# CentOS CI Infra Outage Preparation During a scheduled outage where it is likely we will lose network access entirely to the entire rack, or between racks, it is advisable to shutdown the following services: - Duffy - CentOS CI Openshift prod/stg - Legacy CI Jenkins - Legacy OKD - keepalived on gateway02.ci.centos.org ## Legacy OKD 1. bstinson, as the only person on the team which has access to the legacy OKD cluster, must handle tasks related to this cluster. ## OCP https://github.com/centosci/ocp4-docs/blob/master/sops/create_etcd_backup.md https://github.com/centosci/ocp4-docs/blob/master/sops/cordoning_nodes_and_draining_pods.md https://github.com/centosci/ocp4-docs/blob/master/sops/graceful_shutdown_ocp_cluster.md Admin nodes Prod: ocp-admin.ci.centos.org Stg: n4-136.cloud.ci.centos.org 2. Take etcd backup to the admin node associated with prod/stg 3. Cordon and drain all nodes 4. gracefully shutdown ## Duffy 5. switch off duffy - workers * source duffy2-venv/bin/activate; FLASK_APP=duffy DUFFY_SETTINGS=/etc/duffy.conf python scripts/worker.py 6. switch off duffy server * FLASK_APP=duffy DUFFY_SETTINGS=/etc/duffy.conf flask run -h -p 8080 7. ci.centos.org legacy jenkins: manage jenkins, prepare for shutdown * ssh jenkins - systemctl restart jenkins ## keepalived on Gateway nodes 8. Shutdown keepalived on gateway02.ci.centos.org * sudo systemctl stop keepalived