1d31ef |
diff -up openssh-7.4p1/servconf.c.sshd-t openssh-7.4p1/servconf.c
1d31ef |
--- openssh-7.4p1/servconf.c.sshd-t 2017-02-09 10:19:56.859306131 +0100
1d31ef |
+++ openssh-7.4p1/servconf.c 2017-02-09 10:22:07.895104402 +0100
1d31ef |
@@ -2337,7 +2337,7 @@ dump_config(ServerOptions *o)
1d31ef |
dump_cfg_string(sXAuthLocation, o->xauth_location);
1d31ef |
dump_cfg_string(sCiphers, o->ciphers ? o->ciphers : KEX_SERVER_ENCRYPT);
1d31ef |
dump_cfg_string(sMacs, o->macs ? o->macs : KEX_SERVER_MAC);
674526 |
- dump_cfg_string(sBanner, o->banner);
674526 |
+ dump_cfg_string(sBanner, o->banner == NULL ? "none" : o->banner);
674526 |
dump_cfg_string(sForceCommand, o->adm_forced_command);
674526 |
dump_cfg_string(sChrootDirectory, o->chroot_directory);
674526 |
dump_cfg_string(sTrustedUserCAKeys, o->trusted_user_ca_keys);
1d31ef |
diff -up openssh-7.4p1/ssh.1.sshd-t openssh-7.4p1/ssh.1
1d31ef |
--- openssh-7.4p1/ssh.1.sshd-t 2017-02-09 10:19:56.823306172 +0100
1d31ef |
+++ openssh-7.4p1/ssh.1 2017-02-09 10:19:56.859306131 +0100
1d31ef |
@@ -512,7 +512,11 @@ For full details of the options listed b
674526 |
.It GatewayPorts
674526 |
.It GlobalKnownHostsFile
674526 |
.It GSSAPIAuthentication
674526 |
+.It GSSAPIKeyExchange
674526 |
+.It GSSAPIClientIdentity
674526 |
.It GSSAPIDelegateCredentials
674526 |
+.It GSSAPIRenewalForcesRekey
674526 |
+.It GSSAPITrustDns
674526 |
.It HashKnownHosts
674526 |
.It Host
674526 |
.It HostbasedAuthentication