# SOP to create Duffy tenant This SOP covers the process of how to create a duffy tenant ## Steps 1. Connect to duffy.ci.centos.org ```shell ssh duffy.ci.centos.org ``` 2. Change to duffy user ```shell sudo su - duffy ``` 3. Create tenant with the command below and save api key somewhere safe, it outputs the key as `: ` ```shell duffy admin create-tenant ``` 4. Connect to the host that will have duffy client ```shell ssh @ ``` 5. Install duffy client using `pip` ```shell pip3.8 install --user duffy[client] ``` 6. In the home path of the user, create `.config` directory if it doesn’t exist and create `.config/duffy` with the following content ``` client: url: https://duffy.ci.centos.org/api/v1 auth: name: key: ``` 7. To create a session, the name of the pool is required. Check the pool available executing the command **_(Optional)_** ```shell duffy client list-pools ``` 8. Request a session ```shell duffy client request-session pool=,quantity= ``` By default this command outputs a _json_, but it's possible to change the format to _yaml_ or _flat_ using `--format`. Under "node" key it's possible to find the hostname to be used. Log in to it as `root` user, using `ssh`. ```json { ...output ommited... "nodes": [ { "hostname": ".ci.centos.org", "ipaddr": "", ...output ommited... } ``` 9. When needed to retire the session, connect to your duffy client host and execute the command ```shell duffy client retire-session ``` It's possible to check the session id either when the session is requested, in the output under "session" key, or using the following command: ```shell duffy client list-sessions ```