teknoraver / rpms / rpm

Forked from rpms/rpm 7 months ago

388738 auto-import changelog data from rpm-4.3.2-0.3.src.rpm

Authored and Committed by cvsdist 20 years ago
    auto-import changelog data from rpm-4.3.2-0.3.src.rpm
    Mon Jun 14 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj@jbj.org> 4.3.2-0.3
    - add 'requires' and 'conflicts' tag aliases.
    - python: return ds, not tuple, for ds iteration.
    - python: permit integer keys to ts.dbMatch().
    - xml: use <foo/> markup for empty tags.
    - xml: <integer/> instead of <integer>0</integer> markup.
    - fix: disable fingerprint generation on kernel paths.
file modified
+9 -1
file modified
+1 -1