324fcf |
diff -up dhcp-4.3.4/configure.ac.sd_notify dhcp-4.3.4/configure.ac
324fcf |
--- dhcp-4.3.4/configure.ac.sd_notify 2016-04-29 13:08:52.813287060 +0200
324fcf |
324fcf |
@@ -832,6 +832,17 @@ if test x$ldap = xyes || test x$ldapcryp
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
+ AC_HELP_STRING([--with-systemd],
324fcf |
+ [enable sending status notifications to systemd daemon (default is no)]),
324fcf |
+ [systemd=$withval],
324fcf |
+ [systemd=no])
324fcf |
324fcf |
+if test x$systemd = xyes ; then
324fcf |
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(systemd, sd_notifyf, ,
324fcf |
+ AC_MSG_FAILURE([*** systemd library not present - do you need to install systemd-libs package?]))
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
# AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[]], [[]])],[],[]) & etc).
324fcf |
324fcf |
diff -up dhcp-4.3.4/relay/dhcrelay.c.sd_notify dhcp-4.3.4/relay/dhcrelay.c
324fcf |
--- dhcp-4.3.4/relay/dhcrelay.c.sd_notify 2016-04-29 13:08:52.814287061 +0200
324fcf |
324fcf |
@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@
324fcf |
int keep_capabilities = 0;
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
+#include <systemd/sd-daemon.h>
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
TIME default_lease_time = 43200;
324fcf |
TIME max_lease_time = 86400;
324fcf |
struct tree_cache *global_options[256];
324fcf |
@@ -709,6 +713,14 @@ main(int argc, char **argv) {
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
+ sd_notifyf(0, "READY=1\n"
324fcf |
+ "STATUS=Dispatching packets...\n"
324fcf |
+ "MAINPID=%lu",
324fcf |
+ (unsigned long) getpid());
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
diff -up dhcp-4.3.4/server/dhcpd.c.sd_notify dhcp-4.3.4/server/dhcpd.c
324fcf |
--- dhcp-4.3.4/server/dhcpd.c.sd_notify 2016-04-29 13:08:52.873287075 +0200
324fcf |
324fcf |
@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ uid_t set_uid = 0;
324fcf |
gid_t set_gid = 0;
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
+#include <systemd/sd-daemon.h>
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
struct iaddr server_identifier;
324fcf |
int server_identifier_matched;
324fcf |
324fcf |
@@ -931,6 +935,14 @@ main(int argc, char **argv) {
324fcf |
324fcf |
log_info("Server starting service.");
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
+ sd_notifyf(0, "READY=1\n"
324fcf |
+ "STATUS=Dispatching packets...\n"
324fcf |
+ "MAINPID=%lu",
324fcf |
+ (unsigned long) getpid());
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
324fcf |
* Receive packets and dispatch them...
324fcf |
* dispatch() will never return.