diff --git a/master...cow.diff b/master...cow.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e4160c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/master...cow.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,1176 @@
+diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
+index e5c75d7b4..288668819 100644
+--- a/Makefile.am
++++ b/Makefile.am
+@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ pkginclude_HEADERS += build/rpmfc.h
+ pkginclude_HEADERS += build/rpmspec.h
+-bin_PROGRAMS =		rpm rpm2cpio rpmbuild rpmdb rpmkeys rpmsign rpmspec
++bin_PROGRAMS =		rpm rpm2cpio rpmbuild rpmdb rpmkeys rpmsign rpmspec rpm2extents
+ bin_PROGRAMS += 	rpm2archive 
+ endif
+@@ -154,6 +154,10 @@ rpm2cpio_SOURCES =	rpm2cpio.c debug.h system.h
+ rpm2cpio_LDADD =	lib/librpm.la rpmio/librpmio.la
+ rpm2cpio_LDADD +=	@WITH_POPT_LIB@
++rpm2extents_SOURCES =	rpm2extents.c debug.h system.h
++rpm2extents_LDADD =	lib/librpm.la rpmio/librpmio.la
++rpm2extents_LDADD +=	@WITH_POPT_LIB@
+ rpm2archive_SOURCES =	rpm2archive.c debug.h system.h
+ rpm2archive_LDADD =	lib/librpm.la rpmio/librpmio.la
+diff --git a/lib/depends.c b/lib/depends.c
+index 30234df3d..8998afcd3 100644
+--- a/lib/depends.c
++++ b/lib/depends.c
+@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ static rpmRC headerCheckPayloadFormat(Header h) {
+      */
+     if (!payloadfmt) return rc;
++    if (rstreq(payloadfmt, "clon")) return rc;
+     if (!rstreq(payloadfmt, "cpio")) {
+         char *nevra = headerGetAsString(h, RPMTAG_NEVRA);
+         if (payloadfmt && rstreq(payloadfmt, "drpm")) {
+diff --git a/lib/fsm.c b/lib/fsm.c
+index 935a0a5c6..feda3750c 100644
+--- a/lib/fsm.c
++++ b/lib/fsm.c
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+ #include "rpmio/rpmio_internal.h"	/* fdInit/FiniDigest */
+ #include "lib/fsm.h"
++#include "lib/rpmlib.h"
+ #include "lib/rpmte_internal.h"	/* XXX rpmfs */
+ #include "lib/rpmplugins.h"	/* rpm plugins hooks */
+ #include "lib/rpmug.h"
+@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ struct filedata_s {
+     int stage;
+     int setmeta;
+     int skip;
++    int plugin_contents;
+     rpmFileAction action;
+     const char *suffix;
+     char *fpath;
+@@ -891,6 +893,14 @@ int rpmPackageFilesInstall(rpmts ts, rpmte te, rpmfiles files,
+     struct filedata_s *fdata = xcalloc(fc, sizeof(*fdata));
+     struct filedata_s *firstlink = NULL;
++    Header h = rpmteHeader(te);
++    const char *payloadfmt = headerGetString(h, RPMTAG_PAYLOADFORMAT);
++    int cpio = 1;
++    if (payloadfmt && rstreq(payloadfmt, "clon")) {
++	cpio = 0;
++    }
+     /* transaction id used for temporary path suffix while installing */
+     rasprintf(&tid, ";%08x", (unsigned)rpmtsGetTid(ts));
+@@ -911,12 +921,23 @@ int rpmPackageFilesInstall(rpmts ts, rpmte te, rpmfiles files,
+ 	/* Remap file perms, owner, and group. */
+ 	rc = rpmfiStat(fi, 1, &fp->sb);
+-	setFileState(fs, fx);
+ 	fsmDebug(fp->fpath, fp->action, &fp->sb);
+ 	/* Run fsm file pre hook for all plugins */
+ 	rc = rpmpluginsCallFsmFilePre(plugins, fi, fp->fpath,
+ 				      fp->sb.st_mode, fp->action);
++	fp->plugin_contents = 0;
++	switch (rc) {
++	case RPMRC_OK:
++	    setFileState(fs, fx);
++	    break;
++	    fp->plugin_contents = 1;
++	    // reduce reads on cpio to this value. Could be zero if
++	    // this is from a hard link.
++	    rc = RPMRC_OK;
++	    break;
++	}
+ 	fp->stage = FILE_PRE;
+     }
+     fi = rpmfiFree(fi);
+@@ -924,10 +945,14 @@ int rpmPackageFilesInstall(rpmts ts, rpmte te, rpmfiles files,
+     if (rc)
+ 	goto exit;
+-    fi = rpmfiNewArchiveReader(payload, files, RPMFI_ITER_READ_ARCHIVE);
+-    if (fi == NULL) {
+-        rc = RPMERR_BAD_MAGIC;
+-        goto exit;
++    if (cpio) {
++	fi = rpmfiNewArchiveReader(payload, files, RPMFI_ITER_READ_ARCHIVE);
++	if (fi == NULL) {
++	    rc = RPMERR_BAD_MAGIC;
++	    goto exit;
++	}
++    } else {
++	fi = rpmfilesIter(files, RPMFI_ITER_FWD);
+     }
+     /* Detect and create directories not explicitly in package. */
+@@ -969,8 +994,12 @@ int rpmPackageFilesInstall(rpmts ts, rpmte te, rpmfiles files,
+             if (S_ISREG(fp->sb.st_mode)) {
+ 		if (rc == RPMERR_ENOENT) {
+-		    rc = fsmMkfile(fi, fp, files, psm, nodigest,
+-				   &firstlink, &firstlinkfile);
++		    if(fp->plugin_contents) {
++			rc = RPMRC_OK;
++		    }else {
++			rc = fsmMkfile(fi, fp, files, psm, nodigest,
++			    &firstlink, &firstlinkfile);
++		    }
+ 		}
+             } else if (S_ISDIR(fp->sb.st_mode)) {
+                 if (rc == RPMERR_ENOENT) {
+@@ -1078,6 +1107,7 @@ int rpmPackageFilesInstall(rpmts ts, rpmte te, rpmfiles files,
+     rpmswAdd(rpmtsOp(ts, RPMTS_OP_DIGEST), fdOp(payload, FDSTAT_DIGEST));
+ exit:
++    h = headerFree(h);
+     fi = rpmfiFree(fi);
+     Fclose(payload);
+     free(tid);
+diff --git a/lib/package.c b/lib/package.c
+index 281275029..90bd0d8a7 100644
+--- a/lib/package.c
++++ b/lib/package.c
+@@ -404,5 +404,45 @@ rpmRC rpmReadPackageFile(rpmts ts, FD_t fd, const char * fn, Header * hdrp)
+     return rc;
+ }
++rpmRC rpmReadPackageRaw(FD_t fd, Header * sigp, Header * hdrp)
++    char *msg = NULL;
++    hdrblob sigblob = hdrblobCreate();
++    hdrblob blob = hdrblobCreate();
++    Header h = NULL;
++    Header sigh = NULL;
++    rpmRC rc = rpmLeadRead(fd, &msg);
++    if (rc != RPMRC_OK)
++	goto exit;
++    rc = hdrblobRead(fd, 1, 0, RPMTAG_HEADERSIGNATURES, sigblob, &msg);
++    if (rc != RPMRC_OK)
++	goto exit;
++    rc = hdrblobRead(fd, 1, 1, RPMTAG_HEADERIMMUTABLE, blob, &msg);
++    if (rc != RPMRC_OK)
++	goto exit;
++    rc = hdrblobImport(sigblob, 0, &sigh, &msg);
++    if (rc)
++	goto exit;
++    rc = hdrblobImport(blob, 0, &h, &msg);
++    if (rc)
++	goto exit;
++    *sigp = headerLink(sigh);
++    *hdrp = headerLink(h);
++    if (rc != RPMRC_OK && msg)
++	rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, "%s: %s\n", Fdescr(fd), msg);
++    hdrblobFree(sigblob);
++    hdrblobFree(blob);
++    headerFree(sigh);
++    headerFree(h);
++    free(msg);
++    return rc;
+diff --git a/lib/rpmlib.h b/lib/rpmlib.h
+index 0879d04e5..a09ba0daf 100644
+--- a/lib/rpmlib.h
++++ b/lib/rpmlib.h
+@@ -155,6 +155,15 @@ rpmRC rpmReadHeader(rpmts ts, FD_t fd, Header *hdrp, char ** msg);
+ rpmRC rpmReadPackageFile(rpmts ts, FD_t fd,
+ 		const char * fn, Header * hdrp);
++/** \ingroup header
++ * Return package signature, header from file handle, no verification.
++ * @param fd		file handle
++ * @param[out] sigp		address of header (or NULL)
++ * @param[out] hdrp		address of header (or NULL)
++ * @return		RPMRC_OK on success
++ */
++rpmRC rpmReadPackageRaw(FD_t fd, Header * sigp, Header * hdrp);
+ /** \ingroup rpmtrans
+  * Install source package.
+  * @param ts		transaction set
+diff --git a/lib/rpmplugins.c b/lib/rpmplugins.c
+index 62d75c4cf..3da3097af 100644
+--- a/lib/rpmplugins.c
++++ b/lib/rpmplugins.c
+@@ -356,13 +356,28 @@ rpmRC rpmpluginsCallFsmFilePre(rpmPlugins plugins, rpmfi fi, const char *path,
+     plugin_fsm_file_pre_func hookFunc;
+     int i;
+     rpmRC rc = RPMRC_OK;
++    rpmRC hook_rc;
+     for (i = 0; i < plugins->count; i++) {
+ 	rpmPlugin plugin = plugins->plugins[i];
+ 	RPMPLUGINS_SET_HOOK_FUNC(fsm_file_pre);
+-	if (hookFunc && hookFunc(plugin, fi, path, file_mode, op) == RPMRC_FAIL) {
+-	    rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, "Plugin %s: hook fsm_file_pre failed\n", plugin->name);
+-	    rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
++	if (hookFunc) {
++	    hook_rc = hookFunc(plugin, fi, path, file_mode, op);
++	    if (hook_rc == RPMRC_FAIL) {
++		rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, "Plugin %s: hook fsm_file_pre failed\n", plugin->name);
++		rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
++	    } else if (hook_rc == RPMRC_PLUGIN_CONTENTS && rc != RPMRC_FAIL) {
++		if (rc == RPMRC_PLUGIN_CONTENTS) {
++		    /* Another plugin already said it'd handle contents. It's
++		     * undefined how these would combine, so treat this as a
++		     * failure condition.
++		    */
++		    rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
++		} else {
++		    /* Plugin will handle content */
++		}
++	    }
+ 	}
+     }
+diff --git a/lib/rpmte.c b/lib/rpmte.c
+index 3663604e7..d43dc41ad 100644
+--- a/lib/rpmte.c
++++ b/lib/rpmte.c
+@@ -423,6 +423,11 @@ FD_t rpmteSetFd(rpmte te, FD_t fd)
+     return NULL;
+ }
++FD_t rpmteFd(rpmte te)
++    return (te != NULL ? te->fd : NULL);
+ fnpyKey rpmteKey(rpmte te)
+ {
+     return (te != NULL ? te->key : NULL);
+diff --git a/lib/rpmte.h b/lib/rpmte.h
+index 81acf7a19..6fc0a9f91 100644
+--- a/lib/rpmte.h
++++ b/lib/rpmte.h
+@@ -209,6 +209,8 @@ const char * rpmteNEVR(rpmte te);
+  */
+ const char * rpmteNEVRA(rpmte te);
++FD_t rpmteFd(rpmte te);
+ /** \ingroup rpmte
+  * Retrieve key from transaction element.
+  * @param te		transaction element
+diff --git a/lib/rpmtypes.h b/lib/rpmtypes.h
+index e8e69b506..af2611e9e 100644
+--- a/lib/rpmtypes.h
++++ b/lib/rpmtypes.h
+@@ -106,7 +106,8 @@ typedef	enum rpmRC_e {
+     RPMRC_NOTFOUND	= 1,	/*!< Generic not found code. */
+     RPMRC_FAIL		= 2,	/*!< Generic failure code. */
+     RPMRC_NOTTRUSTED	= 3,	/*!< Signature is OK, but key is not trusted. */
+-    RPMRC_NOKEY		= 4	/*!< Public key is unavailable. */
++    RPMRC_NOKEY		= 4,	/*!< Public key is unavailable. */
++    RPMRC_PLUGIN_CONTENTS = 5     /*!< fsm_file_pre plugin is handling content */
+ } rpmRC;
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+diff --git a/macros.in b/macros.in
+index e90cefa9a..363252b0f 100644
+--- a/macros.in
++++ b/macros.in
+@@ -1143,6 +1143,7 @@ package or when debugging this package.\
+ # Transaction plugin macros
+ %__plugindir		%{_libdir}/rpm-plugins
++%__transaction_reflink		%{__plugindir}/reflink.so
+ %__transaction_systemd_inhibit	%{__plugindir}/systemd_inhibit.so
+ %__transaction_selinux		%{__plugindir}/selinux.so
+ %__transaction_syslog		%{__plugindir}/syslog.so
+diff --git a/plugins/Makefile.am b/plugins/Makefile.am
+index 3a929d0ce..ad0d3bce7 100644
+--- a/plugins/Makefile.am
++++ b/plugins/Makefile.am
+@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ prioreset_la_SOURCES = prioreset.c
+ prioreset_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/lib/librpm.la $(top_builddir)/rpmio/librpmio.la
+ plugins_LTLIBRARIES += prioreset.la
++reflink_la_SOURCES = reflink.c
++reflink_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/lib/librpm.la $(top_builddir)/rpmio/librpmio.la
++plugins_LTLIBRARIES += reflink.la
+ syslog_la_SOURCES = syslog.c
+ syslog_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/lib/librpm.la $(top_builddir)/rpmio/librpmio.la
+ plugins_LTLIBRARIES += syslog.la
+diff --git a/plugins/reflink.c b/plugins/reflink.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000..513887604
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/plugins/reflink.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
++#include "system.h"
++#include <errno.h>
++#include <sys/resource.h>
++#include <unistd.h>
++#include <sys/types.h>
++#include <sys/stat.h>
++#include <fcntl.h>
++#if defined(__linux__)
++#include <linux/fs.h>        /* For FICLONE */
++#include <rpm/rpmlog.h>
++#include "lib/rpmlib.h"
++#include "lib/rpmplugin.h"
++#include "lib/rpmte_internal.h"
++#include <rpm/rpmfileutil.h>
++#include "rpmio/rpmio_internal.h"
++#include "debug.h"
++#include <sys/ioctl.h>
++/* use hash table to remember inode -> ix (for rpmfilesFN(ix)) lookups */
++#undef HASHTYPE
++#undef HTKEYTYPE
++#define HASHTYPE inodeIndexHash
++#define HTKEYTYPE rpm_ino_t
++#define HTDATATYPE int
++#include "lib/rpmhash.H"
++#include "lib/rpmhash.C"
++/* We use this in find to indicate a key wasn't found. This is an
++ * unrecoverable error, but we can at least show a decent error. 0 is never a
++ * valid offset because it's the offset of the start of the file.
++ */
++#define NOT_FOUND 0
++#define BUFFER_SIZE (1024 * 128)
++/* magic value at end of file (64 bits) that indicates this is a transcoded
++ * rpm.
++ */
++#define MAGIC 3472329499408095051
++struct reflink_state_s {
++    /* Stuff that's used across rpms */
++    long fundamental_block_size;
++    char *buffer;
++    /* stuff that's used/updated per psm */
++    uint32_t keys, keysize;
++    /* table for current rpm, keys * (keysize + sizeof(rpm_loff_t)) */
++    unsigned char *table;
++    FD_t fd;
++    rpmfiles files;
++    inodeIndexHash inodeIndexes;
++typedef struct reflink_state_s * reflink_state;
++static int inodeCmp(rpm_ino_t a, rpm_ino_t b)
++    return (a != b);
++static unsigned int inodeId(rpm_ino_t a)
++    /* rpm_ino_t is uint32_t so maps safely to unsigned int */
++    return (unsigned int)a;
++static rpmRC reflink_init(rpmPlugin plugin, rpmts ts) {
++    reflink_state state = rcalloc(1, sizeof(struct reflink_state_s));
++    /* IOCTL-FICLONERANGE(2): ...Disk filesystems generally require the offset
++     * and length arguments to be aligned to the fundamental block size.
++     *
++     * The value of "fundamental block size" is directly related to the
++     * system's page size, so we should use that.
++     */
++    state->fundamental_block_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
++    state->buffer = rcalloc(1, BUFFER_SIZE);
++    rpmPluginSetData(plugin, state);
++    return RPMRC_OK;
++static void reflink_cleanup(rpmPlugin plugin) {
++    reflink_state state = rpmPluginGetData(plugin);
++    free(state->buffer);
++    free(state);
++static rpmRC reflink_psm_pre(rpmPlugin plugin, rpmte te) {
++    reflink_state state = rpmPluginGetData(plugin);
++    state->fd = rpmteFd(te);
++    if (state->fd == 0) {
++	rpmlog(RPMLOG_DEBUG, _("reflink: fd = 0, no install\n"));
++	return RPMRC_OK;
++    }
++    rpm_loff_t current = Ftell(state->fd);
++    uint64_t magic;
++    if (Fseek(state->fd, -(sizeof(magic)), SEEK_END) < 0) {
++	rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("reflink: failed to seek for magic\n"));
++	if (Fseek(state->fd, current, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
++	    /* yes this gets a bit repetitive */
++	    rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR,
++		 _("reflink: unable to seek back to original location\n"));
++	}
++	return RPMRC_FAIL;
++    }
++    size_t len = sizeof(magic);
++    if (Fread(&magic, len, 1, state->fd) != len) {
++	rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("reflink: unable to read magic\n"));
++	if (Fseek(state->fd, current, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
++	    rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR,
++		   _("reflink: unable to seek back to original location\n"));
++	}
++	return RPMRC_FAIL;
++    }
++    if (magic != MAGIC) {
++	rpmlog(RPMLOG_DEBUG, _("reflink: not transcoded\n"));
++	if (Fseek(state->fd, current, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
++	    rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR,
++		   _("reflink: unable to seek back to original location\n"));
++	    return RPMRC_FAIL;
++	}
++	return RPMRC_OK;
++    }
++    rpmlog(RPMLOG_DEBUG, _("reflink: *is* transcoded\n"));
++    Header h = rpmteHeader(te);
++    /* replace/add header that main fsm.c can read */
++    headerDel(h, RPMTAG_PAYLOADFORMAT);
++    headerPutString(h, RPMTAG_PAYLOADFORMAT, "clon");
++    headerFree(h);
++    state->files = rpmteFiles(te);
++    /* tail of file contains offset_table, offset_checksums then magic */
++    if (Fseek(state->fd, -(sizeof(rpm_loff_t) * 2 + sizeof(magic)), SEEK_END) < 0) {
++	rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("reflink: failed to seek for tail %p\n"),
++	       state->fd);
++	return RPMRC_FAIL;
++    }
++    rpm_loff_t table_start;
++    len = sizeof(table_start);
++    if (Fread(&table_start, len, 1, state->fd) != len) {
++	rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("reflink: unable to read table_start\n"));
++	return RPMRC_FAIL;
++    }
++    if (Fseek(state->fd, table_start, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
++	rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("reflink: unable to seek to table_start\n"));
++	return RPMRC_FAIL;
++    }
++    len = sizeof(state->keys);
++    if (Fread(&state->keys, len, 1, state->fd) != len) {
++	rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("reflink: unable to read number of keys\n"));
++	return RPMRC_FAIL;
++    }
++    len = sizeof(state->keysize);
++    if (Fread(&state->keysize, len, 1, state->fd) != len) {
++	rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("reflink: unable to read keysize\n"));
++	return RPMRC_FAIL;
++    }
++    rpmlog(
++	_("reflink: table_start=0x%lx, keys=%d, keysize=%d\n"),
++	table_start, state->keys, state->keysize
++    );
++    /* now get digest table if there is a reason to have one. */
++    if (state->keys == 0 || state->keysize == 0) {
++	/* no files (or no digests(!)) */
++	state->table = NULL;
++    } else {
++	int table_size = state->keys * (state->keysize + sizeof(rpm_loff_t));
++	state->table = rcalloc(1, table_size);
++	if (Fread(state->table, table_size, 1, state->fd) != table_size) {
++	    rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("reflink: unable to read table\n"));
++	    return RPMRC_FAIL;
++	}
++	state->inodeIndexes = inodeIndexHashCreate(
++	    state->keys, inodeId, inodeCmp, NULL, NULL
++	);
++    }
++    /* Seek back to original location.
++     * Might not be needed if we seek to offset immediately
++     */
++    if (Fseek(state->fd, current, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
++	rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR,
++	       _("reflink: unable to seek back to original location\n"));
++	return RPMRC_FAIL;
++    }
++    return RPMRC_OK;
++static rpmRC reflink_psm_post(rpmPlugin plugin, rpmte te, int res)
++    reflink_state state = rpmPluginGetData(plugin);
++    state->files = rpmfilesFree(state->files);
++    if (state->table) {
++	free(state->table);
++	state->table = NULL;
++    }
++    if (state->inodeIndexes) {
++	inodeIndexHashFree(state->inodeIndexes);
++	state->inodeIndexes = NULL;
++    }
++    return RPMRC_OK;
++/* have a prototype, warnings system */
++rpm_loff_t find(const unsigned char *digest, reflink_state state);
++rpm_loff_t find(const unsigned char *digest, reflink_state state) {
++# if defined(__GNUC__)
++    /* GCC nested function because bsearch's comparison function can't access
++     * state-keysize otherwise
++     */
++    int cmpdigest(const void *k1, const void *k2) {
++	rpmlog(RPMLOG_DEBUG, _("reflink: cmpdigest k1=%p k2=%p\n"), k1, k2);
++	return memcmp(k1, k2, state->keysize);
++    }
++# endif
++    rpmlog(RPMLOG_DEBUG,
++	   _("reflink: bsearch(key=%p, base=%p, nmemb=%d, size=%lu)\n"),
++	   digest, state->table, state->keys,
++	   state->keysize + sizeof(rpm_loff_t));
++    char *entry = bsearch(digest, state->table, state->keys,
++			  state->keysize + sizeof(rpm_loff_t), cmpdigest);
++    if (entry == NULL) {
++	return NOT_FOUND;
++    }
++    rpm_loff_t offset = *(rpm_loff_t *)(entry + state->keysize);
++    return offset;
++static rpmRC reflink_fsm_file_pre(rpmPlugin plugin, rpmfi fi, const char* path,
++                                  mode_t file_mode, rpmFsmOp op)
++    struct file_clone_range fcr;
++    rpm_loff_t size;
++    int dst, rc;
++    int *hlix;
++    reflink_state state = rpmPluginGetData(plugin);
++    if (state->table == NULL) {
++	/* no table means rpm is not in reflink format, so leave. Now. */
++	return RPMRC_OK;
++    }
++    if (op == FA_TOUCH) {
++	/* we're not overwriting an existing file. */
++	return RPMRC_OK;
++    }
++    fcr.dest_offset = 0;
++    if (S_ISREG(file_mode) && !(rpmfiFFlags(fi) & RPMFILE_GHOST)) {
++	rpm_ino_t inode = rpmfiFInode(fi);
++	/* check for hard link entry in table. GetEntry overwrites hlix with
++	 * the address of the first match.
++	 */
++	if (inodeIndexHashGetEntry(state->inodeIndexes, inode, &hlix, NULL,
++	                           NULL)) {
++	    /* entry is in table, use hard link */
++	    char *fn = rpmfilesFN(state->files, hlix[0]);
++	    if (link(fn, path) != 0) {
++		rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR,
++		       _("reflink: Unable to hard link %s -> %s due to %s\n"),
++		       fn, path, strerror(errno));
++		free(fn);
++		return RPMRC_FAIL;
++	    }
++	    free(fn);
++	}
++	/* if we didn't hard link, then we'll track this inode as being
++	 * created soon
++	 */
++	if (rpmfiFNlink(fi) > 1) {
++	    /* minor optimization: only store files with more than one link */
++	    inodeIndexHashAddEntry(state->inodeIndexes, inode, rpmfiFX(fi));
++	}
++	/* derived from wfd_open in fsm.c */
++	mode_t old_umask = umask(0577);
++	dst = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRUSR);
++	umask(old_umask);
++	if (dst == -1) {
++	    rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR,
++		   _("reflink: Unable to open %s for writing due to %s, flags = %x\n"),
++		   path, strerror(errno), rpmfiFFlags(fi));
++	    return RPMRC_FAIL;
++	}
++	size = rpmfiFSize(fi);
++	if (size > 0) {
++	    /* round src_length down to fundamental_block_size multiple */
++	    fcr.src_length = size / state->fundamental_block_size * state->fundamental_block_size;
++	    if ((size % state->fundamental_block_size) > 0) {
++		/* round up to next fundamental_block_size. We expect the data
++		 * in the rpm to be similarly padded.
++		 */
++		fcr.src_length += state->fundamental_block_size;
++	    }
++	    fcr.src_fd = Fileno(state->fd);
++	    if (fcr.src_fd == -1) {
++		close(dst);
++		rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("reflink: src fd lookup failed\n"));
++		return RPMRC_FAIL;
++	    }
++	    fcr.src_offset = find(rpmfiFDigest(fi, NULL, NULL), state);
++	    if (fcr.src_offset == NOT_FOUND) {
++		close(dst);
++		rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("reflink: digest not found\n"));
++		return RPMRC_FAIL;
++	    }
++	    rpmlog(RPMLOG_DEBUG,
++	           _("reflink: Reflinking %llu bytes at %llu to %s orig size=%ld, file=%lld\n"),
++		   fcr.src_length, fcr.src_offset, path, size, fcr.src_fd);
++	    rc = ioctl(dst, FICLONERANGE, &fcr);
++	    if (rc) {
++		rpmlog(RPMLOG_WARNING,
++		       _("reflink: falling back to copying bits for %s due to %d, %d = %s\n"),
++		       path, rc, errno, strerror(errno));
++		if (Fseek(state->fd, fcr.src_offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
++		    close(dst);
++		    rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR,
++			   _("reflink: unable to seek on copying bits\n"));
++		    return RPMRC_FAIL;
++		}
++		rpm_loff_t left = size;
++		size_t len, read, written;
++		while (left) {
++		    len = (left > BUFFER_SIZE ? BUFFER_SIZE : left);
++		    read = Fread(state->buffer, len, 1, state->fd);
++		    if (read != len) {
++			close(dst);
++			rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR,
++			       _("reflink: short read on copying bits\n"));
++			return RPMRC_FAIL;
++		    }
++		    written = write(dst, state->buffer, len);
++		    if (read != written) {
++			close(dst);
++			rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR,
++			       _("reflink: short write on copying bits\n"));
++			return RPMRC_FAIL;
++		    }
++		    left -= len;
++		}
++	    } else {
++		/* reflink worked, so truncate */
++		rc = ftruncate(dst, size);
++		if (rc) {
++		    rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR,
++			   _("reflink: Unable to truncate %s to %ld due to %s\n"),
++			   path, size, strerror(errno));
++		     return RPMRC_FAIL;
++		}
++	    }
++	}
++	close(dst);
++    }
++    return RPMRC_OK;
++struct rpmPluginHooks_s reflink_hooks = {
++    .init = reflink_init,
++    .cleanup = reflink_cleanup,
++    .psm_pre = reflink_psm_pre,
++    .psm_post = reflink_psm_post,
++    .fsm_file_pre = reflink_fsm_file_pre,
+diff --git a/rpm2extents.c b/rpm2extents.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000..c111be0a2
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rpm2extents.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
++/* rpm2extents: convert payload to inline extents */
++#include "system.h"
++#include <rpm/rpmlib.h>		/* rpmReadPackageFile .. */
++#include <rpm/rpmfi.h>
++#include <rpm/rpmtag.h>
++#include <rpm/rpmio.h>
++#include <rpm/rpmpgp.h>
++#include <rpm/rpmts.h>
++#include "lib/rpmlead.h"
++#include "lib/signature.h"
++#include "lib/header_internal.h"
++#include "rpmio/rpmio_internal.h"
++#include <unistd.h>
++#include <sys/types.h>
++#include <sys/wait.h>
++#include <signal.h>
++#include <errno.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include "debug.h"
++/* hash of void * (pointers) to file digests to offsets within output.
++ * The length of the key depends on what the FILEDIGESTALGO is.
++ */
++#undef HASHTYPE
++#undef HTKEYTYPE
++#define HASHTYPE digestSet
++#define HTKEYTYPE const unsigned char *
++#include "lib/rpmhash.H"
++#include "lib/rpmhash.C"
++/* magic value at end of file (64 bits) that indicates this is a transcoded
++ * rpm.
++ */
++#define MAGIC 3472329499408095051
++struct digestoffset {
++    const unsigned char * digest;
++    rpm_loff_t pos;
++rpm_loff_t pad_to(rpm_loff_t pos, rpm_loff_t unit);
++rpm_loff_t pad_to(rpm_loff_t pos, rpm_loff_t unit)
++    return (unit - (pos % unit)) % unit;
++static int digestor(
++    FD_t fdi,
++    FD_t fdo,
++    FD_t validationo,
++    uint8_t algos[],
++    uint32_t algos_len
++    ssize_t fdilength;
++    const char *filedigest, *algo_name;
++    size_t filedigest_len, len;
++    uint32_t algo_name_len, algo_digest_len;
++    int algo;
++    rpmRC rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
++    for (algo = 0; algo < algos_len; algo++) {
++	fdInitDigest(fdi, algos[algo], 0);
++    }
++    fdilength = ufdCopy(fdi, fdo);
++    if (fdilength == -1) {
++	fprintf(stderr, _("digest cat failed\n"));
++	goto exit;
++    }
++    len = sizeof(fdilength);
++    if (Fwrite(&fdilength, len, 1, validationo) != len) {
++	fprintf(stderr, _("Unable to write input length %zd\n"), fdilength);
++	goto exit;
++    }
++    len = sizeof(algos_len);
++    if (Fwrite(&algos_len, len, 1, validationo) != len) {
++	fprintf(stderr, _("Unable to write number of validation digests\n"));
++	goto exit;
++    }
++    for (algo = 0; algo < algos_len; algo++) {
++	fdFiniDigest(fdi, algos[algo], (void **)&filedigest, &filedigest_len, 0);
++	algo_name = pgpValString(PGPVAL_HASHALGO, algos[algo]);
++	algo_name_len = (uint32_t)strlen(algo_name);
++	algo_digest_len = (uint32_t)filedigest_len;
++	len = sizeof(algo_name_len);
++	if (Fwrite(&algo_name_len, len, 1, validationo) != len) {
++	    fprintf(stderr,
++		    _("Unable to write validation algo name length\n"));
++	    goto exit;
++	}
++	len = sizeof(algo_digest_len);
++	if (Fwrite(&algo_digest_len, len, 1, validationo) != len) {
++	    fprintf(stderr,
++		    _("Unable to write number of bytes for validation digest\n"));
++	     goto exit;
++	}
++	if (Fwrite(algo_name, algo_name_len, 1, validationo) != algo_name_len) {
++	    fprintf(stderr, _("Unable to write validation algo name\n"));
++	    goto exit;
++	}
++	if (Fwrite(filedigest, algo_digest_len, 1, validationo ) != algo_digest_len) {
++	    fprintf(stderr,
++		    _("Unable to write validation digest value %u, %zu\n"),
++		    algo_digest_len, filedigest_len);
++	    goto exit;
++	}
++    }
++    rc = RPMRC_OK;
++    return rc;
++static rpmRC process_package(FD_t fdi, FD_t validationi)
++    uint32_t diglen;
++    /* GNU C extension: can use diglen from outer context */
++    int digestSetCmp(const unsigned char * a, const unsigned char * b) {
++	return memcmp(a, b, diglen);
++    }
++    unsigned int digestSetHash(const unsigned char * digest) {
++        /* assumes sizeof(unsigned int) < diglen */
++        return *(unsigned int *)digest;
++    }
++    int digestoffsetCmp(const void * a, const void * b) {
++	return digestSetCmp(
++	    ((struct digestoffset *)a)->digest,
++	    ((struct digestoffset *)b)->digest
++	);
++    }
++    FD_t fdo;
++    FD_t gzdi;
++    Header h, sigh;
++    long fundamental_block_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
++    rpmRC rc = RPMRC_OK;
++    rpm_mode_t mode;
++    char *rpmio_flags = NULL, *zeros;
++    const unsigned char *digest;
++    rpm_loff_t pos, size, pad, validation_pos;
++    uint32_t offset_ix = 0;
++    size_t len;
++    int next = 0;
++    fdo = fdDup(STDOUT_FILENO);
++    if (rpmReadPackageRaw(fdi, &sigh, &h)) {
++	fprintf(stderr, _("Error reading package\n"));
++	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
++    }
++    if (rpmLeadWrite(fdo, h))
++    {
++	fprintf(stderr, _("Unable to write package lead: %s\n"),
++		Fstrerror(fdo));
++	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
++    }
++    if (rpmWriteSignature(fdo, sigh)) {
++	fprintf(stderr, _("Unable to write signature: %s\n"), Fstrerror(fdo));
++	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
++    }
++    if (headerWrite(fdo, h, HEADER_MAGIC_YES)) {
++	fprintf(stderr, _("Unable to write headers: %s\n"), Fstrerror(fdo));
++	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
++    }
++    /* Retrieve payload size and compression type. */
++    {
++	const char *compr = headerGetString(h, RPMTAG_PAYLOADCOMPRESSOR);
++	rpmio_flags = rstrscat(NULL, "r.", compr ? compr : "gzip", NULL);
++    }
++    gzdi = Fdopen(fdi, rpmio_flags);	/* XXX gzdi == fdi */
++    free(rpmio_flags);
++    if (gzdi == NULL) {
++	fprintf(stderr, _("cannot re-open payload: %s\n"), Fstrerror(gzdi));
++	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
++    }
++    rpmfiles files = rpmfilesNew(NULL, h, 0, RPMFI_KEEPHEADER);
++    rpmfi fi = rpmfiNewArchiveReader(gzdi, files,
++    /* this is encoded in the file format, so needs to be fixed size (for
++     * now?)
++     */
++    diglen = (uint32_t)rpmDigestLength(rpmfiDigestAlgo(fi));
++    digestSet ds = digestSetCreate(rpmfiFC(fi), digestSetHash, digestSetCmp,
++				   NULL);
++    struct digestoffset offsets[rpmfiFC(fi)];
++    pos = RPMLEAD_SIZE + headerSizeof(sigh, HEADER_MAGIC_YES);
++    /* main headers are aligned to 8 byte boundry */
++    pos += pad_to(pos, 8);
++    pos += headerSizeof(h, HEADER_MAGIC_YES);
++    zeros = xcalloc(fundamental_block_size, 1);
++    while (next >= 0) {
++	next = rpmfiNext(fi);
++	if (next == RPMERR_ITER_END) {
++	    rc = RPMRC_OK;
++	    break;
++	}
++	mode = rpmfiFMode(fi);
++	if (!S_ISREG(mode) || !rpmfiArchiveHasContent(fi)) {
++	    /* not a regular file, or the archive doesn't contain any content
++	     * for this entry.
++	    */
++	    continue;
++	}
++	digest = rpmfiFDigest(fi, NULL, NULL);
++	if (digestSetGetEntry(ds, digest, NULL)) {
++	    /* This specific digest has already been included, so skip it. */
++	    continue;
++	}
++	pad = pad_to(pos, fundamental_block_size);
++	if (Fwrite(zeros, sizeof(char), pad, fdo) != pad) {
++	    fprintf(stderr, _("Unable to write padding\n"));
++	    rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
++	    goto exit;
++	}
++	/* round up to next fundamental_block_size */
++	pos += pad;
++	digestSetAddEntry(ds, digest);
++	offsets[offset_ix].digest = digest;
++	offsets[offset_ix].pos = pos;
++	offset_ix++;
++	size = rpmfiFSize(fi);
++	rc = rpmfiArchiveReadToFile(fi, fdo, 0);
++	if (rc != RPMRC_OK) {
++	    fprintf(stderr, _("rpmfiArchiveReadToFile failed with %d\n"), rc);
++	    goto exit;
++	}
++	pos += size;
++    }
++    Fclose(gzdi);	/* XXX gzdi == fdi */
++    qsort(offsets, (size_t)offset_ix, sizeof(struct digestoffset),
++	  digestoffsetCmp);
++    len = sizeof(offset_ix);
++    if (Fwrite(&offset_ix, len, 1, fdo) != len) {
++	fprintf(stderr, _("Unable to write length of table\n"));
++	rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
++	goto exit;
++    }
++    len = sizeof(diglen);
++    if (Fwrite(&diglen, len, 1, fdo) != len) {
++	fprintf(stderr, _("Unable to write length of digest\n"));
++	rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
++	goto exit;
++    }
++    len = sizeof(rpm_loff_t);
++    for (int x = 0; x < offset_ix; x++) {
++	if (Fwrite(offsets[x].digest, diglen, 1, fdo) != diglen) {
++	    fprintf(stderr, _("Unable to write digest\n"));
++	    rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
++	    goto exit;
++	}
++	if (Fwrite(&offsets[x].pos, len, 1, fdo) != len) {
++	    fprintf(stderr, _("Unable to write offset\n"));
++	    rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
++	    goto exit;
++	}
++    }
++    validation_pos = (
++	pos + sizeof(offset_ix) + sizeof(diglen) +
++	offset_ix * (diglen + sizeof(rpm_loff_t))
++    );
++    ssize_t validation_len = ufdCopy(validationi, fdo);
++    if (validation_len == -1) {
++	fprintf(stderr, _("digest table ufdCopy failed\n"));
++	rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
++	goto exit;
++    }
++    /* add more padding so the last file can be cloned. It doesn't matter that
++     * the table and validation etc are in this space. In fact, it's pretty
++     * efficient if it is.
++    */
++    pad = pad_to((validation_pos + validation_len + 2 * sizeof(rpm_loff_t) +
++		 sizeof(uint64_t)), fundamental_block_size);
++    if (Fwrite(zeros, sizeof(char), pad, fdo) != pad) {
++	fprintf(stderr, _("Unable to write final padding\n"));
++	rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
++	goto exit;
++    }
++    zeros = _free(zeros);
++    if (Fwrite(&pos, len, 1, fdo) != len) {
++	fprintf(stderr, _("Unable to write offset of digest table\n"));
++	rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
++	goto exit;
++    }
++    if (Fwrite(&validation_pos, len, 1, fdo) != len) {
++	fprintf(stderr, _("Unable to write offset of validation table\n"));
++	rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
++	goto exit;
++    }
++    uint64_t magic = MAGIC;
++    len = sizeof(magic);
++    if (Fwrite(&magic, len, 1, fdo) != len) {
++	fprintf(stderr, _("Unable to write magic\n"));
++	rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
++	goto exit;
++    }
++    rpmfilesFree(files);
++    rpmfiFree(fi);
++    headerFree(h);
++    return rc;
++int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
++    rpmRC rc;
++    int cprc = 0;
++    uint8_t algos[argc - 1];
++    int mainpipefd[2];
++    int metapipefd[2];
++    pid_t cpid, w;
++    int wstatus;
++    xsetprogname(argv[0]);	/* Portability call -- see system.h */
++    rpmReadConfigFiles(NULL, NULL);
++    if (argc > 1 && (rstreq(argv[1], "-h") || rstreq(argv[1], "--help"))) {
++	fprintf(stderr, _("Usage: %s [DIGESTALGO]...\n"), argv[0]);
++	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
++    }
++    if (argc == 1) {
++	fprintf(stderr,
++		_("Need at least one DIGESTALGO parameter, e.g. 'SHA256'\n"));
++	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
++    }
++    for (int x = 0; x < (argc - 1); x++) {
++	if (pgpStringVal(PGPVAL_HASHALGO, argv[x + 1], &algos[x]) != 0)
++	{
++	    fprintf(stderr,
++		    _("Unable to resolve '%s' as a digest algorithm, exiting\n"),
++		    argv[x + 1]);
++	    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
++	}
++    }
++    if (pipe(mainpipefd) == -1) {
++	fprintf(stderr, _("Main pipe failure\n"));
++	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
++    }
++    if (pipe(metapipefd) == -1) {
++	fprintf(stderr, _("Meta pipe failure\n"));
++	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
++    }
++    cpid = fork();
++    if (cpid == 0) {
++	/* child: digestor */
++	close(mainpipefd[0]);
++	close(metapipefd[0]);
++	FD_t fdi = fdDup(STDIN_FILENO);
++	FD_t fdo = fdDup(mainpipefd[1]);
++	FD_t validationo = fdDup(metapipefd[1]);
++	rc = digestor(fdi, fdo, validationo, algos, argc - 1);
++	Fclose(validationo);
++	Fclose(fdo);
++	Fclose(fdi);
++    } else {
++	/* parent: main program */
++	close(mainpipefd[1]);
++	close(metapipefd[1]);
++	FD_t fdi = fdDup(mainpipefd[0]);
++	FD_t validationi = fdDup(metapipefd[0]);
++	rc = process_package(fdi, validationi);
++	Fclose(validationi);
++	/* fdi is normally closed through the stacked file gzdi in the
++	 * function.
++	 * Wait for child process (digestor for stdin) to complete.
++	 */
++	if (rc != RPMRC_OK) {
++	    if (kill(cpid, SIGTERM) != 0) {
++		fprintf(stderr,
++		        _("Failed to kill digest process when main process failed: %s\n"),
++			strerror(errno));
++	    }
++	}
++	w = waitpid(cpid, &wstatus, 0);
++	if (w == -1) {
++	    fprintf(stderr, _("waitpid failed\n"));
++	    cprc = EXIT_FAILURE;
++	} else if (WIFEXITED(wstatus)) {
++	    cprc = WEXITSTATUS(wstatus);
++	    if (cprc != 0) {
++		fprintf(stderr,
++			_("Digest process non-zero exit code %d\n"),
++			cprc);
++	    }
++	} else if (WIFSIGNALED(wstatus)) {
++	    fprintf(stderr,
++		    _("Digest process was terminated with a signal: %d\n"),
++		    WTERMSIG(wstatus));
++	    cprc = EXIT_FAILURE;
++	} else {
++	    /* Don't think this can happen, but covering all bases */
++	    fprintf(stderr, _("Unhandled circumstance in waitpid\n"));
++	    cprc = EXIT_FAILURE;
++	}
++	if (cprc != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
++	    rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
++	}
++    }
++    if (rc != RPMRC_OK) {
++	/* translate rpmRC into generic failure return code. */
++	return EXIT_FAILURE;
++    }
++    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+diff --git a/rpmio/rpmpgp.c b/rpmio/rpmpgp.c
+index 015c15a5c..7b972b4a6 100644
+--- a/rpmio/rpmpgp.c
++++ b/rpmio/rpmpgp.c
+@@ -283,6 +283,16 @@ int pgpValTok(pgpValTbl vs, const char * s, const char * se)
+     return vs->val;
+ }
++int pgpStringVal(pgpValType type, const char *str, uint8_t *val)
++    pgpValTbl tbl = pgpValTable(type);
++    if (tbl == NULL) return -1;
++    int v = pgpValTok(tbl, str, str + strlen(str));
++    if (v == -1) return -1;
++    *val = (uint8_t)v;
++    return 0;
+ /** \ingroup rpmpgp
+  * Decode length from 1, 2, or 5 octet body length encoding, used in
+  * new format packet headers and V4 signature subpackets.
+diff --git a/rpmio/rpmpgp.h b/rpmio/rpmpgp.h
+index c53e29b01..2b57318ba 100644
+--- a/rpmio/rpmpgp.h
++++ b/rpmio/rpmpgp.h
+@@ -973,6 +973,15 @@ typedef rpmFlags rpmDigestFlags;
+  */
+ const char * pgpValString(pgpValType type, uint8_t val);
++/** \ingroup rpmpgp
++ * Return  OpenPGP value for a string.
++ * @param type		type of value
++ * @param str		string to lookup
++ * @param[out] val  byte value associated with string
++ * @return		0 on success else -1
++ */
++int pgpStringVal(pgpValType type, const char *str, uint8_t *val);
+ /** \ingroup rpmpgp
+  * Return (native-endian) integer from big-endian representation.
+  * @param s		pointer to big-endian integer
diff --git a/measure.patch b/measure.patch
index 46ce540..b0c580f 100644
--- a/measure.patch
+++ b/measure.patch
@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ diff --git a/macros.in b/macros.in
 index 3cc8a3555..c8a087959 100644
 --- a/macros.in
 +++ b/macros.in
-@@ -1173,5 +1173,6 @@ package or when debugging this package.\
+@@ -1173,6 +1173,7 @@ package or when debugging this package.\
  # Transaction plugin macros
  %__plugindir		%{_libdir}/rpm-plugins
+ %__transaction_reflink		%{__plugindir}/reflink.so
 +%__transaction_measure		%{__plugindir}/measure.so
  %__transaction_systemd_inhibit	%{__plugindir}/systemd_inhibit.so
  %__transaction_selinux		%{__plugindir}/selinux.so
diff --git a/rpm.spec b/rpm.spec
index 4e38dd8..388c103 100644
--- a/rpm.spec
+++ b/rpm.spec
@@ -135,6 +135,8 @@ Patch1983: 0034-rpmsign-Adopting-PKCS11-opaque-keys-support-in-libfsverity-for-f
 Patch9989: 1534.patch
+Patch9991: https://github.com/chantra/rpm/compare/master...cow.diff
+Provides: rpm(pr1470)
 Patch9999: measure.patch
 # Partially GPL/LGPL dual-licensed and some bits with BSD
@@ -369,6 +371,13 @@ Obsoletes: fapolicyd-dnf-plugin
 %description plugin-fapolicyd
+%package plugin-reflink
+Summary: Rpm plugin for reflink functionality
+Requires: rpm-libs%{_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description plugin-reflink
 %package plugin-prioreset
 Summary: Rpm plugin for resetting scriptlet priorities for SysV init
 Requires: rpm-libs%{_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
@@ -611,6 +620,10 @@ fi
+%files plugin-reflink
 %files plugin-prioreset