areguera / centos / Artwork

Forked from centos/Artwork 5 years ago

fb428a Rename locale tags to comply with rfc5646

Authored and Committed by areguera 5 years ago
    Rename locale tags to comply with rfc5646
    - From rfc5646 (section 2.1): A language tag is composed from a sequence
      of one or more "subtags", each of which refines or narrows the range
      of language identified by the overall tag.  Subtags, in turn, are a
      sequence of alphanumeric characters (letters and digits),
      distinguished and separated from other subtags in a tag by a hyphen
      ("-", [Unicode] U+002D).
    - Update Makefile to fix <html lang=""> definition in locale-specific
      html files.  Previously, locale-specific files were all produced with
      lang="en", even though the content of the file was not in that
      language. This update changes the Makefile to set the language value
      that corresponds the locale-specific html file.
file modified
+6 -5
indexhtml/PO/en-US.po indexhtml/PO/en_US.po
file renamed
+29 -29
indexhtml/PO/en-US.pot indexhtml/PO/en_US.pot
file renamed
+29 -29
indexhtml/PO/es-ES.po indexhtml/PO/es_ES.po
file renamed
+19 -19
indexhtml/PO/es-ES.pot indexhtml/PO/es_ES.pot
file renamed
+24 -24
indexhtml/en-US/index.html indexhtml/en_US/index.html
file renamed
+2 -1
indexhtml/es-ES/index.html indexhtml/es_ES/index.html
file renamed
+2 -1
file modified
+2 -1