alciregi / centos /

Forked from centos/ a year ago
Text Blame History Raw

The site is built with nanoc and Bootstrap 3.

We use haml for templates where it makes sense and mostly markdown for content.

Required Gems:

  • nanoc
  • cri
  • compass
  • haml
  • nokogiri // available from Fedora (EPEL?) repository
  • kramdown
  • pry
  • rainpress
  • rubypants
  • sass
  • susy
  • systemu
  • asciidoc // also requires the asciidoc package
  • adsf // if using 'nanoc view' command

May be in RPM:

  • ruby
  • asciidoc
  • nokogiri

Installing on CentOS 7 as well as F19/20/21:

sudo yum install ruby asciidoc rubygem-bundler make gcc ruby-devel zlib-devel zlib gcc-c++
bundle install

Using a built container (all platforms):

Assuming that you have this git repository cloned under /opt/data/git/ :

sudo docker pull # Download the container
sudo docker run --rm -v /opt/data/git/

Please note that it also works with Podman, so no need to install Docker anymore ! :

sudo yum install -y podman
podman run --rm -v /opt/data/git/

View the output

You can just use python http server to view the locally rendered site, before pushing to httpd node. For this you can just use something like this :

cd /opt/data/git/
which python3 >/dev/null && python3 -m http.server 9000 || python -mSimpleHTTPServer 9000

Site Layout

  • Template and menu files live in /layouts
  • Markdown, erb and processed text files live in /content
  • Static site content such as images and javascript live in /static
  • The /lib directory contains nanoc helper files used to process the site
  • Compiled site content exists in /output