Karanbir Singh |
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This Git repo contains all the functional tests run for various packages and roles in the CentOS build + release process
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filesystem layout:
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tests/ : contains all test scripts
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tests/0_lib/ : contains all the common functions and shared code for
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the tests all files in that directory are 'sourced'
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before any of the tests are run, which also means it
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can only contain bash code ( no subdir allowed )
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tests/_common/ : Contain's tests that are run before any other test,
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and immediately after the 0_lib/ code is sourced.
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These should be tests that check system sanity and
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environment. These tests should also not leave behind
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any state or content residue that would impact package
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and role specific tests that are run after
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tests/p_<name>/ : Each of the p_<name> directories would contain tests
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for that specific package. The <name> needs to be -
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rpm --qf "%{name}\n" for the srpm.
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All package tests are run on a machine which has a minimal
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install. Its not possible, at this time, to have a kickstart
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attached with the package tests.
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tests/r_<role> : Each of the r_<role> directories should contain the tests
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specific to a role. eg: 'lamp'. The test harness looks at
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a file called 'pacakge_deps' inside each of the role directories
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and runs the role tests if any package listed in that file
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has been changed / built etc.
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Role tests can be run with specific kickstarts. At the moment
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each role can have 1 kickstart file. It must be called
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ks_<role>.cfg and it must be in the tests/r_<role>/ directory
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- each of the directories are parsed in alphabetical order, so its possible
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to set some sort of a run order by using <number>_<TestName>
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- if tests are written in any language other than bash, its upto the test
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to install the required environment ( including python, ruby, perl.. )
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- all files named 'readme', or starting with an underscore are ignored
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by the test harness ( so one can use the _<filename> to host metadata
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or any config that might be needed for a test.
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- At the moment the tests are not distro / arch specific, we might need a way
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to clearly mark a test as -only-for-c4- or -only-for-c5- etc ( specially
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when there are kickstart files involved, there are some non trivial changes
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in that area moving towards c6 )
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- We also need a way to dictate if a role_<test> should be run on realiron,
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virtual machine host, virtual machine ( and maybe even the type of virt
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being used! )