diff --git a/tests/p_kvdo/0-install_kvdo.sh b/tests/p_kvdo/0-install_kvdo.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..61b14f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/p_kvdo/0-install_kvdo.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Author: Athmane Madjoudj <athmanem@gmail.com>
+if [ "$CONTAINERTEST" -eq "1" ]; then
+    t_Log "Running in container -> SKIP"
+    exit 0
+if [ "$centos_ver" -ne "8" ]; then
+  t_Log "non c8 => SKIPPING"
+  exit 0
+t_Log "Running $0 - installing beakerlib"
+t_InstallPackage git make patch 
+pushd /tmp
+git clone https://github.com/beakerlib/beakerlib
+cd beakerlib
+make install
diff --git a/tests/p_kvdo/kvdo_runtest.sh b/tests/p_kvdo/kvdo_runtest.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fbf442c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/p_kvdo/kvdo_runtest.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+# vim: dict+=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+#   runtest.sh of VDO smoke test
+#   Description: Check that VDO is able to read/write data and start/stop
+#   Author: Andy Walsh <awalsh@redhat.com>
+#   Vendored into sig-core-t_functional by Adam Saleh <asaleh@redhat.com>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+#   Copyright (c) 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
+#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+#   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+#   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
+#   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+#   useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+#   PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#   along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include Beaker environment
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/beakerlib.sh || exit 1
+arch=$(uname -m)
+function insertModuleWithDMesgOutput() {
+        moduleName=$1
+        modulePath=$(rpm -ql kmod-kvdo | grep "${1}.ko$")
+        exitVal=0
+        rlRun "dmesg -c > /dev/null"
+        rlRun "insmod ${modulePath}" || exitVal=255
+        rlRun "dmesg"
+        if [ ${exitVal} -ne 0 ]; then
+          rlDie "Exiting with failure due to module/kernel incompatibility"
+        fi
+# Check whether we received URLs (via environment variables), and if not, let
+# the system just use the enabled repositories to install the packages.
+if [ -z ${kvdo_version} ] || [ -z ${kvdo_release} ]; then
+        kvdo_pkg=kmod-kvdo
+        kvdo_pkg=${brew_base_url}/kmod-kvdo/${kvdo_version}/${kvdo_release}/${arch}/kmod-kvdo-${kvdo_version}-${kvdo_release}.${arch}.rpm
+if [ -z ${vdo_version} ] || [ -z ${vdo_release} ]; then
+        vdo_pkg=vdo
+        vdo_pkg=${brew_base_url}/vdo/${vdo_version}/${vdo_release}/${arch}/vdo-${vdo_version}-${vdo_release}.${arch}.rpm
+rlPhaseStartSetup "Create backing device"
+        rlRun "TmpDir=\$(mktemp -d)" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+        rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+        rlRun "df ."
+        # If we end up with less than 10G of available space, then we can't
+        # create a VDO volume sufficient for testing.  We should bail out as a
+        # result.
+        loopbackSize=$(($(df --sync --output=avail / | tail -1) * 1024 - 1024*1024*1024))
+        if [ ${loopbackSize} -lt $((1024*1024*1024*10)) ]; then
+          rlDie "Not enough space to create loopback device."
+        fi
+        rlRun "truncate -s ${loopbackSize} $TmpDir/loop0.bin" 0 "Laying out loopfile backing"
+        rlRun "losetup /dev/loop0 $TmpDir/loop0.bin" 0 "Creating loopdevice"
+        rlRun "mkdir -p /mnt/testmount" 0 "Creating test mountpoint dir"
+rlPhaseStartSetup "Install software"
+        if ! rlCheckRpm kmod-kvdo
+        then
+                rlRun "yum install -y ${kvdo_pkg}" 0 "Installing kmod-kvdo" || rlDie "Unable to install 'kmod-kvdo' package"
+        	rlAssertRpm kmod-kvdo
+        fi
+        if ! rlCheckRpm vdo
+        then
+                rlRun "yum install -y ${vdo_pkg}" 0 "Installing vdo" || rlDie "Unable to install 'vdo' package"
+        	rlAssertRpm vdo
+        fi
+rlPhaseStartTest "Gather Relevant Info"
+        # Gather some system information for debug purposes
+        rlRun "uname -a"
+        rlRun "find /lib/modules -name kvdo.ko"
+        rlRun "modinfo uds" || insertModuleWithDMesgOutput uds
+        rlRun "modinfo kvdo" || insertModuleWithDMesgOutput kvdo
+rlPhaseStartTest "Generate Test Data"
+        # Write some data, check statistics
+        rlRun "dd if=/dev/urandom of=${TmpDir}/urandom_fill_file bs=1M count=100"
+        rlRun "ls -lh ${TmpDir}/urandom_fill_file"
+for partition_type in "raw" "lvm" "part"
+        case $partition_type in
+                "raw"*)
+                        backing_device=/dev/loop0
+                        ;;
+                "lvm"*)
+                        rlPhaseStartTest "Create LVM backing device"
+                                rlRun "pvcreate /dev/loop0" 0 "Creating PV"
+                                rlRun "vgcreate vdo_base /dev/loop0" 0 "Creating VG"
+                                rlRun "lvcreate -n vdo_base -l100%FREE vdo_base" 0 "Creating LV"
+                        rlPhaseEnd
+                        backing_device=/dev/vdo_base/vdo_base
+                        ;;
+                "part"*)
+                        rlPhaseStartTest "Create partitioned backing device"
+                                rlRun "parted -s /dev/loop0 mklabel msdos" 0 "Creating label"
+                                rlRun 'parted -s /dev/loop0 mkpart primary "" 1M -- -1M' 0 "Creating partition"
+                        rlPhaseEnd
+                        backing_device=/dev/loop0p1
+                        ;;
+                *)
+                        ;;
+        esac
+        rlPhaseStartTest "Smoke Test"
+                # Create the VDO volume and get the initial statistics
+                rlRun "vdo create --name=vdo1 --device=${backing_device} --verbose" 0 "Creating VDO volume vdo1"
+                rlRun "vdostats vdo1"
+                # Create a filesystem and mount the device, check statistics
+                rlRun "mkfs.xfs -K /dev/mapper/vdo1" 0 "Making xfs filesystem on VDO volume"
+                rlRun "mount -o discard /dev/mapper/vdo1 /mnt/testmount" 0 "Mounting xfs filesystem on VDO volume"
+                rlRun "df --sync /mnt/testmount"
+                rlRun "vdostats vdo1"
+                # Copy the test data onto VDO volume 4 times to get some deduplication
+                for i in {1..4}
+                do
+                  rlRun "cp ${TmpDir}/urandom_fill_file /mnt/testmount/test_file-${i}"
+                done
+                rlRun "df --sync /mnt/testmount"
+                rlRun "vdostats vdo1"
+                # Verify the data
+                for i in {1..4}
+                do
+                        rlRun "cmp ${TmpDir}/urandom_fill_file /mnt/testmount/test_file-${i}"
+                done
+                # Unmount and stop the volume, check statistics
+                rlRun "umount /mnt/testmount" 0 "Unmounting testmount"
+                rlRun "vdostats vdo1"
+                rlRun "vdo stop --name=vdo1 --verbose" 0 "Stopping VDO volume vdo1"
+                # Start the VDO volume, mount it, check statistics, verify data.
+                rlRun "vdo start --name=vdo1 --verbose" 0 "Starting VDO volume vdo1"
+                rlRun "mount -o discard /dev/mapper/vdo1 /mnt/testmount" 0 "Mounting xfs filesystem on VDO volume"
+                rlRun "df --sync /mnt/testmount"
+                rlRun "vdostats vdo1"
+                # Verify the data
+                for i in {1..4}
+                do
+                        rlRun "cmp ${TmpDir}/urandom_fill_file /mnt/testmount/test_file-${i}"
+                done
+        rlPhaseEnd
+        rlPhaseStartCleanup
+                rlRun "umount /mnt/testmount" 0 "Unmounting testmount"
+                rlRun "vdo remove --name=vdo1 --verbose" 0 "Removing VDO volume vdo1"
+                case $partition_type in
+                        "lvm"*)
+                                rlPhaseStartCleanup
+                                        rlRun "lvremove -ff ${backing_device}" 0 "Removing LV"
+                                        rlRun "vgremove vdo_base" 0 "Removing VG"
+                                        rlRun "pvremove /dev/loop0" 0 "Removing PV"
+                                rlPhaseEnd
+                                ;;
+                        "part"*)
+                                rlPhaseStartCleanup
+                                    rlRun "parted -s /dev/loop0 rm 1" 0 "Removing partition"
+                                rlPhaseEnd
+                                ;;
+                        *)
+                                ;;
+                esac
+                rlRun "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/loop0 bs=1M count=10 oflag=direct" 0 "Wiping Block Device"
+        rlPhaseEnd
+        rlRun "losetup -d /dev/loop0" 0 "Deleting loopdevice"
+        rlRun "rm -f $TmpDir/loop0.bin" 0 "Removing loopfile backing"
+        rlRun "popd"
+        rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"