anitazha / rpms / ndctl

Forked from rpms/ndctl a year ago
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
From 55f36387ee8a88c489863103347ae275b1bc9191 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
From: Dan Williams <>
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 18:41:45 -0800
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
Subject: [PATCH 141/217] build: Automate
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
Prior to the meson conversion with no arguments would find a
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pre-created ndctl.spec file relative to the script. Restore that
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behavior by looking for the script in the build/ directory, and try to
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create it if not there.
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Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
Yes, this fails if someone picks a directory other than build/ for the
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output directory, but build/ is conventional.
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Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
Another regression from autotools is the loss of support for building
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"dirty" rpms i.e. rpms from git source trees with uncommitted changes.
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
At least provide a coherent error message for that case.
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Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
Reported-by: Jane Chu <>
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
Reported-by: Vishal Verma <>
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
Signed-off-by: Dan Williams <>
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
Signed-off-by: Vishal Verma <>
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc | 9 +++++++++
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 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)
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Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
diff --git a/ b/
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
index b1f4d9e..d9823e5 100755
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
--- a/
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+++ b/
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@@ -4,6 +4,15 @@ spec=${1:-$(dirname $0)/rhel/ndctl.spec)}
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Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
 pushd $(dirname $0) >/dev/null
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 [ ! -d ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES ] && echo "rpmdev tree not found" && exit 1
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
+if ./git-version | grep -q dirty; then
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
+	echo "Uncommitted changes detected, commit or undo them to proceed"
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
+	git status -uno --short
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
+	exit 1
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
+if [ ! -f $spec ]; then
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
+	meson compile -C build rhel/ndctl.spec
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
+	spec=$(dirname $0)/build/rhel/ndctl.spec
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Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
 popd > /dev/null
Jeff Moyer 2c91dc
 rpmbuild --nocheck -ba $spec
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Jeff Moyer 2c91dc