diff --git a/.github/workflows/centos-stream8.yml b/.github/workflows/centos-stream8.yml
index 975fa22..4e627c3 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/centos-stream8.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/centos-stream8.yml
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ jobs:
         uses: shimataro/ssh-key-action@v2
           key: ${{ secrets.DUFFYY_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
-          name: id_rsa # optional
+          name: id_centos_stream # optional
           known_hosts: NO 
-          if_key_exists: fail # replace / ignore / fail; optional (defaults to fail)
+          if_key_exists: replace # replace / ignore / fail; optional (defaults to fail)
       - uses: "actions/checkout@v2"
       - run: sudo python3 -m pip install duffy fabric httpx
-      - run: python3 t_functional_duffy_runner/src/__main__.py --arch=x86 --release=centos-8s
+      - run: python3 t_functional_duffy_runner/src/__main__.py --arch=x86 --release=centos-9s --sshkey=~/.ssh/id_centos_stream
             DUFFY_AUTH_NAME: ${{ secrets.DUFFY_AUTH_NAME }}
             DUFFY_AUTH_KEY: ${{secrets.DUFFY_AUTH_KEY}}
@@ -28,32 +28,10 @@ jobs:
           key: ${{ secrets.DUFFYY_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
           name: id_rsa # optional
           known_hosts: NO 
-          if_key_exists: fail # replace / ignore / fail; optional (defaults to fail)
-      - uses: "actions/checkout@v2"
-      - run: sudo python3 -m pip install duffy fabric httpx
-      - run: python3 t_functional_duffy_runner/src/__main__.py --arch=x86 --release=centos-9s
-        env:
-            DUFFY_AUTH_NAME: ${{ secrets.DUFFY_AUTH_NAME }}
-            DUFFY_AUTH_KEY: ${{secrets.DUFFY_AUTH_KEY}}
-  test_c9s_latest:
-    name: test_9s_latest
-    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-    environment: centosduffy
-    steps:
-      - name: Install SSH key
-        uses: shimataro/ssh-key-action@v2
-        with:
-          key: ${{ secrets.DUFFYY_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
-          name: id_rsa # optional
-          known_hosts: NO 
-          if_key_exists: fail # replace / ignore / fail; optional (defaults to fail)
+          if_key_exists: replace # replace / ignore / fail; optional (defaults to fail)
       - uses: "actions/checkout@v2"
       - run: sudo python3 -m pip install duffy fabric httpx
-      - run: python3 t_functional_duffy_runner/src/__main__.py --arch=x86 --release=centos-9s --compose=https://composes.stream.centos.org/development/latest-CentOS-Stream/compose/
+      - run: python3 t_functional_duffy_runner/src/__main__.py --arch=x86 --release=centos-9s --sshkey=~/.ssh/id_centos_stream
             DUFFY_AUTH_NAME: ${{ secrets.DUFFY_AUTH_NAME }}
             DUFFY_AUTH_KEY: ${{secrets.DUFFY_AUTH_KEY}}
-name: Greeting
-  push: {}
diff --git a/t_functional_duffy_runner/src/__main__.py b/t_functional_duffy_runner/src/__main__.py
index aeb1b83..b3e8b90 100644
--- a/t_functional_duffy_runner/src/__main__.py
+++ b/t_functional_duffy_runner/src/__main__.py
@@ -10,18 +10,18 @@ from invoke import run as local
 class DuffyWrapper:
     def __init__(self, auth_name, auth_key):
         self.c = DuffyClient(url="https://duffy.ci.centos.org/api/v1", auth_name=auth_name, auth_key=auth_key)
-        self.last_session = None 
+        self.last_session = None
     def get_hostnames(self, *query):
         if not self.last_session:
         nodes = [n for n in self.last_session.session.nodes
                 if all(q in n.pool for q in query)]
         return [n 
                  for n in [n.data.get('provision',{}).get('public_hostname',None) for n in nodes]
                  if n]
     def find_hostnames(self, *query):
         ls = self.c.list_sessions()
         nodes = [n for s in ls.sessions for n in s.nodes
@@ -32,32 +32,38 @@ class DuffyWrapper:
     def find_pool_name(self, *query):
         return [p.name for p in self.c.list_pools().pools if all(q in p.name for q in query)]
     def request_session(self, *query):
         pool = self.find_pool_name(*query)
         session = self.c.request_session([{"pool":pool[0], "quantity":"1"}])
         self.last_session = session
         return session
 class TmuxWrapper:
-    def __init__(self, host, session='default-session', **rest):
+    def __init__(self, host, session='default-session', private_key=None, **rest):
         self.host = host
-        self.c = Connection(host, **rest)
+        if private_key:
+            self.c = Connection(host,connect_kwargs={
+                "key_filename": private_key,
+            }, **rest)
+        else:
+            self.c = Connection(host, **rest)
         self.c.run("dnf -y install git tmux")
     def ensure_session(self,session='default-session'):
         return self.c.run("tmux has-session -t {session} || tmux new -s {session} -d".format(session=session))
     def run(self, cmd, session='default-session'):
         return self.c.run("tmux send-keys -t {session}:0 '{cmd}' ENTER".format(session=session, cmd=cmd))
     def run_and_notify(self, cmd, session='default-session'):
         return self.c.run("tmux send-keys -t {session}:0 '{cmd}; tmux wait-for -S {session}' ENTER".format(session=session, cmd=cmd))
     def wait_for(self, session='default-session'):
         return self.c.run("tmux wait-for {session}".format(session=session))
     def send_folder(self, path, remote):
         with  tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as t:
             local("tar cf {to} -C {path} .".format(path=path, to=t.name))
@@ -95,10 +101,10 @@ enabled=1
         self.c.run("dnf config-manager --enable baseos-compose")
         self.c.run("dnf config-manager --enable appstream-compose")
         self.c.run("dnf clean all")
-def runtests(auth_name, auth_key, query, path=None, compose=None):
+def runtests(auth_name, auth_key, query, path=None, compose=None, private_key=None):
     d = DuffyWrapper(auth_name=auth_name, auth_key=auth_key)
     print("Getting", *query)
     hostnames = d.get_hostnames(*query)
@@ -107,7 +113,7 @@ def runtests(auth_name, auth_key, query, path=None, compose=None):
     hostname = hostnames[0] 
-    tmux = TmuxWrapper("root@"+hostname)
+    tmux = TmuxWrapper("root@"+hostname, private_key=private_key)
     if compose:
         print("Setting compose", compose)
@@ -130,12 +136,13 @@ def main():
     parser.add_argument('--path', help="", default=None, required=False)
     parser.add_argument('--release', help="" )
     parser.add_argument('--compose', help="", default=None, required=False)
+    parser.add_argument('--sshkey', help="", default=None, required=False)
     args = parser.parse_args()
-    print("Running with args:",args.arch, args.release, args.path, args.compose)
+    print("Running with args:",args.arch, args.release, args.path, args.compose, args.sshkey)
     if auth_name and auth_key:
-        runtests(auth_name, auth_key, ['virt', args.arch, args.release], path=args.path, compose=args.compose)
+        runtests(auth_name, auth_key, ['virt', args.arch, args.release], path=args.path, compose=args.compose, private_key=args.sshkey)
         raise Exception("Duffy key or auth name not available")