From f3991846c86925ae9dbc457ace807d80ef7900ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: CentOS Sources Date: Feb 16 2021 09:18:23 +0000 Subject: import kernel-4.18.0-240.15.1.el8_3 --- diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 82220e1..6b4ba25 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ SOURCES/kernel-abi-whitelists-4.18.0-240.tar.bz2 SOURCES/kernel-kabi-dw-4.18.0-240.tar.bz2 -SOURCES/linux-4.18.0-240.10.1.el8_3.tar.xz +SOURCES/linux-4.18.0-240.15.1.el8_3.tar.xz diff --git a/.kernel.metadata b/.kernel.metadata index bf076bd..984e112 100644 --- a/.kernel.metadata +++ b/.kernel.metadata @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ 8d861248716a82a9ff7442c6150f5f9eccbb3243 SOURCES/kernel-abi-whitelists-4.18.0-240.tar.bz2 59861274c73f8acc9a5c9da435ab98c09e54fac8 SOURCES/kernel-kabi-dw-4.18.0-240.tar.bz2 -59ada78aeaafb662e36ed67e95330a4eb857714c SOURCES/linux-4.18.0-240.10.1.el8_3.tar.xz +739e4f419150e689df825fea0e95265daf19abee SOURCES/linux-4.18.0-240.15.1.el8_3.tar.xz diff --git a/SOURCES/centos-ca-secureboot.der b/SOURCES/centos-ca-secureboot.der deleted file mode 100644 index 44a2563..0000000 Binary files a/SOURCES/centos-ca-secureboot.der and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SOURCES/centos.pem b/SOURCES/centos.pem deleted file mode 100644 index 82ad817..0000000 --- a/SOURCES/centos.pem +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIDgTCCAmmgAwIBAgIJALYWFXFy+zGAMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEwxJjAkBgNV -BAMMHUNlbnRPUyBTZWN1cmUgQm9vdCAoQ0Ega2V5IDEpMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkB -FhNzZWN1cml0eUBjZW50b3Mub3JnMB4XDTE5MDYwMzE0MjA0MFoXDTM4MDEwMTE0 -MjA0MFowVTEvMC0GA1UEAwwmQ2VudE9TIExpbnV4IERyaXZlciB1cGRhdGUgc2ln -bmluZyBrZXkxIjAgBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWE3NlY3VyaXR5QGNlbnRvcy5vcmcwggEi -MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQD5ECuosQ4HKRRf+Kxfm+BcICBK -PGqB+E/qalqQ3CCM3LWezq0ns/GZTD0CtSAzmOObqJb3gJ9S5gcbaMVBc3JxLlQ+ -RwVy0oNy91uy9TKhYQ3lpHDyujxiFmXPSJLMKOYbOBNObJ7qF6+ptnmDWMu7GWDc -4UGdBdU/evt92LIxsi9ZQCEoZIqdyKBE/Y3V9gBZIZa/4oXMHfW9dWxhy9UszmR9 -hT7ZdgLFpWMFmJW+SS5QEWtp5CpRlcui4QJZl42bMp5JOrVWc+BlKPIsLdY8TqLp -9FdhQ5Ih4auT7zn2V89YgYpq6VMZnPsn/v5piB6i6RK8Falr6SP5SV0cwV/jAgMB -AAGjXTBbMAwGA1UdEwEB/wQCMAAwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgeAMB0GA1UdDgQWBBQpvUwN -BtLpkRBEtdyXMwkTm1HW1TAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBRU7IGFiT7pGtsI90SIVH6OP3Q6 -8zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAK+f4c4aP9TQDiQM4TDyw8iDapr7eBc+Yr0M5 -ELkWEQu55/OwLQrgCA5bdD86diaAXQAlUOXCtFRrbUQHQACEL77/32YdooHfVZZ7 -04CeE+JWxF/cQ3M5hhJnkyxaqFKC+B+bn7Z6eloMnYUPsXwfQEOuyxKaKergAJdq -KnC0pEG3NGgwlwvnD0dwUqbbEUUqL3UQh96hCYDidhCUmuap1E2OGoxGex3ekszf -ErCgwVYb46cv91ba2KqXVWl1FoO3c5MyZcxL46ihQgiY0BI975+HDFjpUZ69n+Um -OhSscRUiKeEQKMVtHzyQUp5t+HCeaZBRPy3rFoIjTEqijKZ6tQ== ------END CERTIFICATE----- ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIDejCCAmKgAwIBAgIJALYWFXFy+zF/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEwxJjAkBgNV -BAMMHUNlbnRPUyBTZWN1cmUgQm9vdCAoQ0Ega2V5IDEpMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkB -FhNzZWN1cml0eUBjZW50b3Mub3JnMB4XDTE5MDYwMzE0MjAwMloXDTM4MDEwMTE0 -MjAwMlowTjEoMCYGA1UEAwwfQ2VudE9TIExpbnV4IGtwYXRjaCBzaWduaW5nIGtl -eTEiMCAGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYTc2VjdXJpdHlAY2VudG9zLm9yZzCCASIwDQYJKoZI -hvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAMG+5OclqB0NE5azrGkSitqUFcZjpRk/rS2P -CetB6jwxOn06TrLGzqnhcE9VBKyEs7CXBLy6lfnORcYOybcR2XvrgqGa1txOZggl -hc8zCj9X7ZCMK2UsWglxQCOtbo0m/vdor/VO3SFbrf/W9+PXhvNtcxMP9yjydbP+ -lS1St8uQv952hu7C1TevyOQN3jpvWRD7DSJIU/2uRFcdIo2QCGokuB/xESXeuGJ2 -F2P9w0h74V18AlVTxtGp/RSJqZaQ2Gi5h4Oa7UsRmhmCoLdmdBe7xnYJrJ4GhxKQ -yG0kU1ikEhZW3YjoVPgBJzTsIhCAzFrOUq0d67a1wTVMiyL60fUCAwEAAaNdMFsw -DAYDVR0TAQH/BAIwADALBgNVHQ8EBAMCB4AwHQYDVR0OBBYEFLSfCGIFkJ3E2iz6 -mTdvsZHS8J54MB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFFTsgYWJPuka2wj3RIhUfo4/dDrzMA0GCSqG -SIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQBcDnjWh8Mx6yaS/OvBOYZprYy5Su0tn+YHiN0czpjVw+zl -NUt2YmRSA/g6xks04CYx+UAL/xnvRcxXd17Ni7eWiROxvgQvBo5nScVkFPq2IIP5 -8aj7LoHR1MUeXfiNqf1JoSlgpRV47wv/+jZD0hmbt1rC2NJp0ZU8OHmt2GWk0jmM -MK72D/pyCUfHetBzPpU9M0cNiukjMUdIL+U7+CXDgKsfdFHcQ76ebWyka7vRSXTs -lBMa2g20Atwz2Hj7tEEAZ74ioQ9029RAlUSNipACe31YdT4/BBWIqHPpeDFkp8W0 -9v4jeTX/2kMBXkjzMfKjhpooa+bFFFLogLeX3P4W ------END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/SOURCES/centossecureboot001.der b/SOURCES/centossecureboot001.der deleted file mode 100644 index 321c4ec..0000000 --- a/SOURCES/centossecureboot001.der +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -Certificate: - Data: - Version: 3 (0x2) - Serial Number: - b6:16:15:71:72:fb:31:7e - Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption - Issuer: CN=CentOS Secure Boot (CA key 1)/ - Validity - Not Before: Aug 1 11:47:30 2018 GMT - Not After : Dec 31 11:47:30 2037 GMT - Subject: CN=CentOS Secure Boot (key 1)/ - Subject Public Key Info: - Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption - RSA Public Key: (2048 bit) - Modulus (2048 bit): - 00:c1:a3:6a:f4:2d:71:83:6c:21:ca:0c:b7:ac:fa: - 76:80:43:03:40:87:5d:de:e9:1e:df:ad:e7:2b:51: - cb:f8:31:0f:9a:db:ab:23:25:04:11:05:57:7d:f2: - 4b:8d:1e:b3:75:78:1d:b9:57:8b:18:0b:bb:7e:e3: - 24:0f:6a:40:5f:2b:4f:03:a5:85:94:d2:f9:08:a0: - bc:db:a5:ea:4f:7f:e8:7c:d1:a9:f8:f0:9c:25:18: - 00:14:c4:c4:35:7d:1d:4c:8a:8d:95:f8:ed:65:97: - a5:a4:da:7d:cb:f0:33:3b:b7:03:94:68:47:05:57: - 6c:96:91:ac:14:f2:e3:f6:6d:4a:18:cf:68:8a:35: - 6f:8e:26:99:7f:db:c9:83:54:c2:c3:bf:ad:45:a0: - aa:a0:86:5f:20:b1:86:1b:ae:b7:28:15:11:f9:65: - 53:5d:70:33:9b:a3:c7:b5:c8:11:ff:55:3b:e7:46: - f1:6c:6b:8c:bb:f2:9f:36:23:b1:2d:23:2f:8f:4f: - 6c:a8:cc:ae:f5:56:9e:22:6c:0e:9a:4a:b1:bd:b2: - 76:15:5c:05:85:b8:5e:dc:8c:a5:c3:e0:75:51:a4: - 94:9b:03:2e:7b:f8:d3:b9:dd:7f:88:ce:2e:2f:28: - 4c:b4:92:2f:e6:e0:67:0a:d0:ff:c5:d2:79:a6:ef: - 94:0f - Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) - X509v3 extensions: - X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical - CA:FALSE - X509v3 Key Usage: - Digital Signature - X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: - F0:37:C6:EA:EC:36:D4:05:7A:52:6C:0E:C6:D5:A9:5B:32:4E:E1:29 - X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: - keyid:54:EC:81:85:89:3E:E9:1A:DB:08:F7:44:88:54:7E:8E:3F:74:3A:F3 - - Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption - 97:97:ba:a6:0b:5b:bb:84:39:2e:ef:8b:51:9a:89:bb:65:3c: - dc:15:d0:5a:88:c5:af:ce:93:f5:c1:74:98:15:59:a9:38:da: - 11:fd:46:d5:4f:23:7c:03:1f:ae:0c:70:93:94:a7:61:2f:4b: - 2f:5f:bb:cc:8a:d7:4a:24:66:73:85:b4:19:13:fc:6a:61:4a: - 28:1f:a2:38:f4:72:90:03:c4:3e:64:63:8b:fb:15:22:22:4e: - b9:43:d9:b4:3d:3a:60:c1:4d:3a:09:85:68:7a:bc:3b:f9:ef: - f3:f5:e9:c9:4f:80:8c:c6:e9:cb:ef:28:44:b0:5d:d4:9e:4f: - 0f:02:9a:65:aa:98:35:b4:6f:d2:80:e3:08:ef:12:d0:17:56: - a6:a1:42:1e:1d:ab:e5:33:c0:fd:88:0d:40:42:81:c8:27:30: - 17:07:57:3e:05:9d:aa:05:0e:5b:3a:79:b4:29:aa:7c:42:5a: - ad:43:59:fb:34:4d:dc:62:58:63:e4:fb:de:bb:fd:6c:4e:97: - 58:f4:b9:99:4a:71:fe:7f:16:50:55:25:46:39:96:9b:88:6c: - 75:19:33:9e:70:b3:04:82:fe:16:a8:8e:22:47:83:6d:16:77: - da:26:ad:31:d8:06:6d:c5:7e:46:4b:21:ab:ae:ec:2a:93:71: - da:7f:89:1d ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIDdTCCAl2gAwIBAgIJALYWFXFy+zF+MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEwxJjAkBgNV -BAMMHUNlbnRPUyBTZWN1cmUgQm9vdCAoQ0Ega2V5IDEpMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkB -FhNzZWN1cml0eUBjZW50b3Mub3JnMB4XDTE4MDgwMTExNDczMFoXDTM3MTIzMTEx -NDczMFowSTEjMCEGA1UEAxMaQ2VudE9TIFNlY3VyZSBCb290IChrZXkgMSkxIjAg -BgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWE3NlY3VyaXR5QGNlbnRvcy5vcmcwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB -AQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDBo2r0LXGDbCHKDLes+naAQwNAh13e6R7frecrUcv4 -MQ+a26sjJQQRBVd98kuNHrN1eB25V4sYC7t+4yQPakBfK08DpYWU0vkIoLzbpepP -f+h80an48JwlGAAUxMQ1fR1Mio2V+O1ll6Wk2n3L8DM7twOUaEcFV2yWkawU8uP2 -bUoYz2iKNW+OJpl/28mDVMLDv61FoKqghl8gsYYbrrcoFRH5ZVNdcDObo8e1yBH/ -VTvnRvFsa4y78p82I7EtIy+PT2yozK71Vp4ibA6aSrG9snYVXAWFuF7cjKXD4HVR -pJSbAy57+NO53X+Izi4vKEy0ki/m4GcK0P/F0nmm75QPAgMBAAGjXTBbMAwGA1Ud -EwEB/wQCMAAwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgeAMB0GA1UdDgQWBBTwN8bq7DbUBXpSbA7G1alb -Mk7hKTAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBRU7IGFiT7pGtsI90SIVH6OP3Q68zANBgkqhkiG9w0B -AQsFAAOCAQEAl5e6pgtbu4Q5Lu+LUZqJu2U83BXQWojFr86T9cF0mBVZqTjaEf1G -1U8jfAMfrgxwk5SnYS9LL1+7zIrXSiRmc4W0GRP8amFKKB+iOPRykAPEPmRji/sV -IiJOuUPZtD06YMFNOgmFaHq8O/nv8/XpyU+AjMbpy+8oRLBd1J5PDwKaZaqYNbRv -0oDjCO8S0BdWpqFCHh2r5TPA/YgNQEKByCcwFwdXPgWdqgUOWzp5tCmqfEJarUNZ -+zRN3GJYY+T73rv9bE6XWPS5mUpx/n8WUFUlRjmWm4hsdRkznnCzBIL+FqiOIkeD -bRZ32iatMdgGbcV+Rkshq67sKpNx2n+JHQ== ------END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/SOURCES/centossecureboot201.der b/SOURCES/centossecureboot201.der deleted file mode 100644 index f9d9675..0000000 --- a/SOURCES/centossecureboot201.der +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -Certificate: - Data: - Version: 3 (0x2) - Serial Number: - 93:c2:04:d8:bd:77:6b:11 - Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption - Issuer: CN=CentOS Secure Boot CA 2/ - Validity - Not Before: Jun 9 10:04:20 2020 GMT - Not After : Jan 18 10:04:20 2038 GMT - Subject: CN=CentOS Secure Boot Signing 201/ - Subject Public Key Info: - Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption - Public-Key: (2048 bit) - Modulus: - 00:9e:ef:fe:76:1c:9f:9b:3e:f2:e4:c5:29:bd:19: - 32:01:59:f3:e6:99:fa:eb:b5:f8:94:0c:95:3a:65: - 5e:b1:72:d0:50:3e:70:64:8a:1a:d1:f6:4d:af:6d: - 57:ee:40:71:40:09:dd:30:0c:81:a1:8b:26:63:12: - 07:bf:e1:d1:45:9f:9b:09:a6:57:98:9e:ef:97:e9: - bd:68:38:ea:aa:63:92:2e:0d:2f:8e:fb:be:88:40: - 9b:59:e3:bc:b7:6f:e3:bb:6b:1e:6e:9e:ee:57:b8: - 28:c6:d5:d6:bf:47:a6:e9:38:a9:8f:08:73:98:49: - a8:58:d2:62:73:f1:1e:44:d4:88:3d:f9:aa:43:e2: - 72:2e:d7:43:3e:1d:b6:65:f6:d1:2e:ef:31:cb:9f: - 5e:e3:d4:ea:3c:23:9a:07:af:f9:4a:ee:43:9a:75: - 06:ed:9a:54:2c:ed:5b:ca:85:a5:10:16:cd:30:64: - ea:d5:27:7e:23:f6:fc:ec:69:a9:43:2f:78:73:6b: - 33:78:8b:f8:54:db:3f:ce:95:a4:5a:04:9a:15:49: - 98:cd:34:7c:c7:8c:a9:8a:32:82:ae:c0:d6:34:93: - e7:d2:54:82:45:ee:eb:54:9a:96:d4:da:4b:24:f8: - 09:56:d8:cd:7f:ec:7b:f3:bd:db:9b:8c:b6:18:87: - fa:07 - Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) - X509v3 extensions: - X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical - CA:FALSE - X509v3 Key Usage: critical - Digital Signature - X509v3 Extended Key Usage: critical - Code Signing - X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: - 5D:4B:64:F2:FA:63:1E:5E:5F:DB:AA:DC:14:67:C6:6C:99:21:7A:22 - X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: - keyid:70:00:7F:99:20:9C:12:6B:E1:47:74:EA:EC:7B:6D:96:31:F3:4D:CA - - Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption - 39:4b:b5:cc:37:3f:cd:db:84:0f:63:7c:c4:e4:53:fb:5e:fd: - db:12:19:23:6f:0a:50:14:fd:4f:7c:f9:87:3d:f9:6d:5b:af: - 07:a5:94:34:1b:84:07:f4:f1:a0:de:cc:73:87:99:31:c3:93: - 66:c0:bc:f2:0f:b2:69:65:8e:da:b9:1a:8e:ae:38:56:f3:7c: - 5a:8d:29:0d:3d:ad:84:e7:86:31:a2:8e:2a:a8:f8:f8:f7:87: - 32:65:5d:81:47:53:b8:40:c5:1b:a7:46:1f:b0:60:a7:b4:97: - 89:51:26:3c:de:46:b9:14:d5:a0:7d:99:cc:a7:7e:ed:89:18: - 02:ce:e6:07:45:49:e2:04:7d:5b:03:65:ec:e6:c3:86:0d:82: - 31:24:45:51:ec:15:ad:31:83:a8:1c:6e:52:4d:b8:0f:5d:0b: - e4:7b:51:49:39:46:8a:0b:fd:0c:46:af:b4:19:65:0f:12:f1: - fc:ee:fd:6b:4f:df:9a:73:7c:e0:c8:3d:c3:d5:b5:ab:4a:86: - 36:97:e8:89:fb:af:f4:f1:c2:05:5d:17:fb:b6:df:a5:0e:45: - 89:db:89:99:93:ce:f0:4e:e9:9c:f4:4a:03:b0:6e:be:a2:69: - ab:b1:f3:3b:ed:c7:97:f4:0e:0a:53:27:5a:7e:70:9a:35:ea: - 7a:76:d1:bc ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIDjjCCAnagAwIBAgIJAJPCBNi9d2sRMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEYxIDAeBgNV -BAMMF0NlbnRPUyBTZWN1cmUgQm9vdCBDQSAyMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhNzZWN1 -cml0eUBjZW50b3Mub3JnMB4XDTIwMDYwOTEwMDQyMFoXDTM4MDExODEwMDQyMFow -TTEnMCUGA1UEAwweQ2VudE9TIFNlY3VyZSBCb290IFNpZ25pbmcgMjAxMSIwIAYJ -KoZIhvcNAQkBFhNzZWN1cml0eUBjZW50b3Mub3JnMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEF -AAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAnu/+dhyfmz7y5MUpvRkyAVnz5pn667X4lAyVOmVesXLQ -UD5wZIoa0fZNr21X7kBxQAndMAyBoYsmYxIHv+HRRZ+bCaZXmJ7vl+m9aDjqqmOS -Lg0vjvu+iECbWeO8t2/ju2sebp7uV7goxtXWv0em6TipjwhzmEmoWNJic/EeRNSI -PfmqQ+JyLtdDPh22ZfbRLu8xy59e49TqPCOaB6/5Su5DmnUG7ZpULO1byoWlEBbN -MGTq1Sd+I/b87GmpQy94c2szeIv4VNs/zpWkWgSaFUmYzTR8x4ypijKCrsDWNJPn -0lSCRe7rVJqW1NpLJPgJVtjNf+x7873bm4y2GIf6BwIDAQABo3gwdjAMBgNVHRMB -Af8EAjAAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIHgDAWBgNVHSUBAf8EDDAKBggrBgEFBQcDAzAd -BgNVHQ4EFgQUXUtk8vpjHl5f26rcFGfGbJkheiIwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUcAB/mSCc -EmvhR3Tq7HttljHzTcowDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBADlLtcw3P83bhA9jfMTk -U/te/dsSGSNvClAU/U98+Yc9+W1brwellDQbhAf08aDezHOHmTHDk2bAvPIPsmll -jtq5Go6uOFbzfFqNKQ09rYTnhjGijiqo+Pj3hzJlXYFHU7hAxRunRh+wYKe0l4lR -JjzeRrkU1aB9mcynfu2JGALO5gdFSeIEfVsDZezmw4YNgjEkRVHsFa0xg6gcblJN -uA9dC+R7UUk5RooL/QxGr7QZZQ8S8fzu/WtP35pzfODIPcPVtatKhjaX6In7r/Tx -wgVdF/u236UORYnbiZmTzvBO6Zz0SgOwbr6iaaux8zvtx5f0DgpTJ1p+cJo16np2 -0bw= ------END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/SOURCES/centossecurebootca2.der b/SOURCES/centossecurebootca2.der deleted file mode 100644 index 42bdfcf..0000000 Binary files a/SOURCES/centossecurebootca2.der and /dev/null differ diff --git a/SOURCES/debrand-rh-i686-cpu.patch b/SOURCES/debrand-rh-i686-cpu.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 5592a59..0000000 --- a/SOURCES/debrand-rh-i686-cpu.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ ---- a/arch/x86/boot/main.c 2019-03-13 04:04:53.000000000 -0700 -+++ b/arch/x86/boot/main.c 2019-05-25 14:31:21.043272496 -0700 -@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ void main(void) - - /* Make sure we have all the proper CPU support */ - if (validate_cpu()) { -- puts("This processor is not supported in this version of RHEL.\n"); -+ puts("This processor is not supported in this version of CentOS Linux.\n"); - die(); - } - diff --git a/SOURCES/debrand-rh_taint.patch b/SOURCES/debrand-rh_taint.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 74f2e15..0000000 --- a/SOURCES/debrand-rh_taint.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ ---- a/kernel/rh_taint.c 2020-10-16 10:41:51.000000000 -0500 -+++ b/kernel/rh_taint.c 2020-11-19 10:50:24.853039167 -0600 -@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ - #include - - /* -- * The following functions are used by Red Hat to indicate to users that -- * hardware and drivers are unsupported, or have limited support in RHEL major -+ * The following functions are used by CentOS Linux to indicate to users that -+ * hardware and drivers are unsupported, or have limited support in CentOS Linux major - * and minor releases. These functions output loud warning messages to the end - * user and should be USED WITH CAUTION. - * -- * Any use of these functions _MUST_ be documented in the RHEL Release Notes, -+ * Any use of these functions _MUST_ be documented in the CentOS Linux Release Notes, - * and have approval of management. - */ - -@@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ - * @msg: Hardware name, class, or type - * - * Called to mark a device, class of devices, or types of devices as not having -- * support in any RHEL minor release. This does not TAINT the kernel. Red Hat -- * will not fix bugs against this hardware in this minor release. Red Hat may -+ * support in any CentOS Linux minor release. This does not TAINT the kernel. CentOS Linux -+ * will not fix bugs against this hardware in this minor release. CentOS Linux may - * declare support in a future major or minor update release. This cannot be - * used to mark drivers unsupported. - */ - void mark_hardware_unsupported(const char *msg) - { - /* Print one single message */ -- pr_crit("Warning: %s - this hardware has not undergone testing by Red Hat and might not be certified. Please consult for certified hardware.\n", msg); -+ pr_crit("Warning: %s - this hardware has not undergone testing by CentOS Linux and might not be certified. Please consult for certified hardware.\n", msg); - } - EXPORT_SYMBOL(mark_hardware_unsupported); - -@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(mark_hardware_unsupported) - * Called to minimize the support status of a previously supported device in - * a minor release. This does not TAINT the kernel. Marking hardware - * deprecated is usually done in conjunction with the hardware vendor. Future -- * RHEL major releases may not include this driver. Driver updates and fixes -+ * CentOS Linux major releases may not include this driver. Driver updates and fixes - * for this device will be limited to critical issues in future minor releases. - */ - void mark_hardware_deprecated(const char *msg) - { -- pr_crit("Warning: %s - this hardware is not recommended for new deployments. It continues to be supported in this RHEL release, but it is likely to be removed in the next major release. Driver updates and fixes for this device will be limited to critical issues. Please contact Red Hat Support or your device's hardware vendor for additional information.\n", msg); -+ pr_crit("Warning: %s - this hardware is not recommended for new deployments. It continues to be supported in this CentOS Linux release, but it is likely to be removed in the next major release. Driver updates and fixes for this device will be limited to critical issues. Please contact CentOS Linux Support or your device's hardware vendor for additional information.\n", msg); - } - EXPORT_SYMBOL(mark_hardware_deprecated); - -@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(mark_hardware_deprecated); - * - * Called to minimize the support status of a new driver. This does TAINT the - * kernel. Calling this function indicates that the driver or subsystem has -- * had limited testing and is not marked for full support within this RHEL -- * minor release. The next RHEL minor release may contain full support for -- * this driver. Red Hat does not guarantee that bugs reported against this -+ * had limited testing and is not marked for full support within this CentOS Linux -+ * minor release. The next CentOS Linux minor release may contain full support for -+ * this driver. CentOS Linux does not guarantee that bugs reported against this - * driver or subsystem will be resolved. - */ - void mark_tech_preview(const char *msg, struct module *mod) -@@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(mark_tech_preview); - * mark_driver_unsupported - drivers that we know we don't want to support - * @name: the name of the driver - * -- * In some cases Red Hat has chosen to build a driver for internal QE -+ * In some cases CentOS Linux has chosen to build a driver for internal QE - * use. Use this function to mark those drivers as unsupported for - * customers. - */ - void mark_driver_unsupported(const char *name) - { -- pr_crit("Warning: %s - This driver has not undergone sufficient testing by Red Hat for this release and therefore cannot be used in production systems.\n", -+ pr_crit("Warning: %s - This driver has not undergone sufficient testing by CentOS Linux for this release and therefore cannot be used in production systems.\n", - name ? name : "kernel"); - } - EXPORT_SYMBOL(mark_driver_unsupported); diff --git a/SOURCES/debrand-single-cpu.patch b/SOURCES/debrand-single-cpu.patch deleted file mode 100644 index b3eed51..0000000 --- a/SOURCES/debrand-single-cpu.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ ---- a/arch/x86/kernel/setup.c 2019-03-13 04:04:53.000000000 -0700 -+++ b/arch/x86/kernel/setup.c 2019-05-27 08:35:54.580595314 -0700 -@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ static void rh_check_supported(void) - if (((boot_cpu_data.x86_max_cores * smp_num_siblings) == 1) && - !guest && is_kdump_kernel()) { - pr_crit("Detected single cpu native boot.\n"); -- pr_crit("Important: In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, single threaded, single CPU 64-bit physical systems are unsupported by Red Hat. Please contact your Red Hat support representative for a list of certified and supported systems."); -+ pr_crit("Important: In CentOS Linux 8, single threaded, single CPU 64-bit physical systems are unsupported. Please see for more information"); - } - - /* diff --git a/SOURCES/x509.genkey b/SOURCES/x509.genkey index dbfe9a7..b1bbe38 100644 --- a/SOURCES/x509.genkey +++ b/SOURCES/x509.genkey @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ prompt = no x509_extensions = myexts [ req_distinguished_name ] -O = CentOS -CN = CentOS kernel signing key -emailAddress = +O = Red Hat +CN = Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel signing key +emailAddress = [ myexts ] basicConstraints=critical,CA:FALSE diff --git a/SPECS/kernel.spec b/SPECS/kernel.spec index ebd382d..6d570cd 100644 --- a/SPECS/kernel.spec +++ b/SPECS/kernel.spec @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ %global distro_build 240 # Sign the x86_64 kernel for secure boot authentication -%ifarch x86_64 aarch64 +%ifarch x86_64 aarch64 s390x ppc64le %global signkernel 1 %else %global signkernel 0 @@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ # define buildid .local %define rpmversion 4.18.0 -%define pkgrelease 240.10.1.el8_3 +%define pkgrelease 240.15.1.el8_3 # allow pkg_release to have configurable %%{?dist} tag -%define specrelease 240.10.1%{?dist} +%define specrelease 240.15.1%{?dist} %define pkg_release %{specrelease}%{?buildid} @@ -446,34 +446,44 @@ Source9: x509.genkey %if %{?released_kernel} -Source10: centossecurebootca2.der -Source11: centos-ca-secureboot.der -Source12: centossecureboot201.der -Source13: centossecureboot001.der +Source10: redhatsecurebootca5.cer +Source11: redhatsecurebootca3.cer +Source12: redhatsecureboot501.cer +Source13: redhatsecureboot301.cer +Source14: secureboot_s390.cer +Source15: secureboot_ppc.cer %define secureboot_ca_0 %{SOURCE11} %define secureboot_ca_1 %{SOURCE10} %ifarch x86_64 aarch64 %define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE13} -%define pesign_name_0 centossecureboot001 +%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot301 %define secureboot_key_1 %{SOURCE12} -%define pesign_name_1 centossecureboot201 +%define pesign_name_1 redhatsecureboot501 +%endif +%ifarch s390x +%define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE14} +%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot302 +%endif +%ifarch ppc64le +%define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE15} +%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot303 %endif # released_kernel %else -Source11: centossecurebootca2.der -Source12: centos-ca-secureboot.der -Source13: centossecureboot201.der -Source14: centossecureboot001.der +Source11: redhatsecurebootca4.cer +Source12: redhatsecurebootca2.cer +Source13: redhatsecureboot401.cer +Source14: redhatsecureboot003.cer %define secureboot_ca_0 %{SOURCE12} %define secureboot_ca_1 %{SOURCE11} %define secureboot_key_0 %{SOURCE14} -%define pesign_name_0 centossecureboot001 +%define pesign_name_0 redhatsecureboot003 %define secureboot_key_1 %{SOURCE13} -%define pesign_name_1 centossecureboot201 +%define pesign_name_1 redhatsecureboot401 # released_kernel %endif @@ -530,24 +540,18 @@ Source400: mod-kvm.list Source2000: cpupower.service Source2001: cpupower.config -Source9000: centos.pem - ## Patches needed for building this package # empty final patch to facilitate testing of kernel patches Patch999999: linux-kernel-test.patch -Patch1000: debrand-single-cpu.patch -Patch1001: debrand-rh_taint.patch -Patch1002: debrand-rh-i686-cpu.patch - # END OF PATCH DEFINITIONS BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{KVERREL}-root %description -This is the package which provides the Linux %{name} for CentOS. -It is based on upstream Linux at version %{version} and maintains kABI +This is the package which provides the Linux %{name} for Red Hat Enterprise +Linux. It is based on upstream Linux at version %{version} and maintains kABI compatibility of a set of approved symbols, however it is heavily modified with backports and fixes pulled from newer upstream Linux %{name} releases. This means this is not a %{version} kernel anymore: it includes several components which come @@ -555,7 +559,7 @@ from newer upstream linux versions, while maintaining a well tested and stable core. Some of the components/backports that may be pulled in are: changes like updates to the core kernel (eg.: scheduler, cgroups, memory management, security fixes and features), updates to block layer, supported filesystems, major driver -updates for supported hardware in CentOS, enhancements for +updates for supported hardware in Red Hat Enterprise Linux, enhancements for enterprise customers, etc. # @@ -796,12 +800,12 @@ kernel-gcov includes the gcov graph and source files for gcov coverage collectio %endif %package -n %{name}-abi-whitelists -Summary: The CentOS kernel ABI symbol whitelists +Summary: The Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel ABI symbol whitelists Group: System Environment/Kernel AutoReqProv: no %description -n %{name}-abi-whitelists -The kABI package contains information pertaining to the CentOS -kernel ABI, including lists of kernel symbols that are needed by +The kABI package contains information pertaining to the Red Hat Enterprise +Linux kernel ABI, including lists of kernel symbols that are needed by external Linux kernel modules, and a yum plugin to aid enforcement. %if %{with_kabidw_base} @@ -810,8 +814,8 @@ Summary: The baseline dataset for kABI verification using DWARF data Group: System Environment/Kernel AutoReqProv: no %description kernel-kabidw-base-internal -The package contains data describing the current ABI of the CentOS -kernel, suitable for the kabi-dw tool. +The package contains data describing the current ABI of the Red Hat Enterprise +Linux kernel, suitable for the kabi-dw tool. %endif # @@ -883,7 +887,7 @@ Requires: %{name}%{?1:-%{1}}-modules-uname-r = %{KVERREL}%{?variant}%{?1:+%{1}}\ AutoReq: no\ AutoProv: yes\ %description %{?1:%{1}-}modules-internal\ -This package provides kernel modules for the %{?2:%{2} }kernel package for CentOS internal usage.\ +This package provides kernel modules for the %{?2:%{2} }kernel package for Red Hat internal usage.\ %{nil} # @@ -1081,14 +1085,10 @@ ApplyOptionalPatch() } %setup -q -n %{name}-%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease} -c -cp -v %{SOURCE9000} linux-%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease}/certs/rhel.pem mv linux-%{rpmversion}-%{pkgrelease} linux-%{KVERREL} cd linux-%{KVERREL} -ApplyOptionalPatch debrand-single-cpu.patch -ApplyOptionalPatch debrand-rh_taint.patch -ApplyOptionalPatch debrand-rh-i686-cpu.patch ApplyOptionalPatch linux-kernel-test.patch # END OF PATCH APPLICATIONS @@ -2568,8 +2568,117 @@ fi # # %changelog -* Mon Jan 04 2021 CentOS Sources - 4.18.0-240.10.1.el8.centos -- Apply debranding changes +* Wed Feb 03 2021 Frantisek Hrbata [4.18.0-240.15.1.el8_3] +- [x86] kvm: svm: Initialize prev_ga_tag before use (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1919885 1909254] +- [net] tls: move mark_tech_preview to tls_init (Sabrina Dubroca) [1918743 1907477] +- [video] hyperv_fb: Fix the cache type when mapping the VRAM (Mohammed Gamal) [1917711 1908893] +- [video] hyperv: hyperv_fb: Support deferred IO for Hyper-V frame buffer driver (Mohammed Gamal) [1917711 1908893] +- [net] esp: select CRYPTO_SEQIV (Vladis Dronov) [1912872 1905088] +- [crypto] treewide: Use fallthrough pseudo-keyword (Vladis Dronov) [1912872 1905088] +- [crypto] crypto: drbg - always try to free Jitter RNG instance (Vladis Dronov) [1912872 1905088] +- [crypto] crypto: drbg - should select CTR (Vladis Dronov) [1912872 1905088] +- [crypto] crypto: ctr - no longer needs CRYPTO_SEQIV (Vladis Dronov) [1912872 1905088] +- [crypto] crypto: drbg - always seeded with SP800-90B compliant noise source (Vladis Dronov) [1912872 1905088] +- [crypto] crypto: jitter - SP800-90B compliance (Vladis Dronov) [1912872 1905088] +- [crypto] crypto: jitter - add header to fix buildwarnings (Vladis Dronov) [1912872 1905088] +- [crypto] crypto: jitter - fix comments (Vladis Dronov) [1912872 1905088] +- [crypto] crypto: jitter - update implementation to 2.1.2 (Vladis Dronov) [1912872 1905088] +- [crypto] crypto: drbg - in-place cipher operation for CTR (Vladis Dronov) [1912872 1905088] +- [crypto] crypto: drbg - eliminate constant reinitialization of SGL (Vladis Dronov) [1912872 1905088] +- [netdrv] ionic: start queues before announcing link up (Jonathan Toppins) [1918372 1906250] +- [drm] drm/i915: Enable Tigerlake support by default (Lyude Paul) [1882620 1877005] +- [drm] drm/i915: Simplify intel_set_cdclk_{pre, post}_plane_update() calling convention (Lyude Paul) [1882620 1877005] +- [drm] drm/i915/psr: Program default IO buffer Wake and Fast Wake (Lyude Paul) [1882620 1877005] +- [kernel] rcu: Force on tick when invoking lots of callbacks (Waiman Long) [1915638 1862812] +- [kernel] nohz: Add TICK_DEP_BIT_RCU (Waiman Long) [1915638 1862812] +- [pci] PCI: Mark AMD Navi10 GPU rev 0x00 ATS as broken (Myron Stowe) [1906516 1888310] + +* Tue Jan 26 2021 Frantisek Hrbata [4.18.0-240.14.1.el8_3] +- [netdrv] net: usb: lan78xx: Disable interrupts before calling generic_handle_irq() (Waiman Long) [1915814 1904213] +- [mm] x86/mm/cpa: Prevent large page split when ftrace flips RW on kernel text (Waiman Long) [1915814 1904213] +- [mm] x86/mm/cpa: Fix cpa_flush_array() TLB invalidation (Waiman Long) [1915814 1904213] +- [hv] hv: vmbus: Add timeout to vmbus_wait_for_unload (Mohammed Gamal) [1913528 1888980] +- [kernel] perf/core: Fix race in the perf_mmap_close() function (Michael Petlan) [1897016 1869925] {CVE-2020-14351} +- [kernel] perf: Make struct ring_buffer less ambiguous (Michael Petlan) [1897016 1869925] {CVE-2020-14351} +- [tty] tty: Fix ->pgrp locking in tiocspgrp() (Waiman Long) [1908196 1908197] {CVE-2020-29661} +- [x86] x86/tboot: Don't disable swiotlb when iommu is forced on (Tony Camuso) [1911555 1883395] +- [iommu] iommu/vt-d: Avoid panic if iommu init fails in tboot system (Tony Camuso) [1911555 1883395] +- [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix priority inheritance with multiple scheduling classes (Phil Auld) [1908731 1780490] +- [kernel] locking/rwsem: Remove reader optimistic spinning (Waiman Long) [1908519 1895046] +- [kernel] locking/rwsem: Enable reader optimistic lock stealing (Waiman Long) [1908519 1895046] +- [kernel] locking/rwsem: Prevent potential lock starvation (Waiman Long) [1908519 1895046] +- [kernel] locking/rwsem: Pass the current atomic count to rwsem_down_read_slowpath() (Waiman Long) [1908519 1895046] +- [kernel] locking/rwsem: Fold __down_{read,write}*() (Waiman Long) [1908519 1895046] +- [kernel] locking/rwsem: Introduce rwsem_write_trylock() (Waiman Long) [1908519 1895046] +- [kernel] locking/rwsem: Better collate rwsem_read_trylock() (Waiman Long) [1908519 1895046] +- [kernel] rwsem: Implement down_read_interruptible (Waiman Long) [1908519 1895046] +- [kernel] rwsem: Implement down_read_killable_nested (Waiman Long) [1908519 1895046] +- [firmware] efi/esrt: Only call efi_mem_reserve() for boot services memory (Kairui Song) [1907775 1878024] +- [firmware] efi: Drop type and attribute checks in efi_mem_desc_lookup() (Kairui Song) [1907775 1878024] +- [scsi] scsi: core: Don't start concurrent async scan on same host (Ming Lei) [1905214 1874501] + +* Tue Jan 19 2021 Frantisek Hrbata [4.18.0-240.13.1.el8_3] +- [arm64] arm64: pgtable: Ensure dirty bit is preserved across pte_wrprotect() (Andrew Jones) [1909577 1908439] +- [arm64] arm64: pgtable: Fix pte_accessible() (Andrew Jones) [1909577 1908439] +- [net] icmp: randomize the global rate limiter (Guillaume Nault) [1906371 1896516] {CVE-2020-25705} +- [tools] kvm: x86: do not attempt TSC synchronization on guest writes (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] kvm: x86: fix MSR_IA32_TSC read for nested migration (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] kvm: nsvm: delay MSR permission processing to first nested VM run (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] kvm: x86: rename KVM_REQ_GET_VMCS12_PAGES (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] kvm: svm: use __GFP_ZERO instead of clear_page (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] kvm: svm: refactor msr permission bitmap allocation (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] kvm: svm: rename a variable in the svm_create_vcpu (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] kvm: nsvm: Avoid freeing uninitialized pointers in svm_set_nested_state() (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] kvm: svm: nested: Don't allocate VMCB structures on stack (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] kvm: nsvm: more strict SMM checks when returning to nested guest (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] svm: nsvm: setup nested msr permission bitmap on nested state load (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] svm: nsvm: correctly restore GIF on vmexit from nesting after migration (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] kvm: svm: avoid emulation with stale next_rip (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] kvm: nsvm: remove nonsensical EXITINFO1 adjustment on nested NPF (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] kvm: svm: Rename svm_nested_virtualize_tpr() to nested_svm_virtualize_tpr() (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] kvm: svm: Add svm_ prefix to set/clr/is_intercept() (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] kvm: svm: Add vmcb_ prefix to mark_*() functions (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] kvm: svm: Rename struct nested_state to svm_nested_state (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] kvm: nsvm: Check that DR6[63:32] and DR7[64:32] are not set on vmrun of nested guests (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [x86] kvm: x86: Move the check for upper 32 reserved bits of DR6 to separate function (Paolo Bonzini) [1905084 1898018] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add IPv6 traffic class (DSCP) header rewrite support (Alaa Hleihel) [1897688 1889981] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Fix endianness when calculating pedit mask first bit (Alaa Hleihel) [1897688 1889981] +- [net] openvswitch: fix to make sure flow_lookup() is not preempted (Eelco Chaudron) [1893281 1888237] + +* Wed Jan 13 2021 Frantisek Hrbata [4.18.0-240.12.1.el8_3] +- [net] SUNRPC: Properly set the @subbuf parameter of xdr_buf_subsegment() (Steve Dickson) [1912478 1884361] +- [net] SUNRPC: Fix ("SUNRPC: Add "@len" parameter to gss_unwrap()") (Steve Dickson) [1912478 1884361] +- [mm] x86/ioremap: Map EFI runtime services data as encrypted for SEV (Lenny Szubowicz) [1909243 1883134] +- [kernel] sched/deadline: Unthrottle PI boosted threads while enqueuing (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1913964 1869760] +- [kernel] sched/deadline: Fix stale throttling on de-/boosted tasks (Daniel Bristot de Oliveira) [1913964 1869760] +- [fs] NFSv4.1 handle ERR_DELAY error reclaiming locking state on delegation recall (Scott Mayhew) [1908313 1881550] +- [fs] NFS: Fix interrupted slots by sending a solo SEQUENCE operation (Scott Mayhew) [1908312 1887577] +- [net] netfilter: bridge: reset skb->pkt_type after NF_INET_POST_ROUTING traversal (Antoine Tenart) [1907576 1901026] +- [powerpc] powerpc/powernv/opal-dump : Use IRQ_HANDLED instead of numbers in interrupt handler (Diego Domingos) [1907301 1891822] +- [powerpc] powerpc/powernv/dump: Handle multiple writes to ack attribute (Diego Domingos) [1907301 1891822] +- [powerpc] powerpc/powernv/dump: Fix race while processing OPAL dump (Diego Domingos) [1907301 1891822] +- [powerpc] powerpc/opal_elog: Handle multiple writes to ack attribute (Diego Domingos) [1907301 1891822] +- [powerpc] powerpc/powernv/elog: Fix race while processing OPAL error log event (Diego Domingos) [1907301 1891822] +- [block] block: fix incorrect branching in blk_max_size_offset() (Mike Snitzer) [1905136 1903722] +- [md] dm: fix IO splitting (Mike Snitzer) [1905136 1903722] +- [block] block: fix get_max_io_size() (Mike Snitzer) [1905136 1903722] +- [block] block: Improve physical block alignment of split bios (Mike Snitzer) [1905136 1903722] +- [block] block: use gcd() to fix chunk_sectors limit stacking (Mike Snitzer) [1905136 1903722] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add LAG warning if bond slave is not lag master (Alaa Hleihel) [1892344 1851709] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Add LAG warning for unsupported tx type (Alaa Hleihel) [1892344 1851709] +- [netdrv] net/mlx5e: Return a valid errno if can't get lag device index (Alaa Hleihel) [1892344 1851709] +- [net] openvswitch: handle DNAT tuple collision (Dumitru Ceara) [1892744 1877128] +- [mm] mm/page_idle.c: skip offline pages (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1903019 1867490] +- [include] mm/hotplug: invalid PFNs from pfn_to_online_page() (Waiman Long) [1903019 1878006] + +* Tue Jan 05 2021 Frantisek Hrbata [4.18.0-240.11.1.el8_3] +- [scsi] scsi: core: Return BLK_STS_AGAIN for ALUA transitioning (Ewan Milne) [1900112 1867264] +- [scsi] scsi: scsi_dh_alua: Set 'transitioning' state on Unit Attention (Ewan Milne) [1900112 1867264] +- [scsi] scsi: scsi_dh_alua: Return BLK_STS_AGAIN for ALUA transitioning state (Ewan Milne) [1900112 1867264] +- [block] scsi: block: Return status code in blk_mq_end_request() (Ewan Milne) [1900112 1867264] +- [include] compiler_attributes.h: Add 'fallthrough' pseudo keyword for switch/case use (Ivan Vecera) [1900112 1867168] +- [net] net: sctp: Rename fallthrough label to unhandled (Ivan Vecera) [1900112 1867168] +- [idle] intel_idle: Customize IceLake server support (David Arcari) [1897183 1881620] * Wed Dec 16 2020 Frantisek Hrbata [4.18.0-240.10.1.el8_3] - [net] SUNRPC: Signalled ASYNC tasks need to exit (Scott Mayhew) [1907667 1872310]