jwboyer / centos / centos.org

Forked from centos/centos.org 2 years ago
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* FeedEk jQuery RSS/ATOM Feed Plugin v3.0 with YQL API
* http://jquery-plugins.net/FeedEk/FeedEk.html  https://github.com/enginkizil/FeedEk
* Author : Engin KIZIL http://www.enginkizil.com   

!function (a) { a.fn.FeedEk = function (b) { var g, c = a.extend({ MaxCount: 5, ShowDesc: !0, ShowPubDate: !0, DescCharacterLimit: 0, TitleLinkTarget: "_blank", DateFormat: "", DateFormatLang: "en" }, b), d = a(this).attr("id"), f = ""; if (a("#" + d).empty(), void 0 != c.FeedUrl) { a("#" + d).append('<img src="loader.gif" />'); var h = 'SELECT channel.item FROM feednormalizer WHERE output="rss_2.0" AND url ="' + c.FeedUrl + '" LIMIT ' + c.MaxCount; a.ajax({ url: "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=" + encodeURIComponent(h) + "&format=json&diagnostics=false&callback=?", dataType: "json", success: function (b) { a("#" + d).empty(), b.query.results.rss instanceof Array || (b.query.results.rss = [b.query.results.rss]), a.each(b.query.results.rss, function (b, d) { if (f += '<li><div class="itemTitle"><a href="' + d.channel.item.link + '" target="' + c.TitleLinkTarget + '" >' + d.channel.item.title + "</a></div>", c.ShowPubDate) { if (g = new Date(d.channel.item.pubDate), f += '<div class="itemDate">', a.trim(c.DateFormat).length > 0) try { moment.lang(c.DateFormatLang), f += moment(g).format(c.DateFormat) } catch (b) { f += g.toLocaleDateString() } else f += g.toLocaleDateString(); f += "</div>" } c.ShowDesc && (f += '<div class="itemContent">', f += c.DescCharacterLimit > 0 && d.channel.item.description.length > c.DescCharacterLimit ? d.channel.item.description.substring(0, c.DescCharacterLimit) + "..." : d.channel.item.description, f += "</div>") }), a("#" + d).append('<ul class="feedEkList">' + f + "</ul>") } }) } } }(jQuery);