Blame tests/r_lamp/

Karanbir Singh 2dd0be
Karanbir Singh 2dd0be
# Author: Steve Barnes (
Christoph Galuschka 2e276f
#	  Christoph Galuschka <>
Christoph Galuschka 2e276f
Christoph Galuschka 2e276f
t_Log "Running $0 - attempting to install LAMP stack."
Karanbir Singh 2dd0be
Christoph Galuschka 269271
Christoph Galuschka 269271
# starting with 5.10, we have to differ between mysql55 and mysql
Christoph Galuschka 269271
if [ $centos_ver = 5 ]
Christoph Galuschka 269271
Christoph Galuschka 269271
  t_InstallPackage mysql55-mysql-server httpd php
Christoph Galuschka 269271
Christoph Galuschka 269271
  t_InstallPackage mysql-server httpd php
Christoph Galuschka 269271
Christoph Galuschka 269271
Christoph Galuschka 38b41d
t_ServiceControl httpd stop
Christoph Galuschka 38b41d
ps ax | grep -v grep | grep -q httpd
Christoph Galuschka 38b41d
if [ $? = 0 ]
Christoph Galuschka 38b41d
Christoph Galuschka 38b41d
  t_Log "httpd still running - killing"
Christoph Galuschka 38b41d
  killall -9 httpd
Christoph Galuschka 38b41d
Christoph Galuschka 38b41d
sleep 1
Christoph Galuschka 38b41d
t_ServiceControl httpd start