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title: Contribute
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Stream Contributor’s Guide
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## Help others on the mailing list, forums, or chat
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We have a lot of users asking for good advice.
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If you are experienced and want to help the project, join our
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[mailing lists](https://lists.centos.org/hyperkitty/),
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[Discourse forums](https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/c/neighbors/centos/71), and
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[Matrix chat](https://matrix.to/#/#centos-space:fedora.im).
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## Join a SIG or start your own
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CentOS Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are smaller groups within the CentOS community
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that focus feature work on or awareness around a topic related to CentOS Stream.
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There are SIGs with very different goals, such as deployment at a masive scale,
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making alternative CentOS Stream images (including KDE Live),
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immutable CoreOS builds, and many more.
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See the list of active [CentOS SIGs](/sigs) and learn more about SIGs in general in the
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[CentOS SIG Guide](https://docs.centos.org/centos-sig-guide/).
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## Test and contribute to CentOS Stream
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CentOS Stream is a Linux distribution built by Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) engineers
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as part of public RHEL development.
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It's used by RHEL customers in CI and to preview what's coming to the next minor RHEL version,
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as a contribution path to RHEL itself, and as a base for CentOS SIGs.
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You can test your applications in CI and [report bugs to CentOS Stream](/bugs).
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Or even learn how to
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[contribute to CentOS Stream](https://docs.centos.org/centos-stream-docs/contributors-guide/)
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and contribute code directly.
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## Join the EPEL effort
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[EPEL](https://docs.centos.org/centos-stream-docs/contributors-guide/) -
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Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux - is a Fedora Special Interest Group that creates,
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maintains, and manages a high quality set of additional packages for Enterprise Linux,
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including, but not limited to, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS.
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Getting involved in EPEL is a great way to make CentOS more useful.