diff --git a/SOURCES/gzexe.patch b/SOURCES/gzexe.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e48fa2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/gzexe.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+From 21cd963565a43dabd59516bd4cca5c76a614f255 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jakub Martisko <jamartis@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 12:29:30 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix: the value of the skip variable in the gzexe
+ gzexe.in          |  4 ++--
+ tests/Makefile.am |  1 +
+ tests/gzexe       | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
+ 3 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100755 tests/gzexe
+diff --git a/gzexe.in b/gzexe.in
+index 6c61183..cffa84e 100644
+--- a/gzexe.in
++++ b/gzexe.in
+@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ for i do
+   if test $decomp -eq 0; then
+     (cat <<'EOF' &&
+ #!/bin/sh
+ tab='	'
+ nl='
+@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ EOF
+   else
+     # decompression
+-    skip=44
++    skip=49
+     skip_line=`sed -e 1d -e 2q "$file"`
+     case $skip_line in
+     skip=[0-9] | skip=[0-9][0-9] | skip=[0-9][0-9][0-9])
+diff --git a/tests/Makefile.am b/tests/Makefile.am
+index ebdce5b..4dfbccf 100644
+--- a/tests/Makefile.am
++++ b/tests/Makefile.am
+@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+ # along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ TESTS =					\
++	gzexe				\
+   gzip-env				\
+   helin-segv				\
+   help-version				\
+diff --git a/tests/gzexe b/tests/gzexe
+new file mode 100755
+index 0000000..45f71c7
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/gzexe
+@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
++#Try running simple shell script compressed by gzexe
++. "${srcdir=.}/init.sh"; path_prepend_ ..
++cat <<EOF > foo || framework_failure_
++echo "Hello World!"
++echo "Hello World!" > exp || framework_failure_
++gzexe foo || fail=1
++/bin/sh foo > out 2> err || fail=1
++compare exp out || fail=1
++test -s err && fail=1
++Exit $fail
diff --git a/SOURCES/ibm.patch b/SOURCES/ibm.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93a442c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/ibm.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,841 @@
+diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
+index 025c914..8b4120c 100644
+--- a/Makefile.am
++++ b/Makefile.am
+@@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ gzip_SOURCES = \
+   trees.c unlzh.c unlzw.c unpack.c unzip.c util.c zip.c
+ gzip_LDADD = libver.a lib/libgzip.a
++gzip_SOURCES += dfltcc.c
+ BUILT_SOURCES += version.c
+ version.c: Makefile
+diff --git a/bits.c b/bits.c
+index b0df2fe..9effc32 100644
+--- a/bits.c
++++ b/bits.c
+@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
+ local file_t zfile; /* output gzip file */
+-local unsigned short bi_buf;
++unsigned short bi_buf;
+ /* Output buffer. bits are inserted starting at the bottom (least significant
+  * bits).
+  */
+@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ local unsigned short bi_buf;
+  * more than 16 bits on some systems.)
+  */
+-local int bi_valid;
++int bi_valid;
+ /* Number of valid bits in bi_buf.  All bits above the last valid bit
+  * are always zero.
+  */
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 9a2b635..76ac26f 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -78,6 +78,16 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE([gcc-warnings],
+    fi]
+ )
++  [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-dfltcc],
++     [use DEFLATE COMPRESSION CALL instruction on IBM Z])],
++  [case $enableval in
++     yes|no) gl_dfltcc=$enableval ;;
++     *)      AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value $enableval for dfltcc option]) ;;
++   esac],
++  [gl_dfltcc=no]
+ # gl_GCC_VERSION_IFELSE([major], [minor], [run-if-found], [run-if-not-found])
+ # ------------------------------------------------
+ # If $CPP is gcc-MAJOR.MINOR or newer, then run RUN-IF-FOUND.
+@@ -188,6 +198,12 @@ if test "$gl_gcc_warnings" = yes; then
+ fi
++if test "$gl_dfltcc" = yes; then
++    [Use DEFLATE COMPRESSION CALL instruction on IBM Z machines.])
++AM_CONDITIONAL([IBM_Z_DFLTCC],  [test "$gl_dfltcc" = yes])
+ # cc -E produces incorrect asm files on SVR4, so postprocess it.
+ ASCPPPOST="sed '/^ *\\#/d; s,//.*,,; s/% /%/g; s/\\. /./g'"
+diff --git a/deflate.c b/deflate.c
+index 8ffff3a..869b902 100644
+--- a/deflate.c
++++ b/deflate.c
+@@ -123,10 +123,6 @@
+ #define NIL 0
+ /* Tail of hash chains */
+-#define FAST 4
+-#define SLOW 2
+-/* speed options for the general purpose bit flag */
+ #ifndef TOO_FAR
+ #  define TOO_FAR 4096
+ #endif
+@@ -215,9 +211,6 @@ local unsigned int max_lazy_match;
+  * max_insert_length is used only for compression levels <= 3.
+  */
+-local int compr_level;
+-/* compression level (1..9) */
+ unsigned good_match;
+ /* Use a faster search when the previous match is longer than this */
+@@ -308,14 +301,12 @@ local  void check_match (IPos start, IPos match, int length);
+ /* ===========================================================================
+  * Initialize the "longest match" routines for a new file
+  */
+-void lm_init (pack_level, flags)
++void lm_init (pack_level)
+     int pack_level; /* 0: store, 1: best speed, 9: best compression */
+-    ush *flags;     /* general purpose bit flag */
+ {
+     register unsigned j;
+     if (pack_level < 1 || pack_level > 9) gzip_error ("bad pack level");
+-    compr_level = pack_level;
+     /* Initialize the hash table. */
+ #if defined MAXSEG_64K && HASH_BITS == 15
+@@ -337,11 +328,6 @@ void lm_init (pack_level, flags)
+     nice_match       = configuration_table[pack_level].nice_length;
+ #endif
+     max_chain_length = configuration_table[pack_level].max_chain;
+-    if (pack_level == 1) {
+-       *flags |= FAST;
+-    } else if (pack_level == 9) {
+-       *flags |= SLOW;
+-    }
+     /* ??? reduce max_chain_length for binary files */
+     strstart = 0;
+@@ -732,7 +718,7 @@ local off_t deflate_fast()
+  * evaluation for matches: a match is finally adopted only if there is
+  * no better match at the next window position.
+  */
+-off_t deflate()
++off_t deflate(int pack_level)
+ {
+     IPos hash_head;          /* head of hash chain */
+     IPos prev_match;         /* previous match */
+@@ -740,7 +726,8 @@ off_t deflate()
+     int match_available = 0; /* set if previous match exists */
+     register unsigned match_length = MIN_MATCH-1; /* length of best match */
+-    if (compr_level <= 3) return deflate_fast(); /* optimized for speed */
++    lm_init(pack_level);
++    if (pack_level <= 3) return deflate_fast(); /* optimized for speed */
+     /* Process the input block. */
+     while (lookahead != 0) {
+diff --git a/dfltcc.c b/dfltcc.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..9010475
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/dfltcc.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
++/* dfltcc.c -- compress data using IBM Z DEFLATE COMPRESSION CALL
++   Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++   any later version.
++   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   GNU General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++   Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
++#include <config.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#ifdef DFLTCC_USDT
++#include <sys/sdt.h>
++#include "tailor.h"
++#include "gzip.h"
++#ifdef DYN_ALLOC
++    error: DYN_ALLOC is not supported by DFLTCC
++/* ===========================================================================
++ * C wrappers for the DEFLATE CONVERSION CALL instruction.
++ */
++typedef enum
++    DFLTCC_CC_OK = 0,
++    DFLTCC_CC_AGAIN = 3,
++} dfltcc_cc;
++#define DFLTCC_QAF 0
++#define DFLTCC_GDHT 1
++#define DFLTCC_CMPR 2
++#define DFLTCC_XPND 4
++#define HBT_CIRCULAR (1 << 7)
++//#define HB_BITS 15
++//#define HB_SIZE (1 << HB_BITS)
++#define DFLTCC_FACILITY 151
++#define DFLTCC_FMT0 0
++#define CVT_CRC32 0
++#define HTT_FIXED 0
++#define HTT_DYNAMIC 1
++struct dfltcc_qaf_param
++    char fns[16];
++    char reserved1[8];
++    char fmts[2];
++    char reserved2[6];
++struct dfltcc_param_v0
++    unsigned short pbvn;               /* Parameter-Block-Version Number */
++    unsigned char mvn;                 /* Model-Version Number */
++    unsigned char ribm;                /* Reserved for IBM use */
++    unsigned reserved32 : 31;
++    unsigned cf : 1;                   /* Continuation Flag */
++    unsigned char reserved64[8];
++    unsigned nt : 1;                   /* New Task */
++    unsigned reserved129 : 1;
++    unsigned cvt : 1;                  /* Check Value Type */
++    unsigned reserved131 : 1;
++    unsigned htt : 1;                  /* Huffman-Table Type */
++    unsigned bcf : 1;                  /* Block-Continuation Flag */
++    unsigned bcc : 1;                  /* Block Closing Control */
++    unsigned bhf : 1;                  /* Block Header Final */
++    unsigned reserved136 : 1;
++    unsigned reserved137 : 1;
++    unsigned dhtgc : 1;                /* DHT Generation Control */
++    unsigned reserved139 : 5;
++    unsigned reserved144 : 5;
++    unsigned sbb : 3;                  /* Sub-Byte Boundary */
++    unsigned char oesc;                /* Operation-Ending-Supplemental Code */
++    unsigned reserved160 : 12;
++    unsigned ifs : 4;                  /* Incomplete-Function Status */
++    unsigned short ifl;                /* Incomplete-Function Length */
++    unsigned char reserved192[8];
++    unsigned char reserved256[8];
++    unsigned char reserved320[4];
++    unsigned short hl;                 /* History Length */
++    unsigned reserved368 : 1;
++    unsigned short ho : 15;            /* History Offset */
++    unsigned int cv;                   /* Check Value */
++    unsigned eobs : 15;                /* End-of-block Symbol */
++    unsigned reserved431 : 1;
++    unsigned char eobl : 4;            /* End-of-block Length */
++    unsigned reserved436 : 12;
++    unsigned reserved448 : 4;
++    unsigned short cdhtl : 12;         /* Compressed-Dynamic-Huffman Table
++                                          Length */
++    unsigned char reserved464[6];
++    unsigned char cdht[288];
++    unsigned char reserved[32];
++    unsigned char csb[1152];
++static int is_bit_set(const char *bits, int n)
++    return bits[n / 8] & (1 << (7 - (n % 8)));
++static int is_dfltcc_enabled(void)
++    const char *env;
++    char facilities[((DFLTCC_FACILITY / 64) + 1) * 8];
++    register int r0 __asm__("r0");
++    env = getenv("DFLTCC");
++    if (env && !strcmp(env, "0")) {
++        return 0;
++    }
++    r0 = sizeof(facilities) / 8;
++    __asm__("stfle %[facilities]\n"
++            : [facilities] "=Q"(facilities) : [r0] "r"(r0) : "cc", "memory");
++    return is_bit_set((const char *) facilities, DFLTCC_FACILITY);
++static dfltcc_cc dfltcc(int fn, void *param,
++                        uch **op1, size_t *len1,
++                        const uch **op2, size_t *len2,
++                        void *hist)
++    uch *t2 = op1 ? *op1 : NULL;
++    size_t t3 = len1 ? *len1 : 0;
++    const uch *t4 = op2 ? *op2 : NULL;
++    size_t t5 = len2 ? *len2 : 0;
++    register int r0 __asm__("r0") = fn;
++    register void *r1 __asm__("r1") = param;
++    register uch *r2 __asm__("r2") = t2;
++    register size_t r3 __asm__("r3") = t3;
++    register const uch *r4 __asm__("r4") = t4;
++    register size_t r5 __asm__("r5") = t5;
++    int cc;
++    __asm__ volatile(
++#ifdef DFLTCC_USDT
++                     STAP_PROBE_ASM(zlib, dfltcc_entry,
++                                    STAP_PROBE_ASM_TEMPLATE(5))
++                     ".insn rrf,0xb9390000,%[r2],%[r4],%[hist],0\n"
++#ifdef DFLTCC_USDT
++                     STAP_PROBE_ASM(zlib, dfltcc_exit,
++                                    STAP_PROBE_ASM_TEMPLATE(5))
++                     "ipm %[cc]\n"
++                     : [r2] "+r" (r2)
++                     , [r3] "+r" (r3)
++                     , [r4] "+r" (r4)
++                     , [r5] "+r" (r5)
++                     , [cc] "=r" (cc)
++                     : [r0] "r" (r0)
++                     , [r1] "r" (r1)
++                     , [hist] "r" (hist)
++#ifdef DFLTCC_USDT
++                     , STAP_PROBE_ASM_OPERANDS(5, r2, r3, r4, r5, hist)
++                     : "cc", "memory");
++    t2 = r2; t3 = r3; t4 = r4; t5 = r5;
++    if (op1)
++        *op1 = t2;
++    if (len1)
++        *len1 = t3;
++    if (op2)
++        *op2 = t4;
++    if (len2)
++        *len2 = t5;
++    return (cc >> 28) & 3;
++static void dfltcc_qaf(struct dfltcc_qaf_param *param)
++    dfltcc(DFLTCC_QAF, param, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
++static void dfltcc_gdht(struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
++    const uch *next_in = inbuf + inptr;
++    size_t avail_in = insize - inptr;
++    dfltcc(DFLTCC_GDHT, param, NULL, NULL, &next_in, &avail_in, NULL);
++static off_t total_in;
++static dfltcc_cc dfltcc_cmpr_xpnd(struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param, int fn)
++    uch *next_out = outbuf + outcnt;
++    size_t avail_out = OUTBUFSIZ - outcnt;
++    const uch *next_in = inbuf + inptr;
++    size_t avail_in = insize - inptr;
++    off_t consumed_in;
++    dfltcc_cc cc;
++    cc = dfltcc(fn | HBT_CIRCULAR, param,
++                &next_out, &avail_out,
++                &next_in, &avail_in,
++                window);
++    consumed_in = next_in - (inbuf + inptr);
++    inptr += consumed_in;
++    total_in += consumed_in;
++    outcnt += ((OUTBUFSIZ - outcnt) - avail_out);
++    return cc;
++static struct context
++    union
++    {
++        struct dfltcc_qaf_param af;
++        struct dfltcc_param_v0 param;
++    };
++} ctx;
++static struct dfltcc_param_v0 *init_param(struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
++    const char *s;
++    memset(param, 0, sizeof(*param));
++#ifndef DFLTCC_RIBM
++#define DFLTCC_RIBM 0
++    s = getenv("DFLTCC_RIBM");
++    param->ribm = (s && *s) ? strtoul(s, NULL, 0) : DFLTCC_RIBM;
++    param->nt = 1;
++    param->cvt = CVT_CRC32;
++    param->cv = __builtin_bswap32(getcrc());
++    return param;
++static void bi_close_block(struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
++    bi_valid = param->sbb;
++    bi_buf = bi_valid == 0 ? 0 : outbuf[outcnt] & ((1 << bi_valid) - 1);
++    send_bits(
++        bi_reverse(param->eobs >> (15 - param->eobl), param->eobl),
++        param->eobl);
++    param->bcf = 0;
++static void close_block(struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
++    bi_close_block(param);
++    bi_windup();
++    param->sbb = (param->sbb + param->eobl) % 8;
++    if (param->sbb != 0) {
++        Assert(outcnt > 0, "outbuf must have enough space for EOBS");
++        outcnt--;
++    }
++static void close_stream(struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
++    if (param->bcf) {
++        bi_close_block(param);
++    }
++    send_bits(1, 3); /* BFINAL=1, BTYPE=00 */
++    bi_windup();
++    put_short(0x0000);
++    put_short(0xFFFF);
++#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
++/* ===========================================================================
++ * Compress ifd into ofd in hardware or fall back to software.
++ */
++int dfltcc_deflate(int pack_level)
++    const char *s;
++    unsigned long level_mask;
++    unsigned long block_size;
++    off_t block_threshold;
++    struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param;
++    int extra;
++    /* Check whether we can use hardware compression */
++    if (!is_dfltcc_enabled() || getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH")) {
++        return deflate(pack_level);
++    }
++#define DFLTCC_LEVEL_MASK 0x2
++    s = getenv("DFLTCC_LEVEL_MASK");
++    level_mask = (s && *s) ? strtoul(s, NULL, 0) : DFLTCC_LEVEL_MASK;
++    if ((level_mask & (1 << pack_level)) == 0) {
++        return deflate(pack_level);
++    }
++    dfltcc_qaf(&ctx.af);
++    if (!is_bit_set(ctx.af.fns, DFLTCC_CMPR) ||
++        !is_bit_set(ctx.af.fns, DFLTCC_GDHT) ||
++        !is_bit_set(ctx.af.fmts, DFLTCC_FMT0)) {
++        return deflate(pack_level);
++    }
++    /* Initialize tuning parameters */
++#define DFLTCC_BLOCK_SIZE 1048576
++    s = getenv("DFLTCC_BLOCK_SIZE");
++    block_size = (s && *s) ? strtoul(s, NULL, 0) : DFLTCC_BLOCK_SIZE;
++    (void)block_size;
++    s = getenv("DFLTCC_FIRST_FHT_BLOCK_SIZE");
++    block_threshold = (s && *s) ? strtoul(s, NULL, 0) :
++                                  DFLTCC_FIRST_FHT_BLOCK_SIZE;
++    /* Compress ifd into ofd in a loop */
++    param = init_param(&ctx.param);
++    while (1) {
++        /* Flush the output data */
++        if (outcnt > OUTBUFSIZ - 8) {
++            flush_outbuf();
++        }
++        /* Close the block */
++        if (param->bcf && total_in == block_threshold && !param->cf) {
++            close_block(param);
++            block_threshold += block_size;
++        }
++        /* Read the input data */
++        if (inptr == insize) {
++            if (fill_inbuf(1) == EOF && !param->cf) {
++                break;
++            }
++            inptr = 0;
++        }
++        /* Temporarily mask some input data */
++        extra = MAX(0, total_in + (insize - inptr) - block_threshold);
++        insize -= extra;
++        /* Start a new block */
++        if (!param->bcf) {
++            if (total_in == 0 && block_threshold > 0) {
++                param->htt = HTT_FIXED;
++            } else {
++                param->htt = HTT_DYNAMIC;
++                dfltcc_gdht(param);
++            }
++        }
++        /* Compress inbuf into outbuf */
++        dfltcc_cmpr_xpnd(param, DFLTCC_CMPR);
++        /* Unmask the input data */
++        insize += extra;
++        /* Continue the block */
++        param->bcf = 1;
++    }
++    close_stream(param);
++    setcrc(__builtin_bswap32(param->cv));
++    return 0;
++/* ===========================================================================
++ * Decompress ifd into ofd in hardware or fall back to software.
++ */
++int dfltcc_inflate(void)
++    struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param;
++    dfltcc_cc cc;
++    /* Check whether we can use hardware decompression */
++    if (!is_dfltcc_enabled()) {
++        return inflate();
++    }
++    dfltcc_qaf(&ctx.af);
++    if (!is_bit_set(ctx.af.fns, DFLTCC_XPND)) {
++        return inflate();
++    }
++    /* Decompress ifd into ofd in a loop */
++    param = init_param(&ctx.param);
++    while (1) {
++        /* Perform I/O */
++        if (outcnt == OUTBUFSIZ) {
++            flush_outbuf();
++        }
++        if (inptr == insize) {
++            if (fill_inbuf(1) == EOF) {
++                /* Premature EOF */
++                return 2;
++            }
++            inptr = 0;
++        }
++        /* Decompress inbuf into outbuf */
++        cc = dfltcc_cmpr_xpnd(param, DFLTCC_XPND);
++        if (cc == DFLTCC_CC_OK) {
++            /* The entire deflate stream has been successfully decompressed */
++            break;
++        }
++        if (cc == DFLTCC_CC_OP2_CORRUPT && param->oesc != 0) {
++            /* The deflate stream is corrupted */
++            return 2;
++        }
++        /* There must be more data to decompress */
++    }
++    if (param->sbb != 0) {
++        /* The deflate stream has ended in the middle of a byte - go to the next
++         * byte boundary, so that unzip() can read CRC and length.
++         */
++        inptr++;
++    }
++    setcrc(__builtin_bswap32(param->cv)); /* set CRC value for unzip() */
++    flush_outbuf(); /* update bytes_out for unzip() */
++    return 0;
+diff --git a/gzip.c b/gzip.c
+index 3ddfb7f..4fffc4f 100644
+--- a/gzip.c
++++ b/gzip.c
+@@ -128,9 +128,21 @@ static char const *const license_msg[] = {
+                 /* global buffers */
++#ifdef IBM_Z_DFLTCC
++/* DEFLATE COMPRESSION CALL works faster with page-aligned input buffers */
++#ifdef IBM_Z_DFLTCC
++/* DEFLATE COMPRESSION CALL works faster with page-aligned output buffers */
+ DECLARE(ush, d_buf,  DIST_BUFSIZE);
++#ifdef IBM_Z_DFLTCC
++/* DEFLATE COMPRESSION CALL works only with page-aligned windows */
+ DECLARE(uch, window, 2L*WSIZE);
+ #ifndef MAXSEG_64K
+     DECLARE(ush, tab_prefix, 1L<<BITS);
+diff --git a/gzip.h b/gzip.h
+index 46bbac9..0c59cc2 100644
+--- a/gzip.h
++++ b/gzip.h
+@@ -74,7 +74,10 @@ extern int method;         /* compression method *   /
+  */
+ #ifndef	INBUFSIZ
+-#  ifdef SMALL_MEM
++#  ifdef IBM_Z_DFLTCC
++/* DEFLATE COMPRESSION CALL works faster with larger input buffers */
++#    define INBUFSIZ  0x40000
++#  elif defined SMALL_MEM
+ #    define INBUFSIZ  0x2000  /* input buffer size */
+ #  else
+ #    define INBUFSIZ  0x8000  /* input buffer size */
+@@ -83,7 +86,10 @@ extern int method;         /* compression method */
+ #define INBUF_EXTRA  64     /* required by unlzw() */
+ #ifndef	OUTBUFSIZ
+-#  ifdef SMALL_MEM
++#  ifdef IBM_Z_DFLTCC
++/* DEFLATE COMPRESSION CALL works faster with larger output buffers */
++#    define OUTBUFSIZ   0x40000
++#  elif defined SMALL_MEM
+ #    define OUTBUFSIZ   8192  /* output buffer size */
+ #  else
+ #    define OUTBUFSIZ  16384  /* output buffer size */
+@@ -275,8 +281,8 @@ extern int unlzh      (int in, int out);
+ extern noreturn void abort_gzip (void);
+         /* in deflate.c */
+-extern void lm_init (int pack_level, ush *flags);
+-extern off_t deflate (void);
++extern void lm_init (int pack_level);
++extern off_t deflate (int pack_level);
+         /* in trees.c */
+ extern void ct_init     (ush *attr, int *method);
+@@ -284,6 +290,8 @@ extern int  ct_tally    (int dist, int lc);
+ extern off_t flush_block (char *buf, ulg stored_len, int pad, int eof);
+         /* in bits.c */
++extern unsigned short bi_buf;
++extern int            bi_valid;
+ extern void     bi_init    (file_t zipfile);
+ extern void     send_bits  (int value, int length);
+ extern unsigned bi_reverse (unsigned value, int length) _GL_ATTRIBUTE_CONST;
+@@ -293,7 +301,9 @@ extern int     (*read_buf) (char *buf, unsigned size);
+         /* in util.c: */
+ extern int copy           (int in, int out);
+-extern ulg  updcrc        (uch *s, unsigned n);
++extern ulg  updcrc        (const uch *s, unsigned n);
++extern ulg  getcrc        (void) _GL_ATTRIBUTE_PURE;
++extern void setcrc        (ulg c);
+ extern void clear_bufs    (void);
+ extern int  fill_inbuf    (int eof_ok);
+ extern void flush_outbuf  (void);
+@@ -315,3 +325,9 @@ extern void fprint_off    (FILE *, off_t, int);
+         /* in inflate.c */
+ extern int inflate (void);
++        /* in dfltcc.c */
++#ifdef IBM_Z_DFLTCC
++extern int dfltcc_deflate (int pack_level);
++extern int dfltcc_inflate (void);
+diff --git a/tests/znew-k b/tests/znew-k
+index eeb7b29..d43246b 100755
+--- a/tests/znew-k
++++ b/tests/znew-k
+@@ -29,12 +29,13 @@ chmod +x compress || framework_failure_
+ # Note that the basename must have a length of 6 or greater.
+ # Otherwise, "test -f $name" below would fail.
+ name=123456.Z
+ printf '%1012977s' ' ' | gzip -c > $name || framework_failure_
+ fail=0
+ znew -K $name || fail=1
+-test -f $name || fail=1
++test -f $name || test -f $gzname || fail=1
+ Exit $fail
+diff --git a/unzip.c b/unzip.c
+index a7255d4..86ef664 100644
+--- a/unzip.c
++++ b/unzip.c
+@@ -129,7 +129,11 @@ int unzip(in, out)
+     /* Decompress */
+     if (method == DEFLATED)  {
++#ifdef IBM_Z_DFLTCC
++        int res = dfltcc_inflate();
+         int res = inflate();
+         if (res == 3) {
+             xalloc_die ();
+diff --git a/util.c b/util.c
+index 41e50d7..dc00f4a 100644
+--- a/util.c
++++ b/util.c
+@@ -96,6 +96,11 @@ static const ulg crc_32_tab[] = {
+   0x2d02ef8dL
+ };
++/* ========================================================================
++ * Shift register contents
++ */
++static ulg crc = (ulg)0xffffffffL;
+ /* ===========================================================================
+  * Copy input to output unchanged: zcat == cat with --force.
+  * IN assertion: insize bytes have already been read in inbuf and inptr bytes
+@@ -126,13 +131,11 @@ int copy(in, out)
+  * Return the current crc in either case.
+  */
+ ulg updcrc(s, n)
+-    uch *s;                 /* pointer to bytes to pump through */
++    const uch *s;           /* pointer to bytes to pump through */
+     unsigned n;             /* number of bytes in s[] */
+ {
+     register ulg c;         /* temporary variable */
+-    static ulg crc = (ulg)0xffffffffL; /* shift register contents */
+     if (s == NULL) {
+         c = 0xffffffffL;
+     } else {
+@@ -145,6 +148,23 @@ ulg updcrc(s, n)
+     return c ^ 0xffffffffL;       /* (instead of ~c for 64-bit machines) */
+ }
++/* ===========================================================================
++ * Return a current CRC value.
++ */
++ulg getcrc()
++    return crc ^ 0xffffffffL;
++/* ===========================================================================
++ * Set a new CRC value.
++ */
++void setcrc(c)
++    ulg c;
++    crc = c ^ 0xffffffffL;
+ /* ===========================================================================
+  * Clear input and output buffers
+  */
+@@ -238,7 +258,9 @@ void flush_outbuf()
+ {
+     if (outcnt == 0) return;
+-    write_buf(ofd, (char *)outbuf, outcnt);
++    if (!test) {
++        write_buf(ofd, (char *)outbuf, outcnt);
++    }
+     bytes_out += (off_t)outcnt;
+     outcnt = 0;
+ }
+diff --git a/zip.c b/zip.c
+index 1bd4c78..ace7e5e 100644
+--- a/zip.c
++++ b/zip.c
+@@ -23,9 +23,12 @@
+ #include "tailor.h"
+ #include "gzip.h"
+-local ulg crc;       /* crc on uncompressed file data */
+ off_t header_bytes;   /* number of bytes in gzip header */
++#define FAST 4
++#define SLOW 2
++/* speed options for the general purpose bit flag */
+ /* ===========================================================================
+  * Deflate in to out.
+  * IN assertions: the input and output buffers are cleared.
+@@ -68,11 +71,15 @@ int zip(in, out)
+     put_long (stamp);
+     /* Write deflated file to zip file */
+-    crc = updcrc(0, 0);
++    updcrc(NULL, 0);
+     bi_init(out);
+     ct_init(&attr, &method);
+-    lm_init(level, &deflate_flags);
++    if (level == 1) {
++        deflate_flags |= FAST;
++    } else if (level == 9) {
++        deflate_flags |= SLOW;
++    }
+     put_byte((uch)deflate_flags); /* extra flags */
+     put_byte(OS_CODE);            /* OS identifier */
+@@ -85,7 +92,11 @@ int zip(in, out)
+     }
+     header_bytes = (off_t)outcnt;
+-    (void)deflate();
++#ifdef IBM_Z_DFLTCC
++    (void)dfltcc_deflate(level);
++    (void)deflate(level);
+ #ifndef NO_SIZE_CHECK
+   /* Check input size
+@@ -98,7 +109,7 @@ int zip(in, out)
+ #endif
+     /* Write the crc and uncompressed size */
+-    put_long(crc);
++    put_long(getcrc());
+     put_long((ulg)bytes_in);
+     header_bytes += 2*4;
+@@ -126,7 +137,7 @@ int file_read(buf, size)
+         return EOF;
+     }
+-    crc = updcrc((uch*)buf, len);
++    updcrc((uch*)buf, len);
+     bytes_in += (off_t)len;
+     return (int)len;
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/ibm2.patch b/SOURCES/ibm2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca6c099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/ibm2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1025 @@
+From be0c5581e38332b2ffa8a4cf92076cfde02872b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
+Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2019 10:26:30 -0700
+Subject: Improve IBM Z patch
+Most of this is minor changes to use GNU style and C99 constructs.
+* NEWS: Mention IBM Z.
+* bootstrap.conf (gnulib_modules): Add stdalign.
+* dfltcc.c: Include stdalign.h, stdbool.h.
+(union aligned_dfltcc_qaf_param, union aligned_dfltcc_param_v0):
+New types, used for C11-style alignment.  All uses changed.
+* gzip.c (BUFFER_ALIGNED): New macro.
+(inbuf, outbuf, window): Use it, so buffers are aligned everywhere.
+* gzip.h (INBUFSIZ, OUTBUFSIZE): Use big buffers everywhere,
+unless SMALL_MEM.
+* zip.c (SLOW, FAST): Now enums since they need not be macros:
+ NEWS           |   4 +
+ bootstrap.conf |   1 +
+ deflate.c      |   8 +-
+ dfltcc.c       | 632 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
+ gzip.c         |  27 ++-
+ gzip.h         |  16 +-
+ lib/.gitignore |   1 +
+ m4/.gitignore  |   1 +
+ unzip.c        |   2 +-
+ util.c         |  30 ++-
+ zip.c          |  24 +--
+ 11 files changed, 376 insertions(+), 370 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/deflate.c b/deflate.c
+index 869b902..eb697af 100644
+--- a/deflate.c
++++ b/deflate.c
+@@ -718,7 +718,8 @@ local off_t deflate_fast()
+  * evaluation for matches: a match is finally adopted only if there is
+  * no better match at the next window position.
+  */
+-off_t deflate(int pack_level)
++deflate (int pack_level)
+ {
+     IPos hash_head;          /* head of hash chain */
+     IPos prev_match;         /* previous match */
+@@ -726,8 +727,9 @@ off_t deflate(int pack_level)
+     int match_available = 0; /* set if previous match exists */
+     register unsigned match_length = MIN_MATCH-1; /* length of best match */
+-    lm_init(pack_level);
+-    if (pack_level <= 3) return deflate_fast(); /* optimized for speed */
++    lm_init (pack_level);
++    if (pack_level <= 3)
++      return deflate_fast();
+     /* Process the input block. */
+     while (lookahead != 0) {
+diff --git a/dfltcc.c b/dfltcc.c
+index 9010475..ba62968 100644
+--- a/dfltcc.c
++++ b/dfltcc.c
+@@ -17,16 +17,20 @@
+    Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
+ #include <config.h>
++#include <stdalign.h>
++#include <stdbool.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #ifdef DFLTCC_USDT
+-#include <sys/sdt.h>
++# include <sys/sdt.h>
+ #endif
+ #include "tailor.h"
+ #include "gzip.h"
+ #ifdef DYN_ALLOC
+-    error: DYN_ALLOC is not supported by DFLTCC
++# error "DYN_ALLOC is not supported by DFLTCC"
+ #endif
+ /* ===========================================================================
+@@ -35,11 +39,11 @@
+ typedef enum
+ {
+-    DFLTCC_CC_OK = 0,
+-    DFLTCC_CC_AGAIN = 3,
++ DFLTCC_CC_OK = 0,
+ } dfltcc_cc;
+ #define DFLTCC_QAF 0
+@@ -47,383 +51,391 @@ typedef enum
+ #define DFLTCC_CMPR 2
+ #define DFLTCC_XPND 4
+ #define HBT_CIRCULAR (1 << 7)
+-//#define HB_BITS 15
+-//#define HB_SIZE (1 << HB_BITS)
++/* #define HB_BITS 15 */
++/* #define HB_SIZE (1 << HB_BITS) */
+ #define DFLTCC_FACILITY 151
+ #define DFLTCC_FMT0 0
+ #define CVT_CRC32 0
+ #define HTT_FIXED 0
+ #define HTT_DYNAMIC 1
++# define DFLTCC_BLOCK_SIZE 1048576
++# define DFLTCC_LEVEL_MASK 0x2
++#ifndef DFLTCC_RIBM
++# define DFLTCC_RIBM 0
++#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+ struct dfltcc_qaf_param
+ {
+-    char fns[16];
+-    char reserved1[8];
+-    char fmts[2];
+-    char reserved2[6];
++  char fns[16];
++  char reserved1[8];
++  char fmts[2];
++  char reserved2[6];
++union aligned_dfltcc_qaf_param
++  struct dfltcc_qaf_param af;
++  char alignas (8) aligned;
+ };
+ struct dfltcc_param_v0
+ {
+-    unsigned short pbvn;               /* Parameter-Block-Version Number */
+-    unsigned char mvn;                 /* Model-Version Number */
+-    unsigned char ribm;                /* Reserved for IBM use */
+-    unsigned reserved32 : 31;
+-    unsigned cf : 1;                   /* Continuation Flag */
+-    unsigned char reserved64[8];
+-    unsigned nt : 1;                   /* New Task */
+-    unsigned reserved129 : 1;
+-    unsigned cvt : 1;                  /* Check Value Type */
+-    unsigned reserved131 : 1;
+-    unsigned htt : 1;                  /* Huffman-Table Type */
+-    unsigned bcf : 1;                  /* Block-Continuation Flag */
+-    unsigned bcc : 1;                  /* Block Closing Control */
+-    unsigned bhf : 1;                  /* Block Header Final */
+-    unsigned reserved136 : 1;
+-    unsigned reserved137 : 1;
+-    unsigned dhtgc : 1;                /* DHT Generation Control */
+-    unsigned reserved139 : 5;
+-    unsigned reserved144 : 5;
+-    unsigned sbb : 3;                  /* Sub-Byte Boundary */
+-    unsigned char oesc;                /* Operation-Ending-Supplemental Code */
+-    unsigned reserved160 : 12;
+-    unsigned ifs : 4;                  /* Incomplete-Function Status */
+-    unsigned short ifl;                /* Incomplete-Function Length */
+-    unsigned char reserved192[8];
+-    unsigned char reserved256[8];
+-    unsigned char reserved320[4];
+-    unsigned short hl;                 /* History Length */
+-    unsigned reserved368 : 1;
+-    unsigned short ho : 15;            /* History Offset */
+-    unsigned int cv;                   /* Check Value */
+-    unsigned eobs : 15;                /* End-of-block Symbol */
+-    unsigned reserved431 : 1;
+-    unsigned char eobl : 4;            /* End-of-block Length */
+-    unsigned reserved436 : 12;
+-    unsigned reserved448 : 4;
+-    unsigned short cdhtl : 12;         /* Compressed-Dynamic-Huffman Table
+-                                          Length */
+-    unsigned char reserved464[6];
+-    unsigned char cdht[288];
+-    unsigned char reserved[32];
+-    unsigned char csb[1152];
++  unsigned short pbvn;               /* Parameter-Block-Version Number */
++  unsigned char mvn;                 /* Model-Version Number */
++  unsigned char ribm;                /* Reserved for IBM use */
++  unsigned reserved32 : 31;
++  unsigned cf : 1;                   /* Continuation Flag */
++  unsigned char reserved64[8];
++  unsigned nt : 1;                   /* New Task */
++  unsigned reserved129 : 1;
++  unsigned cvt : 1;                  /* Check Value Type */
++  unsigned reserved131 : 1;
++  unsigned htt : 1;                  /* Huffman-Table Type */
++  unsigned bcf : 1;                  /* Block-Continuation Flag */
++  unsigned bcc : 1;                  /* Block Closing Control */
++  unsigned bhf : 1;                  /* Block Header Final */
++  unsigned reserved136 : 1;
++  unsigned reserved137 : 1;
++  unsigned dhtgc : 1;                /* DHT Generation Control */
++  unsigned reserved139 : 5;
++  unsigned reserved144 : 5;
++  unsigned sbb : 3;                  /* Sub-Byte Boundary */
++  unsigned char oesc;                /* Operation-Ending-Supplemental Code */
++  unsigned reserved160 : 12;
++  unsigned ifs : 4;                  /* Incomplete-Function Status */
++  unsigned short ifl;                /* Incomplete-Function Length */
++  unsigned char reserved192[8];
++  unsigned char reserved256[8];
++  unsigned char reserved320[4];
++  unsigned short hl;                 /* History Length */
++  unsigned reserved368 : 1;
++  unsigned short ho : 15;            /* History Offset */
++  unsigned int cv;                   /* Check Value */
++  unsigned eobs : 15;                /* End-of-block Symbol */
++  unsigned reserved431 : 1;
++  unsigned char eobl : 4;            /* End-of-block Length */
++  unsigned reserved436 : 12;
++  unsigned reserved448 : 4;
++  unsigned short cdhtl : 12;         /* Compressed-Dynamic-Huffman Table
++                                        Length */
++  unsigned char reserved464[6];
++  unsigned char cdht[288];
++  unsigned char reserved[32];
++  unsigned char csb[1152];
+ };
+-static int is_bit_set(const char *bits, int n)
++union aligned_dfltcc_param_v0
+ {
+-    return bits[n / 8] & (1 << (7 - (n % 8)));
++  struct dfltcc_param_v0 param;
++  char alignas (8) aligned;
++static int
++is_bit_set (const char *bits, int n)
++  return bits[n / 8] & (1 << (7 - (n % 8)));
+ }
+-static int is_dfltcc_enabled(void)
++static int
++is_dfltcc_enabled (void)
+ {
+-    const char *env;
+-    char facilities[((DFLTCC_FACILITY / 64) + 1) * 8];
+-    register int r0 __asm__("r0");
++  char facilities[(DFLTCC_FACILITY / 64 + 1) * 8];
+-    env = getenv("DFLTCC");
+-    if (env && !strcmp(env, "0")) {
+-        return 0;
+-    }
++  char const *env = getenv ("DFLTCC");
++  if (env && !strcmp (env, "0"))
++    return 0;
+-    r0 = sizeof(facilities) / 8;
+-    __asm__("stfle %[facilities]\n"
+-            : [facilities] "=Q"(facilities) : [r0] "r"(r0) : "cc", "memory");
+-    return is_bit_set((const char *) facilities, DFLTCC_FACILITY);
++  register int r0 __asm__ ("r0") = sizeof facilities / 8;
++  __asm__ ("stfle %[facilities]\n"
++           : [facilities] "=Q"(facilities) : [r0] "r"(r0) : "cc", "memory");
++  return is_bit_set (facilities, DFLTCC_FACILITY);
+ }
+-static dfltcc_cc dfltcc(int fn, void *param,
+-                        uch **op1, size_t *len1,
+-                        const uch **op2, size_t *len2,
+-                        void *hist)
++static dfltcc_cc
++dfltcc (int fn, void *param,
++        uch **op1, size_t *len1,
++        uch const **op2, size_t *len2,
++        void *hist)
+ {
+-    uch *t2 = op1 ? *op1 : NULL;
+-    size_t t3 = len1 ? *len1 : 0;
+-    const uch *t4 = op2 ? *op2 : NULL;
+-    size_t t5 = len2 ? *len2 : 0;
+-    register int r0 __asm__("r0") = fn;
+-    register void *r1 __asm__("r1") = param;
+-    register uch *r2 __asm__("r2") = t2;
+-    register size_t r3 __asm__("r3") = t3;
+-    register const uch *r4 __asm__("r4") = t4;
+-    register size_t r5 __asm__("r5") = t5;
+-    int cc;
+-    __asm__ volatile(
++  uch *t2 = op1 ? *op1 : NULL;
++  size_t t3 = len1 ? *len1 : 0;
++  const uch *t4 = op2 ? *op2 : NULL;
++  size_t t5 = len2 ? *len2 : 0;
++  register int r0 __asm__ ("r0") = fn;
++  register void *r1 __asm__ ("r1") = param;
++  register uch *r2 __asm__ ("r2") = t2;
++  register size_t r3 __asm__ ("r3") = t3;
++  register const uch *r4 __asm__ ("r4") = t4;
++  register size_t r5 __asm__ ("r5") = t5;
++  int cc;
++  __asm__ volatile (
+ #ifdef DFLTCC_USDT
+-                     STAP_PROBE_ASM(zlib, dfltcc_entry,
+-                                    STAP_PROBE_ASM_TEMPLATE(5))
++                    STAP_PROBE_ASM (zlib, dfltcc_entry,
++                                    STAP_PROBE_ASM_TEMPLATE (5))
+ #endif
+-                     ".insn rrf,0xb9390000,%[r2],%[r4],%[hist],0\n"
++                    ".insn rrf,0xb9390000,%[r2],%[r4],%[hist],0\n"
+ #ifdef DFLTCC_USDT
+-                     STAP_PROBE_ASM(zlib, dfltcc_exit,
+-                                    STAP_PROBE_ASM_TEMPLATE(5))
++                    STAP_PROBE_ASM (zlib, dfltcc_exit,
++                                    STAP_PROBE_ASM_TEMPLATE (5))
+ #endif
+-                     "ipm %[cc]\n"
+-                     : [r2] "+r" (r2)
+-                     , [r3] "+r" (r3)
+-                     , [r4] "+r" (r4)
+-                     , [r5] "+r" (r5)
+-                     , [cc] "=r" (cc)
+-                     : [r0] "r" (r0)
+-                     , [r1] "r" (r1)
+-                     , [hist] "r" (hist)
++                    "ipm %[cc]\n"
++                    : [r2] "+r" (r2)
++                      , [r3] "+r" (r3)
++                      , [r4] "+r" (r4)
++                      , [r5] "+r" (r5)
++                      , [cc] "=r" (cc)
++                    : [r0] "r" (r0)
++                      , [r1] "r" (r1)
++                      , [hist] "r" (hist)
+ #ifdef DFLTCC_USDT
+-                     , STAP_PROBE_ASM_OPERANDS(5, r2, r3, r4, r5, hist)
++                      , STAP_PROBE_ASM_OPERANDS (5, r2, r3, r4, r5, hist)
+ #endif
+-                     : "cc", "memory");
+-    t2 = r2; t3 = r3; t4 = r4; t5 = r5;
+-    if (op1)
+-        *op1 = t2;
+-    if (len1)
+-        *len1 = t3;
+-    if (op2)
+-        *op2 = t4;
+-    if (len2)
+-        *len2 = t5;
+-    return (cc >> 28) & 3;
++                    : "cc", "memory");
++  t2 = r2; t3 = r3; t4 = r4; t5 = r5;
++  if (op1)
++    *op1 = t2;
++  if (len1)
++    *len1 = t3;
++  if (op2)
++    *op2 = t4;
++  if (len2)
++    *len2 = t5;
++  return (cc >> 28) & 3;
+ }
+-static void dfltcc_qaf(struct dfltcc_qaf_param *param)
++static void
++dfltcc_qaf (struct dfltcc_qaf_param *param)
+ {
+-    dfltcc(DFLTCC_QAF, param, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
++  dfltcc (DFLTCC_QAF, param, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+-static void dfltcc_gdht(struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
++static void
++dfltcc_gdht (struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
+ {
+-    const uch *next_in = inbuf + inptr;
+-    size_t avail_in = insize - inptr;
++  const uch *next_in = inbuf + inptr;
++  size_t avail_in = insize - inptr;
+-    dfltcc(DFLTCC_GDHT, param, NULL, NULL, &next_in, &avail_in, NULL);
++  dfltcc (DFLTCC_GDHT, param, NULL, NULL, &next_in, &avail_in, NULL);
+ }
+ static off_t total_in;
+-static dfltcc_cc dfltcc_cmpr_xpnd(struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param, int fn)
++static dfltcc_cc
++dfltcc_cmpr_xpnd (struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param, int fn)
+ {
+-    uch *next_out = outbuf + outcnt;
+-    size_t avail_out = OUTBUFSIZ - outcnt;
+-    const uch *next_in = inbuf + inptr;
+-    size_t avail_in = insize - inptr;
+-    off_t consumed_in;
+-    dfltcc_cc cc;
+-    cc = dfltcc(fn | HBT_CIRCULAR, param,
+-                &next_out, &avail_out,
+-                &next_in, &avail_in,
+-                window);
+-    consumed_in = next_in - (inbuf + inptr);
+-    inptr += consumed_in;
+-    total_in += consumed_in;
+-    outcnt += ((OUTBUFSIZ - outcnt) - avail_out);
+-    return cc;
++  uch *next_out = outbuf + outcnt;
++  size_t avail_out = OUTBUFSIZ - outcnt;
++  const uch *next_in = inbuf + inptr;
++  size_t avail_in = insize - inptr;
++  dfltcc_cc cc = dfltcc (fn | HBT_CIRCULAR, param,
++                         &next_out, &avail_out,
++                         &next_in, &avail_in,
++                         window);
++  off_t consumed_in = next_in - (inbuf + inptr);
++  inptr += consumed_in;
++  total_in += consumed_in;
++  outcnt += ((OUTBUFSIZ - outcnt) - avail_out);
++  return cc;
+ }
+-static struct context
++static struct dfltcc_param_v0 *
++init_param (union aligned_dfltcc_param_v0 *ctx)
+ {
+-    union
+-    {
+-        struct dfltcc_qaf_param af;
+-        struct dfltcc_param_v0 param;
+-    };
+-} ctx;
+-static struct dfltcc_param_v0 *init_param(struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
+-    const char *s;
+-    memset(param, 0, sizeof(*param));
+-#ifndef DFLTCC_RIBM
+-#define DFLTCC_RIBM 0
+-    s = getenv("DFLTCC_RIBM");
+-    param->ribm = (s && *s) ? strtoul(s, NULL, 0) : DFLTCC_RIBM;
+-    param->nt = 1;
+-    param->cvt = CVT_CRC32;
+-    param->cv = __builtin_bswap32(getcrc());
+-    return param;
++  char const *s = getenv ("DFLTCC_RIBM");
++  struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param = &ctx->param;
++  memset (param, 0, sizeof *param);
++  param->ribm = s && *s ? strtoul (s, NULL, 0) : DFLTCC_RIBM;
++  param->nt = 1;
++  param->cvt = CVT_CRC32;
++  param->cv = __builtin_bswap32 (getcrc ());
++  return param;
+ }
+-static void bi_close_block(struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
++static void
++bi_close_block (struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
+ {
+-    bi_valid = param->sbb;
+-    bi_buf = bi_valid == 0 ? 0 : outbuf[outcnt] & ((1 << bi_valid) - 1);
+-    send_bits(
+-        bi_reverse(param->eobs >> (15 - param->eobl), param->eobl),
+-        param->eobl);
+-    param->bcf = 0;
++  bi_valid = param->sbb;
++  bi_buf = bi_valid == 0 ? 0 : outbuf[outcnt] & ((1 << bi_valid) - 1);
++  send_bits (bi_reverse (param->eobs >> (15 - param->eobl), param->eobl),
++             param->eobl);
++  param->bcf = 0;
+ }
+-static void close_block(struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
++static void
++close_block (struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
+ {
+-    bi_close_block(param);
+-    bi_windup();
+-    param->sbb = (param->sbb + param->eobl) % 8;
+-    if (param->sbb != 0) {
+-        Assert(outcnt > 0, "outbuf must have enough space for EOBS");
+-        outcnt--;
++  bi_close_block (param);
++  bi_windup ();
++  param->sbb = (param->sbb + param->eobl) % 8;
++  if (param->sbb != 0)
++    {
++      Assert (outcnt > 0, "outbuf must have enough space for EOBS");
++      outcnt--;
+     }
+ }
+-static void close_stream(struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
++static void
++close_stream (struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
+ {
+-    if (param->bcf) {
+-        bi_close_block(param);
+-    }
+-    send_bits(1, 3); /* BFINAL=1, BTYPE=00 */
+-    bi_windup();
+-    put_short(0x0000);
+-    put_short(0xFFFF);
++  if (param->bcf)
++    bi_close_block (param);
++  send_bits (1, 3); /* BFINAL=1, BTYPE=00 */
++  bi_windup ();
++  put_short (0x0000);
++  put_short (0xFFFF);
+ }
+-#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
++/* Compress ifd into ofd in hardware or fall back to software.  */
+-/* ===========================================================================
+- * Compress ifd into ofd in hardware or fall back to software.
+- */
+-int dfltcc_deflate(int pack_level)
++dfltcc_deflate (int pack_level)
+ {
+-    const char *s;
+-    unsigned long level_mask;
+-    unsigned long block_size;
+-    off_t block_threshold;
+-    struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param;
+-    int extra;
+-    /* Check whether we can use hardware compression */
+-    if (!is_dfltcc_enabled() || getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH")) {
+-        return deflate(pack_level);
+-    }
+-#define DFLTCC_LEVEL_MASK 0x2
+-    s = getenv("DFLTCC_LEVEL_MASK");
+-    level_mask = (s && *s) ? strtoul(s, NULL, 0) : DFLTCC_LEVEL_MASK;
+-    if ((level_mask & (1 << pack_level)) == 0) {
+-        return deflate(pack_level);
+-    }
+-    dfltcc_qaf(&ctx.af);
+-    if (!is_bit_set(ctx.af.fns, DFLTCC_CMPR) ||
+-        !is_bit_set(ctx.af.fns, DFLTCC_GDHT) ||
+-        !is_bit_set(ctx.af.fmts, DFLTCC_FMT0)) {
+-        return deflate(pack_level);
+-    }
+-    /* Initialize tuning parameters */
+-#define DFLTCC_BLOCK_SIZE 1048576
+-    s = getenv("DFLTCC_BLOCK_SIZE");
+-    block_size = (s && *s) ? strtoul(s, NULL, 0) : DFLTCC_BLOCK_SIZE;
+-    (void)block_size;
+-    s = getenv("DFLTCC_FIRST_FHT_BLOCK_SIZE");
+-    block_threshold = (s && *s) ? strtoul(s, NULL, 0) :
+-                                  DFLTCC_FIRST_FHT_BLOCK_SIZE;
+-    /* Compress ifd into ofd in a loop */
+-    param = init_param(&ctx.param);
+-    while (1) {
+-        /* Flush the output data */
+-        if (outcnt > OUTBUFSIZ - 8) {
+-            flush_outbuf();
+-        }
+-        /* Close the block */
+-        if (param->bcf && total_in == block_threshold && !param->cf) {
+-            close_block(param);
+-            block_threshold += block_size;
++  /* Check whether we can use hardware compression.  */
++  if (!is_dfltcc_enabled () || getenv ("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH"))
++    return deflate (pack_level);
++  char const *s = getenv ("DFLTCC_LEVEL_MASK");
++  unsigned long level_mask
++    = s && *s ? strtoul (s, NULL, 0) : DFLTCC_LEVEL_MASK;
++  if ((level_mask & (1 << pack_level)) == 0)
++    return deflate (pack_level);
++  union aligned_dfltcc_qaf_param ctx;
++  dfltcc_qaf (&ctx.af);
++  if (!is_bit_set (ctx.af.fns, DFLTCC_CMPR)
++      || !is_bit_set (ctx.af.fns, DFLTCC_GDHT)
++      || !is_bit_set (ctx.af.fmts, DFLTCC_FMT0))
++    return deflate (pack_level);
++  /* Initialize tuning parameters.  */
++  s = getenv ("DFLTCC_BLOCK_SIZE");
++  unsigned long block_size
++    = s && *s ? strtoul (s, NULL, 0) : DFLTCC_BLOCK_SIZE;
++  s = getenv ("DFLTCC_FIRST_FHT_BLOCK_SIZE");
++  off_t block_threshold
++    = s && *s ? strtoul (s, NULL, 0) : DFLTCC_FIRST_FHT_BLOCK_SIZE;
++  union aligned_dfltcc_param_v0 ctx_v0;
++  struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param = init_param (&ctx_v0);
++  /* Compress ifd into ofd in a loop.  */
++  while (true)
++    {
++      /* Flush the output data.  */
++      if (outcnt > OUTBUFSIZ - 8)
++        flush_outbuf ();
++      /* Close the block.  */
++      if (param->bcf && total_in == block_threshold && !param->cf)
++        {
++          close_block (param);
++          block_threshold += block_size;
+         }
+-        /* Read the input data */
+-        if (inptr == insize) {
+-            if (fill_inbuf(1) == EOF && !param->cf) {
+-                break;
+-            }
+-            inptr = 0;
++      /* Read the input data.  */
++      if (inptr == insize)
++        {
++          if (fill_inbuf (1) == EOF && !param->cf)
++            break;
++          inptr = 0;
+         }
+-        /* Temporarily mask some input data */
+-        extra = MAX(0, total_in + (insize - inptr) - block_threshold);
+-        insize -= extra;
+-        /* Start a new block */
+-        if (!param->bcf) {
+-            if (total_in == 0 && block_threshold > 0) {
+-                param->htt = HTT_FIXED;
+-            } else {
+-                param->htt = HTT_DYNAMIC;
+-                dfltcc_gdht(param);
+-            }
++      /* Temporarily mask some input data.  */
++      int extra = MAX (0, total_in + (insize - inptr) - block_threshold);
++      insize -= extra;
++      /* Start a new block.  */
++      if (!param->bcf)
++        {
++          if (total_in == 0 && block_threshold > 0)
++            param->htt = HTT_FIXED;
++          else {
++            param->htt = HTT_DYNAMIC;
++            dfltcc_gdht (param);
++          }
+         }
+-        /* Compress inbuf into outbuf */
+-        dfltcc_cmpr_xpnd(param, DFLTCC_CMPR);
++      /* Compress inbuf into outbuf.  */
++      dfltcc_cmpr_xpnd (param, DFLTCC_CMPR);
+-        /* Unmask the input data */
+-        insize += extra;
++      /* Unmask the input data.  */
++      insize += extra;
+-        /* Continue the block */
+-        param->bcf = 1;
++      /* Continue the block */
++      param->bcf = 1;
+     }
+-    close_stream(param);
+-    setcrc(__builtin_bswap32(param->cv));
+-    return 0;
++  close_stream (param);
++  setcrc (__builtin_bswap32 (param->cv));
++  return 0;
+ }
+-/* ===========================================================================
+- * Decompress ifd into ofd in hardware or fall back to software.
+- */
+-int dfltcc_inflate(void)
++/* Decompress ifd into ofd in hardware or fall back to software.  */
++dfltcc_inflate (void)
+ {
+-    struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param;
+-    dfltcc_cc cc;
+-    /* Check whether we can use hardware decompression */
+-    if (!is_dfltcc_enabled()) {
+-        return inflate();
+-    }
+-    dfltcc_qaf(&ctx.af);
+-    if (!is_bit_set(ctx.af.fns, DFLTCC_XPND)) {
+-        return inflate();
+-    }
+-    /* Decompress ifd into ofd in a loop */
+-    param = init_param(&ctx.param);
+-    while (1) {
+-        /* Perform I/O */
+-        if (outcnt == OUTBUFSIZ) {
+-            flush_outbuf();
+-        }
+-        if (inptr == insize) {
+-            if (fill_inbuf(1) == EOF) {
+-                /* Premature EOF */
+-                return 2;
++  /* Check whether we can use hardware decompression.  */
++  if (!is_dfltcc_enabled ())
++    return inflate ();
++  union aligned_dfltcc_qaf_param ctx;
++  dfltcc_qaf (&ctx.af);
++  if (!is_bit_set (ctx.af.fns, DFLTCC_XPND))
++    return inflate ();
++  union aligned_dfltcc_param_v0 ctx_v0;
++  struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param = init_param (&ctx_v0);
++  /* Decompress ifd into ofd in a loop.  */
++  while (true)
++    {
++      /* Perform I/O.  */
++      if (outcnt == OUTBUFSIZ)
++        flush_outbuf ();
++      if (inptr == insize)
++        {
++          if (fill_inbuf (1) == EOF)
++            {
++              /* Premature EOF.  */
++              return 2;
+             }
+-            inptr = 0;
++          inptr = 0;
+         }
+-        /* Decompress inbuf into outbuf */
+-        cc = dfltcc_cmpr_xpnd(param, DFLTCC_XPND);
+-        if (cc == DFLTCC_CC_OK) {
+-            /* The entire deflate stream has been successfully decompressed */
++        /* Decompress inbuf into outbuf.  */
++        dfltcc_cc cc = dfltcc_cmpr_xpnd (param, DFLTCC_XPND);
++        if (cc == DFLTCC_CC_OK)
++          {
++            /* The entire deflate stream has been successfully decompressed.  */
+             break;
+-        }
+-        if (cc == DFLTCC_CC_OP2_CORRUPT && param->oesc != 0) {
+-            /* The deflate stream is corrupted */
++          }
++        if (cc == DFLTCC_CC_OP2_CORRUPT && param->oesc != 0)
++          {
++            /* The deflate stream is corrupted.  */
+             return 2;
+-        }
+-        /* There must be more data to decompress */
++          }
++        /* There must be more data to decompress.  */
+     }
+-    if (param->sbb != 0) {
+-        /* The deflate stream has ended in the middle of a byte - go to the next
+-         * byte boundary, so that unzip() can read CRC and length.
+-         */
+-        inptr++;
++  if (param->sbb != 0)
++    {
++      /* The deflate stream has ended in the middle of a byte.  Go to
++        the next byte boundary, so that unzip can read CRC and length.  */
++      inptr++;
+     }
+-    setcrc(__builtin_bswap32(param->cv)); /* set CRC value for unzip() */
+-    flush_outbuf(); /* update bytes_out for unzip() */
+-    return 0;
++  /* Set CRC value and update bytes_out for unzip.  */
++  setcrc (__builtin_bswap32 (param->cv));
++  flush_outbuf ();
++  return 0;
+ }
+diff --git a/gzip.c b/gzip.c
+index 4fffc4f..f29edaf 100644
+--- a/gzip.c
++++ b/gzip.c
+@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ static char const *const license_msg[] = {
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <signal.h>
++#include <stdalign.h>
+ #include <stdbool.h>
+ #include <stddef.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+@@ -128,22 +129,20 @@ static char const *const license_msg[] = {
+                 /* global buffers */
+-#ifdef IBM_Z_DFLTCC
+-/* DEFLATE COMPRESSION CALL works faster with page-aligned input buffers */
+-#ifdef IBM_Z_DFLTCC
+-/* DEFLATE COMPRESSION CALL works faster with page-aligned output buffers */
++/* With IBM_Z_DFLTCC, DEFLATE COMPRESSION works faster with
++   page-aligned input and output buffers, and requires page-aligned
++   windows; the alignment requirement is 4096.  On other platforms
++   alignment doesn't hurt, and alignment up to 8192 is portable so
++   let's do that.  */
++#ifdef __alignas_is_defined
++# define BUFFER_ALIGNED alignas (8192)
++# define BUFFER_ALIGNED /**/
+ #endif
+ DECLARE(ush, d_buf,  DIST_BUFSIZE);
+-#ifdef IBM_Z_DFLTCC
+-/* DEFLATE COMPRESSION CALL works only with page-aligned windows */
+-DECLARE(uch, window, 2L*WSIZE);
+ #ifndef MAXSEG_64K
+     DECLARE(ush, tab_prefix, 1L<<BITS);
+ #else
+diff --git a/gzip.h b/gzip.h
+index 0c59cc2..9a2babd 100644
+--- a/gzip.h
++++ b/gzip.h
+@@ -74,25 +74,19 @@ extern int method;         /* compression method */
+  */
+ #ifndef	INBUFSIZ
+-#  ifdef IBM_Z_DFLTCC
+-/* DEFLATE COMPRESSION CALL works faster with larger input buffers */
+-#    define INBUFSIZ  0x40000
+-#  elif defined SMALL_MEM
++#  ifdef SMALL_MEM
+ #    define INBUFSIZ  0x2000  /* input buffer size */
+ #  else
+-#    define INBUFSIZ  0x8000  /* input buffer size */
++#    define INBUFSIZ  0x40000 /* input buffer size */
+ #  endif
+ #endif
+ #define INBUF_EXTRA  64     /* required by unlzw() */
+ #ifndef	OUTBUFSIZ
+-#  ifdef IBM_Z_DFLTCC
+-/* DEFLATE COMPRESSION CALL works faster with larger output buffers */
+-#    define OUTBUFSIZ   0x40000
+-#  elif defined SMALL_MEM
++#  ifdef SMALL_MEM
+ #    define OUTBUFSIZ   8192  /* output buffer size */
+ #  else
+-#    define OUTBUFSIZ  16384  /* output buffer size */
++#    define OUTBUFSIZ 0x40000 /* output buffer size */
+ #  endif
+ #endif
+ #define OUTBUF_EXTRA 2048   /* required by unlzw() */
+@@ -291,7 +285,7 @@ extern off_t flush_block (char *buf, ulg stored_len, int pad, int eof);
+         /* in bits.c */
+ extern unsigned short bi_buf;
+-extern int            bi_valid;
++extern int bi_valid;
+ extern void     bi_init    (file_t zipfile);
+ extern void     send_bits  (int value, int length);
+ extern unsigned bi_reverse (unsigned value, int length) _GL_ATTRIBUTE_CONST;
+diff --git a/unzip.c b/unzip.c
+index 86ef664..6d9bf68 100644
+--- a/unzip.c
++++ b/unzip.c
+@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ int unzip(in, out)
+     if (method == DEFLATED)  {
+ #ifdef IBM_Z_DFLTCC
+-        int res = dfltcc_inflate();
++        int res = dfltcc_inflate ();
+ #else
+         int res = inflate();
+ #endif
+diff --git a/util.c b/util.c
+index dc00f4a..dc66b20 100644
+--- a/util.c
++++ b/util.c
+@@ -96,10 +96,8 @@ static const ulg crc_32_tab[] = {
+   0x2d02ef8dL
+ };
+-/* ========================================================================
+- * Shift register contents
+- */
+-static ulg crc = (ulg)0xffffffffL;
++/* Shift register contents.  */
++static ulg crc = 0xffffffffL;
+ /* ===========================================================================
+  * Copy input to output unchanged: zcat == cat with --force.
+@@ -148,21 +146,18 @@ ulg updcrc(s, n)
+     return c ^ 0xffffffffL;       /* (instead of ~c for 64-bit machines) */
+ }
+-/* ===========================================================================
+- * Return a current CRC value.
+- */
+-ulg getcrc()
++/* Return a current CRC value.  */
++getcrc (void)
+ {
+-    return crc ^ 0xffffffffL;
++  return crc ^ 0xffffffffL;
+ }
+-/* ===========================================================================
+- * Set a new CRC value.
+- */
+-void setcrc(c)
+-    ulg c;
++/* Set a new CRC value.  */
++setcrc (ulg c)
+ {
+-    crc = c ^ 0xffffffffL;
++  crc = c ^ 0xffffffffL;
+ }
+ /* ===========================================================================
+@@ -258,9 +253,8 @@ void flush_outbuf()
+ {
+     if (outcnt == 0) return;
+-    if (!test) {
+-        write_buf(ofd, (char *)outbuf, outcnt);
+-    }
++    if (!test)
++      write_buf (ofd, outbuf, outcnt);
+     bytes_out += (off_t)outcnt;
+     outcnt = 0;
+ }
+diff --git a/zip.c b/zip.c
+index ace7e5e..0f12d5e 100644
+--- a/zip.c
++++ b/zip.c
+@@ -25,9 +25,8 @@
+ off_t header_bytes;   /* number of bytes in gzip header */
+-#define FAST 4
+-#define SLOW 2
+-/* speed options for the general purpose bit flag */
++/* Speed options for the general purpose bit flag.  */
++enum { SLOW = 2, FAST = 4 };
+ /* ===========================================================================
+  * Deflate in to out.
+@@ -71,15 +70,14 @@ int zip(in, out)
+     put_long (stamp);
+     /* Write deflated file to zip file */
+-    updcrc(NULL, 0);
++    updcrc (NULL, 0);
+     bi_init(out);
+     ct_init(&attr, &method);
+-    if (level == 1) {
+-        deflate_flags |= FAST;
+-    } else if (level == 9) {
+-        deflate_flags |= SLOW;
+-    }
++    if (level == 1)
++      deflate_flags |= FAST;
++    else if (level == 9)
++      deflate_flags |= SLOW;
+     put_byte((uch)deflate_flags); /* extra flags */
+     put_byte(OS_CODE);            /* OS identifier */
+@@ -93,9 +91,9 @@ int zip(in, out)
+     header_bytes = (off_t)outcnt;
+ #ifdef IBM_Z_DFLTCC
+-    (void)dfltcc_deflate(level);
++    dfltcc_deflate (level);
+ #else
+-    (void)deflate(level);
++    deflate (level);
+ #endif
+ #ifndef NO_SIZE_CHECK
+@@ -109,7 +107,7 @@ int zip(in, out)
+ #endif
+     /* Write the crc and uncompressed size */
+-    put_long(getcrc());
++    put_long (getcrc ());
+     put_long((ulg)bytes_in);
+     header_bytes += 2*4;
+@@ -137,7 +135,7 @@ int file_read(buf, size)
+         return EOF;
+     }
+-    updcrc((uch*)buf, len);
++    updcrc ((uch *) buf, len);
+     bytes_in += (off_t)len;
+     return (int)len;
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/ibm4.patch b/SOURCES/ibm4.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..291a891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/ibm4.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+* configure.ac (AC_CHECK_HEADERS_ONCE): Add feature detection for
+sys/sdt.h probes.
+* dfltcc.c (dfltcc_cc): Minor formatting improvements.
+(HB_BITS): Remove.
+(HB_SIZE): Likewise.
+(is_dfltcc_enabled): Fix buffer overrun on newer models and incomplete
+initialization on older models.
+Add machine mode hint.
+(dfltcc): Use sys/sdt.h feature detection.
+(bi_load): New function.
+(bi_close_block): Use bi_load.
+(close_stream): Fix overwriting the End-of-block Symbol.
+(dfltcc_deflate): Fix losing partial byte on flush.
+Fix setting Block-Continuation Flag when DFLTCC-CMPR outputs 0 bits and
+requests a retry.
+Minor formatting improvements.
+(dfltcc_inflate): Retry immediately if requested.
+Print the hardware error code and flush the output buffer on error.
+Minor formatting improvements.
+* tests/hufts: Ignore the hardware error code.
+ configure.ac |  2 +-
+ dfltcc.c     | 76 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
+ tests/hufts  |  2 ++
+ 3 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 76ac26f..b4aea34 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ AC_SUBST([ASFLAGS_config])
+-AC_CHECK_HEADERS_ONCE(fcntl.h limits.h memory.h time.h)
++AC_CHECK_HEADERS_ONCE(fcntl.h limits.h memory.h time.h sys/sdt.h)
+ AC_CHECK_FUNCS_ONCE([chown fchmod fchown lstat siginterrupt])
+diff --git a/dfltcc.c b/dfltcc.c
+index ba62968..ed3be8d 100644
+--- a/dfltcc.c
++++ b/dfltcc.c
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
+ #include <stdbool.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+-#ifdef DFLTCC_USDT
++#ifdef HAVE_SYS_SDT_H
+ # include <sys/sdt.h>
+ #endif
+@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@
+ typedef enum
+ {
+- DFLTCC_CC_OK = 0,
++  DFLTCC_CC_OK = 0,
+ } dfltcc_cc;
+ #define DFLTCC_QAF 0
+@@ -51,8 +51,6 @@ typedef enum
+ #define DFLTCC_CMPR 2
+ #define DFLTCC_XPND 4
+ #define HBT_CIRCULAR (1 << 7)
+-/* #define HB_BITS 15 */
+-/* #define HB_SIZE (1 << HB_BITS) */
+ #define DFLTCC_FACILITY 151
+ #define DFLTCC_FMT0 0
+ #define CVT_CRC32 0
+@@ -155,9 +153,16 @@ is_dfltcc_enabled (void)
+   if (env && !strcmp (env, "0"))
+     return 0;
+-  register int r0 __asm__ ("r0") = sizeof facilities / 8;
+-  __asm__ ("stfle %[facilities]\n"
+-           : [facilities] "=Q"(facilities) : [r0] "r"(r0) : "cc", "memory");
++  memset (facilities, 0, sizeof facilities);
++  register char r0 __asm__ ("r0") = sizeof facilities / 8 - 1;
++  /* STFLE is supported since z9-109 and only in z/Architecture mode.  When
++   * compiling with -m31, gcc defaults to ESA mode, however, since the kernel
++   * is 64-bit, it's always z/Architecture mode at runtime.  */
++  __asm__ (".machinemode push\n"
++           ".machinemode zarch\n"
++           "stfle %[facilities]\n"
++           ".machinemode pop\n"
++           : [facilities] "=Q"(facilities), [r0] "+r"(r0) :: "cc");
+   return is_bit_set (facilities, DFLTCC_FACILITY);
+ }
+@@ -180,12 +185,12 @@ dfltcc (int fn, void *param,
+   int cc;
+   __asm__ volatile (
+-#ifdef DFLTCC_USDT
++#ifdef HAVE_SYS_SDT_H
+                     STAP_PROBE_ASM (zlib, dfltcc_entry,
+                                     STAP_PROBE_ASM_TEMPLATE (5))
+ #endif
+                     ".insn rrf,0xb9390000,%[r2],%[r4],%[hist],0\n"
+-#ifdef DFLTCC_USDT
++#ifdef HAVE_SYS_SDT_H
+                     STAP_PROBE_ASM (zlib, dfltcc_exit,
+                                     STAP_PROBE_ASM_TEMPLATE (5))
+ #endif
+@@ -198,7 +203,7 @@ dfltcc (int fn, void *param,
+                     : [r0] "r" (r0)
+                       , [r1] "r" (r1)
+                       , [hist] "r" (hist)
+-#ifdef DFLTCC_USDT
++#ifdef HAVE_SYS_SDT_H
+                       , STAP_PROBE_ASM_OPERANDS (5, r2, r3, r4, r5, hist)
+ #endif
+                     : "cc", "memory");
+@@ -264,10 +269,16 @@ init_param (union aligned_dfltcc_param_v0 *ctx)
+ }
+ static void
+-bi_close_block (struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
++bi_load (struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
+ {
+   bi_valid = param->sbb;
+   bi_buf = bi_valid == 0 ? 0 : outbuf[outcnt] & ((1 << bi_valid) - 1);
++static void
++bi_close_block (struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
++  bi_load (param);
+   send_bits (bi_reverse (param->eobs >> (15 - param->eobl), param->eobl),
+              param->eobl);
+   param->bcf = 0;
+@@ -278,6 +289,7 @@ close_block (struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
+ {
+   bi_close_block (param);
+   bi_windup ();
++  /* bi_windup has written out a possibly partial byte, fix up the position */
+   param->sbb = (param->sbb + param->eobl) % 8;
+   if (param->sbb != 0)
+     {
+@@ -291,6 +303,8 @@ close_stream (struct dfltcc_param_v0 *param)
+ {
+   if (param->bcf)
+     bi_close_block (param);
++  else
++    bi_load (param);
+   send_bits (1, 3); /* BFINAL=1, BTYPE=00 */
+   bi_windup ();
+   put_short (0x0000);
+@@ -334,7 +348,16 @@ dfltcc_deflate (int pack_level)
+     {
+       /* Flush the output data.  */
+       if (outcnt > OUTBUFSIZ - 8)
+-        flush_outbuf ();
++        {
++          if (param->sbb == 0)
++            flush_outbuf ();
++          else
++            {
++              uch partial = outbuf[outcnt];
++              flush_outbuf ();
++              outbuf[outcnt] = partial;
++            }
++        }
+       /* Close the block.  */
+       if (param->bcf && total_in == block_threshold && !param->cf)
+@@ -360,14 +383,16 @@ dfltcc_deflate (int pack_level)
+         {
+           if (total_in == 0 && block_threshold > 0)
+             param->htt = HTT_FIXED;
+-          else {
+-            param->htt = HTT_DYNAMIC;
+-            dfltcc_gdht (param);
+-          }
++          else
++            {
++              param->htt = HTT_DYNAMIC;
++              dfltcc_gdht (param);
++            }
+         }
+       /* Compress inbuf into outbuf.  */
+-      dfltcc_cmpr_xpnd (param, DFLTCC_CMPR);
++      while (dfltcc_cmpr_xpnd (param, DFLTCC_CMPR) == DFLTCC_CC_AGAIN)
++        ;
+       /* Unmask the input data.  */
+       insize += extra;
+@@ -413,7 +438,9 @@ dfltcc_inflate (void)
+         }
+         /* Decompress inbuf into outbuf.  */
+-        dfltcc_cc cc = dfltcc_cmpr_xpnd (param, DFLTCC_XPND);
++        dfltcc_cc cc;
++        while ((cc = dfltcc_cmpr_xpnd (param, DFLTCC_XPND)) == DFLTCC_CC_AGAIN)
++          ;
+         if (cc == DFLTCC_CC_OK)
+           {
+             /* The entire deflate stream has been successfully decompressed.  */
+@@ -422,6 +449,9 @@ dfltcc_inflate (void)
+         if (cc == DFLTCC_CC_OP2_CORRUPT && param->oesc != 0)
+           {
+             /* The deflate stream is corrupted.  */
++            fprintf (stderr, "Operation-Ending-Supplemental Code 0x%x\n",
++                     param->oesc);
++            flush_outbuf ();
+             return 2;
+           }
+         /* There must be more data to decompress.  */
diff --git a/SPECS/gzip.spec b/SPECS/gzip.spec
index 18d8c59..dadb12e 100644
--- a/SPECS/gzip.spec
+++ b/SPECS/gzip.spec
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Summary: The GNU data compression program
 Name: gzip
 Version: 1.9
-Release: 4%{?dist}
+Release: 9%{?dist}
 # info pages are under GFDL license
 License: GPLv3+ and GFDL
 Group: Applications/File
@@ -13,6 +13,16 @@ Source100: colorzgrep.csh
 Source101: colorzgrep.sh
 Patch1: gnulib.patch
+Patch2: gzexe.patch
+Patch3: ibm.patch
+# http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/gzip.git/commit/?id=be0c5581e38332b2ffa8a4cf92076cfde02872b4
+Patch4: ibm2.patch
+# https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gzip/2019-06/msg00000.html
+#Patch5: ibm3.patch
+# https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gzip/2019-07/msg00000.html
+Patch6: ibm4.patch
 # Fixed in upstream code.
 # http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.gzip.bugs/378
 URL: http://www.gzip.org/
@@ -21,7 +31,7 @@ URL: http://www.gzip.org/
 # wrappers much more than it "requires" them.
 Requires: /sbin/install-info
 Requires: coreutils
-BuildRequires: texinfo
+BuildRequires: texinfo, gcc, autoconf, automake, less
 Conflicts: filesystem < 3
 Provides: /bin/gunzip
 Provides: /bin/gzip
@@ -40,7 +50,13 @@ very commonly used data compression program.
 %setup -q
 %patch1 -p1 -b .gnulib
+%patch2 -p1 -b .gzexe
+%patch3 -p1 -b .ibm
+%patch4 -p1 -b .ibm2
+#%patch5 -p1 -b .ibm3
+%patch6 -p1 -b .ibm4
 cp %{SOURCE1} .
 export DEFS="NO_ASM"
@@ -48,9 +64,15 @@ export CPPFLAGS="-DHAVE_LSTAT"
 export CC="%{__cc}"
 export CPP="%{__cpp}"
 export CXX="%{__cxx}"
+%ifarch s390x
+%configure --enable-dfltcc
+make check
 #make gzip.info
@@ -93,6 +115,28 @@ fi
+* Mon Jul 15 2019 Jakub Martisko <jamartis@redhat.com> - 1.9-9
+- Another fix for the s390 patch
+  Related: 1730332
+* Mon May 06 2019 Jakub Martisko <jamartis@redhat.com> - 1.9-8
+- Apply fixes to the previous patch
+  Resolves: 1659434
+* Mon May 06 2019 Jakub Martisko <jamartis@redhat.com> - 1.9-7
+- Apply the IBM s390x optimization patch
+  Resolves: 1659434
+* Mon May 06 2019 Jakub Martisko <jamartis@redhat.com> - 1.9-6
+- Release bump for gating rebuild
+  Related: 1681027
+* Thu May 02 2019 Jakub Martisko <jamartis@redhat.com> - 1.9-5
+- Fix wrong skip size in gzexe
+- Add new test dealing with the ^^ (needs autoreconf)
+- Enable make check (needs less)
+  Resolves: 1705413
  * Tue Aug 07 2018 Jakub Martisko <jamartis@redhat.com> - 1.9-4
  - Fix FTBFS bug (gnulib problems)
  - more details: https://lists.gnu.org/r/bug-gnulib/2018-03/msg00000.html