teknoraver / rpms / rpm

Forked from rpms/rpm 7 months ago

ae9bea - update to pre-4.10 upstream snapshot

Authored and Committed by Panu Matilainen 12 years ago
    - update to pre-4.10 upstream snapshot
    - drop/adjust patches as necessary
file modified
+1 -0
rpm-4.9.90-armhfp.patch rpm-4.9.0-armhfp.patch
file renamed
rpm-4.9.90-fedora-specspo.patch rpm-4.8.90-fedora-specspo.patch
file renamed
+1 -1
rpm-4.9.90-no-man-dirs.patch rpm-4.8.0-no-man-dirs.patch
file renamed
+5 -6
file removed
file removed
file modified
+13 -40
file modified
+1 -1