diff --git a/SOURCES/elake-c5d4db-7fcbe3.patch b/SOURCES/elake-c5d4db-7fcbe3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4d9738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/elake-c5d4db-7fcbe3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+From c5d4db8ba7b2f3964f12bcde5d8fa5f27aa6c500 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Hiral Patel <patelhiral@fb.com>
+Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2023 01:03:11 -0800
+Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Added SPD decoding and dimm_slot_info CCI command support
+ cxl/builtin.h      |   1 +
+ cxl/cxl.c          |   1 +
+ cxl/lib/libcxl.c   | 154 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
+ cxl/lib/libcxl.sym |   1 +
+ cxl/libcxl.h       |   1 +
+ cxl/memdev.c       |  24 +++++++
+ 6 files changed, 149 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/cxl/builtin.h b/cxl/builtin.h
+index ca8be68..5775f4a 100644
+--- a/cxl/builtin.h
++++ b/cxl/builtin.h
+@@ -115,4 +115,5 @@ int cmd_osa_misc_trig_cfg(int argc, const char **argv, struct cxl_ctx *ctx);
+ int cmd_osa_data_read(int argc, const char **argv, struct cxl_ctx *ctx);
+ int cmd_dimm_spd_read(int argc, const char **argv, struct cxl_ctx *ctx);
+ int cmd_ddr_training_status(int argc, const char **argv, struct cxl_ctx *ctx);
++int cmd_dimm_slot_info(int argc, const char **argv, struct cxl_ctx *ctx);
+ #endif /* _CXL_BUILTIN_H_ */
+diff --git a/cxl/cxl.c b/cxl/cxl.c
+index e5b5732..4b430b5 100644
+--- a/cxl/cxl.c
++++ b/cxl/cxl.c
+@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ static struct cmd_struct commands[] = {
+ 	{ "osa-data-read", .c_fn = cmd_osa_data_read },
+ 	{ "dimm-spd-read", .c_fn = cmd_dimm_spd_read },
+ 	{ "ddr-training-status", .c_fn = cmd_ddr_training_status },
++	{ "dimm-slot-info", .c_fn = cmd_dimm_slot_info },
+ };
+ int main(int argc, const char **argv)
+diff --git a/cxl/lib/libcxl.c b/cxl/lib/libcxl.c
+index cd9fcb5..a65f14a 100644
+--- a/cxl/lib/libcxl.c
++++ b/cxl/lib/libcxl.c
+@@ -9646,6 +9646,26 @@ struct cxl_mbox_dimm_spd_read_in {
+ 	__le32 num_bytes;
+ }  __attribute__((packed));
++#define SPD_MODULE_SERIAL_NUMBER_LEN (328 - 325 + 1) // 4 Bytes
++void static
++IntToString (u8 *String, u8 *Integer, u8 SizeInByte) {
++  u8 Index;
++  for (Index = 0; Index < SizeInByte; Index++) {
++    *(String + Index * 2) = (*(Integer + Index) >> 4) & 0x0F;
++    *(String + Index * 2 + 1) = *(Integer + Index) & 0x0F;
++  }
++  for (Index = 0; Index < (SizeInByte * 2); Index++) {
++    if (*(String + Index) >= 0x0A) {
++      *(String + Index) += 0x37;
++    } else {
++      *(String + Index) += 0x30;
++    }
++  }
++  *(String + SizeInByte * 2) = 0x0;
+ static char * decode_ddr4_module_type(u8 *bytes) {
+     char *type;
+ 	switch (bytes[3]) {
+@@ -9670,23 +9690,17 @@ static float ddr4_mtb_ftb_calc(unsigned char b1, signed char b2) {
+     return b1 * mtb + b2 * ftb;
+ }
+-static void decode_ddr4_module_speed(u8 *bytes, float *ddr_clock, int *pc4_speed) {
++static int decode_ddr4_module_speed(u8 *bytes) {
+     float ctime;
+     float ddrclk;
+-    int tbits, pcclk;
+     ctime = ddr4_mtb_ftb_calc(bytes[18], bytes[125]);
+     ddrclk = 2 * (1000 / ctime);
+-    tbits = 8 << (bytes[13] & 7);
+-    pcclk = ddrclk * tbits / 8;
+-    pcclk -= pcclk % 100;
+-    if (ddr_clock) { *ddr_clock = (int)ddrclk; }
+-    if (pc4_speed) { *pc4_speed = pcclk; }
++    return ddrclk;
+ }
+-static double decode_ddr4_module_size(u8 *bytes) {
++static int decode_ddr4_module_size(u8 *bytes) {
+ 	double size;
+ 	int sdrcap = 256 << (bytes[4] & 15);
+     int buswidth = 8 << (bytes[13] & 7);
+@@ -9696,19 +9710,7 @@ static double decode_ddr4_module_size(u8 *bytes) {
+     if (signal_loading == 2) lranks_per_dimm *= ((bytes[6] >> 4) & 7) + 1;
+ 	size = sdrcap / 8 * buswidth / sdrwidth * lranks_per_dimm;
+-	return size;
+-static char * decode_ddr4_module_detail(u8 *bytes) {
+-    char *type_detail = malloc(256);
+-	float ddr_clock;
+-    int pc4_speed;
+-    if (type_detail) {
+-        decode_ddr4_module_speed(bytes, &ddr_clock, &pc4_speed);
+-        snprintf(type_detail, 255, "DDR4-%.0f (PC4-%d)", ddr_clock, pc4_speed);
+-    }
+-	return type_detail;
++	return (int) size/1024;
+ }
+ static char * decode_ddr4_manufacturer(u8 *bytes){
+@@ -9729,7 +9731,7 @@ static char * decode_ddr4_manufacturer(u8 *bytes){
+ 		manufacturer = NULL;
+ 		return manufacturer;
+ 	}
+-	manufacturer = (char *) vendors[bank][index];
++	manufacturer = (char *) vendors[bank][index-1];
+ 	return manufacturer;
+ }
+@@ -9776,8 +9778,8 @@ static int decode_ram_type(u8 *bytes) {
+ static const char *ram_types[] = {"Unknown",   "Direct Rambus",    "Rambus",     "FPM DRAM",
+                                   "EDO",       "Pipelined Nibble", "SDR SDRAM",  "Multiplexed ROM",
+-                                  "DDR SGRAM", "DDR SDRAM",        "DDR2 SDRAM", "DDR3 SDRAM",
+-                                  "DDR4 SDRAM"};
++                                  "DDR SGRAM", "DDR SDRAM",        "DDR2", "DDR3",
++                                  "DDR4"};
+ CXL_EXPORT int cxl_memdev_dimm_spd_read(struct cxl_memdev *memdev,
+ 	u32 spd_id, u32 offset, u32 num_bytes)
+@@ -9787,7 +9789,9 @@ CXL_EXPORT int cxl_memdev_dimm_spd_read(struct cxl_memdev *memdev,
+ 	struct cxl_command_info *cinfo;
+ 	struct cxl_mbox_dimm_spd_read_in *dimm_spd_read_in;
+ 	u8 *dimm_spd_read_out;
++	u8 serial[9];
+ 	int rc = 0;
++	int buswidth;
+ 	RamType ram_type;
+ 	cmd = cxl_cmd_new_raw(memdev, CXL_MEM_COMMAND_ID_DIMM_SPD_READ_OPCODE);
+@@ -9838,6 +9842,7 @@ CXL_EXPORT int cxl_memdev_dimm_spd_read(struct cxl_memdev *memdev,
+ 	dimm_spd_read_out = (u8*)cmd->send_cmd->out.payload;
+ 	ram_type = decode_ram_type(dimm_spd_read_out);
+ 	fprintf(stdout, "=========================== DIMM SPD READ Data ============================\n");
+ 	fprintf(stdout, "Output Payload:");
+ 	for(int i=0; i<cmd->send_cmd->out.size; i++){
+@@ -9850,15 +9855,25 @@ CXL_EXPORT int cxl_memdev_dimm_spd_read(struct cxl_memdev *memdev,
+ 			fprintf(stdout, "%02x ", dimm_spd_read_out[i]);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	// Decoding SPD data for only DDR4 SDRAM.
+-	if (ram_type == DDR4_SDRAM) {
+-		fprintf(stdout, "\n\n");
+-		fprintf(stdout, "DDR RAM Type: %s\n", ram_types[ram_type]);
+-		fprintf(stdout, "DDR Module Type: %s\n", decode_ddr4_module_type(dimm_spd_read_out));
+-		fprintf(stdout, "DDR Module Size: %1f\n", decode_ddr4_module_size(dimm_spd_read_out));
+-		fprintf(stdout, "DDR Module Detail: %s\n", decode_ddr4_module_detail(dimm_spd_read_out));
+-		fprintf(stdout, "DDR Manufacturer: %s\n", decode_ddr4_manufacturer(dimm_spd_read_out));
+-	}
++	buswidth = 8 << (dimm_spd_read_out[13] & 7);
++	fprintf(stdout, "Total Width: %s\n", "TBD");
++	fprintf(stdout, "Data Width: %d bits\n", buswidth);
++	fprintf(stdout, "Size: %d GB\n", decode_ddr4_module_size(dimm_spd_read_out));
++	fprintf(stdout, "Form Factor: %s\n", "TBD");
++	fprintf(stdout, "Set: %s\n", "TBD");
++	fprintf(stdout, "Locator: %s\n", "DIMM_X");
++	fprintf(stdout, "Bank Locator: %s\n", "_Node1_ChannelX_DimmX");
++	fprintf(stdout, "Type: %s\n", ram_types[ram_type]);
++	fprintf(stdout, "Type Detail: %s\n", decode_ddr4_module_type(dimm_spd_read_out));
++	fprintf(stdout, "Speed: %d MT/s\n", decode_ddr4_module_speed(dimm_spd_read_out));
++	fprintf(stdout, "Manufacturer: %s\n", decode_ddr4_manufacturer(dimm_spd_read_out));
++	IntToString(serial, &dimm_spd_read_out[325], SPD_MODULE_SERIAL_NUMBER_LEN);
++	fprintf(stdout, "Serial Number: %s\n", serial);
++	fprintf(stdout, "Asset Tag: %s\n", "TBD");
+ out:
+ 	cxl_cmd_unref(cmd);
+@@ -9946,3 +9961,76 @@ out:
+ 	cxl_cmd_unref(cmd);
+ 	return rc;
+ }
++CXL_EXPORT int cxl_memdev_dimm_slot_info(struct cxl_memdev *memdev)
++	struct cxl_cmd *cmd;
++	struct cxl_mem_query_commands *query;
++	struct cxl_command_info *cinfo;
++	u8 *dimm_slot_info;
++	int rc = 0;
++	int offset = 0;
++	cmd = cxl_cmd_new_raw(memdev, CXL_MEM_COMMAND_ID_DIMM_SLOT_INFO_OPCODE);
++	if (!cmd) {
++		fprintf(stderr, "%s: cxl_cmd_new_raw returned Null output\n",
++				cxl_memdev_get_devname(memdev));
++		return -ENOMEM;
++	}
++	query = cmd->query_cmd;
++	cinfo = &query->commands[cmd->query_idx];
++	if (cinfo->size_in > 0) {
++		cmd->input_payload = calloc(1, cinfo->size_in);
++		if (!cmd->input_payload)
++			return -ENOMEM;
++		cmd->send_cmd->in.payload = (u64)cmd->input_payload;
++		cmd->send_cmd->in.size = cinfo->size_in;
++	}
++	rc = cxl_cmd_submit(cmd);
++	if (rc < 0) {
++		fprintf(stderr, "%s: cmd submission failed: %d (%s)\n",
++				cxl_memdev_get_devname(memdev), rc, strerror(-rc));
++		goto out;
++	}
++	rc = cxl_cmd_get_mbox_status(cmd);
++	if (rc != 0) {
++		fprintf(stderr, "%s: firmware status: %d:\n%s\n",
++				cxl_memdev_get_devname(memdev), rc, DEVICE_ERRORS[rc]);
++		rc = -ENXIO;
++		goto out;
++	}
++	if (cmd->send_cmd->id != CXL_MEM_COMMAND_ID_DIMM_SLOT_INFO) {
++		fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid command id 0x%x (expecting 0x%x)\n",
++				cxl_memdev_get_devname(memdev), cmd->send_cmd->id, CXL_MEM_COMMAND_ID_DIMM_SLOT_INFO);
++		return -EINVAL;
++	}
++	dimm_slot_info = (u8*)cmd->send_cmd->out.payload;
++	fprintf(stdout, "=========================== DIMM SLOT INFO ============================\n");
++	fprintf(stdout, "Output Payload:\n");
++	for(int i=0; i<cmd->send_cmd->out.size; i++){
++		if (i % 16 == 0)
++		{
++			fprintf(stdout, "\n%04x  %02x ", i+offset, dimm_slot_info[i]);
++		}
++		else
++		{
++			fprintf(stdout, "%02x ", dimm_slot_info[i]);
++		}
++	}
++	fprintf(stdout, "\n");
++	cxl_cmd_unref(cmd);
++	return rc;
+diff --git a/cxl/lib/libcxl.sym b/cxl/lib/libcxl.sym
+index e68bd89..aaf2d65 100644
+--- a/cxl/lib/libcxl.sym
++++ b/cxl/lib/libcxl.sym
+@@ -168,4 +168,5 @@ global:
+ 	cxl_memdev_osa_data_read;
+ 	cxl_memdev_dimm_spd_read;
+ 	cxl_memdev_ddr_training_status;
++    cxl_memdev_dimm_slot_info;
+ } LIBCXL_3;
+diff --git a/cxl/libcxl.h b/cxl/libcxl.h
+index 498de7d..0c24579 100644
+--- a/cxl/libcxl.h
++++ b/cxl/libcxl.h
+@@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ int cxl_memdev_osa_data_read(struct cxl_memdev *memdev, u8 cxl_mem_id,
+ int cxl_memdev_dimm_spd_read(struct cxl_memdev *memdev, u32 spd_id,
+ 	u32 offset, u32 num_bytes);
+ int cxl_memdev_ddr_training_status(struct cxl_memdev *memdev);
++int cxl_memdev_dimm_slot_info(struct cxl_memdev *memdev);
+ #define cxl_memdev_foreach(ctx, memdev) \
+         for (memdev = cxl_memdev_get_first(ctx); \
+diff --git a/cxl/memdev.c b/cxl/memdev.c
+index d3a6f67..64ba7e0 100644
+--- a/cxl/memdev.c
++++ b/cxl/memdev.c
+@@ -1895,6 +1895,11 @@ static const struct option cmd_ddr_training_status_options[] = {
+   OPT_END(),
+ };
++static const struct option cmd_dimm_slot_info_options[] = {
++  OPT_END(),
+ static int action_cmd_clear_event_records(struct cxl_memdev *memdev, struct action_context *actx)
+ {
+   u16 record_handle;
+@@ -3438,6 +3443,17 @@ static int action_cmd_ddr_training_status(struct cxl_memdev *memdev, struct acti
+   return cxl_memdev_ddr_training_status(memdev);
+ }
++static int action_cmd_dimm_slot_info(struct cxl_memdev *memdev, struct action_context *actx)
++	if (cxl_memdev_is_active(memdev)) {
++		fprintf(stderr, "%s: memdev active, abort dimm_slot_info\n",
++			cxl_memdev_get_devname(memdev));
++		return -EBUSY;
++	}
++	return cxl_memdev_dimm_slot_info(memdev);
+ static int action_write(struct cxl_memdev *memdev, struct action_context *actx)
+ {
+   size_t size = param.len, read_len;
+@@ -4495,3 +4511,11 @@ int cmd_ddr_training_status(int argc, const char **argv, struct cxl_ctx *ctx)
+   return rc >= 0 ? 0 : EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
++int cmd_dimm_slot_info(int argc, const char **argv, struct cxl_ctx *ctx)
++  int rc = memdev_action(argc, argv, ctx, action_cmd_dimm_slot_info, cmd_dimm_slot_info_options,
++      "cxl ddr-slot-info <mem0> [<mem1>..<memN>] [<options>]");
++  return rc >= 0 ? 0 : EXIT_FAILURE;
+From 86dc9d17c940b400bee7452121e64419e858cc8d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Hiral Patel <patelhiral@fb.com>
+Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2023 01:10:13 -0800
+Subject: [PATCH 2/3] fix stdout format
+ cxl/lib/libcxl.c | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/cxl/lib/libcxl.c b/cxl/lib/libcxl.c
+index a65f14a..2a1b6f6 100644
+--- a/cxl/lib/libcxl.c
++++ b/cxl/lib/libcxl.c
+@@ -9855,6 +9855,7 @@ CXL_EXPORT int cxl_memdev_dimm_spd_read(struct cxl_memdev *memdev,
+ 			fprintf(stdout, "%02x ", dimm_spd_read_out[i]);
+ 		}
+ 	}
++	fprintf(stdout, "\n\n");
+ 	// Decoding SPD data for only DDR4 SDRAM.
+From 7fcbe3d7dc7eff5673baf2c55ec7f59e68a3bda6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Panos Christeas <xrg@meta.com>
+Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 15:39:16 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 3/3] add separator between SPD payload and decoding
+Printing the SPD decoding would be on the same last line of hex payload,
+giving the parser a headache.
+Just add a separator
+Test Plan:
+ cxl dimm-spd-read mem0 -s 0 -o 0 -n 512
+=========================== DIMM SPD READ Data ============================
+Output Payload:
+0000  23 11 0c 01 85 ...
+01f0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Total Width: TBD
+Data Width: 64 bits
+Size: ...
+========================= DIMM SPD READ Data ============================
+Output Payload:
+0000  23 11 0c 01 85 ...
+01f0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+====== DIMM SPD DECODE ============
+Total Width: TBD
+Data Width: 64 bits
+Size: ...
+Form Factor: TBD
+Set: TBD
+Locator: ...
+ cxl/lib/libcxl.c | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/cxl/lib/libcxl.c b/cxl/lib/libcxl.c
+index 2a1b6f6..8d39d2c 100644
+--- a/cxl/lib/libcxl.c
++++ b/cxl/lib/libcxl.c
+@@ -9861,6 +9861,7 @@ CXL_EXPORT int cxl_memdev_dimm_spd_read(struct cxl_memdev *memdev,
+ 	buswidth = 8 << (dimm_spd_read_out[13] & 7);
++	fprintf(stdout, "\n\n====== DIMM SPD DECODE ============\n");
+ 	fprintf(stdout, "Total Width: %s\n", "TBD");
+ 	fprintf(stdout, "Data Width: %d bits\n", buswidth);
+ 	fprintf(stdout, "Size: %d GB\n", decode_ddr4_module_size(dimm_spd_read_out));
diff --git a/SPECS/ndctl.spec b/SPECS/ndctl.spec
index 959d09e..6fbaa01 100644
--- a/SPECS/ndctl.spec
+++ b/SPECS/ndctl.spec
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Name:		ndctl
 Version:	71.1
-Release:	4.1%{?dist}
+Release:	4.2%{?dist}
 Summary:	Manage "libnvdimm" subsystem devices (Non-volatile Memory)
 License:	GPLv2
 Group:		System Environment/Base
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ Source0:	https://github.com/pmem/%{name}/archive/v%{version}.tar.gz#/%{name}-%{v
 # https://github.com/elake/ndctl diff from 71.1 (ea014c0) to main (3ff031d)
 # This was generated with `git diff` because `git format-patch` doesn't handle the merges well
 Patch0:         elake-diff-ea014c0-3ff031d.patch
+# Normal patch generated from `git format-patch`
+Patch1:         elake-c5d4db-7fcbe3.patch
 Patch0:		modprobe-link-user-keyring-before-loadkeys.patch
 Patch1:		fb13dfb-zero_info_block-skip-seed-devices.patch
@@ -231,6 +233,9 @@ make check
+* Thu Feb 23 2023 Anita Zhang <the.anitazha@gmail.com> - 71.1-4.2
+- Patch SPD decoding and dimm_slot_info CCI command support
 * Fri Feb  3 2023 Anita Zhang <the.anitazha@gmail.com> - 71.1-4.1
 - Patch 71.1 with diff between ea014c0..3ff031d from elake/ndctl fork for hs+fb
 - Sync changes from rhel/ndctl.spec (autogenerated by the GitHub Makefile)