Once the server (bare-metal, Virtual Machine - internal or EC2 instance- ) is deployed, we just need to add it to ansible inventory (probably already done already during deploy
step so complete with the following information)
You first need to add the node into DNS (either internally or externally) so please have a look at the dedicated DNS section, and that means kicking the role-bind.yml
or role-unbound.yml
playbooks based on the need, and after having pushed the change to git.
Once the node is available, we need once to initialize the node to confirm access and ssh host key/fingerprint and then sign it with our SSH CA.
Let's start by first ensuring that we can log onto a node (in our example a EC2 instance):
ssh centos@artwork-1.dev.centos.org uptime The authenticity of host 'artwork-1.dev.centos.org (<no hostip for proxy command>)' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:TFnZOT68OAkUQdTm1kCwoPxEN8d/4v/kqinsPcFD/04. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes Warning: Permanently added 'artwork-1.dev.centos.org' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. 09:41:48 up 7 min, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.06, 0.04
Now we can proceed with next steps.
Let's add the node in the correct Ansible inventory (like for example CentOS-CI
or CentOS-prod
or CentOS-staging
, etc.
We first need to ensure that usual sysadmins
will be granted first the correct rights and we just need to add the node in ansible inventory first.
If you already know which roles you want to directly apply feel free to add into correct [group_name]
in the inventory or just add it to [unclassified]
When done, we can just play manually (only once) some playbooks and from there machine will be automatically reconfigured when role/inventory is updated (see the Ansible section about this)
fqdn="artwork-1.dev.centos.org" ansible-playbook playbooks/adhoc-grant-access.yml -u centos -l ${fqdn} # or add -k to ask for password if needed to inject ssh keys
Now that sysadmins
have their keys injected (including yours), you can initialize the node , but it will create a temporary file that you can then copy into inventory for some gathered facts, so you can use --extras-vars
just for this specific call
out_dir="/home/arrfab/ansible/out" test -d ${out_dir} || mkdir -p ${out_dir} ansible-playbook playbooks/adhoc-init-node.yml -l ${fqdn} --extra-vars "out_dir=${out_dir}" cat ${out_dir}/${fqdn} >> inventory/host_vars/${fqdn}
The adhoc-init-node.yml
will do the following :
role (common for all nodes but with different settings, based on inventoryIf you configured correctl
Now that machine is in ansible inventory, you can always add new role, based on group memberships, change settings through group_vars
or host_vars
, etc, so Ansible BAU