mobrien / centos /

Forked from centos/ 3 years ago
Blob Blame History Raw
The site is built with *nanoc* and *Bootstrap 3*.
We use haml for templates where it makes sense and mostly markdown for
Required Gems:
* nanoc
* cri
* compass
* haml
* nokogiri // available from Fedora (EPEL?) repository
* kramdown
* pry
* rainpress
* rubypants
* sass
* susy
* systemu
* asciidoc // also requires the asciidoc package
* adsf // if using 'nanoc view' command
May be in RPM:
* ruby
* asciidoc
* nokogiri
## Installing on CentOS 7 as well as F19/20/21:
sudo yum install ruby asciidoc rubygem-bundler make gcc ruby-devel zlib-devel zlib gcc-c++
bundle install
## Using a built container (all platforms):
Assuming that you have this git repository cloned under /opt/data/git/ :
sudo docker pull # Download the container
sudo docker run --rm -v /opt/data/git/
Please note that it also works with Podman, so no need to install Docker anymore ! :
sudo yum install -y podman
podman run --rm -v /opt/data/git/
## View the output
You can just use python http server to view the locally rendered site, before pushing to httpd node.
For this you can just use something like this :
cd /opt/data/git/
which python3 >/dev/null && python3 -m http.server 9000 || python -mSimpleHTTPServer 9000
#Site Layout
* Template and menu files live in /layouts
* Markdown, erb and processed text files live in /content
* Static site content such as images and javascript live in /static
* The /lib directory contains nanoc helper files used to process the site
* Compiled site content exists in /output