diff --git a/mqtt/mosquitto_sub/README.md b/mqtt/mosquitto_sub/README.md index 3028f97..6815871 100644 --- a/mqtt/mosquitto_sub/README.md +++ b/mqtt/mosquitto_sub/README.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ git.centos.org has shifted to using [pagure](https://pagure.io/ "Pagure") to hos There is an example of how to use mosquitto\_sub on that page, but I find the *-v* option then requires using only the second column in the log, so I like to take it out. Here is what I would use: -`mosquitto\_sub --cafile ~/.centos-server-ca.cert --cert ~/.centos.cert --key ~/.centos.cert -h mqtt.git.centos.org -p 8883 --id` __` --disable-clean-session --keepalive -t git.centos.org/# >> `__`/mosquitto\_sub.log.txt` +`mosquitto_sub --cafile ~/.centos-server-ca.cert --cert ~/.centos.cert --key ~/.centos.cert -h mqtt.git.centos.org -p 8883 --id` __` --disable-clean-session --keepalive -t git.centos.org/# >> `__`/mosquitto_sub.log.txt` Once you have the default log going, you can parse the log as json .. I like to use [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/ "jq"). Here is an example *jq* query that will create an output that looks like this for _branches_ that begin with _c7_ in the log.