quaid / centos / centos.org

Forked from centos/centos.org 5 years ago
Blob Blame History Raw
 * CSV to Table plugin
 * http://code.google.com/p/jquerycsvtotable/
 * Copyright (c) 2010 Steve Sobel
 * http://honestbleeps.com/
 * v0.9 - 2010-06-22 - First release.
 * Example implementation:
 * $('#divID').CSVToTable('test.csv');
 * The above line would load 'test.csv' via AJAX and render a table.  If 
 * headers are not specified, the plugin assumes the first line of the CSV
 * file contains the header names.
 * Configurable options:
 * separator    - separator to use when parsing CSV/TSV data
 *              - value will almost always be "," or "\t" (comma or tab)
 *              - if not specified, default value is ","
 * headers      - an array of headers for the CSV data
 *              - if not specified, plugin assumes that the first line of the CSV
 *                file contains the header names.
 *              - Example: headers: ['Album Title', 'Artist Name', 'Price ($USD)']
 * tableClass   - class name to apply to the <table> tag rendered by the plugin.
 * theadClass   - class name to apply to the <thead> tag rendered by the plugin.
 * thClass      - class name to apply to the <th> tag rendered by the plugin.
 * tbodyClass   - class name to apply to the <tbody> tag rendered by the plugin.
 * trClass      - class name to apply to the <tr> tag rendered by the plugin.
 * tdClass      - class name to apply to the <td> tag rendered by the plugin.
 * loadingImage - path to an image to display while CSV/TSV data is loading
 * loadingText  - text to display while CSV/TSV is loading
 *              - if not specified, default value is "Loading CSV data..."
 * Upon completion, the plugin triggers a "loadComplete" event so that you
 * may perform other manipulation on the table after it has loaded. A
 * common use of this would be to use the jQuery tablesorter plugin, found
 * at http://tablesorter.com/
 * An example of such a call would be as follows, assuming you have loaded
 * the tablesorter plugin.
 * $('#CSVTable').CSVToTable('test.csv', 
 *     { 
 *        loadingImage: 'images/loading.gif', 
 *        startLine: 1,
 *        headers: ['Album Title', 'Artist Name', 'Price ($USD)']
 *     }
 * ).bind("loadComplete",function() { 
 *     $('#CSVTable').find('TABLE').tablesorter();
 * });;



	* CSV Parser credit goes to Brian Huisman, from his blog entry entitled "CSV String to Array in JavaScript":
	* http://www.greywyvern.com/?post=258
	String.prototype.splitCSV = function(sep) {
		for (var thisCSV = this.split(sep = sep || ","), x = thisCSV.length - 1, tl; x >= 0; x--) {
			if (thisCSV[x].replace(/"\s+$/, '"').charAt(thisCSV[x].length - 1) == '"') {
				if ((tl = thisCSV[x].replace(/^\s+"/, '"')).length > 1 && tl.charAt(0) == '"') {
					thisCSV[x] = thisCSV[x].replace(/^\s*"|"\s*$/g, '').replace(/""/g, '"');
				} else if (x) {
					thisCSV.splice(x - 1, 2, [thisCSV[x - 1], thisCSV[x]].join(sep));
				} else thisCSV = thisCSV.shift().split(sep).concat(thisCSV);
			} else thisCSV[x].replace(/""/g, '"');
		} return thisCSV;

	$.fn.CSVToTable = function(csvFile, options) {
		var defaults = {
			tableClass: "CSVTable",
			theadClass: "",
			thClass: "",
			tbodyClass: "",
			trClass: "",
			tdClass: "",
			loadingImage: "",
			loadingText: "Loading CSV data...",
			separator: ",",
			startLine: 0
		var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
		return this.each(function() {
			var obj = $(this);
			var error = '';
			(options.loadingImage) ? loading = '<div style="text-align: center"><img alt="' + options.loadingText + '" src="' + options.loadingImage + '" /><br>' + options.loadingText + '</div>' : loading = options.loadingText;
			$.get(csvFile, function(data) {
				var tableHTML = '<table class="' + options.tableClass + '">';
				var lines = data.replace('\r','').split('\n');
				var printedLines = 0;
				var headerCount = 0;
				var headers = new Array();
				$.each(lines, function(lineCount, line) {
					if ((lineCount == 0) && (typeof(options.headers) != 'undefined')) {
						headers = options.headers;
						headerCount = headers.length;
						tableHTML += '<thead class="' + options.theadClass + '"><tr class="' + options.trClass + '">';
						$.each(headers, function(headerCount, header) {
							tableHTML += '<th class="' + options.thClass + '">' + header + '</th>';
						tableHTML += '</tr></thead><tbody class="' + options.tbodyClass + '">';
					if ((lineCount == options.startLine) && (typeof(options.headers) == 'undefined')) {
						headers = line.splitCSV(options.separator);
						headerCount = headers.length;
						tableHTML += '<thead class="' + options.theadClass + '"><tr class="' + options.trClass + '">';
						$.each(headers, function(headerCount, header) {
							tableHTML += '<th class="' + options.thClass + '">' + header + '</th>';
						tableHTML += '</tr></thead><tbody class="' + options.tbodyClass + '">';
					} else if (lineCount >= options.startLine) {
						var items = line.splitCSV(options.separator);
						if (items.length > 1) {
							if (items.length != headerCount) {
								error += 'error on line ' + lineCount + ': Item count (' + items.length + ') does not match header count (' + headerCount + ') \n';
							(printedLines % 2) ? oddOrEven = 'odd' : oddOrEven = 'even';
							tableHTML += '<tr class="' + options.trClass + ' ' + oddOrEven + '">';
							$.each(items, function(itemCount, item) {
								tableHTML += '<td class="' + options.tdClass + '">' + item + '</td>';
							tableHTML += '</tr>';
				tableHTML += '</tbody></table>';
				if (error) {
				} else {
					obj.fadeOut(500, function() {
					}).fadeIn(function() {
						// trigger loadComplete
						setTimeout(function() {
