teknoraver / rpms / rpm

Forked from rpms/rpm 7 months ago

fca9df Band-aid for python library versioning inadequacies (#1435135)

Authored and Committed by Panu Matilainen 8 years ago
1 file changed. 10 lines added. 1 lines removed.
    Band-aid for python library versioning inadequacies (#1435135)
    Apparently Python upstream doesn't care about library versioning
    for "minor" things like new symbols being added, defeating automatic
    dependency tracking both at rpm and linker level. For random program
    X not working until Python is updated too is a minor inconvenience,
    but system updater breaking is not fun. Band-aid the situation with
    manually inserted dependencies on the full Python version used
    for compilation.
file modified
+10 -1