572a44 |
From 1386240aee3f78a9101a118f11a7028571d33a71 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
572a44 |
From: Michal Sekletar <msekleta@redhat.com>
572a44 |
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 18:16:19 +0100
572a44 |
Subject: [PATCH] core: watch SIGCHLD more closely to track processes of units
572a44 |
with no reliable cgroup empty notifier
572a44 |
572a44 |
When a process dies that we can associate with a specific unit, start
572a44 |
watching all other processes of that unit, so that we can associate
572a44 |
those processes with the unit too.
572a44 |
572a44 |
Also, for service units start doing this as soon as we get the first
572a44 |
SIGCHLD for either control or main process, so that we can follow the
572a44 |
processes of the service from one to the other, as long as process that
572a44 |
remain are processes of the ones we watched that died and got reassigned
572a44 |
to us as parent.
572a44 |
572a44 |
Similar, for scope units start doing this as soon as the scope
572a44 |
controller abandons the unit, and thus management entirely reverts to
572a44 |
systemd. To abandon a unit introduce a new Abandon() scope unit method
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
Based-on: a911bb9ab27ac0eb3bbf4e8b4109e5da9b88eee3
572a44 |
572a44 |
src/core/dbus-scope.c | 36 +++++++++----
572a44 |
src/core/manager.c | 2 +-
572a44 |
src/core/scope.c | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------
572a44 |
src/core/scope.h | 5 +-
572a44 |
src/core/service.c | 140 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
572a44 |
src/core/unit.c | 112 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
572a44 |
src/core/unit.h | 9 ++++
572a44 |
7 files changed, 298 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)
572a44 |
572a44 |
diff --git a/src/core/dbus-scope.c b/src/core/dbus-scope.c
572a44 |
index b576f76..58dd9ff 100644
572a44 |
--- a/src/core/dbus-scope.c
572a44 |
+++ b/src/core/dbus-scope.c
572a44 |
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
" <interface name=\"org.freedesktop.systemd1.Scope\">\n" \
572a44 |
+ " <method name=\"Abandon\"/>\n" \
572a44 |
572a44 |
" <property name=\"Controller\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\"/>\n"\
572a44 |
" <property name=\"TimeoutStopUSec\" type=\"t\" access=\"read\"/>\n" \
572a44 |
@@ -66,19 +67,40 @@ static const BusProperty bus_scope_properties[] = {
572a44 |
572a44 |
DBusHandlerResult bus_scope_message_handler(Unit *u, DBusConnection *c, DBusMessage *message) {
572a44 |
Scope *s = SCOPE(u);
572a44 |
+ _cleanup_dbus_message_unref_ DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
572a44 |
572a44 |
- const BusBoundProperties bps[] = {
572a44 |
+ SELINUX_UNIT_ACCESS_CHECK(u, c, message, "status");
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ if (dbus_message_is_method_call(message, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Scope", "Abandon")) {
572a44 |
+ int r;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ r = scope_abandon(s);
572a44 |
+ if (r < 0)
572a44 |
+ log_error("Failed to mark scope %s as abandoned : %s", UNIT(s)->id, strerror(-r));
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(message);
572a44 |
+ if (!reply)
572a44 |
+ goto oom;
572a44 |
+ } else {
572a44 |
+ const BusBoundProperties bps[] = {
572a44 |
{ "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit", bus_unit_properties, u },
572a44 |
{ "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Scope", bus_unit_cgroup_properties, u },
572a44 |
{ "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Scope", bus_scope_properties, s },
572a44 |
{ "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Scope", bus_cgroup_context_properties, &s->cgroup_context },
572a44 |
{ "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Scope", bus_kill_context_properties, &s->kill_context },
572a44 |
572a44 |
- };
572a44 |
+ };
572a44 |
572a44 |
- SELINUX_UNIT_ACCESS_CHECK(u, c, message, "status");
572a44 |
+ return bus_default_message_handler(c, message, INTROSPECTION, INTERFACES_LIST, bps);
572a44 |
+ }
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ if (reply)
572a44 |
+ if (!bus_maybe_send_reply(c, message, reply))
572a44 |
+ goto oom;
572a44 |
572a44 |
- return bus_default_message_handler(c, message, INTROSPECTION, INTERFACES_LIST, bps);
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
static int bus_scope_set_transient_property(
572a44 |
@@ -102,10 +124,6 @@ static int bus_scope_set_transient_property(
572a44 |
dbus_message_iter_get_element_type(i) != DBUS_TYPE_UINT32)
572a44 |
return -EINVAL;
572a44 |
572a44 |
- r = set_ensure_allocated(&s->pids, trivial_hash_func, trivial_compare_func);
572a44 |
- if (r < 0)
572a44 |
- return r;
572a44 |
572a44 |
dbus_message_iter_recurse(i, &sub);
572a44 |
while (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&sub) == DBUS_TYPE_UINT32) {
572a44 |
uint32_t pid;
572a44 |
@@ -116,7 +134,7 @@ static int bus_scope_set_transient_property(
572a44 |
return -EINVAL;
572a44 |
572a44 |
if (mode != UNIT_CHECK) {
572a44 |
- r = set_put(s->pids, LONG_TO_PTR(pid));
572a44 |
+ r = unit_watch_pid(UNIT(s), pid);
572a44 |
if (r < 0 && r != -EEXIST)
572a44 |
return r;
572a44 |
572a44 |
diff --git a/src/core/manager.c b/src/core/manager.c
572a44 |
index a34a3c6..db5094f 100644
572a44 |
--- a/src/core/manager.c
572a44 |
+++ b/src/core/manager.c
572a44 |
@@ -1389,7 +1389,7 @@ static int manager_dispatch_sigchld(Manager *m) {
572a44 |
572a44 |
"Child %lu belongs to %s", (long unsigned) si.si_pid, u->id);
572a44 |
572a44 |
- hashmap_remove(m->watch_pids, LONG_TO_PTR(si.si_pid));
572a44 |
+ unit_unwatch_pid(u, si.si_pid);
572a44 |
UNIT_VTABLE(u)->sigchld_event(u, si.si_pid, si.si_code, si.si_status);
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
diff --git a/src/core/scope.c b/src/core/scope.c
572a44 |
index e75fc2b..22bdfb2 100644
572a44 |
--- a/src/core/scope.c
572a44 |
+++ b/src/core/scope.c
572a44 |
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
572a44 |
static const UnitActiveState state_translation_table[_SCOPE_STATE_MAX] = {
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
@@ -67,9 +68,6 @@ static void scope_done(Unit *u) {
572a44 |
572a44 |
s->controller = NULL;
572a44 |
572a44 |
- set_free(s->pids);
572a44 |
- s->pids = NULL;
572a44 |
572a44 |
unit_unwatch_timer(u, &s->timer_watch);
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
@@ -84,6 +82,9 @@ static void scope_set_state(Scope *s, ScopeState state) {
572a44 |
572a44 |
unit_unwatch_timer(UNIT(s), &s->timer_watch);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ if (state == SCOPE_DEAD || state == SCOPE_FAILED)
572a44 |
+ unit_unwatch_all_pids(UNIT(s));
572a44 |
572a44 |
if (state != old_state)
572a44 |
log_debug("%s changed %s -> %s",
572a44 |
572a44 |
@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ static int scope_verify(Scope *s) {
572a44 |
if (UNIT(s)->load_state != UNIT_LOADED)
572a44 |
return 0;
572a44 |
572a44 |
- if (set_size(s->pids) <= 0 && UNIT(s)->manager->n_reloading <= 0) {
572a44 |
+ if (set_size(UNIT(s)->pids) <= 0 && UNIT(s)->manager->n_reloading <= 0) {
572a44 |
log_error_unit(UNIT(s)->id, "Scope %s has no PIDs. Refusing.", UNIT(s)->id);
572a44 |
return -EINVAL;
572a44 |
572a44 |
@@ -169,6 +170,9 @@ static int scope_coldplug(Unit *u) {
572a44 |
return r;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ if (s->deserialized_state != SCOPE_DEAD && s->deserialized_state != SCOPE_FAILED)
572a44 |
+ unit_watch_all_pids(UNIT(s));
572a44 |
572a44 |
scope_set_state(s, s->deserialized_state);
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
@@ -209,6 +213,8 @@ static void scope_enter_signal(Scope *s, ScopeState state, ScopeResult f) {
572a44 |
572a44 |
s->result = f;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ unit_watch_all_pids(UNIT(s));
572a44 |
572a44 |
/* If we have a controller set let's ask the controller nicely
572a44 |
* to terminate the scope, instead of us going directly into
572a44 |
* SIGTERM beserk mode */
572a44 |
@@ -271,13 +277,10 @@ static int scope_start(Unit *u) {
572a44 |
return r;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
- r = cg_attach_many_everywhere(u->manager->cgroup_supported, u->cgroup_path, s->pids);
572a44 |
+ r = cg_attach_many_everywhere(u->manager->cgroup_supported, u->cgroup_path, UNIT(s)->pids);
572a44 |
if (r < 0)
572a44 |
return r;
572a44 |
572a44 |
- set_free(s->pids);
572a44 |
- s->pids = NULL;
572a44 |
572a44 |
s->result = SCOPE_SUCCESS;
572a44 |
572a44 |
scope_set_state(s, SCOPE_RUNNING);
572a44 |
@@ -288,13 +291,13 @@ static int scope_stop(Unit *u) {
572a44 |
Scope *s = SCOPE(u);
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
- assert(s->state == SCOPE_RUNNING);
572a44 |
572a44 |
if (s->state == SCOPE_STOP_SIGTERM ||
572a44 |
572a44 |
return 0;
572a44 |
572a44 |
- assert(s->state == SCOPE_RUNNING);
572a44 |
+ assert(s->state == SCOPE_RUNNING ||
572a44 |
+ s->state == SCOPE_ABANDONED);
572a44 |
572a44 |
scope_enter_signal(s, SCOPE_STOP_SIGTERM, SCOPE_SUCCESS);
572a44 |
return 0;
572a44 |
@@ -358,7 +361,7 @@ static bool scope_check_gc(Unit *u) {
572a44 |
/* Never clean up scopes that still have a process around,
572a44 |
* even if the scope is formally dead. */
572a44 |
572a44 |
- if (UNIT(s)->cgroup_path) {
572a44 |
+ if (u->cgroup_path) {
572a44 |
r = cg_is_empty_recursive(SYSTEMD_CGROUP_CONTROLLER, UNIT(s)->cgroup_path, true);
572a44 |
if (r <= 0)
572a44 |
return true;
572a44 |
@@ -367,6 +370,33 @@ static bool scope_check_gc(Unit *u) {
572a44 |
return false;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
+static void scope_notify_cgroup_empty_event(Unit *u) {
572a44 |
+ Scope *s = SCOPE(u);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ assert(u);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ log_debug_unit(u->id, "%s: cgroup is empty", u->id);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ if (s->state == SCOPE_RUNNING || s->state == SCOPE_ABANDONED ||
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ scope_enter_dead(s, SCOPE_SUCCESS);
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
+static void scope_sigchld_event(Unit *u, pid_t pid, int code, int status) {
572a44 |
+ /* If we get a SIGCHLD event for one of the processes we were
572a44 |
+ interested in, then we look for others to watch, under the
572a44 |
+ assumption that we'll sooner or later get a SIGCHLD for
572a44 |
+ them, as the original process we watched was probably the
572a44 |
+ parent of them, and they are hence now our children. */
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ unit_tidy_watch_pids(u, 0, 0);
572a44 |
+ unit_watch_all_pids(u);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ /* If the PID set is empty now, then let's finish this off */
572a44 |
+ if (set_isempty(u->pids))
572a44 |
+ scope_notify_cgroup_empty_event(u);
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
static void scope_timer_event(Unit *u, uint64_t elapsed, Watch*w) {
572a44 |
Scope *s = SCOPE(u);
572a44 |
572a44 |
@@ -397,24 +427,30 @@ static void scope_timer_event(Unit *u, uint64_t elapsed, Watch*w) {
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
-static void scope_notify_cgroup_empty_event(Unit *u) {
572a44 |
- Scope *s = SCOPE(u);
572a44 |
- assert(u);
572a44 |
+int scope_abandon(Scope *s) {
572a44 |
+ assert(s);
572a44 |
572a44 |
- log_debug_unit(u->id, "%s: cgroup is empty", u->id);
572a44 |
+ if (s->state != SCOPE_RUNNING && s->state != SCOPE_ABANDONED)
572a44 |
+ return -ESTALE;
572a44 |
572a44 |
- switch (s->state) {
572a44 |
+ free(s->controller);
572a44 |
+ s->controller = NULL;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
- scope_enter_dead(s, SCOPE_SUCCESS);
572a44 |
+ /* The client is no longer watching the remaining processes,
572a44 |
+ * so let's step in here, under the assumption that the
572a44 |
+ * remaining processes will be sooner or later reassigned to
572a44 |
+ * us as parent. */
572a44 |
572a44 |
- break;
572a44 |
+ unit_tidy_watch_pids(UNIT(s), 0, 0);
572a44 |
+ unit_watch_all_pids(UNIT(s));
572a44 |
572a44 |
- default:
572a44 |
- ;
572a44 |
- }
572a44 |
+ /* If the PID set is empty now, then let's finish this off */
572a44 |
+ if (set_isempty(UNIT(s)->pids))
572a44 |
+ scope_notify_cgroup_empty_event(UNIT(s));
572a44 |
+ else
572a44 |
+ scope_set_state(s, SCOPE_ABANDONED);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ return 0;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
_pure_ static UnitActiveState scope_active_state(Unit *u) {
572a44 |
@@ -432,6 +468,7 @@ _pure_ static const char *scope_sub_state_to_string(Unit *u) {
572a44 |
static const char* const scope_state_table[_SCOPE_STATE_MAX] = {
572a44 |
[SCOPE_DEAD] = "dead",
572a44 |
[SCOPE_RUNNING] = "running",
572a44 |
+ [SCOPE_ABANDONED] = "abandoned",
572a44 |
[SCOPE_STOP_SIGTERM] = "stop-sigterm",
572a44 |
[SCOPE_STOP_SIGKILL] = "stop-sigkill",
572a44 |
[SCOPE_FAILED] = "failed",
572a44 |
@@ -481,6 +518,8 @@ const UnitVTable scope_vtable = {
572a44 |
572a44 |
.check_gc = scope_check_gc,
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ .sigchld_event = scope_sigchld_event,
572a44 |
572a44 |
.timer_event = scope_timer_event,
572a44 |
572a44 |
.reset_failed = scope_reset_failed,
572a44 |
diff --git a/src/core/scope.h b/src/core/scope.h
572a44 |
index b4bafa7..1e9f201 100644
572a44 |
--- a/src/core/scope.h
572a44 |
+++ b/src/core/scope.h
572a44 |
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ typedef struct Scope Scope;
572a44 |
typedef enum ScopeState {
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
@@ -57,13 +58,13 @@ struct Scope {
572a44 |
572a44 |
char *controller;
572a44 |
572a44 |
- Set *pids;
572a44 |
572a44 |
Watch timer_watch;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
extern const UnitVTable scope_vtable;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+int scope_abandon(Scope *s);
572a44 |
572a44 |
const char* scope_state_to_string(ScopeState i) _const_;
572a44 |
ScopeState scope_state_from_string(const char *s) _pure_;
572a44 |
572a44 |
diff --git a/src/core/service.c b/src/core/service.c
572a44 |
index f0acda1..41e5cb5 100644
572a44 |
--- a/src/core/service.c
572a44 |
+++ b/src/core/service.c
572a44 |
@@ -1546,6 +1546,11 @@ static void service_set_state(Service *s, ServiceState state) {
572a44 |
s->control_command_id = _SERVICE_EXEC_COMMAND_INVALID;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ if (state == SERVICE_DEAD ||
572a44 |
+ state == SERVICE_FAILED ||
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ unit_unwatch_all_pids(UNIT(s));
572a44 |
572a44 |
if (state != SERVICE_START_PRE &&
572a44 |
state != SERVICE_START &&
572a44 |
572a44 |
@@ -1661,8 +1666,14 @@ static int service_coldplug(Unit *u) {
572a44 |
return r;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ if (s->deserialized_state != SERVICE_DEAD &&
572a44 |
+ s->deserialized_state != SERVICE_FAILED &&
572a44 |
+ s->deserialized_state != SERVICE_AUTO_RESTART)
572a44 |
+ unit_watch_all_pids(UNIT(s));
572a44 |
572a44 |
if (s->deserialized_state == SERVICE_START_POST ||
572a44 |
- s->deserialized_state == SERVICE_RUNNING)
572a44 |
+ s->deserialized_state == SERVICE_RUNNING ||
572a44 |
+ s->deserialized_state == SERVICE_RELOAD)
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
service_set_state(s, s->deserialized_state);
572a44 |
@@ -1970,6 +1981,7 @@ static void service_enter_stop_post(Service *s, ServiceResult f) {
572a44 |
s->result = f;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ unit_watch_all_pids(UNIT(s));
572a44 |
572a44 |
s->control_command = s->exec_command[SERVICE_EXEC_STOP_POST];
572a44 |
if (s->control_command) {
572a44 |
@@ -2010,6 +2022,8 @@ static void service_enter_signal(Service *s, ServiceState state, ServiceResult f
572a44 |
572a44 |
s->result = f;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ unit_watch_all_pids(UNIT(s));
572a44 |
572a44 |
r = unit_kill_context(
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
@@ -2055,6 +2069,7 @@ static void service_enter_stop(Service *s, ServiceResult f) {
572a44 |
s->result = f;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ unit_watch_all_pids(UNIT(s));
572a44 |
572a44 |
s->control_command = s->exec_command[SERVICE_EXEC_STOP];
572a44 |
if (s->control_command) {
572a44 |
@@ -2961,6 +2976,62 @@ fail:
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
+static void service_notify_cgroup_empty_event(Unit *u) {
572a44 |
+ Service *s = SERVICE(u);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ assert(u);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ log_debug_unit(u->id, "%s: cgroup is empty", u->id);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ switch (s->state) {
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ /* Waiting for SIGCHLD is usually more interesting,
572a44 |
+ * because it includes return codes/signals. Which is
572a44 |
+ * why we ignore the cgroup events for most cases,
572a44 |
+ * except when we don't know pid which to expect the
572a44 |
+ * SIGCHLD for. */
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ /* If we were hoping for the daemon to write its PID file,
572a44 |
+ * we can give up now. */
572a44 |
+ if (s->pid_file_pathspec) {
572a44 |
+ log_warning_unit(u->id,
572a44 |
+ "%s never wrote its PID file. Failing.", UNIT(s)->id);
572a44 |
+ service_unwatch_pid_file(s);
572a44 |
+ if (s->state == SERVICE_START)
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ else
572a44 |
+ service_enter_stop(s, SERVICE_FAILURE_RESOURCES);
572a44 |
+ }
572a44 |
+ break;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ /* service_enter_running() will figure out what to do */
572a44 |
+ service_enter_running(s, SERVICE_SUCCESS);
572a44 |
+ break;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ if (main_pid_good(s) <= 0 && !control_pid_good(s))
572a44 |
+ service_enter_stop_post(s, SERVICE_SUCCESS);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ break;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ if (main_pid_good(s) <= 0 && !control_pid_good(s))
572a44 |
+ service_enter_dead(s, SERVICE_SUCCESS, true);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ break;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ default:
572a44 |
+ ;
572a44 |
+ }
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
static void service_sigchld_event(Unit *u, pid_t pid, int code, int status) {
572a44 |
Service *s = SERVICE(u);
572a44 |
ServiceResult f;
572a44 |
@@ -3229,6 +3300,18 @@ static void service_sigchld_event(Unit *u, pid_t pid, int code, int status) {
572a44 |
572a44 |
/* Notify clients about changed exit status */
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ /* We got one SIGCHLD for the service, let's watch all
572a44 |
+ * processes that are now running of the service, and watch
572a44 |
+ * that. Among the PIDs we then watch will be children
572a44 |
+ * reassigned to us, which hopefully allows us to identify
572a44 |
+ * when all children are gone */
572a44 |
+ unit_tidy_watch_pids(u, s->main_pid, s->control_pid);
572a44 |
+ unit_watch_all_pids(u);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ /* If the PID set is empty now, then let's finish this off */
572a44 |
+ if (set_isempty(u->pids))
572a44 |
+ service_notify_cgroup_empty_event(u);
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
static void service_timer_event(Unit *u, uint64_t elapsed, Watch* w) {
572a44 |
@@ -3332,61 +3415,6 @@ static void service_timer_event(Unit *u, uint64_t elapsed, Watch* w) {
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
-static void service_notify_cgroup_empty_event(Unit *u) {
572a44 |
- Service *s = SERVICE(u);
572a44 |
572a44 |
- assert(u);
572a44 |
572a44 |
- log_debug_unit(u->id, "%s: cgroup is empty", u->id);
572a44 |
572a44 |
- switch (s->state) {
572a44 |
572a44 |
- /* Waiting for SIGCHLD is usually more interesting,
572a44 |
- * because it includes return codes/signals. Which is
572a44 |
- * why we ignore the cgroup events for most cases,
572a44 |
- * except when we don't know pid which to expect the
572a44 |
- * SIGCHLD for. */
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
- /* If we were hoping for the daemon to write its PID file,
572a44 |
- * we can give up now. */
572a44 |
- if (s->pid_file_pathspec) {
572a44 |
- log_warning_unit(u->id,
572a44 |
- "%s never wrote its PID file. Failing.", UNIT(s)->id);
572a44 |
- service_unwatch_pid_file(s);
572a44 |
- if (s->state == SERVICE_START)
572a44 |
572a44 |
- else
572a44 |
- service_enter_stop(s, SERVICE_FAILURE_RESOURCES);
572a44 |
- }
572a44 |
- break;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
- /* service_enter_running() will figure out what to do */
572a44 |
- service_enter_running(s, SERVICE_SUCCESS);
572a44 |
- break;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
- if (main_pid_good(s) <= 0 && !control_pid_good(s))
572a44 |
- service_enter_stop_post(s, SERVICE_SUCCESS);
572a44 |
572a44 |
- break;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
- if (main_pid_good(s) <= 0 && !control_pid_good(s))
572a44 |
- service_enter_dead(s, SERVICE_SUCCESS, true);
572a44 |
572a44 |
- break;
572a44 |
572a44 |
- default:
572a44 |
- ;
572a44 |
- }
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
static void service_notify_message(Unit *u, pid_t pid, char **tags) {
572a44 |
Service *s = SERVICE(u);
572a44 |
const char *e;
572a44 |
diff --git a/src/core/unit.c b/src/core/unit.c
572a44 |
index 6c2c4a0..0332094 100644
572a44 |
--- a/src/core/unit.c
572a44 |
+++ b/src/core/unit.c
572a44 |
@@ -472,6 +472,8 @@ void unit_free(Unit *u) {
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ unit_unwatch_all_pids(u);
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
@@ -1658,13 +1660,25 @@ void unit_unwatch_fd(Unit *u, Watch *w) {
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
int unit_watch_pid(Unit *u, pid_t pid) {
572a44 |
+ int q, r;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
assert(pid >= 1);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ r = set_ensure_allocated(&u->pids, trivial_hash_func, trivial_compare_func);
572a44 |
+ if (r < 0)
572a44 |
+ return r;
572a44 |
572a44 |
/* Watch a specific PID. We only support one unit watching
572a44 |
* each PID for now. */
572a44 |
572a44 |
- return hashmap_put(u->manager->watch_pids, LONG_TO_PTR(pid), u);
572a44 |
+ r = set_put(u->pids, LONG_TO_PTR(pid));
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ q = hashmap_put(u->manager->watch_pids, LONG_TO_PTR(pid), u);
572a44 |
+ if (q < 0)
572a44 |
+ return q;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ return r;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
void unit_unwatch_pid(Unit *u, pid_t pid) {
572a44 |
@@ -1672,6 +1686,102 @@ void unit_unwatch_pid(Unit *u, pid_t pid) {
572a44 |
assert(pid >= 1);
572a44 |
572a44 |
hashmap_remove_value(u->manager->watch_pids, LONG_TO_PTR(pid), u);
572a44 |
+ set_remove(u->pids, LONG_TO_PTR(pid));
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
+static int watch_pids_in_path(Unit *u, const char *path) {
572a44 |
+ _cleanup_closedir_ DIR *d = NULL;
572a44 |
+ _cleanup_fclose_ FILE *f = NULL;
572a44 |
+ int ret = 0, r;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ assert(u);
572a44 |
+ assert(path);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ /* Adds all PIDs from a specific cgroup path to the set of PIDs we watch. */
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ r = cg_enumerate_processes(SYSTEMD_CGROUP_CONTROLLER, path, &f);
572a44 |
+ if (r >= 0) {
572a44 |
+ pid_t pid;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ while ((r = cg_read_pid(f, &pid)) > 0) {
572a44 |
+ r = unit_watch_pid(u, pid);
572a44 |
+ if (r < 0 && ret >= 0)
572a44 |
+ ret = r;
572a44 |
+ }
572a44 |
+ if (r < 0 && ret >= 0)
572a44 |
+ ret = r;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ } else if (ret >= 0)
572a44 |
+ ret = r;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ r = cg_enumerate_subgroups(SYSTEMD_CGROUP_CONTROLLER, path, &d);
572a44 |
+ if (r >= 0) {
572a44 |
+ char *fn;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ while ((r = cg_read_subgroup(d, &fn)) > 0) {
572a44 |
+ _cleanup_free_ char *p = NULL;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ p = strjoin(path, "/", fn, NULL);
572a44 |
+ free(fn);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ if (!p)
572a44 |
+ return -ENOMEM;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ r = watch_pids_in_path(u, p);
572a44 |
+ if (r < 0 && ret >= 0)
572a44 |
+ ret = r;
572a44 |
+ }
572a44 |
+ if (r < 0 && ret >= 0)
572a44 |
+ ret = r;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ } else if (ret >= 0)
572a44 |
+ ret = r;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ return ret;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
+int unit_watch_all_pids(Unit *u) {
572a44 |
+ assert(u);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ if (!u->cgroup_path)
572a44 |
+ return -ENOENT;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ /* Adds all PIDs from our cgroup to the set of PIDs we watch */
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ return watch_pids_in_path(u, u->cgroup_path);
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
+void unit_unwatch_all_pids(Unit *u) {
572a44 |
+ Iterator i;
572a44 |
+ void *e;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ assert(u);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ SET_FOREACH(e, u->pids, i)
572a44 |
+ hashmap_remove_value(u->manager->watch_pids, e, u);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ set_free(u->pids);
572a44 |
+ u->pids = NULL;
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
+void unit_tidy_watch_pids(Unit *u, pid_t except1, pid_t except2) {
572a44 |
+ Iterator i;
572a44 |
+ void *e;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ assert(u);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ /* Cleans dead PIDs from our list */
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ SET_FOREACH(e, u->pids, i) {
572a44 |
+ pid_t pid = PTR_TO_LONG(e);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ if (pid == except1 || pid == except2)
572a44 |
+ continue;
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ if (kill(pid, 0) < 0 && errno == ESRCH)
572a44 |
+ set_remove(u->pids, e);
572a44 |
+ }
572a44 |
572a44 |
572a44 |
int unit_watch_timer(Unit *u, clockid_t clock_id, bool relative, usec_t usec, Watch *w) {
572a44 |
diff --git a/src/core/unit.h b/src/core/unit.h
572a44 |
index 6dd750f..6dff25e 100644
572a44 |
--- a/src/core/unit.h
572a44 |
+++ b/src/core/unit.h
572a44 |
@@ -198,6 +198,11 @@ struct Unit {
572a44 |
/* CGroup realize members queue */
572a44 |
LIST_FIELDS(Unit, cgroup_queue);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+ /* PIDs we keep an eye on. Note that a unit might have many
572a44 |
+ * more, but these are the ones we care enough about to
572a44 |
+ * process SIGCHLD for */
572a44 |
+ Set *pids;
572a44 |
572a44 |
/* Used during GC sweeps */
572a44 |
unsigned gc_marker;
572a44 |
572a44 |
@@ -531,6 +536,10 @@ void unit_unwatch_fd(Unit *u, Watch *w);
572a44 |
572a44 |
int unit_watch_pid(Unit *u, pid_t pid);
572a44 |
void unit_unwatch_pid(Unit *u, pid_t pid);
572a44 |
+int unit_watch_all_pids(Unit *u);
572a44 |
+void unit_unwatch_all_pids(Unit *u);
572a44 |
572a44 |
+void unit_tidy_watch_pids(Unit *u, pid_t except1, pid_t except2);
572a44 |
572a44 |
int unit_watch_timer(Unit *u, clockid_t, bool relative, usec_t usec, Watch *w);
572a44 |
void unit_unwatch_timer(Unit *u, Watch *w);