#!/bin/bash # Author: Iain Douglas <centos@1n6.org.uk> t_Log "Running $0" # Check that we can delete the testgroup echo "Check we can delete the group 'testgroup'" grep -q testgroup /etc/group || { t_Log "FAIL: testgroup doesn't exist"; exit $FAIL; } groupdel testgroup t_CheckExitStatus $? # Try and remove the same group shoudl fail echo "Additional tests - non existent group" groupdel testgroup if (( $? == 6 )) then t_Log "PASS" else t_Log "Fail" exit $FAIL fi # Try and remove a user's primary group - should fail echo "Additional tests - users primary group" groupdel testshadow if (( $? == 8 )) then t_Log "PASS" else t_Log "Fail" exit $FAIL fi