401d07 |
{% capture tocWorkspace %}
401d07 |
{% comment %}
401d07 |
Version 1.0.10
401d07 |
401d07 |
401d07 |
"...like all things liquid - where there's a will, and ~36 hours to spare, there's usually a/some way" ~jaybe
401d07 |
401d07 |
401d07 |
{% include toc.html html=content sanitize=true class="inline_toc" id="my_toc" h_min=2 h_max=3 %}
401d07 |
401d07 |
401d07 |
* html (string) - the HTML of compiled markdown generated by kramdown in Jekyll
401d07 |
401d07 |
Optional Parameters:
401d07 |
* sanitize (bool) : false - when set to true, the headers will be stripped of any HTML in the TOC
401d07 |
* class (string) : '' - a CSS class assigned to the TOC
401d07 |
* id (string) : '' - an ID to assigned to the TOC
401d07 |
* h_min (int) : 1 - the minimum TOC header level to use; any header lower than this value will be ignored
401d07 |
* h_max (int) : 6 - the maximum TOC header level to use; any header greater than this value will be ignored
401d07 |
* ordered (bool) : false - when set to true, an ordered list will be outputted instead of an unordered list
401d07 |
* item_class (string) : '' - add custom class(es) for each list item; has support for '%level%' placeholder, which is the current heading level
401d07 |
* baseurl (string) : '' - add a base url to the TOC links for when your TOC is on another page than the actual content
401d07 |
* anchor_class (string) : '' - add custom class(es) for each anchor element
401d07 |
401d07 |
401d07 |
An ordered or unordered list representing the table of contents of a markdown block. This snippet will only
401d07 |
generate the table of contents and will NOT output the markdown given to it
401d07 |
{% endcomment %}
401d07 |
401d07 |
{% capture my_toc %}{% endcapture %}
401d07 |
{% assign orderedList = include.ordered | default: false %}
401d07 |
{% assign minHeader = include.h_min | default: 1 %}
401d07 |
{% assign maxHeader = include.h_max | default: 6 %}
401d07 |
{% assign nodes = include.html | split: '
401d07 |
{% assign firstHeader = true %}
401d07 |
401d07 |
{% capture listModifier %}{% if orderedList %}1.{% else %}-{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
401d07 |
401d07 |
{% for node in nodes %}
401d07 |
{% if node == "" %}
401d07 |
{% continue %}
401d07 |
{% endif %}
401d07 |
401d07 |
{% assign headerLevel = node | replace: '"', '' | slice: 0, 1 | times: 1 %}
401d07 |
401d07 |
{% if headerLevel < minHeader or headerLevel > maxHeader %}
401d07 |
{% continue %}
401d07 |
{% endif %}
401d07 |
401d07 |
{% if firstHeader %}
401d07 |
{% assign firstHeader = false %}
401d07 |
{% assign minHeader = headerLevel %}
401d07 |
{% endif %}
401d07 |
401d07 |
{% assign indentAmount = headerLevel | minus: minHeader %}
401d07 |
{% assign _workspace = node | split: '
401d07 |
401d07 |
{% assign _idWorkspace = _workspace[0] | split: 'id="' %}
401d07 |
{% assign _idWorkspace = _idWorkspace[1] | split: '"' %}
401d07 |
{% assign html_id = _idWorkspace[0] %}
401d07 |
401d07 |
{% assign _classWorkspace = _workspace[0] | split: 'class="' %}
401d07 |
{% assign _classWorkspace = _classWorkspace[1] | split: '"' %}
401d07 |
{% assign html_class = _classWorkspace[0] %}
401d07 |
401d07 |
{% if html_class contains "no_toc" %}
401d07 |
{% continue %}
401d07 |
{% endif %}
401d07 |
401d07 |
{% capture _hAttrToStrip %}{{ _workspace[0] | split: '>' | first }}>{% endcapture %}
401d07 |
{% assign header = _workspace[0] | replace: _hAttrToStrip, '' %}
401d07 |
401d07 |
{% assign space = '' %}
401d07 |
{% for i in (1..indentAmount) %}
401d07 |
{% assign space = space | prepend: ' ' %}
401d07 |
{% endfor %}
401d07 |
401d07 |
{% if include.item_class and include.item_class != blank %}
401d07 |
{% capture listItemClass %}{:.{{ include.item_class | replace: '%level%', headerLevel }}}{% endcapture %}
401d07 |
{% endif %}
401d07 |
401d07 |
{% capture heading_body %}{% if include.sanitize %}{{ header | strip_html }}{% else %}{{ header }}{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
401d07 |
{% capture my_toc %}{{ my_toc }}
401d07 |
{{ space }}{{ listModifier }} {{ listItemClass }} [{{ heading_body | replace: "|", "\|" }}]({% if include.baseurl %}{{ include.baseurl }}{% endif %}#{{ html_id }}){% if include.anchor_class %}{:.{{ include.anchor_class }}}{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
401d07 |
{% endfor %}
401d07 |
401d07 |
{% if include.class and include.class != blank %}
401d07 |
{% capture my_toc %}{:.{{ include.class }}}
401d07 |
{{ my_toc | lstrip }}{% endcapture %}
401d07 |
{% endif %}
401d07 |
401d07 |
{% if include.id %}
401d07 |
{% capture my_toc %}{:
401d07 |
{{ my_toc | lstrip }}{% endcapture %}
401d07 |
{% endif %}
401d07 |
{% endcapture %}{% assign tocWorkspace = '' %}{{ my_toc | markdownify | strip }}