teknoraver / rpms / rpm

Forked from rpms/rpm 4 months ago

Blame rpm-4.4.2-trust.patch

Paul Nasrat 4fe8a5
--- rpm-4.4.2/lib/poptQV.c.trust	2004-11-09 19:50:42.000000000 -0500
Paul Nasrat 4fe8a5
+++ rpm-4.4.2/lib/poptQV.c	2006-04-27 13:42:31.000000000 -0400
Paul Nasrat ef1157
@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@
Paul Nasrat ef1157
 #define POPT_HDLIST		-1011
Paul Nasrat ef1157
 #define POPT_FTSWALK		-1012
Paul Nasrat ef1157
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+/* -1025 thrugh -1032 are common in rpmcli.h. */
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+#define POPT_TARGETPLATFORM     -1036
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+#define POPT_TRUST              -1037
Paul Nasrat ef1157
Paul Nasrat ef1157
 /* ========== Query/Verify/Signature source args */
Paul Nasrat ef1157
 static void rpmQVSourceArgCallback( /*@unused@*/ poptContext con,
Paul Nasrat ef1157
 		/*@unused@*/ enum poptCallbackReason reason,
Paul Nasrat 4fe8a5
@@ -240,6 +244,14 @@
Paul Nasrat 4fe8a5
 	qva->qva_flags |= VERIFY_SCRIPT;
Paul Nasrat ef1157
Paul Nasrat 4fe8a5
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+    /* XXX perhaps POPT_ARG_INT instead of callback. */
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+    case POPT_TRUST:
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+    {	char * end = NULL;
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+	long trust = (int) strtol(arg, &end, 0);
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+	/* XXX range checks on trust. */
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+	/* XXX if (end && *end) argerror(_("non-numeric trust metric.")); */
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+	qva->trust = trust;
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+    }	break;
Paul Nasrat ef1157
Paul Nasrat ef1157
Paul Nasrat ef1157
Paul Nasrat 4fe8a5
@@ -376,14 +388,6 @@
Paul Nasrat ef1157
         N_("don't verify package signature(s)"), NULL },
Paul Nasrat ef1157
Paul Nasrat ef1157
Paul Nasrat ef1157
-/** @todo Add --nogpg/--nopgp aliases to rpmpopt, eliminate. */
Paul Nasrat ef1157
Paul Nasrat ef1157
-	&rpmQVKArgs.qva_flags, VERIFY_SIGNATURE,
Paul Nasrat ef1157
-        N_("don't verify GPG V3 DSA signature(s)"), NULL },
Paul Nasrat ef1157
Paul Nasrat ef1157
-	&rpmQVKArgs.qva_flags, VERIFY_SIGNATURE,
Paul Nasrat ef1157
-        N_("don't verify PGP V3 RSA/MD5 signature(s)"), NULL },
Paul Nasrat ef1157
Paul Nasrat ef1157
Paul Nasrat ef1157
Paul Nasrat ef1157
Paul Nasrat 4fe8a5
@@ -408,6 +412,15 @@
Paul Nasrat ef1157
 	N_("sign package(s) (identical to --addsign)"), NULL },
Paul Nasrat ef1157
  { "sign", '\0', POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN, &rpmQVKArgs.sign, 0,
Paul Nasrat ef1157
 	N_("generate signature"), NULL },
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+ /* XXX perhaps POPT_ARG_INT instead of callback. */
Paul Nasrat ef1157
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+        N_("specify trust metric"), "TRUST" },
Paul Nasrat ef1157
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+	&rpmQVKArgs.trust, 1,
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+        N_("set ultimate trust when importing pubkey(s)"), NULL },
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+ { "untrusted", '\0', POPT_ARG_VAL|POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN,
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+	&rpmQVKArgs.trust, -1,
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+        N_("unset ultimate trust when importing pubkey(s)"), NULL },
Paul Nasrat ef1157
Paul Nasrat ef1157
  { "nodigest", '\0', POPT_BIT_SET, &rpmQVKArgs.qva_flags, VERIFY_DIGEST,
Paul Nasrat ef1157
         N_("don't verify package digest(s)"), NULL },
Paul Nasrat 4fe8a5
--- rpm-4.4.2/lib/rpmcli.h.trust	2005-01-04 11:35:05.000000000 -0500
Paul Nasrat 4fe8a5
+++ rpm-4.4.2/lib/rpmcli.h	2006-04-27 13:37:40.000000000 -0400
Paul Nasrat ef1157
@@ -280,6 +280,7 @@
Paul Nasrat ef1157
 /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/
Paul Nasrat ef1157
     const char * qva_queryFormat;/*!< Format for headerSprintf(). */
Paul Nasrat ef1157
     int sign;			/*!< Is a passphrase needed? */
Paul Nasrat ef1157
+    int trust;			/*!< Trust metric when importing pubkeys. */
Paul Nasrat ef1157
Paul Nasrat ef1157
     const char * passPhrase;	/*!< Pass phrase. */
Paul Nasrat ef1157
 /*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/