teknoraver / rpms / rpm

Forked from rpms/rpm 7 months ago

4a3c93 Fix the armhfp patch for armv6hl

Authored and Committed by Lubomir Rintel 10 years ago
    Fix the armhfp patch for armv6hl
    The previous armhfp patches tried to cover armv6, but failed to do so properly
    -- the hfp extension for v6 is called "vfp", not "vfpv3" and there's no "neon"
    extension for it, this "armv6hnl" does not make sense at all.
    Because of this, Pidora decided to patch around it so that their armv6hl
    Raspberry Pi hardware is supported, breaking support for other ARMs along the
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+34 -11
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+26 -15
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+4 -1