diff --git a/tests/p_busybox/00_install_busybox.sh b/tests/p_busybox/00_install_busybox.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b2cae54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/p_busybox/00_install_busybox.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Author: Christoph Galuschka <christoph.galuschka@chello.at>
+t_Log "Running $0 - attempting to install busybox."
+t_InstallPackage busybox
diff --git a/tests/p_busybox/10_test_busybox.sh b/tests/p_busybox/10_test_busybox.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6e59516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/p_busybox/10_test_busybox.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <athmanem@gmail.com>
+# Author: Christoph Galuschka <christoph.galuschka@chello.at>
+t_Log "Running $0 - busybox test: busybox lists available functions."
+busybox | grep -q 'Currently defined functions'
+if [ $busy_ok = 1 ]
+  then
+  t_Log 'busybox does not seem to list available functions'
+t_CheckExitStatus $busy_ok
diff --git a/tests/p_busybox/20_functiontest_busybox.sh b/tests/p_busybox/20_functiontest_busybox.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3a222d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/p_busybox/20_functiontest_busybox.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <athmanem@gmail.com>
+# Author: Christoph Galuschka <christoph.galuschka@chello.at>
+t_Log "Running $0 - busybox functional tests: busybox provided functions are working."
+busybox | grep -q 'ls,'
+if [ $busy_ls == 0 ]
+  then
+  t_Log "busybox provides 'ls'; testing it"
+  touch /var/tmp/busybox
+  busybox ls /var/tmp/ |grep -q busybox
+  ls_working=$?
+  if [ $ls_working == 1 ]
+    then
+    t_Log "busybox provides 'ls' but it does not seem to work"
+  else
+    t_Log "'ls' works"
+  fi
+  #cleaning up
+  /bin/rm /var/tmp/busybox
+t_CheckExitStatus $ls_working
+busybox | grep -q 'touch,'
+if [ $busy_touch == 0 ]
+  then
+  t_Log "busybox provides 'touch'; testing it"
+  busybox touch /var/tmp/busybox
+  ls /var/tmp/ |grep -q busybox
+  touch_working=$?
+  if [ $touch_working == 1 ]
+    then
+    t_Log "busybox provides 'touch' but it does not seem to work"
+  else
+    t_Log "'touch' works"
+  fi
+  #cleaning up
+  /bin/rm /var/tmp/busybox
+t_CheckExitStatus $touch_working