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# Community Build Service (

That infra is hosted in RDU2c (Community Cage) DC, with kojihub being publicly reachable, and kojid/builders restricted to internal vlan/zone (no default route)
It does *not* build any official CentOS Linux/Stream package used in the distribution, but is used to let community members build additional packages that can be built against/for CentOS Linux/Stream releases.

## Authentication

The whole CBS/koji infra is using the centralized [Authentication service](/infra/authentication/) so both the infra components (services/nodes) and the users are authenticated with TLS certificates.

That means that for each node, we need a valid [TLS cert signed by IPA](/security/tls/#ipadogtag-central-authentication).

Same rule applies for `users` : they need to be authenticated with valid TLS certificated signed by same CA but we'll consider two kind of users:

  * service account[s]: used to run services (not real users) so can be [created](/security/tls/#tls-service-account) by infra team
  * real users: they can use instructions to create their [own TLS cert](/infra/authentication/#tlsx509-authentication)

## Koji tags structure

When the Special Interest Groups ([SIG]( in short) wanted to start building , the idea discussed on the centos-devel list (back in 2014) was to create some koji [tags]( that would let people build/test/promote their packages that would then be pushed to the external mirrors CDN (while being signed with a specific [GPG key](/koji-cbs-sigs/#security-gpg-key-for-packages-signing))

The proposed and agreed levels are :

  * candidate: just used to build initially a package, test that it build and minimal CI tests
    * pushed to external mirror : no
    * signed with gpg key: no
  * testing: based on SIG decision than can `tag-build` pkg in -testing for more external tests
    * pushed to external mirrors: yes (
    * signed gith gpg key: no
  * release: consider stable and tested enough by SIG so ready for public consumption
    * pushed to external mirrors: yes (all mirrors)
    * signed with gpg key: yes