bstinson / centos / t_functional

Forked from centos/t_functional 4 years ago

Blame tests/p_rootfiles/10-rootfiles

Athmane Madjoudj 536354
Athmane Madjoudj 536354
# Author: Iain Douglas <>
Athmane Madjoudj 536354
Athmane Madjoudj 536354
t_Log "Running $0 test rootfiles exist"
Athmane Madjoudj 536354
Athmane Madjoudj 536354
Athmane Madjoudj 536354
# Simply test that the files in the package exist in /root
Athmane Madjoudj 536354
Athmane Madjoudj 536354
Athmane Madjoudj 536354
for file in .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .cshrc .tcshrc
Athmane Madjoudj 536354
Athmane Madjoudj 536354
    echo "Checking $file"
Athmane Madjoudj 536354
    [ -e /root/$file ] || { t_Log "FAIL: $file is missing"; exit $FAIL; }
Athmane Madjoudj 536354
    t_Log "PASS"
Athmane Madjoudj 536354