV.patch [bz#1639069]
22c213 |
- kvm-Re-enable-CONFIG_HYPERV_TESTDEV.patch [bz#1651195]
22c213 |
- kvm-qxl-use-guest_monitor_config-for-local-renderer.patch [bz#1610163]
22c213 |
- kvm-Declare-cirrus-vga-as-deprecated.patch [bz#1651994]
22c213 |
- kvm-Do-not-build-bluetooth-support.patch [bz#1654651]
22c213 |
- kvm-vfio-helpers-Fix-qemu_vfio_open_pci-crash.patch [bz#1645840]
22c213 |
- kvm-balloon-Allow-multiple-inhibit-users.patch [bz#1650272]
22c213 |
- kvm-Use-inhibit-to-prevent-ballooning-without-synchr.patch [bz#1650272]
22c213 |
- kvm-vfio-Inhibit-ballooning-based-on-group-attachment-to.patch [bz#1650272]
22c213 |
- kvm-vfio-ccw-pci-Allow-devices-to-opt-in-for-ballooning.patch [bz#1650272]
22c213 |
- kvm-vfio-pci-Handle-subsystem-realpath-returning-NULL.patch [bz#1650272]
22c213 |
- kvm-vfio-pci-Fix-failure-to-close-file-descriptor-on-err.patch [bz#1650272]
22c213 |
- kvm-postcopy-Synchronize-usage-of-the-balloon-inhibitor.patch [bz#1650272]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1610163
22c213 |
(guest shows border blurred screen with some resolutions when qemu boot with -device qxl-vga ,and guest on rhel7.6 has no such question)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1639069
22c213 |
([IBM 8.0 FEAT] POWER9 - Nested virtualization in RHEL8.0 KVM for ppc64le - qemu-kvm side)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1645840
22c213 |
(Qemu core dump when hotplug nvme:// drive via -blockdev)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1650272
22c213 |
(Ballooning is incompatible with vfio assigned devices, but not prevented)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1651195
22c213 |
(Re-enable hyperv-testdev device)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1651994
22c213 |
(Declare the "Cirrus VGA" device emulation of QEMU as deprecated in RHEL8)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1654651
22c213 |
(Qemu: hw: bt: keep bt/* objects from building [rhel-8.0])
22c213 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Nov 27 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - qemu-kvm-2.12.0-43
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Make-more-block-drivers-compile-time-configura.patch [bz#1598842 bz#1598842]
22c213 |
- kvm-RHEL8-Add-disable-configure-options-to-qemu-spec-fil.patch [bz#1598842]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1598842
22c213 |
(Compile out unused block drivers)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Mon Nov 26 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - qemu-kvm-2.12.0-43
febaa2 |
22c213 |
- kvm-configure-add-test-for-libudev.patch [bz#1636185]
22c213 |
- kvm-qga-linux-report-disk-serial-number.patch [bz#1636185]
22c213 |
- kvm-qga-linux-return-disk-device-in-guest-get-fsinfo.patch [bz#1636185]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-error-introduce-error-warn-_report_once.patch [bz#1625173]
22c213 |
- kvm-intel-iommu-start-to-use-error_report_once.patch [bz#1625173]
22c213 |
- kvm-intel-iommu-replace-more-vtd_err_-traces.patch [bz#1625173]
22c213 |
- kvm-intel_iommu-introduce-vtd_reset_caches.patch [bz#1625173]
22c213 |
- kvm-intel_iommu-better-handling-of-dmar-state-switch.patch [bz#1625173]
22c213 |
- kvm-intel_iommu-move-ce-fetching-out-when-sync-shadow.patch [bz#1625173 bz#1629616]
22c213 |
- kvm-intel_iommu-handle-invalid-ce-for-shadow-sync.patch [bz#1625173 bz#1629616]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-remove-bdrv_dirty_bitmap_make_anon.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-simplify-code-around-releasing-bitmaps.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-hbitmap-Add-advance-param-to-hbitmap_iter_next.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-test-hbitmap-Add-non-advancing-iter_next-tests.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-dirty-bitmap-Add-bdrv_dirty_iter_next_area.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockdev-backup-add-bitmap-argument.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-dirty-bitmap-switch-assert-fails-to-errors-in-bdrv_m.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-dirty-bitmap-rename-bdrv_undo_clear_dirty_bitmap.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-dirty-bitmap-make-it-possible-to-restore-bitmap-afte.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockdev-rename-block-dirty-bitmap-clear-transaction.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-qapi-add-transaction-support-for-x-block-dirty-bitma.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-dirty-bitmaps-add-user_locked-status-checker.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-dirty-bitmaps-fix-merge-permissions.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-dirty-bitmaps-allow-clear-on-disabled-bitmaps.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-dirty-bitmaps-prohibit-enable-disable-on-locke.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-backup-prohibit-backup-from-using-in-use-bitma.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-nbd-forbid-use-of-frozen-bitmaps.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-bitmap-Update-count-after-a-merge.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-169-drop-deprecated-autoload-parameter.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-qcow2-improve-error-message-in-qcow2_inactivat.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-bloc-qcow2-drop-dirty_bitmaps_loaded-state-variable.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-dirty-bitmaps-clean-up-bitmaps-loading-and-migration.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-improve-169.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-169-add-cases-for-source-vm-resuming.patch [bz#1518989]
22c213 |
- kvm-pc-dimm-turn-alignment-assert-into-check.patch [bz#1630116]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1518989
22c213 |
(RFE: QEMU Incremental live backup)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1625173
22c213 |
([NVMe Device Assignment] Guest could not boot up with q35+iommu)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1629616
22c213 |
(boot guest with q35+vIOMMU+ device assignment, qemu terminal shows "qemu-kvm: VFIO_UNMAP_DMA: -22" when return assigned network devices from vfio driver to ixgbe in guest)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1630116
22c213 |
(pc_dimm_get_free_addr: assertion failed: (QEMU_ALIGN_UP(address_space_start, align) == address_space_start))
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1636185
22c213 |
([RFE] Report disk device name and serial number (qemu-guest-agent on Linux))
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Mon Nov 05 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-42.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-luks-Allow-share-rw-on.patch [bz#1629701]
22c213 |
- kvm-redhat-reenable-gluster-support.patch [bz#1599340]
22c213 |
- kvm-redhat-bump-libusb-requirement.patch [bz#1627970]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1599340
22c213 |
(Reenable glusterfs in qemu-kvm once BZ#1567292 gets fixed)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1627970
22c213 |
(symbol lookup error: /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm: undefined symbol: libusb_set_option)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1629701
22c213 |
("share-rw=on" does not work for luks format image - Fast Train)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Tue Oct 16 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-41.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-block-rbd-pull-out-qemu_rbd_convert_options.patch [bz#1635585]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-rbd-Attempt-to-parse-legacy-filenames.patch [bz#1635585]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-rbd-add-deprecation-documentation-for-filename.patch [bz#1635585]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-rbd-add-iotest-for-rbd-legacy-keyvalue-filenam.patch [bz#1635585]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1635585
22c213 |
(rbd json format of 7.6 is incompatible with 7.5)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Tue Oct 16 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-40.el8
febaa2 |
22c213 |
- kvm-vnc-call-sasl_server_init-only-when-required.patch [bz#1609327]
22c213 |
- kvm-nbd-server-fix-NBD_CMD_CACHE.patch [bz#1636142]
22c213 |
- kvm-nbd-fix-NBD_FLAG_SEND_CACHE-value.patch [bz#1636142]
22c213 |
- kvm-test-bdrv-drain-bdrv_drain-works-with-cross-AioConte.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Use-bdrv_do_drain_begin-end-in-bdrv_drain_all.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Remove-recursive-parameter-from-bdrv_drain_inv.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Don-t-manually-poll-in-bdrv_drain_all.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-tests-test-bdrv-drain-bdrv_drain_all-works-in-corout.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Avoid-unnecessary-aio_poll-in-AIO_WAIT_WHILE.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Really-pause-block-jobs-on-drain.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Remove-bdrv_drain_recurse.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-test-bdrv-drain-Add-test-for-node-deletion.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Drain-recursively-with-a-single-BDRV_POLL_WHIL.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-test-bdrv-drain-Test-node-deletion-in-subtree-recurs.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Don-t-poll-in-parent-drain-callbacks.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-test-bdrv-drain-Graph-change-through-parent-callback.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Defer-.bdrv_drain_begin-callback-to-polling-ph.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-test-bdrv-drain-Test-that-bdrv_drain_invoke-doesn-t-.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Allow-AIO_WAIT_WHILE-with-NULL-ctx.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Move-bdrv_drain_all_begin-out-of-coroutine-con.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-ignore_bds_parents-parameter-for-drain-functio.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Allow-graph-changes-in-bdrv_drain_all_begin-en.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-test-bdrv-drain-Test-graph-changes-in-drain_all-sect.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Poll-after-drain-on-attaching-a-node.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-test-bdrv-drain-Test-bdrv_append-to-drained-node.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-linux-aio-acquire-AioContext-before-qemu_laio_.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-util-async-use-qemu_aio_coroutine_enter-in-co_schedu.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Fix-nested-aio_poll-hanging-in-job_txn_apply.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Fix-missing-locking-due-to-mismerge.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockjob-Wake-up-BDS-when-job-becomes-idle.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-aio-wait-Increase-num_waiters-even-in-home-thread.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-test-bdrv-drain-Drain-with-block-jobs-in-an-I-O-thre.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-test-blockjob-Acquire-AioContext-around-job_cancel_s.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Use-AIO_WAIT_WHILE-in-job_finish_sync.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-test-bdrv-drain-Test-AIO_WAIT_WHILE-in-completion-ca.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Add-missing-locking-in-bdrv_co_drain_bh_cb.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-backend-Add-.drained_poll-callback.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-backend-Fix-potential-double-blk_delete.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-backend-Decrease-in_flight-only-after-callback.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockjob-Lie-better-in-child_job_drained_poll.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Remove-aio_poll-in-bdrv_drain_poll-variants.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-test-bdrv-drain-Test-nested-poll-in-bdrv_drain_poll_.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Avoid-deadlocks-in-job_completed_txn_abort.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-test-bdrv-drain-AIO_WAIT_WHILE-in-job-.commit-.abort.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-test-bdrv-drain-Fix-outdated-comments.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Use-a-single-global-AioWait.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-test-bdrv-drain-Test-draining-job-source-child-and-p.patch [bz#1637976]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-img-Fix-assert-when-mapping-unaligned-raw-file.patch [bz#1639374]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-Add-test-221-to-catch-qemu-img-map-regressio.patch [bz#1639374]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1609327
22c213 |
(qemu-kvm[37046]: Could not find keytab file: /etc/qemu/krb5.tab: Unknown error 49408)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1636142
22c213 |
(qemu NBD_CMD_CACHE flaws impacting non-qemu NBD clients)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1637976
22c213 |
(Crashes and hangs with iothreads vs. block jobs)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1639374
22c213 |
(qemu-img map 'Aborted (core dumped)' when specifying a plain file)
22c213 |
febaa2 |
* Tue Oct 16 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> -
22c213 |
- kvm-linux-headers-update.patch [bz#1508142]
22c213 |
- kvm-s390x-cpumodel-Set-up-CPU-model-for-AP-device-suppor.patch [bz#1508142]
22c213 |
- kvm-s390x-kvm-enable-AP-instruction-interpretation-for-g.patch [bz#1508142]
22c213 |
- kvm-s390x-ap-base-Adjunct-Processor-AP-object-model.patch [bz#1508142]
22c213 |
- kvm-s390x-vfio-ap-Introduce-VFIO-AP-device.patch [bz#1508142]
22c213 |
- kvm-s390-doc-detailed-specifications-for-AP-virtualizati.patch [bz#1508142]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1508142
22c213 |
([IBM 8.0 FEAT] KVM: Guest-dedicated Crypto Adapters - qemu part)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Mon Oct 15 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-38.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-Revert-hw-acpi-build-build-SRAT-memory-affinity-stru.patch [bz#1609235]
22c213 |
- kvm-add-udev-kvm-check.patch [bz#1552663]
22c213 |
- kvm-aio-posix-Don-t-count-ctx-notifier-as-progress-when-.patch [bz#1623085]
22c213 |
- kvm-aio-Do-aio_notify_accept-only-during-blocking-aio_po.patch [bz#1623085]
22c213 |
- kvm-aio-posix-fix-concurrent-access-to-poll_disable_cnt.patch [bz#1632622]
22c213 |
- kvm-aio-posix-compute-timeout-before-polling.patch [bz#1632622]
22c213 |
- kvm-aio-posix-do-skip-system-call-if-ctx-notifier-pollin.patch [bz#1632622]
22c213 |
- kvm-intel-iommu-send-PSI-always-even-if-across-PDEs.patch [bz#1450712]
22c213 |
- kvm-intel-iommu-remove-IntelIOMMUNotifierNode.patch [bz#1450712]
22c213 |
- kvm-intel-iommu-add-iommu-lock.patch [bz#1450712]
22c213 |
- kvm-intel-iommu-only-do-page-walk-for-MAP-notifiers.patch [bz#1450712]
22c213 |
- kvm-intel-iommu-introduce-vtd_page_walk_info.patch [bz#1450712]
22c213 |
- kvm-intel-iommu-pass-in-address-space-when-page-walk.patch [bz#1450712]
22c213 |
- kvm-intel-iommu-trace-domain-id-during-page-walk.patch [bz#1450712]
22c213 |
- kvm-util-implement-simple-iova-tree.patch [bz#1450712]
22c213 |
- kvm-intel-iommu-rework-the-page-walk-logic.patch [bz#1450712]
22c213 |
- kvm-i386-define-the-ssbd-CPUID-feature-bit-CVE-2018-3639.patch [bz#1633928]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1450712
22c213 |
(Booting nested guest with vIOMMU, the assigned network devices can not receive packets (qemu))
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1552663
22c213 |
(81-kvm-rhel.rules is no longer part of initscripts)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1609235
22c213 |
(Win2016 guest can't recognize pc-dimm hotplugged to node 0)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1623085
22c213 |
(VM doesn't boot from HD)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1632622
22c213 |
(~40% virtio_blk disk performance drop for win2012r2 guest when comparing qemu-kvm-rhev-2.12.0-9 with qemu-kvm-rhev-2.12.0-12)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1633928
22c213 |
(CVE-2018-3639 qemu-kvm: hw: cpu: speculative store bypass [rhel-8.0])
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Fri Oct 12 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-37.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-block-for-jobs-do-not-clear-user_paused-until-after-.patch [bz#1635583]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-Add-failure-matching-to-common.qemu.patch [bz#1635583]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-iotest-to-catch-abort-on-forced-blockjob-cance.patch [bz#1635583]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1635583
22c213 |
(Quitting VM causes qemu core dump once the block mirror job paused for no enough target space)
22c213 |
febaa2 |
* Fri Oct 12 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - qemu-kvm-2.12.0-36
22c213 |
- kvm-check-Only-test-ivshm-when-it-is-compiled-in.patch [bz#1621817]
22c213 |
- kvm-Disable-ivshmem.patch [bz#1621817]
22c213 |
- kvm-mirror-Fail-gracefully-for-source-target.patch [bz#1637963]
22c213 |
- kvm-commit-Add-top-node-base-node-options.patch [bz#1637970]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-Test-commit-with-top-node-base-node.patch [bz#1637970]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1621817
22c213 |
(Disable IVSHMEM in RHEL 8)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1637963
22c213 |
(Segfault on 'blockdev-mirror' with same node as source and target)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1637970
22c213 |
(allow using node-names with block-commit)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Thu Oct 11 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-35.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-redhat-make-the-plugins-executable.patch [bz#1638304]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1638304
22c213 |
(the driver packages lack all the library Requires)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Thu Oct 11 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-34.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-seccomp-allow-sched_setscheduler-with-SCHED_IDLE-pol.patch [bz#1618356]
22c213 |
- kvm-seccomp-use-SIGSYS-signal-instead-of-killing-the-thr.patch [bz#1618356]
22c213 |
- kvm-seccomp-prefer-SCMP_ACT_KILL_PROCESS-if-available.patch [bz#1618356]
22c213 |
- kvm-configure-require-libseccomp-2.2.0.patch [bz#1618356]
22c213 |
- kvm-seccomp-set-the-seccomp-filter-to-all-threads.patch [bz#1618356]
22c213 |
- kvm-memory-cleanup-side-effects-of-memory_region_init_fo.patch [bz#1600365]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1600365
22c213 |
(QEMU core dumped when hotplug memory exceeding host hugepages and with discard-data=yes)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1618356
22c213 |
(qemu-kvm: Qemu: seccomp: blacklist is not applied to all threads [rhel-8])
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Fri Oct 05 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-33.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-postcopy-Clear-have_listen_thread.patch [bz#1608765]
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-cleanup-in-error-paths-in-loadvm.patch [bz#1608765]
22c213 |
- kvm-jobs-change-start-callback-to-run-callback.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-jobs-canonize-Error-object.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-jobs-add-exit-shim.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-commit-utilize-job_exit-shim.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-mirror-utilize-job_exit-shim.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-jobs-utilize-job_exit-shim.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-backup-make-function-variables-consistently-na.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-jobs-remove-ret-argument-to-job_completed-privatize-.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-jobs-remove-job_defer_to_main_loop.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-commit-add-block-job-creation-flags.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-mirror-add-block-job-creation-flags.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-stream-add-block-job-creation-flags.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-commit-refactor-commit-to-use-job-callbacks.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-mirror-don-t-install-backing-chain-on-abort.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-mirror-conservative-mirror_exit-refactor.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-stream-refactor-stream-to-use-job-callbacks.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-tests-blockjob-replace-Blockjob-with-Job.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-tests-test-blockjob-remove-exit-callback.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-tests-test-blockjob-txn-move-.exit-to-.clean.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-jobs-remove-.exit-callback.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-qapi-block-commit-expose-new-job-properties.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-qapi-block-mirror-expose-new-job-properties.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-qapi-block-stream-expose-new-job-properties.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-backup-qapi-documentation-fixup.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockdev-document-transactional-shortcomings.patch [bz#1632939]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1608765
22c213 |
(After postcopy migration, do savevm and loadvm, guest hang and call trace)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1632939
22c213 |
(qemu blockjobs other than backup do not support job-finalize or job-dismiss)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Fri Sep 28 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-32.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-Re-enable-disabled-Hyper-V-enlightenments.patch [bz#1625185]
22c213 |
- kvm-Fix-annocheck-issues.patch [bz#1624164]
22c213 |
- kvm-exec-check-that-alignment-is-a-power-of-two.patch [bz#1630746]
22c213 |
- kvm-curl-Make-sslverify-off-disable-host-as-well-as-peer.patch [bz#1575925]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1575925
22c213 |
("SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name" error even though sslverify = off)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1624164
22c213 |
(Review annocheck distro flag failures in qemu-kvm)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1625185
22c213 |
(Re-enable disabled Hyper-V enlightenments)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1630746
22c213 |
(qemu_ram_mmap: Assertion `is_power_of_2(align)' failed)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Tue Sep 11 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-31.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-i386-Disable-TOPOEXT-by-default-on-cpu-host.patch [bz#1619804]
22c213 |
- kvm-redhat-enable-opengl-add-build-and-runtime-deps.patch [bz#1618412]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1618412
22c213 |
(Enable opengl (for intel vgpu display))
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1619804
22c213 |
(kernel panic in init_amd_cacheinfo)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Wed Sep 05 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-30.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-redhat-Disable-vhost-crypto.patch [bz#1625668]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1625668
22c213 |
(Decide if we should disable 'vhost-crypto' or not)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Wed Sep 05 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-29.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-target-i386-sev-fix-memory-leaks.patch [bz#1615717]
22c213 |
- kvm-i386-Fix-arch_query_cpu_model_expansion-leak.patch [bz#1615717]
22c213 |
- kvm-redhat-Update-build-configuration.patch [bz#1573156]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1573156
22c213 |
(Update build configure for QEMU 2.12.0)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1615717
22c213 |
(Memory leaks)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Wed Aug 29 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-27.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-Fix-libusb-1.0.22-deprecated-libusb_set_debug-with-l.patch [bz#1622656]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1622656
22c213 |
(qemu-kvm fails to build due to libusb_set_debug being deprecated)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Fri Aug 17 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-26.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-redhat-remove-extra-in-rhel_rhev_conflicts-macro.patch [bz#1618752]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1618752
22c213 |
(qemu-kvm can't be installed in RHEL-8 as it Conflicts with itself.)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Thu Aug 16 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-25.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-Migration-TLS-Fix-crash-due-to-double-cleanup.patch [bz#1594384]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1594384
22c213 |
(2.12 migration fixes)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Tue Aug 14 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-24.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-Add-qemu-keymap-to-qemu-kvm-common.patch [bz#1593117]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1593117
22c213 |
(add qemu-keymap utility)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Fri Aug 10 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-23.el8
22c213 |
- Fixing an issue with some old command in the spec file
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Fri Aug 10 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-22.el8
22c213 |
- Fix an issue with the build_configure script.
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1425820
22c213 |
(Improve QEMU packaging layout with modularization of the block layer)
22c213 |
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Fri Aug 10 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-20.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-stop-compressing-page-in-migration-thread.patch [bz#1594384]
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-stop-compression-to-allocate-and-free-memo.patch [bz#1594384]
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-stop-decompression-to-allocate-and-free-me.patch [bz#1594384]
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-detect-compression-and-decompression-error.patch [bz#1594384]
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-introduce-control_save_page.patch [bz#1594384]
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-move-some-code-to-ram_save_host_page.patch [bz#1594384]
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-move-calling-control_save_page-to-the-comm.patch [bz#1594384]
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-move-calling-save_zero_page-to-the-common-.patch [bz#1594384]
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-introduce-save_normal_page.patch [bz#1594384]
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-remove-ram_save_compressed_page.patch [bz#1594384]
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-block-dirty-bitmap-fix-memory-leak-in-dirt.patch [bz#1594384]
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-fix-saving-normal-page-even-if-it-s-been-c.patch [bz#1594384]
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-update-index-field-when-delete-or-qsort-RD.patch [bz#1594384]
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-introduce-decompress-error-check.patch [bz#1594384]
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-Don-t-activate-block-devices-if-using-S.patch [bz#1594384]
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-not-wait-RDMA_CM_EVENT_DISCONNECTED-event-.patch [bz#1594384]
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-block-dirty-bitmap-fix-dirty_bitmap_load.patch [bz#1594384]
22c213 |
- kvm-s390x-add-RHEL-7.6-machine-type-for-ccw.patch [bz#1595718]
22c213 |
- kvm-s390x-cpumodel-default-enable-bpb-and-ppa15-for-z196.patch [bz#1595718]
22c213 |
- kvm-linux-headers-asm-s390-kvm.h-header-sync.patch [bz#1612938]
22c213 |
- kvm-s390x-kvm-add-etoken-facility.patch [bz#1612938]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1594384
22c213 |
(2.12 migration fixes)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1595718
22c213 |
(Add ppa15/bpb to the default cpu model for z196 and higher in the 7.6 s390-ccw-virtio machine)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1612938
22c213 |
(Add etoken support to qemu-kvm for s390x KVM guests)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Fri Aug 10 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-18.el8
22c213 |
Mass import from RHEL 7.6 qemu-kvm-rhev, including fixes to the following BZs:
22c213 |
22c213 |
- kvm-AArch64-Add-virt-rhel7.6-machine-type.patch [bz#1558723]
22c213 |
- kvm-cpus-Fix-event-order-on-resume-of-stopped-guest.patch [bz#1566153]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-img-Check-post-truncation-size.patch [bz#1523065]
22c213 |
- kvm-vga-catch-depth-0.patch [bz#1575541]
22c213 |
- kvm-Fix-x-hv-max-vps-compat-value-for-7.4-machine-type.patch [bz#1583959]
22c213 |
- kvm-ccid-card-passthru-fix-regression-in-realize.patch [bz#1584984]
22c213 |
- kvm-Use-4-MB-vram-for-cirrus.patch [bz#1542080]
22c213 |
- kvm-spapr_pci-Remove-unhelpful-pagesize-warning.patch [bz#1505664]
22c213 |
- kvm-rpm-Add-nvme-VFIO-driver-to-rw-whitelist.patch [bz#1416180]
22c213 |
- kvm-qobject-Use-qobject_to-instead-of-type-cast.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-qobject-Ensure-base-is-at-offset-0.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-qobject-use-a-QObjectBase_-struct.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-qobject-Replace-qobject_incref-QINCREF-qobject_decre.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-qobject-Modify-qobject_ref-to-return-obj.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-rbd-Drop-deprecated-drive-parameter-filename.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-iscsi-Drop-deprecated-drive-parameter-filename.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Add-block-specific-QDict-header.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-qobject-Move-block-specific-qdict-code-to-block-qdic.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Fix-blockdev-for-certain-non-string-scalars.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Fix-drive-for-certain-non-string-scalars.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Clean-up-a-misuse-of-qobject_to-in-.bdrv_co_cr.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Factor-out-qobject_input_visitor_new_flat_conf.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Make-remaining-uses-of-qobject-input-visitor-m.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-qdict-Simplify-qdict_flatten_qdict.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-qdict-Tweak-qdict_flatten_qdict-qdict_flatten_.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-qdict-Clean-up-qdict_crumple-a-bit.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-qdict-Simplify-qdict_is_list-some.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-check-block-qdict-Rename-qdict_flatten-s-variables-f.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-check-block-qdict-Cover-flattening-of-empty-lists-an.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Fix-blockdev-blockdev-add-for-empty-objects-an.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-rbd-New-parameter-auth-client-required.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-rbd-New-parameter-key-secret.patch [bz#1557995]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-mirror-honor-ratelimit-again.patch [bz#1572856]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-mirror-Make-cancel-always-cancel-pre-READY.patch [bz#1572856]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-Add-test-for-cancelling-a-mirror-job.patch [bz#1572856]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-Split-214-off-of-122.patch [bz#1518738]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Add-COR-filter-driver.patch [bz#1518738]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-BLK_PERM_WRITE-includes-._UNCHANGED.patch [bz#1518738]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Add-BDRV_REQ_WRITE_UNCHANGED-flag.patch [bz#1518738]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Set-BDRV_REQ_WRITE_UNCHANGED-for-COR-writes.patch [bz#1518738]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-quorum-Support-BDRV_REQ_WRITE_UNCHANGED.patch [bz#1518738]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Support-BDRV_REQ_WRITE_UNCHANGED-in-filters.patch [bz#1518738]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-Clean-up-wrap-image-in-197.patch [bz#1518738]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-Copy-197-for-COR-filter-driver.patch [bz#1518738]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-Add-test-for-COR-across-nodes.patch [bz#1518738]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-io-Use-purely-string-blockdev-options.patch [bz#1576598]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-img-Use-only-string-options-in-img_open_opts.patch [bz#1576598]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-Add-test-for-U-force-share-conflicts.patch [bz#1576598]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-io-Drop-command-functions-return-values.patch [bz#1519617]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-io-Let-command-functions-return-error-code.patch [bz#1519617]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-io-Exit-with-error-when-a-command-failed.patch [bz#1519617]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests.py-Add-qemu_io_silent.patch [bz#1519617]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-Let-216-make-use-of-qemu-io-s-exit-code.patch [bz#1519617]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Repair-OFLAG_COPIED-when-fixing-leaks.patch [bz#1527085]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-Repairing-error-during-snapshot-deletion.patch [bz#1527085]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Make-bdrv_is_writable-public.patch [bz#1588039]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Do-not-mark-inactive-images-corrupt.patch [bz#1588039]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-Add-case-for-a-corrupted-inactive-image.patch [bz#1588039]
22c213 |
- kvm-main-loop-drop-spin_counter.patch [bz#1168213]
22c213 |
- kvm-target-ppc-Factor-out-the-parsing-in-kvmppc_get_cpu_.patch [bz#1560847]
22c213 |
- kvm-target-ppc-Don-t-require-private-l1d-cache-on-POWER8.patch [bz#1560847]
22c213 |
- kvm-ppc-spapr_caps-Don-t-disable-cap_cfpc-on-POWER8-by-d.patch [bz#1560847]
22c213 |
- kvm-qxl-fix-local-renderer-crash.patch [bz#1567733]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-img-Amendment-support-implies-create_opts.patch [bz#1537956]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Add-Error-parameter-to-bdrv_amend_options.patch [bz#1537956]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-option-Pull-out-Supported-options-print.patch [bz#1537956]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-img-Add-print_amend_option_help.patch [bz#1537956]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-img-Recognize-no-creation-support-in-o-help.patch [bz#1537956]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-Test-help-option-for-unsupporting-formats.patch [bz#1537956]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-Rework-113.patch [bz#1537956]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-img-Resolve-relative-backing-paths-in-rebase.patch [bz#1569835]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-Add-test-for-rebasing-with-relative-paths.patch [bz#1569835]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-img-Special-post-backing-convert-handling.patch [bz#1527898]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-Test-post-backing-convert-target-behavior.patch [bz#1527898]
22c213 |
- kvm-migration-calculate-expected_downtime-with-ram_bytes.patch [bz#1564576]
22c213 |
- kvm-sheepdog-Fix-sd_co_create_opts-memory-leaks.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-reduce-chance-of-races-in-185.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockjob-do-not-cancel-timer-in-resume.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-nfs-Fix-error-path-in-nfs_options_qdict_to_qapi.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-nfs-Remove-processed-options-from-QDict.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockjob-drop-block_job_pause-resume_all.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockjob-expose-error-string-via-query.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockjob-Fix-assertion-in-block_job_finalize.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockjob-Wrappers-for-progress-counter-access.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockjob-Move-RateLimit-to-BlockJob.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockjob-Implement-block_job_set_speed-centrally.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockjob-Introduce-block_job_ratelimit_get_delay.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockjob-Add-block_job_driver.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockjob-Update-block-job-pause-resume-documentation.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockjob-Improve-BlockJobInfo.offset-len-documentati.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Create-Job-JobDriver-and-job_create.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Rename-BlockJobType-into-JobType.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Add-JobDriver.job_type.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Add-job_delete.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Maintain-a-list-of-all-jobs.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Move-state-transitions-to-Job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Add-reference-counting.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Move-cancelled-to-Job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Add-Job.aio_context.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Move-defer_to_main_loop-to-Job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Move-coroutine-and-related-code-to-Job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Add-job_sleep_ns.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Move-pause-resume-functions-to-Job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Replace-BlockJob.completed-with-job_is_completed.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Move-BlockJobCreateFlags-to-Job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockjob-Split-block_job_event_pending.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Add-job_event_.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Move-single-job-finalisation-to-Job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Convert-block_job_cancel_async-to-Job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Add-job_drain.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Move-.complete-callback-to-Job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Move-job_finish_sync-to-Job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Switch-transactions-to-JobTxn.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Move-transactions-to-Job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Move-completion-and-cancellation-to-Job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Cancel-job-in-bdrv_close_all-callers.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Add-job_yield.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Add-job_dismiss.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Add-job_is_ready.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Add-job_transition_to_ready.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Move-progress-fields-to-Job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Introduce-qapi-job.json.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Add-JOB_STATUS_CHANGE-QMP-event.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Add-lifecycle-QMP-commands.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Add-query-jobs-QMP-command.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockjob-Remove-BlockJob.driver.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-Move-qmp_to_opts-to-VM.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-Test-job-with-block-jobs.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-vdi-Fix-vdi_co_do_create-return-value.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-vhdx-Fix-vhdx_co_create-return-value.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-job-Add-error-message-for-failing-jobs.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-create-Make-x-blockdev-create-a-job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-Add-VM.get_qmp_events_filtered.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-Add-VM.qmp_log.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-Add-iotests.img_info_log.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-Add-VM.run_job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-iotests.py-helper-for-non-file-protocol.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-Rewrite-206-for-blockdev-create-job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-Rewrite-207-for-blockdev-create-job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-Rewrite-210-for-blockdev-create-job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-Rewrite-211-for-blockdev-create-job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-Rewrite-212-for-blockdev-create-job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-Rewrite-213-for-blockdev-create-job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-create-Mark-blockdev-create-stable.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-jobs-fix-stale-wording.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-jobs-fix-verb-references-in-docs.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-Fix-219-s-timing.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-improve-pause_job.patch [bz#1513543]
22c213 |
- kvm-rpm-Whitelist-copy-on-read-block-driver.patch [bz#1518738]
22c213 |
- kvm-rpm-add-throttle-driver-to-rw-whitelist.patch [bz#1591076]
22c213 |
- kvm-usb-host-skip-open-on-pending-postload-bh.patch [bz#1572851]
22c213 |
- kvm-i386-Define-the-Virt-SSBD-MSR-and-handling-of-it-CVE.patch [bz#1574216]
22c213 |
- kvm-i386-define-the-AMD-virt-ssbd-CPUID-feature-bit-CVE-.patch [bz#1574216]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-file-posix-Pass-FD-to-locking-helpers.patch [bz#1519144]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-file-posix-File-locking-during-creation.patch [bz#1519144]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-Add-creation-test-to-153.patch [bz#1519144]
22c213 |
- kvm-vhost-user-add-Net-prefix-to-internal-state-structur.patch [bz#1526645]
22c213 |
- kvm-virtio-support-setting-memory-region-based-host-noti.patch [bz#1526645]
22c213 |
- kvm-vhost-user-support-receiving-file-descriptors-in-sla.patch [bz#1526645]
22c213 |
- kvm-osdep-add-wait.h-compat-macros.patch [bz#1526645]
22c213 |
- kvm-vhost-user-bridge-support-host-notifier.patch [bz#1526645]
22c213 |
- kvm-vhost-allow-backends-to-filter-memory-sections.patch [bz#1526645]
22c213 |
- kvm-vhost-user-allow-slave-to-send-fds-via-slave-channel.patch [bz#1526645]
22c213 |
- kvm-vhost-user-introduce-shared-vhost-user-state.patch [bz#1526645]
22c213 |
- kvm-vhost-user-support-registering-external-host-notifie.patch [bz#1526645]
22c213 |
- kvm-libvhost-user-support-host-notifier.patch [bz#1526645]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Introduce-API-for-copy-offloading.patch [bz#1482537]
22c213 |
- kvm-raw-Check-byte-range-uniformly.patch [bz#1482537]
22c213 |
- kvm-raw-Implement-copy-offloading.patch [bz#1482537]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Implement-copy-offloading.patch [bz#1482537]
22c213 |
- kvm-file-posix-Implement-bdrv_co_copy_range.patch [bz#1482537]
22c213 |
- kvm-iscsi-Query-and-save-device-designator-when-opening.patch [bz#1482537]
22c213 |
- kvm-iscsi-Create-and-use-iscsi_co_wait_for_task.patch [bz#1482537]
22c213 |
- kvm-iscsi-Implement-copy-offloading.patch [bz#1482537]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-backend-Add-blk_co_copy_range.patch [bz#1482537]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-img-Convert-with-copy-offloading.patch [bz#1482537]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Fix-src_offset-in-copy-offloading.patch [bz#1482537]
22c213 |
- kvm-iscsi-Don-t-blindly-use-designator-length-in-respons.patch [bz#1482537]
22c213 |
- kvm-file-posix-Fix-EINTR-handling.patch [bz#1482537]
22c213 |
- kvm-usb-storage-Add-rerror-werror-properties.patch [bz#1595180]
22c213 |
- kvm-numa-clarify-error-message-when-node-index-is-out-of.patch [bz#1578381]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-Update-026.out.nocache-reference-output.patch [bz#1528541]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Free-allocated-clusters-on-write-error.patch [bz#1528541]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-iotests-Test-qcow2-not-leaking-clusters-on-writ.patch [bz#1528541]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-options-Add-missing-newline-to-accel-help-text.patch [bz#1586313]
22c213 |
- kvm-xhci-fix-guest-triggerable-assert.patch [bz#1594135]
22c213 |
- kvm-virtio-gpu-tweak-scanout-disable.patch [bz#1589634]
22c213 |
- kvm-virtio-gpu-update-old-resource-too.patch [bz#1589634]
22c213 |
- kvm-virtio-gpu-disable-scanout-when-backing-resource-is-.patch [bz#1589634]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Don-t-silently-truncate-node-names.patch [bz#1549654]
22c213 |
- kvm-pr-helper-fix-socket-path-default-in-help.patch [bz#1533158]
22c213 |
- kvm-pr-helper-fix-assertion-failure-on-failed-multipath-.patch [bz#1533158]
22c213 |
- kvm-pr-manager-helper-avoid-SIGSEGV-when-writing-to-the-.patch [bz#1533158]
22c213 |
- kvm-pr-manager-put-stubs-in-.c-file.patch [bz#1533158]
22c213 |
- kvm-pr-manager-add-query-pr-managers-QMP-command.patch [bz#1533158]
22c213 |
- kvm-pr-manager-helper-report-event-on-connection-disconn.patch [bz#1533158]
22c213 |
- kvm-pr-helper-avoid-error-on-PR-IN-command-with-zero-req.patch [bz#1533158]
22c213 |
- kvm-pr-helper-Rework-socket-path-handling.patch [bz#1533158]
22c213 |
- kvm-pr-manager-helper-fix-memory-leak-on-event.patch [bz#1533158]
22c213 |
- kvm-object-fix-OBJ_PROP_LINK_UNREF_ON_RELEASE-ambivalenc.patch [bz#1556678]
22c213 |
- kvm-usb-hcd-xhci-test-add-a-test-for-ccid-hotplug.patch [bz#1556678]
22c213 |
- kvm-Revert-usb-release-the-created-buses.patch [bz#1556678]
22c213 |
- kvm-file-posix-Fix-creation-locking.patch [bz#1599335]
22c213 |
- kvm-file-posix-Unlock-FD-after-creation.patch [bz#1599335]
22c213 |
- kvm-ahci-trim-signatures-on-raise-lower.patch [bz#1584914]
22c213 |
- kvm-ahci-fix-PxCI-register-race.patch [bz#1584914]
22c213 |
- kvm-ahci-don-t-schedule-unnecessary-BH.patch [bz#1584914]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Fix-qcow2_truncate-error-return-value.patch [bz#1595173]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Convert-.bdrv_truncate-callback-to-coroutine_f.patch [bz#1595173]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Remove-coroutine-trampoline-for-preallocate_co.patch [bz#1595173]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Move-bdrv_truncate-implementation-to-io.c.patch [bz#1595173]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Use-tracked-request-for-truncate.patch [bz#1595173]
22c213 |
- kvm-file-posix-Make-.bdrv_co_truncate-asynchronous.patch [bz#1595173]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Fix-copy-on-read-crash-with-partial-final-clus.patch [bz#1590640]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-fix-QEMU-crash-with-scsi-hd-and-drive_del.patch [bz#1599515]
22c213 |
- kvm-virtio-rng-process-pending-requests-on-DRIVER_OK.patch [bz#1576743]
22c213 |
- kvm-file-posix-specify-expected-filetypes.patch [bz#1525829]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-add-test-226-for-file-driver-types.patch [bz#1525829]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-dirty-bitmap-add-lock-to-bdrv_enable-disable_d.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-qapi-add-x-block-dirty-bitmap-enable-disable.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-qmp-transaction-support-for-x-block-dirty-bitmap-ena.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-qapi-add-x-block-dirty-bitmap-merge.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-qapi-add-disabled-parameter-to-block-dirty-bitmap-ad.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-dirty-bitmap-add-bdrv_enable_dirty_bitmap_lock.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-dirty-bitmap-fix-double-lock-on-bitmap-enabling.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-qcow2-bitmap-fix-free_bitmap_clusters.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-add-overlap-check-for-bitmap-directory.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-blockdev-enable-non-root-nodes-for-backup-source.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-add-222-to-test-basic-fleecing.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-qcow2-Remove-dead-check-on-ret.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Move-request-tracking-to-children-in-copy-offl.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Fix-parameter-checking-in-bdrv_co_copy_range_i.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-Honour-BDRV_REQ_NO_SERIALISING-in-copy-range.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-backup-Use-copy-offloading.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-backup-disable-copy-offloading-for-backup.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-222-Don-t-run-with-luks.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-io-fix-copy_range.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-split-flags-in-copy_range.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-add-BDRV_REQ_SERIALISING-flag.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-block-backup-fix-fleecing-scheme-use-serialized-writ.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-nbd-server-Reject-0-length-block-status-request.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-nbd-server-fix-trace.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-nbd-server-refactor-NBDExportMetaContexts.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-nbd-server-add-nbd_meta_empty_or_pattern-helper.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-nbd-server-implement-dirty-bitmap-export.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-qapi-new-qmp-command-nbd-server-add-bitmap.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-docs-interop-add-nbd.txt.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-nbd-server-introduce-NBD_CMD_CACHE.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-nbd-server-Silence-gcc-false-positive.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-nbd-server-Fix-dirty-bitmap-logic-regression.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-nbd-server-fix-nbd_co_send_block_status.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-nbd-client-Add-x-dirty-bitmap-to-query-bitmap-from-s.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-iotests-New-test-223-for-exporting-dirty-bitmap-over.patch [bz#1207657]
22c213 |
- kvm-hw-char-serial-Only-retry-if-qemu_chr_fe_write-retur.patch [bz#1592817]
22c213 |
- kvm-hw-char-serial-retry-write-if-EAGAIN.patch [bz#1592817]
22c213 |
- kvm-throttle-groups-fix-hang-when-group-member-leaves.patch [bz#1535914]
22c213 |
- kvm-Disable-aarch64-devices-reappeared-after-2.12-rebase.patch [bz#1586357]
22c213 |
- kvm-Disable-split-irq-device.patch [bz#1586357]
22c213 |
- kvm-Disable-AT24Cx-i2c-eeprom.patch [bz#1586357]
22c213 |
- kvm-Disable-CAN-bus-devices.patch [bz#1586357]
22c213 |
- kvm-Disable-new-superio-devices.patch [bz#1586357]
22c213 |
- kvm-Disable-new-pvrdma-device.patch [bz#1586357]
22c213 |
- kvm-qdev-add-HotplugHandler-post_plug-callback.patch [bz#1607891]
22c213 |
- kvm-virtio-scsi-fix-hotplug-reset-vs-event-race.patch [bz#1607891]
22c213 |
- kvm-e1000-Fix-tso_props-compat-for-82540em.patch [bz#1608778]
22c213 |
- kvm-slirp-correct-size-computation-while-concatenating-m.patch [bz#1586255]
22c213 |
- kvm-s390x-sclp-fix-maxram-calculation.patch [bz#1595740]
22c213 |
- kvm-redhat-Make-gitpublish-profile-the-default-one.patch [bz#1425820]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1168213
22c213 |
(main-loop: WARNING: I/O thread spun for 1000 iterations while doing stream block device.)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1207657
22c213 |
(RFE: QEMU Incremental live backup - push and pull modes)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1416180
22c213 |
(QEMU VFIO based block driver for NVMe devices)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1425820
22c213 |
(Improve QEMU packaging layout with modularization of the block layer)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1482537
22c213 |
([RFE] qemu-img copy-offloading (convert command))
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1505664
22c213 |
("qemu-kvm: System page size 0x1000000 is not enabled in page_size_mask (0x11000). Performance may be slow" show up while using hugepage as guest's memory)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1513543
22c213 |
([RFE] Add block job to create format on a storage device)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1518738
22c213 |
(Add 'copy-on-read' filter driver for use with blockdev-add)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1519144
22c213 |
(qemu-img: image locking doesn't cover image creation)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1519617
22c213 |
(The exit code should be non-zero when qemu-io reports an error)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1523065
22c213 |
("qemu-img resize" should fail to decrease the size of logical partition/lvm/iSCSI image with raw format)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1525829
22c213 |
(can not boot up a scsi-block passthrough disk via -blockdev with error "cannot get SG_IO version number: Operation not supported. Is this a SCSI device?")
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1526645
22c213 |
([Intel 7.6 FEAT] vHost Data Plane Acceleration (vDPA) - vhost user client - qemu-kvm-rhev)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1527085
22c213 |
(The copied flag should be updated during '-r leaks')
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1527898
22c213 |
([RFE] qemu-img should leave cluster unallocated if it's read as zero throughout the backing chain)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1528541
22c213 |
(qemu-img check reports tons of leaked clusters after re-start nfs service to resume writing data in guest)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1533158
22c213 |
(QEMU support for libvirtd restarting qemu-pr-helper)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1535914
22c213 |
(Disable io throttling for one member disk of a group during io will induce the other one hang with io)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1537956
22c213 |
(RFE: qemu-img amend should list the true supported options)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1542080
22c213 |
(Qemu core dump at cirrus_invalidate_region)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1549654
22c213 |
(Reject node-names which would be truncated by the block layer commands)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1556678
22c213 |
(Hot plug usb-ccid for the 2nd time with the same ID as the 1st time failed)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1557995
22c213 |
(QAPI schema for RBD storage misses the 'password-secret' option)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1558723
22c213 |
(Create RHEL-7.6 QEMU machine type for AArch64)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1560847
22c213 |
([Power8][FW b0320a_1812.861][rhel7.5rc2 3.10.0-861.el7.ppc64le][qemu-kvm-{ma,rhev}-2.10.0-21.el7_5.1.ppc64le] KVM guest does not default to ori type flush even with pseries-rhel7.5.0-sxxm)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1564576
22c213 |
(Pegas 1.1 - Require to backport qemu-kvm patch that fixes expected_downtime calculation during migration)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1566153
22c213 |
(IOERROR pause code lost after resuming a VM while I/O error is still present)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1567733
22c213 |
(qemu abort when migrate during guest reboot)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1569835
22c213 |
(qemu-img get wrong backing file path after rebasing image with relative path)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1572851
22c213 |
(Core dumped after migration when with usb-host)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1572856
22c213 |
('block-job-cancel' can not cancel a "drive-mirror" job)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1574216
22c213 |
(CVE-2018-3639 qemu-kvm-rhev: hw: cpu: speculative store bypass [rhel-7.6])
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1575541
22c213 |
(qemu core dump while installing win10 guest)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1576598
22c213 |
(Segfault in qemu-io and qemu-img with -U --image-opts force-share=off)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1576743
22c213 |
(virtio-rng hangs when running on recent (2.x) QEMU versions)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1578381
22c213 |
(Error message need update when specify numa distance with node index >=128)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1583959
22c213 |
(Incorrect vcpu count limit for 7.4 machine types for windows guests)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1584914
22c213 |
(SATA emulator lags and hangs)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1584984
22c213 |
(Vm starts failed with 'passthrough' smartcard)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1586255
22c213 |
(CVE-2018-11806 qemu-kvm-rhev: QEMU: slirp: heap buffer overflow while reassembling fragmented datagrams [rhel-7.6])
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1586313
22c213 |
(-smp option is not easily found in the output of qemu help)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1586357
22c213 |
(Disable new devices in 2.12)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1588039
22c213 |
(Possible assertion failure in qemu when a corrupted image is used during an incoming migration)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1589634
22c213 |
(Migration failed when rebooting guest with multiple virtio videos)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1590640
22c213 |
(qemu-kvm: block/io.c:1098: bdrv_co_do_copy_on_readv: Assertion `skip_bytes < pnum' failed.)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1591076
22c213 |
(The driver of 'throttle' is not whitelisted)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1592817
22c213 |
(Retrying on serial_xmit if the pipe is broken may compromise the Guest)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1594135
22c213 |
(system_reset many times linux guests cause qemu process Aborted)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1595173
22c213 |
(blockdev-create is blocking)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1595180
22c213 |
(Can't set rerror/werror with usb-storage)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1595740
22c213 |
(RHEL-Alt-7.6 - qemu has error during migration of larger guests)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1599335
22c213 |
(Image creation locking is too tight and is not properly released)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1599515
22c213 |
(qemu core-dump with aio_read via hmp (util/qemu-thread-posix.c:64: qemu_mutex_lock_impl: Assertion `mutex->initialized' failed))
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1607891
22c213 |
(Hotplug events are sometimes lost with virtio-scsi + iothread)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1608778
22c213 |
(qemu/migration: migrate failed from RHEL.7.6 to RHEL.7.5 with e1000-82540em)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Mon Aug 06 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-17.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-linux-headers-Update-to-include-KVM_CAP_S390_HPAGE_1.patch [bz#1610906]
22c213 |
- kvm-s390x-Enable-KVM-huge-page-backing-support.patch [bz#1610906]
22c213 |
- kvm-redhat-s390x-add-hpage-1-to-kvm.conf.patch [bz#1610906]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1610906
22c213 |
([IBM 8.0 FEAT] KVM: Huge Pages - libhugetlbfs Enablement - qemu-kvm part)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Tue Jul 31 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-16.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-spapr-Correct-inverted-test-in-spapr_pc_dimm_node.patch [bz#1601671]
22c213 |
- kvm-osdep-powerpc64-align-memory-to-allow-2MB-radix-THP-.patch [bz#1601317]
22c213 |
- kvm-RHEL-8.0-Add-pseries-rhel7.6.0-sxxm-machine-type.patch [bz#1595501]
22c213 |
- kvm-i386-Helpers-to-encode-cache-information-consistentl.patch [bz#1597739]
22c213 |
- kvm-i386-Add-cache-information-in-X86CPUDefinition.patch [bz#1597739]
22c213 |
- kvm-i386-Initialize-cache-information-for-EPYC-family-pr.patch [bz#1597739]
22c213 |
- kvm-i386-Add-new-property-to-control-cache-info.patch [bz#1597739]
22c213 |
- kvm-i386-Clean-up-cache-CPUID-code.patch [bz#1597739]
22c213 |
- kvm-i386-Populate-AMD-Processor-Cache-Information-for-cp.patch [bz#1597739]
22c213 |
- kvm-i386-Add-support-for-CPUID_8000_001E-for-AMD.patch [bz#1597739]
22c213 |
- kvm-i386-Fix-up-the-Node-id-for-CPUID_8000_001E.patch [bz#1597739]
22c213 |
- kvm-i386-Enable-TOPOEXT-feature-on-AMD-EPYC-CPU.patch [bz#1597739]
22c213 |
- kvm-i386-Remove-generic-SMT-thread-check.patch [bz#1597739]
22c213 |
- kvm-i386-Allow-TOPOEXT-to-be-enabled-on-older-kernels.patch [bz#1597739]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1595501
22c213 |
(Create pseries-rhel7.6.0-sxxm machine type)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1597739
22c213 |
(AMD EPYC/Zen SMT support for KVM / QEMU guest (qemu-kvm))
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1601317
22c213 |
(RHEL8.0 - qemu patch to align memory to allow 2MB THP)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1601671
22c213 |
(After rebooting guest,all the hot plug memory will be assigned to the 1st numa node.)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Tue Jul 24 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-15.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-spapr-Add-ibm-max-associativity-domains-property.patch [bz#1599593]
22c213 |
- kvm-Revert-spapr-Don-t-allow-memory-hotplug-to-memory-le.patch [bz#1599593]
22c213 |
- kvm-simpletrace-Convert-name-from-mapping-record-to-str.patch [bz#1594969]
22c213 |
- kvm-tests-fix-TLS-handshake-failure-with-TLS-1.3.patch [bz#1602403]
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1594969
22c213 |
(simpletrace.py fails when running with Python 3)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1599593
22c213 |
(User can't hotplug memory to less memory numa node on rhel8)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1602403
22c213 |
(test-crypto-tlssession unit test fails with assertions)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Mon Jul 09 2018 Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-14.el8
22c213 |
- kvm-vfio-pci-Default-display-option-to-off.patch [bz#1590511]
22c213 |
- kvm-python-futurize-f-libfuturize.fixes.fix_print_with_i.patch [bz#1571533]
22c213 |
- kvm-python-futurize-f-lib2to3.fixes.fix_except.patch [bz#1571533]
22c213 |
- kvm-Revert-Defining-a-shebang-for-python-scripts.patch [bz#1571533]
22c213 |
- kvm-spec-Fix-ambiguous-python-interpreter-name.patch [bz#1571533]
22c213 |
- kvm-qemu-ga-blacklisting-guest-exec-and-guest-exec-statu.patch [bz#1518132]
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-rewrap-build_configure.sh-cmdline-for-the-rh-.patch []
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-remove-the-VTD-LIVE_BLOCK_OPS-and-RHV-options.patch []
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-fix-the-rh-env-prep-target-s-dependency-on-th.patch []
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-remove-dead-code-related-to-s390-not-s390x.patch []
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-sync-compiler-flags-from-the-spec-file-to-rh-.patch []
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-sync-guest-agent-enablement-and-tcmalloc-usag.patch []
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-fix-up-Python-3-dependency-for-building-QEMU.patch []
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-fix-up-Python-dependency-for-SRPM-generation.patch []
febaa2 |
- kvm-redhat-disable-glusterfs-dependency-support-temporar.patch []
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1518132
22c213 |
(Ensure file access RPCs are disabled by default)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1571533
22c213 |
(Convert qemu-kvm python scripts to python3)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1590511
22c213 |
(Fails to start guest with Intel vGPU device)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Thu Jun 21 2018 Danilo C. L. de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-13.el8
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1508137
22c213 |
([IBM 8.0 FEAT] KVM: Interactive Bootloader (qemu))
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1513558
22c213 |
(Remove RHEL6 machine types)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1568600
22c213 |
(pc-i440fx-rhel7.6.0 and pc-q35-rhel7.6.0 machine types (x86))
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1570029
22c213 |
([IBM 8.0 FEAT] KVM: 3270 Connectivity - qemu part)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1578855
22c213 |
(Enable Native Ceph support on non x86_64 CPUs)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1585651
22c213 |
(RHEL 7.6 new pseries machine type (ppc64le))
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1592337
22c213 |
([IBM 8.0 FEAT] KVM: CPU Model z14 ZR1 (qemu-kvm))
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Tue May 15 2018 Danilo C. L. de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-11.el8.1
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1576468
22c213 |
(Enable vhost_user in qemu-kvm 2.12)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Wed May 09 2018 Danilo de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-11.el8
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1574406
22c213 |
([RHEL 8][qemu-kvm] Failed to find romfile "efi-virtio.rom")
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1569675
22c213 |
(Backwards compatibility of pc-*-rhel7.5.0 and older machine-types)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1576045
22c213 |
(Fix build issue by using python3)
22c213 |
- Resolves: bz#1571145
22c213 |
(qemu-kvm segfaults on RHEL 8 when run guestfsd under TCG)
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Fri Apr 20 2018 Danilo de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.12.0-10.el
22c213 |
- Fixing some issues with packaging.
22c213 |
- Rebasing to 2.12.0-rc4
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Fri Apr 13 2018 Danilo de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-7.el8
22c213 |
- Bumping epoch for RHEL8 and dropping self-obsoleting
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Thu Apr 12 2018 Danilo de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-6.el8
22c213 |
- Rebuilding
22c213 |
22c213 |
* Mon Mar 05 2018 Danilo de Paula <ddepaula@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-5.el8
22c213 |
- Prepare building on RHEL-8.0