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title: "CentOS IRC meetings"
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title_lead: ""
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layout: aside
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## Meeting schedule
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090dc6 |
The IRC meetings schedule is driven by the [github.com/CentOS/Calendar](https://github.com/CentOS/Calendar) repository. To propose a change or add a meeting, please submit a pull-request to that github repository. This repository is mirrored to git.centos.org.
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090dc6 |
The calendar is also available as an `.ical` file containing all CentOS IRC meetings, for use in your favorite calendaring app: [iCalendar Meeting Schedule](/community/irc-meetings.ical)
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9ea6b6 |
Note that you should *subscribe* to this link, rather than *import* it,
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because it is subject to change.
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c10c95 |
A [list of all meetings](#list) is available below.
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## Logging
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2ec664 |
CentOS IRC channels and meetings are often logged using a [https://wiki.centos.org/SIGGuide#SIGGuide.2FSIGProcess.2FDailyWorkings.Meetbot_Commands](meeting bot), for the purpose of taking minutes.
1c0305 |
You can find meeting minutes [here](http://www.centos.org/minutes/).
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## Meeting List
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Here is a list of current meetings with their descriptions:
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b27031 |
* [Board of Directors](#Board_of_Directors)
090dc6 |
* [CentOS Office Hours](#CentOS_Office_Hours)
c65d7f |
* [CentOS Stream Office Hours (meet.opensuse, not IRC)](#CentOS_Stream_Office_Hours_(meet.opensuse,_not_IRC))
23d308 |
* [Cloud SIG](#Cloud_SIG)
d9875c |
* [Cloud SIG](#Cloud_SIG)
442b56 |
* [CPE Infra and Releng Team stand-up](#CPE_Infra_and_Releng_Team__stand-up)
973d9f |
* [Hyperscale SIG](#Hyperscale_SIG)
ab9ef0 |
* [Hyperscale SIG monthly hangout](#Hyperscale_SIG_monthly_hangout)
d513e2 |
* [Infrastructure SIG](#Infrastructure_SIG)
d8dbd5 |
* [Kmods SIG](#Kmods_SIG)
c10c95 |
77c6d0 |
* [OpsTools SIG](#OpsTools_SIG)
23d308 |
* [Software Collections SIG Sync-up](#Software_Collections_SIG_Sync-up)
23d308 |
* [Storage SIG](#Storage_SIG)
00bfe1 |
* [Virtualization SIG](#Virtualization_SIG)
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b27031 |
### Board of Directors
b27031 |
b27031 |
* Monthly, in the third week, on Wednesday at [1400 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=14&min=00&sec=0) in #centos-meeting
b27031 |
* Chair (to contact for more information): Rich Bowen (rbowen) and Thomas Oulevey (alphacc)
b27031 |
* Board of Directors open discussion. Scheduled for one week after the monthly Board of Directors meeting
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b27031 |
090dc6 |
### CentOS Office Hours
090dc6 |
2b5cd7 |
* Monthly, in the second week, on Thursday at [1000 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=10&min=00&sec=0) in #centos-meeting
b27031 |
* Chair (to contact for more information): Rich Bowen (rbowen)
090dc6 |
* [Link to Project Site](https://centos.org)
d8dbd5 |
* Come join us for an informal hour of discussion. Bring your concerns about the project, suggestions for changes, or offers of help. This is not a tech support hour but rather is about the running of the project itself. This meeting is monthly on the second Wednesday of each month. Speak up if you have anything to address.
090dc6 |
090dc6 |
c65d7f |
### CentOS Stream Office Hours (meet.opensuse, not IRC)
ad61ce |
2b5cd7 |
* Monthly, in the second week, on Wednesday at [1700 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=17&min=00&sec=0) in #google-meet
ad61ce |
* Chair (to contact for more information): Rich Bowen (rbowen)
ad61ce |
* [Link to Project Site](https://centos.org)
c65d7f |
* Monthly CentOS Stream office hours on meet.opensuse: https://meet.opensuse.org/centosstream Come with your CentOS Stream questions, or just to hang out. We meet on the second Wednesday of each month.
ad61ce |
ad61ce |
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### Cloud SIG
23d308 |
e666cb |
* Monthly, in the third week, on Thursday at [1500 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=15&min=00&sec=0) in #centos-meeting2
d9875c |
* Chair (to contact for more information): Jefro Osier-Mixon (JeffreyOsierMixon), acting
d9875c |
* [Link to Project Site](http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Cloud)
d9875c |
* The purpose of the Automotive SIG is two-fold. First, it is meant to be a neutral public space for collaboration between third parties interested in open development of software targeted at in-vehicle automotive use cases. Second, it is meant to provide such projects with build and test infrastructure. (This second purpose is, as we understand it, common to many SIGs)
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d9875c |
The goal of the SIG is to provide an open-source home for RHEL-oriented automotive work, and to attract and encourage open development of automotive software between commercial and non-commercial partners.
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Please join us!
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d9875c |
### Cloud SIG
d9875c |
4241ac |
* Monthly, in the first week, on Thursday at [1500 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=15&min=00&sec=0) in #centos-meeting
9c4292 |
* Chair (to contact for more information): Alfredo Moralejo Alonso (amoralej) and Paul B. Isaacs (paulbisaacs)
23d308 |
* [Link to Project Site](http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Cloud)
9c4292 |
* The CentOS Cloud SIG (CCS) is a group of people coming together to focus on packaging and maintaining different FOSS based Private cloud infrastructure applications that one can install and run natively on CentOS. We are a non vendor, non technology and non agent specific focus group, but we will gladly work with and build content to suit relevant niches or vendor ecosystems. This group specifically targets users who wish to install and run their own, independent ( or hybrid ) cloud infrastructure on CentOS.
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The CCS intends to take ownership of existing CentOS Project relationships with vendors, and help to maintain the updated package repositories for all participating cloud projects.
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442b56 |
### CPE Infra and Releng Team stand-up
397faa |
397faa |
* Weekly on Monday at [0830 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=08&min=30&sec=0) in #centos-meeting
397faa |
* Weekly on Tuesday at [0830 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=08&min=30&sec=0) in #centos-meeting
397faa |
* Weekly on Wednesday at [0830 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=08&min=30&sec=0) in #centos-meeting
397faa |
* Weekly on Thursday at [0830 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=08&min=30&sec=0) in #centos-meeting
442b56 |
* Chair (to contact for more information): Each CPE team member, on rotation
397faa |
* [Link to Project Site](docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/cpe/working_with_us/)
442b56 |
* Infra and Releng is a sub team of Community Platform Engineering in Red Hat. They maintain and develop applications for CentOS and Fedora
397faa |
397faa |
973d9f |
### Hyperscale SIG
973d9f |
0bf57f |
* Every two weeks (on odd weeks) on Wednesday at [1600 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=16&min=00&sec=0) in #centos-meeting
973d9f |
* Chair (to contact for more information): Davide Cavalca (dcavalca) and Justin Vreeland (jvreeland)
973d9f |
* [Link to Project Site](https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Hyperscale)
973d9f |
* The Hyperscale SIG focuses on enabling CentOS Stream deployment on large-scale infrastructures and facilitating collaboration on packages and tooling.
973d9f |
973d9f |
ab9ef0 |
### Hyperscale SIG monthly hangout
ab9ef0 |
2b5cd7 |
* Monthly, in the third week, on Wednesday at [2200 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=22&min=00&sec=0) in #rooms-vc
e666cb |
* Chair (to contact for more information): Neal Gompa (ngompa)
ab9ef0 |
* [Link to Project Site](https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Hyperscale)
e666cb |
* Monthly Hyperscale SIG hangout (Rooms VC, not IRC): https://datto.zoom.us/j/92939788594?pwd=Z0JWeGJnVnNCR0xJdkN2SGpVdHBuQT09
d8dbd5 |
The Hyperscale SIG focuses on enabling CentOS Stream deployment on large-scale infrastructures and facilitating collaboration on packages and tooling. This is a monthly VC to work together on a common project, ask questions, or just hang out. This occurs on the third Wednesday of each month.
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d513e2 |
### Infrastructure SIG
d513e2 |
d513e2 |
* Every two weeks (on odd weeks) on Monday at [1400 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=14&min=00&sec=0) in #centos-meeting
d513e2 |
* Chair (to contact for more information): Aoife Moloney (amoloney) or Brian Stinson (bstinson)
d513e2 |
* [Link to Project Site](https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Infrastructure)
d513e2 |
* The CentOS Infrastructure SIG will provide a working group to manage all
d513e2 |
CentOS infrastructure. It will be responsible for oversight of all
d513e2 |
infrastructure resources, and providing guidelines for who may be granted
d513e2 |
administrative access to shared services.
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d513e2 |
d8dbd5 |
### Kmods SIG
d8dbd5 |
e666cb |
* Every two weeks (on even weeks) on Monday at [1600 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=16&min=00&sec=0) in #centos-meeting
d8dbd5 |
* Chair (to contact for more information): Peter Georg (pjgeorg) and Jonathan Billings (billings)
d8dbd5 |
* [Link to Project Site](https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Kmods)
e666cb |
* The kmods SIG focuses on providing kernel modules currently not available in Enterprise Linux.
ab9ef0 |
ab9ef0 |
c10c95 |
c10c95 |
4f58df |
* Monthly, in the first week, on Wednesday at [1500 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=15&min=00&sec=0) in #centos-meeting
c10c95 |
* Chair (to contact for more information): Alfredo Moralejo (amoralej)
c10c95 |
* [Link to Project Site](http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/NFV)
c10c95 |
* The goal of NFV SIG is to provide a set of packages related to virtual networking and Network Function Virtualization for CentOS and pursue the cooperation between different users and projects sharing the interest on these software pieces.
c10c95 |
c10c95 |
* [Link to Agenda](https://hackmd.io/oRe_HVJiTteDI4H332ApMw)
c10c95 |
65c4c2 |
### OpsTools SIG
77c6d0 |
9659ce |
* Weekly on Wednesday at [1800 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=18&min=00&sec=0) in #centos-meeting
77c6d0 |
* Chair (to contact for more information): Matthias Runge (mrunge) and Ric Megginson (richm)
77c6d0 |
* [Link to Project Site](http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/OpsTools)
00bfe1 |
* The SIG will provide tools for operators, system administrators, devops and developers doing infrastructure engineering on content based on CentOS Linux. We will aim to support the Config Management SIG ( https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/ConfigManagementSIG ) and repurpose their content as and when needed in our space.
77c6d0 |
77c6d0 |
65c4c2 |
### Software Collections SIG Sync-up
23d308 |
9659ce |
* Every two weeks (on even weeks) on Tuesday at [1400 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=14&min=00&sec=0) in #centos-meeting
397faa |
* Chair (to contact for more information): Jan Staněk (jstanek)
23d308 |
* [Link to Project Site](http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo)
397faa |
* The Software Collections SIG will provide an upstream development area for various software collections and related tools. Developers can build on and extend existing SCLs, so they don't need to re-invent the wheel or take responsibility for packaging unnecessary dependencies.
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23d308 |
65c4c2 |
### Storage SIG
23d308 |
2b5cd7 |
* Monthly, in the first week, on Tuesday at [1000 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=10&min=00&sec=0) in #centos-meeting2
d9aef5 |
* Chair (to contact for more information): Karanbir Singh (kbsingh), Niels de Vos (ndevos), Giulio Fidente (gfidente)
23d308 |
* [Link to Project Site](http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Storage)
d8dbd5 |
* The CentOS Storage Special Interest Group (SIG) is a collection of like-minded individuals coming together to ensure that CentOS is a suitable platform for many different storage solutions. This group will ensure that all Open Source storage options seeking to utilize CentOS as a delivery platform have a voice in packaging, orchestration, deployment, and related work. We meet monthly on the first Tuesday of the month.
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65c4c2 |
* [Link to Agenda](https://hackmd.io/@qItv4l_CSAOOoigrY3dOGA/rkAGV6Lpr)
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65c4c2 |
### Virtualization SIG
23d308 |
5cf729 |
* Every two weeks (on even weeks) on Wednesday at [1600 UTC](http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=16&min=00&sec=0) in #centos-meeting
00bfe1 |
* Chair (to contact for more information): George Dunlap (gwd)
00bfe1 |
* [Link to Project Site](https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Virtualization)
00bfe1 |
* The CentOS Virtualisation Special Interest Group ( virt-sig ) is a group of people coming together to promote and use CentOS Linux as a base platform as a suitable platform for various virtualisation efforts. This includes type-1 and type-2 hypervisors like Xen and KVM, containers and containment based technologies like LXC and other system and process level virtualisation technologies in the future.
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Page generated on 2021-12-08 17:06:34.378520 UTC