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# Authentication
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8a162e |
!!! note
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CentOS and Fedora are using the same authentication platform so if you already have a Fedora account (aka FAS) that means that you already have a CentOS account and you just need to be added in specific CentOS groups there !
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## Creating your account
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You can create your account on our community portal running on [https://accounts.centos.org](https://accounts.centos.org).
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To register/create an account, just click on "Register" on the portal and follow the process.
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More information and user documentation is available on consolidated [online documentation](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-accounts/) for the portal
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## Modifying your account
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Once logged into the portal (still on https://accounts.centos.org) you can modify/edit your profile and see your group membership.
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Some settings you can modify directly:
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* First/Last Name
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* Locale
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* Timezone
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* email address (attention that it needs to be a valid email address)
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* other personal details
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* your password
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* adding/removing OTP tokens (see below for 2FA)
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* ssh and gpg public keys
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### Enabling 2FA on your account (optional)
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It's adviced (but not mandatory) to implement 2 Factor Authentication on your account (for some critical accounts, that's though required).
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You can add one (or more, adviced) OTP tokens on your profile. Known to work solutions so far :
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* Yubikey (4 and above, that supports OTP) : through rpm pkg yubioath-desktop
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* FreeOTP (available on Google Play Store)
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* OTPClient (available as rpm pkg and flatpak/flathub)
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* others (list is non exhaustive)
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More informations about 2FA is available on specific [portal documentation](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-accounts/user/#twofactor)
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## SIG group membership
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There is no current form that you can use to be added in a SIG group but you have to reach out to a SIG chair (having delegated rights to add/remove people in the SIG group you want to join) and they can then add you, after having confirmed that you can be onboarded in the SIG
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To know people who can "sponsors" you in a SIG/group, you can , once authenticated, search for a group on the portal and then see people listed under the "Sponsors" area (for example, consider the [Automotive SIG](https://accounts.centos.org/group/sig-automotive/) )
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## Retrieving your TLS certificate
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To be able to request a signed TLS certificate, you need first to install the cli tool that will use kerberos auth first to request a locally generated (automatic) CSR to be sent to IPA for signing operation and you'll then get your certificate back.
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463be8 |
Supported Linux distributions: CentOS Stream 8/9 (or el8/el9 variant) , Fedora 33 and beyond
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sudo dnf install -y epel-release # only if you are using CentOS Stream or an EL variant
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sudo dnf install -y centos-packager
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Your user certificate bundle comes in the form of 1 file:
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~/.centos.cert : PEM file with your X509 Client Certificate and Key
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To generate your certificate you can use the 'centos-cert' tool included in the centos-packager package:
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You need to call the script like this : /usr/bin/centos-cert -arguments
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-u : username ([REQUIRED] : your existing ACO/FAS username)
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-v : just validates the existing TLS certificate ([OPTIONAL])
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-r : REALM to use for kerberos ([OPTIONAL] : defaults to FEDORAPROJECT.ORG)
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-f : fasjson url ([OPTIONAL]: defaults to https://fasjson.fedoraproject.org)
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-h : display this help
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If you've signed up with the account name `tuser`, you can generate your new certificate like this:
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[tuser@myworkstation]$ centos-cert -u tuser
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!!! note
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Attention that centos-cert -u tuser will request a new certificate, so that will automatically revoke any other certificate you had in the past. If you need to use cbs/koji on multiple machines, just copy the files mentioned above on the other machine.
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!!! warning
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Important note WRT OTP: If you have enabled Two Factor auth, you absolutely need to get a valid kerberos ticket through other step *before* using centos-cert. See details on the [Fedora Accounts Documentation](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-accounts/user/#twofactor) for this
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### TLS part for Staging env
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In case you'd need to interact with .stg. services (like [https://cbs.stg.centos.org](https://cbs.stg.centos.org)) that are relying on TLS auth, it's worth knowing that you'd need to get a different TLS cert.
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That means that you need an account from [https://accounts.stg.centos.org](https://accounts.stg.centos.org) , which isn't linked to production accounts.centos.org IPA backend.
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It's adviced to use a different container or home directory to retrieve your STG cert, and you can just point to [https://fasjson.stg.fedoraproject.org](https://fasjson.stg.fedoraproject.org) url (option `-f` for centos-cert)
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You can manually create (nothing -yet- in `centos-packager` for it) a ~/.koji/cbs-stg.conf that looks like this :
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74ae2b |
74ae2b |
74ae2b |
74ae2b |
;url of XMLRPC server
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server = https://cbs.stg.centos.org/kojihub/
74ae2b |
74ae2b |
;url of web interface
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weburl = https://cbs.stg.centos.org/koji
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74ae2b |
;url of package download site
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topurl = http://cbs.stg.centos.org/kojifiles
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74ae2b |
;path to the koji top directory
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topdir = /mnt/koji
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;client certificate
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cert = ~/.centos-stg.cert
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74ae2b |
;certificate of the CA that issued the HTTP server certificate
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serverca = /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.trust.crt
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74ae2b |
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!!! warning
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You have to also ensure that your TLS file is renamed to correct filename !
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And you can then call koji like this :
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74ae2b |
koji -c ~/.koji/cbs-stg.conf -p cbs-stg
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03562e |
## Linking your CentOS account to gitlab
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The first thing to understand is that gitlab will "link" an existing account
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with third party authentication system. In other words, you need to have a
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gitlab account and be logged in onto gitlab.com before you can associate your
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account with the CentOS Account System (ACO).
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So if you do not have a gitlab account, create one and log with it into [
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https://gitlab.com](https://gitlab.com). Then visit the following link [
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https://id.centos.org/gitlab](https://id.centos.org/gitlab) to associate your
03562e |
account with CentOS' Account System.
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From there on, everytime you visit this link, your group membership defined in
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ACO, will be refreshed on gitlab.
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## Authenticating to CentOS services with your accounts
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Some infra services (but not all) are using the new authentication platform to give you access.
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### IdP for CentOS service
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As IPA backend itself doesn't provide IdP features, we have the service https://id.centos.org that is registered in IPA, and so that can be used as IdP, to support OpenID, OpenIDC, SAML2 authentication for applications/services that can recognize and use such protocol/standards
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### Authenticating with your username and password
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Once you'll try to login to a service that requires auth, you'll be automatically redirected to https://id.centos.org.
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You can then provide your username and password combination to proceed with authentication and be then redirected to the initial service you wanted to auth with.
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!!! warning
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If you have enabled 2FA (see above), your password field is a combination of '''both''' your real password and the OTP token
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### Enabling kerberos for IdP
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If you want to instead use your kerberos ticket to auth against services (and so transparently) and not having to type your user/password (+OTP if enabled) combination each time, you can just configure your workstation to transparently use gssapi authentication against https://id.centos.org
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For this you need to first install a mandatory package, that has the needed configuration for kerberos :
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sudo dnf install -y epel-release # Only on EL , not needed on Fedora
541244 |
sudo dnf install -y fedora-packager
541244 |
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!!! important
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You need to have fedora-packager >= installed on your system for this to work !
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After that, you can kinit as usual (see [[https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-accounts/user/#pkinit|upstream doc]] and you should have your kerberos ticket ready to be used for authentication
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You still need to configure your browser :
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### Firefox settings
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While in Firefox, type '''about:config''' in the location/url bar and press enter.
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You can then edit the following key/value :
541244 |
541244 |
541244 |
network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris: .fedoraproject.org,.centos.org
541244 |
541244 |
541244 |
Close and then firefox will allow kerberos/GSSAPI transaction to proceed, meaning that next time one service will redirect you to https://id.centos.org, you'll be automatically logged on through kerberos (no need to specify again user/password)
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### Chrome/Chromium
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Depending on Chrome or Chromium, the path of the json file to create is different :
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* Chrome : /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed/fedora-centos.json
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* Chromium : /etc/chromium/policies/managed/fedora-centos.json
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You should have there something like this :
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541244 |
541244 |
"AuthServerAllowlist": "*.fedoraproject.org,*.centos.org",
541244 |
"AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist": "*.fedoraproject.org,*.centos.org"
541244 |
541244 |
541244 |
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!!! warning
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Chrome/Chromium browsers with version < '100' were using different names like ''AuthServerWhitelist'' and ''AuthNegotiateDelegateWhitelist'' so check version and adapt accordingly
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## Email aliases
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### Personal email alias
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The CentOS Project offers automatically a `<your_fas_account>@centosproject.org` email alias for each onboarded and active SIG member.
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Emails will be just forwarded to your primary email address that you used when registering your FAS/ACO account and it will be automatically updated if you update it in your accounts.centos.org profile.
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### Group alias[es]
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An automatic email alias is created (at onboarding time for a new SIG) for the group following the naming convention `sig-<name>@centosproject.org`.
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That email alias will automatically include all sig members email addresses, once added (and removed when removed)
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Should you need another specific email alias (not containing all the SIG group members), feel free to create an [infra ticket](https://pagure.io/centos-infra/new_issue) to request another group to be manually created.