diff --git a/tests/r_lamp/0_lamp_install.sh b/tests/r_lamp/0_lamp_install.sh
index f6c056c..a8555cf 100755
--- a/tests/r_lamp/0_lamp_install.sh
+++ b/tests/r_lamp/0_lamp_install.sh
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ t_Log "Running $0 - attempting to install LAMP stack."
 # starting with 5.10, we have to differ between mysql55 and mysql
 if [ $centos_ver = 5 ]
-  t_InstallPackage mysql55-mysql-server httpd php
+  t_InstallPackage mysql-server mysql55-mysql-server httpd php
   t_InstallPackage mysql-server httpd php
diff --git a/tests/r_lamp/1_lamp_check.sh b/tests/r_lamp/1_lamp_check.sh
index 905a7d4..25f1041 100755
--- a/tests/r_lamp/1_lamp_check.sh
+++ b/tests/r_lamp/1_lamp_check.sh
@@ -7,14 +7,7 @@
 # Last Updated: Saturday, 09 November 2013 2:23
 # Description: A simple Bash script to start LAMP daemons (httpd, mysqld), and confirm PHP is working.
-# starting with 5.10, we have to differ between mysql55 and mysql
-if [ $centos_ver = 5 ]
-  readonly DAEMONS=( httpd mysql55-mysqld )
-  readonly DAEMONS=( httpd mysqld )
-readonly DAEMONSPID=( httpd mysqld )
+readonly DAEMONS=( httpd mysqld )
 readonly SERVICE=/sbin/service
 readonly PHP_BIN=/usr/bin/php
@@ -40,9 +33,6 @@ do
                 exit $FAIL
-for D in "${DAEMONSPID[@]}"
         # See if our process exists
         PIDS=$(pidof $D)
@@ -56,7 +46,6 @@ do
         echo "OK"
 # Finally, a basic check to see if PHP is working correctly.
 t_Log "Performing php script check..."
diff --git a/tests/r_lamp/40_basic_lamp.sh b/tests/r_lamp/40_basic_lamp.sh
index ef967db..4253a7b 100755
--- a/tests/r_lamp/40_basic_lamp.sh
+++ b/tests/r_lamp/40_basic_lamp.sh
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ t_Log "Running $0 - install a minimal lamp stack, and test it"
 if [ $centos_ver = 5 ]
   t_InstallPackage mysql55-mysql-server httpd mysql55-mysql php php-mysql wget
-  t_ServiceControl mysql55-mysqld restart
+  t_ServiceControl mysql55-mysqld stop
   t_InstallPackage httpd mysql mysql-server php php-mysql wget
-  t_ServiceControl mysqld restart
+t_ServiceControl mysqld restart
 t_ServiceControl httpd restart
 # Initializing a small MySQL db
diff --git a/tests/r_lamp/45_basic_lamp_mysql55.sh b/tests/r_lamp/45_basic_lamp_mysql55.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..04c48e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/r_lamp/45_basic_lamp_mysql55.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Author: Karanbir Singh <kbsingh@karan.org>
+#	  Athmane Madjoudj <athmanem@gmail.com>
+#	  Christoph Galuschka <tigalch@tigalch.org>
+t_Log "Running $0 - install a minimal lamp stack, and test it"
+# MySQL
+# starting with 5.10, we have to differ between mysql55 and mysql
+if [ $centos_ver = 5 ]
+  t_ServiceControl mysqld stop
+  t_ServiceControl mysql55-mysqld start
+t_ServiceControl httpd restart
+# Initializing a small MySQL db
+cat >/tmp/mysql-QA.sql <<EOF
+create database qatests;
+use qatests;
+create table tests (name varchar(20)) ;
+grant all on qatests.* to 'centos'@'localhost' identified by 'qa';
+flush privileges;
+mysql </tmp/mysql-QA.sql
+/bin/rm /tmp/mysql-QA.sql
+# Creating a simple php query page to insert Data in the MySQL DB
+cat >/var/www/html/mysql.php <<EOF
+\$dbconnect = mysql_connect("localhost","centos","qa");
+if (!\$dbconnect)
+  {
+  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
+  }
+mysql_select_db("qatests", \$dbconnect);
+mysql_query("INSERT INTO tests (name)
+VALUES ('mysqltest')");
+# testing
+curl -s  http://localhost/mysql.php 
+t_Log "Performing basic LAMP test"
+content=`echo "select * from qatests.tests where name='mysqltest'"|mysql -B --skip-column-names`
+# Clean up
+mysql -u root -e 'drop database qatests;'
+service httpd stop
+if [ "$content" = "mysqltest" ] ; then
+	ret_val=0;
+	ret_val=1;
+t_CheckExitStatus $ret_val
diff --git a/tests/r_lamp/50_lamp_check_mysql55.sh b/tests/r_lamp/50_lamp_check_mysql55.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..905a7d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/r_lamp/50_lamp_check_mysql55.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Author: Steve Barnes (steve@echo.id.au)
+#	  Christoph Galuschka <tigalch@tigalch.org>
+# Filename: 1_lamp_check.sh
+# Version: 0.2
+# Last Updated: Saturday, 09 November 2013 2:23
+# Description: A simple Bash script to start LAMP daemons (httpd, mysqld), and confirm PHP is working.
+# starting with 5.10, we have to differ between mysql55 and mysql
+if [ $centos_ver = 5 ]
+  readonly DAEMONS=( httpd mysql55-mysqld )
+  readonly DAEMONS=( httpd mysqld )
+readonly DAEMONSPID=( httpd mysqld )
+readonly SERVICE=/sbin/service
+readonly PHP_BIN=/usr/bin/php
+readonly PHP_CHECK=/tmp/check.php
+# Make sure we cleanup after ourselves.
+trap "/bin/rm -f $PHP_CHECK" EXIT
+t_Log "Running $0 - starting LAMP daemon startup test"
+# Iterate through our daemons, start each and check for the presence of each process
+for D in "${DAEMONS[@]}"
+        t_Log "Attempting startup of '$D'"
+        $SERVICE $D start &>/dev/null
+        RETVAL=$?
+        if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then
+                t_Log "FAIL: service startup for '$D' failed ($RETVAL)"
+                exit $FAIL
+        fi
+for D in "${DAEMONSPID[@]}"
+        # See if our process exists
+        PIDS=$(pidof $D)
+        if [ -z "$PIDS" ]; then
+                t_Log "FAIL: couldn't find '$D' in the process list."
+                exit $FAIL
+        fi
+        echo "OK"
+# Finally, a basic check to see if PHP is working correctly.
+t_Log "Performing php script check..."
+cat <<EOL > $PHP_CHECK
+return phpinfo();
+if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then
+        t_Log "FAIL: php_info() check failed ($RETVAL)"
+t_CheckExitStatus $RETVAL