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From 6cdcdd8770d1f0b9ba706dcc1e6392a59dbe3fe5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
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From: Michal Domonkos <mdomonko@redhat.com>
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Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2021 08:08:37 +0100
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Subject: [PATCH] Skip recorded symlinks in --setperms (RhBug:1900662)
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If a package contains a symlink in the buildroot which is declared as a
a5e32e |
ghost or config file but is a regular file or directory on the system
a5e32e |
where it's installed, a --setperms call will reset its permissions to
a5e32e |
those of a symlink (777 on Linux), which almost certainly is not the
a5e32e |
correct thing to do.
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To fix that, just skip files that were recorded as symlinks.
a5e32e |
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This is a special case of a general issue in --setperms; since file
a5e32e |
permission semantics may change depending on the file type, to stay on
a5e32e |
the safe side, any (ghost or config) file whose type changes after
a5e32e |
installation should probably be skipped. However, symlinks are the most
a5e32e |
prominent case here, so let's just focus on that now and avoid adding
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too much cleverness to a popt alias (this got us into trouble not too
a5e32e |
long ago, see commits 38c2f6e and 0d83637). We may revisit this in the
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eventual C implementation.
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rpmpopt.in | 1 +
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1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
a5e32e |
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diff --git a/rpmpopt.in b/rpmpopt.in
a5e32e |
index 27d298651..d5a6b140b 100644
a5e32e |
--- a/rpmpopt.in
a5e32e |
+++ b/rpmpopt.in
a5e32e |
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ rpm alias --scripts --qf '\
a5e32e |
--POPTdesc=$"list install/erase scriptlets from package(s)"
a5e32e |
a5e32e |
rpm alias --setperms -q --qf '[\[ -L %{FILENAMES:shescape} \] || \
a5e32e |
+ \[ -n %{FILELINKTOS:shescape} \] || \
a5e32e |
( \[ $((%{FILEFLAGS} & 2#1001000)) != 0 \] && \[ ! -e %{FILENAMES:shescape} \] ) || \
a5e32e |
chmod %7{FILEMODES:octal} %{FILENAMES:shescape}\n]' \
a5e32e |
--pipe "grep -v \(none\) | grep '^. -L ' | sed 's/chmod .../chmod /' | sh" \
a5e32e |
a5e32e |
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