diff --git a/tests/p_tcpdump/tcp6dump_lo.sh b/tests/p_tcpdump/tcp6dump_lo.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 0259806..0000000
--- a/tests/p_tcpdump/tcp6dump_lo.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# Author: Christoph Galuschka <christoph.galuschka@chello.at>
-#         Athmane Madjoudj <athmanem@gmail.com>
-t_Log "Running $0 - TCPdump test IPv6 to lo"
-# Grabing IPv6 address of lo to checl if IPv6 is enabled
-IP=$(ip addr list lo | grep 'inet6 ')
-regex='\t*inet6\ (.*)\/.*'
-if [[ $IP =~ $regex ]]
-  then
-  t_Log "IPv6 seems to be enabled - runing test"
-  FILE='/var/tmp/lo_test6.pcap'
-  COUNT='4'
-  #Dumping ping6s to loopback to file
-  tcpdump -q -n -p -i lo -w $FILE &
-  # If we don't wait a short time, the first paket will be missed by tcpdump
-  sleep 1
-  ping6 -q -c $COUNT -i 0.25 ::1
-  sleep 1
-  killall -s SIGINT tcpdump
-  # reading from file, for each ping we should see two pakets
-  WORKING=$( tcpdump -r $FILE | grep -ci icmp6 )
-  if [ $WORKING == $[COUNT*2] ]; then
-    ret_val=0
-  else
-    t_Log "ping6 to loopback droped pakets!! This should not happen on loopback"
-    ret_val=1
-  fi
-  # Remove file afterwards
-  /bin/rm $FILE
-  t_Log "IPv6 seems to be disabled - skipping test"
-  ret_val=0
-t_CheckExitStatus $ret_val