diff --git a/tests/p_ipa-server/1-install_freeipa.sh b/tests/p_ipa-server/1-install_freeipa.sh
index 89db9f4..5a3c432 100755
--- a/tests/p_ipa-server/1-install_freeipa.sh
+++ b/tests/p_ipa-server/1-install_freeipa.sh
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 if (t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -q el6)
-t_Log "Running $0 - Installing packages"
+t_Log "Running $0 - Installing packages, this takes around 2-3 mins"
 t_InstallPackage ipa-server bind-dyndb-ldap libsss_sudo 
     echo "Skipped on CentOS 5"
diff --git a/tests/p_ipa-server/2-configure_freeipa.sh b/tests/p_ipa-server/2-configure_freeipa.sh
index bd7325a..c920298 100755
--- a/tests/p_ipa-server/2-configure_freeipa.sh
+++ b/tests/p_ipa-server/2-configure_freeipa.sh
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ hostname | grep "c6test.c6ipa.local" &> /dev/null
 t_CheckExitStatus $?
-t_Log "Running $0 - Configuring IPA server"
+t_Log "Running $0 - Configuring IPA server - this can take some time"
 ipa-server-install -U --hostname=c6test.c6ipa.local --ip-address=$(ip a s dev eth0 | awk '$0 ~ /scope global eth0/ {print $2}' | cut -d'/' -f 1) -r C6IPA.LOCAL -n c6ipa.local -p p455w0rd -a p455w0rd --ssh-trust-dns --setup-dns --forwarder=$(awk '$0 ~ /nameserver/ {print $2}' /etc/resolv.conf | head -n 1) 
diff --git a/tests/p_ipa-server/99-postclean.sh b/tests/p_ipa-server/99-postclean.sh
index 1da2c94..359b775 100755
--- a/tests/p_ipa-server/99-postclean.sh
+++ b/tests/p_ipa-server/99-postclean.sh
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ cp /tmp/hosts.ipa-tests /etc/hosts
 t_Log "Running $0 - Restoring  ntp.conf file"
 cp /tmp/ntp.conf.ipa-tests /etc/ntp.conf
-t_Log "Running $0 - Rolling back to yum history id"
+t_Log "Running $0 - Rolling back to yum history id - this will take some time"
 /usr/bin/yum -y history rollback $(cat /tmp/yum-rollback-id.ipa-tests) &> /dev/null
 rm -f /tmp/*.ipa-test /etc/httpd/conf.d/*