#!/bin/sh # This script creates the mysql data directory during first service start. # In subsequent starts, it does nothing much. # extract value of a MySQL option from config files # Usage: get_mysql_option SECTION VARNAME DEFAULT # result is returned in $result # We use my_print_defaults which prints all options from multiple files, # with the more specific ones later; hence take the last match. get_mysql_option(){ if [ $# -ne 3 ] ; then echo "get_mysql_option requires 3 arguments: section option default_value" return fi result=`/usr/bin/my_print_defaults "$1" | sed -n "s/^--$2=//p" | tail -n 1` if [ -z "$result" ]; then # if not found, use the default value result="$3" fi } # Defaults here had better match what mysqld_safe will default to get_mysql_option mysqld datadir "/var/lib/mysql" datadir="$result" get_mysql_option mysqld_safe log-error "/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log" errlogfile="$result" get_mysql_option mysqld socket "$datadir/mysql.sock" socketfile="$result" # Absorb configuration settings from the specified systemd service file, # or the default "mysqld" service if not specified SERVICE_NAME="$1" if [ x"$SERVICE_NAME" = x ] then SERVICE_NAME=mysqld.service fi myuser=`systemctl show -p User "${SERVICE_NAME}" | sed 's/^User=//'` if [ x"$myuser" = x ] then myuser=mysql fi mygroup=`systemctl show -p Group "${SERVICE_NAME}" | sed 's/^Group=//'` if [ x"$mygroup" = x ] then mygroup=mysql fi # Set up the errlogfile with appropriate permissions if [ ! -e "$errlogfile" -a ! -h "$errlogfile" -a x$(dirname "$errlogfile") = "x/var/log" ]; then case $(basename "$errlogfile") in mysql*.log|mariadb*.log) install /dev/null -m0640 -o$myuser -g$mygroup "$errlogfile" ;; *) ;; esac else # Provide some advice if the log file cannot be created by this script errlogdir=$(dirname "$errlogfile") if ! [ -d "$errlogdir" ] ; then echo "The directory $errlogdir does not exist." exit 1 elif [ -e "$errlogfile" -a ! -w "$errlogfile" ] ; then echo "The log file $errlogfile cannot be written, please, fix its permissions." echo "The daemon will be run under $myuser:$mygroup" exit 1 fi fi # We check if there is already a process using the socket file, # since otherwise this systemd service file could report false # positive result when starting and mysqld_safe could remove # a socket file, which actually uses a different daemon. response=`/usr/bin/mysqladmin --no-defaults --socket="$socketfile" --user=UNKNOWN_MYSQL_USER --connect-timeout="${CHECKSOCKETTIMEOUT:-10}" ping 2>&1` if [ $? -eq 0 ] || echo "$response" | grep -q "Access denied for user" ; then echo "Socket file $socketfile exists." >&2 echo "Is another MySQL daemon already running with the same unix socket?" >&2 exit 1 fi export LC_ALL=C # Returns content of the specified directory # If listing files fails, fake-file is returned so which means # we'll behave like there was some data initialized # Some files or directories are fine to be there, so those are # explicitly removed from the listing # @param datadir list_datadir () { ( ls -1A "$1" 2>/dev/null || echo "fake-file" ) | grep -v \ -e '^lost+found$' \ -e '\.err$' \ -e '^.bash_history$' } # Checks whether datadir should be initialized # @param datadir should_initialize () { test -z "$(list_datadir "$1")" } # Make the data directory if doesn't exist or empty if should_initialize "$datadir" ; then # First, make sure $datadir is there with correct permissions # (note: if it's not, and we're not root, this'll fail ...) if [ ! -e "$datadir" -a ! -h "$datadir" ] then mkdir -p "$datadir" || exit 1 fi chown "$myuser:$mygroup" "$datadir" chmod 0755 "$datadir" [ -x /sbin/restorecon ] && /sbin/restorecon "$datadir" # Now create the database echo "Initializing MariaDB database" # Avoiding deletion of files not created by mysql_install_db is # guarded by time check and sleep should help work-arounded # potential issues on systems with 1 second resolution timestamps # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1335849#c19 INITDB_TIMESTAMP=`LANG=C date -u` sleep 1 /usr/bin/mysql_install_db --rpm --datadir="$datadir" --user="$myuser" ret=$? if [ $ret -ne 0 ] ; then echo "Initialization of MariaDB database failed." >&2 echo "Perhaps @sysconfdir@/my.cnf is misconfigured or there is some problem with permissions of $datadir." >&2 # Clean up any partially-created database files if [ ! -e "$datadir/mysql/user.frm" ] && [ -d "$datadir" ] ; then echo "Initialization of MariaDB database was not finished successfully." >&2 echo "Files created so far will be removed." >&2 find "$datadir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -newermt "$INITDB_TIMESTAMP" \ -not -name "lost+found" -exec rm -rf {} + if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "Removing of created files was not successfull." >&2 echo "Please, clean directory $datadir manually." >&2 fi else echo "However, part of data has been initialized and those will not be removed." >&2 echo "Please, clean directory $datadir manually." >&2 fi exit $ret fi else if [ -d "$datadir/mysql/" ] ; then # mysql dir exists, it seems data are initialized properly echo "Database MariaDB is probably initialized in $datadir already, nothing is done." echo "If this is not the case, make sure the $datadir is empty before running `basename $0`." else # if the directory is not empty but mysql/ directory is missing, then # print error and let user to initialize manually or empty the directory echo "Database MariaDB is not initialized, but the directory $datadir is not empty, so initialization cannot be done." echo "Make sure the $datadir is empty before running `basename $0`." exit 1 fi fi exit 0