diff --git a/.dnf.metadata b/.dnf.metadata
index 0bcc7b5..9125cc8 100644
--- a/.dnf.metadata
+++ b/.dnf.metadata
@@ -1 +1 @@
-0da07a3e6ff19430ffe39699e474439eab63ee7d SOURCES/dnf-4.2.23.tar.gz
+5941a49cfd466aeed4ec882a33647912c2a89245 SOURCES/dnf-4.4.2.tar.gz
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index c0cb815..378380e 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-Handle-empty-comps-group-name-RhBug1826198.patch b/SOURCES/0001-Handle-empty-comps-group-name-RhBug1826198.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f6266a4..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0001-Handle-empty-comps-group-name-RhBug1826198.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-From 3c758a4ea670fab1f4b55fa878ebf2b2ff4b678b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Luk=C3=A1=C5=A1=20Hr=C3=A1zk=C3=BD?= <lhrazky@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 09:08:05 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Handle empty comps group name (RhBug:1826198)
-Don't crash on empty comps group/environment name. In outputs, use the
-"<name-unset>" placeholder instead of the name.
- dnf/cli/commands/group.py  |  4 ++--
- dnf/cli/output.py          | 16 ++++++++++------
- dnf/comps.py               | 11 ++++++++++-
- dnf/db/group.py            | 12 ++++++++----
- tests/repos/main_comps.xml |  7 +++++++
- tests/support.py           |  2 +-
- tests/test_comps.py        |  6 +++---
- tests/test_groups.py       |  9 +++++++++
- 8 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/dnf/cli/commands/group.py b/dnf/cli/commands/group.py
-index f535a50980..4ffd3b89c8 100644
---- a/dnf/cli/commands/group.py
-+++ b/dnf/cli/commands/group.py
-@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ def _list(self, userlist):
-         def _out_grp(sect, group):
-             if not done:
-                 print(sect)
--            msg = '   %s' % group.ui_name
-+            msg = '   %s' % (group.ui_name if group.ui_name is not None else _("<name-unset>"))
-             if print_ids:
-                 msg += ' (%s)' % group.id
-             if group.lang_only:
-@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ def _out_env(sect, envs):
-             if envs:
-                 print(sect)
-             for e in envs:
--                msg = '   %s' % e.ui_name
-+                msg = '   %s' % (e.ui_name if e.ui_name is not None else _("<name-unset>"))
-                 if print_ids:
-                     msg += ' (%s)' % e.id
-                 print(msg)
-diff --git a/dnf/cli/output.py b/dnf/cli/output.py
-index 67eab80b19..2585a5c773 100644
---- a/dnf/cli/output.py
-+++ b/dnf/cli/output.py
-@@ -1221,47 +1221,51 @@ def _add_line(lines, data, a_wid, po, obsoletes=[]):
-                 lines.append((name, "", "", "", "", "", ""))
-             pkglist_lines.append((action, lines))
-         if self.base._history:
-+            def format_line(group):
-+                name = group.getName()
-+                return (name if name else _("<name-unset>"), "", "", "", "", "", "")
-             install_env_group = self.base._history.env._installed
-             if install_env_group:
-                 action = _("Installing Environment Groups")
-                 lines = []
-                 for group in install_env_group.values():
--                    lines.append((group.getName(), "", "", "", "", "", ""))
-+                    lines.append(format_line(group))
-                 pkglist_lines.append((action, lines))
-             upgrade_env_group = self.base._history.env._upgraded
-             if upgrade_env_group:
-                 action = _("Upgrading Environment Groups")
-                 lines = []
-                 for group in upgrade_env_group.values():
--                    lines.append((group.getName(), "", "", "", "", "", ""))
-+                    lines.append(format_line(group))
-                 pkglist_lines.append((action, lines))
-             remove_env_group = self.base._history.env._removed
-             if remove_env_group:
-                 action = _("Removing Environment Groups")
-                 lines = []
-                 for group in remove_env_group.values():
--                    lines.append((group.getName(), "", "", "", "", "", ""))
-+                    lines.append(format_line(group))
-                 pkglist_lines.append((action, lines))
-             install_group = self.base._history.group._installed
-             if install_group:
-                 action = _("Installing Groups")
-                 lines = []
-                 for group in install_group.values():
--                    lines.append((group.getName(), "", "", "", "", "", ""))
-+                    lines.append(format_line(group))
-                 pkglist_lines.append((action, lines))
-             upgrade_group = self.base._history.group._upgraded
-             if upgrade_group:
-                 action = _("Upgrading Groups")
-                 lines = []
-                 for group in upgrade_group.values():
--                    lines.append((group.getName(), "", "", "", "", "", ""))
-+                    lines.append(format_line(group))
-                 pkglist_lines.append((action, lines))
-             remove_group = self.base._history.group._removed
-             if remove_group:
-                 action = _("Removing Groups")
-                 lines = []
-                 for group in remove_group.values():
--                    lines.append((group.getName(), "", "", "", "", "", ""))
-+                    lines.append(format_line(group))
-                 pkglist_lines.append((action, lines))
-         # show skipped conflicting packages
-         if not self.conf.best and self.base._goal.actions & forward_actions:
-diff --git a/dnf/comps.py b/dnf/comps.py
-index 316d647087..4ca15b1e07 100644
---- a/dnf/comps.py
-+++ b/dnf/comps.py
-@@ -75,7 +75,16 @@ def _by_pattern(pattern, case_sensitive, sqn):
-     else:
-         match = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern), flags=re.I).match
--    return {g for g in sqn if match(g.name) or match(g.id) or match(g.ui_name)}
-+    ret = set()
-+    for g in sqn:
-+        if match(g.id):
-+            ret.add(g)
-+        elif g.name is not None and match(g.name):
-+            ret.add(g)
-+        elif g.ui_name is not None and match(g.ui_name):
-+            ret.add(g)
-+    return ret
- def _fn_display_order(group):
-diff --git a/dnf/db/group.py b/dnf/db/group.py
-index e3a087760b..5d7e18d1a8 100644
---- a/dnf/db/group.py
-+++ b/dnf/db/group.py
-@@ -78,8 +78,10 @@ def _get_obj_id(self, obj):
-     def new(self, obj_id, name, translated_name, pkg_types):
-         swdb_group = self.history.swdb.createCompsGroupItem()
-         swdb_group.setGroupId(obj_id)
--        swdb_group.setName(name)
--        swdb_group.setTranslatedName(translated_name)
-+        if name is not None:
-+            swdb_group.setName(name)
-+        if translated_name is not None:
-+            swdb_group.setTranslatedName(translated_name)
-         swdb_group.setPackageTypes(pkg_types)
-         return swdb_group
-@@ -136,8 +138,10 @@ def _get_obj_id(self, obj):
-     def new(self, obj_id, name, translated_name, pkg_types):
-         swdb_env = self.history.swdb.createCompsEnvironmentItem()
-         swdb_env.setEnvironmentId(obj_id)
--        swdb_env.setName(name)
--        swdb_env.setTranslatedName(translated_name)
-+        if name is not None:
-+            swdb_env.setName(name)
-+        if translated_name is not None:
-+            swdb_env.setTranslatedName(translated_name)
-         swdb_env.setPackageTypes(pkg_types)
-         return swdb_env
-diff --git a/tests/repos/main_comps.xml b/tests/repos/main_comps.xml
-index 9e694d13a5..584bb25b3a 100644
---- a/tests/repos/main_comps.xml
-+++ b/tests/repos/main_comps.xml
-@@ -49,6 +49,13 @@
-       <packagereq type="optional">brokendeps</packagereq>
-     </packagelist>
-   </group>
-+  <group>
-+    <id>missing-name-group</id>
-+    <name></name>
-+    <packagelist>
-+      <packagereq type="mandatory">meaning-of-life</packagereq>
-+    </packagelist>
-+  </group>
-   <category>
-    <id>base-system</id>
-    <display_order>99</display_order>
-diff --git a/tests/support.py b/tests/support.py
-index e549ba5b95..a7d6a8542c 100644
---- a/tests/support.py
-+++ b/tests/support.py
-@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ def mock_open(mock=None, data=None):
-diff --git a/tests/test_comps.py b/tests/test_comps.py
-index 30d468e3af..763218587f 100644
---- a/tests/test_comps.py
-+++ b/tests/test_comps.py
-@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ def test_group_packages(self):
-     def test_iteration(self):
-         comps = self.comps
-         self.assertEqual([g.name for g in comps.groups_iter()],
--                         ['Base', 'Solid Ground', "Pepper's", "Broken Group"])
-+                         ['Base', 'Solid Ground', "Pepper's", "Broken Group", None])
-         self.assertEqual([c.name for c in comps.categories_iter()],
-                          ['Base System'])
-         g = dnf.util.first(comps.groups_iter())
-@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ def test_iteration(self):
-     def test_group_display_order(self):
-         self.assertEqual([g.name for g in self.comps.groups],
--                         ["Pepper's", 'Base', 'Solid Ground', 'Broken Group'])
-+                         ["Pepper's", 'Base', 'Solid Ground', 'Broken Group', None])
-     def test_packages(self):
-         comps = self.comps
-@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ def test_packages(self):
-     def test_size(self):
-         comps = self.comps
--        self.assertLength(comps, 6)
-+        self.assertLength(comps, 7)
-         self.assertLength(comps.groups, tests.support.TOTAL_GROUPS)
-         self.assertLength(comps.categories, 1)
-         self.assertLength(comps.environments, 1)
-diff --git a/tests/test_groups.py b/tests/test_groups.py
-index fe388f96c0..8972da687e 100644
---- a/tests/test_groups.py
-+++ b/tests/test_groups.py
-@@ -295,6 +295,15 @@ def test_group_install_broken_optional_nonstrict(self):
-         self.assertLength(inst, 1)
-         self.assertEmpty(removed)
-+    def test_group_install_missing_name(self):
-+        comps_group = self.base.comps.group_by_pattern('missing-name-group')
-+        cnt = self.base.group_install(comps_group.id, ('mandatory', 'default', 'optional'),
-+                                      strict=False)
-+        self._swdb_commit()
-+        self.base.resolve()
-+        self.assertEqual(cnt, 1)
- class EnvironmentInstallTest(tests.support.ResultTestCase):
-     """Set up a test where sugar is considered not installed."""
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-tests-SQL-write-a-readonly-folder.patch b/SOURCES/0001-tests-SQL-write-a-readonly-folder.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39780f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0001-tests-SQL-write-a-readonly-folder.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+From 66e08009b8254462cb2c454ff2320355633c20d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Nicola Sella <nsella@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2020 12:11:17 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/1] [tests] SQL write a readonly folder
+fixes on rhel8.4 for test_dnf_base and test_dnf_db_group
+libdnf._error.Error: SQLite error on "/var/lib/dnf/history.sqlite":
+Executing an SQL statement failed: attempt to write a readonly
+msg: fixes SQL write a readonly folder
+type: bugfix
+ tests/api/test_dnf_base.py     | 1 +
+ tests/api/test_dnf_db_group.py | 1 +
+ 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/tests/api/test_dnf_base.py b/tests/api/test_dnf_base.py
+index b1cf49fb..ca71b75c 100644
+--- a/tests/api/test_dnf_base.py
++++ b/tests/api/test_dnf_base.py
+@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ from .common import TOUR_4_4
+ class DnfBaseApiTest(TestCase):
+     def setUp(self):
+         self.base = dnf.Base(dnf.conf.Conf())
++        self.base.conf.persistdir = "/tmp/tests"
+     def tearDown(self):
+         self.base.close()
+diff --git a/tests/api/test_dnf_db_group.py b/tests/api/test_dnf_db_group.py
+index 447fd121..e1828cb4 100644
+--- a/tests/api/test_dnf_db_group.py
++++ b/tests/api/test_dnf_db_group.py
+@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from .common import TestCase
+ class DnfRPMTransactionApiTest(TestCase):
+     def setUp(self):
+         self.base = dnf.Base(dnf.conf.Conf())
++        self.base.conf.persistdir = "/tmp/tests"
+         self.base.fill_sack(False, False)
+         self.base.resolve()
+         self.rpmTrans = self.base.transaction
diff --git a/SOURCES/0002-Add-logfilelevel-configuration-RhBug-1802074.patch b/SOURCES/0002-Add-logfilelevel-configuration-RhBug-1802074.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bc02293..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0002-Add-logfilelevel-configuration-RhBug-1802074.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-From 9f9bfdfcb576846436f97275d6ee82004ceb4cb9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Ale=C5=A1=20Mat=C4=9Bj?= <amatej@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 16:02:58 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Add logfilelevel configuration (RhBug:1802074)
- dnf.spec         |  2 +-
- dnf/logging.py   | 17 +++++++++++------
- doc/conf_ref.rst |  6 ++++++
- 3 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/dnf.spec b/dnf.spec
-index 1423c6d5b5..27bae7aaa7 100644
---- a/dnf.spec
-+++ b/dnf.spec
-@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- # default dependencies
--%global hawkey_version 0.48.0
-+%global hawkey_version 0.50.0
- %global libcomps_version 0.1.8
- %global libmodulemd_version 1.4.0
- %global rpm_version 4.14.0
-diff --git a/dnf/logging.py b/dnf/logging.py
-index bd660470a3..c578575e1c 100644
---- a/dnf/logging.py
-+++ b/dnf/logging.py
-@@ -70,11 +70,14 @@ def filter(self, record):
-     4 : logging.DEBUG,
-     5 : logging.DEBUG,
-     6 : logging.DEBUG, # verbose value
-+    7 : DDEBUG,
-+    8 : SUBDEBUG,
-+    9 : TRACE,
-     }
- def _cfg_verbose_val2level(cfg_errval):
-     assert 0 <= cfg_errval <= 10
--    return _VERBOSE_VAL_MAPPING.get(cfg_errval, DDEBUG)
-+    return _VERBOSE_VAL_MAPPING.get(cfg_errval, TRACE)
- # Both the DNF default and the verbose default are WARNING. Note that ERROR has
-@@ -157,13 +160,14 @@ def _presetup(self):
-         self.stderr_handler = stderr
-     @only_once
--    def _setup_file_loggers(self, verbose_level, logdir, log_size, log_rotate):
-+    def _setup_file_loggers(self, logfile_level, verbose_level, logdir, log_size, log_rotate):
-         logger_dnf = logging.getLogger("dnf")
-         logger_dnf.setLevel(TRACE)
-         # setup file logger
-         logfile = os.path.join(logdir, dnf.const.LOG)
-         handler = _create_filehandler(logfile, log_size, log_rotate)
-+        handler.setLevel(logfile_level)
-         logger_dnf.addHandler(handler)
-         # put the marker in the file now:
-         _paint_mark(logger_dnf)
-@@ -185,14 +189,14 @@ def _setup_file_loggers(self, verbose_level, logdir, log_size, log_rotate):
-         _paint_mark(logger_rpm)
-     @only_once
--    def _setup(self, verbose_level, error_level, logdir, log_size, log_rotate):
-+    def _setup(self, verbose_level, error_level, logfile_level, logdir, log_size, log_rotate):
-         self._presetup()
-         # temporarily turn off stdout/stderr handlers:
-         self.stdout_handler.setLevel(SUPERCRITICAL)
-         self.stderr_handler.setLevel(SUPERCRITICAL)
--        self._setup_file_loggers(verbose_level, logdir, log_size, log_rotate)
-+        self._setup_file_loggers(logfile_level, verbose_level, logdir, log_size, log_rotate)
-         logger_warnings = logging.getLogger("py.warnings")
-         logger_warnings.addHandler(self.stderr_handler)
-@@ -209,13 +213,14 @@ def _setup(self, verbose_level, error_level, logdir, log_size, log_rotate):
-     def _setup_from_dnf_conf(self, conf, file_loggers_only=False):
-         verbose_level_r = _cfg_verbose_val2level(conf.debuglevel)
-         error_level_r = _cfg_err_val2level(conf.errorlevel)
-+        logfile_level_r = _cfg_verbose_val2level(conf.logfilelevel)
-         logdir = conf.logdir
-         log_size = conf.log_size
-         log_rotate = conf.log_rotate
-         if file_loggers_only:
--            return self._setup_file_loggers(verbose_level_r, logdir, log_size, log_rotate)
-+            return self._setup_file_loggers(logfile_level_r, verbose_level_r, logdir, log_size, log_rotate)
-         else:
--            return self._setup(verbose_level_r, error_level_r, logdir, log_size, log_rotate)
-+            return self._setup(verbose_level_r, error_level_r, logfile_level_r, logdir, log_size, log_rotate)
- class Timer(object):
-diff --git a/doc/conf_ref.rst b/doc/conf_ref.rst
-index cf442770c9..fed6efcec7 100644
---- a/doc/conf_ref.rst
-+++ b/doc/conf_ref.rst
-@@ -268,6 +268,12 @@ configuration file by your distribution to override the DNF defaults.
-     Directory where the log files will be stored. Default is ``/var/log``.
-+    :ref:`integer <integer-label>`
-+    Log file messages output level, in the range 0 to 10. The higher the number the
-+    more debug output is put to logs. Default is 9.
- .. _log_rotate-label:
- ``log_rotate``
-From 1233d7da657ffbd03f9ffc274b648da0bb2898bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Ale=C5=A1=20Mat=C4=9Bj?= <amatej@redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2020 09:21:15 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Update unit logging test to reflect logfilelevel addition
- tests/test_logging.py | 16 +++++++++-------
- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/tests/test_logging.py b/tests/test_logging.py
-index a7fee3e67c..80e219d882 100644
---- a/tests/test_logging.py
-+++ b/tests/test_logging.py
-@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ def test_setup(self):
-         logger = logging.getLogger("dnf")
-         with tests.support.patch_std_streams() as (stdout, stderr):
-             self.logging._setup(
--                logging.INFO, logging.ERROR, self.logdir, self.log_size, self.log_rotate)
-+                logging.INFO, logging.ERROR, dnf.logging.TRACE, self.logdir, self.log_size, self.log_rotate)
-             self._bench(logger)
-         self.assertEqual("i\n", stdout.getvalue())
-         self.assertEqual("e\n", stderr.getvalue())
-@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def test_setup_verbose(self):
-         logger = logging.getLogger("dnf")
-         with tests.support.patch_std_streams() as (stdout, stderr):
-             self.logging._setup(
--                logging.DEBUG, logging.WARNING, self.logdir, self.log_size, self.log_rotate)
-+                logging.DEBUG, logging.WARNING, dnf.logging.TRACE, self.logdir, self.log_size, self.log_rotate)
-             self._bench(logger)
-         self.assertEqual("d\ni\n", stdout.getvalue())
-         self.assertEqual("w\ne\n", stderr.getvalue())
-@@ -105,20 +105,22 @@ def test_setup_verbose(self):
-     @mock.patch('dnf.logging.Logging._setup')
-     def test_setup_from_dnf_conf(self, setup_m):
-         conf = mock.Mock(
--            debuglevel=2, errorlevel=3, logdir=self.logdir,
-+            debuglevel=2, errorlevel=3, logfilelevel=2, logdir=self.logdir,
-             log_size=self.log_size, log_rotate=self.log_rotate)
-         self.logging._setup_from_dnf_conf(conf)
-         self.assertEqual(setup_m.call_args, mock.call(dnf.logging.INFO,
-                                                       dnf.logging.WARNING,
-+                                                      dnf.logging.INFO,
-                                                       self.logdir,
-                                                       self.log_size,
-                                                       self.log_rotate))
-         conf = mock.Mock(
--            debuglevel=6, errorlevel=6, logdir=self.logdir,
-+            debuglevel=6, errorlevel=6, logfilelevel=6, logdir=self.logdir,
-             log_size=self.log_size, log_rotate=self.log_rotate)
-         self.logging._setup_from_dnf_conf(conf)
-         self.assertEqual(setup_m.call_args, mock.call(dnf.logging.DEBUG,
-                                                       dnf.logging.WARNING,
-+                                                      dnf.logging.DEBUG,
-                                                       self.logdir,
-                                                       self.log_size,
-                                                       self.log_rotate))
-@@ -126,7 +128,7 @@ def test_setup_from_dnf_conf(self, setup_m):
-     def test_file_logging(self):
-         # log nothing to the console:
-         self.logging._setup(
--            dnf.logging.SUPERCRITICAL, dnf.logging.SUPERCRITICAL,
-+            dnf.logging.SUPERCRITICAL, dnf.logging.SUPERCRITICAL, dnf.logging.TRACE,
-             self.logdir, self.log_size, self.log_rotate)
-         logger = logging.getLogger("dnf")
-         with tests.support.patch_std_streams() as (stdout, stderr):
-@@ -145,7 +147,7 @@ def test_file_logging(self):
-     def test_rpm_logging(self):
-         # log everything to the console:
-         self.logging._setup(
--            dnf.logging.SUBDEBUG, dnf.logging.SUBDEBUG,
-+            dnf.logging.SUBDEBUG, dnf.logging.SUBDEBUG, dnf.logging.TRACE,
-             self.logdir, self.log_size, self.log_rotate)
-         logger = logging.getLogger("dnf.rpm")
-         with tests.support.patch_std_streams() as (stdout, stderr):
-@@ -167,7 +169,7 @@ def test_setup_only_once(self):
-         logger = logging.getLogger("dnf")
-         self.assertLength(logger.handlers, 0)
-         self.logging._setup(
--            dnf.logging.SUBDEBUG, dnf.logging.SUBDEBUG,
-+            dnf.logging.SUBDEBUG, dnf.logging.SUBDEBUG, dnf.logging.TRACE,
-             self.logdir, self.log_size, self.log_rotate)
-         cnt = len(logger.handlers)
-         self.assertGreater(cnt, 0)
-From 8a57da7229c67315d113b3c61cf981e1a7d81189 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Ale=C5=A1=20Mat=C4=9Bj?= <amatej@redhat.com>
-Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2020 14:03:02 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Control hawkey and librepo log verbosity with
- logfilelevel
-= changelog =
-msg: New config option 'logfilelevel' now controls logging to dnf.log, dnf.librepo.log and hawkey.log
-type: enhancement
-resolves: 1802074
- dnf/logging.py   | 11 +++++++----
- dnf/sack.py      |  2 +-
- doc/conf_ref.rst |  3 +++
- 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/dnf/logging.py b/dnf/logging.py
-index c578575e1c..b5196988f7 100644
---- a/dnf/logging.py
-+++ b/dnf/logging.py
-@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
- DDEBUG = 8  # used by anaconda (pyanaconda/payload/dnfpayload.py)
- TRACE = 4
-+ALL = 2
- def only_once(func):
-     """Method decorator turning the method into noop on second or later calls."""
-@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ def filter(self, record):
-     7 : DDEBUG,
-     8 : SUBDEBUG,
-     9 : TRACE,
-+    10: ALL,   # more verbous librepo and hawkey
-     }
- def _cfg_verbose_val2level(cfg_errval):
-@@ -138,6 +140,7 @@ def __init__(self):
-         logging.addLevelName(DDEBUG, "DDEBUG")
-         logging.addLevelName(SUBDEBUG, "SUBDEBUG")
-         logging.addLevelName(TRACE, "TRACE")
-+        logging.addLevelName(ALL, "ALL")
-         logging.captureWarnings(True)
-         logging.raiseExceptions = False
-@@ -160,7 +163,7 @@ def _presetup(self):
-         self.stderr_handler = stderr
-     @only_once
--    def _setup_file_loggers(self, logfile_level, verbose_level, logdir, log_size, log_rotate):
-+    def _setup_file_loggers(self, logfile_level, logdir, log_size, log_rotate):
-         logger_dnf = logging.getLogger("dnf")
-         logger_dnf.setLevel(TRACE)
-@@ -177,7 +180,7 @@ def _setup_file_loggers(self, logfile_level, verbose_level, logdir, log_size, lo
-         logger_warnings.addHandler(handler)
-         lr_logfile = os.path.join(logdir, dnf.const.LOG_LIBREPO)
--        libdnf.repo.LibrepoLog.addHandler(lr_logfile, verbose_level <= DEBUG)
-+        libdnf.repo.LibrepoLog.addHandler(lr_logfile, logfile_level <= ALL)
-         # setup RPM callbacks logger
-         logger_rpm = logging.getLogger("dnf.rpm")
-@@ -196,7 +199,7 @@ def _setup(self, verbose_level, error_level, logfile_level, logdir, log_size, lo
-         self.stdout_handler.setLevel(SUPERCRITICAL)
-         self.stderr_handler.setLevel(SUPERCRITICAL)
--        self._setup_file_loggers(logfile_level, verbose_level, logdir, log_size, log_rotate)
-+        self._setup_file_loggers(logfile_level, logdir, log_size, log_rotate)
-         logger_warnings = logging.getLogger("py.warnings")
-         logger_warnings.addHandler(self.stderr_handler)
-@@ -218,7 +221,7 @@ def _setup_from_dnf_conf(self, conf, file_loggers_only=False):
-         log_size = conf.log_size
-         log_rotate = conf.log_rotate
-         if file_loggers_only:
--            return self._setup_file_loggers(logfile_level_r, verbose_level_r, logdir, log_size, log_rotate)
-+            return self._setup_file_loggers(logfile_level_r, logdir, log_size, log_rotate)
-         else:
-             return self._setup(verbose_level_r, error_level_r, logfile_level_r, logdir, log_size, log_rotate)
-diff --git a/dnf/sack.py b/dnf/sack.py
-index fb8c70712f..3c6bc3bbe0 100644
---- a/dnf/sack.py
-+++ b/dnf/sack.py
-@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def _build_sack(base):
-                 arch=base.conf.substitutions["arch"],
-                 cachedir=cachedir, rootdir=base.conf.installroot,
-                 logfile=os.path.join(base.conf.logdir, dnf.const.LOG_HAWKEY),
--                logdebug=base.conf.debuglevel > 2)
-+                logdebug=base.conf.logfilelevel > 9)
- def _rpmdb_sack(base):
-diff --git a/doc/conf_ref.rst b/doc/conf_ref.rst
-index fed6efcec7..fdb44a657d 100644
---- a/doc/conf_ref.rst
-+++ b/doc/conf_ref.rst
-@@ -274,6 +274,9 @@ configuration file by your distribution to override the DNF defaults.
-     Log file messages output level, in the range 0 to 10. The higher the number the
-     more debug output is put to logs. Default is 9.
-+    This option controls dnf.log, dnf.librepo.log and hawkey.log. Although dnf.librepo.log
-+    and hawkey.log are affected only by setting the logfilelevel to 10.
- .. _log_rotate-label:
- ``log_rotate``
diff --git a/SOURCES/0002-Revert-Fix-setopt-cachedir-writing-outside-of-installroot.patch b/SOURCES/0002-Revert-Fix-setopt-cachedir-writing-outside-of-installroot.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a844311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0002-Revert-Fix-setopt-cachedir-writing-outside-of-installroot.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From c2e4901cec947e5be2e5ff5afa22691841d00bdc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Luk=C3=A1=C5=A1=20Hr=C3=A1zk=C3=BD?= <lhrazky@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2020 13:46:57 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Fix --setopt=cachedir writing outside of installroot"
+This reverts commit 70fffff61f7a006d406b46adc592d21a685c12a8.
+The commit breaks resetting excludes with an empty --exclude= CLI switch
+if the excludes were set in the config file.
+ dnf/cli/cli.py | 2 ++
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/dnf/cli/cli.py b/dnf/cli/cli.py
+index b5f7bca07b..5878c2aa15 100644
+--- a/dnf/cli/cli.py
++++ b/dnf/cli/cli.py
+@@ -974,6 +974,8 @@ def configure(self, args, option_parser=None):
+         self.base.configure_plugins()
++        self.base.conf._configure_from_options(opts)
+         self.command.configure()
+         if self.base.conf.destdir:
diff --git a/SOURCES/0003-Enhance-repo-variables-documentation-RhBug-1848161-1848615.patch b/SOURCES/0003-Enhance-repo-variables-documentation-RhBug-1848161-1848615.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3473924..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0003-Enhance-repo-variables-documentation-RhBug-1848161-1848615.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-From 03eac4f0b87bb9393e1662af76c433c996c702ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Marek Blaha <mblaha@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2020 08:37:28 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] [doc] Enhance repo variables documentation
- (RhBug:1848161,1848615)
-- clarify DNF_VAR_XXX variables usage
-- mention numeric variables
- doc/conf_ref.rst | 15 +++++++++++++++
- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/doc/conf_ref.rst b/doc/conf_ref.rst
-index fdb44a657d..a0362d0779 100644
---- a/doc/conf_ref.rst
-+++ b/doc/conf_ref.rst
-@@ -629,6 +629,21 @@ In addition to these hard coded variables, user-defined ones can also be used. T
-     $ DNF_VAR_MY_VARIABLE=value
-+To use such variable in your repository configuration remove the prefix. E.g.::
-+    [myrepo]
-+    baseurl=https://example.site/pub/fedora/$MY_VARIABLE/releases/$releasever
-+Note that it is not possible to override the ``arch`` and ``basearch`` variables using either variable files or environmental variables.
-+Although users are encouraged to use named variables, the numbered environmental variables ``DNF0`` - ``DNF9`` are still supported::
-+    $ DNF1=value
-+    [myrepo]
-+    baseurl=https://example.site/pub/fedora/$DNF1/releases/$releasever
- .. _conf_main_and_repo_options-label:
- ==================================
diff --git a/SOURCES/0004-Update-translations-RhBug-1820544.patch b/SOURCES/0004-Update-translations-RhBug-1820544.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e75737..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0004-Update-translations-RhBug-1820544.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9957 +0,0 @@
-From f9154e5d51d35654dfd85f942e8de2c21ca75554 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Marek Blaha <mblaha@redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2020 16:24:25 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Update translations (RhBug:1820544)
- po/fr.po    |  450 +++++++--------
- po/ja.po    |  877 +++++++++++++++--------------
- po/ko.po    | 1529 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
- po/zh_CN.po |  819 ++++++++++++++-------------
- 4 files changed, 1916 insertions(+), 1759 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po
-index 4f9eca12..a75a9855 100644
---- a/po/fr.po
-+++ b/po/fr.po
-@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
- "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
--"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-03-19 09:18-0400\n"
--"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-03-22 12:29+0000\n"
-+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-23 09:18-0400\n"
-+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-22 21:40+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: Julien Humbert <julroy67@gmail.com>\n"
- "Language-Team: French <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/dnf/dnf-master/fr/>\n"
- "Language: fr\n"
-@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ msgstr ""
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
- "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
--"X-Generator: Weblate 3.11.3\n"
-+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.1.1\n"
- #: dnf/automatic/emitter.py:31
- #, python-format
-@@ -83,16 +83,20 @@ msgstr "Valeur de configuration inconnue : %s=%s dans %s ; %s"
- msgid "Unknown configuration option: %s = %s in %s"
- msgstr "Option de configuration inconnue : %s=%s dans %s"
--#: dnf/automatic/main.py:236
-+#: dnf/automatic/main.py:228 dnf/cli/cli.py:298
-+msgid "GPG check FAILED"
-+msgstr "La vérification GPG a ÉCHOUÉ"
-+#: dnf/automatic/main.py:247
- msgid "Started dnf-automatic."
- msgstr "dnf-automatic démarré."
--#: dnf/automatic/main.py:240
-+#: dnf/automatic/main.py:251
- #, python-format
- msgid "Sleep for %s seconds"
- msgstr "Mise en sommeil pendant %s secondes"
--#: dnf/automatic/main.py:271 dnf/cli/main.py:59 dnf/cli/main.py:80
-+#: dnf/automatic/main.py:283 dnf/cli/main.py:59 dnf/cli/main.py:80
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:83
- #, python-format
- msgid "Error: %s"
-@@ -215,7 +219,7 @@ msgstr "La vérification de la transaction a réussi."
- msgid "Running transaction test"
- msgstr "Lancement de la transaction de test"
--#: dnf/base.py:848 dnf/base.py:995
-+#: dnf/base.py:848 dnf/base.py:990
- msgid "RPM: {}"
- msgstr "RPM : {}"
-@@ -255,31 +259,31 @@ msgstr "Résumé des erreurs"
- msgid "RPMDB altered outside of {prog}."
- msgstr "RPMDB modifié en dehors de {prog}."
--#: dnf/base.py:996 dnf/base.py:1004
-+#: dnf/base.py:991 dnf/base.py:999
- msgid "Could not run transaction."
- msgstr "Impossible d’exécuter la transaction."
--#: dnf/base.py:999
-+#: dnf/base.py:994
- msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
- msgstr "La transaction n’a pas pu démarrer :"
--#: dnf/base.py:1013
-+#: dnf/base.py:1008
- #, python-format
- msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
- msgstr "Échec de la suppression du fichier de transaction %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:1095
-+#: dnf/base.py:1090
- msgid "Some packages were not downloaded. Retrying."
- msgstr "Certains paquets n’ont pas été téléchargés. Nouvel essai."
--#: dnf/base.py:1125
-+#: dnf/base.py:1120
- #, python-format
- msgid "Delta RPMs reduced %.1f MB of updates to %.1f MB (%d.1%% saved)"
- msgstr ""
- "Les Delta RPM ont réduit la taille des mises à jour de %.1f Mio à %.1f Mio "
- "(%d.1%% économisés)"
--#: dnf/base.py:1128
-+#: dnf/base.py:1123
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "Failed Delta RPMs increased %.1f MB of updates to %.1f MB (%d.1%% wasted)"
-@@ -287,56 +291,56 @@ msgstr ""
- "L’échec des Delta RPMs ont fait augmenter les %.1f MO de mises à jour de "
- "%.1f MB (%d.1%% gaspillés)"
--#: dnf/base.py:1170
-+#: dnf/base.py:1165
- msgid "Cannot add local packages, because transaction job already exists"
- msgstr ""
- "Impossible d’ajouter des paquets locaux, car un travail de transaction "
- "existe déjà"
--#: dnf/base.py:1184
-+#: dnf/base.py:1179
- msgid "Could not open: {}"
- msgstr "Impossible d’ouvrir : {}"
--#: dnf/base.py:1222
-+#: dnf/base.py:1217
- #, python-format
- msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
- msgstr "La clé publique pour %s n’est pas installée"
--#: dnf/base.py:1226
-+#: dnf/base.py:1221
- #, python-format
- msgid "Problem opening package %s"
- msgstr "Problème à l’ouverture du paquet %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:1234
-+#: dnf/base.py:1229
- #, python-format
- msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
- msgstr "La clé publique pour %s n’est pas de confiance"
--#: dnf/base.py:1238
-+#: dnf/base.py:1233
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s is not signed"
- msgstr "Le paquet %s n’est pas signé"
--#: dnf/base.py:1253
-+#: dnf/base.py:1263
- #, python-format
- msgid "Cannot remove %s"
- msgstr "Impossible de supprimer %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:1257
-+#: dnf/base.py:1267
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s removed"
- msgstr "%s supprimé"
--#: dnf/base.py:1537
-+#: dnf/base.py:1547
- msgid "No match for group package \"{}\""
- msgstr "Aucune correspondance pour le paquet du groupe « {} »"
--#: dnf/base.py:1624
-+#: dnf/base.py:1634
- #, python-format
- msgid "Adding packages from group '%s': %s"
- msgstr "Ajout de paquets en provenance du groupe « %s » : %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:1647 dnf/base.py:1699 dnf/cli/cli.py:218
-+#: dnf/base.py:1657 dnf/base.py:1709 dnf/cli/cli.py:218
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:451 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:508
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:601 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:650
- #: dnf/cli/commands/install.py:80 dnf/cli/commands/install.py:103
-@@ -344,21 +348,21 @@ msgstr "Ajout de paquets en provenance du groupe « %s » : %s"
- msgid "Nothing to do."
- msgstr "Rien à faire."
--#: dnf/base.py:1665
-+#: dnf/base.py:1675
- msgid "No groups marked for removal."
- msgstr "Aucun groupe marqué pour suppression."
--#: dnf/base.py:1701
-+#: dnf/base.py:1711
- msgid "No group marked for upgrade."
- msgstr "Aucun groupe marqué pour mise à jour."
--#: dnf/base.py:1916
-+#: dnf/base.py:1926
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s not installed, cannot downgrade it."
- msgstr "Le paquet %s n’est pas installé, impossible de le rétrograder."
--#: dnf/base.py:1918 dnf/base.py:1937 dnf/base.py:1950 dnf/base.py:1971
--#: dnf/base.py:2020 dnf/base.py:2028 dnf/base.py:2163 dnf/cli/cli.py:410
-+#: dnf/base.py:1928 dnf/base.py:1947 dnf/base.py:1960 dnf/base.py:1981
-+#: dnf/base.py:2030 dnf/base.py:2038 dnf/base.py:2173 dnf/cli/cli.py:410
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:434 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:491
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:595 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:642
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:720 dnf/cli/commands/install.py:147
-@@ -368,30 +372,30 @@ msgstr "Le paquet %s n’est pas installé, impossible de le rétrograder."
- msgid "No match for argument: %s"
- msgstr "Aucune correspondance pour l’argument : %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:1925
-+#: dnf/base.py:1935
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s of lower version already installed, cannot downgrade it."
- msgstr ""
- "Le paquet %s est déjà installé dans une version inférieure, impossible de le"
- " rétrograder."
--#: dnf/base.py:1948
-+#: dnf/base.py:1958
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s not installed, cannot reinstall it."
- msgstr "Le paquet %s n’est pas installé, impossible de le réinstaller."
--#: dnf/base.py:1963
-+#: dnf/base.py:1973
- #, python-format
- msgid "File %s is a source package and cannot be updated, ignoring."
- msgstr ""
- "Le fichier %s est un paquet source et ne peut pas être mis à jour, ignoré."
--#: dnf/base.py:1969
-+#: dnf/base.py:1979
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s not installed, cannot update it."
- msgstr "Le paquet %s n’est pas installé, impossible de le mettre à jour."
--#: dnf/base.py:1978
-+#: dnf/base.py:1988
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "The same or higher version of %s is already installed, cannot update it."
-@@ -399,120 +403,120 @@ msgstr ""
- "La même une ou version supérieure de %s est déjà installée, mise à jour "
- "impossible."
--#: dnf/base.py:2017 dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:81
-+#: dnf/base.py:2027 dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:81
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s available, but not installed."
- msgstr "Le paquet %s est disponible mais n’est pas installé."
--#: dnf/base.py:2023
-+#: dnf/base.py:2033
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s available, but installed for different architecture."
- msgstr ""
- "Le paquet %s est disponible mais est installé pour une autre architecture."
--#: dnf/base.py:2048 dnf/base.py:2241 dnf/cli/cli.py:667 dnf/cli/cli.py:698
-+#: dnf/base.py:2058 dnf/base.py:2251 dnf/cli/cli.py:667 dnf/cli/cli.py:698
- #, python-format
- msgid "No package %s installed."
- msgstr "Aucun paquet %s installé."
--#: dnf/base.py:2066 dnf/cli/commands/install.py:136
--#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:132
-+#: dnf/base.py:2076 dnf/cli/commands/install.py:136
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:133
- #, python-format
- msgid "Not a valid form: %s"
- msgstr "Format invalide : %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:2082 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:690
--#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:162
-+#: dnf/base.py:2092 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:690
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:163
- msgid "No packages marked for removal."
- msgstr "Aucun paquet marqué pour suppression."
--#: dnf/base.py:2170 dnf/cli/cli.py:421
-+#: dnf/base.py:2180 dnf/cli/cli.py:421
- #, python-format
- msgid "Packages for argument %s available, but not installed."
- msgstr "Les paquets pour le paramètre %s sont disponibles mais pas installés."
--#: dnf/base.py:2175
-+#: dnf/base.py:2185
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s of lowest version already installed, cannot downgrade it."
- msgstr ""
- "La version la plus ancienne du paquet %s est déjà installée, impossible de "
- "le rétrograder."
--#: dnf/base.py:2233
-+#: dnf/base.py:2243
- msgid "Action not handled: {}"
- msgstr "Action non gérée : {}"
--#: dnf/base.py:2247 dnf/cli/cli.py:418 dnf/cli/cli.py:672 dnf/cli/cli.py:702
-+#: dnf/base.py:2257 dnf/cli/cli.py:418 dnf/cli/cli.py:672 dnf/cli/cli.py:702
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:913 dnf/cli/commands/group.py:398
- #, python-format
- msgid "No package %s available."
- msgstr "Aucun paquet %s n’est disponible."
--#: dnf/base.py:2260
-+#: dnf/base.py:2270
- msgid "no package matched"
- msgstr "aucun paquet correspondant"
--#: dnf/base.py:2281
-+#: dnf/base.py:2291
- msgid "No security updates needed, but {} update available"
- msgstr ""
- "Aucune mise à jour de sécurité n’est nécessaire, mais la mise à jour {} est "
- "disponible"
--#: dnf/base.py:2283
-+#: dnf/base.py:2293
- msgid "No security updates needed, but {} updates available"
- msgstr ""
- "Aucune mise à jour de sécurité n’est nécessaire, mais les mises à jour {} "
- "sont disponibles"
--#: dnf/base.py:2287
-+#: dnf/base.py:2297
- msgid "No security updates needed for \"{}\", but {} update available"
- msgstr ""
- "Aucune mise à jour de sécurité n’est nécessaire pour « {} », mais la mise à "
- "jour {} est disponible"
--#: dnf/base.py:2289
-+#: dnf/base.py:2299
- msgid "No security updates needed for \"{}\", but {} updates available"
- msgstr ""
- "Aucune mise à jour de sécurité n’est nécessaire pour « {} », mais les mises "
- "à jour {} sont disponibles"
--#: dnf/base.py:2313
-+#: dnf/base.py:2323
- #, python-format
- msgid ". Failing package is: %s"
- msgstr ". Le paquet en erreur est : %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:2314
-+#: dnf/base.py:2324
- #, python-format
- msgid "GPG Keys are configured as: %s"
- msgstr "Les clés GPG sont configurées comme : %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:2326
-+#: dnf/base.py:2336
- #, python-format
- msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
- msgstr "La clé GPG %s (0x%s) est déjà installée"
--#: dnf/base.py:2359
-+#: dnf/base.py:2369
- msgid "The key has been approved."
- msgstr "La clef a été approuvée."
--#: dnf/base.py:2362
-+#: dnf/base.py:2372
- msgid "The key has been rejected."
- msgstr "La clef a été rejetée."
--#: dnf/base.py:2395
-+#: dnf/base.py:2405
- #, python-format
- msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
- msgstr "L’import de la clé a échoué (code %d)"
--#: dnf/base.py:2397
-+#: dnf/base.py:2407
- msgid "Key imported successfully"
- msgstr "La clé a bien été importée"
--#: dnf/base.py:2401
-+#: dnf/base.py:2411
- msgid "Didn't install any keys"
- msgstr "Toutes les clés n’ont pas été installées"
--#: dnf/base.py:2404
-+#: dnf/base.py:2414
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
-@@ -521,28 +525,28 @@ msgstr ""
- "Les clés GPG listées pour le dépôt « %s » sont déjà installées mais sont incorrectes pour ce paquet.\n"
- "Vérifiez que les URL des clés pour ce dépôt soient correctes."
--#: dnf/base.py:2415
-+#: dnf/base.py:2425
- msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
- msgstr ""
- "L’import de la ou des clés n’a pas résolu le problème, clés incorrectes ?"
--#: dnf/base.py:2451
-+#: dnf/base.py:2478
- msgid "  * Maybe you meant: {}"
- msgstr "  * Peut-être vouliez-vous dire : {}"
--#: dnf/base.py:2483
-+#: dnf/base.py:2510
- msgid "Package \"{}\" from local repository \"{}\" has incorrect checksum"
- msgstr "Le paquet \"{}\" du dépôt local \"{}\" a une somme de contrôle incorrecte"
--#: dnf/base.py:2486
-+#: dnf/base.py:2513
- msgid "Some packages from local repository have incorrect checksum"
- msgstr "Certains paquets du dépôt local ont une somme de contrôle incorrecte"
--#: dnf/base.py:2489
-+#: dnf/base.py:2516
- msgid "Package \"{}\" from repository \"{}\" has incorrect checksum"
- msgstr "Le paquet \"{}\" du dépôt \"{}\" a une somme de contrôle incorrecte"
--#: dnf/base.py:2492
-+#: dnf/base.py:2519
- msgid ""
- "Some packages have invalid cache, but cannot be downloaded due to \"--"
- "cacheonly\" option"
-@@ -550,29 +554,29 @@ msgstr ""
- "Certains paquets ont un cache invalide, mais ne peuvent pas être téléchargés"
- " à cause de l’option « --cacheonly »"
--#: dnf/base.py:2510 dnf/base.py:2530
-+#: dnf/base.py:2537 dnf/base.py:2557
- msgid "No match for argument"
- msgstr "Aucune correspondance pour le paramètre"
--#: dnf/base.py:2518 dnf/base.py:2538
-+#: dnf/base.py:2545 dnf/base.py:2565
- msgid "All matches were filtered out by exclude filtering for argument"
- msgstr ""
- "Toutes les correspondances ont été filtrées en excluant le filtrage pour "
- "l’argument"
--#: dnf/base.py:2520
-+#: dnf/base.py:2547
- msgid "All matches were filtered out by modular filtering for argument"
- msgstr ""
- "Toutes les correspondances ont été filtrées par filtrage modulaire pour les "
- "arguments"
--#: dnf/base.py:2536
-+#: dnf/base.py:2563
- msgid "All matches were installed from a different repository for argument"
- msgstr ""
- "Toutes les correspondances ont été installées à partir d’un dépôt différent "
- "pour le paramètre"
--#: dnf/base.py:2552
-+#: dnf/base.py:2579
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s is already installed."
- msgstr "Le paquet %s est déjà installé."
-@@ -674,10 +678,6 @@ msgstr ""
- "Refus de l’importation automatique des clés lors d’une exécution sans surveillance.\n"
- "Utilisez l’option « -y » pour passer outre."
--#: dnf/cli/cli.py:298
--msgid "GPG check FAILED"
--msgstr "La vérification GPG a ÉCHOUÉ"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:330
- msgid "Changelogs for {}"
- msgstr "Changements pour {}"
-@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ msgstr ""
- "Impossible de détecter le numéro de version (utilisez « --releasever » pour "
- "spécifier une version)"
--#: dnf/cli/cli.py:1123 dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:473
-+#: dnf/cli/cli.py:1123 dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:471
- msgid "argument {}: not allowed with argument {}"
- msgstr "paramètre {} : non autorisé avec le paramètre {}"
-@@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ msgid " (from %s)"
- msgstr " (depuis %s)"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:442 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:499
--#: dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:92 dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:104
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:92 dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:105
- #, python-format
- msgid "Installed package %s%s not available."
- msgstr "Le paquet installé %s%s est indisponible."
-@@ -1059,8 +1059,9 @@ msgid "No transaction ID or package name given."
- msgstr "Pas d’identifiant de transaction ou de nom de paquet fourni."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:879
--msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
--msgstr "Vous n’avez pas accès à la base de données de l’historique."
-+#, python-format
-+msgid "You don't have access to the history DB: %s"
-+msgstr "Vous n’avez pas accès à la base de données de l’historique : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:891
- #, python-format
-@@ -1308,6 +1309,11 @@ msgstr "Attention : le groupe %s n’existe pas."
- msgid "Warning: No groups match:"
- msgstr "Attention : aucun groupe ne correspond à :"
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:180 dnf/cli/commands/group.py:191
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1226
-+msgid "<name-unset>"
-+msgstr "<name-unset>"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:197
- msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
- msgstr "Groupes d’environnements disponibles :"
-@@ -1548,16 +1554,16 @@ msgstr "supprimer les paquets dupliqués"
- msgid "remove installonly packages over the limit"
- msgstr "supprimer les paquets « installonly » dépassant la limite"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:94
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:95
- msgid "No duplicated packages found for removal."
- msgstr "Aucun paquet dupliqué n’a été trouvé pour suppression."
--#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:126
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:127
- msgid "No old installonly packages found for removal."
- msgstr "Aucun ancien paquet « installonly » n’a été trouvé pour suppression."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:38 dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:47
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:318 dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:359
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:318 dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:364
- msgid "unknown"
- msgstr "inconnu"
-@@ -1688,20 +1694,20 @@ msgstr "Nom de fichier du dépôt : "
- #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disabled/count),
- #. then chop the middle (name)...
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:245 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:272
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:246 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:273
- msgid "repo id"
- msgstr "id du dépôt"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:258 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:259
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:280
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:259 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:260
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:281
- msgid "status"
- msgstr "état"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:274 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:276
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:275 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:277
- msgid "repo name"
- msgstr "nom du dépôt"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:290
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:291
- msgid "Total packages: {}"
- msgstr "Total des paquets : {}"
-@@ -2011,7 +2017,7 @@ msgstr "Le paquet {} ne contient aucun fichier"
- msgid "Available query-tags: use --queryformat \".. %{tag} ..\""
- msgstr "Balises de requêtes disponibles : utiliser --queryformat \"..%{tag}..\""
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:562
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:561
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid ""
- "No valid switch specified\n"
-@@ -2370,52 +2376,52 @@ msgstr "autre(s) alertes)"
- msgid "Unknown/Sec."
- msgstr "Sécurité/Niveau inconnu"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:352
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:357
- msgid "Bugs"
- msgstr "Anomalies"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:352
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:357
- msgid "Type"
- msgstr "Type"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:352
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:357
- msgid "Update ID"
- msgstr "ID de mise à jour"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:352
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:357
- msgid "Updated"
- msgstr "Mis à jour"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:353
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:358
- msgid "CVEs"
- msgstr "CVE"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:353
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:358
- msgid "Description"
- msgstr "Description"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:353
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:358
- msgid "Rights"
- msgstr "Droits"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:353
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:358
- msgid "Severity"
- msgstr "Criticité"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:354
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:359
- msgid "Files"
- msgstr "Fichiers"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:354 dnf/cli/output.py:1491
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1755 dnf/cli/output.py:1757
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:359 dnf/cli/output.py:1499
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1770 dnf/cli/output.py:1772
- msgid "Installed"
- msgstr "Installé"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:380
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:385
- msgid "false"
- msgstr "faux"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:380
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:385
- msgid "true"
- msgstr "vrai"
-@@ -2785,13 +2791,13 @@ msgstr "Époque"
- #. use the full (unabbreviated) term 'Version' if you think that
- #. the translation to your language is not too long and will
- #. always fit to limited space.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:512 dnf/cli/output.py:1327
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:512 dnf/cli/output.py:1335
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Version"
- msgstr "Version"
- #. Translators: This is the full (unabbreviated) term 'Version'.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:513 dnf/cli/output.py:1329
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:513 dnf/cli/output.py:1337
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Version"
- msgstr "Version"
-@@ -2803,20 +2809,20 @@ msgstr "Publication"
- #. Translators: This is abbreviated 'Architecture', used when
- #. we have not enough space to display the full word.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:517 dnf/cli/output.py:1318
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:517 dnf/cli/output.py:1326
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Arch"
- msgstr "Architecture"
- #. Translators: This is the full word 'Architecture', used when
- #. we have enough space.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:518 dnf/cli/output.py:1321
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:518 dnf/cli/output.py:1329
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Architecture"
- msgstr "Architecture"
- #. Translators: This is the full (unabbreviated) term 'Size'.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:520 dnf/cli/output.py:1344
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:520 dnf/cli/output.py:1352
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Size"
- msgstr "Taille"
-@@ -2825,7 +2831,7 @@ msgstr "Taille"
- #. not be longer than 5 characters. If the term 'Size' in your
- #. language is not longer than 5 characters then you can use it
- #. unabbreviated.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:520 dnf/cli/output.py:1342
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:520 dnf/cli/output.py:1350
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Size"
- msgstr "Taille"
-@@ -2837,14 +2843,14 @@ msgstr "Source"
- #. Translators: This is abbreviated 'Repository', used when
- #. we have not enough space to display the full word.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:525 dnf/cli/output.py:1333
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:525 dnf/cli/output.py:1341
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Repo"
- msgstr "Dépôt"
- #. Translators: This is the full word 'Repository', used when
- #. we have enough space.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:526 dnf/cli/output.py:1336
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:526 dnf/cli/output.py:1344
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Repository"
- msgstr "Dépôt"
-@@ -3143,31 +3149,31 @@ msgstr "Désactivation des modules"
- msgid "Resetting modules"
- msgstr "Réinitialisation des modules"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1226
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1230
- msgid "Installing Environment Groups"
- msgstr "Installation des groupes d’environnement"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1233
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1237
- msgid "Upgrading Environment Groups"
- msgstr "Mise à niveau des groupes d’environnement"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1240
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1244
- msgid "Removing Environment Groups"
- msgstr "Suppression des groupes d’environnement"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1247
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1251
- msgid "Installing Groups"
- msgstr "Installation des groupes"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1254
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1258
- msgid "Upgrading Groups"
- msgstr "Mise à niveau des groupes"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1261
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1265
- msgid "Removing Groups"
- msgstr "Suppression des groupes"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1277
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1281
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "Skipping packages with conflicts:\n"
-@@ -3176,12 +3182,12 @@ msgstr ""
- "Ignorer les paquets en conflit :\n"
- "(ajouter « %s » à la ligne de commande pour forcer leur mise à niveau)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1285
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1291
- #, python-format
- msgid "Skipping packages with broken dependencies%s"
- msgstr "Ignorer les paquets ayant des dépendances cassées %s"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1289
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1295
- msgid " or part of a group"
- msgstr " ou qui fait parti d’un groupe"
-@@ -3189,23 +3195,23 @@ msgstr " ou qui fait parti d’un groupe"
- #. use the full (unabbreviated) term 'Package' if you think that
- #. the translation to your language is not too long and will
- #. always fit to limited space.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1312
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1320
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Package"
- msgstr "Paquet"
- #. Translators: This is the full (unabbreviated) term 'Package'.
- #. This is also a hack to resolve RhBug 1302935 correctly.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1314 dnf/cli/output.py:2007
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1322 dnf/cli/output.py:2023
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Package"
- msgstr "Paquet"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1363
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1371
- msgid "replacing"
- msgstr "remplacement"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1370
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1378
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "\n"
-@@ -3217,294 +3223,294 @@ msgstr ""
- "%s\n"
- #. TODO: remove
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1375 dnf/cli/output.py:1914 dnf/cli/output.py:1915
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1383 dnf/cli/output.py:1930 dnf/cli/output.py:1931
- msgid "Install"
- msgstr "Installer"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1379 dnf/cli/output.py:1923
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1387 dnf/cli/output.py:1939
- msgid "Upgrade"
- msgstr "Mettre à niveau"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1380
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1388
- msgid "Remove"
- msgstr "Supprimer"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1382 dnf/cli/output.py:1921
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1390 dnf/cli/output.py:1937
- msgid "Downgrade"
- msgstr "Retrograder"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1383
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1391
- msgid "Skip"
- msgstr "Ignorer"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1392 dnf/cli/output.py:1408
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1400 dnf/cli/output.py:1416
- msgid "Package"
- msgid_plural "Packages"
- msgstr[0] "Paquet"
- msgstr[1] "Paquets"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1410
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1418
- msgid "Dependent package"
- msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
- msgstr[0] "Paquet dépendant"
- msgstr[1] "Paquets dépendants"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1489 dnf/cli/output.py:1756 dnf/cli/output.py:1924
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1497 dnf/cli/output.py:1771 dnf/cli/output.py:1940
- msgid "Upgraded"
- msgstr "Mis à niveau"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1490 dnf/cli/output.py:1756 dnf/cli/output.py:1922
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1498 dnf/cli/output.py:1771 dnf/cli/output.py:1938
- msgid "Downgraded"
- msgstr "Rétrogradé"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1495
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1503
- msgid "Reinstalled"
- msgstr "Réinstallé"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1496
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1504
- msgid "Skipped"
- msgstr "Ignoré"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1497
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1505
- msgid "Removed"
- msgstr "Supprimé"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1500
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1508
- msgid "Failed"
- msgstr "Échec"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1551
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1559
- msgid "Total"
- msgstr "Total"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1579
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1587
- msgid "<unset>"
- msgstr "<unset>"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1580
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1588
- msgid "System"
- msgstr "Système"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1630
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1638
- msgid "Command line"
- msgstr "Ligne de commande"
- #. TRANSLATORS: user names who executed transaction in history command output
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1634
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1649
- msgid "User name"
- msgstr "Nom d’utilisateur"
- #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1636 dnf/cli/output.py:2004
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1651 dnf/cli/output.py:2020
- msgid "ID"
- msgstr "ID"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1638
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1653
- msgid "Date and time"
- msgstr "Date et heure"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1639 dnf/cli/output.py:2005
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1654 dnf/cli/output.py:2021
- msgid "Action(s)"
- msgstr "Action(s)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1640
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1655
- msgid "Altered"
- msgstr "Modifié"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1681
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1696
- msgid "No transactions"
- msgstr "Pas de transaction"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1682 dnf/cli/output.py:1698
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1697 dnf/cli/output.py:1713
- msgid "Failed history info"
- msgstr "Infos sur l’historique des échecs"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1697
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1712
- msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
- msgstr "Pas de paquet ou d’identifiant de transaction fourni"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1755
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1770
- msgid "Erased"
- msgstr "Effacé"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1757
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1772
- msgid "Not installed"
- msgstr "Non installé"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1758
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1773
- msgid "Newer"
- msgstr "Plus récent"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1758
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1773
- msgid "Older"
- msgstr "Plus ancien"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1806 dnf/cli/output.py:1808
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1821 dnf/cli/output.py:1823
- msgid "Transaction ID :"
- msgstr "Identifiant de transaction :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1811
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1826
- msgid "Begin time     :"
- msgstr "Temps de début    :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1814 dnf/cli/output.py:1816
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1829 dnf/cli/output.py:1831
- msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
- msgstr "Début de RPMDB    :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1822
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1837
- #, python-format
- msgid "(%u seconds)"
- msgstr "(%u secondes)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1824
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1839
- #, python-format
- msgid "(%u minutes)"
- msgstr "(%u minutes)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1826
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1841
- #, python-format
- msgid "(%u hours)"
- msgstr "(%u heures)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1828
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1843
- #, python-format
- msgid "(%u days)"
- msgstr "(%u jours)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1829
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1844
- msgid "End time       :"
- msgstr "Temps de fin :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1832 dnf/cli/output.py:1834
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1847 dnf/cli/output.py:1849
- msgid "End rpmdb      :"
- msgstr "Fin de RPMDB :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1841 dnf/cli/output.py:1843
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1856 dnf/cli/output.py:1858
- msgid "User           :"
- msgstr "Utilisateur  :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1847 dnf/cli/output.py:1854
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1862 dnf/cli/output.py:1869
- msgid "Aborted"
- msgstr "Avorté"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1847 dnf/cli/output.py:1850 dnf/cli/output.py:1852
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1854 dnf/cli/output.py:1856 dnf/cli/output.py:1858
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1862 dnf/cli/output.py:1865 dnf/cli/output.py:1867
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1869 dnf/cli/output.py:1871 dnf/cli/output.py:1873
- msgid "Return-Code    :"
- msgstr "Code de retour  :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1850 dnf/cli/output.py:1858
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1865 dnf/cli/output.py:1873
- msgid "Success"
- msgstr "Réussi"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1852
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1867
- msgid "Failures:"
- msgstr "Échecs :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1856
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1871
- msgid "Failure:"
- msgstr "Échec :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1866 dnf/cli/output.py:1868
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1881 dnf/cli/output.py:1883
- msgid "Releasever     :"
- msgstr "Releasever     :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1873 dnf/cli/output.py:1875
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1888 dnf/cli/output.py:1890
- msgid "Command Line   :"
- msgstr "Ligne de commande :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1881
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1895 dnf/cli/output.py:1897
- msgid "Comment        :"
- msgstr "Commentaire :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1885
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1901
- msgid "Transaction performed with:"
- msgstr "Transaction effectuée avec :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1894
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1910
- msgid "Packages Altered:"
- msgstr "Paquets modifiés :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1900
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1916
- msgid "Scriptlet output:"
- msgstr "Sortie du mini script :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1907
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1923
- msgid "Errors:"
- msgstr "Erreurs :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1916
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1932
- msgid "Dep-Install"
- msgstr "Installation des dépendances"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1917
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1933
- msgid "Obsoleted"
- msgstr "Rendu obsolète"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1918 dnf/transaction.py:84 dnf/transaction.py:85
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1934 dnf/transaction.py:84 dnf/transaction.py:85
- msgid "Obsoleting"
- msgstr "Rend obsolète"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1919
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1935
- msgid "Erase"
- msgstr "Effacement"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1920
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1936
- msgid "Reinstall"
- msgstr "Réinstallation"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1995
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2011
- msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
- msgstr "Des paquets ou identifiants de transaction fournis sont erronés"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2094
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2110
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be installed"
- msgstr "---> Le paquet %s.%s %s sera installé"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2096
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2112
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be an upgrade"
- msgstr "---> Le paquet %s.%s %s sera une mise à jour"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2098
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2114
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be erased"
- msgstr "---> Le paquet %s.%s %s sera supprimé"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2100
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2116
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be reinstalled"
- msgstr "---> Le paquet %s.%s %s sera réinstallé"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2102
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2118
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be a downgrade"
- msgstr "---> Le paquet %s.%s %s sera une rétrogradation"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2104
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2120
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be obsoleting"
- msgstr "---> Le paquet %s.%s %s sera rendu obsolète"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2106
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2122
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be upgraded"
- msgstr "---> Le paquet %s.%s %s sera mis à jour"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2108
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2124
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be obsoleted"
- msgstr "---> Le paquet %s.%s %s sera rendu obsolète"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2117
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2133
- msgid "--> Starting dependency resolution"
- msgstr "--> Début de la résolution des dépendances"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2122
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2138
- msgid "--> Finished dependency resolution"
- msgstr "--> Résolution des dépendances terminée"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2136 dnf/crypto.py:132
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2152 dnf/crypto.py:132
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "Importing GPG key 0x%s:\n"
-@@ -3568,36 +3574,36 @@ msgstr "    A débuté  : %s - il y a %s"
- msgid "    State  : %s"
- msgstr "    État : %s"
--#: dnf/comps.py:95
-+#: dnf/comps.py:104
- msgid "skipping."
- msgstr "ignorer."
--#: dnf/comps.py:187 dnf/comps.py:689
-+#: dnf/comps.py:196 dnf/comps.py:698
- #, python-format
- msgid "Module or Group '%s' is not installed."
- msgstr "Module ou Groupe « %s » non installé."
--#: dnf/comps.py:189 dnf/comps.py:691
-+#: dnf/comps.py:198 dnf/comps.py:700
- #, python-format
- msgid "Module or Group '%s' is not available."
- msgstr "Module ou Groupe « %s » non disponible."
--#: dnf/comps.py:191
-+#: dnf/comps.py:200
- #, python-format
- msgid "Module or Group '%s' does not exist."
- msgstr "Module ou Groupe « %s » n’existe pas."
--#: dnf/comps.py:610 dnf/comps.py:627
-+#: dnf/comps.py:619 dnf/comps.py:636
- #, python-format
- msgid "Environment '%s' is not installed."
- msgstr "L’environnement « %s » n’est pas installé."
--#: dnf/comps.py:629
-+#: dnf/comps.py:638
- #, python-format
- msgid "Environment '%s' is not available."
- msgstr "L’environnement « %s » n’est pas disponible."
--#: dnf/comps.py:657
-+#: dnf/comps.py:666
- #, python-format
- msgid "Group_id '%s' does not exist."
- msgstr "L’identifiant de groupe « %s » n’existe pas."
-@@ -3696,7 +3702,7 @@ msgstr "dépôt %s : 0x%s déjà importé"
- msgid "repo %s: imported key 0x%s."
- msgstr "dépôt %s : clé importée 0x%s."
--#: dnf/db/group.py:289
-+#: dnf/db/group.py:293
- msgid ""
- "No available modular metadata for modular package '{}', it cannot be "
- "installed on the system"
-@@ -3704,43 +3710,43 @@ msgstr ""
- "Aucune métadonnée de module disponible pour le paquet modulaire « {} », ne "
- "peut pas être installé dans le système"
--#: dnf/db/group.py:339
-+#: dnf/db/group.py:343
- msgid "No available modular metadata for modular package"
- msgstr "Aucune métadonnée de module disponible pour le paquet modulaire"
--#: dnf/db/group.py:373
-+#: dnf/db/group.py:377
- #, python-format
- msgid "Will not install a source rpm package (%s)."
- msgstr "Un paquet source rpm ne sera pas installé (%s)."
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:169
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:168
- msgid ""
- "Configuration option 'gpgkey_dns_verification' requires libunbound ({})"
- msgstr ""
- "L’option de configuration « gpgkey_dns_verification » nécessite libunbound "
- "({})"
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:240
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:239
- msgid "DNSSEC extension: Key for user "
- msgstr "Extension DNSSEC : clef pour l’utilisateur "
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:242
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:241
- msgid "is valid."
- msgstr "est valide."
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:244
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:243
- msgid "has unknown status."
- msgstr "a un statut inconnu."
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:252
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:251
- msgid "DNSSEC extension: "
- msgstr "extension DNSSEC : "
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:284
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:283
- msgid "Testing already imported keys for their validity."
- msgstr "Test de validité des clefs déjà importées."
--#: dnf/drpm.py:62 dnf/repo.py:267
-+#: dnf/drpm.py:62 dnf/repo.py:268
- #, python-format
- msgid "unsupported checksum type: %s"
- msgstr "type de somme de contrôle non pris en charge : %s"
-@@ -3757,33 +3763,33 @@ msgstr "La somme de contrôle du delta-rebuilt RPM a échoué"
- msgid "done"
- msgstr "terminé"
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:109
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:113
- msgid "Problems in request:"
- msgstr "Problèmes dans la requête :"
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:111
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:115
- msgid "missing packages: "
- msgstr "paquets manquants : "
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:113
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:117
- msgid "broken packages: "
- msgstr "paquets cassés : "
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:115
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:119
- msgid "missing groups or modules: "
- msgstr "groupes ou modules manquants : "
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:117
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:121
- msgid "broken groups or modules: "
- msgstr "groupes ou modules cassés : "
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:122
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:126
- msgid "Modular dependency problem with Defaults:"
- msgid_plural "Modular dependency problems with Defaults:"
- msgstr[0] "Problème de dépendance modulaire avec les valeurs par défaut :"
- msgstr[1] "Problèmes de dépendance modulaire avec les valeurs par défaut :"
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:127 dnf/module/module_base.py:686
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:131 dnf/module/module_base.py:686
- msgid "Modular dependency problem:"
- msgid_plural "Modular dependency problems:"
- msgstr[0] "Problème de dépendance modulaire :"
-@@ -3923,7 +3929,7 @@ msgstr ""
- "Seul le nom du module est nécessaire. Les paramètres inutiles ont été "
- "ignorés : « {} »"
--#: dnf/package.py:295
-+#: dnf/package.py:298
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s: %s check failed: %s vs %s"
- msgstr "%s : %s vérification a échoué : %s vs %s"
-@@ -3968,17 +3974,17 @@ msgstr ""
- "Aucun élément correspondant aux modèles de plugin de désactivation suivants "
- ": {}"
--#: dnf/repo.py:83
-+#: dnf/repo.py:84
- #, python-format
- msgid "no matching payload factory for %s"
- msgstr "aucune fabrique de contenu ne correspond à %s"
--#: dnf/repo.py:110
-+#: dnf/repo.py:111
- msgid "Already downloaded"
- msgstr "Déjà téléchargé"
- #. pinging mirrors, this might take a while
--#: dnf/repo.py:346
-+#: dnf/repo.py:347
- #, python-format
- msgid "determining the fastest mirror (%s hosts).. "
- msgstr "détermination du miroir le plus rapide (%s hôtes).. "
-@@ -4029,7 +4035,7 @@ msgstr "Suppression de"
- #: dnf/transaction.py:92
- msgctxt "currently"
- msgid "Upgrading"
--msgstr "Mise à jour de"
-+msgstr "Mise à jour"
- #: dnf/transaction.py:96
- msgid "Verifying"
-@@ -4058,9 +4064,3 @@ msgstr "TransactionSWDBItem n’a pas été trouvé pour la clef : {}"
- #: dnf/util.py:457
- msgid "Errors occurred during transaction."
- msgstr "Des erreurs sont survenues lors de la transaction."
--#~ msgid ""
--#~ "Display capabilities that the package depends on for running a %%pre script."
--#~ msgstr ""
--#~ "Affiche les fonctionnalités dont le paquet dépend pour le lancement d’un "
--#~ "script %%pre."
-diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
-index 84e5be57..cb9b8be4 100644
---- a/po/ja.po
-+++ b/po/ja.po
-@@ -20,20 +20,21 @@
- # Hajime Taira <htaira@fedoraproject.org>, 2019. #zanata
- # Ooyama Yosiyuki <qqke6wd9k@apricot.ocn.ne.jp>, 2019. #zanata
- # Julien Humbert <julroy67@gmail.com>, 2020.
-+# Casey Jones <nahareport@yahoo.com>, 2020.
- msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
- "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
--"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-03-19 09:18-0400\n"
--"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-02-13 04:33+0000\n"
--"Last-Translator: Julien Humbert <julroy67@gmail.com>\n"
-+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-23 09:18-0400\n"
-+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-05 07:40+0000\n"
-+"Last-Translator: Casey Jones <nahareport@yahoo.com>\n"
- "Language-Team: Japanese <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/dnf/dnf-master/ja/>\n"
- "Language: ja\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
- "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
--"X-Generator: Weblate 3.10.3\n"
-+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.0.3\n"
- #: dnf/automatic/emitter.py:31
- #, python-format
-@@ -85,16 +86,20 @@ msgstr "不明な設定値: %s=%s in %s; %s"
- msgid "Unknown configuration option: %s = %s in %s"
- msgstr "不明な設定オプション: %s = %s in %s"
--#: dnf/automatic/main.py:236
-+#: dnf/automatic/main.py:228 dnf/cli/cli.py:298
-+msgid "GPG check FAILED"
-+msgstr "GPG の確認に失敗しました"
-+#: dnf/automatic/main.py:247
- msgid "Started dnf-automatic."
- msgstr "dnf-automatic を開始しました。"
--#: dnf/automatic/main.py:240
-+#: dnf/automatic/main.py:251
- #, python-format
- msgid "Sleep for %s seconds"
- msgstr "%s 秒スリープします"
--#: dnf/automatic/main.py:271 dnf/cli/main.py:59 dnf/cli/main.py:80
-+#: dnf/automatic/main.py:283 dnf/cli/main.py:59 dnf/cli/main.py:80
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:83
- #, python-format
- msgid "Error: %s"
-@@ -126,7 +131,7 @@ msgstr "メタデータキャッシュは最近、リフレッシュされまし
- #: dnf/base.py:341 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:100
- msgid "There are no enabled repositories in \"{}\"."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "\"{}\" には有効化されたリポジトリーがありません。"
- #: dnf/base.py:348
- #, python-format
-@@ -162,7 +167,7 @@ msgstr "%s: は %s から取得したメタデータを使用中"
- #: dnf/base.py:409
- #, python-format
- msgid "Ignoring repositories: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "リポジトリーを無視します: %s"
- #: dnf/base.py:412
- #, python-format
-@@ -206,13 +211,13 @@ msgstr "トランザクションの確認に成功しました。"
- msgid "Running transaction test"
- msgstr "トランザクションのテストを実行中"
--#: dnf/base.py:848 dnf/base.py:995
-+#: dnf/base.py:848 dnf/base.py:990
- msgid "RPM: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "RPM: {}"
- #: dnf/base.py:849
- msgid "Transaction test error:"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "トランザクションテストエラー:"
- #: dnf/base.py:860
- msgid "Transaction test succeeded."
-@@ -230,7 +235,7 @@ msgstr "ディスク要件"
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "At least {0}MB more space needed on the {1} filesystem."
- msgid_plural "At least {0}MB more space needed on the {1} filesystem."
--msgstr[0] ""
-+msgstr[0] "{1} ファイルシステムに最低 {0}MB の追加スペースが必要です。"
- #: dnf/base.py:919
- msgid "Error Summary"
-@@ -239,84 +244,84 @@ msgstr "エラーの概要"
- #: dnf/base.py:945
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "RPMDB altered outside of {prog}."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "RPMDBは {prog} のサポート外に変更されました。"
--#: dnf/base.py:996 dnf/base.py:1004
-+#: dnf/base.py:991 dnf/base.py:999
- msgid "Could not run transaction."
- msgstr "トランザクションを実行できませんでした。"
--#: dnf/base.py:999
-+#: dnf/base.py:994
- msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
- msgstr "トランザクションを開始できませんでした:"
--#: dnf/base.py:1013
-+#: dnf/base.py:1008
- #, python-format
- msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
- msgstr "トランザクションファイル %s の削除に失敗しました"
--#: dnf/base.py:1095
-+#: dnf/base.py:1090
- msgid "Some packages were not downloaded. Retrying."
- msgstr "一部のパッケージはダウンロードされませんでした。再試行中です。"
--#: dnf/base.py:1125
-+#: dnf/base.py:1120
- #, python-format
- msgid "Delta RPMs reduced %.1f MB of updates to %.1f MB (%d.1%% saved)"
- msgstr "Delta RPM により %.1f MB の更新を %.1f MB に削減できました。(%d.1%% がキャッシュされていました)"
--#: dnf/base.py:1128
-+#: dnf/base.py:1123
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "Failed Delta RPMs increased %.1f MB of updates to %.1f MB (%d.1%% wasted)"
- msgstr "非効率な Delta RPM により %.1f MB の更新が増加し、%.1f MB となりました。(%d.1%% が無駄になりました)"
--#: dnf/base.py:1170
-+#: dnf/base.py:1165
- msgid "Cannot add local packages, because transaction job already exists"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "ローカルパッケージを追加できません、トランザクションジョブがすでに存在するためです"
--#: dnf/base.py:1184
-+#: dnf/base.py:1179
- msgid "Could not open: {}"
- msgstr "開くことができませんでした: {}"
--#: dnf/base.py:1222
-+#: dnf/base.py:1217
- #, python-format
- msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
- msgstr "%s の公開鍵がインストールされていません"
--#: dnf/base.py:1226
-+#: dnf/base.py:1221
- #, python-format
- msgid "Problem opening package %s"
- msgstr "パッケージ %s を開くことができません"
--#: dnf/base.py:1234
-+#: dnf/base.py:1229
- #, python-format
- msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
- msgstr "%s の公開鍵は信頼されていません"
--#: dnf/base.py:1238
-+#: dnf/base.py:1233
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s is not signed"
- msgstr "パッケージ %s は署名されていません"
--#: dnf/base.py:1253
-+#: dnf/base.py:1263
- #, python-format
- msgid "Cannot remove %s"
- msgstr "%s を削除できません"
--#: dnf/base.py:1257
-+#: dnf/base.py:1267
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s removed"
- msgstr "%s を削除しました"
--#: dnf/base.py:1537
-+#: dnf/base.py:1547
- msgid "No match for group package \"{}\""
- msgstr "グループパッケージ  \"{}\" に一致するものはありません"
--#: dnf/base.py:1624
-+#: dnf/base.py:1634
- #, python-format
- msgid "Adding packages from group '%s': %s"
- msgstr "グループ '%s' からのパッケージを追加します: %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:1647 dnf/base.py:1699 dnf/cli/cli.py:218
-+#: dnf/base.py:1657 dnf/base.py:1709 dnf/cli/cli.py:218
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:451 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:508
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:601 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:650
- #: dnf/cli/commands/install.py:80 dnf/cli/commands/install.py:103
-@@ -324,21 +329,21 @@ msgstr "グループ '%s' からのパッケージを追加します: %s"
- msgid "Nothing to do."
- msgstr "行うべきことはありません。"
--#: dnf/base.py:1665
-+#: dnf/base.py:1675
- msgid "No groups marked for removal."
- msgstr "削除対象のパッケージはありません。"
--#: dnf/base.py:1701
-+#: dnf/base.py:1711
- msgid "No group marked for upgrade."
- msgstr "アップグレード対象のグループはありません。"
--#: dnf/base.py:1916
-+#: dnf/base.py:1926
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s not installed, cannot downgrade it."
- msgstr "パッケージ %s はインストールされていないので、ダウングレードできません。"
--#: dnf/base.py:1918 dnf/base.py:1937 dnf/base.py:1950 dnf/base.py:1971
--#: dnf/base.py:2020 dnf/base.py:2028 dnf/base.py:2163 dnf/cli/cli.py:410
-+#: dnf/base.py:1928 dnf/base.py:1947 dnf/base.py:1960 dnf/base.py:1981
-+#: dnf/base.py:2030 dnf/base.py:2038 dnf/base.py:2173 dnf/cli/cli.py:410
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:434 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:491
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:595 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:642
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:720 dnf/cli/commands/install.py:147
-@@ -348,135 +353,135 @@ msgstr "パッケージ %s はインストールされていないので、ダ
- msgid "No match for argument: %s"
- msgstr "一致した引数がありません: %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:1925
-+#: dnf/base.py:1935
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s of lower version already installed, cannot downgrade it."
- msgstr "下位バージョンのパッケージ %s はインストール済みなので、ダウングレードできません。"
--#: dnf/base.py:1948
-+#: dnf/base.py:1958
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s not installed, cannot reinstall it."
- msgstr "パッケージ %s はインストールされていないのでの、再インストールできません。"
--#: dnf/base.py:1963
-+#: dnf/base.py:1973
- #, python-format
- msgid "File %s is a source package and cannot be updated, ignoring."
- msgstr "ファイル %s はソースパッケージで更新できません。無視します。"
--#: dnf/base.py:1969
-+#: dnf/base.py:1979
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s not installed, cannot update it."
- msgstr "パッケージ %s はインストールされていないので、更新できません。"
--#: dnf/base.py:1978
-+#: dnf/base.py:1988
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "The same or higher version of %s is already installed, cannot update it."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "同じまたはさらに新しいバージョンの %s が既にインストールされています、アップデートできません。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2017 dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:81
-+#: dnf/base.py:2027 dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:81
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s available, but not installed."
- msgstr "パッケージ %s は利用可能ですが、インストールされていません。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2023
-+#: dnf/base.py:2033
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s available, but installed for different architecture."
- msgstr "パッケージ %s は利用可能ですが、他のアーキテクチャー用にインストールされています。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2048 dnf/base.py:2241 dnf/cli/cli.py:667 dnf/cli/cli.py:698
-+#: dnf/base.py:2058 dnf/base.py:2251 dnf/cli/cli.py:667 dnf/cli/cli.py:698
- #, python-format
- msgid "No package %s installed."
- msgstr "パッケージ %s はインストールされていません。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2066 dnf/cli/commands/install.py:136
--#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:132
-+#: dnf/base.py:2076 dnf/cli/commands/install.py:136
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:133
- #, python-format
- msgid "Not a valid form: %s"
- msgstr "有効な形式ではありません: %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:2082 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:690
--#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:162
-+#: dnf/base.py:2092 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:690
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:163
- msgid "No packages marked for removal."
- msgstr "削除対象のパッケージはありません。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2170 dnf/cli/cli.py:421
-+#: dnf/base.py:2180 dnf/cli/cli.py:421
- #, python-format
- msgid "Packages for argument %s available, but not installed."
- msgstr "引数  %s のパッケージは利用可能ですが、インストールされていません。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2175
-+#: dnf/base.py:2185
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s of lowest version already installed, cannot downgrade it."
- msgstr "最下位バージョンのパッケージ %s はインストール済みなので、ダウングレードできません。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2233
-+#: dnf/base.py:2243
- msgid "Action not handled: {}"
- msgstr "動作は対処されていません: {}"
--#: dnf/base.py:2247 dnf/cli/cli.py:418 dnf/cli/cli.py:672 dnf/cli/cli.py:702
-+#: dnf/base.py:2257 dnf/cli/cli.py:418 dnf/cli/cli.py:672 dnf/cli/cli.py:702
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:913 dnf/cli/commands/group.py:398
- #, python-format
- msgid "No package %s available."
- msgstr "利用可能なパッケージ %s がありません。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2260
-+#: dnf/base.py:2270
- msgid "no package matched"
- msgstr "一致したパッケージはありません。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2281
-+#: dnf/base.py:2291
- msgid "No security updates needed, but {} update available"
- msgstr "セキュリティー更新は必要ありませんが、{} 更新が利用可能です"
--#: dnf/base.py:2283
-+#: dnf/base.py:2293
- msgid "No security updates needed, but {} updates available"
- msgstr "セキュリティー更新は必要ありませんが、{} 更新が利用可能です"
--#: dnf/base.py:2287
-+#: dnf/base.py:2297
- msgid "No security updates needed for \"{}\", but {} update available"
- msgstr "\"{}\" のセキュリティー更新は必要ありませんが、{} 更新が利用可能です"
--#: dnf/base.py:2289
-+#: dnf/base.py:2299
- msgid "No security updates needed for \"{}\", but {} updates available"
- msgstr "\"{}\" のセキュリティー更新は必要ありませんが、{} 更新が利用可能です"
--#: dnf/base.py:2313
-+#: dnf/base.py:2323
- #, python-format
- msgid ". Failing package is: %s"
- msgstr ". 失敗したパッケージは: %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:2314
-+#: dnf/base.py:2324
- #, python-format
- msgid "GPG Keys are configured as: %s"
- msgstr "GPG 鍵が設定されています: %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:2326
-+#: dnf/base.py:2336
- #, python-format
- msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
- msgstr "%s (0x%s) の GPG 鍵はインストール済みです"
--#: dnf/base.py:2359
-+#: dnf/base.py:2369
- msgid "The key has been approved."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "鍵が承認されました。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2362
-+#: dnf/base.py:2372
- msgid "The key has been rejected."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "鍵が拒否されました。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2395
-+#: dnf/base.py:2405
- #, python-format
- msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
- msgstr "鍵のインポートに失敗しました (コード: %d)"
--#: dnf/base.py:2397
-+#: dnf/base.py:2407
- msgid "Key imported successfully"
- msgstr "鍵のインポートに成功しました"
--#: dnf/base.py:2401
-+#: dnf/base.py:2411
- msgid "Didn't install any keys"
- msgstr "鍵を 1 つもインストールしませんでした"
--#: dnf/base.py:2404
-+#: dnf/base.py:2414
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
-@@ -485,49 +490,49 @@ msgstr ""
- "\"%s\" リポジトリーに一覧表示されている GPG 鍵はインストール済みですが、このパッケージには適切ではありません。\n"
- "正しい鍵 URL がこのリポジトリー用に設定されているか確認してください。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2415
-+#: dnf/base.py:2425
- msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
- msgstr "鍵をインポートしても役に立ちませんでした。鍵が間違っていませんか?"
--#: dnf/base.py:2451
-+#: dnf/base.py:2478
- msgid "  * Maybe you meant: {}"
- msgstr "  * おそらく: {}"
--#: dnf/base.py:2483
-+#: dnf/base.py:2510
- msgid "Package \"{}\" from local repository \"{}\" has incorrect checksum"
- msgstr "ローカルリポジトリー \"{}\" のパッケージ \"{}\" のチェックサムは正しくありません"
--#: dnf/base.py:2486
-+#: dnf/base.py:2513
- msgid "Some packages from local repository have incorrect checksum"
- msgstr "ローカルリポジトリーのいくつかのパッケージのチェックサムは正しくありません"
--#: dnf/base.py:2489
-+#: dnf/base.py:2516
- msgid "Package \"{}\" from repository \"{}\" has incorrect checksum"
- msgstr "リポジトリー \"{}\" のパッケージ \"{}\" のチェックサムは正しくありません"
--#: dnf/base.py:2492
-+#: dnf/base.py:2519
- msgid ""
- "Some packages have invalid cache, but cannot be downloaded due to \"--"
- "cacheonly\" option"
- msgstr "いくつかのパッケージには無効なキャッシュがありますが、\"--cacheonly\" オプションによりダウンロードできません"
--#: dnf/base.py:2510 dnf/base.py:2530
-+#: dnf/base.py:2537 dnf/base.py:2557
- msgid "No match for argument"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "一致した引数がありません"
--#: dnf/base.py:2518 dnf/base.py:2538
-+#: dnf/base.py:2545 dnf/base.py:2565
- msgid "All matches were filtered out by exclude filtering for argument"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "すべての検索結果は引数の除外フィルタリングに一致しません(filter out)"
--#: dnf/base.py:2520
-+#: dnf/base.py:2547
- msgid "All matches were filtered out by modular filtering for argument"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "すべての検出結果は引数のモジュラーフィルタリングに一致しません(filter out)"
--#: dnf/base.py:2536
-+#: dnf/base.py:2563
- msgid "All matches were installed from a different repository for argument"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "すべての検索結果は引数に対し異なるレポジトリからインストールされたものです"
--#: dnf/base.py:2552
-+#: dnf/base.py:2579
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s is already installed."
- msgstr "パッケージ %s は既にインストールされています。"
-@@ -535,7 +540,7 @@ msgstr "パッケージ %s は既にインストールされています。"
- #: dnf/cli/aliases.py:96
- #, python-format
- msgid "Unexpected value of environment variable: DNF_DISABLE_ALIASES=%s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "環境変数の予期しない値: DNF_DISABLE_ALIASES=%s"
- #: dnf/cli/aliases.py:105 dnf/conf/config.py:457
- #, python-format
-@@ -545,7 +550,7 @@ msgstr "ファイル \"%s\" の解析に失敗しました: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/aliases.py:108
- #, python-format
- msgid "Cannot read file \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "ファイル \"%s\" を読み込めません: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/aliases.py:115 dnf/cli/aliases.py:129 dnf/cli/cli.py:898
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:902 dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:108
-@@ -555,12 +560,12 @@ msgstr "設定エラー: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/aliases.py:191
- msgid "Aliases contain infinite recursion"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "エイリアスには無限再帰が含まれます"
- #: dnf/cli/aliases.py:209
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s, using original arguments."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "%s、オリジナルの引数を使用しています。"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:136
- #, python-format
-@@ -577,7 +582,7 @@ msgstr "  ビルド      : %s  (日時: %s)"
- msgid ""
- "The operation would result in switching of module '{0}' stream '{1}' to "
- "stream '{2}'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "オペレーションは、モジュール '{0}' ストリーム '{1}' を ストリーム '{2}' へと切り替える結果となります"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:171
- #, python-brace-format
-@@ -585,18 +590,20 @@ msgid ""
- "It is not possible to switch enabled streams of a module.\n"
- "It is recommended to remove all installed content from the module, and reset the module using '{prog} module reset <module_name>' command. After you reset the module, you can install the other stream."
- msgstr ""
-+"モジュールからインストールされた全てのコンテンツを削除し、 '{prog} module reset <module_name>' コマンドを使用してリセットすることが推奨されます。モジュールのリセット後、他のストリームをインストール可能です。"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:209
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "{prog} will only download packages for the transaction."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{prog} はトランザクションでパッケージのダウンロードのみ行います。"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:212
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid ""
- "{prog} will only download packages, install gpg keys, and check the "
- "transaction."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{prog} はパッケージのダウンロード、gpgキーのインストール、トランザクションのチェックのみ行います。"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:216
- msgid "Operation aborted."
-@@ -622,13 +629,9 @@ msgstr ""
- "無人での実行中に鍵の自動インポートを拒否します。\n"
- "オーバーライドするには \"-y\" を使用してください。"
--#: dnf/cli/cli.py:298
--msgid "GPG check FAILED"
--msgstr "GPG の確認に失敗しました"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:330
- msgid "Changelogs for {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{} の Changelogs"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:363 dnf/cli/cli.py:504 dnf/cli/cli.py:510
- msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
-@@ -714,7 +717,7 @@ msgstr "一致するリポジトリーがありません: %s"
- msgid ""
- "This command has to be run with superuser privileges (under the root user on"
- " most systems)."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "このコマンドはスーパーユーザー特権(大概のシステムではrootユーザー)で実行しなければいけません。"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:843
- #, python-format
-@@ -726,14 +729,14 @@ msgstr "そのようなコマンドはありません: %s. %s --help を使用
- msgid ""
- "It could be a {PROG} plugin command, try: \"{prog} install 'dnf-"
- "command(%s)'\""
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{PROG} プラグインコマンドを実行できません、試してください: \"{prog} install 'dnf-command(%s)'\""
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:850
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid ""
- "It could be a {prog} plugin command, but loading of plugins is currently "
- "disabled."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{prog} プラグインコマンドを実行できません、プラグインのロードが現在無効になっているようです。"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:908
- msgid ""
-@@ -748,16 +751,20 @@ msgid ""
- "--enable, --set-enabled and --disable, --set-disabled must be used with "
- "config-manager command."
- msgstr ""
-+"--enable と --set-enabled および --disable と --set-disabled は、config-manager "
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:996
- msgid ""
- "Warning: Enforcing GPG signature check globally as per active RPM security "
- "policy (see 'gpgcheck' in dnf.conf(5) for how to squelch this message)"
- msgstr ""
-+"警告: アクティブな RPM セキュリティーポリシーにより、GPG 署名の確認をグローバルに強制します "
-+"(このメッセージをスケルチするには、dnf.conf(5) の 'gpgcheck' を参照してください)"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:1016
- msgid "Config file \"{}\" does not exist"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "設定ファイル \"{}\" は存在しません"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:1036
- msgid ""
-@@ -765,7 +772,7 @@ msgid ""
- "version)"
- msgstr "リリースバージョンを検出できません (リリースバージョンを指定するには '--releasever' を使用してください)"
--#: dnf/cli/cli.py:1123 dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:473
-+#: dnf/cli/cli.py:1123 dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:471
- msgid "argument {}: not allowed with argument {}"
- msgstr "引数 {}: 引数 {} と許可されていません"
-@@ -816,6 +823,18 @@ msgid ""
- "\n"
- "For more information contact your distribution or package provider."
- msgstr ""
-+"GPG キーによるパッケージのチェックが可能になりました。これは良いことです。\n"
-+"しかしGPG 公開鍵が無いようです。インストールしたいパッケージのキーを\n"
-+"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
-+"代わりにレポジトリーセクションの 'gpgkey' オプションにあるレポジトリーを使用し\n"
-+"キーのurlを特定したのち、 {prog} がインストールされます。\n"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:80
- #, python-format
-@@ -865,7 +884,7 @@ msgstr "パッケージ"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:202
- msgid "Package name specification"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "パッケージ名spec"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:230
- msgid "list a package or groups of packages"
-@@ -877,11 +896,11 @@ msgstr "どのパッケージが特定の値を提供するか見つけます"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:248
- msgid "PROVIDE"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "PROVIDE"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:249
- msgid "Provide specification to search for"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "検索するspecを提供"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:258 dnf/cli/commands/search.py:159
- msgid "Searching Packages: "
-@@ -893,7 +912,7 @@ msgstr "利用可能なパッケージのアップグレードを確認します
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:273
- msgid "show changelogs before update"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "更新前に changelogs を表示します"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:370 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:423
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:479
-@@ -915,7 +934,7 @@ msgid " (from %s)"
- msgstr " (%s から)"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:442 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:499
--#: dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:92 dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:104
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:92 dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:105
- #, python-format
- msgid "Installed package %s%s not available."
- msgstr "インストール済みパッケージ %s%s は利用できません。"
-@@ -939,16 +958,16 @@ msgstr "特定のリポジトリーのすべてのパッケージに対して、
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:774
- msgid "REPOID"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "REPOID"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:774
- msgid "Repository ID"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "リポジトリーID"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:785 dnf/cli/commands/mark.py:48
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:108
- msgid "Package specification"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "パッケージspec"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:809
- msgid "display a helpful usage message"
-@@ -961,7 +980,7 @@ msgstr "コマンド"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:814
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "{prog} command to get help for"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{prog} コマンドでヘルプ表示"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:831
- msgid "display, or use, the transaction history"
-@@ -980,8 +999,9 @@ msgid "No transaction ID or package name given."
- msgstr "トランザクション ID、またはパッケージ名が指定されていません。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:879
--msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
--msgstr "履歴 DB にアクセスできません。"
-+#, python-format
-+msgid "You don't have access to the history DB: %s"
-+msgstr "履歴 DB にアクセスできません: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:891
- #, python-format
-@@ -1010,6 +1030,8 @@ msgid ""
- "Can't convert '{}' to transaction ID.\n"
- "Use '<number>', 'last', 'last-<number>'."
- msgstr ""
-+"'{}' をトランザクション IDに変換できません。\n"
-+"'<number>', 'last', 'last-<number>' を使用してください。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:999
- msgid "No transaction which manipulates package '{}' was found."
-@@ -1017,87 +1039,87 @@ msgstr "パッケージ '{}' を操作するトランザクションが見つか
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:40
- msgid "List or create command aliases"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "コマンドエイリアスを一覧表示するか作成します"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:47
- msgid "enable aliases resolving"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "エイリアスの解決を有効にします"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:50
- msgid "disable aliases resolving"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "エイリアスの解決を無効にします"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:53
- msgid "action to do with aliases"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "エイリアスに関係するアクション"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:55
- msgid "alias definition"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "エイリアス定義"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:70
- msgid "Aliases are now enabled"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "エイリアスは有効化されました"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:73
- msgid "Aliases are now disabled"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "エイリアスは無効化されました"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:90 dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:93
- #, python-format
- msgid "Invalid alias key: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "無効なエイリアス鍵: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:96
- #, python-format
- msgid "Alias argument has no value: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "エイリアスの引数に値はありません: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:130
- #, python-format
- msgid "Aliases added: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "エイリアスが追加されました: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:144
- #, python-format
- msgid "Alias not found: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "エイリアスは見つかりません: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:147
- #, python-format
- msgid "Aliases deleted: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "エイリアスが削除されました: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:155
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s, alias %s=\"%s\""
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "%s エイリアス %s=\"%s\""
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:157
- #, python-format
- msgid "Alias %s='%s'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "エイリアス %s='%s'"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:161
- msgid "Aliases resolving is disabled."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "エイリアスの解決は無効化されました。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:166
- msgid "No aliases specified."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "エイリアスが指定されていません。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:173
- msgid "No alias specified."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "エイリアスが指定されていません。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:179
- msgid "No aliases defined."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "エイリアスが定義されていません。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:186
- #, python-format
- msgid "No match for alias: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "一致するエイリアスがありません: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/autoremove.py:41
- msgid ""
-@@ -1217,6 +1239,12 @@ msgstr "警告: グループ %s は存在しません。"
- msgid "Warning: No groups match:"
- msgstr "警告: 一致するグループはありません:"
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:180 dnf/cli/commands/group.py:191
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1226
-+#| msgid "<unset>"
-+msgid "<name-unset>"
-+msgstr "<name-unset>"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:197
- msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
- msgstr "利用可能な環境グループ:"
-@@ -1259,15 +1287,15 @@ msgstr "利用可能なグループのみを表示します"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:329
- msgid "show also ID of groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "グループIDも表示"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:331
- msgid "available subcommands: {} (default), {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "利用可能なサブコマンド: {} (default), {}"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:335
- msgid "argument for group subcommand"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "グループサブコマンドの引数"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:344
- #, python-format
-@@ -1318,6 +1346,9 @@ msgid ""
- "remove: unmark as installed by user\n"
- "group: mark as installed by group"
- msgstr ""
-+"インストール: ユーザーによりインストールにマーク\n"
-+"削除: ユーザーによりインストールからマーク解除\n"
-+"グループ: グループによりインストールにマーク"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/mark.py:52
- #, python-format
-@@ -1348,11 +1379,11 @@ msgstr "パッケージ %s はインストールされていません。"
- msgid ""
- "Only module name, stream, architecture or profile is used. Ignoring unneeded"
- " information in argument: '{}'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュール名、ストリーム、アーキテクチャーまたはプロファイルのみが使用されています。引数: '{}' の不要な情報は無視します"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:77
- msgid "list all module streams, profiles and states"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "全てのモジュールストリーム、プロファイル、状態をリスト"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:105 dnf/cli/commands/module.py:128
- msgid "No matching Modules to list"
-@@ -1360,43 +1391,43 @@ msgstr "表示する一致モジュールはありません"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:111
- msgid "print detailed information about a module"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールに関する詳細情報を表示"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:133
- msgid "enable a module stream"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールストリームを有効化"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:157
- msgid "disable a module with all its streams"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "すべてのストリームのモジュールを無効化"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:181
- msgid "reset a module"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールのリセット"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:202
- msgid "install a module profile including its packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "パッケージを含むモジュールプロファイルのインストール"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:223
- msgid "update packages associated with an active stream"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "アクティブストリームに紐づいたパッケージをアップデート"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:240
- msgid "remove installed module profiles and their packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "インストールされたモジュールプロファイルとそのパッケージを削除"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:264
- msgid "Package {} belongs to multiple modules, skipping"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "パッケージ {} は複数のモジュールに属しています、スキップします"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:277
- msgid "list modular packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュラーパッケージをリスト"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:292
- msgid "list packages belonging to a module"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールに属するパッケージをリスト"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:327
- msgid "Interact with Modules."
-@@ -1412,7 +1443,7 @@ msgstr "無効なモジュールのみを表示します"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:346
- msgid "show only installed modules or packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "インストールされたモジュールまたはパッケージのみ表示"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:349
- msgid "show profile content"
-@@ -1420,15 +1451,15 @@ msgstr "プロファイルコンテンツを表示します"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:354
- msgid "remove all modular packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "すべてのモジュラーパッケージを削除"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:364
- msgid "Module specification"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールspec"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:386
- msgid "{} {} {}: too few arguments"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{} {} {}: 引数が足りません"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:38
- msgid "reinstall a package"
-@@ -1450,16 +1481,16 @@ msgstr "重複するパッケージを削除します"
- msgid "remove installonly packages over the limit"
- msgstr "制限を超えた installonly パッケージを削除します"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:94
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:95
- msgid "No duplicated packages found for removal."
- msgstr "削除対象の重複するパッケージはありません。"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:126
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:127
- msgid "No old installonly packages found for removal."
- msgstr "削除対象の古い installonly パッケージはありません。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:38 dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:47
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:318 dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:359
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:318 dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:364
- msgid "unknown"
- msgstr "不明"
-@@ -1496,7 +1527,7 @@ msgstr "無効な repo を表示します"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:93
- msgid "Repository specification"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "レポジトリspec"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:125
- msgid "No repositories available"
-@@ -1512,100 +1543,100 @@ msgstr "無効化"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:162
- msgid "Repo-id            : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-id            : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:163
- msgid "Repo-name          : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-name          : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:166
- msgid "Repo-status        : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-status        : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:169
- msgid "Repo-revision      : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-revision      : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:173
- msgid "Repo-tags          : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-tags          : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:180
- msgid "Repo-distro-tags      : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-distro-tags      : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:192
- msgid "Repo-updated       : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-updated       : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:194
- msgid "Repo-pkgs          : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-pkgs          : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:195
- msgid "Repo-available-pkgs: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-available-pkgs: "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:196
- msgid "Repo-size          : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-size          : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:199
- msgid "Repo-metalink      : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-metalink      : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:204
- msgid "  Updated          : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "  Updated          : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:206
- msgid "Repo-mirrors       : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-mirrors       : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:210 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:216
- msgid "Repo-baseurl       : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-baseurl       : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:219
- msgid "Repo-expire        : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-expire        : "
- #. TRANSLATORS: Packages that are excluded - their names like (dnf systemd)
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:223
- msgid "Repo-exclude       : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-exclude       : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:227
- msgid "Repo-include       : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-include       : "
- #. TRANSLATORS: Number of packages that where excluded (5)
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:232
- msgid "Repo-excluded      : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-excluded      : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:236
- msgid "Repo-filename      : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-filename      : "
- #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disabled/count),
- #. then chop the middle (name)...
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:245 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:272
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:246 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:273
- msgid "repo id"
- msgstr "repo id"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:258 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:259
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:280
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:259 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:260
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:281
- msgid "status"
- msgstr "状態"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:274 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:276
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:275 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:277
- msgid "repo name"
- msgstr "repo の名前"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:290
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:291
- msgid "Total packages: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "総パッケージ: {}"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:108
- msgid "search for packages matching keyword"
-@@ -1709,7 +1740,7 @@ msgstr "特定の name.arch に最新パッケージ N を表示します (ま
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:181
- msgid "list also packages of inactive module streams"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "非アクティブモジュールストリームのパッケージもリスト"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:186
- msgid "show detailed information about the package"
-@@ -1803,6 +1834,9 @@ msgid ""
- "running %%pre and %%post scriptlets. If the package is installed display "
- "capabilities that is depends for %%pre, %%post, %%preun and %%postun."
- msgstr ""
-+"このパッケージがインストールされていない場合、 %%pre と %%post "
-+"スクリプトレット実行に依存するケイパビリティを表示します。このパッケージがインストールされている場合、 %%pre, %%post, %%preun と"
-+" %%postun に依存するケイパビリティを表示します。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:242
- msgid "Display capabilities that the package suggests."
-@@ -1835,7 +1869,7 @@ msgstr "インストール済みのパッケージの一部にアップグレー
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid ""
- "Display only packages that can be removed by \"{prog} autoremove\" command."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "\"{prog} autoremove\" コマンドにより削除可能なパッケージのみを表示。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:257
- msgid "Display only packages that were installed by user."
-@@ -1865,6 +1899,8 @@ msgid ""
- "with '--alldeps', but not with '--exactdeps'), or with '--requires <REQ> "
- "--resolve'"
- msgstr ""
-+"オプションの '--recursive' は、'--whatrequires <REQ>' (オプションでは '--exactdeps' ではなく、'"
-+"--alldeps' と共に使用) または '--requires <REQ> --resolve' と共に使用する必要があります。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:311
- msgid "argument {} requires --whatrequires or --whatdepends option"
-@@ -1879,7 +1915,7 @@ msgstr "パッケージ {} はファイルを含んでいません"
- msgid "Available query-tags: use --queryformat \".. %{tag} ..\""
- msgstr "利用可能な query-tags: --queryformat \".. %{tag} ..\" を使用します"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:562
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:561
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid ""
- "No valid switch specified\n"
-@@ -1888,6 +1924,11 @@ msgid ""
- "description:\n"
- "  For the given packages print a tree of thepackages."
- msgstr ""
-+"usage: {prog} repoquery [--conflicts|--enhances|--obsoletes|--provides|--recommends|--requires|--suggest|--supplements|--whatrequires] [key] [--tree]\n"
-+"  与えられたパッケージではパッケージのツリーを表示します。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:46
- msgid "search package details for the given string"
-@@ -1899,26 +1940,26 @@ msgstr "パッケージの説明と URL も検索します"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:52
- msgid "KEYWORD"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "KEYWORD"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:55
- msgid "Keyword to search for"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "検索のキーワード"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:61 dnf/cli/output.py:506
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Name"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "名前"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:62 dnf/cli/output.py:559
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Summary"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "概要"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:63 dnf/cli/output.py:569
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Description"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "説明"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:64 dnf/cli/output.py:562
- msgid "URL"
-@@ -1951,7 +1992,7 @@ msgstr "一致する項目はありませんでした。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:47
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "run an interactive {prog} shell"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "インタラクティブ {prog} シェルの実行"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:68
- msgid "SCRIPT"
-@@ -1960,7 +2001,7 @@ msgstr "スクリプト"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:69
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "Script to run in {prog} shell"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{prog} シェルで実行するスクリプト"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:142
- msgid "Unsupported key value."
-@@ -2079,7 +2120,7 @@ msgstr "シェルを終了します"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/swap.py:35
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "run an interactive {prog} mod for remove and install one spec"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "一つのspecを削除またはインストールするためインタラクティブ {prog} モジュールを実行"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/swap.py:40
- msgid "The specs that will be removed"
-@@ -2157,11 +2198,11 @@ msgstr "勧告の情報を表示します"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:101
- msgid "show only advisories with CVE reference"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "CVE参照のアドバイザリーのみ表示"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:104
- msgid "show only advisories with bugzilla reference"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "bugzilla参照のアドバイザリーのみ表示"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:168
- msgid "installed"
-@@ -2227,52 +2268,52 @@ msgstr "その他の通知"
- msgid "Unknown/Sec."
- msgstr "不明/セキュリティ"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:352
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:357
- msgid "Bugs"
- msgstr "バグ"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:352
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:357
- msgid "Type"
- msgstr "タイプ"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:352
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:357
- msgid "Update ID"
- msgstr "更新 ID"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:352
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:357
- msgid "Updated"
- msgstr "更新済み"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:353
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:358
- msgid "CVEs"
- msgstr "CVE"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:353
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:358
- msgid "Description"
- msgstr "説明"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:353
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:358
- msgid "Rights"
- msgstr "権利"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:353
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:358
- msgid "Severity"
- msgstr "重大度"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:354
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:359
- msgid "Files"
- msgstr "ファイル"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:354 dnf/cli/output.py:1491
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1755 dnf/cli/output.py:1757
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:359 dnf/cli/output.py:1499
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1770 dnf/cli/output.py:1772
- msgid "Installed"
- msgstr "インストール済み"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:380
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:385
- msgid "false"
- msgstr "誤"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:380
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:385
- msgid "true"
- msgstr "正"
-@@ -2300,23 +2341,23 @@ msgstr "現在のディレクトリーには読み取り/実行権限があり
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:135
- msgid "try to add '{}' to command line to replace conflicting packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "競合するパッケージを置き換えるには、コマンドラインに '{}' を追加してみてください"
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:139
- msgid "try to add '{}' to skip uninstallable packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "インストール不可のパッケージをスキップするには、'{}' を追加してみてください"
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:142
- msgid " or '{}' to skip uninstallable packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr " または、'{}' を追加して、インストール不可のパッケージをスキップしてください"
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:147
- msgid "try to add '{}' to use not only best candidate packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "最適候補のパッケージのみを使用しないためには、'{}' を追加してみてください"
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:150
- msgid " or '{}' to use not only best candidate packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr " または、'{}' を追加して、最適候補のパッケージのみを使用しないでください"
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:167
- msgid "Dependencies resolved."
-@@ -2347,7 +2388,7 @@ msgstr "Setopt 引数には値はありません: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:174
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "General {prog} options"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "全般 {prog} オプション"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:178
- msgid "config file location"
-@@ -2364,7 +2405,7 @@ msgstr "詳細な操作"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:185
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "show {prog} version and exit"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{prog} バージョンを表示して終了する"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:187
- msgid "set install root"
-@@ -2412,7 +2453,7 @@ msgstr "トランザクションにおいて利用可能な最適なパッケー
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:223
- msgid "do not limit the transaction to the best candidate"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "トランザクションを最良候補に限定しません"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:226
- msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
-@@ -2444,6 +2485,8 @@ msgid ""
- "enables {prog}'s obsoletes processing logic for upgrade or display "
- "capabilities that the package obsoletes for info, list and repoquery"
- msgstr ""
-+"アップグレードまたは、info, list, repoquery で旧パッケージのケイパビリティを表示するため、 {prog} "
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:251
- msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
-@@ -2461,13 +2504,13 @@ msgstr "すべての質問に「いいえ」(no) と自動的に答えます"
- msgid ""
- "Enable additional repositories. List option. Supports globs, can be "
- "specified multiple times."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "追加レポジトリを有効化、オプションのリスト、globsのサポートは何度でも指定可能です。"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:266
- msgid ""
- "Disable repositories. List option. Supports globs, can be specified multiple"
- " times."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "追加レポジトリを無効化、オプションのリスト、globsのサポートは何度でも指定可能です。"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:270
- msgid ""
-@@ -2477,11 +2520,11 @@ msgstr "id または glob により特定のリポジトリーだけを有効に
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:275
- msgid "enable repos with config-manager command (automatically saves)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "config-manager コマンドで repos を有効にします (自動的に保存)"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:279
- msgid "disable repos with config-manager command (automatically saves)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "config-manager コマンドで repos を無効にします (自動的に保存)"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:283
- msgid "exclude packages by name or glob"
-@@ -2495,7 +2538,7 @@ msgstr "excludepkgs を無効にします"
- msgid ""
- "label and path to an additional repository to use (same path as in a "
- "baseurl), can be specified multiple times."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "利用する追加レポジトリ(baseurlと同じパス)のラベルとパスは何度でも指定可能です。"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:297
- msgid "disable removal of dependencies that are no longer used"
-@@ -2503,7 +2546,7 @@ msgstr "もはや使用されていない依存関係の削除を無効にしま
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:300
- msgid "disable gpg signature checking (if RPM policy allows)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "GPG 署名の確認を無効にします (RPM ポリシーが許可する場合)"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:302
- msgid "control whether color is used"
-@@ -2578,10 +2621,9 @@ msgid "List of Plugin Commands:"
- msgstr "プラグインコマンドの一覧"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:413
--#, fuzzy, python-format
--#| msgid "No match for argument: %s"
-+#, python-format
- msgid "Cannot encode argument '%s': %s"
--msgstr "一致した引数がありません: %s"
-+msgstr "引数をエンコードできません '%s': %s"
- #. Translators: This is abbreviated 'Name'. Should be no longer
- #. than 12 characters. You can use the full version if it is short
-@@ -2589,7 +2631,7 @@ msgstr "一致した引数がありません: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:505
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Name"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "名前"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 characters.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:511
-@@ -2600,16 +2642,16 @@ msgstr "エポック"
- #. use the full (unabbreviated) term 'Version' if you think that
- #. the translation to your language is not too long and will
- #. always fit to limited space.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:512 dnf/cli/output.py:1327
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:512 dnf/cli/output.py:1335
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Version"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "バージョン"
- #. Translators: This is the full (unabbreviated) term 'Version'.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:513 dnf/cli/output.py:1329
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:513 dnf/cli/output.py:1337
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Version"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "バージョン"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 characters.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:516
-@@ -2618,32 +2660,32 @@ msgstr "リリース"
- #. Translators: This is abbreviated 'Architecture', used when
- #. we have not enough space to display the full word.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:517 dnf/cli/output.py:1318
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:517 dnf/cli/output.py:1326
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Arch"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Arch"
- #. Translators: This is the full word 'Architecture', used when
- #. we have enough space.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:518 dnf/cli/output.py:1321
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:518 dnf/cli/output.py:1329
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Architecture"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "アーキテクチャー"
- #. Translators: This is the full (unabbreviated) term 'Size'.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:520 dnf/cli/output.py:1344
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:520 dnf/cli/output.py:1352
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Size"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "サイズ"
- #. Translators: This is the short version of 'Size'. It should
- #. not be longer than 5 characters. If the term 'Size' in your
- #. language is not longer than 5 characters then you can use it
- #. unabbreviated.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:520 dnf/cli/output.py:1342
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:520 dnf/cli/output.py:1350
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Size"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "サイズ"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 characters.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:524
-@@ -2652,17 +2694,17 @@ msgstr "ソース"
- #. Translators: This is abbreviated 'Repository', used when
- #. we have not enough space to display the full word.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:525 dnf/cli/output.py:1333
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:525 dnf/cli/output.py:1341
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Repo"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo"
- #. Translators: This is the full word 'Repository', used when
- #. we have enough space.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:526 dnf/cli/output.py:1336
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:526 dnf/cli/output.py:1344
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Repository"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "リポジトリー"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 chars.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:533
-@@ -2698,7 +2740,7 @@ msgstr "インストール済み"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:558
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Summary"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "概要"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 characters.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:564
-@@ -2711,11 +2753,11 @@ msgstr "ライセンス"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:568
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Description"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "説明"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:695
- msgid "No packages to list"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "一覧表示するパッケージはありません"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:706
- msgid "y"
-@@ -2932,53 +2974,53 @@ msgstr "ダウングレード"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1176
- msgid "Installing module profiles"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールプロファイルのインストール中"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1185
- msgid "Disabling module profiles"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールプロファイルの無効化中"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1194
- msgid "Enabling module streams"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールストリームの有効化中"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1202
- msgid "Switching module streams"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールストリームの切り替え中"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1210
- msgid "Disabling modules"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールの無効化"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1218
- msgid "Resetting modules"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールの再設定中"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1226
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1230
- msgid "Installing Environment Groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "環境グループのインストール中"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1233
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1237
- msgid "Upgrading Environment Groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "環境グループのアップグレード中"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1240
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1244
- msgid "Removing Environment Groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "環境グループの削除中"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1247
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1251
- msgid "Installing Groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "グループのインストール中"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1254
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1258
- msgid "Upgrading Groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "グループのアップグレード中"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1261
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1265
- msgid "Removing Groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "グループの削除中"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1277
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1281
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "Skipping packages with conflicts:\n"
-@@ -2987,12 +3029,12 @@ msgstr ""
- "競合するパッケージをスキップします:\n"
- "(アップグレードを強制するにはコマンドラインに '%s' を追加します)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1285
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1291
- #, python-format
- msgid "Skipping packages with broken dependencies%s"
- msgstr "壊れた dependencies%s のパッケージをスキップします"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1289
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1295
- msgid " or part of a group"
- msgstr " またはグループの一部"
-@@ -3000,23 +3042,23 @@ msgstr " またはグループの一部"
- #. use the full (unabbreviated) term 'Package' if you think that
- #. the translation to your language is not too long and will
- #. always fit to limited space.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1312
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1320
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Package"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "パッケージ"
- #. Translators: This is the full (unabbreviated) term 'Package'.
- #. This is also a hack to resolve RhBug 1302935 correctly.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1314 dnf/cli/output.py:2007
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1322 dnf/cli/output.py:2023
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Package"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "パッケージ"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1363
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1371
- msgid "replacing"
- msgstr "置き換え"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1370
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1378
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "\n"
-@@ -3028,292 +3070,292 @@ msgstr ""
- "%s\n"
- #. TODO: remove
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1375 dnf/cli/output.py:1914 dnf/cli/output.py:1915
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1383 dnf/cli/output.py:1930 dnf/cli/output.py:1931
- msgid "Install"
- msgstr "インストール"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1379 dnf/cli/output.py:1923
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1387 dnf/cli/output.py:1939
- msgid "Upgrade"
- msgstr "アップグレード"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1380
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1388
- msgid "Remove"
- msgstr "削除"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1382 dnf/cli/output.py:1921
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1390 dnf/cli/output.py:1937
- msgid "Downgrade"
- msgstr "ダウングレード"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1383
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1391
- msgid "Skip"
- msgstr "スキップ"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1392 dnf/cli/output.py:1408
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1400 dnf/cli/output.py:1416
- msgid "Package"
- msgid_plural "Packages"
- msgstr[0] "パッケージ"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1410
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1418
- msgid "Dependent package"
- msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
- msgstr[0] "依存パッケージ"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1489 dnf/cli/output.py:1756 dnf/cli/output.py:1924
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1497 dnf/cli/output.py:1771 dnf/cli/output.py:1940
- msgid "Upgraded"
- msgstr "アップグレード済み"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1490 dnf/cli/output.py:1756 dnf/cli/output.py:1922
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1498 dnf/cli/output.py:1771 dnf/cli/output.py:1938
- msgid "Downgraded"
- msgstr "ダウングレード済み"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1495
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1503
- msgid "Reinstalled"
- msgstr "再インストール済み"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1496
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1504
- msgid "Skipped"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "スキップ済み"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1497
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1505
- msgid "Removed"
- msgstr "削除しました"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1500
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1508
- msgid "Failed"
- msgstr "失敗しました"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1551
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1559
- msgid "Total"
- msgstr "合計"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1579
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1587
- msgid "<unset>"
- msgstr "<未設定>"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1580
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1588
- msgid "System"
- msgstr "システム"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1630
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1638
- msgid "Command line"
- msgstr "コマンドライン"
- #. TRANSLATORS: user names who executed transaction in history command output
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1634
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1649
- msgid "User name"
- msgstr "ユーザー名"
- #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1636 dnf/cli/output.py:2004
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1651 dnf/cli/output.py:2020
- msgid "ID"
- msgstr "ID"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1638
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1653
- msgid "Date and time"
- msgstr "日時"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1639 dnf/cli/output.py:2005
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1654 dnf/cli/output.py:2021
- msgid "Action(s)"
- msgstr "動作"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1640
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1655
- msgid "Altered"
- msgstr "変更されました"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1681
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1696
- msgid "No transactions"
- msgstr "トランザクションがありません"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1682 dnf/cli/output.py:1698
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1697 dnf/cli/output.py:1713
- msgid "Failed history info"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "失敗した履歴情報"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1697
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1712
- msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
- msgstr "トランザクション ID、またはパッケージが指定されていません"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1755
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1770
- msgid "Erased"
- msgstr "削除されました"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1757
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1772
- msgid "Not installed"
- msgstr "インストールされていません"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1758
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1773
- msgid "Newer"
- msgstr "新しい"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1758
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1773
- msgid "Older"
- msgstr "古い"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1806 dnf/cli/output.py:1808
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1821 dnf/cli/output.py:1823
- msgid "Transaction ID :"
- msgstr "トランザクション ID :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1811
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1826
- msgid "Begin time     :"
- msgstr "開始時間            :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1814 dnf/cli/output.py:1816
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1829 dnf/cli/output.py:1831
- msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
- msgstr "開始 rpmdb          :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1822
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1837
- #, python-format
- msgid "(%u seconds)"
- msgstr "(%u 秒)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1824
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1839
- #, python-format
- msgid "(%u minutes)"
- msgstr "(%u 分)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1826
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1841
- #, python-format
- msgid "(%u hours)"
- msgstr "(%u 時間)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1828
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1843
- #, python-format
- msgid "(%u days)"
- msgstr "(%u 日)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1829
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1844
- msgid "End time       :"
- msgstr "終了時間            :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1832 dnf/cli/output.py:1834
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1847 dnf/cli/output.py:1849
- msgid "End rpmdb      :"
- msgstr "終了 rpmdb          :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1841 dnf/cli/output.py:1843
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1856 dnf/cli/output.py:1858
- msgid "User           :"
- msgstr "ユーザー            :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1847 dnf/cli/output.py:1854
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1862 dnf/cli/output.py:1869
- msgid "Aborted"
- msgstr "中断しました"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1847 dnf/cli/output.py:1850 dnf/cli/output.py:1852
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1854 dnf/cli/output.py:1856 dnf/cli/output.py:1858
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1862 dnf/cli/output.py:1865 dnf/cli/output.py:1867
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1869 dnf/cli/output.py:1871 dnf/cli/output.py:1873
- msgid "Return-Code    :"
- msgstr "終了コード          :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1850 dnf/cli/output.py:1858
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1865 dnf/cli/output.py:1873
- msgid "Success"
- msgstr "成功"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1852
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1867
- msgid "Failures:"
- msgstr "失敗:"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1856
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1871
- msgid "Failure:"
- msgstr "失敗しました:"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1866 dnf/cli/output.py:1868
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1881 dnf/cli/output.py:1883
- msgid "Releasever     :"
- msgstr "Releasever     :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1873 dnf/cli/output.py:1875
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1888 dnf/cli/output.py:1890
- msgid "Command Line   :"
- msgstr "コマンドライン      :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1881
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1895 dnf/cli/output.py:1897
- msgid "Comment        :"
- msgstr "コメント        :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1885
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1901
- msgid "Transaction performed with:"
- msgstr "実行されたトランザクション:"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1894
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1910
- msgid "Packages Altered:"
- msgstr "変更されたパッケージ:"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1900
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1916
- msgid "Scriptlet output:"
- msgstr "Scriptlet の出力:"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1907
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1923
- msgid "Errors:"
- msgstr "エラー:"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1916
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1932
- msgid "Dep-Install"
- msgstr "Dep-Install"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1917
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1933
- msgid "Obsoleted"
- msgstr "廃止された"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1918 dnf/transaction.py:84 dnf/transaction.py:85
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1934 dnf/transaction.py:84 dnf/transaction.py:85
- msgid "Obsoleting"
- msgstr "廃止"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1919
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1935
- msgid "Erase"
- msgstr "削除"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1920
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1936
- msgid "Reinstall"
- msgstr "再インストール"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1995
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2011
- msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
- msgstr "不正なトランザクション ID、またはパッケージが指定されました"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2094
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2110
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be installed"
- msgstr "---> パッケージ %s.%s %s はインストールされます"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2096
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2112
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be an upgrade"
- msgstr "---> パッケージ %s.%s %s はアップグレードされます"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2098
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2114
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be erased"
- msgstr "---> パッケージ %s.%s %s は消去されます"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2100
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2116
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be reinstalled"
- msgstr "---> パッケージ %s.%s %s は再インストールされます"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2102
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2118
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be a downgrade"
- msgstr "---> パッケージ %s.%s %s はダウングレードされます"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2104
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2120
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be obsoleting"
- msgstr "---> パッケージ %s.%s %s は廃止となります"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2106
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2122
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be upgraded"
- msgstr "---> パッケージ %s.%s %s はアップグレードされます"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2108
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2124
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be obsoleted"
- msgstr "---> パッケージ %s.%s %s は廃止されます"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2117
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2133
- msgid "--> Starting dependency resolution"
- msgstr "--> 依存関係の解決を開始しました"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2122
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2138
- msgid "--> Finished dependency resolution"
- msgstr "--> 依存関係の解決が完了しました"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2136 dnf/crypto.py:132
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2152 dnf/crypto.py:132
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "Importing GPG key 0x%s:\n"
-@@ -3375,36 +3417,36 @@ msgstr "    開始しました   : %s - %s 秒経過"
- msgid "    State  : %s"
- msgstr "    状態  : %s"
--#: dnf/comps.py:95
-+#: dnf/comps.py:104
- msgid "skipping."
- msgstr "スキップします。"
--#: dnf/comps.py:187 dnf/comps.py:689
-+#: dnf/comps.py:196 dnf/comps.py:698
- #, python-format
- msgid "Module or Group '%s' is not installed."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールまたはグループ '%s' がインストールされていません。"
--#: dnf/comps.py:189 dnf/comps.py:691
-+#: dnf/comps.py:198 dnf/comps.py:700
- #, python-format
- msgid "Module or Group '%s' is not available."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールまたはグループ '%s' は利用不可です。"
--#: dnf/comps.py:191
-+#: dnf/comps.py:200
- #, python-format
- msgid "Module or Group '%s' does not exist."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュールまたはグループ '%s' は存在しません。"
--#: dnf/comps.py:610 dnf/comps.py:627
-+#: dnf/comps.py:619 dnf/comps.py:636
- #, python-format
- msgid "Environment '%s' is not installed."
- msgstr "環境 '%s' はインストールされていません。"
--#: dnf/comps.py:629
-+#: dnf/comps.py:638
- #, python-format
- msgid "Environment '%s' is not available."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "環境 '%s' は利用不可です。"
--#: dnf/comps.py:657
-+#: dnf/comps.py:666
- #, python-format
- msgid "Group_id '%s' does not exist."
- msgstr "Group_id '%s' は存在しません。"
-@@ -3423,6 +3465,8 @@ msgid ""
- "Configuration file URL \"{}\" could not be downloaded:\n"
- "  {}"
- msgstr ""
-+"設定ファイル URL \"{}\" はダウンロードできませんでした:\n"
-+"  {}"
- #: dnf/conf/config.py:355 dnf/conf/config.py:391
- #, python-format
-@@ -3432,7 +3476,7 @@ msgstr "不明な設定オプション: %s = %s"
- #: dnf/conf/config.py:372
- #, python-format
- msgid "Error parsing --setopt with key '%s', value '%s': %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "鍵 '%s'、値 '%s' の --setopt を解析中にエラーが発生しました: %s"
- #: dnf/conf/config.py:380
- #, python-format
-@@ -3446,7 +3490,7 @@ msgstr "誤りかまたは不明な \"{}\": {}"
- #: dnf/conf/config.py:501
- #, python-format
- msgid "Error parsing --setopt with key '%s.%s', value '%s': %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "鍵 '%s.%s'、値 '%s' の --setopt を解析中にエラーが発生しました: %s"
- #: dnf/conf/config.py:504
- #, python-format
-@@ -3460,31 +3504,31 @@ msgstr "警告:  '%s' のロードに失敗、スキップします。"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:63
- msgid "Bad id for repo: {} ({}), byte = {} {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "repo: {} ({}) に正しくないid、 byte = {} {}"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:67
- msgid "Bad id for repo: {}, byte = {} {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "repo: {} に正しくないid、byte = {} {}"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:75
- msgid "Repository '{}' ({}): Error parsing config: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "レポジトリ '{}' ({}): 設定変更エラー: {}"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:78
- msgid "Repository '{}': Error parsing config: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "レポジトリ '{}': 設定変更エラー: {}"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:84
- msgid "Repository '{}' ({}) is missing name in configuration, using id."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "レポジトリ '{}' ({}) はidを使用した設定内に見つかりません。"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:87
- msgid "Repository '{}' is missing name in configuration, using id."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "レポジトリ '{}' idを使用した設定内に見つかりません。"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:104
- msgid "Parsing file \"{}\" failed: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "ファイル \"{}\" の解析に失敗しました: {}"
- #: dnf/crypto.py:108
- #, python-format
-@@ -3496,47 +3540,47 @@ msgstr "repo %s: 0x%s はインポート済みです"
- msgid "repo %s: imported key 0x%s."
- msgstr "repo %s: インポート済みの鍵 0x%s。"
--#: dnf/db/group.py:289
-+#: dnf/db/group.py:293
- msgid ""
- "No available modular metadata for modular package '{}', it cannot be "
- "installed on the system"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュラーパッケージ '{}' のモジュラーメタデータは利用不可です、システムにインストールはできません"
--#: dnf/db/group.py:339
-+#: dnf/db/group.py:343
- msgid "No available modular metadata for modular package"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュラーパッケージ のモジュラーメタデータは利用不可です"
--#: dnf/db/group.py:373
-+#: dnf/db/group.py:377
- #, python-format
- msgid "Will not install a source rpm package (%s)."
- msgstr "ソース rpm パッケージ (%s) をインストールしません。"
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:169
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:168
- msgid ""
- "Configuration option 'gpgkey_dns_verification' requires libunbound ({})"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "設定オプション 'gpgkey_dns_verification' は libunbound ({}) が必要です"
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:240
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:239
- msgid "DNSSEC extension: Key for user "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "DNSSEC 拡張: ユーザー用の鍵 "
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:242
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:241
- msgid "is valid."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "は有効です。"
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:244
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:243
- msgid "has unknown status."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "の状態は不明です。"
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:252
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:251
- msgid "DNSSEC extension: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "DNSSEC 拡張: "
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:284
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:283
- msgid "Testing already imported keys for their validity."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "すでにインポートされた鍵の有効性をテストします。"
--#: dnf/drpm.py:62 dnf/repo.py:267
-+#: dnf/drpm.py:62 dnf/repo.py:268
- #, python-format
- msgid "unsupported checksum type: %s"
- msgstr "サポートされていないチェックサム形式: %s"
-@@ -3553,32 +3597,32 @@ msgstr "delta-rebuild RPM のチェックサムは失敗しました"
- msgid "done"
- msgstr "完了"
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:109
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:113
- msgid "Problems in request:"
- msgstr "リクエスト中の問題:"
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:111
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:115
- msgid "missing packages: "
- msgstr "足りないパッケージ: "
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:113
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:117
- msgid "broken packages: "
- msgstr "破損したパッケージ: "
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:115
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:119
- msgid "missing groups or modules: "
- msgstr "足りないグループまたはモジュール: "
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:117
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:121
- msgid "broken groups or modules: "
- msgstr "破損したグループまたはモジュール: "
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:122
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:126
- msgid "Modular dependency problem with Defaults:"
- msgid_plural "Modular dependency problems with Defaults:"
--msgstr[0] ""
-+msgstr[0] "デフォルトのモジュラー依存問題:"
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:127 dnf/module/module_base.py:686
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:131 dnf/module/module_base.py:686
- msgid "Modular dependency problem:"
- msgid_plural "Modular dependency problems:"
- msgstr[0] "モジュラーの依存に関する問題:"
-@@ -3589,6 +3633,8 @@ msgid ""
- "Malformed lock file found: %s.\n"
- "Ensure no other dnf/yum process is running and remove the lock file manually or run systemd-tmpfiles --remove dnf.conf."
- msgstr ""
-+"不正な形式のロックファイル: %s 。\n"
-+"他のdnf/yum プロセスが実行されていないことを確認し、ロックファイルを手動削除するかsystemd-tmpfiles --remove dnf.conf を実行してください。"
- #: dnf/module/__init__.py:26
- msgid "Enabling different stream for '{}'."
-@@ -3626,6 +3672,9 @@ msgid ""
- "\n"
- "Hint: [d]efault, [e]nabled, [x]disabled, [i]nstalled, [a]ctive"
- msgstr ""
-+"ヒント: [d]efault, [e]nabled, [x]disabled, [i]nstalled, [a]ctive"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:54 dnf/module/module_base.py:421
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:477 dnf/module/module_base.py:543
-@@ -3635,37 +3684,37 @@ msgstr "不要なプロファイルを無視します: '{}/{}'"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:84
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "All matches for argument '{0}' in module '{1}:{2}' are not active"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュール '{1}:{2}' の引数 '{0}' に一致するものはすべて非アクティブです"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:92
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "Installing module '{0}' from Fail-Safe repository {1} is not allowed"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "フェイルセーフレポジトリー {1} からのモジュール '{0}' インストールは許可されていません"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:102
- msgid ""
- "Unable to match profile for argument {}. Available profiles for '{}:{}': {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "引数 {} でプロファイルが見つかりません。利用可能プロファイル '{}:{}': {}"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:106
- msgid "Unable to match profile for argument {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "引数 {} でプロファイルが見つかりません"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:118
- msgid "No default profiles for module {}:{}. Available profiles: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュール {}:{} にデフォルトのプロファイルがありません。利用可能プロファイル: {}"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:122
- msgid "No profiles for module {}:{}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュール {}:{} にプロファイルがありません"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:129
- msgid "Default profile {} not available in module {}:{}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "デフォルトのプロファイル {} はモジュール {}:{} で利用不可です"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:142
- msgid "Installing module from Fail-Safe repository is not allowed"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "フェイルセーフレポジトリーからのモジュールインストールは許可されていません"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:159 dnf/module/module_base.py:193
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:337 dnf/module/module_base.py:355
-@@ -3681,7 +3730,7 @@ msgstr "パッケージ {} に一致するものはありません"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:204
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "Upgrading module '{0}' from Fail-Safe repository {1} is not allowed"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "フェイルセーフレポジトリー {1} からのモジュール '{0}' アップグレードは許可されていません"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:223 dnf/module/module_base.py:251
- msgid "Unable to match profile in argument {}"
-@@ -3689,15 +3738,15 @@ msgstr "引数 {} でプロファイルを一致できません"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:231
- msgid "Upgrading module from Fail-Safe repository is not allowed"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "フェイルセーフレポジトリーからのモジュールアップグレードは許可されていません"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:367
- msgid ""
- "Only module name is required. Ignoring unneeded information in argument: "
- "'{}'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "モジュール名のみが必要です。引数で不必要な情報を無視します: '{}'"
--#: dnf/package.py:295
-+#: dnf/package.py:298
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s: %s check failed: %s vs %s"
- msgstr "%s: %s の確認に失敗しました: %s vs %s"
-@@ -3729,27 +3778,27 @@ msgstr "ロードされたプラグイン: %s"
- #: dnf/plugin.py:199
- #, python-format
- msgid "Failed loading plugin \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "plugin \"%s\" のロードに失敗しました: %s"
- #: dnf/plugin.py:231
- msgid "No matches found for the following enable plugin patterns: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "以下有効プラグインパターンが見つかりません: {}"
- #: dnf/plugin.py:235
- msgid "No matches found for the following disable plugin patterns: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "以下無効プラグインパターンが見つかりません: {}"
--#: dnf/repo.py:83
-+#: dnf/repo.py:84
- #, python-format
- msgid "no matching payload factory for %s"
- msgstr "%s と一致するペイロードファクトリーはありません"
--#: dnf/repo.py:110
-+#: dnf/repo.py:111
- msgid "Already downloaded"
- msgstr "ダウンロード済み"
- #. pinging mirrors, this might take a while
--#: dnf/repo.py:346
-+#: dnf/repo.py:347
- #, python-format
- msgid "determining the fastest mirror (%s hosts).. "
- msgstr "最速のミラーを確定しています (%s hosts).. "
-@@ -3766,13 +3815,13 @@ msgstr "%s から %s repo を追加しました"
- #: dnf/rpm/transaction.py:119
- msgid "Errors occurred during test transaction."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "テストトランザクション中にエラーが発生しました。"
- #. TRANSLATORS: This is for a single package currently being downgraded.
- #: dnf/transaction.py:80
- msgctxt "currently"
- msgid "Downgrading"
--msgstr "ダウングレード中"
-+msgstr "ダウングレード"
- #: dnf/transaction.py:81 dnf/transaction.py:88 dnf/transaction.py:93
- #: dnf/transaction.py:95
-@@ -3783,13 +3832,13 @@ msgstr "整理"
- #: dnf/transaction.py:83
- msgctxt "currently"
- msgid "Installing"
--msgstr "インストール中"
-+msgstr "インストール"
- #. TRANSLATORS: This is for a single package currently being reinstalled.
- #: dnf/transaction.py:87
- msgctxt "currently"
- msgid "Reinstalling"
--msgstr "再インストール中"
-+msgstr "再インストール"
- #. TODO: 'Removing'?
- #: dnf/transaction.py:90
-@@ -3800,7 +3849,7 @@ msgstr "削除"
- #: dnf/transaction.py:92
- msgctxt "currently"
- msgid "Upgrading"
--msgstr "アップグレード中"
-+msgstr "アップグレード"
- #: dnf/transaction.py:96
- msgid "Verifying"
-@@ -3824,16 +3873,12 @@ msgstr "問題"
- #: dnf/util.py:444
- msgid "TransactionItem not found for key: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "TransactionItemが見つかりません鍵: {}"
- #: dnf/util.py:454
- msgid "TransactionSWDBItem not found for key: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "TransactionSWDBItemが見つかりません鍵: {}"
- #: dnf/util.py:457
- msgid "Errors occurred during transaction."
- msgstr "トランザクション中にエラーが発生しました。"
--#~ msgid ""
--#~ "Display capabilities that the package depends on for running a %%pre script."
--#~ msgstr "%%pre スクリプトを実行するためにパッケージが依存する機能を表示します。"
-diff --git a/po/ko.po b/po/ko.po
-index 98bc5687..08adef54 100644
---- a/po/ko.po
-+++ b/po/ko.po
-@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
- "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
--"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-03-19 09:18-0400\n"
-+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-23 09:18-0400\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-12 10:05+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <copied-by-zanata@zanata.org>\n"
- "Language-Team: Korean\n"
-@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ msgstr ""
- #: dnf/automatic/emitter.py:31
- #, python-format
- msgid "The following updates have been applied on '%s':"
--msgstr "해당 업데이트들은  '%s'에 적용되었습니다:"
-+msgstr "해당 업데이트들은 '%s'에 적용되었습니다:"
- #: dnf/automatic/emitter.py:32
- #, python-format
- msgid "The following updates are available on '%s':"
--msgstr "해당 업데이트들은  '%s'에 적용 가능합니다:"
-+msgstr "해당 업데이트들은 '%s'에 적용 가능합니다:"
- #: dnf/automatic/emitter.py:33
- #, python-format
-@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ msgstr "'%s'를 통한 이메일 전송을 실패하였습니다: %s"
- #: dnf/automatic/emitter.py:137
- #, python-format
- msgid "Failed to execute command '%s': returned %d"
--msgstr "명령 '을 실행하지 못했습니다.%s': 반환 됨 %d"
-+msgstr "명령’%s'을 실행하지 못했습니다: 반환됨 %d"
- #: dnf/automatic/main.py:156 dnf/conf/config.py:151
- #, python-format
-@@ -66,16 +66,20 @@ msgstr "알 수없는 구성 값 : %s=%s ...에서 %s; %s"
- msgid "Unknown configuration option: %s = %s in %s"
- msgstr "알 수없는 구성 옵션 : %s = %s ...에서 %s"
--#: dnf/automatic/main.py:236
-+#: dnf/automatic/main.py:228 dnf/cli/cli.py:298
-+msgid "GPG check FAILED"
-+msgstr "GPG 확인 실패"
-+#: dnf/automatic/main.py:247
- msgid "Started dnf-automatic."
- msgstr "dnf-automatic을 시작했습니다."
--#: dnf/automatic/main.py:240
-+#: dnf/automatic/main.py:251
- #, python-format
- msgid "Sleep for %s seconds"
- msgstr "수면 용 %s 초"
--#: dnf/automatic/main.py:271 dnf/cli/main.py:59 dnf/cli/main.py:80
-+#: dnf/automatic/main.py:283 dnf/cli/main.py:59 dnf/cli/main.py:80
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:83
- #, python-format
- msgid "Error: %s"
-@@ -107,7 +111,7 @@ msgstr "최근에 메타 데이터 캐시가 새로 고쳐졌습니다."
- #: dnf/base.py:341 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:100
- msgid "There are no enabled repositories in \"{}\"."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "\"{}\"에 사용 가능한 저장소가 없습니다."
- #: dnf/base.py:348
- #, python-format
-@@ -123,7 +127,7 @@ msgstr "%s: 만료되어 새로 고침됩니다."
- #: dnf/base.py:354
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s: metadata will expire after %d seconds and will be refreshed now"
--msgstr "%s: 메타 데이터는 이후에 만료됩니다. %d 초 단위로 업데이트됩니다."
-+msgstr "%s: 메타 데이터는 이후에 만료됩니다. %d 초 단위로 업데이트됩니다"
- #: dnf/base.py:358
- #, python-format
-@@ -143,7 +147,7 @@ msgstr "%s:에서 메타 데이터 사용 %s."
- #: dnf/base.py:409
- #, python-format
- msgid "Ignoring repositories: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "리포지토리 무시: %s"
- #: dnf/base.py:412
- #, python-format
-@@ -187,13 +191,13 @@ msgstr "트랜잭션 검사가 성공했습니다."
- msgid "Running transaction test"
- msgstr "트랜잭션 테스트 실행 중"
--#: dnf/base.py:848 dnf/base.py:995
-+#: dnf/base.py:848 dnf/base.py:990
- msgid "RPM: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "RPM: {}"
- #: dnf/base.py:849
- msgid "Transaction test error:"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "트랜잭션 테스트 오류:"
- #: dnf/base.py:860
- msgid "Transaction test succeeded."
-@@ -201,7 +205,7 @@ msgstr "트랜잭션 테스트가 완료되었습니다."
- #: dnf/base.py:881
- msgid "Running transaction"
--msgstr "거래 실행 중"
-+msgstr "트랜잭션 실행 중"
- #: dnf/base.py:909
- msgid "Disk Requirements:"
-@@ -211,7 +215,7 @@ msgstr "디스크 요구 사항 :"
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "At least {0}MB more space needed on the {1} filesystem."
- msgid_plural "At least {0}MB more space needed on the {1} filesystem."
--msgstr[0] ""
-+msgstr[0] "{1} 파일 시스템에사 적어도 {0}MB의 공간이 더 필요합니다."
- #: dnf/base.py:919
- msgid "Error Summary"
-@@ -220,84 +224,84 @@ msgstr "오류 요약"
- #: dnf/base.py:945
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "RPMDB altered outside of {prog}."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "RPMDB는 {prog} 외부에서 변경되었습니다."
--#: dnf/base.py:996 dnf/base.py:1004
-+#: dnf/base.py:991 dnf/base.py:999
- msgid "Could not run transaction."
- msgstr "트랜잭션을 실행할 수 없습니다."
--#: dnf/base.py:999
-+#: dnf/base.py:994
- msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
--msgstr "거래를 시작할 수 없습니다 :"
-+msgstr "트랜잭션을 시작할 수 없습니다 :"
--#: dnf/base.py:1013
-+#: dnf/base.py:1008
- #, python-format
- msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
- msgstr "트랜잭션 파일을 제거하지 못했습니다. %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:1095
-+#: dnf/base.py:1090
- msgid "Some packages were not downloaded. Retrying."
- msgstr "일부 패키지가 다운로드되지 않았습니다. 다시 시도 중입니다."
--#: dnf/base.py:1125
-+#: dnf/base.py:1120
- #, python-format
- msgid "Delta RPMs reduced %.1f MB of updates to %.1f MB (%d.1%% saved)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Delta RPM은 %.1f MB의 업데이트를 %.1f MB (%d.1 %% 저장)로 줄입니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:1128
-+#: dnf/base.py:1123
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "Failed Delta RPMs increased %.1f MB of updates to %.1f MB (%d.1%% wasted)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Delta RPM은 %.1f MB의 업데이트를 %.1f MB (%d.1 %% 손실)로 줄이는데 실패했습니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:1170
-+#: dnf/base.py:1165
- msgid "Cannot add local packages, because transaction job already exists"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "트랜잭션 작업이 이미 있으므로 로컬 패키지를 추가할 수 없습니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:1184
-+#: dnf/base.py:1179
- msgid "Could not open: {}"
- msgstr "열 수 없습니다 : {}"
--#: dnf/base.py:1222
-+#: dnf/base.py:1217
- #, python-format
- msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
--msgstr "공개 키 %s 설치되어 있지 않다."
-+msgstr "공개 키 %s 설치되어 있지 않다"
--#: dnf/base.py:1226
-+#: dnf/base.py:1221
- #, python-format
- msgid "Problem opening package %s"
- msgstr "문제가되는 패키지 열기 %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:1234
-+#: dnf/base.py:1229
- #, python-format
- msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
--msgstr "공개 키 %s 신뢰할 수 없다"
-+msgstr "공개 키 %s 신뢰할 수 없습니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:1238
-+#: dnf/base.py:1233
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s is not signed"
--msgstr "꾸러미 %s 서명되지 않았습니다."
-+msgstr "패키지 %s이/가 서명되지 않았습니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:1253
-+#: dnf/base.py:1263
- #, python-format
- msgid "Cannot remove %s"
- msgstr "제거 할 수 없습니다. %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:1257
-+#: dnf/base.py:1267
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s removed"
- msgstr "%s 제거 된"
--#: dnf/base.py:1537
-+#: dnf/base.py:1547
- msgid "No match for group package \"{}\""
--msgstr "그룹 패키지 \"{}\"에 일치하는 항목이 없습니다."
-+msgstr "그룹 패키지 \"{}\"에 일치하는 항목이 없습니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:1624
-+#: dnf/base.py:1634
- #, python-format
- msgid "Adding packages from group '%s': %s"
- msgstr "그룹 '%s': %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:1647 dnf/base.py:1699 dnf/cli/cli.py:218
-+#: dnf/base.py:1657 dnf/base.py:1709 dnf/cli/cli.py:218
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:451 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:508
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:601 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:650
- #: dnf/cli/commands/install.py:80 dnf/cli/commands/install.py:103
-@@ -305,21 +309,21 @@ msgstr "그룹 '%s': %s"
- msgid "Nothing to do."
- msgstr "할 것이 없음."
--#: dnf/base.py:1665
-+#: dnf/base.py:1675
- msgid "No groups marked for removal."
- msgstr "삭제 표시된 그룹이 없습니다."
--#: dnf/base.py:1701
-+#: dnf/base.py:1711
- msgid "No group marked for upgrade."
- msgstr "업그레이드가 표시된 그룹이 없습니다."
--#: dnf/base.py:1916
-+#: dnf/base.py:1926
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s not installed, cannot downgrade it."
--msgstr "꾸러미 %s 설치되어 있지 않으면 다운 그레이드 할 수 없습니다."
-+msgstr "패키지 %s이/가 설치되어 있지 않으면 다운 그레이드할 수 없습니다."
--#: dnf/base.py:1918 dnf/base.py:1937 dnf/base.py:1950 dnf/base.py:1971
--#: dnf/base.py:2020 dnf/base.py:2028 dnf/base.py:2163 dnf/cli/cli.py:410
-+#: dnf/base.py:1928 dnf/base.py:1947 dnf/base.py:1960 dnf/base.py:1981
-+#: dnf/base.py:2030 dnf/base.py:2038 dnf/base.py:2173 dnf/cli/cli.py:410
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:434 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:491
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:595 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:642
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:720 dnf/cli/commands/install.py:147
-@@ -329,194 +333,194 @@ msgstr "꾸러미 %s 설치되어 있지 않으면 다운 그레이드 할 수 
- msgid "No match for argument: %s"
- msgstr "인수와 일치하는 항목 없음 : %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:1925
-+#: dnf/base.py:1935
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s of lower version already installed, cannot downgrade it."
--msgstr "꾸러미 %s 이미 설치된 하위 버전은 다운 그레이드 할 수 없습니다."
-+msgstr "패키지 %s이/가 이미 설치된 하위 버전은 다운 그레이드 할 수 없습니다."
--#: dnf/base.py:1948
-+#: dnf/base.py:1958
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s not installed, cannot reinstall it."
--msgstr "꾸러미 %s 설치되지 않았 으면 다시 설치할 수 없습니다."
-+msgstr "패키지 %s이/가 설치되지 않았으면 다시 설치할 수 없습니다."
--#: dnf/base.py:1963
-+#: dnf/base.py:1973
- #, python-format
- msgid "File %s is a source package and cannot be updated, ignoring."
- msgstr "파일 %s 소스 패키지이므로 무시하고 업데이트 할 수 없습니다."
--#: dnf/base.py:1969
-+#: dnf/base.py:1979
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s not installed, cannot update it."
--msgstr "꾸러미 %s 설치되지 않았 으면 업데이트 할 수 없습니다."
-+msgstr "패키지 %s이/가 설치되지 않았으면 업데이트 할 수 없습니다."
--#: dnf/base.py:1978
-+#: dnf/base.py:1988
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "The same or higher version of %s is already installed, cannot update it."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "%s 이상의 버전이 이미 설치되어 있으므로 업데이트할 수 없습니다."
--#: dnf/base.py:2017 dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:81
-+#: dnf/base.py:2027 dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:81
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s available, but not installed."
--msgstr "꾸러미 %s 사용할 수는 있지만 설치되지 않았습니다."
-+msgstr "패키지 %s이/가 사용할 수는 있지만 설치되지 않았습니다."
--#: dnf/base.py:2023
-+#: dnf/base.py:2033
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s available, but installed for different architecture."
--msgstr "꾸러미 %s 사용 가능하지만 다른 아키텍처에 설치됩니다."
-+msgstr "패키지 %s이/가 사용 가능하지만 다른 아키텍처에 설치됩니다."
--#: dnf/base.py:2048 dnf/base.py:2241 dnf/cli/cli.py:667 dnf/cli/cli.py:698
-+#: dnf/base.py:2058 dnf/base.py:2251 dnf/cli/cli.py:667 dnf/cli/cli.py:698
- #, python-format
- msgid "No package %s installed."
- msgstr "패키지 없음 %s 설치."
--#: dnf/base.py:2066 dnf/cli/commands/install.py:136
--#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:132
-+#: dnf/base.py:2076 dnf/cli/commands/install.py:136
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:133
- #, python-format
- msgid "Not a valid form: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "유효한 양식이 아닙니다 : %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:2082 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:690
--#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:162
-+#: dnf/base.py:2092 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:690
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:163
- msgid "No packages marked for removal."
- msgstr "제거 할 수있는 패키지가 없습니다."
--#: dnf/base.py:2170 dnf/cli/cli.py:421
-+#: dnf/base.py:2180 dnf/cli/cli.py:421
- #, python-format
- msgid "Packages for argument %s available, but not installed."
- msgstr "인수 용 패키지 %s 사용할 수는 있지만 설치되지 않았습니다."
--#: dnf/base.py:2175
-+#: dnf/base.py:2185
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s of lowest version already installed, cannot downgrade it."
--msgstr "꾸러미 %s 이미 설치된 가장 낮은 버전의 버전을 다운 그레이드 할 수 없습니다."
-+msgstr "패키지 %s이/가 이미 설치된 가장 낮은 버전의 버전을 다운 그레이드 할 수 없습니다."
--#: dnf/base.py:2233
-+#: dnf/base.py:2243
- msgid "Action not handled: {}"
- msgstr "처리되지 않은 작업 : {}"
--#: dnf/base.py:2247 dnf/cli/cli.py:418 dnf/cli/cli.py:672 dnf/cli/cli.py:702
-+#: dnf/base.py:2257 dnf/cli/cli.py:418 dnf/cli/cli.py:672 dnf/cli/cli.py:702
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:913 dnf/cli/commands/group.py:398
- #, python-format
- msgid "No package %s available."
- msgstr "패키지 없음 %s 유효한."
--#: dnf/base.py:2260
-+#: dnf/base.py:2270
- msgid "no package matched"
- msgstr "일치하는 패키지 없음"
--#: dnf/base.py:2281
-+#: dnf/base.py:2291
- msgid "No security updates needed, but {} update available"
--msgstr "보안 업데이트가 필요하지 않지만 {} 업데이트가 사용 가능합니다."
-+msgstr "보안 업데이트가 필요하지 않지만 {} 업데이트가 사용 가능합니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:2283
-+#: dnf/base.py:2293
- msgid "No security updates needed, but {} updates available"
--msgstr "보안 업데이트는 필요하지 않지만 {} 업데이트가 제공됩니다."
-+msgstr "보안 업데이트는 필요하지 않지만 {} 업데이트가 제공됩니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:2287
-+#: dnf/base.py:2297
- msgid "No security updates needed for \"{}\", but {} update available"
--msgstr "\"{}\"에는 보안 업데이트가 필요하지 않지만 {} 업데이트는 사용 가능하지 않습니다."
-+msgstr "\"{}\"에는 보안 업데이트가 필요하지 않지만 {} 업데이트는 사용 가능하지 않습니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:2289
-+#: dnf/base.py:2299
- msgid "No security updates needed for \"{}\", but {} updates available"
--msgstr "\"{}\"은 (는) 필요한 보안 업데이트가 없지만 {} 업데이트는 사용 가능합니다."
-+msgstr "\"{}\"은 (는) 필요한 보안 업데이트가 없지만 {} 업데이트는 사용 가능합니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:2313
-+#: dnf/base.py:2323
- #, python-format
- msgid ". Failing package is: %s"
- msgstr ". 실패한 패키지는 다음과 같습니다. %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:2314
-+#: dnf/base.py:2324
- #, python-format
- msgid "GPG Keys are configured as: %s"
- msgstr "GPG 키는 다음과 같이 구성됩니다. %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:2326
-+#: dnf/base.py:2336
- #, python-format
- msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
--msgstr "GPG 키 %s (0x%s)가 이미 설치되어 있습니다."
-+msgstr "GPG 키 %s (0x%s)가 이미 설치되어 있습니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:2359
-+#: dnf/base.py:2369
- msgid "The key has been approved."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "키가 승인되었습니다."
--#: dnf/base.py:2362
-+#: dnf/base.py:2372
- msgid "The key has been rejected."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "키가 거부되었습니다."
--#: dnf/base.py:2395
-+#: dnf/base.py:2405
- #, python-format
- msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
- msgstr "키 가져 오기가 실패했습니다 (코드 %d)"
--#: dnf/base.py:2397
-+#: dnf/base.py:2407
- msgid "Key imported successfully"
- msgstr "성공적으로 가져온 키"
--#: dnf/base.py:2401
-+#: dnf/base.py:2411
- msgid "Didn't install any keys"
--msgstr "아무 키도 설치하지 않았습니다."
-+msgstr "아무 키도 설치하지 않았습니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:2404
-+#: dnf/base.py:2414
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
- "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
- msgstr ""
--"해당 GPG 키는 \"%s\"저장소가 이미 설치되어 있지만이 패키지에 맞지 않습니다.이 저장소에 대해 올바른 키 URL이 구성되었는지 "
-+"해당 GPG 키는 \"%s\"저장소가 이미 설치되어 있지만이 패키지에 맞지 않습니다.\n"
-+"이 저장소에 대해 올바른 키 URL이 구성되었는지 확인하십시오."
--#: dnf/base.py:2415
-+#: dnf/base.py:2425
- msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
- msgstr "키 가져 오기가 잘못된 키를 가져 오지 못 했습니까?"
--#: dnf/base.py:2451
-+#: dnf/base.py:2478
- msgid "  * Maybe you meant: {}"
- msgstr "  * 어쩌면 당신은 의미 : {}"
--#: dnf/base.py:2483
-+#: dnf/base.py:2510
- msgid "Package \"{}\" from local repository \"{}\" has incorrect checksum"
- msgstr "로컬 저장소 \"{}\"의 \"{}\"패키지에 잘못된 체크섬이 있습니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:2486
-+#: dnf/base.py:2513
- msgid "Some packages from local repository have incorrect checksum"
--msgstr "로컬 저장소의 일부 패키지에 잘못된 체크섬이 있습니다."
-+msgstr "로컬 저장소의 일부 패키지에 잘못된 체크섬이 있습니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:2489
-+#: dnf/base.py:2516
- msgid "Package \"{}\" from repository \"{}\" has incorrect checksum"
- msgstr "저장소 \"{}\"의 패키지 \"{}\"에 잘못된 체크섬이 있습니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:2492
-+#: dnf/base.py:2519
- msgid ""
- "Some packages have invalid cache, but cannot be downloaded due to \"--"
- "cacheonly\" option"
- msgstr "일부 패키지에는 유효하지 않은 캐시가 있지만 \"--cacheonly\"옵션으로 인해 다운로드 할 수 없습니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:2510 dnf/base.py:2530
-+#: dnf/base.py:2537 dnf/base.py:2557
- msgid "No match for argument"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "인수와 일치하는 항목 없습니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:2518 dnf/base.py:2538
-+#: dnf/base.py:2545 dnf/base.py:2565
- msgid "All matches were filtered out by exclude filtering for argument"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모든 일치 항목이 인수의 제외 필터로 필터링되었습니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:2520
-+#: dnf/base.py:2547
- msgid "All matches were filtered out by modular filtering for argument"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모든 일치 항목이 인수의 모듈식 필터로 필터링되었습니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:2536
-+#: dnf/base.py:2563
- msgid "All matches were installed from a different repository for argument"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모든 일치 항목이 인수의 다른 리포지토리에서 설치되었습니다"
--#: dnf/base.py:2552
-+#: dnf/base.py:2579
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s is already installed."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "패키지 %s이/가 이미 설치되어 있습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/aliases.py:96
- #, python-format
- msgid "Unexpected value of environment variable: DNF_DISABLE_ALIASES=%s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "예상치 못한 환경 변수 값 : DNF_DISABLE_ALIASES =%s"
- #: dnf/cli/aliases.py:105 dnf/conf/config.py:457
- #, python-format
-@@ -526,27 +530,27 @@ msgstr "구문 분석 파일 \"%s\"실패 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/aliases.py:108
- #, python-format
- msgid "Cannot read file \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "\"%s\" 파일을 읽을 수 없습니다: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/aliases.py:115 dnf/cli/aliases.py:129 dnf/cli/cli.py:898
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:902 dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:108
- #, python-format
- msgid "Config error: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "구성 오류: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/aliases.py:191
- msgid "Aliases contain infinite recursion"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "별칭에는 무한 재귀가 포함되어 있습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/aliases.py:209
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s, using original arguments."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "%s, 원래 인수를 사용합니다."
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:136
--#, fuzzy, python-format
-+#, python-format
- msgid "  Installed: %s-%s at %s"
--msgstr "  %s-%s 일 %s 에 설치됨"
-+msgstr "  설치됨: %s에서 %s-%s"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:138
- #, python-format
-@@ -558,7 +562,7 @@ msgstr "  %s 일 %s 에 빌드됨"
- msgid ""
- "The operation would result in switching of module '{0}' stream '{1}' to "
- "stream '{2}'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "이 작업은 '{0}' 모듈을 '{1}' 스트림에서 ‘{2}' 스트림으로 전환합니다"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:171
- #, python-brace-format
-@@ -566,18 +570,20 @@ msgid ""
- "It is not possible to switch enabled streams of a module.\n"
- "It is recommended to remove all installed content from the module, and reset the module using '{prog} module reset <module_name>' command. After you reset the module, you can install the other stream."
- msgstr ""
-+"활성화된 모듈 스트림을 전환 할 수 없습니다.\n"
-+"설치된 모든 내용을 모듈에서 제거하고 ‘{prog} module reset <module_name>' 명령을 사용하여 모듈을 재설정하는 것이 좋습니다. 모듈을 재설정한 후 다른 스트림을 설치할 수 있습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:209
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "{prog} will only download packages for the transaction."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{prog}은/는 트랜잭션용 패키지 만 다운로드합니다."
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:212
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid ""
- "{prog} will only download packages, install gpg keys, and check the "
- "transaction."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{prog}은/는 패키지 만 다운로드하고 gpg 키를 설치하며 트랜잭션을 확인합니다."
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:216
- msgid "Operation aborted."
-@@ -589,30 +595,27 @@ msgstr "패키지 다운로드중:"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:229
- msgid "Error downloading packages:"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "패키지 다운로드중 오류 발생:"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:257
- msgid "Transaction failed"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "트랜잭션 실패"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:280
- msgid ""
- "Refusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.\n"
- "Use \"-y\" to override."
- msgstr ""
--#: dnf/cli/cli.py:298
--msgid "GPG check FAILED"
--msgstr ""
-+"키를 자동으로 가져 오는 것을 거부합니다.\n"
-+"동작을 무시하려면 \"-y\"를 사용하십시오."
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:330
- msgid "Changelogs for {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{}의 변경 사항"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:363 dnf/cli/cli.py:504 dnf/cli/cli.py:510
--#, fuzzy
- msgid "Obsoleting Packages"
--msgstr "오래된 패키지들"
-+msgstr "더 이상 사용되지 않는 패키지"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:392
- msgid "No packages marked for distribution synchronization."
-@@ -649,7 +652,7 @@ msgstr "최근에 추가 된 패키지"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:517
- msgid "No matching Packages to list"
--msgstr "목록과 일치하는 패키지가 없습니다."
-+msgstr "목록과 일치하는 패키지가 없습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:598
- msgid "No Matches found"
-@@ -657,117 +660,123 @@ msgstr "검색 결과가 없습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:608
- msgid "No transaction ID given"
--msgstr "주어진 거래 ID가 없습니다."
-+msgstr "지정된 트랜잭션 ID가 없습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:613
- msgid "Not found given transaction ID"
--msgstr "주어진 거래 ID를 찾을 수 없습니다."
-+msgstr "주어진 트랜잭션 ID를 찾을 수 없습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:622
- msgid "Found more than one transaction ID!"
--msgstr "두 개 이상의 거래 ID를 찾았습니다!"
-+msgstr "두 개 이상의 트랜잭션 ID를 찾았습니다!"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:639
- #, python-format
- msgid "Transaction history is incomplete, before %u."
--msgstr "거래 내역이 불완전합니다. %u."
-+msgstr "트랜잭션 내역이 불완전합니다. %u."
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:641
- #, python-format
- msgid "Transaction history is incomplete, after %u."
--msgstr "거래 내역이 불완전합니다. %u."
-+msgstr "트랜잭션 내역이 불완전합니다. %u."
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:688
- msgid "Undoing transaction {}, from {}"
--msgstr "{}에서 트랜잭션 {}을 (를) 취소하고 있습니다."
-+msgstr "{}에서 트랜잭션 {}을 (를) 취소하고 있습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:768 dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:237
- #, python-format
- msgid "Unknown repo: '%s'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "알 수 없는 저장소: '%s'"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:782
- #, python-format
- msgid "No repository match: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "일치하는 저장소가 없습니다 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:813
- msgid ""
- "This command has to be run with superuser privileges (under the root user on"
- " most systems)."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "이 명령은 수퍼 유저 권한으로 실행해야합니다 (대부분의 시스템에서 root 사용자로 실행)."
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:843
- #, python-format
- msgid "No such command: %s. Please use %s --help"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "명령을 찾을 수 없습니다: %s . %s --help를 사용하십시오"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:846
- #, python-format, python-brace-format
- msgid ""
- "It could be a {PROG} plugin command, try: \"{prog} install 'dnf-"
- "command(%s)'\""
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{PROG} 플러그인 명령일 수 있습니다: \"{prog} 'dnf-command(%s)'\""
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:850
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid ""
- "It could be a {prog} plugin command, but loading of plugins is currently "
- "disabled."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{prog} 플러그인 명령일 수 있지만 플러그인 로딩은 현재 비활성화되어 있습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:908
- msgid ""
- "--destdir or --downloaddir must be used with --downloadonly or download or "
- "system-upgrade command."
- msgstr ""
-+"--destdir 또는 --downloaddir은 --downloadonly 또는 download 또는 system-upgrade 명령과"
-+" 함께 사용해야합니다."
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:914
- msgid ""
- "--enable, --set-enabled and --disable, --set-disabled must be used with "
- "config-manager command."
- msgstr ""
-+"--enable, --set-enabled 및 --disable, --set-disabled는 config-manager 명령과 함께 "
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:996
- msgid ""
- "Warning: Enforcing GPG signature check globally as per active RPM security "
- "policy (see 'gpgcheck' in dnf.conf(5) for how to squelch this message)"
- msgstr ""
-+"경고: 활성화된 RPM 보안 정책에 따라 GPG 서명 검사를 전체적으로 시행합니다 (이 메시지를 제거하는 방법은 dnf.conf (5)의"
-+" 'gpgcheck' 참조)"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:1016
- msgid "Config file \"{}\" does not exist"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "구성 파일 \"{}\"이 (가) 없습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:1036
- msgid ""
- "Unable to detect release version (use '--releasever' to specify release "
- "version)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "릴리스 버전을 찾을 수 없습니다 ('--releasever'를 사용하여 릴리스 버전을 지정하십시오)"
--#: dnf/cli/cli.py:1123 dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:473
-+#: dnf/cli/cli.py:1123 dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:471
- msgid "argument {}: not allowed with argument {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "인수 {}: 인수 {}과 함께 사용할 수 없습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:1130
- #, python-format
- msgid "Command \"%s\" already defined"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "명령 \"%s\"이/가 이미 정의되어 있습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:1150
- msgid "Excludes in dnf.conf: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "dnf.conf에서 제외합니다. "
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:1153
- msgid "Includes in dnf.conf: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "dnf.conf에 포함됩니다. "
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:1156
- msgid "Excludes in repo "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "리포지토리에서 제외 "
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:1159
- msgid "Includes in repo "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "리포지토리에 포함 "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:47
- #, python-format
-@@ -795,6 +804,17 @@ msgid ""
- "\n"
- "For more information contact your distribution or package provider."
- msgstr ""
-+"GPG 키를 통해 패키지 검사를 활성화했습니다. 이는 적절한 작업 실행입니다. \n"
-+"그러나 GPG 공개 키가 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 설치하려는 패키지의 키를 다운로드하여 설치해야합니다.\n"
-+"다음 명령으로 이 작업을 수행할 수 있습니다:\n"
-+"    rpm --import public.gpg.key\n"
-+"또는 리포지토리 섹션의 'gpgkey' 옵션을 사용하여 \n"
-+"리포지토리에 사용할 키의 URL을 지정할 수 있으며 {prog}이/가 \n"
-+"이를 설치합니다 \n"
-+"자세한 내용은 배포 또는 패키지 공급 업체에 문의하십시오."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:80
- #, python-format
-@@ -840,11 +860,11 @@ msgstr "최근에 변경된 패키지 만 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/install.py:51 dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:44
- #: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:61 dnf/cli/commands/upgrade.py:46
- msgid "PACKAGE"
--msgstr "꾸러미"
-+msgstr "패키지"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:202
- msgid "Package name specification"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "패키지 이름 사양"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:230
- msgid "list a package or groups of packages"
-@@ -856,15 +876,15 @@ msgstr "주어진 값을 제공하는 패키지 찾기"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:248
- msgid "PROVIDE"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "PROVIDE"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:249
- msgid "Provide specification to search for"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "검색할 사양 제공"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:258 dnf/cli/commands/search.py:159
- msgid "Searching Packages: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "패키지 검색 : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:267
- msgid "check for available package upgrades"
-@@ -872,7 +892,7 @@ msgstr "사용 가능한 패키지 업그레이드 확인"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:273
- msgid "show changelogs before update"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "업데이트 전에 변경 로그 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:370 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:423
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:479
-@@ -894,7 +914,7 @@ msgid " (from %s)"
- msgstr " (에서 %s)"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:442 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:499
--#: dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:92 dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:104
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:92 dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:105
- #, python-format
- msgid "Installed package %s%s not available."
- msgstr "설치된 패키지 %s%s 사용 불가."
-@@ -914,20 +934,20 @@ msgstr "업그레이드 할 패키지 없음."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:735
- msgid "run commands on top of all packages in given repository"
--msgstr "지정된 저장소의 모든 패키지 위에 명령을 실행합니다."
-+msgstr "지정된 저장소의 모든 패키지 위에 명령을 실행합니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:774
- msgid "REPOID"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "REPOID"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:774
- msgid "Repository ID"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "리포지터리 ID"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:785 dnf/cli/commands/mark.py:48
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:108
- msgid "Package specification"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "패키지 사양"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:809
- msgid "display a helpful usage message"
-@@ -935,144 +955,151 @@ msgstr "유용한 메시지 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:813
- msgid "COMMAND"
--msgstr "<명령>"
-+msgstr "명령"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:814
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "{prog} command to get help for"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "도움을 받기 위한 {prog} 명령"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:831
- msgid "display, or use, the transaction history"
--msgstr "표시 또는 사용, 거래 내역"
-+msgstr "표시 또는 사용, 트랜잭션 내역"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:859
- msgid ""
- "Found more than one transaction ID.\n"
- "'{}' requires one transaction ID or package name."
- msgstr ""
-+"둘 이상의 트랜잭션 ID를 찾았습니다.\n"
-+"'{}'에는 하나의 트랜잭션 ID 또는 패키지 이름이 필요합니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:867
- msgid "No transaction ID or package name given."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "트랜잭션 ID 또는 패키지 이름이 없습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:879
--msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
--msgstr ""
-+#, python-format
-+msgid "You don't have access to the history DB: %s"
-+msgstr "기록 DB에 액세스할 수 없습니다: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:891
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "Cannot undo transaction %s, doing so would result in an inconsistent package"
- " database."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "%s 트랜잭션을 취소할 수 없습니다. 취소하면 패키지 데이터베이스가 일치하지 않게 됩니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:896
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "Cannot rollback transaction %s, doing so would result in an inconsistent "
- "package database."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "%s 트랜잭션을 롤백할 수 없습니다. 이렇게하면 패키지 데이터베이스가 일치하지 않습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:966
- msgid ""
- "Invalid transaction ID range definition '{}'.\n"
- "Use '<transaction-id>..<transaction-id>'."
- msgstr ""
-+"잘못된 트랜잭션 ID 범위 정의 '{}'. \n"
-+"'<transaction-id>..<transaction-id>' 사용."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:970
- msgid ""
- "Can't convert '{}' to transaction ID.\n"
- "Use '<number>', 'last', 'last-<number>'."
- msgstr ""
-+"'{}'을 (를) 트랜잭션 ID로 변환할 수 없습니다. \n"
-+"'<number>', 'last', 'last-<number>' 사용."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:999
- msgid "No transaction which manipulates package '{}' was found."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "패키지 '{}'을 (를) 조정하는 트랜잭션이 없습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:40
- msgid "List or create command aliases"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "명령 별칭 나열 또는 작성"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:47
- msgid "enable aliases resolving"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "별칭 분석 활성화"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:50
- msgid "disable aliases resolving"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "별칭 분석 비활성화"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:53
- msgid "action to do with aliases"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "별칭과 관련된 동작"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:55
- msgid "alias definition"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "별칭 정의"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:70
- msgid "Aliases are now enabled"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "별칭이 활성화되었습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:73
- msgid "Aliases are now disabled"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "별칭이 비활성화되었습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:90 dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:93
- #, python-format
- msgid "Invalid alias key: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "잘못된 별칭 키 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:96
- #, python-format
- msgid "Alias argument has no value: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "별칭 인수에 값이 없습니다. %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:130
- #, python-format
- msgid "Aliases added: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "별칭이 추가되었습니다 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:144
- #, python-format
- msgid "Alias not found: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "별칭을 찾을 수 없음 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:147
- #, python-format
- msgid "Aliases deleted: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "별칭 삭제 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:155
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s, alias %s=\"%s\""
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "%s, 별칭 %s=\"%s\""
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:157
- #, python-format
- msgid "Alias %s='%s'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "별칭 %s='%s'"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:161
- msgid "Aliases resolving is disabled."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "별칭 해결이 비활성화되었습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:166
- msgid "No aliases specified."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "별칭이 지정되지 않았습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:173
- msgid "No alias specified."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "별칭이 지정되지 않았습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:179
- msgid "No aliases defined."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "별명이 정의되지 않았습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:186
- #, python-format
- msgid "No match for alias: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "일치하는 별칭이 없습니다 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/autoremove.py:41
- msgid ""
-@@ -1081,74 +1108,74 @@ msgstr "원래 종속물로 설치된 모든 불필요한 패키지 제거"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/autoremove.py:46 dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:59
- msgid "Package to remove"
--msgstr "제거 할 패키지"
-+msgstr "제거할 패키지"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/check.py:34
- msgid "check for problems in the packagedb"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "packagedb에 문제가 있는지 확인"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/check.py:40
- msgid "show all problems; default"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모든 문제 표시; 기본값"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/check.py:43
- msgid "show dependency problems"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "종속성 문제 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/check.py:46
- msgid "show duplicate problems"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "중복된 문제를 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/check.py:49
- msgid "show obsoleted packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "더 이상 사용되지 않는 패키지 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/check.py:52
- msgid "show problems with provides"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "제공된 정보를 기반으로 문제 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/check.py:97
- msgid "{} has missing requires of {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{}에 {} 요구 사항이 누락되어 있습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/check.py:117
- msgid "{} is a duplicate with {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{}은 {}와 중복됩니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/check.py:128
- msgid "{} is obsoleted by {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{}는 {}에 의해 폐기되었습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/check.py:137
- msgid "{} provides {} but it cannot be found"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{}은 {}을 제공했지만 찾을 수 없습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/clean.py:68
- #, python-format
- msgid "Removing file %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "파일 %s 제거 중"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/clean.py:87
- msgid "remove cached data"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "캐시된 데이터 제거"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/clean.py:93
- msgid "Metadata type to clean"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "메타 데이터 지우기"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/clean.py:105
- msgid "Cleaning data:  "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "데이터 정리 중:  "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/clean.py:111
- msgid "Cache was expired"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "캐시가 만료되었습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/clean.py:115
- #, python-format
- msgid "%d file removed"
- msgid_plural "%d files removed"
--msgstr[0] ""
-+msgstr[0] "%d 파일이 삭제되었습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/clean.py:119 dnf/lock.py:139
- #, python-format
-@@ -1157,11 +1184,11 @@ msgstr "PID %d 프로세스가 종료되기를 기다리고 있습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/deplist.py:32
- msgid "List package's dependencies and what packages provide them"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "패키지의 종속성 및 패키지를 제공하는 소스 목록 나열"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/distrosync.py:32
- msgid "synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions"
--msgstr "설치된 패키지를 최신 버전과 동기화한다."
-+msgstr "설치된 패키지를 최신 버전과 동기화한다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/distrosync.py:36
- msgid "Package to synchronize"
-@@ -1169,15 +1196,15 @@ msgstr "동기화 할 패키지"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/downgrade.py:34
- msgid "Downgrade a package"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "패키지 다운그레이드"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/downgrade.py:38
- msgid "Package to downgrade"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "다운그레이드할 패키지"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:44
- msgid "display, or use, the groups information"
--msgstr "표시하거나 사용하십시오."
-+msgstr "표시하거나 사용하십시오"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:70
- msgid "No group data available for configured repositories."
-@@ -1192,6 +1219,12 @@ msgstr "경고 : 그룹 %s 존재하지 않는다."
- msgid "Warning: No groups match:"
- msgstr "경고 : 일치하는 그룹 없음 :"
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:180 dnf/cli/commands/group.py:191
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1226
-+#| msgid "<unset>"
-+msgid "<name-unset>"
-+msgstr "<name-unset>"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:197
- msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
- msgstr "사용 가능한 환경 그룹 :"
-@@ -1218,11 +1251,11 @@ msgstr "사용 가능한 언어 그룹 :"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:320
- msgid "include optional packages from group"
--msgstr "그룹의 선택 패키지를 포함하십시오."
-+msgstr "그룹의 선택 패키지를 포함하십시오"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:323
- msgid "show also hidden groups"
--msgstr "또한 숨겨진 그룹을 보여준다."
-+msgstr "또한 숨겨진 그룹을 보여준다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:325
- msgid "show only installed groups"
-@@ -1234,15 +1267,15 @@ msgstr "사용 가능한 그룹 만 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:329
- msgid "show also ID of groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "그룹 ID도 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:331
- msgid "available subcommands: {} (default), {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "사용 가능한 부속 명령: {} (기본값), {}"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:335
- msgid "argument for group subcommand"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "그룹 부속 명령의 인수"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:344
- #, python-format
-@@ -1255,7 +1288,7 @@ msgstr "필수 그룹 패키지를 찾을 수 없습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/install.py:47
- msgid "install a package or packages on your system"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "시스템에 패키지를 설치하십시오"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/install.py:53
- msgid "Package to install"
-@@ -1263,7 +1296,7 @@ msgstr "설치할 패키지"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/install.py:118
- msgid "Unable to find a match"
--msgstr "경기를 찾을 수 없습니다."
-+msgstr "경기를 찾을 수 없습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/install.py:131
- #, python-format
-@@ -1273,11 +1306,11 @@ msgstr "올바른 rpm 파일 경로가 아닙니다. %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/install.py:167
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "There are following alternatives for \"{0}\": {1}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "다음은 “{0}\"의 대안입니다. {1}"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/makecache.py:37
- msgid "generate the metadata cache"
--msgstr "메타 데이터 캐시를 생성한다."
-+msgstr "메타 데이터 캐시를 생성한다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/makecache.py:48
- msgid "Making cache files for all metadata files."
-@@ -1285,7 +1318,7 @@ msgstr "모든 메타 데이터 파일에 대한 캐시 파일 만들기."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/mark.py:39
- msgid "mark or unmark installed packages as installed by user."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설치된 패키지를 사용자가 설치한 것으로 표시 또는 표시 해제합니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/mark.py:44
- msgid ""
-@@ -1293,117 +1326,120 @@ msgid ""
- "remove: unmark as installed by user\n"
- "group: mark as installed by group"
- msgstr ""
-+"설치 : 사용자가 설치한 것으로 표시\n"
-+"제거 : 사용자가 설치한 것으로 표시 해제\n"
-+"그룹: 그룹이 설치한 것으로 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/mark.py:52
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s marked as user installed."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "%s은/는 사용자가 설치한 것으로 표시됩니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/mark.py:56
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s unmarked as user installed."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "%s은/는 사용자가 설치한 것으로 표시되지 않았습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/mark.py:60
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s marked as group installed."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "%s은/는 그룹이 설치한 것으로 표시됩니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/mark.py:85 dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:129
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:237 dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:279
- msgid "Error:"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "오류:"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/mark.py:87
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s is not installed."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "패키지 %s이/가 설치되지 않았습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:51
- msgid ""
- "Only module name, stream, architecture or profile is used. Ignoring unneeded"
- " information in argument: '{}'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 이름, 스트림, 아키텍처 또는 프로파일만 사용됩니다. '{}'인수에서 불필요한 정보는 무시하십시오"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:77
- msgid "list all module streams, profiles and states"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모든 모듈 스트림, 프로파일 및 상태 나열"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:105 dnf/cli/commands/module.py:128
- msgid "No matching Modules to list"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "나열할 수 있는 일치하는 모듈이 없습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:111
- msgid "print detailed information about a module"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 세부 사항을 인쇄"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:133
- msgid "enable a module stream"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 스트림을 활성화합니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:157
- msgid "disable a module with all its streams"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈의 모든 스트림을 비활성화합니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:181
- msgid "reset a module"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 재설정"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:202
- msgid "install a module profile including its packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "패키지를 포함한 모듈 프로파일 설치"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:223
- msgid "update packages associated with an active stream"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "활성 스트림과 관련된 패키지 업데이트"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:240
- msgid "remove installed module profiles and their packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설치된 모듈 프로파일과 패키지를 제거"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:264
- msgid "Package {} belongs to multiple modules, skipping"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{} 패키지는 여러 모듈에 속합니다. 건너 뛰기"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:277
- msgid "list modular packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 패키지 목록"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:292
- msgid "list packages belonging to a module"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈에 속하는 패키지를 나열하십시오"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:327
- msgid "Interact with Modules."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈과 상호 작용합니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:340
- msgid "show only enabled modules"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "활성화된 모듈 만 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:343
- msgid "show only disabled modules"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "비활성화된 모듈 만 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:346
- msgid "show only installed modules or packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설치된 모듈 또는 패키지 만 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:349
- msgid "show profile content"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "프로파일 내용 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:354
- msgid "remove all modular packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모든 모듈 패키지 삭제"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:364
- msgid "Module specification"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 사양"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:386
- msgid "{} {} {}: too few arguments"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{} {} {}: 인수가 너무 적습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:38
- msgid "reinstall a package"
-@@ -1415,67 +1451,67 @@ msgstr "다시 설치할 패키지"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:46
- msgid "remove a package or packages from your system"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "시스템에서 패키지를 제거합니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:53
- msgid "remove duplicated packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "중복된 패키지 제거"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:58
- msgid "remove installonly packages over the limit"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "오래된 설치 전용 패키지 제거"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:94
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:95
- msgid "No duplicated packages found for removal."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "제거할 중복 패키지가 없습니다."
--#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:126
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:127
- msgid "No old installonly packages found for removal."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "제거할 오래된 설치 전용 패키지가 없습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:38 dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:47
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:318 dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:359
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:318 dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:364
- msgid "unknown"
--msgstr "알려지지 않음"
-+msgstr "알 수 없음"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:40
- #, python-format
- msgid "Never (last: %s)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "없음 (가장 최근: %s )"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:42
- #, python-format
- msgid "Instant (last: %s)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "즉시 (가장 최근: %s )"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:45
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s second(s) (last: %s)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "%s 초 (가장 최근: %s )"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:76
- msgid "display the configured software repositories"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "구성된 소프트웨어 리포지토리를 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:83
- msgid "show all repos"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모든 리포지토리를 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:86
- msgid "show enabled repos (default)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "활성화된 리포지토리를 표시 (기본값)"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:89
- msgid "show disabled repos"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "비활성화된 리포지토리를 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:93
- msgid "Repository specification"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "리포지토리 사양"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:125
- msgid "No repositories available"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "사용 가능한 리포지토리가 없습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:143 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:144
- msgid "enabled"
-@@ -1487,100 +1523,100 @@ msgstr "사용 않음"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:162
- msgid "Repo-id            : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-id            : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:163
- msgid "Repo-name          : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-name          : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:166
- msgid "Repo-status        : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-status        : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:169
- msgid "Repo-revision      : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-revision      : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:173
- msgid "Repo-tags          : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-tags          : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:180
- msgid "Repo-distro-tags      : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-distro-tags      : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:192
- msgid "Repo-updated       : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-updated       : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:194
- msgid "Repo-pkgs          : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-pkgs          : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:195
- msgid "Repo-available-pkgs: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-available-pkgs: "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:196
- msgid "Repo-size          : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-size          : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:199
- msgid "Repo-metalink      : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-metalink      : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:204
- msgid "  Updated          : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "  Updated          : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:206
- msgid "Repo-mirrors       : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-mirrors       : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:210 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:216
- msgid "Repo-baseurl       : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-baseurl       : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:219
- msgid "Repo-expire        : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-expire        : "
- #. TRANSLATORS: Packages that are excluded - their names like (dnf systemd)
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:223
- msgid "Repo-exclude       : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-exclude       : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:227
- msgid "Repo-include       : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-include       : "
- #. TRANSLATORS: Number of packages that where excluded (5)
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:232
- msgid "Repo-excluded      : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-excluded      : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:236
- msgid "Repo-filename      : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-filename      : "
- #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disabled/count),
- #. then chop the middle (name)...
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:245 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:272
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:246 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:273
- msgid "repo id"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "리포지터리 ID"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:258 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:259
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:280
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:259 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:260
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:281
- msgid "status"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "상태"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:274 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:276
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:275 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:277
- msgid "repo name"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "리포지터리 이름"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:290
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:291
- msgid "Total packages: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "총 패키지: {}"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:108
- msgid "search for packages matching keyword"
-@@ -1624,7 +1660,7 @@ msgstr "REQ를 제공하는 결과 만 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:146
- msgid "shows results that requires package provides and files REQ"
--msgstr "패키지 제공 및 파일 REQ가 필요한 결과를 보여줍니다."
-+msgstr "패키지 제공 및 파일 REQ가 필요한 결과를 보여줍니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:149
- msgid "show only results that recommend REQ"
-@@ -1648,7 +1684,7 @@ msgstr "비 명시 적 종속성 검사 (파일 및 제공). 태만"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:163
- msgid "check dependencies exactly as given, opposite of --alldeps"
--msgstr "의존성을 정확하게 주어진대로 검사한다. --alldeps와 반대이다."
-+msgstr "의존성을 정확하게 주어진대로 검사한다. --alldeps와 반대이다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:165
- msgid ""
-@@ -1658,19 +1694,19 @@ msgstr "--whatrequires와 함께 사용되며 --requires --resolve, 패키지를
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:167
- msgid "show a list of all dependencies and what packages provide them"
--msgstr "모든 의존성 목록과 패키지를 제공하는 패키지를 보여줍니다."
-+msgstr "모든 의존성 목록과 패키지를 제공하는 패키지를 보여줍니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:169
- msgid "show available tags to use with --queryformat"
--msgstr "--queryformat과 함께 사용할 수있는 태그를 보여줍니다."
-+msgstr "--queryformat과 함께 사용할 수있는 태그를 보여줍니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:172
- msgid "resolve capabilities to originating package(s)"
--msgstr "역량을 원래 패키지로 해결한다."
-+msgstr "역량을 원래 패키지로 해결한다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:174
- msgid "show recursive tree for package(s)"
--msgstr "패키지에 재귀 트리를 보여라."
-+msgstr "패키지에 재귀 트리를 보여라"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:176
- msgid "operate on corresponding source RPM"
-@@ -1684,7 +1720,7 @@ msgstr "주어진 name.arch (또는 최신이지만 N이 음수이면 N)에 대
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:181
- msgid "list also packages of inactive module streams"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "비활성 모듈 스트림 패키지 목록"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:186
- msgid "show detailed information about the package"
-@@ -1700,7 +1736,7 @@ msgstr "패키지 소스 RPM 이름 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:195
- msgid "show changelogs of the package"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "패키지의 변경 로그 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:198
- msgid "format for displaying found packages"
-@@ -1717,13 +1753,13 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid ""
- "use name-version-release format for displaying found packages (rpm query "
- "default)"
--msgstr "발견 된 패키지를 표시하기 위해 name-version-release 형식을 사용하십시오 (rpm 쿼리 기본값)."
-+msgstr "발견 된 패키지를 표시하기 위해 name-version-release 형식을 사용하십시오 (rpm 쿼리 기본값)"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:210
- msgid ""
- "use epoch:name-version-release.architecture format for displaying found "
- "packages"
--msgstr "epoch : name-version-release.architecture 형식을 사용하여 발견 된 패키지를 표시합니다."
-+msgstr "epoch : name-version-release.architecture 형식을 사용하여 발견 된 패키지를 표시합니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:213
- msgid "Display in which comps groups are presented selected packages"
-@@ -1739,7 +1775,7 @@ msgstr "설치된 installonly 패키지로 쿼리 제한"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:227
- msgid "limit the query to installed packages with unsatisfied dependencies"
--msgstr "만족스럽지 않은 의존성이있는 설치된 패키지로 쿼리를 제한하십시오."
-+msgstr "만족스럽지 않은 의존성이있는 설치된 패키지로 쿼리를 제한하십시오"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:229
- msgid "show a location from where packages can be downloaded"
-@@ -1778,6 +1814,8 @@ msgid ""
- "running %%pre and %%post scriptlets. If the package is installed display "
- "capabilities that is depends for %%pre, %%post, %%preun and %%postun."
- msgstr ""
-+"패키지가 설치되어 있지 않은 경우 %%pre 과 %%post 스크립트를 실행할 수 있는 기능이 표시됩니다. 패키지가 설치되어있는 경우 "
-+"%%pre, %%post , %%preun, %%postun에 종속된 기능이 표시됩니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:242
- msgid "Display capabilities that the package suggests."
-@@ -1810,7 +1848,7 @@ msgstr "이미 설치된 일부 패키지에 대한 업그레이드를 제공하
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid ""
- "Display only packages that can be removed by \"{prog} autoremove\" command."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "\"{prog} autoremove\" 명령으로 제거할 수 있는 패키지 만 표시하십시오."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:257
- msgid "Display only packages that were installed by user."
-@@ -1840,21 +1878,23 @@ msgid ""
- "with '--alldeps', but not with '--exactdeps'), or with '--requires <REQ> "
- "--resolve'"
- msgstr ""
-+"옵션 '--reative'를 '--whatrequires'와 함께 사용해야합니다. <REQ>' (다른 옵션으로 '--alldeps'와 "
-+"함께 사용하지만 '--exactdeps'와는 사용하지 않음), 또는 '--requires <REQ> --resolve'와 함께 사용"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:311
- msgid "argument {} requires --whatrequires or --whatdepends option"
--msgstr "인수 {}에는 --whatrequires 또는 --whatdepends 옵션이 필요합니다."
-+msgstr "인수 {}에는 --whatrequires 또는 --whatdepends 옵션이 필요합니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:343
- msgid "Package {} contains no files"
--msgstr "패키지 {}에 파일이 없습니다."
-+msgstr "패키지 {}에 파일이 없습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:436
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "Available query-tags: use --queryformat \".. %{tag} ..\""
- msgstr "사용 가능한 쿼리 태그 : use --queryformat \".. %{tag} .. \""
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:562
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:561
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid ""
- "No valid switch specified\n"
-@@ -1863,88 +1903,93 @@ msgid ""
- "description:\n"
- "  For the given packages print a tree of thepackages."
- msgstr ""
-+"유효한 매개 변수를 지정하지 않았습니다.\n"
-+"사용법: {prog} repoquery [--conflicts|--enhances|--obsoletes|--provides|--recommends|--requires|--suggest|--supplements|--whatrequires] [key] [--tree]\n"
-+"  지정된 패키지의 경우 패키지 트리를 출력하십시오."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:46
- msgid "search package details for the given string"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "주어진 문자열에 대한 패키지 세부 사항 검색"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:51
- msgid "search also package description and URL"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "패키지 설명 및 URL도 검색"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:52
- msgid "KEYWORD"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "KEYWORD"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:55
- msgid "Keyword to search for"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "키워드 검색"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:61 dnf/cli/output.py:506
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Name"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "이름"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:62 dnf/cli/output.py:559
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Summary"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "요약"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:63 dnf/cli/output.py:569
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Description"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설명"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:64 dnf/cli/output.py:562
- msgid "URL"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "URL"
- #. TRANSLATORS: separator used between package attributes (eg. Name & Summary
- #. & URL)
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:76
- msgid " & "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr " & "
- #. TRANSLATORS: %s  - translated package attributes,
- #. %%s - found keys (in listed attributes)
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:80
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s Exactly Matched: %%s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "%s 정확히 일치하는 항목: %%s"
- #. TRANSLATORS: %s  - translated package attributes,
- #. %%s - found keys (in listed attributes)
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:84
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s Matched: %%s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "%s 일치하는 항목: %%s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:134
- msgid "No matches found."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "일치하는 항목이 없습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:47
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "run an interactive {prog} shell"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "대화식 {prog} 쉘 실행"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:68
- msgid "SCRIPT"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "스크립트"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:69
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "Script to run in {prog} shell"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{prog} 쉘에서 실행할 스크립트"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:142
- msgid "Unsupported key value."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "지원되지 않는 키."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:158
- #, python-format
- msgid "Could not find repository: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "저장소를 찾을 수 없습니다: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:174
- msgid ""
-@@ -1954,12 +1999,19 @@ msgid ""
- "    If no value is given it prints the current value.\n"
- "    If value is given it sets that value."
- msgstr ""
-+"{} arg [value]\n"
-+"  arg: 디버그 수준, 오류 수준, 사용되지 않음, gpgcheck, 가정, 제외,\n"
-+"        repo_id.gpgcheck, repo_id.exclude \n"
-+"      값이 지정되어 있지 않으면 현재 값이 출력됩니다.\n"
-+"      값이 지정되어 있으면 해당 값으로 설정합니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:181
- msgid ""
- "{} [command]\n"
- "    print help"
- msgstr ""
-+"{} [command]\n"
-+"    도움말 인쇄"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:185
- msgid ""
-@@ -1968,14 +2020,18 @@ msgid ""
- "  enable: enable repositories. option = repository id\n"
- "  disable: disable repositories. option = repository id"
- msgstr ""
--"{} arg [option] list : 저장소와 저장소의 상태를 나열합니다. 옵션 = [모두 | 이드 | glob] enable : "
--"저장소를 활성화합니다. option = repository id disable : 저장소를 비활성화합니다. 옵션 = 저장소 ID"
-+"{} arg [option]\n"
-+"  list : 저장소와 저장소의 상태를 나열합니다. 옵션 = [모두 | 이드 | glob]\n"
-+"enable : 저장소를 활성화합니다. option = repository id\n"
-+"  disable : 저장소를 비활성화합니다. 옵션 = 저장소 ID"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:191
- msgid ""
- "{}\n"
- "    resolve the transaction set"
--msgstr "{} 트랜잭션 집합을 해결합니다."
-+msgstr ""
-+"    트랜잭션 집합을 해결합니다"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:195
- msgid ""
-@@ -1984,19 +2040,26 @@ msgid ""
- "  reset: reset (zero-out) the transaction\n"
- "  run: run the transaction"
- msgstr ""
--"{} arg list : 트랜잭션 내용을 나열합니다. reset : 트랜잭션 실행 재설정 (zero-out) : 트랜잭션 실행"
-+"{} arg\n"
-+"  list : 트랜잭션 내용을 나열합니다\n"
-+"  reset : 트랜잭션 실행 재설정 (zero-out)\n"
-+"  run: 트랜잭션 실행"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:201
- msgid ""
- "{}\n"
- "    run the transaction"
--msgstr "{} 트랜잭션을 실행합니다."
-+msgstr ""
-+"    트랜잭션을 실행합니다."
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:205
- msgid ""
- "{}\n"
- "    exit the shell"
--msgstr "{} 쉘 종료"
-+msgstr ""
-+"   쉘 종료"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:210
- msgid ""
-@@ -2010,8 +2073,15 @@ msgid ""
- "run                      resolve and run the transaction set\n"
- "exit (or quit)           exit the shell"
- msgstr ""
--"(또는 repo) 저장소를 활성화, 비활성화 또는 나열합니다. resolvedep 트랜잭션 세트 트랜잭션 (또는 ts) 목록을 확인하고,"
--" 재설정하거나 트랜잭션 세트를 실행합니다. run resolve 및 트랜잭션 세트 종료를 실행합니다. 종료) 셸 종료"
-+"쉘 특정 인수:\n"
-+"config                   설정 옵션 설정\n"
-+"help                     인쇄 도움\n"
-+"repository (or repo)     저장소 활성화,비활성화 또는 목록\n"
-+"resolvedep               트랜잭션 세트 해결\n"
-+"transaction (or ts)      트랜잭션 집합 목록,재설정 또는 실행\n"
-+"run                      트랜잭션 집합 해결 및 실행\n"
-+"exit (or quit)           셸 종료"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:259
- #, python-format
-@@ -2029,7 +2099,7 @@ msgstr "쉘을 떠나기"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/swap.py:35
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "run an interactive {prog} mod for remove and install one spec"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "대화 형 {prog} 모드를 실행하여 사양을 제거하거나 설치하십시오"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/swap.py:40
- msgid "The specs that will be removed"
-@@ -2041,11 +2111,11 @@ msgstr "설치 될 사양"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:44
- msgid "bugfix"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "버그 수정"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:45
- msgid "enhancement"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "기능 개선"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:46
- msgid "security"
-@@ -2053,73 +2123,73 @@ msgstr "security"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:48
- msgid "newpackage"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "newpackage"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:50
- msgid "Critical/Sec."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "심각/초"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:51
- msgid "Important/Sec."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "중요/초"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:52
- msgid "Moderate/Sec."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "보통/초"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:53
- msgid "Low/Sec."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "낮음/초"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:63
- msgid "display advisories about packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "패키지관련 권고 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:77
- msgid "advisories about newer versions of installed packages (default)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설치된 최신 버전의 패키지에 대한 권고 (기본값)"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:80
- msgid "advisories about equal and older versions of installed packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설치된 패키지의 동일하거나 이전 버전에 대한 권고"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:83
- msgid ""
- "advisories about newer versions of those installed packages for which a "
- "newer version is available"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "최신 버전을 사용할 수있는 설치된 패키지의 최신 버전에 대한 권고"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:87
- msgid "advisories about any versions of installed packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설치된 패키지 버전에 대한 권고"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:92
- msgid "show summary of advisories (default)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "권고 요약 표시 (기본값)"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:95
- msgid "show list of advisories"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "권고 목록 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:98
- msgid "show info of advisories"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "권고 정보 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:101
- msgid "show only advisories with CVE reference"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "CVE 참조가있는 권고 만 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:104
- msgid "show only advisories with bugzilla reference"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "bugzilla 참조가있는 권고 만 표시"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:168
- msgid "installed"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설치됨"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:171
- msgid "updates"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "업데이트"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:174
- msgid "all"
-@@ -2131,100 +2201,100 @@ msgstr "사용 가능"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:278
- msgid "Updates Information Summary: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "정보 요약 업데이트: "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:281
- msgid "New Package notice(s)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "새로운 패키지 통지"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:282
- msgid "Security notice(s)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "보안 공지"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:283
- msgid "Critical Security notice(s)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "심각한 보안 공지"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:285
- msgid "Important Security notice(s)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "중요한 보안 공지"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:287
- msgid "Moderate Security notice(s)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "보통 보안 공지"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:289
- msgid "Low Security notice(s)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "낮은 보안 공지"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:291
- msgid "Unknown Security notice(s)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "알 수 없는 보안 공지"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:293
- msgid "Bugfix notice(s)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "버그 픽스 공지"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:294
- msgid "Enhancement notice(s)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "기능 개선 공지"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:295
- msgid "other notice(s)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "다른 공지"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:316
- msgid "Unknown/Sec."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "알 수 없음 / 초"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:352
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:357
- msgid "Bugs"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "버그"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:352
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:357
- msgid "Type"
- msgstr "유형"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:352
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:357
- msgid "Update ID"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "ID 업데이트"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:352
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:357
- msgid "Updated"
- msgstr "업데이트됨"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:353
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:358
- msgid "CVEs"
- msgstr "CVE"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:353
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:358
- msgid "Description"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설명"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:353
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:358
- msgid "Rights"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "권한"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:353
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:358
- msgid "Severity"
- msgstr "심각도"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:354
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:359
- msgid "Files"
- msgstr "파일"
- # translation auto-copied from project subscription-manager, version 1.11.X,
- # document keys
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:354 dnf/cli/output.py:1491
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1755 dnf/cli/output.py:1757
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:359 dnf/cli/output.py:1499
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1770 dnf/cli/output.py:1772
- msgid "Installed"
- msgstr "설치됨"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:380
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:385
- msgid "false"
- msgstr "false"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:380
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:385
- msgid "true"
- msgstr "true"
-@@ -2240,7 +2310,7 @@ msgstr "업그레이드 할 패키지"
- msgid ""
- "upgrade, but only 'newest' package match which fixes a problem that affects "
- "your system"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "업그레이드하지만 ‘최신' 패키지만 시스템에 영향을 주는 수정된 문제가 있습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:88
- msgid "Terminated."
-@@ -2252,103 +2322,103 @@ msgstr "현재 디렉토리에서 읽기 / 실행 액세스가 없으며 /"
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:135
- msgid "try to add '{}' to command line to replace conflicting packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "충돌하는 패키지를 바꾸려면 명령 줄에 '{}'을 (를) 추가하십시오."
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:139
- msgid "try to add '{}' to skip uninstallable packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설치할 수 없는 패키지를 건너 뛰려면 '{}'을 (를) 추가하십시오."
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:142
- msgid " or '{}' to skip uninstallable packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr " 또는 '{}'은/는 설치할 수 없는 패키지를 건너 뜁니다"
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:147
- msgid "try to add '{}' to use not only best candidate packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "최상의 선택된 패키지만을 사용하려면 '{}'을 (를) 추가하십시오."
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:150
- msgid " or '{}' to use not only best candidate packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr " 또는 '{}'은/는 최상의 선택된 패키지만 사용합니다"
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:167
- msgid "Dependencies resolved."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "종속성이 해결되었습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:65
- #, python-format
- msgid "Command line error: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "명령줄 오류: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:104
- #, python-format
- msgid "bad format: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "잘못된 형식: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:115
- #, python-format
- msgid "Setopt argument has multiple values: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Setopt 인수는 여러 값을 갖습니다. %s"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:118
- #, python-format
- msgid "Setopt argument has no value: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Setopt 인수에 값이 없습니다 : %s"
- #. All defaults need to be a None, so we can always tell whether the user
- #. has set something or whether we are getting a default.
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:174
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "General {prog} options"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "일반 {prog} 옵션"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:178
- msgid "config file location"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "구성 파일 위치"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:181
- msgid "quiet operation"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "자동 실행"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:183
- msgid "verbose operation"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "상세 작업"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:185
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "show {prog} version and exit"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{prog} 버전 표시 및 종료"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:187
- msgid "set install root"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설치 root 설정"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:190
- msgid "do not install documentations"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "문서를 설치하지 마십시오"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:193
- msgid "disable all plugins"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모든 플러그인 비활성화"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:196
- msgid "enable plugins by name"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "지정된 이름으로 플러그인 활성화"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:200
- msgid "disable plugins by name"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "지정된 이름으로 플러그인 비활성화"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:203
- msgid "override the value of $releasever in config and repo files"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "구성 파일 및 저장소 파일에서 $releasever 값을 무시합니다"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:207
- msgid "set arbitrary config and repo options"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "임의의 구성 및 저장소 옵션 설정"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:210
- msgid "resolve depsolve problems by skipping packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "패키지를 건너 뛰어 종속성 문제 해결"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:213
- msgid "show command help"
-@@ -2364,7 +2434,7 @@ msgstr "트랜잭션에서 사용 가능한 최상의 패키지 버전을 사용
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:223
- msgid "do not limit the transaction to the best candidate"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "트랜잭션을 최선의 선택으로 제한하지 마십시오"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:226
- msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
-@@ -2396,6 +2466,8 @@ msgid ""
- "enables {prog}'s obsoletes processing logic for upgrade or display "
- "capabilities that the package obsoletes for info, list and repoquery"
- msgstr ""
-+"패키지가 정보, 목록 및 repoquery에 더 이상 사용하지 않는 업그레이드 또는 표시 기능을 위해 {prog}의 더 이상 사용되지 "
-+"않는 처리 로직을 활성화합니다."
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:251
- msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
-@@ -2407,37 +2479,37 @@ msgstr "모든 질문에 대해 자동으로 대답하십시오."
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:257
- msgid "automatically answer no for all questions"
--msgstr "모든 질문에 대해 자동으로 대답합니다."
-+msgstr "모든 질문에 대해 자동으로 대답합니다"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:261
- msgid ""
- "Enable additional repositories. List option. Supports globs, can be "
- "specified multiple times."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "추가 리포지토리를 활성화하십시오. 리스트 옵션. glob를 지원하며 여러 번 지정할 수 있습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:266
- msgid ""
- "Disable repositories. List option. Supports globs, can be specified multiple"
- " times."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "리포지토리를 비활성화합니다. 리스트 옵션. glob를 지원하며 여러 번 지정할 수 있습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:270
- msgid ""
- "enable just specific repositories by an id or a glob, can be specified "
- "multiple times"
--msgstr "id 나 glob로 특정 리포지토리를 활성화 할 수 있습니다. 여러 번 지정할 수 있습니다."
-+msgstr "id 나 glob로 특정 리포지토리를 활성화 할 수 있습니다. 여러 번 지정할 수 있습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:275
- msgid "enable repos with config-manager command (automatically saves)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "config-manager 명령으로 repos를 활성화합니다 (자동 저장)"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:279
- msgid "disable repos with config-manager command (automatically saves)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "config-manager 명령으로 repos를 비활성화합니다 (자동 저장)"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:283
- msgid "exclude packages by name or glob"
--msgstr "패키지를 이름이나 glob로 제외합니다."
-+msgstr "패키지를 이름이나 glob로 제외합니다"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:288
- msgid "disable excludepkgs"
-@@ -2447,7 +2519,7 @@ msgstr "excludepkgs 사용 중지"
- msgid ""
- "label and path to an additional repository to use (same path as in a "
- "baseurl), can be specified multiple times."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "사용할 추가 저장소에 대한 레이블 및 경로 (baseurl과 동일한 경로)를 여러 번 지정할 수 있습니다."
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:297
- msgid "disable removal of dependencies that are no longer used"
-@@ -2455,7 +2527,7 @@ msgstr "더 이상 사용되지 않는 종속성 제거 사용 안 함"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:300
- msgid "disable gpg signature checking (if RPM policy allows)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "gpg 서명 확인 비활성화 (RPM 정책이 허용하는 경우)"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:302
- msgid "control whether color is used"
-@@ -2475,7 +2547,7 @@ msgstr "IPv6 주소로만 해결"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:314
- msgid "set directory to copy packages to"
--msgstr "패키지를 복사 할 디렉토리를 설정하십시오."
-+msgstr "패키지를 복사 할 디렉토리를 설정하십시오"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:317
- msgid "only download packages"
-@@ -2483,11 +2555,11 @@ msgstr "다운로드 패키지 만"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:319
- msgid "add a comment to transaction"
--msgstr "거래에 의견을 추가하십시오."
-+msgstr "트랜잭션에 의견을 추가하십시오"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:322
- msgid "Include bugfix relevant packages, in updates"
--msgstr "버그 수정 관련 패키지를 업데이트에 포함 시키십시오."
-+msgstr "버그 수정 관련 패키지를 업데이트에 포함 시키십시오"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:325
- msgid "Include enhancement relevant packages, in updates"
-@@ -2495,7 +2567,7 @@ msgstr "업데이트 관련 향상 패키지 포함"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:328
- msgid "Include newpackage relevant packages, in updates"
--msgstr "새 패키지 관련 패키지를 업데이트에 포함하십시오."
-+msgstr "새 패키지 관련 패키지를 업데이트에 포함하십시오"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:331
- msgid "Include security relevant packages, in updates"
-@@ -2503,11 +2575,11 @@ msgstr "업데이트에 보안 관련 패키지 포함"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:335
- msgid "Include packages needed to fix the given advisory, in updates"
--msgstr "업데이트에서 주어진 권고를 수정하는 데 필요한 패키지를 포함하십시오."
-+msgstr "업데이트에서 주어진 권고를 수정하는 데 필요한 패키지를 포함하십시오"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:339
- msgid "Include packages needed to fix the given BZ, in updates"
--msgstr "업데이트에서 주어진 BZ를 수정하는 데 필요한 패키지를 포함하십시오."
-+msgstr "업데이트에서 주어진 BZ를 수정하는 데 필요한 패키지를 포함하십시오"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:342
- msgid "Include packages needed to fix the given CVE, in updates"
-@@ -2515,7 +2587,7 @@ msgstr "업데이트에서 주어진 CVE를 수정하는 데 필요한 패키지
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:347
- msgid "Include security relevant packages matching the severity, in updates"
--msgstr "업데이트에서 심각도와 일치하는 보안 관련 패키지를 포함합니다."
-+msgstr "업데이트에서 심각도와 일치하는 보안 관련 패키지를 포함합니다"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:353
- msgid "Force the use of an architecture"
-@@ -2530,10 +2602,10 @@ msgid "List of Plugin Commands:"
- msgstr "플러그인 명령리스트 :"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:413
--#, fuzzy, python-format
-+#, python-format
- #| msgid "No match for argument: %s"
- msgid "Cannot encode argument '%s': %s"
--msgstr "인수와 일치하는 항목 없음 : %s"
-+msgstr "인수를 인코딩할 수 없습니다 ‘%s': %s"
- #. Translators: This is abbreviated 'Name'. Should be no longer
- #. than 12 characters. You can use the full version if it is short
-@@ -2541,7 +2613,7 @@ msgstr "인수와 일치하는 항목 없음 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:505
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Name"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "이름"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 characters.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:511
-@@ -2552,16 +2624,16 @@ msgstr "시대"
- #. use the full (unabbreviated) term 'Version' if you think that
- #. the translation to your language is not too long and will
- #. always fit to limited space.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:512 dnf/cli/output.py:1327
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:512 dnf/cli/output.py:1335
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Version"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "버전"
- #. Translators: This is the full (unabbreviated) term 'Version'.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:513 dnf/cli/output.py:1329
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:513 dnf/cli/output.py:1337
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Version"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "버전"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 characters.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:516
-@@ -2570,32 +2642,32 @@ msgstr "릴리즈"
- #. Translators: This is abbreviated 'Architecture', used when
- #. we have not enough space to display the full word.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:517 dnf/cli/output.py:1318
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:517 dnf/cli/output.py:1326
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Arch"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "아키텍처"
- #. Translators: This is the full word 'Architecture', used when
- #. we have enough space.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:518 dnf/cli/output.py:1321
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:518 dnf/cli/output.py:1329
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Architecture"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "아키텍처"
- #. Translators: This is the full (unabbreviated) term 'Size'.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:520 dnf/cli/output.py:1344
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:520 dnf/cli/output.py:1352
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Size"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "크기"
- #. Translators: This is the short version of 'Size'. It should
- #. not be longer than 5 characters. If the term 'Size' in your
- #. language is not longer than 5 characters then you can use it
- #. unabbreviated.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:520 dnf/cli/output.py:1342
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:520 dnf/cli/output.py:1350
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Size"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "크기"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 characters.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:524
-@@ -2604,22 +2676,22 @@ msgstr "소스"
- #. Translators: This is abbreviated 'Repository', used when
- #. we have not enough space to display the full word.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:525 dnf/cli/output.py:1333
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:525 dnf/cli/output.py:1341
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Repo"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "리포지터리"
- #. Translators: This is the full word 'Repository', used when
- #. we have enough space.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:526 dnf/cli/output.py:1336
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:526 dnf/cli/output.py:1344
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Repository"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "리포지터리"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 chars.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:533
- msgid "From repo"
--msgstr "레포에서"
-+msgstr "리포지터리에서"
- #. :hawkey does not support changelog information
- #. print(_("Committer   : %s") % ucd(pkg.committer))
-@@ -2627,22 +2699,22 @@ msgstr "레포에서"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 characters.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:539
- msgid "Packager"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "패키저"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 characters.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:541
- msgid "Buildtime"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "빌드 타임"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 characters.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:545
- msgid "Install time"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설치 시간"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 chars.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:554
- msgid "Installed by"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설치됨"
- #. Translators: This is abbreviated 'Summary'. Should be no longer
- #. than 12 characters. You can use the full version if it is short
-@@ -2650,12 +2722,12 @@ msgstr ""
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:558
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Summary"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "요약"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 characters.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:564
- msgid "License"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "특허"
- #. Translators: This is abbreviated 'Description'. Should be no longer
- #. than 12 characters. You can use the full version if it is short
-@@ -2663,163 +2735,163 @@ msgstr ""
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:568
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Description"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설명"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:695
- msgid "No packages to list"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "목록에 패키지가 없습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:706
- msgid "y"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "y"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:706
- msgid "yes"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "예"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:707
- msgid "n"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "n"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:707
- msgid "no"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "아니요"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:711
- msgid "Is this ok [y/N]: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "정말입니까 [y/N]: "
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:715
- msgid "Is this ok [Y/n]: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "정말입니까 [Y/n]: "
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:795
- #, python-format
- msgid "Group: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "그룹 %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:799
- #, python-format
- msgid " Group-Id: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr " 그룹 ID: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:801 dnf/cli/output.py:840
- #, python-format
- msgid " Description: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr " 설명: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:803
- #, python-format
- msgid " Language: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr " 언어: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:806
- msgid " Mandatory Packages:"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr " 필수 패키지 :"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:807
- msgid " Default Packages:"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr " 기본 패키지 :"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:808
- msgid " Optional Packages:"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr " 선택적인 패키지 :"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:809
- msgid " Conditional Packages:"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr " 추가 패키지 :"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:834
- #, python-format
- msgid "Environment Group: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "환경 그룹 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:837
- #, python-format
- msgid " Environment-Id: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr " 환경 -ID : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:843
- msgid " Mandatory Groups:"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr " 필수 그룹 :"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:844
- msgid " Optional Groups:"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr " 선택적인 그룹 :"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:865
- msgid "Matched from:"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "일치하는 항목 :"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:879
- #, python-format
- msgid "Filename    : %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "파일 이름 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:904
- #, python-format
- msgid "Repo        : %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "리포지토리      : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:913
- msgid "Description : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설명 : "
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:917
- #, python-format
- msgid "URL         : %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "URL         : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:921
- #, python-format
- msgid "License     : %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "라이센스    : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:927
- #, python-format
- msgid "Provide    : %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "제공        : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:947
- #, python-format
- msgid "Other       : %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "기타       : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:996
- msgid "There was an error calculating total download size"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "총 다운로드 크기를 계산하는 중에 오류가 발생했습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1002
- #, python-format
- msgid "Total size: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "전체 크기: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1005
- #, python-format
- msgid "Total download size: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "총 다운로드 크기 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1008
- #, python-format
- msgid "Installed size: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설치된 크기 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1026
- msgid "There was an error calculating installed size"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설치된 크기를 계산하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1030
- #, python-format
- msgid "Freed space: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "사용 가능한 공간 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1039
- msgid "Marking packages as installed by the group:"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "그룹이 설치한 패키지 표시:"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1046
- msgid "Marking packages as removed by the group:"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "그룹에 의해 제거된 패키지 표시:"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1056
- msgid "Group"
-@@ -2831,37 +2903,37 @@ msgstr "패키지"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1133
- msgid "Installing group/module packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "그룹 / 모듈 패키지 설치"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1134
- msgid "Installing group packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "패키지 그룹 설치"
- #. TRANSLATORS: This is for a list of packages to be installed.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1138
- msgctxt "summary"
- msgid "Installing"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설치 중"
- #. TRANSLATORS: This is for a list of packages to be upgraded.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1140
- msgctxt "summary"
- msgid "Upgrading"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "업그레이드"
- #. TRANSLATORS: This is for a list of packages to be reinstalled.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1142
- msgctxt "summary"
- msgid "Reinstalling"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "재설치"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1144
- msgid "Installing dependencies"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "종속 패키지 설치"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1145
- msgid "Installing weak dependencies"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "취약한 종속 패키지 설치"
- #. TRANSLATORS: This is for a list of packages to be removed.
- # translation auto-copied from project subscription-manager, version 1.11.X,
-@@ -2872,402 +2944,407 @@ msgstr "삭제 중"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1148
- msgid "Removing dependent packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "종속 패키지 제거"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1149
- msgid "Removing unused dependencies"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "사용하지 않는 종속 패키지 제거"
- #. TRANSLATORS: This is for a list of packages to be downgraded.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1151
- msgctxt "summary"
- msgid "Downgrading"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "다운그레이드 중"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1176
- msgid "Installing module profiles"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 프로파일 설치"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1185
- msgid "Disabling module profiles"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 프로파일 비활성화"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1194
- msgid "Enabling module streams"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 스트림 활성화"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1202
- msgid "Switching module streams"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 스트림 전환"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1210
- msgid "Disabling modules"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 비활성화"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1218
- msgid "Resetting modules"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 재설정"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1226
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1230
- msgid "Installing Environment Groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "환경 그룹 설치"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1233
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1237
- msgid "Upgrading Environment Groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "환경 그룹 업그레이드"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1240
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1244
- msgid "Removing Environment Groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "환경 그룹 제거"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1247
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1251
- msgid "Installing Groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "그룹 설치"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1254
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1258
- msgid "Upgrading Groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "그룹 업그레이드"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1261
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1265
- msgid "Removing Groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "그룹 제거"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1277
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1281
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "Skipping packages with conflicts:\n"
- "(add '%s' to command line to force their upgrade)"
- msgstr ""
-+"충돌 패키지 건너 뛰기 :\n"
-+"(업그리에드를 강제하기 위해 명령행에 '%s'을/를 추가하십시오)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1285
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1291
- #, python-format
- msgid "Skipping packages with broken dependencies%s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "%s 종속성이 깨진 패키지 건너 뛰기"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1289
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1295
- msgid " or part of a group"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr " 또는 그룹의 일부"
- #. Translators: This is the short version of 'Package'. You can
- #. use the full (unabbreviated) term 'Package' if you think that
- #. the translation to your language is not too long and will
- #. always fit to limited space.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1312
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1320
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Package"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "패키지"
- #. Translators: This is the full (unabbreviated) term 'Package'.
- #. This is also a hack to resolve RhBug 1302935 correctly.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1314 dnf/cli/output.py:2007
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1322 dnf/cli/output.py:2023
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Package"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "패키지"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1363
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1371
- msgid "replacing"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "교체"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1370
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1378
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "\n"
- "Transaction Summary\n"
- "%s\n"
- msgstr ""
-+"트랜잭션 요약\n"
- #. TODO: remove
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1375 dnf/cli/output.py:1914 dnf/cli/output.py:1915
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1383 dnf/cli/output.py:1930 dnf/cli/output.py:1931
- msgid "Install"
- msgstr "설치"
- # ctx::sourcefile::Navigation Menu
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1379 dnf/cli/output.py:1923
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1387 dnf/cli/output.py:1939
- msgid "Upgrade"
- msgstr "업그레이드"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1380
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1388
- msgid "Remove"
- msgstr "삭제"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1382 dnf/cli/output.py:1921
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1390 dnf/cli/output.py:1937
- msgid "Downgrade"
- msgstr "다운 그레이드"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1383
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1391
- msgid "Skip"
- msgstr "버킷"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1392 dnf/cli/output.py:1408
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1400 dnf/cli/output.py:1416
- msgid "Package"
- msgid_plural "Packages"
--msgstr[0] ""
-+msgstr[0] "패키지"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1410
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1418
- msgid "Dependent package"
- msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
- msgstr[0] "의존 패키지"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1489 dnf/cli/output.py:1756 dnf/cli/output.py:1924
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1497 dnf/cli/output.py:1771 dnf/cli/output.py:1940
- msgid "Upgraded"
- msgstr "업그레이드 됨"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1490 dnf/cli/output.py:1756 dnf/cli/output.py:1922
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1498 dnf/cli/output.py:1771 dnf/cli/output.py:1938
- msgid "Downgraded"
- msgstr "다운 그레이드"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1495
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1503
- msgid "Reinstalled"
- msgstr "다시 설치됨"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1496
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1504
- msgid "Skipped"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "건너 뛰기됨"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1497
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1505
- msgid "Removed"
- msgstr "제거됨"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1500
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1508
- msgid "Failed"
- msgstr "실패하였습니다"
- # auto translated by TM merge from project: RHOSP Director Installation and
- # Usage , version: 11-Korean, DocId: master
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1551
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1559
- msgid "Total"
- msgstr "합계"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1579
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1587
- msgid "<unset>"
- msgstr "<unset>"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1580
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1588
- msgid "System"
- msgstr "시스템"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1630
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1638
- msgid "Command line"
- msgstr "명령행"
- #. TRANSLATORS: user names who executed transaction in history command output
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1634
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1649
- msgid "User name"
- msgstr "사용자 이름"
- #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
- # translation auto-copied from project subscription-manager, version 1.11.X,
- # document keys
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1636 dnf/cli/output.py:2004
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1651 dnf/cli/output.py:2020
- msgid "ID"
- msgstr "ID"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1638
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1653
- msgid "Date and time"
- msgstr "날짜와 시간"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1639 dnf/cli/output.py:2005
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1654 dnf/cli/output.py:2021
- msgid "Action(s)"
--msgstr "행위)"
-+msgstr "동작"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1640
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1655
- msgid "Altered"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "변경"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1681
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1696
- msgid "No transactions"
--msgstr "거래 없음"
-+msgstr "트랜잭션 없음"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1682 dnf/cli/output.py:1698
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1697 dnf/cli/output.py:1713
- msgid "Failed history info"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "실패 기록 정보"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1697
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1712
- msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "트랜잭션 ID 또는 패키지가 지정되지 않았습니다"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1755
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1770
- msgid "Erased"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "삭제됨"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1757
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1772
- msgid "Not installed"
- msgstr "설치되지 않음"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1758
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1773
- msgid "Newer"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "최신"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1758
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1773
- msgid "Older"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "이전"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1806 dnf/cli/output.py:1808
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1821 dnf/cli/output.py:1823
- msgid "Transaction ID :"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "트랜잭션 ID :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1811
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1826
- msgid "Begin time     :"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "시작 시간 :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1814 dnf/cli/output.py:1816
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1829 dnf/cli/output.py:1831
- msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "rpmdb 시작 :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1822
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1837
- #, python-format
- msgid "(%u seconds)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "(%u 초)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1824
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1839
- #, python-format
- msgid "(%u minutes)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "(%u 분)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1826
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1841
- #, python-format
- msgid "(%u hours)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "(%u 시간)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1828
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1843
- #, python-format
- msgid "(%u days)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "(%u 일)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1829
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1844
- msgid "End time       :"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "종료 시간 :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1832 dnf/cli/output.py:1834
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1847 dnf/cli/output.py:1849
- msgid "End rpmdb      :"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "rpmdb 종료:"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1841 dnf/cli/output.py:1843
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1856 dnf/cli/output.py:1858
- msgid "User           :"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "사용자            :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1847 dnf/cli/output.py:1854
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1862 dnf/cli/output.py:1869
- msgid "Aborted"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "중지됨"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1847 dnf/cli/output.py:1850 dnf/cli/output.py:1852
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1854 dnf/cli/output.py:1856 dnf/cli/output.py:1858
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1862 dnf/cli/output.py:1865 dnf/cli/output.py:1867
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1869 dnf/cli/output.py:1871 dnf/cli/output.py:1873
- msgid "Return-Code    :"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "반환 코드 :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1850 dnf/cli/output.py:1858
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1865 dnf/cli/output.py:1873
- msgid "Success"
- msgstr "성공"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1852
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1867
- msgid "Failures:"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "실패 :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1856
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1871
- msgid "Failure:"
- msgstr "실패:"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1866 dnf/cli/output.py:1868
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1881 dnf/cli/output.py:1883
- msgid "Releasever     :"
- msgstr "릴리스 자 :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1873 dnf/cli/output.py:1875
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1888 dnf/cli/output.py:1890
- msgid "Command Line   :"
- msgstr "명령 줄 :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1881
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1895 dnf/cli/output.py:1897
- msgid "Comment        :"
- msgstr "댓글 :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1885
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1901
- msgid "Transaction performed with:"
--msgstr "수행 된 거래 :"
-+msgstr "수행된 트랜잭션:"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1894
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1910
- msgid "Packages Altered:"
- msgstr "변경된 패키지 :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1900
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1916
- msgid "Scriptlet output:"
- msgstr "스크립트 렛 출력 :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1907
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1923
- msgid "Errors:"
- msgstr "오류 :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1916
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1932
- msgid "Dep-Install"
- msgstr "설치 제거"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1917
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1933
- msgid "Obsoleted"
- msgstr "폐기 된"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1918 dnf/transaction.py:84 dnf/transaction.py:85
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1934 dnf/transaction.py:84 dnf/transaction.py:85
- msgid "Obsoleting"
- msgstr "폐기"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1919
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1935
- msgid "Erase"
- msgstr "삭제"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1920
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1936
- msgid "Reinstall"
- msgstr "재설치"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1995
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2011
- msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
- msgstr "잘못된 트랜잭션 ID 또는 주어진 패키지"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2094
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2110
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be installed"
--msgstr "---> 패키지 %s.%s %s 설치 될 것이다"
-+msgstr "---> 패키지 %s.%s %s이/가 설치됩니다"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2096
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2112
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be an upgrade"
--msgstr "---> 패키지 %s.%s %s 업그레이드 될 것이다."
-+msgstr "---> 패키지 %s.%s %s이/가 업그레이드됩니다"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2098
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2114
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be erased"
--msgstr "---> 패키지 %s.%s %s 지워질거야."
-+msgstr "---> 패키지 %s.%s %s이/가 제거됩니다"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2100
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2116
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be reinstalled"
--msgstr "---> 패키지 %s.%s %s 다시 설치됩니다."
-+msgstr "---> 패키지 %s.%s %s이/가 다시 설치됩니다"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2102
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2118
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be a downgrade"
--msgstr "---> 패키지 %s.%s %s 다운 그레이드 될 것이다"
-+msgstr "---> 패키지 %s.%s %s이/가 다운그레이드됩니다"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2104
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2120
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be obsoleting"
--msgstr "---> 패키지 %s.%s %s 쓸데없는"
-+msgstr "---> 패키지 %s.%s %s이/가 폐기됩니다"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2106
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2122
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be upgraded"
--msgstr "---> 패키지 %s.%s %s 업그레이드 될 것이다."
-+msgstr "---> 패키지 %s.%s %s이/가 업그레이드됩니다"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2108
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2124
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be obsoleted"
--msgstr "---> 패키지 %s.%s %s 쓸모 없게 될 것이다."
-+msgstr "---> 패키지 %s.%s %s이/가 폐기됩니다"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2117
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2133
- msgid "--> Starting dependency resolution"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "-> 종석성 해결 시작"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2122
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2138
- msgid "--> Finished dependency resolution"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "-> 종속성 해결 완료"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2136 dnf/crypto.py:132
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2152 dnf/crypto.py:132
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "Importing GPG key 0x%s:\n"
-@@ -3329,36 +3406,36 @@ msgstr "    시작: %s - %s 분 전"
- msgid "    State  : %s"
- msgstr "    상태  : %s"
--#: dnf/comps.py:95
-+#: dnf/comps.py:104
- msgid "skipping."
- msgstr "건너 뛰기."
--#: dnf/comps.py:187 dnf/comps.py:689
-+#: dnf/comps.py:196 dnf/comps.py:698
- #, python-format
- msgid "Module or Group '%s' is not installed."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 또는 그룹 '%s'이/가 설치되지 않았습니다."
--#: dnf/comps.py:189 dnf/comps.py:691
-+#: dnf/comps.py:198 dnf/comps.py:700
- #, python-format
- msgid "Module or Group '%s' is not available."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 또는 그룹 '%s'을/를 사용할 수 없습니다."
--#: dnf/comps.py:191
-+#: dnf/comps.py:200
- #, python-format
- msgid "Module or Group '%s' does not exist."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 또는 그룹 '%s'이/가 존재하지 않습니다."
--#: dnf/comps.py:610 dnf/comps.py:627
-+#: dnf/comps.py:619 dnf/comps.py:636
- #, python-format
- msgid "Environment '%s' is not installed."
- msgstr "환경 '%s'이 설치되지 않았습니다."
--#: dnf/comps.py:629
-+#: dnf/comps.py:638
- #, python-format
- msgid "Environment '%s' is not available."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "환경 '%s'을/를 사용할 수 없습니다."
--#: dnf/comps.py:657
-+#: dnf/comps.py:666
- #, python-format
- msgid "Group_id '%s' does not exist."
- msgstr "Group_id '%s' 존재하지 않는다."
-@@ -3370,13 +3447,15 @@ msgstr "구문 분석 중 오류 '%s': %s"
- #: dnf/conf/config.py:226
- msgid "Could not set cachedir: {}"
--msgstr "cachedir : {}을 (를) 설정할 수 없습니다."
-+msgstr "cachedir : {}을 (를) 설정할 수 없습니다"
- #: dnf/conf/config.py:275
- msgid ""
- "Configuration file URL \"{}\" could not be downloaded:\n"
- "  {}"
- msgstr ""
-+"구성 파일 URL \"{}\"을 (를) 다운로드 할 수 없습니다:\n"
-+"  {}"
- #: dnf/conf/config.py:355 dnf/conf/config.py:391
- #, python-format
-@@ -3386,7 +3465,7 @@ msgstr "알 수없는 구성 옵션 : %s = %s"
- #: dnf/conf/config.py:372
- #, python-format
- msgid "Error parsing --setopt with key '%s', value '%s': %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "키 ‘%s', 값 '%s'을/를 사용하여 --setopt 구문 분석 오류: %s"
- #: dnf/conf/config.py:380
- #, python-format
-@@ -3400,97 +3479,97 @@ msgstr "올바르지 않거나 알 수없는 \"{}\": {}"
- #: dnf/conf/config.py:501
- #, python-format
- msgid "Error parsing --setopt with key '%s.%s', value '%s': %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "키 %s.%s', 값 '%s'을/를 사용하여 --setopt 구문 분석 중 오류 발생: %s"
- #: dnf/conf/config.py:504
- #, python-format
- msgid "Repo %s did not have a %s attr. before setopt"
--msgstr "레포 %s ~을 가지지 않았다. %s attr. setopt 전에"
-+msgstr "리포지터리 %s에 setopt 전에 %s 속성이 없습니다"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:51
- #, python-format
- msgid "Warning: failed loading '%s', skipping."
--msgstr "경고 :로드 실패 '%s', 건너 뛰기."
-+msgstr "경고: '%s'을/를 로드하지 못했습니다, 건너 뛰기."
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:63
- msgid "Bad id for repo: {} ({}), byte = {} {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "리포지터리의 ID가 잘못되었습니다. {} ({}), byte = {} {}"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:67
- msgid "Bad id for repo: {}, byte = {} {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "리포지터리의 ID가 잘못되었습니다. {}, byte = {} {}"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:75
- msgid "Repository '{}' ({}): Error parsing config: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repository '{}' ({}): 구문 분석 구성 오류: {}"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:78
- msgid "Repository '{}': Error parsing config: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repository '{}' : 구문 분석 구성 오류: {}"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:84
- msgid "Repository '{}' ({}) is missing name in configuration, using id."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repository '{}' ({})의 구성에 이름이 누락되어 있습니다. id를 사용하십시오."
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:87
- msgid "Repository '{}' is missing name in configuration, using id."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repository '{}'의 구성에 이름이 누락되어 있습니다. id를 사용하십시오."
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:104
- msgid "Parsing file \"{}\" failed: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "\"{}\" 파일을 구문 분석하지 못했습니다: {}"
- #: dnf/crypto.py:108
- #, python-format
- msgid "repo %s: 0x%s already imported"
--msgstr "레포 %s: 0x%s 이미 수입"
-+msgstr "리포지터리 %s: 0x%s을/를 이미 가져왔습니다"
- #: dnf/crypto.py:115
- #, python-format
- msgid "repo %s: imported key 0x%s."
--msgstr "레포 %s: 가져온 키 0x%s."
-+msgstr "리포지터리 %s: 0x%s 키를 가져왔습니다."
--#: dnf/db/group.py:289
-+#: dnf/db/group.py:293
- msgid ""
- "No available modular metadata for modular package '{}', it cannot be "
- "installed on the system"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 패키지 '{}'에 사용 가능한 메타 데이터가 없으며 시스템에 설치할 수 없습니다"
--#: dnf/db/group.py:339
-+#: dnf/db/group.py:343
- msgid "No available modular metadata for modular package"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 패키지에 사용 가능한 모듈 메타 데이터가 없습니다"
--#: dnf/db/group.py:373
-+#: dnf/db/group.py:377
- #, python-format
- msgid "Will not install a source rpm package (%s)."
- msgstr "소스 RPM패키지를 설치하지 않습니다 (%s)."
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:169
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:168
- msgid ""
- "Configuration option 'gpgkey_dns_verification' requires libunbound ({})"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "구성 옵션 'gpgkey_dns_verification'에는 libunbound ({})가 필요합니다"
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:240
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:239
- msgid "DNSSEC extension: Key for user "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "DNSSEC 확장 : 사용자 키 "
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:242
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:241
- msgid "is valid."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "유효합니다."
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:244
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:243
- msgid "has unknown status."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "알 수 없는 상태입니다."
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:252
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:251
- msgid "DNSSEC extension: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "DNSSEC 확장: "
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:284
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:283
- msgid "Testing already imported keys for their validity."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "유효성 검사를 위해 이미 가져온 키를 테스트 중입니다."
--#: dnf/drpm.py:62 dnf/repo.py:267
-+#: dnf/drpm.py:62 dnf/repo.py:268
- #, python-format
- msgid "unsupported checksum type: %s"
- msgstr "지원되지 않는 유형: %s"
-@@ -3501,7 +3580,7 @@ msgstr "델타 RPM을 다시 빌드하지 못했습니다"
- #: dnf/drpm.py:146
- msgid "Checksum of the delta-rebuilt RPM failed"
--msgstr "델타 RPM의 체크섬이 일치하지 않습니다."
-+msgstr "델타 RPM의 체크섬이 일치하지 않습니다"
- # translation auto-copied from project subscription-manager, version 1.9.X,
- # document keys
-@@ -3509,35 +3588,35 @@ msgstr "델타 RPM의 체크섬이 일치하지 않습니다."
- msgid "done"
- msgstr "완료"
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:109
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:113
- msgid "Problems in request:"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "요청 중인 문제 :"
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:111
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:115
- msgid "missing packages: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "누락된 패키지: "
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:113
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:117
- msgid "broken packages: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "잘못된 패키지: "
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:115
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:119
- msgid "missing groups or modules: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "누락된 그룹 또는 모듈 : "
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:117
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:121
- msgid "broken groups or modules: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "잘못된 그룹 또는 모듈: "
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:122
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:126
- msgid "Modular dependency problem with Defaults:"
- msgid_plural "Modular dependency problems with Defaults:"
--msgstr[0] ""
-+msgstr[0] "기본값의 모듈 종속성 문제 :"
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:127 dnf/module/module_base.py:686
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:131 dnf/module/module_base.py:686
- msgid "Modular dependency problem:"
- msgid_plural "Modular dependency problems:"
--msgstr[0] ""
-+msgstr[0] "모듈 종속성 문제 :"
- #: dnf/lock.py:100
- #, python-format
-@@ -3545,6 +3624,8 @@ msgid ""
- "Malformed lock file found: %s.\n"
- "Ensure no other dnf/yum process is running and remove the lock file manually or run systemd-tmpfiles --remove dnf.conf."
- msgstr ""
-+"잘못된 잠금 파일이 발견되었습니다. %s \n"
-+"다른 dnf / yum 프로세스가 실행되고 있는지 확인하고 잠금 파일을 수동으로 제거하거나 systemd-tmpfiles --remove dnf.conf를 실행하십시오."
- #: dnf/module/__init__.py:26
- msgid "Enabling different stream for '{}'."
-@@ -3572,6 +3653,9 @@ msgid ""
- "\n"
- "Hint: [d]efault, [e]nabled, [x]disabled, [i]nstalled"
- msgstr ""
-+"힌트 : [d] efault, [e] nabled, [x] disabled, [i] stalled"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:34
- msgid ""
-@@ -3579,78 +3663,81 @@ msgid ""
- "\n"
- "Hint: [d]efault, [e]nabled, [x]disabled, [i]nstalled, [a]ctive"
- msgstr ""
-+"힌트 : [d] efault, [e] nabled, [x] disabled, [i] stalled, [a] ctive"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:54 dnf/module/module_base.py:421
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:477 dnf/module/module_base.py:543
- msgid "Ignoring unnecessary profile: '{}/{}'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "불필요한 프로파일을 무시합니다: '{}/{}'"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:84
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "All matches for argument '{0}' in module '{1}:{2}' are not active"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 '{1}:{2}'의 인수 '{0}'에 대한 모든 일치 항목이 활성화되지 않았습니다"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:92
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "Installing module '{0}' from Fail-Safe repository {1} is not allowed"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Fail-Safe 리포지토리 {1}에서 모듈 '{0}’을/를 설치할 수 없습니다"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:102
- msgid ""
- "Unable to match profile for argument {}. Available profiles for '{}:{}': {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "인수 {}의 프로파일을 일치시킬 수 없습니다. '{}:{}'에 사용 가능한 프로파일: {}"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:106
- msgid "Unable to match profile for argument {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "인수 {}에 대한 프로파일을 일치시킬 수 없습니다"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:118
- msgid "No default profiles for module {}:{}. Available profiles: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{} : {} 모듈에 대한 기본 프로파일이 없습니다. 사용 가능한 프로파일: {}"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:122
- msgid "No profiles for module {}:{}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{} : {} 모듈에 대한 프로파일이 없습니다"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:129
- msgid "Default profile {} not available in module {}:{}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{} 모듈에서 기본 프로필 {}을 (를) 사용할 수 없음 : {}"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:142
- msgid "Installing module from Fail-Safe repository is not allowed"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Fail-Safe 리포지토리에서 모듈을 설치할 수 없습니다"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:159 dnf/module/module_base.py:193
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:337 dnf/module/module_base.py:355
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:363 dnf/module/module_base.py:417
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:473 dnf/module/module_base.py:539
- msgid "Unable to resolve argument {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "인수 {}을 (를) 구문 분석할 수 없습니다"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:160
- msgid "No match for package {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{} 패키지와 일치하지 않습니다"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:204
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "Upgrading module '{0}' from Fail-Safe repository {1} is not allowed"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Fail-Safe 리포지토리 {1}에서 모듈 '{0}’을/를 업그레이드할 수 없습니다"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:223 dnf/module/module_base.py:251
- msgid "Unable to match profile in argument {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "인수 {}에서 프로파일을 일치시킬 수 없습니다"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:231
- msgid "Upgrading module from Fail-Safe repository is not allowed"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Fail-Safe 리포지토리에서 모듈을 업그레이드할 수 없습니다"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:367
- msgid ""
- "Only module name is required. Ignoring unneeded information in argument: "
- "'{}'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "모듈 이름만 필요합니다. '{}'인수에서 불필요한 정보를 무시합니다"
--#: dnf/package.py:295
-+#: dnf/package.py:298
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s: %s check failed: %s vs %s"
- msgstr "%s: %s 확인 실패 : %s 대 %s"
-@@ -3659,7 +3746,7 @@ msgstr "%s: %s 확인 실패 : %s 대 %s"
- #: dnf/persistor.py:54
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s is empty file"
--msgstr "%s는 빈 파일입니다."
-+msgstr "%s는 빈 파일입니다"
- #: dnf/persistor.py:98
- msgid "Failed storing last makecache time."
-@@ -3682,30 +3769,30 @@ msgstr "로드 된 플러그인 : %s"
- #: dnf/plugin.py:199
- #, python-format
- msgid "Failed loading plugin \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "플러그인 \"%s\"을/를 불러오지 못했습니다: %s"
- #: dnf/plugin.py:231
- msgid "No matches found for the following enable plugin patterns: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "다음의 활성 플러그인 패턴과 일치하는 항목이 없습니다: {}"
- #: dnf/plugin.py:235
- msgid "No matches found for the following disable plugin patterns: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "다음의 비활성화 플러그인 패턴과 일치하는 항목이 없습니다: {}"
--#: dnf/repo.py:83
-+#: dnf/repo.py:84
- #, python-format
- msgid "no matching payload factory for %s"
- msgstr "에 대한 일치하는 페이로드 팩터가 없습니다. %s"
--#: dnf/repo.py:110
-+#: dnf/repo.py:111
- msgid "Already downloaded"
- msgstr "이미 다운로드 됨"
- #. pinging mirrors, this might take a while
--#: dnf/repo.py:346
-+#: dnf/repo.py:347
- #, python-format
- msgid "determining the fastest mirror (%s hosts).. "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "가장 빠른 미러 지정 (%s 호스트).. "
- #: dnf/repodict.py:58
- #, python-format
-@@ -3719,13 +3806,13 @@ msgstr "추가됨 %s 에서 repo %s"
- #: dnf/rpm/transaction.py:119
- msgid "Errors occurred during test transaction."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "트랜잭션 테스트 중에 오류가 발생했습니다."
- #. TRANSLATORS: This is for a single package currently being downgraded.
- #: dnf/transaction.py:80
- msgctxt "currently"
- msgid "Downgrading"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "다운그레이드 중"
- #: dnf/transaction.py:81 dnf/transaction.py:88 dnf/transaction.py:93
- #: dnf/transaction.py:95
-@@ -3736,13 +3823,13 @@ msgstr "정리"
- #: dnf/transaction.py:83
- msgctxt "currently"
- msgid "Installing"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "설치 중"
- #. TRANSLATORS: This is for a single package currently being reinstalled.
- #: dnf/transaction.py:87
- msgctxt "currently"
- msgid "Reinstalling"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "재설치"
- #. TODO: 'Removing'?
- #: dnf/transaction.py:90
-@@ -3753,7 +3840,7 @@ msgstr "삭제 중"
- #: dnf/transaction.py:92
- msgctxt "currently"
- msgid "Upgrading"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "업그레이드"
- #: dnf/transaction.py:96
- msgid "Verifying"
-@@ -3773,12 +3860,12 @@ msgstr "문제"
- #: dnf/util.py:444
- msgid "TransactionItem not found for key: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{} 키에 대한 트랜잭션 항목을 찾을 수 없습니다"
- #: dnf/util.py:454
- msgid "TransactionSWDBItem not found for key: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{} 키에 대한 TransactionSWDBItem을 찾을 수 없습니다"
- #: dnf/util.py:457
- msgid "Errors occurred during transaction."
--msgstr "거래 중에 오류가 발생했습니다."
-+msgstr "트랜잭션 중에 오류가 발생했습니다."
-diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po
-index 8391f6bb..158a7ab0 100644
---- a/po/zh_CN.po
-+++ b/po/zh_CN.po
-@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
- "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
--"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-03-19 09:18-0400\n"
-+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-23 09:18-0400\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-03-22 12:29+0000\n"
- "Last-Translator: Hongqiao Chen <harrychen0314@gmail.com>\n"
- "Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified) <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/dnf/dnf-master/zh_CN/>\n"
-@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ msgstr "使用 '%s' 发送邮件失败: %s"
- #: dnf/automatic/emitter.py:137
- #, python-format
- msgid "Failed to execute command '%s': returned %d"
--msgstr "无法执行命令  '%s' :返回 %d"
-+msgstr "无法执行命令 '%s' :返回 %d"
- #: dnf/automatic/main.py:156 dnf/conf/config.py:151
- #, python-format
-@@ -90,16 +90,20 @@ msgstr "未知配置值: %s=%s 在 %s 中; %s"
- msgid "Unknown configuration option: %s = %s in %s"
- msgstr "未知配置选项:%s = %s 在 %s 中"
--#: dnf/automatic/main.py:236
-+#: dnf/automatic/main.py:228 dnf/cli/cli.py:298
-+msgid "GPG check FAILED"
-+msgstr "GPG 检查失败"
-+#: dnf/automatic/main.py:247
- msgid "Started dnf-automatic."
- msgstr "启动的 dnf-automatic。"
--#: dnf/automatic/main.py:240
-+#: dnf/automatic/main.py:251
- #, python-format
- msgid "Sleep for %s seconds"
- msgstr "休眠 %s 秒"
--#: dnf/automatic/main.py:271 dnf/cli/main.py:59 dnf/cli/main.py:80
-+#: dnf/automatic/main.py:283 dnf/cli/main.py:59 dnf/cli/main.py:80
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:83
- #, python-format
- msgid "Error: %s"
-@@ -211,7 +215,7 @@ msgstr "事务检查成功。"
- msgid "Running transaction test"
- msgstr "运行事务测试"
--#: dnf/base.py:848 dnf/base.py:995
-+#: dnf/base.py:848 dnf/base.py:990
- msgid "RPM: {}"
- msgstr "RPM软件包: {}"
-@@ -244,84 +248,84 @@ msgstr "错误汇总"
- #: dnf/base.py:945
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "RPMDB altered outside of {prog}."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "RPMDB 在 {prog} 以外被修改。"
--#: dnf/base.py:996 dnf/base.py:1004
-+#: dnf/base.py:991 dnf/base.py:999
- msgid "Could not run transaction."
- msgstr "不能执行事务。"
--#: dnf/base.py:999
-+#: dnf/base.py:994
- msgid "Transaction couldn't start:"
- msgstr "事务无法启动:"
--#: dnf/base.py:1013
-+#: dnf/base.py:1008
- #, python-format
- msgid "Failed to remove transaction file %s"
- msgstr "移除事务文件 %s 失败"
--#: dnf/base.py:1095
-+#: dnf/base.py:1090
- msgid "Some packages were not downloaded. Retrying."
- msgstr "某些软件包没有被下载。正在重试。"
--#: dnf/base.py:1125
-+#: dnf/base.py:1120
- #, python-format
- msgid "Delta RPMs reduced %.1f MB of updates to %.1f MB (%d.1%% saved)"
- msgstr "增量 RPM 将 %.1f MB 的更新减少至 %.1f MB(已节省 %d.1%% )"
--#: dnf/base.py:1128
-+#: dnf/base.py:1123
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "Failed Delta RPMs increased %.1f MB of updates to %.1f MB (%d.1%% wasted)"
- msgstr "增量 RPM 未能将 %.1f MB 的更新减少至 %.1f MB(已浪费 %d.1%% )"
--#: dnf/base.py:1170
-+#: dnf/base.py:1165
- msgid "Cannot add local packages, because transaction job already exists"
- msgstr "由于事物已经存在,无法添加本地软件包"
--#: dnf/base.py:1184
-+#: dnf/base.py:1179
- msgid "Could not open: {}"
- msgstr "无法打开: {}"
--#: dnf/base.py:1222
-+#: dnf/base.py:1217
- #, python-format
- msgid "Public key for %s is not installed"
- msgstr "%s 的公钥没有安装"
--#: dnf/base.py:1226
-+#: dnf/base.py:1221
- #, python-format
- msgid "Problem opening package %s"
- msgstr "打开软件包 %s 出现问题"
--#: dnf/base.py:1234
-+#: dnf/base.py:1229
- #, python-format
- msgid "Public key for %s is not trusted"
- msgstr "%s 的公钥不可信任"
--#: dnf/base.py:1238
-+#: dnf/base.py:1233
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s is not signed"
- msgstr "软件包 %s 没有签名"
--#: dnf/base.py:1253
-+#: dnf/base.py:1263
- #, python-format
- msgid "Cannot remove %s"
- msgstr "无法删除 %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:1257
-+#: dnf/base.py:1267
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s removed"
- msgstr "%s 已删除"
--#: dnf/base.py:1537
-+#: dnf/base.py:1547
- msgid "No match for group package \"{}\""
- msgstr "没有和组 \"{}\" 匹配的"
--#: dnf/base.py:1624
-+#: dnf/base.py:1634
- #, python-format
- msgid "Adding packages from group '%s': %s"
- msgstr "从组 '%s': %s 添加软件包"
--#: dnf/base.py:1647 dnf/base.py:1699 dnf/cli/cli.py:218
-+#: dnf/base.py:1657 dnf/base.py:1709 dnf/cli/cli.py:218
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:451 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:508
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:601 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:650
- #: dnf/cli/commands/install.py:80 dnf/cli/commands/install.py:103
-@@ -329,21 +333,21 @@ msgstr "从组 '%s': %s 添加软件包"
- msgid "Nothing to do."
- msgstr "无需任何处理。"
--#: dnf/base.py:1665
-+#: dnf/base.py:1675
- msgid "No groups marked for removal."
- msgstr "没有软件包组需要移除。"
--#: dnf/base.py:1701
-+#: dnf/base.py:1711
- msgid "No group marked for upgrade."
- msgstr "没有标记为要升级的组。"
--#: dnf/base.py:1916
-+#: dnf/base.py:1926
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s not installed, cannot downgrade it."
- msgstr "软件包 %s 并没有能够安装,无法进行降级操作。"
--#: dnf/base.py:1918 dnf/base.py:1937 dnf/base.py:1950 dnf/base.py:1971
--#: dnf/base.py:2020 dnf/base.py:2028 dnf/base.py:2163 dnf/cli/cli.py:410
-+#: dnf/base.py:1928 dnf/base.py:1947 dnf/base.py:1960 dnf/base.py:1981
-+#: dnf/base.py:2030 dnf/base.py:2038 dnf/base.py:2173 dnf/cli/cli.py:410
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:434 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:491
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:595 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:642
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:720 dnf/cli/commands/install.py:147
-@@ -353,186 +357,184 @@ msgstr "软件包 %s 并没有能够安装,无法进行降级操作。"
- msgid "No match for argument: %s"
- msgstr "未找到匹配的参数: %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:1925
-+#: dnf/base.py:1935
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s of lower version already installed, cannot downgrade it."
- msgstr "软件包 %s 的低版本已经安装,无法进行降级。"
--#: dnf/base.py:1948
-+#: dnf/base.py:1958
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s not installed, cannot reinstall it."
- msgstr "软件包 %s 未能够安装成功,无法进行重新安装。"
--#: dnf/base.py:1963
-+#: dnf/base.py:1973
- #, python-format
- msgid "File %s is a source package and cannot be updated, ignoring."
- msgstr "%s 文件无法被升级,已忽略。"
--#: dnf/base.py:1969
-+#: dnf/base.py:1979
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s not installed, cannot update it."
- msgstr "软件包 %s 未安装,无法更新。"
--#: dnf/base.py:1978
-+#: dnf/base.py:1988
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "The same or higher version of %s is already installed, cannot update it."
- msgstr "已经安装了软件包%s的相同或更高版本,无法更新。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2017 dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:81
-+#: dnf/base.py:2027 dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:81
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s available, but not installed."
- msgstr "软件包 %s 可用,但不会被安装"
--#: dnf/base.py:2023
-+#: dnf/base.py:2033
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s available, but installed for different architecture."
- msgstr "软件包 %s 可用,当是为其它架构安装。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2048 dnf/base.py:2241 dnf/cli/cli.py:667 dnf/cli/cli.py:698
-+#: dnf/base.py:2058 dnf/base.py:2251 dnf/cli/cli.py:667 dnf/cli/cli.py:698
- #, python-format
- msgid "No package %s installed."
- msgstr "没有软件包 %s 安装。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2066 dnf/cli/commands/install.py:136
--#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:132
-+#: dnf/base.py:2076 dnf/cli/commands/install.py:136
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:133
- #, python-format
- msgid "Not a valid form: %s"
- msgstr "无效: %s"
--#: dnf/base.py:2082 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:690
--#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:162
-+#: dnf/base.py:2092 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:690
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:163
- msgid "No packages marked for removal."
- msgstr "没有软件包需要移除。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2170 dnf/cli/cli.py:421
-+#: dnf/base.py:2180 dnf/cli/cli.py:421
- #, python-format
- msgid "Packages for argument %s available, but not installed."
- msgstr "针对于参数 %s 的软件包可用, 但是目前没有安装。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2175
-+#: dnf/base.py:2185
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s of lowest version already installed, cannot downgrade it."
- msgstr "软件包 %s 的最低版本已经安装,无法再进行降级。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2233
-+#: dnf/base.py:2243
- msgid "Action not handled: {}"
- msgstr "操作没被处理:{}"
--#: dnf/base.py:2247 dnf/cli/cli.py:418 dnf/cli/cli.py:672 dnf/cli/cli.py:702
-+#: dnf/base.py:2257 dnf/cli/cli.py:418 dnf/cli/cli.py:672 dnf/cli/cli.py:702
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:913 dnf/cli/commands/group.py:398
- #, python-format
- msgid "No package %s available."
- msgstr "无可用软件包 %s。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2260
-+#: dnf/base.py:2270
- msgid "no package matched"
- msgstr "没有能够与之匹配的软件包"
--#: dnf/base.py:2281
-+#: dnf/base.py:2291
- msgid "No security updates needed, but {} update available"
- msgstr "没有必须的安全更新, 但是 {} 的更新可用"
--#: dnf/base.py:2283
-+#: dnf/base.py:2293
- msgid "No security updates needed, but {} updates available"
- msgstr "没有必须的安全更新, 但是 {} 的更新可用"
--#: dnf/base.py:2287
-+#: dnf/base.py:2297
- msgid "No security updates needed for \"{}\", but {} update available"
- msgstr "没有针对于\"{}\" 所必须的安全更新, 但是 {} 的更新可用"
--#: dnf/base.py:2289
-+#: dnf/base.py:2299
- msgid "No security updates needed for \"{}\", but {} updates available"
- msgstr "没有针对于\"{}\" 所必须的安全更新, 但是 {} 的更新可用"
--#: dnf/base.py:2313
-+#: dnf/base.py:2323
- #, python-format
- msgid ". Failing package is: %s"
- msgstr ". 失败的软件包是:%s"
--#: dnf/base.py:2314
-+#: dnf/base.py:2324
- #, python-format
- msgid "GPG Keys are configured as: %s"
- msgstr "GPG密钥配置为:%s"
--#: dnf/base.py:2326
-+#: dnf/base.py:2336
- #, python-format
- msgid "GPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installed"
- msgstr "%s 的 GPG 公钥(0x%s)已安装"
--#: dnf/base.py:2359
--#, fuzzy
-+#: dnf/base.py:2369
- msgid "The key has been approved."
- msgstr "密钥已被确认"
--#: dnf/base.py:2362
--#, fuzzy
-+#: dnf/base.py:2372
- msgid "The key has been rejected."
--msgstr "密钥已被否认"
-+msgstr "密钥已被拒绝"
--#: dnf/base.py:2395
-+#: dnf/base.py:2405
- #, python-format
- msgid "Key import failed (code %d)"
- msgstr "导入公钥失败(代码 %d)"
--#: dnf/base.py:2397
-+#: dnf/base.py:2407
- msgid "Key imported successfully"
- msgstr "导入公钥成功"
--#: dnf/base.py:2401
-+#: dnf/base.py:2411
- msgid "Didn't install any keys"
- msgstr "没有安装任何公钥"
--#: dnf/base.py:2404
-+#: dnf/base.py:2414
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "The GPG keys listed for the \"%s\" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.\n"
- "Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."
- msgstr "仓库 \"%s\" 的 GPG 公钥已安装,但是不适用于此软件包。请检查仓库的公钥 URL 是否配置正确。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2415
-+#: dnf/base.py:2425
- msgid "Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?"
- msgstr "导入的密钥没有公钥,错误的公钥?"
--#: dnf/base.py:2451
-+#: dnf/base.py:2478
- msgid "  * Maybe you meant: {}"
- msgstr "  * 可能您的意思是:{}"
--#: dnf/base.py:2483
-+#: dnf/base.py:2510
- msgid "Package \"{}\" from local repository \"{}\" has incorrect checksum"
- msgstr "软件包 \"{}\"(来自于本地仓库 \"{}\")的 checksum 不正确"
--#: dnf/base.py:2486
-+#: dnf/base.py:2513
- msgid "Some packages from local repository have incorrect checksum"
- msgstr "本地仓库的一些软件包校验值(checksum)不正确,无法确定软件包完整"
--#: dnf/base.py:2489
-+#: dnf/base.py:2516
- msgid "Package \"{}\" from repository \"{}\" has incorrect checksum"
- msgstr "软件包 \"{}\"(来自仓库 \"{}\")的 checksum 不正确"
--#: dnf/base.py:2492
-+#: dnf/base.py:2519
- msgid ""
- "Some packages have invalid cache, but cannot be downloaded due to \"--"
- "cacheonly\" option"
- msgstr "以下软件包有无效缓存,因为使用了 \"--cacheonly\" 选项不能下载"
--#: dnf/base.py:2510 dnf/base.py:2530
-+#: dnf/base.py:2537 dnf/base.py:2557
- msgid "No match for argument"
- msgstr "未找到匹配的参数"
--#: dnf/base.py:2518 dnf/base.py:2538
-+#: dnf/base.py:2545 dnf/base.py:2565
- msgid "All matches were filtered out by exclude filtering for argument"
- msgstr "由于您的搜索参数,所有相关结果都已被滤掉"
--#: dnf/base.py:2520
-+#: dnf/base.py:2547
- msgid "All matches were filtered out by modular filtering for argument"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "所有匹配已被模块的排除过滤过滤掉。"
--#: dnf/base.py:2536
-+#: dnf/base.py:2563
- msgid "All matches were installed from a different repository for argument"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "所有匹配项都已从参数的其他存储库安装"
--#: dnf/base.py:2552
-+#: dnf/base.py:2579
- #, python-format
- msgid "Package %s is already installed."
- msgstr "软件包 %s 已安装。"
-@@ -540,7 +542,7 @@ msgstr "软件包 %s 已安装。"
- #: dnf/cli/aliases.py:96
- #, python-format
- msgid "Unexpected value of environment variable: DNF_DISABLE_ALIASES=%s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "错误的环境变量 : DNF_DISABLE_ALIASES=%s"
- #: dnf/cli/aliases.py:105 dnf/conf/config.py:457
- #, python-format
-@@ -565,7 +567,7 @@ msgstr "别名中包含无限递归"
- #: dnf/cli/aliases.py:209
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s, using original arguments."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "%s, 使用原始参数。"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:136
- #, python-format
-@@ -582,7 +584,7 @@ msgstr "  构建    :%s 在 %s"
- msgid ""
- "The operation would result in switching of module '{0}' stream '{1}' to "
- "stream '{2}'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "这个操作会把模块 '{0}' 从流 '{1}' 切换到流 '{2}'"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:171
- #, python-brace-format
-@@ -590,6 +592,8 @@ msgid ""
- "It is not possible to switch enabled streams of a module.\n"
- "It is recommended to remove all installed content from the module, and reset the module using '{prog} module reset <module_name>' command. After you reset the module, you can install the other stream."
- msgstr ""
-+"建议从模块中删除所有安装的内容,使用 '{prog} module reset <module_name>' 命令重置模块。在重置模块后,您可以安装其他流。command. After you reset the module, you can install the other stream."
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:209
- #, python-brace-format
-@@ -627,10 +631,6 @@ msgstr ""
- "如果不加干预,拒绝自动导入公钥。\n"
- "指定 \"-y\" 改变这个行为。"
--#: dnf/cli/cli.py:298
--msgid "GPG check FAILED"
--msgstr "GPG 检查失败"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:330
- msgid "Changelogs for {}"
- msgstr "{}的变更记录"
-@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ msgstr "它可能是一个{PROG}插件命令,尝试:\"{prog} install 'dnf-co
- msgid ""
- "It could be a {prog} plugin command, but loading of plugins is currently "
- "disabled."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "它可能是一个 {prog} 插件命令,但加载插件当前已被禁用。"
- #: dnf/cli/cli.py:908
- msgid ""
-@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ msgid ""
- "version)"
- msgstr "无法找到发布版本(可用 '--releasever' 指定版本)"
--#: dnf/cli/cli.py:1123 dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:473
-+#: dnf/cli/cli.py:1123 dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:471
- msgid "argument {}: not allowed with argument {}"
- msgstr "参数 {}:不允许与参数 {} 一起使用"
-@@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ msgstr "软件包"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:202
- msgid "Package name specification"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "软件包名称规格"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:230
- msgid "list a package or groups of packages"
-@@ -897,11 +897,11 @@ msgstr "查找提供指定内容的软件包"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:248
- msgid "PROVIDE"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "PROVIDE"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:249
- msgid "Provide specification to search for"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "提供规格进行搜索"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:258 dnf/cli/commands/search.py:159
- msgid "Searching Packages: "
-@@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ msgid " (from %s)"
- msgstr " (来自 %s)"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:442 dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:499
--#: dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:92 dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:104
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:92 dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:105
- #, python-format
- msgid "Installed package %s%s not available."
- msgstr "已安装的软件包%s%s已不可用。"
-@@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ msgstr "对指定仓库中的所有软件包运行命令"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:774
- msgid "REPOID"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "REPOID"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:774
- msgid "Repository ID"
-@@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ msgstr "仓库ID"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:785 dnf/cli/commands/mark.py:48
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:108
- msgid "Package specification"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "软件包规格"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:809
- msgid "display a helpful usage message"
-@@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ msgstr "命令"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:814
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "{prog} command to get help for"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{prog} 命令获得帮助"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:831
- msgid "display, or use, the transaction history"
-@@ -1000,8 +1000,10 @@ msgid "No transaction ID or package name given."
- msgstr "没有提供事务 ID 或软件包名。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:879
--msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
--msgstr "你没有权限到历史数据。"
-+#, python-format
-+#| msgid "You don't have access to the history DB."
-+msgid "You don't have access to the history DB: %s"
-+msgstr "您没有权限访问历史数据库:%s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:891
- #, python-format
-@@ -1030,10 +1032,12 @@ msgid ""
- "Can't convert '{}' to transaction ID.\n"
- "Use '<number>', 'last', 'last-<number>'."
- msgstr ""
-+"无法将 '{}' 转换为事务 ID。\n"
-+"使用 '<number>'、'last'、'last-<number>'。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/__init__.py:999
- msgid "No transaction which manipulates package '{}' was found."
--msgstr "没有找到管理软件包  '{}' 的事务"
-+msgstr "没有找到管理软件包 '{}' 的事务"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:40
- msgid "List or create command aliases"
-@@ -1041,83 +1045,83 @@ msgstr "列出或新建命令别名"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:47
- msgid "enable aliases resolving"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "启用别名解析"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:50
- msgid "disable aliases resolving"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "禁用别名解析"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:53
- msgid "action to do with aliases"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "与别名有关的操作"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:55
- msgid "alias definition"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "别名定义"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:70
- msgid "Aliases are now enabled"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "别名现已被启用"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:73
- msgid "Aliases are now disabled"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "别名现已被禁用"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:90 dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:93
- #, python-format
- msgid "Invalid alias key: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无效的别名键 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:96
- #, python-format
- msgid "Alias argument has no value: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "别名参数没有值 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:130
- #, python-format
- msgid "Aliases added: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "别名已添加 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:144
- #, python-format
- msgid "Alias not found: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "别名未找到 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:147
- #, python-format
- msgid "Aliases deleted: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "别名被删除 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:155
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s, alias %s=\"%s\""
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "%s,别名 %s=\"%s\""
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:157
- #, python-format
- msgid "Alias %s='%s'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "别名 %s='%s'"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:161
- msgid "Aliases resolving is disabled."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "别名解析被禁用"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:166
- msgid "No aliases specified."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "没有指定别名。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:173
- msgid "No alias specified."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "没有指定别名。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:179
- msgid "No aliases defined."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "没有定义别名。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/alias.py:186
- #, python-format
- msgid "No match for alias: %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "没有匹配的别名 : %s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/autoremove.py:41
- msgid ""
-@@ -1237,6 +1241,12 @@ msgstr "警告:组 %s 不存在。"
- msgid "Warning: No groups match:"
- msgstr "警告:没有匹配的组"
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:180 dnf/cli/commands/group.py:191
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1226
-+#| msgid "<unset>"
-+msgid "<name-unset>"
-+msgstr "<name-unset>"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:197
- msgid "Available Environment Groups:"
- msgstr "可用环境组:"
-@@ -1279,15 +1289,15 @@ msgstr "只显示可获得的团队"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:329
- msgid "show also ID of groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "同时显示组 ID"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:331
- msgid "available subcommands: {} (default), {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "可用的子命令:{}(默认),{}"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:335
- msgid "argument for group subcommand"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "组子命令参数"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/group.py:344
- #, python-format
-@@ -1318,7 +1328,7 @@ msgstr "RPM文件路径错误:%s"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/install.py:167
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "There are following alternatives for \"{0}\": {1}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "以下是 \"{0}\" 的替代 : {1}"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/makecache.py:37
- msgid "generate the metadata cache"
-@@ -1338,6 +1348,9 @@ msgid ""
- "remove: unmark as installed by user\n"
- "group: mark as installed by group"
- msgstr ""
-+"install: 标记为由用户安装\n"
-+"remove: 取消由用户安装标记\n"
-+"group: 标记为由组安装"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/mark.py:52
- #, python-format
-@@ -1368,11 +1381,11 @@ msgstr "软件包 %s 尚未安装。"
- msgid ""
- "Only module name, stream, architecture or profile is used. Ignoring unneeded"
- " information in argument: '{}'"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "仅使用模块名称,流,体系结构或配置文件。忽略参数“ {}”中不需要的信息"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:77
- msgid "list all module streams, profiles and states"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "列出所有模块流、配置集和状态"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:105 dnf/cli/commands/module.py:128
- msgid "No matching Modules to list"
-@@ -1380,43 +1393,43 @@ msgstr "没有匹配的模块可以列出"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:111
- msgid "print detailed information about a module"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "打印模块的详细信息"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:133
- msgid "enable a module stream"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "启用一个模块流"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:157
- msgid "disable a module with all its streams"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "禁用一个模块的所有流"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:181
- msgid "reset a module"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "重置模块"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:202
- msgid "install a module profile including its packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "安装一个包括它的软件包在内的模块配置集"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:223
- msgid "update packages associated with an active stream"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "更新与一个活动流相关的软件包"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:240
- msgid "remove installed module profiles and their packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "移除已安装的模块配置集和它们的软件包"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:264
- msgid "Package {} belongs to multiple modules, skipping"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "软件包{}属于多个模块,正在跳过"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:277
- msgid "list modular packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "列出模块软件包"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:292
- msgid "list packages belonging to a module"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "列出属于某个模块的软件包"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:327
- msgid "Interact with Modules."
-@@ -1432,7 +1445,7 @@ msgstr "只显示禁用的模块"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:346
- msgid "show only installed modules or packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "只显示安装的模块或软件包"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:349
- msgid "show profile content"
-@@ -1440,15 +1453,15 @@ msgstr "显示档案内容"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:354
- msgid "remove all modular packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "删除所有模块化程序包"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:364
- msgid "Module specification"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "模块规格"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/module.py:386
- msgid "{} {} {}: too few arguments"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "{} {} {}: 参数太少"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/reinstall.py:38
- msgid "reinstall a package"
-@@ -1470,16 +1483,16 @@ msgstr "删除已安装(重复)的软件包"
- msgid "remove installonly packages over the limit"
- msgstr "移除过期的“仅安装”软件包"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:94
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:95
- msgid "No duplicated packages found for removal."
- msgstr "没有重复的软件包需要删除"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:126
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/remove.py:127
- msgid "No old installonly packages found for removal."
- msgstr "没有已过时且已安装的软件包需要删除"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:38 dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:47
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:318 dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:359
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:318 dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:364
- msgid "unknown"
- msgstr "未知"
-@@ -1516,7 +1529,7 @@ msgstr "显示被禁用的软件仓库"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:93
- msgid "Repository specification"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "储存库规格"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:125
- msgid "No repositories available"
-@@ -1532,100 +1545,100 @@ msgstr "禁用"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:162
- msgid "Repo-id            : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-id            : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:163
- msgid "Repo-name          : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-name          : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:166
- msgid "Repo-status        : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-status        : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:169
- msgid "Repo-revision      : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-revision      : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:173
- msgid "Repo-tags          : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-tags          : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:180
- msgid "Repo-distro-tags      : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-distro-tags      : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:192
- msgid "Repo-updated       : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-updated       : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:194
- msgid "Repo-pkgs          : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-pkgs          : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:195
- msgid "Repo-available-pkgs: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-available-pkgs: "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:196
- msgid "Repo-size          : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-size          : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:199
- msgid "Repo-metalink      : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-metalink      : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:204
- msgid "  Updated          : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "  Updated          : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:206
- msgid "Repo-mirrors       : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-mirrors       : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:210 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:216
- msgid "Repo-baseurl       : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-baseurl       : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:219
- msgid "Repo-expire        : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-expire        : "
- #. TRANSLATORS: Packages that are excluded - their names like (dnf systemd)
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:223
- msgid "Repo-exclude       : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-exclude       : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:227
- msgid "Repo-include       : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-include       : "
- #. TRANSLATORS: Number of packages that where excluded (5)
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:232
- msgid "Repo-excluded      : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-excluded      : "
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:236
- msgid "Repo-filename      : "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repo-filename      : "
- #. Work out the first (id) and last (enabled/disabled/count),
- #. then chop the middle (name)...
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:245 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:272
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:246 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:273
- msgid "repo id"
- msgstr "仓库标识"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:258 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:259
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:280
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:259 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:260
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:281
- msgid "status"
- msgstr "状态"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:274 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:276
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:275 dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:277
- msgid "repo name"
- msgstr "仓库名称"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:290
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repolist.py:291
- msgid "Total packages: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Total packages: {}"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:108
- msgid "search for packages matching keyword"
-@@ -1729,7 +1742,7 @@ msgstr "显示 N 个指定 name.arch 下最新的软件包(或者最旧的如
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:181
- msgid "list also packages of inactive module streams"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "同时列出非活动模块流的软件包"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:186
- msgid "show detailed information about the package"
-@@ -1822,6 +1835,8 @@ msgid ""
- "running %%pre and %%post scriptlets. If the package is installed display "
- "capabilities that is depends for %%pre, %%post, %%preun and %%postun."
- msgstr ""
-+"如果没有安装软件包,则显示它所依赖的运行%%pre和%%post 脚本程序的能力。如果安装了软件包,则显示%%pre, %%post,%%preun和 "
-+"%%postun 所依赖的能力。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:242
- msgid "Display capabilities that the package suggests."
-@@ -1854,7 +1869,7 @@ msgstr "仅显示为已安装的软件包提供升级的软件包。"
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid ""
- "Display only packages that can be removed by \"{prog} autoremove\" command."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "仅显示可被 {prog} autoremove\" 命令所移除的软件包"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:257
- msgid "Display only packages that were installed by user."
-@@ -1884,6 +1899,8 @@ msgid ""
- "with '--alldeps', but not with '--exactdeps'), or with '--requires <REQ> "
- "--resolve'"
- msgstr ""
-+"选项 '--recursive' 需要和 '--whatrequires <REQ>' 一起使用(以及可选的 '--alldeps',但不能是 '--"
-+"exactdeps'),或和 '--requires <REQ> --resolve' 一起使用"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:311
- msgid "argument {} requires --whatrequires or --whatdepends option"
-@@ -1898,7 +1915,7 @@ msgstr "软件包 {} 不包含文件"
- msgid "Available query-tags: use --queryformat \".. %{tag} ..\""
- msgstr "可用的查询标签:使用 --queryformat \".. %{tag} ..\""
--#: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:562
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/repoquery.py:561
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid ""
- "No valid switch specified\n"
-@@ -1907,6 +1924,11 @@ msgid ""
- "description:\n"
- "  For the given packages print a tree of thepackages."
- msgstr ""
-+"用法:{prog} repoquery [--conflicts|--enhances|--obsoletes|--provides|--recommends|--requires|--suggest|--supplements|--whatrequires] [key] [--tree]\n"
-+"  对于指定的软件包,打印软件包树。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:46
- msgid "search package details for the given string"
-@@ -1918,26 +1940,26 @@ msgstr "同时搜索软件包描述和 URL"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:52
- msgid "KEYWORD"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "KEYWORD"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:55
- msgid "Keyword to search for"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "搜索关键字"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:61 dnf/cli/output.py:506
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Name"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "名称"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:62 dnf/cli/output.py:559
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Summary"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "概况"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:63 dnf/cli/output.py:569
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Description"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "描述"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/search.py:64 dnf/cli/output.py:562
- msgid "URL"
-@@ -1970,7 +1992,7 @@ msgstr "未找到匹配项。"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:47
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "run an interactive {prog} shell"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "运行一个非交互式的 {prog} shell"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:68
- msgid "SCRIPT"
-@@ -1979,7 +2001,7 @@ msgstr "脚本"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:69
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "Script to run in {prog} shell"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "在 {prog} shell 中运行的脚本"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/shell.py:142
- msgid "Unsupported key value."
-@@ -2098,7 +2120,7 @@ msgstr "离开终端"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/swap.py:35
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "run an interactive {prog} mod for remove and install one spec"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "运行交互式的 {prog} mod 以删除或安装 spec"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/swap.py:40
- msgid "The specs that will be removed"
-@@ -2176,11 +2198,11 @@ msgstr "显示公告信息"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:101
- msgid "show only advisories with CVE reference"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "仅显示具有 CVE 参考的公告"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:104
- msgid "show only advisories with bugzilla reference"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "仅显示具有 bugzilla 参考的公告"
- #: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:168
- msgid "installed"
-@@ -2246,52 +2268,52 @@ msgstr "其他通知"
- msgid "Unknown/Sec."
- msgstr "未知/安全漏洞"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:352
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:357
- msgid "Bugs"
- msgstr "错误"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:352
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:357
- msgid "Type"
- msgstr "类型"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:352
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:357
- msgid "Update ID"
- msgstr "更新 ID"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:352
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:357
- msgid "Updated"
- msgstr "更新完毕"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:353
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:358
- msgid "CVEs"
- msgstr "安全漏洞"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:353
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:358
- msgid "Description"
- msgstr "描述"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:353
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:358
- msgid "Rights"
- msgstr "权限"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:353
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:358
- msgid "Severity"
- msgstr "严重性"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:354
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:359
- msgid "Files"
- msgstr "文件"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:354 dnf/cli/output.py:1491
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1755 dnf/cli/output.py:1757
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:359 dnf/cli/output.py:1499
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1770 dnf/cli/output.py:1772
- msgid "Installed"
- msgstr "已安装"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:380
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:385
- msgid "false"
- msgstr "否"
--#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:380
-+#: dnf/cli/commands/updateinfo.py:385
- msgid "true"
- msgstr "是"
-@@ -2319,23 +2341,23 @@ msgstr "没有当前目录的读取/执行权限,移动至 /"
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:135
- msgid "try to add '{}' to command line to replace conflicting packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "尝试在命令行中添加 '{}' 来替换冲突的软件包"
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:139
- msgid "try to add '{}' to skip uninstallable packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "尝试添加 '{}' 来跳过无法安装的软件包"
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:142
- msgid " or '{}' to skip uninstallable packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr " 或 '{}' 来跳过无法安装的软件包"
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:147
- msgid "try to add '{}' to use not only best candidate packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "尝试添加 '{}' 来不只使用最佳选择的软件包"
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:150
- msgid " or '{}' to use not only best candidate packages"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr " 或 '{}' 来不只使用最佳选择的软件包"
- #: dnf/cli/main.py:167
- msgid "Dependencies resolved."
-@@ -2366,7 +2388,7 @@ msgstr "Setopt 参数没有值:%s"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:174
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "General {prog} options"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "一般{prog}选项"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:178
- msgid "config file location"
-@@ -2383,7 +2405,7 @@ msgstr "详尽执行"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:185
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "show {prog} version and exit"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "显示 {prog} 版本并推出"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:187
- msgid "set install root"
-@@ -2431,7 +2453,7 @@ msgstr "在事务中尝试最佳软件包版本。"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:223
- msgid "do not limit the transaction to the best candidate"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "不用把事务限制在最佳选择"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:226
- msgid "run entirely from system cache, don't update cache"
-@@ -2462,7 +2484,7 @@ msgstr "错误输出级别"
- msgid ""
- "enables {prog}'s obsoletes processing logic for upgrade or display "
- "capabilities that the package obsoletes for info, list and repoquery"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "对升级启用 {prog} 的过期处理逻辑,或对 info、list 和 repoquery 显示软件包过期的功能"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:251
- msgid "debugging output level for rpm"
-@@ -2480,13 +2502,13 @@ msgstr "全部问题自动应答为否"
- msgid ""
- "Enable additional repositories. List option. Supports globs, can be "
- "specified multiple times."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "启用其他存储库。列出选项。支持 glob,可以多次指定。"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:266
- msgid ""
- "Disable repositories. List option. Supports globs, can be specified multiple"
- " times."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "禁用存储库。列出选项。支持 glob,可以多次指定。"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:270
- msgid ""
-@@ -2496,11 +2518,11 @@ msgstr "启用指定 id 或 glob 的仓库,可以指定多次"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:275
- msgid "enable repos with config-manager command (automatically saves)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "使用 config-manager 命令启用 repos (自动保存)"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:279
- msgid "disable repos with config-manager command (automatically saves)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "使用 config-manager 命令禁用 repos (自动保存)"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:283
- msgid "exclude packages by name or glob"
-@@ -2514,7 +2536,7 @@ msgstr "禁用 excludepkgs"
- msgid ""
- "label and path to an additional repository to use (same path as in a "
- "baseurl), can be specified multiple times."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "要使用的附加存储库的标签和路径(与 baseurl 中相同的路径),可以多次指定。"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:297
- msgid "disable removal of dependencies that are no longer used"
-@@ -2522,7 +2544,7 @@ msgstr "禁用删除不再被使用的依赖软件包"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:300
- msgid "disable gpg signature checking (if RPM policy allows)"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "禁用 gpg 签名检查 (如果 RPM 策略允许)"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:302
- msgid "control whether color is used"
-@@ -2597,10 +2619,10 @@ msgid "List of Plugin Commands:"
- msgstr "插件命令列表:"
- #: dnf/cli/option_parser.py:413
--#, fuzzy, python-format
-+#, python-format
- #| msgid "No match for argument: %s"
- msgid "Cannot encode argument '%s': %s"
--msgstr "未找到匹配的参数: %s"
-+msgstr "不能对参数 '%s' 编码:%s"
- #. Translators: This is abbreviated 'Name'. Should be no longer
- #. than 12 characters. You can use the full version if it is short
-@@ -2608,7 +2630,7 @@ msgstr "未找到匹配的参数: %s"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:505
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Name"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "名称"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 characters.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:511
-@@ -2619,16 +2641,16 @@ msgstr "时期"
- #. use the full (unabbreviated) term 'Version' if you think that
- #. the translation to your language is not too long and will
- #. always fit to limited space.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:512 dnf/cli/output.py:1327
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:512 dnf/cli/output.py:1335
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Version"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "版本"
- #. Translators: This is the full (unabbreviated) term 'Version'.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:513 dnf/cli/output.py:1329
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:513 dnf/cli/output.py:1337
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Version"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "版本"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 characters.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:516
-@@ -2637,32 +2659,32 @@ msgstr "发布"
- #. Translators: This is abbreviated 'Architecture', used when
- #. we have not enough space to display the full word.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:517 dnf/cli/output.py:1318
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:517 dnf/cli/output.py:1326
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Arch"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "架构"
- #. Translators: This is the full word 'Architecture', used when
- #. we have enough space.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:518 dnf/cli/output.py:1321
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:518 dnf/cli/output.py:1329
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Architecture"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "架构"
- #. Translators: This is the full (unabbreviated) term 'Size'.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:520 dnf/cli/output.py:1344
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:520 dnf/cli/output.py:1352
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Size"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "大小"
- #. Translators: This is the short version of 'Size'. It should
- #. not be longer than 5 characters. If the term 'Size' in your
- #. language is not longer than 5 characters then you can use it
- #. unabbreviated.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:520 dnf/cli/output.py:1342
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:520 dnf/cli/output.py:1350
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Size"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "大小"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 characters.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:524
-@@ -2671,17 +2693,17 @@ msgstr "源"
- #. Translators: This is abbreviated 'Repository', used when
- #. we have not enough space to display the full word.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:525 dnf/cli/output.py:1333
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:525 dnf/cli/output.py:1341
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Repo"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "仓库"
- #. Translators: This is the full word 'Repository', used when
- #. we have enough space.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:526 dnf/cli/output.py:1336
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:526 dnf/cli/output.py:1344
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Repository"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "仓库"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 chars.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:533
-@@ -2717,7 +2739,7 @@ msgstr "安装者"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:558
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Summary"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "概况"
- #. Translators: This message should be no longer than 12 characters.
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:564
-@@ -2730,11 +2752,11 @@ msgstr "协议"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:568
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Description"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "描述"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:695
- msgid "No packages to list"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "没有可以列出的软件包"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:706
- msgid "y"
-@@ -2951,53 +2973,53 @@ msgstr "降级"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1176
- msgid "Installing module profiles"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "安装模块配置档案"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1185
- msgid "Disabling module profiles"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "禁用模块配置档案"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1194
- msgid "Enabling module streams"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "启用模块流"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1202
- msgid "Switching module streams"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "切换模块流"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1210
- msgid "Disabling modules"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "禁用模块"
- #: dnf/cli/output.py:1218
- msgid "Resetting modules"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "重置模块"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1226
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1230
- msgid "Installing Environment Groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "安装环境组"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1233
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1237
- msgid "Upgrading Environment Groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "升级环境组"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1240
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1244
- msgid "Removing Environment Groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "删除环境组"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1247
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1251
- msgid "Installing Groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "安装组"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1254
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1258
- msgid "Upgrading Groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "升级组"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1261
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1265
- msgid "Removing Groups"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "删除组"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1277
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1281
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "Skipping packages with conflicts:\n"
-@@ -3006,12 +3028,12 @@ msgstr ""
- "跳过有冲突的软件包:\n"
- "(添加 '%s' 至命令行来强制升级)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1285
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1291
- #, python-format
- msgid "Skipping packages with broken dependencies%s"
- msgstr "跳过存在损坏依赖关系的软件包 %s"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1289
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1295
- msgid " or part of a group"
- msgstr " 或一个组的一部分"
-@@ -3019,23 +3041,23 @@ msgstr " 或一个组的一部分"
- #. use the full (unabbreviated) term 'Package' if you think that
- #. the translation to your language is not too long and will
- #. always fit to limited space.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1312
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1320
- msgctxt "short"
- msgid "Package"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "软件包"
- #. Translators: This is the full (unabbreviated) term 'Package'.
- #. This is also a hack to resolve RhBug 1302935 correctly.
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1314 dnf/cli/output.py:2007
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1322 dnf/cli/output.py:2023
- msgctxt "long"
- msgid "Package"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "软件包"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1363
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1371
- msgid "replacing"
- msgstr "替换"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1370
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1378
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "\n"
-@@ -3047,292 +3069,292 @@ msgstr ""
- "%s\n"
- #. TODO: remove
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1375 dnf/cli/output.py:1914 dnf/cli/output.py:1915
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1383 dnf/cli/output.py:1930 dnf/cli/output.py:1931
- msgid "Install"
- msgstr "安装"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1379 dnf/cli/output.py:1923
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1387 dnf/cli/output.py:1939
- msgid "Upgrade"
- msgstr "升级"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1380
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1388
- msgid "Remove"
- msgstr "移除"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1382 dnf/cli/output.py:1921
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1390 dnf/cli/output.py:1937
- msgid "Downgrade"
- msgstr "降级"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1383
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1391
- msgid "Skip"
- msgstr "跳过"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1392 dnf/cli/output.py:1408
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1400 dnf/cli/output.py:1416
- msgid "Package"
- msgid_plural "Packages"
- msgstr[0] "软件包"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1410
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1418
- msgid "Dependent package"
- msgid_plural "Dependent packages"
- msgstr[0] "依赖软件包"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1489 dnf/cli/output.py:1756 dnf/cli/output.py:1924
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1497 dnf/cli/output.py:1771 dnf/cli/output.py:1940
- msgid "Upgraded"
- msgstr "已升级"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1490 dnf/cli/output.py:1756 dnf/cli/output.py:1922
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1498 dnf/cli/output.py:1771 dnf/cli/output.py:1938
- msgid "Downgraded"
- msgstr "已降级"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1495
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1503
- msgid "Reinstalled"
- msgstr "已重装"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1496
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1504
- msgid "Skipped"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "跳过的"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1497
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1505
- msgid "Removed"
- msgstr "已移除"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1500
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1508
- msgid "Failed"
- msgstr "失败"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1551
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1559
- msgid "Total"
- msgstr "总计"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1579
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1587
- msgid "<unset>"
- msgstr "<空>"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1580
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1588
- msgid "System"
- msgstr "系统"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1630
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1638
- msgid "Command line"
- msgstr "命令行"
- #. TRANSLATORS: user names who executed transaction in history command output
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1634
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1649
- msgid "User name"
- msgstr "用户名"
- #. REALLY Needs to use columns!
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1636 dnf/cli/output.py:2004
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1651 dnf/cli/output.py:2020
- msgid "ID"
- msgstr "ID"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1638
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1653
- msgid "Date and time"
- msgstr "日期和时间"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1639 dnf/cli/output.py:2005
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1654 dnf/cli/output.py:2021
- msgid "Action(s)"
- msgstr "操作"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1640
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1655
- msgid "Altered"
- msgstr "更改"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1681
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1696
- msgid "No transactions"
- msgstr "没有事务"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1682 dnf/cli/output.py:1698
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1697 dnf/cli/output.py:1713
- msgid "Failed history info"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "失败的历史信息"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1697
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1712
- msgid "No transaction ID, or package, given"
- msgstr "未指定事务 ID、或者软件包"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1755
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1770
- msgid "Erased"
- msgstr "已删除"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1757
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1772
- msgid "Not installed"
- msgstr "未安装"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1758
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1773
- msgid "Newer"
- msgstr "较早的"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1758
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1773
- msgid "Older"
- msgstr "较老的"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1806 dnf/cli/output.py:1808
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1821 dnf/cli/output.py:1823
- msgid "Transaction ID :"
- msgstr "事务 ID:"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1811
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1826
- msgid "Begin time     :"
- msgstr "起始时间    :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1814 dnf/cli/output.py:1816
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1829 dnf/cli/output.py:1831
- msgid "Begin rpmdb    :"
- msgstr "起始 RPM 数据库     :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1822
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1837
- #, python-format
- msgid "(%u seconds)"
- msgstr "(%u 秒)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1824
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1839
- #, python-format
- msgid "(%u minutes)"
- msgstr "(%u 分钟)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1826
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1841
- #, python-format
- msgid "(%u hours)"
- msgstr "(%u 小时)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1828
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1843
- #, python-format
- msgid "(%u days)"
- msgstr "(%u 天)"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1829
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1844
- msgid "End time       :"
- msgstr "结束时间       :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1832 dnf/cli/output.py:1834
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1847 dnf/cli/output.py:1849
- msgid "End rpmdb      :"
- msgstr "结束 RPM 数据库      :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1841 dnf/cli/output.py:1843
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1856 dnf/cli/output.py:1858
- msgid "User           :"
- msgstr "用户           :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1847 dnf/cli/output.py:1854
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1862 dnf/cli/output.py:1869
- msgid "Aborted"
- msgstr "已终止"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1847 dnf/cli/output.py:1850 dnf/cli/output.py:1852
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1854 dnf/cli/output.py:1856 dnf/cli/output.py:1858
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1862 dnf/cli/output.py:1865 dnf/cli/output.py:1867
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1869 dnf/cli/output.py:1871 dnf/cli/output.py:1873
- msgid "Return-Code    :"
- msgstr "返回码    :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1850 dnf/cli/output.py:1858
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1865 dnf/cli/output.py:1873
- msgid "Success"
- msgstr "成功"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1852
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1867
- msgid "Failures:"
- msgstr "失败:"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1856
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1871
- msgid "Failure:"
- msgstr "失败:"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1866 dnf/cli/output.py:1868
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1881 dnf/cli/output.py:1883
- msgid "Releasever     :"
- msgstr "Releasever     :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1873 dnf/cli/output.py:1875
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1888 dnf/cli/output.py:1890
- msgid "Command Line   :"
- msgstr "命令行   :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1881
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1895 dnf/cli/output.py:1897
- msgid "Comment        :"
- msgstr "注释        :"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1885
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1901
- msgid "Transaction performed with:"
- msgstr "事务完成由:"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1894
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1910
- msgid "Packages Altered:"
- msgstr "已改变的包:"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1900
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1916
- msgid "Scriptlet output:"
- msgstr "Scriptlet 输出:"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1907
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1923
- msgid "Errors:"
- msgstr "错误:"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1916
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1932
- msgid "Dep-Install"
- msgstr "依赖安装"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1917
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1933
- msgid "Obsoleted"
- msgstr "已废弃"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1918 dnf/transaction.py:84 dnf/transaction.py:85
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1934 dnf/transaction.py:84 dnf/transaction.py:85
- msgid "Obsoleting"
- msgstr "废弃"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1919
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1935
- msgid "Erase"
- msgstr "删除"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1920
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:1936
- msgid "Reinstall"
- msgstr "重装"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:1995
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2011
- msgid "Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given"
- msgstr "错误的事务 ID 或软件包"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2094
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2110
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be installed"
- msgstr "---> 软件包 %s.%s %s 将会被安装"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2096
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2112
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be an upgrade"
- msgstr "---> 软件包 %s.%s %s 将作为一个更新"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2098
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2114
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be erased"
- msgstr "---> 软件包 %s.%s %s 将会被清除"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2100
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2116
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be reinstalled"
- msgstr "---> 软件包 %s.%s %s 将会被重新安装"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2102
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2118
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be a downgrade"
- msgstr "---> 软件包 %s.%s %s 将会被降级"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2104
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2120
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be obsoleting"
- msgstr "---> 软件包 %s.%s %s 将会废弃"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2106
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2122
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be upgraded"
- msgstr "---> 软件包 %s.%s %s 将会被升级"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2108
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2124
- #, python-format
- msgid "---> Package %s.%s %s will be obsoleted"
- msgstr "---> 软件包 %s.%s %s 将会被废弃"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2117
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2133
- msgid "--> Starting dependency resolution"
- msgstr "--> 开始解决依赖关系"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2122
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2138
- msgid "--> Finished dependency resolution"
- msgstr "--> 依赖关系解决完成"
--#: dnf/cli/output.py:2136 dnf/crypto.py:132
-+#: dnf/cli/output.py:2152 dnf/crypto.py:132
- #, python-format
- msgid ""
- "Importing GPG key 0x%s:\n"
-@@ -3394,36 +3416,36 @@ msgstr "    已启动: %s - %s之前"
- msgid "    State  : %s"
- msgstr "    状态  : %s"
--#: dnf/comps.py:95
-+#: dnf/comps.py:104
- msgid "skipping."
- msgstr "正在跳过"
--#: dnf/comps.py:187 dnf/comps.py:689
-+#: dnf/comps.py:196 dnf/comps.py:698
- #, python-format
- msgid "Module or Group '%s' is not installed."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "未安装模块或组 '%s'。"
--#: dnf/comps.py:189 dnf/comps.py:691
-+#: dnf/comps.py:198 dnf/comps.py:700
- #, python-format
- msgid "Module or Group '%s' is not available."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "模块或组 '%s' 不可用。"
--#: dnf/comps.py:191
-+#: dnf/comps.py:200
- #, python-format
- msgid "Module or Group '%s' does not exist."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "模块或组 '%s' 不存在。"
--#: dnf/comps.py:610 dnf/comps.py:627
-+#: dnf/comps.py:619 dnf/comps.py:636
- #, python-format
- msgid "Environment '%s' is not installed."
- msgstr "环境组 '%s' 没有安装。"
--#: dnf/comps.py:629
-+#: dnf/comps.py:638
- #, python-format
- msgid "Environment '%s' is not available."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "环境 '%s' 不可用。"
--#: dnf/comps.py:657
-+#: dnf/comps.py:666
- #, python-format
- msgid "Group_id '%s' does not exist."
- msgstr "Group_id '%s' 不存在。"
-@@ -3442,6 +3464,8 @@ msgid ""
- "Configuration file URL \"{}\" could not be downloaded:\n"
- "  {}"
- msgstr ""
-+"配置文件 URL \"{}\" 不能被下载:\n"
-+"  {}"
- #: dnf/conf/config.py:355 dnf/conf/config.py:391
- #, python-format
-@@ -3451,7 +3475,7 @@ msgstr "未知配置选项: %s = %s"
- #: dnf/conf/config.py:372
- #, python-format
- msgid "Error parsing --setopt with key '%s', value '%s': %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "错误解析 --setopt,键为 '%s',值是 '%s': %s"
- #: dnf/conf/config.py:380
- #, python-format
-@@ -3465,7 +3489,7 @@ msgstr "不正确或未知的 \"{}\": {}"
- #: dnf/conf/config.py:501
- #, python-format
- msgid "Error parsing --setopt with key '%s.%s', value '%s': %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "错误解析 --setopt,键为 '%s.%s', 值是 '%s': %s"
- #: dnf/conf/config.py:504
- #, python-format
-@@ -3479,31 +3503,31 @@ msgstr "警告:加载 '%s' 失败,跳过。"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:63
- msgid "Bad id for repo: {} ({}), byte = {} {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无效 id repo: {} ({}), byte = {} {}"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:67
- msgid "Bad id for repo: {}, byte = {} {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无效 id repo: {}, byte = {} {}"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:75
- msgid "Repository '{}' ({}): Error parsing config: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repository '{}' ({}): 错误解析配置 : {}"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:78
- msgid "Repository '{}': Error parsing config: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repository '{}': 错误解析配置 : {}"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:84
- msgid "Repository '{}' ({}) is missing name in configuration, using id."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repository '{}' ({}) 在配置中缺少名称,使用 id。"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:87
- msgid "Repository '{}' is missing name in configuration, using id."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "Repository '{}' 在配置中缺少名称,使用 id。"
- #: dnf/conf/read.py:104
- msgid "Parsing file \"{}\" failed: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "解析文件 \"{}\" 失败:{}"
- #: dnf/crypto.py:108
- #, python-format
-@@ -3515,47 +3539,47 @@ msgstr "repo %s: 0x%s 已被导入"
- msgid "repo %s: imported key 0x%s."
- msgstr "repo %s: 导入的 key 0x%s。"
--#: dnf/db/group.py:289
-+#: dnf/db/group.py:293
- msgid ""
- "No available modular metadata for modular package '{}', it cannot be "
- "installed on the system"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "模块软件包 '{}' 没有可用的元数据,它不能在系统上安装"
--#: dnf/db/group.py:339
-+#: dnf/db/group.py:343
- msgid "No available modular metadata for modular package"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "模块软件包没有可用的模块元数据"
--#: dnf/db/group.py:373
-+#: dnf/db/group.py:377
- #, python-format
- msgid "Will not install a source rpm package (%s)."
- msgstr "将不安装一个源码 RPM 软件包 (%s)。"
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:169
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:168
- msgid ""
- "Configuration option 'gpgkey_dns_verification' requires libunbound ({})"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "配置选项 'gpgkey_dns_verification' 需要 libunbound({})"
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:240
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:239
- msgid "DNSSEC extension: Key for user "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "DNSSEC 扩展 : 用户的密钥 "
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:242
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:241
- msgid "is valid."
- msgstr "无效"
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:244
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:243
- msgid "has unknown status."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "有未知状态"
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:252
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:251
- msgid "DNSSEC extension: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "DNSSEC 扩展 : "
--#: dnf/dnssec.py:284
-+#: dnf/dnssec.py:283
- msgid "Testing already imported keys for their validity."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "测试已导入的密钥来检查有效性。"
--#: dnf/drpm.py:62 dnf/repo.py:267
-+#: dnf/drpm.py:62 dnf/repo.py:268
- #, python-format
- msgid "unsupported checksum type: %s"
- msgstr "不支持的校验类型: %s"
-@@ -3572,32 +3596,32 @@ msgstr "从增量包重构的 RPM 校验失败"
- msgid "done"
- msgstr "完成"
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:109
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:113
- msgid "Problems in request:"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "请求中的问题 :"
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:111
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:115
- msgid "missing packages: "
- msgstr "缺少的软件包 "
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:113
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:117
- msgid "broken packages: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "错误的软件包 : "
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:115
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:119
- msgid "missing groups or modules: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "缺少的组或模块 : "
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:117
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:121
- msgid "broken groups or modules: "
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "错误的组或模块: "
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:122
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:126
- msgid "Modular dependency problem with Defaults:"
- msgid_plural "Modular dependency problems with Defaults:"
--msgstr[0] ""
-+msgstr[0] "默认设置的模块依赖性问题 :"
--#: dnf/exceptions.py:127 dnf/module/module_base.py:686
-+#: dnf/exceptions.py:131 dnf/module/module_base.py:686
- msgid "Modular dependency problem:"
- msgid_plural "Modular dependency problems:"
- msgstr[0] "模块依赖问题"
-@@ -3608,6 +3632,8 @@ msgid ""
- "Malformed lock file found: %s.\n"
- "Ensure no other dnf/yum process is running and remove the lock file manually or run systemd-tmpfiles --remove dnf.conf."
- msgstr ""
-+"发现损坏的锁定文件: %s。\n"
-+"确认没有运行其他 dnf/yum 进程,手工删除锁定文件,或运行 systemd-tmpfiles --remove dnf.conf."
- #: dnf/module/__init__.py:26
- msgid "Enabling different stream for '{}'."
-@@ -3645,6 +3671,9 @@ msgid ""
- "\n"
- "Hint: [d]efault, [e]nabled, [x]disabled, [i]nstalled, [a]ctive"
- msgstr ""
-+"提示 : [d]默认, [e]启用, [x]禁用, [i]安装的, [a]活跃的"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:54 dnf/module/module_base.py:421
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:477 dnf/module/module_base.py:543
-@@ -3654,44 +3683,44 @@ msgstr "正在忽略无用的配置文件'{}/{}'"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:84
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "All matches for argument '{0}' in module '{1}:{2}' are not active"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "'{1}:{2}' 中所有匹配的参数 '{0}' 都不活跃。"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:92
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "Installing module '{0}' from Fail-Safe repository {1} is not allowed"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "不允许通过 Fail-Safe 仓库 {1} 安装模块 '{0}'"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:102
- msgid ""
- "Unable to match profile for argument {}. Available profiles for '{}:{}': {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法为参数 {} 匹配配置集。'{}:{}' 的有效配置集 : {}"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:106
- msgid "Unable to match profile for argument {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法为参数 {} 配置配置集"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:118
- msgid "No default profiles for module {}:{}. Available profiles: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "模块 {}:{} 没有默认的配置集。可用配置集:{}"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:122
- msgid "No profiles for module {}:{}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "模块 {}:{} 没有配置集"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:129
- msgid "Default profile {} not available in module {}:{}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "默认配置集{}在模块 {}:{} 中不可用"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:142
- msgid "Installing module from Fail-Safe repository is not allowed"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "不允许通过 Fail-Safe 仓库安装模块"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:159 dnf/module/module_base.py:193
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:337 dnf/module/module_base.py:355
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:363 dnf/module/module_base.py:417
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:473 dnf/module/module_base.py:539
- msgid "Unable to resolve argument {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法解析参数 {}"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:160
- msgid "No match for package {}"
-@@ -3700,15 +3729,15 @@ msgstr "没有和{}匹配的软件包"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:204
- #, python-brace-format
- msgid "Upgrading module '{0}' from Fail-Safe repository {1} is not allowed"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "不允许通过 Fail-Safe 仓库 {1} 升级模块 '{0}'"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:223 dnf/module/module_base.py:251
- msgid "Unable to match profile in argument {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "无法配置参数 {} 中的配置档案"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:231
- msgid "Upgrading module from Fail-Safe repository is not allowed"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "不允许通过 Fail-Safe 仓库升级模块"
- #: dnf/module/module_base.py:367
- msgid ""
-@@ -3716,7 +3745,7 @@ msgid ""
- "'{}'"
- msgstr "只需要模块名。正在忽略'{}'中的无用信息"
--#: dnf/package.py:295
-+#: dnf/package.py:298
- #, python-format
- msgid "%s: %s check failed: %s vs %s"
- msgstr "%s: %s 检查失败:%s vs %s"
-@@ -3748,27 +3777,27 @@ msgstr "加载插件:%s"
- #: dnf/plugin.py:199
- #, python-format
- msgid "Failed loading plugin \"%s\": %s"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "加载插件 \"%s\" 失败 : %s"
- #: dnf/plugin.py:231
- msgid "No matches found for the following enable plugin patterns: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "没有发现与以下启用插件特征匹配的项: {}"
- #: dnf/plugin.py:235
- msgid "No matches found for the following disable plugin patterns: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "没有发现与以下禁用插件特征匹配的项: {}"
--#: dnf/repo.py:83
-+#: dnf/repo.py:84
- #, python-format
- msgid "no matching payload factory for %s"
- msgstr "没有 %s 匹配的 payload factory"
--#: dnf/repo.py:110
-+#: dnf/repo.py:111
- msgid "Already downloaded"
- msgstr "已下载"
- #. pinging mirrors, this might take a while
--#: dnf/repo.py:346
-+#: dnf/repo.py:347
- #, python-format
- msgid "determining the fastest mirror (%s hosts).. "
- msgstr "正在查找最快的镜像(%s 的主机) "
-@@ -3785,7 +3814,7 @@ msgstr "已添加 %s 仓库来自 %s"
- #: dnf/rpm/transaction.py:119
- msgid "Errors occurred during test transaction."
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "测试事务过程中出错。"
- #. TRANSLATORS: This is for a single package currently being downgraded.
- #: dnf/transaction.py:80
-@@ -3839,16 +3868,12 @@ msgstr "问题"
- #: dnf/util.py:444
- msgid "TransactionItem not found for key: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "找不到密钥{}的TransactionItem"
- #: dnf/util.py:454
- msgid "TransactionSWDBItem not found for key: {}"
--msgstr ""
-+msgstr "找不到密钥{}的TransactionSWDBItem"
- #: dnf/util.py:457
- msgid "Errors occurred during transaction."
- msgstr "事务过程中出现错误。"
--#~ msgid ""
--#~ "Display capabilities that the package depends on for running a %%pre script."
--#~ msgstr "显示软件包运行一个 %%pre 脚本所依赖的功能"
diff --git a/SPECS/dnf.spec b/SPECS/dnf.spec
index fb58810..f8271f4 100644
--- a/SPECS/dnf.spec
+++ b/SPECS/dnf.spec
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # default dependencies
-%global hawkey_version 0.48.0-3
+%global hawkey_version 0.55.0
 %global libcomps_version 0.1.8
 %global libmodulemd_version 1.4.0
 %global rpm_version 4.14.2-35
@@ -81,17 +81,17 @@
 It supports RPMs, modules and comps groups & environments.
 Name:           dnf
-Version:        4.2.23
-Release:        4%{?dist}
+Version:        4.4.2
+Release:        2%{?dist}
 Summary:        %{pkg_summary}
 # For a breakdown of the licensing, see PACKAGE-LICENSING
 License:        GPLv2+ and GPLv2 and GPL
 URL:            https://github.com/rpm-software-management/dnf
 Source0:        %{url}/archive/%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
-Patch1:         0001-Handle-empty-comps-group-name-RhBug1826198.patch
-Patch2:         0002-Add-logfilelevel-configuration-RhBug-1802074.patch
-Patch3:         0003-Enhance-repo-variables-documentation-RhBug-1848161-1848615.patch
-Patch4:         0004-Update-translations-RhBug-1820544.patch
+# https://github.com/rpm-software-management/dnf/commit/f6d1e4308769efaa6175f70d52bfd784c62fbf98
+Patch1:         0001-tests-SQL-write-a-readonly-folder.patch
+# https://github.com/rpm-software-management/dnf/commit/c2e4901cec947e5be2e5ff5afa22691841d00bdc
+Patch2:         0002-Revert-Fix-setopt-cachedir-writing-outside-of-installroot.patch
 BuildArch:      noarch
 BuildRequires:  cmake
@@ -410,6 +410,7 @@ ln -sr  %{buildroot}%{confdir}/vars %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum/vars
@@ -511,6 +512,17 @@ ln -sr  %{buildroot}%{confdir}/vars %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum/vars
+* Wed Nov 11 2020 Nicola Sella <nsella@redhat.com> - 4.4.2-2
+- Backport patch Revert "Fix --setopt=cachedir writing outside of installroot"
+* Tue Nov 10 2020 Nicola Sella <nsella@redhat.com> - 4.4.2-1
+- Update to 4.4.2
+- spec: Fix building with new cmake macros (backport from downstream)
+- Warn about key retrieval over http:
+- Fix --setopt=cachedir writing outside of installroot
+- Add vendor to dnf API (RhBug:1876561)
+- Add allow_vendor_change option (RhBug:1788371) (RhBug:1788371)
 * Tue Jul 28 2020 Marek Blaha <mblaha@redhat.com> - 4.2.23-4
 - Update translations