diff --git a/SOURCES/0003-Post-transaction-summary-is-logged-for-API-users-RhBug-1855158.patch b/SOURCES/0003-Post-transaction-summary-is-logged-for-API-users-RhBug-1855158.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d34928f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0003-Post-transaction-summary-is-logged-for-API-users-RhBug-1855158.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+From 9ed390d08a9f2b66f4e352532fa526fc64e329d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Marek Blaha <mblaha@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2020 09:50:10 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Remove unused loops attribute from
+ DepSolveProgressCallBack
+ dnf/cli/output.py | 5 -----
+ 1 file changed, 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/dnf/cli/output.py b/dnf/cli/output.py
+index de188ffbd1..44d5f8b89f 100644
+--- a/dnf/cli/output.py
++++ b/dnf/cli/output.py
+@@ -1987,10 +1987,6 @@ def historyInfoCmdPkgsAltered(self, old, pats=[]):
+ class DepSolveProgressCallBack(dnf.callback.Depsolve):
+     """Provides text output callback functions for Dependency Solver callback."""
+-    def __init__(self):
+-        """requires yum-cli log and errorlog functions as arguments"""
+-        self.loops = 0
+     def pkg_added(self, pkg, mode):
+         """Print information about a package being added to the
+         transaction set.
+@@ -2037,7 +2033,6 @@ def start(self):
+         process.
+         """
+         logger.debug(_('--> Starting dependency resolution'))
+-        self.loops += 1
+     def end(self):
+         """Output a message stating that dependency resolution has finished."""
+From 0ee646f4965c597f2832ed3df9d9f0e6546dcc54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Marek Blaha <mblaha@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2020 11:47:43 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Remove unused parameter of _make_lists()
+ dnf/cli/output.py | 7 ++++---
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/dnf/cli/output.py b/dnf/cli/output.py
+index 44d5f8b89f..af8a968770 100644
+--- a/dnf/cli/output.py
++++ b/dnf/cli/output.py
+@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@
+ logger = logging.getLogger('dnf')
+-def _make_lists(transaction, goal):
++def _make_lists(transaction):
+     b = dnf.util.Bunch({
+         'downgraded': [],
+         'erased': [],
+@@ -1101,7 +1102,7 @@ def list_transaction(self, transaction, total_width=None):
+             # in order to display module changes when RPM transaction is empty
+             transaction = []
+-        list_bunch = _make_lists(transaction, self.base._goal)
++        list_bunch = _make_lists(transaction)
+         pkglist_lines = []
+         data = {'n' : {}, 'v' : {}, 'r' : {}}
+         a_wid = 0 # Arch can't get "that big" ... so always use the max.
+@@ -1488,7 +1489,7 @@ def _tsi_or_pkg_nevra_cmp(item1, item2):
+             return (item1.arch > item2.arch) - (item1.arch < item2.arch)
+         out = ''
+-        list_bunch = _make_lists(transaction, self.base._goal)
++        list_bunch = _make_lists(transaction)
+         skipped_conflicts, skipped_broken = self._skipped_packages(
+             report_problems=False, transaction=transaction)
+From 865b7183453684de6a25e77fddf5a2d11fbffba8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Marek Blaha <mblaha@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2020 17:59:46 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Post transaction summary is logged for API users
+ (RhBug:1855158)
+Post transaction summary is always logged into /var/log/dnf.log.
+When transaction is called from cli, the summary is also printed to
+stdout in columns (as previously).
+= changelog =
+msg:           Packages installed/removed via DNF API are logged into dnf.log
+type:          enhancement
+resolves:      https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1855158
+ dnf/base.py       |  46 ++++++++++++-
+ dnf/cli/cli.py    |   8 ++-
+ dnf/cli/output.py | 167 ++++++++--------------------------------------
+ dnf/util.py       | 102 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ 4 files changed, 177 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/dnf/base.py b/dnf/base.py
+index 075e74265a..c0d7712605 100644
+--- a/dnf/base.py
++++ b/dnf/base.py
+@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@
+ import dnf
+ import libdnf.transaction
++from copy import deepcopy
+ from dnf.comps import CompsQuery
+ from dnf.i18n import _, P_, ucd
+ from dnf.util import _parse_specs
+ from dnf.db.history import SwdbInterface
+ from dnf.yum import misc
+-from functools import reduce
+ try:
+     from collections.abc import Sequence
+ except ImportError:
+@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ def _ts(self):
+         if self.conf.ignorearch:
+             self._rpm_probfilter.add(rpm.RPMPROB_FILTER_IGNOREARCH)
+-        probfilter = reduce(operator.or_, self._rpm_probfilter, 0)
++        probfilter = functools.reduce(operator.or_, self._rpm_probfilter, 0)
+         self._priv_ts.setProbFilter(probfilter)
+         return self._priv_ts
+@@ -890,6 +890,15 @@ def do_transaction(self, display=()):
+         self._plugins.unload_removed_plugins(self.transaction)
+         self._plugins.run_transaction()
++        # log post transaction summary
++        def _pto_callback(action, tsis):
++            msgs = []
++            for tsi in tsis:
++                msgs.append('{}: {}'.format(action, str(tsi)))
++            return msgs
++        for msg in dnf.util._post_transaction_output(self, self.transaction, _pto_callback):
++            logger.debug(msg)
+         return tid
+     def _trans_error_summary(self, errstring):
+@@ -1311,7 +1320,7 @@ def _do_package_lists(self, pkgnarrow='all', patterns=None, showdups=None,
+         if patterns is None or len(patterns) == 0:
+             return list_fn(None)
+         yghs = map(list_fn, patterns)
+-        return reduce(lambda a, b: a.merge_lists(b), yghs)
++        return functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a.merge_lists(b), yghs)
+     def _list_pattern(self, pkgnarrow, pattern, showdups, ignore_case,
+                       reponame=None):
+@@ -2579,6 +2588,37 @@ def setup_loggers(self):
+         """
+         self._logging._setup_from_dnf_conf(self.conf, file_loggers_only=True)
++    def _skipped_packages(self, report_problems, transaction):
++        """returns set of conflicting packages and set of packages with broken dependency that would
++        be additionally installed when --best and --allowerasing"""
++        if self._goal.actions & (hawkey.INSTALL | hawkey.UPGRADE | hawkey.UPGRADE_ALL):
++            best = True
++        else:
++            best = False
++        ng = deepcopy(self._goal)
++        params = {"allow_uninstall": self._allow_erasing,
++                  "force_best": best,
++                  "ignore_weak": True}
++        ret = ng.run(**params)
++        if not ret and report_problems:
++            msg = dnf.util._format_resolve_problems(ng.problem_rules())
++            logger.warning(msg)
++        problem_conflicts = set(ng.problem_conflicts(available=True))
++        problem_dependency = set(ng.problem_broken_dependency(available=True)) - problem_conflicts
++        def _nevra(item):
++            return hawkey.NEVRA(name=item.name, epoch=item.epoch, version=item.version,
++                                release=item.release, arch=item.arch)
++        # Sometimes, pkg is not in transaction item, therefore, comparing by nevra
++        transaction_nevras = [_nevra(tsi) for tsi in transaction]
++        skipped_conflicts = set(
++            [pkg for pkg in problem_conflicts if _nevra(pkg) not in transaction_nevras])
++        skipped_dependency = set(
++            [pkg for pkg in problem_dependency if _nevra(pkg) not in transaction_nevras])
++        return skipped_conflicts, skipped_dependency
+ def _msg_installed(pkg):
+     name = ucd(pkg)
+diff --git a/dnf/cli/cli.py b/dnf/cli/cli.py
+index 0bc2c119d0..334000362c 100644
+--- a/dnf/cli/cli.py
++++ b/dnf/cli/cli.py
+@@ -252,8 +252,12 @@ def do_transaction(self, display=()):
+             trans = None
+         if trans:
+-            msg = self.output.post_transaction_output(trans)
+-            logger.info(msg)
++            # the post transaction summary is already written to log during
++            # Base.do_transaction() so here only print the messages to the
++            # user arranged in columns
++            print()
++            print('\n'.join(self.output.post_transaction_output(trans)))
++            print()
+             for tsi in trans:
+                 if tsi.state == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemState_ERROR:
+                     raise dnf.exceptions.Error(_('Transaction failed'))
+diff --git a/dnf/cli/output.py b/dnf/cli/output.py
+index af8a968770..6d729b63ba 100644
+--- a/dnf/cli/output.py
++++ b/dnf/cli/output.py
+@@ -21,9 +21,7 @@
+ from __future__ import print_function
+ from __future__ import unicode_literals
+-from copy import deepcopy
+ import fnmatch
+-import functools
+ import hawkey
+ import itertools
+ import libdnf.transaction
+@@ -53,51 +51,6 @@
+ logger = logging.getLogger('dnf')
+-def _make_lists(transaction):
+-    b = dnf.util.Bunch({
+-        'downgraded': [],
+-        'erased': [],
+-        'erased_clean': [],
+-        'erased_dep': [],
+-        'installed': [],
+-        'installed_group': [],
+-        'installed_dep': [],
+-        'installed_weak': [],
+-        'reinstalled': [],
+-        'upgraded': [],
+-        'failed': [],
+-    })
+-    for tsi in transaction:
+-        if tsi.state == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemState_ERROR:
+-            b.failed.append(tsi)
+-        elif tsi.action == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_DOWNGRADE:
+-            b.downgraded.append(tsi)
+-        elif tsi.action == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_INSTALL:
+-            if tsi.reason == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemReason_GROUP:
+-                b.installed_group.append(tsi)
+-            elif tsi.reason == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemReason_DEPENDENCY:
+-                b.installed_dep.append(tsi)
+-            elif tsi.reason == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemReason_WEAK_DEPENDENCY:
+-                b.installed_weak.append(tsi)
+-            else:
+-                # TransactionItemReason_USER
+-                b.installed.append(tsi)
+-        elif tsi.action == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_REINSTALL:
+-            b.reinstalled.append(tsi)
+-        elif tsi.action == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_REMOVE:
+-            if tsi.reason == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemReason_CLEAN:
+-                b.erased_clean.append(tsi)
+-            elif tsi.reason == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemReason_DEPENDENCY:
+-                b.erased_dep.append(tsi)
+-            else:
+-                b.erased.append(tsi)
+-        elif tsi.action == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_UPGRADE:
+-            b.upgraded.append(tsi)
+-    return b
+ def _spread_in_columns(cols_count, label, lst):
+     left = itertools.chain((label,), itertools.repeat(''))
+     lst_length = len(lst)
+@@ -1057,37 +1010,6 @@ def list_group_transaction(self, comps, history, diff):
+             out[0:0] = self._banner(col_data, (_('Group'), _('Packages'), '', ''))
+         return '\n'.join(out)
+-    def _skipped_packages(self, report_problems, transaction):
+-        """returns set of conflicting packages and set of packages with broken dependency that would
+-        be additionally installed when --best and --allowerasing"""
+-        if self.base._goal.actions & (hawkey.INSTALL | hawkey.UPGRADE | hawkey.UPGRADE_ALL):
+-            best = True
+-        else:
+-            best = False
+-        ng = deepcopy(self.base._goal)
+-        params = {"allow_uninstall": self.base._allow_erasing,
+-                  "force_best": best,
+-                  "ignore_weak": True}
+-        ret = ng.run(**params)
+-        if not ret and report_problems:
+-            msg = dnf.util._format_resolve_problems(ng.problem_rules())
+-            logger.warning(msg)
+-        problem_conflicts = set(ng.problem_conflicts(available=True))
+-        problem_dependency = set(ng.problem_broken_dependency(available=True)) - problem_conflicts
+-        def _nevra(item):
+-            return hawkey.NEVRA(name=item.name, epoch=item.epoch, version=item.version,
+-                                release=item.release, arch=item.arch)
+-        # Sometimes, pkg is not in transaction item, therefore, comparing by nevra
+-        transaction_nevras = [_nevra(tsi) for tsi in transaction]
+-        skipped_conflicts = set(
+-            [pkg for pkg in problem_conflicts if _nevra(pkg) not in transaction_nevras])
+-        skipped_dependency = set(
+-            [pkg for pkg in problem_dependency if _nevra(pkg) not in transaction_nevras])
+-        return skipped_conflicts, skipped_dependency
+     def list_transaction(self, transaction, total_width=None):
+         """Return a string representation of the transaction in an
+         easy-to-read format.
+@@ -1102,7 +1024,7 @@ def list_transaction(self, transaction, total_width=None):
+             # in order to display module changes when RPM transaction is empty
+             transaction = []
+-        list_bunch = _make_lists(transaction)
++        list_bunch = dnf.util._make_lists(transaction)
+         pkglist_lines = []
+         data = {'n' : {}, 'v' : {}, 'r' : {}}
+         a_wid = 0 # Arch can't get "that big" ... so always use the max.
+@@ -1271,7 +1193,7 @@ def format_line(group):
+         # show skipped conflicting packages
+         if not self.conf.best and self.base._goal.actions & forward_actions:
+             lines = []
+-            skipped_conflicts, skipped_broken = self._skipped_packages(
++            skipped_conflicts, skipped_broken = self.base._skipped_packages(
+                 report_problems=True, transaction=transaction)
+             skipped_broken = dict((str(pkg), pkg) for pkg in skipped_broken)
+             for pkg in sorted(skipped_conflicts):
+@@ -1436,13 +1358,8 @@ def format_line(group):
+                                   max_msg_count, count, msg_pkgs))
+         return ''.join(out)
+-    def post_transaction_output(self, transaction):
+-        """Returns a human-readable summary of the results of the
+-        transaction.
+-        :return: a string containing a human-readable summary of the
+-           results of the transaction
+-        """
++    def _pto_callback(self, action, tsis):
+         #  Works a bit like calcColumns, but we never overflow a column we just
+         # have a dynamic number of columns.
+         def _fits_in_cols(msgs, num):
+@@ -1472,61 +1389,33 @@ def _fits_in_cols(msgs, num):
+                 col_lens[col] *= -1
+             return col_lens
+-        def _tsi_or_pkg_nevra_cmp(item1, item2):
+-            """Compares two transaction items or packages by nevra.
+-               Used as a fallback when tsi does not contain package object.
+-            """
+-            ret = (item1.name > item2.name) - (item1.name < item2.name)
+-            if ret != 0:
+-                return ret
+-            nevra1 = hawkey.NEVRA(name=item1.name, epoch=item1.epoch, version=item1.version,
+-                                  release=item1.release, arch=item1.arch)
+-            nevra2 = hawkey.NEVRA(name=item2.name, epoch=item2.epoch, version=item2.version,
+-                                  release=item2.release, arch=item2.arch)
+-            ret = nevra1.evr_cmp(nevra2, self.sack)
+-            if ret != 0:
+-                return ret
+-            return (item1.arch > item2.arch) - (item1.arch < item2.arch)
+-        out = ''
+-        list_bunch = _make_lists(transaction)
+-        skipped_conflicts, skipped_broken = self._skipped_packages(
+-            report_problems=False, transaction=transaction)
+-        skipped = skipped_conflicts.union(skipped_broken)
+-        for (action, tsis) in [(_('Upgraded'), list_bunch.upgraded),
+-                               (_('Downgraded'), list_bunch.downgraded),
+-                               (_('Installed'), list_bunch.installed +
+-                                list_bunch.installed_group +
+-                                list_bunch.installed_weak +
+-                                list_bunch.installed_dep),
+-                               (_('Reinstalled'), list_bunch.reinstalled),
+-                               (_('Skipped'), skipped),
+-                               (_('Removed'), list_bunch.erased +
+-                                   list_bunch.erased_dep +
+-                                   list_bunch.erased_clean),
+-                               (_('Failed'), list_bunch.failed)]:
+-            if not tsis:
+-                continue
+-            msgs = []
+-            out += '\n%s:\n' % action
+-            for tsi in sorted(tsis, key=functools.cmp_to_key(_tsi_or_pkg_nevra_cmp)):
+-                msgs.append(str(tsi))
+-            for num in (8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2):
+-                cols = _fits_in_cols(msgs, num)
+-                if cols:
+-                    break
+-            if not cols:
+-                cols = [-(self.term.columns - 2)]
+-            while msgs:
+-                current_msgs = msgs[:len(cols)]
+-                out += '  '
+-                out += self.fmtColumns(zip(current_msgs, cols), end=u'\n')
+-                msgs = msgs[len(cols):]
++        if not tsis:
++            return ''
++        out = []
++        msgs = []
++        out.append('{}:'.format(action))
++        for tsi in tsis:
++            msgs.append(str(tsi))
++        for num in (8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2):
++            cols = _fits_in_cols(msgs, num)
++            if cols:
++                break
++        if not cols:
++            cols = [-(self.term.columns - 2)]
++        while msgs:
++            current_msgs = msgs[:len(cols)]
++            out.append('  {}'.format(self.fmtColumns(zip(current_msgs, cols))))
++            msgs = msgs[len(cols):]
+         return out
++    def post_transaction_output(self, transaction):
++        """
++        Return a human-readable summary of the transaction. Packages in sections
++        are arranged to columns.
++        """
++        return dnf.util._post_transaction_output(self.base, transaction, self._pto_callback)
+     def setup_progress_callbacks(self):
+         """Set up the progress callbacks and various
+            output bars based on debug level.
+diff --git a/dnf/util.py b/dnf/util.py
+index 8cf362706d..0beb04424d 100644
+--- a/dnf/util.py
++++ b/dnf/util.py
+@@ -24,13 +24,14 @@
+ from .pycomp import PY3, basestring
+ from dnf.i18n import _, ucd
+-from functools import reduce
+ import argparse
+ import dnf
+ import dnf.callback
+ import dnf.const
+ import dnf.pycomp
+ import errno
++import functools
++import hawkey
+ import itertools
+ import locale
+ import logging
+@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@
+ import tempfile
+ import time
+ import libdnf.repo
++import libdnf.transaction
+ logger = logging.getLogger('dnf')
+@@ -195,7 +197,7 @@ def group_by_filter(fn, iterable):
+     def splitter(acc, item):
+         acc[not bool(fn(item))].append(item)
+         return acc
+-    return reduce(splitter, iterable, ([], []))
++    return functools.reduce(splitter, iterable, ([], []))
+ def insert_if(item, iterable, condition):
+     """Insert an item into an iterable by a condition."""
+@@ -504,3 +506,99 @@ def __setattr__(self, what, val):
+         def setter(item):
+             setattr(item, what, val)
+         return list(map(setter, self))
++def _make_lists(transaction):
++    b = Bunch({
++        'downgraded': [],
++        'erased': [],
++        'erased_clean': [],
++        'erased_dep': [],
++        'installed': [],
++        'installed_group': [],
++        'installed_dep': [],
++        'installed_weak': [],
++        'reinstalled': [],
++        'upgraded': [],
++        'failed': [],
++    })
++    for tsi in transaction:
++        if tsi.state == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemState_ERROR:
++            b.failed.append(tsi)
++        elif tsi.action == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_DOWNGRADE:
++            b.downgraded.append(tsi)
++        elif tsi.action == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_INSTALL:
++            if tsi.reason == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemReason_GROUP:
++                b.installed_group.append(tsi)
++            elif tsi.reason == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemReason_DEPENDENCY:
++                b.installed_dep.append(tsi)
++            elif tsi.reason == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemReason_WEAK_DEPENDENCY:
++                b.installed_weak.append(tsi)
++            else:
++                # TransactionItemReason_USER
++                b.installed.append(tsi)
++        elif tsi.action == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_REINSTALL:
++            b.reinstalled.append(tsi)
++        elif tsi.action == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_REMOVE:
++            if tsi.reason == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemReason_CLEAN:
++                b.erased_clean.append(tsi)
++            elif tsi.reason == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemReason_DEPENDENCY:
++                b.erased_dep.append(tsi)
++            else:
++                b.erased.append(tsi)
++        elif tsi.action == libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_UPGRADE:
++            b.upgraded.append(tsi)
++    return b
++def _post_transaction_output(base, transaction, action_callback):
++    """Returns a human-readable summary of the results of the
++    transaction.
++    :param action_callback: function generating output for specific action. It
++       takes two parameters - action as a string and list of affected packages for
++       this action
++    :return: a list of lines containing a human-readable summary of the
++       results of the transaction
++    """
++    def _tsi_or_pkg_nevra_cmp(item1, item2):
++        """Compares two transaction items or packages by nevra.
++           Used as a fallback when tsi does not contain package object.
++        """
++        ret = (item1.name > item2.name) - (item1.name < item2.name)
++        if ret != 0:
++            return ret
++        nevra1 = hawkey.NEVRA(name=item1.name, epoch=item1.epoch, version=item1.version,
++                              release=item1.release, arch=item1.arch)
++        nevra2 = hawkey.NEVRA(name=item2.name, epoch=item2.epoch, version=item2.version,
++                              release=item2.release, arch=item2.arch)
++        ret = nevra1.evr_cmp(nevra2, base.sack)
++        if ret != 0:
++            return ret
++        return (item1.arch > item2.arch) - (item1.arch < item2.arch)
++    list_bunch = dnf.util._make_lists(transaction)
++    skipped_conflicts, skipped_broken = base._skipped_packages(
++        report_problems=False, transaction=transaction)
++    skipped = skipped_conflicts.union(skipped_broken)
++    out = []
++    for (action, tsis) in [(_('Upgraded'), list_bunch.upgraded),
++                           (_('Downgraded'), list_bunch.downgraded),
++                           (_('Installed'), list_bunch.installed +
++                            list_bunch.installed_group +
++                            list_bunch.installed_weak +
++                            list_bunch.installed_dep),
++                           (_('Reinstalled'), list_bunch.reinstalled),
++                           (_('Skipped'), skipped),
++                           (_('Removed'), list_bunch.erased +
++                               list_bunch.erased_dep +
++                               list_bunch.erased_clean),
++                           (_('Failed'), list_bunch.failed)]:
++        out.extend(action_callback(
++            action, sorted(tsis, key=functools.cmp_to_key(_tsi_or_pkg_nevra_cmp))))
++    return out
diff --git a/SOURCES/0004-Log-scriptlets-output-also-for-API-users-RhBug-1847340.patch b/SOURCES/0004-Log-scriptlets-output-also-for-API-users-RhBug-1847340.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8447353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0004-Log-scriptlets-output-also-for-API-users-RhBug-1847340.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+From df64fd36d7fefe39a96fea3f41e35785bebd37ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Marek Blaha <mblaha@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2020 16:33:26 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Log scriptlets output also for API users (RhBug:1847340)
+Messages logged into /var/log/dnf.rpm.log are now the same for both
+command line and API usage.
+ dnf/cli/output.py   | 7 +------
+ dnf/yum/rpmtrans.py | 9 ++++++++-
+ 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/dnf/cli/output.py b/dnf/cli/output.py
+index 51d6829ca6..86260661fc 100644
+--- a/dnf/cli/output.py
++++ b/dnf/cli/output.py
+@@ -2151,12 +2151,7 @@ def error(self, message):
+         pass
+     def scriptout(self, msgs):
+-        """Print messages originating from a package script.
+-        :param msgs: the messages coming from the script
+-        """
+-        if msgs:
+-            self.rpm_logger.info(ucd(msgs))
++        pass
+     def _makefmt(self, percent, ts_done, ts_total, progress=True,
+                  pkgname=None, wid1=15):
+diff --git a/dnf/yum/rpmtrans.py b/dnf/yum/rpmtrans.py
+index 447639a476..d6c549d2ed 100644
+--- a/dnf/yum/rpmtrans.py
++++ b/dnf/yum/rpmtrans.py
+@@ -113,7 +113,10 @@ def progress(self, package, action, ti_done, ti_total, ts_done, ts_total):
+         pass
+     def scriptout(self, msgs):
+-        """msgs is the messages that were output (if any)."""
++        """Hook for reporting an rpm scriptlet output.
++        :param msgs: the scriptlet output
++        """
+         pass
+     def error(self, message):
+@@ -156,6 +159,10 @@ def filelog(self, package, action):
+         msg = '%s: %s' % (action_str, package)
+         self.rpm_logger.log(dnf.logging.SUBDEBUG, msg)
++    def scriptout(self, msgs):
++        if msgs:
++            self.rpm_logger.info(ucd(msgs))
+ class RPMTransaction(object):
+     def __init__(self, base, test=False, displays=()):
+From ee6ffcf640180b2b08d2db50b4b81d2bdefb1f2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Marek Blaha <mblaha@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2020 10:08:09 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Straighten inheritance of *Display classes
+ dnf/cli/output.py   | 15 +++------------
+ dnf/yum/rpmtrans.py |  2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/dnf/cli/output.py b/dnf/cli/output.py
+index 86260661fc..de188ffbd1 100644
+--- a/dnf/cli/output.py
++++ b/dnf/cli/output.py
+@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
+ from dnf.cli.format import format_number, format_time
+ from dnf.i18n import _, C_, P_, ucd, fill_exact_width, textwrap_fill, exact_width, select_short_long
+ from dnf.pycomp import xrange, basestring, long, unicode, sys_maxsize
+-from dnf.yum.rpmtrans import LoggingTransactionDisplay
++from dnf.yum.rpmtrans import TransactionDisplay
+ from dnf.db.history import MergedTransactionWrapper
+ import dnf.base
+ import dnf.callback
+@@ -2071,7 +2071,7 @@ def short_id(id):
+         return self.output.userconfirm()
+-class CliTransactionDisplay(LoggingTransactionDisplay):
++class CliTransactionDisplay(TransactionDisplay):
+     """A YUM specific callback class for RPM operations."""
+     width = property(lambda self: dnf.cli.term._term_width())
+@@ -2093,7 +2093,7 @@ def progress(self, package, action, ti_done, ti_total, ts_done, ts_total):
+         :param package: the package involved in the event
+         :param action: the type of action that is taking place.  Valid
+            values are given by
+-           :func:`rpmtrans.LoggingTransactionDisplay.action.keys()`
++           :func:`rpmtrans.TransactionDisplay.action.keys()`
+         :param ti_done: a number representing the amount of work
+            already done in the current transaction
+         :param ti_total: a number representing the total amount of work
+@@ -2144,15 +2144,6 @@ def _out_progress(self, ti_done, ti_total, ts_done, ts_total,
+                 if ti_done == ti_total:
+                     print(" ")
+-    def filelog(self, package, action):
+-        pass
+-    def error(self, message):
+-        pass
+-    def scriptout(self, msgs):
+-        pass
+     def _makefmt(self, percent, ts_done, ts_total, progress=True,
+                  pkgname=None, wid1=15):
+         l = len(str(ts_total))
+diff --git a/dnf/yum/rpmtrans.py b/dnf/yum/rpmtrans.py
+index d6c549d2ed..51fa921d3e 100644
+--- a/dnf/yum/rpmtrans.py
++++ b/dnf/yum/rpmtrans.py
+@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ def error(self, message):
+         dnf.util._terminal_messenger('print', message, sys.stderr)
+-class LoggingTransactionDisplay(ErrorTransactionDisplay):
++class LoggingTransactionDisplay(TransactionDisplay):
+     '''
+     Base class for a RPMTransaction display callback class
+     '''
diff --git a/SPECS/dnf.spec b/SPECS/dnf.spec
index f8271f4..ad6967f 100644
--- a/SPECS/dnf.spec
+++ b/SPECS/dnf.spec
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ It supports RPMs, modules and comps groups & environments.
 Name:           dnf
 Version:        4.4.2
-Release:        2%{?dist}
+Release:        3%{?dist}
 Summary:        %{pkg_summary}
 # For a breakdown of the licensing, see PACKAGE-LICENSING
 License:        GPLv2+ and GPLv2 and GPL
@@ -92,6 +92,10 @@ Source0:        %{url}/archive/%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
 Patch1:         0001-tests-SQL-write-a-readonly-folder.patch
 # https://github.com/rpm-software-management/dnf/commit/c2e4901cec947e5be2e5ff5afa22691841d00bdc
 Patch2:         0002-Revert-Fix-setopt-cachedir-writing-outside-of-installroot.patch
+# https://github.com/rpm-software-management/dnf/pull/1675
+Patch3:         0003-Post-transaction-summary-is-logged-for-API-users-RhBug-1855158.patch
+# https://github.com/rpm-software-management/dnf/pull/1698
+Patch4:         0004-Log-scriptlets-output-also-for-API-users-RhBug-1847340.patch
 BuildArch:      noarch
 BuildRequires:  cmake
@@ -512,6 +516,11 @@ ln -sr  %{buildroot}%{confdir}/vars %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum/vars
+* Thu Jan 07 2021 Nicola Sella <nsella@redhat.com> - 4.4.2-3
+- Backport patches
+- Log scriptlets output also for API users (RhBug:1847340)
+- Post transaction summary is logged for API users (RhBug:1855158) 
 * Wed Nov 11 2020 Nicola Sella <nsella@redhat.com> - 4.4.2-2
 - Backport patch Revert "Fix --setopt=cachedir writing outside of installroot"