pgreco / centos-git-common

Forked from centos-git-common 5 years ago
Text Blame History Raw has shifted to using pagure to host sources. Here is how to get Sources now from

There is an example of how to use mosquitto_sub on that page, but I find the -v option then requires using only the second column in the log, so I like to take it out. Here is what I would use:

mosquitto\_sub --cafile ~/.centos-server-ca.cert --cert ~/.centos.cert --key ~/.centos.cert -h -p 8883 --id <uniq-id>--disable-clean-session --keepalive -t >><filepath>/mosquitto\_sub.log.txt

Once you have the default log going, you can parse the log as json .. I like to use jq. Here is an example jq query that will create an output that looks like this for branches that begin with c7 in the log.

cat mosquitto_sub.log.txt | jq -j ' . | select(.branch | startswith("c7")) |," ",.repo.date_modified," ",.end_commit," ",.branch,"\n"' 2>/dev/null| sed -e 's,",,g'

The output will be similar to this if an rpm update is found:

mod_auth_mellon 1553623560 8b0a0c922f1f1b030200998f3bd069f771b4b4a5 c7

The information is the RPM Name, Date Modfied, Git Commit ID, and Branch for the commit.