diff --git a/runtests.sh b/runtests.sh
index 1acf223..cc592b0 100755
--- a/runtests.sh
+++ b/runtests.sh
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
   t_Process <(/usr/bin/find ./tests/0_*/ -type f|sort -t'/' )
   t_Process <(/usr/bin/find ./tests/$1/ -type f|sort -t'/' )
-  t_Process <(/usr/bin/find ./tests/p_*/ -type f|sort -t'/' )
   t_Process <(/usr/bin/find ./tests/0_*/ -type f|sort -t'/' )
+  t_Process <(/usr/bin/find ./tests/p_*/ -type f|sort -t'/' )
   t_Process <(/usr/bin/find ./tests/r_*/ -type f|sort -t'/' )
   t_Process <(/usr/bin/find ./tests/z_*/ -type f|sort -t'/' )
diff --git a/tests/p_network/networking_vlan_test.sh b/tests/p_network/networking_vlan_test.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..79ab3a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/p_network/networking_vlan_test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Author: Christoph Galuschka <christoph.galuschka@chello.at>
+t_Log "Running $0 - create VLAN IF, assign IP on VLAN IF and tear down VLAN IF using IP command test (C6 only)"
+if [ $centos_ver == 6 ]
+  then
+  t_Log 'This is  a C6-system, commencing test'
+  # create VLAN-IF 10 on eth0
+  ip link add dev eth0.10 link eth0 type vlan id 10
+  ip addr list | grep -q eth0.10
+  if [ $? == 1 ]
+    then
+    t_Log "VLAN-IF creation failed"
+    ret_val=1
+  else
+    t_Log "VLAN-IF successfully created"
+  fi
+  #assign IP address on VLAN-IF
+  ip address add dev eth0.10
+  ip addr list | grep -q
+  if [ $? == 1 ]
+    then
+    t_Log "IP address assignment on eth0.10 failed"
+    ret_val=1
+  else
+    t_Log "IP address successfully assigned on eth1.10"
+  fi
+  #testing address with ping
+  ping -c 4 -q | grep -q '4 received'
+  if [ $? == 1 ]
+    then
+    t_Log "pinging on eth0.10 failed"
+    ret_val=1
+  else
+    t_Log "local ping on VLAN IF worked"
+  fi
+  # delete VLAN-IF 10 on eth0
+  ip link delete eth0.10
+  ip addr list | grep -q eth0.10
+  if [ $? == 0 ]
+    then
+    t_Log "Removing VLAN IF failed"
+    ret_val=1
+  else
+    t_Log "Removing of VLAN IF worked"
+  fi
+  t_Log ' This is a C5 system, skipping test'
+t_CheckExitStatus $ret_val
diff --git a/tests/p_perl/20-run_perl_script.sh b/tests/p_perl/20-run_perl_script.sh
index c1ee3c6..856b6ae 100755
--- a/tests/p_perl/20-run_perl_script.sh
+++ b/tests/p_perl/20-run_perl_script.sh
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
 t_Log "Running $0 - Testing perl by running it against a basic file"
 echo 'print "helloworld perlpackage"' > testfile
-perl testfile
+perl testfile | grep -q helloworld
 t_CheckExitStatus $?