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21:04:16 <quaid> #startmeeting CentOS Board public meeting
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21:04:16 <centbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 5 21:04:16 2014 UTC. The chair is quaid. Information about MeetBot at http:
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21:04:16 <centbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
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21:07:11 <quaid> #topic Core S
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21:07:19 <quaid> #topic Core SIG
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21:07:36 * quaid thinks that is in the log although centbot doesn't have OPs to change the local channel topic
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21:08:39 <quaid>
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21:08:44 <quaid> #idea 32-bit is part of Core SIG
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21:08:49 <quaid>
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21:09:37 <quaid>
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21:09:54 <quaid>
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21:16:42 <quaid>
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21:17:09 <quaid> #topic Virt SIG proposal
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21:25:36 <quaid> #info Virt SIG would be for all virtualization-related updated software needs, bootstrapping with Xen
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21:30:39 <quaid>
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21:31:02 <quaid> #idea make it so everyone can consume from central
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21:31:25 <quaid>
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21:31:47 <hughesjr> also a new libvirt is going to be needed
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21:31:56 <ccmolik> +1 on new kvm shinynes
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21:32:14 <csieh> So is there a "charter" for what the Core SIG should do
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21:32:17 <quaid>
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21:32:31 <quaid> hughesjr: was that an accurate capture of your statement?
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21:32:53 <hughesjr> yes
c3b3e1 |
21:32:55 <quaid> csieh: this is the best for now:
c3b3e1 |
21:32:57 <quaid> http:
c3b3e1 |
21:33:12 <quaid> but it could be updated, such as to include the 32-bit discussion for Cent 7
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21:34:15 <Evolution> csieh: is there something in that you'd like to see updated or changed?
c3b3e1 |
21:35:38 <csieh> just would like the goal to be documented, if changed that is ok just need to document it so others can know what is going on
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21:36:12 <quaid>
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21:36:44 <csieh> so the above web page talks about CentOS, so what really is CentOS as far as this discussion is concerned
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21:37:57 <Evolution> csieh: yeah, we need to word that loads better. I think it needs to reference the packages (and build requirements) for the upstream(rh) packages only.
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21:38:10 <kbsingh> so, CentOS Linux
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21:38:13 <hughesjr> it says CentOS Linux ... so it controls everything that is NON-SIG
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21:38:23 <hughesjr> or CoreOS
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21:39:09 <hughesjr> and manages all infrastructure owned by the project
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21:40:25 <quaid>
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21:40:43 <quaid> hughesjr: I thought we had the Infra SIG as a different SIG, with Core SIG maintaining the build system(s)?
c3b3e1 |
21:41:04 <hughesjr> we WILL have one, but not yet
c3b3e1 |
21:41:08 <quaid> in that I'd like us to be able to add people to Infra SIG without being part of the Core SIG - diff skillsets, merit criteria, etc.
c3b3e1 |
21:41:12 <quaid> hughesjr: ok, thanks
c3b3e1 |
21:41:38 <quaid>
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21:42:16 <toracat> who would maintain the source files through git.centos.org ?
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21:42:38 <Evolution> toracat: depends on which code you mean?
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21:42:47 <toracat> RHEL
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21:43:28 <Evolution> we would, the same/similar way we do so now in the private build setup. it'll be read-only and branched
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21:43:57 <Evolution> the rhel code would be able to be branched/forked etc. but not edited.
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21:44:08 <toracat> we == Core SIG ?
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21:44:10 <hughesjr> the Core SIG will maintain the CentOS Linux source code in git.centos.org ... other SIGs will maintain their code in there
c3b3e1 |
21:44:19 <Evolution> toracat: yes.
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21:44:24 <toracat> thanks
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21:45:20 <Evolution> toracat: sorry. abusing the 'royal we'
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21:45:41 <toracat> :D
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21:45:43 <hughesjr> we is we and it is everyone who is not they :D
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21:46:30 <Evolution> toracat: good point/question though
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21:46:39 <toracat> I want to hear range talk :) he is too quiet
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21:47:04 <Arrfab> toracat: .eu people are silent and almost sleeping :-p
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21:47:06 <hughesjr> he is asleep
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21:47:17 <toracat> I see now
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21:48:58 <Evolution> $5 says range has a nice lager/ale beside him.
c3b3e1 |
21:49:02 <quaid> range looks a bit like a monk in his mini-vid inset pic
c3b3e1 |
21:49:58 <quaid> yeah, I want video voting cards
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21:50:37 <quaid> #agreed tentatively agreed to approve Virt SIG proposal as new charter, upcoming content on the Wiki; need to get input from Tru
c3b3e1 |
21:50:42 <Evolution> toracat: anything you'd like to hear covered?
c3b3e1 |
21:50:43 <quaid> #topic Any other business?
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21:50:53 <Evolution> csieh: you as well
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21:50:56 <toracat> Evolution: not for today
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21:51:26 <quaid> what do we want to do about the functional SIGs? e.g. QA in particular
c3b3e1 |
21:51:52 <csieh> no other business from me
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21:52:21 <toracat> csieh: hi, good to see you here :)
c3b3e1 |
21:56:18 <kbsingh> range looks very pensive
c3b3e1 |
21:56:23 <quaid>
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21:58:08 <quaid>
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22:00:43 <quaid> #undo
c3b3e1 |
22:00:43 <centbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x17c0f90>
c3b3e1 |
22:00:49 <quaid>
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22:00:53 <quaid> hate when I do that to his name
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22:00:58 <Evolution> toracat: I'm sorry if I butched your name
c3b3e1 |
22:01:07 <toracat> close
c3b3e1 |
22:01:20 <quaid> btw, others can do #info, #idea, only Chairs can do #agreed, #undo
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22:01:27 <range> Okay, no hoodie next time :)
c3b3e1 |
22:01:27 <quaid> I'll pass out #chair next time
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22:01:31 <Evolution> toracat: phonetic spelling?
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22:01:36 <Evolution> toracat: how do I say it?
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22:01:45 <quaid> always a good idea to spread chair in case the meeting starter is netsplit
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22:01:48 <toracat> Evolution: yes. ah-keh-me
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22:01:59 <Evolution> ah, so no long ee sound.
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22:02:36 <range> Evolution: No, the lager is on the balcony.
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22:02:48 <range> (I might get one, though).
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22:02:48 <toracat> now range is awake
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22:03:06 <range> Yeah, completely missed this channel :)
c3b3e1 |
22:03:41 <quaid> ok, closing the minutes/log
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22:03:45 <quaid> #endmeeting
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