bstinson / centos / t_functional

Forked from centos/t_functional 4 years ago
made test more quiet
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago  
hopfullyfixed 20-gzip-test testing -n and -N
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago  
Merge remote branch 'origin/master'
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago  
fixed p_gzip/20-gzip-test to also work on C5
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago  
This runs tests for the cmp command
Iain Douglas • 12 years ago  
Tests for the gzip package
iaind • 12 years ago  
added test to deliver email locally using sendmail
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago  
Added tests for the passwd package
Iain Douglas • 12 years ago  
added timeout to nc in smtp-mta-test
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago  
made vsftpd tests less verbose (added -q to grep)
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago  
keep vsftpd as it is needed again later
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago  
fixed typo and added cleanup if testfile
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago  
added a basic 'hello world' test for ruby
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago  
made test less verbose, removed unrelated file
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago  
fixed file perms and renamed file
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago  
made more verbose for debugging
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago  
add test for seq in coreutils
Alice Kaerast • 12 years ago  
add initial tests for coreutils
Alice Kaerast • 12 years ago  
Added Tests for grep
root • 12 years ago
iaind • 12 years ago  
and again need to be fixed in both files ...
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago  
architecture is i686, not i386 ... fixed
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago  
package name is lzo not lzop - fixed
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago  
addd author to lzo test
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago  
moved lzo test to production tests
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago  
first test of lzo test
Christoph Galuschka • 12 years ago